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Teacher’s resource pack

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Photocopiable Worksheets
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Teacher’s resource pack

contents page

photocopiable resources
Level 1 2
Level 2 47
Level 3 90
Level 4 132
Level 5 188

Level 1 29
Level 2 72
Level 3 114
Level 4 159
Level 5 214

Level 1 41
Level 2 84
Level 3 126
Level 4 182
Level 5 237

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Materiały do kopiowania
Teacher’s notes
Welcome activities, Activity 1 Welcome activities, Activity 4
Worksheet 1 Worksheet 4
Aim: review of hello, goodbye. Aim: review of laptop, hot dog, hamburger, radio, cellphone.

1 Color. Then cut out and make pencil puppets. 1 Find and draw.
• Hand out the worksheets and ask students to color and cut out the • Hand out the worksheets to the students and ask them to look closely
characters. Then ask students to stick the characters to pencils with at the pictures. Students name the objects. After that, ask students to
tape. compare both pictures and find the differences between them.
• Ask students what the characters are doing (they are saying hello and • Students then draw the missing objects in the second picture
goodbye to each other). (hamburger, cell phone).
• Show students the puppets you have made previously. Bringing them
Extra activity
close to each other, say, in two different voices: Hello! Then say:
Goodbye! Goodbye! and move the characters away from each other. Students cut out the objects from the first picture and arrange them on
• Ask students to perform a similar scene using the two puppets they their desk in the same order you say them out loud.
have made. They can do it individually or in pairs. They can also use
school objects to decorate their scene, such as a pencil box as a bench in a
park or an eraser as a chair. Hello
• Encourage students to present the scene they have performed in class to
their parents. Worksheet 5

Welcome activities, Activity 2 Aim: review of colors.

Worksheet 2 1 Listen and color.

Aim: review of hello, goodbye. • Hand out the worksheets and ask students to look closely at the picture.
Explain to them that their task is to color the picture using four paints.
• Show them pictures of cans of paint. One by one say the names of the
1 Listen and circle. Then listen and draw. colors: red, yellow, green, and blue. Ask students to repeat. Then allow
• Hand out the worksheets and ask students to look closely at the them some time to color the picture using the colors.
pictures. • Monitor students’ work and ask them questions about the choice of
• Ask students if they feel happy or sad when they greet someone. Ask colors. Say: What color? Students say: (Yellow).
them to demonstrate their emotions by saying Hello in a joyful voice. • Finally, students show and talk about their work.
Explain to students that we usually feel sad when we say goodbye
to someone close who we won't meet for some time. Ask them to
demonstrate their emotions by saying Goodbye in a sad voice.
Unit 1 My body
• Draw students' attention to the pictures in the first row. Students guess Worksheet 6
if the characters shown are saying Hello or Goodbye.
• Say: Hello in a joyful voice. Students circle the character who is smiling. Aim: review of the parts of the body and colors.
• Then say: Goodbye in a sad voice. Students circle the picture with a sad
1 Cut out and make.
• Do the same with the pictures in the second row. This time students
draw a smiling face on the characters when they hear Hello, or a sad • Hand out the worksheets. Then ask students to look closely at the
face when you say Goodbye. pictures and name the parts of the monster’s body. Students say: (Head).
You ask: How many (heads)? Students answer: (Two). Then students cut
out the pictures and stick them on a separate sheet of paper, completing
Welcome activities, Activity 3 the monster.

Worksheet 3 • Ask students to color their monsters. Monitor students' work and
explore the picture. Point to any part of the monster's body and elicit
the word from a student. The student then says: (Head). You ask: What
Aim: review of Come here. Listen. Look. Quiet, please. Sit down. Stand up.
color? The student answers: (Blue).
• In pairs, students compare their monsters. Student A says: (Yellow
1 Cut out and play. hands). Student B says: (Blue hands).
• Hand out the worksheets and ask students to cut out the cards. Extra activity
• Ask students what instructions those pictures refer to. Make sure all
Sit down with students on the floor in a circle and organize a monster
students understand them. Students then color the pictures.
show. Each student sits at the center of the circle and describes his/
• Say each instruction out loud and ask students to raise the her monster. Encourage students to clap their hands at the end of each
corresponding card. presentation. This will help them feel more confident when they speak.
• Play a game. Say the instructions once again. Do it in a different order
from the one you did before. Ask students to arrange the cards on their
desk in the same order of the instructions. In pairs, students compare
their answers. The pair that finishes first raises their hands and say Yes!

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Unit 2 My family Unit 6 Toys
Worksheet 7 Worksheet 11
Aim: review of family members and; numbers from 1 to 5. Aim: review of toys.

1 Match and say. Then count and draw. 1 Find and circle. Then color.
• Hand out the worksheets. Ask students to look closely at the pictures • Hand out the worksheets. Ask students to name the toys on each shelf.
and name the family members. Students say: This is (mom). • Students find the toys which do not match the other items in the group
• Students match the pictures and count them. Ask: How many (sisters)? and circle them.
Students answer: (Three).
• Finally students color the toys and describe them. Students say: It’s
• Students then draw dots that represent the quantity of each family a (yellow) (kite).
member in the boxes below the pictures.
• Answers: Answers: second teddy bear; third doll; fourth car; first kite;
• Answers: Mom – one. Dad – one. Sister – three. Brother – two. second boat, third train

Unit 3 My classroom Unit 7 Food

Worksheet 8 Worksheet 12
Aim: review of classroom objects. Aim: review of food and fruit.

1 Find and draw. 1 Cut out. Then count and show.

• Hand out the worksheets. Ask students to name the objects shown in • Hand out the worksheets to individual students or pairs. Ask them to
the first chart and count them. cut out the whole chart. Make sure that they do not cut the chart into
• Explain to students that their task is to verify if all the pictures from the smaller pieces. Tell them to fold the cut-out chart along its lines.
first chart have been included in the second chart. Students check the
pictures in the second chart that are present in the first chart and draw • Students’ task is to show the specific number of a fruit given by the
the missing ones. teacher. Demonstrate the activity by saying Show me three bananas and
• Answers: missing in chart 2: pencils, bag folding the sheet of paper in a way that only three bananas are visible.
Encourage students to fold their sheets of paper in a similar way.
• Repeat the procedure the other way around: students verify if all the
pictures from the second chart have been included in the first chart. • You can make the activity more challenging by asking students to show
Then they draw the missing pictures. two types of fruit. You can say, for instance: Show me two bananas and
• Answers: missing in chart 1: crayon, erasers two pears. You can allow students some time to play the game in pairs
Extra activity
Invite students to play Memory Game. See Teacher's Guide, page A17. Unit 8 My vacation
Worksheet 13
Unit 4 Animals
Aim: review of school objects, toys and sea elements.
Worksheet 9
Aim: review animals and numbers from 1 to 5. 1 Circle and color.
• Hand out the worksheets and ask students to name the pictures.
1 Count and color. Students then circle the pictures that belong to the same category in
different colors, such as blue for school objects, red for toys and green
• Hand out the worksheets. Explain the activity to students. Point at digit 1 for sea elements. Walk around and check the answers.
on the left side of the worksheet. Move your finger along the line which
connects this digit to one of the pictures on the right column. Ask students to • Give students some time to color the pictures in the same color they have
name the animal. Students say: Birds. After that, tell them to color one bird. circled them. Ask some volunteers to show their work and say: (Red - teddy
bear, doll, boat).
• Allow students some time to do the activity. Finally, check the anwers.
Ask: How many (rabbits)? Students say: (Five).
• Answers: 1 – bird; 2 – horses; 3 – cats; 4 – dogs; 5 – rabbits. Happy Easter!
Worksheet 14
Unit 5 The sea
Aim: review of egg, rabbit.
Worksheet 10
Aim: review of sea animals. 1 Trace. Then count and check (✓) or cross (✗).
• Hand out the worksheets.
1 Listen and color. • Students trace the lines to draw Easter eggs and a rabbit. Ask them How
many (Easter eggs)? Students say: (Three).
• Hand out the worksheets. Ask students to take out their crayons and
arrange them in the same order of the colors of the rainbow (red, • Draw students' attention to the pictures at the bottom of the page.
orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet). Walk around the class Students compare them with the large picture, check the ones that have
and check students' work. the same number of elements and cross the ones that have a different
number of elements.
• Hand out the worksheets. Tell students to color the sea elements with those
colors. Say: Crabs – red; shells – orange; starfish – yellow; fish – green; • Answers: Three Easter eggs - ✓. - One rabbit – ✓.
starfish – blue; shells – pink; fish – purple.
Extra activity
Extra activity Students can color the large picture.
Help students memorize the sequence of the colors of the rainbow,
saying the colors in a loud and rhythmical voice.

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Merry Christmas! 2 Look and draw. Then color.
Worksheet 15 • Ask students to compare the two pictures and tell you the animals in
each merry-go-round.
Aim: review of bell, Christmas card, Christmas tree, Santa Claus, star,
present. • Allow them some time to draw the missing animals in the merry-go-
round on the left.
• Ask students to color the pictures. Monitor their work and ask them
1 Cut out and color. Then play. questions. Ask: What is it? Students answer: It’s a (cat). It’s (black).
• Hand out the worksheets and ask students to cut out the cards.
• Students describe the pictures. They say: It’s a (bell). Review Units 5–6
• Say the names of the objects and ask students to raise the card that
corresponds to the word you have said. Worksheet 19
Aim: review of sea elements and toys.
Family Day
Worksheet 16 1 Find, circle and color.
Aim: review of flower, card, present. • Hand out the worksheets.
• Ask students to pay attention to the pictures in each row. Encourage
them to give you sentences, such as: It’s a (fish) – It’s an (octopus) – It’s
1 Trace. Then color. a (crab).
• Hand out the worksheets. • Students then circle the picture in each row which does not match the
• Ask students to trace the lines with their fingers and find the presents rest. Then they name them. Students say: It’s a (crab). Then they color
given to Mom and Dad. the pictures they have circled and say: It's a (yellow crab).
• Answers: flower - Mom; card - Dad. • Answers: 1 - fish; 2 - starfish; 3 - crab; 4 - fish
• Monitor their work and ask them questions. Ask: What’s this? Students
say: It’s a (flower). Ask: What color is it? Students say: It’s (red). 2 Look and draw. Then color.
• Students name the toys pictured in the activity.
Review Units 1–2 • Ask them these questions: How many balls? How many boats? How
many yo-yos? How many cars? Students answer: Five balls. Two boats.
Worksheet 17 Four yo-yos. One car.
• Ask students to draw and color those toys. Monitor their work and elicit
Aim: review of body parts, family members, colors and numbers from from them complete sentences, such as: It's a green ball. It's a yellow
1 to 5. ball. It's a red ball. It's a pink ball. It's an orange ball. Go over the four
items as you walk around the classroom.
1 Find and circle. Then color.
• Hand out the worksheets. Review Units 7–8
• Draw students' attention to the pictures of the monsters. Students compare Worksheet 20
the monsters and circle the body parts which are different between them.
Then they describe the differences. Students say: (One head – two heads). Aim: review of food and vocabulary items from units 1 to 6.
• Then tell students to color the squares below each monster according to
the number of each body part.
• Answers: monster on the left - one head, two hands, four feet; monster 1 Look and draw. Then color.
on the right - two heads, two hands, two feet.
• Hand out the worksheets.
• Students color the monsters. Monitor the work and ask them questions.
Ask: How many (heads)? Students say: (Two). Then ask: What color are • Point at each picture and ask: What's it? Address the whole class. Students
they? Students answer: (Red). say, for instance: chicken, milk, etc.
• Ask students to pay attention to the sign close to each item. Tell them
2 Match and color. the items that are checked are the ones someone has ordered in a
• Elicit from students the family members represented in the pictures.
• Answers: chicken, milk, cake
Students say: This is my (mom).
• Students match the pairs. • Students draw and color those items on the plate. Invite some
volunteers to show their work and talk about it. They say: (Brown
• Answers: mom - dad, grandma - grandpa, sister - brother.
• Ask students to color the pictures. Walk around, monitor students' work
and ask them questions. Ask: Is it (mom)? Students answer: (Yes).
2 Look and draw. Then color.
Review Units 3–4 •

Ask students to name the objects pictured in the frame.
Then tell students to draw the objects in the correct place and color
Worksheet 18 them.
• Point to the aquarium and then to the bag to elicit the answers.
Aim: review of toys, food and numbers from 1 to 10. • Answers: aquarium - boat, starfish, fish, shell; bag - crayon, eraser

1 Connect. Then match and color.

• Hand out the worksheets.
• Ask students to count from 1 to 10 out loud. Then ask them to connect
the digits and tell you what they find: an eraser, a pencil, a book.
• After that, students match the big objects to the small ones.
• Students color the pictures. Walk around the class, monitor their work and
ask them questions. Ask: What is this? Students answer: It's (an eraser).
You can ask then: What color is it? Students answer: It's (green).

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3 9 11 1
4 10 88
33 17 2
699 11
44 10
10 8 4 8
3 77 72
696 1

4 10 4410 3 88
55 7
4 5 5 277
6 4 10
10 33 8
5 44 55 55 7
33 8 7 99
2 10 3
1 4 5 5 66
3 88 77 9
1022 9
11 7 6
102 99

10 9

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1 Listen and color. 1 Listen and circle.
• Ask students to get crayons of the following colors: yellow, • Ask students to look at the pairs of pictures.
blue, green and pink, and then to look at the picture of the • Students are going to listen to the recording and circle
monster. a picture in each box accordingly. Play the recording
• Students are going to listen to the recording and color and pause it after each sentence.
the monster accordingly. Play the recording and pause it
after each sentence. TRACK 2.59
1 It’s a book. 4 It’s an eraser.
TRACK 2.57 2 Look, three pencils. 5 It’s a big chair.
1 My yellow heads. 3 My blue hands. 3 It’s a small table. 6 Look, four crayons.
2 My pink body. 4 My green feet.
6 points (1 point for each correctly circled picture)
4 points (1 point for each correctly colored part of the body)
2 Listen and color.
2 Listen and color. • Ask students to get crayons of the following colors: yellow,
• Ask students to look at the boxes with circles. blue, green and pink, and then to look at the pictures of
• Students are going to listen to the recording and color the classroom items.
correct number of circles in each box accordingly. Play the • Students are going to listen to the recording and color
recording and pause it after each item. the classroom items in the picture accordingly. Play the
recording and pause it after each sentence.
TRACK 2.57
1 three 3 five TRACK 2.59
2 four 4 one 1 It’s a pink chair. 3 It’s a blue book.
2 It’s a green bag. 4 It’s a yellow table.
4 points (1 point for each correctly colored box)
4 points (1 point for each correctly colored item)
3 Listen and circle.
• Ask students to look at the pairs of pictures.
• Students are going to listen to the recording and circle a UNIT 4 - ANIMALS - TEST
picture in each box accordingly. Play the recording and
1 Listen and check (✔).
pause it after each sentence.
• Ask students to look at the pairs of pictures.
TRACK 2.57 • Students are going to listen to the recording and check (✔)
1 Touch your head. 2 Clap your hands. a picture in each box accordingly. Play the recording
and pause it after each sentence.
2 points (1 point for each correctly circled picture)
TRACK 2.60
1 It’s a dog. 4 It’s a rabbit.
UNIT 2 - MY FAMILY - TEST 2 It’s a horse. 5 It’s black.
3 It’s a bird. 6 It’s white.
1 Listen and check (✔) or cross (✘).
• Ask students to look at the pictures of family members. 6 points (1 point for each correctly marked picture)
• Students are going to listen to the recording and check (✔)
the pictures with true descriptions and put a cross (✘) next
2 Listen and color.
to the pictures with false descriptions. • Ask students to look at the boxes with pictures of animals.
• Play the recording and pause it after each sentence. • Students are going to listen to the recording and color
the correct number of animals in each box accordingly.
TRACK 2.58 Play the recording and pause it after each item.
1 This is my grandma. 5 This is my sister.
2 This is my grandpa. 6 This is my dad. TRACK 2.60
3 This is my mom. 7 This is my family. 1 seven cats 3 six rabbits
4 This is my brother. 2 nine birds 4 ten horses

Answers: 1 – ✔, 2 – ✘, 3 – ✘, 4 – ✔, 5 – ✘, 6 – ✘, 7 – ✔. 4 points (1 point for each correctly colored box)

7 points (1 point for each correctly marked picture)

2 Listen and circle.

• Ask students to look at the pairs of pictures. 1 Listen and circle.
• Students are going to listen to the recording and circle • Ask students to look at the pairs of pictures.
a picture in each box accordingly. Play the recording • Students are going to listen to the recording and circle
and pause it after each sentence. a picture in each box accordingly. Play the recording
and pause it after each sentence.
TRACK 2.58
1 Turn around! 3 Run! TRACK 2.61
2 Jump! 1 It’s a seahorse. 4 I’m sad!
3 points (1 point for each correctly circled picture) 2 I’m happy! 5 It’s an octopus.
3 It’s a shell. 6 It’s a turtle.

6 points (1 point for each correctly circled picture)


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2 Listen and color. UNIT 8 - MY VACATION - TEST
• Ask students to get crayons of the following colors: brown, 1 Listen and circle.
orange, purple and pink, and then to look at the picture of
the aquarium. • Ask students to look at the pairs of pictures.
• Students are going to listen to the recording and color the • Students are going to listen to the recording and circle
sea elements in the picture accordingly. Play the recording a picture in each box accordingly. Play the recording and
and pause it after each sentence. pause it after each sentence.

TRACK 2.61 TRACK 2.64

1 It’s a crab. It’s brown. 3 It’s a fish. It’s orange. 1 It’s the sea. 4 It’s the beach.
2 It’s a starfish. It’s pink. 4 It’s a shell. It’s purple. 2 It’s a starfish. 5 Look, six crabs.
3 It’s a seahorse. 6 Look, seven kites.
4 points (1 point for each correctly colored sea element)
6 points (1 point for each correctly circled picture)

UNIT 6 - TOYS - TEST 2 Listen and color.

• Ask students to get crayons of the following colors: brown,
1 Listen and check (✔) or cross (✘). blue, purple and pink, and then to look at the pictures.
• Ask students to look at the pictures of toys. • Students are going to listen to the recording and color the
• Students are going to listen to the recording and check (✔) toys in the picture accordingly. Play the recording and pause
the pictures with true descriptions and put a cross (✘) next it after each sentence.
to the pictures with false descriptions. Play the recording
and pause it after each sentence. TRACK 2.64
1 I have a pink kite. 3 I have a brown teddy bear.
TRACK 2.62 2 I have a blue ball. 4 I have a purple boat.
1 It’s a doll. 4 It’s a yo-yo.
4 points (1 point for each correctly colored toy)
2 It’s a boat. 5 It’s a kite.
3 It’s a car. 6 It’s a train.

Answers: 1 – ✔, 2 – ✘, 3 – ✘, 4 – ✔, 5 – ✘, 6 – ✔. END OF YEAR - TEST

6 points (1 point for each correctly marked picture) 1 Listen and circle.
2 Listen, draw and color. • Ask students to look at the pairs of pictures.
• Ask students to get crayons of the following colors: brown, • Students are going to listen to the recording and circle a
blue, purple and green, and then to look at the pictures. picture in each box accordingly. Play the recording and
pause it after each sentence.
• Students are going to listen to the recording, draw
the correct toys in the speech balloons and color them TRACK 2.65
accordingly. Play the recording and pause it after each 1 It’s my head. 3 Turn around!
sentence. 2 It’s a small chair. 4 Stamp your foot!
TRACK 2.62 4 points (1 point for each correctly circled picture)
1 I have a blue train. I have a brown teddy bear.
2 I have a purple boat. I have a green ball. 2 Listen and check (✔) or cross (✘).
4 points (1 point for each correctly drawn and colored toy) • Ask students to look at the pictures.
• Students are going to listen to the recording and check (✔)
the pictures with true descriptions and put a cross (✘) next
UNIT 7 - FOOD - TEST to the pictures with false descriptions. Play the recording
and pause it after each sentence.
1 Listen and draw  or .
• Ask students to look at the pictures. TRACK 2.65
1 I don’t like cheese. 3 I’m sad.
• Students are going to listen to the recording and draw a
2 It’s a sandcastle. 4 It’s my grandma.
happy face next to the pictures of food the boy likes and a
sad face next to the pictures of food the boy does not like. Answers: 1 – ✘, 2 – ✔, 3 – ✔, 4 – ✘.
Play the recording and pause it after each sentence. 2 points (0.5 point for each correctly marked picture)
TRACK 2.63 3 Listen, draw and color.
1 I like milk. 4 I don’t like bread.
2 I like pears. 5 I like cheese. • Ask students to get crayons of the following colors: gray
3 I don’t like juice. 6 I don’t like chicken. and orange.
• Students are going to listen to the recording, draw some
6 points (1 point for each correctly marked picture) objects or animals in the boxes and color them in accordingly.
Play the recording and pause it after each sentence.
2 Listen and draw.
• Students are going to listen to the recording and draw the TRACK 2.65
correct amount of food in each box accordingly. 1 I have an orange book. 3 I have a gray starfish.
2 I have two birds. 4 I have seven balls.
TRACK 2.63
1 three apples 3 five eggs 4 points (1 point for each correctly drawn and colored toy)
2 two cakes 4 six oranges

4 points (1 point for each correctly drawn picture)


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1 NAME ............................................................................... CLASS ......................

TOTAL: ............. / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 LISTEN AND COLOR. ............ /4

2 LISTEN AND COLOR. ............ /4

1 2 3 4

3 LISTEN AND CIRCLE. ............ /2

1 2

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NAME ............................................................................... CLASS ......................
TOTAL: ............. / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 LISTEN AND CHECK (✔) OR CROSS (✘). ............ /7

1 2 3 4 5 6

2 LISTEN AND CIRCLE. ............ /3

1 2 3

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3 NAME ............................................................................... CLASS ......................

TOTAL: ............. / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 LISTEN AND CIRCLE. ............ /6

1 2 3

4 5 6

2 LISTEN AND COLOR. ............ /4

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NAME ............................................................................... CLASS ......................
TOTAL: ............. / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 LISTEN AND CHECK (✔). ............ /6

1 2 3

4 5 6

2 LISTEN AND COLOR. ............ /4

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5 NAME ............................................................................... CLASS ......................

TOTAL: ............. / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 LISTEN AND CIRCLE. ............ /6

1 2 3

4 5 6

2 LISTEN AND COLOR. ............ /4

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NAME ............................................................................... CLASS ......................
TOTAL: ............. / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 LISTEN AND CHECK (✔) OR CROSS (✘). ............ /6

1 2 3

4 5 6

2 LISTEN, DRAW AND COLOR. ............ /4

1 2

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7 NAME ............................................................................... CLASS ......................

TOTAL: ............. / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 LISTEN AND DRAW OR . ............ /6

1 2

1 4


2 LISTEN AND DRAW. ............ /4

1 2

3 4

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NAME ............................................................................... CLASS ......................
TOTAL: ............. / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 LISTEN AND CIRCLE. ............ /6

1 2

3 4

5 6

2 LISTEN AND COLOR. ............ /4

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NAME ............................................................................... CLASS ......................

TOTAL: ............. / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 LISTEN AND CIRCLE. ............ /4

1 2

3 4

2 LISTEN AND CHECK (✔) OR CROSS (✘). ............ /2

1 2 3 4

3 LISTEN, DRAW AND COLOR. ............ /4

1 2 3 4

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DVD Worksheets


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DVD worksheets
Worksheet 1
1 Point and say.
• Prepare one copy of Worksheet 1 for each student. The pictures show
Ted and Lucy and their families. The students name the members of
Lucy’s family (mom, grandma, dad, sister, brother). Then they connect
the drawing showing Lucy with the picture of the family member whose
name you say in English. Say the names in a different order than the
order of the pictures. Repeat the activity with Ted’s family (grandma,
mom, sisters).

Worksheet 2
1 Match. Then count.
• Prepare one copy of Worksheet 2 for each student. The pictures show
the shadows of dogs, horses, cats and rabbits. The students say the
names of these animals in English. Then they connect the shadows with
the proper drawings of animals shown at the bottom of the page. At
the end, the students count the shadows. Check the answers by asking:
How many (dogs)?
• Answers: one horse, two cats, three dogs, four rabbits.

Worksheet 3
1 Draw and color.
• Prepare one copy of Worksheet 3 for each student. The students guess
what the pictures show and then complete them by connecting the
dots. Finally, ask the students to color the drawings according to your
• Answers: 1 – starfish, 2 – fish, 3 – crab.

Worksheet 4
1 Draw 3 things.
• Prepare one copy of Worksheet 4 for each student. The pictures show
Ted and Lucy and their favorite food. Ask the students what is on Ted’s
plate (chicken). The students say the names in English of the food items
shown on the pictures at the bottom of the page (chicken, bread, egg,
cheese, apple, banana, jelly, peas). Ask students what kind of food Ted
doesn’t like (cheese) and what kind of food Lucy doesn’t like (peas).
Students draw on the characters’ plates the products they like.
• Answers: Ted – chicken, peas, apples; Lucy – chicken, cheese, apples.

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Materiały do kopiowania
Teacher’s Notes

Welcome activities, Activity 1 Welcome activities, Activity 4

Worksheet 1 Worksheet 4
Aim: to review classroom language and yes, no. Aim: to review blue, green, red, yellow, crayon, pencil, eraser.

1 Listen and point. Then listen and check (✓) 1 Color. Then listen and circle.
or cross (✗).
• Hand out the worksheets to students. Ask them to color using any color
• Hand out the worksheets to students. Ask them to name the commands they want.
presented in the pictures. Next, give the commands at random and ask
students to point to the corresponding pictures. • Next, you say, for example: A yellow pencil. Students who have a yellow
pencil have to circle the picture. The first student to have all the pictures
• Point to the pictures one by one and give commands. If the command circled is the winner.
corresponds to the picture, students say: Yes. If the command does not
correspond to the picture, they say: No.
• Next, repeat the procedure from the beginning, this time having Hello
students check (✓) the pictures if they correspond to the command, or
put a cross (✗) next to them, if they do not correspond to the command. Worksheet 5
Aim: to review school objects and colors.
Welcome activities, Activity 2
Worksheet 2 1 Listen and color.
Aim: to review crayon, pencil, eraser, yes, no. • Review colors and school objects by playing a game (see Resource Bank,
p. A21).
• Hand out the worksheets to students. Tell students their task is to color
1 Join the dots and say. Then listen and check one object out of each pair according to what they hear from you. Say,
(✓) or cross (✗). for example: A (blue) pen. A (red) pencil case. Allow students some time
to color.
• Hand out the worksheets to students. Tell them that their task is to
• To correct the activity, ask a few volunteers to show their worksheets,
join the dots so that they form classroom objects. Next, students name
point to the pictures they have colored and say: A (blue) pen. A (red)
pencil case.
• Answers: eraser, crayon, pencil.
• Ask students to take a look at the classroom objects which they have
just drawn. Say their names at random and ask students to point to the Unit 1 My face
appropriate pictures.
Worksheet 6
• Next, point to the pictures one by one and say the names of the
classroom objects – they can be the same students have in the pictures, Aim: to review parts of the face, colors and happy, sad.
or different. If the name corresponds to the picture, students say: Yes
and put a check (✓) by the picture. If the name does not correspond to
the picture, they say: No and put a cross (✗). 1 Look and draw.
• Review the parts of the face by playing a game (see Resource Bank, p.
Welcome activities, Activity 3 A21).
• Hand out the worksheets to students. Ask them to name the parts of
Worksheet 3 the face presented in the pictures.

Aim: to review blue, green, red, yellow, crayon, pencil, eraser, yes, no.
• Next, draw students' attention to the first sequence of pictures. Tell
them their task is to observe their order and draw the missing picture.
Give them some time to do the same with the other alternatives.
• Answers: 1 – nose, 2 – mouth, 3 – eyes, 4 – happy.
1 Listen and color. Then listen and check (✓) or • Encourage students to come up with a similar activity. Ask them to draw
cross (✗). two sequences of pictures on the back of their worksheet. Then they
exchange worksheets with their closest classmate, who will draw the
• Hand out the worksheets to students. Tell them that their task is to color
missing pictures.
the objects whose names you will provide. Make sure that each student
has crayons in the colors needed by saying the names of the colors and
ask students to raise the corresponding crayons. Then start the dictation. 2 Listen and color.
Say: A (yellow) crayon. A (red) eraser etc. Once you finish the dictation, • Tell students they are going to color the parts of the face of the teddy
check the answer by asking: A (crayon) – what color is it? Students say: bear according to what they hear from you. Say, for example: (Blue)
(Yellow). eyes. A (pink) nose).
• Next, point to the pictures one by one and describe them. Say: A • Ask a few volunteers to point to and describe the parts of the face.
(yellow) (crayon). If the description corresponds to the picture, students Finally address the whole class and ask: Is the teddy bear happy or sad?
say: Yes and check (✓) the picture. If it does not correspond to the
picture, they say: No and put a cross (✗).


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Unit 2 Animals Unit 6 My house
Worksheet 7 Worksheet 11
Aim: to review animals and colors; numbers 1–5. Aim: to review parts of the house and objects.

1 Count and color. Then cut out, make and say. 1 Match and color.
• Review animals by playing a game (see Resource Bank, p. A21). • Review parts of the house and objects by playing a game (see Resource
• Hand out the worksheets to students. First, go over the pictures and ask Bank, p. A21).
students to count the animals. You can ask, for example: How many • Hand out the worksheets to students. Tell them to pay attention to the
giraffes? Students say: Two. Then say: Color one giraffe blue and one pictures and then match the two columns accordingly.
giraffe green. You can also ask students to color both giraffes the same • Answers: chair – kitchen, door – bathroom, table – living room,
color, if you prefer. window – bedroom.
• Next, ask students to cut out the train carriages and arrange them • Allow students some time to color the objects. Invite a few volunteers to
according to the number of animals (from 1 to 5). Students paste the describe their pictures. They should say, for example: An orange chair, a
carriages in that order on a piece of cardboard paper then. Finally they brown door, a yellow table and a red window.
say: One yellow elephant. Two giraffes, one blue giraffe and one green
giraffe, and so on.
Unit 7 My clothes
Extra activity
Ask students to say the names of the animals as many times as they are
Worksheet 12
in the picture. They should say: elephant, giraffe, giraffe, zebra, zebra, Aim: to review clothes and colors.
zebra, and so on. First, students say it slowly. Then they repeat the
procedure a little bit faster.
1 Trace and say. Then listen and color.
Unit 3 My toys • Review clothes and colors by playing a game (see Resource Bank, p.
Worksheet 8 • Hand out the worksheets to students. Ask them to trace over the
clothes and name them.
Aim: to review toys and numbers 1–10. • Describe the clothes of each child. You can say, for example: One. I am
wearing a red coat, a green dress and purple shoes. Allow students
some time to color the clothes according to what they hear from you.
1 Count and match.
• Check the answers by asking volunteers: One. What color is the coat?
• Review toys and numbers by playing a game (see Resource Bank, p. A21). What color is the dress? And what color are the shoes?
• Hand out the worksheets to students. Ask them to count the toys in
each group and match them with the corresponding numbers. Unit 8 My party
• Answers: balls – 6, boats – 2, cars – 9, train – 1, dinosaurs – 7, dolls – 5,
kites – 8, spacemen – 4, teddy bears – 10, yo-yos – 3. Worksheet 13
Unit 4 Food Aim: to review pets.

Worksheet 9 1 Unscramble, write and match.

Aim: to review food. • Review pets by playing a game (see Resource Bank, p. A21).
• Hand out the worksheets to students. Tell them they have to unscramble
the letters from the balloons, write the words below each pet and then
1 Trace and draw  or . match balloons with pets.
• Review food by playing a game (see Resource Bank, p. A21). • Check the answers by pointing to each pet and eliciting his name from
• Hand out the worksheets to students. Students trace the pictures and students.
say the names of the food items. • Answers: cat, rabbit, bird, dog, mouse.
• Tell students to draw a happy face next to the food items they like and a
sad face next to the food items they don't like. Next, they say sentences
according to the faces they have drawn: I like (bread). I don’t like (eggs).

Unit 5 My body
Worksheet 10
Aim: to review the parts of the body.

1 Cut out and play.

• Review the parts of the body by playing a game (see Resource Bank, p. A21).
• Hand out the worksheets to students. Tell them their task is to cut out
the pictures and match them to the corresponding words. Walk around
the class and monitor the activity. Help students if necessary.
• Then students work in pairs. Each student has a pile of cards faced down
in front of him. Student A takes the first card from his pile and faces it up.
Student B then takes the first card from his pile and places it next to Student
A's card. If the picture matches the word or both cards are the same,
students get one point. The pair who gets more points is the winner.


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Easter Review Units 5–6
Worksheet 14 Worksheet 18
Aim: to review chick, egg, lamb, rabbit. Aim: to review the parts of the body, the parts of the house and objects
in a house.

1 Find the animals' way to the basket. Then

count and draw. 1 Read and draw.
• Hand out the worksheets to students. Ask volunteers to read out the
• Review the words related to Easter by playing a game (see Resource captions below each box. Tell students their task is to draw the parts of
Bank, p. A21). the body according to those captions.
• Hand out the worksheets to students. First, students say the names of
the animals at the bottom of the page. 2 Follow and say.
• Then students help each animal find his way to the Easter basket. Next,
students count the number of eggs on the way of each animal and draw • Explain to students that their task is to join the words on the left with
those on the right.
the corresponding eggs in the basket.
• Answers: chick – 5, lamb – 2, rabbit – 3. • Check the answers by asking questions: Where’s the (window)?
Students say: It’s in the (kitchen).
• Answers: window – kitchen, door – bedroom, table – living room,
Christmas chair – garden.

Worksheet 15
Review Units 7–8
Aim: to review carol, present, stocking, Christmas tree.
Worksheet 19
1 Look and draw. Aim: to review clothes and pets.

• Review the words related to Christmas by playing a game (see Resource

Bank, p. A21). 1 Read, choose and write.
• Hand out the worksheets to students. Ask them to name the pictures.
• Hand out the worksheets to students. Ask volunteers to read out the
• Tell students that their task is to draw the missing element in each words in the boxes. Next, ask students to say which pets and clothes
square so that a particular element appears only once in each line, each they can see in the pictures.
column and each square marked with a thick line.
• The students’ task is to complete the sentences next to each picture by
• Answers: (from top to bottom; from left to right), carol, Christmas tree, choosing appropriate words from the boxes.
present; carol, ...present, Christmas tree, stocking,... stocking, present,
• Answers: 1 – coat, fish; 2 – T-shirt, hamster; 3 – sweater, tortoise.
Christmas tree, carol.

Review Units 1–2

Worksheet 16
Aim: to review the parts of the face, animals, colors and numbers 1–5.

1 Find and circle.

• Hand out the worksheets to students. Explain that their task is to find
and circle the element in each row which does not match the others.
• Answers: 1 – eyes, 2 – elephant, 3 – hippo, 4 – nose.

2 Listen and color.

• Ask students to say the numbers in English.
• Give instructions: Number (two) – (purple). Number (four) – (gray).
Students’ task is to color the numbers following the description.

Review Units 3–4

Worksheet 17
Aim: to review toys, food and numbers 1–10.

1 Look and color. Then say.

• Hand out the worksheets to students. Ask them to name the objects.
Explain to them that their task is to color as many elements in each row
as stated by the number on the left.
• Students color the elements using any color they want. Walk around the
class and praise their work.


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1 2

3 4

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LEVEL 2 Teacher’s Notes – Tests
Unit 1 - My face – Test Unit 3 - My toys – Test
1 Listen and check (✔) or cross (✘). 1 Listen and number.
• Ask students to look at the pictures showing parts of the • Ask students to look at the pictures of the children with
face. the toys.
• Students are going to listen to the recording and check (✔) • Students are going to listen to the recording and write the
the pictures with descriptions which are true and put a cross number under the picture, according to the order they hear
(✘) next to the pictures with descriptions which are false. them. Play the recording and pause it after each point.
Play the recording and pause it after each point.
1 It’s my kite. TRACK 2.60
1 My eyes. TRACK 2.58 2 It’s my teddy bear.
2 My hair. 3 It’s my train.
3 My mouth. 4 It’s my dinosaur.
4 My ears. 5 It’s my cowboy.
6 It’s my boat.
Answers: 1 – ✔, 2 – ✘, 3 – ✘, 4 – ✔.
4 points (1 point for each correctly marked picture) Answers: 4, 2, 5, 1, 3, 6.
6 points (1 point for each correctly numbered picture)
2 Read and color.
• Ask students to get crayons of the following colors: blue, 2 Listen, color and write.
brown, purple, pink, orange and red and then to look at • Ask students to look at the boxes with circles.
the pictures of crayons. • Students are going to listen to the recording and color the
• Students are going to read the words and color the crayons correct number of circles in each box accordingly. Play the
in accordingly. recording and pause it after each point.
6 points (1 point for each correctly colored crayon)
1 nine TRACK 2.60
2 six
Unit 2 - Animals – Test 3 eight
4 ten
1 Listen and check (✔).
Answers: 1 – nine colored circles; 2 – six colored circles; 3 –
• Ask students to look at the pictures of animals. eight colored circles; 4 – ten colored circles
• Students are going to listen to the recording and check 4 points (1 point for each correctly colored box)
(✔) the pictures with descriptions which are true. Play the
recording and pause it after each point.

1 It’s a lion. TRACK 2.59

Unit 4 - Food – Test
2 It’s a zebra. 1 Listen and circle.
3 It’s a hippo.
4 It’s an elephant. • Ask students to look at the pairs of pictures showing
5 It’s a rhino. different kinds of food.
6 It’s a giraffe. • Students are going to listen to the recording and circle
a picture in each box accordingly. Play the recording and
Answers: 1 – ✔, 2 – ✔, 4 – ✔, 6 – ✔. pause it after each point.
6 points (1 point for each correctly marked picture)
1 chicken TRACK 2.61
2 Listen and circle. 2 eggs
3 meat
• Ask students to look at the ink blots.
4 cake
• Students are going to listen to the recording and write the
5 spaghetti
color of each blot accordingly. Play the recording and pause
6 bananas
it after each point.
Answers: 1 – chicken; 2 – eggs; 3 – meat; 4 – cake; 5 –
1 white. TRACK 2.59 spaghetti; 6 – bananas
2 gray.
6 points (1 point for each correctly circled picture)
3 black.

Answers: 1 – white; 2 – gray; 3 – black

2 Read and draw.
3 points (1 point for each correctly written word). • Students are going to read the sentences, complete the
faces and draw the food the boy likes in his speech balloon.
3 Look and write. Answers: 1 - happy face; 2 - happy face; 3 - sad face; 4 - sad face
• Ask students to look at the picture and write the name of 4 points (1 point for each correctly drawn food item)
the animal.
Answers: bird
1 point

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Unit 5 - My body – Test Unit 8 - My party – Test
1 Listen and check (✔) or cross (✘). 1 Listen and circle.
• Ask students to look at the pictures of monsters. • Ask students to look at the pictures showing pairs of
• Students are going to listen to the recording and check (✔) children.
the pictures with descriptions which are true and put a cross • Students are going to listen to the recording and circle a
(✘) next to the pictures with descriptions which are false. child in each picture accordingly. Play the recording and
Play the recording and pause it after each point. pause it after each point.

1 I have three arms. TRACK 2.62 1 I have a hamster. TRACK 2.65

2 I have two hands. 2 I have a duck.
3 I have two legs. 3 I have a tortoise.
4 I have three feet. 4 I have a fish.
5 I have two heads.
Answers: 1 – boy with the hamster; 2 – boy with the duck;
Answers: 1 – ✘, 2 – ✔, 3 – ✘, 4 – ✘, 5 – ✔. 3 – girl with the tortoise; 4 – boy with the fish.
5 points (1 point for each correctly marked picture) 4 points (1 point for each correctly circled item)

2 Read and circle. 2 Choose and write.

• Ask students to look at the pictures showing pairs of people. • Ask students to look at the picture and read the words in
• Students are going to read the sentences and circle a the box.
person in each picture accordingly. • Students complete the numbered gaps next to the picture
5 points (1.25 point for each correctly circled picture) with the correct words.
Answers: 1 – bird, 2 – hamster, 3 – cat, 4 – fish, 5 – rabbit.
Unit 6 - My house – Test 5 points (1 point for each correctly labelled animal)

1 Listen and circle. End-of-year – Test

• Ask students to look at the pairs of pictures showing
household objects and parts of a house. 1 Listen and circle.
• Students are going to listen to the recording and circle a • Ask students to look at the pairs of pictures showing
picture in each group accordingly. Play the recording and animals, clothes, toys and parts of the face.
pause it after each point. • Students are going to listen to the recording and circle a
picture in each box accordingly. Play the recording and
1 It’s a table. TRACK 2.63 pause it after each point.
2 It’s a house.
3 It’s a window. 1 It’s a rhino. TRACK 2.66
4 It’s a chair. 2 It’s a boat.
5 It’s a door. 3 It’s my nose.
4 It’s a skirt.
5 points (1 point for each correctly circled picture)
5 It’s black.
2 Read and check (✔) or cross (✘). Answers: 1 – rhino; 2 – boat; 3 – nose; 4 – skirt, 5 – black dog.
• Ask students to look at the picture of the house. 5 points (1 point for each correctly circled item)
• Students are going to read the words and check (✔) the
pictures with the correct words and put a cross (✘) next to 2 Read and draw.
the pictures with the incorrect words. • Students read the sentences in the speech balloons and
Answers: 1 – ✘, 2 – ✘, 3 – ✔, 4 – ✔, 5 – ✘. draw the pictures accordingly.
5 points (1 point for each correctly marked word) 5 points (1 point for each correctly drawn picture)

Unit 7 - My clothes – Test

1 Listen and number.
• Ask students to look at the picture of a girl’s clothes.
• Students are going to listen to the recording and number
the clothes accordingly. Play the recording and pause it
after each point.

1 shirt TRACK 2.64

2 hat
3 dress
4 sweater
5 boots

Answers: (from left to right) dress, hat, shirt, sweater, boots.

5 points (1 point for each correctly numbered item)

2 Read and match.

• Ask students to read the names of the clothes.
• Students read the words and match them to the clothes
which are in the picture.
Answers: (from left to right) skirt, shirt, hat, pants, sweater)
5 points (1 point for each correctly traced and marked item)

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NAME ........................................................................................ CLASS .................
TOTAL: ............ / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 LISTEN AND CHECK (✔) OR CROSS (✘). ............ /4

1 2

3 4

2 READ AND COLOR. ............ /6

1 2 3 4 5 6


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NAME ........................................................................................ CLASS .................
TOTAL: ............ / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 LISTEN AND CHECK (✔). ............ /7

1 2 3

4 5 6

2 LISTEN AND WRITE. ............ /3

1 2 3

IT’S . IT’S . IT’S .

3 LOOK AND WRITE. ............ /3

IT’S A .

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NAME ........................................................................................ CLASS .................
TOTAL: ............ / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 LISTEN AND NUMBER. ............ /6

2 LISTEN, COLOR AND WRITE. ............ /4

1 2 3 4

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NAME ........................................................................................ CLASS .................
TOTAL: ............ / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 LISTEN AND CIRCLE. ............ /6

1 2

3 4

5 6

2 READ AND DRAW. ............ /4





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NAME ........................................................................................ CLASS .................
TOTAL: ............ / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 LISTEN AND CHECK (✔) OR CROSS (✘). ............ /5

1 2 3

4 5

2 READ AND CIRCLE. ............ /5

1 2


3 4


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NAME ........................................................................................ CLASS .................
TOTAL: ............ / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 LISTEN AND CIRCLE. ............ /5

1 2 3

4 5

2 READ AND CHECK (✔) OR CROSS (✗). ............ /3





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NAME ........................................................................................ CLASS .................
TOTAL: ............ / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 LISTEN AND NUMBER. ............ /5

2 READ AND MATCH. ............ /5



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NAME ........................................................................................ CLASS .................
TOTAL: ............ / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 LISTEN AND CIRCLE. ............ /4

1 2

3 4

2 CHOOSE AND WRITE. ............ /6


4 2

5 5

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NAME ........................................................................................ CLASS .................

TOTAL: ............ / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 LISTEN AND CIRCLE. ............ /5

1 2 3

4 5

2 READ AND DRAW. ............ /5

1 2 3


4 5


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DVD Worksheets


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DVD worksheets
Worksheet 1
1 Match. Then say.
• Students say the names of the animals: rhino, lion, hippo, elephant,
giraffe. Then they look at the close-up pictures on the right and say
the names of parts of the face. Students match parts of the face with
the appropriate animals. Once you finish, check the answers by saying:
Number 1… Have students finish the sentences.
• Answers: 1 – mouth, hippo; 2 – nose, elephant; 3 – ears, rhino; 4 –
eyes, giraffe; 5 – nose, lion.

Worksheet 2
1 Count. Then write.
• Students guess who is presented in Lucy’s drawing (Ted). Students name
shapes at the lower part of the page (circle, square, triangle, rectangle)
and count them in the drawing. Then, they write the numbers next to
the appropriate shapes. Students may color shapes or draw their own
characters using shapes only.
• Answers: 1 – square, 2 – rectangles, 3 – circles, 4 – triangles.

Worksheet 3
1 Find and match.
• Students find four characters in the pictures and match the characters to
the pictures they are in. Then, they name rooms and parts of the body,
e.g.: Where’s number 1? In the bedroom. Look: feet.
• Answers: 1 – bedroom, feet; 2 – kitchen, hands; 3 – living room, feet;
4 – bathroom, head.

Worksheet 4
1 Choose and draw. Then color.
• Students name the clothes shown in the upper part of the page: hat,
T-shirt, jeans, dress, shirt, pants. Then, they decide which clothes belong
to Lucy and which to Ted. Students draw clothes on the characters and
color them. Then, students pretend that they are Ted or Lucy and say:
Hello, (Lucy)! What are you wearing? and answer: I’m wearing (jeans
and a shirt)./I’m wearing (a pink dress).

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1 2 3 4

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Unit 7, Lesson 3 Cut out

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Photocopiable worksheets
Teacher’s notes Hello
PLEASE NOTE! Before you hand out the worksheets, review Worksheet 5
the target vocabulary using any game from the Resource Objectives: to review numbers 1–10 and colors. How old are you?
Bank. I’m (eight).

Welcome activities, Activity 1 1 Listen and color. Then find and match.
Worksheet 1
• Give instructions, e.g. Number (three) is (red), and have students color the
Objective: to review I’m happy/sad. numbers.
• Students find the numbers in word form in the grid and match them with
the numerals.
1 Draw. Then talk to your friend and draw.
• Answers: (across) eight, six, nine, one, four; (down) three, two, five, ten,
• Ask each student to draw smiling or sad faces in the You column. Tell seven.
students not to show their worksheet to their partners.
• Pair activity: Students take turns to describe the faces they have drawn 2 Count and write. Then ask and answer.
and answer their partner’s questions. Next, they complete the Your friend
column. Student 1: One, I’m (sad). And you? Student 2: I’m (happy). • Tell students that the number of balloons in the picture is the age of
each child.Point to the pictures and ask: How many balloons? Count the
• Students check their answers by comparing worksheets.
balloons as a class and have students write the numbers down (full words)
under the pictures.
2 Draw and write.
• Pair activity: Students take turns to think of a picture, then ask and answer
• Say: I'm happy today. And you? Ask students to describe their feelings by questions. Student 2: How old are you? Student 1: I’m (eight). Student 2:
completing the drawing and writing happy or sad. Number (one). Student 1: Yes.
• Do a mini survey and write the number of happy/sad faces on the board. • Answers: 1 – eight, 2 – nine.

Welcome activities, Activity 2 Unit 1

Worksheet 2 Worksheet 6
Objectives: to review colors, face and body parts. I have (a big) (body). Objectives: to review toys, favorite things and colors. Is it a (ball)? It is /
Big/small, long/short. isn’t a (watch).

1 Write and choose. Then listen, color and say. 1 Look and write.
• Have students look at the picture, complete the gaps with the words from • Read the first question and have students answer. Students write the
the box and choose the correct adjectives. missing words and continue the activity. Have volunteers read the
• Describe the person: I have (blue) (ears) etc. Have students listen and color answers.
the picture, then describe it in detail: I have (small) (blue) (ears). • Answers: 1 – ball, bat; 2 – isn’t a car, a scooter; 3 – it isn’t a TV, It’s
• Answers: 1 – a big body, 2 – a big head, 3 – small eyes, 4 – small ears, a video game; 4 – it isn’t a kite, It’s a watch.
5 – long arms, 6 – short legs, 7 – small hands, 8 – small feet.
2 Trace and find. Then color and write.
Welcome activities, Activity 3 • Students trace the lines to find the children’s favorite toys. Next, they color
Worksheet 3 the pictures any colors they like and complete the sentences, writing the
names of toys and colors.
Objectives: to review animals and colors. It’s (big/gray).
• Answers: 1 – bike, 2 – favorite thing, spaceship, 3 – favorite thing is
a robot.
1 Read and circle. Then color and say.
Unit 2
• Read the first word as a class and ask students to circle the correct animal.
Continue the activity with the other words. Worksheet 7
• Have students color one animal in each row. Objective: to review family members. I have a (mom). I don't have an
• Pair activity. Students take turns to describe the pictures they have colored (aunt).
and guess the animals. Student 1: It’s (big). It isn’t (yellow). It’s (gray).
Student 2: It’s (a hippo).
1 Look and write.
Welcome activities, Activity 4 • Have students write the names of family members. Some letters have
already been given as clues.
Worksheet 4
• Answers: 1 – dad, 2 – grandma, 3 – aunt, 4 – brother, 5 – baby, 6 –
Objectives: to review toys, shapes and colors. cousin.

2 Read and draw. Who is missing in the picture?

1 Read and match. Then listen and color.
• Have students name the family members and the pet shown in the picture.
• Read the words as a class. Have the students match them with the correct
• Have a volunteer read the text out loud. The students circle the names of
pictures. missing family members and pet.
• Ask students to describe the picture frames, then say, e.g. A (big) (square)
• Next, ask students to draw the missing elements in the picture. Ask:
is (red). Students listen and color the frames accordingly. Where is Harry? and have students point.
• Answers: 1 – doll, 2 – train, 3 – kite, 4 – boat, 5 – teddy bear, 6 – car,
• Answers: dad, big brother, rabbit.
7 – ball.


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Unit 3 Unit 7
Worksheet 8 Worksheet 12
Objectives: to review face and body parts. He/She has a (big) chin. Objectives: to review transport and landscape elements. This is a (city).
He/She doesn't have (dark) (hair). Big/small, long/short. These are three (lakes).

1 Read and draw. Then color. 1 Look and write.

• Have a volunteer come to the board. Read the first sentence, pausing • Point to the means of transport and have students name them. Next, have
after each body part, and the student draws a monster according to them unscramble the words and write the correct names under the pictures.
your instruction. Students continue the activity, reading and drawing • Answers: 1 – tractor, 2 – train, 3 – boat, 4 – truck, 5 – plane, 6 – car.
other monsters.
• Ask students to color one of the monsters any colors they like. 2 Count. Write This is / These are and the
• Pair activity: One student describes a monster, the other student gives its quantity.
number. Students switch roles.
• Students count the landscape elements in the picture and complete the
Unit 4 sentences with There’s, There are and numbers.
• Answers: 1 – These are two, 2 – This is one, 3 – These are three, 4 –
Worksheet 9 These are four, 5 – These are two, 6 – These are three, 7 – This is one.
Objectives: to review household items and prepositions of place: in,
on, under, next to. The (lamp) is (on) the (table). Unit 8
Worksheet 13
1 Listen, match and draw. Then read and write. Objectives: to review clothes and colors. He’s / She’s wearing a (blue) (shirt).
• Have volunteers read the words in the box. Say where the objects are (use
the locations in the answers below) and have students match the words 1 Find the words.
with the locations. Next have them draw the objects.
• Ask Where’s the (lamp)? Student: The (lamp) is (on) the (table). Have • Have students name the clothes in the pictures.
students write the answers under the picture. • Next they unscramble the letters of the words in the box, form words and
• Answers: lamp – on the table, book – in the cabinet, bag – under the write them under the corresponding pictures.
armchair, box – next to the bed, teddy bear – on the bed. • Answers: (left to right) skirt, shorts, T-shirt, shirt, scarf, hat, belt, socks.

Unit 5 2 Read and match. Then color and write.

Worksheet 10 • Have students name the clothes in the pictures.
Objectives: to review actions, animals and animal body parts. I can / • Have a volunteer read the first description out loud and the other
students point to the correct picture. Students continue to read and
can’t (sing).
match individually.
• Have students color the picture which doesn’t match any description and
1 Look and write. complete the sentences.

• Have a volunteer read the words in the box. Point to the first picture and • Students color the other pictures according to the descriptions (1–3).
ask students to describe the action in a full sentence. Students continue • Answers: 1 – c, 2 – b, 3 – a.
the activity individually.
• Answers: 1 – sing; 2 – ride a horse; 3 – can ride a bike, 4 – can’t dance. Easter
Worksheet 14
2 Read and write. Then match.
Objectives: to review basket, bench, sweets, chick, chocolate egg,
• Point to the pictures and have students name the animals. The children flowers, lamb, nest, rabbit.
complete the sentences with the words that correspond to the small pictures,
then they match them with the animals. Read the first part as a class and
write students’ answers on the board. Students continue the activity in pairs. 1 Do the crossword. What’s the mystery phrase?
• Answers: 1 – fish: legs, tail, swim; 2 – elephant: ears, jump, walk. • Have students complete the crossword with the names of objects or
animals in the pictures.
Unit 6 • Point to the pictures. Have students name the objects/animals and
Worksheet 11 volunteers should write the words on the board.
• Point to the numbers. Ask children to find the words for numbers in the
Objectives: to review food. (He) likes / doesn’t like (milk). crossword and complete the grid to read the mystery phrase.
• Answers: 1 – lamb, 2 – chocolate egg, 3 – nest, 4 – basket, 5 – chick,
1 Find and circle. Then write. 6 – bench, 7 – flower, 8 – rabbit, 9 – sweets. Mystery phrase: Easter time.

• Have students find and circle one product in each row which doesn’t
match the others. Ask students to explain their choices and next write the
correct word under each picture. Worksheet 15
• Answers: 1 – (left to right) strawberries, pears, grapes, carrots; carrots
Objectives: to review pumpkin, egg, cream, sugar, butter, pastry, mix,
(a vegetable); 2 – onions, peas, bread, tomatoes; bread (not a vegetable);
cook, eat
3 – cake, cheese, chocolate, ice cream; cheese (not a dessert).

2 Listen and draw. Then write. 1 Read and write. Then number.
• Have students give the names of food items in the speech balloons. • Point to the pictures and say silly words, e.g, point to eggs and say:
Say what the speakers like or do not like (see answers below) and have Onions. Students: No. Eggs.
students draw happy or sad faces next to the food. • Have students read the instruction for making a pumpkin pie and
• Point and ask: Do (you) like (cereal)? Students answer as if they were that complete it with names of the objects in the pictures.
person and say: Yes/No. Have students complete the sentences. • Students number the activities to put them in the correct order.
• Answers: (L-R) :), :), :), :(, :), :(, :), :); 1 – likes cereal, apples, chicken, • Answers: pumpkin, 4; eggs, milk, cream,1; pastry, 2; 3.
doesn't like milk; 2 – likes sandwiches, fish, carrots, doesn't like eggs.


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Christmas 1 Draw, listen and color. Then read and circle.
Worksheet 16
• Have students draw a monster in the empty space. Describe locations (the
Objectives: to review candle, card, Santa Claus, present, reindeer, star, blue monster – on the bed in the bedroom; the yellow monster – under
stocking, tree; for you. the table in the kitchen; the green monster – on the carpet in the living
room) and ask students to find the monsters and color them. Then have
them read sentences 1–3 and circle the correct answers.
1 Listen and follow. Who is the computer for?
• Answers: 1 – No, 2 – No, 3 – Yes.
• Have students describe the pictures. Say names of objects in this order:
candle, tree, card, reindeer, present, stocking, Christmas tree, and have Review Units 5–6
students draw lines and connect the objects to find out who will get the
computer (brother). Explain that the lines can only be drawn upwards, Worksheet 20
downwards or sideways, but not diagonally. Objectives: to review animals, actions and food. I can / can’t (run).
• You may ask students to use the lines to describe (in pairs) how to get to Can you (fly)? (She) likes / doesn’t like (milk).
another family member.

2 Draw presents. Write. Then say. 1 Find and write. Guess the animals.
• Have students draw presents they would like to give, then write names on • Have students name the animals in the pictures. Point to the table with
the tags. coded letters and ask them to use the code to find the names of actions
in the riddles. Students then match the animals with the riddles.
• Pair activity: Students show each other their drawings and describe: It’s
a (blue) (bike). It’s for my (dad). • Answers: 1 – monkey: fly, jump, run; 2 – snake: climb, walk.

May Day 2 Look and write.

Worksheet 17 • Have students name the products in the pictures and describe the faces.
Complete the first part as a class, using the first letters as clues. After
Objectives: to review crown, leaves, maypole, play, school. students have completed the answers for the first point, have them
continue the activity in pairs, then ask volunteers to read the answers.
1 Find 6 differences. Then write. • Answers: 1 – : carrots, chicken, chocolate; : pizza, peas, pears; 2 – :
mushrooms, meat, milk; : spaghetti, salad, strawberries.
• Have students find 6 differences between the pictures. Point to picture 2
and say the beginnings of the sentences for students to finish. T: There Review Units 7–8
are 5 … (ribbons). There are 5 … (crowns). Two trees have … (leaves).
There are 6 … (flowers). The girl is wearing a … (dress). The boy has a…
Worksheet 21
(ribbon). Objectives: to review transport, landscape elements and clothes.
• On the board write the beginnings of the sentences that describe picture There is a (forest). There are (three) (cars). (She’s) wearing a (sweater).
1: There are three … (ribbons). There are three … (crowns). One tree has
… (leaves). There are 4 … (flowers). The girl is wearing a … (skirt). The
boy has a… (ribbon and a ball). Have students complete the sentences 1 Play the game.
on their worksheet. Check the answers by having volunteers read their • Hand a copy of the worksheet to each pair of students. Each pair should
answers and write them on the board. also have a counter and an eraser. Students write 1 on one side of the
eraser and 2 on the other.
Review Units 1–2 • Ask students to toss the eraser to move one or two spaces on the board
Worksheet 18 and do the task described on the square. The winner is the first student to
reach the last square. Explain the tasks in the worksheet before students
Objectives: to review family members and favorite things. Do you have start the activity.
(an uncle)? I have / I don't have (an uncle). It is / isn’t a (watch).

1 Match the pairs. Then talk to your friend.

• Have students match the puzzle pieces to find family member names.
• Pair activity. Students talk about their families. Student 1: Do you have (an
uncle)? Student 2: Yes, I have / No, I don't have (an uncle)
• Answers: mom, cousin, sister, uncle, grandpa, aunt.

2 Look and write. Then count and write.

• Have students name the objects in the pictures.
• Read the first sentence as a class. Students continue the activity
individually, then find the small and big items in the picture, count them
and write the numbers.
• Answers: 1 – bat (5, 1); 2 – isn’t a scooter, a bike (1, 1); 3 – isn’t a robot,
a spaceship (3, 1); 4 – isn’t a computer, a TV (2, 1).

Review Units 3–4

Worksheet 19
Objectives: to review face and body parts, rooms and household items,
prepositions of place. The (blue) monster has (big eyes). (She’s) (on) the
(bed) in the (bedroom).


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Welcome activities, Activity 1
Worksheet 1
1 Draw. Then talk to your friend and draw.

You Your friend

1 3 1 3

2 4 2 4

2 Draw and write.

Today I’m .

Welcome activities, Activity 2

Worksheet 2
1 Write and choose. Then listen, color and say.

body eyes head ears arms feet hands legs

3 4
1 a big / small .
2 a big / small .
2 3 big / small .
4 big / small .

1 5 long / short .
5 6 long / short .
7 big / small .
7 8 big / small .

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Welcome activities, Activity 3
Worksheet 3
1 Read and circle. Then color and say.

1 hippo

2 mouse

3 hamster

4 lion

Welcome activities, Activity 4

Worksheet 4
1 Read and match. Then listen and color.

kite car ball teddy bear boat train doll

1 3
2 4


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Worksheet 5
3 Listen and color. Then find and match.









9 5



7 10
2 Count and write. Then ask and answer.

1 2

I’m . I’m .

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Unit 1
Worksheet 6
1 Look and write.

1 3

Is it a ball? Is it a TV?
No, it isn’t a . No, .
It’s a . .
2 4

Is it a car? Is it a kite?
No, it . No, .
It’s . .

2 Trace and find. Then color and write.

1 2 3

1 My favorite thing is a . It’s .

2 My is a . It’s .
3 My . It’s .

98 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Ltd. 2016 New English Adventure 3: Photocopiable worksheets

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Unit 2
Worksheet 7
1 Look and write.

1 2 3

d a m n
4 5 6

r t b o s

2 Read and draw. Who is missing in the picture?


Dear Friend!
I’m Harry. This is my family. I have a mom and a dad.
I have a grandma, but I don't have a grandpa. I don't have
an aunt or an uncle. I have two sisters and one big brother.
I have a cat and a small rabbit.

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Unit 3
Worksheet 8
1 Read and draw. Then color.

1 2

She has a long neck, three long legs and He has small blue eyes. He has dark
six small feet. She has long black hair. hair, four short arms and four big hands.

3 4

He has big teeth and a big chin. He She has a red mouth. She has a big
has a small pink nose. He has two long body, a long neck and glasses.

100 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Ltd. 2016 New English Adventure 3: Photocopiable worksheets

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Unit 4
Worksheet 9
1 Listen, match and draw. Then read and write.

lamp book bag box teddy bear

1 Where’s the lamp? It’s .

2 Where’s the book? It’s .
3 Where’s the bag? It’s .
4 Where’s the box? It’s .
5 Where’s the teddy bear? It’s .

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Unit 5
Worksheet 10
1 Look and write.

dance ride a horse sing ride a bike

1 ✓ 2 ✗ 3 ✓ 4 ✗

1 I can . 3I .
2 I can't . 4I .

2 Read and write. Then match.

1 I’m small. I don't have or hands. I have fins and

a . I can’t climb. I can .

What am I?

2 I’m big. I have four strong legs, two big

and a long nose. I can’t . I can

and run. What am I?

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Unit 6
Worksheet 11
1 Find and circle. Then write.

2 Listen and draw. Then write.

I like , I ,
and . and .
I don't . I don't .

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Unit 7
Worksheet 12
1 Look and write.

c 2
r 3 t
a n i t
o a r b

t r o

5 6
4 k r
l np
u r
a c

t c

2 Count. Write This is / These are and the quantity.

1 forests. 5 islands.
2 small town. 6 lakes.
3 fields. 7 long river.
4 mountains.

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Unit 8
Worksheet 13
1 Find the words.

tha tshors T-tishr lebt kirts rafsc koscs hirst

2 Read and match. Then color and write.

b c d

1 She’s wearing glasses. She’s wearing a green sweater and a short yellow skirt.
She’s wearing blue shoes. She doen't have a scarf.
2 She’s wearing a purple scarf, a black sweater and a long pink skirt. She’s wearing
yellow socks and brown shoes.
3 She’s wearing glasses and a black-and-white scarf. She’s wearing a blue sweater
and a short gray skirt. She’s wearing green socks and purple sneakers.
4 She’s wearing ,a ,
a and a .
She’s wearing and .

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Worksheet 14
1 Do the crossword. What’s the mystery phrase?


1 2

5 1 2

7 3

3 4

8 4 5

9 4

3 5 7 6 3 4 6 1 2 3

9 8

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Worksheet 15
1 Read and write. Then number.

• Eat the pie.

• Mix the , and .

• Make the and put it in a dish.

• Cook the pumpkin pie.

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Worksheet 16
1 Listen and follow. Who is the computer for?





2 Draw presents. Write. Then say.

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May Day
Worksheet 17
1 Find 6 differences. Then write.

2 4

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Review Units 1–2
Worksheet 18
1 Match the pairs. Then talk to your friend.

m pa
cou nt

sis sin ter


grand om
au cle

2 Look and write. Then count and write.

1 Is it a watch? No, it isn't a watch .

It’s a .
small big

2 Is it a scooter? No, it 3
. It’s .
small big

3 Is it a robot? No, it 2
. It’s .
small big

4 Is it a computer? No, it
. It’s .
small big 4

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Review Units 3–4
Worksheet 19
1 Draw, listen and color. Then read and circle.

1 The blue monster

is under the bed
in the bedroom. Yes / No

2 The yellow monster

is under the table
in the living room. Yes / No

3 The green monster

is on the carpet
in the living room. Yes / No

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Review Units 5–6
Worksheet 20
1 Find and write. Guess the animals.

& £ # $ } § • * ? { + Ø ß [ < ] / = ¶ ¥ ! € ( % « @
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

1 A: Can you § Ø « ?
B: No. But I can { ! ß ] and = ! [ .
I’m a .
2 A: Can you # Ø ? ß £ trees?
B: Yes, but I can’t ( & Ø + .
I’m a .

2 Look and write.

I  food starting with C: .

I  food starting with P: .

I  food starting with M: .

2 I  food starting with S: .

112 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Ltd. 2016 New English Adventure 3: Photocopiable worksheets

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Review Units 7–8
Worksheet 21
19 Say. 18 17 Say.
1 Play the game.
Jump to 20.

20 16 Can you …?
Start! Say a tongue
Go! (Unit 7).

1 21 15 Yes or No?
Jump to 5. These are five cars.
➝ What's he

2 22 14 Do you
Sing a song Oops! have ...?
(Unit 7). Go back to 15.

3 STOP! Wait! Well done! 13 Say.

 the winner!
4 Say. 12
➝ What's she

5 Say. 11
Sing a song
(Unit 8).

6 7 8 Sit down in 9 10
Hurray! the forest and Ask your friend:
What are you wait two turns.
Go to 10. name? age? Touch your ears.
favorite toy?

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LEVEL 3 Teacher’s Notes – Tests
Unit 1 - My favorite things - Test Unit 3 - My body and face - Test
1 Listen and check (✔) or cross (✘). 1 Listen and circle.
• Ask students to look at the pictures of children with their • Ask students to look at the pictures showing pairs of people
favorite belongings. or animals.
• Students are going to listen to the recording and check (✔) • Students are going to listen to the recording and circle the
the pictures with true descriptions and put a cross (✘) next correct person or animal in each picture. Play the recording
to the pictures with false descriptions. Play the recording and pause it after each sentence.
and pause it after each dialogue.
1 It has a short tail. TRACK 2.68
1 TRACK 2.66 2 He has big teeth.
Man: What’s your favorite thing, Sarah? Is it a bat? 3 It has a long neck.
Sarah: No, it isn’t a bat! It’s a bike. 4 He has small hands.
5 points (1.25 point for a correctly circled element in each picture)
Woman: What’s your favorite thing, Robert? Is it a TV?
Robert: No, it’s a spaceship! 2 Draw your friend and write.
3 • Students draw their friend and complete the sentences
Woman: What’s your favorite thing, Mark? Is it accordingly.
a video game?
5 points (1.25 point for each correctly completed sentence)
Mark: No, it’s a watch!
Man: What’s your favorite thing, Jessica? Is it a watch? Unit 4 - My room - Test
Jessica: No, it isn’t a watch. it’s a robot!
1 Where’s the cat? Listen and check (✔)
Answers: 1 – ✔, 2 – ✘, 3 – ✘, 4 – ✘. or cross (✘).
5 points (1.25 point for each correctly marked picture) • Ask students to look at the pictures of a cat in different
2 Look, read and write.
• Students are going to listen to the recording and check (✔)
• Ask students to look at the pictures showing Katie’s and the pictures with true descriptions and put a cross (✘) next
David’s favorite belongings. to the pictures with false descriptions. Play the recording
• Students complete the descriptions of the objects with the and pause it after each sentence.
words from the box.
Answers: 1 – is, 2 – scooter, 3 – big, 4 – isn’t, 5 – spaceship. 1 The cat is under the carpet. TRACK 2.69
5 points (1 point for each correctly completed gap) 2 The cat is next to the lamp.
3 The cat is in the bathtub.
4 The cat is on the box.
Unit 2 - My family - Test Answers: 1 – ✔, 2 – ✘, 3 – ✔, 4 – ✘.
1 Listen and check (✔). 5 points (1.25 point for each correctly marked picture)
• Ask students to look at the pairs of pictures showing family 2 Look, read and write.
• Ask students to look at the picture showing a bedroom.
• Students are going to listen to the recording and check (✔)
the correct picture in each pair. Play the recording and • Students complete the description of the bedroom with the
pause it after each sentence. words from the box.
Answers: 1 – bedroom, 2 – armchairs, 3 – next to, 4 – floor,
1 This is my brother. TRACK 2.67 5 – table.
2 This is my grandma. 5 points (1 point for each correctly completed gap)
3 This is my aunt.
4 This is my dad.

Answers: 1 – brother, 2 – grandma, 3 – aunt, 4 – dad.

Unit 5 - I can jump! - Test
5 points (1.25 point for each correctly marked picture) 1 Listen and circle.
• Ask students to look at the sets of pictures showing
2 Look, read and write.
• Ask students to look at the ‘family photo’. • Students are going to listen to the recording and circle the
• Students complete the descriptions of the family members correct animal in each box. Play the recording and pause it
with the words from the box. after each sentence.
Answers: 1 – uncle, 2 – aunt, 3 – grandpa, 4 – cousin,
5 – grandma. 1 It’s a bear. TRACK 2.70
5 points (1 point for each correctly completed gap) 2 It’s a monkey.
3 It’s an elephant.
4 It’s a snake.

Answers: 1 – bear, 2 – monkey, 3 – elephant, 4 – snake.

5 points (1.25 point for each correctly circled picture)

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2 Look, read and write. Unit 8 - What’s he wearing? - Test
• Ask students to look at the picture. 1 Listen and circle.
• Students complete the speech balloons with the words and
• Ask students to look at the sets of pictures showing
phrases from the box.
different items of clothing.
Answers: 1 – fly, 2 – ride a bike, 3 – dance, 4 – ride a horse,
• Students are going to listen to four short dialogues and
5 – sing.
circle the correct picture in each box. Play the recording
5 points (1 point for each correctly completed gap) and pause it after each dialogue.

1 TRACK 2.73
Unit 6 - I like cheese - Test Woman: What are you wearing?
Man: I’m wearing socks.
1 Listen and number.
• Ask students to look at the picture showing different food Man: What are you wearing?
items. Woman: I’m wearing a belt.
• Students are going to listen to the recording and number
the food items accordingly. Play the recording and pause it
Woman: What are you wearing?
after each item.
Man: I’m wearing boots.
1 mushrooms TRACK 2.71 4
2 onions Man: What are you wearing?
3 strawberries Woman: I’m wearing a hat.
4 peas
Answers: 1 – socks, 2 – belt, 3 – boots, 4 – hat.
Answers: 1 – mushrooms, 2 – onions, 3 – strawberries, 5 points (1.25 point for each correctly circled picture)
4 – peas.
5 points (1.25 point for each correctly numbered item) 2 Look, read and write.
• Ask students to look at the picture showing children and
2 Look, read and write. a dog in the forest.
• Ask students to look at the pictures showing children with • Students complete the speech balloon with the words from
some food items. the box.
• Students complete the speech balloons with the words and Answers: 1 – wearing, 2 – boots, 3 – raincoat, 4 – 's,
phrases from the box. 5 – T-shirt.
Answers: 1 – like, 2 – No, 3 – don’t like, 4 – Do, 5 – Yes. 5 points (1 point for each correctly completed gap)
5 points (1 point for each correctly completed gap)

End of Year - Test

Unit 7 - Our world - Test
1 Listen and match.
1 Listen and check (✔) or cross (✘). • Ask students to look at the picture of a room and the
• Ask students to look at the pictures. pictures of single items.
• Students are going to listen to the recording and check (✔) • Students are going to listen to a recording and match the
the pictures with true descriptions and put a cross (✘) next items to the correct places in the room. Play the recording
to the pictures with false descriptions. Play the recording and pause it after each sentence.
and pause it after each sentence.
1 The bat is under the bed. TRACK 2.74
1 These are eleven trains. TRACK 2.72 2 The scooter is next to the chair.
2 These are five cars. 3 The boat is on the cupboard.
3 These are three buses. 4 The socks are in the box.
4 This is a big truck.
4 points (1.0 point for each correctly matched item)
Answers: 1 – ✘, 2 – ✔, 3 – ✔, 4 – ✘.
5 points (1.25 point for each correctly marked picture) 2 Look and write.
• Students look at the pictures and complete the sentences
2 Draw and write. accordingly.
• Students draw their dream vacation place and complete the 6 points (1.25 point for each correctly completed sentence)
sentences accordingly.
5 points (2.5 point for each correctly completed sentence)

116 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Ltd. 2016 New English Adventure 3: Tests

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My favorite Test
things 1
Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................

TOTAL: ............ / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 Listen and check (✔) or cross (✘). ............ /5

1 2

3 4

2 Look, read and write. ............ /5

big isn’t is scooter spaceship

Katie David

My favorite thing My favorite thing isn’t

big. 3
. It’s small.

It isn’t small. It isn’t a bike. It 4 a watch.

It’s a 2 . It’s a 5 .

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My family Test
Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................
TOTAL: ............ / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 Listen and check (✔). ............ /5

1 2

3 4

2 Look, read and write. ............ /5

I’m Susan. I’m eight.

aunt grandma grandpa
I don't have a uncle cousin
brother or sister.

This is my 1 , Tom.

This is my
dad, Jack. This is my

2 ,
This is my
mom, Kate. Mary.

This is my This is my

4 , 3 ,

Julia. Jessica is my 5 . William.

118 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Ltd. 2016 New English Adventure 3: Tests

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My body Test
and face 3
Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................

TOTAL: ............ / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 Listen and circle. ............ /5

1 2

3 4

2 Draw your friend and write. ............ /5

has hair.

has eyes.


doesn't have .

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My room Test
Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................
TOTAL: ............ / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 Where's the cat? Listen and check (✔) or cross (✘). ....... /5

1 2

3 4

3 Look, read and write. ............ /5

next to bedroom armchairs floor table

I have a big 1 . I have a big table, a big bed, two

and a cabinet. The cabinet is 3

the bed. I have a carpet on the 4 . The computer is on

the 5 . I like computer games!

120 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Ltd. 2016 New English Adventure 3: Tests

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I can jump Test
Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................
TOTAL: ............ / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 Listen and circle. ............ /5

1 2 3 4

3 Look, read and write. ............ /5

dance fly ride a bike ride a horse sing

I can 1

I can 2

I can 3
I can't 4

I can't 5

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I like cheese Test
Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................
TOTAL: ............ / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 Listen and number. ............ /5

3 Look, read and write. ............ /5

Yes Do don’t like No like

I 1

tomatoes. Do you
like tomatoes? I 3
you like grapes?

. I don't
like tomatoes. 5
I like grapes. Yum!

122 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Ltd. 2016 New English Adventure 3: Tests

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Our world Test
Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................
TOTAL: ............ / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 Listen and check (✔) or cross (✘). ............ /5

1 2

3 4

2 Draw and write. ............ /5

This is my dream vacation place.

This is .

These are .

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What’s he Test
wearing? 8
Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................

TOTAL: ............ / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 Listen and circle. ............ /5

1 2

3 4

2 Look, read and write. ............ /5

's raincoat T-shirt boots wearing

I’m Sandra, this is my brother Brad,

and this is Rex, my dog.
We’re in the forest.
I’m 1 jeans, a
raincoat and 2
Rex is wearing a 3
too! Look at Brad!
He 4 wearing
shorts, sneakers and a 5 .
And a hat!

124 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Ltd. 2016 New English Adventure 3: Tests

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Test OF
Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................

TOTAL: ............ / 10 0–3 4–7 8 – 10

1 Listen and match. ............ /4

2 Look and write. ............ /6

I like . This is .

I . These are and .

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DVD Worksheets


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DVD worksheets
Worksheet 1
1 Read, draw and color.
• Students read the description in the speech balloon above the face
outline. Then they draw the parts of the face in the outline and color
them in according to the description.
Worksheet 2
1 Write.
• Students look at the pictures of Ted and Lucy holding soccer balls. Then
students complete the sentences in the speech balloons with on or
under and the appropriate names of parts of the body, and label the
remaining parts of the body in the pictures using words from the box.
• Answers: (top to bottom) Ted – The ball is under my foot; hand, leg,
feet. Lucy – The ball is on my hand; hair, arm, body, feet.
Worksheet 3
1 Choose. Then write.
• Students cross out the wrong words in the descriptions of the monkey
and the bears. Then they complete the description of the elephant.
• Answers: A monkey has long arms and long legs. It can climb trees;
A bear has short legs. It can swim. It can’t fly; An elephant has a long
nose. It can walk. It can’t jump.
Worksheet 4
1 Write.
• Students look at the picture of grandma, the girl and the twins. Then
they complete the sentences using words from the box.
• Answers: My grandma's wearing a hat, a coat, pants and boots; My
sister is wearing a sweater and shorts; The twins are wearing T-shirts,
pants and sneakers.

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EA2-TB-p102-136 13/12/04 6:57 pm Page 131

Bank pomyslów
Wideo – Arkusz 1
Worksheet 1
1 Read, draw and color.

Read, draw and colour.

Draw my face.
I have three eyes.
I have a big nose.
I have a big mouth
and big teeth.
I have two small ears.
My hair is pink.
My ears are yellow.
My eyes are green.

English Adventure 2 ©Pearson Education Limited 2005 PHOTOCOPIABLE 131

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EA2-TB-p102-136 13/12/04 6:57 pm Page 132
Worksheet 2
1 Write.

Wideo – Arkusz 2
head arm leg body hair hand (x 2) foot feet (x 2)

Write the words.

The ball is ______________
my ____________________ .
The ball is ______________
my ____________________ .

under __________






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DVD Wideo
Wideo –
– Arkusz
Arkusz 3
Wideo – Arkusz 3
Worksheet 3
1 Choose. Then write.
Choose the words.Write.
Choose the words.Write.
Choose the words.Write.

A monkey
A monkey’s
hasgot long
long / short
/ short armsarms
A long/ /short
and long short legs.It/ It
long can
can /arms
/ can’t
trees./ short legs./ Itshort
can /arms
A monkey’s got long
and trees.
/ short legs. It can / can’t
climb trees.

A bear’s got long / short legs. It

can / can’t
A bear’s gotswim.
long It can / legs.
/ short can’t Itfly.
A bear
can has long
/ can’t / short legs. It
A bear’s gotswim.
long It can
/ short / legs.
can’t Itfly.
can / can’t swim. It can / can’t fly.
can / can’t swim. It can / can’t fly.

An elephant’s got a __________ nose.

It __________
An walk.
elephant’s got a __________ nose.
An__________ jump.
elephant’s got a __________ nose.
An elephant has a _____________ nose.
It __________ jump.
It _____________ walk.
It __________ jump.
It _____________ jump.

English Adventure 2 ©Pearson Education Limited 2005 PHOTOCOPIABLE 133

English Adventure 2 ©Pearson Education Limited 2005 PHOTOCOPIABLE 133
English Adventure 2 ©Pearson Education Limited 2005 PHOTOCOPIABLE 133
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Wideo – Arkusz 4
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Worksheet 4

Wideo – Arkusz 4
1 Write.
Write the words.

My grandma's wearing _______________________

Write the words. .

My sister’s wearing _________________________

___________________________________________ .

The twins are wearing ______________________

___________________________________________ .

sweater boots hat T-shirt shorts sneakers coat pants

sweater boots hat T-shirt

shorts trainers coat trousers

sweater boots hat T-shirt

shorts trainers coat trousers
134 PHOTOCOPIABLE English Adventure 2 ©Pearson Education Limited 2005

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P Pearson
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DVD worksheets 131

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Photocopiable worksheets
Teacher’s notes
PLEASE NOTE! Before you hand out the worksheets, review the target vocabulary using any game from the Resource Bank.

Welcome activities, Activity 1 Welcome activities, Activity 3

Worksheet 1 Worksheet 3
Objective: to review introductions and classroom commands. Objective: to review numbers 10–20. There are (ten) (bags).

1 Unscramble the words, form questions and 1 Look and read. Then match and write.
answer them.
• Hold up three pencils and ask: How many pencils? Students: Three.
• Walk around the class and ask: How are you? What’s your name? • Ask students to read the questions, count the objects and answer the
• Ask students to unscramble the words, form questions and answer them. questions.
• Answers: 1 What’s your name? 2 How are you? 3 I’m fine, thanks, • Answers: 1 twelve. 2 ten bags. 3 fifteen rulers. 4 eleven chairs.
and you?; Students' own answers. • Follow-up: Students cover the worksheets and answer questions using
• Follow-up: Place students in pairs and have them create a dialogue complete sentences. T: How many (pencils)? Students: These are (twelve)
with the questions formed. pencils.

2 Read and match.

• Say a classroom command and have students mime it with you. Welcome activities, Activity 4
• Ask students to match the commands to the pictures.
• Answers: 1 a, 2 f, 3 c, 4 d, 5 b, 6 e. Worksheet 4
• Follow-up: Have students cover the commands. Point to the pictures
and ask students to say the correct commands. Objective: to review colors and food. I like / don’t like (cake).
My favorite food is (chocolate).

1 Read and color.

Welcome activities, Activity 2 • Point to different objects in the classroom and ask: What color is it?
Students: It's (red).
Worksheet 2 • Ask students to read the sentences and color the shapes accordingly.
Objective: to review classroom objects. This is (your bag). It’s (a pen). • Answers: 1 red, 3 yellow, 4 blue, 6 orange, 7 black, 9 green.
• Follow-up: Place students in pairs and have them take it in turns to
point to the shapes and say: It’s (red).
1 Unscramble the letters and form words.
2 Read and write about you.
• Ask students to unscramble the letters and write the words in the gaps
• Ask students to read the sentences and complete them with true
• Answers: 1 pencil, 2 eraser, 3 ruler, 4 chair, 5 bag, 6 board. information about themselves. Then the students: Do you like (cake)?
• Follow-up: Say the names of classroom objects and have students point What's your favorite food?
to them in the classroom. • Ask students to write what their favorite food is using the words from
the box. Have students read out their answers.
2 Read and match.
• Point to a few classroom objects and ask: What’s this? Students: This is
an (eraser) / It’s an (eraser).
• Ask students to match the sentences to the pictures.
• Answers: 1 c, 2 a, 3 b.
• Follow-up: Place students in pairs and have them mingle. One student
points to an object, says a false sentence and the other one corrects it.
Student 1: (pointing to a pen) It's / This is a pencil. Student 2: No, it's / this
is a pen. Have students switch roles.


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Hello Unit 3
Worksheet 5 Worksheet 8
Objective: to review the alphabet and introductions. Objective: to review different action verbs. (He) is / isn’t (running).

1 Read and match. 1 Look and answer.

• Walk around the class, ask questions 1–5 and have students answer • Ask students to tell you what the children in the picture are doing.
them. • Have students look at the picture and answer the questions.
• Ask students to match questions 1–5 to answers a–e. • Answers: 1 No, he isn’t walking. He's running. 2 Yes, she is jumping.
• Answers: 1 b, 2 a, 3 d, 4 e, 5 c. 3 Yes, he's playing with a ball. 4 No, he isn't running. He's walking. 5
• Follow-up: Place students in pairs and have them ask each other Yes, she is reading. 6 Yes, she is writing.
the questions from the worksheet and answer them. • Follow-up: Students talk about the picture in pairs.

2 Write the missing letters. Then match. 2 Read and complete.

• Say two letters of the alphabet for students to say the next one. T: A, • Say: I’m at a party. I’m … and have students finish your sentence:
B… Students: C. (Dancing).
• Ask students to fill in the letters of the alphabet and then match • Ask students to complete and then write the sentences using the words
the capitals to the lower case letters. from the box.
• Follow-up: Have students say the alphabet and then read the lower • Answers: 1 dancing. 2 flying. 3 swimming. 4 I’m juggling. 5 She’s
case letters under the alphabet. drawing. 6 He’s singing.

Unit 1 Unit 4
Worksheet 6 Worksheet 9
Objective: to review feelings and family members. This is (dad). Objective: to review places in a city and prepositions of place. There’s a
He's (hungry). (hotel) next to a (school). It’s (next to) the (school).

1 Read and answer. Then draw. 1 Look at the pictures. Read and check (✓)
the correct sentences.
• Ask students to read the text and answer the questions. Have students
draw a picture matching the text. • Have students look at the pictures and tell you where the different
• Answers: 1 Dad. 2 Anna. 3 Yes, she is thirsty. 4 No, she is worried. 5 Pat. places are using next to, behind, in front of.
• Students read the sentences and check (✓) the ones which are correct.
2 Read and match. • Answers: 1 ✓, 4 ✓.
• Say: I have ice cream. I'm … and have students finish your sentence: (happy).
2 Look at Activity 1 and answer.
• Ask students to match the sentences to the feelings.
• Answers: 1 b, 2 a, 3 e, 4 d, 5 c. • Ask students to answer the questions by using the map as a guide.
• Follow-up: Place students in pairs. One of them reads a sentence • Answers: 1 It’s next to the hotel. 2 It’s in front of the museum.
and the other reacts to it with the worksheet covered. Then students 3 It’s in front of the park. 4 It’s next to the store.
switch roles. • Follow-up: Students talk about the places in the city in pairs.

Unit 2 Unit 5
Worksheet 7 Worksheet 10
Objective: to review the weather, seasons and clothes. It’s (cold). She Objective: to review daily routines and telling the time. I (get up)
has a (scarf). at (eight o’clock).

1 Circle the correct words. 1 Number the daily routines. Then answer.
• Ask students to read the sentences and circle the correct words. • Ask students to put the daily routines in the correct order, then answer
• Answers: 1 cold and snowing, 2 winter, 3 cloudy, 4 spring, 5 windy the questions about themselves.
and cloudy. • Answers: 1 get up, 2 have breakfast, 3 go to school, 4 study, 5 have lunch,
• Follow-up: Have students write their own sentences about two seasons 6 go home, 7 go to bed.
in the back of their worksheets and then read them to their partners. • Follow-up: Place students in pairs and have them describe their typical day
to each other.
2 Read and complete. Then draw.
2 Read and write sentences.
• Ask students to read the texts and complete them with the words from
the box. Then students draw pictures matching the texts. • Ask students to look at the pictures, read the time and write sentences.
• Answers: 1 winter, 2 summer, 3 fall, 4 spring. Note: Depending on where • Answers: 1 I get up at six thirty. 2 I have a shower at seven thirty. 3
they live, students may give different answers. Remind them that these I have breakfast at eight o’clock. 4 I read a book at eleven o’clock.
answers are based on the seasons in the USA, where Easter is in Spring. 5 I go home at four o’clock. 6 I go to bed at eight thirty.
• Follow-up: One student describes a picture and the other one guesses • Follow-up: Place students in pairs and have them read sentences for their
the season. Then students switch roles. partner to point to the correct picture.


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Unit 6 Unit 8
Worksheet 11 Worksheet 13
Objective: to review hobbies and days of the week. I (do) (karate). Objective: to review sports names. I like / don’t like (horseback riding).
He has (an art lesson) on Monday. He/She likes / doesn't like (surfing).

1 Correct the sentences. 1 Check (✓) or cross (✗) and write sentences
about you using I like / I don't like.
• Ask students what hobbies they have.
• Have students correct the sentences. • Ask students to check (✔) the sports they like and put cross (✗) next to
• Answers: 1 I do karate and go cycling. 2 I do ballet and go swimming. the ones they don’t like. Then ask them to write sentences using the
3 I do gymnastics and have art lessons. 4 I have music lessons and go information in the chart.
camping. • Have students read their sentences to their partners.
• Follow-up: Students write an incorrect sentence for their partner
to correct. 2 Guess the sport.

2 Find the days. Then write them. • Students write the names of the sports described in the sentences.
• Answers: 1 surfing, 2 tennis, 3 horseback riding, 4 scuba diving, 5 roller
• Ask students to find the days of the week in the word snake and write skating, 6 rock climbing.
them down. • Follow-up: Students read the sentences for their partners to guess
• Answers: Tuesday, Friday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday, Saturday. the sport.

3 Look at Pete’s diary and correct the sentences. 3 Choose the correct word.
• Ask students to look at the diary and correct the sentences. • Have students read the sentences and then choose the correct words.
• Answers: 1 He has art lessons on Monday. 2 He does karate on Wednesday. • Answers: 1 like, 2 doesn’t, 3 likes, 4 doesn’t like, 5 don’t.
3 He has music lessons on Thursday. 4 He goes fishing on Sunday.
• Follow-up: Ask students to write a few sentences about what they do
during the week to read to their partners.

Unit 7
Worksheet 12
Objective: to review animals and animal food. (Crocodiles) eat (meat).

1 Read and complete. Then write the missing

• Ask students to read the sentences, complete the gaps with the words
from the box and fill in the missing letters in the words.
• Answers: 1 grass, meat, 2 meat, seeds, 3 bugs, fruit, 4 seeds, grass,
5 leaves, bugs, 6 fruit, leaves.
• Follow-up: Ask students to write two sentences about animals and
what they eat to read to their partners.

2 Put the words in the correct column.

• Students tell you what they remember about omnivores, carnivores
and herbivores. Place students in pairs and have them put the words
in the correct column.
• Answers: carnivores: lions, tigers, crocodiles, sharp teeth; omnivores:
monkeys, birds, frogs, sharp beaks, sharp teeth, flat teeth; herbivores:
antelopes, zebras, hippos, flat teeth.


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Harvest Festival Valentine’s Day
Worksheet 14 Worksheet 17
Objective: to review Harvest Festival vocabulary. Objective: to review Valentine’s Day vocabulary.

1 Unscramble the letters and form words. 1 Read and correct the sentences.
• Ask students what they remember about the Harvest Festival. Then have • Students look at the pictures and correct the sentences.
them unscramble the letters and form words. • Answers: 1 She has flowers. 2 He has chocolates. 3 He has two hearts. 4
• Answers: apples, pumpkin, bread, carrots, pears, corn. She has a card.
• Follow-up: Have students cover the sentences and describe the
2 Read and complete. Then draw. pictures.

• Ask students to read the text and complete it with the words from 2 Unscramble the letters and form words.
the box. Then ask students to draw a picture matching the text.
• Answers: 1 fall, 2 Festival, 3 thank, 4 food, 5 apples, 6 corn, 7 pears, • Explain to students that they have to unscramble the letters and form
8 hat. words.
• Follow-up: Have students cover their worksheets. Read the text and ask • Answers: 1 chocolates, 2 cake, 3 heart, 4 cards, 5 flowers.
them to say Stop when they hear a word missing and say it.
3 Read and draw. Then color.
• Ask students to read the description, then draw the shop window and
Bonfire Night color it as in the text. Then have them compare their pictures in pairs.

Worksheet 15
Objective: to review Bonfire Night vocabulary. Mother's Day
1 Write the missing letters.
Worksheet 18
Objective: to review Mother’s Day vocabulary.
• Ask students what they remember about Bonfire Night. Then have them
fill in the missing letters in the words.
• Answers: 1 Guy, 2 fireworks, 3 bonfire, 4 potatoes. 1 Look and write.

2 Read and color. • Ask students what they do on Mother's Day. Then have them look at
the picture and complete the text.
• Explain to students that they have to read the text and color the picture • Answers: 1 flowers, 2 card, 3 chocolates, 4 cake, 5 cup (of tea).
accordingly. • Follow-up: Have students cover the text and describe it in pairs, using
• Place students in pairs. Have them cover the worksheets and take turns as many details as possible.
to describe the picture.
2 Unscramble the words and write sentences.
• Ask students to unscramble the words and write sentences.
New Year's Eve • Answers: 1 Mom is next to Grandma. 2 My sister has a card for Grandma.
3 My brother has chocolates for Mom. 4 Dad has a cake. 5 Grandma and
Mom are very happy.
Worksheet 16 • Follow-up: Students write another sentence describing the picture
in Activity 1.
Objective: to review New Year’s Eve vocabulary.

1 Read and complete.

• Ask students what they remember about New Year's Eve. Then have
them work in pairs and complete the text with the words from the box.
• Answers: 1 party, fireworks, 2 calendar, December, 3 twelve, 4 midnight.
• Follow-up: Have one student read the sentences and the other one
cover the worksheet and complete the gaps from memory. Then
students switch roles.

2 Unscramble the words and write sentences.

• Ask students to unscramble the words, write sentences and check the
answers in pairs.
• Answers: 1 It’s my New Year's Eve party. 2 What time is it? It’s midnight.
3 My mom and dad are singing. 4 My baby brother is sleeping on the sofa.
5 Look at the windows. There are fireworks.


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Review Units 1–2 Review Units 5–6
Worksheet 19 Worksheet 21
Objective: to review feelings, seasons, months and weather. I'm / I'm Objective: to review daily activities, hobbies, days of the week and telling
not (sad). He/She is / isn't (sad). It's (summer). It's (hot). the time. Yes/No, she (has breakfast) at (seven thirty). He (goes swimming)
on (Monday).
1 Read and match.
1 Read and answer Yes or No.
• Ask students to match the questions with the answers.
• Answers: 1 c, 2 b, 3 e, 4 d, 5 a. • Ask students to read the text and react to each sentence using Yes/No
and a complete sentence.
• Follow-up: Place students in pairs. Have one of them read the question
and the other one answer it with the worksheet covered. Then have • Answers: 1 6:30. 2 Yes, she has breakfast at 7:30. 3 No, she does
students switch roles. gymnastics at 6. 4 No, she has dinner at 7:30. 5 Yes, she goes to bed at 9.
• Follow-up: Have students read the sentences for their partners to
2 Look and write. Then read and match. answer.

• Ask students to look at the pictures and write the names of seasons 2 Read and match.
under each of them. Then ask them to read sentences a-d and match
them to the pictures. • Ask students to read the text and then match the days to hobbies.
• Answers: 1 d, summer, 2 b, winter, 3 c, spring, 4 a, fall. • Answers: 1 d, 2 b, 3 f & g, 4 a, 5 e, 6 c & d.
• Follow-up: Students cover the sentences and describe the pictures in • Follow-up: Have students talk about Paul's week.

3 Read and complete.

• Ask students what festivals they remember and what months they are Review Units 7–8
• Students complete the sentences with the words from the box, then Worksheet 22
write when their birthday is.
Objective: to review sports, animals and animal food. I like / I don’t like
• Answers: 1 April, March; 2 December; 3 October; 4 July; 5 Students’ (meat). He/She likes / doesn’t like (cake).
own answers.

1 Look and choose.

Review Units 3–4 Ask students to look at the picture and choose the correct words to
complete the sentences.
• Answers: 1 doesn't like, 2 likes, 3 doesn't like, 4 likes, 5 doesn't like,
Worksheet 20 6 doesn't like.

Objective: to review action verbs, places in city and prepositions of 2 Correct the information in these sentences.
place. There is / isn’t a (café) (next to) the (movie theater).
• Tell students there is some information to be corrected in each sentence.
1 Read and choose the correct word. • Answers: 2 Carnivores don't eat plants. They eat meat. 3 Lions eat meat.
Then draw the athlete. Monkeys eat bananas. 4 I I have a racket. I'm playing tennis. 5. Sue isn't
scared of horses. She likes horseback riding.
• Ask students to read the text and choose the correct words. Then have
them draw the athlete the best they can and show their work to their 3 In your notebook, write two sentences
partners. about you.
• Answers: scared, swim, medals, champion.
• Ask students to open their notebooks and write two sentences with
2 Read and choose. wrong information about themselves. In pairs, students read their
sentences for their partner to correct them.
• Ask students to read the sentences and choose the correct phrases.
• Answers: 1 There are, 2 There's, 3 There are, 4 There's, 5 There are,
6 There isn't.
• Follow-up: Ask students to tell you what place there is/isn't in their city.

3 Unscramble the words and write sentences.

• Ask students to unscramble the words and write sentences.
• Answers: 1 There's a café in my town. 2 There is a movie theater next
to the store. 3 There isn't a hospital in your town. 4 There is a school
next to the park. 5 There is a garage in my town.
• Follow-up: Students think of two sentences, write the words out of
order and ask their partners to unscramble them.


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Welcome activities, Activity 1
Worksheet 1
1 Unscramble the words, form questions and answer them.

1 What’s ? name your

2 How ? you are

3 I’m thanks, fine you and ?

2 Read and match.

1 Come in. a b c

2 Sit down.
3 Open your books.
4 Read. d e f

5 Write.
6 Say.

Welcome activities, Activity 2

Worksheet 2
1 Unscramble the letters and form the words.

1 pleinc 4 ciarh
2 resare 5 bga
3 relur 6 daorb

2 Read and match.

1 Hello. What’s your name? 2 This is your bag. 3 It’s a chair.

a b c

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Welcome activities, Activity 3
Worksheet 3
1 Look and read. Then match and write.

1 How many pencils? 2 How many bags?

pencils . .

3 How many rulers? 4 How many chairs?

. .

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Welcome activities, Activity 4
Worksheet 4
1 Read and color.

1 It's red. It’s number one.

2 It's yellow. It’s number three.
3 Number nine is green and number six is orange.
4 Number seven isn’t blue. It’s black.
5 It's blue. It’s number four.


2 Read and write about you.

ice cream chocolate cake carrot salad

I like and .
I don’t like .
My favorite food is .

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Worksheet 5
1 Read and match.

1 a
What’s your name?

I’m fine, thanks.

2 b
How are you?
My name’s Pete.

3 c
No, I’m Paul.
What’s your
favorite color?

4 d
How old are you? It’s blue.

5 e
I’m eight.

Are you Tom?

2 Write the missing letters. Then match.

A _ C D _ F _ H I J _ L M _ O P _ R _ T U V _ X _ Z

a c d b h f e g l k j i p n o m r s q t w u v y x z

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Unit 1
Worksheet 6
1 Read and answer. Then draw.

I'm Anna. This is my family. We’re at the park. Dad has a sandwich. He’s
hungry. Mom has water. She’s thirsty. My friend isn’t here. I’m sad. Pat is
my sister. She can’t see our dog. She’s worried.

1 Who is hungry? 4 Is Pat excited?

2 Who is sad? 5 Who is worried?
3 Is Mom thirsty?

2 Read and match.

1 These are big dogs. a hungry

2 I have chocolate. b scared
3 I can’t see my mom. c tired
4 It’s my birthday party! d excited
5 I’m in bed. e worried

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Unit 2
Worksheet 7
1 Circle the correct words.

1 It’s winter. It’s hot and sunny / cold and snowing.

2 It’s sunny and hot. It isn’t summer / winter.
3 Today it’s cold. It's summer / cloudy.
4 It isn’t raining or snowing, and it isn’t cold. It’s winter / spring.
5 It’s fall. It’s hot and sunny / windy and cloudy.

2 Read and complete. Then draw.

spring summer winter fall

1 2

This is my mom. She has an umbrella, My dad has glasses and a hat.
a hat and a scarf. It’s snowing and it’s It’s very sunny and hot. Dad likes
cold. My mom likes . .

3 4

This is my friend Adam. He isn’t happy. This is me. I’m excited and happy.
He has a scarf and a hat. It’s windy. He It’s Easter and sunny. It isn’t stormy.
doesn’t like . It’s .

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Unit 3
Worksheet 8
1 Look and answer.

2 3 4 5

1 Is he walking? No, he isn’t . He’s .

2 Is she jumping? .
3 Is he playing with a ball? .
4 Is he running? .
5 Is she reading? .
6 Is she writing? .

2 Read and complete.

swimming juggling dancing drawing singing flying

1 I’m at a party. I’m .

2 Look at the bird. It’s .
3 Dad is at the beach. He’s .
4 I have four balls. .
5 Sally has crayons. .
6 My brother has a radio. .

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Unit 4
Worksheet 9
1 Look at the pictures. Read and check (✓) the correct sentences.

1 2

3 4

1 There’s a hotel next to the school.

2 There's a hospital behind the museum.
3 There's a park in front of the movie theater.
4 There's a library next to the store.

2 Look at Activity 1 and answer.

1 Where’s the café? It’s .

2 Where’s the hospital? .
3 Where’s the movie theater.? .
4 Where’s the garage? .

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Unit 5
Worksheet 10
1 Number the daily routines. Then answer.

go to school get up have breakfast go home

have lunch go to bed study

1 What time do you play?

2 What time do you have dinner?

2 Read and write sentences.

get up shower breakfast

1 I get up at 2 3

. . .

book home bed

4 5 6

. . .

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Unit 6
Worksheet 11
1 Correct the sentences.

1 I play karate and do cycling. .

2 I go ballet and play swimming. .
3 I play gymnastics and go art lessons. .
4 I go music lessons and do camping. .

2 Find the days. Then write them.




3 Look at Pete’s diary and correct the sentences.

Monday Thursday

Wednesday Sunday

1 He has music lessons on Monday.

2 He does gymnastics on Wednesday.
3 He goes fishing on Thursday.
4 He goes camping on Sunday.

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Unit 7
Worksheet 12
1 Read and complete. Then write the missing letters.

fruit grass leaves meat bugs seeds

1 Antelopes eat . They don’t eat m a .

2 Crocodiles eat . They don’t eat s e s.
3 Frogs eat . They don’t eat r it.
4 Birds eat . They don’t eat gr s.
5 Giraffes eat . They don’t eat b s.
6 Monkeys eat . They don’t eat le e .

2 Put the words in the correct column.

lions antelopes zebras tigers hippos birds

frogs monkeys sharp teeth flat teeth sharp beaks crocodiles

Carnivores Omnivores Herbivores

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Unit 8
Worksheet 13
1 Check (✓) or cross (✗) and write sentences about you using I like / I don't like.

1 diving 5 surfing
2 horseback riding 6 scuba diving
3 roller skating 7 playing tennis
4 baseball 8 basketball

1I .
2I .
3 .
4 .
5 .
6 .
7 .
8 .

2 Guess the sport.

1 Paul is wearing shorts.

He has a yellow surfboard.
2 Lee has a blue racket.
3 Monica likes horses.
4 Tony likes fish and sharks, too!
5 Jenny has roller skates.
6 Sarah likes high rocks.

3 Choose the correct word.

1 I likes / like diving.

2 He don’t / doesn’t like horseback riding.
3 Anton likes / like surfing.
4 Rania doesn’t like / like roller skating.
5 I don’t / doesn’t like baseball.

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Harvest Festival
Worksheet 14
1 Unscramble the letters and form words.

1 papels
2 uppmnik
3 dearb
4 tosrarc
5 reaps
6 ronc

2 Read and complete. Then draw.

apples fall corn Festival food hat pears thank

It’s 1 . It’s the Harvest 2 . At the Harvest

Festival we say ‘ 3 you’ for our 4 . In our
baskets we have 5 ,6 ,
and 7 . Look at my corn doll. She has a long green dress and a
yellow 8 . She’s very happy. I like the Harvest Festival.

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Bonfire Night
Worksheet 15
1 Write the missing letters.

1G y 2f r wo k 3b nf r 4p t t es

2 Read and color.

I like Bonfire Night. It’s on

November 5th. Look at the bonfire.
It’s yellow. My hot potato is brown and
yellow. The guy is wearing a black hat. It’s big.
His coat is orange and green. His jeans are old.
They are blue. Look at the fireworks. They are
pink, purple and orange.
They are beautiful.

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New Year’s Eve
Worksheet 16
1 Read and complete.

midnight calendar December fireworks party twelve

1 We’re having a New Year’s Eve . I like dancing.

Oh, look at the ! They're beautiful.

2 Look, there's a . It’s 31st.

3 Three, two, one! It’s o’clock! Happy New Year!

4 A: It’s late. Look at the clock.

B: Oh no! It’s !

2 Unscramble the words and write sentences.

1 It’s / my / party / New Year’s Eve


2 What / is / time / ? / it midnight / It’s


3 My mom / and / singing / are / dad


4 My / brother / baby / is / sleeping / sofa / on the


5 Look / the windows / at There / fireworks / are

. .

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Valentine’s Day
Worksheet 17
1 Read and correct the sentences.

1 She has chocolates. .

2 He has two hearts. . 2
3 He has a card. .
1 4
4 She has flowers. .

2 Unscramble the letters and form words.

1 hclcosetoa 4 csdra
2 ckae 5 fwloers
3 htrae

3 Read and draw. Then color.

This is my mom's store. It’s Valentine’s Day. There are cards next to the
chocolates. The cards are yellow, red, blue and green. The chocolates are
pink and brown. In front of the cards, there are green and purple flowers.
There are three big cakes next to the chocolates. They are brown and
white. There are six red hearts behind the cakes.

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Mother’s Day
Worksheet 18
1 Look and write.

It’s Mother’s Day. Mom and Grandma are sitting on the sofa. They are very happy.
I have 1 for mom and my sister has a 2
for Grandma. My brother has 3 for Mom. Look at Dad. He
has a 4 and my Grandpa has a 5 .

2 Unscramble the words and write sentences.

1 next to / Mom / Grandma / is

2 sister / My / has / card / a / for Grandma
3 My / has / brother / chocolates / a / Mom / for
4 cake / has / Dad / a
5 Grandma and Mom / very / happy / are

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Review Units 1–2
Worksheet 19
1 Read and match.

1 Are you hungry? a Yes, I can’t play video games today.

2 Is he tired? b Yes. He’s worried, too. He can’t sleep.
3 Is Sally thirsty? c No, I have a sandwich. I’m thirsty.
4 Is Max happy? d Yes, he’s happy. He has a new bike.
5 Are you sad? e No, she has some water.

2 Look and write. Then read and match.

1 3


a It’s raining and it’s windy. It isn’t snowing.

b It isn’t raining. It’s cold and sunny.
c It isn’t hot and it isn’t windy. It’s raining.
d It isn’t cold and it isn’t raining. It’s windy and sunny.

3 Read and complete.

December March October July April

1 Easter is in or .
2 Christmas is in .
3 Children's Day is in .
4 We’re on vacation in .
5 My birthday is in .

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Review Units 3–4
Worksheet 20
1 Read and choose the correct word. Then draw the athlete.

My favorite athlete is Ian Thorpe.

He isn’t happy / scared of the water.
He can swim / read very fast. He’s very
strong. He has five gold plates / medals.
He’s an Olympic champion / teacher.

2 Read and choose.

1 There’s / There are five cafés in my town.

2 There’s / There are a movie theater next to the store.
3 There isn’t / There are three hospitals in my town.
4 There are / There's a store next to the museum.
5 There are / There isn't two schools next to the park.
6 There are / There isn't a garage in my town.

3 Unscramble the words and write sentences.

1 a / There’s / café / in my town

2 There / is / a / next to the store / movie theater
3 isn’t / There / hospital / a / in your town
4 a school / next to the park / There / is
5 a garage / There / is / in / town / my

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Review Units 5–6
Worksheet 21
1 Read and answer Yes or No.

Penny has a very long day. She gets up at six thirty. She takes a shower
at seven o’clock and has breakfast at seven thirty. She has lunch
at one o’clock. At four thirty, she has piano lessons and at six o’clock
she does gymnastics. She has dinner at seven thirty. She watches TV.
She goes to bed at nine o’clock. She is very tired.

1 She gets up at 7:00.

No, she gets up at
2 She has breakfast at 7:30.

3 She does gymnastics at 2:00.

4 She has dinner at 7:00.

5 She goes to bed at 9:00.

2 Read and match.

Paul does lots of things. On Monday he goes cycling

and on Tuesday he does karate. He goes running on
Thursday. He has English lessons on Wednesday and
Thursday. He goes swimming on Friday. He loves the
weekend. He goes camping and does archery. Paul
has lots of fun.

1 goes running a on Monday

2 does karate b on Tuesday
3 goes camping and does archery c on Wednesday
4 goes cycling d on Thursday
5 goes swimming e on Friday
6 has English lessons f on Saturday
g on Sunday

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Review Units 7–8
Worksheet 22
1 Look and choose.

3 4


1 She doesn’t like / likes horseback riding. 4 She likes / doesn’t like climbing trees.
2 She likes / doesn’t like basketball. 5 She doesn’t like / likes tennis.
3 He likes / doesn’t like baseball. 6 He doesn’t like / likes roller skating.

2 Correct the information in these sentences.

1 Sue likes bugs, chocolate and cake.

Sue doesn't like bugs. She likes chocolate and cake.
2 Carnivores eat plants and meat.

3 Lions eat bananas. Monkeys eat meat.

4 I have a basket. I’m playing tennis.

5 Sue is scared of horses. She likes horseback riding.

3 In your notebook, write two sentences about you.

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LEVEL 4 Teacher’s Notes – Tests
Unit 1 - I’m happy – Test Unit 2 - It’s snowing – Test
1 Listen and number. 1 Listen and number.
• Ask students to look at the pictures illustrating different • Ask students to look at the maps with weather symbols.
feelings and emotions. • Students are going to listen to the recording and number
• Students are going to listen to the recording and number the pictures accordingly. Play the recording and pause it
the pictures accordingly. Play the recording and pause it after each dialogue.
after each sentence.
1 TRACK 2.58
1 Mary isn’t hungry. She’s angry. TRACK 2.57 Man: What’s the weather like today?
2 Sue is hungry. She isn’t thirsty. Woman: It’s sunny and hot. But it’s windy!
3 Jessica isn’t angry. She’s scared. 2
4 Aubrey isn’t hungry. She’s thirsty. Woman: What’s the weather like today?
Man: It isn’t cold. But it’s raining. It’s cloudy.
Answers: a – 2, b – 4, c – 1, d – 3.
4 points (1 point for each correctly numbered picture) 3
Man: What’s the weather like today?
2 Listen and circle. Woman: It’s snowing and it’s cold.
• Ask students to read the sets of words. 4
• Students are going to listen to four short dialogues and Woman: What’s the weather like today?
circle the correct words. Play the recording and pause it Man: It’s raining and it’s cold. And it’s windy!
after each dialogue. Answers: a – 4, b – 3, c – 1, d – 2.
1 TRACK 2.57 4 points (1 point for each correctly numbered picture)
Man: Are you sad?
Woman: No, I’m not sad. And I’m not happy. I’m tired.
2 Listen and circle.
2 • Ask students to read the sentences.
Woman: Are you tired? • Students are going to listen to a conversation between
Man: No, I’m not tired. And I’m not angry. I’m worried. Jack and his aunt and circle the correct words. Play the
Man: Are you angry? TRACK 2.58
Woman: No, I’m not angry. I’m hungry! Aunt Maria: Hi, Jack, this is your aunt Maria from England.
Man: Are you thirsty? Jack: Hi, Auntie Maria!
Woman: No, I’m not. Aunt Maria: Jack, what’s the weather like in Australia?
4 It’s summer now, right?
Woman: Are you happy? Jack: No, it’s spring in Australia.
Man: No, I’m not happy. Aunt Maria: Is it sunny?
Woman: Are you sad? Jack: No, it isn’t sunny. It’s stormy now.
Man: No, I’m not sad. I’m scared! Aunt Maria: Is it snowing?
Jack: No, it isn’t snowing, but it’s raining.
Answers: 1 – b, 2 – a, 3 – b, 4 – b. Aunt Maria: Do you have your raincoat?
4 points (1 point for each correctly circled word) Jack: Yes, I do.
3 Look, read and match. Answers: 1 – spring, 2 – stormy, 3 – raining, 4 – has.
• Ask students to look at the picture and read the questions 4 points (1 point for each correctly circled word)
and answers.
• Students match questions to answers.
3 Look, read and match.
Answers: 1 – b, 2 – c, 3 – d, 4 – a • Ask students to look at the pictures and read the sentences.
4 points (1 point for each correctly matched answer) • Students match sentences to pictures.
Answers: 1 – c, 2 – b, 3 – a, 4 – d.
4 Look, read and write. 4 points (1 point for each correctly matched pair)
• Ask students to look at the pictures.
• Students complete the sentences with the words from the
4 Look, read and write.
box. • Ask students to look at the picture.
Answers: 1 – ’m, 2 – thirsty, 3 – sad, 4 – ‘s • Students complete the text with the words from the box.
4 points (1 point for each correctly completed gap) Answers: 1 – cloudy, 2 – sunny, 3 – wearing, 4 – isn’t.
4 points (1 point for each correctly completed gap)
5 Look and write. Then write about yourself.
• Ask students to look at the pictures. 5 Look and write.
• Students complete the speech balloons accordingly. Then • Ask students to look at the pictures.
they write similar sentences about themselves. • Students complete the texts accordingly.
Answers: 1 happy / sad, 2 'm sad / 'm not happy, 3 'm thirsty Answers: 1 winter / hot / snowing / cold, 2 spring / cloudy /
/ 'm not hungry, 4 - Students' own answers. raining / cold
4 points (0.5 point for each correctly completed sentence) 4 points (0.5 point for each correctly completed gap)

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Unit 3 - I’m dancing – Test 1
The library is next to the store.
It’s a hospital.
TRACK 2.60

1 Listen and number. 3 The park is behind the museum.

4 It’s a garage.
• Ask students to look at the pictures.
• Students are going to listen to the recording and number Answers: 1 – ✔, 2 – ✘, 3 – ✘, 4 – ✘.
the pictures accordingly. Play the recording and pause it 4 points (1 point for each correctly marked picture)
after each sentence.
2 Listen and circle.
TRACK 2.59 • Ask students to read the sentences.
1 What is it? Is it a bowl? No, it isn’t. It’s a cup.
• Students are going to listen to the recording and circle the
2 What is it? It isn’t a spoon! It’s a bowl!
correct words or phrases. Play the recording.
3 Is it a bowl? No, it isn’t. It’s a plate.
4 Is it a cup? No, it isn’t a cup. It’s a spoon! TRACK 2.60
Answers: a – 4, b – 3, c – 1, d – 2. Woman: In my town there’s a park. There are three stores
and four cafés. There isn’t a museum, but there’s
4 points (1 point for each correctly numbered picture)
a movie theater. There’s a hotel. It’s next to the
2 Listen and circle. hospital. The hospital is behind the park.
• Ask students to read the sentences. Answers: 1 – There’s, 2 – cafés, 3 – movie theater, 4 – next to.
• Students are going to listen to four short dialogues and 4 points (1 point for each correctly circled word/phrase)
circle the correct words. Play the recording and pause it
after each dialogue. 3 Look, read and write.
• Ask students to look at the picture of the city.
1 TRACK 2.59
Woman: Are you reading, Jack? • Students label the places with the words from the box.
Man: No, I’m not reading. I’m writing. Answers: 1 – hospital, 2 – café, 3 – school, 4 – store.
2 4 points (1 point for each correctly labelled place)
Man: Is Sue singing?
4 Look, read and write.
Woman: No, she’s swimming.
• Ask students to look at the picture.
Woman: Is Steve jumping or juggling? • Students complete the description with the words/phrases
Man: He’s juggling. from the box.
Answers: 1 – in front of, 2 – café, 3 – library , 4 – behind.
Man: Are you drawing, Mary? 4 points (1 point for each correctly completed gap)
Woman: No, I’m not drawing. I’m dancing!
5 Look and write. Then write about your city.
Answers: 1 – writing, 2 – swimming, 3 – juggling, 4 – dancing. • Ask students to look at the picture.
4 points (1 point for each correctly circled word) • Students complete the description accordingly. Then they
write similar sentences about their own cities.
3 Look, read and number. Answers: movie theater / hospital / café / school / stores /
• Ask students to look at the pictures and read the sentences. hotels / Students' own answers.
• Students write the correct numbers next to the girls in the 4 points (0.5 point for each correctly completed gap)
Answers: (from left to right) 4, 1, 2, 3
4 points (1 point for each correctly numbered girl) Unit 5 - My day – Test
4 Look and write. 1 Listen and number.
• Ask students to look at the pictures. • Ask students to look at the pictures of the clocks.
• Students complete the sentences with the words from the • Students are going to listen to the recording and number
box. the pictures accordingly. Play the recording and pause it
Answers: 1 – running, 2 – swimming, 3 – jumping, after each point.
4 – dancing.
1 It’s eleven thirty. TRACK 2.61
4 points (1 point for each correctly completed gap) 2 It’s ten thirty.
3 It’s six o’clock.
5 Look and write. Then write about yourself.
4 It’s seven o’clock.
• Ask students to look at the pictures.
• Students write what the characters are doing. Then they Answers: a – 3, b – 1, c – 4, d – 2.
write similar sentences about themselves. 4 points (1 point for each correctly numbered picture)
Answers: 1 – talking / walking, 2 – 's dancing / singing, 3 – 's
running / jumping, 4 - Students' own answers.
2 Listen and check (✔).
4 points (0.5 point for each correctly completed gap) • Ask students to look at the table.
• Students are going to listen to a dialogue and check (✔) the
correct times for each activity in the table. Play the recording.
Unit 4 - There’s a park – Test
1 Listen and check (✔) or cross (✘).
• Ask students to look at the pictures showing places in a city.
• Students are going to listen to the recording and check (✔)
the pictures with true descriptions and put cross (✘) next to
the pictures with false descriptions. Play the recording and
pause it after each sentence.

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TRACK 2.61
Girl: I have breakfast at seven thirty and then I have 3 Look, read and check (✔) or cross (✘).
a shower. • Ask students to look at the pictures and read the sentences.
Man: You take a shower at seven thirty ... • Students check (✔) the sentences which are true and put a
Girl: No! I take a shower at eight. cross (✘) next to the sentences which are false.
Man: Then you go to school... Answers: 1 – ✘, 2 – ✔, 3 – ✔, 4 – ✘.
Girl: No, then I play. I play at eight thirty. And I go to 4 points (1 point for each correctly marked sentence)
school at twelve o’clock.
Man: At twelve o’clock? 4 Read and write.
Girl: Yes!
• Students complete the text on the postcard with the words
Answers: take a shower – 08:00, have breakfast – 07:30, from the box.
play – 08:30, go to school – 12:00. Answers: 1 – go, 2 – have, 3 – do, 4 – weekend.
4 points (1 point for each correctly marked activity) 4 points (1 point for each correctly completed gap)

3 Look, read and match. 5 Look and write. Then write about yourself.
• Ask students to look at the pictures and read the speech • Ask students to look at the timetable.
balloons. • Students complete the sentences accordingly. Then they
• Students match the pictures to the speech balloons by complete the timetable and write similar sentences about
writing the correct numbers in the boxes. themselves.
Answers: a – 3, b – 4, c – 1, d – 2. Answers: Dory – has / Thursday / goes / Saturday, What about
4 points (1 point for each correctly numbered picture) you? – Students' own answers.
4 points (1 point for each correctly completed sentence)
4 Read and write.
• Ask students to look at the Sunny Camp Day Plan.
• Students complete the gaps with the words from the box.
Unit 7 - Lions eat meat – Test
Answers: 1 – get, 2 – play, 3 – have, 4 – go. 1 Listen and check (✔) or cross (✘).
4 points (1 point for each correctly completed gap) • Ask students to look at the picture of the hedgehog and
some animal food.
5 Look and write. Then write about yourself. • Students are going to listen to the recording and check (✔)
• Ask students to look at the pictures. the things which hedgehogs eat and put a cross (✘) next to
• Students complete the speech balloons accordingly. Then the things which hedgehogs don’t eat. Play the recording.
they write similar sentences about themselves.
Answers: 1 – get / four; 2 – to bed / two TRACK 2.63
Man: What do hedgehogs eat?
4 points (1 point for each correctly completed sentence)
Woman: Hedgehogs don’t eat grass. They eat bugs. They
don’t eat leaves. They eat fruit.
Unit 6 - My hobbies – Test
Answers: 1 – ✘, 2 – ✔, 3 – ✘, 4 – ✔.
1 Listen and circle. 4 points (1 point for each correctly marked item)
• Ask students to look at the sets of pictures showing
different objects used in hobbies. 2 Listen and circle.
• Students are going to listen to the recording and circle the • Ask students to read the sentences.
correct picture in each box. Play the recording and pause it • Students are going to listen to a dialogue about a crocodile’s
after each sentence. diet and circle the correct phrases. Play the recording.

1 I have English lessons. TRACK 2.62 TRACK 2.63

2 I do karate. Woman: Do crocodiles eat meat?
3 I go hiking. Man: Yes, crocodiles eat animals. They eat frogs.
4 I go cycling. Woman: Do they eat bugs?
Man: No, crocodiles don’t eat bugs.
Answers: 1 – a (English book), 2 – b (karate, uniform), 3 – a Woman: Do they eat seeds?
(hiking boots), 4 – c (bike). Man: No, they don’t eat seeds! But they eat fruit.
4 points (1 point for each correctly circled picture) Woman: Fruit?
Man: Yes, crocodiles eat fruit!
2 Listen and match.
• Ask students to read the sentences halves. Answers: 1 – eat, 2 – don’t eat, 3 – don’t eat, 4 – eat.
• Students are going to listen to a girl talking about her 4 points (1 point for each correctly circled phrase)
activities and match the sentence halves. Play the recording
3 Read and match.
and pause it after each sentence.
• Ask students to read the information about the animals’ diets.
TRACK 2.62 • Students match the beginnings of the sentences with the
Girl: My week? OK... I have an art lesson on Tuesday... pictures.
I do ballet and I do karate. I do karate on Answers: 1 – b, 2 – d, 3 – c, 4 – a.
4 points (1 point for each correctly matched pair)
No, sorry, I do karate on Thursday. I do ballet on
Wednesday. And on the weekend I go fishing with 4 Look and write eat or don’t eat.
my dad. Yes, I go fishing on Sunday.
• Ask students to look at the completed questionnaire about
Answers: 1 – c, 2 – d, 3 – b, 4 – a. the hamsters’ diet.
4 points (1 point for each correctly matched sentence) • Students complete the speech balloon with eat or don’t eat.
Answers: 1 – eat, 2 – don’t eat, 3 – don’t eat, 4 – eat.
4 points (1 point for each correctly completed gap)

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5 Look and write. Then circle and write. End of Year – Test
• Ask students to look at the pictures of the guinea pig and 1 Listen and circle.
some animal food.
• Ask students to look at the sets of pictures.
• Students complete the sentences accordingly. Then they
circle one of the animals in the other box and complete the • Students are going to listen to a recording and circle a
sentences accordingly. picture in each box accordingly. Play the recording and
pause it after each sentence.
4 points (0.5 a point for each correctly completed gap)
1 It’s a spoon. TRACK 2.65
Unit 8 - I like surfing – Test 2
It’s cloudy.
He’s hungry.
1 Listen and circle. 4 I’m dancing.
• Ask students to look at the sets of pictures showing sports 5 Birds eat seeds.
and sports accessories. Answers: 1 – spoon, 2 – cloudy, 3 – hungry, 4 – dancing,
• Students are going to listen to the recording and circle a 5 – seeds.
picture in each box accordingly. Play the recording and 5 points (1 point for each correctly circled picture)
pause it after each sentence.
2 Listen and circle.
1 Tony likes surfing. TRACK 2.64
2 Kate likes riding. • Ask students to read the sentences.
3 Fiona’s wearing a swimsuit. • Students are going to listen to a dialogue and circle the
4 Peter has a surfboard. correct words. Play the recording.

Answers: 1 – b (surfing), 2 – c (riding) , 3 – b (swimsuit), TRACK 2.65

4 – c (surfboard). Man: Do you like roller skating, Emma?
4 points (1 point for each correctly circled picture) Emma: No, I don’t like roller skating. I like swimming. And
2 Listen and circle. I like hiking. I go hiking on the weekend. I go
• Ask students to read the sentences. hiking on Saturday.
• Students are going to listen to a dialogue and circle the Man: Do you like reading?
correct words. Play the recording. Emma: Yes, I like reading. There is a big library in our
TRACK 2.64 town. It’s behind the school, next to a store.
Michael: Do you like surfing, Agnes? Man: Do you like English?
Agnes: No! I don’t like surfing. But I like swimming. Emma: Yes, I like English! I have English lessons on
Look, this is my swimsuit. Monday and Wednesday, at five thirty.
Michael: Do you like horseback riding?
Agnes: No, I don’t like horseback riding. I don’t like Answers: 1 – swimming, 2 – Saturday, 3 – likes, 4 – behind,
horses. But I like roller skating. Do you like 5 – 5:30.
basketball, Michael? 5 points (1 point for each correctly circled word)
Michael: Yes, I like basketball. But I don’t like baseball.
Agnes: Do you like tennis? 3 Read and check (✔) or cross (✘).
Michael: No, I don’t like tennis. I like soccer. It’s fun! • Ask students to read the text.
• Students check (✔) the sentences which are true and put a
Answers: 1 – swimming, 2 – horseback riding, 3 – basketball, cross (✘) next to the sentences which are false.
4 – tennis.
Answers: 1 – ✘, 2 – ✘, 3 – ✔, 4 – ✔, 5 – ✘.
4 points (1 point for each correctly circled word)
5 points (1 point for each correctly marked sentence)
3 Read and check (✔) or cross (✘). 4 Look, read and write.
• Ask students to read the interview with a pop star.
• Ask students to look at the picture.
• Students check (✔) the pictures which illustrate the activities
• Students complete the speech balloon with the words from
the pop star likes doing and put a cross (✘) next to the
the box.
pictures which illustrate the activities she doesn’t like doing.
Answers: 1 – have, 2 – doesn’t like, 3 – likes, 4 – does.
Answers: 1 – ✔, 2 – ✔, 3 – ✘, 4 – ✔.
4 points (1 point for each correctly completed gap)
4 points (1 point for each correctly marked picture)
5 Look and write. Then write about yourself.
4 Look, read and write.
• Ask students to look at the pictures.
• Ask students to look at the pictures.
• Students complete the speech balloons accordingly. Then
• Students complete the sentences with the correct words
they complete the sentences about themselves.
and phrases from the box.
Answers: 1 – hospital / café, 2 – have lunch / twelve thirty,
Answers: 1 – like, 2 – doesn’t like, 3 – likes, 4 – don’t like.
3 – basketball / diving. What about you? – Students' own
4 points (1 point for each correctly completed gap) answers.
5 Look and write. Then write about yourself. 6 points (0.5 point for each correctly completed gap)
• Ask students to look at the information about what sports
the girl likes and doesn’t like doing.
• Students complete the sentences accordingly. Then they
complete the sentences about themselves.
Answers: diving, basketball, soccer, baseball. What about
you? - Students' own answers.
4 points (0.5 point for each correctly completed gap)

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I’m happy Test
Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................
TOTAL: ............ / 20 0 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 20

1 Listen and number. ............ /4

a b c d

2 Listen and circle. ............ /4

1 She's … a sad. b tired. c happy.

2 He's … a worried. b angry. c tired.

3 She's … a angry. b hungry. c thirsty.

4 He's … a sad. b scared. c happy.

3 Look, read and match. ............ /4

1 Is William angry? a Yes, he's angry.

2 Is Kate scared? b No, he’s hungry.
3 Is Lisa happy? c No, she's tired.
4 Is Patrick angry? d Yes, she's happy.

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4 Look, read and write. ............ /4

'm 's sad thirsty

It’s my birthday.
He's 2
I 1

This is my dog, Lily. This is my mom.

She's 3
! She 4

5 Look and write. Then write about yourself. ............ /4

1 2
I’m . I .
I’m not . I .

3 4
I . I .

I . I .
about you?

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It’s snowing Test
Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................
TOTAL: ............ / 20 0 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 20

1 Listen and number. ............ /4

a b c d

2 Listen and circle. ............ /4

1 It’s summer / spring. 3 It’s raining / snowing.

2 It’s stormy / sunny. 4 Jack has / doesn't have a raincoat.

3 Look, read and match. ............ /4

1 2

3 4 c

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4 Look, read and write. ............ /4

cloudy isn’t sunny wearing

It isn’t 1 .

It’s 2 .

She's 3

a sweater. It 4

hot. It’s cold!

5 Look and write. ............ /4

1 2
My favorite season My favorite season
is . is .
It’s not . It’s
It’s . and .
It’s . It isn’t .

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I’m dancing Test
Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................
TOTAL: ............ / 20 0 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 20

1 Listen and number. ............ /4

a b c d

2 Listen and circle. ............ /4

1 Jack's reading / writing. 3 Steve's jumping / juggling.

2 Sue's swimming / singing. 4 Mary's drawing / dancing.

3 Look, read and number. 1 Susan is juggling. ............ /4

2 Maddie is drawing.
3 Anne is writing.
4 Jessica is reading.

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4 Look and write. ............ /4

dancing jumping running swimming

1 2
1 He’s .

2 She’s .

3 He’s .

3 4 4 She’s .

5 Look and write. Then write about yourself. ............ /4

1 He's 2 She

and . and .

What about
3 It 4 I

and . and .

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There’s a park Test
Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................
TOTAL: ............ / 20 0 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 20

1 Listen and check (✔) or cross (✘). ............ /4

1 2 3 4

2 Listen and circle. ............ /4

1 There’s / There isn’t a park. 3 There’s a museum / movie theater.

2 There are four stores / cafés. 4 The hotel is next to / behind

the hospital.

3 Look, read and write. ............ /4

In my town there’s a park. The

café hospital school store park is behind the hospital.
There’s a school. The school is
4 next to the park. There are two
stores. There’s a store next to a
café, and there’s a store next to
the garage. I like my town!


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4 Look, read and write. ............ /4

café behind in front of library

This is my school. There’s a small park 1

the school. There’s a 2 in the park. Next to

the school there’s a 3 and a museum. There's

a movie theater 4 the school. I like my school!

5 Look and write. Then write about your city. ............ /4

What about
There’s a and a .
your city?
There isn’t a or a .
There’s .
There are and .
There are .

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My day Test
Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................
TOTAL: ............ / 20 0 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 20

1 Listen and number. ............ /4

a 12
b 12
c 12
d 12
11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1

10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2

9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3

8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5
6 6 6 6

2 Listen and check (✔). ............ /4

take a shower have breakfast play go to school

3 Look, read and match. ............ /4

a b I have breakfast.

I play.

c d I take a shower.

I go home.

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4 Read and write. ............ /4

go have get play

07. 00 – I 1 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ up
08.00 – I ha ve break fas t
09.00 – I 2 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _
12. 00 – I 3 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ lun
06 .00 – I ha ve din ne r
10. 00 – I 4 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ to

5 Look and write. Then write about yourself. ............ /4

I up at .

I go at .

What about you?

I .

I .

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My hobbies Test
Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................
TOTAL: ............ / 20 0 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 20

1 Listen and circle. ............ /4

1 3
a b c a b c

2 4
a b c a b c

2 Listen and match. ............ /4

1 She has an art lesson a on Sunday.

2 She does karate b on Wednesday.
3 She does ballet c on Tuesday.
4 She goes fishing d on Thursday.

3 Look, read and check (✔) or cross (✘). ............ /4

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Saturday Sunday
1 He goes camping on Saturday.
2 He goes running on Monday.
3 He goes swimming on Wednesday.
4 He has art lessons on Tuesday.

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4 Read and write. ............ /4

do go have weekend

Hi Mom ,
I’m in Brighton. I’m happ y. It ’s sunny.

I 1
swim ming ! Then

I 2
art lesso ns.

I 3
kara te. I go fishin g

on the 4
. It ’s great !

5 Look and write. Then write about yourself. ............ /4

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Dory – gymnastics – English – hiking -–


She does gymnastics on Tuesday.

She an English
What about you?
lesson on .
She hiking
on .

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Lions eat meat Test
Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................
TOTAL: ............ / 20 0 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 20

1 Listen and check (✔) or cross (✘). ............ /4

1 2 3 4

2 Listen and circle. ............ /4

1 Crocodiles eat / don’t eat frogs. 3 Crocodiles eat / don’t eat seeds.

2 Crocodiles eat / don’t eat bugs. 4 Crocodiles eat / don’t eat fruit.

3 Read and match. ............ /4

Lions don’t eat What do they eat? Monkeys don’t eat

fruit. They don’t grass. Monkeys eat
eat seeds. Lions Birds eat seeds. Rhinos don’t eat fruit. They don’t eat
eat meat. Birds don’t eat meat. They don’t eat meat.
grass. Birds seeds. They eat grass.
don’t eat leaves.

1 Lions eat a
2 Birds eat
c d
3 Rhinos eat

4 Monkeys eat

176 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Ltd. 2016 New English Adventure 4: Tests

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4 Look and write eat or don’t eat. ............ /4

Do your hamsters eat … ?

I’m Maria. I have two hamsters,
Fred and Jacob. My hamsters
✘ 1
✔ They 2
They eat fruit.

They 3
✔ They 4
Fred and Jacob are hungry!
They have breakfast at 10 o’clock.

5 Look and write. Then circle and write. ............ /4

✔ ✘

Guinea pigs eat . They eat .

Guinea pigs don’t eat . They don’t eat .

Cats / Dogs / Frogs eat . They .

They don’t eat . They .

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I like surfing Test
Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................
TOTAL: ............ / 20 0 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 20

1 Listen and circle. ............ /4

1 Tony likes 3 Fiona's wearing a

a b c a b c

2 Kate likes 4 Peter has a

a b c a b c

2 Listen and circle. ............ /4

1 She likes swimming / surfing. 3 He likes basketball / baseball.

2 She doesn’t like roller skating / 4 He doesn’t like tennis / soccer.

horseback riding.

3 Read and check (✔) or cross (✘). ............ /4

Bethany Bevies POP STAR
Do you like sports, Bethany?
Yes. I like horseback riding. I ride a horse on the weekend.
Do you like surfing or diving?
I don’t like diving. But I like surfing. I have a new surfboard!
Do you like roller skating?
Yes, I like roller skating in parks.
Thank you, Bethany!
2 3 4

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4 Look, read and write. ............ /4

like don’t like likes doesn’t like

1 2

I’m Jim. I 1 This is my sister, Jessica.

swimming. She 2 swimming!

3 4

She 3 tennis. I4 _____ tennis!

5 Look and write. Then write about yourself. ............ /4

She likes
soccer 
and . diving 
She doesn't like baseball

or . basketball

What about you?

I like and .

I don't like or .

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Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................

TOTAL: ............ / 26 0 – 14 15 – 20 21 – 26

1 Listen and circle. ............ /5

1 2 3 4 5


2 Listen and circle. ............ /5

1 She likes roller skating / swimming.

2 She goes hiking on Saturday / Sunday.
3 She likes / doesn’t like reading.
4 The library is behind / next to the school.
5 English lessons are at 5:00 / 5:30.

3 Read and check (✔) or cross (✘). ............ /5

1 It’s spring in Australia. To ann-joe
Subject Vacation

2 It’s hot and sunny. Hi Ann!

ing in the United States,
I’m on vacation in Australia. It’s spr
ny – it's cold, it's raining
3 Mark goes hiking and but it’s fall in Australia. It’s not sun
on Saturday and I go
fishing on the weekend. and I don't go surfing.  I go hiking
fishing on Sunday.
lia! They like jumping
4 Kangaroos like running, There are lots of kangaroos in Austra
too! They don’t eat
swimming and jumping. and running. They like swimming,
meat or bugs. They eat leaves and
5 Kangaroos don’t eat See you soon!
leaves or grass. Mark

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4 Look, read and write. ............ /4

doesn’t like does I’m Sue and this is my brother, James.

have likes I like drawing.
I 1
art lessons
on Tuesday and Friday. James
He 3
cycling and
gymnastics. He goes cycling on
the weekend and he 4

gym on Monday and Wednesday.

5 Look and write. Then write about yourself. ............ /6

1 I
In my town there’s a .
at .
There isn’t a .

What about you?

What about you? I
In my town there’s . at .
There isn’t a .

3 What about you?

I like . I .
I don’t like . I .

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DVD Worksheets


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DVD worksheets
Worksheet 1
1 Read, match and write.
• Students complete the gaps under the pictures with appropriate words
from the box.
• Answers: 3 jumping, 4 swimming, 5 eating, 6 singing.

Worksheet 2
1 Read and match.
• Students look at the pictures of Ted and Lucy and match the sentences
describing weather and feelings.
• Answers: 2 Ted's angry. 3 Ted's happy. 4 Lucy's scared.

2 Find the words. Choose a word, draw and write.

• Students find weather adjectives in the wordsnake, circle them and
choose those that will match Lucy's smiling face. Then students draw
the appropriate picture in the box.
• Answers: windy, sunny, raining, hot, stormy, snowing, cold, cloudy;
Students' own answers.

Worksheet 3
1 Find and match.
• Students match the insects with their names.
• Answers: 2 beetle, 3 stick insect, 4 ant, 5 grasshopper.

2 Read and color.

• Students read the sentences and color the boxes accordingly.

Worksheet 4
1 Match and write. Then color.
• Students complete the gaps under the pictures with appropriate phrases
from the box.
• Answers: 3 Lucy likes reading, 4 Ted likes dancing, 5 Lucy likes playing
tennis, 6 Ted doesn't like horseback riding.

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Worksheet 1
1 Read, match and write.

jumping swimming running eating singing

1 2 3

This is Rob. He’s a robot. He's running . He's .

4 5 6

He's . He's . He's .

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Worksheet 2
1 Read and match.

1 2 3 4

1 It’s raining. Ted’s happy.

2 It’s windy. Lucy’s scared.
3 It’s sunny. Ted’s angry.
4 It’s stormy. Lucy’s sad.

2 Find the words. Choose a word, draw and write.



It’s .
Lucy’s happy.

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Worksheet 3
1 Find and match.

1 stick insect





2 Read and color.

The red box is next to the blue box.

The green box is behind the red box.
The yellow box is next to the green box.

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Worksheet 4
1 Match and write. Then color.

playing tennis reading surfing dancing horseback riding swimming

1 Ted likes swimming. 2 Lucy doesn't like surfing. 3

4 5 6

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Photocopiable worksheets
Teacher’s notes
PLEASE NOTE! Before you hand out the worksheets, review the target vocabulary using any game from the Resource Bank.

Welcome activities, Activity 1 Welcome activities, Activity 3

Worksheet 1 Worksheet 3
Objective: to review adjectives and words related to the weather. Objective: to review time and daily activities.

1 Unscramble the words to write sentences. 1 Complete the clocks with the time you do
these daily actions. Then write.
• Ask students to unscramble the words and write sentences or questions.
• Answers: 1 Is she tired?; 2 He isn’t hungry, he is tired.; 3 They are • Ask students to complete the clocks with the time they do the actions.
scared.; 4 I’m not angry, I am sad.; 5 Mom is thirsty.; 6 Is Grandpa • Ask them to complete the sentences accordingly.
• Pair activity: Students share their answers and check if they have
anything in common.
2 What’s the weather like today? Look and
write. Use the words from the box. 2 Answer these questions about you.
• Ask students to look at the pictures and complete the sentences with • Ask students to answer the questions with true information about
the words from the box. themselves. Help them if necessary.
• Pair activity: Students take turns asking and answering about the • Invite a few volunteers to share their answers with the whole group.
weather in each picture.
• Answers: 1 hot, 2 sunny, 3 raining, 4 snowing, 5 cloudy, 6 cold.

Welcome activities, Activity 4

Welcome activities, Activity 2 Worksheet 4
Worksheet 2 Objective: to review animal food and what people like or don’t like doing.

Objective: to review everyday actions and places in the city.

1 Unscramble the letters and form words.
Then match the words to the pictures.
1 Look at the pictures. Then answer the
questions accordingly. Write full answers. • Ask students to unscramble the letters, form words and then match the
words they have formed to the pictures.
• Ask students to look at the pictures closely and answer the questions. • Answers: 1 meat, 2 fruit, 3 leaves, 4 grass, 5 seeds, 6 bugs, a 5, b 6,
• Tell students to write full sentences. c 4, d 3, e 2, f 1.
• Answers: 1 No, he isn’t walking to school. He’s riding a bike., 2 Yes,
they are climbing., 3 Yes, he is swimming. 4 No, they aren’t singing. 2 Write about these people.
They’re walking.
• Ask students to pay attention to the faces drawn and write sentences
2 Use the prompts below to write about these accordingly.
places. Follow the example. • Read the example and check if students understand what they have to
• Ask students to look at the first picture. Read the example and check if • Ask three volunteers to share the sentences with the whole group.
they understand what they have to do. • Answers: 2 likes surfing, 3 doesn’t like roller skating, 4 doesn’t like
• Elicit the answers from the whole group. basketball.
• Answers: 2 There’s a café in front of the library., 3 There’s a museum
behind the movie theater.


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Hello Unit 2
Worksheet 5 Worksheet 7
Objective: to review everyday phrases, personal belongings and animals. Objective: to review places in the city and in the country.

1 What are these people saying? Look and 1 Read the text and draw.
• Ask students to read the text and draw a city map that reflects the
• Ask students to look at the pictures closely and guess what the people information in it.
are saying. • Pair activity: Students share and compare their drawings.
• Tell students to exchange ideas with their partners before they write. • If you have time, have students share their drawings with their
• Answers: 1 Sorry!, 2 Please., 3 Thanks. classmates.

2 Complete the sentences below with true 2 Write questions for these sentences.
information about you. Then draw. • Tell students that they have to write questions to the answers.
• Ask students to complete the sentences with true information about • Invite a few volunteers to read their questions out loud.
themselves and then draw something that represents what they have
• Answers: 1 How much are…?, 2 How much is…?, 3 Are there two big
supermarkets in your city?
• Pair activity: Student A shows his drawings and Student B comes up
with a sentence.

Unit 3
Unit 1 Worksheet 8
Worksheet 6 Objective: to review the time, the days of the week and I need…

Objective: to review everyday activities.

1 Circle the correct answers.
1 Unscramble the words to write sentences. • Ask students to look at the clocks and circle the corresponding time.
• Invite a few volunteers to read the complete sentences out loud.
• Ask students to unscramble the words and form sentences.
• Answers: 1 fifteen, 2 twenty, 3 thirty.
• Invite a few volunteers to read the sentences out loud.
• Answers: 1 What are you doing?, 2 What are you good at?, 3 I’m 2 Read the sentences and complete the clocks.
playing volleyball with Steve., 4 My favorite sport is swimming., 5 I don’t
like dancing. • Ask students to read the sentences and draw the corresponding clocks.
• Pair activity. Students compare their clocks.
2 Look at the pictures and write a text. Use
• Answers: 1 4:40, 2 10:35.
the words in the box.
3 Write questions for these sentences.
• Ask students to look at the picture and say if they recognize the
activities. Students should write a text with the words in the box, using
• Ask students to answer the questions with true information about
the activities in the affirmative and negative according to the check or themselves.
cross next to the picture.
• Invite a few volunteers to share their sentences with the whole class.
• Pair activity: Students read their text to each other.


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Unit 4 Unit 6
Worksheet 9 Worksheet 11
Objective: to review illnesses. Objective: to review wild animals and their characteristics.

1 Write a conversation between a doctor and a 1 Name the animals. Then complete the
patient. sentences with true information about
• Ask students: What do you think is the matter with the boy in the
picture? and elicit their ideas. • Ask students to name the animals in the pictures.
• Tell them they have to write a conversation between the boy and a • Have students complete the sentences with true information about
doctor. those animals.
• Pair activity: Students read their dialogue to their partners. • Answers: 1 parrots, 2 bison, 3 giant pandas, 4 polar bears; 1 fruit,
• Walk around the class and make sure students switch roles. Praise them 2 leaves, plants, 3 China, forests/trees, 4 dens, meat.
as you hear their dialogues.
• Invite a few volunteers to read their dialogue out loud. 2 Match the questions to the answers.

2 Look at the pictures. Then check (✔) the • Ask students to read the questions and then match questions to
correct sentences.
• Correct answers with the whole class
• Ask students to look at the pictures attentively and check the sentences • Answers: 1 In North America and Europe, 2 Meat and rice, 3 In baskets.
that correspond to the pictures.
• Answers: 1, 2.

Unit 7
Unit 5 Worksheet 12
Worksheet 10 Objective: to review physical appearance.

Objective: to review age and physical appearance. 1 Look, read and check (✔) the true sentences.

1 Find and circle the adjectives. Then write • Ask students to look at the pictures attentively, read the sentences and
check the ones that are true.
• Answers: 3, 4.
• Ask students to find and circle the adjectives in the comparative form.
• Students then write down the adjectives they have circled. 2 Complete the sentences below about Nick
• Answers: younger, taller, shorter, slimmer, older, faster. and Chris. Make comparisons.

2 Look and write sentences to compare these • Ask students to look at the pictures and write sentences that compare
the two people.
people. • Elicit the answers from the group.
• Ask students to compare the people in each picture. • Answers: 1 taller/chubbier/older than Chris , 2 shorter/slimmer/younger
than Nick.
• Students then write sentences with adjectives in the comparative form.
• Invite a few volunteers to read their sentences out loud.


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Unit 8 Earth Day
Worksheet 13 Worksheet 16
Objective: to review types of stories and words related to some stories. Objective: to review words related to saving the planet.

1 Look and write I like books about… or I don’t 1 Make two drawings: one that represents an
like books about… unhealthy planet and one that represents a
healthy planet.
• Ask students to look at the pictures and use the corresponding words
to complete the sentences I like books about… and I don’t like books • Elicit from students what they understand from a healthy and an
about… unhealthy planet.
• Tell them to use true information about themselves. • Give them some time to do and color one drawing for each context.
• Invite a few volunteers to share their sentences with the whole group. • Invite all students to share their drawings with the whole group.

2 Find six words in the crossword below. Then 2 What can you, your friends and family do to
write one sentence with each word you have help save the planet? Write.
• Ask students to write two actions that they can take on a daily basis to
• Ask students to find six words in the crossword and then write one save the planet.
sentence with each word they have found. • Invite a few volunteers to share their sentences with the whole group.
• Pair activity: Students share their sentences with their partners.
• Answers: (across) dragon, queen, brave / (down) beautiful, hero,
Review Units 1-2
Worksheet 17
Happy Birthday
Objective: to review everyday activities, personal belongings and the place
Worksheet 14 people live.

Objective: to review words related to birthday parties.

1 Check (✔) the pictures that represent
activities you like doing. Then complete the
1 Draw your birthday party. Make sure you sentences.
include a cake, candles and presents. Then
write about it. • Ask students to look at the pictures closely and check (✔) the ones that
represent activities they like doing.
• Ask students to draw a scene depicting a birthday party they have • Tell students to complete the sentences.
already had or one they would like to have.
• Invite a few volunteers to read their sentences out loud.
• Tell them to write about it.
• Invite all students to share their work with the whole group. 2 Answer these questions about you.
• Ask students to answer the questions with true information about

Happy Easter • Pair activity: Students share their answers with their partners.
• Walk around and make sure students switch roles.
Worksheet 15
Objective: to review words related to Easter.

1 How do you celebrate Easter? Write about it.

Then draw.
• Ask students to write a short description of their Easter celebration.
• Tell them to draw something to go with their description.
• Invite all students to share their productions with the whole group.


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Review Units 3-4 Review Units 7-8
Worksheet 18 Worksheet 20
Objective: to review everyday activities and illnesses. Objective: to review physical appearance and words related to stories.

1 Describe a typical day in your life. Mention 1 Read, draw and color.
at least six activities and the time you do
• Ask students to read the descriptions and draw and color people that
them. correspond to those descriptions.

• Ask students to write six sentences that describe activities they do every • Invite all students to share their drawings with the whole group.
2 Answer the following questions with the
• Tell them to mention the time they do those activities.
words in parentheses. Write full answers.
• Invite a few volunteers to share their sentences with the whole group.
• Write the actions on the board as they are mentioned. At the end, ask • Ask students to use the words in parentheses to answer the questions.
students questions about the activities that haven’t been mentioned.
• Tell them to write full answers.

2 What’s the matter with them? Look and • Answers: 1 Yes, the princess was clever., 2 No, the dragon wasn’t
strong., 3 Yes, I was afraid of the monsters., 4 No, the heroes weren’t
write. nice.

• Ask students to look at the pictures and write sentences about them.
• Correct the activity as a group.
• Answers: 1 She has a cough., 2 She has a toothache., 3 He has a
headache., 4 He has a broken arm.

Review Units 5-6

Worksheet 19
Objective: to review questions, physical appearance, animal food and
places to sleep.

1 Unscramble the words and write sentences.

• Ask students to unscramble the words and write sentences.
• Invite three students to read the sentences out loud.
• Answers: 1 Do you have brothers or sisters?, 2 When is your birthday?,
3 Jake is taller than his brother.

2 Complete with the missing vowels. Use the

letters in the box.
• Ask students to use the words from the box to label the pictures.
• Correct the activity as a group.
• Answers: 1 cage, 2 cave, 3 den, 4 grass, 5 meat, 6 seeds.


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Welcome activities, Activity 1
Worksheet 1

1 Unscramble the words to write sentences.

1 she / tired? / Is

2 hungry. / isn’t / he / is / tired. / He

3 They / scared. / are

4 not / I’m / angry. / I / sad. / am

5 Mom / thirsty. / is

6 Grandpa / worried? / Is

2 What’s the weather like today? Look and write. Use the words from the box.

cloudy snowing hot raining sunny cold

1 4

It's It's

2 5

It's It's

3 6

It's It's

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Welcome activities, Activity 2
Worksheet 2
1 Look at the pictures. Then answer the questions accordingly. Write full answers.

1 Is he walking to school? 2 Are they climbing?

. .

3 Is he swimming? 4 Are they singing?

. .

2 Use the prompts below to write about these places. Follow the example.

hospital / school
There’s a hospital next to school .

2 3

café / library museum / movie theater

. .

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Welcome activities, Activity 3
Worksheet 3
1 Complete the clocks with the time you do these daily actions. Then write.

11 1

10 2

9 3

8 4
1 7
5 take a shower

I take a shower at .
11 1

10 2

9 3

8 4
2 7
5 go to school

I .
11 1

10 2

9 3

8 4
3 7
5 do my homework

I .
11 1

10 2

9 3

8 4
4 7
5 have dinner

I .

2 Answer these questions about you.

1 When do you have art lessons?

2 Do you do gymnastics?
3 Do you go swimming on the weekends?

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Welcome activities, activity 4
Worksheet 4
1 Unscramble the letters and form words. Then match words to pictures.

a b


c d


5deess e f


2 Write about these people.

1 horseback riding

Mark likes horseback riding.

2 surfing

Marta .

3 roller skating

Joseph .

4 basketball

William .

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Worksheet 5
1 What are these people saying? Look and write.

1 2 3

2 Complete the sentences below with true information about you. Then draw.

1 I have , but I don’t have .

2 My favorite animals are .

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Unit 1
Worksheet 6
1 Unscramble the words to write sentences.

1 doing? / What / you / are

2 good / at? / are / What / you

3 Steve / I’m / volleyball / with / playing

4 favorite / swimming / sport / My / is

5 like / don’t / I / dancing.

2 Look at the pictures and write a text. Use the words in the box.

good at not good at like don’t like

✔ ✗

✔ ✗

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Unit 2
Worksheet 7
1 Read the text and draw.

This is Manhattan Street. I live at 17. There are two cafés on my street.
One is next to my house. The other café is behind the hospital. There is a
movie theater in front of my house. There are some stores, too.

2 Write questions for these sentences.

They’re $19.

It’s $8.

Yes, there are two big supermarkets in my city.

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Unit 3
Worksheet 8
1 Circle the correct answers.

Our math class is at nine fifteen / thirty.

We have geography classes at three twenty / forty.

We have history at one o’clock / thirty.

2 Read the sentences and complete the clocks.

1 Our classes start at four forty. 2 It’s ten thirty-five now.

12 12
11 1 11 1

10 2 10 2

9 3 9 3

8 4 8 4
7 5 7 5
6 6

3 Answer the following questions about your town.

1 Where’s the hospital in your town?


2 Where’s your school?


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Unit 4
Worksheet 9
1 Write a conversation between a doctor and a patient.

The doctor:


The doctor:


2 Look at the pictures. Then check (✔) the correct sentences.

1 Jason has an earache. 2 Luke has a sore throat.

3 My sister has a bad headache. 4 My cousin has a broken leg.

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Unit 5
Worksheet 10
1 Find and circle six adjectives in the comparative form. Then write them.




1 2

3 4

5 6

2 Look and write sentences to compare these people.

Brad Joe Kirsten Daniel


1 Brad and Joe.

3 Daniel and Liam.
3 Kirsten and Joe.

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Unit 6
Worksheet 11
1 Name the animals. Then complete the sentences with true information about them.

1 2

3 4

1 They live in forests, sleep in trees and eat flowers, leaves and .
2 They live in Poland and eat , and .
3 They live in , eat plants and bamboo shoots and sleep in .
4 They live in the Arctic, sleep in and eat .

2 Match questions to answers.

1 Where do brown bears live? Meat and rice.

2 What do those puppies eat? In North America and Europe.

3 Where do your cats sleep? In baskets.

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Unit 7
Worksheet 12
1 Look, read and check (✔) the true sentences.

1 He has long hair. 2 He is dark haired.

3 He is tall. 4 It is a chubby cat.

2 Complete the sentences below about Nick and Chris. Make comparisons.

Nick Chris

1 Nick is .

2 Chris is .

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Unit 8
Worksheet 13
1 Look and write I like books about… or I don’t like books about…

2 Find six words in the crossword below. Then write one sentence with each word
you have found.










1 2

3 4

4 6

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Happy Birthday
Worksheet 14
1 Draw your birthday party. Make sure you include a cake, candles and presents.
Then write about it.

My birthday is in .

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Happy Easter
Worksheet 15
1 How do you celebrate Easter? Write about it. Then draw.

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Earth Day
Worksheet 16
1 Make two drawings: one that represents an unhealthy planet and one that
represents a healthy planet.

An unhealthy planet

A healthy planet

2 What can you, your friends and family do to help save the planet? Write.

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Review Units 1–2
Worksheet 17
1 Check (✔) the pictures that represent activities you like doing. Then complete the sentences.



I like .

I don't like .

2 Answer these questions about you.

1 Where do you live?

2 Is there a drugstore on your street?
3 Is there a café in your town?
4 Do you live in the country or in the city?

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Review Units 3–4
Worksheet 18
1 Describe a typical day in your life. Mention at least six actions and the time you do them.

2 What’s the matter with them? Look and write.

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Review Units 5–6
Worksheet 19
1 Unscramble the words and write sentences.

1 brothers / you / Do / have / or / sisters?

2 your / When / is / birthday?

3 taller / is / Jake / his / than / brother.

2 Complete the words with the missing vowels. Then use the words to label the pictures.

1 c ge 4 gr ss

2 c ve 5m t

3d n 6s ds

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Review Units 7–8
Worksheet 20
1 Read, draw and color.

1 She is tall, strong and dark

haired. She has green eyes.

2 They are twin brothers,

but they are different.
Jonas is tall and slim. He
has brown eyes.

2 Answer the following questions with the words in parentheses. Write full answers.

1 Was the princess clever? (Yes)

2 Was the dragon strong? (No)

3 Were you afraid of the monsters? (Yes)

4 Were the heroes nice? (No)

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LEVEL 5 Teacher’s Notes – Tests
Unit 1 - What are you Unit 2 - There is a place for
good at? – Test you and me. – Test
1 Listen and check or cross. 1 Listen and number.
• Ask students to look at the pictures. • Ask students to look at the pictures closely.
• Students are going to listen to four short dialogues and check • Students are going to listen to a recording and number the
or cross according to the pictures. Play the recording and pause places in the order they are mentioned. Play the recording and
it after each dialogue. pause it after each sentence.

1 TRACK 1.46 1 There isn’t a drugstore on my street. TRACK 1.47

Woman: Are you good at sports? 2 There are two cafés on my street.
Man: Yes, I am. 3 There isn’t a store here.
Woman: What are you good at? 4 There are beautiful parks in my city.
Man: I’m good at volleyball.
Answers: 1, 2, 4, 3
4 points (1 point for each correctly numbered picture)
Woman: Are you good at dancing?
Man: No, I’m not, but I’m very good at running.
2 Listen and check (✔).
Boy: Do you like riding bikes?
• Ask students to look at the pictures and the price tags.
Girl: No, I don’t like riding bikes, but I like hiking. • Students are going to listen to a recording and check (✔) the
pictures that correspond to the prices they hear.
Girl: Do you like kite surfing? 1 How much is the pencil case? It’s seven dollars. TRACK 1.47
Boy: Yes, I do, but I’m not good at kite surfing. I like 2 How much is the backpack? It’s twenty-three dollars.
snorkeling and I’m very good at it. 3 How much are the colored pencils? They’re eleven
Answers: 1. ✗, 2. ✗, 3. ✗, 4. ✔
4 points (1 point for each correctly checked picture) Answers: 1 $7, 2 $23, 3 $11
6 points (2 points for each correctly checked picture)
2 Listen and match.
• Ask students to read the sentences halves. 3 Read the text and complete the
• Students are going to listen to a recording and match the sentences.
sentences halves accordingly. Play the recording twice. • Ask students to read the sentences before reading the text.
Liam: It’s Wednesday afternoon. I’m playing TRACK 1.46
• Students are going to read the text and complete the sentences
with the verbs from the box.
soccer with my friends at school. We’re in the school team. My
best friend is running and kicking the ball. He’s good at soccer. Answers: 1 lives, 2 loves, 3 rides, 4 swims, 5 goes
I’m good at playing soccer, too. It’s my favorite sport. 5 points (1 point for each correctly completed sentence)

Answers: 1 c, 2 a, 3 d, 4 b 4 Write sentences with the words from

4 points (1 point for each correctly matched sentence) the box.
3 Read the text and circle the best • Ask students to read the words in the box.
answers. • Students are going to write sentences using the words from the
box. Encourage them to write true sentences about themselves,
• Ask students to read the sentences before reading the text. their personal belongings and the place they live.
• Students are going to read the text and circle the correct 6 points (1 point for each correctly written sentence)
answers accordingly.
Answers: 1 all the sports he does, 2 three times a week, 3 he
goes snorkeling and kite surfing.
6 points (2 points for each correctly circled alternative)

4 Answer these questions about you.

• Ask students to read the questions closely.
• Students are going to answer the questions about themselves.
Tell them to write complete answers.
6 points (1 point for each correctly written sentence)

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Unit 3 - We have math on Unit 4 - What’s the
Monday. – Test matter? – Test
1 Listen and check (✔) or cross (✗). 1 Listen and number.
• Ask students to look at the pictures and the clocks. • Ask students to look at the pictures closely.
• Students are going to listen to a recording. They should check • Students are going to listen to a recording and number the
the pictures that correspond to what they hear and cross the pictures in the order they are mentioned. Play the recording and
pictures that do not correspond to what they hear. pause it after each sentence.

1 I get up at 7 o’clock. TRACK 1.48 1 Mark has a broken arm. TRACK 1.49
2 I get dressed at 7:20. 2 Barbara has a broken leg.
3 I have breakfast at 7:40. 3 Julie has a headache.
4 I take the bus at 7:45. 4 Marcela has a cold.
5 Akiro has an earache.
Answers: 1. ✔, 2. ✗, 3. ✗, 4. ✔ 6 Tommy has a stomachache.
4 points (1 point for each correctly marked sentence)
Answers: 2, 4, 5, 1, 6, 3
2 Listen and circle. 6 points (1 point for each correctly numbered picture)
• Ask students to look at the timetable closely.
2 Listen and match.
• Students are going to listen to four short dialogues and
circle the subjects in the appropriate places according to the • Ask students to read the sentences halves.
information they hear. • Students are going to listen to a dialogue and match the
sentences halves accordingly. Play the recording twice.
1 TRACK 1.48
Girl 1: What time is English class today? Girl 1: You look terrible! What’s the matter? TRACK 1.49
Girl 2: Hmm. Today is Tuesday. We have English at 2.15. Boy: I don’t know. I have a sore throat and a headache.
2 I think I have a cold.
Girl 1: Is science class at 2.15? Girl 1: Do you have a cough?
Girl 2: No. Science class is at 9 o’clock today. Boy: Yes, I do. What can I do?
Girl 1: Drink hot tea with lemon and honey.
Girl 1: Do we have music classes today? Answers: 1 c, 2 d, 3 b, 4 a
Girl 2: No, we don’t have music classes today. We have 4 points (1 point for each correctly matched sentence)
English, math, and PE classes.
4 3 Read the text and circle the best
Girl 1: What time is geography today? answers.
Girl 2: At 11:30.
• Ask students to read the sentences and the alternatives before
Answers: 1 English (Tuesday), 2 science (Tuesday), 3 English, math, reading the text.
PE (Friday), 4 geography (Tuesday). • Students are going to read the text and circle the best answers
6 points (1 point for each correctly circled subject) accordingly.
Answers: 1 the flu, 2 mom, 3 orange juice
3 Read the text and circle T (true) or 6 points (2 points for each correctly circled alternative)
F (false).
4 Write sentences with the words from
• Ask students to read the sentences before reading the text. the box.
• Students are going to read the text and choose T if the
sentence is true or F if the sentence is false. • Ask students to read the words in the box.
Answers: 1 T, 2 F, 3 F, 4 F, 5 T • Students are going to write sentences using the words from the
5 points (1 point for each correct answer)
4 points (1 point for each correctly written sentence)
4 Answer these questions.
• Ask students to read the questions attentively.
• Students are going to write complete answers to the questions.
5 points (1 point for each correct sentence)

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Unit 5 - My brother is younger Unit 6 - What do meerkats
than me. – Test eat? – Test
1 Listen and check (✔) or cross (✗). 1 Listen and complete the chart with the
• Ask students to look at the pictures. correct information.
• Students are going to listen to a recording and check (✔) the • Ask students to read the information in the table.
pictures that correspond to what they hear and cross (✗) the • Students are going to listen to three short texts and complete
picture that don't. Play the recording and pause it after each the chart with the missing information.
1 TRACK 1.51
1 She’s tall and dark-haired. TRACK 1.50 Woman: Giant pandas live in China. Their fur is black and
2 She’s short and fair-haired. white and they eat plants and bamboo shoots. They sleep
3 They’re young. under trees.
4 He’s tall and slim.
Answers: 1 ✗, 2 ✗, 3 ✗, 4 ✗ Man: Brown bears live in North America and Europe. Their fur
4 points (1 point for each correctly checked picture) is brown and they eat meat, plants, and berries. They sleep in
2 Listen and circle. 3
• Ask students to read the sentences and pay attention to the Woman: Polar bears live in North America and the Arctic.
alternatives. Their fur is white and they eat meat. They sleep in dens.
• Students are going to listen to a recording and circle the Answers: giant pandas: black and white; brown bears: meat, plants
appropriate answers. and berries; polar bears: North America and the Arctic, in dens.
6 points (1.5 point for each correctly completed gap)
This is a photo of Janice and Victoria. TRACK 1.50
They are twin sisters. They are identical. Their eyes are the same 2 Listen and cross out the wrong
color. They look exactly the same, but they like doing different
things! Janice loves reading but Victoria likes horseback riding.
• Ask students to read the sentences and pay attention to the
Answers: 1 sisters 2 same 3 identical 4 reading alternatives.
4 points (1 point for each correctly circled answer) • Students are going to listen to a recording and cross out the
wrong information in each sentence.
3 Read the text and complete the
sentences. These are chimpanzees. Chimpanzees aren’t TRACK 1.51
• Ask students to read the sentences before reading the text. pets or farm animals. They are wild animals. They live in the
forests of Africa. They eat flowers, leaves and fruit. Their
• Students are going to read the text and complete the sentences favorite food is bananas.
with the words from the box.
Answers: 1 birthday, 2 April, 3 friends’, 4 shorter / chubbier, 5 Answers: 1 Africa, 2 wild animals, 3 in forests, 4 flowers,
fair-haired leaves and fruit, 5 bananas
6 points (1 point for each correctly completed sentence) 5 points (1 point for each correct answer)

4 Answer these questions about you. 3 Read the text and answer the
• Ask students to read the questions carefully. questions.
• Students are going to write complete answers to the questions. • Ask students to read the text.
• Students are going to read a text and answer the questions
6 points (1.5 point for each correctly written sentence) accordingly.
Answers: 1 Yes, they do. 2 No, they aren’t. Some are big, and
some are small. 3 They usually live in houses or gardens. 4 They
sleep in kennels or on the couch. 5 Yes, they do.
5 points (1 point for each correctly written sentence)

4 Choose a pet and write sentences

about it.
• Ask students to read the text in the previous activity once again.
• Students are going to choose one of the pets and write similar
4 points (1 point for each correctly written sentence)

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Unit 7 - When I was 2 Listen and choose the correct
five… – Test alternative.

1 Listen and complete the table. There was a very good play at school TRACK 1.53
last week. The name of the play was “The clever young man at
• Ask students to pay attention to the items in the table. Idyllia”. The play was on for three days. On Thursday the play
• Students are going to listen to a recording and complete the was at 7 o’clock; on Friday it was at 6:45 and on Saturday it
table accordingly. was at 5:30. No… Wait! It wasn’t at 5:30. It was at 6:30.

Hello! I’m Jessica and this is my photo TRACK 1.52 Answers: Text on the right.
when I was four years old. I was short and chubby. My hair was 6 points
long. Now I am 12. I’m taller and slimmer, but my hair is still long.
3 Number the pictures below and then
write a story. Use the words from the
Past Present box.
Age 4 12 • Ask students to number the pictures in any order.
Physical characteristics Short and chubby Tall and slim • Students are going to write a story using the words from the
box and any other language items they learned throughout the
Hair Long Long
6 points (1 point for each correct answer)
10 points (1 point for each word used correctly and 2 points for the
correct use of the language items students learned along the year).
2 Listen and check the people described.
• Ask students to look at the pictures closely.
• Students are going to listen to two short descriptions and check
the people that correspond to the descriptions they hear. End of Year – Test
1 This was Steve when he was 23 years old. TRACK 1.52
He was tall and slim and his hair was short. 1 Listen and write.
2 This was Marie when she was 16 years old. She was short • Students are going to listen to five questions and write them
and her hair was long. down.
Answers: 1 picture on the left, 2 picture on the right • Play the audio, pausing after each question to give students
4 points (2 points for each correctly checked picture) time to write it down.

1 What are you good at? TRACK 1.54

3 Read the text and answer the
2 What is your favorite pet?
questions. 3 Do you like reading?
• Ask students to read the questions before reading the text. 4 Where do you live?
• Students are going to read a text and answer the questions 5 What time do you go to school?
Answers: 1 What are you good at? 2 What is your favorite pet? 3
Answers: 1 They were big dinosaurs. 2 They were three meters tall. Do you like reading? 4 Where do you live? 5 What time do you go
3 Yes, they were. 4 Yes, they were. 5 They were plant eaters. to school?
5 points (1 point for each correct answer) 5 points (1 point for each correctly written sentence)

4 Write sentences about you when you 2 Answer the questions from Activity 1.
were six years old. • Students are going to answer the questions from the previous
• Students are going to write five sentences about themselves activity.
when they were six. • Encourage them to write full answers.
5 points (1 point for each correct sentence) 5 points (1 point for each correct answer)

3 Draw part of your city. Include five

different places. Label the places.
Unit 8 - Once upon • Ask students to draw part of their city. It can make reference to
a time... – Test the street they live or any other part they like.
5 points (1 point for each correctly labeled place)

1 Listen and number the pictures 4 Describe your picture in Activity 3.

• Students are going to write five sentences that describe the
• Ask students to look at the pictures closely. picture they drew in the previous activity.
• Students are going to listen to a recording and number the • Encourage them to use There is and There are and adjectives to
pictures in the order they are mentioned. Play the recording and describe the places.
pause it after each sentence. 5 points (1 point for each correct sentence)

1 I like science fiction books. TRACK 1.53 5 Complete the clocks below. Then write
2 I like to read books about romance.
about a day in your life.
3 I like books about history.
4 I like books about magic and wizards. • Students are going to complete the clocks and write five true
sentences about themselves.
Answers: (from left to right) 3, 1, 2, 4 5 points (1 point for each correct sentence)
4 points (1 point for each correctly numbered picture)

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What are you Test
good at? 1
Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................

TOTAL: ............ / 20 0 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 20

1 Listen and check (✔) or cross (✗). ............ /4

1 2

3 4

2 Listen and match. ............ /4

1 Liam is a running and kicking the ball.

2 Liam’s best friend is b soccer.

3 Liam and his best friend are good at c playing soccer at school.

4 Liam’s favorite sport is d playing soccer.

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3 Read the text and circle the best answers. ............ /6

I am an active person. I like playing different

sports and I am good at all of them. On
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I swim. On
Tuesdays and Thursdays I play tennis. On the
weekends I go to the beach. On Saturdays I go
snorkeling and on Sundays I go kite surfing.

1 Joseph is good at some sports.

all the sports he does.

2 He swims three times a week.

every day.

3 On weekends, he doesn’t play any sport.

he goes snorkeling and kite surfing.

4 Answer these questions about you. ............ /6

1 Are you good at singing?

2 What are you good at?
3 What are you doing?
4 What’s your favorite sport?
5 Do you like playing tennis?
6 What do you like doing?

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There is a place Test
for you and me. 2
Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................

TOTAL: ............ / 20 0 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 20

1 Listen and number. ............ /4

2 Listen and check (✔). ............ /6

$7 $12 $17

$18 $23 $33

$9 $11 $21

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3 Read the text and complete the sentences. ............ /4

Hello! I’m Anna. I live in the country and

I love it. Every day before school I ride my
horse to the waterfalls. I swim, play, listen
to birds singing and then go back home.

goes lives loves rides swims

1 Anna in the country.

2 Anna the country.

3 Anna her horse every day.

4 Anna at the waterfalls.

4 Write sentences with the words from the box. ............ /6

$23 café town live museums visit

1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

5 .

6 .

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We have math Test
on Monday. 3
Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................

TOTAL: ............ / 20 0 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 20

1 Listen and check (✔) or cross (✗). ............ /4

1 2

3 4

2 Listen and circle. ............ /6

Wednesday Thursday Friday

Time Monday Tuesday
History Math English
9.00 English Science
English Math English
11.30 Music Geography
12.30 L U
Music Science Math
2.15 Science English
Computer Math English PE
3.15 PE Science

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3 Read the text and circle T (true) or F (false). ............ /5

Bob and Bert are twin brothers. They are 12 years old.
Bob and Bert get up at 6:30 from Monday to Friday.
They get dressed, have breakfast and go to school.
They don’t take the bus to school. They walk.
Their classes start at 7:30 and finish at 3:30 so they
have lunch at school.
Bob’s favorite subject is math and Bert’s favorite
subject is history.

1 Bob and Bert are twins. T / F

2 Bob and Bert have classes on Saturdays. T / F

3 The boys go to school in the afternoon. T / F

4 They have lunch at school only on Fridays. T / F

5 Bob’s and Bert’s favorite subjects are different. T / F

4 Answer these questions. ............ /5

1 What time do you get up?

2 What’s your favorite subject?
3 When and what time is your favorite subject?
4 What time is it now?
5 What days do you have English classes?

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What’s the Test
matter? 4
Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................

TOTAL: ............ / 20 0 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 20

1 Listen and number. ............ /6

2 Listen and match. ............ /4

1 William has a drinks some hot tea.

2 William thinks he has b sees the nurse.

3 Julie doesn’t suggest that William c a sore throat and a headache.

4 Julie suggests that William d a cold.

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3 Read the text and circle the best answers. ............ /6

Jake doesn’t feel well today. He can’t go to school. He is

in bed. He has the flu. His mother is taking care of him.
Jake always has water for breakfast, but today he is
having orange juice.

a Jake can’t go to school today because he has a cold.

the flu.

b His grandma is taking care of him.


c Jake is having water for breakfast today.

orange juice

4 Write sentences with the words from the box. ............ /4

can’t feeling have matter

1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

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My brother is Test
younger than me. 5
Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................

TOTAL: ............ / 20 0 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 20

1 Listen and check (✔) or cross (✗). ............ /4

1 2

3 4

2 Listen and circle. ............ /4

1 Janice and Victoria are best friends / sisters.

2 They have the same / different color eyes.

3 They are identical / fraternal.

4 Janice likes reading / horseback riding.

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3 Read the text and complete the sentences. ............ /6

Today is April 11. It’s my birthday. My grandma’s present

to me is a new doll. Now I have four dolls. I give them
names of my best friends: Anna, Patricia, Cristina and
Larissa. Anna is taller than Patricia. Cristina is slimmer
than Larissa. Anna, Patricia and Cristina are dark-haired.

April birthday fair-haired friends’ shorter chubbier

1 The girl has a new doll for her .

2 The girl’s birthday is in .

3 The girl has dolls.

4 The girl’s dolls have her names.

5 Patricia is than Anna and Larissa is than Cristina.

6 Larissa is .

4 Answer these questions about you. ............ /6

1 Do you have brothers or sisters?

2 When is your birthday?
3 Are you taller than your best friend?
4 Are you dark-haired or fair-haired?

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What do Test
meerkats eat? 6
Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................

TOTAL: ............ / 20 0 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 20

1 Listen and complete the table with ............ /6

the correct information.

They live in Their fur is They eat They sleep

plants and
Giant Under
China bamboo
pandas trees
America and brown in caves
white meat

2 Listen and cross out the wrong information. ............ /5

1 Chimpanzees live in Africa / Southern Africa.

2 Chimpanzees are farm animals / wild animals.

3 They live in forests / fields.

4 They eat flowers, leaves and fruit / insects, birds and fruit.

4 Their favorite food is flowers / bananas.

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3 Read the text and answer the questions. ............ /5

Dogs have soft fu
They can be big or
s or gardens.
They live in house ch.
ey sl eep in kenn els or on the cou
lo ve.
They need lots of

1 Do dogs have soft fur?

2 Are all dogs big?
3 Where do dogs usually live?
4 Where do dogs sleep?
5 Do dogs need love?

4 Choose a pet and write sentences about it. ............ /4

1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

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When I was Test
five… 7
Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................

TOTAL: ............ / 20 0 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 20

1 Listen and complete the table. ............ /6

Past Present




2 Listen and check the people described. ............ /4

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3 Read the text and answer the questions. ............ /5

Do you know about triceratop dinosaurs? A triceratop’s

body was nine meters long and it was three meters tall.
Triceratop dinosaurs were huge. Their heads were very
big. They were 5-6 tons! Their teeth were sharp and
they had three horns. They were plant eaters.

1 Were triceratops small or big dinosaurs?

2 How tall were they?
3 Were their heads big?
4 Were their teeth sharp?
5 Were they meat or plant eaters?

4 Write sentences about you when you were ............ /5

six years old.

1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

5 .

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Once upon a time...
Test 8
Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................

TOTAL: ............ / 20 0 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 20

1 Listen and number the pictures accordingly. ............ /4

2 Listen and choose the correct alternative. ............ /6

The clever young man of Idyllia The clever young man of Idyllia
By Class 5B By Class 5B

Thursday, November 8 – 7.00 p.m. Thursday, November 8 – 7.00 p.m.

Friday, November 9 - 6.45 p.m. Friday, November 9 - 6.45 p.m.
Saturday, November 10 – 5.30 p.m. Saturday, November 10 – 6.30 p.m.

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3 Number the pictures below and then write a ............ / 10
story. Use the words from the box.

brave castle church dragon field huge square supermarket

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Name ......................................................................................... Class ...................

TOTAL: ............ / 26 0 – 14 15 – 20 21 – 26

1 Listen and write. ............ /5

1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

5 .

2 Answer the questions from Activity 1. ............ /5

1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

5 .

3 Draw part of your city. Include five different places. ............ /5

Label the places.

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4 Describe your picture in Activity 3. ............ /5

5 Complete the clocks below. Then write about ............ /5

a day in your life.
11 1

10 2

9 3

8 4
7 5

11 1

10 2

9 3

8 4
7 5

11 1

10 2

9 3

8 4
7 5

11 1

10 2

9 3

8 4
7 5

11 1

10 2

9 3

8 4
7 5

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DVD Worksheets


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DVD worksheets
Episode 1: Do you like camping? Episode 3: We're making a video!
Song Song

Lucy: Let’s go to the country. Lucy: A video! A video! We’re making a video.
Ted: No! A video! A video! We’re making a video.
Lucy: Let’s go to the country. Say goodbye to the town. Lucy: I’m tall. I’m not small.
Ted: No! Both: We’re making a video!
Lucy: Flowers and mountains. Rivers and trees. Ted: You’re not tall!
Blue sky and sunshine. Birds and bees! Lucy: Yes, I am!
Ted: Let’s stay in the city. Both: We’re making a video!
Lucy: No! Ted: You’re not tall!
Ted: Let’s stay in the city. Lucy: Yes, I am!
Ted: Say hello to the town. Ted: No, you are not!
Lucy: No! Lucy: I’m not wearing this.
Ted: Supermarkets, cafés, cars and trains. Book stores Both: We’re making a video!
and swimming pools, buses and planes! Ted: Yes, you are!
Lucy: Let’s go to the country. Lucy: No, I’m not!
Ted: But I don’t like the bees! Let’s stay in the city. Both: We’re making a video!
Lucy: But where are the trees? Ted: Yes, you are! Yes, you are!
Both: Where are the trees? Where are the trees? Lucy: No, I’m not!
Ted: Yes, you are!
Worksheet 1 Both: A video! A video! We’re making a video.
A video! A video! We’re making a video.
• Hand out Worksheet 1. Ask the students to look at the picture of the
city in Activity 1 and to name the things they can see. They write the
words from the box onto the lines in the correct list. They should then
Worksheet 3
add 2 more things to each list, using words from the board if necessary. • Hand out Worksheet 3. Ask the students to look at the four girls in
For Activity 2, ask the students to find words in the box to complete the Activity 1 and to describe each one. (Girls 1 and 2 have dark hair; Girl
puzzle. 1 has curly hair; Girls 2, 3 and 4 have straight hair; Girl 2 is taller than
the other girls; Girl 4 is younger and smaller than the other girls; Girl
3 is thin.) Ask the students to complete the puzzle and answer the
Episode 2: What's your favorite questions. Then ask them to look at the picture of the polar bear in

subject? Activity 2 and circle the correct word in each of the five choices.

Worksheet 2 • After showing the video, ask the students in pairs or small groups to
• Hand out Worksheet 2. Ask the students to read Activity 1 and draw write a short “video” in English to act out in front of the class. You
the correct time on each clock. Ask them to look at Activity 2. They can don’t need a video camera to do this; they can pretend. If the students
write the five words anywhere they choose in the schedule, then answer need ideas, suggest: a video about an animal; a song or dance; a simple
the questions. story; a video that shows how to do something. Remind them that they
can begin the video by saying Action! and end the video by saying Cut!
• After showing the episode, ask each student to create a poster about
their favorite class. Encourage them to write as much as they can in
Episode 4: It was a dinosaur!
English to explain why they like it. Also encourage them to illustrate it
with their own drawings, or pictures cut out of old magazines. Worksheet 4
• Hand out Worksheet 4. Ask the students to look at the dinosaur
in Activity 1. How many parts can they name? Ask them to choose
words from the box and label the picture. Then ask them to make true
sentences. Ask students to look at the family picture in Activity 2. Point
out that the youngest child is the one who is ‘saying’ the text beside the
picture. Ask the students to complete the sentences.

• After showing the DVD, ask the students to draw a picture of any large
animal e.g. an elephant or giraffe, or they can invent an animal, and
label the parts in English.

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Worksheet 1
1 Look at the pictures. Write the words on the lines. Write two more words

library supermarket river car swimming pool birds sunshine mountain



2 Write the words.

m sunshine
p country
g city


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Worksheet 2
1 Read and draw the times.

I get up at seven o’clock (1). I have breakfast at eight o’clock

(2). At eight twenty I take the bus and I go to school (3). I
have lunch at twelve forty-five (4). I go home at three
o’clock (5). I have dinner at seven o’clock (6). Then I go to
bed at eight forty-five (7). What time do you go to bed (8)?
Good night!

1 11
2 11
3 11
4 11

10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2

9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3

8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5
6 6 6 6

5 11
6 11
7 11
8 11

10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2

9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3

8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5
6 6 6 6

2 Choose words to complete the schedule. Then answer the questions.

cycling tennis basketball running swimming

Club schedule


4:00 Swimming __________ Swimming Soccer __________
6:00 Soccer Basketball Climbing __________ Cycling
8:00 Tennis __________ Tennis __________ Soccer

1 What day is climbing club?

2 What time is soccer on Monday?
3 What can you do on Tuesday at four o’clock?
4 When can you play basketball?
5 What day is running club?

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Worksheet 3
1 Read and write the names. Answer the questions.

Katy is dark-haired. Meg is slimmer than Katy. Poppy is younger than Meg.
Ann is taller than Katy.
Who has curly hair?
Does Poppy have hair?
Is Ann smaller than Meg?

2 Circle the right words.

Polar bears are very big / small animals. They have

brown / white fur. They live in forests / dens in
the snow. They eat leaves / meat. Polar bears are
very good at swimming / dancing and they can
hold their breath under the water for two minutes.

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Worksheet 4
1 Label the picture. Choose words and make true sentences.

4 meters

tail body spikes claws teeth neck legs head

This dinosaur has big . It has a long .

Its are very sharp. It is tall.

2 Write was or were.

Look at this old photo. I five years old. My

favorite toys my teddy bear and my train.
My sister bigger than me, and she
very good at playing with me.
My brothers very big. They eleven!
My favorite food ice cream and my favorite
animals my cats.

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