Ejed 15 2 Gluckman p212
Ejed 15 2 Gluckman p212
Ejed 15 2 Gluckman p212
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Table 1 Case selection criteria for the socket-shield technique at immediate implant placement at anterior/
non-molar teeth
Lack of experience/skill/
Failed endodontic treatment(s) training in immediate implant
Tooth/root resorption
The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 2 | Summer 2020 | 215
et-shield technique described by Glocker et present. Then take a radiograph with the
al11 is advised. Bone in the area as well as the bur inserted to the apex to confirm the
extent of any pathology must be evaluated root length (Fig 3j). (An endodontic file
by cone beam computed tomography and apex locator may be used instead.)
(CBCT). The presence of bone facial to the 2. The canal is then widened further by
root must be verified. successive increases in Gates Glidden
bur sizes to the confirmed root length,
Decoronation and endodontic also drilled to the apex.
post management 3. Following canal widening with the Gates
1. Measure the root length on the CBCT Glidden burs, a long-shank root-resec-
scan from the visible gingival margin to tion bur is rotated directly down the root
the root apex. (Technical note: The vesti- canal to the apex (Fig 1e). (A lance bur
bule must be reflected during CBCT ac- with an adjustable depth stop may be
quisition by retractor or cotton rolls to ideal for this step.) This is the start of the
enable the visualization of the soft tissue). apex removal and is one of the most im-
2. Decoronate the tooth (if the crown is portant steps in the technique.
present) to the gingival level, gaining ac- 4. Confirm depth, angulation, and apex re-
cess to the root canal space (Fig 1a to d). moval with repeated radiographs. This
Ensure that the adjacent tooth crowns, confirms that drilling within the canal has
restorations, gingival margin, and papil- not deviated and is important to ensure
lae are not damaged by the bur. that perforation or injury to adjacent
3. If a post is present, it must be carefully roots and structures does not occur.
removed. Shield preparation should be
carried out with an irrigated high-speed Sectioning the root
handpiece coupled to a rapid-cutting di- There is currently no consensus on the ideal
amond or root resection bur. The cut socket-shield dimensions in terms of length,
should not extend around the post fully, thickness, etc. The current authors previ-
but rather be limited to the palatal por- ously reported that orthodontic displace-
tion to avoid damaging the facial root ment of smaller socket-shields is possible.7
portion. The cut is progressed slowly and Experience has shown that a thinner sock-
apically in a sweeping motion, on the et-shield may be prone to flexure, fracture,
palatal side until the post loosens and and mobility, especially if the implant and its
can be removed (or if securely bonded, threads exert force against it.7 It is also pos-
be cut away). Thereafter, conventional sible that there are no negative conse-
socket-shield preparation steps can be quences of contact between implant and
followed. socket-shield.2 Nonetheless, it is recom-
mended that the facial root portion be
If no post is present, progress to the follow- thicker (roughly half the thickness from root
ing steps after measuring the root length on canal to outer surface) so that it is more ro-
the CBCT. bust and resilient to any forces.6 A larger,
longer socket-shield also means greater at-
Canal preparation and depth measurement tachment via its periodontal ligament to
1. Widen the tooth canal with a number 1 bundle bone and hence greater stability,
Gates Glidden bur (Fig 1b) right down to preventing mobility. Bäumer et al4 did not
the apex of the root. This removes canal specify an exact length. The current authors
tissue or endodontic filling material, if understand from the published diagrams
216 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 2 | Summer 2020
a b
c d
e f
g h
i j
Fig 1 (a) Preoperative situation: maxillary right central incisor is untreatable, planned for extraction. Extraction of
central incisor would be detrimental to adjacent lateral incisor implant that already had some marginal bone loss.
(b) Contra-angled handpiece with Gates Glidden bur (top) and straight handpiece with long-shank round diamond
bur (below). (c) Tooth decoronated, no endodontic post in place, canal obturated previously with endodontic filling
material. (d) Endodontic filling material removed and depth confirmed with Gates Glidden burs. (e) Long-shank
root-resection bur rotated to confirmed depth, to root apex, down widened canal. (f) Root sectioned mesiodistally,
creating an arc. (g) Palatal root portion removed. (h) Long-shank diamond bur rotated in a straight handpiece at
confirmed depth, to remove root apex and apical tissue; also upward along root to remove canal contents. (i) Soft
tissue reflected with a gingival protector and socket shield reduced to bone crest. (j) Reduction started in midfacial
aspect, then levelled laterally to bone crest.
The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 2 | Summer 2020 | 217
that the socket-shield appears greater than ed by sectioning (Fig 1g). It is preferable
a third and less than a half of the root to do this with a micro periotome and
length.4 This length may be adequate. How- elevator. Ensure finger pressure on the
ever, if the majority of maxillary anterior facial portion of the root to prevent inad-
roots are Class II (retroclined), it would be vertent pressure in a facial direction and
unsafe to cut the root shorter to this length to support the facial root portion at the
due to the risk of perforating the facial bony plate. Movement at the facial as-
bone.9 It is unclear how it was possible to pect may indicate incomplete sectioning
create this length of socket-shield using the of the root.
original protocol of drilling through the root
with the implant osteotomy preparation Apex removal
drills without perforating the facial bone. 1. Figure 1g shows how the root fractured at
Apically, however, the bone is usually the apex after sectioning with the bur,
more abundant, hence it is suggested to with the majority of the root apex visible
section close to the apex while also remov- and attached to the lingual portion. If this
ing it (described below). This is achieved by had not occurred, it is likely that the apex
enlarging the canal all the way to the apex, would have remained within the socket,
as described above. In this manner, a longer as part of the facial root portion. Once the
socket-shield of approximately two thirds of lingual root portion is removed, the root
the root length can be prepared. When pre- apex (diseased or otherwise) and all end-
paring the socket-shield, it is proposed that odontic filling materials must be carefully
the concept of ‘as large as possible but re- removed. This must be verified by a peri-
duced as much as necessary’ is adhered to. apical radiograph. Radiopaque endodon-
1. After enlarging the canal, section the tic filling material, visible canal anatomy,
root mesiodistally. Insert the root resec- and/or visible root apex on the radiograph
tion bur to the apex of the canal, then require re-instrumentation with a bur for
carefully cut the mesial and distal canal further removal. Typically, the bur is in-
wall by making painting motions while serted into the socket apex without rota-
exiting the canal with the bur. Repeat tion. This carefully locates the apex with-
these motions successively, until a me- out inadvertently drilling any areas other
siodistal slot is created. Whilst sectioning than the desired apical root and tissues.
the root vertically, create a curved arc Once positioned at the apex, the bur is
rather than a straight line (Fig 1f). Also, rotated at moderate speed (use clinical
roots are tapered, and thus the range of discretion). Slight and very careful widen-
mesiodistal motion should decrease api- ing of the apical area is performed. Care-
cally so as to section the root rather than ful vertical sweeping motions with the
drilling into the surrounding bone. bur, starting from the apex and moving
2. The socket-shield should extend from coronally, removes the canal contents at
the mesial to the distal line angle. In cas- the inner and facial aspect of the root ca-
es where adjacent implants are expect- nal, as well as any part of the apex that
ed, the shield can be extended into the may have remained. Selecting a straight a
interproximal space to ensure the main- slower 1:1 handpiece with a 2-3mm round
tenance of the interproximal bone. diamond bur works well with the long
3. Once sectioning the root is considered roots of the maxillary canines (Fig 1h); a
complete, remove the lingual root por- contra-angle handpiece may be more ap-
tion by delivering it into the space creat- propriate for use in the mandible.
218 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 2 | Summer 2020
2. Micro-curettes used under high magnifi- sus as to the ideal socket-shield thick-
cation with focused light are used to cu- ness.
rette and clean the apical area. Repeated 4. The final preparation step is to ensure
rinsing with sterile saline is advised to re- that the socket-shield is firm and exhibits
move debris. All apical pathology and no mobility. Gently probe the inner den-
soft tissue must be removed. Optional tin surface to confirm the absence of
yet not essential may be the use of a la- mobility, and take a periapical radiograph
ser to remove stubborn tissue tags from to ensure all the aforementioned steps
the bone. are adhered to (Fig 4a).
The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 2 | Summer 2020 | 219
a b
c d
e f
g h
i j
Fig 2 (a) Fully prepared socket shield and internal beveled chamfer at bone crest. (b) Guided preparation of
implant osteotomy lingual to socket shield. (c) Implant placement: Implant tapered with aggressive thread to better
ensure primary stability at immediate placement. (d) Confirmation of insertion torque. (e) Implant positioned lingual
to socket shield. (f) Provisional abutment cut to appropriate length and screw retained. (g) Patient’s original tooth
crown, prepared as a provisional crown, positioned in a polyvinylsiloxane template. (h) Etching of original tooth
crown (left), then priming and bonding (right). (i) Rubber dam section to seal socket entrance with screw access
blocked out. (j) Composite material flowed into prepared tooth crown within the template.
220 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 2 | Summer 2020
a b
c d
e f
g h
i j
Fig 3 (a) Composite material light cured through a hole in the template, bonding tooth crown to provisional
abutment. (b) Template removed and additional light curing. (c) Subcritical contour developed by adding composite
material, marking the gingival margin, and reducing the emergence profile into an S shape. (d) Provisional crown
positioned in the mouth for confirmation. (e and f) Provisional crown thoroughly polished, sequentially by a silicone
brush, rag wheel, pumice paste, and diamond paste. (g) Advanced platelet-rich fibrin (A-PRF) membrane placed at
the subcritical contour of provisional crown. (h) Provisional crown screw-retained in final position. (i) Final occlusal
adjustments. (j) Periapical radiographs corresponding corresponding to Figure 1e. Gates Glidden bur confirms root
length (left); long-shank root-resection bur rotated to root length (right).
The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 2 | Summer 2020 | 221
2. Placement depth is also critical. Place- periphery and should have a significant
ment should be 1.5 mm below the facial undercut, narrowest at the implant in-
bone crest, and about 0.5 mm above the terface, to allow for maximal soft tissue
apical limit of the chamfer. Otherwise, infill and to avoid exposure of the sock-
limited bone may form between the et-shield. Similarly, the provisional crown
socket-shield and the implant, and/or should also have an undercut, more ac-
the socket-shield may be prone to pres- curately an S-shaped emergence profile
sure and orthodontic movement by the (Figs 3c and e).12 The subcritical contour
prosthetic component. of the prosthetic components must also
be highly polished. The necessary occlu-
Management of the gap sal adjustments that limit function on the
1. Currently, only one study has reported immediate implant and provisional resto-
satisfactory clinical and radiographic ration are also requisite and conclude
outcomes after 1 year when the gap be- the procedure.
tween the implant and socket-shield was 2. After completion of healing, an individu-
not grafted with bone or a substitute ma- alized impression is then necessary to
terial.13 The grafting of this gap thus re- prevent pressure on the socket-shield
mains the clinician’s prerogative until fur- and possible exposure. Thus, there
ther data are reported. It is recommended, should be no pressure or blanching of
however, to graft this space, unless it is the soft tissue at final crown placement.
too small to accommodate the graft ma-
terial. Bone or substitute material may Discussion
prevent soft tissue ingrowth at the coro-
nal aspect and help to stabilize the blood Immediate tooth replacement is likely to al-
clot that is necessary for the organiza- ways be one of the most technically chal-
tion into granulation tissue and then lenging procedures in dentistry, especially in
bone. Using a rapidly substituting calci- the esthetic zone (Fig 4). The literature often
um phosphosilicate putty may more ac- states that immediate implant placement
curately confirm bone infill on follow-up should be reserved for the skilled and highly
CBCT views.14 trained clinician.1,10 The current authors
would agree. Moreover, carrying out the
Management of the gingival seal socket-shield technique requires detailed
1. The implant, socket-shield, and bone knowledge of the procedure and the possi-
graft within the gap must be protected ble pitfalls, anticipated complications, nec-
from the oral cavity. Thus, at immediate essary instruments, and so forth.
tooth replacement, a standard healing If a socket-shield is an added challenge,
abutment by the manufacturer usually then where does it fit into daily dental prac-
does not suffice. Constructing a custom- tice? The increase in the knowledge of the
ized healing abutment or an anatomical current authors resulted in some improve-
provisional crown is required (Figs 2f ment to the socket-shield technique pro-
to j, 3a to i, 4b and c). It is also essen- cedures, but much remains unknown such
tial to support the original soft tissue as the ideal size and dimensions of the sock-
profile as much as possible, in keeping et-shield, the impact of the socket gap graft,
with the principles of immediate implant the choice of bone material, and whether
placement.10 The customized abutment bone will form to the most coronal limit of
should conform to the extraction socket the socket-shield toward the implant. Han
222 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 2 | Summer 2020
and coworkers13 reported that routinely bate that drilling through the root in the
grafting the socket gap might not be neces- original techniques was a significant chal-
sary. Gluckman and coworkers7,12 motivated lenge. The original 2010 publication stated
that exposure may be prevented by sock- that the osteotomy was drilled through the
et-shield height reduction to bone crest as roots. The histological images clearly de-
well as by modifying from a bevel to a cham- picted implants positioned against the buc-
fer of the coronal socket-shield.7,12 Nonethe- cal bone plate, positioned far from the lin-
less, while some questions may have been gual bone plate. Thus, the above is our
answered, it is clear that a high level of skill, working group’s interpretation of that data,
experience, and training in implant dentistry in the absence of any other clear explana-
are required for these procedures. tion stating otherwise, that the original pro-
The socket-shield technique is no longer tocol could not have been inclined lingual-
experimental after ten years of worldwide ly/palatally. The original osteotomies may
clinical application. Five-year volumetric have been prepared through the root while
data have confirmed the value of the tech- staying away from the beginning on the pal-
nique in preventing facial ridge collapse in atal side, but this description was absent
immediate implant placement.4 Four-year from both the 2010 and 2017 publications,
results have reported the implant survival nor was it depicted in the diagrams or in the
rate to be comparable to conventional im- histological images. The root position does
mediate and early/delayed implant place- not always coincide with the planned im-
ment.7 These studies also report in detail the plant position. The radial plane position of
possible complications and their likelihood the maxillary anterior teeth also rarely coin-
of occurring. It has also long since been cides with a screw-retained prosthetic op-
known that contrary to what was proposed tion. Moreover, drilling an osteotomy
by the original pioneers of the technique, it through tooth dentin may rapidly deterio-
is not necessary to apply enamel matrix de- rate expensive drills. Conventional ex-
rivative to the inner dentin surface of the traction drills also typically have two or three
socket-shield.3,4 It is also now known that cutting flutes that, among other things, cre-
preparing the socket-shield to above bone ate chatter, may be difficult to control, and
crest as per the original proof-of-principle might fracture the socket-shield. For these
technique,2 as well as the very similar varia- reasons, the careful preparation of the ca-
tion later reported by Siormpas et al,8 may nal, determination and repeated verification
lead to exposure of the root portion through of the root apex, and mesiodistal sectioning
the overlying soft tissue (for both these ap- of the root with resection burs, is advocated
proaches). It is also known from both animal in the partial extraction therapy protocol.
and human histology that bone can grow Lastly, also as proposed by Gluckman et al,12
between the implant and the socket- an S-shaped prosthetic emergence profile is
shield.2,14 Radiopaque change is routinely preferable (Fig 4f and g) to avoid exposure
noted between the immediate postopera- and to allow maximal soft tissue infill. This is
tive and follow-up radiographs (Figs 4a, b, f, a slight modification from a bevel to a pref-
and g). There is also some data to report erable chamfer, with additional and even
that grafting of the gap might not be neces- space between the socket-shield and im-
sary.13 However, the current authors prefer plant/abutment.
stabilizing the blood clot with a gap graft in When the knowledge gained over the
an attempt to preclude coronal soft tissue past decade of experience is applied, the
downgrowth. The current authors also de- technique – if executed correctly and if
The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 2 | Summer 2020 | 223
a b c
d e
f g h
224 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 15 | Number 2 | Summer 2020
local factors and favorable healing coincide ician. However, a clear and concise proto-
– can achieve very positive outcomes, even col has previously been lacking. The
in the most challenging of clinical scenarios technique needs to be safe and reproduc-
such as the maxillary central and lateral inci- ible because even evidence-based treat-
sors as adjacent implants (Figs 4c to i). ment in the wrong hands may produce ad-
verse results and obscure an accurate
Conclusions evaluation of its performance. Nevertheless,
much has been learnt since 2010, and thus
Today, the socket-shield technique is un- this step-by-step partial extraction therapy
doubtedly an established procedure in the protocol outlines the most up-to-date
spectrum of implant dentistry. The proced- guideline to carrying out the procedure in
ure is technique sensitive and challenging, pursuit of a reproducible, reliable, and safe
and should still be reserved for the know- treatment in conjunction with immediate
ledgeable, experienced, and skilled clin- implant placement.
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