- added "Paste As Quote"
- added creation/modification time editing
- added --continue option to command-line
- improved support for concurrent reading (fewer database lock errors)
- fixed goto_prev_node bug
- fixed multiple note move bug
- fixed multiple note delete bug
keepnote-0.7.6 (2011/11/10)
- added foreground and background colors to treeview and listview
- added color palette saving
- added listview column order and width saving
- added frequent VACUUM sqlite command to notebook index
- added optional fulltext indexing
- added HTTP notebook forwarding
- fixed windows My Documents location within virtual folders
- fixed windows linking bug
keepnote-0.7.5 (2011/9/14)
- added drag and drop attachment for windows
- fixed indent at start of first line bug
- fixed uneven indent
- fixed leading white-space bug
- fixed windows portable mode bug
- fixed clipboard bug on mac
- improved rich text copy/paste
- fixed pasting HTML comments bug
keepnote-0.7.4 (2011/7/9)
- added Slovak language
- fixed notebook loading speed on Windows
- fixed basedir bug
- fixed widget focus bug
- fixed zero size listdir bug
- fixed lostdir bug
keepnote-0.7.3 (2011/06/18)
- added close button on tabs
- bug fixes to notebook indexing, healing, and tamper detection
keepnote-0.7.2 (2011/5/12)
- added moving/copying notes between notebooks
- fixed extension disable bug
- improved command API
- improved extensions API
- improved auto-notebook healing
- simplified notebook API
- improved node caching with index
- added Swedish language
keepnote-0.7.1 (2011/03/01)
- fixed helper applications bug
- fixed insert image format bug
- fixed missing image bug
- added extension API for adding UI elements
keepnote-0.7 (2011/02/25)
- added indexed full text search (require sqlite >= 3.5.0)
- added custom font sizes for treeview and listview
- improved notebook loading time
keepnote-0.6.8 (2011/01/24)
- fixed save notebook on window close bug
- fixed save preferences on close bug
keepnote-0.6.7 (2010/11/23)
- fixed insert image bug
keepnote-0.6.6 (2010/11/16)
- multiple window persistence
- faster HTML loading
- added separate close window and quit commands
- fixed bugs
- prevent unintended tab renames
- remove images from disk when deleted in note
- fixed failed open notebook bug
- fixed view image bug
keepnote-0.6.5 (2010/20/13)
- optional tab naming (double click to rename)
- tab persistence
- new window config options
- keep above
- minimize on start
- sticky
- new translations
- Polish
- fixed bugs
- fixed default notebook bug
- fixed rename trash bug
- fixed keepnote launching from *.desktop files
- fixed text color bug
- increased notebook opening speed
keepnote-0.6.4 (2010/7/23)
- fixed notebook file note found bug
keepnote-0.6.3 (2010/7/4)
- added tabbed browsing
- copy/cut/paste in treeview/listview
- multiple selection in treeview/listview
- added "New File" extension
- file attachment
- multiple file attachment
- new translations
- Chinese, Japanese, Italian
keepnote-0.6.2 (2010/2/19)
- added install/uninstall extension support
- added "new window"
- added python_prompt extension
- added German and Russian translations
- faster notebook load times
- fixed minimal toolbar bug
- fixed font toggle bug
- many other bug fixes
keepnote-0.6.1 (2010/1/3)
- added insert timestamp
- added more extension support
- reorganized menus
- fixed Microsoft maximize window bug
- added Spanish translation.
keepnote-0.6 (2009/9/16)
- added HTML export
- added note-to-note links
- autocomplete for making links
- entry completion for note titles in search box
- added note browsing history (back and forward buttons)
- remember note selections between closing and opening a notebook
- added recently used notebooks listed in file open menu
- many bug fixes
keepnote-0.5.3 (2009/7/8)
- setup for translations
- initial French translation included
- translations are welcomed! see README.translations.txt
- fixes for unicode filenames
- unicode support within tarfile backups
- added file attachments
- added more tree navigation shortcuts
- open dialog updated (no needed to click on notebook.nbk)
- task icon minimizes and un-minimizes
- updated image resize dialog
- links are created with default targets (selected text)
- more options for default notebook
- Bug fix: horizontal rules now auto-resize
keepnote-0.5.2 (2008/12/4)
- customizable node icons
- any node can have child nodes (e.g. "pages" can have children)
- add minimize to tray option (hide from taskbar)
- editor remembers scroll and cursor position in each page (for the session)
- added scrolling to treeview/listview drag-and-drop
- easy install fix
- fixed modified time bug
keepnote-0.5.1 (2008/1/25)
- install fix
keepnote-0.5.0 (2008/1/24)
- external web links
- new metadata file format
- changed name to KeepNote
- more desktop integration
- use dbus to raise window with desktop shortcut keys
takenote-0.4.5 (2008/12/20)
- added "Paste As Text"
- add progress bars, background tasks
- backup and restore
- search
- safer file writing
- writes are performed to temp files and renames them if write is complete
- bug fixes
- fixed colormap bug for some platforms (archlinux)
- fixed mnemonic for "Format" in menu
- fixed "modified" timestamp bug
- changed User-Agent string for fetching images from the web (allows
copy and paste from more web sites).
- bullet point list quirks
- cut and delete leave one bullet behind (also causes problems with undo)
- fixed copy and paste image size
- textview now properly scrolls for pastes and undos
takenote-0.4.4 (2008/11/06)
- added colored font
- added xdg user configuration support
- bug fixes
- fixed auto-highlighting in listview when changes occur to master list nodes
- drag and drop in listview cause weird scrolling
- new note sometimes cause goofy scrolling and selection
- helper application browser buttons didn't work
takenote-0.4.3 (2008/10/01)
- Windows version now has customizable shortcuts (using GTK)
- made sure GTK and python version requirements did not creep higher
- fixed problems with extensions
takenote-0.4.2 (2008/9/27)
- bullet point lists
- also supports nested indented paragraphs with and without bullet points
- default notebook options
- default font (notebook specific)
- a few Look and Feel options
- use lines treeview
- use ruler hints in listview
- use gtk stock icons
- image scaling can now automatically round ("snap") to nearest size multiple
- system tray icon (requires pygtk > 2.10)
- first implementation of an extensions mechanism
- backup_tar implemented as extension now
- spell check saves across sessions
- gtk accelerator keys saving across sessions
takenote-0.4.1 (2008/08/09)
- bug fixes
- better copy/paste
- HTML support
- image support
takenote-0.4 (2008/07/12)
- rich text editing
- hierarchical organization for notes
- full-text search
- inline images
- integrated screenshot
- spell checking (via gtkspell)