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Families of young people with chronic illnesses are more likely to experience higher levels of stress.
In turn, their ability to cope with multiple demands is likely to affect young people’s adaptation. The
purpose of this study was to examine psychometric properties of the Family Resilience Assessment
Scale (FRAS), an assessment tool that measures the construct of family resilience. A total of 152
young people with epilepsy, aged 13 to 16 years old, from KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital,
Singapore, completed the FRAS along with Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem scale. Factor structure of the
FRAS was examined. Exploratory factor analysis resulted in a 7-factor solution – Meaning making
and Positive outlook; Transcendence and spirituality; Flexibility and Connectedness; Social and
economic resources (community); Social and economic resources (neighbors); Clarity and Open
emotional expression; Collaborative problem-solving – accounting for 83.0% of the variance. Internal
consistency of the scale was high (α=0.92). Family resilience was significantly correlated with higher
levels of self-esteem. Our study provides preliminary findings that suggest FRAS is a reliable and
valid scale for assessing the construct of family resilience among young people with epilepsy in
Key words
1. Introduction
Studies have shown that young people with epilepsy are three to nine times more likely to have
poorer outcomes when compared to healthy peers, young people with other medical conditions and/or
their siblings [1-3]. The impact of epilepsy is not restricted to individuals but is also extended to their
families. Having a child with epilepsy is likely to place additional stress and burden on families in
coping with unpredictable patterns of seizure occurrence, seizure severity, and complexities of
medical treatment. Thus, living with a family member affected by epilepsy is likely to have an impact
on family functioning.
Preventing and reducing psychosocial problems in young people with chronic illnesses have been of
interest to both researchers and practitioners [4]. As young people are situated within several
systems, such as families, peers and schools, it is necessary to consider these influences on young
people’s adaptation [5]. Family functioning, which plays a significant role in young people’s
adaptation, has been identified as one of the modifiable processes for intervention [6, 7]. Compared to
their peers, young people with epilepsy had poorer parent-child relationships, greater problems with
family functioning (e.g., poorer communication between family members, lower family cohesion),
higher levels of stress and conflict within their families [8]. Associations between family functioning
and a range of psychosocial and health outcomes in young people with epilepsy has also been
demonstrated. Poorer levels of family functioning have been shown to predict higher levels of
behavioral problems [9, 10], lower self-esteem [11], social competencies [10, 12], academic
Overall, these findings demonstrate the influence of family functioning on young people’s outcomes.
However, the number of studies that examined family influences on young people’s outcomes is
lacking. Among quantitative studies that examined relationships between family factors and
psychosocial outcomes, most used parent reports to measure family functioning. In addition, these
studies often adopt a deficit perspective and utilize assessment measures that focus on family
pathology. This is in contrast with the proliferation of literature in areas of individual and family
resilience that emphasizes a strengths perspective. Alongside the proliferation of research in the area
of resilience, a range of scales is available for measuring this construct [17]. However, the majority
focus on identifying individual traits (e.g., personality) and intrapersonal factors (e.g., emotional
regulation) and fail to consider the influence of higher level systemic factors, such as family
processes. Commonly used assessment measures, such as Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scales
(FACES-IV), Family Assessment Device (FAD), and Family Assessment Measure (FAM), may not be
suitable for examining resilience prompting processes as they focus on family dysfunction. There are
several measures for families with an explicit focus on strengths, such as Family Resource Scale and
Family Support Scale [18], yet these measures identify sources of support and do not focus on
Therefore, with an increasing emphasis on resilience, there is a need for assessment measures to
reflect the construct of family resilience, instead of dysfunction. Sixbey [19] responded to this need by
developing the Family Resilience Assessment Scale (FRAS), which measures family resilience as
conceptualized by Walsh [20], to aid understanding in how families deal and cope with adversity.
According to Walsh [20], there are nine key processes within three domains of family functioning that
promote family resilience. In the first domain of family functioning – family beliefs – processes that
promote resilience include making meaning of adversity, positive outlook, and transcendence and
spirituality. Processes that foster resilience in the second domain of family functioning –
members and utilization of social and economic resources. The third dimension of family functioning –
communication – involves processes that have clarity, involve open emotional expression, and
facilitate collaborative problem-solving [20]. Sixbey’s family resilience measure (i.e., FRAS) has six
The FRAS, which was developed in the United States, offers promising potential utility in measuring
family resilience. It provides researchers and practitioners with a tool to assess, plan and evaluate
interventions designed to promote family resilience and its influence on young people’s outcomes.
Therefore, it is essential for this measure to be reliable and valid when used with other populations
from different cultures. However, as meanings of constructs such as family resilience are likely to vary
across cultures, it begs the question of whether there is conceptual equivalence when using Western-
developed measurement scales instead of developing culturally specific instruments. Several studies
used FRAS as a measure of family resilience [21-27]. When reported, Cronbach’s alpha coefficients
for FRAS ranged between 0.76 and 0.93 [23, 25, 26]. Of these studies, only Kaya and Arici [23]
examined the factor structure of FRAS and found a four-factor structure instead of the original six-
factor structure. In order to address concerns regarding FRAS’ factor structure, a more thorough
analysis of its psychometric properties is warranted. Hence, the aim of this study was to examine the
reliability and validity of the FRAS in Singapore, a multi-cultural population where the measure has yet
to be tested.
2. Methods
2.1 Participants
Between November 2013 and August 2014, young people who met the following criteria: (i)
diagnosed with epilepsy, (ii) aged between 13 and 16 years old, and (iii) attending mainstream school,
were recruited from the pediatric neurology services in KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital,
Singapore (KKH). KKH is an 830-bed academic healthcare institution that provides specialized
pediatric and women’s healthcare services. It is one of two public hospitals in Singapore with a
pediatric neurology unit providing inpatient and outpatient services, such as diagnosis and
2.2 Procedures
SingHealth Centralised Institutional Review Board approved this study. Consent was obtained from
young people and their parents. Young people completed the survey while waiting to see their
physicians at KKH.
2.3 Measures
Only young people completed self-reported measures of family resilience and self-esteem. They also
provided individual-level demographic data, while their parents provided family-level data, such as
household income and family structure. Physicians provided clinical information on number of
medications, seizure frequency, and their assessment of seizure control (i.e., whether seizures were
As mentioned, FRAS measures the construct of family resilience, specifically, processes that support
a family's ability to cope successfully with adversity [19]. Although the 54-item FRAS was developed
to measure nine distinct family processes as conceptualized by Walsh [20], Sixbey’s original study
demonstrated a six-factor solution instead [19]. These six subscales include; (i) family communication
and problem solving (e.g., ‘We consult with each other about decisions’), (ii) utilizing social and
economic resources (e.g., ‘We ask neighbors for help and assistance’), (iii) maintaining a positive
outlook (e.g., ‘We trust things will work out even in difficult times’), (iv) family connectedness (e.g.,
‘We show love and affection for family members’), (v) family spirituality (e.g., ‘We attend
of adversity (e.g., ‘We accept that stressful events as part of life’). Respondents indicated on a 4-point
Likert scale, which ranged from 1 (Strongly disagree) to 4 (Strongly agree), rating their level of
agreement with statements that describe family processes. Four items were negatively phrased (33,
37, 45, and 50) and were reversed scored before summing all items to obtain a total score for family
resilience. The total score range for FRAS lies between 54 and 216, with higher scores indicative of
higher levels of family resilience. Similarly, subscale scores were obtained through the summation of
values for items in each subscale. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients for total and subscales are reported
in Table 2a.
Young people’s global self-esteem was measured with Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSS) [29].
This 10-item scale evaluates global self-esteem through positive and negative perceptions of self.
Examples of positive and negative worded items are, ‘On the whole, I am satisfied with myself’ and ‘At
times I think I am no good at all’, respectively. Respondents rated each item on a 4-point Likert scale
ranging from 1 (Strongly disagree) to 4 (Strongly agree). Items that reflected negative perceptions
were reverse scored (3, 5, 8, 9, and 10) and all 10 items were summed to provide a total score that
range between 10 and 40. Higher scores are indicative of higher levels of global self-esteem, i.e. a
positive sense of one’s value as a person [29]. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.90.
The severity of young people’s illness has been determined based on: (i) seizure types, (ii) seizure
frequency, and (iii) number of AED and its side effects [30-33]. Often, composite scores were derived
from these classifications. In this study, illness severity was operationalized as the extent to which
young people’s seizures were controlled by AED use: (i) No seizures, AED not required (Low); (ii)
Seizures controlled with AED (Moderate); and (iii) Seizures despite AED (High).
Exploratory factor analysis with principal axis factoring was conducted to examine the factor structure
was required to yield reliable results from an exploratory factor analysis [34, 35]. Additionally,
simulation studies demostrated that sample size adequacy is partly determined by the nature of the
data [35-37], thus, factor-to-variable ratio (over-determination) and communality of variables were
Bartlett's test of sphericity were used to determine if the data was suitable for factor analysis [36].
Kaiser’s criterion (eigenvalues≥1.0), percentage of variance accounted by the number of factors, and
scree plots were used to determine the number of factors to be retained [36]. In addition to orthogonal
(varimax) rotation, oblique (direct oblimin) rotation method was used as family processes were
hypothesized to be interrelated. Individual items were retained if its factor loading on a single factor
was above 0.4, and had at least a 0.2 difference from other factors. Missing variables (n=7) were
excluded listwise and the final sample used for EFA was 145.
Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to assess the internal consistency of FRAS and its subscales.
A high Cronbach coefficient value (α>0.70) was indicative of a reliable measure [38]. To evaluate
validity of FRAS scores, we examined associations between FRAS and theoretically relevant
variables such as self-esteem and illness severity. Based on existing evidence, we hypothesized that
young people with higher self-esteem report correspondingly higher levels of family resilience [39-41].
In contrast, young people who experienced greater illness severity would have significantly lower
levels of family resilience [8, 10, 42-45]. Correlational analyses were performed to establish the
statistical significance of relationships between measures of family resilience and young people’s self-
esteem. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with post-hoc comparisons were conducted to test
the hypothesis that young people with higher illness severity had lower levels of family resilience.
Hochberg’s GT2 post-hoc test was used, as group sizes were different. All statistical analyses were
3. Results
A total of 176 young people were invited and 156 participated in this study (response rate of 88.6%).
No further information is available on the twenty young people who declined participation. Scores
from 152 young people (79 males, 73 females) were included in the analyses, as four questionnaires
were incomplete. Clinical and demographic characteristics of this sample of young people are
presented in Table 1.
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) statistic was 0.85, which is above the minimum criterion of 0.5, indicating
that the sample size is adequate for factor analysis. In addition, KMO values for individual items,
which were greater than 0.63, were above the minimum acceptable limit of 0.5 [38]. Bartlett’s test of
sphericity was significant (χ2=11021.51, p<0.001), indicating that FRAS items were adequately
Exploratory factor analyses using principal axis factoring were conducted, and similar results were
obtained from varimax and oblimin rotations. Both rotations yielded seven factors, accounting for
80.56% of the variance. There was no difference in patterns of item loadings for each rotation, i.e.,
individual FRAS items loaded onto the same factors. However, the seven-factor solution produced a
factor with only two items (Factor 7). When allowed to correlate, through the use of direct oblimin
rotation, correlation between factors ranged between -0.57 (Factor 2 and Factor 6) and 0.36 (Factor 4
and Factor 7). This provides evidence that the constructs are interrelated, with each factor measuring
a unique aspect of family resilience. As recommended by Henson and Roberts (2006), both pattern
and structure matrices derived from the EFA through use of an oblique rotation method, are
The results from the EFA did not support Sixbey’s six-factor structure of the FRAS. Instead, a seven-
factor solution emerged from the analyses. Upon examination, it was noted that these factors and its
corresponding items had closer approximation to Walsh’s family resilience framework. On this basis, it
was concluded that the current seven-factor solution provided a better representation of family
resilience. A summary of FRAS item classifications according to Walsh’s conceptual framework, the
six-factor and seven-factor solutions yielded from Sixbey’s and this current study are presented in
Table 3.
Internal consistency for the total FRAS scale was high with Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.92. As all 54
items had factor loadings greater than 0.40, they were summated according to their respective factors
to form FRAS sub-scales. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of these subscales, which ranged between
As hypothesized, there was a significant positive relationship between family resilience (i.e., FRAS
total scale score) and self-esteem, r=0.58, p<0.001. Young people who reported higher levels of
family resilience also had higher levels of self-esteem. One-way ANOVA revealed significant
differences in young people’s family resilience across illness severity conditions, F(2,142)=4.84,
p<0.01. Hochberg’s GT2 post-hoc comparisons indicated that young people who had seizures despite
medication (high illness severity) had significantly lower levels of family resilience when compared to
those who did not have seizures (low or moderate severity). However, there was no significant
difference in average FRAS scores between young people with low and those with moderate illness
4. Discussion
The objective of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of FRAS. Sixbey’s original
FRAS six-factor structure was not replicated. Instead, a seven-factor solution emerged from the
exploratory factor analysis and it reflected dimensions of family resilience put forward by Walsh’s
conceptual framework [20]. These seven factors – Meaning-making and Positive outlook;
Neighbors; Clarity and Open emotional expression; Collaborative problem-solving – accounted for
approximately 83% of the total variance with factor loadings ranging from 0.40 to 0.91. The total
FRAS scale also demonstrated good internal consistency, suggesting that the 54-items functioned
There are various reasons that could account for the lack of distinction between processes within
Walsh’s conceptualization of specific family functioning domains, for example, items measuring family
beliefs of meaning-making and positive outlook loaded onto a single factor instead of two. Thus, it
may be possible that FRAS items measure a single construct instead of distinct family processes.
Another reason might be that these items may not be sufficiently distinct to differentiate various
concepts of family processes. For example, young people may have interpreted the statement, ‘We
can work through difficulties as a family’, as an indication of their families’ ability to resolve problems
instead of reflecting their family beliefs. Third, the relationship between processes belonging to the
same family functioning domain may have masked distinctions, resulting in extraction of a single
factor. For instance, it is possible that a positive relationship between key communication processes
such as ‘Clarity’ and ‘Open emotional expression’, exists. It is likely for families, which encourage
expression of emotions (e.g., ‘We can ventilate at home without upsetting someone’) would also tend
to adopt processes that encourage clarity in communication between family members (e.g., ‘We can
be honest and direct with each other in our family’). Concurrently, there may be a small number of
families with high levels of clarity in their communication, but were less open in their expression of
emotions or vice versa. This lack of heterogeneity among communication processes within families of
the current sample may be one reason why a single factor was extracted instead of two.
It is of interest to note that items describing ‘Social and economic resources’ loaded onto two distinct
but correlated factors. Based on further examination of these items, it is postulated that young people
made a distinction between the availability of community resources (Factor 4) and the extent to which
their families actually sought and received help from their neighbors (Factor 7). Another possible
reason for the distinction between factors is Asian families, such as Chinese and Indians, tend to rely
either on themselves [46] or on extended family members [47], instead of their neighbors.
There was low to moderate correlation between two pairs of subscales, ‘Flexibility and
Neighbors’. These correlations suggest young people’s perceptions of family processes were related
but also conceptually distinct. Furthermore, it indicates that these subscales measure different
It appears the dimensionality of FRAS differed across countries in which its factor structure has been
examined. Kaya and Arici [23] conducted a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to examine the factor
structure of the Turkish version of FRAS. Results from their analysis did not support the original six-
factor structure but demonstrated a four-factor structure instead. One reason behind this diversity
could be differences in meanings of family resilience. Processes that foster resilience within families,
such as receiving aid from extended families versus neighbors and communities, may be dependent
on cultural contexts. Sample characteristics is another issue to consider when attempting to explain
differences in dimensions of family resilience. For example, Sixbey [19] recruited participants ranging
between 16 and 77 years old (mean=36.2 years). Kaya and Arici [23] recruited university students
with an average age of approximately 22 years old. In contrast, the average age of young people in
this study was 15 years. Participants’ age may reflect corresponding family life cycles and potential
variations in family processes during each period. In turn, these differences could be reflected in the
Significant associations found between FRAS scores and measures of young people’s self-esteem
and illness severity, provide support for concurrent validity. As hypothesized, there was a strong
positive relationship between family resilience and self-esteem, where young people who reported
higher levels of self-esteem also perceived higher levels of resilience within their families. These
results are similar to findings in previous studies that examined the relationship between young
people’s self-esteem and family functioning [40, 41, 49, 50]. It is possible that these family processes
supported young people’s efforts in managing illness-related demands and influenced how they
viewed themselves. The significant relationship between family resilience and young people’s self-
esteem underscores the importance of considering family factors when attempting to understand
factors influencing psychosocial adaptation to a chronic condition such as epilepsy. Therefore, future
research should continue to examine the influence of family factors on young people’s outcomes. In
particular, young people’s perspectives regarding their families and its processes, as there is a lack of
Family resilience was significantly lower among those who continued to have seizures despite AED,
compared to young people who achieved seizure control. This is similar to results from existing
studies that examined family functioning among young people with chronic illnesses [42-45]. For
example, greater neurological impairment was associated with higher levels of conflict and less
supportive family relationships within the family [45]. This contributes to the growing evidence that the
demands of epilepsy is likely to have a negative effect on young people and their families. Taken
together, this suggests that family processes are potential targets for interventions. Young people and
their families who exhibit moderate to high distress, particularly those who fail to achieve seizure
control despite medication could receive additional support services to promote positive outcomes.
Findings from this study have implications for practitioners who provide psychosocial interventions for
young people with epilepsy. With empirical evidence indicating that the FRAS is a reliable and valid
measure, practitioners could utilize this tool to measure and identify family processes, and in turn,
The relatively small sample size (n=145) and low ratio of participants to number of variables (2.7:1)
may raise concerns about the EFA factor solution, as both do not meet traditional recommendations
regarding required sample sizes for factor analyses. However, there remain differing opinions on
adequate or acceptable sample sizes [35-37]. Early recommendations either emphasized minimum
sample size (e.g., at least 200) or a required ratio of participants to number of variables. Based on
findings from simulation studies, several authors argued that greater emphasis on high factor over-
determination and communality of variables, instead [34, 35, 37, 51]. Although large samples are
beneficial, EFA should not be ruled out on the sole basis of a small sample size [34, 35]. Item
communalities of 54 items in FRAS ranged from 0.6 to 0.9 and these values were considered to be
high [52]. With the exception of one factor, the remaining six factors had at least 4 variables with
factor loadings of 0.8, indicative of high over-determination of factors. Despite the relatively small
sample size, conditions such as high communalities among variables and high factor over-
determination were met. Therefore, we have confidence that factor solutions in this study are reliable.
Existing limitations of this study should be taken into consideration. First, due to a small sample size,
only an EFA was performed. It is recognized that using subsets of the data for confirmatory factor
analyses would have provided additional evidence to either corroborate or contradict EFA findings.
However, this was not feasible due to the sample size of this study. Second, the FRAS factor
structure was derived from a clinical sample. Further research among the general population of young
people and adult population is necessary to determine if the current structure is invariant across
different populations. Third, the present study used a cross-sectional design and no assessments
were made to determine whether the seven-factor structure was constant over time. Assessments of
test-retest reliability in future studies could provide insight to the stability of this measure. Fourth, the
exclusive reliance on self-reports may give rise to common method variance, e.g., social desirability
and acquiescence. Future research could minimise such variances by obtaining data from various
other sources such as parents, siblings or significant others, is likely to be beneficial. The
convergence or divergence of data obtained from multiple perspectives provides valuable information
of different aspects of family processes. For instance, differences in family members’ perspective
regarding family processes could also suggest conflicting expectations and needs [53-55]. Left
unresolved, these differences could lead to increased stress and conflict within families.
5. Conclusion
In conclusion, these findings provide preliminary evidence that FRAS is an adequate family resilience
measure for use among young people with epilepsy in Singapore. The seven-factor FRAS structure
reflects the construct of family resilience as theorized by Walsh and can be used to facilitate
practitioners' assessments of and supporting families in harnessing processes that foster resilience in
6. Acknowledgements
This exploratory factor analysis of Family Resilience Assessment Scale forms part of the first author’s
dissertation about young people’s experiences with epilepsy; this PhD study was supported by
SingHealth Talent Development Fund. We would like to thank the following individuals for their
assistance during the recruitment and data collection for this study: Gina Tan and Mavis Teo from the
hospital’s Medical Social Work Department; and Dr. Derrick Chan and his team from the Department
of Paediatrics, Neurology Service. The findings and conclusions of this report are those of the authors
and do not necessarily represent the official position of KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital or
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n (%)1
Household income (n=146)
No working person 2 (1.4)
Less than 1,999 SGD 16 (11.0)
2,000 – 4,999 SGD 60 (41.1)
5,000 – 9,999 SGD 33 (22.6)
10,000 SGD and above 35 (24.0)
1Percentages for ‘Ethnicity’ and ‘Household income’ do not add up to 100% due
n – study sample; SD – Standard deviation; NA – Not available; AED – Anti-epileptic drugs; GCE ‘O’,
‘N’ and ‘A’ levels refers to Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Ordinary, Normal
and Advance level, respectively; ITE – Institute of Technical Education; SGD – Singapore Dollars.
Table 2a: Pattern matrix of exploratory factor analysis (direct oblimin rotation).
Item No. Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5 Factor 6 Factor 7
Meaning making and Positive outlook
13 .909
40 .898
4 .898
18 .878
36 .869
7 .864
21 .861
22 .858
51 .853
34 .841
26 .837
5 .829
24 .814
Flexibility and Connectedness
47 .879
3 .872
8 .835
9 .832
30 .832
1 .828
54 .812
33 .807
45 .756
10 .730
Clarity and Open emotional expression
14 .940
15 .916
53 .913
48 .910
16 .909
29 .903
20 .897
23 .858
41 .855
37 .767
Resources - Community
31 .911
49 .889
39 .883
32 .876
2 .857
38 .833
19 .819
50 .627
Transcendence and spirituality
12 .916
42 .896
35 .881
44 .819
Collaborative problem-solving
17 -.890
27 -.872
25 -.869
28 -.867
52 -.849
6 -.757
46 -.672
Resources - Neighbors
43 .838
11 .753
Initial eigenvalues 12.92 12.53 8.87 4.41 2.65 2.28 1.17
% of variance explained 23.92 23.21 16.43 8.16 4.91 4.22 2.17
Cronbach’s alpha coefficients 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.96 0.93 0.96 0.90
Table 2b: Structure matrix of exploratory factor analysis (direct oblimin rotation).
Item No. Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5 Factor 6 Factor 7
Meaning making and Positive outlook
13 .915
40 .907
4 .905
18 .902
36 .900
7 .897
21 .885
22 .871
51 .871
34 .869
26 .868
5 .845
24 .817
Flexibility and Connectedness
47 .943 -.607
3 .932 -.589
8 .915 -.581
9 .913 -.576
30 .894 -.589
1 .880 -.661
54 .875 -.555
33 .837 -.533
45 .774
10 .757 -.440
Clarity and Open emotional expression
14 .957
15 .937
53 .927
48 .924
16 .924
29 .912
20 .896
23 .892
41 .878
37 .712
Resources - Community
31 .936
49 .930
39 .910
32 .905 .444
2 .442 .905 .401
38 .855
19 .833
50 .733 .436
Transcendence and spirituality
12 .923
42 .896
35 .882
44 .427 .869
Collaborative problem-solving
17 .573 -.912
27 .583 -.909
25 .538 -.908
28 .541 -.902
52 .554 -.896
6 .669 -.833
46 .539 -.815
Resources - Neighbors
43 .477 .929
11 .452 .859
3 MMPO=Meaning making and Positive outlook (13 items); TS=Transcendence and spirituality (4
items); FLCO=Flexibility and Connectedness (10 items); R-C =Resources – Community (8 items); R-
N=Resources - Neighbors (2 items); COEE=Clarity and Open emotional expression (10 items);
CPS=Collaborative problem-solving (7items). *Reverse scored.