Lab Report Template.
Lab Report Template.
Lab Report Template.
Lab Report NO # 02
Course Title: Software Testing and Quality Assurance Lab
Course Code: CSE 454 Section: 202 D2
Student Details
Name ID
1. Mahede Hasan 202902012
Reliability requirements are a critical aspect of software engineering as they address the potential
for failures that may disrupt service delivery. These requirements establish the maximum
allowable failure rate for a software system and can be applicable to the entire system or its
individual functions. In this lab experiment, we aim to determine the system reliability and its
corresponding failure rate, which are essential components of software reliability testing.
The objectives of this lab experiment are as follows:
To gain familiarity with the concept of software reliability testing.
To become acquainted with the concept of software failure rate and its importance in
software engineering.
In this lab experiment, we will use the following formulas to find the system reliability (Rs)
and the failure rate (FR):
System Reliability (Rs) Formula:
Rs = Ra * (1 - F Rb * F Rd) * Rc
To implement the procedure outlined in this lab, follow these steps:
Collect the relevant data and parameters for Ra, Rb, Rd, and Rc.
Calculate the values of F Rb and F Rd as per your dataset.
Use the Rs formula to calculate the system reliability.
Determine the failure rate by subtracting Rs from 1.
Figure: 01