Tax Ry 2020
Tax Ry 2020
Tax Ry 2020
E00000-S00000-F00000 71092.100541-01-2018
If you disagree with your assessment
If you think this assessment is wrong, check all the details on this notice with those on your tax return. If you think there is a problem, phone
us on the numbers listed below. You can write to us and object to the assessment if you still disagree with it. Objection forms and information
about how to lodge an objection are available from our website at or by phoning the numbers listed below. If you
disagree with our decision on your objection you can apply for an independent, external review. When we give you our decision we will let
you know if you can apply to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for a review or appeal to the Federal Court.
We may amend your assessment
The law gives us time to review information you have given us. Generally, we have two years from the date of the income tax assessment,
but in some cases we have longer. If we find the information you provided was not correct we may amend this assessment. More information
is available at
Record keeping
You must keep the records, receipts and other documentation you have used to prepare your return. Generally you need to keep them for
five years. More information about record keeping is available at
Keeping this notice of assessment for future reference
You should keep this notice as part of your taxation records as you may be asked to provide details from it when phoning us. This notice
also contains a reference number required for lodging a future income tax return online.
Protecting your privacy when you phone us
If you phone us we need to know we are talking to the correct person before providing account information. We will ask you for details only
you, or your authorised representative, would know. It will be helpful if you have your tax file number or Australian business number and a
copy of this notice ready when you phone us.
How to contact us
Individuals – phone us on 13 28 61 (8.00am – 6.00pm Monday to Friday)
Businesses – phone us on 13 28 66 (8.00am – 6.00pm Monday to Friday)
If you do not speak English and need help from us phone the Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50
If you have a hearing or speech impairment phone the National Relay Service on 13 36 77
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