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Date: 22/01/2024


National Education Society for Tribal Students (NESTS) has successfully conducted the EMRS
Staff Selection Exam (ESSE) 2023 on 16th, 17th, 23rd & 24th December, 2023 to fill up the Teaching
and Non-Teaching vacant positions in EMRSs across the states.

From amongst the qualified candidates and the marks scored in recruitment test conducted
under ESSE-2023, for the post of TGT-ENGLISH the provisional result has been prepared. The
total number of candidates provisionally selected category-wise are as under:

Category No. of provisionally selected candidates (including PwBD &

ESM, as applicable)
Unreserved 273
OBC 181
EWS 67
SC 100
ST 50
Total 671


1. Roll numbers of Provisionally shortlisted candidates are attached with this notice and
candidates selected in the list will not have any right to claim for appointment if found
ineligible at any stage of recruitment. Candidature of the provisionally selected
candidates given in the list (attached) shall be subject to the fulfilment of eligibility
conditions and other conditions as mentioned in the advertisement.

2. The candidates will be required to produce the original certificates in support of their
eligibility/reservation claims viz. age, educational qualifications, category (SC, ST, OBC,
EWS, PwBD, ESM) and other relevant documents at the time of their document
verification. They are, therefore, advised to keep the said documents ready with them.

3. The above shortlisted candidates shall be notified shortly about the date, time, and venue
for document verification.

4. All the candidates who are provisionally shortlisted are advised to regularly check their
registered email and our website https://emrs.tribal.gov.in/ for any further updates on
the recruitment.

Disclaimer: Anything contained in this document would not lead to any legal claim on part
of an individual for any purpose.

102600007 102600023 103600008 103600032 104600047 104600073 104600074

104600106 104600107 105600087 105600090 105600124 105600135 105600156
105600164 105600186 105600200 105600214 105600246 105600257 105600259
105600276 105600340 105600378 105600380 105600383 105600420 105600486
105600497 105600548 105600597 105600610 105600617 105600952 105601063
105601104 105601112 105601141 105601169 105601189 105601392 106600089
106600136 106600142 106600183 106600212 106600214 106600231 106600244
106600285 106600293 106600294 106600297 106600373 106600701 106600718
106600763 106600932 106600970 106600983 106601033 106601042 106601058
107600037 107600064 107600131 107600247 110600005 110600035 110600043
110600091 110600101 110600135 110600145 110600261 110600280 110600289
110600312 110600326 110600335 110600341 110600362 110600515 110600520
110600522 110600550 110601022 110601472 110601532 110601594 110601608
110601657 110601663 110601693 110601704 110601819 110601844 110601857
110601884 110601976 110601986 110602016 110602018 110602052 110602090
110602132 110602146 110602167 110602300 110602328 110602449 110602451
110602476 110602515 110602533 110602564 110602567 110602576 110602584
110602615 110602689 110602747 110602769 110602798 110602805 110602849
110602943 110602946 110602953 110602972 110602992 110603000 110603003
110603105 110603117 110603123 110603200 110603202 110603213 110603257
110603293 110603317 110603331 110603340 110603349 110603397 110603400
110603406 110603473 110603515 110603578 110603596 110603624 110603627
110603683 110603684 110603697 110603698 110603756 110603801 110603856
110603870 110603896 110603907 110603916 110603934 110603949 110604139
110604161 110604164 110604209 110604235 110604240 110604310 110604341
110604378 110604440 110604487 110604513 110604542 110604571 111600016
112600052 112600071 112600127 114600029 114600086 116600030 116600033
116600050 116600062 116600091 116600095 116600127 116600134 116600177
116600181 116600186 116600195 116600203 116600212 116600217 116600236
116600245 116600248 116600256 116600260 116600273 116600289 116600313
116600326 116600330 116600340 116600437 116600462 116600475 116600477
116600505 116600513 116600662 116600682 116600718 116600764 116600766
116600782 116600783 116600792 116600798 116600815 116600836 116600837
116600860 117600011 117600012 117600108 117600127 117600150 118600008
118600015 118600028 118600045 118600138 118600166 118600186 121600050
121600062 121600089 121600112 121600148 121600157 121600189 121600214
121600238 121600251 122600002 122600025 122600151 122600166 122600186
122600241 122600255 122600267 122600319 123600001 124600005 125600008
127600003 127600006 127600009 127600028 127600029 127600104 127600121
127600128 127600131 127600134 127600229 127600257 128600016 130601569
130601622 130601682 130601730 130601762 130601778 130601868 130601877
130601976 130602065 130602079 130602206 130602346 130602368 130602379
130602418 130602451 130602476 130602513 130602679 130602725 130602774
130602792 130602860 130602864 130602886 130602893 131600006 131600040
131600041 131600042 132600005 132600009 132600027 132600041 132600059
133600001 133600012 133600048 133600064 133600161 133600198 133600245
134600021 135600111 135600114 135600144 135600165 135601083 135601109

135601125 135601183 135601248 135601280 135601322 135601330 135601360

135601414 135601472 135601473 135601537 135601565 135601642 135601792
135601828 135601844 135602059 135602067 135602068 135602085 135602100
135602110 135602118 135602159 135602238 135602247 135602260 135602291
135602361 135602413 135602421 135602428 135602440 135602462 135602470
135602482 135602525 135602549 135602585 135602610 135602618 135602622
135602655 135602672 135602692 135602742 135602775 135602973 135602974
135603042 135603097 135603131 135603135 135603152 135603172 135603199
135603202 135603255 135603297 135603319 135603353 135603366 135603408
135603444 135603480 135603523 135603547 135603555 135603592 135603631
135603672 135603867 135603868 135603893 135603900 135603937 135604002
135604005 135604019 135604071 135604093 135604156 135604202 135604213
135604231 135604245 135604269 135604340 135604444 135604467 135604478
135604578 135604652 135604653 135604691 135604696 135604737 135604762
135604815 136600007 136600113 136600121 136600125 136600169 136600223
136600318 136600319 136600328 136600705 136600736 136600751 136600806
136600862 136600905 136600915 136601019 136601027 136601067 137600112
137600113 137600122 137600127 137600134 137600135 137600137 137600141
137600142 137600145 137600157 137600162 137600181 137600186 137600194
137600198 137600211 137600237 137600238 137600246 137600248 137600251
137600254 137600264 137600266 137600272 137600277 137600278 137600281
137600289 137600297 137600304 137600322 137600327 137600331 137600333
137600337 137600348 137600353 137600358 137600364 137600369 137600370
137600373 137600379 137600382 137600383 137600386 137600389 137600396
137600397 137600400 137600405 137600408 137600412 137600414 137600415
137600418 137600421 137600422 137600437 137600441 137600442 137600449
137600450 137600451 137600456 137600458 137600459 137600462 137600470
137600471 137600474 137600479 137600489 137600492 137600501 137600506
137600517 137600528 137600540 137600549 137600555 137600556 137600559
137600568 137600572 137600728 137600729 137600730 137600733 137600737
137600746 137600751 137600762 137600767 137600773 137600775 137600776
137600778 137600780 137600790 137600802 137600813 137600828 137600829
137600832 137600840 137600841 137600846 137600849 137600862 137600866
137600867 137600875 137600881 137600892 137600906 137600919 137600933
137600938 137600939 137600955 137600961 137600965 137600975 137600979
137600980 137600984 137600985 137600997 137601000 137601004 137601005
137601010 137601019 137601034 137601035 137601054 137601062 137601069
137601088 137601098 137601110 137601114 137601116 137601126 137601131
137601132 137601139 137601150 137601152 137601158 137601166 137601168
137601172 137601175 137601180 137601188 137601194 137601198 137601220
137601229 137601244 137601246 137601248 137601249 137601250 137601254
137601263 137601273 137601293 137601296 137601298 140600093 140600140
140600150 140600182 140600290 140600308 141600020 142600029 142600031
142600078 142600118 142600127 142600147 143600039 143600061 143600086
143600101 145600029 145600039 145600044 145600052 145600082 146600085
146600089 146600112 146600119 146600163 146600172 146600177 146600236
146600254 146600257 146600265 146600267 146600324 146600357 146600365

146600378 146600386 146600396 146600434 148600526 149600033 149600077

150600010 150600041 150600046 150600106 150600138 152600104

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