Spilover Storys

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https://phenompeople.atlassian.net/browse/PHEM-115845 (ERM)
We are
This hasexperiencing
caused a spilldifficulties in mirror
over in the makingprocess
development clusters.
asWe are working
testing on performed
cannot be resolving this issue,
without thebut it is
necessary APIs
This story is in place.
getting spilling over due to unplanned stories. Azure STG graph setup and graviton migration
POC took time instead of this.
Started working on this but had to de-prioritise it to accomodate Cigna Historic Data sync using their Raas
Couldn't work on this issue due to an urgent requirement from Excellus regarding the their workday integra
With given priorities and other un-seen activities couldn't find time to include this KT session that would fit
started working on this blocked with container creating issue, issue got resolved and have to work on the
e, but it is taking longer than initially anticipated.

their Raas Reports

day integration for job Profiles Pull code.
at would fit all the required people.
ork on the cookbooks
Story Assignee story points
PHEM-122864 Pramil Panjawani 1
PHEM-127802 Pramil Panjawani 1
PHEM-137562 Varun Raj Reddy 1
PHEM-134821 Vadla Meghana 1
PHEM-132529 Vadla Meghana 2
/PHEM-137555 Mounika Mandadi 4
PHEM-135080 Srikanth Tekumudi 3
PHEM-135081 Srikanth Tekumudi 2
PHEM-138083 Venkata Surya Vamsi Krishna Kurella


ready, for historical data generation, service is failing which delayed data
generation task.
completed coverage 80% for provsion service insted of 70% so couldn't
able to complete it
having dependency to get the event structure and got the event by end of
associated with
with crm
this team,waiting
skill, up onfeature
the skill update the datais events
currently displaying
incorrect messages. So not able close this story
associated with this skill, the skill update feature is currently displaying
incorrect messages. So not able close this story
Dependency on injestion team to ensure proper working of the pipeline.
Story Assignee story points
Tushar Diwakarrao Kadu
PHEM-132491 Mounika Mandadi 2
PHEM-132519 Mounika Mandadi 1
PHEM-132523 Mounika Mandadi 1
PHEM-118472 Sai Kumar Bayireddy 3
PHEM-132434 Kappala Saikumar 1
PHEM-135436 Kappala Saikumar 2
PHEM-132375 Priyanka Avasarala 1
PHEM-132769 Priyanka Avasarala 3
PHEM-122864 Pramil Panjawani 1
PHEM-127802 Pramil Panjawani 1

1:Got multiple adhoc priority tasks 1:Added audit logs for the delete operations happening through service. 2:https://
Did few optimisations but still lag is persisting. still optimising the code
Found issues in STG testing, optimising code.
This is done on last sprint but was on leave on monday, didnt get chance to close the story
Review pending
Quantity of progressions was too low when we generated using the usual approach. Had to increase amount of dat
Adhoc tasks such as BAE, UCB so we were asked to puch this back by a week
Requirments are not met from SPX last Sprint.
UCB , BAE were adhoc tasks Last sprint, Also havent got data for Excellus
Analysis in progress, dev requirements not clear
Not Groomed completely
happening through service. 2:https://phenompeople.atlassian.net/browse/PHEM-1342422 3:https://phenompeople.atlassian.ne

ose the story

roach. Had to increase amount of data and make few changes to the code which took time and few other adhoc tasks such as
phenompeople.atlassian.net/browse/PHEM-136547 4:https://phenompeople.atlassian.net/browse/PHEM-1365462: Had unplanne

ther adhoc tasks such as UCB analysis, BAE multiple data preparation iterations.
EM-1365462: Had unplanned leave for 1.5 days due to health issue
Story Assignee story points
PHEM-143621 Tushar Diwakarrao Kadu 1
PHEM-140737 Tushar Diwakarrao Kadu 2
PHEM-137555 Mounika Mandadi 4
PHEM-143624 Vadla Meghana 1
PHEM-143626 Nageswara Rao Rayala 2
PHEM-137535 Nageswara Rao Rayala 4
PHEM-144801 Sai Kumar Bayireddy 1
PHEM-143638 Sai Kumar Bayireddy 2
PHEM-143637 Sai Kumar Bayireddy 2
PHEM-143632 Sai Kumar Bayireddy 1
Story Assignee story points
PHEM-144396 Varun Raj Reddy 1
PHEM-144521 Varun Raj Reddy 1
PHEM-127802 Pramil Panjawani 1
PHEM-141582 Tushar Diwakarrao Kadu 2
PHEM-143631 Priyanka Avasarala 3
PHEM-128326 Priyanka Avasarala 3
Its done , But not deployed to QA. waiting for current build to be moved to prod
Its a issue related to threads getting blocked due to event being retried. Made some changes related to exception h

service crash looping

This service didn't deploy in STG environment due to DevOps config issues. It's delayed due to wrong configuration
Mongo driver upgrade requires spring version upgrade too if the service build on spring boot. This is unexpected wh
Testd on ecf-data service,Faced jenkins issue to implement on Track api
Not Groomed
Not Groomed
Not Groomed

It was delivered on 3rd july and deployed to QA , Was waiting for changes from data access layer, those were deplo
We have worked on other adhoc tasks such as, excellus,IDFC, IDFC skills parsing
Issue with Data generation for 2nd hop porgressions
nges related to exception handling and retry mechanish and monitoring it, Will be monitoring it for a sprint. If we dont face issue

due to wrong configurations.

boot. This is unexpected while planning this story. Python services also requiring to upgrade python version change which is no

ess layer, those were deployed and tested last week, Should have been closed by PXM.
print. If we dont face issue again will colse this ticket.

ersion change which is not estimated as part of this. Due to these reasons it's spilling over.
Story Assignee story points
PHEM-150792Aditya Bhanarkar 1
PHEM-150622Aditya Bhanarkar 3
PHEM-150791Suryakant Balaji Badde 2
PHEM-143618Soumyadeep Roy 5
PHEM-150781Soumyadeep Roy 1
PHEM-151989Varun Raj Reddy 3
PHEM-148286Vadla Meghana 1
PHEM-153147Tushar Diwakarrao Kadu 2
PHEM-153149Tushar Diwakarrao Kadu 2
Story Assignee story points
PHEM-143632Sai Kumar Bayireddy 1
PHEM-143638Sai Kumar Bayireddy 2
PHEM-143637Sai Kumar Bayireddy 2
PHEM-153353Sadhanala Avinash 1
PHEM-138083Nulu Venkata Naga Sai Ajay Gupta 2
PHEM-137535Nageswara Rao Rayala 4
PHEM-150814Sujata Ramesh Chaudhari 3
PHEM-156215Sujata Ramesh Chaudhari 2
The product was moved to prod at the last moment of the Sprint. So there was no time to test.
dependecy with backend api PHEM-143618
Some other task came in between, Due to the emergence of these p0 task, I haven't had the time to work on this ta
The completion of this story was delayed due to the complexity involved in understanding the content type and stre
The product was moved to prod at the last moment of the Sprint. So there was no time to test.
under-estimated one task which took more time than expected and also took an unplanned leave.
at the time of deployment service was out of sync because of service name.need to modify service name and chan
Under-estimated the effort required for 1 task and was on unplanned leave for a day
this story was depenent on spx team. Development is done. Spx team deployed changes on 26/07. Will verify and c
Doing poc on the requirements
Doing poc on the requirements
Doing poc on the requirements
Engineering issues and still developing the service.
Events are not raising in ERM website
Identified few complex parts of the story and separated out that scope from story. But respective tasks are not mov
Some other task came in between that's why not get time to complete this task
Started at end of sprint.
ad the time to work on this task.
ng the content type and streaming option of the Excel file.

nned leave.
odify service name and change helmcharts again

ges on 26/07. Will verify and close

respective tasks are not moved out and not able to close the story with this.
Story Assignee story points Reason
PHEM-153147Tushar Diwakarrao Kadu 2 https://phenompeople.atlassian.net/browse/PHEM
Almost all the tenants are having schema issues,
PHEM-157457Tushar Diwakarrao Kadu 2 need to spend some time for fixing each tenant iss
PHEM-157433Vadla Meghana 4 issue in creating janus instance in spring boot foun
PHEM-153353Sadhanala Avinash 1 issues in code updatation
PHEM-157365Sadhanala Avinash 2 integrating with code is incomplete because of cod
PHEM-157366Sadhanala Avinash 1 issues in code updatation
PHEM-157390Nulu Venkata Naga Sai Ajay Gupta 2 blocker from erm side
PHEM-157364Pramil Panjawani 3
PHEM-128305Priyanka Avasarala 3 Adhoc clients Excellus, IDfC and petronas
are having schema issues, on above ticket
me for fixing each tenant issues.
instance in spring boot found another approach and completed task yesterday

incomplete because of code changes

IDfC and petronas

Issue Type Key Assignee Summary
Bug-Internal PHEM-170161Tushar Diwakaneed refNum field in events raised for skill importance change
Bug-Internal PHEM-168603Manogna KuchData Issues in Export Data Feature
Story PHEM-166056Aditya Bhanar ERM - Add Edit button in role detail page
Story PHEM-165734Manogna KuchAPI Test script automation, To verify data Types
Story PHEM-165300Venkata SuryaIdentification of new roles and periodically genera
Issue Type Key Assignee Summary
Story PHEM-165116Varun Raj RedPhenom progressions back filling
Story PHEM-165073Manogna KuchCompetency separation from roles, separate index
Story PHEM-164661Aditya Bhanar Migrate Internals hires events code to ERM strea
Story PHEM-164660Srikanth Tek create design studio Components
Story PHEM-164659Soumyadeep Janus graph +Hadoop POC
Story PHEM-164658Suryakant BalaJanus graph migration
Story PHEM-164620Tushar DiwakaSync data to External postgres server for open r
Issue Type Key Assignee Summary
Story PHEM-164619Tushar DiwakaCompare Pendo , full story and Open replay
Refactoring PHEM-163486Tushar DiwakaReceiving multiple alerts on 'graph-ingestion'
Refactoring PHEM-161327Tushar DiwakaReceiving multiple mongo slow query tickets
Story PHEM-157472Varun Raj RedAnnotation tool follow up
Story PHEM-157457Tushar DiwakaData ingestion pipeline lag issues
Story PHEM-157390Nulu Venkata Integration of skill importance change
Issue Type Key Assignee Summary
Bug-Internal PHEM-157320Srikanth Tek ERM-Successors tab of Role Detail page , when a users selected a
Story PHEM-153147Tushar DiwakaOOM issues for Signal processor
Story PHEM-143670Kappala Saik Roles, Role-to-skills and role-to-competencies I
Story PHEM-143669Kappala Saik Role-to-job and role-to-employee mapping Servi
Story Points Reason
It was assigned a day before sprint closing, Was fixed in next couple
r skill importance change of days
Had to take leave due to fever
1 Not planned in grooming
2 Had to take leave due to fever
3 Not planned in grooming
Story Points Reason
2 Adhoc tasks and an unplanned leave
3 Had to take leave due to fever
2 design
componentssystem POC ticket
integrated took but
locally, more timeissue
faced than while
we had estimated . it
3 took
We are lot of time toinresolve
currently the process of further exploration, and it will
3 We
are additional
currently intime
the before
process weofcan reach
further a conclusive
exploration, andoutcome.
it will
3 require additional time before we can reach a conclusive outcome.
3 Got stuck with SSL issue while doing this POC.
Story Points Reason
2 Was
Theseonare unplanned leavecoming
adhoc tickets for 1.5 from
days devops / monitoring team not
These of are
sprint planning
adhoc tickets coming from devops / monitoring team not part of sprint
1 Adhoc
We aretasks and to
planning anresolve
unplanned leave
it with CDC, so moved it to backlog on the
2 day of sprint planning itself. It should not be coming in this report.
2 blocker from data layer side ,now its resolved
Story Points Reason
page , when a users selected itReplay)
a resolved long
, it was back,
move tobut forgoton
backlog to 8th
Aug . It should not be coming
2 in this report.
1 Did not receive sign off from product
1 Did not receive sign off from product
Issue Type Key Assignee Summary
Creation of industry wise
Story PHEM-176578Sujata Ramesh Chaudhari progressions endpint for CDC for
OOM issue resolution
Story PHEM-174534Tushar Diwakarrao Kadu candidates
feed back service deployment to
Story PHEM-174006Nulu Venkata Naga Sai Ajay GupSTG
Story PHEM-173424Sadhanala Avinash Description generation for Skills
Story PHEM-173416Sadhanala Avinash Recruiter to candidate
Phenom playground POCranking
Story PHEM-172934Venkata Surya Vamsi Krishna Kuapproach for progressions
Story PHEM-172162Nageswara Rao Rayala springboot version migration
Story PHEM-170422Cherlakola Abhinav Reddy ERM
Develop-integrate role and
role action signals
signals on
Story PHEM-170351Cherlakola Abhinav Reddy role in single skill
ERM - Create/add new dash board
Story PHEM-169844Aditya Bhanarkar progressions
ERM - Add Edit forbutton
a giveninRole
role -UI
Story PHEM-166056Aditya Bhanarkar detail page
service per client (based on the
Story PHEM-165734Manogna Kuchimanchi ingestion)
Story PHEM-165116Varun Raj Reddy Phenom
Sync dataprogressions back filling
to External postgres
Story PHEM-164620Tushar Diwakarrao Kadu server
Compare for Pendo
open replay
, full story and
Story PHEM-164619Tushar Diwakarrao Kadu Open replay
Receiving multiple alerts on
Refactoring PHEM-163486Tushar Diwakarrao Kadu 'graph-ingestion'
Story PHEM-161897Priyanka Avasarala REA-Progressions
ERM - Role actionscleaning on single role
Story PHEM-161010Srikanth Tekumudi detail
jobs within the Talent list
page and Role page
Story PHEM-155291Suryakant Balaji Badde Bot
Story Points Reason
working on other priority task like spring boot
2 mingration,
facing issuerotate secrete manger
with downloading heaptask
dump from
1 issue
working from
on deployment side, and
code integration nowfacing
its resoved
2 issues with firezone now it's resolved
2 working
an endpointon code integration
in scala. WIll resume one the
2 endpoint is obtained
latest version and took time to find alternatives
5 for it.
2 Blocked from spx side they are not provide
3 typehead
page DraftAPI Changes will be saved and Draft
2 Changes tag will be displayed in the role tags.
2 scope changes in sprint, deprioritised and
2 moved this story to backlog
storing data.
Added more tasks in the sprint plan,So moved
it to backlog in the begining of sprint itself.
Its resolved forgot to close ticket
3 Data generation was delayed
2 Completed from ETG, QA validation Pending
3 from Chatbots team
Issue Type Key Assignee
Story PHEM-180065Tushar Diwakarrao Kadu
Story PHEM-180021Pramil Panjawani
Story PHEM-179779Vadla Meghana
Story PHEM-179773Mounika Mandadi
Story PHEM-179738Nageswara Rao Rayala
Story PHEM-179688Manogna Kuchimanchi
Story PHEM-179617Suryakant Balaji Badde
Story PHEM-179610Sujata Ramesh Chaudhari
Story PHEM-176578Sujata Ramesh Chaudhari
Story PHEM-174534Tushar Diwakarrao Kadu
Story PHEM-173424Sadhanala Avinash
Story PHEM-169844Aditya Bhanarkar
Story PHEM-161897Priyanka Avasarala
Story PHEM-87646 Kappala Saikumar
Summary Story Points
create a new index for competencies in ES and set 2
Code Coverage and Deployment of Rx Persona Up 1
pipline to get successors from MX 2
API to add an employee to successors list 3
Supporting Cassandra nodes root volume encryption 5
RX dashboard search filters recommendations 3
create a parent tenant for prospects backend 2
create a parent tenant for prospects UI 1
Creation of industry wise progressions endpint 2
OOM issue resolution for CDC for candidates 2
Description Extractions for JobId's 2
ERM - Create/add new progressions for a given Ro 3
REA-Progressions cleaning 3
Dependencies version upgrade for title levelling ser 3
Its done , but ticket closed on monday
De Priortizedwith
dependency for the sprint.
im team,waiting for event
also took much time which we didn't
anticipate duringhad
go live activities plan.
to de-prioritise this
Closed on monday, QA validation was
pending fromTicket
It was done. UI developer
was not closed before
closing sprint
Tried to resolved the error it was giving
couldn't take up due to other tasks will be
Blocked from spx side they are not provide
typehead API
times are too long, Need to try and fix it
Issue Type Key Assignee Summary
Story PHEM-189670Sadhanala Avinash Raising Persona Events for US Clients
Story PHEM-189204Sujata Ramesh ChaudhExplore Plugins available in open replay
Story PHEM-189149Vadla Meghana Realtime update on precomputed counts f
Story PHEM-189135Mounika Mandadi Silver medalist signal improvements an
Story PHEM-189072Nulu Venkata Naga SaiERM Feedback service Deployment and t
Story PHEM-186026Suryakant Balaji BaddeRole and employee signal srevice
Story PHEM-186019Soumyadeep Roy Move export data to a new service
Story PHEM-180021Sadhanala Avinash Code Coverage and Deployment of Rx P
Story PHEM-179779Vadla Meghana pipline to get successors from MX
Story PHEM-179773Mounika Mandadi API to add an employee to successors li
Story PHEM-174534Tushar Diwakarrao Ka OOM issue resolution for CDC for candi
Story PHEM-173424Sadhanala Avinash Description Extractions for JobId's
Story PHEM-154269Aditya Bhanarkar Integration of Error Message with APM
Story PHEM-122864Pramil Panjawani ETG Dependency - Data for Recommended
Story PHEM-87646 Kappala Saikumar Dependencies version upgrade for title lev
Story Points Reason
1 small changes for raising events but now it's done and closed the story.
3 One plugins was pending. Today morning completed that plugins and closed the story. But before clo
3 while testing the api the respective requestbody is not supporting for all the tenants need to discuss a
2 Coverage and duplicate code issues of other developers
1 dependency with other services
2 Moved out the sprint to accommodate Ad Hoc request
2 Moved out the sprint to accommodate Ad Hoc request
1 Changes are made ,coverage upto 54% is done and ongoing for futher coverage
2 dependency with im
3 Band width issues.Worked on priority support ticket for 3-4 days
2 depending on other tasks couldn't able to take up task now its done and closed the story
2 Did not got any solution to this story
1 Depending on other tasks
3 Adhoc requests from Implementation clients and also the fix is still not clear
d the story. But before closing the story new sprint got started.
tenants need to discuss and make code changes.

sed the story

Issue Type Key Assignee
Story PHEM-202408Srikanth Tek
Story PHEM-193802Varun Raj Red
Story PHEM-193044Srikanth Tek
Story PHEM-192905Sujata Ramesh
Story PHEM-192898Sujata Ramesh
Story PHEM-192891Srikanth Tek
Story PHEM-192518Vadla Meghan
Story PHEM-192511Vadla Meghan
Story PHEM-191973Varun Raj Red
Story PHEM-191959Varun Raj Red
Story PHEM-191922Manogna Kuch
Story PHEM-191895Nulu Venkata
Story PHEM-189684Pramil Panjaw
Story PHEM-189149Vadla Meghan
Story PHEM-189072Nulu Venkata
Story PHEM-186019Ekta Kumari
Story PHEM-180021Pramil Panjaw
Story PHEM-179779Mounika Mand
Story PHEM-179773Mounika Mand
Story PHEM-174534Tushar Diwaka
Story PHEM-164620Tushar Diwaka
Story PHEM-164619Tushar Diwaka
Story PHEM-143672Nulu Venkata
Story PHEM-140051Pramil Panjaw
Story PHEM-140045Pramil Panjaw
Story PHEM-123098Pramil Panjaw
Story PHEM-122864Pramil Panjaw
Story PHEM-87646 Kappala Saik
write UI test cases for ETI pages
Generation of skills, competency, and progressions for new roles and updating in es
skill page table update to design system table
ERM - Add new skill with importance and Skill Proficiency Levels in Role Detail page-skills tab
ERM - multi select editing Skill Proficiency Levels in Role Detail page-skills tab
ERM - Editi Skill Proficiency Levels , skill importance level and delete a skill in Role Detail page-skills ta
Realtime Update to employee count for Skills
Bulk Ingestion API for Roles
career framework code clean up
skills taxonomy POC
Skill Proficiency Prediction POC Contd.
cache layer implementation for skill standardization
Graph Use case Analysis for RX POC
Realtime update on precomputed counts for catlog data
ERM Feedback service Deployment and testing in PROD
Move export data to a new service
Code Coverage and Deployment of Rx Persona Updates
pipline to get successors from MX
API to add an employee to successors list
OOM issue resolution for CDC for candidates
Openreplay Data Management
Compare Pendo , full story and Open replay
Progression Generation for IDFC FRIST BANK
ETG Data Pipeline for Personalization
New leads definitions
New Applicant Definitions
ETG Dependency - Data for Recommended, Jobs, Projects
Dependencies version upgrade for title levelling service
Story Points Reason
5 last minute changes in the design and flow, took more time for to develop and test.
3 on leave
2 on leave
1 Didn't pick this story as we were totally occupied with ATS new roles data gen service whose design
0 Due to re-scoping of other stories, couldn't work on the POC.
1 got ad hoc task for new role added from ats automation
3 on leave
1 due to dependencies
2 had Fundamentals session for complete 2 days
1 from product it got deprioritised

3 Did not get enough time to work on this due to Implementation ad hoc and new skills service
en service whose design and flow we kept revisitng

new skills service

Issue Type Key Assignee
Story PHEM-202436Suryakant Balaji Badde
Story PHEM-202315Pramil Panjawani
Story PHEM-202304Manogna Kuchimanchi
Story PHEM-202297Vadla Meghana
Story PHEM-202233Suryakant Balaji Badde
Story PHEM-192891Srikanth Tekumudi
Issue Type Key Assignee
Story PHEM-174534Tushar Diwakarrao Kadu
Story PHEM-205655Gottemukkula Rajeev
Story PHEM-150650Suryakant Balaji Badde
Story PHEM-143672Varun Raj Reddy
Story PHEM-140051Pramil Panjawani
Story PHEM-134106Srikanth Tekumudi
Summary Story Points
Proxy APIs for CRM candidate, for Single sk 1
Redesign Persona Service based on PUP/DN 3
Inference generation 1
Index creation for Inferences 3
Api for gigs related to this skill 1
ERM - Editi Skill Proficiency Levels , skill im 3
Summary Story Points
OOM issue resolution for CDC for candidate 2
Build promotions Sprint 23-22 1
Proxy APIs for open jobs, for Single skill D 1
Progression Generation configs for IDFC 1
ETG Data Pipeline for Personalization 1
ERM - Single Skill Dashboard - KPIS and Filte 2
Blocked with this ticket PHEM-202240
We did not recive data from PUP team
Blocked with this ticket PHEM-202240
schema design was not decided
Blocked , HRM team had problem in rasing historical events
Blocked, we did not get few API on time from RX-search team

Blocked, we did not get few API on time from RX-search team
we did not get data from clint
Blocked, we did not get few API on time from RX-search team
Issue Type Key Assignee Summary Story Points
Story PHEM-202304Manogna Kuchimanchi Inference generation 1
Story PHEM-192891Srikanth Tekumudi ERM - Editi Skill Proficienc 3
Story PHEM-174534Tushar Diwakarrao Kadu OOM issue resolution for 2
Issue Type Key Status Assignee Summary
Story PHEM-219056Story GroominPramil Panjawani Predicting recr
Story PHEM-219048Story GroominVenkata Surya Vamsi Krishna Kurella Successor Rec
Story PHEM-217161Development Varun Raj Reddy Update the pro
Story PHEM-202304BLOCKED Manogna Kuchimanchi Inference gene
Story PHEM-174534Development Prabhavathi Challagulla OOM issue res
Story Points Reason
2 product deprotised it
2 product
creation deprotised it the team is checking
is failing and
1 on the same)
Issue Type Key Status Assignee
Story PHEM-225631PM AcceptancVarun Raj Reddy
Story PHEM-224939BLOCKED Suryakant Balaji Badde
Story PHEM-202304BLOCKED Manogna Kuchimanchi
Summary Story Points Reason
consume the Ui events raised by data lay 3
fix the internal hires data on ERM -talent 2 checking on
Inference generation 1 the same)
Issue Type Key Status Assignee
Story PHEM-237004Development Nageswara Rao Rayala
Story PHEM-236821BLOCKED Soumyadeep Roy
Story PHEM-235363To Do Tushar Diwakarrao Kadu
Story PHEM-234383Story Ready Ekta Kumari
Story PHEM-233685Development Venkata Surya Vamsi Krish
Story PHEM-233663Story Ready Manogna Kuchimanchi
Issue Type Key Status Assignee
Story PHEM-233621Story Ready Nulu Venkata Naga Sai Aj
Story PHEM-233369Story Ready Suryakant Balaji Badde
Story PHEM-224917BLOCKED Ekta Kumari
Story PHEM-209774Story Ready Srikanth Tekumudi
Story PHEM-202304BLOCKED Manogna Kuchimanchi
Summary Story Points Reason
Onboard a client using Dashboard API's(Testing) 1 This got delayed due to new chang
Stabilisation of JanusGraph and CassardandraDB 5 Approval needed for machine upgrad
Resolve Graph data Ingestion issues. 2
ecf-data-service Code coverage improvement to 85% 2 Completed
Successor Recommendation code completion for erm 2
Import service integration to ATS for competencies and historic dat 2 Due to Adhoc requests from clients co
Summary Story Points Reason
Description generation automation 1 changes
complete analyses on talent over view dash board 3 This story has deprioritized due to
Modify the backed to display both added successors and recomme 2 Blocked by Algo
1)its planned for team,
Kumari . b
Integrate API related to successors tab 2 We
2) backend
needed also
graph notdata
yet in
ready forsc
a new t
Inference generation 1 Schema changes are being analyz
s got delayed due to new change request for REA. Did changes to get JobFamily via API. This changes need to include with d
proval needed for machine upgrade

e to Adhoc requests from clients couldn’t pick this story and Had to take a leave as I was not feeling well

his story has deprioritized due to other adhoc changes and Unexpected Leave.
ocked by Algo
s planned for team,
Kumari . butdata
is on leave for 3 days in this sprint. So assigned it to me. but due to lack of bandwidth i a
needed also
yet in
ready forschema.
a new this feature
hema changes are being analyzed as there is a lot of uncertainty in the data we are receiving and we need to handle multiple c
ges need to include with dashboard config API's. THis testing can be resume after this.

ue to lack of bandwidth i am not able to pick it up in this sprint

need to handle multiple cases.

Issue Type Key Status Assignee
Story PHEM-243661Development Prabhavathi Ch
Story PHEM-242440Development Venkata Surya
Story PHEM-242411Story Ready Manogna Kuch
Story PHEM-242388Development Varun Raj Red
Story PHEM-241738Development Vadla Meghan
Story PHEM-241247Story Ready Pramil Panjaw
Issue Type Key Status Assignee
Story PHEM-237004Development Nageswara Ra
Story PHEM-235363To Do Tushar Diwaka
Story PHEM-233663Story Ready Manogna Kuch
Story PHEM-233621Development Kappala Saik
Story PHEM-202304BLOCKED Manogna Kuch
Summary Story Points Reason
Verify below mentioned services, Document data points being 2
Successor Recommendation APIs to MX and IM 2 Couldn’t pick this up due to REA Issue
Dashboard - develop API for skills and competency generation 3 Couldn’t pick the development due to oth
Dashboard - develop API to for progression configuration 3 Couldn’t pick this up due to REA Issue
Identify the Gaps and develop the required write APIS to Add 2
Generate report on the query times of the scripts run through 1
Summary Story Points Reason
Onboard a client using Dashboard API's(Testing) 1
Resolve Graph data Ingestion issues. 2 Couldn’t pick this up due to REA Issue
Import service integration to ATS for competencies and historic 2 Couldn’t pick this up due to REA Issues a
Description generation automation 1 Couldn’t
We neededpickgraph
this up dueintoa REA
data Issue
new schem
Inference generation 1 Schema changes are being analyzed
uldn’t pick this up due to REA Issues .
uldn’t pick the development due to other priorities and Adhocs received in the sprint. (REA Prod IR Issues and Skills Taxonomy PROD US
uldn’t pick this up due to REA Issues .

uldn’t pick this up due to REA Issues .

uldn’t pick this up due to REA Issues and Skill Taxonomy PROD US setup and ingestion (Adhoc).
this up dueinto
data a REA Issues .
new schema.
hema changes are being analyzed as there is a lot of uncertainty in the data we are receiving and we need to handle multiple c
Skills Taxonomy PROD US Setup and ingestion.)

need to handle multiple cases.

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