Conception Vessel (REN MO) ियन िनयं क Yin Heel / Yin Quio Mo / ियन आरोही
(LU7 – K6 ) CV1 (Path CV1 To CV24) K6 – LU7/UB62 K8 / 6 Path (K2, K6, K8, St9,
12, UB1)
Area- Abdomen, Thorax, Lungs, Face, Throat, Area- inner side of legs, abdomen, eyes,
Anterior Pituitary pancreas
1. If access – pain in abdomen 1. Controls upward movement of Yin Qi.
2. If Excess - नींद ादा , Inner leg muscles tight,
2. If Deficient - खाज चीटी रगनी की अनुभूित 3. UB Sciatica, पेशाब बनना कम या बंद ,
3. Treats Yin Deficiency and MC problems 4. Vertigo - Ear problem,
4. LBC, Diabetes, 5. Pancreas – hypoglycemia
5. Constipation 6. HBP, KID ख़राब , Lumber, & पाँ व ठ े ,
6. Swollen anus 7. Peritonitis, Hepatitis, Nephritis
7. Vomating blood
8. Poor Memory,
9.Epilepsy, 10. Inflamation of thyroid, Tonsils,
mumps, Phyrynx, tongue, diptheria,
11. SunStroke and cold stroke,
12. Fibroids, Lumps, Carcianoma (cancer) of
the uterus, Hernia in Men
13. Cronic asthama,
14. Irregular physical and mental growth due
to hormonal problems.
15. Male menopausal symptoms, 16. UTI
Yang wei Mo/ Yang Regulating यांग िनयामक Dai Mo, Girdle belt, यांग अवरोध िनवारक
TW5 – GB41 GB41 – TW5
Area – Lateral hand, Lateral aspect of legs, Area – Outer aspect of legs, sides of body,
neck and side of body, Thyroid gland shoulder and Neck, Genitals, waist and hip,
Pituitary gland
1. Controls downword movement of Yang Qi 1. Excess Liver yang and GB : Headache
and connect all yang meridians. 2. Dificulty / burning in urination
2. External Pathogenic factors 3. Cold legs and feet, Purple feet, Tense outer
leg muscle.
3. पैरके बाहरी भाग म दद, गदन के बाहरी भाग म दद, GB 4. Belt pain (Liver blood defi / Liver yang ton)
Sciatica, Lateral Knee pain 5. Rheumatic Arthritis
4. One leg is long than other, 6. HBP, chronic migrain (पा भाग का ),
5. Trigeminal neuralgia (is a condition that 7. Neuralgia, Muscle pain,
causes painful sensations similar to an 8. दद ला MC, कवारी क ा MC problem,
electric shock on one side of the face) 9. Amanorrhoea, Anamia, ethargy,िलको रया
6. writers cramp, 10. coccyx म दद, बैठना मु ल, कहते समय गाल काट जाना
7. Bakers legs,
8. क ा जकड जाये, कंधो के पीछे दद,
9. हाथ की उं गिलओ म दद, Eagle toe,
10. Bed wetting, heart burn, मुँह नाकसे र .
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Yang Heel / Yang quioMo / यांग आरोही Governing Vessel, Du MO, यांग िनयं क
(UB62 – SI3 / K6 ) UB62 (SI3 – UB62 ) GV- CV1 Path (GV1 to GV28)
Area- Lateral Legs, Back, Head, Neck, Head Area – Spine, Back, Back of neck, Back of
eyes, Thymus Gland head, eyes & brain, back of legs, Posterior
1. Controls upward movement of yang Qi Pituitary
Excess - पीठ म कड़ापन, शरीर पीछे झुककर अकड़ जाना
2. नींद नहीं आती Deficint - सर का भारीपन, च र, िमरगी के दौरे ,
3. Outer leg muscles are tight, Meningitis, म शोथ, पेशाब न रोक पाना, औरतो म
4. UB sciatica, बां झपन,
5. Muscular distrophy, Baker's Leg, 1. Tonify Kid yang,
6. Lumber, पीठ tight, िनचे झुकना मु ल, शरीर के एक 2. cervical spondilitis,
तरफ सूजन 3. Nourishes bone, marrow, Brain and Spine,
4. Tinittus, Poor memory.
7. Hemeplegia, वाणी लोप , Vertigo, 5. मू मा ा बढ़ जाये, पसीना न िनकले,
6. आँ ख कान की तकलीफ, भौ म दद
8. Sneezing, Headache, stiff neck, Runny 7. LBP, insomnia, Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and
nose spine,
9. Tinnitus, भौ की ह ीमे दद 8. गला अव , पीिलया, any problem of spine,
10. िदनमे िमग के दौरे 9. Diabetes, 10. Eyes and Ears in wind, 11. Red
eyes with cataract
Vital / Penetrating / CHONG MO / ियन अवरोध Yin wei MO / Yin Regulating/ ियन िनयामक
(SP4 – P6) Interchange energy with all (P6 – SP4)
1 . upper part – Yang meridian
2. Lower Part – Yin
Area – Inner aspect of legs, abdomen organs, Area – Chest, heart, cardiac pain, Adrinal Gland
Uterus, Chest, St, Testicals, and Ovarian
1. Originates in kidney, distributes kidney 1. Connect all Yin meridian
essence all over body at defencive Qi level, 2. Calm the mind espically inwormer
2. connect pre and post heven Qi, 3. भूख घटना ,वजन घटना ,पाचन कमजोर,
3. Good for stagnation or Contravection of Qi 4. Sciatica Pain अंगुठेतक, Medial Knee Point.
in abdomen, 5. Adrinal gland खराबी, Steroid घट जाये ,
4. Weak Constitution with with digestive Hypoglycemia.
system. 6. LBP, Histeria.
5. Improves energy of Entire Spine. 7. Five types of िमरगी , 5 types piles, anus
6. पेशाब करनेमे परे शानी , whole body spasm, RA prolapse.
Problem. 8. Nausea क न पाये, अ नली अव , छाती म भारीपन
7. Chest pain, Destention, Palpitation, Lower 9. Night Blindness, Intestine ki Harnia, मुख दाह
8. It Passes through K1 to K21 controls 10. Blood Deficiency – Migrain, Mental Physical
parasympathetic functions of SP, Liv, GB, bile Diseases.
duct, Kid Adrinal, Si Li
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