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Predicting Sugarcane Biometric Parameters by UAV
Multispectral Images and Machine Learning
Romário Porto de Oliveira * , Marcelo Rodrigues Barbosa Júnior , Antônio Alves Pinto, Jean Lucas
Pereira Oliveira, Cristiano Zerbato and Carlos Eduardo Angeli Furlani

Department of Engineering and Exact Sciences, School of Veterinarian and Agricultural Sciences,
São Paulo State University (Unesp), Jaboticabal 14884-900, SP, Brazil
* Correspondence:

Abstract: Multispectral sensors onboard unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) have proven accurate
and fast to predict sugarcane yield. However, challenges to a reliable approach still exist. In this
study, we propose to predict sugarcane biometric parameters by using machine learning (ML)
algorithms and multitemporal data through the analysis of multispectral images from UAV onboard
sensors. The research was conducted on five varieties of sugarcane, as a way to make a robust
approach. Multispectral images were collected every 40 days and the evaluated biometric parameters
were: number of tillers (NT), plant height (PH), and stalk diameter (SD). Two ML models were
used: multiple linear regression (MLR) and random forest (RF). The results showed that models
for predicting sugarcane NT, PH, and SD using time series and ML algorithms had accurate and
precise predictions. Blue, Green, and NIR spectral bands provided the best performance in predicting
sugarcane biometric attributes. These findings expand the possibilities for using multispectral UAV
imagery in predicting sugarcane yield, particularly by including biophysical parameters.

Keywords: digital agriculture; number of tillers; plant height; stalk diameter; spectral bands
Citation: Oliveira, R.P.d.; Barbosa
Júnior, M.R.; Pinto, A.A.; Oliveira,
J.L.P.; Zerbato, C.; Furlani, C.E.A.
Predicting Sugarcane Biometric
Parameters by UAV Multispectral
1. Introduction
Images and Machine Learning. Sugarcane is a semi-perennial grass grown globally, mainly in tropical and subtropical
Agronomy 2022, 12, 1992. https:// countries, represented as a product of great importance for international agricultural trade and relevant raw material for agroindustry [1]. It can massively produce sugar, biofuel, and
Academic Editor: Paul Kwan
biopower [2]. Hence, timely and accurate sugarcane yield prediction is valuable for national
food security and sustainable agriculture development [3]. Predicting sugarcane yield is not
Received: 5 July 2022 an easy task and, although previous studies have found solutions to this puzzle, challenges
Accepted: 18 August 2022 still need to be addressed. Thereby, the development of an alternative is necessary.
Published: 23 August 2022 Reviewing in-depth the academic literature on sugarcane yield prediction, we can find
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral several studies on remote sensing solutions. For instance, a satellite approach by Abebe,
with regard to jurisdictional claims in Tadesse, and Gessesse [4], combined Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2A imagery for improved
published maps and institutional affil- sugarcane yield estimation. The approach applied the most popular vegetation indices (VIs)
iations. for the second and third ratoon sugarcane crop and used support vector regression (SVR) as
a statistical method. Their results were useful for sugarcane yield estimation. Nevertheless,
crop yield depends on soil type, weather conditions, plant genotype, and management
practices. Hence, the use of a single type of observation is not reliable to provide the true
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. state of the agroecological system, causing misinformation about crop yield estimation [5].
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
Another contribution by Yu et al. [6], highlights the simulations by integrating multi-source
This article is an open access article
observations in sugarcane fields. Stronger points in this study included PH, leaf area index,
distributed under the terms and
and soil moisture variables to improve reliable sugarcane yield estimation. Collaboration is
conditions of the Creative Commons
timely and provides an improvement in academic progress. However, uncertainties and
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
limitations have been noted, mainly in the statistical model to characterize the potential
growth of PH, which constrains further applications. By further analyzing the bibliographic

Agronomy 2022, 12, 1992.

Agronomy 2022, 12, 1992 2 of 11

collection, we can examine another important collaboration by Tanut, Waranusast, and

Riyamongkol [7]. They used a new generation of remote sensing platforms, the UAV. Here,
the authors [7], proposed high accuracy by using data mining and reverse design methods.
Data of various variables were used, such as sugarcane variety, plant distance, ratoon cut
count, yield level, and soil group. The results for sugarcane yield prediction were reached
with an accuracy of 98.69% but are still limited since they only used RGB images.
The canopy density of the sugarcane plantation is challenging to map, resulting in
increased difficulties in yield estimation. These issues often result in less accurate and
unreliable yield estimations. NT, PH, and SD have a large influence on the final sugarcane
yield, as they are agronomic traits which are widely used to estimate yield [8–12]. Sugarcane
yield is characterized by approximately 70% contribution by the NT, 27% by PH, and 3%
by SD [13]. However, mainly NT and SD are still quantified by counting in the field,
a laborious and time-consuming task. Therefore, a new further approach is necessary,
and UAVs prove to be useful for it. On the other hand, traditional statistic methods
assume linear correlations between observed and predict yields, which could not accurately
reflect non-linear relationships. Thus, ML algorithms can be adopted to overcome these
challenges [14]. Random forest is a decision tree ML algorithm with great potential in
agronomic predictions, such as yield prediction [15], and biomass estimation [16]. Another
widely applied algorithm is the MLR. It is a low-complexity regression model and has
found reliable prediction results in previous studies [4,17–19].
In this work, we propose to expand the possibilities of sugarcane yield prediction,
mainly by including data from biophysical parameters obtained by remote sensing. There-
fore, we analyzed how RF and MLR models can address the puzzle of predicting NT, PH,
and SD using UAV multispectral images in search for timely results in remote sugarcane
yield prediction, thus being able to improve sugarcane yield prediction.

2. Material and Methods

2.1. Site of Study and Biometric Data
The study was conducted in an experimental field located at the São Paulo State
University, Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brazil (21◦ 140 5700 S, 48◦ 160 5500 W, and altitude of ~570 m).
The local climate is Cwa, a humid subtropical climate with a dry winter season and an
average annual temperature of 22 ◦ C [20]. The rainy season is concentrated between
November and March, with an annual average of 1428 mm. The soil type is Oxisol [21].
Five sugarcane cultivars were planted in the experimental area, namely CTC4, CTC9001,
IACSP95-5094, RB867515, and RB966928. All cultivars formed a single plant group to in-
crease the robustness of this approach. We collected data from 240 plant rows (48 plant
rows per cultivar). The plant rows corresponded to 10 m in length. We counted the NT of
all plants in the row and then converted it to NT m−1 . We used the average value of ten
plants measured in the row for SD and PH. NT and PH were measured at 130 days after
planting (DAP), a period near the end of tillering [22,23], and SD was measured at 220 DAP
(Figure 1). Growing degree days (GDD) corresponding to the data collection period were
determined to establish relationships between canopy spectral changes and production
components (Figure 1).

2.2. UAV-Based Data Collection

We carried out three flights at 80, 120, and 160 DAP (Figure 1). We used a multispectral
camera (MicaSense RedEdge-M, MicaSense Inc., Seattle, WA, USA) onboard a multirotor
UAV for flight. The sensor captures five spectral bands: Blue, Green, Red, RedEdge, and
NIR (Table 1). The flights were performed at a 30 m altitude, thus ensuring a ground sample
distance (GSD) of 2.8 cm. We adopted an overlap of 75% front and 70% side. Images were
stitched using SfM software (Agisoft Metashape Professional 1.5.5, Agisoft, St. Petersburg,
Russia). We segmented the orthomosaics before applying the proposed approach to remove
the interference from the soil background. Finally, spectral band information and VIs
Agronomy 2022, 12, 1992 3 of 11

Agronomy 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 12

(Table 2) were obtained by using the Mask and Zonal Statistical tools from QGIS 3.10.9
software (Free software Inc., Boston, MA, USA).

Biometric and image data collection

Sprouting Tillering Elongation

DAP 80 120 130 160 220
GDD 349 397 404 410 572
Plant height
BIOMETRIC DATA Stalk diameter
Number of tiller

Figure Illustrativeexample
throughout the days after planting.
throughout the days after planting.

2.2. UAV-Based
Table Data
1. Wavelength Collection
to bands present in MicaSense RedEdge-M.
We carried out three flights at 80, 120, and 160 DAP (Figure 1). We used a multispec-
Band Name Center Wavelength (nm) Bandwidth FWHM (nm)
tral camera (MicaSense RedEdge-M, MicaSense Inc., Seattle, WA, USA) onboard a multi-
rotor UAV for flight. The sensor captures five
Blue 475 spectral bands: Blue, Green, 20Red, RedEdge,
and NIR (TableGreen1). The flights were performed 560 at a 30 m altitude, thus ensuring20 a ground
Red 668 10
sample distance
(GSD) of 2.8 cm. We adopted 717
an overlap of 75% front and 10
70% side. Im-
ages were stitched
NIR using SfM software (Agisoft840 Metashape Professional 1.5.5, 40 Agisoft, St.
Petersburg, Russia). We segmented the orthomosaics before applying the proposed ap-
Table to used
2. VIs remove the interference
in stepwise frommodel.
variable selection the soil background.
These Finally,
VIs are useful spectral
to analyze band
biophysica infor-
mation and VIs (Table 2) were obtained by using the Mask and Zonal Statistical tools from
QGIS 3.10.9 software
Vegetation (Free software Inc, Boston,
Index MA, USA).
Equation Reference
Normalized Difference Vegetation NIR−R
Index 1. Wavelength to bands present in MicaSenseNIRRedEdge-M.
+R [24]
Normalized Difference Red Edge
Band Name Center Wavelength (nm)
Bandwidth FWHM [25] (nm)
Blue 475 20[26]
Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index NIR − R
NIR+R+0.5 (1 + 0.5)
Green 560 20
Red 668 10
2.3. Predict on ML
RedEdge 717 10
2.3.1. Data Curation
NIR 840 40
A functional dataset was generated to group the data (Figure 2). The spectral data
Table 2. VIs usedto in
each imagevariable
stepwise collection date were
selection model.evaluated
These VIs separately
are useful toand together
analyze to de-
termine which one performs best in predicting the parameters. The independent variables
used in the models were spectral bands (Table 1) and three VIs (Table 2). The biometric
Vegetation Index Equation
parameters of sugarcane measured in the field consisted of dependent variables. Reference
We used
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
the Z-score method to detect and remove outliers from NIR the+dataset [24]
[27]. The stepwise
analysis was performed using NIR − RedEdge
the RF algorithm to select the best independent variables
Normalized Difference Red Edge Index [25]
NIR + RedEdge
Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index � � (1 + 0.5) [26]
NIR + R + 0.5
A functional dataset was generated to group the data (Figure 2). The spectra
corresponding to each image collection date were evaluated separately and toget
determine which one performs best in predicting the parameters. The independent
bles used in the models were spectral bands (Table 1) and three VIs (Table 2). Th
metric parameters of sugarcane measured in the field consisted of dependent vari
Agronomy 2022, 12, 1992 We used the Z-score method to detect and remove outliers from the dataset 4 of 11 [27]. The
wise analysis was performed using the RF algorithm to select the best independent
bles to be used in the prediction models. This method determines the variables tha
to be used in the greatest influence
models.on themethod
This result set. Thus, wethe
determines used only those
variables thatthat
the the gr
greatest influence on theinresult
the model. The root
set. Thus, meanonly
we used square error
those (RMSE)
that providewas
thethe metric used to
efficiency in the best performing
model. The root meanpredictor
squarevariables by stepwise.
error (RMSE) was the metric used to select
the best performing predictor variables by stepwise.

Figure 2. Workflow of the data acquisition, image processing, and modeling process.
Figure 2. Workflow of the data acquisition, image processing, and modeling process.
2.3.2. Data Analysis
In this paper, Data
two ML prediction models, namely MLR and RF. The models
were processed using the open-source ML library ‘scikit-learn’ in Python programming
In this paper, we used two ML prediction models, namely MLR and RF. The m
language v3.8.10 in the Jupyter Notebook environment. We selected the best combination
were processed using the open-source ML library ‘scikit-learn’ in Python program
of the number of trees (n_estimators) and maximum tree depth (max_depth) for RF. The
language v3.8.10 in the Jupyter Notebook environment. We selected the best combin
validation method “K-fold cross-validation” was used. This validation method was applied
of the number of trees (n_estimators) and maximum tree depth (max_depth) for R
with K = 5. The dataset was divided into five subsets (fold), in which 80% of the data was
validation method “K-fold cross-validation” was used. This validation method w
used for training and 20% for validation. We repeated the process 5 times, and the model
plied with K = 5. The dataset was divided into five subsets (fold), in which 80% of th
was trained and validated on different datasets in each repetition. The performance of
was used for training and 20% for validation. We repeated the process 5 times, an
the MLR and RF models was evaluated by considering the coefficient of determination
2 modelerror
(R ), mean absolute was trained
(MAE), andandvalidated
root meanonsquare
different datasets
error (RMSE).in each
2 shows The
an perform
of the MLR
overview of the methodology. and RF models was evaluated by considering the coefficient of determin
(R2), mean absolute error (MAE), and root mean square error (RMSE). Figure 2 sho
3. Results overview of the methodology.
3.1. Selection of Predictor Variables
3. Results
We obtained two predictor combinations with good performance composed of two and
three variables.3.1.
TheSelection of Predictor
first selected Variablescomposed of two variables was represented
by the Blue and Green We obtained two predictor
spectral bands, while thecombinations with good
second combination performance
corresponded composed o
to the
Blue, Green, and andNIRthree variables.
bands. The first selected
The combination of two combination composed
and three variables wasof similar
two variables
for was
NT, with RMSE sented
= 3.9 byandthe Blue
3.6, and Green We
respectively. spectral
noted bands, while the second
that performance was combination
stable using correspo
to the (Figure
two to six variables Blue, Green, andsame
3a). The NIR bands. The combination
was observed of two3c).
for SD (Figure andThus,
variables was
one variable orlar for NT,
more thanwith RMSE = 3.9
six increases theand 3.6,The
error. respectively. We notedfor
predictor variables thatSDperformance
showed was
RMSE = 2.54 mm using two to six variables (Figure 3a). The same was observed for SD (Figure 3c).
and 2.52 mm for two and three variables, respectively. Different results
were found forusing
PH. The onenumbers
variable ofor variables
more than six increases
showed similar the error.
results, Thequickly
with predictor variables f
results for two (RMSE = 20.4 cm) and three variables (RMSE = 20.2 cm). Thus, models were
tested using the two selected combinations of variables, with two and three variables, as all
bands in the first combination (two variables) are in the visible spectral region.
showed RMSE = 2.54 mm and 2.52 mm for two and three variables, respectively. Different
results were found for PH. The numbers of variables showed similar results, with quickly
better results for two (RMSE = 20.4 cm) and three variables (RMSE = 20.2 cm). Thus, mod-
els were tested using the two selected combinations of variables, with two and three var-
Agronomy 2022, 12, 1992
iables, as all bands in the first combination (two variables) are in the visible spectral 5re-
of 11


Figure 3. 3.
Performance graph
Performance variables
graph selection.
variables (a)(a)
selection. number of of
number tillers—NT. (b)(b)
tillers—NT. plant height—PH.
plant height—PH.
stalk diameter—SD.
stalk diameter—SD.

3.2. Predictions
Predictions of of Biometric
Biometric Parameters
3.2.1. Predicting the Number of Tillers
3.2.1. Predicting the Number of Tillers
The best prediction models for NT were reached using the RF algorithm with three
The best prediction models for NT were reached using the RF algorithm with three
variables (Table 3). The fusion of image time series data (GDD = 349 + 397) provided better
variables (Table 3). The fusion of image time series data 2 =(GDD = 349 + 397) provided better
precision and accuracy using three variables, with R 0.91, MAE = 1.04, and RMSE = 1.40.
precision and accuracy using three variables, with R = 0.91, MAE = 1.04, and RMSE = 1.40.
In contrast, for independent predictions, the images collected at 349 GDD showed better
In contrast, for independent predictions, the images collected at 349 GDD showed better
precision and accuracy (higher 2R2 and lower MAE and RMSE) compared to 397 GDD. We
precision and accuracy (higher R and lower MAE and RMSE) compared to 397 GDD. We
clearly observed that model accuracy or precision decreased for predictions using two
clearly observed that model accuracy or precision decreased for predictions using two
variables. The results were also similar to those found for models with three variables, in
which the The results were
combination of also
GDDs similar to those
ensured betterfound for models
performance thanwith three variables,
independent in
(R2 =the combination
0.88, MAE = 1.29, ofand
GDDsRMSEensured better
= 1.67). performance
Moreover, than independent
the images collected at aprediction
GDD of 349
2 = 0.88, MAE = 1.29, and RMSE = 1.67). Moreover, the images collected at a GDD of 349
showed better performance for independent prediction (R = 0.85, MAE = 1.42, and
RMSEshowed better performance for independent prediction (R2 = 0.85, MAE = 1.42, and
= 1.83).
RMSE Predictions
= 1.83). of NT using the MLR algorithm presented similar results to RF, but with
lower precision and accuracy values (Table 3). Model precision and accuracy using three
variables outperformed models with two variables. The combination of GDD = 349 and 397
showed a slightly higher precision and accuracy with three variables than the independent
prediction of 349 GDD (R2 = 0.67 to 0.65, MAE = 2.11 to 2.16, and RMSE = 2.73 to 2.78,
respectively). This pattern of better models was sustained when we used two variables,
and again the combination of GDDs provided better results. The best correlations between
observed and predicted NT are shown in Figure 4.
Agronomy 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 12

Predictions of NT using the MLR algorithm presented similar results to RF, but with
Agronomy 2022, 12, 1992 lower precision and accuracy values (Table 3). Model precision and accuracy using three 6 of 11
variables outperformed models with two variables. The combination of GDD = 349 and
397 showed a slightly higher precision and accuracy with three variables than the inde-
pendent prediction of 349 GDD (R2 = 0.67 to 0.65, MAE = 2.11 to 2.16, and RMSE = 2.73 to
2.78, respectively).
Table 3. Results ofThis
RFpattern of better
and MLR models was
algorithms sustained
to predict thewhen
NT. we used two varia-
bles, and again the combination of GDDs provided better results. The best correlations
between observed and predicted NT are shown in Figure 4. Growing Degree Days
Algorithms Metrics Variables
Table 3. Results of RF and MLR algorithms to predict the NT. 349 397 349 + 397
Two best Growing Degree Days 0.82
0.85 0.88
Algorithms Metrics
R2 Variables
Three best349 397
0.90 349 +0.84
397 0.91
Two bestTwo best 0.85 0.82 0.88
RF R2 1.42 1.59 1.29
MAE Three best
Three best0.90 0.84
1.13 0.91
1.41 1.04
Two best 1.42 1.59 1.29
RF MAE Two best 1.13 1.83 2.08 1.67
RMSE Three best 1.41 1.04
Two bestThree best1.83 1.50
2.08 1.87
1.67 1.40
Three best
Two best 1.50 1.87
0.56 1.40
0.48 0.57
R2 Two bestThree best0.56 0.48
0.65 0.57
0.52 0.67
Three best 0.65 0.52 0.67
MLR Two best
Two best 2.50 2.50
MLR MAEMAE Three best2.16 2.16 2.61 2.11
Three best 2.61 2.11
Two bestTwo best 3.15 3.50
3.15 3.11
3.50 3.11
Three best
Three best2.78 3.34
2.78 2.73
3.34 2.73

Figure Scatter
Figure 4.4.Scatter plots
plots of observed
of observed and predicted
and predicted NT values NT values
for RF for RF
and MLR. Theand
plotsMLR. The plots are based on
are based
on the
the selection of
selection of three
threevariables and and
variables combination of images
combination ofcollected
349 and 397atGDD.
349 and 397 GDD.

3.2.2. Predicting
3.2.2. PredictingPlant Height
Plant Height
The RFRFalgorithm outperformed
algorithm the MLR regarding
outperformed the MLR the result of PH prediction
regarding the result(Ta-of PH prediction
ble 4). In addition, models using three variables performed better than those with two
(Table 4).Images
variables. In addition, models
corresponding to GDD using
= 349 three
and 397variables
revealed moreperformed
precise andbetter
accu- than those with
two variables.
rate results. Images
The images corresponding
collected to GDD
at 349 GDD showed more = precise
349 and
and397 revealed
accurate results more precise and
when considering
accurate onlyThe
results. independent
collected In at
349 GDD the combination
showedofmoreGDD =precise
349 and accurate
and 397 showed
results when better performance
considering for independent
only two variables than individual GDD
predictors. values. How-
In contrast, the combination of
ever, we can reach reliable results if we still choose to use only the data at 349 GDD, for
GDD = 349 and 397 showed better performance for two variables than individual GDD
example (R2 = 0.81, MAE = 8.60 cm, and RMSE = 11.16 cm).
values. However,
MLR-based modelswe can
were notreach reliable
as efficient as RF.results
However, if an
still choose to use
>0.60 could be only the data at
349 GDD, whenforwe used two(R
example and =
three variables
0.81, MAE (Table
= 8.604).cm,
Once again,
and RMSEmodels with three
= 11.16 cm).
variables were more accurate and precise. Our results showed better fit for fusions of GDD
Table 4. Results of RF and MLR algorithms to predict the PH.

Growing Degree Days

Algorithms Metrics Variables
349 397 349 + 397
Two best 0.81 0.72 0.86
R2 Three best 0.84 0.83 0.88
RF Two best 8.60 10.24 7.54
MAE (cm)
Three best 7.77 8.08 6.97
Two best 11.16 13.50 9.71
RMSE (cm)
Three best 10.18 10.44 8.90
Two best 0.46 0.32 0.60
R2 Three best 0.49 0.53 0.65
MLR Two best 14.60 16.42 12.89
MAE (cm)
Three best 14.45 14.09 11.98
Two best 18.81 21.02 16.32
RMSE (cm)
Three best 18.34 17.49 15.17
Algorithms Metrics Variables
349 397 349 + 397
Two best 0.81 0.72 0.86
Three best 0.84 0.83 0.88
Two best 8.60 10.24 7.54
RF MAE (cm)
Agronomy 2022, 12, 1992 Three best 7.77 8.08 6.97 7 of 11
Two best 11.16 13.50 9.71
RMSE (cm)
Three best 10.18 10.44 8.90
MLR-based models were Twonotbest
as efficient as0.46
RF. However, 0.32 0.60 could
an accuracy >0.60
R2 we used two and three variables (Table 4). Once again, models with
be obtained when Three best 0.49 0.53 0.65
three variables were more accurate and precise. Our results showed better fit for fusions
Two best 14.60 16.42 12.89
of GDD = 349 MAE (cm)
and 397 (R2 = 0.60, MAE = 12.89 cm, and RMSE = 16.32 cm). Nevertheless,
Three best 14.45 14.09 11.98
we can still achieve potential results for independent predictors, especially at 397 GDD
2 Two best 18.81 21.02 16.32
(R = 0.53, MAE RMSE (cm)cm, and RMSE = 17.49 cm). The fit of the observed and predicted
= 14.09
PH is shown in Figure 5. Three best 18.34 17.49 15.17

of observed
observed and predicted PH
and predicted PH values
are based
based on
thethe selection
selection of of three
three variables
variables and
and combination
combination of of images
images collected
collected at at
397397 GDD.

MLR. But, in short, the prediction results for SD showed more accurate and precise models
MLR. But, in short, the prediction results for SD showed more accurate and precise models
image collection periods. The fusion of data collected at 349 and 397 GDD
image collection periods. The fusion of data collected at 349 and 397 GDD allowed betterallowed better
results, similarlywhen
whenwe weadded
addedthe thedata
on singledate
option,we weobtain
either for two or three variables (R 2 = 0.49 to 0.51, MAE = 1.54 to 1.53 mm, and RMSE = 1.97
either for two or three variables (R = 0.49 to 0.51, MAE = 1.54 to 1.53 mm, and RMSE =
to 1.95
1.97 mm,mm,
to 1.95 respectively).
The application of the MLR algorithm to predict SD produced better results in the
Table 5. Results of RF and MLR algorithms to predict the SD.
combination of images collected at 349, 397, and 410 GDD (R2 = 0.43, MAE = 1.55 mm, and
RMSE = 2.07 mm). However, we had closely similar results when
Growing combining
Degree Days only data at
349 and 397 GDD
Algorithms (R2 = 0.40,Variables
Metrics MAE = 1.64 mm, 349 and RMSE
397 = 2.14 mm) (Table
349 + 397 349 +Moreover,
5). 397 + 410
if we decide to use only oneTwo collection
we can collect
the data
at 349 GDD and still
have similar results
R2 (R2 = 0.38, MAE
Three best = 1.64 mm,
0.51 and RMSE
0.39 = 2.17 mm).
0.52 In this prediction,
RF precision and accuracy Twowere
best reached1.54
at 397 GDD1.78(R = 0.15,
2 MAE = 1.75, and
1.53 1.52RMSE
MAE (mm)
= 2.25 mm). Although usingThree two best
is not the 1.69
best option,1.51
considerable values
1.50 can
be achieved by fusing data Two frombest
349, 397, 1.97
and 410 GDD 2.27 (R2 = 0.36,
1.95MAE = 1.68 1.93 mm, and
RMSE (mm)
RMSE = 2.19 mm). Better metrics Three for
1.95 prediction
2.16 of SD1.91
were found at 1.88349 GDD
Two best 0.35 0.15 0.36 0.36
R Three best 0.38 0.34 0.40 0.43
MLR Two best 1.72 2.00 1.70 1.68
MAE (mm)
Three best 1.64 1.75 1.64 1.55
Two best 2.22 2.55 2.21 2.19
RMSE (mm)
Three best 2.17 2.25 2.14 2.07

The application of the MLR algorithm to predict SD produced better results in the
combination of images collected at 349, 397, and 410 GDD (R2 = 0.43, MAE = 1.55 mm, and
RMSE = 2.07 mm). However, we had closely similar results when combining only data at
349 and 397 GDD (R2 = 0.40, MAE = 1.64 mm, and RMSE = 2.14 mm) (Table 5). Moreover,
if we decide to use only one collection date, we can collect the data at 349 GDD and still
have similar results (R2 = 0.38, MAE = 1.64 mm, and RMSE = 2.17 mm). In this prediction,
lower precision and accuracy were reached at 397 GDD (R2 = 0.15, MAE = 1.75, and
RMSE = 2.25 mm). Although using two variables is not the best option, considerable values
Two best 1.54 1.78 1.53 1.52
RF MAE (mm)
Three best 1.53 1.69 1.51 1.50
Two best 1.97 2.27 1.95 1.93
RMSE (mm)
Three best 1.95 2.16 1.91 1.88
Agronomy 2022, 12, 1992 Two best 0.35 0.15 0.36 0.368 of 11
Three best 0.38 0.34 0.40 0.43
Two best 1.72 2.00 1.70 1.68
MLR MAE (mm)
can be achieved by fusing data from 349, 397, and 410 GDD (R = 0.36, MAE = 1.55
Three best 1.64 1.75 2 1.64 1.68 mm,
and RMSE = 2.19 mm). TwoBetterbest
metrics for2.22 2.55
independent prediction2.21
of SD were 2.19
found at
RMSE (mm)
349 GDD (R2 = 0.35, MAE Three best
= 1.72 mm, and2.17 2.25
RMSE = 2.22 2.14
mm). In summary, 2.07MLR
RF and
models can predict SD with high accuracy, but with low precision (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Scatter plots of observed and predicted SD values for RF and MLR. The plots are based on
Figure 6. Scatter plots of observed and predicted SD values for RF and MLR. The plots are based on
the selectionof
three variables
variables and
and the
the combination
combination of
of images
images collected
collected at
at 349,
349, 397,
397, and
and 410
410 GDD.

4. Discussion
4. Discussion
In this study, we analyzed whether multispectral UAV images can predict the bio-
In this
physical study, weofanalyzed
parameters sugarcane,whether
the NT, PH, andUAV SD.images can predict
If confirmed, theserve
it could bio-
physical parameters of sugarcane, mainly the NT, PH, and SD. If confirmed,
as a timely basis for accurately predicting sugarcane yield. We can find several studies it could serve
as a timely
that basis for
investigated accurately predicting
improvements in sugarcane sugarcane yield. We
yield prediction can but
[4,6,7], findtoseveral
the best studies
of our
that investigated
knowledge, this improvements in sugarcane
is the first approach that hasyield
usedprediction [4,6,7],
multispectral UAV butimages
to the best of our
ML algorithms this to
is the first the
predict approach
NT, PH, that hasSD,
and used multispectral
three UAV images
essential parameters forcombining
ML algorithms to
sugarcane yield [10–12].predict the NT, PH, and SD, three essential parameters for predicting
sugarcane yield [10–12].
The stepwise method applied in our approach presented the Blue, Green, and NIR
bands Theas stepwise method
the best input applied
predictors forinpredicting
our approach presented
NT, PH, and SD the Blue, Green,
of sugarcane. Theand NIR
selectionas the best input
of variables predictors
showed for predicting
stability in the model NT, PH, andThus,
accuracy. SD ofmodels
composedThe step-
than threeofvariables
showed nostability in influence
significant the modelonaccuracy. Thus, models
model precision com-
and accuracy,
allowingwith more than three
simplification variablesthe
by reducing showed
inputno significant
variables. Theinfluence on modelimage
use of combined precision
and accuracy, allowing simplification by reducing the input variables.
(time series) and uncombined image data (independent prediction—only data from one The use of com-
allowed dataus(time series)
to obtain and uncombined
precise and accurateimageresultsdata (independent
to predict sugarcane prediction—
only data from
parameters. one
This image) allowed
information shouldus beto obtain
used for aprecise and accurate results
better understanding of the to predict
in the fieldbiometric parameters.
and, therefore, This information
the decision making byshould be used for a better understand-
ing ofThethe RF
modelsin the field and,
performed therefore,
better than MLR the in
decision making
predicting by producers.High R2
all parameters.
values were achieved for NT and PH (R > 0.70). Previous studies also investigated
RF and MLR algorithms to predict yield in crops such as wheat and potato [15]. The
authors observed that RF models outperformed MLR models for all evaluated crops. The
outperformance of RF is attributed to its particularity of correcting the overfitting decision
habit to the training subset [28]. On the other hand, there is still the inability of MLR to
process nonlinear relationships between dependent and independent variables [29].
Regarding the use of two or three input predictor variables, models with three variables
presented more accurate and precise results, but with values close to models with two
variables. Models with two variables used blue and green spectral bands. These bands
are in the visible spectral range, which would be an alternative for users of RGB cameras,
which typically have lower costs than multispectral cameras and require fewer calibration
procedures [30,31]. Some studies on crop yield predictions have found similar results
between vegetation indices calculated by the Blue, Green, and NIR bands [32,33]. In these
studies, RF and linear regression models presented better results using the combination of
these indices.
In our study, two (Blue and Green) and three (Blue, Green, and NIR) input variables
presented good results to predict NT and the combination of 349 and 397 GDD provided
the most accurate and precise results. These results can be related to the canopy reflectance
characteristics, as leaf area index [34], and biomass [35], increase when NT increases. This
Agronomy 2022, 12, 1992 9 of 11

growth in canopy coverage causes higher absorption of visible electromagnetic radiation

due to the strong influence of leaf pigments [36,37]. In this case, the blue band is absorbed
in greater proportion in plants with higher tillering rates because chlorophyll strongly
absorbs radiation at wavelengths in the visible range [38]. The same process can be related
to the Green band. However, this band is characterized by a lower radiation absorption
compared to the Blue band, for example. On the other hand, it reflects less than the NIR
band [36,37]. Sumesh et al. [35], used IV obtained from RGB images (excess green index—
ExG) and ordinary least squares (OLS) regression to estimate sugarcane stalk density,
obtaining R2 = 0.72 and RMSE = 9.84. NIR is a spectral band that reflects higher values in
healthy plants, and the reflectance increases as the leaf area index increases. In this sense,
good results including the NIR band in NT prediction may be strongly related to the high
sensitivity of this band to variations in biomass [37,39,40]. Other studies on the estimation
of sugarcane parameters by multispectral images have obtained good results using VIs
derived from NIR and a visible spectrum band, such as NDVI [41,42].
Accurate prediction models were obtained for PH and SD. PH and SD are features that
directly correlate with biomass [43–45]. In this regard, several studies have found relation-
ships between spectral bands, VIs, and crop biophysical parameters, especially biomass,
as these parameters influence the intensity of plant reflectance [16,45,46]. Although SD
quickly showed lower precision (R2 = 0.43–0.52), we can still reliably predict sugarcane
yield since NT and PH were highly precise. Parameters with SD are less representative in
the prediction because higher biomass indices are mainly associated with NT and PH [10].
Overall, our results showed that models for predicting NT, PH, and SD of sugarcane
through time series and MLR and RF algorithms presented accurate predictions. Therefore,
the use of multispectral sensors on board UAVs can be considered a viable technique for
evaluating sugarcane crops since it presents the ability to monitor large production areas
with high spatial resolution. In further studies, we will apply this approach to different soil
types and planting seasons.

5. Conclusions
Predicting sugarcane yield is an important task for planning and managing decisions,
such as the harvesting schedule. In our approach, we used spectral bands obtained by a
multispectral sensor on board a UAV associated with ML algorithms to predict sugarcane
NT, PH, and SD. Answering our objectives, straightforward preliminary evidence exists
for the exceptional ability to predict these parameters by UAV imagery. Therefore, we
provide timely results in this study to improve sugarcane yield prediction. Models based
on RF algorithms showed higher accuracy and precision than MLR models. Blue, Green,
and NIR spectral bands provided good performance for predicting sugarcane biometric
attributes. Moreover, the combination of images collected in more than one period further
improves the model accuracy for predicting the biometric parameters. Therefore, this study
demonstrates the effectiveness of using multispectral UAV images to build a model for
estimating sugarcane yield.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, R.P.d.O.; methodology, R.P.d.O. and C.Z.; formal analysis,
R.P.d.O.; investigation, R.P.d.O., M.R.B.J., A.A.P. and J.L.P.O.; data curation, R.P.d.O.; writing—
original draft, R.P.d.O.; writing—review and editing, R.P.d.O., A.A.P., C.E.A.F., M.R.B.J.; visualization,
R.P.d.O., M.R.B.J., A.A.P., J.L.P.O., C.E.A.F. and C.Z.; supervision, C.E.A.F.; project administration,
C.E.A.F. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported by Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education
Personnel (CAPES), Process No. 88887.512497/2020-00; and Coordination of the Graduate Program
in Agronomy (Plant Production).
Acknowledgments: We would like to acknowledge the Laboratory of Machines and Agricultural Mech-
anization (LAMMA) of the Department of Engineering and Exact Sciences for the infrastructural support.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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