Part 1 Water Supply System
Part 1 Water Supply System
Part 1 Water Supply System
Plumbing Introduction
Is the art and technique of installing pipes, fixtures & other apparatuses in
buildings & for bringing the supply, liquids, substances &/or ingredients & removing
From the Latin plumbum for lead as pipes were once made from lead.
Refers to a system of pipes and fixtures installed in a building for the distribution of
potable water and the removal of water borne wastes.
01- Plumbing Definition
*Refer to Wikipedia website
Al-Jazari was born in the island of Ibn Omar, which is located today in the northern Syrian
provinces on the Tigris River, then he worked as the chief engineer in Diyarbakir (AMD) north of the
Euphrates Island.
Al-Jazari had the patronage of the rulers of Diyarbakir from the Banu Ertik, and he entered the
service of their kings for twenty-five years, beginning in the year 570 AH / 1174 CE, and he became
chief engineer of mechanics in the court.
Al-Jazari designed many machines of great importance, many of which were not known anywhere
in the world before. Among his machines: water-lifting machines, water clocks with a self-alert
system, transfer valves, self-control systems and many others explained in his wonderful author
with illustrative drawings, which he called "the combination of science and useful work in making
01- Plumbing Definition Cont’d
Jacuzzi Fountains
01- Plumbing (Topics) Cont’d
Code Title
NSPC National standard plumbing code
IPC International plumbing code
UPC Uniform plumbing code
ASPE American society of plumbing engineering
EGYPTIAN ﺍﻟﻛﻭﺩ ﺍﻟﻣﺻﺭﻱ ﻷﺳﺱ ﺗﺻﻣﻳﻡ ﻭﺷﺭﻭﻁ ﺍﻟﺗﻧﻔﻳﺫ ﻟﻬﻧﺩﺳﺔ ﺍﻟﺗﺭﻛﻳﺑﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﺻﺣﺔ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻣﺑﺎﻧﻲ
CODE 301ﻛﻭﺩ
HTM-02 Health technical memoranda
NFPA-99 Health care facilities code
NFPA-54 National fuel code
IFGC International fuel gas code
Educational book
Engineered plumbing design by [Dr Alfred Steele]
03- Plumbing codes (Cont’d)
To Contents
Part I - Contents
Water Closet
• Operates by principal of siphon jet reverse trap
1. Flush Tank – typically for residential use
2. Flush Valve – typically for non-residential use (public places)
3. Floor mounted – typically for residential use
4. Wall mounted – for residential and non-residential use (more hygienic)
5. Handicapped
6. Asiatic WC
01- Plumbing Fixtures (Cont’d)
Water Closet
01- Plumbing Fixtures (Cont’d)
Asiatic WC
01- Plumbing Fixtures (Cont’d)
• The bidet is about the same size and shape as a water closet and could be
classified as a small bath. It is used primarily for washing the anal regions
after using the water closet.
• The hot and cold water supply and the drain fitting are very similar to those
used for lavatories, Instead of the water entering the bowl from a spout,
however, it is introduced through a flushing rim
01- Plumbing Fixtures (Cont’d)
01- Plumbing Fixtures (Cont’d)
1. Wall Hung
• Splash back (most common)
• Slab
• Shelf Back
• Ledge Back
• Pedestal
• Half pedestal
2. Above & Under Counter
3. Handicapped
4. Sterilization
01- Plumbing Fixtures (Cont’d)
Lavatories (Cont’d)
1. Wall Hung
Lavatories (Cont’d)
2. Above & under counter
Lavatories (Cont’d)
2. Handicapped
01- Plumbing Fixtures (Cont’d)
Lavatories (Cont’d)
3. Sterilization
01- Plumbing Fixtures (Cont’d)
Kitchen Sink
01- Plumbing Fixtures (Cont’d)
Emergency Shower
01- Plumbing Fixtures (Cont’d)
Potable Grey Storm Irrigation Fire Fighting
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
Municipality Water
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
Municipality Water
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
Municipality Water
• Corporation Stop Valve
A connection to the street main that is approved by the municipal water
authority, consisting of a connection or tap, and a valve.
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
*Refer to NSPC 2009Ed Cha.10 – Sec. 10.12.1
Municipality Water
• Curb Stop Valve
An underground valve accessible from the surface to enable shut-off of the
water service from outside of a building.
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
Well Water
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
Well Water
• Generally, well water can be made potable by on-site treatment systems.
• The water is first tested to determine the type of treatment that is required.
• Types of contamination
a) Bacterial
b) Chemical
c) Radiological
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
(03) (04)
06-Fire Fighting
(05) (06)
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
Water Tanks
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
Piping (Material)
• There is various piping materials to be used for water service piping and water
distribution piping.
• Generally, the most popular materials are:
Piping (Material)
b) Water Distribution Pipe
• High density polyethylene (HDPE).
• Galvanized steel pipe
• uPVC plastic pipe
Piping (Material)
Difference Between SDR and PN and PE and CL and Schedule ?
Item Definition
SDR is the "Standard Dimensional Ratio" and refers to the geometry of the pipe. SDR is
defined as the ratio of the nominal outside diameter to the nominal wall thickness.
SDR = dn/en (dn=nominal outside dia. & en=nominal thickness)
(ex. SDR 11 – SDR 9 …...)
PN “Pressure Nominal” indicates the pressure in bars the pipe can support with water
at 20 oC (ex. PN16 = 16bar)
PE “Polyethylene” pipes are classified by the type of material used
PE 100, PE 80, PE63, PE 40 or PE 32
CL PVC pipe types labeled “Class” (abbreviated “CL“) are based on the pipe’s pressure
rating. Cl 200 PVC pipe is rated for 200 PSI of water pressure.
Schedule The schedule number on pipe products relates to the thickness of the wall on the
pipe: as the number increases, the thicker the wall thickness becomes.
(ex. Sch.40 – sch.80)
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
Piping (Material)
Difference Between SDR and PN and PE and CL and Schedule ?
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
Piping (Material)
Difference Between SDR and PN and PE and CL and Schedule ?
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
Piping (Insulation)
• Required for energy conservation for all hot water piping.
• To prevent condensation on cold water pipes.
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
*Refer to ASPE volume-4 cha.5
Piping (Insulation)
• Insulation thickness estimated from below table
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
Piping (Fittings)
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
Piping (Fittings)
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
*Refer to NSPC- Cha.10 – Sec.10.12.8
• Types:
a) Double check valve
b) Reduced Pressure Zone
• Remarks
a) Must adhere to Health department requirements
b) Heated, lighted enclosure
c) Cannot be located underground
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
*Refer to IPC – Cha.6 – Sec.604.8
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
Piping (Disinfection)
• All new water distribution piping must be purged of harmful matter and
2. The system or part thereof shall be filled with a water/ chlorine solution containing not less than 50
parts per million (50 mg/L) of chlorine, and the system or part thereof shall be valved off and allowed
to stand for 24 hours; or the system or part thereof shall be filled with a water/chlorine solution
containing not less than 200 parts per million (200 mg/L) of chlorine and allowed to stand for 3 hours.
3. Following the required standing time, the system shall be flushed with clean potable water until the
chlorine is purged from the system.
4. The procedure shall be repeated where shown by a bacteriological examination that contamination
remains present in the system.
5. If it is impossible to disinfect the potable water-storage tank as provided above, the entire interior of
the tank shall be swabbed with a solution containing 200 parts per million of available chlorine and the
solution allowed to stand two hours before flushing and returning to service.
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
Water Pumps
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
Pump Usage
Transfer pump (Filling) To transfer water from low level tank to elevated tank
Booster pump For boosting water to levels near to elevated tank
Hot water circulation pump For central hot water circulation
Irrigation pump For irrigation system for plants
Filtration pump For pools & water features circulation system
Dosing pump For dosing chemicals in treatment processes
Display pump For fountain jet nozzles
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
Heater Types
Individual Central
1) Instantaneous type
• Water is heated almost instantaneously as it flow through tubes surrounding
a coil.
• Used for applications with a continuous hot water flow demand.
2) storage type
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
HW CI. pump
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
*Refer to NSPC 2009Ed Cha.10 – Sec.10.15
Heat Pump
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
02- WS System Components (Cont’d)
*Refer to
Water Supply
Direct Supply
With elevated
With elevated
& ground
03- Water Supply Systems
design and basis Developed
Concept design. Detailed design.
of design report design.
Design Procedure
04- Potable WS Systems Design
2) Booster pump Flow Calculation – Water supply Fixture Unit (WSFU) Tables
04- Potable WS Systems Design
*Refer to IPC 2009Ed - Appendix E – table (E103.3(3))
ρ X Cp X ∆T
1) Residual Head
04- Potable WS Systems Design
*Refer to NSPC 2009Ed Appendix B – Table (B.7.3.E)
2) Head Losses
Note :
Friction losses can roughly
considered as 4m/100m of
longest pipe path
04- Potable WS Systems Design
*Refer to IPC 2009Ed - Appendix E – table (E103.3(3))
2) Head Losses
Note :
You can assume that Fitting
losses equal to 50% of pipe
friction losses
04- Potable WS Systems Design
*Refer to filters catalogues
2) Head Losses
3) Static Head
Note :
1bar = 10m water column
04- Potable WS Systems Design
2) Head Losses
Note :
Friction losses can roughly considered
as 4m/100m of longest pipe path
You can assume that Fitting losses
equal to 50% of pipe friction losses
04- Potable WS Systems Design
Heater Design
Individual Central
Instantaneous Storage Heating Element Storage Heating Element
ρ X Flow X Cp X (∆Temp.) x UF
Power input =
• ∆Temp taken as 50C • ρ = 1000 kg/m3
• Efficiency = 95% • Cp = 4.18 KJ/Kg.K
• Flow from step 4 • UF = usage factor
04- Potable WS Systems Design
*Refer to engineered plumbing design (Dr. steel) cha.16
ρ X V X Cp X (∆Temp.)
Power input =
ρ X V X Cp X (∆Temp.)
Power input =
Hot Water Hot Water Refrigerant
Gas Electricity
04- Potable WS Systems Design
*Refer to engineered plumbing design (Dr. steel) cha.16
Note :
04- Potable WS Systems Design
*Refer to Hubbell catalogue
Boiler Body
Boiler design
Exhaust fan
04- Potable WS Systems Design
Notes :
P1 : usually is system working pressure
P2 : usually taken as 1.5 – 2 times P1
04- Potable WS Systems Design
*Refer to Alfa Laval design guide
2) A typical k-value (water/water) for a plate heat exchanger is 6,000-7,500 W/m² °C while
a typical shell-and-tube exchanger gives only 2,000-2,500 W/m² °C.
4) To achieve M = 20-25% in the plate heat exchanger with 6,000-7,500 W/m² °C the Rf -
value should only be 0.33 x 10-4 m² °C/W.
Q = Water Flow (m3/hr)
A = Filter area = (π/4) x d2 (m2)
V = Filtration rate (m3/hr/m2)
Typical filtration rate between 30
to 50 m3/hr/m2
04- Potable WS Systems Design
*Refer to Aqua catalogue
Hardness = Inlet water hardness – Outlet water hardness = 350 – 75 = 275 ppm
275 ppm = 275/17.1 grain/gal = 16.1 grain/gal
From Catalogue in
3) Water usage per day = 32 x 60 x 24 = 46080 gal/day (grain/ft3 of resin)
4) Total grain/day = 16.1 x 46080 = 741888 grain/day
5) Resin volume required = Step 4 x no. of days / resin capacity
= 741888 x 1 / 150000 = 4.9 ft3 of resin = 0.14m3
6) Salt consumption per generation = resign volume x salt dosage =4.9 x 15= 73.5 Ib =33.5kg
04- Potable WS Systems Design
*Refer to Watts catalogue
Velocity ≥ 10ft/s
• High friction
• Noisy
04- Potable WS Systems Design
For internal tenant areas in any building water meter size is 22mm
05- Drinking Chilled Water Supply
System Design
*Refer to engineered plumbing design (Dr. steel) cha.20
Chiller load = (Usage load + circulation pipe losses + Circulation pump heat input) x 1.15
Chiller load = (Usage load + circulation pipe losses + Circulation pump heat input) x 1.15
Chiller load = (Usage load + circulation pipe losses + Circulation pump heat input) x 1.15
05- Drinking Chilled Water Supply
System Design (Cont’d)
*Refer to engineered plumbing design (Dr. steel) cha.20
150 gal
05- Drinking Chilled Water Supply
System Design (Cont’d)
*Refer to HydroThrift catalogue