Module-1a Cyber Sec

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Introduction to Cyber Security

Emerging Technology Course (ETC)

Expectation and Commitment

Cyber is a prefix used to describe a person, thing, or idea as part of

the computer and information age.

Taken from kybernetes, Greek for "steersman" or "governor," it was first used in
Cybernetics, a word coined by Norbert Wiener and his colleagues.
Common usages include:
Cyber Culture, Cyberpunk, Cyber Phobia And Cyberspace

Cyber Crime
Criminal activities carried out by means of computer/internet(network) i.e
it may be a tool or target A crime conducted in which a computer was
directly and significantly instrumental is known as “Computer Crime.
A crime committed using a computer and the Internet to steal
person’s identity or sell illegal or smuggled goods or disturb any
operations with malicious program is known as “Cyber Crime”

• Cyberspace is a world-wide network of computer networks

that uses the TCP/IP for communication to facilitate

transmission and exchange of data.

• Cyberspace is a place where you can chat, explore, research

and play (INTERNET).

Cyber Squatting
This term is derived from “squatting” which is the act of occupying an

vacant/unoccupied space that the squatter does not own or rent.

Cyber squatting is the act of registering a popular Internet address--

usually a company name--with the intent of selling it to its rightful owner

The word “cyber” and “punk” are two different words which means “disorder
via machine”.
The term is derived from the words cybernetics, the science of replacing
human functions with computerized ones, and punk, the harsh music that
developed in the youth culture during the 1970s and '80s.
The movies based on cyberpunk are : Terminator I, II and III,Until the end of
the world,Mad MAX I, II and III,The Matrix (series),The X-Files, Solaris.
Cyberwarfare refers to politically motivated hacking.

Cyber terrorism
Cyber terrorism is defined as “any person, group or organization who with
terrorist intent, utilizes, accesses or aids in accessing a computer or computer
network or electronic system or electronic device by any available means and there
by knowingly engages in a terrorist act.
Classification of Cyber Attacks
Cybercrime and Information Security

Lack of information security gives rise to cyber crime

Cyber security means protecting information, equipment, devices,

computer, computer resource, communication device and information
stored in all these from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption,
modification or destruction.
Cybercrime and Information Security

Information security (infosec) is a set of strategies for managing the

processes, tools and policies necessary to prevent, detect, document
and counter threats to digital and non-digital information.

Infosec responsibilities include establishing a set of business processes

that will protect information assets regardless of how the information is
formatted or whether it is in transit, is being processed or is at rest in
Core Objectives Infosec- CIA Triad
Cybercriminals : A Preview

Cybercrime involves such activities like

• Financial crimes
• Credit card fraud
• Cyber stalking (irritation)
• Defaming another online
• Gaining unauthorized access to computer system
• Overriding encryption to make illegal copies
• Software piracy
• Online gambling
• Sale of illegal articles
• Email spoofing
• Stealing another’s identity to perform criminal act.
Types of Cybercriminals

Type 1 : Hungry for recognition Type 2 : Not interested in recognition

• Hobby hackers • Psychological spoiled

• IT professionals • Financially motivated hackers

• Politically motivated hackers • State-sponsored hacking

• Terrorist organizations. • Organized criminals

Type 3 : The insider

• Disgruntled or former employees seeking revenge

• Competing companies using employees to gain economic advantage through

damage / theft
• Email Spoofing, Phishing, Spamming, Cyber Defamation

Individuals • Online Frauds, Cyber Stalking, Computer Sabotage

• Password Sniffing, Pornography

• Credit Card Fraud

Property • Intellectual Property Crimes

• Internet Time Theft

• Denial of Services (DoS), Virus Attack, Salami Attack

Organization • Email Bombing, Logic Bomb, Trojan Horse, Data Diddling

• Industrial Spying, Network Intrusion, Software Piracy

• Forgery

Society • Cyber Terrorism

• Web Jacking
The password sniffer is a small program that listens to all traffic in the
attached network(s), builds data streams out of TCP/IP packets, and extracts
user names and passwords from those streams that contain protocols that
send cleartext passwords.
Cyber defamation means injuring the reputation of a person on the internet
by using social media email, etc
CYBER CRIMES : Child pornography
Child pornography means any visual depiction, including but not limited to the following:
1. Any photograph that can be considered obscene and/or unsuitable for the age of
child viewer, film, video, picture;
2. computer-generated image or picture of sexually explicit conduct where the
production of such visual depiction involves the use of a minor engaging in sexually
explicit conduct.
Here is how pedophiles operate:
• Step 1: Pedophiles use a false identity to trap the children/teenagers.
• Step 2: They seek children/teens in the kids’ areas on the services, such as the Games BB
or chat areas where the children gather.
• Step 3: They befriend children/teens.
• Step 4: They extract personal information from the child/teen by winning his/her
• Step 5: Pedophiles get E-Mail address of the child/teen and start making contacts on the
victim’s E-Mail address as well. Sometimes, these E-Mails contain sexually explicit language.
• Step 6: They start sending pornographic images/text to the victim including child
pornographic images in order to help child/teen shed his/her inhibitions so that a feeling is
created in the mind of the victim that what is being fed to him is normal and that
everybody does it.
• Step 7: At the end of it, the pedophiles set up a meeting with the child/teen out of the
house and then drag him/her into the net to further sexually assault him/her or to use
him/her as a sex object.
• Forgery

Society • Cyber Terrorism

• Web Jacking

Forgery is a common technique in fraud schemes, where the fraudster uses

forged documents in order to gain access to information or materials they
should not truly have access to
Software Piracy - “The Biggest” challenge area.

Software piracy is “theft of software through the illegal copying of genuine

programs or the fake program and distribution of products intended to pass for
the original”.

Disadvantage of piracy
• The software, if pirated, may potentially contain hard-drive infection virus.
• There is no technical support in the case of software failure.
• There is no warranty protection
• There is no legal right to use the product.

According to BSA in Asia pacific 55%

of software installed are illegal
• Credit Card Fraud

Property • Intellectual Property Crimes

• Internet Time Theft
Cyber crimes : Indian Perspective
Rural India Drives Internet Penetration with 351 Mn Users
Cyber crimes : Indian Perspective
Rise 6% a year in 2021 & Telangana tops list: NCRB data
Information Technology Act -2020
Information Technology Act -2020
Information Technology Act -2020

More ITA Acts

Cyber Crime : Global Perspective
Cybercrime at an international level as per the Council of
Europe’s (CoE’s) Cyber Crime Treaty:
“Cybercrime is an umbrella term which refers to an array of
criminal activity including offenses against computer data and
systems, computer-related offenses, content offenses and
copyright offenses”.

1. August 4, 2006 Announcement: The US Senate ratifies CoE Convention on Cyber Crime. The convention
targets hackers, those spreading destructive computer viruses, those using the Internet for the sexual
exploitation of children or the distribution of racist material, and terrorists attempting to attack
infrastructure facilities or financial institutions. The Convention is in full accord with all the US
constitutional protections, such as free speech and other civil liberties, and will require no change to the
US laws.
2. In August 18, 2006: News article published “ISPs Wary About ‘Drastic Obligations’ on Web Site
Blocking.” European Union (EU) officials want to debar suspicious websites as part of a 6-point plan to
boost joint antiterrorism activities. They want to block websites that incite terrorist action. Once again it
is underlined that monitoring calls, Internet and E-Mail traffic for law enforcement purposes is a task
vested in the government, which must reimburse carriers and providers for retaining the data.
3. CoE Cyber Crime Convention (1997–2001) : First international treaty seeking to address Internet crimes
by harmonizing national laws, improving investigative techniques and increasing cooperation among
nations. More than 40 countries have ratified the Convention to date.
Cyber Crime : Extended Enterprise

Virtual Integration Strategic Alliances


Outsourcing Customer Partnership

Cyber Crime : 5 P’s


Perseverance Prevention

Preservation Protection
Cyber Crime : Extended Enterprise
Kaspersky Spam and Phishing in 2021
What you’ve learned

1 Definition of Cyber
Security? 2 Cyber Crime and
Information Security

3 Classification of
Cyber Criminals 4 Classification of
Cyber Crimes

5 Cyber Laws :
Indian Perspective 6 Cyber Laws :
Global Perspective

7 Extended Enterprise
and 5 P’s

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