Environmental Sanitation As Risk Factors For Intes
Environmental Sanitation As Risk Factors For Intes
Environmental Sanitation As Risk Factors For Intes
1, 2, 4, 5, 6
Department of Parasitology, University of Jember, Jember, Indonesia
Department of Public Health, University of Jember, Jember, Indonesia
DOI: 10.24252/al-sihah.v15i1.35378
Received: 18 March 2023 / In Reviewed: 9 May 2023 / Accepted: 13 June 2023 / Available online: 29 June 2023
©The Authors 2023. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license
Stunting, a prevalent health issue in Indonesia, has been found to have a significant impact on the overall well-being of chil-
dren, with a prevalence rate of 24.4%. This condition not only affects physical growth but also puts children at a heightened
risk of various infections, including those caused by intestinal protozoa. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the relation-
ship between personal hygiene parenting style and environmental sanitation with intestinal protozoa infection among stunted
children in Sugerkidul Village, Jember District, Indonesia. The participants included were 30 stunted children. Questionnaires
were used to collect data on personal hygiene parenting style and environmental sanitation, while microscopic stool examina-
tion was conducted to identify intestinal protozoa infection. The results showed that 26.7% of stunted children were infected
with intestinal protozoa such as Giardia lamblia (13.3%), Blastocystis hominins (3.3%), and Cryptosporidium parvum (10%).
Statistical analysis using Fisher's exact test showed a significant association between environmental sanitation and intestinal
protozoa infection. However, there was no association between personal hygiene parenting style and this infection among
stunted children in Sugerkidul Village. Therefore, to prevent intestinal protozoa infection, it is necessary to improve environ-
mental sanitation.
Stunting merupakan masalah kesehatan yang penting di Indonesia, dengan prevalensi sebesar 24.4%. Gangguan ini
mempengaruhi keseluruhan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan balita serta mengakibatkan risiko infeksi yang lebih tinggi,
termasuk infeksi protozoa usus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara pola asuh kebersihan diri dan
sanitasi lingkungan dengan kejadian infeksi protozoa usus pada balita stunting di Desa Sugerkidul, Jember, Indonesia.
Sebanyak 30 balita stunting dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini. Data pola asuh kebersihan diri dan sanitasi lingkungan dik-
umpulkan menggunakan kuesioner dan infeksi protozoa usus diidentifikasi dengan pemeriksaan mikroskopis feses. Infeksi
protozoa usus ditemukan pada 26.7% balita stunting dan protozoa usus yang teridentifikasi antara lain Giardia lamblia
(3.3%), Blastocystis hominis (3.3%), dan Cryptosporidium parvum (10%). Analisis statistik menggunakan Fischer exact test
menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan antara sanitasi lingkungan dengan kejadian infeksi protozoa usus, tetapi tidak signif-
ikan pada hubungan antara pola asuh kebersihan diri dengan kejadian infeksi protozoa usus pada balita stunting di Desa
Sugerkidul, Jember. Oleh karena itu, peningkatan sanitasi lingkungan sangat penting dalam upaya mencegah infeksi proto-
zoa usus terutama pada balita stunting di wilayah ini.
intestinal diseases
protozoan infections
* Correspondence
Jl. Mastrip No.69, Kec. Sumbersari, Kabupaten Jember,
PO.Box 68124 Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Email: sulistyaningsih.fk@unej.ac.id
Table 1
Distribution of Characteristic of Respondents, Personal Hygiene and Environmental Sanitation
Characteristic of Respondent Frequency Percentage
Stunted Children Gender
Male 17 56.67
Female 13 43.33
Stunted Children Age (month)
12-33 6 20.00
24-35 14 46.67
36-47 7 23.33
48-59 3 10.00
Mother's Age (years)
20-25 19 63.33
26-35 10 33.33
36-40 1 3.33
Mother's Education
Low 23 76.67
High 7 23.33
Mother's Work Status
Housewife 22 73.33
Working Mother 8 26.67
Family Income
Low 25 83.33
Moderate 5 16.67
Personal Hygiene
Good 10 33.33
Moderate 11 36.67
Poor 9 30.00
Environmental Sanitation
Good 14 46.67
Moderate 14 46.67
Poor 2 6.67
Intestinal Protozoa Infection
Positive 8 26.67
Negative 22 73.33
Protozoa Species*
Entamoeba Histolytica 0 0.00
Giardia Lamblia 4 13.33
Cryptosporidium Parvum 3 10.00
Blastocytis Hominis 1 3.33
Note: *= There are 8 from 30 children diagnosed with intestinal protozoa infection.
Table 2
Risk Factors for Intestinal Protozoa Infection
style showed variable results but slightly differ- often occurs in children (Waldram et al., 2017).
ent between categories. Mothers ignore the According to the previous study, it is the most
children's hands and nail cleanliness habits, common infection in children under the age of
such as failing to ensure hand washing before 5 (Deka et al., 2022). G. lamblia infection usu-
eating, after defecating, and after playing. ally occurs due to environmental sanitation
Some do not regularly cut their children's nails conditions (Hajare et al., 2022). Other infection
routinely every week, hence, they become dirty identified in this study were Cryptosporidium
and unhygienic. This could be due to low edu- parvum and B. hominis. Previous studies stated
cation levels, which causes poor parenting that they can be identified among children un-
styles (Muryanti et al., 2016). The majority of der the age of 5 (Tamomh et al., 2021; Salehi
environmental sanitation in this study was good Kahish et al., 2021). These opportunistic proto-
and moderate, and this is in line with the Jem- zoa often attack humans with low immunity
ber health statistic in 2021. However, some (Bednarska et al., 2018). However, no cases of
participants have poor environmental sanita- E. histolytica were detected in the study.
tion, especially in the areas of waste disposal According to a previous study, person-
and garbage facilities. al hygiene parenting style has no significant
Approximately 26.7% of respondents association with intestinal protozoa infection
have intestinal protozoa infection. Children (Tsegaye et al., 2020). However, it was mostly
under the age of 5 have a higher risk of this identified among positively infected stunted
disease, due to uncontrolled behavior children (Gizaw et al., 2018). Another study
(Tambunan & Panggabean, 2021; Zemene & showed a significant association between per-
Shiferaw, 2018). This study was conducted sonal hygiene and intestinal protozoa infection
among stunted children, who are thought to be (Tambunan & Panggabean, 2021). Poor hy-
more susceptible to intestinal protozoa infec- giene parenting has risk of contracting this dis-
tion due to a lack of immune system, as report- ease. Furthermore, dirty nails and poor hand
ed in the previous study (Yoseph & Beyene, hygiene can raise risk of transmission (Berhe et
2020). Furthermore, they have a high rate of al., 2020). Some indicators of personal hygiene
infection due to a lack of immune systems parenting style, include hand and food hygiene
(Akrom et al., 2022). which is essential among the caregivers of chil-
The most common type of intestinal dren under the age of 2 who cannot eat person-
protozoa in this study is G. lamblia which is ally. A previous study showed that most moth-
high at 43% in low-income countries, and most ers had poor hand hygiene behavior (El-Aal et
al., 2022). According to another study, the pres- lighted the importance of environmental sanita-
ence of dirty hands in mothers can lead to diar- tion on protozoa infection. Increasing public
rhea in children, which could be caused by pro- awareness regarding proper maintenance and
tozoa infection (Taddese et al., 2020). Food hy- improvement of environmental sanitation is piv-
giene also plays a role in the existence of this otal in preventing health problems, including
disease, as unhygienic food serves as a suitable stunting as a growth disorder and microorgan-
medium for protozoa cyst (Luz et al., 2017). ism infection such as intestinal protozoa.
The odds ratio value of 4.84 indicated that poor
hygiene parenting can increase risk of infection CONCLUSIONS
by 4.85 times. Therefore, mothers should give This study found a high prevalence of
more attention to children's hygiene to prevent protozoa infection, including G. lamblia, B.
intestinal protozoa infection. hominis, and C. parvum, among stunted chil-
In this study, environmental sanitation dren in Sugerkidul Village, Jember. Further-
showed a significant association with intestinal more, environmental sanitation was observed to
protozoa infection (Yoseph & Beyene, 2020). play a significant role in the occurrence of intes-
The odd ratio also had a similar indication. The tinal protozoa infection, while personal hygiene
active behavior of children at home as well as parenting style does not exhibit a direct associa-
around their environment has a higher potential tion. However, it is important to note that poor
for exposure to microorganisms, including pro- personal hygiene parenting style carries a 4.84
tozoa. Notably, children who engage in play times higher risk of this disease. Therefore, it is
activities within unclean areas show a signifi- crucial for mothers or caregivers to enhance
cant association with an increased risk of para- their awareness and adopt good personal hy-
site infection (Eyasu et al., 2022). Some factors giene parenting practices, along with maintain-
correlate with environmental sanitation and pro- ing proper environmental sanitation.
tozoa infection, such as protozoa contamination Despite the inclusion of all stunted chil-
in water, food, or other objects. The quality of dren in Sugerkidul Village, Jember, it is im-
water plays a significant role in the relationship portant to acknowledge the limited sample size
with this infection (Wale & Gedefaw, 2022). of this study. Furthermore, the study does not
Furthermore, the distance between clean water explore other potential risk factors for intestinal
and pollutant sources could be factors. This is protozoa infection in children, such as food hy-
because a minimum distance of 10 m is needed giene. Therefore, future research involving larg-
to decrease risk of contamination (Muhajir et er populations and considering various risk fac-
al., 2019). Latrine conditions, wastewater dis- tors could provide valuable insights. The results
posal facilities, and the availability of trash cans of this study can serve as a reference for the
are associated with the occurrence of this dis- government and other stakeholders in devising
ease (Deka et al., 2022; Fuhrimann et al., 2016). approaches to prevent intestinal protozoa infec-
The study has shown that environmen- tion and further reduce the prevalence of stunt-
tal sanitation is a vital factors in stunting ing. The significant association between envi-
(Gizaw et al., 2022), and it has a significant as- ronmental sanitation and intestinal protozoa
sociation with protozoa infection among stunted infection in stunted children underscores its cru-
children. However, the study design which in- cial role in designing comprehensive strategies
cluded only stunted children as participants, to address health problems associated with
lead to a limited sample size. This result high- stunting.