Chap - 05 - Deck Machinery and Cargo Equipment
Chap - 05 - Deck Machinery and Cargo Equipment
Chap - 05 - Deck Machinery and Cargo Equipment
There are, for most of practical purposes, only three types of drives for hull machinery:
a.1) Electric;
a.2) Electro-hydraulic;
Occasionally, other types of drives, such as diesel engines and manual, can be found onboard.
Steam-driven units are specifically installed aboard steam-powered tankers, and because they
do not spark, they are sometimes used in the vicinity of hazardous cargoes.
Electric power is commonly used aboard as power transmission drives. Alternating Current
(AC) has now all but replaced Direct Current (DC) as the standard supply for deck machinery
installations. Since nowadays the use of AC also permits an accurate control and variation of
the electric motor speed. The use of solid-state controllers for infinitely variable speed control
has resulted in a more extensive use of a single-speed squirrel-cage motors for marine deck
b) Design Details
One of the obvious points to be considered in the design of hull machinery is that it is
necessary to design for the pitch, roll, trim, and list of the vessel. All machinery should be
designed for at least the following conditions:
Note that no two of these conditions are considered to occur simultaneously. In addition to
that, if the equipment is not used at sea under storm conditions (e.g. mooring and
accommodation ladder winches), the design conditions listed in Table 5.1 apply only when the
equipment is in the stowed condition.
In many cases, a common bedplate for the driving and driven equipment is preferable, in order
that alignment may be more easily maintained. For heavily loaded deck machinery and for
equipment with large “footprint”, however, it is preferable to arrange the foundations (seats)
to directly transfer the forces into the hull structure.
Motors or gearboxes exposed to the weather should be provided with watertight housing,
while those located below deck or out of the weather may be provided with either totally
enclosed fan-cooled or drip proof protected housing.
Rotating machinery should be aligned with the axis of rotation longitudinal to the vessel. This
avoids high bearing loads, which would be experienced during ship’s roll if mounted
When hydraulic fluids are used aboard as power transmission drives, an Hydraulic Power Unit
(HPU) is usually installed that supply hydraulic fluid to a system of multiple loads or a group
of electro-pumps each of these feeding a single load.
In general, all the hull machinery and deck equipment should be robust and designed to
support heavy loads, which sometimes also might be rapidly varying (intermittent). These
equipments comprise transmission gears, support bearings, wildcats, breaks and clutches, and
flexible couplings subjected to traction forces. Provisions must be taken to assure alignment
and adequate support of all these equipments.
The wear rating of gearing for hull machinery can be increased because of its intermittent
usage. The range of wear load service factors that may be considered, that is, the factors by
which the nominal gear working loads can be multiplied by to arrive at the design wear loads,
is given in Table 5.2.
Capstans 0.35-0.5
, mooring 1.0
, other 0.35-1.0
Windlasses 0.35-0.5
Where flexible couplings are used, as between motors and pumps, they should be of the all-
metal type, preferably steel.
galvanized steel. Breathers and drain check valves should be of nonferreous material or
stainless steel. Dowels and taper pins should be of stainless steel. Aluminum should not be
used for watertight enclosures.
The rope contact surface of capstan, warping, and windlass heads should be hardened to a
depth of at least 1.6 [mm] to a minimum of 300 [BHN] to provide an abrasion-resistant
The main rams for steering gears are hydraulic cylinder rods, but because they are invariably
located below deck and out of the weather, they need no surface protection other than that
provided by the hydraulic oil that adheres to them as they move in and out of the cylinders.
All other cylinder rods, including those located in cargo holds where dust may be present,
should be plated. The outer layer of plating should be of chromium because of its fine
A large number of deck machinery equipments (such as capstans, windlasses, and mooring
winches) have mechanical breaks installed. Brake linings should be of incombustible, non-
asbestos material that is not adversely affected by heat, salt atmosphere, or moisture. In the
past, asbestos was the most commonly used brake lining material, but for health reasons
regulatory agencies in several countries no longer allow its use. Apart from mechanical
breaks, electro-magnetic breaks of the disc type and remotely actuated by means of solenoid
control valves are also used. These are usually designed for loads corresponding to 200% the
nominal working loads, and operation tests should be conducted to confirm these limits.
Depending on the type of application (load), there are two different types of load control
systems: constant-flow and constant-pressure hydraulic system. As mentioned before, a
constant-flow hydraulic system has a fixed-delivery pump, and is well adapted for a single
load application. On the other hand, the constant-pressure hydraulic system uses a HPU which
includes one or more variable-delivery pressure-compensated pumps that supply hydraulic
fluid at a substantially constant pressure to either a system of multiple loads or to a single
Finally, stress analyses should be made during the design of all hull machinery. These should
include calculation for gearing, bearings, shafting, structural components, foundation bolts,
etc. For merchant vessels, the normal-duty stresses should not exceed 40% of yield point of
the material and maximum stresses should not exceed 75% of the yield point; however, other
design criteria regarding stresses may be required by the approval authority.
Where automatic or oil-bath lubrication is not furnished, pressure gun grease lubrication
should be supplied.
c.1.2) Mooring;
c.2.2) Liferafts;
Even though the windlass may be constructed as a sophisticated machine, it must be built to
perform the crudest task on shipboard. The anchor chain is heaved in through a hawsepipe in
which the friction loss averages from 35 to 40% in good designs, and sometimes exceeds
55%; however, a roller in the end of the hawsepipe can reduce friction to as little as 20%. The
chain is engaged by a wildcat, which is hardly comparable in efficiency to the sprockets used
in refined chain drives; the wildcat is usually made with five whelps (comparable to a 5-tooth
sprocket), causing the chain to move with a jerkiness, which is aggravated by its tendency to
turn over or “slap” in the hawsepipe and to slip on the wildcat. Windlasses, therefore, require
more ruggedness of construction than any other machine on board ship.
The rules of the Classification Societies contain tables of required equipment consisting of
anchors, chain cable, towlines, and hawsers. These items are identified by, and sized in
accordance with an “equipment number” or “equipment tonnage” included in the tables. The
number or tonnage figure is calculated by substituting in empirical formulas certain
dimensional and displacement measurements of the vessel for which the equipment is desired.
This has become standard mode of equipment selection for oceangoing merchant vessels.
The basic dimensions and scantlings of an anchor windlass depend on the anchor weight and
chain size. These follow, therefore, from the equipment selection to suit a given case.
The size of the vessel, the nature of the service, and the desired anchor-handling and stowage
arrangements are also contributive in the choice of the anchor windlass. In many cases, the
windlass is used only in emergencies. However, in some cases the windlass may be used
regularly (e.g., some operators set an anchor in a “flying moor”, approaching a dock, far
enough offshore to warp the bow into the stream when preparing to get underway, thereby
reducing or eliminating the need for a tugboat). Also, it is usual to install capstans or warping
heads, driven by the windlass power plant, off the windlass gear train. The windlass may be
used for normal warping duty. Combination windlass mooring wing/warping head systems
have been supplied for large container, tanker, RORO, and passenger ships.
As with the other items of hull machinery, anchor windlasses are available from specialty
manufacturers who can provide machinery to suit a variety of requirements. Their
recommendations are very helpful in the ship design stage.
The specifications for cargo vessels often require the combination of a horizontal mooring
winch with a clutched drum driving a chain wildcat through an auxiliary gear reduction and
sliding pinion or jaw clutch. The chain lifting unit consists of a rigid framework holding an
axle for support of the integral gearwheel wildcat brake rim and the pinion shaft with
bearings. Although enclosed gears running in oil bath are preferable on deck from a
maintenance point of view, an open gear protected by a guard is generally accepted on a chain
lifting unit. The large gear teeth are not especially sensitive to corrosion, and the open gear
allows transfer of the torque directly from the gear rim to the wildcat, which allows the design
of a simple rigid chain lifting unit of moderate weight. An automatic grease lubricator for the
gearwheel simplifies the operation and maintenance procedures. One or both pinion shafts
ends are fitted with couplings for connection to mooring winches.
Each wildcat and mooring-winch rope drum, in the case of combination units, is provided
with a brake of the band type. The wildcat brake is used to restrain the chain when the anchor
is let go under controlled drop, for veering chain to the desired scope, and for holding the
chain while the chain stoppers are being attached. One or more warpings heads are usually
keyed to the winch drum or intermediate shafting. The gear train through which warping head
is driven usually affords a line pull in the order of one quarter of the available wildcat chain
pull, at four times the normal chain speed.
A self-contained horizontal type of windlass is the least expensive in terms of installed cost.
However, it requires more maintenance than does the vertical type because the windlass
machinery is completely exposed to the weather and to the spray and waves that break over
the bow during storm conditions.
In the preliminary design stage of a vessel, it is good practice to develop the anchor-handling
arrangement to the extent that the chain leads are confirmed to be satisfactory. In the case of
ships with large bulbous bows, the anchors must be located farther aft or closer to the rail so
that the anchor will not hit the bulb when they are dropped. This usually requires that two
separate windlasses be provided with each set at an angle to the ship centerline in order to
obtain proper leads to the hawsepipes. Figure 5.5 shows a forecastle without hawsepipes, and
an anchor on deck arrangement. A well rounded fairing plate serves as a guide for the chain
and anchor. The arrangement is integral with the deck structure and has a means for securing
the anchor at sea and for holding the breaking load of the chain when anchored.
Fig. 5.5 – Forecastle with two combined mooring winch/windlass/fiber rope handling gear units; mooring
drums are of the split type.
A vertical windlass consists essentially of a wildcat mounted on a vertical shaft that is carried
in a rugged set of main bearings in a casting or weldment, which is bolted or welded to the
deck, as typically illustrated by Figures 5.6 and 5.7. The strengthening of the deck and
supporting ship structure in way of this assembly is usually made adequate to sustain all
anticipated loads due to the chain pull, independently of the main shaft extension to the deck
The wildcat is brought as close to the deck as possible in order to minimize bending moments
due to the chain pull. The chain is wrapped approximately 180º around the wildcat, and then
enters a chain deckpipe leading to the chain locker.
The shafts from vertical wildcats and associated capstans are often extended from one or more
decks below where they are coupled to main and intermediate shafts, respectively, of
transmission gearing. Vertical windlasses with the gearbox and clutch supported under the
deck on which the wildcat is mounted have been used on naval vessels. This arrangement
minimizes the problem of relative deck deflection and simplifies the installation and
alignment of the windlass as the wildcat, transmission, and brake band are supported from a
common structure.
The gears in vertical windlasses are usually completely enclosed. The shaft couplings are of
the type that allows limited relative vertical motions between the decks, if necessary. The
preferred design locates the break drum and locking head (clutch) below the weather deck
where they are protected from the weather.
For handling warping lines, a capstan head may be keyed to the main shaft, above the wildcat.
However, unless there is a speed change in the gearing or hydraulic transmission, the light-
line hauling rate may be unsatisfactory slow. Another arrangement is one in which a capstan is
located adjacent to the wildcat and is driven from the windlass gear train by a separate shaft,
which revolves about four times as fast as the wildcat; the equipment for such an arrangement
is illustrated by Figure 5.6.
The links of stud link anchor chains are almost invariably made with inside length equal to
four times the nominal chain size (i.e., four times the “wire diameter”). Since 10 links will
warp around a 5-whelp wildcat, the wildcat circumference = 10 x 4 x the nominal chain size.
From this, the mean pitch radius of the wildcat is readily found.
The fittings of wildcats and chains are important. Usually, the final dimensions of a chain are
attained as a result of stretching in a proof test. A new chain may be within the minus
allowance of the tolerances on length (measured over six links) in order to allow for stretching
and wear in service. However, such a chain will not run properly on a wildcat made to fit the
nominal chain size. The pitch diameter of the wildcat is a function of the depth of the pockets
between the whelps, in which alternate links lie substantially flat. If the pitch circle is
somewhat small, there will be large movements of the chain in the pockets. These movements
will cause wearing of the chain and the wildcat.
The chain deckpipe, which leads to the chain locker, for a horizontal windlass should be
located well under the wildcat. The vertical centerline of the deckpipe should project upward
through the axis. The chain pipe lip must be flared to assure that the chain will be hauled into
the locker by gravity.
Chain stoppers are normally furnished by windlass and chain manufacturers. The pawl type is
favored in merchant practice as a means of securing the chain when riding at anchor. Hinged
bar stoppers are often combined with chain guide rollers for installation on top of the
hawsepipe. Some Classification Societies require a chain stopper which can hold 80% of the
minimum chain breaking load without permanent deformation of the stressed parts, unless the
windlass brake can hold this load.
Pelican hooks (see Figure 5.8), modified turnbuckles or devils’ claws are used as stowing
stoppers. These should align as closely as possible with the run of chain. The wildcat brake
should not be used to hold the anchor in the stowed position, because if the brake should slip,
the anchor will back out and pound in a seaway.
The wildcat band brake design and the selection and treatment of brake-lining material are
critical in windlasses, which must be subjected to the free drop tests required by the regulatory
bodies. Typical specifications stipulate a single drop from 45 to 60 fathoms, under control of
brake. Anchor windlass brake tests must be conducted with the utmost respect for the
magnitude of the masses, velocities, and forces involved. These tests can be extremely
hazardous, especially in the event or a runaway. Test observers should stand well clear of the
windlass, with only those responsible for operating the brake and recording data allowed to be
Anchor windlass brakes are usually of the lined band type. For maximum effectiveness, these
brakes should warp around the drum as near as 360º as possible. The features of a typical band
type break are shown in Figure 5.9. Auxiliary power-assist mechanisms for setting the brake
have also been used to advantage on very large windlasses.
When an electric motor is directly connected to the windlass, it may be either a squirrel-cage
or wound-rotor AC motor or a DC motor. A DC motor provides sufficient speed-control to
house the anchors safely. If a squirrel-cage motor is used, it should be of either the two- or
three-speed type with the slowest speed usually one quarter of the full-load speed and slow
enough to house the anchor satisfactorily.
In an electro-hydraulic windlass, the pump, or A-end, is usually located below deck and
driven by an AC motor; and the hydraulic motor, or B-end, is mounted on the input shaft of
the windlass gear reducer. When the windlass is of horizontal-shaft type, the B-end is
mounted in the weather. When the windlass is of the vertical-shaft type, the B-end is mounted
below deck out of the weather.
Some vertical-shaft windlasses, particularly those on naval vessels, have two completely
separate power plants, one for each wildcat or wildcat and capstan combination. These are
arranged so that, in the event of a casualty to one power unit, the other unit may be engaged
(usually hydraulically) so as to operate both vertical shafts; such an arrangement is illustrated
in Figure 5.7. A more common arrangement on merchant ships is a single, double-ended,
electric motor driving two pumps with each pump discharging to a hydraulic motor, or simply
the electric motor directly connected to two clutched drums of the two wildcats of the
In each of the hydraulic arrangements described above, the hydraulic transmission would
consist of a positive-displacement, reversible-flow, variable-stroke pump piped in a closed
circuit to a fixed-stroke hydraulic motor. The first pinion in the gear reduction should be
coupled to, rather than mounted on, the B-end output shaft. The hydraulic circuit should
include an auxiliary, positive-displacement, replenishing pump. The pumping unit bedplate is
usually built as a storage tank, and it should be large enough to contain 110% of the oil in the
system so that all oil may be drained to the tank for servicing or maintenance.
Many mooring winches are equipped with a warping head. The mooring drum must then be
declutchable to allow it or remain stationary when the warping head is used for rope handling.
Synthetic line is used on the warping head, while wire rope is normally used in the mooring
drum. During berthing, the mooring drum can be used for warping the ship toward the pier,
and with automatic mooring winches this operation can be made “self-tensioning” by setting
the winch for the proper mode. Normally, two of the forward mooring winches are combined
with wildcats to accomplish the windlass/mooring function with a single unit.
A frequent problem with mooring winches is caused by the fact that the rope is generally
spooled on the drum in a slack condition during the mooring operation. Unless special
precautions are taken, the underlying layers will be loosely spooled when the mooring line is
being tensioned at the top layers. Mooring lines are often damaged because the top layers
wedge into the underlying layers. This problem can be avoided by using a split mooring drum,
which is illustrated in Figure 5.10.
A warping winch is typically used to warp a ship alongside a pier or to move a ship from a
place to another, by means of hawsers, without other assistance. The warping head on a
warping winch is similar to the head on a capstan, except that the warping head or heads are
mounted on a horizontal shaft. In some instances, the heads are mounted on extensions of the
main shaft so that they may be at considerable distance from the power unit, as in Figure 5.11.
As shown in Figure 5.12, sometimes a drum traction winch is driven from a mooring winch.
One traction winch with a storage reel on each end of the ship is preferable.
The rope capacity of a storage reel or a drum depends on the volume of revolution available
for the stowage of the rope. For a given drum, the length of rope that can be wound varies
with the diameter of rope to be used. For a given rope, the drum dimensions can be
ascertained to suit any required length of rope. The total length of rope that can be spooled
upon a drum is given by:
( A + B ). A.C.π .10 6 (5.1)
, where variables A, B, C are expressed in meters and d in millimeters, as shown in Figure
Fig. 5.14 – Nomenclature for cargo gear rigged for swinging or slewing.
Most cargo winches are driven by 50 [HP] electric motors and have a double gear reduction so
that different ratings at different line pulls are obtained. The mechanical band brakes provided
on cargo winches are intended to be holding devices rather than stopping devices. As a
substitute for the band brakes, it is frequently possible to use a simple locking device, such as
a bar or pin that can be inserted on a hole in the flange of the winch drum.
Cargo cranes are predominantly wire luffed and feature level luffing as standard. Level luffing
is an important safety feature and is achieved through proper geometry selection during design
stage. The drive systems are principally electro-hydraulic. Hydraulics offer the advantage of
lower weight and higher power density when compared with alternative drive systems.
The primary factors influencing the selection of the correct crane type are:
a) Cargo to be handled;
b) Lift capacity;
c) Lift weight;
d) Outreach;
e) Weight;
f) Centre of gravity;
g) Ambient temperature;
h) Drive system;
i) Visibility;
j) Duty cycle.
Cranes are placed on the deck and it is important that the machinery be well protected.
Machinery should be placed inside the crane housing whenever possible. Preheating of the
drive systems (hydraulic or electrical) is important and must be a feature of all equipment
placed on deck. The heating system should be arranged in such a way that it can be energized
independent of the main supply. The hydraulic system should have the capability to pre-heat
the oil. Electric motors and cubicles must be equipped with heaters to avoid condensation.
The generator capacity on board is often determined by the number and sizes of cranes. When
determining the generator capacity, the crane supplier should be consulted because
regenerated power must be considered.
a) Hoisting;
b) Luffing;
c) Slewing.
The control circuit can be either hydraulic or electric/electronic (solenoid valves). The main
circuits are either closed loop or open loop, with open loop being preferred. Each circuit has a
pressure relief valve installed as a safe feature. The relief valve is also used to limit the lifting
capacity of the crane. To assure that the maximum safe working load of the crane is not
exceeded, the crane should be equipped with a maximum-lift cut-out valve. When the cut-out
valve is activated, the pump stroke should automatically return to zero and the brakes should
be closed.
The pump unit is an integrated unit consisting of main electric motor, pumps, and gearbox.
Preferably one pump is used for each main function (hoisting, slewing, and luffing). The
alternative is to let one or more pumps serve the circuits, although in this case the speed of
each function will be dependent on the number of motions driven simultaneously.
To guarantee safe operations, all motions must be governed by safety limit switches. These
limits are primarily: safe working load cut-out, slack rope, full drum, empty drum, maximum
outreach, and, when required, slewing limits. Further safety limits may be required upon
specific applications.
Many other vessels such as fishing boats, coasters and naval vessels have hydraulic
articulated-jib cranes for light-duty mechanical handling onboard. As illustrated in Figure
5.21, these cranes are single-man operation and have a fixed-point mounting.
The hatch cover is the single principal piece of access equipment for vertically loaded dry-
cargo vessels, and a number of different designs have been used. The decision as to which to
install depends on ship type (e.g., bulk carrier, general cargo ship, multipurpose vessel,
reefership) plus cargo type and considerations of space on board.
Typical cargo-access equipments are shown in Figures 5.22 to 5.24. Many different types of
cargo-access equipments have been developed.
Besides providing weathertight integrity during voyage, cargo-access equipment may also
provide the means to move cargo onto or off the ship ant the means of its interdeck transfer.
This latter operation is performed either on wheels via fixed or adjustable ramps, or by
5.7. Elevators
Many types of merchant and military vessels require elevators for the vertical movement of
personnel, cargo, or weapons. Two primary types of elevators are in common use:
b) Open mounted.
Both types are usually operated by wire-rope hoisting cables in one of the following hoist
a) Platform over speed or free-fall safety stops (often in the form or knurled rollers that
wedge into the guard rails);
b) Slack-cable device, to stop the platform if any of the hoist ropes become slack;
c) Buffers below the platform (and counter-weight, if used) to decelerate a free fall;
d) Brakes on winding-drum and traction elevators, which are capable of holding the
platform and 150% of the rated load for military applications (125% for commercial
e) Interlocks, to prevent elevator operation when doors and hatches are improperly
f) Interlocks, to prevent elevator doors from being opened when the platform is not in
proper position;
To illustrate some principles associated with the design of elevators, the elevators that are
used to transport aircraft between the hangar deck and flight deck on aircraft carriers may be
considered. The arrangement of a typical aircraft elevator is illustrated by Figure 5.25.
5.8. Lifeboats
Lifeboats should be provided with sufficient capacity and so distributed that all the persons on
board can be accommodated. These lifeboats should be launchable within the shortest period
of time even if the ship machinery is not running and when adverse ship and environmental
conditions exist. Lifeboats occupants should be protected when launching from great heights
to minimize the danger of being thrown overboard. A typical lifeboat is shown in Figure 5.26.
Gravity davits are designed to move lifeboats from their stowed position to an embarkation
position, and subsequently to lower them to the water without the use of any power.
Preparation for such eventualities includes the provision of lifesaving equipment and training
in its use, but the best equipment is of little value without good organization and high
standards of discipline, leadership and morale. The chance of survival after shipwreck is better
today than at any time in the past. A lifejacket is designed to enable the wearer to jump safely
into the sea from a considerable height and to keep the wearer’s mouth and nose out of the
water should they be unconscious or asleep. A survival suit keeps them dry, and an enclosed
liferaft protects them from the elements and provides them with food and water until rescued.
The prospects of rescue from liferafts have also been improved by radio beacons and other
aids to detection. The following paragraphs give details of installation of the survival and
safety equipment commonly used aboard.
The 25 men inflatable liferaft is fitted as standard equipment in all ships, and is supplied on a
scale to provide liferafts for the full complement plus 10% spare. The liferaft is supplied
packed in a weathertight GRP container and is fitted in a weather-deck stowage either singly
or in pairs. The stowage is designed so that the liferaft(s) will fall unobstructed into the sea
when released manually (Figures 5.27 and 5.28), or will release hydrostatically should the ship
founder and sink. Associated with the liferaft and packed in the same GRP container are
survival packs.
Each liferaft is packed in a GRP container and these are stowed on suitably designed
platforms on the weather decks (Figures 5.27 and 5.28). Figure 5.27 shows a pair of GRP
containers in a weatherdeck stowage: note that the lip (at the join of the upper and lower
halves of the container) of the outboard container is above the lip of the inboard container.
This method of stowage is essential to enable both containers to roll free of the stowage when
released. The liferaft in its container is held securely in the stowage by two polyester webbing
straps; the outboard ends of these straps are shackled to the stowage platform and the inboard
ends are secured to a ‘coat hanger’ arrangement, Figure 5.27. A hydrostatic release
mechanism is incorporated between the ‘coat hanger’ and the deck connection. Buckles are
fitted in the straps to adjust their tension and ensure a secure stowage for the container. The
end of the liferaft from which the operating cord protrudes must face aft to minimize water
ingress; the operating cord is secured to a ‘weak-link’ line, which in turn is secured to a strong
point in the ship, see Figure 5.28.
The total weight of the GRP container and its contents is approximately 180 kilograms. The
use of a dockside crane is required when containers have to be removed, shipped or
unshipped. Only polyamide or polyester slings should be used for hoisting the containers. The
containers should not be rolled during shipment or stowage and care must be taken to avoid
bumping, especially on deck projections.
All oceangoing vessels are provided with Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
(GMDSS) equipment to alert search and rescue services in the event of an emergency, and
then guide them to your position. The system consists of the following kit:
a) Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB). An EPIRB (Figure 5.29) is installed
on the upperdeck of all oceangoing vessels. A crew member is delegated to retrieve it and
stow it aboard his liferaft. However, if your ship sinks or capsizes before the EPIRB can be
manually removed from its stowage a hydrostatic release system will ensure it automatically
disengages and activates.
b) Search and Rescue Transponder - SART (Shipborne Model). All oceangoing vessels carry
at least one shipborne SART (Figure 5.29); certain ships in certain areas of operation carry
two. Shipborne SARTs are stowed in canisters sited adjacent to escape routes and a crew
member is delegated to retrieve it and stow it aboard his liferaft in emergencies. The SART is
designed to help rescue services quickly locate your position.
Fig. 5.29 – SART of Liferaft fitted version (left) and EPIRB (right).