BC150 Rulesmod
BC150 Rulesmod
BC150 Rulesmod
The Battle Cry game features stylized Civil War battles and skirmishes. These Classic Battle Cry Scenarios
scenarios focus on important terrain features from the original battlefields and First Bull Run, Virginia — July 21, 1861
represent the historical deployment of Union and Confederate forces that Pea Ridge, Arkansas (Elkhorn Tavern) — March 7, 1862
participated in each battle. Kernstown, Virginia — March 23, 1862
Victory will require strategic card play, timely dice rolling, and an aggressive, yet Shiloh, Tennessee (first day of battle) — April 6–7, 1862
flexible, battle plan. The stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and you are in Gaines Mill, Virginia — June 27, 1862
command. The rest is history. Second Bull Run, Virginia (Brawner’s Farm) — August 28, 1862
Antietam, Maryland — September 17, 1862
HOW TO WIN Fredericksburg, Virginia — December 13, 1862
Murfreesboro, Tennessee (first day of battle) — Dec. 31–Jan. 2, 1863
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (Devil’s Den & Wheat Field, second day of battle) — July
Be first to capture a set number of opponent’s flag figures and/or flag tokens, as 1–3, 1863
noted in the scenario, to win! Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (Pickett’s Charge, third day of battle) — July 1–3, 1863
Chickamauga, Georgia (second day of battle) — September 19–20, 1863
COMPONENTS New Market, Virginia — May 15, 1864
New Hope Church, Georgia — May 25, 1864
Jackson Campaign Supplement
1 Game Board McDowell, Virginia — May 8, 1862
60 Command Cards Winchester, Virginia — May 25, 1862
46 Double-sided Terrain Tiles Cedar Mountain, Virginia — August 9, 1862
9 Double-sided Entrenchment/Fieldwork Tokens 150th Civil War Anniversary Edition Battles
14 Double-sided Flag Tokens Falling Waters, West Virginia — July 2, 1861
8 Battle Dice Wilson’s Creek, Missouri (Bloody Hill) — August 10, 1861
1 Flag Label Sheet Greenbrier River, West Virginia — October 3, 1861
Confederate (gray) and Union (blue) armies, each with the following plastic figures: Belmont, Missouri — November 7, 1861
3 Generals with Flags Dranesville, Virginia — December 20, 1861
3 Artillery with Flags Fort Donelson, Tennessee (Confederate Breakout) — February 15, 1862
6 Artillery Crewmembers Little Sugar Creek, Arkansas — February 17, 1862
3 Cavalry with Flags Williamsburg, Virginia (North of Fort Magruder) — May 5, 1862
6 Cavalry Oak Grove, Virginia — June 25, 1862
10 Infantry with Flags Richmond, Kentucky (Union Final Position) — August 30, 1862
30 Infantry Ox Hill, Virginia — September 1, 1862
Perryville, Kentucky — October 8, 1862
Prairie Grove, Arkansas — December 7, 1862
Apply an appropriate flag sticker to each figure with a flag stand. The game board represents a battlefield and is divided into three sections by two
dotted lines—giving each player a left flank section, a center section, and a right
flank section. Where a dotted line cuts through a hex, the hex is part of both the
flank section and the center section. The victory stand areas hold captured enemy
Using command cards, you’ll order your troops to move, attack, and/or do Tactic cards feature special rules that enable units to move and/or battle in unique
something special. There are two types of command cards: section cards and ways or that create other effects as noted in the text of the card.
tactic cards.
Section Cards
When you play a section card, the card will indicate how many and which type of
units you may order to move and/or battle. The card will also indicate in which
section or sections of the battlefield you may issue orders.
You’ll roll a variable number of dice to resolve battles. The dice are custom made Each silhouette on the map represents either a single general figure or a unit
for this game and have the following 6 sides: comprised of multiple troop figures.
Select one of the 30 battle scenarios from the Scenarios section, starting on page
17. Each scenario includes a battlefield map, a brief overview of the battle, and
staffing notes.
The 30 scenarios are based on actual Civil War battles. Every attempt has been
made to ensure accuracy, within the boundaries of the game system. Keep in
mind, however, that history is, by definition, interpretive. “Facts” are often
contradictory. Press and government reports are not always accurate. Historians, A Note on Scale The number of historical forces represented by a game unit varies
sometimes disagree. People are misquoted. Embellishment, mistakes, faulty by scenario. For example, in some scenarios an infantry unit in the game may
memories and conflicting records also play a role. In war, nothing is certain. represent an entire division, while in other scenarios it might represent a single
First Game?
If this is your first game of Battle Cry, start with the First Bull Run scenario.
This scenario will help you become familiar with the rules and the basics of fighting
a Civil War battle. Terrain has a variety of effects as described in the Terrain section and on the
quick-reference sheet.
See last pages for further terrain reference.
Set up the Game Board
Each scenario has a battlefield map that shows where to deploy armies and place
terrain tiles and tokens on the game board.
Set up the game board according to the map.
Flag tokens mark special units or objective hexes. When a special unit or objective The player listed in the staffing notes goes first. Players then alternate taking turns.
hex is present in a scenario, it will be labelled on the map and explained in the On your turn, follow the sequence shown below:
staffing notes. 1. Play a command card.
2. Announce orders.
3. Move.
4. Battle.
5. Draw a new command card.
Special Unit: When you move a special unit, move the corresponding token along
with it. The token doesn’t count as a piece that can be removed to satisfy losses, 1. Play a Command Card
and the token is not transferable. Remove the token from the battlefield when the
last piece in the special unit is eliminated. Play one command card from your hand. The card will tell you in which section(s)
Objective Hex: Place a flag token on the objective hex. Normally when your unit of the battlefield you may issue orders and how many orders you may give. Some
occupies an objective hex, you capture the flag token and place it on your victory cards allow you to take special actions, as explained on the card.
2. Announce Orders
Review the Staffing Notes
Announce which of your generals and/or units you will order. Only those ordered
Each scenario includes staffing notes with information on the following: figures may move, battle, or take a special action this turn. You can’t give more
The generals in command. In some scenarios, the generals aren’t present on the than one order to each general or unit.
battlefield; only the field officers whose presence affected the actual outcome of
the battle are represented.
3. Move
Each player’s hand size of command cards.
The player who goes first. You may move generals and units you’ve ordered in any sequence you wish.
The number of captured flags needed to win the game. However, you must complete each move before beginning another. All moves must
Any special rules or victory conditions that apply. be completed on a turn before you may battle. (Battling is step 4 of the turn
When a battle’s special rules require a unit to occupy an objective hex to earn a
victory flag token, a general figure by itself can’t capture that objective hex; only an
infantry, cavalry or artillery unit can capture a victory flag token.
Infantry — An ordered infantry unit may move 1 hex in any
Deal Command Cards direction and battle.
Shuffle the command cards and deal the number of cards shown in the staffing
notes to each player. Players keep their cards secret. Place the remaining cards
face down in a draw pile, within easy reach of both players.
Cavalry — An ordered cavalry unit may move up to 3 hexes in A general may move only once per turn.
any direction and battle. A general that is ordered doesn’t have to move.
A general may move from one section of the battlefield to another.
A general may move through a hex occupied by a friendly unit, a friendly unit with
an attached general, or a friendly general that is alone in a hex.
Artillery — An ordered artillery unit may move 1 hex in any A general may end its movement in a hex occupied by a friendly unit as long as
direction or it may battle. An artillery unit may not move and battle. there is no other general in the same hex. The general is then attached to the unit.
A general may not move onto or through a hex occupied by an enemy unit or
Some terrain features affect movement and may prevent a general from moving
its full distance or battling. (See Terrain.)
General — An ordered general may move up to 3 hexes in any Aside from special rules, a general may not exit the battlefield.
direction. When alone, a general may not battle.
Attached Generals
Moving Units
A general in the same hex as a friendly unit is “attached” to the unit.
A unit may move only once per turn.
A unit that is ordered doesn’t have to move. Only one general may be attached to a unit.
A unit may move from one section of the battlefield to another. If a unit with an attached general is given an order, the general must move with
A unit may not move onto or through a hex occupied by a friendly unit, an enemy the unit to the same hex. The movement of the unit and attached general only
unit, or an enemy general. counts as one order.
You may move a unit onto a hex occupied by a friendly general if the general is You may give an order to an attached general to move away from the unit that it’s
alone in the hex. The unit stops there and may move no further that turn. The attached to for a cost of one order. The unit that the general moves away from is
general is then attached to the unit. not ordered unless it is also given an order.
You may not split a unit. The individual figures within a unit must stay together and A general may move away from one unit and attach to another, but the unit it
move as a group. attaches to is not automatically ordered.
Units that have been reduced through casualties may not combine with other A general that moves and joins a unit may not move again with a unit it has just
units. joined.
Some terrain features affect movement and may prevent a unit from moving its full
distance or battling. (See Terrain.) Note: Retreating is a different type of movement with slightly different rules. See
Aside from special rules, a unit may not exit the battlefield. Retreat.
After completing all moves, your ordered units able to battle may battle. However,
they must first be close enough to the enemy and be in a position to “see” the
Infantry — Range of 3 hexes.
enemy. (See Range, and Line of Sight.) Adjacent units can always Battle.
An ordered infantry unit may battle an enemy target that is 3 or fewer hexes away
A unit may battle only once per turn. You must resolve each battle before starting
in any direction. An infantry unit rolls 1 battle dice per figure. If the unit moved,
the next.
halve the number of dice (rounding up). For example, to battle an enemy that is 3
hexes away in clear terrain, a full strength 4 figure infantry unit would roll 4 battle
Units in Battle die. (2 dice if the infantry moved).
A unit may never split its battle dice between several enemy targets.
If a unit is adjacent to one or more enemy units, it may not attack a more distant Artillery — Range of 5 hexes
enemy. An ordered artillery unit may battle an enemy target that is 5 or fewer hexes away
The number of playing pieces in a unit has an effect on the number of battle dice in any direction. An artillery unit rolls 5 battle dice when the target is in an adjacent
rolled. hex (see Melee), and 1 die less for each additional hex away from the enemy. For
example, to battle an enemy that is 5 hexes away in clear terrain, an artillery unit
would roll 1 battle die.
Generals in Battle Horse Artillery will battle with 4 dice in adjacent hex (see Melee), 3 dice, 2 dice
and 1 die at four hex range (4-3-2-1).
Embolden Troops: Each time a unit with an attached general is attacked, that unit Horse Artillery may move 2 hexes and not battle or move 1 hex and battle. Also
may ignore one retreat flag rolled against it. note that a Horse artillery unit ordered to move by a Bombard card may not battle.
Each time a general that is alone in a hex is attacked, that general may ignore one
retreat flag rolled against it. Artillery and Horse Artillery units with only 1 figure battle with 1 die less
A general alone in a hex may not battle. .
A general attached to a unit will not normally add any battle dice to a unit when it
is battling.
Cavalry - Range 2 hexes
To battle, do the following: Optional An ordered cavalry unit may target an enemy unit two hexes away in any
direction, subject to being in line of sight of the firing unit. The base number of
1. Determine the range (distance to the enemy target). battle dice rolled in ranged combat when the cavalry unit does not move is equal to
2. Determine the line of sight (whether or not you can see the target). the number of figures in the cavalry unit. When a cavalry unit moves, the unit may
3. Roll the dice (to determine hits, retreats, and misses). not range fire.
General — No range.
See Generals in Battle.
A unit must be able to see the enemy unit it wants to battle. This is known as Example 1: No terrain, units, or generals block line of sight between the units
having line of sight to the enemy. on the hill hex and clear hex.
Imagine a line drawn from the center of the hex containing the battling unit to the Example 2: Hill hexes block line of sight on both sides of the line between the
center of the hex containing the enemy target. This line of sight is blocked if a hex units on the hill and clear hexes.
(or part of a hex) between the battling unit and the target hex contains an Example 3: The hill does not block line of sight between the two units on the
obstruction. Obstructions include a unit or general (regardless if friend or foe) and hill hexes. They are part of the same complex of hills to form a plateau. The
some terrain. (See Terrain) The terrain in the target hex does not block line of hill hex is on only one side of the line of sight to the Zouaves (on the right).
Example 4: No terrain, units, or generals block line of sight between the two
If the imaginary line runs along the edge of 1 or more hexes that contain
units on the hill hexes.
obstructions, line of sight is not blocked unless the obstructions are on both sides
of the line. Example 5: The Homestead hex only blocks of the line of sight on one side of
line. The hills form a plateau.
Example 6: The Homestead hex blocks line of sight between the
unit on the hill hex and the clear hex.
Example 7: The unit in the clear hex blocks line of sight between
the units on the hill hexes.
Example 8: Confederate artillery on a hill hex has line of sight over
a friendly unit in an adjacent hex at a lower level in a clear hex to
the Union Infantry on the hill hex. The Confederate Infantry unit
on the clear hex blocks the Union infantry line of sight to the
Confederate artillery on the hill hex.
Example 9: The rough terrain hex is blocking the line of sight
between the two units on the hill hexes.
Example 10: Two different pieces of blocking terrain are on both
sides of the line of sight, even though apart.
Determine the total number of battle dice a unit will roll as follows:
Infantry—An ordered infantry unit may stay in position or move
1. Determine the number of battle dice a unit will roll because of range. one hex and melee an enemy unit on an adjacent hex. In melee combat, the base
2. Halve for moving Infantry (round up) number of battle dice rolled is equal to the number of figures in the unit, even if the
3. Reduce the number of dice when targeting a unit on terrain. infantry unit has moved prior to the melee combat.
4. Add to the number of dice for any command card effects.
Example: You play a Leadership tactic card and order a reduced 3 figure infantry
unit with an attached general that is targeting an enemy infantry unit 2 hexes away
on a woods hex. First, determine the dice to be rolled based on range, 3 dice, then Cavalry—An ordered cavalry unit may stay in position or move
deduct the woods protection of –1 die, which equals 2 dice. Then add the 3 hexes and melee an enemy unit on an adjacent hex. In melee combat, the base
Leadership bonus of +1 die for a total of 3 dice. number of battle dice rolled is equal to the number of figures in the unit, even if the
Once you’ve determined how many battle dice to use in a battle, roll the dice. Each cavalry unit has moved prior to the melee combat.
die rolled will result in a hit, a retreat, or a miss. Hits are resolved first, followed by
Artillery—An ordered artillery unit, which does not move, may
The attacker scores one hit for each symbol rolled that matches the target unit. (not target an enemy in the adjacent hex in melee. An artillery unit rolls 5 battle dice
Sabres). when the target is in an adjacent hex.
Horse Artillery will battle with 4 dice in adjacent hex
Artillery units with only 1 figure battle with 1 die less
Each flag may cause a retreat (see Retreat rules)
You failed to roll any of the symbols needed to hit an enemy target or to force the General — No melee
enemy to retreat.
See Generals in Battle
For each hit scored, remove one figure from the target unit. Remove the flag Ranged Combat
bearer piece last. When the flag bearer (last piece) in the opponent’s unit is Melee Combat
removed, place it on an empty star of the victory stand on your side of the
Failure to complete a retreat move
If an attacking player rolls more hits than the number of playing pieces in the
defending unit, the additional hits have no effect. Only one General casualty check is required from a single combat dice roll. For
example, when a unit with an attached General is attacked and the unit loses one
Flag or more figures from the combat dice rolled, after the combat loss figures are
removed, there is a General casualty check. If the unit is also forced to retreat, but
Each flag may cause a retreat (see Retreat rules) the unit the General is with cannot complete its entire retreat movement, the unit
must also lose additional figures, another General casualty check is not required,
Miss however, because the same combat dice roll caused the retreat figure losses.
You failed to roll any of the symbols needed to hit an enemy target or to force the
enemy to retreat.
Hitting a General Attached General’s Unit Eliminated: When a General is attached to a unit and
A general may only be attacked and hit when alone in a hex. the unit loses one or more figures, eliminating the unit and leaving the General
When attacking a general, calculate the number of battle dice to be rolled as usual. alone in the hex the General casualty check is made with 1 battle die. To hit the
The attacking player must then roll at least one sabers symbol. If the roll succeeds, General a saber symbol must be rolled. If the General is not hit, the General must
the defending general is eliminated. When you eliminate a defending general, retreat 1, 2, or 3 hexes. If the General is on a friendly map edge hex, he must
place it on an empty space of the victory stand on your side of the battlefield. retreat off the map.
When a General is attached to a unit that is forced to retreat and the unit has all of
its figures eliminated because it could not complete its retreat movement, the
GENERAL CASUALTY CHECK General must retreat from the hex where the last unit figure was removed.
Your opponent will always roll for your General Casualty check. When a General is When a unit’s retreat is blocked by enemy units and the unit loses its last figure,
hit, remove the General figure from the battlefield and collect a Victory Banner. the General must use “Escape” rules to move through one of the enemy units and
reach an open or friendly hex.
When a unit loses its last figure at the map edge because it cannot retreat further,
the General must retreat off the map edge. A General that retreats off a friendly
map edge hex does not give your opponent a Victory Banner.
When a unit loses its last figure because its retreat path is occupied by impassable
After you resolve all hits and remove casualties, then resolve retreats. For each
flag symbol rolled during the battle that cannot be ignored, the defending unit must
retreat 1 hex toward its own edge of the battlefield. Terrain has no effect on retreat
moves; therefore, a retreating unit may move through terrain that normally would
stop movement. Impassable terrain, however, may not be moved through during a
retreat move.
The defending player decides to which hex a unit retreats using the following rules:
A unit may not retreat onto or through a hex that contains another unit.
o Exception 1: A unit, without a general attached, may retreat onto
a hex that contains a friendly unattached general. If a unit
retreats onto a hex with a friendly general, the unit must stop
and the general attaches to that unit. The unit will ignore any
other retreat flag symbols rolled by the attacker and may not
retreat any further.
o Exception 2: A general may retreat through a hex with a friendly
unit or general. A general may retreat onto a hex that contains a
friendly unit as long as the unit does not already have an
General’s Retreat
General Escape
Generals retreat somewhat differently from units. A General’s retreat movement is
When enemy units occupy a General’s designated retreat path, the retreating
1, 2, or 3 hexes back towards its own side of the battlefield, the owning player’s
General must attempt to escape through the enemy occupied hex.
General Escape Procedure: Move the General onto the enemy hex and allow the
A General, attached to a unit that must retreat, will retreat to the same hex as the enemy unit in the hex to battle the General. The attacking unit uses its normal
attached unit. number of melee combat dice.
When a General is attached to a unit and the unit loses its last figure by ranged The General does not benefit from terrain in the hex. One or more saber symbols
combat, melee combat, or because the unit cannot complete its entire retreat rolled will score a hit and eliminate the General, even from a unit that normally
move, if the General is not eliminated on the General casualty check, the General does not score a hit on a saber roll in melee combat. The opponent gains one
must retreat 1, 2, or 3 hexes. Victory Banner when the General is eliminated.
When an unattached General is attacked in melee combat, if the General is not
eliminated, he must retreat 1, 2, or 3 hexes. If the General is not hit, his escape is successful and he continues with his retreat
move. Should an enemy unit also occupy this hex, the General must again
When a General retreats he must follow these rules: undergo the Escape procedure. Should the third hex also be occupied by an
enemy unit, the General is eliminated and the opponent gains a Victory Banner.
A General’s retreat movement is 1, 2, or 3 hexes back towards its controlling
player’s side of the battlefield. The player who controls the General determines the
number of hexes he will move, and the path he will take as he retreats.
If the defending unit is forced to retreat out of its original hex, it may not Battle Taking Ground is never mandatory; it remains the attacking player’s choice.
Back, even if its retreat move places the unit in a hex that is still adjacent to the Taking Ground is subject to normal terrain movement restrictions.
attacking unit. An infantry unit that attacks a cavalry unit may Take Ground after the cavalry unit
If the defending unit was unable to fulfill a required retreat, it may Battle Back as chooses to Retire and Reform.
long as it still has one or more figures remaining on the battlefield after taking An unit that attacks a General alone in a hex may Take Ground after the General
figure losses for not completing its retreat. retreats or is eliminated
A defending unit that is Battling Back may not Take Ground.
A Fight Back Command card may not be played against a unit that is Battling
An Artillery unit may not Take Ground.
Movement: A unit or general that enters a woods hex must stop and may move no
further that turn.
Battle on Entry: A cavalry or artillery unit may not battle on the turn that it moves
5. Draw a Command Card onto a woods hex. On the turn that an infantry unit moves onto a woods hex, it may
battle an enemy unit that is 2 or fewer hexes away in any direction.
Battle Out: An ordered unit that started the turn in a woods hex will battle with its
After resolving all hits and retreats, discard the command card that you played and standard number of battle dice.
draw another card from the deck. Your turn is now over. Battle In: When targeting an enemy unit or general that is on a woods hex, reduce
the number of battle dice rolled by 1.
WINNING THE GAME Line of Sight: A woods hex blocks line of sight.
The first player to capture the required number of flags for the selected battle Orchard Hex
scenario’s victory conditions wins the game.
Match Play
To play a match, swap sides after the first battle and play again. The winner is the
player who captures the most flags from both battles combined.
Movement: No restrictions.
Battle on Entry: No battle restrictions for a unit that moves onto an orchard hex.
Battle Out: An ordered unit that started the turn in an orchard hex will battle with
its standard number of battle dice.
Battle In: When targeting an enemy unit or general that is on an orchard hex,
reduce the number of battle dice rolled by 1.
Line of Sight: An orchard hex blocks line of sight.
Hill Hex
Movement: A unit or general that enters a town hex must stop and may move no
further that turn.
Battle on Entry: A unit may not battle on the turn that it moves onto a town hex.
Battle Out: An ordered unit already on a town hex may battle an enemy unit in any
direction. Artillery battle with 1 less dice than normal.
Movement: No restrictions. Battle In: When targeting an enemy unit or general that is on a town hex, reduce
Battle on Entry: No restrictions the number of battle dice rolled by 2.
Battle Out: An ordered unit that started the turn in a hill hex will battle with its Line of Sight: A town hex blocks line of sight.
standard number of battle dice.
Artillery firing from a hill hex has its ranged increased to maximum of 6 hexes.
When battling from a hill hex, roll the standard number of battle dice for the normal Homestead Hex
range of 1 to 5 hexes. At range of 6 hexes, roll 1 die. (5-4-3-2-1-1)
Similarly, Horse Artillery on a hill increases the range NOT the number of dice, so a
HA on hill battles 4-3-2-1-1.
An artillery or Horse artillery unit on a hill hex does not have its line of sight blocked
by a friendly unit or general that is on an adjacent hex as long as that adjacent hex
is lower and has no other terrain feature that blocks line of sight.
Battle In: When targeting an enemy unit or general that is up hill, reduce the
number of battle dice rolled by 1 for Infantry and Cavalry. When a unit is on a hill Movement: A unit or general that enters a homestead hex must stop and may
hex and targets an enemy unit or general that is on another hill hex, reduce the move no further that turn.
number of battle dice rolled by 1, unless the unit battling and the target unit are on Battle on Entry: An infantry unit may move onto a homestead hex and may battle
adjacent hill hexes. an enemy unit in any direction. The infantry unit rolls 1 less die. A cavalry unit may
Line of Sight: A hill hex blocks line of sight to units behind a hill hex. A unit on a move onto a homestead hex and may battle an enemy unit that is adjacent in any
lower level has line of sight to the first hill hex and vice versa. A unit on a lower direction. The cavalry unit rolls 1 less dice when the target is in an adjacent hex.
level does not have line of sight through one hill hex onto a second hill hex and An artillery unit may not battle the turn it moves onto a homestead hex.
vice versa. Line of sight is not blocked between units on the same hill looking Battle Out: An ordered infantry unit already on a homestead hex will battle with its
across connected hill hexes. The units are considered to be on a plateau. Line of standard number of battle dice. An ordered cavalry unit already on a homestead
sight is not blocked between units on hill hexes separated by one or more hex will battle with its standard number of battle dice. An ordered artillery unit
intervening hexes of lower elevation unless any of those hexes contain a unit, already on a homestead hex may battle an enemy unit in any direction. The
general or terrain that blocks line of sight. artillery unit rolls 1 less.
Battle In: When targeting an enemy unit or general that is on a homestead hex,
reduce the number of battle dice rolled by 1.
Line of Sight: A homestead hex blocks line of sight.
Movement: A unit or general must stop when it enters a waterway hex. Movement: No restrictions.
Battle on Entry: A unit on a waterway hex rolls 1 less battle die. Battle on Entry: No battle restrictions for a unit that moves onto an field hex.
Battle Out: A unit on a waterway hex rolls 1 less battle die. Battle Out: An ordered unit that started the turn in a field hex will battle with its
Battle In: When targeting an enemy unit or general that is on a waterway hex, a standard number of battle dice.
unit’s battle dice are not reduced. Battle In: When targeting an enemy unit or general that is on an field hex, reduce
Line of Sight: A waterway hex does not block line of sight. the number of battle dice rolled by 1.
Line of Sight: A field hex blocks line of sight.
Bridge Hex
Rough Terrain Hex
Movement: No restrictions.
Battle on Entry: No restrictions. Movement: A unit or general may not enter a rough terrain hex.
Battle Out: No Restrictions Battle: None.
Battle In: No Restrictions Line of Sight: A rough terrain hex blocks line of sight.
Line of Sight: A bridge hex does not block line of sight.
Movement: No restrictions.
Battle on Entry: No restrictions
Battle Out: No restrictions
Battle In: When targeting an enemy unit or general that is on a fence hex, reduce
the number of battle dice rolled by infantry and cavalry by 1 unless the attacking
unit is behind the fence line of the targeted unit. See diagram below. Artillery fire is
not reduced. Fieldwork Token
Line of Sight: A fence hex does not block line of sight.
Movement: No restrictions.
Battle on Entry: No restrictions
Battle Out: No restrictions
Battle In: When targeting an enemy unit or general that is on a fieldwork hex,
reduce the number of battle dice rolled by 1, unless the attacking unit is behind the
fieldwork of the targeted unit or general. (See diagram.)
Each time a unit or general on a fieldwork hex is attacked across a Fieldwork
hexside, it may ignore one retreat flag rolled against it, unless the attacking unit is
behind the fieldwork of the targeted unit or general. This effect does stack with a
general’s ability for it or a unit to which it’s attached to ignore one retreat flag
There are 1-, 2-, and 3-sided fence lines. The shaded hexes are in front of the
(resulting in the ability to ignore 2 retreat flags).
fence line(s). An attacking unit in front of a fence line reduces the number of battle
When a fieldwork is on a hex with terrain, the battle dice reduction of the fieldwork
dice rolled by 1 when targeting an enemy unit or general on a fence hex.
does not stack with the terrain. For example, a fieldwork on a hill hex battle dice
The clear hexes are behind the fence line. An attacking unit behind a fence line
reduction is still only –1 die.
doesn’t reduce the number of battle dice rolled when targeting an enemy unit or
Line of Sight: A fieldwork does not block line of sight.
general on a fence hex; it will roll as normal.
This section contains further explanations of how some of the tactic cards work in
Entrenchment and fieldwork tokens follow the same rules when it comes to facing. certain situations.
The clear hexes are behind the token. If the attacking unit is behind the
entrenchment/fieldwork line, then no dice roll reduction is made for the
entrenchment or fieldwork, and no retreat flags may be ignored. Fight Back
Entrenchment Token Play this card only on your opponent’s turn after one of his units battles, and only if
your defending unit wasn’t eliminated or forced to retreat. Your defending unit
battles the attacking enemy unit. At the end of the opponent’s turn, you draw your
replacement card first.
You may play a Fight Back card after the first attack of an enemy artillery unit that
is ordered by a Bombard card. If you eliminate the artillery unit or force it to
retreat, it may not make its second attack.
Movement: A unit or general must stop when moving across a hex side with an When an enemy cavalry battles under the orders of a Hit and Run card, you may
entrenchment and may move no further on that turn. play a Fight Back card after that cavalry unit battles and before it makes its
Battle on Entry: No restrictions second move. If you eliminate the cavalry unit or forced to it to retreat, it may not
Battle Out: No restrictions make its second move.
Battle In: When targeting an enemy unit or general that is on an entrenchment You may not play a Fight Back card on a turn after your opponent plays a Sharp
hex, reduce the number of battle dice rolled by 2 for infantry and cavalry, and by 1 Shooter card.
for artillery, unless the attacking unit is behind the entrenchment of the targeted You may not play a Fight Back card on a turn after your opponent plays a Fight
unit or general. (See diagram.) Back card.
Each time a unit or general on an entrenchment hex is attacked across an
You may not play a Fight Back card against a more distant enemy unit when your
Entrenchment hexside, it may ignore one retreat flag rolled against it, unless the
unit being attacked is adjacent to an enemy unit.
attacking unit is behind the entrenchment of the targeted unit or general. This effect
does stack with a general’s ability for it or a unit to which it’s attached to ignore one You may not play a Fight Back card against a unit if your unit being attacked
retreat flag (resulting in the ability to ignore 2 retreat flags). doesn’t have line of sight to the enemy unit that just attacked. This can occur
When an entrenchment token is on a hex with terrain, the battle dice reduction of when an artillery unit on a hill is firing over the heads of an adjacent friendly unit.
the entrenchment does not stack with the terrain. For example, if an entrenchment OPTIONAL: Play this card after opponent declares a melee attack, but before the
is on a hill hex, the higher battle dice reduction of –2 takes precedence. dice roll. Your defending unit will battle first. If the opponent’s unit is neither
Line of Sight: An entrenchment does not block line of sight. eliminated nor retreats it may then battle as originally ordered. At the end of the
turn, you draw a replacement Command card first.
Hit And Run These rules are distributed free for personal use. Ownership of Battle Cry 150
Edition © is required to play the game.
Issue 1 order to each of your cavalry units and generals that aren’t attached to
©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, P.O. Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, U.S.A.
cavalry units. This turn, each cavalry unit may move, may then battle, and may
MADE IN CHINA. The Wizards of the Coast logo is a trademark of Wizards of the
move again. If you don’t have any cavalry units, instead issue 1 order to a unit of
Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. Avalon Hill, Battle Cry, Hasbro, and
your choice in any section.
their logos are trademarks of HASBRO, Inc. and are used with permission. ®
Any step—first move, battle, or second move—is not required to do the next step.
denotes Reg. U.S. Pat. & TM Office. All rights reserved. ©2010 Hasbro. Color of
For example, a cavalry unit does not have to battle before it makes its second
parts may vary from those pictured. For Europe: Hasbro UK Ltd, P.O. Box 43,
move. Treat the cavalry movement as two separate moves, with the second move
Newport, NP19 4YD, UK.
completed after all units have battled.
Please retain company details for future reference.
Choose 1 enemy or friendly unit in any section. That unit’s player chooses a vacant FAQ
hex on his or her edge of the battlefield in the same section as that unit and puts
the unit on that hex, along with its attached general (if any).
If no hexes are vacant on the edge of the battlefield, place the unit in a vacant hex
one row forward of the edge.
If the unit is your unit, it may not battle this turn. Alternatively, send an email to Mark McG mark_mcg2001@yahoo.com