Module 3 Cyb Sec 23112023
Module 3 Cyb Sec 23112023
Module 3 Cyb Sec 23112023
“Phishing” refers to an attack using mail programs to deceive
Internet users into disclosing confidential information that can be
then exploited for illegal purposes.
While checking electronic mail (E-Mail), you find a message from
the bank threatening to close the bank account if you do not reply
This message seems to be suspicious from the contents of the
message, it is difficult to conclude that it is a fake/false E-Mail.
These messages are examples of Phishing – in addition to stealing
personal and financial data – and can infect systems with viruses
and also a method of online ID theft in various cases.
These messages look authentic and attempt to get users to reveal
their personal information.
Remote Access Trojans (RATs)
Stages of Phishing
1. Planning: Criminals, usually called as Phishers, decide the target.
2. Setup: Once Phishers know which business/business house to
spoof and who their victims.
3. Attack: Phishers sends a phony message that appears to be from a
reputable source.
4. Collection: Phishers record the information of victims entering
into WebPages or popup windows.
5. Identity theft and fraud: Phishers use the information that they
have gathered to make illegal purchases or commit fraud.
• Mostly offline attacks are performed from a location other than the target (i.e., either a computer system
or while on the network) where these passwords reside or are used.
Offline • Offline attacks usually require physical access to the computer and copying the password file from the
system onto removable media.
kept separate.
2. Passwords should be of minimum eight alphanumeric characters (common names or phrases should be phrased).
5. Password used previously should not be used while renewing the password.
6. Passwords of personal E-Mail accounts and banking/financial user accounts should be changed from a secured system,
within couple of days, if these E-Mail accounts has been accessed from public Internet facilities such as
7. Passwords should not be stored under mobile phones/PDAs, as these devices are also prone to cyber attacks.
8. In case E-Mail accounts/user accounts have been hacked, respective agencies/institutes should be contacted immediately.
Protocol attacks • Rules that are to be followed to send data over network.
Flood attack • Simply sending the victim overwhelming number of ping packets, usually by using the “ping”
command, which result into more traffic than the victim can handle.
• Sends oversized Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) packets, and it is one of the core
Ping of death attack protocols of the IP Suite. It is mainly used by networked computers’ OSs to send error messages
indicating that a requested service is not available or that a host or router could not be reached.
• An attacker initiates a TCP connection to the server with an SYN. The server replies with an SYN-ACK.
SYN attack The client then does not send back an ACK, causing the server to allocate memory for the pending
connection and wait.
• Fragmented packets are forged to overlap each other when the receiving host tries to reassemble
Teardrop attack them. IP’s packet fragmentation algorithm is used to send corrupted packets to confuse the victim
and may hang the system.
Smurf attack • Floods a target system via spoofed broadcast ping messages. This attack consists of a host sending an
echo request (ping) to a network broadcast address.
Nuke • Old DoS attack against computer networks consisting of fragmented or invalid packets sent to the
Tools for Launching Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks
Access points
Wi-Fi Hotspots
Access points
Wi-Fi Hotspots
Road warrior • Ultimate mobile user and spends little time in the office.