2016 Yulkfli Proceeding of ICST Unram
2016 Yulkfli Proceeding of ICST Unram
2016 Yulkfli Proceeding of ICST Unram
Editor :
Nanda Diniarti, S.Pi., M.Si
Dewi Nur’aeni Setyowati, S.Pi, M.Biotech
Scientific Committe :
1. Dr. Satrijo Saloko
2. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr., Sc., Ph.D
3. Made Sriasih, Ph.D
4. Prof. Dr. Anil Kumar A
5. Prof. Ir. Sri Widyastuti, M.App.Sc.,Ph.D
6. Ir. Aluh Nikmatullah, Ph.D
7. dr. Dewi Suryani, M.Infect.Dis
The 1st International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST) 2016
Published by :
Mataram University Press
Jl. Majapahit, No 62 Mataram West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia 83125
Telp: +62-0370-633007 / Fax: +62-0370-636041
Assalaamu'alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh.
Praise always we pray to God Almighty for giving us the abundance of grace, guidance and inayah, so
that we all can met in the “1stInternational Conference on Science and Technology (ICST) 2016”. ICST
is a conference where researchers can share and publish their scientific papers about science and
technology. The theme of this conference is “Emerging Innovation on Science and Technology for
Sustainable Development”.
This conference was done for two days, from 1st to 2nd December 2016, and took place in the Green
Campus of the University of Mataram.
We received more than one hundred papers from various universities and research institutions in
Indonesia and from overseas, but not all of the papers were published in this proceeding. The paper has
been selected and grouped based on the similarity of the research field, which then are presented and
discussed. Presentation of the papers will be held in eight parallel classes.
At this moment, the organizing committee would like to expressour gratitude to all of you who have
participated this conference, especially to the all keynote speakers, presenters who have submitted
posters or orally presented papers and also to the participants. Our special gratitude also goes to the
Rector of the University of Mataram who has been highly supporting this conference. Last but not least,
the organizing committee would like to thank to all of you who have supported this conference.
The 1st International Conference on Sciences and Technology
December, 1-2, 2016 Mataram, Lombok-NTB, Indonesia
Respected Guests,
Keynote speakers,
Conference participants,
and all other participants.
On Behalf of all staffs of the University of Mataram, I welcome you all to Lombok, a
beautiful island in West Nusa Tenggara Province, where the University of Mataram is
located. Lombok is known for its natural and cultural diversity where you can enjoy
traditional cuisines, beaches, waterfalls, mountain, traditional villages and handicraft of
many ethnics including Sasak, Samawa, Mbojo, Balinese, Chinese, Arabic, and many
As the Rector of the University of Mataram, it is a great honour for me to address the
opening of “The 1st International Conference on Science and Technology” here at the
University of Mataram, which will be held from 1th to 2nd December 2016, with a theme
“Emerging Innovation on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development”. The
main aim of this seminar is to gather scientist from all over the world to share their
ideas, knowledge and experiences and to build network for possible future
As we are aware that sharing knowledge and experiences from speakers are extremely
valuable in a conference, therefore I would like to express my high appreciation, first, to
the keynote speakers from overseas and from Indonesia for their willingness to come to
Lombok to share their acknowledged works. Your effort and contribution to this
conference are absolutely valuable. Second, my high appreciation also goes to the
national speakers and all other participants, including the speakers from University of
Mataram and local universities in West Nusa Tenggara Province, your participation in
this conference not only will give incredible share of ideas, skills and knowledge that
The 1st International Conference on Sciences and Technology
December, 1-2, 2016 Mataram, Lombok-NTB, Indonesia
you have, but also will improve the academic environment that we are developing in
this university. I hope this conference will be a good forum, not only for communicating
and sharing ideas, knowledge and experiences, but also for building networking for
future collaboration.
I would also like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to the sponsors
which have given some contribution to this conference. Last but not least, I would like
to thank the organizing committee as well as all other supporters and participants,
without their effort, commitment and hard work, this conference will not run well.
Finally, I wish you most successful conference, enjoy Lombok Island and hope to see
you again in other forum here at the University of Mataram.
Title Page
Preface i
Opening Speech ii
Table of Contents iv
Schemata Detection of Chemistry Teachers Prospective Students After Had Exclusive 1-4
Conceptual Change Experiencing
Kurroti A’yun, Suyono
Use of The Experimental Board on Kirchhoff’s Laws to Train Students Skills in Doing 5-8
Potential of Abalone (Haliotis sp.) as Control Agent of Biofouling (seaweed) in Mariculture 9-12
with Cage Nets
Dewi Nur’aeni Setyowati, Nanda Diniarti
Growth Performance Of Kappaphycus alvarezii with Addition of Sargassum sp. Extract 13-20
Using Spraying Technique
Tino Feri Ananta, Nunik Cokrowati, Mursal Ghazali
Development of e-SCM Open Source as Integration of Data Managemen for Fish Farmers 21-27
SMEs in Pasar Ulekan Bandung
Yudi Priyadi, Jurry Hatammimi
Seasonal Comparison of Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Benthic were Collected in Powerplant 28-30
Segment Sidutan Stream, North Lombok
Nanda Diniarti
Economic Analysis of Direct Loan Cattle Dispersal System in Sumbawa District 31-34
Anggi Fitriza and Hermansyah
Green Synthesis of Bio-degradable Superabsorbent Polymers from Carboxymethyl 35-38
Cellulose/Humic Acid
Nurul Ismillayli, Siti Raudhatul Kamali, Saprini Hamdiani, Surya Hadi, Dhony Hermanto
Shear Design of Reinforced Concrete Beam Using Steel Truss Encased in Flexural Plastic 39-43
Hinge Zone
Fatmawati Amir, Iman Satyarno, Djoko Sulistyo
Design of Seismic Recorder with Single-Axis Geophone for Passive Seismic Monitoring 44-48
I Wayan Sudiarta, Raja Fathurrahman Akmaludin, Dian Wijaya Kurniawidi, Made Sutha
Study of Livestock Behavior Relationship in Cage Environmental Sanitation Management 49-52
with Suspect of Scabies Disease
Mujahid Fitriadi, Sukardono, Made Sriasih
Characteristics Of Water Inundation In The Swampland Of Pelabuhan Dalam Village (Ogan 53-56
Ilir South Sumatera)
Puspitahati, Edward Saleh, Robiyanto H. Susanto, Ngudiantoro
Elements Social Capital in The Vegetable Marketing In Tawangargo Village , Malang 57-60
Regency, East Java
Sugeng Riyanto, Kliwon Hidayat, Keppi Sukesi
Kinetics of Increasing Protein Content on The Sorghum Flour Fermentation 61-64
Nur Istianah
Genes Action in Quantitative Traits of Rice The Result of Crosses Between Ipb 4s Varieties 65-68
With Red Rice Promising Lines
Baiq Ernawati ,I Gusti Putu Muliarta Aryana, Anak Agung Ketut Sudharmawan
Behavior of Rice Market in the Lampung Province 69-72
Irmayani Noer, Bina Unteawati
Optode Urease Biosensor and Their Application for The Determination of Hg (II) in Aqueous 73-76
Dhony Hermanto, Mudasir, Dwi Siswanta, Bambang Kuswandi
Inhibitive Determination of Hg (II) in Aqueous Solution Using a Urease Amperometric 77-80
Dhony Hermanto, Mudasir, Dwi Siswanta, Bambang Kuswandi
Activated Carbon Composites from Rice Husk as an Adsorbent Textile Waste 81-84
Dian W. Kurniawidi, Cici Andayani, Siti Alaa’, Susi Rahayu
Early Detection of Newborn Hearing Impairment: The Useful of Mobile Application 85-89
Hamsu Kadriyan, Sapto Sutardi
Incorporate Computational Chemistry as an Alternative for Chemistry Laboratory Work at 90-93
High School Level
Saprizal Hadisaputra, Lalu Rudyat Telly Savalas, Saprini Hamdiani
The Application of Giving Various Dose of NPK Manure Toward Tobacco Crop (Nicotiana 94-101
Tabaccum L.) in Lombok Island West Nusa Tenggara Island
Titin Sugianti, Fitria Zulhaedar, Sudjudi
The Optical Properties of SnO2 Thin Layer With Dopan Zinc Using Solgel Technique 102-105
Aris Doyan, Susilawati, Yolanita Septiana
The Electrical Properties of Barium Hexaferrite Nanopowders Using Co-Precipitation 106-110
Susilawati, Aris Doyan
Detection of Lombok Faults using Gravity Methods 111-115
Suhayat Minardi, Teguh Ardianto, Alfina Taurida Alaydrus
Description of Cognitive Conflict Levels in Chemistry College Students in Conceptual Change 116-125
Rosalina Eka Permatasari, Suyono
Preliminary Study And Synthesis Thin Film of Crystalline Al, Zn Co-Doped SnO2 (Stannic 126-128
Oxide) With Sol-Gel Dip Coating Technique
Aris Doyan, Norma Ikraman, Susilawati, Syifa Azzahra, Zahid Ramdhan
Statistical Downscaling Model Using Nonparametric Regression to Predict Temperature in 129-132
Selaparang Lombok
Mustika Hadijati, Desy Komalasari, Nurul Fitriyani
Preliminary Study and Synthesis Thin Film of Antimony Tin Oxide (ATO) with Sol-Gel Spin 133-136
Coating Technique
Syifa Azzahra, Aris Doyan, Susilawati, Ahmad Harjono, Norma Ikraman, Zahid Ramdhan
The Identification on Iron Compound of Nature Sand in Ampenan Beach Mataram 137-140
Annisa Fithriyani, Husniatul Khair, Susilawati, Aris Doyan
Preliminary Study of Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Barium 141-144
MHexaferrites from Nature Sand With Co-Ni Substituted by Co-Precipitation
Husniatul Khair, Annisa Fithriyani, Susilawati, Kosim, Aris Doyan
Agro-tourism in North Lombok Stimulates New Crops and Technology Adaptation, and 145-149
Farming Becomes Profitable
Taslim Sjah, Zainuri, Ahmad Sauqi, Jayaputra
Simulation of the Bubble Gas Detection inside the Fluids based on Transmission and 150-156
Reflection of Ultrasonic Waves
Firyal Dhiyaul Haqqi, Bakti Abdillah, Rahadi Wirawan, Laili Mardiana
Development of Data Acquisition System of Moving Object for Landslide Monitoring 157-160
Rahadi Wirawan, Bakti Abdillah, Wayan Sudiarta, Dian Wijaya Kurniawidi
Preliminary Study and Synthesis Thin Film Of Fluorine Tin Oxide (Fto) With Sol-Gel Spin 161-164
Coating Tecnique
Zahid Ramdhan, Aris Doyan, Kosim, Susilawati, Syifa Azzahra, Norma Ikraman
The Livelihood Strategy of Dry Land Farmers in Karang Bayan Village, West Lombok, 165-168
I Ketut Budastra, Taslim Syah, IGL. Parta Tanaya, Suparmin, Halil
Nonparametric Regression Spline in The Estimation of The Average Number of Children 169-172
Born Alive Per Woman
Nurul Fitriyani, I Nyoman Budiantara, Ismaini Zain, Vita Ratnasari
Development Elements of Industrial Production Increase in Productivity Of Micro / Small 173-176
(Export Oriented Product) for Enhancing Competitiveness of Industry [Case Study: In
I G.A.K Chatur Adhi Wirya Aryadi, I Made Wijana, I Wayan Joniarta
Study of Maize-Pulses Intercropping on a Dryland 177-180
I K. D. Jaya, Sudirman, H. Suheri
The Performance of Production and Price of Rice In South Sumatra 181-184
Desi Aryani
Growth Performance of Broiler Chickens Fed Diets Containing Putak and Rice Bran 185-190
Supplemented With Cellulase, Xylanase, Β-Glucanase, Pectinase, Phytase, Protease and
Nalle Catootjie Lusje, Netty Ermawatty, Marlin R. K. Yowi, Defrys R. Tulle
Growth Performance of Red Rice as Affected by Insertion of Peanut Row between Double 191-196
and Triple-Rows of Rice in Aerobic System on Raised-Beds
Nihla Farida, Hanafi Abdurrachman, V.F. Aris Budianto, Wayan Wangiyana
Improving Growth and Bulb Production of Several Varieties of Shallot through Mycorrhiza 197-201
Inoculation and Growing Peanut Plants Inserted between Double-Rows of Shallot (Allium
ascalonicum L.)
Wayan Wangiyana, I Komang Damar Jaya, I Gde Ekaputra Gunartha, Sunarpi
Skill of Warige as A Seasonal Climate Forecast in Lombok, Indonesia 202-206
Ismail Yasin, Mahrup, Mansur Ma’shum, Sukartono, Husni Idris
Simple Solar Desalination for Seawater at Kec. Bayan Kab. Lombok Utara 207-210
Dhony Hermanto, Nurul Ismillayli, Siti Raudhatul Kamali, Fahrurazi
Production of Lentinula edodes (Shiitake mushrooms) on inoculated logs of a range of tree 210-215
Irwan Mahakam Lesmono Aji
Shear Analysis And Design of Reinforced Concrete Interior Beam Column Joint Using King 216-219
Cross Steel Profile
Rahmani Kadarningsih, Iman Satyarno, Muslikh, Andreas Triwiyonono
Polytomous Logistic Regression in Analyzing the Presence of National Pilot Mosque in 220-223
Karang Baru Mataram, 2016
Nurul Fitriyani, Lailia Awalushaumi, Agus Kurnia
Shear Capacity Of Hybrid Coupling Beam 223-227
Nursiah Chairunnisa, Iman Satyarno, Muslikh, Akhmad Aminullah
The Modification and Analyzing of heat Loss of The Heater System in The Knockdown 228-233
Fumigator Type
M. Munandar Prayuda, Sukmawaty, Guyup Mahardhian D.P.
Design of Seismic Recorder with Single-Axis Geophone for Passive Seismic Monitoring 234-238
I Wayan Sudiarta, Raja Fathurrahman Akmaludin, Dian Wijaya Kurniawidi, Made Sutha
Zinc Supply and Root Pruning on Growth and Relative Zinc Absorption Rate by 239-246
Transplanted Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Making Learning Media of Statistical Physics Course Using The Internet Offline Browser for 247-250
Physics Students in PMIPA FKIP of Mataram University
Muhammad Taufik, Aris Doyan, Susilawati, Gunawan
Potential for Mass Rearing of the Egg Parasitoids, Ooencyrtus malayensis and Hadronotus 251-254
leptocorisae (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) on Nezara viridula Eggs
Aisah Jamili, Yen Kusnita
Factors Related to Stunting in Children Aged 24-59 Months in Narmada Public Health Care 255-259
Lina Nurbaiti, IDGN Agung, Umara Lani Anika, Arina Windri Rivarti, Dimas Pambudi
Prakoso, Nabila Fawzia Putri, Nanda Retno Wardhani, Agus Gowinda Amijaya, Andri Irfan
The Effect Of Shape And Number Of The Tube Of A Flat Plate Solar With A Gravel Absorber 260-263
On Heat Transfer Rate And Collector Efficiency
Made Wirawan, Mirmanto
Waters Carrying Capacity for Developing Spiny Lobster Farming using Phosphorous Budget 264-267
Approach in Ekas Bay, West Nusa Tenggara
Muhammad Junaidi
Immobilization of TiO2 on Coal Bottom Ash and Its Activity Test as A Photocatalyst in 268-272
Degradation of Methylene Blue Dye
Tuty Alawiyah, Nurul Hidayat, Endang Tri Wahyuni
Design of Low Frequency Vibration Generator As Seismic Sensor Calibrator with 273-278
Optocoupler Counter
Yulkifli, Rahadi Wirawan, Yoggy Refiyon
Measuring and Mapping Carbon and Nitrogen in Indonesian Tropical Soil using Rapid 279-287
Technique of Near Infrared Technology
B.H. Kusumo, Sukartono, Bustan, C.W.H. Anderson, C.B. Hedley, M.J. Hedley, M. Camps
Correlation Between Waist/Hip Ratio And Lipid Profile Of Lactovegetarian Community In 288-291
West Lombok
Ardiana Ekawanti, Agnes Ragil Rosano
Isolation of Andrographolide from Andrographis paniculata 292-295
Aliefman Hakim, Dwi Laksmiwati, I Nyoman Loka, Sarifa Wahida Al Idrus, Try Setyaningsih,
The Use of 1-Mcp: Overview Several Studies on The Postharvest Quality of Selected Fruits 296-299
Liana Suryaningsih B, John K. Fellman, James P. Mattheis, Xisheng Sun
Design Of The Measuring Instrument Of Turbidity Level Using Turbidity Sensor Based on 300-307
SMS Gateway
Lily Maysari Angraini, Laili Mardiana, Kasnawi Al Hadi, Eka Ahmawati
The Identification of Agroforestry System Plants as Raw Ingredients/Materials for Herbal 308-310
Soap in Sesaot Forest
Indriyatno, Wiharyani Werdiningsih, I Gde Mertha
Growth an Yield of Onion (Allium Cepa Var. Ascalonicum) as CA Result of Addition of 311-316
Biocompost and Boactivity Fermented with Trichoderma spp.
I Made Sudantha, Suwardji
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
Chemistry student teachers found that they still have misconceptions with high load
(over 50%) of the observations using misconceptions detection, in particular on the concept of
solution. To explore the behavior of students in the process of conceptual change, mixed
method research method is used, the design of this research is embedded concurrent. There is
triangulation method in this study, but the more dominant qualitative method used in this
study is quantitative method. This article was created by the author to discuss the observations
of the two students who have learning style characteristics sequential-global balanced and
moderate levels of cognitive conflict on the concept of conductivity of the solution and bases
of Arrhenius. Two students were reduced misconceptions with conceptual change strategies
and reinforcement conception by doing peer learning. Analytical results from this study
indicate that two students were studied, hold a strong enough its conception, so it is necessary
to experience for at least twice cognitive conflict condition and strengthening their conception
after the process of conceptual change through peer learning. Additionally, showed that
students research subjects experienced anxiety is high enough when he learned he suffered a
misconception on the category easy concept, so it takes longer to get through accommodation
stage, appealed the assimilation stage. Need to detection to ensure conception has obtained a
student has entered the long-term memory. This article has not yet discussed the long-term
memory retention of students.
1. Introduction
Students who have high levels of cognitive conflict (TKK) moderate to high not
supposed to have a high burden of misconceptions, even should not experience any
misconceptions. The statement was supported by the research of Lee et al. (2003), for students
who have a high TKK will be faster reaction to find out and fix the conception is still wrong.
According Tekkaya and Geban (2001), as well as Wandersee, Mintzes & Novak (1994),
misconceptions is very difficult to change and difficult to remove, if students are not resilient
or do not immediately want to change his conception. Students who have low TKK, often
indifferent to information that is not in accordance with the schemata owned. Therefore, it is
often too low TKK students with the little conflict or no conflict when receiving different
information with skematanya. This leads to more frequent and more students misconceptions
Students with learning styles sequential-global balanced found to skew experiencing
misconceptions (A'yun, 2016). Students with learning styles sequential-global balanced by
Felder and Brent (2005), students will learn the concepts sequentially, but presented a concept
that has been understood by understanding hopping. In addition, the student's learning style
A’yun and Suyono 1
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
sequential-global balanced less able to understand the logical reasons concepts are studied and
are less able to connect the concepts learned with other concepts that have relevance to the
discussion. Students with learning styles sequential-global balanced slow to understand a
concept, because students need a thorough explanation for a concept and connect it with less
exposure owned prior knowledge that is not necessarily true. Students with learning styles
sequetial-global balanced experiencing misconceptions can turn into kindergarten, but tends
to return to the Court, because the student's understanding of learning style sequential-global
balanced this piecemeal and jumping (not in order).
In the process of learning the teacher will transfer their knowledge to students. In this
process if the teaching styles of teachers match students who have learning styles that students
will tend to pay attention, otherwise the students tend to ignore (Felder, 1993). The teaching
styles according to Felder-Silverman model that can be applied to facilitate sequential-global
learning styles balanced of students in outline by Pritchard (2009) is lead students to be focus
on the logical flow of material and make connections to other lessons, topics and everyday
Conceptual Change that integrated with Peer Learning) WCCPL, wiping her nose and mouth,
and writing. According to Pease and Pease (2004) and Givens (2002), when a person commits
a movement (body language) This means that someone is controlling emotions or defending
something inside. This signs of controlling emotion rather Faizah‘s way to store new
information or maintain the retention of new information, instead of maintaining the initial
conception before doing WCCP. This is evidenced from Faizah’s answers on each question
correctly (Faizah’s not use the false conceptual answer or early conceptual reasons). The mark
of wiping his nose and mouth, does not mean pretending or hiding something truth from her
self, but Faizah was trying to accept conceptual description of WCCPL on the reconstruction
phase of the student's understanding.
Faizah’s repeatedly body movements is calmer when in equilibration phase.
According to Glasserfeld (1974), this behavior is calm repeatedly performed is a hallmark of
the condition of someone who experienced assimilation. Additionally, Faizah’s movement
seem more fewer in equilibration phase. According to Quinton, Buisson, and Perotto (2006),
the successive activities decreased, but not significantly, this is seem that the person is in the
assimilation phase. Based on these statements, Faizah has been completely assimilated with
the concept of experts, as evidenced from at least kind of movements are performed.
At peer learning time, Faizah appear calm when explain the conception of its
associated conductivity of the solution, but it still needs help inducement sentence of
lecturers. In general, Faizah had a steady conception on conductivity of the solution concept,
proven to matters done in the reconstruction phase of student understanding and stuffing
preparation peer learning all answered well enough. Moreover, when describing the
experience no awkwardness during the speech. At peer learning time, Ina (Ina Ana Nuri’s
nick name) seemed surprised to learn he suffered a misconception, and after listening to the
explanation of Faizah, Ina appeared agitated body language, which is characterized by
sounding his fingers for 10 seconds. Moreover, the gesture seemed of Ina’s self mean that she
experienced discomfort with Faizah’s conception. After being given additional information,
Ina finally willing to accept Faizah’s (TK) conception. Ina takes longer for accommodation
her schemata, rather than assimilation her schemata.
The author would like to thank Prof. Suyono, M.Pd., as a mentor dissertation, so I finished the
research and completing articles of this International conference. In addition, the authors also
thank to LPDP that has funded dissertation research and travel researchers to followed this
International conference.
[1] A’yun, Kurroti. Pembelajaran Remedial untuk Mereduksi Miskonsepsi Mahasiswa Calon Guru Kimia
melalui Strategi Conceptual Change Terintegrasi dengan Conceptual Log dan Peer Learning”. Proposal
Disertasi. Sura'baya: Pascasarjana Unesa, 2016, pp. 19-89. (not published)
[2] Ernst von Glasersfeld. Piaget and the Radical Constructivist Epistemology In: Smock C. D. & Glasersfeld
E. von (eds.) Epistemology and education. Follow Through Publications, Athens GA: 1–24. Piaget and
the Radical Constructivist Epistemology, 1974, pp. 10-12.
[3] Felder, Richard M & Brent, Recbecca. Understanding Student Differences. Journal of Engineering
Education, 94 (1), 2005, pp.4-6.
[4] Felder, Richard M. (1993). Reaching the Second Tier: Learning and Teaching Styles in College Science
Education. J. College Science Teaching, 23(5), 1993, pp.286-290.
[5] Givens, David B. The Nonverbal Dictionary of Gestures, Signs & Body Language Cues. Spokane,
Washington: Center for Nonverbal, 2002, pp.10-523.
[6] Lee, Gyoungho, Kwon, Jaesool, Park, Sang-Suk, Kim, Jung-Whan, Kwon, Hyeok-Gu, & Park, Hac-
Kyoo. (2003). Development of An Instrument for Measuring Cognitive Conflict in Secondary -Level
Science Classes. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. Vol. 40, NO.6, 2003, pp.585–603.
[7] Pease, Allan & Pease, Barbara. The Definitive Book of Body Language. Published in Australia by: Pease
International, 2004, pp. 25-404.
[8] Quinton, Jean Charles, Buisson, Jean Christophe, and Perotto, Filipo. Anticipative Coordinated Cognitive
Processes for Interactivist and Piagetian Theories. University of Toulouse (INP/ENSEEIHT), IRIT
(Computer Science Research Institute of Toulouse). Toulouse Cedex, France, 2006, pp. 8-12.
Physics Study Program, Mathematics and Natural Science Education Department, Faculty of teacher Training
and Education
Majapahit street No.62 Mataram, 83125, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
1. Introduction
Learning media is one component of the learning device to be prepared by the teacher
as part of lesson planning. Learning media can be a means of liaison between teachers and
students so that learning objectives expected to be achieved. According Sukiman (2012),
medium of learning is anything that can be used to deliver a message from the sender to the
receiver so stimulating thoughts, feelings, concerns and interests as well as the willingness of
students so that learning occurs in order to achieve the learning objectives effectively.
Sudjana & Rivai (2013) states that there are four types of learning media namely: media two-
dimensional, three-dimensional media, media projections, and the environment. The media
three-dimensional as one type of learning media can be a model, which is a clone of three
dimensional of some real object that is too big, too far, too small, too expensive, too little, or
too complicated to be brought into the classroom and students studied in the form of original.
Krajcik (2015) said that developing a classroom culture that focuses on students using
the three dimensions to make sense of phenomena or find solutions to problems will initially
be challenging. Many teachers haven’t been prepared for this type of teaching, and there are
not many resources that can give us direction. However, persisting in this endeavor has its
advantages. First, all students will develop deeper knowledge of the three dimensions, which
will allow them to apply their knowledge to new and more challenging areas. Second, as all
students engage in figuring out phenomena or solutions to problems, they will also develop
problem-solving, critical-thinking, communication, and self-management skills. Third, and
perhaps most importantly, three dimensional learning will help foster all students’ sense of
curiosity and wonder in science. “I wonder how … ?” and “How might … ?” are extremely
important questions that have largely disappeared from science classrooms. Three-
dimensional learning brings the focus back to curiosity and wonderment, and it can support
all students in developing a deeper and more useable knowledge of science.
Board experiments on Kirchhoff's Law is a three-dimensional media used in teaching
physics to help students understand the concept of Kirchhoff's Law. Use of this experiment
Hikmawati 5
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
boards in the classroom can be applied through the implementation of inquiry-based learning
model. Skills of students who can be trained in conducting experiments Kirchhoff's Law
through the use of experimental board is the ability to assemble a tool, the ability to read
gauges, ability to record observational data, and the ability to present the results of the
2. Discussion
Hikmawati 6
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
equations. The first law of Kirchhoff is decided to formulate as "algebraic sum of currents
converging in the node of electric circuit is equal to zero", and written as formula ∑I=0.
Practice shows that students often find it difficult to write the formula for a particular current,
and sometimes even say that there is no current electricity in the node. This makes sense,
because in formula ∑I=0 is written that the current is equal to zero and also there are no limits
for sum. As a rule the sum in low limit must be specified as 0 or 1, which would mean the
sum of universality. But the record of zero does not make sense and record of unit will lead to
the absurd, i.e. "there is one current, but it is equal to zero." Therefore, the formula ∑I=0 of
the first Kirchhoff's law in such recording is not quite mathematically and implicitly rigorous.
The second law of Kirchhoff as experimentally was made, in most cases can be recorded as
∑RI = ∑E.
Practical work is inseparable part of physics education and nothing will probably
change that. There are many goals that are believed to be achievable with it. However,
including practical work blindly into the lessons can be contra productive. Every science lab
or experiment has to be well thought through and planned with particular goal in mind
otherwise it might become giant waste of time and resources. In order to better evaluate the
effectiveness of the various methods that experiments can use I have designed a questionnaire
that measures students memory retention of them. This will hopefully prove to be useful tool
for measuring the effectiveness of practical work (Havlíček, 2015).
In order that students can develop researching, questioning, critical thinking, problem
solving and decision making skills, so that they become lifelong learning individuals, they
should be improved regarding their knowledge, understanding and attitude towards natural
sciences. Attitudes towards physics lessons and physical experiments of high school students
have been examined for this purpose (Boyuk, 2011). Historically there have been many
claims made about the value of laboratory work in schools, yet research shows that it often
achieves little meaningful learning by students. One reason, among many, for this failing is
that students often do not know the ``purposes'' for these tasks. By purposes we mean the
intentions the teacher has for the activity when she or he decides to use it with a particular
class at a particular time. This we contrast with the ``aims'' of a laboratory activity, the often
quite formalized statements about the intended endpoint of the activity that are too often the
``opening lines'' of a student laboratory report and are simply the ``expected'' specific science
content knowledge outcomes not necessarily learnt nor understood (Hart, et.al., 2000). In spite
of the best efforts of teachers, typical students are also learning that physics is boring and
irrelevant to understanding the world around them. Many college teachers today want to move
past passive learning to active learning, to find better ways of engaging students in the
learning process. But many teachers feel a need for help in imagining what to do, in or out of
class that would constitute a meaningful set of active learning activities. So we need to change
science education to make it more attractive and relevant for a much larger fraction of the
student population than in the past (Izadi, 2012).
Skills of students who can be trained in conducting experiments Kirchhoff's Law
through the use of experimental board is as follows. The ability to assemble a tool, which is
exactly the same circuit and right as in the Student Worksheet. The ability to read gauges,
which did parallax errors and using the tool of the greatest range. Ability to record data
observations, including data exactly as expected and consistent with the value of uncertainty.
Ability to present the results of the experiment, which is presented in accordance with the data
obtained, presented in a way that is polite, give another group a chance to express their
Kirchhoff's Law Experiment board is equipped with a working guide Student
Worksheet be used to conduct an investigation or problem-solving activities that facilitate
students in the implementation of learning activities. Thus, students will gain experience of
Hikmawati 7
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learning in the learning process that includes observing, ask, gather information, associates,
and communicate. The components consist of a student worksheets: the title of the
experiment, the experimental goals, tools and materials, formulation of the problem,
hypothesis, variables, operational definitions of variables, steps experimentation, observation
data, data analysis, and conclusions. Kirchhoff's Law Experiment board is equipped with a
guide in the form of worksheets students are expected to be one of the alternative media to
facilitate students learn the concepts of physics so that the learning objectives can be
To provide learning experiences to students, teachers can make sheets of experiments
that can help students find themselves on: the effect of a series of branching to the potential
difference (V); and the effect of the strong branching circuit current (I). One set of boards
Experimental Law Kirchhoff consists of Board Experiments are made of acrylic glass that has
been assembled for connecting electrical circuits, with appropriate equipment and materials
such as 3 pieces multimeter, 2 pieces of 9 V battery, two sets of resistors (each 3 pieces)
resistor the known value of the obstacles, the circuit connecting cable (jumper), cable clamp
3. Conclusion
Based on the above it can be concluded that the use of the experimental board on
Kirchhoff's Laws in teaching physics in high school can apply through inquiry-based learning
model. Skills students in the experiment can be trained through the use of experimental board
Kirchhoff's Law, among which are: the ability to assemble a tool, the ability to read gauges,
ability to record observational data, and the ability to present the results of the experiment.
[1] Boyuk, H. K. ve U. 2011. Attitude Towards Physics Lessons And Physical Experiments Of The High
School Students. European J of Physics Education. Vol.2 Issue 1.
[2] Damawati, N. A. C. & Juanda, E. A. (2016). The Effect Of Inquiry Based Learning On The Reasoning
Ability Of Grade VII Students About Heat Concept. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia. 12 (1), 19-25.
[3] Gormally, C., Brickman, P., Hallar, B., Armstrong, N. (2009). Effects of Inquiry-based Learning on
Students’ Science Literacy Skills and Confidence. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching
and Learning. Vol. 3 (2), Article 16.
[4] Hart, C., Mulhall, P., Berry, A., Loughran, J., Gunstone, R. 2000. What is the Purpose of this Experiment?
or Can Students Learn Something from Doing Experiments?. Journal of Research In Science Teaching.
Vol. 37, No. 7.
[5] Havlíček, K. (2015). Experiments in Physics Education: What do Students Remember?. WDS'15
Proceedings of Contributed Papers — Physics, 144–148.
[6] Izadi, D. (2012). Physics Education and PYPT. Physics Competitions. Vol.13 No.2, 2011 & Vol.14 No.1,
[7] Krajcik, J. (2015). Three-Dimensional Instruction: Using a new type of teaching in the science classroom.
Michigan: Michigan State University.
[8] Mukhituly, M., I. 2016. Laws or Equality. International Journal of Education and Research. Vol. 4 No. 1.
[9] Smallhorn, M., Young, J., Hunter, N., Silva, K. B. (2015). Inquiry-Based Learning to Improve Student
Engagement in a Large First Year Topic. Student Success. Volume 6, Issue 2, pp. 65-71.
[10] Sudjana, N., & Rivai, A. 2013. Media Pengajaran (Penggunaan dan Pembuatannya). Bandung: Sinar Baru
[11] Sukiman. 2012. Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran.Yogyakarta: Pustaka Insan Madani.
Hikmawati 8
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1 Introduction
Biofouling is a collection of organisms on the surface of objects or materials in the
ocean that can be harmful. Biofouling organisms can be found in the form of microorganisms,
plants, and animals (Hartl et al., 2006).
Biofouling acumulation is being a problem in aquaculture with cage nets in the world
(Bloecher et al., 2013; Pudota, 2011). Problems caused by biofouling on cultivation of marine
waters including the need to charge more for the maintenance of nets and operational,
production decreased due to water quality decline due to biofouling, as well as competition
biofouling organisms with organisms cultured (Jackson, 2008; Swain and Shinjo, 2014 )
At cultivation in cage, to remove biofouling are traditionally done with nets drying.
The nets drying is done periodically to remove fouling sticking to the web. In addition, the
modern way is done by coating the net with anti-fouling materials (eg cuprous oexide)
(Forster, 2013). Economically, it would increase the operational costs of the cultivation in
Abalone is a species that utilize Gracilaria sp. as the main feed. Gracilaria is one kind
of seaweed that becomes biofouling in marine aquaculture. Therefore, the cultivation of
abalone as controlling biofouling on cultivation system KJA needs to be done. The study aims
to identify the seaweed as biofouling in cage and know the growth and survival of abalone
that feed by biofouling (seaweed).
a b c d
a a a a
e f g
a a a
Figure 2. Identification result of seaweed as biofouling in cage nets, Ekas Bay (a) Padina
australis, (b) Gracilaria sp., (c) Eucheuma spinosum, (d) Hypnea cervicornis,
(e) Sargassum sp., (f) Eucheuma edule, (g) Rhodimenia palmata
The results showed that seaweed, particularly Gracilaria sp. as biofouling has the
potential to feed the abalone. Research of Sholihan (2013) also showed that abalone is more
like seaweed (Gracilaria sp.) as feed compared with the pellet feed wet by probiotics, abalone
growth is also better. Research of Kirkendale et al. (2010) in Australia also shows that
abalone can consume seaweed like Gracilaria sp., Gelidiaceae, Ecklonia radiata,
Macrocystis augustifolia, and Ulva sp. But the results of these studies show that seaweed
preferred by abalone and showed very good results cultivation is Gracilaria sp. In this
research, Gracilaria sp. given only at the first time during the cultivation. After that abalone
are not given additional feed. The results showed that the abalone can growth even without
the addition of Gracilaria sp. According to Butterworth (2009), seaweed is a natural feed for
abalone. Abalone requires seaweed that is large enough to feed. Therefore, the use of seaweed
as biofouling to feed abalone can save the need of feed for cultivation of abalone.
Tabel 1. Abssolute growth, spesific growth rate and survival rate of abalone
Parameter Result
Absolute growth of length (cm) 0,305
Absolute growth of weight (g) 1,594
Spesific growth rate of length (%) 0,291
Spesific growth rate of weight (%) 0,495
Survival rate (%) 90,266
The data of spesific growth rate of weight was 0.291%. The value is high when
compared with research Atika et al. (2014) who observed the growth and survival of abalone
(Haliotis Squamata) using fiber tub as aquaculture facilities. This indicates that the abalone
was able to grow well in cage by utilizing biofouling (seaweed) for the growth.
The result of survival rate in the study showed 90.266%. The value shows high
survival rate than research of Hamzah et al. (2012) who conducted the research abalone using
concrete tanks. Results of research Hamzah et al. (2012) shows the abalone were stocked in
concrete tanks have survival value from 81.32 to 88.89%. Results of research Minh et al.
(2010) who cultivate on the concrete tank also showed low values (46.2 to 82%). Likewise,
research Atika et al. (2010) who did cultivation in concrete tanks showed lower value of
survival rate (78.05 to 87.6%). It showed that the maintenance of abalone in cage by utilizing
biofouling (seaweed) resulted in higher survival when compared to maintenance using
concrete tanks. However, research Setyono (2003) cit. Hamzah et al. (2012) who studied
tropical abalone (Haliotis asinina) in cage Coast North Lombok showed 93-95%. The value
of survival rate of abalone on the result of the study compared to the results of research
Setyono (2003) has a lower value, but the value of the survival of 90.266% is still a great
survival value for abalone.
4. Conclusion
The result showed that species of seaweed as biofouling are Padina australis,
Gracilaria sp., Eucheuma spinosum, Hypnea cervicornis, Sargassum sp., Eucheuma edule,
dan Rhodimenia palmate. Abalone could use biofouling (seaweed) to support the growth rate
(0,291%) and survival rate (90,266%).
[1] Atika, Rusliadi, and Mulyadi. 2014. Growth and Survival Rate of Abalone (Haliotis squamata) on Different
Stocking Density. Fisheries and Marine science Faculty. Riau University.
[2] Bloecher, N., Y. Olsen, and J. Guenther. 2013. Variability of biofouling communities on fish cage nets: a
one year field study at a Norwegian Salmon Farm. Aquaculture, 416: 302-309.
[3] Butterworth, A. 2009. Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture systems incorporating abalone and seaweeds.
Nuffield Scholar. Australia. 39p.
[4] Effendi, I. 1997. Biologi Perikanan. Yayasan Pustaka Nusatama. Yogyakarta. 163p.
[5] Forster, J. 2013. A review of opportunities, technical constraints and future needs of offshore mariculture –
temperate waters. Forster Consulting Inc. Washington. 23p.
[6] Hamzah, M.S., S.A.P. Dwiono, dan S. Hafid. 2012. Pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup anak siput
abalon tropis (Haliotis asinina) dalam bak beton pada kepadatan berbeda. J. Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan
Tropis, 4(2): 191-197.
[7] Hartl, M.G.J., D. Watson, and. J. Davenport. 2006. Biofouling in the marine aquaculture industry, with
particular reference to finfish - current status and future challenges. University College Cork. Irlandia. 56p.
[8] Jackson, L. 2008. Marine biofouling an invasive species: guidelines for prevention and management. The
Global Invasive Species Programme and The UNEP Regional Seas Programme. 68p.
[9] Kirkendale, L., D.V. Roberston-Andersson, and P.C. Winberg. 2010. Review on the use and production of
algae and manufactured diets as feed for sea-based abalone aquaculture in Victoria. University of
Wollongong. Wollongong. 200p.
[10] Minh, N. D., S. Petpiroon., P. Jarayabhand. 2010. Growth and Survival of Abalone, Haliotis asinina
Linnaeus 1758, Reared in Suspended Plastic Cages. Kasetsart J (Nat. Sci.) 44: 621-630.
[11] Pudota, J. 2011. Seasonal variations in biofouling and plankton community connected to a large scale
salmon farm. Department Biologi. Norwegian University of Science and Technology. 57p.
[12] Sholihan, M. 2013. Pengaruh pengkayaan probiotik dan protein pakan buatan dalam budidaya abalon
(Haliotis sp.) dihibrid. Skripsi. Program Studi Budidaya Perairan. Universitas Mataram. Mataram. 91p.
[13] Swain, G. and N. Shinjo. 2014. Comparing biofouling control treatments for use on aquaculture nets. Int. J.
Molecular Science., 15: 22142-22154. CE
[14] Weatherley, A.H. 1970. Fish and invertebrate culture: water management in closed system. Wiley
Interscience. New York. 145p.
1. Introduction
Seaweed in Indonesia exploited for vegetables, fresh vegetables, pickles, cakes,
puddings and sweets. One of the edible seaweed is Sargassum sp. which is a type of brown
algae (Phaeophyta), the largest in the tropical sea. In Indonesia there are 15 of them
Sargassum is S. crassifolium, S. cristaefolium, S. polycystum and S. aquifolium. Sargassum is
always regarded as a nuisance by fishermen fishing. Based on research conducted by
researchers from the Marine and Fisheries Research Agency, Sargassum containing alginate
in the stalks. When the alginate was extracted, will be very much beneficial for industrial use
in food and non-food. Alginate capsules are used as materials, manufacture creams, lotions,
sauces, paper, ceramics, photography and much more. Extract alginate from Sargassum can
be color adhesive fabric in the textile industry, and the majority of alginate circulating in the
country they are imported.
(1) stating that the Sargassum crassifolium, S.cristaefolium, S. Aquifolium than as a
source of alginates and vegetables, also contain compounds with the same molecular weight
with Zeatin. Zeatin is a natural cytokines, cytokines are a group of plant hormones with an
important role in the growth and development of plants such as cell division, growth and
proliferation of new shoots, and the aging plant chloroplast biogenesis. Therefore, application
of seaweed extract containing cytokines can increase cell division, shoot growth and
proliferation of new shoots. (2) stating that this seaweed has the abundance and distribution
are very high, there are almost all regions in Indonesia sea. In general, seaweed Sargassum sp.
not widely known and used. Whereas some studies, it has been reported that the nutritional
content / high enough nutrients, such as protein and some essential minerals, only the analysis
Ananta et al. 13
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This research was conducted on May 15 until June 19, 2016, held at bay Ekas, Village
Ekas Buana, Jerowaru sub-district, East Lombok. The tools used in this research is the
longline, spray volume 2 Liter, Dimples, Scales, DO meter, refractometer, pH Meter,
Secchidisk, Flow Meters, Camera, Stove, Glassware Measure, Tray, Oven and Pan. Materials
used in research is Kappaphycus alvarezii, S. crassifolium Extract, S. critaefolium Extract, S.
polycystus Extract, S. aquifolium extract, NaOH, Alcohol, Seawater and Freshwater.
Data collection method used in this study is the experimental method. The
experimental method is the method in which these methods take biota samples was observed.
Research design used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two types of 2 factors
are the type and dose. Total combined treatment of 16 experimental units were repeated 3
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Factor 1 (Type Extract)
P1 = S. crassifolium Extract,
P2 = S. cristaefolium Extract,
P3 = S. polycystus Extract,
P4 = S. aquifolium Extract.
Factor 2 (Dose)
D0 = 0%,
D1 = 5%
D2 15%
D3 = = 25%.
Preparation of macro alga extract were:
1. Grind Sargassum until smooth
2. Sea water mixed with a ratio of 1: 1 mass / volume Sargassum 1.5 kg and 1.5 liters of sea
3. Squeezed extract using a soft cloth to separate the extract with the waste water;
4. Results extract 1.5 liters per Sargassum;
5. Do extracts dosing volume of 0%, 5%, 15%, and 25% of 2 liters of sea water;
6. Seaweed extract sprayed on Kappaphycus alvarezii until evenly;
7. Allowed to stand for 30 minutes, to allow time for the seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii
absorb extraction;
Sampling was performed six times, respectively at the age of 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42
days after planting. Samples were taken at three sampling points on each rope ris in longline
at each time taking samples. Beacause it, given that there are 48 rope ris, then taken 144
samples at each sampling time. Each sample was collected immediately weighed wet weight.
Thus, the weight of the wet sample is the average value of three sample replay value.The
parameters used to test the results of this research is by weighing or weight of each treatment
were tested with 1 time per week sampling within 1 ½ months until harvest.
Determination of seaweed growth rate measured on a weekly basis (sampling) of
observation (± 42 days) using the formula according to the (6):
G = [[Wn / Wo] (1 / n) -1] x 100%
Information :
G = Growth Rate (% g / day)
Wn = Weight average End (gr)
Wo = Weight average Initial (g)
n = Testing Time (days)
Absolute growth was measured using the formula of absolute growth, namely:
G = Wt-W0
Information :
G = the average absolute growth (g);
Wt = weight of the seeds at the end of the study (g);
W0 = weight of the seeds at the beginning of the study (gr).
Seaweed seedlings to the weight of the initial planting of 100 grams, taken a few as
samples for dry weight and wet weight. In an effort to get the value of the initial dry weight of
the seaweed is dried and weighed, while the final dry weight of samples performed after the
Dry weight calculation results obtained with the following formula: total dry weight
(g) = (dry weight of sample (g)) / (wet weight of sample (g)) x total wet weight (g)
Preparation for getting carrageenan were done by 10 gram dry seaweed soaked in
water for 24 hours and then drained and put into jars, plus solvent (pH 8) as much as 60 times
its weight of 180 ml and then blend until smooth after it was cooked using a gas stove until it
Ananta et al. 15
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thickens and then inserted into the tray and watered using alcohol, the last inserted into the
oven with a temperature of 60 ° C to dry for 24 hours the longest time.
Measurement parameters of water quality were physics and chemical and done twice a
week for 6 weeks of observation Kappaphycus alvarezii seaweed growth. Measurements in
physics, including: temperature, flow velocity, depth and brightness do dilokasi Kappaphycus
alvarezii seaweed cultivation. Chemical parameter measurements, including salinity,
dissolved oxygen (DO), and the degree of acidity (pH).
The data collected during the study were analyzed using ANOVA (Analysis of
Variance) and conducted a further test LSD (Least Significant Difference) if there is a
significant effect (significantly different) from each treatment.
Based on the results of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) note that spraying extracts of
Sargassum to factor in the type and dose and interaction of these two factors do not have a
significant effect (p> 0.05) on Sunday 3rd, 4th, 5th, ke- 6, absolute growth and daily LPR.
While in week 1 on the type and dose obtained significant results, and at week 2, which has a
significant influence only factor types. The first factor is Sargassum algae extracts 4 and the
second factor is the dose extract did not have a significant influence on the results, as well as
the relationship between these two factors here is no interaction between treatment Sargassum
with a given dose of the extract.
Initial Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks
Weight 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
S. Crassifolium S. Cristaefolium
S. Policystum S. Aquifolium
Figure 1. Growth of Seaweed For 6 Weeks with Factor Type and Dose Factor
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Initial Weeks 1st Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks
Weight 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
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adalah5% with extracts of S. cristaefolium, from these results correspond with previous
studies conducted by (4) with the best dose of 5% using the technique of soaking 60 minutes.
Dosing with 5% S. aquifolium extract gives the best results because the more nutrients more is
not good for plants and is influenced by the surrounding environment, it is influenced by the
nature of the food plants that absorb passively and actively. (9) suggest seaweed grows with
the absorption of active and passive absorption. The absorption of active seaweed for
transpiration directly and influenced by the environment. While passive absorption is
absorption that occurs because of the rapid transpiration which is a response back by seaweed
on the environment, light, salinity, temperature and dissolved oxygen.
From the results of the weight of carrageenan obtained the best treatment is the
treatment with Sargassum aquifolium dose of 5% and the lowest treatment with Sargassum
policystum by 15%. While the percentage of carrageenan obtained results with the formula
weight divided by the sample weight carrageenan dried and then multiplied by one hundred
Table 2. weight and percentage of carrageenan from seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii with
the addition of four kinds of extracts of Sargassum and 4 doses of the extract.
Carrageenan test results proved that the best treatment is treatment of S.aquifolium a
dose of 5% and the lowest was treated with doses of 5% S. policystum. (10) stated that the
quality of carrageenan is closely related to factors at the time of cultivation, harvesting and
post-harvest handling and methods extraction. One the factors leading to the low quality of
carrageenan is a seaweed harvesting different. (10) stated that the harvesting is done when the
seaweed has been centain weighed. Harvest can be performed after 6 weeks, which is when
the plants are considered mature enough to contain the maximum polysaccharides (10) .
Harvesting 50 days give the highest gel strength and significantly different with harvest age
40, 45, and 55 days. The older age of the harvest, the strength of the resulting gel tends to
increase, and will decrease after reaching the peak of growth (10)
In the carrageenan test results also include carrageenan colors brown and murky, it is
related to color quality carrageenan. According (10), Color brownish carrageenan reviews
their still could be due to cellulose, pigments fikoeritin, and fikosianin. Aside from being
components larutair, cellulose also causes color carrageenan become cloudy. (10), namely ,
Added harvesting is likely to cause the degree of experience a decline. White matter
carrageenan is expected, with increasing age harvest will increase the content of cellulose,
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which is a component that can affect carrageenan color. The presence of cellulose in high-
carrageenan in an amount not expected because it can cause the color of carrageenan into
Results of water quality during the measurement within 6 weeks of ups and downs
tend to be stable at cultivation. Water quality measurements such as temperature on farms
ranging between 29-32 ° C. Optimal water temperature around the plant seaweed (Eucheuma
cottonii) range between 26-30 ° C (11) The temperature can affect the photosynthesis of sea
either directly or indirectly. Direct effect as temperature plays a role in the enzymatic reaction
reaction to controll the process of photosynthesis.
Salinity range of research sites in the bay Ekas is 29-34 ppm. According (12) the range
of salinity good for seaweed Eucheuma cottonii is 28-35 ppt. Then the location used as a point
of seaweed cultivation in accordance with salinity required by seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii).
Extreme changes in salinity can cause disease ice- ice.
The degree of acidity (pH) for 6 weeks at the study site ranged between 9.6 to 10.3.
Bodies base (7-9) is waters productive and contribute to encourage the process of changing
organic matter in water into minerals that can be in assimilation by phytoplankton waters of
the sea and the coast has a pH relatively stable and is within a narrow range, typically ranging
between 7 , from 7 to 8.4. influenced by the pH buffering capacity (buffer) that is the salts of
carbonate and bicarbonate that it contains (9).
The brightness value at the study site during the six weeks which is about 3.5 to 4.1 m,
while research into the location which is approximately 7 m. Waters ideal brightness is more
than 1 m. Turbid water (usually containing sludge) can block the break of sunlight in the
water so that the process of photosynthesis is interrupted, while Depth is good for growth
seaweed is 0.3 to 0.6 m (12)
Dissolved oxygen (DO) contained in the study site has a range of between 5.84 to 7.29
mg / L. Dissolved oxygen is a limiting factor for all living organisms. Dissolved oxygen is a
basic requirement for the survival of living beings in the water. Dissolved oxygen to support
usahabudidaya seaweed is 3 - 8 mg / l (12).
Flows on farms for 6 weeks ranging from 20-40 m / m. Current velocity is good for
the growth of seaweed ranges. between 0.2 to 0.4 m / s. Flow devastating for seaweed in
nutrient capture and bring food sources (11).
4. Conclusions
Factor type S. crassifolium, S. cristaefolium, S. policystum and S. aquifolium a
significant influence on the first week of the second and not leave significant effect on the
third week, fourth, fifth, sixth, and LPR daily absolute growth to the growth of seaweed
(Kappaphycus alvarezii), Factors dose to 0%, 5%, 15%, and 25% have a significant influence
on the first week alone, while in the next week and also on the absolute growth as well as
daily LPR does not provide a significant influence on the growth of seaweed (Kappaphycus
alvarezii). There is no interaction between factors dose and type of factors on the growth of
seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii) on a weekly basis and the results of observations of
absolute growth and daily LPR. Extract S. crassifolium, S. cristaefolium, S. polycystum and S.
aquifolium influence on the content of carrageenan, evidenced by the best treatment that S.
aquifolium dose of 5%.
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Ananta et al. 20
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
1. Introduction
Through the description of the Government Work Plan (GWP) Sector
Empowerment of Cooperatives and SMEs in 2014, that there are 42 million data
regarding the perpetrators of Small and Medium Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as
SMEs), which are scattered in 23 government agencies. Referring to the Law of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2008, concerning micro, small and medium
business development activities. In Article 17 through Article 20, there is a
description of the business development for the increase in production, processing,
marketing, human resources, design, and technology. An activity that can be
collaborated to handle the business processes of SMEs mentioned above is Open
Source technology and the Electronic Supply Chain Management (hereinafter referred
to as e-SCM). Business potential is still very large ornamental fish to thrive. It can be
observed from the data of Agricultural Census 2013-2014, that the income from this
business ranks first on fishing effort. In the tabulation of data Spatial Plan in Bandung
from 2011 to 2013, Pasar Ulekan including the location being the center of the
development of Sub City Services and the Center for the Environment by indications
of commercial activity program trading and Sub-scale entertainment City Territory,
Even this stagnant market to increase revenues, due to difficulties in adopting the
technology supply chain.
After each step is defined, the steps in signing off and continued development
in the next step. This model has been obtained from other engineering process, which
offers a way of making software more tangible. Description of the stages are as
follows [14]:
1. Analysis and Requirements Definition (Analisis dan Definisi Kebutuhan)
2. Software and system design (Perancangan sistem dan Perangkat Lunak)
3. Implementation and testing unit (Implementasi dan pengujian unit)
4. Integration and Testing System (Integrasi dan Pengujian Sistem)
5. Operations and Maintenance (Operasi dan Pemeliharaan)
3. Discussion
When referring to the design of DFD modified, then all data store contained in
the DFD will be the entity on the E-R Diagram. The entity comprised of B_BUYER,
M_WAREHOUSE. Use of the data dictionary at E-R Diagram, aims to show the
relationships between entities without being disturbed by the presence of key
attributes and descriptive attributes. This can be observed in Figure 9, which presents
the use of the data dictionary to E-R Diagram.
on the Data Flow Diagram Level 1, which produced seven data store of e-SCM
process, as follows: B_BUYER, AD_USER, B_SELLER, C_CASH,
4. For the integration of data management, there is a Localhost Server e-SCM, using
http://whyphi:8080, as the address for the prototype, which can be adopted by
SMEs fish farmers in the research for the second year.
[1] Ascef, Rogers. Ferrer, Geraldo. & Mullins, Steve. (2014). “Supply Chain Management and its
Route to Normal Science: a Kuhnian Analysis”, Journal of Operations and Supply Chain
Management, Vol. 7 no. 2, pp.59 - 74
[2] Blanchard, D. (2010). Supply chain management best practices (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John
Wiley & Sons.
[3] Chopra, S., and Meindl, P., 2001, Supply chain management: Strategy, planning, and operations.
New Jersey - Prentice-Hall.
[4] CSCMP. (2004). CSCMP Council of supply chain management professionals. Tersedia di:
http://cscmp.org/about-us/supply-chain-management-definitions (diakses 19 Maret 2015)
[5] Durkin, Mark., McGowan, Pauric., & McKeown, Niall. (2013),"Exploring social media adoption
in small to medium-sized enterprises in Ireland", Journal of Small Business and Enterprise
Development, Vol. 20 No. 4 pp. 716 - 734
[6] Friedman, Andrew L., Miles, Samantha. & Adams, Cameron (2000) "Small and medium‐sized
enterprises and the environment: evaluation of a specific initiative aimed at all small and medium‐
sized enterprises", Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol. 7 No. 4, pp.325 -
[7] Giménez, Cristina. Lourenço, Helena R. (2008). "e-SCM: internet's impact on supply chain
processes". Emerald Insight - The International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 19 Iss 3
pp. 309 - 343
[8] Halley, Alain & Guilhon, Alice (1997) "Logistics behaviour of small enterprises: performance,
strategy and definition", International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management,
Vol. 27 No. 8, pp.475 - 495
[9] Lummus, Rhonda R. & Vokurka, Robert J. (1999) "Defining supply chain management: a
historical perspective and practical guidelines", Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 99
Iss: 1, pp.11 – 17
[10] McLeod, Raymond, Jr. (1995). “Management Information System. 6th ed”., Prentice - Hall, NJ.
[11] Priyadi, Yudi (2014). “Kolaborasi SQL & ERD Dalam Implementasi Database (ISBN:978-979-
29-2195-3), Andi Publisher
[12] Ross, David Frederick, 2003. “Introduction to e-supply chain management: engaging technology
to build market-winning business partnerships”, CRC Press LLC, 2000 N.W. Corporate Blvd.,
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
[13] Rencana Kerja Pemerintah (Rkp) Bidang Pemberdayaan Koperasi Dan Ukm Tahun 2014
[14] Turban, E., McLean, E., Wetherbe, J. (2007), “Information Technology for Management”, John
Willey & Sons, Inc.
[15] Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2008 Tentang Usaha Mikro, Kecil Dan
Nanda Diniarti
Every season has different effect to organism live on stream. Current velocity and
water level are the water quality factors has direct effect to macroinvertebrate benthic. This
study aims to look at the types of variations that appear in every season. The research was
conducted in the dry season (June 2016) and the rainy season (January 2016). Observation
stations are divided into three, before inlet of power plant, Outlet and 200 m after the outlet.
Macroinvertebrate benthic are collecting by kicking method. The results showed that the
number of species and diversity were found different between the dry season to the rainy
1. Introduction
Location of study Sidutan stream in the Santong village District of Kayangan was
conducted in January (rany) and June (dry) 2016.
The tool was used are: D-net frame with a size (20 x 30 cm, mesh size 500 mm), DO
meter Lutron 5510, stereo microscope, bottle collection and plastic jars. Materials was used :
formalin 4% as a preservative and 70% alcohol preservative collection.
Selection sampling sites of macroinvertebrate benthic and water quality based on the
location of the MHP to the river. Based on the location of the MHP determined three
locations namely observation example: Before Inlet, Outlet and 200 m after the outlet.
Macroinvertebrate benthic was collected using the kick-net sampling techniques, which
Diniarti 28
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
shuffles bottom of the river using a foot and look at the representation of the zone.
Makroavertebrata benthic identified to family level, if possible to genus level with
identification book [3], [4], and [5]. Water quality which was analyzed in-situ such as DO,
temperature, current speed and water depth. Once sorted and identified then see the difference
each season for macroinvertebrate benthic community structure to calculated Shannon and
Weiner diversity index, dominance index simphons [6] and Signal-2 / Stream Invertebrate
Grade Number Average Level 2 [7].
The water quality in the dry season is different than during the rainy season. Water
quality parameters are very different is the water depth, current speed and the concentration of
dissolved oxygen (DO). In the dry season has a high flow velocity compared with the rainy
season. Similarly, the DO concentration. Indonesia at 2016 had the effect of La Nina that
despite in dry season rainfall remains high. The day before sampling in June (dry), Sidutan
River basin hit by rain with a high itencity. It can be seen on the river bank eroded and into
the depth of stream was rise.
There are some family that appears on every season but some appear only in a
particular season (Table 2). The kind that appear in the second season was from Family crane
fly, Gerridae, Physidae etc. This species has a high adaptability as the gastropod class. [8],
declared that the gastropod has high adaptability to the environment. Gastropods have a shell
to protect against adverse environmental effects. The type appears only in the dry season or
rainy was representatives of the Order severally. For example in the Order Tricoptera the
rainy season was represented by Leptophlebiidae being the rainy season was represented by
Diniarti 29
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
From the ecological index were compared during the rainy season and the dry seen
improvements in the wet dry season. Where the dirt in the stream will drift away from the site
so that the index during dry season better than wet season.
4. Conclusion
There are differences in water quality, type of macroinvertebrate benthic was appear and
ecological ndex during the dry season and the rainy season. 2016 dry season has better water
quality than in the rainy season.
[1]. Bruce, JF. 2002. Characterization and Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Variations in Habitat and
Macroinvertebrate Community Structure, Fountain Creek Basin, Colorado Springs and Vicinity,
Colorado, 1998-2001. Water_resources Investigations Report 02-4093. U.S. Geological Survey. Denver.
[2]. Brooks, RT. 2000. Annual And Seasonal Variation And The Effects Of Hydroperiod On Benthic
Macroinvertebrates Of Seasonal Forest (‘‘Vernal’’) Ponds In Central Massachusetts, USA. Wetlands.
[3]. Quigley M. 1977. Invertebrates on Stream and River: A Key to Identification. London: Edward Arnold
Publishers Ltd.
[4]. Pennak RW. 1978. Freshwater Invertebrates of United States. Ed ke-2. Wiley Interscien. New York: John
Wiley and Son Inc.
[5]. Mc Caffery WP. 1981. Aquatic Entomology. The Fishermen’s and ecologists’ ilustrated guide to insects
and their relatives. Boston : Jones and Barlett Pub.
[6]. Abel PD. 1989. Water Pollution Biology. London. John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
[7]. Chessman BC. 2003. A scoring system for macroinvertebrates (water Bugs) in Australian rivers. User
manual. Monitoring River Health Initiative Technical Report no 31, Commonwealth of Australia,
[8]. Diniarti, N. 2015. Keragaman Gastropoda yang Mendapat Masukan Limbah Tahu-Tempe di Kali Ancar.
Diniarti 30
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
This research aimed to analyze the profitability and factor affecting income of farmers
in the direct loan cattle dispersal system (Bantuan Pinjaman Langsung Masyarakat, BPLM) in
Sumbawa district, West Nusa Tenggara. A survey method was used in this study. 50 farmers
in 9 districts who received the direct loan cattle dispersal system were selected purposively.
Results of this study showed that the net income of farmers receiving the direct loan is Rp.
24,005,548/breeder/year or Rp. 2,000,462/breeder/month. The three independent variables
affecting the farmer income were number of household member, farmer age and farmer
education level. On the other hand, farmer experience in raising cattle did not significant
effect on income of farmers receiving the direct loan system of cattle dispersal system in
Sumbawa district, West Nusa Tenggara province.
1. Introduction
The west Nusa Tenggara province in the context if national development has
prioritized the one of livestock area and also to become a purification area of Bali cattle. This
condition gives hope that NTB is expected to become the provider of national livestock
continuously to maintain that preservation.
The one of the effort of the regional government of west Nusa Tenggara to helping
overcame the economic community is with providing economic opportunity for farmers
through the cattle distribution of Direct Loan Aid Society (BPLM). Aid distribution of beef
cattle in BPLM in Sumbawa district carried out since 2002. The purpose of this program to
strengthen the venture capital groups in agribusiness, increase production and productivity of
agribusiness, group income, improve the independence, and teamwork.
Sumbawa regency has an area of 6,643.98 km2 with a population of 419,989 people.
About 66,37% most residents of Sumbawa livelihood as farmers. The total cattle population
of Sumbawa district in 2011 were 38.505 horses, 164,505 cattles, 55,706 buffalos, and 39,396
goats (BPS). These conditions provide opportunities that farm businesses are able to be
developed in this area
This study aims to identify income of the farmer that received the direct loan aid
society (BPLM) in Sumbawa district and the factor that affects the income of the recipient
direct loan aid society (BPLM) in Sumbawa district.
relevant departement as well as literature or refrences that are relevenat to research. The
analysis of this research are upplying the income analysis and multiple regression analysis.
Vehicle fuel costs is the greatest costs in operating costs, this is due to the vehicle
being used for finding and transporting feed in livestock enterprises is also used to somewhere
else. The cost of power consumption is caused the average breeder becomes the respondent
built the cages adjacent to their house so that the power consumption becoming one electics
used at night.
= Rp 2.000.462/breeder/month
Based on Table 4 can be made simple equation with the following formula:
4. Conclusion
The conclusion of this study is that the business net income of the breeder that
received the Direct Loan Aid Society (BPLM) in Sumbawa Regency is Rp
24.005.548/breeders/year or Rp 2.000.462/breeders/month. Which the factors have a real
influence on the breeders income of BPLM recipient in Sumbawa District is only the a factor
raising experience.
[1]. Abidin, A. and Simanjuntak, D., 1997. Beef Cattle. Directorate General of Livestock. Jakarta.
[2]. Ahmadi, AH, 2003. Sociology of Education. Publisher PT. Rineka Reserved. Jakarta.
[3]. BPS Sumbawa, Sumbawa in 2012. The 2012 figure. BPS Sumbawa. Sumbawa.
[4]. NTB Provincial Livestock Office, 2001. Strategic Plan 2003-2007. NTB Provincial Livestock
[5]. NTB Provincial Livestock Office, 2005. Implementation Guidelines BPLM 2005. Provincial Animal
Husbandry NTB. Mataram.
[6]. Soekardono, 2009. Agribusiness Economic Theory and Application. Academica Pressindo. Jakarta.
[7]. Soekartawi, A., et al., 1986. Farming Science and Research for Development of SmallFarmers. UI -
Press. Jakarta.
Nurul Ismillayli1*, Siti Raudhatul Kamali1, Saprini Hamdiani1, Surya Hadi1, Dhony
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of MIPA – University of Mataram, Mataram
* Email: nurulismillayli_12@gmail.com
1. Introduction
Humic acid used in this study were isolated from subgrade Batujai Dam, Lombok
Ismillaily et al. 35
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
Tengah, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Analytical quality materials (analytical grade) for humic acid
isolation include: NaOH (sodium hydroxide), HCl (hydrogen chloride), HF (hydrogen
fluoride), AgNO3 (silver nitrate), paper Whatman filter 42, pH indicator strip were obtained
from Merck (Germany). Carboxymethyl cellulose sodium salt NaCMC aluminum sulphate
octadecahydrate was used at reagent grade to crosslink the polymer complex.
Ismillaily et al. 36
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containing functional groups of COOH, phenolic –OH, aliphatic hydrocarbon and aromatic
Table 1 Interpretation of the FTIR spectra of HA
HA before
HA after purification
purification Vibration Type
(cmˉ 1)
3425 3408 OH stretching of alcohols or phenols
2927 2927 asymmetric stretching of aliphatic C-H in –CH2- groups
2851 2851 symmetric stretching of aliphatic C-H in –CH2- groups
1728 1722 C=O stretching (carboxylic and carbonyl group)
1659 1653 aromatic C=C and asymmetric C=O stretching in COOˉ groups
1564 1552 nitro groups
1463 1457 methyl asymmetric C-H bending
1388 1381 OH deformation and C-O stretching in phenols and COOˉ
1255 1236 groups
1035 1035 C-O stretching of aryl ethers and OH deformation of COOH
914 914 groups
700 700 C-O stretching (alcohols and polysaccharide)
529-473 524-466 SiO stretching
ortho disubstituted out-of-plane = C-H bending vibration
metal-humic acid interaction
Figure 1 FTIR spectra of HA(a), CMC (b), and CMC/HA blend (c)
Comparing with the IR spectrum of CMC (Fig. 1(b)), the absorption bands at 1608
cm-1 for the –COONa group shift to 1634 cm-1, and the absorption bands at 1381 (OH
bending vibration) and 1268 cm-1 (C–O stretching) disappeared in the IR spectrum of cross-
linked CMC/HA (Fig. 1(c)). Comparing with the IR spectrum of AH (Fig. 1(a)), the
absorption bands at 3413 and 1653 cm-1 for the –OH stretching of alcohols or phenols group
and C=O stretching in COOˉ groups shift to 3451 and 1634 cm-1 respectively and the
absorption bands at 1722 cm-1 (C-O stretching of carboxylic group of AH), 1381 cm-1 (–COO
Ismillaily et al. 37
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asymmetric stretching of AH) and 1255 cm-1 (phenolic C–O stretching of AH) disappeared in
the spectrum of cross-linked CMC/AH superabsorbent (Fig. 1(c)). The results obtained from
IR analysis showed that the reaction of both CMC and AH occurs in carboxylic and phenolic
groups of HA and –COONa groups of CMC via Al3+ as cross-linker.
WAC (g/g)
0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0
Aluminum sulphate %
4. Conclusions
A superabsorbent was successfully prepared using the cross-linking of CMC/HA with
aluminum ions. The interaction was occurs in carboxylic and phenolic groups of HA and –
COONa groups of CMC via Al3+ as cross-linker. The mass ratio of Al3+ to CMC could affect
its water absorption capacity.
This work was financially supported by DIPA BLU (PNBP) Universitas Mataram
[1] AJ. Braihi, SI. Salih, FA.Hashem, J K.Ahmed, International Journal of Materials Science and
Applications, 3(6) , 363-369 (2014), doi: 10.11648/j.ijmsa.20140306.23
[2] Y. Liu, Y. Chen, Y. Zhao, Z. Tong, and S. Chen, BioResources 10(4), 6479-6495 (2015).
[3] HC. Ge, W. Pang and DK. Luo, Carbohyd. Polym, 66(3), 372-378, (2006).
[4] M. Sadeghi1 and M. Yarahmadi, African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 10(57), 12265-12275 (2011).
[5] F. Nnadi and C. Brave, Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management, 2(7), 206-211 (2011).
[6] S. Bi, C. Cao, C. Zhang, Cooordination Chemistry Reviews 248, 441-455, doi: 10.1016/j.ccr.2003.11.001
[7] D. Hermanto, SR. Kamali, R. Kurnianingsih and, N. Ismillayli, Sains Tanah – Journal of Soil Science and
Agroclimatology,10 (2), 21-32, (2013)
[8] SM. Ibrahim, FI. Abou El Fadl and AA. El-Naggar, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
299(3), 1531-1537 (2014). doi: 10.1007/s10967-013-2820-4
[9] International Humic Substances Society, 2008, http://www.ihss.gatech.edu
[10] M.Takács, and JJ. Alberts, Changes in Chemical Compositian, FTIR and Fluorescence Spectral
Characteristics of Humic Acids in Peat Profiles, edited by EA Ghabbour, and G. Davies, The Royal
Society of Chemistry, 1999, pp 171-172.
[11] N. Ismillayli, SJ. Santosa and D. Siswanta, Jurnal Pijar MIPA, 10(2), 18-21 (2015).
[12] A. Pourjavadi and GR. Mahdavinia, Turk. J. Chem. 30, 595–608, (2006).
[13] Z. Ma, Q. Li, Q. Yue, B. Gao, X. Xu, Q. Zhong, Bioresource Technology, 102, 2853-2858, (2011).
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The behavior of structures that are shear-critical under seismic load conditions has not
been well studied, unlike with moment-critical structures, where shear-critical failures are
usually associated with much less forgiving brittle mechanisms and little forewarning. A
number of researches about various methods to increase the shear capacity of structural
members in flexural plastic hinge zone were investigated, the type of methods are
summarized in various amount of shear stirrups, arrangement of shear stirrups, various ratio
of shear length to depth of cross section, the length of longitudinal bar anchorage, and steel
shape encased in concrete. Refer to previous researches that utilizing of various designs of
structural members in plastic hinge zone to increase its shear capacity, to ensure the energy
dissipated and ductility of structures. But still there are some weaknesses due to inadequate
designs of shear-critical reinforced concrete. With the simplifying assembling and the ductile
performance of steel, it is proposed to embedded a steel truss in plastic hinge zone of
reinforced concrete as a shear reinforcement, improve concrete prosperity, enhance shear
capacity and ductility of structural members. In this paper, a proposal for shear design using
steel truss in flexural plastic hinge zone of reinforced concrete will developed and discussed.
1. Introduction
Inelastic cyclic loading on reinforced concrete structures, which may occur in ductile
frame under severe seismic loading can lead to yielding of reinforcement, and causes shear
deformation develope in plastic hinge zones of beams and columns. Most of stiffness
degradation caused by the development of shear deformation in these zones. The deformation,
in a practical design is sometimes ignored, so it can greatly affect the forces distribution in the
structure and its ability to survive without collapse. Critical areas along the plastic hinge are
generally dominated by high shear and exhibit brittle failure mechanism (Figure 1) . where
shear-critical failures are usually associated with much less forgiving brittle mechanisms and
little forewarning.
Shear deformation due to increased of flexural ductility causes shear strength degradation
in the plastic hinge zones as a result of nominal shear stress reduction detained by the
concrete due to large shear strength. Therefor, nominal shear stress can be resisted by the
concrete elements decreases with increasing flexural ductility imposed by cyclic loading.
Amir et al. 39
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(a) (b)
Figure 1. Typical shear failure on beam due to seismic loading : (a) in Turkey, 2003; (b)
at The Grand Chancellor Tower in South Island, NZ, 2011
(http://www.koeri.boun.edu.tr; http://db.concretecoalition.org)
. Flexural ductility increases (Figure 2) causes the degradation of shear strength in the
plastic hinge zones, reinforced concrete beam section will cracks and spread as soon as
possible, resulted in shear failure of beam, in Figure 2 the degradation of shear strength values
symbolized by a factor k is equal to 0.20 in calculating Vc (or k = 0.17 by Equation 11-3 and
11-4 section 11.2.1 SNI 2847:2013).
Various studies on shear design in the plastic hinge member to reduce shear deformation
cause of flexural ductility of reinforced concrete members has been perform by several
researchers, among others by Rhomberg, 1963; Celebi and Penzien, 1973; Schribner and
Wight, 1978; Fenwick, 1983; Fenwick et al, 1999; Pan and Li, 2013. From the results of these
studies showed that the stiffness and the shear strength decrease progressively in reinforced
concrete, although the number and diameter of the transverse bar can ensure sufficient and
confined concrete core capabilities in resisting shear imposed by cyclic loading. Its indicates
that the configuration of transversal bars likely not reduce the shear degradation due to
increased of flexural ductility in reinforced concrete members.
Alternative shear design that has been study to reduce the ductility of flexural reinforced
concrete structures is the addition of steel profiles into reinforced concrete /steel shape
encased in concrete (Khuntia and Goel, 1998, 1999; Weng et al, 2001, 2002 and Deng,
2015). The results of the investigation show that the composite steel encased has excellent
ductility and strength if restraints on concrete core around profile insufficient in areas of
flexural plastic hinge.
Based on the experimental and analytical studies about the different various method in
Amir et al. 40
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shear design of reinforced concrete members can be concluded that the shear design currently
not sufficient to reduce the degradation of the shear strength in plastic hinge regions
significantly due to the reduction of the nominal shear stress Vc resisted by the concrete
mechanisms. In addition, the shear design has difficulties to applied in rural Indonesia area
cause of the cost factor and congestion that may affect the constructibility. As a result, the
research on shear design of beam using a steel frame in flexural plastic hinge zone developed
and made as an alternative design by encased a steel frame in flexural plastic hinge of
reinforced concrete members.
The steel frame is made and formed from a steel plate and configured by a certain height
and spliced with diagonal steel bar. Steel plate is used to facilitate the casting of concrete and
provide additional flexural strength in reinforced concrete beams, while diagonal bar as a
fitting steel plate and serves to maintain the shear strength of concrete and providing a shear
force to arrest a large shear imposed by cyclic loading ,
3 Shear Design of Reinforced Concrete Beam Using Steel Truss Encased in Flexural
Plastic Hinge Zone
According to SNI 2847:2013, design of cross sections subject to shear shall be based on :
φVn ≥ Vu (1)
Where shear reinforcement perpendicular to axis of member is used,
= (2)
where Av is the area of shear reinforcement within spacing s, Vu is the factored shear force at
the section considered and Vn is nominal shear strength calculated by,
Vn = Vc + Vs (3)
Where, Vc is the nominal shear strength provided by the concrete beam which is calculated as
= 0,17 (4)
Where, fc' is the compressive strength of concrete, bw is the width of the beam section and d is
the effective height of the beam section.
4 Proposed design of shear using a steel frame in flexural plastic hinge zones
Design concept of the beam with a steel frame is by adding steel frame (Figure 3) into a
reinforced concrete beam.
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Figure 3. Proposed design of shear by embedded a steel frame in flexural plastic hinge
In this design, the magnitude of the shear strength, Vu provided by the concrete, Vc (Eq.
4) , transversal bar, Vs (Eq. 2) and diagonal steel bar, Vt which is calculated based on the yield
strength of diagonal bar, fy where as :
Vu = Vc + Vs + Vt (5)
And Vt, calculated as follow,
Vt = At fy (6)
Where, Vt : Steel frame shear force (kN), At = 0,25πD2 (mm2) and D : diagonal bar diameter
Shear strength provided by steel plate (Eq. 6) should be made larger than the shear forces
provided by diagonal steel bar, shear provided by steel plate representing by the following
Vpt = Apt fy (7)
Where, Vpt : Shear provided by steel plate (kN), Apt = bt (mm2), b: width of plate (mm), t:
plate thickness (mm).
Shear design using a steel frame calculated by assuming a large shear force provided by
the steel frame modifications, Vt the same or close to the shear forces provided by concrete,
Vc, and the value of Vc taken equal to zero.
Amir et al. 42
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structural members imposed by cyclic loading and as reference material for revision of the
seismic provisions in the future.
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Amir et al. 43
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I Wayan Sudiarta1*, Raja Fathurrahman Akmaludin1, Dian Wijaya Kurniawidi1, Made Sutha
Physics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematic and Nature Sciences, the University of Mataram
Mataram, NTB, Indonesia
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, the University of Mataram,
Mataram, NTB Indonesia
* Email: wayan.sudiarta@unram.ac.id
Seismic events such as earthquakes have influenced our life. To monitor seismic events
requires a seismic recorder that consists of five parts : (1) a single axis geophone with natural
frequency of 1 Hz, (2) a signal conditioning circuit, (3) an ADC circuit, (4) an RTC circuit
and (5) an SD logger circuit. Simple test have shown that our seismic recorder can record
seismic waves up to 70 samples per second, and with amplification of 1400 times. Seismic
monitoring for two weeks in the City of Mataram have shown that seismic waves are clearly
shown and produced by human activities during the night and the day, and natural
phenomena such as earthquakes. Analysis of P and S waves of two earthquakes that
happened during time of the seismic monitoring have shown that the distance of the
epicenters of the earthquakes are obtained to be in agreement with epicenters provided by the
Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG).
1. Introduction
Seismic waves in the earth crust are, for examples produced by the movement of tectonic
plates, human activities, tides and winds. Characteristics of seismic waves can be used to
determine subsurface structure of the earth. One can use active seismic sources (known as the
active seismic method) and natural seismic sources (the passive seismic method) [4]. To
record natural seismic vibrations, a passive seismic recorder is needed.
The conventional seismograph which used is a seismograph with short-time records, its only
capable to short-term record. The main purpose of this study is to produce a device with
single-axis geophones that is capable of recording natural seismic activities for a long period
of time [1], it is low cost and low power device. This device is then applied to record seismic
waves in the City of Mataram.
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(a) (b)
Figure 1. Single-axis system (a) signal conditioning circuit for the seismic recorder
(b) conceptual diagram system
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(a) (b)
Figure 2. System results (a) Single-axis geophone design result (b) bode diagram
Signal conditioning consists of active filter, amplifier and ADC, timer and recording system
designed using data logger module shield and Arduino as the controller system. The results of
the design to produce systems that are capable of storing and managing time digital. The
results of the input signal conditioning to arduino then processed and determined when the
signal came by RTC and recording systems store data signal recording and time data from the
RTC and then storing them in SD-card.
(a) (b)
Figure 3. Long-term record results (a) one week record signal results (b) one week
record spectrogram results
Long-term passive seismic recording there are several phenomena such as earthquakes
recorded, the activity of motor vehicle traffic and activities in the morning and evening.
Figure 4 (a) and Figure 5 (a) shows the phenomenon of earthquakes and the time recorded on
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Thursday 9 June 2016 at 10:41 wita and 12:13 wita, it corresponds to the time recorded by
BMKG time of occurrence of the phenomenon of earthquakes.
(a) (b)
Figure 4. Earthquake event (a) earthquake record at 10:41 wita (b) Epicenter result
for earthquake record at 10:41 wita
Results picking seismic wave in Figure 4 (a) was difference in arrival time for the P and S
waves which is 12 seconds, to determine the distance of the epicenter resulting from the
earthquake epicenter distance [7] is 100.8 Km (see Fig. 4 (b)) from geophone.
(a) (b)
Figure 5. Earthquake event (a) earthquake record at 12:13 wita (b) Epicenter result
for earthquake record at 12:13 wita
The quake, which occurred at 12:13 wita showed great magnitude so as to obtain arrival
time differences for P and S waves are used digital filter to smooth the result of the recording
of Figure 5 (a) is obtained wave arrival time difference of 39 seconds obtained epicenter of
the earthquake [7] is 327.6 Km (see Fig. 5 (b)) from geophone.
(a) (b)
Figure 6. Human Activity (a) human activity spectrogram results (b) human activity
in day and evening results
Seismic activity caused by humans in general can be seen in Figure 6 (b) it’s at 03:00
wiita humans activity started, this is indicated by an increase in magnitude at all frequencies
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recorded. Human activity is a motor vehicle passing near the geophone can be shown in
Figure 16, where the horizontal red line at a frequency of 20Hz - 23Hz, it is repeated every
day at 10:00 wita to 11:00 wita and 04:00 wita. to 18:00 wita.
[1] Bowness, D and Lock, A C., 2007, Monitoring the Dynamic Displacement of Railway Track., proceeding
of the institution of mechanical engineers, part F : journal of rail and rapid transit
[2] Haskov, J and Gerard . W., 2004. Instrumentations In Earthquake Seismology. Springer : Dordrecht,
[3] Mohammed, Y, 2009 . Low-frequency passive seismic experiments in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates:
implications for hydrocarbon detection. The Petroleum Institute. UEA.
[4] Sheriff, R. E., and Geldart, L. P., 1995. Exploration Seismology 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press:
New York. USA.
[5] Walker, D. 2008, Recent developments in low frequency spectral analysis of passive seismic data. First
break, 26, 67-77.
[6] Werner-Allen, G. Johnson, J. Ruiz, M. Lees, J. Welsh M., 2005 ,Monitoring volcanic eruptions with a
wireless sensor network, Wireless Sensor Networks, Second European Workshop, Harvard University.,
Boston, MA, USA.
[7] Wood, M. M. (2007, April 16). UPseis. Retrieved June 5, 2016, from Michigan Tech:
[8] Zhang Xiaodan, Ke Xizheng, Zhang Zhiyu, 2010, Research on Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems
digital geophone, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational
Intelligence, Beijing, China.
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In district of Kediri in 2015, the scabies disease in cattle reported 54 cattles that are
mostly located in the village of Lelede with a total of 25 cattle and all the goats and cases of
skin infections including scabies has contributed quite high, 2,847 cases (Health Department
of West Lombok 2015). The aim of this research was to find out the behavior of farmers in
the management of environmental sanitation cage with suspected scabies. This research is
descriptive analytic study, the population is farmers in the village Lelede district of Kediri,
sampling techniques using systematic random sampling, with 84 respondents, the techniques
of data analysis by chi square test. Based on the research results obtained level of knowledge
about the management of environmental sanitation skable is good (61.9%), the respondents'
attitudes hesitant towards environmental sanitation management in cage (48.8%) and
respondents largely action managing environmental sanitation cage (57 , 1%). From the
results, the suspect scabies 26 of 84 respondents (30.95%). Results of statistical test Chi
Square correlation between knowledge of respondents with suspected scabies is derived
indigo p = 0.280> 0.005 indicates no correlation, statistical result ties the action of
respondents with suspected disease scabies obtained value of p = 0.298> 0.005 showed no
correlation and statistical result relation actions respondents with suspected disease scabies
obtained value of p = 0.014 <0.005 indicates no relationship. The conclusions of research
there is no relationship of knowledge and attitudes of respondents to the environmental
sanitation management cage with suspected disease scabies but there is a relationship between
the actions of the respondents in the management of environmental sanitation cage with
suspected disease scabies.
1. Introduction
One of the diseases problems is the disease of infectious skin disease (scabies).
Scabies disease mite infestations due to a parasite of animals by name Sarcoptesscabiei
(S.scabiei) type hominis, or attack humans. In Indonesia, the prevalence of scabies is still
quite high, according to the Department of Health (2008), the prevalence of scabies in
Indonesia amounted to 5.60 to 12.95%, and scabies is the third of the 12 most common skin
disease (Azizah and Setyowaty, 2011). There are many factors that support the development
of the scabies disease include a decline in the body's immunity as a result of the Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), low socio economic, poor hygiene, sexual promiscuity nature
(Murtiastutik, 2009). Also added by Handoko (2009), the factors that support the
development of the disease scabies is an environment that is not clean, behavior support, fault
diagnostics and the development of demography and ecology.
Baur et al. (2013) reported a factor of personal hygiene, water supply, socio economic
status influence the prevalence of scabies in India. Advance prevalence of scabies among
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other factors caused by high humidity, poor sanitation, overcrowding, malnutrition (Onayemi,
2005) and poor personal hygiene, knowledge, attitudes and behaviors that are less supportive
of healthy lifestyles (Ma'rufi, 2005).
In the district of Kediri Regency West Lombok in 2015, the disease scabies in cattle
reported 54 cattles which are mostly located in the village of Lelede with a total of 25 cattle
and all the goats. Similarly, infectious skin diseases, West Lombok in 2014 some 17 886
cases increased in 2015, namely 27 365 cases, in the district of Kediri cases of skin diseases,
including scabies infection has contributed quite high at 2,847 cases. The results of the
examination and sanitary conditions within the cage to cage housing in the village Lelede data
obtained stable conditions do not meet the health requirements of 53.8%.
This research was conducted in March until June, 2016 in the village of Lelede district
of Kediri Regency West Lombok. This type of research is descriptive analytic with cross
sectiona, data collection is done through face to face interviews with the help of a
questionnaire. The data obtained were collected and conducted assessment or scoring on a
questionnaire. The data were analyzed using univariate to obtain the percentage of
respondents by age, gender, type of education and the percentage of each level of Knowledge,
Attitudes and Actions of the respondents. The variables were observed in this study are
grouped into two independent variables (independent variable) consists of knowledge,
attitudes and actions breeder of respondents to the management of environmental sanitation
skable and dependent variable (dependent variable) is the presence or absence of a disease
suspected of scabies in breeder respondents. The behavior of respondents in the study is
analyzed using SPSS software tools for windows 17 and to determine its relationship with the
suspected disease scabies was analyzed by chi square.
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skable that 48 of 84 respondents (57.1%), it can be concluded that the efforts of acts or
activities of farmers in the management of environmental sanitation skable still short of the
expectations in whole to support a healthy environment. According Notoatmodjo (2007) the
behavior itself is influenced by several factors, namely: enabling or supporting factors,
manifested in the physical environment, provided or unavailability of facilities or means of
support. From the research results in detail that the unavailability of respondents facility or
means of support such as unavailability of sewage management (19.7%), unavailability of
waste water management (18.0%) and lack of shelter animal waste (12.6 %).
Based on the test results of chi-square statistic in getting p value is 0.280 which shows
that the value of ρ> 0.05, this means there is no significant relationship between farmers
knowledge in environmental sanitation management cage with suspected scabies. Along
expressed Notoatmodjo (2007) that knowledge or cognitive domain is very important for the
formation of a person's actions. knowledge of the respondents in general to reach the phase
level of know (know) and understanding (comprehension) skable environmental sanitation
management, defined as the ability to understand correctly describe about the object known,
and can correctly interpret the material.
The result of chi-square statistic about the attitude obtained p value is 0.298 which
shows that the value of ρ> 0.05, these results concluded that there was no significant
relationship between the attitude of farmers in the management of environmental sanitation
cage with suspected scabies. In accordance with the statement Notoadmodjo (2007) that the
attitude of farmers in the management of environmental sanitation skable not yet at the stage
respect (valuing) is to invite other people to do or discuss with others on an issue, but the
respondent only at the stage responds (responding), provide an answer when asked , a task
that is given is an indication of the attitude due to an attempt to answer a question or perform
a given task, regardless of the job is right or wrong.
Relationships action in the management of environmental sanitation breeder cage with
suspected disease scabies in getting test results statistical p value is 0.014 which shows that
the value of ρ <0.05, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between the
actions of farmers in the management of environmental sanitation cage with suspected scabies
, According to Martinez et.al (2009), the environmental impact of the farm may be
contamination of soil, water and air that could potentially interfere with the health of the
animal itself and humans. From the results of research in getting the majority of respondents
do not commit acts of environmental sanitation management action skable that 48 of 84
respondents (57.1%) so it can be inferred to have a significant relationship to the respondent
with suspected scabies ie 26 respondents (30.95%).
Along expressed Onayemi (2005) one of the factors advance prevalence of scabies
was caused by the lack of sanitation. From the research data that measures respondents lack
sanitary facilities or means of support such as no manure waste management facilities
(19.7%), lack of wastewater management facilities (18.0%) and lack of shelter waste (12.6
%). Rianti research results (2010) also said that there was a significant relationship between
hygiene and environmental sanitation with the causes of skin diseases, including scabies. This
study is in line with the results of research Faridawati (2013), which examines the relationship
between personal hygiene and individual characteristics with complaints of skin disorders in a
scavenger (LaskarMandiri) in the village of Sumur Batu subdistrict Bantar Gebang, showed
that skin hygiene has a significant connection with complaints of skin disorders , The results
of research in the field, found that 14.8% of respondents did not pay attention to the
cleanliness of the skin such as not utilizing clean water for bathing.
Kuspriyanto (2013) reported that the prevalence of scabies associated with education
gained prevalence of scabies higher in students tsanawiyah than aliyah, the study in boarding
schools in Pasuruan, East Java, and The results Raza et al (2009) in Pakistan low education
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levels (<10 years) are factors that significantly influence the incidence of scabies. Based on
respondents' level of education is a large part of the SD equivalent ie 42 respondents
(48.81%). The research Ciftci (2006) and Ratnasari study (2014) showed that a low education
level (the highest is only up to primary school) tend to be higher prelevansi scabies
significantly compared with persons with higher levels of education.
4. Conclusion
There was a significant correlation between the action of farmers in the management
of environmental sanitation cage with suspected scabies.
[1] Azizah and Setiyowaty., 2011. Capital Scavenger Relationships Knowledge Level About Personal
Hygiene In Genesis Scabies In Toddlers At the final disposal of Semarang. Midwifery dynamics. 1: 1-5.
[2] Baur et al., 2013. The Pattern of Dermatological Disorders Among Patients Attending the Skin O.P.D of a
Tertiary Care Hospital in Kolkata, India. Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences 3.
[3] Ciftci IK, Karaca S, Dogru O, Cetinkaya Z, &Kulac K., 2006. Prevalence of pediculosis and scabies in
children of preschool nursery Afyon, Turkey. Korean Journal of Parasitology, 44, 95-98.
[4] R.I. Health Department, 2008.The Indonesia Health Profile. Jakarta.
[5] Lombok Barat District Health Office, District Health Profile 2015West Lombok.
[6] Dispertanakbun Lobar, 2015.Documenting Results Number of Livestock in West Lombok
regency.Section Keswan.
[7] Effendy, Uchjana.O., 2008. Dynamics of Communication. Bandung: PT. Teens Rosdakarya.
[8] Faridawati, 2013. Relationship between the Personal Hygiene and Individual Characteristics With Skin
Disorders Complaints In Scavenger (LaskarMandiri) in the village of
SumurBatusubdistrictBantarGebang. Thesis UIN SyarifHidayatullah Jakarta.
[9] Handoko, 2009. Dermatology and Venereal (V Edition).
[10] Kuspriyanto, 2013. Influence of Environmental Sanitation and Healthy Behavior Students Against
Scabies Genesis dipondokPesantrenPasuruan, East Java. Scientific Journal of UNS.; 11: 21.
[11] Ma'rufi I, Keman S and Notobroto HB, 2005. Factors That Contribute to Environmental Sanitation
PprevalensiAgainst Scabies Disease Study On Students at boarding Lamongan. Environmental health
journal vol 2 no.1, 11 -18.
[12] Martinez and Jose, Patrick Dabert, SuzelleBarirngton, and Colin Burton, 2009. "L: ivestock Waste
Treatment Systems for Environmental Quality, Food Safety and Sutainability." Science Direct journal
Bioresource Technology 100 (2009) 5527-5536.
[13] Mubarak and Chayatin, 2009. Public Health Theory and Applications. SalembaMedika. Jakarta.
[14] Murtiastutik, 2009.Textbook of Sexually Transmitted Infections. Yogyakarta: Erland.
[15] Notoatmodjo, 2010.Methodology for Health Research. 1st ed. Jakarta: Rineka Reserved.
[16] Onayemi O., Isezuo SA. & Njoku CH., 2005. Prevalence of different skin conditions in an outpatients'
setting in north western Nigeria. International Journal of ermatology 44, 7-11.
[17] Regulation of the Minister of Health No. 416 / Menkes / Per / IX / 1990 concerning requirements and
supervision of Air Quality.
[18] Rural Development Profile Lelede district of Kediri 2015
[19] Ratnasari and Sungkar, 2014. The prevalence of scabies and Associated Factors in Pesantren X, East
Jakarta ', Journal of the University of Indonesia, Vol.2, No.1, pp. 251-256.
[20] Raza et al,, 2009. Risk factors for scabies Among male soldier in Pakistan: a case control study. Eastern
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[21] Rianti, E.D.D., Palgunandi, B.U., and Mansyur, 2010. Analysis of Hygiene And Sanitation With
Occurrence Causes of Skin Diseases in Sub Asemrowo Surabaya. Journal of Medical Sciences. 1 (1): 1-
[22] Soekanto and Soerjono, 2002.Role Theory. Jakarta. earth Literacy
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Fluctuations in water level is very closely related to the rain and tidal rivers. Water
level fluctuations can change from year to year, so it will change the characteristics of water
fluctuation pattern. During the rainy season, water from tidal river resulting inundation
occurred in paddy fields. Thus, High and period of inundation water on the swampland is
affected by rainfall and tides from the river. In determining the pattern and the planting
period must adjust the characteristics of an inundation in the swampland. Therefore, this
study purpose is to determine the characteristics of the inundation, a pattern and depth of
inundation. The methods were used observation and experiment, and inventory data. Direct
observation to the field that was in the rice fields on Village of Pelabuhan Dalam.
Microcontroller sensors were used to measure water fluctuations in research location area ,
analysis was done by using GIS and ETo analysis also graphic tabulation. This study was
conducted in the District of Keramasan Pemulutan, Pelabuhan Dalam Village, Ogan Ilir
South Sumatera from march to September 2016. Finally, The conclusions that can be drawn
were 1)Inundation characteristics in Pelabuhan Dalam was influenced by river tidal from
Ogan river, The depth of an inundation of water was influenced topography factor, also by
the distance between the land and the water channel of the river, 2)water fluctuation during
the morning was tend to be higher than during the afternoon, 3)There are some characteristics
of water inundation : ZONE I: Zone which has water depth of -50 cm (50 cm below
groundwater level) to 0 cm, ZONE II: Zone which has water depth of 0 cm to 50 cm on the
ground, ZONE III: Zone which has water depth of 50 cm to 100 cm on the ground.
1 Introduction
The Fluctuations in water level is very closely related to the rain and tidal rivers
(Puspitahati et al, 2013). Erratic rainfall can change the water level fluctuations from year to
year, so it will change the characteristics of an inundation. During the rainy season, occurred
inundation in paddy fields. Height and long term of inundations on field are affected by
rainfall and water level of the river.
In addition to rainfall, water level fluctuations are affected by sea levels rising and
tidal rivers. It will affect hidrotopografi and the ability of land drainage (Rahmadi et al,
2010). Fluctuations and periods of high water levels in the soil will affect the type of
inundation. Inundation of swampland can be caused by tides, rain puddles or rivers overflow
(Noor, 2007). Swampland, especially in Pelabuhan Dalam village has a characteristic that is
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influenced by the tide of the river. It is caused by fluctuation of the tidal rivers and rainfall,
then the water level in the fields can not be predicted certainty. Therefore, the pattern of
swampland management in Ogan Keramasan undeveloped optimally, such as the cropping
pattern is still in the form of rice-fallow, the condition of the water level as a constraint, so
that farmers are able to grow rice once per year periodically (Saleh et al., 2013). These
problems can reduce productivity and cause failure of crops in swampland.
Finally, Successful management of agriculture in swampland is determined by water
management (Susanto, 2010) and the water control to optimize land (Ogban, P. I. et al, 2010).
Water management of swampland can be done through the adaptation and water management
engineering. However, it is not sufficient just by adaptation (Sang Ok, 2012), it is important
to determine the characteristics of inundation water in order to predict and to design cropping
pattern more than two periodicly in a year. High and period of inundation water on the
swampland is affected by rainfall and tides from the river, so this study purpose is to
determine the characteristics of the inundation, a pattern and depth of inundation.
This study was conducted in the District of Pemulutan, Pelabuhan Dalam Village,
Ogan Ilir, South Sumatra. It was from march to September 2016. The methods of the research
were surveys, installation of measuring devices, observations of water levels and rainfall, the
analysis of the characteristics of an inundation. To find out the fluctuations in water level and
precipitation for 3 months was observed in the fields. Rainfall was measured every day when
it was rain. It was plugged pisscal boards along 2 m in to the location area to measure the
water level. This research also used sensors device (Microcontroller sensors) and pziometer
to observe fluctuation the water.
The analyzes of water level fluctuation were done by hydrograph water level
fluctuations and chart comparison of the relationship between the rainfall and water
level. After that, carried the analysis characteristics of inundation in swampland and did
classify the type and characteristics of inundation by looking at the pattern and depth of
inundation. Analysis inundation water was according to criteria of swampland based on
hidrotopografi which classified in three types.
The highest rainfall in June 2016 with the thickness of the water was 30 ml on the
26th, the highest rainfall in July 2016 with the thickness of the water was 20 ml on 23th,
while the highest rainfall in July 2016 was the thickness 30 ml of water were on 22th and
Characteristics of water inundation is the behavior of water particularly in swamp
land from time to time or from season to season can cause by the early of flooding, stagnant
water and the end of the flooding. It can be seen from the length and the depth of water level.
Water level fluctuations can change from year to year, so it will change the characteristics of
water fluctuation .
The results of measurements of water level in fields. Measurements were made every
day using piscall board and sensors from May to July 2016.
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Figure 1. Results of water level (NI,N2,N3,N4) in Mei, June and July 2016
In determining land zones, the estimation based on the average height of stagnant
water which was time has longer than others. It was measured with four points zones there
were zone N1, N2, N3 and N4. the result of classifications were based on water level height,
there are some characteristics :
1) ZONE I: Zone which has water depth of -50 cm (50 cm below groundwater level) to 0 cm.
2) ZONE II: Zone which has water depth of 0 cm to 50 cm on the ground
3) ZONE III: Zone which has water depth of 50 cm to 100 cm on the ground
On land N1 and N2 can be categorized of zone 1 because it was included a bit drier
than on land N3 and N4. It was influenced by topography factor. It is because the land N3
and N4 are more inclined to decline and was lower than in land N1 and N2. In addition, the
depth of water inundation is influenced also by the distance between the land and the water
channel of the river. In the land N3 and N4 were closest to the drains that drain water from
the river water.
So that when it was tide, water flowed directly into the channel and into the zone N3
and N4, then entered the zone N1 and N2. And when it subsided, the land N1 and N2 were
dry earlier than land N3 and N4.
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4. Conclusions
Finally, The conclusions that can be drawn were :
1. Inundation characteristics in Pelabuhan Dalam was influenced by river tidal from Ogan
river, The depth of an inundation of water was influenced topography factor, also by the
distance between the land and the water channel of the river.
2. water fluctuation during the morning was tend to be higher than during the afternoon.
3. There are some characteristics of water inundation :
1) ZONE I: Zone which has water depth of -50 cm (50 cm below groundwater level) to 0
2) ZONE II: Zone which has water depth of 0 cm to 50 cm on the ground
3) ZONE III: Zone which has water depth of 50 cm to 100 cm on the ground
[1] Puspitahati, Saleh E., Purnomo, RH. 2013. Water Management Of Swampland As Adaptation Toward
The Climate Change In South Sumatera. Prosiding International Seminar on Climate Change.
[2] Rahmadi, Suryadi,Robiyanto H.Susanto and Bart Schultz. 2010. Effects Of Climate Change And Land
Subsidence On Water Management Zoning In Tidal Lowlands Case Study Telang I, South Sumatra
[3] Noor, M. 2007. Swampyland: Ecology, Utilization and Development. PT Raja Grafindo Persada. Jakarta.
[4] Saleh, E., C. Irsan dan M.U. Harun. 2013. Evaluation of Planting Pattern on Swamp Land Keramasan
Ogan. Research Report. Sriwijaya University. Indralaya.
[5] Susanto, R.H. 2010. Wetlands Management Strategy for Sustainable Agricultural Development. Books
Inauguration Soil Department, Faculty of Agriculture.Sriwijaya University.
[6] Ogban,P.I.,Effiong,G.S.,Obi,J.C. dan Ibia,T.O. 2011. Characteristics, Potentials, and Constraints of
Wetland Soils for Agricultural Development in Akwa Ibom State, South-EasternNigeria.7(2):80-87
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1. Introduction
Agricultural markets are relatively different from other markets because it has
characteristics involving the farming community and the trader community that have
interrelationship between actors and natural resources. Social capital as a critical success
factor of vegetables horticultural marketing system of agricultural market because it has
patterns of social interaction in which specific social interraction has an important role in
keeping their interaction patterns. Social capital in the marketing of vegetables in
Tawangargo village has been maximized to support vegetable marketing activities in line
with the Syahyuti's statement (2008) of agricultural markets in form of imperfect
competition, agricultural markets need the social capital to smoothen marketing activities of
agricultural products.
Social capital developed in vegetable marketing is really attractive since it is full of
competition, but in this community, in an effort trafficking vegetables, it still uses elements
of community/social capital. From that, this research will be needed in order to know how
social capital in a community of traders in the Tawangargo village.
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used to observe phenomenon of the social capital dynamics in the vegetable marketing in
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the vegetables commodity including commodities that have high economic value and
vegetables have a relatively short lifespan of other commodities.
2.2. Social Modal Elements
Social capital has been invested since their ancestors. Mutual cooperation, a sense of
community, and maintaining the norms of public life. Social capital is a rule that has been
keeping the harmony of society. One of social capital developed in the marketing of
vegetables in Tawangargo is trust. Trust is a form of social capital builds based on
community relations villages filled with elements of kinship. Sense of family also has an
impact on any activity undertaken by all the villagers. In the vegetable marketing business of
trust in form of farmers giving kepercaan on traders in kind penen meraka entrusted to
traders to be sold without having paid in advance, and paid after the traders have to sell it in
the market. The trader's trust is to provide capital to farmers in exchange for vegetables sold
at traders who provide capital.
Social networking is a relationship that makes it possible to bring an economic
potential in a particular social system in society. Social networks within the community
embodied in the form of network marketing. This network marketing is used to grow their
businesses. Vegetable marketing network in Tawangaargo is started from some people
conducting trading activities, at first some of these people only trade some types of
agricultural products produced from the area. This is in line with the results of this study
(Theingi et al, 2008), social relationships can foster, develop and require the enactment of
norms in a relationship. Social capital does not directly contain or have value for money.
Nonetheless, social capital can facilitate the relationship between the perpetrator and tie
network through trust.
That harmony is strengthened by norms applicable between them. Trust and social
networkreinforced with the norms prevailing between them. Trust and social networks are
reinforced by prevailing social norms, to social norms will minimize fraudulent activities in
vegetables marketing. Social norms in marketing intangibles from traders and farmers.
Traders definitely pay vegetables they had bought and farmers will sell vegetable to traders
who have provided capital to farmers. Trust is a form of vegetable marketing, especially a
belief will not play dirty in doing marketing, both in getting vegetables and selling
The description above socialcapitalconsists of 3 elements, they are trust, social norms,
and social networks. This is in line with Putnam’s statements (1993) that social modal is as
amutual trust between society member and society to their leaders. Social capital is defined
as social institution involving networks, norms and social trust.
2.3. The Forming Process of Social Capital
Here, it will describe about forming process of social capital in three things: in
obtaining wares, manpower, and in selling vegetables. First, the formation process of social
capital of farmers and traders, beginning with some traders who sell commodities developed
in Tawangargo. The commodity is the onion and garlic. Farmers leave their crops to traders
to be sold to the market without having to pay for it at first. Payment of onion and garlic
growers harvest is conducted by traders once everything is sold in the market.
Both labors that they manage are labors coming from their closest environment. The
nearby neighborhood comes from relatives, neighbors, and their companions. Automatically,
that capital social in employment has been built from the outset. With capital's closeness of
the relationship, it creates employment to be easily controlled. As Fukuyama (1999) stated
that social capital grows and develops from lineage based society group.
These three processes to build process conducted by the traders are a very long
journey. Development of this market has two versions. Version of supermarket traders and
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3. Conclusion
Based on the study result and data analysis conducted, it can be concluded that.
Actors involved in vegetable marketing activities in vegetable traders community in
Tawangargo Village is farmers, workers, small traders, big traders, supermarket standard
Social capital elements owned by vegetable trader community in Tawangaargo
consist of trust, social network, and social norms. The formation process of social capital in
vegetable trader community in Tawangaargo can be divided into two, first is social capital
with worker and farmer.
Social capital grown begins from social values they own because the worker comes
from neighbor’s family and friends since long ago before they start trading. The second type
is a social capital relationship with other trader, it is an interaction process that is
continuously conducted to make them tied in a social capital bonding.
[1]. Coleman, J.S. 1994. Foundations Of Social Theory. Terjemahan Mutaqien, I Widiowati,S.R dan
Purwandari. Dasar-dasr teori sosial Penerbit kanisius, Yogyakarta.
[2]. Putnam, R.D. 1993. The prosperous community: Sosial capital and public life. The Amercan Prospect.
[3]. Syahyuti.2008. Peran modal sosial (social capital) dalam Pemasaranhasil pertanian. Pusat Analisis
Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian :Bogor
[4]. Theingi, S. P. dan Y. Phungphol. 2008. Social capital in Southeast Asian business relationships. Journal
of Industrial Marketing Management 37 (2008) 523–530
[5]. Fukuyama, F. 1999. Social Capital and Civil Society. Institute of Public Policy. George Mason University
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University of Brawijaya
Email: n_istianah@ymail.com
Fermentation of sorghum flour using pure baker yeast, pure Lactobacillus plantarum
or the mix of them could increase the total protein content of the fermented sorghum flour
(mosof). It was caused by conversion of substrate to the protein and also might be caused by
the growing of biomass cell. Rate of total protein content was studied by the fermentation at
the 37°C of temperature in the varying duration of 24-72 hrs. It was compared to the total cell
growth to find the influence of cell growth on the total protein. The mathematical approach
was introduced to predict the contribution of cell to the protein content. The results showed
that the curve of protein content did not have the same trendline. It indicates that the increase
of protein content did not dominated by the growing of cell. The kinetic of protein content
near to the kinetic of 2nd order reaction with the equation 0.0005t 0.0786 .
[ P]
Keywords: fermentation, sorghum, kinetics, protein
1. Introduction
Sorghum is a kind of cereal that has great potential to be cultivated and developed
commercially because of its wide adaptability, high productivity and more tolerance to
marginal conditions (drought, salinity and land sour). Based on ICRISAT (1990), sorghum
seeds which contain high carbohydrate were used as a raw material in various industries such
as beer, starch, sugar, liquid (syrup), jaggery (a kind of brown sugar), ethanol, etc. On the
other hand (use more appropriate word or phrase to introduce the readers to bread), bread is
one of the common foods that also becomes a stuff food in Europe. Minimum ingredients of
bread are the common wheat flour, water, salt and yeast. Wheat flour is the dominant
composition, as the source of gluten. Sorghum is a kind of grain that is free of gluten.
Sorghum flour can replace or be combined to wheat flour to get gluten-free product. Sedej et
al. reported that crackers made from buckwheat (sorghum) flours can increase supply of
gluten-free products on the market and may be regarded as health promoting functional foods,
especially for celiac disease patients. In order to improve nutritional content of modified
bread, sorghum was treated enzymatically or by fermentation. Hrckova et al8 reported that
treating soy flour with Flavourzyme protease could release more arginine (22.1%), leucine
(10.6%), and phenylalanine (12.9%). This can be adopted for sorghum flour to get better
pasting properties.
Fermented sorghum flour has many benefits in the bread products such as enriching
protein content as lysine, leucine, isoleucina and methionine content increased 2, improving
texture13, mouth-feel, acceptability and shelf-life of bread1. Conversion of sorghum seeds into
flour as food is rarely found. Most of the people use sorghum seeds as animal feed only. In
the fermentation, it was predicted that microbal growth affected the protein content. This
correlation need a confirmation by the mathematical model. Therefore, it is necessary to find
the kinetics of sorghum flour fermentation due to increase total protein.
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2.1. Materials
Sorghum grains harvested from Pemalang, Indonesia was used as a raw material for the
fermented flour production. It had a median diameter of 0.8 cm and its color is brownish
white. In this experiment, dry baker's yeast (Saf-instant produced by PT. Saf Indonusa) and
Lactobacillus plantarum that was cultured in the Biotechnology Lab, AIT, were used to
ferment sorghum flour. Whereas (please consider using other words), the ingredients of the
bread are fermented sorghum flour, commercial wheat flour (white swan), water, yeast, salt,
sugar, shortening (butter), and skim milk.
2.2. Fermentation
Dry baker's yeast and L. plantarum either single or their mixed culture were used to
ferment the sorghum flour. It was 1010 CFU per mL in the single and 107 CFU per mL in the
mixed culture. Before fermentation, the black husk was removed from the sorghum grain to
clean them from cellulose. Pericarp was still maintained because it covers sorghum starch
inside. Then, it was ground and sieved using 60-mesh screen. Pasteurization was conducted to
the sorghum flour suspension consisting of sorghum flour, distilled water and yeast extract at
60°C for 30 minutes. In this experiment, total volume of fermentation was 350 mL.
Fermentation was operated at 37°C, pH 5.5, 200 rpm of agitation speed under anaerobic
condition. These conditions were operated in a bio-reactor type 884101/1 no. 02002/96;
product of B.Braun Bio-tech International. The fermentation time was varied between 24 and
72 hrs.
2.3. Crude protein determination
Crude protein was determined by Kjeldahl method using Kjeltec TM model 2300, as
described in Foss Analytical manual, AB. The method involved digestion of the sample at
420°C for 1 hr to liberate the organically bound nitrogen in the form of ammonium sulphate.
The ammonia in the digest ammonium sulphate was then distilled off into a boric and receiver
solution, and then titrated with standard hydrochloric acid. A conversion factor of 6.25 was
used to convert total nitrogen to percentage crude protein.
2.4. Microorganism growth: microorganisms growth can be measured in terms of two
different parameters: changes in cell mass by turbidity measurements and changes in cell
numbers by electronic counting chambers.
X (g∕mL)
0,02000 0,02000
0,00000 0,00000
24 30 48 65 72 30 37 48 59 67
t(hrs) t(hrs)
(a) (b)
Figure 1. Cell growth curve of fermentation using L.plantarum(a) and baker
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L.plantarum was used after 4 hrs of incubation and baker yeast after 3 hrs. in order to
reach their log phase. Both of total protein content and cell growth was analysed start from 24
hrs fermentation.
3.2. Curve of protein content increasing
13,2000 13,2000
concentration (b/b)
13,0000 13,0000
12,8000 12,8000
12,6000 12,6000
24 30 48 65 72 24 30 37 48 67
t(hour) t(jam)
(a) (b)
Figure 2. Total protein content of Mosof using L.plantarum(a) and Baker yeast (b)
Figure 1 and Figure.2. show that the increasing of total protein content (Figure 2.) has
no same gradient and order of equations with the cell growth curve. Both are in the different
trendline, non-linear correlation. Therefore, the Monod Equation are not suitable to determine
the kinetics of total protein content increase. It means, protein is not the main product of
fermentation by L.plantarum and Baker yeast.
Another approachment was used to find the kinetics of total protein content increase.
General kinetic was introduced to find the fit order and the equation of protein production. It
was initiated by the 0-order. The fit model was evaluated by the highest root square (R2)
13,2000 13,2000
13,1000 y = 0,0817x + 12,721 13,1000 y = 0,0622x + 12,806
13,0000 R² = 0,9343 R² = 0,9412
12,8000 12,9000
12,7000 12,8000
12,6000 12,7000
24 30 48 65 72 24 30 37 48 67
t(jam) t(jam)
(a) (b)
2,5800 2,58
2,575 y = 0,0048x + 2,55
2,5700 y = 0,0063x + 2,5434
2,57 R² = 0,9413
R² = 0,9351
2,5600 2,565
2,5500 2,555
2,5400 2,55
2,5300 2,54
24 30 48 65 72 24 30 37 48 67
t t
(c) (d)
Istianah 63
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0,0785 0,0780
0,0780 0,0775
0,0775 0,0770
0,0765 y = -0,0004x + 0,0781
0,0765 y = -0,0005x + 0,0786
0,0760 R² = 0,9414
0,0760 R² = 0,9359
0,0755 0,0755
0,0750 0,0750
24 30 48 65 72 24 30 37 48 67
t t
(e) (f)
Figure 3. Protein content curve, 0-order (a,b), 1st order (c,d), 2nd order(e,f)
4. Conclusion
Total protein content was not dominated by the cell grofth of sorghum flour fermentation. It
has the 2nd order reaction in the equation of 0.0005t 0.0786 .
[ P]
[1] Correia, Isabel. (2010). “Screening of lactic acid bacteria potentially useful for sorghum fermentation”.
Journal of Cereal Science 52, 9-15.
[2] De Vries, Maaike C.et.al. (2006). “Lactobacillus plantarum survival, functional and potential probiotic
properties in the human intestinal tract”. International Dairy Journal: 6, 1018-1028.
[3] Earp, C. F. (2004). “Microscopy of pericarp development in the caryopsis of Sorghum bicolor(L.)
Moench”. Journal of Cereal Science 39: 21–27.
[4] Elkhalifa, AbdElmoneimO.et.al.(2005). “Effect of fermentation on the functional properties of sorghum
flour”. Food Chemistry(92):1–5.
[5] Hrčková M., Monika rusňáková and Jaroslav zemanovič. Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Defatted Soy Flour by
Three Different Proteases and their Effect on the Functional Properties of Resulting Protein Hydrolysates.
Czech J. Food Sci.2002; 20 (1):7-14.
[6] IvanaSedej, Marijana Saka, Anamarija Mandi, Aleksandra Mi, Mladenka Pestori, Olivera Simurina, and
Jasna Canadanovi Brunet. Quality assessment of gluten-free crackers based on buckwheat flour. Food
Science and Technology. 2011; 44:694-699.
[7] M.P. Sirappa. Sorghum Development Prospects in Indonesia as An Alternative for Commodities Food,
Feed, and Industry. Agriculture Research and Development. 2003; 22 (4).
[8] Mustafa, Arwa. (2009). “Interaction effects of fermentation time and added asparagine and glycine on
acrylamide content in yeast-leavened bread”. Food Chemistry 112, 767–774.
[9] Onyango, Calvin.et.al. .(2010). “Rheological and baking characteristics of batter and bread prepared from
pregelatinised cassava starch and sorghum and modified using microbial transglutaminase”. Journal of
Food Engineering(97):465–470.
[10] ____.(2011). “Modification of gluten-free sorghum batter and bread using maize, potato, cassava or rice
starch”. Food Science and Technology(44):681-686.
[11] Ray, Bibek. (2004). “Fundamental Food Microbiology, 3th edition”. New York:CRC Press.
[12] Procopio, Susanne. (2013). “Significant amino acids in aroma compound profiling during yeast
fermentation analyzed by PLS regression”. Food Science and Technology 51: 423-432.
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Baiq Ernawati1*, I Gusti Putu Muliarta Aryana2, Anak Agung Ketut Sudharmawan3
1 (Magister Programme of Dry Land Management Resource, Mataram University, NTB – Indonesia)
2(Lecture In Agriculture Faculty, Mataram University, NTB – Indonesia)
3 (Lecture In Agriculture Faculty, Mataram University, NTB – Indonesia)
Email : baiqernawati.08@gmail.com/baiqerna_imud@ymail.com
Red rice is one of the germplasm that has not been utilized as a source of genetic
diversity in breeding programs. This study aimed to determine the role of genes of
quantitative traits of crossbreeding progenies between the rice variety “IPB-4S” and a
promising red rice line, by conducting a field experiment at experimental station of the
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mataram, located in NyurLembang Village of Narmada
District of West Lombok regency. The experiment was designed using Randomized Complete
Block Design (RCBD) testing 4 treatments of rice genotypes with 3 replications. The
genotypes tested were the parents (G3 and IPB 4S), F1 (G3 / IPB 4S) and F1 (IPB 4S / G3).
The parameters measured were days to flowering, plant height, number of productive tiller,
number of non-productive tillers, panicle length, number of filled grains, number of unfilled
grains, weight of 100 grains, and grain weight per clump. The results indicated that the roles
of the genes controlling the nine parameters measured on the crossbreeding progenies
between IPB-4S and a promising line of red rice varied between parameters, i.e. it was
additive on the parameters plant height, number of productive tillers, number of unfilled
grains, and grain weight per clump; it was partial dominant on the parameters days-to-
flowering, panicle length, and number of filled grains; and it was dominant on the parameters
weight of 100 grains; and it was over dominant on the parameter number of non-productive
1. Introduction
Rice is the staple food consumed by many people in the world, especially in
Asia. Although generallywhite rice consumed, there are also varieties of rice that have color
pigments such as red rice, brown rice and black rice. Red rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a type of
rice that have the colourred.The red colour is caused by anthocyanin pigments which found on
the outer layer.
Rice is one of the brown rice germplasm untapped as a source of genetic diversity in
breeding programs. Limited development area is endemic in the highlands as upland rice in
the old as well as the existence increasingly rare (endangered) due to the planting of the types
of new high yielding varieties of rice (1).
Until now estimated to be around 85 per cent of rice areas have been planted with
improved varieties. With the increasingly widespread planting of high yielding varieties will
urge local varieties, resulting in the shifting of even the extinction of a number of local
varieties that have specific adaptations to certain conditions, as it is known as genetic erosion.
To overcome in order to avoid sustained genetic erosion, need to rice germplasmcollection(2).
Elders with high genetic variation is a very important breeding material in the
Ernawati et al. 65
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assembly of high-yielding varieties. IPB 4S variety is high yielding varieties of rice that has a
new type of white colour with the number of seeds and saplings lot less. G3 promising lines
have red rice, panicle number less but have many the number of chicks(3). Elders who have
variations / high genetic diversity will provide great opportunities to generate cross
combinations appropriate to the combined properties of good.
Estimation of the type of gene acts as indispensable as a basis for improvement of
efficiency of a breeding program, as a follow-gen describe genes work in showing the
morphological characters of plants and can be used in the method of selection purposes.
Therefore, information on the follow-gene is very important to know. In this regard, it is
necessary to do research on " genes action in quantitative traits of rice the result of crosses
between IPB 4S varieties with red rice promising lines”
Results and discussion presented by displaying the results of the analysis are then
discussion for each parameter was observed, are presented as follows:
To see the value of gen action on quantitative characters of genotype G3, IPB 4S, F1
(G3 / 4S IPB) and F1 (IPB 4S / G3) from the result of crosses between white rice with brown
rice paddy can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1. Values Gen action Some Quantitative Characters On Genotype G3, IPB
4S, F1 (G3 / 4S IPB) and F1 (IPB 4S / G3)
Hp Criteria
F1 (G3/IPB F1 (IPB
No Characters 4S) 4S/G3) F1 (G3/IPB 4S) F1 (IPB 4S/G3)
1 Plant age 0.72 0.43 Dominant majority Dominant majority
2 Plant height 0.2 0.07 Aditive Aditive
Total number of productive
3 tillers / hill 0.24 1.04 Aditive Dominant
Total number of non
4 productive tillers / hill 2.53 2.6 Over dominant Over dominan
Panicle length
5 0.27 -0.12 Dominant majority Aditive
Ernawati et al. 66
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calculations to determine the nature of the additive and epistasis between dominant genes
controlling traits. Acts of different genes will make the segregation of different genes (7).
Acts of genes that control traits in rice varieties of crosses IPB 4S with red rice paddy
promising lines in Table 1 shows the value that varies. Of the nine parameters were observed
in the study of genes is additive, dominant majority, dominant and over-dominant. For five
quantitative trait observed, additive and dominant genes play a role in the appearance of
properties partially observed both in F1 and the resiprok.
Additive gene is more important than the dominant gene in four parameters observed
indicated by the nature of plant height, number of productive tiller, the amount of grain
hollow and weight per clump with a value of respectively 0.2, 0:24, 0:23 and 0:17 in the F1
(G3 / IPB 4S) while the dominant gene acts partly indicated by the parameter date of
flowering, panicle length and the number of grains contain. In his research on soy, Suprapto et
al. (8) shows the value ratio of 0.71 which explains that the dominant genes that control plant
height trait is dominant genes partly positive. Dominant genes are more important than
additive gene acts that appear on the parameters of a weight of 100 grains with a value of
0.78, while the follow-gene appeared dominant over the nature of the number of non
productive tillers showed with 2:54. Meanwhile there are some differences in the criteria in
F1 resiprok (IPB 4S / G3) on several parameters: the number of productive tillers and number
of grains contain genes that show dominant, panicle length showed additive and dominant
genes partly on the weight of grain per clump with a value of -0.38. Ratio potential of -0.38
explained that the dominant gene that controls most of the serious nature of grain per clump is
partially dominant gene negative. In his research on sweet corn, Sujiprihati et al (9) also find
zero value on the genetic variance and heritability in the broad sense of the nature and
corncob cob diameter. This is in accordance with the grouping of the potential value ratio
according to Petr and Frey (1966), namely hp = 0 - <0:25 acts additive gene, hp = 0:25 -
<0.75 acts as a dominant gene in part, hp = 0.75 - <1:25 dominant and hp = ≥ 1:25 over
Knowledge of the gene acts very concerned with determining selection methods on the
material being handled (10). According to Basuki (11), when the additive gene is more
important than the act of the dominant genes controlling a trait, the more effective mass
selection to do at the material. Conversely, if the dominant gene is more important than the
act of additive genes controlling a trait, it should be towards the formation of hybrid varieties
more quickly.
4. Conclusion
Limited based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that there is a gene
actions which varies the nature of the additive, dominant majority, dominant, over-dominant
and for some properties such as the number of productive tillers, number of grains contain and
the weight of grain per clump should use IPB 4S as male gametes and G3 at panicle length
Thanks to Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP), which has funded the
research, and the second supervisor who constantly provide feedback and constructive
suggestions to enhance the writing of this paper.
[1] Muliarta, N. Kantun, Kisman, Sanisah, Soemenaboedhy. 2004. Penampilan fenotipe dan beberapa
Ernawati et al. 67
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
[2] Silitonga, T. B., M. Warson., Indarjo., L. Cholisoh. 1988. Variabilitas dan Derajat Kemiripan Sifat-sifat
Agronomis Genotip-Genotip Padi. 25-36 h. Seminar HasilPenelitianTanamanPangan. Balittan Bogor.
[3] Muliarta, I.G.P,. A.A. Sudharmawan, 2014. Perakitan Varietas Padi Gogo Rancah Beras Merah
Fungsional Tipe baru Potensi Hasil (>7 ton/ha) Serta Berumur Genjah (<110 hari). Proposal Penelitian
Strategis Nasional. Universitas Mataram.
[4] Petr F.C. and K.J. Frey. 1966. Genotype Correlation, dominance and heritability of quantitative
characters in oats. Crop. Sci. 6 : 259-262.
[5] Allard, R.W. 1960. Principles Of Plant Breeding. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.New York. 485p.
[6] Crowder, L.V. 1981. Genetika Tumbuhan (terjemahan oleh L. Kusdiarti dan Soetarso). Gadjah Mada
Univertsity Press. Yogyakarta.
[7] Singh, R.K., B.D. Chaudary. 1979. Biometrical methods in quantitative genetic analysis, Kalyani
Publishers. New Delhi. 304 p.
[8] Suprapto, Narimah Md. Kairudin. 2007. Variasi Genetik, Heritabilitas, Tindak Gen dan Kemajuan
Genetik Kedelai (Glycine max Merrill) PadaUltisol. Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian Indonesia. Volume 9
No.2, 183-190p.
[9] Sujiprihati, S. M. Syukur, R.Yunianti. 2005. Pendugaan Ragam Genetik dan Heritabilitas Beberapa
Karakter Vegetatif dan Hasil Jagung Manis. J. Agrotropika 10(2) : 75-78.
[10] Salazar, F.S., s. Panday.,L.Naro., J.C. Perez., H. Ceballos., S.N. Parentoni and A.F.C.B. Filho. 1997.
Diallel Analysis of acid Soil Toleran t and in Tolerant Tropikal Maize Populations. Crop Sci. 37: 1452-
[11] Basuki, N. 1995. Pendugaan Tindak Gen. 48 h. Diktat Kuliah. Fakultas Pertanian. Universitas
Brawijaya. Malang.
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The purpose of the study is to analyze the behavior of the rice market in the context of
the availability of rice (stock / buffer) for food security in the province of Lampung to
approach the market supply of rice planting area of rice and rice productivity . The virtue of
the research is on analysis of market availability of rice from the rice planting area and
indicate the availability of rice paddy productivity to meet the food needs and ensure that you
meet the food needs of the community. The study took a sample of respondents from various
parties , namely agricultural producers , marketing actors in the market rate of the village,
district , and county / city . Sampling was done intentionally ( purposive ) and proportionately
on the basis of the number of actors the production and marketing of rice from the village
level up to the wholesalers . The method will be used to formulate the rice market supply
function is the equation of the function of rice planting area, where the planting area is a
function of the price of rice and corn prices and productivity function approach, where
productivity is a function of the price of rice and grain prices. Results indicate that the rice
price increase factors and competitors' products (maize) in the previous year will increase the
rice planting area . Similarly, if there is an increase in rice prices in the previous year will
increase the productivity of rice. While the rise in input prices of rice and a dummy crisis will
reduce the productivity of rice .
1. Introduction
The food crisis began to be felt in 2007 because of the population growth rate remains
high every year, while on the other side of land available for agricultural activities is limited,
or the rate of growth is getting smaller, or even in absolute terms tend to be more narrow
(Afrianto, 2010). The World Health Organization estimates that Indonesia is one of the
countries threatened by the food crisis in the next few years. The population of Indonesia who
have touched the figure of 220 million people make this prediction becomes more pronounced
(Arifin, 2001).
The vitality of the agricultural sector is currently experiencing degradation, characterized
by decreased production of some agricultural commodities, especially food commodities
(Noer, 2010). This production decline resulting in decreased ability of the state to provide
food that is characterized by an imbalance between the production of foodstuffs with
population growth.
When viewed from the consumption aspect, embodiments food security has run into
difficulty because the majority of the Indonesian people for this meeting the food as a source
of carbohydrates, such as rice. With the level of rice consumption at 130 kg / cap / yr to make
Indonesia as the highest consumers of rice in the world, far surpassing Japan (45 kg),
Malaysia (80 kg), and Thailand (90 kg). Indonesia's population totaled 212 million need rice
for domestic and industrial use more than 30 million tons per year (Siswono et al., In
Afrianto, 2010).
Rice supply model using a two-stage approach is by predicting the function of rice
planting areas, where the planting area is a function of the price of rice and maize prices
second stage using a productivity function approach , where productivity is a function of the
price of rice and grain prices . Forms used function is Cobb - Douglas ( double logarithm )
with the following equation
APt : is rice planting areas all i in year t
PBT - 1 : is the price of rice to - i in year t - 1
PJT - 1 : is the price of corn to - j in year t - 1
Where :
YPT : Productivity of paddy to - i in year t
PBT - 1 : is the price of rice to - i in year t - 1
PXT : is the input price of rice ( paddy) in year t
The rice market is an indirect approach, as was done in the research Fitriani , et al . ,
(2008 ) where the amount of production / supply (Q / S) of agricultural products is the
multiplication of the planting area ( Apt ) and productivity ( YPT )
Qt = Apt x YPT .................... ......... ................................................ ... ( .. 3 )
Where :
QPT : Total supply of rice in year t
APt : rice planting area all i in year t
YPT : Productivity of paddy to - i in year t
Aside from the level of rice production is generated, the availability of rice (rice stocks)
for the structure of people's food needs and the integration of the rice market. Furthermore,
based on the results of a study conducted by researchers tealh the structure and integration of
the market showed that the market at the farm level and the retail level in Lampung province
has a strong level of integration (Noer, 2010).
The regression coefficient 0.151 indicates that any price increases of rice the previous year by
1% ceteris paribus, the rice planting area will increase by 0, 151 hectares. The regression
coefficient of 0.100 indicates that any price increases of corn the previous year by 1% ceteris
paribus would increase paddy planting area of 0,100 Ha. The rise in the price of rice and rice
products of competitors in the previous year ceteris paribus will increase the planting area of
rice so that rice offers increased (in terms of production).
The result indicate that at the time of the decision making process whether to plant crops or
not, the main factors or variables considered by farmers of rice price is just one year earlier.
3.2 Factors Affecting the Production and Special Rice with Rice Productivity Function
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of research conducted, the conclusion can be drawn as follows.
1. Factors that affect the production and supply of rice in the province of Lampung good
approach paddy planting areas function well with productivity function approach shows
that only the prices of rice, corn prices and input prices of the previous year, which have a
significant impact.
2. Response changes in the production and supply of rice for food security in the province of
Lampung is influenced by the price of rice, corn prices and input prices one year earlier.
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[2] Afrianto, D. 2010. Analisis Pengaruh Stok Beras, Luas Panen, Rata-Rata Produksi, Harga Beras, dan
Jumlah Konsumsi Beras terhadap Ketahanan Pangan di Jawa Tengah. Universitas Diponegoro. Semarang.
[3] Irmayani, N. 2010. Kajian Produksi dan Penawaran Beras di Provinsi Lampung. Jurnal Penelitian
Pertanian Terapan Edisi Khusus Oktober 2010. Politeknik Negeri Lampung. Bandar Lampung.
[4] Fitriani, A., Irmayani, N. 2008. Respon Penawaran Ekspor Kopi di Provinsi Lampung. Jurnal
Manajemen Akuntansi dan Bisnis FE Univ Widyagama. Malang Volume 6 Januari 2008. Halaman 165—
1 Introduction
An increasing concentration of mercury as one of the heavy metals in the environment
is a serious problem for human and animal health protection and production of foodstuffs in
many countries around the world [1,2,3]. That is why easy and quick detection of heavy
metals at very low concentrations levels in environmental. The optode biosensors have
superior properties over the other existing measurement systems because they can provide
rapid, simple and low-cost on-field determination number of metal ion. In addition, biosensor
technology is a powerful alternative to conventional analytical techniques, combining the
specificity and sensitivity of biological systems in small devices.
Enzyme inhibition methods based on optode biosensors are commonly used for metal
ion determination, since these can be based on the use of a wide range of enzymes that are
specifically inhibited by low concentrations of certain metal ions [4]. Immobilisation of
enzyme into suitable support material is one of the most important steps in designing of a
biosensor, since this step plays an important role in the overall performance. In last decade,
various matrixes used as enzyme immobilisation supports. Polyelectrolyte complexes (PEC)
used as membrane for enzyme immobilisation, it has been reported that immobilized enzymes
retain higher activities than native enzymes and were stable [5]. Alginate as polyanion and
chitosan as polycation when dissolved in appropriate condition can interact each other
through carboxyl group of alginate and amino group of chitosan [6] and its ionic interactions
are the main interactions inside the network. PEC formed is expected to provide better
application due to their unique structure and properties.
In this work, a simple and fast immobilisation method is described based on
chemically synthesised alginate-chitosan membrane. The optimised condition for urease
immobilisation was defined and the effects of pH and temperature on the optode biosensor
response and the stability of the biosensor are studied as well as its analytical characteristics.
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Fig. 4 shows that the obtained relative value of inhibition was very small (<5%), indicating
that ions Pb (II), Cu (II), Cd (II) and Ag (I) were not significant interference. However, the
Ag (I) have a relatively large value compared with other ions, this is because Ag (I) at high
concentrations will affect the inhibition enzyme activity by metals [8]. To evaluate the ability
of the optode biosensor prepared to carry out the analysis of aquatic samples. The standard
addition method was used and sample spiking with different amount of Hg(II) were analysed,
as described above. Since, the result shown in Table 2 was in good agreement with reference
method using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS).
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4. Conclusions
Urease has been co-immobilised with brom thymol blue (BTB) by entrapment method
in alginate–chitosan PEC membrane for determination as optode biosensor development is
easily prepared, stable and a simple method for the determination of Hg(II). The difference in
the pH changes before and after inhibition was proportional to the number of ions Hg(II) in
the sample solution. In the presence of constant urease, a color change of BTB from yellow to
green and the measured reflected signal intensity at 580.15 nm and pH of 6 could be related
to Hg(II) concentration in sample solution. After optimation of experimental parameters, the
biosensor has a linear response in range of 10 to 500 ppb, detection limits; (I10%) was 12.1
ppb, and highly coefficient of variation (0.86%). The optode biosensor was applied for the
determination of Hg(II) in aquatic system, which was shown in good agreement with
reference method (AAS).
The authors are grateful to the Minister of Research Technology and Dikti, Republic of
Indonesia (Kemenristekdikti) for support of this work.
[1] J. Zehnalek, V. Adam, R. Kizek, Influence of heavy metals on production of protecting compounds in
agriculture plants, Listy Cukrov, 120(2004), p.222.
[2] R. Kizek, J. Vacek, L. Trnkova, B. Klejdus, V. Kuban, Electrochemical biosensors in agricultural and
environmental analysis, Chem. Listy, 97(2003), p.1003.
[3] B. Sures, Environmental parasitology: Relevancy of parasites in monitoring environmental pollution,
Trends Parasitol, 20(2004), p.170.
[4] Aminea, H. Mohammadia, I. Bourais, G. Palleschi, Enzyme inhibition-based biosensors for food safety
and environmental monitoring, Biosens and Bioelectron, 21(2006), p.1405.
[5] S. Yabuki, Polyelectrolyte complex membranes for immobilizing biomolecules, and their applications to
bio-analysis, a review, Analytical Sciences, 27(2011), p.695
[6] M.C.P. Cruz, P. Sergio, P. Ravagnani, M.S. Fabio, Brogna, Evaluation of the diffusion coefficient for
controlled release of oxytetracycline from alginate/chitosan/poly (ethylene glycol) microbeads in simulated
gastrointestinal environments, Biotechnologi. Appl. Biochem, 40(2004), p.243.
[7] B. Kuswandi and N.W. Suwandari, A simple and sensitive flow injection optical fibre biosensor based on
immobilised enzyme for monitoring of pesticides, Sensors and Transducers Journal, 76(2007), p.978.
[8] N.E. Azmi1, J. Abdullah1, M. Ahmad, H. Sidek, L.Y. Heng, S.A. Rahman, An optical based biosensor for
the determination of ammonium in aqueous environment, American Journal of Analytical Chemistry,
3(2012), p.364.
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1 Introduction
Industries produce a number of undesirable species such as pesticides, toxic organic
compounds, heavy metals and so on [1,2]. That is why easy and quick detection of heavy
metals at very low concentrations levels in environmental and biological samples is necessary
for assurance against acute intoxications and, first of all, against long-time exposure that may
lead to many diseases and death [3]. The biosensors have superior properties over the other
existing measurement systems because they can provide rapid, simple and low-cost on-field
determination number of metal ion, such as amperometric biosensors [4,5]
Domínguez-Renedo et al. [6] developed enzymatic amperometric biosensors for the
measurement of Hg2+, based on the inhibitory action of this ion on urease activity. They used
screen-printed carbon electrodes as support and screen-printed carbon electrodes modified
with gold nanoparticles. Polyelectrolyte complexes (PEC) used as membrane for enzyme
immobilisation, it has been reported that immobilized enzymes retain higher activities than
native enzymes and were stable [7]. For these reasons, PEC are potentially attractive
materials for applications in biotechnology, including biosensor. Alginate as polyanion and
chitosan as polycation when dissolved in appropriate condition can interact each other
through carboxyl group of alginate and amino group of chitosan [8] and its ionic interactions
are the main interactions inside the network.
A simple and fast immobilisation method is described based on chemically
synthesised alginate-chitosan membrane and their application in amperometric biosensing for
determination Hg(II) in aqueous solution. The optimised condition for urease immobilisation
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was defined and the effects of pH and temperature on the amperometric biosensor response
and the stability of the biosensor are studied as well as its analytical characteristics.
Fig. 1 show that the scanning potensial between -0,5 – 0,5 V displays very good redox
activity at pH 7. Cyclic voltamogram blue as a base line, was current from urea in phosphate
buffer pH 7. Cyclic voltamogram red as an inhibitive urease with Hg(II) in urea solution pH
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7. With repetitive cycling of the potential an increase in the redox peaks was observed, which
indicated the formation of a complexing polymer as membrane for immobilisation urease on
the electrode surface. Determination of operating optimum parameters is initial investigation
performance for amperometric biosensors of Hg(II). Table 1 shows some parameters were
investigated and their optimum value. Phosphate buffer solution used for the enzymatic
reaction with a pH of 7, which is reaction enzymatic between the sample and reagent is
Table 1. Optimization of experimental
Parameter Range Optimum
pH 5–8 7
Substrate/Urea (mM) 10–80 70
Respon time (s) with
0–8 4
scan rate 1 V/s
Figure 1. Cyclic voltamogram urease biosensors o
Temperature ( C) 20–35 25
with urea 10 ppm, buffer pH 7, scan rate 1 V/s
By applying the optimised parameters above (table 1), the dynamic response to Hg(II)
was monitored, when the amperometric biosensor was performed by flowing buffer solution,
substrates, inhibitors and reactivator alternately with variations of metal concentration
(inhibitor) (Fig. 2). Response curve obtained for different concentration of Hg(II) shows a
linier curve in the concentration range 40–90 ppb (Fig. 3). Fig 3 also shows the relationship
between the reflected signal and low concentration of Hg(II) from 40–90 ppb, with the
correlation coefficient (r) is 0.9617 (each point was the average of three injections). As can
be seen from Fig. 3, there is a linear correlation between absorbance of the biosensor and
concentration of Hg(II) for the interval range of 40 – 90 ppb of Hg(II), with a regression
equation of %I = 0,0002 [Hg (II)] – 0,0352. The detection limit is determined by using
analyte concentration when Hg(II) inhibit enzyme for 10%. It was chosen because it assumes
that at intensity is 10%, differences before and after inhibition can be observed with 90%
confidence level, I10% = 29 ppb for Hg(II). The obtained repeatability of the biosensors
(coefficient of variation, Cv= 0.86%) is no significant different (<5%), so it can be concluded
that obtained data has high precision.
Fig. 4 shows that the obtained relative value of inhibition was very small (<5%),
indicating that ions Pb (II), Cu (II), Cd (II) and Ag (I) were not significant interference.
However, the Ag (I) have a relatively large value compared with other ions, this is because
Ag (I) at high concentrations will affect the inhibition enzyme activity by metals [9]. To
evaluate the ability of the optode biosensor prepared to carry out the analysis of aquatic
samples. The standard addition method was used and sample spiking with different amount of
Hg(II) were analysed, as described above. Since, the result shown in Table 2 was in good
agreement with reference method using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS).
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4. Conclusions
Optimum conditions for biosensor were found as: operating potential 0,02 V vs
Ag/AgCl, enzyme load 0.56 U/mm2 electrode surface, supporting electrolyte: 0.1 M
phosphate buffer (pH 7). The current response of the biosensor in hydrodynamic amperometry
was linearity dependent on the concentration within 40 – 90 ppm Hg (II) with a detection
limit of 29 ppm. The enzymatic activity could be fully recovered by exposure of the electrode
to a solution of EDTA (0.1 M) for 2 minutes. The analytical characteristics of the biosensor
prepared toward Hg(II) are described. Analytical results of spiked water sample showed a
good correlation with determinations by atomic absorption spectrometry where the difference
is not statistically significant at 95% confidence level. The sensor yielded a stable and
reproducible response more than 2 weeks when stored dry at 4 oC.
The authors are grateful to the Minister of Research Technology and Dikti, Republic of
Indonesia (Kemenristekdikti) for support of this work.
[1] J. Zehnalek, V. Adam, R. Kizek, Influence of heavy metals on production of protecting compounds in
agriculture plants, Listy Cukrov, 120(2004), p.222.
[2] R. Kizek, J. Vacek, L. Trnkova, B. Klejdus, V. Kuban, Electrochemical biosensors in agricultural and
environmental analysis, Chem. Listy, 97(2003), p.1003.
[3] G. Nordberg, T. Jin, P. Leffler, M. Svensson, T. Zhou, M. Nordberg, Metallothioneins and diseases with
special reference to cadmium poisoning, Analysis, 28(2000), p.396.
[4] M.R. Guascito, C. Malitesta, E. Mazzotta, A. Turco, Inhibitive determination of metal ions by an
amperometric glucose oxidase biosensor study of the effect of hydrogen peroxide decomposition, Sensors
and Actuators B, 131 (2008) 394–402
[5] A.Amine and H. Mohammadi, Determination of methyl mercury in fish tissue using electrochemical
glucose oxidase biosensors based on invertase inhibition, Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, 49 (2007),
[6] O. Domínguez-Renedo, M.A. Alonso-Lomillo, L. Ferreira-Gonçalves, M.J. Arcos-Martínez, Development
of urease bades amperometric biosensors for the inhibitive determination of Hg (II), Talanta, 79(2009),
[7] S. Yabuki, Polyelectrolyte complex membranes for immobilizing biomolecules, and their applications to
bio-analysis, a review, Analytical Sciences, 27(2011), p.695
[8] M.C.P. Cruz, P. Sergio, P. Ravagnani, M.S. Fabio, Brogna, Evaluation of the diffusion coefficient for
controlled release of oxytetracycline from alginate/chitosan/poly (ethylene glycol) microbeads in simulated
gastrointestinal environments, Biotechnologi. Appl. Biochem, 40(2004), p.243.
[9] N.E. Azmi1, J. Abdullah1, M. Ahmad, H. Sidek, L.Y. Heng, S.A. Rahman, An optical based biosensor for
the determination of ammonium in aqueous environment, American Journal of Analytical Chemistry,
3(2012), p.364.
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One of the methods used in dealing with textile waste is by using activated carbon as
adsorbent. The aims of this research is to determine the effectiveness of activated carbon from
rice husks as adsorbent textile waste by measuring the adsorption process, the level of
turbidity, and the amount of light transmitted by adsorption solution result. Activated carbon
is made from rice husk with carbonized temperature 500°C, 700°C and 900°C and also with
various concentrations of activator H3PO4 0:10, 1: 9, 3: 7 and 5: 5 using a simple heating
method. Activated carbon is then formed into a composite using the adhesive glue PVaCwith
a press method. From the results, we get that the activated carbon composites that have good
adsorption capacity of activated carbon is a composite with carbonization temperature of 900
°C with turbidity levels resulted by different concentration of H3PO4 respectively are 3.26
NTU, 6.81 NTU, 3, 45 NTU and 6.35 NTU. That result indicated that the turbidity level is
moderate that include in clean water category. While the intensity of light produced are 46
lux, 101 lux, 229 lux and 1987 lux. The value of light intensity is increasing due to the
reduction of dyes in textile waste.
1. Introduction
Water pollutions are very dangerous things that threaten long-lasting environment and
human live. Nowadays, human activities and industrial agent causes many diseases and
producepollutant that destroy our environment.Primary coloroften use by consumer is blue
metilen(C16H18N3SCl). Negative effects by using this colorare skin irritation, digestive
irritation and cyanosis [1].
Many methods developed to reduce pollution, there are precipitation, coagulation,
floculation, extraction, membrane separation, ion exchange, reverse osmosis and adsorption
[2]. In this research, we use an adsorption method. This is an efficient method and very
competitive to reduce pigmentation, heavy metal and material or another dangerous
compound like organic and an organic pollutant from liquid waste [3]. Many research used
activated carbon as adsorbent, activated carbon was from charcoal and activated using
H3PO4 [4,5]. In this research, we sensitized activated carbon from rice husk and H3PO4 as
activator. Activated carbon then use as adsorbent for textile waste.
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The activation process can be divided into two process, the activation of chemistry and
physics. Chemical activation is done using a solution of H 3PO4 activator. Carbon that has
been soaked for one day then filtered using filter paper. While the physical activation is done
by the simple method of heating for drying rice husk carbon that has been chemically
activated using the oven at 150oC for 2 hours. The final step is manufacturing the composite,
by mixing the starch glue and white eagle glue with activated carbon.
After mold using press machine, composite carbonize in different temperature 700 0C
and 9000C. We measure the absorption time using a stopwatch, measure the turbidity using
turbidimeter turbidity levels, and the light intensity measurement is using a luxmeter.
The adsorption process was conducted to determine the effectiveness of activated carbon
produced by variations of temperature and concentration of activators. The results can be
seen in the Figure 2.
From Figure 3,we can see that the sample has a turbidity value optimal for liquid
waste adsorption results with a temperature of 900°C. Although the level of turbidity
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produced has a higher value than the initial state, but the liquid waste adsorption results can
still be categorized as clean water because the maximum requirement for clean water is less
than or equal to 25 NTU,
Wastewater before adsorption has a light intensity of 39 lux. After treatment, the
intensity of waste water decrease as presented in Figure 4.Highest light intensity occurs at
900oC sample with the concentration of H3PO4 activator used was 5: 5. This happens
because the temperature can activate the pores of the carbon. The purpose of the activation
process is to enlarge the pores so that the surface area of activated carbon is increasing. If the
surface area is increasing, the capability of carbon to adsorb waste water is increasing.
4. Conclusion
The activated carbon composites that have good adsorption capacity of activated
carbon is a composite with carbonization temperature of 900°C with turbidity levels resulted
by different concentration of H3PO4 respectively are 3.26 NTU, 6.81 NTU, 3, 45 NTU and
6.35 NTU. The result indicated that the turbidity level is moderate that include in clean water
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category. The intensity of light produced are 46 lux, 101 lux, 229 lux and 1987 lux. The
value of light intensity is increasing due to the reduction of dyes in textile waste.
This work is supported by the fund of the PNBP by UniversitasMataram 2016.
[1] Hamdaoui, O. and Chiha, M. 2006. Removal of Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solutions by Wheat Bran,
ActaChim. 54 : 407–418.
[2] Stumm, W., and Morgan J.J. 1981. Aquatic Chemistry. New York : John Wiley & Son Inc.
[3] Annadurai, Juang R.S. and Lee D.J. (2002). Factorial Design Analysis of Dye on Activated Carbon Beads
Incorporated with Calcium Alginate. Journal of advance Environment of Research. 6: p. 191.
[4] AnggunPradilla, Astuti, Sandi. 2014. PengaruhWaktuAktivasiMenggunakan H3po4 TerhadapStruktur
Dan Ukuran Pori KarbonBerbasisArangTempurungKemiri (AleuritesMoluccana). Padang :JurnalFisika,
[5] Erprihana,A.A., danDhoniHartanto. 2014. PembuatanKarbonAktif Dari KulitJerukKeprok (Citrus
Reticulata) UntukAdsorbsiPewarnaRemazol Brilliant Blue. Semarang: JurnalTeknik Kimia.
Kurniawidi et al. 84
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
The incidence of newborn hearing impairment in the world is about 1-3 of 1000 live births. If
the treatment was decided lately, a severe social effect will occure such as speech impairment. On the
other hand, an increasing of mobile phone was surprising all over the world, including Indonesia. In
the last periods, the most familiar mobile phone is smart phone, which have some advantages to
operated any application to help people to do their work. For instance, application to make a diagnosis
of specific disease, such as the early detection of hearing impairment. Aim of study was to measures
the usefullness of mobile application that writer developed on early detection of newborn hearing
impairment. This study design with cross sectional methods. Subject on this study including general
practitioner with inclusion criteria were subject should have a smart phone, based on android or ios,
agree as subject. Subject will excluded if he/she didn’t answer the questionare. The step of study
including : 1. Development of mobile application; 2. Application trial; 3. Installing application to
subject smartphone; 4. Application trial by subject; 5. Filling a questionare by subject; 6. Statistical
analysis. During period of study, there are 41 subject enrolled to this study, consist of 20 male (49%)
and 21 female (51%) with the mean of age is 26,1 years old. Based on perception of easiness of
application installation, most of subject said that very easy to install (75,6%), easy (24,4%) and none
of them said difficult or very difficult. Based on perception easiness to use the application, most of
subject said that very easy to use (70,7%) and the remaining said easy (29,3%) and none of them said
difficult or very difficult. In the aspect of features, 44 % said that application is very interesting and
49% interesting, but there are 4,8% said common sense and also 2,4% said that the features is not
interesting. However, 21 subject (51,2%) and 20 (48,8%) consecutively said that this application is
very useful and useful to help them to diagnosed the newborn hearing impairment. The conclusion of
this research was mobile application on newborn early detection of hearing impairment is very useful
(51,2%) to help general practitioners on their duty.
1. Introduction
Wireless technology is getting more popular worldwide, especially mobile phone devices.
Almost all people have this devices nowadays 1 and it’s used are significant to changed
informatics system generation.2 Furthermore, it can become increased or changed a personal
computer (PC) function. For instance, mobile phone can perform quicker execution than PC
in some application feature3,4 although it has small memory and processor.5
The characteristic of mobile phone are as follows: 1) more economist than PC; 2) more
efficient in some work; 3) it have some PC program and low energy needed. 6,7 In general,
mobile phones becoming popular in society. Almost 60% population useing this devices on
daily activities and several scientist agreed that it will be increased in this era.8
During period of study, there are 41 subject enrolled to this study, consist of 20 male
(49%) and 21 female (51%) with the mean of age is 26,1 years old. Detailed data distribution
can be seen in figure 2.
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Easy Easy
24% 29%
Very Very
Easy Easy
76% 71%
Common Not
sense Interesting
5% 2%
There were 21 subjects (51,2%) said that this application is very useful to help them to
diagnosed the newborn hearing impairment on their daily practices (Figure 6). This result
were similar with several studies who develoved an application for health purposes. Offiah
MC, et al. (2014),18 found that smart phone application was very useful in replacement of
hearing aid function. This studies also congruent with Tobias AP et al (2015),19 with their
result was smartphone application was make clinicians easier to understand the clinical
genomics terminology.
Useful Very
49% Useful
4. Conclusion
Mobile application on Newborn early detection of hearing impairment is very useful
(51,2%) to help general practitioner on their duty.
[1] Klingsheim, André N.. 2004. J2ME Bluetooth Programming.-. The No Wires Research Group. Available
from: https://bora.uib.no/.
[2] Whitten, Jeffry L., et. al.. 2004. Motode Desain dan Analisis Sistem. Yogyakarta: Andi.
[3] Sun Microsystem. 2009. Java™ 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME™) Web Services, For the Java™ 2
Platform, Micro Edition. Santa Clara: Sun Microsystems. Available from: http://java.sun.com/.
[4] Narsoo, J and Mohamudally, N. 2008.Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, vol. 5 ed.
2008: Identification of Design Patterns for Mobile Services with J2ME. California: Informing Science
Institute http://proceedings.informingscience.org/.
[5] Steiner, Urs. 2001. J2ME: Introduction, Configurations and Profiles. Zürich, University of Zürich.
Available from: http://www.ifi.uzh.ch/.
[6] Efrain, Turban, R. Kelly Rainer, and Richard E. Potter. 2006. Pengantar Teknologi Informasi, Terjemahan
Introduction to Information Technology. Jakarta: Salemba Infotek
[7] JENI (2007).Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile. - . JENI. Available from: http://poss.ipb.ac.id/.
[8] Daily Mail. 2008. Mobile phone use explodes as 60% of the world's population signs up for a handset.
[9] Anonim.2016. Population, total. http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL.-, The World Bank.
[10] Poushter, Jacob. 2016, "Smartphone Ownership and Internet Usage Continues to Climb in Emerging
Economies". Pew Research Center.
[11] Guzdial, Mark. 1999. Designing User Interface, chapter 6. Designing User Interfaces in Squeak. Available
from: http://stephane.ducasse.free.fr/
[12] Nugroho, Adi. 2002. Analisis dan Perencanaan Sistem Informasi dan Metodologi Berorientasi Objek.
Bandung, Informatika Bandung.
[13] Barsky-Firkser L, Sun S. Universal newborn hearing screenings: a three-year experience. Pediatrics.
[14] Kadriyan H, Rambu M, Trisna IGA. Newborn hearing screening in neonatal intensive care unit in Mataram
General Hospital, West Nusa Tenggara.2008. Presented as poster in Otologic annual meeting Bandung.
[15] J.M. Davis, J. Elfenbein, R. Schum, R.A. Bentler, Effects of mild and moderate hearing impairments on
language, educational, and psychosocial behavior of children, J. Speech Hear. Disord. 51 (1) (1986) 53e62.
[16] Sutardi S. Z-saptors score in diagnosis and treatment of malnutrition. Patent Awarded by HAKI 2010.
[17] Kadriyan H, Sutardi S. Mobile application in early detection of newborn hearing impairment.Report of
community services program, Medical Faculty, Mataram University 2014.
[18] Offiah MC, Rosenthal S, Borschbach M. Assessing the Utility of Mobile Applications with Support for or
as Replacement of Hearing Aids. Procedia Computer Science 34 ( 2014 ) 593 – 600.
[19] Tobias AP, Tobias ES. Developing educational iPhone, Android and Windows smartphone cross-platform
apps to facilitate understanding of clinical genomics terminology. Applied & Translational Genomics 6
(2015) 15-17
1Chemistry Education Division, Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Mataram University, Indonesia
2Chemistry Division, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,Mataram University, Indonesia
Email: rizal@unram.ac.id
1. Introduction
Chemistry lab is one of the core activities on chemistry learning included in the level of
high school. However, the implementation of the chemistry lab faced many obstacles in
Indonesia (Coppola, 2008). The high workload of teachers lead to less motivated to plan, prepare
and conduct the chemistry lab. The other obstacles are the expensive cost of laboratory practice,
time consuming, limited equipment and chemicals (Jansen-van Vuuren, 2013) as well as the
possible dangers during chemistry practicum. In addition, many high schoolsin Indonesia do not
have a chemical laboratory infrastructure, no laboratory building and waste treatment plan. It
makes chemistry practicum did not go well so that chemistry learning process does not produce
the optimum result.
Chemistry is a science-based theory and experiment. Theory without chemistry laboratory
practice leads to the students miss understanding of the chemistry key concepts. Many chemistry
topics are abstract in concepts so that it is considered difficult. Absorbing these abstract topics
within a relatively limited time with no chemistry laboratory practicum makes many students fail
in chemistry class.In addition, the learning process emphasizes only on the theory without
practical would be boring and less attracting.
Applying computational chemistry as an alternative chemistry lab is a solution for this
problem. Computational chemistry methods are very flexible. All topics on the chemistry lab
ranging from simple level to level difficult can be easily modeled using computational chemistry.
The availability of a wide range of computational chemistry software for free can be used by
teachers as a substitute for chemistry lab at the school (Fortenberry, 2015). The other advantages
of using computational chemistry as an alternative for practicum in high schools is low cost,
highly accuracy, less time consumption, harmless and certainly help improve students'
Hadisaputra et al. 90
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
Two programs were chosen because they fit the categories: Hyperchem and Chemlab.
Both programs were chosen due to they do not need the internet, and can be installed locally.
This is advantageous because of limited access to the Internet at school. Hyperchemwas chosen
because it could represent aspects of chemistry laboratory microscopically, easy installation,
windows-based so it can be easily used by teachers. In addition, the facilities of Hyperchem
calculations are fairly complete. The calculation can be performed at the various levels
ofcalculations: molecular mechanics, semi-empiric, abinito, density functional theory and post-ab
initio.ChemLab was chosen due to it can represent the macroscopic aspects to bridge the wet
laboratory practice. This program is also easy to use, easy to install and has the complete
featuresfor virtual practicum.
Some programs were eliminated due to a major flaw in installation, or difficult to use so
they were not suitable for this project. Although Nwchem and Gaussian relatively easy to install
and havecomplete features, very complicated in the operation so that NWChem and Gaussian
wereeliminated. Although easy to install and use, ACD/ChemSketch only for visualization and
cannot be used for calculating chemical system so thatit was eliminated.
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[4] Froimowitz, M. (1993).HyperChem: a software package for computational chemistry and molecular
modeling. Biotechniques, 14(6), 1010-1013.
[5] Jansen-van Vuuren, R. D., Buchanan, M. S., & McKenzie, R. H. 2013.Connecting resources for tertiary
chemical education with scientists and students in developing countries.Journal of Chemical Education,
90(10), 1325-1332.
[6] Maciejowska, I., &Bílek, M. 2009. 4.3 virtual environment on theoretical introduction and training of real
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Computer Physics Communications, 181(9), 1477-1489.
Hadisaputra et al. 93
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology (BPTP) – Jl. Raya Peninjauan Narmada Lombok Barat Nusa
Tenggara Narmada
Tobacco is one of plant which has high economic and commercial value. Tobacco is
non food which is widely cultivated in around the world. The quality of tobaccos crop is
depend on the availability of substance element where the tobacco is cultivated. The objective
of this research is to identify the appropriate dose of various manure in increasing the tobacco
quality and productivity. This research is conducting by using Complete Random Device
consisting of seven treatments and repeated three times. Treatment planning of dose
application on NPK manure toward tobacco crop is as follows. P1=control ( NPK 12-15-20
600 Kg / ha+ZA 100 Kg / ha+KNO3 200 Kg / ha), P2=Npk 12-11-20 500 Kg / ha + ZA 100
Kg / ha, P3=Npk 12-11-20 600 Kg / ha + ZA 100 Kg / ha, P4=Npk 12-11-20 500 Kg / ha +
ZA 100 Kg / ha+ZK 100 Kg / ha, P5=Npk 12-11-20 600 Kg / ha + ZA 100 Kg / ha+ZK 100
Kg / ha P6=Npk 12-11-20 500 Kg / ha + ZA 100 Kg /ha+ZK 200 Kg / ha, P7=Npk 12-11-20
600 Kg / ha + ZA 100 Kg / ha+ZK 200 Kg / ha. According to the result of dose application
study of NPK manure toward tobacco crop concluded that: The giving of NPK manure with
high dose do not show significant increasing of tobacco crop leaf amount and crop. Treatment
of P1 with dose 600 Kg / ha NPK 12-15-20, 100 Kg / ha ZA and of KNO3 200 Kg / ha do not
show significant differences compared to treatment of P2 which only using 500 Kg / ha NPK
12-11-20 and 100 Kg / ha ZA. Furthermore, according to result of analysis treatment of P1
yield heavy and wet weight run dry is higher than the treatment of P2 until P7. However,
higher dry heavy and wet heavy do not positively significant toward heavy value of yielded
orange oven. The treatment of P2 until P7 yields higher weight of orange than P1. This case
happened due to the excessively of N element given in the plant media which made up the
tobacco's leafs become black brown. As the result, it will decrease the economic value of
tobacco crop.
1. Introduction
Tobacco in Latin Nikotiana tabacum L is a plant that has a high economic value which
is widely demand material and it is non food commercial plant widely cultivated in the
world1. Tobacco plants scattered throughout the archipelago and it has a variety of uses
including as biopesticides, insecticides, preservatives for Petung bamboo, wound cleaning and
mainly as a raw material for making cigarettes2. Tobacco also has a significant role in the
national economy through customs and taxation, employment and the double impact
(multiplier effect) procurement and trading of tobacco3.
However, the development of agriculture in paddy fields and dry land often face a
variety of constraints such as poor essential nutrients like N, P, K, Ca and the value of cation
exchange (CEC) is low so that the nutrients easily separated and leached which together with
Sugianti et al. 94
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
the increased nutrient toxic such as Al, Fe and Mn15. One of the efforts made by farmers to
increase the production of tobacco is by fertilizing16.
The purpose of fertilization in the cultivation of tobacco plant is to meet the nutrients
that plants need to obtain maximum results and to produce high quality of tobacco 4.
Therefore, the type and dose of fertilizer is crucial to the production and quality of tobacco
produced. The needs of NPK macro nutrients for growing tobacco will determine the yield
and quality of tobacco produced.
In other circumstances provided sufficient nutrients, nitrogen deficiency will lead to the
accumulation of acetic acid to form the compound CH included carbohydrates, fats and
pentose which can cause leaf tobacco and tasteless according5. However, excess nitrogen can
cause decline in the quality of production where the production of oven blackish brown. The
need for nutrients P and K in tobacco plants begin to look at the early stage of growth until
the final result oven. According6 virginia tobacco requires high doses of phosphorus and
potassium to be able to produce good quality, ie kerosoknya bright yellow.
To increase productivity and quality of the tobacco crop this then there must be
technical, the dose and the right type of fertilizer to be used in the cultivation of tobacco.
Besides a balanced fertilizer that specific location is directed to use with a variety of
compound fertilizer formula that aims to avoid the inefficiencies of nutrients from fertilizer in
locations that already have a high nutrient status.
Observing these conditions, the researchers intend to conduct a study of various doses of
fertilizer application NPK in tobacco plants (Nicotiana Tabaccum L.). It is expected from this
research note that the appropriate dosage of NPK fertilizer on productivity and quality of
tobacco, so that the data and clear information about the size of the dose of NPK fertilizer on
the growth and yield of Tobacco (Nikotiana Tabacum L.) is available.
The location for application testing dose of NPK On Tobacco plants (Nicotiana
Tabaccum L.) was conducted in technical irrigated land in the village Rarang Terare East
Lombok District of West Nusa Tenggara. The activities carried out in the growing season MK
II. Tobacco cultivation is done in June to September 2016.
The materials used in this study is PVH09 virginia tobacco seeds, fertilizer NPK 12-11-
20 Kebomas, ZA fertilizer, fertilizer KNO3, ZK fertilizers and pesticides. The tools used are
the plow, harrow, hoe, sickle, rope, hand sprayer, rulers, scales,
sacks, tarpaulins and equipment oven.
The research studies dosage of NPK fertilizer application in tobacco plants are designed
using a randomized block design (RAK), which consisted of 7 treatments, each conducted in
the plot of a plot size of 4 x 5 m and each treatment was repeated 3 times. The design of the
study treatment dosage of NPK fertilizer application in tobacco plants is as follows:
P1:NPK 12-15-20 600 kg/ha + ZA 100 kg/ha + KNO 3 200 kg/ha (control);
P2:NPK 12-11-20 500 kg/ha + ZA 100 kg/ha;
P3:NPK 12-11-20 600 kg/ha + ZA 100 kg/ha;
P4:NPK 12-11-20 500 kg/ha + ZA 100 kg/ha + ZK 100 kg/ha;
P5:NPK 12-11-20 600 kg/ha + ZA 100 kg/ha + ZK 100 kg/ha;
P6:NPK 12-11-20 500 kg/ha + ZA 100 kg/ha + ZK 200 kg/ha, and
P7:NPK 12-11-20 600 kg/ha + ZA 100 kg/ha + ZK 200 kg/ha
The working procedures were performed in accordance with the procedures tobacco
cultivation PT. Indonesia Dwi Sembilan which is one of the companies engaged in tobacco
which is located in District Sikur East Lombok West Nusa Tenggara and guide books virginia
tobacco cultivation for tobacco cultivation implement good practices (Good Tobacco
Sugianti et al. 95
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
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Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
Table 1. Results of Soil Analysis before and after the study of the application of various
doses of NPK fertilizer in tobacco plants (Nicotiana Tabaccum L.)
Parameter of Analysis
Treatmen N Nutrient P Nutrient K Nutrient
(%) Status (ppm) Status (ppm) Status
First Analysis 0,16 Low 15,24 Very high 303,54 Very high
Second Analysis Very high
P1 0,16 Low 17,73 Very high 344,27 Very high
P2 0,13 Low 19,77 Very high 347,02 Very high
P3 0,14 Low 15,24 Very high 353,60 Very high
P4 0,11 Low 13,07 Very high 335,49 Very high
P5 0,12 Low 13,02 Very high 374,81 Very high
P6 0,11 Low 13,53 Very high 326,18 Very high
P7 0,12 Low 13,83 Very high 334,37 Very high
From the results of the soil analysis carried out showed that the initial ground before
the test process applications contained low N value, while the value of the content of P and K
available is very high. After making the test process according to the dose of fertilizer
application in the treatment of each plot testing shows that the value of the dignity of N, P and
K are contained in the same land that is sequentially lower N, P and K are very high. Soil
Nutrient Status criteria in Table 2 are set based on the assessment of soil nutrient status
Technical Guide 2nd edition Chemical Analysis Soil, Plants, Fertilizer Water and Soil
Research Institute in 2009.
Kriterian ratings soil analysis results indicate that the number N is given the maximum
absorbed by tobacco plants so that the dosage of N quite appropriate doses given at each
treatment. While the value of P and K are still very high indicate a need for dose reduction
element K is given because it is basically the amount of element content of P and K are
available on the ground is already very high. It is also proved that for the growth of tobacco
plants of the dosage of nutrients P and K are contained in NPK fertilizer which has 11% P and
20% K is sufficient to meet the nutrient needs of P and K on the growth of tobacco plants.
Sugianti et al. 97
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
Table 2. Result of plant high and number of leaf the tobacco by several dosage of NPK
Statistically, the high of tobacco plant based treatments tested showed no significant
differences in measurement 0 hst, 40 hst and 70 hst. These results indicate the dosage of NPK
fertilizer, ZA, and KNO3 which is a fertilizer that contains nutrients N is an element needed
for vegetative growth of the plants one plant height, did not have a significant influence on the
response of the tobacco plant height at each age observations.
Test Results Fertilizer application is in accordance with the results of research
conducted by the Madura tobacco8;9 as well as research PT. BAT Indonesia in Bali10 which
states that increasing doses of nitrogen fertilizer on tobacco no significant effect on plant
height. Nitrogen role as the main element to form chlorophyll and photosynthesis result leaves
more focused on leaf size than the plant height and stem diameter. This is due to the active
growth of plants is dominated by the leaves that require high nitrogen, while the stem growth
area is limited to the cambium and the end of the shoots of plants11. According12 nutrient
nitrogen also affect plant growth that makes plants green, leaf and stem growth, and makes
plants more succulent.
Leaves are organs of plants synthesizing a food for the needs of plants as well as food
reserves. The leaves have a role in the process of chlorophyll photosynthesis. The more the
number of leaves produced, then the place for the process of photosynthesis more so as a
result of more photosynthesis. Based on the analysis of tobacco plants showed on
observations 0 dap there is no significant difference, it is because the seeds used uniform has
5 leaves. In observation of the number of leaves of tobacco plants at the age of 40 and 70 dap
dap there are significant differences. At the peak of growth, namely the observation of the
third age of 70 hst showed the highest number of leaves in the treatment of P2 and P7 with a
value of 20.27 and 20.33bila sequentially compared with the amount of leaves in the
treatment of farmers, namely P1 number of leaves produced only 18.77.
This shows an increase in the number of doses given does not give a real difference to
the number of leaves. This is consistent with the results of research conducted by9 that an
increase in dose or dose of fertilizer did not show significant differences in the number of
leaves. It is also in line with13 where a lot of fertilizer does not always give a good advantage
for the plant. Although there are differences in the number of leaves on the treatment dose
tested N but the effect is not significant on the number of leaves. The number of leaves can
also be influenced by genetic factors14.
Sugianti et al. 98
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
Figure 1. Total of wet weight (kg/ha) Figure 2. Total of dry weight (kg/ha)
Dry weight response variables derived from process pengovenan include dry weight of
the leaves of tobacco plants. Based on analysis of the study of application of various doses of
NPK fertilizer in tobacco plants (Nicotiana Tabaccum L.) to dry weight of leaf tobacco plants
are presented in Figure 2, shows that the total dry weight graph result pengovenan higher
treatment compared to treatment P1 P2-P7 Total weight dry oven treatment results P1 worth
of 2,081 kg/ha, while the value range of dry weight P2 to P7 treatment ranged from 1,679
kg/ha to 1,870 kg/ha. The total value of the results of oven dry weight compared to the total
value posisif initial wet weight of the tobacco leaves before the oven, in order to obtain the
dry weight of leaf tobacco would be higher than P1 P2 -P7 treatment which has a total wet
weight is lower.
Although the dry weight of P1 higher treatment but has not been disaggregated to
quality oven dried classified into dry weight oven dry weight oven brown and orange. Where
classification orange oven provides ekomis value much higher than the oven brown.
The response variable heavy oven orange and brown is obtained from the leaves of the
tobacco plant pengovenan. Graphs total weight of oven orange and brown are presented in
Figure 3.
Sugianti et al. 99
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
800 673
400 241 256 247 263 227
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7
Total of oven orange weight
Total of oven brown weight
Poly. (Total of oven orange weight )
Poly. (Total of oven brown weight)
Based on the results of the study dosage of NPK fertilizer application in tobacco plants
can be drawn some conclusions, namely: NPK fertilizer with high doses did not show any
significant differences on plant height and number of leaves of tobacco plants. Treatment of
P1 with a dose of 600 kg/ha of NPK 12-15-20, 100 kg/ha ZA and KNO3 200 kg/ha did not
have a significant effect compared to P2 treatment using only 500 kg/ha NPK 12-11-20 and
100 kg/ ha ZA. Based on the analysis of treatment P1 produce heavy wet and dry weight were
higher compared to treatment P2 to P7. However, the high weight of the wet and dry weight
of no positive value to the value of the resulting orange oven weight. Treatment of P2 to P7
produce heavy orange higher than P1. This is caused by an excess of N given where the
excess of the nutrient content of N can cause krosokan become brittle, blackish brown, and
ultimately reduce the economic value of farming.
5. Suggestion
Every one who demand accurate informsi dosage of NPK fertilizer on tobacco plants should
conduct a study dosage of NPK fertilizer application on the season and the different areas in
order to provide accurate information about the proper dosage for a particular tobacco
cultivation systems for growers of tobacco plants.
[1] P. Maris, A. Tarno and A. Afandi, 2014. Effectiveness of Using Biological Fertilizer Mycorhyza (Glanus
spp) for Control of Root Knot Nematodes (meloidogyne javanica) in Tobacco (Nicotiana Tabaccum L).
HPT Journal 2 (4), December 2014. ISSN 2338.4336
[2] Sardi, 2016. Effectiveness Fertilization in Tobacco Plants. Scientific Comunity.
[3] Kurniawan, B.A, S. Fajriani, Ariffin, 2014. Effect of Total Water Response Against Tobacco (Nicotiana
Tabaccum L.) Plant Growth and Yield. Journal of Palnt Production 2 (1), January 2014: pp. 59-64 .
[4] Djajadi, 2008. Effect of Compound Fertilizer Againts Tobacco Yeild and Quality of Virginia in East Java
Bondowoso. Journal of Littri 14 (3), September 2008: pp. 95-100. ISSN 0853-8212.
[5] Murdiyati, 1997. Nutrient and Fertilization on Virginia Tobacco. Book 1 Monograf Balittas Virginia
Tobacco. Research Centers for Sweetener and Fiber Plants. Agricultural Research and Development
Insitute. Agricultural Departement.
[6] PT. Indonesia Dwi Sembilan, 2010. Good Agricultural Practical (GAP) Hand Book.
[7] Hakim. 1986. The Basics of Soil Science. Universitas Lampung Press. Bandar Lampung.
[8] Rachman, A dan A, S. Murdiyati. 1987. Dose Effect of N and P Fertilizer on the Production and Quality of
Madura Tobacco on Soil Aluvial. BPPT, Malang 2 (1-2) : pp. 1-9
[9] Febrian. 2011. Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Gworth and Productivity of Tobacco (Nicotiana
Tabacum L.) Prancak Varieties in a Population Density of 36.000/ha in Pamekasan Regency, East Java.
Departement of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Insititute of Technology.
[10] Rachman, A. dan Djajadi. 1991. Dose Effect of N and K Fertilizer to the properties agronomist and
Chemical Composition of Tobacco Leaves Temanggung in paddy field.. Tobacco and Fiber Research (6) 1,
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[11] Riyn. 2009. Recycling Carbon, Nitrogen and Other Hara. http :// riynmultiply.com accesed on Oktober 19,
[12] Djamaan, D. 2006. Application of Nitrogen (Urea) on the Growth and Yield of Lettuce (Lactusa sativa L.).
Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology Sumatera Barat.
[13] Istiana, H. 2007. Nitrogen Fertilizer Applicatio Method and it’s Effect on Madura Tobacco Plants. Bulletin
of Agricultural Engineering 12 (2). Crop Research Institute for Tobacco and Fiber, Malang.
[14] Sudjudi, 2014. Final Report Tetsting Effectiveness of NPK Phonska Plus 0,2% Zn on Rice Plant.
Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology Nusa Tenggara Barat.
[15] Sardi, 2016. Efectiveness of Fertilization on Tobacco Plant. Scientific Community.
The Optical Properties of SnO2 Thin Layer With Dopan Zinc Using Solgel
A thin layer of a material that is grown on the substrate surface with a size up to the
nanometer scale. This study aims to determine the optical properties of SnO2 thin film by
doping Zn using sol-gel method. Variations in the concentration of the sol used 0.1, 0.2, and
0.3 M and Zn doping concentration of 0, 5, 10 and 20 % at 550oC annealing temperature. The
characterization using UV - Vis Spectrophotometer, indicating reduced transmittance after
being given dopants, for their absorption is shifted to shorter wavelengths, causing the energy
band gap decreases with increasing sol concentration and doping Zn.
1. Introduction
The development of science and technology more rapidly led to more varied
innovations in various fields, especially electronics. Businesses that need to be done so as not
to depend on other countries by making the independent Indonesian state so as to create an
electronic device and be able to compete in the world of technology. An electronic device can
be derived from a semiconductor material. Semiconductors are solid materials which have an
energy band gap of 0.5 - 5.0 eV (between conductor and insulator) and made in the form of
pellets, a layer of thick and thin layers. Electronic device may use a semiconductor material
because it can alter the characteristics of a material such as optical properties, crystal
structure, morphology and composition contained in the material.
Thin film technology is the development in the field of solid material that is widely
used to achieve a thickness of 1μm [1]. Early development of the thin layer in 1852 by
Groove with the development of the materials use, the method, as well as treatment given in a
thin layer. It is became the basis of further research to develop the conducting transparent
oxide, gas sensors, transistors and other electronic devices. Material that can be used in the
synthesis of a thin layer of the material that has properties as a metal oxide material such as
ZnO, SnO2, TiO2, In2O3, WO3, ITO and many other materials. ZnO and TiO2 is widely used
because it shows good flexibility in the methods of synthesis and morphology of particles
produced [2]. But has the disadvantage at the time of coating and stability are low in chemical
processes and can affect the resistivity of the material of electronics. As with the doping
material indium tin oxide absorption, transmittance decreases [3]. Absorption occurs because
of the clumping of solute in a solution by the surface of the absorbent substance that forms a
bond between the absorber. Absorption occurs due to the presence of compounds that undergo
electronic transitions when exposed to light from a source. The transition is usually caused by
Table 1. Energy band gap with different concentrations and varying concentrations of metal doping Zn
Figure 1. Graph transmittance with a concentration of 0.1 M sol (a), 0.2 M (b) and 0.3 M (c) with doping
variation of 0%, 5%, 10% and 20%.
Figure 2. Absorption chart with sol concentration of 0.1 M (a), 0.2 M (b) and 0.3 M (c) with doping
variation of 0%, 5%, 10% and 20%.
4. Conclusion
The optical properties of SnO2 thin layer with a transmittance and energy band gap
decreases with given variations of metal Zn doping concentration of 0%, 5%, 10% and 20%,
but absorption increases with the doping given variation. In theory indicates the sample is a
[1] A. Ayeshmariam, 2013. Synthesis, Structural and Optical Characterizations of SnO2 Nanoparticles.
Journal on Photonics and Spintronics. Vol 2 No 2 May 2013.
[2] A.N.Naje, A.S. Norry,.,andA.M. Suhail, 2013. Preparation and Characterization of SnO2
nanoparticles. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Enginering and Technology
(An ISO 3297 :2007 Certified Organization) Vol 2, issue 12, December 2013.
[3] A.R. Razeghizadeh, V. Rafee, and L.Zalaghi, 2015. Effects of Changes Sol Concentration on The
Structural and Optical Properties of SnO2 Nanoparticle by The Sol-Gel Technique. (Online:
[4] P.Gupta, 2013. Synthesis and Characterization of Pure and Zn-Doped SnO2 Nanopowders.International
Journal of Modern Physics : Conference Series Vol 22 (2013) 452-457.
[5] A. Farooq, and M.Kamran, 2012. Effect of Sol Concentration on Structural and Optical Behavior of
ZnO Thin Films Prepared by Sol-Gel Spin Coating. International Journal of Applied Physics and
Mathematics, Vol. 2, No. November 6, 2012.
[6] M.Shaban, G.F.Attia, A.Basyooni, and H. Hamdy, 2015. Morphological and Structure Properties of
Spin coated Tin Oxide Thin Film. International Enginering and Advanced Research Technology
(IJEART) Volume-1, Issue-3, September 7, 2015.
1. Introduction
properties of a material would provide information about the charge transfer mechanism and
dielectric properties of the materials. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the influence
of the frequency of the electrical properties of Bam on a wide variety of Co-Zn ion
concentration and calcinations temperature variations.
In the synthesis of Bam there are several commonly used methods such as solid state
reaction [14], solution combustion method [15], sol-gel [16-17], and co-precipitation [18,19].
The preferred method is co-precipitation research because it is easy to control the chemical
composition and size of the crystals produced [20].
The materials used in this study for the synthesis of barium M-hexaferrit BaFe12-
2xCo xZnxO19 are: Barium Carbonate Powder (BaCO3) with M = 197.34 g / mol,Iron (III)
Chloride Hexahydrate (FeCl3.6H2O) as the base material With M=270.33 g/ mol, and CoCl2
powder and Zn proanalis (PA) as a doping material with variations in the value of x = 0; 0.2;
0.4; 0.6; 0.8; 1. Synthesis of barium M-hexaferrit BaFe12-2xCoxZnxO19 performed by co-
precipitation method comprising: Powder Barium carbonate (BaCO3) solution dissolved in
HCl (0,1N), heated to a temperature of about 800C with hot plate and stirred using a magnetic
stirrer for approximately 2 hours until the powder dissolved and the solution is clear white.
Crystal Iron (III) cloride Hexahydrate (FeCl3.6H2O) diluted with distilled water, stirred with a
magnetic stirrer without heating to obtain a solution with a blackish brown color. Zn powder
was dissolved in HCl (0.1 N) and the CoCl2 powder. The second solution diluted with
distilled water acts as doping. The above three solutions are mixed and stirred with a magnetic
stirrer until it becomes homogeneous (black and brown), without settling heated then added a
solution of NH4OH (25%), to obtain a precipitate with high homogeneity (dark brown). After
a few minutes of samples ranging look no deposits, after which the precipitate is filtered by
using a filter paper and washed with distilled water up to 10 times until reached state neutral
or reached pH = 7. After the sample is deposited so as to achieve a normal ph level, then the
sample crushed so that we will get a fine powder samples.
For all the samples BaM with doping Co dan Co-Zn are observed that conductivity is
small in the lower frequency region and increases for higher frequencies (Fig. 1(b) and 2 (b)).
The electrical conductivity increases with temperature as shown in Fig. 1(b), 2(a) and 2(b).
Therefore, the iron oxides are generally termed as ‘semiconductors’. The lattice vibrations
increase with temperature, giving rise to higher probability of the hopping of electrons at the
octahedral sites, leading to enhanced mobility of charge carriers and hence the conductivity
Conductivity (S/cm)
Conductivity (S/cm)
1 (a) 1 (b)
Figure 1. (a) log conductivity versus log frequency for BaM without doping and
(b) log conductivity versus log frequency for BaM with doping Co
Frequncy (Hz)
Frequency (Hz)
2 (a) 2 (b)
Figure 2. (a) log conductivity versus log frequency for BaM witht doping Zn and
(b) log conductivity versus log Frequency for BaM with doping Co-Zn
From Figure 1 (a) shows that the conductivity values without doping BaM shows the
value increasing with increasing frequency of, showed that the increased conductivity occurs
liner. At low frequencies the conductivity value of 4.27 10-7 S / cm at a frequency of 105 Hz,
while the value of conductivity is 9.32 10-5 S / cm. From Figure 1 (b) - 2 (b) the value of the
conductivity can be seen in the following table 1.
Table.1. Conductivity of samples in the range frequency below 100 Hz and above
100 to 105 Hz
4. Conclusion
The results showed conductivity samples for doping Co, Zn and Co-Zn increases
with increasing calcination temperature and conductivity also depends on the frequency, the
low frequency tends to a constant value but at a higher frequency increased. Increase in
conductivity with rise in temperature shows semiconducting nature of the samples.
This research has been sponsorship by PUPT Research Department of Research and
Technology of Higher Education 2016.
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properties of pure and nickel-doped barium nanohexaferrites synthesized using chemical co-precipitation
technique. Cogent Physics, 3(1), 1208450.
Research with the gravity method with the aim to detect the presence of fault has
conducted on the Lombok Island. Gravity measurements was done in Central Lombok and
East Lombok Regency using Scintrex autograv CG5 gravimeter on August, 22 -25, 2016. The
stations (measurement points) have distributed randomly at the roads that traversed at Central
Lombok and East Lombok Regency. Separation anomaly was conducted using upward
continuation and modelling results verified by a second vertical derivative (SVD) and the
geological map of Lombok and Sumbawa issued by the P3G Bandung 1994. Modelling
results showed that the survey area has developed by soil, sandstone, limestone and andesit
layer. The faults at the survey area were occurred at depth of 40 until 264 meter.
1. Introduction
The area of subduction by the Indo-Australian plate extends to the west of Sumatra
Island, south of Java to Bali and Nusa Tenggara Islands, moving to north about (50-70)
mm/year [1]. The Indonesia's geological setting causes frequent earthquakes in various parts
of Indonesia, especially on the island of Lombok West Nusa Tenggara province, which is
geographically located at the confluence of two major tectonic plates, Eurasian Plate and
Indo-Australian Plate. Plate movement that is the trigger of faults activity across most areas of
the island of Lombok. If the faults becomes active then passed into the area prone to
earthquakes [2].
Fault occurs due to a shift in the earth layer of normal conditions. Passive fault can be
reactivated under the influence in the surrounding, such as the effect of volcanoes or other
seismic activity. Therefore fault activity still need special attention and further research,
especially faults that exist on the Lombok Island is still less attention.
Lombok Island has a geological structure which is divided into three zones,
mountains, hills, and plains. Obviously with such geological structure, the island of Lombok
has a fault on the plates underneath the earth's surface. One prediction of fault there is a fault
Lombok, that has a length about 75 km with Northeast-Southwest trending, while other faults
trending fault-Northwest-Southeast and few in number almost North-South trending [3].
One of the geophysical methods that can be used to study the fault is the gravity
method [4] [5]. When a 3-dimensional shape of any mass distributed continuously with
density (, , ) as shown in Figure 1, the potential of gravity at the point P (x, y, x) above
and beyond the distribution the mass density is given by [6]:
∆ ( , , )
( , , ) = ⁄
∙ ∙
[( − ) + ( − ) + ( − ) ] ……………….(1)
( , , )
∆ =−
∆ ( , , )( − )
=− ⁄
∙ ∙ …………….(2)
[( − ) + ( − ) + ( − ) ]
The research location are the Central and East Lombok Regency, as shown at Figure
2. Measuring gravity using a gravity meter Scintrex Autograv CG-5 with the number of
measurement points 85 points. Data processing was done by Microsoft Excel and modelling is
done by using software Oasis Montaj. Stages of work in this research is shown in Figure 3. As
verification of modelling results, use the geological map sheet Lombok and Sumbawa issued
by the Bandung P3G (1994) [7].
Figure 2. Location of research MODELING
Four cross-sections, that’s AA ', BB', CC’ and DD 'are made to model subsurface
conditions. Sub-surface models under cross sections AA’, BB’, CC’, and DD’ can be shown
in Figure 6 until Figure 9. Position of all cross sections, quantitative interpretation as a results
of modelling (depth of fault and layer of rocks faulting) shown in Table 1. All of cross
sections are composed of soil, sandstone, limestone, and andesite, based on density value by
Figure 6. Subsurface model cross section Figure 7. Subsurface model cross section
Figure 8. Subsurface model cross section Figure 9. Subsurface model cross section
Second Vertical Derivative (SVD) is one of the filtering techniques that can bring
residual anomaly (shallow effect). With this method, the presence of a fault in one area will
be known [8] SVD contour value is 0 mGal/m2 indicates that in the area there are structural
faults, so that the map of residual anomalies and modelling can be expected to fault the
position as shown in Figure 9. Fault estimated on the ellipse of red and blue and is consistent
with the geological map in Figure 10.
4. Conclusion
Modelling results showed that the survey area has developed by soil, sandstone,
limestone, and andesit layer. The faults at the survey area were occurred at depth of 29 until
263 meter.
Thanks to DP2M DIKTI authors say that has funded this research with the contract
[1] Pasau, G., dan A. Tanauma. 2011. Pemodelan Sumber Gempa di Wilayah Sulawesi Utara
Sebagai Upaya Mitigasi Bencana Gempa Bumi. Journal science of MIPA. 7:1-5.
[2] Kertapati E., 2006. Aktivitas Gempabumi di Indonesia (Perspektif Regional pada Karakteristik
Gempabumi Merusak). Bandung: Pusat Survey Badan Geologi.
[3] Manurung.Y.S dan Karno, 1997. Hasil Eksporasi Mineral Logam Di Daerah Mataram, Kabupaten
Lombok Barat dan Lombok Tengah, Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. DSM. Bandung.
[4] Sarkowi M., (2009) : Coal Bed Methane Sebagai Energi Alternatif Baru dan Upaya Pemantauan
Proses Produksinya. Proceeding Seminar Nasional MIPA 2009, 16-17 Nopember 2009.
[5] Yoshida Shigeo, Gaku Seta, Shuhei Okubo, and Shigeki Kobayashi, 1999. Absolute gravity
change associated with the March 1997 earthquake swarm in the Izu Peninsula, Japan. Earth
Planets Space, 51, 3–12, 1999
[6] Kadir W.G.A., Santoso D., dan Sarkowi M (2004) : Time Lapse Vertical Gradient Gayaberat
mikro Measurement for Subsurface Mass Change and Vertical Ground Movement (Subsidence)
Identification, Case Study: Semarang Alluvial Plain, Central Java, Indonesia. Proceedings of The
7th SEGJ International Symposium, Sendai- Japan 24-26 Nopember 2004 p.421-426
[7] P3G, 1994, Peta geologi lembar Lombok dan Sumbawa Bandung
[8] Lestari, Intan dan M. Sarkowi, 2013, Analisis Struktur Patahan Daerah Panasbumi Lahendong -
Tompaso Sulawesi Utara Berdasarkan Data Second Vertical Derivative (Svd) Anomali
Gayaberat, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains & Teknologi V Lembaga Penelitian Universitas
Lampung 19-20 November 2013
[9] Telford, W. M., Geldart, L. P. and Sheriff, R. E., 1990., Applied Geophysics Second Edition,
Cambridge University Press, New York
1) Doctorate Degree Student of Science Education, Postgraduate, State University of Surabaya, Surabaya.
E-mail: Rosalina.permatasari88@gmail.com
2) Department of Chemistry, Science Faculty, State University of Surabaya, Surabaya.
E-mail: ionunesa@yahoo.co.id
This study aimed to describe the level of cognitive conflict students in conceptual
change strategy. This research type is a case study with the goal of three students from
Chemical Education Department (trainee teachers) who have a high burden of misconceptions
on Arrhenius acid-base concept.They have a visual-verbal balanced of learning style and low
of imagination. The variables which measured, photographed and studied was the level of
cognitive conflict when individual targets involved in cognitive conflict condition as a whole
in the process of conceptual change. The method used in this research wasmixed methods
which combine the qualitative and quantitative methods. The level of cognitive conflict
students described based on the data: (a) the answers of students to the questionnaire which
were integrated in conceptual change module, (b) recording the movements of physical
students whencognitive conflictevent, and (c) recording of verbal or students speech who
submitted to the lecturer. Recording of students gestures, signs, and body languange when
they took place the creation of cognitive conflicteventwere interpreted with reference to
Nonverbal Dictionary written Givens (2002) and Guidelines on How To Read Body
Languangewritten by Pease (1988). Recording verbal or students’speechs to lecturer are
written as it is. Data from the questionnaire, meaning of student’s gestures, signs, and body
languange and verbal greeting were triangulation to describe the level of student cognitive
conflict target. Conclution of this research was cognitive conflict level about three students
who targeted as research objectives differ from one another. First Students target has high
levels of cognitive conflict, positive, and consistent. Second Students target had lower levels
of cognitive conflict, positive, and consistent. Third Students target has a low level of
cognitive conflict, positive, and tend to be inconsistent.
1. Introduction
occur, and (c) recording of verbal or students’ greeting submitted to the supervisor.
Students of Unesa Education ChemistryDeoartmentarecandidaters for chemistry
teacher who will substitute the existence of chemistry teacher that currently exist infield and
are known to have misconceptions about subject matter that learned to their students (Suyono,
Yuanita, and Rohmawati, 2012).Fact misconceptions happen on teachers not only in
Indonesia, but also in other countries. Kolumuc and Tekin (2011) found teachers’ chemical
misconceptions in Turkey also Burgoon et al. (2011) in the United States. The presence of
chemistry teachers with many misconceptions, alarming the world of education. The existence
of a chemistry teacher in the field with a load of misconceptions in turn must be substituted
with new teachers who know the concept. Why should it be substituted? If not, there is a
concern that the misconceptions in chemistry at high school students will never be solved.
While Lemma (2013) summed up the results of his research, that the index of determination
of teachers’ chemistry misconceptions towards students’ misconceptions reached 90%. After
further analysis of students’ chemistry map conception (prospective chemistry teacher), found
a number of students have a load of misconceptions in the various chemistry subject mattersto
be covered in school such as the concept of chemical bonds, solvents, acids and bases,
electrochemistry, and the reaction rate (Suyono, Masriyah, and Muchlis, 2015). Suyono et al.
(2015) also found a number of students who have high misconceptions, more than 50% of
number of conceptual questions that tested. The load of chemistry misconceptions must be
reduced (minimized), if possible eliminated. If the load of misconceptions chemistry teacher
candidates were not reduced, then the substitution chemistry teachers in the same field would
be useless.
Remedial teaching practices with individual clinical patterns have been conducted by
Suyono and his colleagues in 2016 using conceptual change strategy. Conceptual change
strategy was based on the ideas of Piaget and constructivism (Baser, 2006). According to
Baser, this strategy encourages the creation of discontent in the minds of individuals against
conception, cognitive conflict happen. When that kind of discontent happen so there will also
re-adaptation to the individual to re-achieve a balance (equilibration) (Piaget, 1950). With a
simple word, the core of the conceptual change strategy is as follows. Misconceptions that
have been recorded in any individual scheme disequilibration for further equilibrated
converted into a correct conception, according to the conception of scientists. The pattern of
clinical services done were very different to a study conducted by previous researchers, such
as Pabuccu and Geban (2006) which states that the conceptual change strategy proven to
eeffective in reducing students’misconceptions. The same conclusion was made by Ozdemir&
Clark, 2007; Zirbel, 2004; Sinatra & Broughton, 2011; Ultay et al. 2014; Potvin et al. 2014.
The studies that have been done have not provided services according the individual
characteristics and proven still leaves the misconceptions burden to the individual remediation
The pattern of clinical services performed by Suyono et al. in 2016, in addition to
individual,it also gave notice to the individual characteristics such as learning styles, mental
models, and the level of cognitive conflict.These three individual characteristics correlate with
the misconception happen to someone. Sen and Yilmaz (2012) along withAbosalem (2013)
found a significant correlation between learning styles of students (learning style) with
student misconceptions. Individual learning styles which are not well accommodated in the
designed learningprocess will cause a failure in students’ learning process. Misconceptions in
chemistry correlated with mental models owned (Wang, 2007). Clerk and Rutherford (2000)
stated that misconception would occur in the brain when the students' mental models which
formed by an individual does not match the mental model that should be or targeted mental
models (low mental models).
Aryungga and Suyono (2014) found that students who experience resistant
misconceptions are students who have a learning style balanced on the four dimensions of
learning styles. Verawahyuni (2014) found that students who had low mental models tend to
have a high burden of misconceptions. Suyono et al. (2015) found a significant relationship
between student perception abilities with a load of misconceptions on the concept of atomic
structure. Students with lower perceptions ability, one of mental models dimension, have a
high load of misconceptions. The level of individual cognitive conflict is also known to
correlate with misconceptions (Kang et al., 2004). The results of this study provide meaning
that individuals who have balancelearning styles, low mental model, and lower levels of
cognitive conflict can be classified into disadvantaged individuals in building chemical
conception. These less fortunate individuals have not been touched in particular by previous
investigators in implementing the strategy of conceptual change. Meanwhile, Sen and Yilmaz
(2012) along withAbosalem (2013) has warned, if the learning style (one of the characteristics
of the individual) are not accommodated in the learning designed by the learner, it will cause
a failure in students’ learning process. A touch on the individual characteristics besides
learning style is also important. Clerk and Rutherford (2000) stated that misconception would
occur in the brain when the students' mental model formed by an individual does not match
the mental model that should be or targeted mental model. Positive response to the statement
of Clerk and Rutherford, is that learners in designing remedial action of misconceptions must
provide services that help individual to have a mental model, for example the low perceptual
abilities. Means that, in the implementation of conceptual change strategies need to be
supplemented with other forms of services based on the characteristics of individuals, more
specifically, to the less favorable characteristics. Again, these have not been done by previous
researchers. The author would like to enter into this gap region.
The author has succeeded in formulating the design of remedial learning strategies to
reduce the burden of student chemical misconceptions based on conceptual change strategies
and individual characteristics (Suyono, Masriyah, and Muchlis, 2016). Remedial learning
strategies for loads of misconceptions assigned for department of chemistry education
students who have completed basic course of chemistry and identified as having: (1) the load
of high misconceptions, (2) balanced learning styles, (3) low mental models, and (4) low to
moderate levels of cognitive conflict. To base on the need for individual services according to
individual characteristics, there have been formulated five (5) variant conceptual
changestrategy, namely: (1) Conceptual change strategy aided by integrated worksheet with
target of balance sensing-intuitive-learning style student, low mental models, low-to moderate
level of cognitive conflict (2) Conceptual change strategy aided by Module CC with target of
balance visual-verbal learning style and low imagination students, (3) Guided conceptual
change strategy aided by multimedia with target of balance visual-verballearning style,
medium active, and the low level of cognitive conflict, (4) Conceptual change strategy that is
integrated with 3R strategy targeting the student with balance visual-verbal learning style and
low mental models, and (5) Conceptual change strategy integrated with peer-learning strategy
with target of balance sequential-global learning style and low-medium level of cognitive
conflict students. Implementation of each conceptual change strategies variants based on
individual characteristics supported by the learning device/tools consisting of remedial
learning scenarios and conceptual change worksheet /modules. On this opportunity, reported
description that represents the cognitive conflict level in the targeted students underwent
conceptual change strategy in the second variant of the strategy. Representation of student
cognitive conflict levels are set based on the observed/recorded physical movement in a
hidden camera and recorded document module of conceptual change. Why need to be made a
description of targeted student cognitive conflict level target?
Targeted students involved insecond variant of conceptual change strategy is students
with a high load of misconceptions of Arrhenius acid-base concept and has a balance visual-
verbal learning style, as well as low ability of imagination. Individuals with certain types of
learning styles have a tendency to typical study (Felder, 1993). The ability of imagination is
one of the elements of mental models. Mental models are knowledge structures constructed
by the individual to understand and explain the experience (Rahayu&Purwanto, 2013). In
understanding abstract concepts, people need a visual representation in the form of graphs,
drawings and diagrams that are indispensable to explain the abstract concepts (Gabel, 1999;
Chittleborough&Treagust, 2007). Conceptual change module that is used to guide the stages
of conceptual change strategy in which there are services adjusted to the individual
characteristics of balance visual-verbal learning style and low imagination, so that become
meaningful and can tap long-term memory. Implemented stages of conceptual change strategy
consist of four stages: validation of misconceptions, creating conditions of cognitive conflict
in students, providing assistance for the equilibration, and reconstruction of student
understanding (Suyono et al., 2016).
As mentioned in the third paragraph that the strategy conceptual change is based on in
the ideas of Piaget and constructivism (Baser, 2006). According Baser, this strategy
encourages the creation of discontent in the minds of individuals against conception, cognitive
conflict happen. When there is discontent like that will happen re-adaptation to the individual
to re-achieve a balance (equilibration) (Piaget, 1950). Creation of cognitive conflict on
individuals is indispensable in the process of individual schemes prior to equilibration and re-
adaptation. Creation of cognitive conflict is one of the four essential conditions that must be
met in order to re-adaptation or accommodation occurs (Posner et al., 1982), namely: (1) there
must be dissatisfaction of the individual against the present conception (conception old), can
be conditioned by bring in anomaly, (2) a new conception must be clearly understood
(intelligible), can be tested or applied for wider use in new situations, (3) a new conception
must be reasonable (plausible), can be used to solve problems and have consistency, and (4) a
new conception more useful (fruitful), has the opportunity or potential to support
development program and pave the way of a new inquiry
If observed that the statements in the aboveparagraph, it is clear that the phase of
creation of cognitive conflict conditions is one of important stages in the process of
conceptual change. This was the argument for researchers to explicitly describe the cognitive
conflict level of chemistry students in conceptual change strategy aided module. The level of
student cognitive conflict affects the process of changing misconceptions, therefore, in this
study the fact of students’ cognitive conflict level tried to be connected to the fact of students’
changes of conception which recorded in modules, especially in the reconstruction of student
Students involved in the stage of creation of conditions for cognitive conflict can be
divided into three conditions, namely: (a) students who experienced cognitive conflict, (b) the
student does not conflict cognitively, and (c) the students were in anxiety state that is between
states of conflict non-conflict. The purpose of this study is to obtained descriptions of the
level of student cognitive conflict and its success in reconstructing understanding. The level
of students’ cognitive conflict the students described in seven indicators, namely: (1) any
doubt as to what has been believed, (2) the shock of new facts are found, (3) comfort against
what has been believed, (4) an interest to learn more on new terms, (5) the level of curiousity
to learn more, (6) the confusion over something that has believed, and (7) unhappiness
because has not understood the new concept. This all seventh indicator refers to Lee et al.
(2003). The purpose of this study was to describe the level of students’ cognitive conflict in
conceptual change strategy.
This research is a case study with the targeted students of Chemical Education
department/major (prospective teachers) who have a high burden of misconceptions of
Arrhenius acid-base concept, has a balance visual-verbal learning style, and has the lower
ability of imagination.The variables measured, photographed, and assessed are: (1) the level
of targeted individual’s cognitive conflict when involved in conditions for cognitive conflict
creation event as a whole in the process of conceptual change. The method used in this
research is combined methods (mixed methods), a combination of qualitative and quantitative
methods. The strategy chosen was concurrent embedded strategy, both combined methods are
run simultaneously and in this case quantitative methods embedded into qualitative methods
(Creswell, 2009). The level of students’ cognitive conflict described based on the data: (a) the
answers to the questionnaire are integrated in conceptual changemodules, (b) recording
physical movements of the current event creation of conditions for cognitive conflict lasts,
and (c) recording of students’ verbal or speech which submitted to the supervisor.
Seven indicators according to Lee et al. (2003) can be used to describe the level of
cognitive conflict through questionnaire method mentioned above. Answers to the questions
in the questionnaire were classified into five levels 0 s.d. 4 with the following meaning:
0 = do not have doubts; shock; inconvenience; interest; curious; confusion; confidence (not at
1 = have doubts; shock; inconvenience; interest; curious; confusion; confidence between 1% -
25% (very low),
2 = have doubts; shock; inconvenience; interest; curious; confusion; confidence between 26%
-50% (low),
3 = have doubts; shock; inconvenience; interest; curious; confusion; confidence between 51%
-75% (high),
4 = have doubts; shock; inconvenience; interest; curious; confusion; confidence between 76%
-100% (very).
Recordings physical gestures (gestures, signs, and body languange) when the creation
event of cognitive conflict conditions took place intepreted with reference to Nonverbal
Dictionary written by Givens (2002) and guidelines on how to read body languange written
by Pease (1988). Verbal or speech recordings delivered to students who are written as their
supervisor. Data from questionnaire’s filling, of the meaning of gestures, signs, and body
languange and verbal greeting each triangulated to describe the level of targeted student
cognitive conflict.
Description of the fisrt targeted student cognitive conflict level on the implementation of
conceptual change strategies to revise misconceptions of Arrhenius acid is as follows:
1) Doubt about what has been believed, the shock of the new facts are found, and comfort to
what has been believed to be at level 3, high.
2) The interest to learn more in the new case received and the level curiousity to learn more
deeply, both at the level of 4, very high.
3) The confusion over something that has beenbelieved and unhappiness because they have
not understood the new concept is at level 3, high.
Description of the second targeted student cognitive conflict level on the implementation
of conceptual change strategies to revise misconceptions of Arrhenius acid is as follows:
1) Doubt about what has been believedand comfort to what has been believed to be 1, very
2) The shock of the new facts at the level of 2, low.
3) The interest to learn more in the new case received and the level curiousity to learn more
deeply, both at the level of 4, very high.
4) Confusion over something that has been believed to be at level 2, low.
5) Unhappiness because they have not understood the new concept is at level 3, high.
Description of the third targeted student cognitive conflict level on the implementation of
conceptual change strategies to revise misconceptions of Arrhenius acid is as follows:
1) Doubt about what has been believed, the shock of the new facts are found, and comfort to
what has been believed to be at level 1, very low.
2) The interest to learn more in the new case received and the level curiousity to learn more
deeply, both at the level of 4, very high.
3) The confusion over something that has been believed to be at level 2, is low.
4) Unhappiness because they have not understood a new concept at the level 1, very low.
3.1.2. TKKMS Based on Gestures, Signs, and Body Languange Recording When
Conflict Condition Cognitive Creation Event Occur
Chemical Conceptual change modulewhich used to guide the process of changing
student’s misconceptions loads twice the creation of conditions of cognitive conflict.
Description of cognitive conflict level of the three targeted students based on the recording of
gestures, signs, and body languange presented below.
c. Students target no. 3, holding the lips with the right thumb and just turn the module page
over and over. Its meaning (Givens, 2002) is a nonverbal sign of verbal fraud, fraud on
the truth or lying. Nonverbal cues can be used as a reliable indicator on anxiety and
an interest and curiosity is very high for a deeper study on new things to be accepted at this
time. In addition, he is also has a high level of sadness because he has not understood the new
concept. The description happen when the fist creation of conflict condition, while the second
creation of conflict conditions that both descriptions are not much different.
equilibration according to Piaget (1950) starting from the discontent itself. Researcher
suspects that the difference in rates of individual cognitive conflict correlates with individual
success at the next stage of conceptual change, such as providing assistance for the
reconstruction and understanding equilibration. That reasercher’spreditions also consider the
opinion of Sen and Yilmaz (2012) along with Abosalem (2013) that there is a significant
correlation between student learning styles which are the ways individuals respond to
information with student misconceptions, certainly applies to student’s chemical conception.
Chemical misconceptions in individuals correlated with mental models held (Wang, 2007).
When mental renponses are different, implicitly Clerk and Rutherford (2000) will lead to
differences in the mental processes of others. When the individual's cognitive level is
different, the response time of the process of assistance to the equilibration allegedly also
different. Predictions that rely on Kang et al. (2004) that the level of the individual cognitive
conflict known to correlate with its misconception, of course the conception as well.
Remedial learning strategies based on conceptual change strategy that has been
implemented is still open for amendment. As is well known, phases of the strategy which has
been implemented consisting of four stages: validation of misconceptions, creating conditions
of cognitive conflict in students, providing assistance for the equilibration, and reconstruction
of student understanding. Completion focusing on the stage of conflict conditions creation
should be directed to four important conditions that must be met in order to re-adaptation or
accommodation occurs (Postner et al., 1982), namely: (1) there must be dissatisfaction of the
individual against the conception that there is (old conception), can be conditioned by
bringing anomaly, (2) a new conception must be clearly understood (intelligible), can be
tested or applied for wider use in new situations, (3) a new conception must be reasonable
(plausible), can be used to solve issues and have consistency, and (4) a new conception must
be more useful (fruitful), has the opportunity or potential to support development program and
pave the way a new inquiry. Four of these conditions must still be tailored to the different
levels of cognitive conflict each individual.
4. Conclusion
The level of three research students cognitive conflict objectives differ from one
another. Student target 1 has high levels of cognitive conflict, positive, and consistent.
Student target 2 has lower levels of cognitive conflict, positive, and consistent. Studenttarget
3 has a low level of cognitive conflict, positive, and tends to be inconsistent.
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Keywords: Stannic oxide, Zinc, Alumunium, Doped, sol-gel technique, Dip Coating,
1. Introduction
Tin dioxide (SnO2) thin layers present potential application ini many fields, in
particular when good transparancy in the visible range and good electrical conductivity are
simulatneously required (as in displays and photovoltoics), but also for infrared properties
(heat shield), or in electronic components (heterojunction). Thin layer of tin dioxide also has
known that have very sensitive to the surrounding gas. This properties making the thin layer
of SnO2 as the good gas sensor.
Various methods of growing a thin layer of SnO2, such as Chemical Bath Deposition
(CBD) [1], Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis [2], Magnetron sputtering[3], Chemical Vapour
Deposition [4], Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) [5], and sol-gel [6]. However, among these
methods, sol-gel method is widely used, because of its low cost, its composition is
homogeneous, do not use a vacuum chamber with a high level, the layer thickness can be
controlled, and microstructure are quite good [6].
Tin dioxide film has known can improve their property by small amount of impurity like
Antimony, Chlorin, Fluorin, Alumunium, Zinc, etc. It has been report that the small amount
of Aluminium in SnO2 Lattice film can lower the value of band gap energy and increase the
transparancy of SnO2 film using sol-gel spin coating deposition [6]. In other report founded
that Zinc (Zn) dopant can increase the electrical conductivity SnO2 film that syntezied using
co-precipitation methode. According that report, we will try to observe the effect of
Alumunium – Zinc co-doped SnO2 film to the propoerties of SnO2 film using sol-dip coating
methode [7].
Based on the above background, the problems studied were: how synthesis of thin
layers of crystalline undoped and Al-Zn co-doped SnO2 film? and how the influence of
variations in concentration of Alumium-Zinc Mixture to the formation of thin layers of
crystalline SnO2?
Based on the formulation of the problems mentioned above, the purpose of this study
is:Synthesize thin layers of undoped and Alumunium (Al) – Zinc (Zn) co-doped SnO2.
Analyze the effect of variations in concentration of (Al) – Zinc (Zn) co-doped on the
formation of thin layers of crystalline SnO2?
Sol-gel-making process using a base material powder of Tin (II) Chloride Dehydrate
(SnCl2∙2H2O), Zinc chloride (ZnCl2), and Alumunium Chloride (AlCl3), Ethanol (C2H5OH)
and water. For undoped sol, to get 0,4 M solution, 4,5 gr of SnCl2.2H2O powder dissolved in
5 ml water, stirred and heated using magnetic stirrer at 100 °C, 300 rpm for one hour to get
cloudy yellow solution. Then 50 ml Ethanol added to the solution, stirred and heated for two
hours to get turbidal white solution and aged for two days to get yellow solution. Furthermore
to get dophant composition of 10, 50, and 100 mmol, then calculated amount of ZnCl 2, AlCl3,
and SnCl2.2H2O dissolve and mix with same procedure. The molarity for undoped and the
doped sol was keep at 0,4 M.
The deposition sample of thin film Zn-Al co-doped Stannic oxide was carried out using dip
coater. Substrate materials to be used in this study is an ordinary sodalime glass slide with
dimension of 25 × 75 × 1 mm. Before use of the glass slide is Soaked in detergent containg
Hydrocloric Acid for 24 hour, then hydrollized in distilled water for 24 hour, followed by
rinsed with water and methanol, then dried using blower. After that, the clean substrate were
dipped into the the solution with whitdrawn speed of 10 cm/min. Then the samples were
baked on hot plate at temperature of 150 °C for 15 minutes, followed by calcination at 550
°C for one hour in muffle furnace.
Materials used in research synthesis of SnO2 crystals with a thin layer of sol-gel
method are:
1. Powder of SnCl2.2H2O(Molar mass 225,63 g/mol)
2. Powder of ZnCl2(Molar mass 136,30 g/mol)
3. Powder of AlCl3 (Molar Mass 133,34 g/mol)
4. Ethanol C2H5OH with (Molar mass = 46,07 g/mol)
5. Water (H2O)
The synthesis of SnO2and Al, Zn co-doped SnO2 film crystals with a thin layer of sol-
gel method following the chemical equations sol-gel as follows:
M(OR) + xH O → M(OR) OH + xROH (hydrolysis) (1)
M(OR) OH + M(OR) → (OR) MO M(OR) + xROH (condensation) (2)
Sol-gel solution for a variation of dopant concentrations that have been synthesized are stored
in a test tube as figure 1:
4. Conclusion
In this study, synthesis experiments wih material prekursor is Tin (II) Chloride
Dehydrate (SnCl2.2H2O) which doped Alumunium Chloride (AlCl3), and zinc chloride
(ZnCl2). The solution to solvent and solute is ethanol (C2H5OH) and water (H2O) For
undoped sol, SnCl2.2H2O powder dissolved in water, stirred and heated using magnetic stirrer
at 100 °C, 300 rpm for one hour to get cloudy yellow solution. Then Ethanol added to the
solution, stirred and heated for two hours to get turbidal white solution and aged for two days
to get yellow solution. Furthermore to get dophant composition of 10, 50, and 100 mmol, then
calculated amount of ZnCl2, AlCl3, and SnCl2.2H2O dissolve and mix with same procedure.
The deposition sample of thin film Zn, Al co-doped Stannic oxide was carried out using dip
coater with withdrawl speed 10 cm/min. Then the samples were baked in hot plate at
temperature of 150 ℃ for 15 minutes, followed by calcination at 550 ℃ for one hour in
muffle furnace.
[1] Akhiruddin Maddu, Rodo Tua Hasiholan, and Mersi Kurniati. 2006. Penumbuhan Film
Nanokristal SnO2 dengan Metode Chemical Bath Deposition (CBD). Jurnal Nanosains &
Nanoteknologi. Edisi Khusus. P. 95 – 99
[2] S.M. Rozati and E. Shadmani. 2011. Effect Of Zn Concentration On Physical Properties
Of Nanostructure Tin Oxide Films Prepared By Spray Pyrolysis Technique. Digest
Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures. Vol. 6, No. 2, P. 365-372
[3] Z.Y. Banyamin, P. J. Kelly, G. West, and J. Boardman. 2014. Electrical and Optical
Properties of Fluorine Doped Tin Oxide Thin Films Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering.
Coatings 2014, 4, 732-746; ISSN 2079-6412
[4] J. Jeong, S. P. Choi, and K. J. Hong. 2006. Structural and Optical Properties of SnO2
Thin Films Deposited by Using CVD Techniques. Journal of the Korean Physical Society,
Vol. 48, No. 5, pp. 960-963
[5] A.J. Haider, S.S. Shaker and A.H. Mohammed. 2013. A study of morphological, optical
and gas sensing properties for pure and Ag doped SnO2 prepared by pulsed laser
deposition (PLD). Energy Procedia 36, p. 776 – 787
[6] A. Doyan, Susilawati, and Yanika D.I.. 2016. Synthesis and Characterization of SnO2 thin
layer with a doping Aluminum is deposited on Quartz Substrates. ICTAP-2016. Page. 19
– 21.
[7] R. Bargougui, A. Oueslati , G. Schmerber, C. Ulhaq-Bouillet, S. Colis, F. Hlel, S.
Ammar, A. Dinia. 2014. Structural, optical and electrical properties of Zn-doped SnO2
nanoparticles synthesized by the co-precipitation technique. J Mater Sci: Mater lectron
The accurate climate informations are needed by society, in order to reduce the impact
of climate change. This research aims to obtain temperature model as one of efforts to get a
better climate information. The modeling of temperature use statistical downscaling method
which develop the functional model between global climate data, that is air temperature of
General Circulation Model (GCM), and local climate data, that is temperature in Station
Selaparang. In order to reduce the dimension of GCM global data, it is obtained the projection
of GCM data by factor analysis. Then, it is done the modeling of GCM temperature data
projection with local temperature data by Kernel nonparametric regression. Temperature in
Selaparang Lombok is predicted based on the model.
Keywords: GCM, statistical downscaling, reduce data dimension, factor analysis, kernel
nonparametric regression
1. Introduction
Climate change gives some impacts for society. An effort to anticipate these impacts is
getting accurate information/prediction of climate. In order to get accurate climate prediction,
it is needed modeling of climate variable with high accuracy. One of climate variable
modeling is temperature modeling.
Now, climate model developed is General Circulation Model (GCM) that have global
scale. GCM is computerize base model that consist of many numerical and deterministic
equation and follow physics theorems. However, information of GCM model still have global
scale which is not accurate for local scale prediction. In order to get local scale information, it
is done regionalization by using downscaling technique. One of downscaling technique is
statistical downscaling (SD). Wigena [1] said that SD is a static downscaling process where
data on high scale grids in certain period of time are used to determine data on lower scale
grid. By SD, it will be developed functional relation model between GCM output information
with local/regional climate variable information.
In the application of SD method, it is necessary to concern about characteristic of GCM
output as predictor variable and characteristic of local/regional climate data as response
variable. GCM data is spatial and temporal. It is curse of dimensionality that can cause spatial
correlation between data on different grids in one domain. Therefore, it is necessary to do pre-
data processing in arranging of SD model by reducing the dimension of GCM data. An
alternative method that can be used to reduce dimension of GCM data factor analysis which is
based on pricipal component analysis. After that, it is done regression analysis with certain
method. In this case, it is used Kernel nonparametric regression method because climate
variable is generally non-normal, non-linear, and non-stationery. Kannan and Ghoss [2] said
that this method can explain temporal variance and extreme value of climate data.
This research use two kind of data. The first is monthly temperature data from Selaparang
rainfall observation station in Lombok Island. The second is monthly air temperature GCM
data from CMAP data. The domain of GCM data is 5X5 domain on the Lombok Island. The
data collected are data on lattitude -2.50 o, -5.00 o, -7.50 o, -10.00 o, -12.50 o N, and longitude
112.50 o, 115.00 o, 117.50 o, 120.00 o, and 122.50 o E. The data collected are data of 15,
20, 25, and 30 years.
The research will construct model of temperature in Lombok Island using statistical
downscaling method with nonparametric Kernel regression approach. Response variable was
monthly temperature at station Selaparang and predictor variable was monthly precipitation
air temperature GCM data. Before modeling process, pre-data processing of GCM data was
done by reducing the dimension of data. The method used was factor analysis. By this
method, it will obtained the dominant GCM variable that influence response variable. The
dominant variable will be used in statistical downscaling modeling by Kernel nonparametric
Hardle and Muller [2] give the steps of Kernel nonparametric regression
1) To obtain Nadaraya-Watson estimator,
K H ( X t x)Yt
mˆ H ( x) t 1 (1)
t 1
H ( X t x)
By factor analysis, the 15 years data of air temperature GCM is extracted into two
factors (factor 1 and factor2) with 93.639% total variance explained. Variables of GCM data
are classified into the factors based on correlation score of each variable to the factors. For
example, variable which has high correlation score to factor 1 will be element of factor 1. The
extraction by factor analysis can reduce dimension of data from 25 variable into smaller
number of variables.
Factor 1 explain variance more than factor 2, that is 78.62%. So, variables included in factor 1
are more dominant to obtain variance of data than variables in factor 2 and GCM data can be
projected onto these variable. Among variables in factor 1, variable X4Y2 (CMAP air
temperature data on grid -10 o N and 115 o E ) have the highest score of correlation to factor
1. So, it is the most dominant variable affecting factor 1 and can be the projection of the 15
years data of air temperature GCM. The same analysis was performed on data 20, 25, and 30
years. The result are summarized in Table 1.
Based on Table 1, more analysis about the predictor variabel describe that the
most dominant variable of 15 years data is variable X 4 Y2 (CMAP air temperature data
on grid -10 o N and 115 o E), the dominant variable of 25 years data is variable X 5 Y3
(CMAP air temperature data on grid -12.5 o N and 117.5 o E), also the dominant variable
of 20 and 30 years data are variable X 5 Y2 (CMAP air temperature data on grid -12.5 o N
and 115 o E). The variables may used to be predictor that have low complexity.
Then, it is done modeling of temperatur by Kernel nonparametric regression, with
projection variable as predictor and local temperature as respon variable. The result are
shown on Figure 1.
Temperature (oC)
aktual 15 th 20 th
25 th 30 th
4. Conclussion
Based on the result of this research, it can be concluded that the dimension of GCM data
can be reduce by factor analysis. And, statistical downscaling model of temperature
obtained using Kernel nonparametric regression gives relatively equal prediction
pattern. It shows there is consistency of prediction using four different data periode.
[1] A.H. Wigena, “Pemodelan Statistical Downscaling dengan Regresi Projection Pursuit untuk Peramalan
Curah Hujan Bulanan: Kasus Curah Hujan Bulanan di Indramayu”, Disertasi Pascasarjana, IPB, 2006.
[2] S. Kannan and S. Ghosh, “A Nonparametric Kernel Regression Model for Downscaling Multisite Daily
Precipitation in The Mahanadi Basin”. Water Resources Research, 49. 2013.
[3] W. Hardle and M. Muller, (). Multivariate and Semiparametric Regression. <http://www.edoc.hu-
berlin.de/series/sfb-373-papers/1997-26/PDF/26.pdf>. 1997, 26-4-2013
Preliminary Study and Synthesis Thin Film of Antimony Tin Oxide (ATO)
with Sol-Gel Spin Coating Technique
Syifa Azzahra 1*, Aris Doyan 1, Susilawati1, Ahmad Harjono1,Norma Ikraman1, Zahid
ATO tin films has been applied to the device optoelectronics, electronics, sensor and
Laser UV. In this research have been synthesized a thin film of Antimony Tin Oxide (ATO)
on a glass substrate by sol-gel spin coating technique using centrifuges. To making Sol-gel,
this study using material salt of Tin (II) chloride dihydrate (SnCl2.2H2O), ethanol (C2H5OH),
and Antimony (III) Chloride (SbCl3), each of which serves as solutes and solvents. As the
material sol, SnCl2.2H2O salt dissolved in ethanol solution, at room temperature with stirred
using a magnetic stirrer for three hours until completely dissolved with various persent doped
antimony on tin oxide is 0, 5, 10, and 15%. In preparation dripped glass sol-gel material is
approximately 0.05 ml, then spin using centrifuged for 30 second with rotation speed of 3000
rpm. Then the samples were heated in 350 ℃ for 10 minute to deposited films.
1. Introduction
Tin Oxide is one of the material semiconductor that applications as solar cells,
optoelectronic device, thin film resistors, antireflection coating, photochemical devices and
electrically conductive glass. These properties are attracted the attention of scientist who have
attempted to improve electrical performance by different experimental and simulated and
methods [1,2]. For TCO application, in electronics for instance, a very high quality of the
films is required, and we will show that high quality tin oxide layers, as far as the structure
and morphology are concerned [3].
Semiconducting thin films of Tin oxide is usually “n” type and transparent in visible range
which can be conductivite by contribution of some elements such as antimony, molybdenum
A thin film of pure tin oxide or tin oxide by doping have been generated through a
variety of different techniques, such as chemical vapor deposition (CVD), aerosol pyrolysis,
sputtering, laser abration, dip coating and sol-gel spin coating. All of these techniques have
advantages and disadvantages of each. Some of them need the equipment and how to work
more complicated such as high pressure and vacuum conditions. For example, by sputtering
method, adhesion between the film and the substrate is good, but it requires complicated
equipment. While evaporation method, apparatus used is quite simple, but the outboard power
atoms on the substrate surface is not too strong [6].
In previous studies have been quite many conducted research on doping antimony tin
oxide such as investigated the characteristics of antimony doped tin oxide thin films by dip
coating technique [7], discussed in proceeding that tin oxide cristaline structure remain the
same after antimony addition [8], investigation of the properties of antimony doping on tin
oxide materials for technological applications [9], and investigate the cristallinity,
The substrate materials to use glass slide with dimensions (20 mm x 20 mm x 5 mm)
were cleaned with two steps. Cleaned glass slide aims to remove oil and organic residues,
which appear on glass surface. Step first of cleaned, the glass substrate in warn acetone bath
for 10 minutes then remove and place in methanol for 5 minutes. Next, remove and rinse in
aquades then dried by blower. Step second of cleaned, pour the aquades and 30% HCl
solution. Futhermore, put the glass substrate into glass beaker and shake for 30 minutes then
rinse in aquades and dry with blower. The glass substrate that is clean, then stored in plastic
The precursor was prepared using SnCl2·2H2O (98%, Merck Co. Inc.) and SbCl3 (99%,
Merck Co. Inc.) as starting materials, and ethanol (99%, Merck Co. Inc.) was used as a
solvent. The mixture was stirred for 3 hours at room temperature, to obtain a homogene
solution with 1.0 M sol concentration. In this experiment, the solution of sol-gel with various
percent doped antimony is 0, 5, 10, and 15%. Then maturation process of sol gel solution
approximately one day.
The sol gel materials were deposited on a glass substrate with driped 0.05 ml. Using a
centrifuges, spin coating method with a rotation speed of 3000 rpm for 30 seconds. The as-
deposited films were heating for 5 minutes on temperature 350℃. In this study, the process of
spin coating and heating with various repeated is once, twice and three times.
Materials used in research synthesis of Tin Oxide salt with a thin layer of sol-gel
method that is: Salt tin (II) chloride dehydrate (SnCl2.4H2O) with M = 225,53 g/mol, Ethanol
C2H5OH with M = 46,07 g/mol and Salt antimony (III) chloride (SbCl3) with M = 228,1
The work was performed in a clean room and room temperature which hydrolysis and
condensation reaction as follows respectively:
M (OR)4 xH2O M (OH)4x OHx xROH
M (OH)4 x OHx M (OR)4 (OR)4 x MOxM (OR)4 x xROH
Solution of sol-gel with various percent doped antimony that have been synthesized are
stored in small bottles as figure 1.
For result deposition solution of sol-gel-varying doping antimony on the glass substrate as
figure 2.
Furthemore the result deposition doping antimony D (15%) with various repeated the process
of spin coating and heating 350 ℃ as figure 3.
Figure 3. Results deposition solution doping antimony D (15%) with various repeated
the process of spin coating and heating 350 ℃ : (layer 1) once, (layer 2) twice and (layer
3) three times
4. Conclusion
This research have been synthesized a thin film of tin oxide on glass slide by technique os
sol-gel spin coating. To making sol-gel, used base material such as salt tin (II) chloride
dehydrate (material prekursor) and ethanol, each of which serves as solutes and solvent. As
the material sol, SnCl2.2H2O salt dissolved in ethanol solution, at room temperature with
stirred using a magnetic stirrer for three hours until completely dissolved with various persent
doped antimony on tin oxide is 0, 5, 10, and 15%. In preparation dripped glass sol-gel
material is approximately 0.05 ml, then spin using centrifuged for 30 second with rotation
speed of 3000 rpm. Then the samples were heated in 350 ℃ for 10 minute to deposited films.
[1] Chien-Kun Wang et al. 2010 Journal of Marine Sciences and Technology 18 225
[2] Z. Chelahi Chikr et al. 2013 Surface Review Letter 20 1250050
[3] J. Pchatelon et al. 1994. Thin Solid Films 247 162
[4] Terrier. C et al. 1995. Thin Solid Films 263 37
[5] Zum Felde et al 2000. J. Phys. Chem. B 104 9388
[6] Erni, T. 2007. Deposisi Lapisan Tipis Aluminium (Al) pada Substrat Kaca dengan Teknik Evaporasi dan
Karakterisasi Optiknya. Yogyakarta : Universitas Sanata Dharma.
[7] T. M,Hammad, and N.K, Hejazy 2011 Structural, Electrical and Optical Properties of ATO Thin Films
Fabricated by Dip Coating Method, Int. Nano Lett., 1 2
[8] Novinrooz, Abdojavad; Parvin Sarabani; Javad Garousi 2006 Iran. J Chem. Eng. 25 2
[9] Z.Hachoum et al. 2016 Materials Science and Engineering 123
[10] Dong Chan woo et al. 2012 Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials 13 5
Master of Science Education, Post Graduate,MataramUniversity
Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
The research was conducted on the nature sand of Ampenan Beach, Mataram City to
determine the percentage of metal content of iron (Fe) which is will be used as a basic
ingredient in the synthesis of Barium M-Hexaferrites. Iron sand is sediment containing
magnetite (Fe3O4), maghemit (γ- Fe2O3) and hematite (α- Fe2O3) as major minerals and some
other mineral which is the mineral support. Magnetic separation of the natural sand using a
permanent magnet has successfully separate the parts are magnetic (iron sand) and non-
magnetic. To get extraction, the iron sand can be executed by destruction with concentrated
acid (HNO3 + HClO4). Extraction and analyzed by using Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometry (AAS) which show that the iron sands contain metals amounted to
11.15% Fe.
1. Introduction
Sand is a natural ingredient that isvery abundant in Indonesia.Natural sand contains
many valuable minerals containelements iron, titanium, and other elements that can be
utilized for industrial materials [1].Potential and distribution of ore iron in Indonesia are often
found in various area such as: the west coast of Sumatra, southern coast of Java, Borneo,
Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, and Maluku Islands, but so far the exploration activities not been
done fully and systematically [2].Research that has been done previously found that 60.8% of
natural sandstone contain magnetic minerals [2] with a metal content of iron (Fe) about 87.5%
[3].Separation of magnetic minerals are managed to separate the parts of magnetic (ore iron)
and non-magnetic [4].Magnetic mineral separation process can use a permanent magnet
(magnetic separator) [5].
Sand iron compounds containmagnetite (Fe3O4) [1,3,6,7], hematite (α-Fe2O3) [3,4,6,8]
as the main minerals (predominantly compound) and maghemite (γ -Fe 2 O 3),silica
(SiO2)[1,3,4,6,7], alumina (Al2O3),rutile (TiO2)[4.7], and ilmitite (FeTiO3)[ 6] as a minor
compound.The differences levels of mineral content due to geological structure and
mineralization processes in each region.These minerals are magnetic 88% and 12% do not
have magnetic properties [3].These minerals have the potential to be developed as an
industrial material.For example, magnetite can be used as a base material dry ink (toner) on a
copier and laser printer [3], in industries such as ceramics, catalysts, energy storage, magnetic
data storage device,Ferro fluid, as well as in medical diagnostics [9], absorbing radar waves
[10].The maghemit is the key ingredient of a tape [1].
Natural sand contained in the beach also comes from the river.Natural sand in the river
has similar physical appearance with natural sand at the beach.The sand river also have a sand
iron and mineral content similar to the natural sand beach.Based on research that has been
done before it is known that the average percentage of iron sand from the river sand is
smallercompared to the average percentage of iron sand from the sand beach, with the main
minerals are albite (NaAlSi3O8) [1].
This study examined the content of iron (Fe) in natural sand by using equipment
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS).This test aims to determine the amount and
presentation of the mineral content of iron (Fe) in natural sand to be used as raw material in
the synthesis of microwave absorbing materialsare Barium M-Hexaferrites (BAM).
The process of testing the metal content of iron (Fe) can be seen in the following
flowchart (Figure 1):
(a) (b)
Figure 2.The homogen nature sand (a); the magnetic minerals (b)
Then analyzed using AAS to determine the metal content of iron (Fe) and obtained the
data as shown in the tables below:
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of the research that has been done, the iron sand successfully
extracted using permanent magnets obtained by percentage of magnetic minerals by 47.21%
in 50 grams of natural sand.Test analysis of metal content of iron (Fe) in mineral obtained by
using AAS showed that the samples of Fe-I are 109,067.600 ppm Fe with a percentage of
10.9068% and the Fe-II samples contained metal 113,898.0872 ppm Fe percentage of
11.3898%.The average percentage of Fe in both samples is 11.1483%.This amount can be
quite high.
5. Acknowledgments
Thisresearch, have been sponsorship by PUPT research of Departemen Reaserch and
Technology 2016. Thank you very much to Mataram University Research Center for helping
at administration procedure. Futhermore thank giving to Analytic Laboratorium Mataram
University and LIPI Serpong Jakarta.
[1] Afdal and L. Niarti, 2013, Characterization of Magnetic Properties and Mineral Content Iron Sand
BatangRiver Kuranji Padang, West Sumatra, Journal of Physical Science5(1), pp. 24-30.
[2] F. Rozidan A. Budiman, 2015, Effect of Temperature Variation toward the Grains Form Magnetic Mineral
of Iron Sand Mineral grains, Journal of Physics Unand4(2), pp. 123-128.
[3] Ratnawulan, 2013, Characterization of Nature Iron Ore as Raw Materials Magnetite of the Dry Ink, Journal
of Science and Mathematics6(1).
[4] A. Ibrahim, I. Yusuf, danAzwar, 2012,Identification of Metal Compounds in Iron Sand in Aceh Province,
Scientific Magazine BISSOTEK7(1), pp. 44-51.
[5] N. D. Anggraini, 2008, Analysis of SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) in Oxidation Process Monitoring
Magnetite become Hematite, National Seminar-IIV Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Applications
Master of Science Education, Post Graduate, Mataram University,
Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
email: husniatul.khair@gmail.com
Barium M-hexaferrites (BaM) for several decades became an interest topic for
researchers because it has a saturation magnetization, coercivity, and a high curie temperature
with magnetic and electrical properties can be adjusted to suit the application required. For
reducing the magnetic properties from hard magnetic to soft magnetic need substitution or
doping there for BaM with doped by Co-Ni ions can be a potential candidate as a microwave
absorbing materials. Based on that, the researchers do a preliminary research to determine the
electrical and magnetic properties of BaM doped by Co-Ni ions. BaM will be synthesis from
iron which is separation from nature sand. The synthesis method in this research is co-
precipitation with variation of doping concentration and calcinations temperature. To know
the electrical and magnetic properties will be using x-ray diffraction (XRD) to identify
phases; Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to identify the distribution of elements
contained and the percentage of each element; Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) to
ascertain the particle size has reached the order of nano; LCR Meter to get the electrical
properties as conductivity samples; Vibrating sample Magnetometer (VSM) to get the
magnetic properties (magnetic saturation, coercivity and magnetic remanence); and Vector
Network Analyzer (VNA) will show that the intensity of the microwaves that can be
1. Introduction
The electromagnetic waves have been used in various fields such as in the fields of
electronics, telecommunications, and information. The impact of rapid development are
various systems based equipment electronics such as electronic control system and security
system equipment that are vital even human safety and health are now facing a new threat that
comes from the atmosphere which known as the Electromagnetic Interferences (EMI) [1]. The
Electromagnetic Interference pollution that affects human life, make microwave absorbing
material as an important topic to study. One material that can be used as a microwave
absorbing material is Barium M-Hexaferrites (BaM).
BaM is a permanent magnet with the main composition elements of ferrites (Fe) as the
base material synthesis, where the element iron is obtained by extracting the sand that
containing iron. In Lombok Island with 2,333 km coastline which is long enough to have sand
that containing iron potential to be developed. The utilization of sand that containing irons is
currently less optimal because it was only used asan mixture of cement. Sand that containing
iron, have Fe oxides component such as magnetite (Fe3O4), maghemite (ϒ- Fe2O3) and
hematite (α- Fe2O3) that have the potential to be processed into a variety of products with a
higher economic value. One of the place that potential as a source to obtain thesand that
Khair et al. 141
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
containing iron on the Lombok islands is Ampenanbeach. Based on preliminary research that
we've done, the Fe content provided quite high at 11.15%. Therefore, that was potential to be
usedas a microwave absorbing material.
BaM was applied as an absorbent material data recorder and microwave. The BaM has
a high saturation magnetization (78 emu/g), field coercivity is large (6700 Oe), a high
temperature Curie (450oC), good chemical stability and corrosion resistance, with electrical
and magnetic propertiesthat can be set to suit the application required [2]. However, the high
of magnetic field (coercivity field) causes BaM have weak absorption properties making it
less effective as the microwave absorbing material. To solve these problems it is necessary to
substitute or doping Fe3+ ions with other metal cations whose sized is almost the same (Al 3+,
Ga3 +, and Cr3+) [3], in order to lower the magnetic properties of BaM from hard magneticto
be soft magnetic. There are two approaches to substitution ionic, commonly used is the
approach of using a single ion substitution and using multiple ion substitution. Substitution
double ion is a popular method in the study of BaM, and a number of studies have been
undertaken to modify the properties of the magnetic as the use of double ion (Mn-Ti, Co-Ti,
Ni-Ti and Zn-Ti) [4], Co -Zn and Ni-Zn [5], as well as the Co-Mn [6]. The substitution that
was performed in this study used a combination of elements of transition metal is Co-Ni,
because both of these elements has a radius and configuration of the ionic similar to Fe 3 +
(ionic radius Fe = 0.077 nm; Co = 0.072; and Ni = 0.069). It was found that substitution of Co
ions can significantly lower the saturation magnetization of 5 emu/g at x = 1.0 with
calcination temperature of 800oC [7], whereas Ni ion substitution can significantly lower the
coercivity field of 0.05 T at x = 0.7 with calcination temperature of 800oC [8].
There are different methods used in the synthesis of BaM such as solid state reaction
[9], ball milling [10], sol-gel [11], and co-precipitation [12]. In this study we used co-
precipitation method (co-precipitation). The advantages of this method are, used low
temperatures and it was easy to control the particle size so the time that required is shorter.
The products are expected to have a smaller particle size and more homogeneous than solid
state method and sol-gel method [13]. Based on the description, the focus of this study were
to synthesized and characterization of electrical and magnetic properties of BaMthat will use
as a microwave absorbing materials based on natural sand with varying the doping
concentration of Co-Ni and calcination temperature.In this article, we only delivered about
synthesized BaM with Fe from nature sand as a basic component.
separation with
identification Synthesis Synthesis
permanent Characterization
% Fe with AAS of Fe3O4 of BaM
Based on the results of these reactions, there are ions Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ which play a role
in the synthesis of Fe3O4. The formation of nanoparticles carried by precipitation with an
alkaline solution NH4OH with the following equation:
Black precipitate will form immediately when the first reaction of the resulting
solution is mixed with an alkaline solution, filtered and then dried using an oven in order to
obtain a very fine Fe3O4powder (Figure 2b). Thisreaction was happen very quickly that cause
the formation of nano-sized Fe3O4 particles [14]. In the synthesized of pure BaM (without
doping), Fe3O4 reacted with BaCO3 and precipitated with NH4OH corresponding reaction
equation as follows:
Figure 2. (a). sand that containing iron, (b). Fe3O4 powders, (c). BaM powders
Khair et al. 143
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
4. Conclusion
BaM has been created based sand that containing iron from Ampenan beach sand
synthesized using co-precipitation method, thenit were characterized to determine the nature
of electrical and magnetic properties samples. BaMthat formed is applied as a microwave
absorbing material.
This research has been sponsorship by PUPT research Department of Research and
Technology of Higher Education 2016. Thanks you very much to Mataram University
Research Center for helping on all the administration procedure. Furthermore thank giving to
analytic Laboratory of Mataram University.
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1. Introduction
North Lombok Regency (NLR) has been implementing many policies and programs
for developing its region in many aspects. In economic aspect, the regency has top priorities
in developing agricultural and tourism sectors, since the region has the potential on these
sectors. This direction of development is in line with the national government policies and
programs, that are guided in MP3EI (Masterplan Percepatan dan Perluasan Pembangunan
Ekonomi Indonesia, The Plan for acceleration and expansion of economic development in
Indonesia). West Nusa Tenggara (WNT), where North Lombok is within (BPS NTB, 2016), is
included in the corridor of Bali and Nusa Tenggara, with one of the focuses is on tourism
(Presiden RI, 2011).
NRL has more than 80 % dry land (BPS Lombok Utara, 2014), and thus the
availability of water is critical. Several years ago, ground water wells have been built in many
spots in NRL to activate agricultural practices, for being sources of the community income.
Since then community have been growing many commodities of agriculture in broad sense,
including those of estate crops, food crops, and horticulture. Apart from growing old types of
crops, new crops are also introduced to region by agricultural producers, by adapting to the
local condition or by manipulating the local conditions to enable crop growing, and by not
forgetting economic consideration.
In achieving the goals of tourism, economic, and agriculture for the well being of the
people, NLR develops the so called ‘agricultural tourism’, ‘agri-tourism’, ‘agro-tourism’
(‘agro-wisata’). Essentially, this type of tourism is developing agriculture for the purpose of
providing agricultural beauty for visitors to enjoy. This type of business has been increasing
in recent years in Indonesia and other parts of the world. The entrepreneurs of this business
maximize profit by exploiting revenue from the crops grown and also from tourism aspect of
the activity (Wikipedia, 2016).
In integrating agriculture into tourism, supporting systems need to be included, among
others, are suitable irrigation facilities and profiting new crops. Irrigation is required for
enabling optimal application of agricultural inputs, particularly seeds and fertilizers. In
addition, agricultural producers search for new crops that grow well in the location as well as
Sjah et al. 145
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
have a good price, all of which accumulate to become better profit than ordinary grown crops.
This paper describes the impacts of agro-tourism developed in Gumantar Village, Kayangan
District, North Lombok Regency
introduced. They are tomato and rock melon. The initial planting of tomato was 7 ‘are’ (This
is Indonesia term commonly used to measure land, which 1 are = 10 m times 10 m, or 100
m2), while rock melon was 6 ‘are’. As these crops can be said as new crops to the farmers,
then the implementing team trains and supervises the growing of the groups to guarantee that
the crops will grow well. The team also provides inputs, such as seeds, fertilizers, and
pesticides. The work of land processing was also done under supervision of the team. In
short, the research team controlled.
There are two main reasons for high income from the two crops. Firstly, they have
high price. Both tomato and rock melon were produced outside their normal season, when
other farmers did not produce. In times of less supply while other factors remained the same,
then the price increases (Cramer et al., 2001; McIver, 2001; Penson et al., 2002; Seitz et al.,
2002; Sjah, 2010). Secondly, production of the two crops was run in intensive way.
Intensification or intensive farming with application of additional inputs is seen as a way to
increase agricultural production (Sahidu, 1983; Sari and Sjah, 2016; Savadogo et al., 1998).
In particular to these two crop farming, intensification was applied with more organic
fertilizers, including manure, granular organic ‘bioextrim’ liquid organic (bomax, bioextrim
cair, hormax, bioplant omega, hantu, super biota plus), and with more liquid bio pesticides
(biopestisda omega, bormax) (Zainuri et al., 2016). The combination of intensive farming
(which lifted productions) and good timing of farming (with increased prices) cause farming
of these crops become highly profitable.
by highly intensive farming. Intensive farming and out of normal season farming was made
possible by the availability of water for irrigation. Such program that has proven as having
positive impact is recommended to be continued in that location or elsewhere. This program
also brought lesson to be learnt that supervision in farming practices is important to ensure
high rate of success.
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The appearance of gas bubbles in veins inside the body is the primary cause of
decompression illness. Preliminary research has conducted to develop the gas bubble
detection system in the both mediums of water and blood with an oxygen and nitrogen gas
bubbles. In this research, we use a computer simulation approach based on the analysis of the
ultrasonic signal alteration that was received by the transmission and reflection signal mode.
The result shows that the attenuation is caused by the absorption of the medium was very
small, which the reduction of the amplitude for the medium of blood and water, respectively
1.1% and 0.012%. The existence of gas bubbles within the medium drives the amplitude
reduced by 4% to 5% from the initial amplitude and the intensity percentage that was
reflected by the bubbles for the medium of blood is greater than the medium of water. The
selected frequency of the ultrasonic signal source influences the ability to detect the diameter
of the bubbles
1. Introduction
Decompression illness is a condition which is suffered by divers who move fast from the
deep-sea with higher ambient pressure to the lower ambient pressure [1]. The condition was
indicated by the appearance of gas bubbles which has collected in the body tissues. Gas
bubbles can be formed in the whole of the body, and they are also frequently observed in the
bloodstream [2]. It can cause potentially fatal effects such as paralysis or even death for the
divers. Therefore, early detection of the presence of bubbles in the body is an important in
order to avoid its impacts.
During the time, the detection of the presence of bubbles has been done through
capacitive method [3] and optic method [4]. Both methods have limitations and less precise
when they are applied to detect the bubbles either in the tissues or in the blood stream. The
bubble is known as a reflector for the acoustic waves due to the difference in acoustic
impedance which is large enough between gas and liquid [5] and ultrasonic waves are
mechanical waves which have the largest penetrating power characteristics than other
mechanical waves. Based on these characteristics, ultrasonic waves can be applied for bubble
detection. Recently, Rahiman was performing a bubble detection test inside a chemical
column with a medium of water through the transmission wave measurement system [6]. In
this paper, we present the detection system of nitrogen and oxygen bubbles that presence in
the water and blood medium using ultrasonic sensor. Simulation approach was conducted to
analyze the influence of the bubble to the signal attenuation that received by the detector.
2. Theory
2.1 Medium Attenuation
In the propagation, acoustic waves need a medium. The existence of the medium causes
attenuation due to the absorption of wave energy [7]. The attenuated amplitude A1 which
caused by the medium with the thickness d is [8]:
= e (1)
where is an angular frequency (2f), is viscosity coefficient, is the specific heat ratio, Pr
is Prandtl number, is medium density, and c is wave propagating velocity through the
medium [9]. In the fluid, the absorption of acoustic waves depends on the frequency, and it is
expressed in the ⁄ form, where frequency (f) in Hz. The acoustic wave absorption
coefficient for water medium, nitrogen and oxygen gas at the room temperature, respectively
25 x 10-15 Np/m, 1.35 x 10-11 Np/m, and 1.61 x 10-11 Np/m [7]. And for the blood medium is
about 0.18 dB/cm [10].
Z0 Z1 Z2
medium medium 2 I0
θr θt D T
x θi Z3
θi ‘I1T ‘I2T
θr θt
Boundary surface
between mediums (at x=0)
The intensity of the reflected (IR) and transmitted (IT) waves in the oblique incidence is
determined by the following equation:
= (3)
=( )
=1− (4)
where = and = are the acoustic impedances for two mediums, θ is the angle
incidence wave to the normal line of the plane, ρ and v are respectively a medium density and
the wave velocity through the medium [7]. The density and velocity of wave propagation in
each medium are shown in Table 1.
= (5)
where r is a distance between the horizontal axis lines to the source, l is a distance between
the surface wave to the detector surface, and D is a distance between the source and detector.
The detection requirement of the minimum size of a detected bubble is determined based on
the ratio of the bubble peripheral size to the source wavelength, as represented by the equation
6 [6].
≪1 (6)
where a is bubble radius, k is a wave number. In order to the scattering of waves as well as
reflections on the flat surface, the required value of ka is 2 [6].
3. Method
This study was conducted a computer simulation approach to analyze the signal
attenuation, which caused by the presence of the bubble. The simulation was performed on
water and blood medium which contained in the acrylic tube with 3 cm diameter and
ultrasonic frequency source is about 40 kHz. The bubbles model was described in the
Haqqi et al. 152
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
spherical and in it’s filled with nitrogen and oxygen gas. Schematic model of detection bubble
was shown in the Figure 2. The source-detector (D) distance variation was setup from 1 cm to
6 cm to obtain the percentage of the received intensity by the detector. The percentage of
receiving intensity for water medium will be compared with to the blood medium.
Distance (cm)
Distance (cm)
Medium of Blood
water medium without Oxygen Bubble
Figure 3 The simulation result of wave Figure 4 The simulation result of acoustic
attenuation due to water medium wave attenuation due to blood
absorption, and when there are medium absorption, and when there
nitrogen and oxygen bubbles. are nitrogen and oxygen bubbles.
Similarly, the absorption by the blood medium (Figure 4) without any bubble
amplitude loss is about 1.1%. Meanwhile, the presence of oxygen and nitrogen bubbles in the
medium, the attenuation respectively decreased 5.38% and 4.61%. The intensity value of the
wave at each boundary medium is determinate using equation (3) and (4) at a distance (D) 1
cm as shown in Table 2.
Table 2. The intensity of the reflection and transmission waves at the boundary medium
Acoustic Intensity
Boundary Medium
Impedance IR IT
Z2 – Z3 Water-Bubble 0.999 0.001
Z2 – Z1 Water-Acrylic 0.202 0.798
Z1 – Z0 Acrylic-Glycerin 0.037 0.963
Z2’ – Z3 Blood-Bubble 0.999 0.001
Z2’ – Z1 Blood-Acrylic 0.165 0.835
The percentage value of receiving wave intensity detector for water and blood mediums at
1 cm distance was determined based on the wave intensity that led to the detector i.e. IR, ‘I2T =
I2T and ‘I1T = I1T.
(a) For water medium
% = ( × ′ × ′ ) × 100%
% = (0.998992 × 0.797862 × 0.963174) × 100%
% = 76.770%
According to the intensity results, detector receiving more intensity of the ultrasonic
waves that reflected by bubbles in the blood medium than in a water medium. Table 3 shows
the percentage intensity ultrasonic waves which are received by the detector.
Table 3. Percentage of the received wave intensity of detector for water and blood medium with
different source-detector distance
The result shows an inverse correlation between distance and wave intensity that was
detected by a detector. The received wave intensity will be decrease when the distance
between source and detector increase as shown in the Figure 5. In Figure 5, it appears that the
percentage of the reflection intensity for blood medium is greater than water medium. I can be
explained that the acoustic impedance of blood is greater than the acoustic impedance of
water. Similarly to the density and velocity of acoustic waves pass through the blood medium
is greater than in the water medium.
Additionally, the simulation was conducted to determine the minimum diameter of the
bubble that can be detected with a ka constant value 2 and using a various frequency of
ultrasonic waves i.e. 40 kHz, 100 kHz, 200 kHz, 300 kHz, 500 kHz, and 1 MHz. The
calculated results are shown in the graph of Figure 6. As shown in Figure 6, the capabilities of
bubble detection depend on the frequency of the ultrasonic wave source. If the frequency of
the ultrasonic waves used increasingly large, the minimum diameter of the bubble which can
be detected will be smaller. It can be observed from the analysis results for the frequency
resources using of 40 kHz, 100 kHz, 200 kHz, 300 kHz, 500 kHz, and 1 MHz respectively,
are 23.84 mm, 9.53 mm, 4.77 mm, 3, 18 mm, 1.91 mm, and 0.95 mm. Hence, for the
detecting bubble purposes, especially in the arteries is required ultrasonic frequency source
with minimum frequency 1 MHz.
y = 953.5x-1
R² = 1
ywater = -3713.x2 - 278.9x + 80.32
R² = 0.998
Medium Air
Medium Darah
Figure 5 The percentage of the received Figure 6 The minimum bubble size that
wave intensity detector for can be detected using different
water medium and blood frequencies.
5. Conclusion
The simulation results show that the attenuation of the ultrasonic signal intensity detected
was influenced by several factors, including the medium characteristics, the presence and
characteristics of gas bubble, and the distance of signal source-detector as a receiver.
Attenuation due to medium absorption is very small, in which the amplitude loss for medium
blood and water are respectively 1.1% and 0.012%. The existence of the bubbles in the
medium can cause a loss of amplitude about 4% to 5%. Attenuation which caused by the
presence of oxygen bubble is greater than the nitrogen bubble. In addition, the bubble
detection capabilities depend on the source frequency usage. For the future work, a low-cost
portable bubble detection instrument will be made for the application of early detection of
decompression illness.
The author would like to thank to Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences, University of Mataram for supporting facilities in this research.
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Rahadi Wirawan 1,*, Bakti Abdillah2, Wayan Sudiarta3, Dian Wijaya Kurniawidi4
Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Mataram, Indonesia
* Email: rwirawan@yahoo.co.id
This paper presents the design of data acquisition systems for the landslide monitoring
system. These systems required for developing a mitigation system of the landslide disaster on the
island of Lombok. Development of data acquisition system based on ATmega2560 microcontroller
and ultrasonic sensor that used to detect the object displacement in the mechanic instrument system.
The information about displacement data is used as landslide information. Embedding of a data
logger system which integrated with the wireless communication is used to record the data and
displayed on the web. The results of performance test system which developed shows that
information data of the object shift can be recorded and displayed properly. The relative error
maximum measurement is about 2%.
1. Introduction
Landslide disaster is the most destructive mass movement phenomena that occur as a result of
the rocks collapse or the slopes movement. These phenomena can be detected earlier based on
monitoring and analyzing the land movement that trigger the landslide. There are various sensors
and methods are developed for monitoring purposes. Intrieri et al. (2012) combine an extensometer
sensor with the rainfall sensor, a camera and thermometers for the development of early warning
system (EWS)[1]. Lisnawati et al. (2013) develop an electric extensometer based on the changes in
resistance value of potentiometer [2] and Zhu et al. (2011) develop an optic fiber transducer for
landslide monitoring [3].
In order to obtain an accurate analysis and prediction from monitoring, we need data
acquisition systems that have a high accuracy, precision. This system allows to the wireless
monitoring especially facilitating the development an early warning system of landslide mitigation.
In this work, we design a low cost and robust data acquisition system for the land movement
monitoring. To detect the land movement, ultrasonic sensor was proposed as a part of data
acquisition instrumentation systems. The ultrasonic sensors was used in the measuring of 3D
positions of an indoor mobile object [4], in determination of the vibration frequency of the object
[5], measuring the wind speed and direction detection [6].
ATmega2560 chip. The block diagram of the data acquisition system is shown in the Figure.
0.025 dx1
0.020 dx3
0.015 dx4
4. Conclusion
It has built a prototype of data acquisition system based on ATmega2560 microcontroller, data
logger and a wireless communication SIM900 Quad-band GSM/GPRS. The results of a
performance test which developed shows that information measured data of the moving object (land
movement) can be recorded and displayed properly with the relative error maximum measurement
is 2%.
This work was supported by Competitive Research Grant (Hibah Bersaing) 2016, Directorate
General of Strengthening Research and Development, Minister of Research, Technology and
Higher Education of Indonesia.
[1] Intrieri E., Giovanni Gigli, Francesco Mugnai, Riccardo Fanti, Nicola Casagli, Design and implementation of a
landslide early warning system, Engineering Geology 147–148, 124–136 (2012).
[2] Lisnawati, Sri Wahyu Suciati dan Warsito, Rancang bangun Sensor Extensometer Elektris sebagai Pendeteksi
Pergeseran Permukaan Tanah dan Sistem Akuisisi Data pada Komputer, Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Fisika Vol. 01
No. 01, 19-24 ( 2013).
[3] Zhu ZW., Liu DY., Yuan QY., Liu B., Liu JC., A novel distributed optic fiber transduser for landslides
monitoring, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 49, 1019–1024 (2011).
[4] Kang, MH. and Lim, BG., Development of a practical foolproof system using ultrasonic local positioning,
Measurement 79, 1–14 (2016).
[5] Wirawan R., Mitra Djamal, Ambran Hartono, Edi Sanjaya, Widyaningrum Indrasari, dan Ramli Aplikasi Sensor
Ultrasonik Untuk Pengukuran Getaran Frekuensi Rendah, Prosiding Simposium Nasional Inovasi Pembelajaran
dan Sains, Bandung, 37-41(2012).
[6] Xie K. and Wang K. (2011), Measurement of Wind Speed and Direction with Ultrasonic Sensor Using FPGA,
Energy Procedia 12, 837-843(2011).
Preliminary Study and Synthesis Thin Film Of Fluorine Tin Oxide (Fto)
With Sol-Gel Spin Coating Tecnique
Zahid Ramdhan 1, Aris Doyan1*, Kosim1, Susilawati 1, Syifa Azzahra1, Norma Ikraman1
Master of Science education, Post Graduate Mataram University
Lombok Indonesia1
e-mail :, b)arisdoyan@yahoo.co.id
Flourine doped tin oxide is one promising material as Transparent Conducting Oxide
(TCO) to replace the expensive FTO in solar cell electroda, as gas sensor, optical coating, and
variable resistor. In this research, Flourine doped tin oxide (FTO) thin films on glass substrate
were prepared by the sol-gel spin coating. The starting material for synthesis FTO material is
Tin (II) Chloride dehydrate (SnCl2.2H2O), Hydroflouride (HF), and ethanol. As the material
sol, Tin (II) Chloride dehydrate dissolved in ethanol, heated and stirrer using hot plate at 80 ℃
and 300 rpm for one hour. Then the solution using spin coating technique for one minute with
2000 rpm on glass substrate. The deposited films were baked at 150 ℃ for 10 minutes on
oven at 100℃ and annealed at 650 ℃ for one hour in a tube furnace.
1. Intoduction
The development of thin layer technology is already widely used in everyday life of
which are used in sensors, solar cells, batteries and touch screen, one of the ingredients to
create a thin layer is a compound Tin Oxide (SnO2).
A thin layer of SnO2 is a type of n-type semiconductor, which has a chemical stability
high, possess good transparency to light (the energy gap ~ 3.6 eV) (Carvalho et al, 2012), low
electrical resistance, and has chemical stability high. Excellence a thin layer of SnO2 widely
applied in manufacturing industries in the transparent conductive electrode (TCO), solar cells,
optical and electrical equipment gas sensor. Application TCO develops rapidly and has been
applied to the devices of electronics such as LCD TVs, Plasma TVs, organic
electroluminescence (EL), for example touch screen monitors on automatic tellermachine
(ATM), ticket vending machines were installed in train stations, car navigation systems,
handheld game consoles, mobile phones, and electrodes in solar cells (Sinaga, 2009).
SnO2 attractive for development because the price is cheap compared to other
semiconductors, nature responsive to a number of gases, has a long service life, and requires
only a simple electronic device in the sensory implementation. To improve the performance
of SnO2 thin film material, research continues to be done to get the expected material
characteristics. SnO2 often produced in pure form or doped with other materials.
Based on the research that has been done, SnO2 usually doped with indium or called
ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) (Gurakar et al, 2013), ATO (Antimony Tin Oxide) (Hammad et al,
2011), FTO (Fluorine Tin Oxide) (Gurakar et al, 2013), and AFTO (Antimony and Fluorine-
doped Tin Oxide) (Battal et al, 2014).
In this research used doping SnO2 Fluorine is an element in the capture of 40% HF
compound. Fluorine is the show all the forms of the elements (ionized, nonionizable) which
means it is a chemical element that is very electronegative than other chemical elements.
The SnO2 and doping concentration of HF use dilution with a ratio of 100%: 1%,
100%: 5%, and 100%: 10% to be placed on the glass substrates using Sol Gel Spin Coating
Various methodsof growinga thin layer thathas been used before, such
asRFSputtering(Yunantoet al, 2006), ChemicalsolutionDeposition(SuronoandSutanto, 2014),
UltrasonicSprayPyrolysis(Ajiet al, 2013), CathodicVacumArcDeposition(Wengetal, 2011),
PhysicalVapor Deposition(George etal, 2010), andsol-gel (Siregar,
2015).However,amongthese methods, sol-gel methodswidely used, because ofits low cost,its
compositionis homogeneous, do notusea vacuumchamberwitha highlevel, the layer
thicknesscan be controlled, andmicrostructureare quitegood(Ahzan, 2012).
The Problem
a. How comparative quality thin layer (thin film) of pure SnO2 and SnO2 are in doping
Fluorine (SnO2: F) using a glass substrate by using sol-gel spin coating?
b. How do the characteristics of a thin layer (thin film) of pure SnO2 and SnO2 are in doping
Fluorine (SnO2: F) in terms of the crystal structure of the layer, the surface morphology
of the structure of solids, as well as the optical characteristics?
The purpose
a. To compare the quality of thin layers (thin film) and the pure SnO2 (SnO2: F) using a
glass substrate by using sol-gel spin coating.
b. To know the characteristics of a thin layer (thin film) and the pure SnO2 (SnO2: F) in
terms of the crystal structure of the layer, the surface morphology of the structure of
solids, as well as the optical characteristics
+ 2 → + + (hydrolysis) (1)
Sol-gel solution for a wide range of concentrations that have been synthesized are stored
in a test tube as figure 1.
Figure 2. Results of Thin Film Crystalline SnO2 and SnO2 : F for the heating
One thing to be determined is proving SnO2 structure which has a tetragonal structure
with a rutile-type crystal with unit cell parameters a = b and c, as figure 3.
Figure 3.The model of the unit cell of the crystal rutile SnO2
Ramdhan et al. 163
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
4. Conclucion
This research is preliminary to the formation of the sample. The basic ingredients used are Tin
(II) chloride dehydrate (SnCl2.2H2O with a molar mass of 225.63 g/mol, purity 99.9%), a total
of 2.2653 gram, C2H5OH Ethanol 20 ml, and Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) 40% as much as 0.125
ml, 1.25 ml, and 12.5 ml. Sol-gel materials are synthesized is divided into three (3) with a
concentration ratio of 100%: 1% (2.2653 gram: 0,125: 20 ml), 100%: 5% (2.2653 gram: 1.25:
20 ml) and 100%: 10% (2.2653 gram: 12.5: 20 ml). after the sol-gel material so the sample
will grow on glass substrates by using sol-gel spin-coating.
Thank you very much to Master Programe Science Education Mataram University and
Analytic Laboratorium Mataram University Indonesia.
[1] Carvalho et al. 2012. Synthesis and characterization of SnO2 thin films prepared by dip-coating method,
15th Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics. Elsevier P hysics Procedia, 28 : 22-27.
[2] P, Sinaga. 2009. PengaruhTemperatur Annealing terhadapStrukturMikro, SifatListrikdanSifatOptikdari
Film Tipis OksidaKonduktifTransparanZnO:Al yang DibuatdenganTeknik Screen Printing,
JurnalPengajaran MIPA, 14(2):51 – 59
[3] Gurakar, et al. 2014. Electrical and microstructural properties of (Cu, Al, In)-doped SnO2 films
deposited by spray pyrolysis, ADVANCEDMATERIALS Letters, 5(6) : 309-314.
[4] T. M,Hammad, and N.K, Hejazy. 2011. Structural, Electrical and Optical Properties of ATO Thin Films
Fabricated by Dip Coating Method, Int. Nano Lett., 1(2): 123 – 128.
[5] Battal, et al. 2014. Comparison Effect of Spin Speeds and Substrate Laters on Properties of Doubly
Doped Tin Oxide Thin Films Prepared by Sol-Gel Spin Coating Method, Journal of Ovonic Research, 10
(2) :23
[6] Yunanto, dkk.. 2006. “DeposisiLapisan Tipis ZnOsebagaiLapisan Tipis Tipe N danJendelaSel Surya
CuInSe2”. Indonesian Material Science Journal.ISSN1411-1098 Vol.8, hal 183 – 187.
[7] A. N, Surono and H, Sutanto. 2014. “SifatOptik Zinc Oxide (ZnO) yang Dideposisi di
AtasSubstratKacaMenggunakanMetode Chemical Solution Deposition (CSD)
danAplikasinyauntukDegradasiZatWarna Methylene Blue”. Youngster Physics Journal. ISSN: 2303-
7371, Vol 2, No. 1, hal. 7-14.
[8] W. P, Aji. dkk.. 2013. “PengaruhSuhuTumbuhTerhadapStruktur Kristal Lapisan Tipis ZnO 0.02 mol”.
Seminar Nasional Fisika, UniversitasNegeri Jakarta.
[9] M. H, Weng, et al.. 2011. “Structure, Optical and Electrical Properties of ZnO Thin Films on The Flexible
Substrate by Cathodic Vacuum Arc Technology with Different Arc Currents”. Elsevier Ceramics
International, Vol 05, hal. 043.
[10] P, George, et al.. Microstructure and Field Emission Characteristics of ZnONanoneedles Grown by
Physical Vapor Deposition”. Elsevier Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol 123, hal. 634-638.
[11] N. Siregar, et al.. 2015. “The Effect of Concentration of Structure and Optical Properties of Thin Films
Synthesized by Sol-Gel Methods Spin Coating”. International Journal of Sciences, Basic and Applied
Research (IJSBAR) ISSN 2307-4531, Vol 22, hal. 428-434.
[12] S. Ahzan., dkk.. 2012. “SintesisLapisanZnOdenganMetode Sol-gel Spincoating dan Karakteristik Sifat
Optiknya”. TidakDiterbitkan. Tesis. Surabaya: Fisika MIPA Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November.
1. Introduction
Poverty alleviation has become a major focus of socio-economic development programs
and activities in every country worldwide, including Indonesia, since the introduction of the
millennium development goals (MDGs). As a result, the proportion of population living in
poverty declined substantially. In Indonesia, for example, the proportion of population living
in poverty declined about 6 percent during 2006-2013 (TNP2K, 2014). The poverty level was
greatly different among regions, higher levels were found in eastern regions such as in Nusa
Tenggara Barat province (21.55% in 2010).
The situation indicates the need of systematical search for improved poverty alleviation
programs and activities in Indonesia by addressing weaknesses of the ongoing programs. For
this intention, one of the strategic issues which become the focus attention of this paper is
concerning the mismatch between the interventions given and the need of the target
households, as indicated in the Media. The mismatch is potentially reduced by better
understanding the livelihood context of the target population, the poor.
The objectives of this paper are to analyze (i) their livelihood asset portfolio capacity; and (ii)
their livelihood strategies. This paper applied sustainable livelihood approach as the
framework (Chambers & Conway, 1991, p. 6); took the dry land farmer communities in
Karang Bayan Village of West Lombok District (as a case study); and in-depth interviewed
30 (randomly selected) household respondents, during Oct.-Nov. 2016.
The paper is organized into four Sections. Section one introduces the backgrounds, objectives
and research methodology. Section two discusses the households’ livelihood asset portfolio
capacities. Section three analyses the households’ livelihood strategies. Section four
concludes the findings and provides several suggestions.
On the expenditure side, there are 5 different strategies taken by the households to reduce
expenditure, each has thrift spending component (Table 3). Other initiatives included in their
strategies are: self-producing foods, self-producing farm inputs, reducing input use, or
reducing paid labor.
4. Conclusions
The livelihood strategies of the farmer households are largely determined by their own
asset portfolio capacities, and living environment. The majority of the households attempt to
maximize the utilization of their livelihood assets to increase incomes; take thrift-spending as
their reducing expenditure strategies; and apply income-expenditure balancing as their
reducing vulnerability strategies.
An effective empowerment program is necessary for the households to sustainably build
their capacities, particularly, in terms of technical and business skills and financial assets.
Awareness of the households regarding the potential benefits of the on-going social protection
programs for reducing their incomes and vulnerabilities needs to be enhanced. Further
investigations to evaluate the effectiveness of the ongoing social protection programs are also
[1] Asian Development Bank, Basics Statistics 2014. Manila, Bangkok: Economics and Research Department:
Development Indicators and Policy Research Division, 2014.
[2] R. Chambers & G. Conway, Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: Practical Concepts for the 21st Century,
Institute for Development Studies, DP 129. Brighton: University of Sussex, 1999.
[3] TNP2K, Why Poverty Still Matters in Indonesia. (Retrieved from tnp2k.go.id: July 2014).
Fertility is one of the main elements underlying the population growth in a country. One
measure used to determine the fertility rate is the average number of children born alive per
woman. In general, the patterns of female fertility change at specific ages. In this study, the
fertility pattern of women was investigated by using nonparametric regression spline
approach. Spline approach is strongly influenced by the presence of knot points. There are
several methods that can be used to select the optimal knots in the spline approach, such as
the method of cross validation and generalized cross validation. This study showed that there
was a shift in the location of the knots, which mean that there was a shift in the pattern of the
average number of children born alive per woman in East Java over a period of 3 years, from
2010 to 2012.
1. Introduction
One of the main problems faced by developing countries such as Indonesia relates to
population, because it is one factor that related to national development. Population growth in
a country is essentially based on three main elements; fertility, mortality, and migration [1].
Several measures can be used to determine the birth rate in a region. One of which is the
average number of children born alive per woman. It can describe the level of fertility in a
region, because it is used to determine the number of births in each age group until the end of
a woman's reproductive period [2]. Age is one of the factors affecting the fertility in woman
[3]. The pattern and character of the women fertility change at certain ages. They greatly
according to a statistical approach, namely nonparametric regression spline.
Nonparametric regression has a high flexibility in estimating the regression curve.
Regression curve used to explain the relationship between two variables [4]. Nonparametric
regression approach does not assume the shape of the regression curve [5]. In nonparametric
regression, there are several approaches to estimate the model of regression curve, as
mentioned in [6], the Kernel approach, Histogram, Orthogonal series, Fourier series,
Wavelets, and Spline. Especially for spline, it can model the data which has particular sub-
intervals of data pattern. It is one type of polynomials, which has segmented characteristics.
The segmented characteristics provide more flexibility than the usual polynomial, making it
possible to more effectively adapt to the local characteristics of a function or data [7].
Spline function of degree m is any function that can be presented in the following
g ( xi ) j xij j m xi k j
m J
j 0 j 1
with j states the real constants, and xi k j m xi k j m , x k j ; 0, x k j . The values of m =
1, 2, and 3 respectively obtained linear spline, quadratic spline, and cubic spline and kj are the
knot points [8]. Spline function is very depend on the knot values. Knot is the point where
there is a mix with a pattern of behavior changes on different intervals [9].
In this study, the average number of children born alive per woman was estimated.
Researchers used the average number of children born alive per woman to determine the
woman fertility pattern in East Java over a period of 3 years from 2010 to 2012.
This study used secondary data. The fertility data over a period of 3 years from 2010 to
2012 obtained from the National Socio–Economic Survey from Central Bureau of Statistics of
East Java. This study used two variables, i.e. the dependent variable (the average number of
children born alive per woman) and the independent variable (the reproductive age of women
in certain age groups of 15 – 49 years old).
The statistical analysis for the fertility data, were as follows: (1) scatter plot between two
variables was created for each year; (2) the values of GCV were calculated for each spline
regression model and the optimal knot points and optimal order were obtained based on the
minimum value of GCV; (3) the significance of the parameter from (2) was tested and the
residual diagnostic generated by nonparametric regression spline models with minimum
GCV; (4) the value of estimated R2 and MSE of nonparametric regression spline models was
compared; and (5) the results were used to determine the development and female fertility
pattern shifts at different age levels in East Java over a period of 3 years from 2010 to 2012.
Figure 1 shows the scatter plot of the data over a period of 3 years, from 2010 to 2012.
Average Number of Children Born Alive
10 20 30 40 50
Woman Age
The results indicated a change of pattern in a particular sub-interval. In 2012, the average
number of children born alive per woman increased in the beginning of the childbearing age
compared with the previous years. The average number of children born alive per woman in
2012 increased slowly in the age interval of 15–24 years old then fell at the age interval of
25–29 years old. It increased again in the age interval of 30–34 years old and finally dropped
at the end of the productive period. The changing patterns of fertility in certain age groups
(interval) caused the data would be less precise when approximated using parametric
Fitriyati et al. 170
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
Table 1 Optimal Knot Point using GCV Method for Fertility Data
Knot Points
2010 2011 2012
K1 23.73 23.73 31.69
1 Knot
GCV (R2) 0.0054602 (92.9) 0.0055405 (93.4) 0.0051679 (71.8)
K1; K2 24.35; 43.33 17.61; 30.47 33.53; 40.27
2 Knots 2
GCV (R ) 0.0049085 (96.4) 0.0066904 (95.5) 0.0042034 (87.1)
K1; K2; K3 22.51; 31.08; 39.65 17.61; 34.14; 39.04 29.24; 35.37; 37.82
3 Knots 2
GCV (R ) 0.0000186 (99.9) 0.0000001 (99.9) 0.0042001 (94.3)
K1; K2; K3; K4 23.32; 29.63; 35.95; 37.53 21.74; 35.95; 39.11; 42.26 20.16; 28.05; 35.95; 37.53
4 Knots
GCV (R2) 0.0000101 (99.9) 0.0000000 (100) 0.0000102 (99.9)
From the results, by seeing the values of the coefficient of determination R2 and the
values of MSE (mean squares error) also the residual assumptions testing, found that the
optimal knot that provided a reliable spline given by using four knots. In modeling the fertility
data using spline, with the selection of the optimal knot points using GCV, researchers found
that the values of R2 were relatively high with low values of MSE. The values of R2, MSE,
and the residual assumptions testing (independent and identically distributed, i.i.d) indicated
that the GCV method was more feasible to use in subsequent analysis for the case study.
The results showed a shift in the location of the knots. Knots were the location where the
change in women fertility patterns, both changes that showed increased or decreased number
of female fertility. For example, the location of the first knot point (K1) was 23.32 years old in
2010, shifted to 21.74 years old in 2011, and finally changed to 20.16 years old in 2012.
Shifting the location of this knot points (K1, K2, K3, and K4) kept happening every year, either
into a higher and lower age.
Estimation models for each year were produced from the optimal knots using GCV method
in Table 1 were as follows.
Spline estimation curves from year 2010, 2011, and 2012 with 4 optimal knot points
selected by GCV are given in Figure 2. It showed the shifting patterns of fertility data over a
period of 3 years from 2010 to 2012.
10 20 30 40 50
Woman Age
4. Conclusion
There was a shift in the woman fertility pattern in East Java Province from 2010 to 2012.
The location of change in woman fertility patterns was not exactly at the midpoint of the
interval age group, but at the optimal knot points. For future study, woman fertility pattern
might be solved using quadratic and cubic spline approach to get a better result.
[1] Lulan, A.C., Fertility Modeling in East Nusa Tenggara Province with Logistic Regression Approach and
Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBFNN), Magister Thesis, Surabaya, ITS, 2011.
[2] Central Bureau of Statistics, National Socio-Economic Survey in 2011, The Central Bureau of Statistics
Catalog of East Java Province: 3101001.35, 2011.
[3] Budiantara, I.N., The Estimation of Female Fertility Model in Indonesia by Using Spline Regression, Final
Report of the Implementation of the Women's Studies Research Year 2007, Surabaya, ITS, 2007.
[4] Budiantara, I.N., Polynomial Truncated Spline Models Family in Semi Parametric Regression, Periodic of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty, Surabaya, ITS, 2005.
[5] Eubank, R.L., Spline Smoothing and Nonparametric Regression 2nd Ed., New York, Marcel Decker, 1999.
[6] Budiantara, I.N., Weighted Spline Estimator Consistency Based on Integrated Mean Square Error Criteria,
Proceedings of the Mathematics National Conference, Indonesian Mathematical Association XII, Bali,
Mathematics Department Udayana University: 979-99592-0-9, 2004.
[7] Budiantara, I.N., Spline Model with Optimal Knots, Journal of Basic Science, State University of Jember,
7, pp. 77-85, 2006.
[8] Hardle, W., Applied Nonparametric Regression, New York, Cambrige University Press, 1990.
[9] Wahba, G., Spline Models for Observational Data, SIAM, CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series and
Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, 1990.
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have an important role in the national
economic resilience when the critical condition of the economic is occurring. Over the years,
SMEs face severe challenges and opportunities with the opening of the ASEAN-China Free
Trade Agreement (ACFTA). Therefore, the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Cooperatives and
Small and Medium Enterprises for 2010-2014 prepared for the empowerment of SMEs, as
well as addressed the lack of accurate information about the condition of SMEs. So it takes
the involvement of various stakeholders (local government, the Ministry, the Department of
Cooperatives, Universities, and Actors SME)
2. Productivity Concept
2.1.Productivity, Efficiency and Effectiveness
Experts do not provide the same productivity formula, for that it is still found the
notion of productivity in many ways, but, in principle, they have in common as
The simplest productivity measurement model is the ratio approach of output / input
(Gaspersz, 1998). Productivity measurement based on the ratio approach of output / input will
be able to produce three types of productivity measurements, namely: (1) partial productivity,
(2) total-factor productivity, and (3) the total productivity.
2.3 Increased Productivity
Productivity is the ratio of output to input, so that the company's strategy to increase
the productivity of the system can be done through the following five ways to be adapted to
the situation dam condition of the company, among others: (1) Applying the cost reduction
program, (2) Managing growth, (3) Working more agile. (4) Working more effective, (5)
Reducing activities (Gaspersz, 1998).
3. Experimental Set Up
The method used is the method of description (descriptive) and approach the ratio of
output / input for the measurement of productivity. Plans and steps of productivity, which are
then evaluated whether the plans and the steps effectively increase the productivity of SMEs,
are expected to increase in the ratio of the total and partial productivity.
An outcome to be achieved in the second year of study (2) is a priority industry
clusters based on productivity, the blueprint for the empowerment of industrial policy map.
After revamping by adding design and good marketing the data show an increase in the next
2012 2013 2014 2015
Figure 2. The increased partial productivity (for the smallest Dimas Silver)
To level the total productivity of SMEs songket tradition has the lowest productivity,
as shown in the graph below. The total productivity level of the SMEs traditionsl songket has
the lowest productivity, as shown in figure 3.
The increment of total productivity are achieved after some improvements, e.g. design,
coloring, and ergonomically production process are performed, see figure 4.
Produktivitas Total Songket Tradisi
0.77354 0.83558
0.69382 0.76057
1 6967 8768
249 2236
2012 2013 2014 2015
The authors would like to acknowledge the Ditlitabmas Kemeristekdikti for the funding.
[1]. Anonim, 2012, ”Payung Penelitian Unggulan Universitas Mataram”, Unram, Mataram.
[2]. Anonim, 2013, ”Keputusan Rektor Unram tentang pembentukan kelompok-kelompok peneliti bidang ilmu
di Universitas Mataram”, Unram, Mataram.
[3]. Arman N, 2000, “Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Produksi”, Guna Widya, Jakarta..
[4]. BPS, 2012, ”Data Spasial Penanggulangan Kemiskinan NTB”, BPS, Indonesia.
[5]. Gaspersz, 1998, “Metode Analisis untuk Peningkatan Kualitas”, Gramedia PustakaUtama, Jakarta.
[6]. Menteri Koperasi dan UKM, 2010, “Rencana Strategis Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM tahun 2010-
This study aimed at studying productivity of intercropping between maize and pulses
on a dryland soil. An experiment was conducted in North Lombok (8.253654 S, 116.285695
E) involving maize, mungbean and groundnut crops. The treatments were monocrop maize,
mungbean, and groundnut, intercropping maize-mungbean, and maize-groundnut. All the
treatments had three replications and the size of the plot for each treatment was 5.0 x 8.0m.
The maize crops were planted in a double row pattern (20 x 35cm inside the double row and
70cm between the double rows) while mungbean and groundnut crops were planted at 20 x
20cm with one seed per hole. The results show that maize growth (plant height and leaf
number) was negatively affected by mungbean in intercropping but not by groundnut.
Intercropping affected severely the yield component (weight of 1000 grains) of groundnut but
not that of the mungbean. There was no advantage of intercropping over monocrop in term of
land use in growing maize and mungbean since the Land Equivalent Ratio (LER) value was
1.0, and LER for maize-groundnut intercropping was 0.95. The results suggest that maize,
mungbean and groundnut are better grown as individual crops rather than as an intercropping
in dryland areas.
1. Introduction
Climate change was reported to reduce plant yield because the changes in air CO 2
concentration, temperature, and water availability were faster than the ability of plant to
adapt. One of strategic steps to adapt climate change is to plant a number of crops on a piece
of land (Lin, 2011). To grow more than one crop on a piece of land can be done with
intercropping. This technique has been widely practiced traditionally to increase land
productivity as well as to avoid total yield loss. Currently, intercropping has been practiced
not only in tropical countries, but it has also been adopted in sub-tropical countries.
Acceptability of this technique was mainly due to its ability to maximize the use of available
resources, such as; sunlight, water, and nutrition.
In addition to increase plant diversity in a piece of land, intercropping is also used to
increase land productivity. Land productivity measurement is usually expressed as a land
equivalency ratio (LER). LER compares yields of two or more crop species when they are
grown in intercropping and when they are grown separately (monocrop). LER can be
calculated based on the formula (Dariush et al., 2006); = ∑( ), where Yp and Ym are
yields of plants grown in intercropping and monocrop, respectively. Ratio value (i) is a part of
LER values, the values of which when are summed in accordance to number of plants in
intercropping will result in the value of LER itself.
Maize may be intercropped with other annual crops that are shorter morphologically,
such as mungbean and groundnut. In intercropping, plant morphology and age differences
determine yields of the component crops. The taller plants may cause shading effect on the
shorter ones. Meanwhile, the plants with shorter growing periods can be harvested earlier to
provide earlier cash to the grower before other crops are harvested. This paper discusses the
potential of intercropping between maize and pulses (i.e. mungbean and groundnut) on a
dryland. Results of this research are expected to be used as references for farmers on a
dryland to improve their ability to adapt to the negative impacts of climate change.
Table 1. Plant height, leaf number, weight of grain per plot, and weight of 1000 grains
(±standard error) of maize in monocrop and intercropping treatments
Observed Variables
Treatments Plant height Leaf number Grain Weight of
(cm) weight/plot (kg) 1000 grains (g)
Monocrop 205.5±1.76 15.2±0.42 43.7±1.86 394.2±3.15
intercropping 188.5±4.27 14.2±0.30 33.8±2.62 389.9±1.40
intercropping 205.3±0.29 14.8±0.23 34.3±1.86 390.5±4.76
While the yield of maize in maize-mungbean intercrop was exactly the same as that of
in monocrop, the yield of maize in maize-groundnut intercrop was a bit higher (i.e 11.1
ton/ha). This was probably due to the fact that groundnut had a better ability to fix nitrogen
and to mobilize phosphorus than mungbean, resulted in the nutrients being available for maize
in the intercropping system. This finding was in line with the result previously by Whitehead
and Isaac (2012) who indicated that legumes were able to increase P absorption by cereal
plants in intercropping system.
The decrease of maize yield in intercropping treatment compared with monocrop
treatment (Table 1) appeared to be due to the lower population of maize in intercropping
treatment. Meanwhile, maize yield component, i.e. weight of 1000 grains was not influenced
by intercropping treatment although there was a slight decreased in weight of yield in the two
intercropping treatments compared to that in monocrop treatment.
Biomass and yield component of groundnut planted as intercrops were much higher
than those of crop planted as monocrop (Table 2). A reduction by as much as 30%, 12.2%,
and 14.7% were observed for biomass/m2, number of pods/bunch of plant, and weight of 1000
grains, respectively. These decreases were suspected due to light competition between the
taller maize crop and the shorter groundnut. Keating and Carberry (1993) reported previously
that in intercropping system, the shorter plants will get less sunlight than the taller ones. This
fact also shows that, to produce optimally, groundnut requires full sunlight on a dryland in
North Lombok district.
Table 2. Plant biomassa, yield and yield components of groundnut (±standard error) in
monocrop and intercropping treatments
Observed Variables
Treatments Biomass/m Number of Pod Grain Weight of
(kg) pods/bunch of weight/plot weight/plot 1000 grains
plant (kg) (kg) (g)
Monocrop 2.0±0.19 21.3±0.73 14.2±1.33 9.0±0.78 685.7±44.29
Intercropping 1.4±0.15 18.7±1.91 2.6±0.32 0.9±0.16 584.7±18.81
The difference in pod weight and grain weight per plot between monocrop and intercrop
was influenced by the difference in plant counts between the two systems (Table 2). In
addition, the effect of maize canopy in intercrop system also influenced yield. This may be
demonstrated by calculating plant yield per unit area. Groundnut in the monocrop system
yielded 3.6 ton/ha dry pods, compared to only 2.9 ton/ha dry pods in intercrop system. The
yield in monocrop system of groundnut was very closed to the maximum yield reported for
Hypoma 1, namely 3.7 ton/ha (Anon, 2012). This result indicates that variety Hypoma 1 of
groundnut is very suitable to be cultivated on a North Lombok dryland. Dry grain weight per
plot in monocrop was 9.0 kg/plot or equal to 2.25 ton/ha.
Table 3. Plant biomassa, yield and yield components of mungbean in monocrop and
intercropping treatments
Observed Variables
Biomass/m Number of Grain Weight of
Treatments (kg) pods/bunch of weight/plot 1000 grains
plant (kg) (g)
Monocrop 1,7±0,29 20,0±1,15 7,3±0,55 79,9±1,69
Intercropping 1,6±0,09 19,7±0,88 1,6±0,07 79,9±0,61
4. Conclusions
Intercropping of maize with pulses on a dryland in North Lombok with technique
developed in this study did not give any contributions on land use efficiency. Even in maize-
groundnut intercropping, growth ability and yield of individual of groundnut plant decreased.
Based on these results, farmers on the dryland of North Lombok are suggested to grow maize,
groundnut, and mungbean in monocrop system. Nevertheless, research on maize and pulses
cultivation on a dryland needs to be developed as it’s important in plant diversification in
improving farmers’ resilience to overcome the negative impact of climate change.
The authors sincerely thank to the University of Mataram for funding this research.
[1] Anon, 2012.Hypoma 1 and Hypoma 2. Superior Peanut Variety Resistant to Leaf Spot and Rust.
Indonesia Agency for Agriculture Research and Development. Ministry of Agriculture.
http://en.litbang.pertanian.go.id/news/one/116/ (Accessed on 25 November 2016)
[2] Dariush, M., M. Ahad, O. Meysam, 2006. Assessing the land equivalent ratio (LER) of two corn (Zea
mays L.) varieties intercropping at various nitrogen levels in Karaj, Iran. Journal of Central European
Agriculture 7: 359-364.
[3] Keating, B.A., P. S. Carberry, 1993. Resource capture and use in intercropping: solar radiation. Field
Crops Research 34: 273-301
[4] Lin, B. B., 2011. Resilience in Agriculture through crop diversification: Adaptive management for
environmental change. BioScience 61: 183-193.
[5] Suhartina, 2005. Deskripsi Varietas Unggul Kacang-kacangan dan Umbi-umbian. Balai Penelitian
Tanaman Kacang-kacangan dan Umbi-umbian, Malang 154p.
[6] Whitehead, M. and M. E. Isaac, 2012. Effect of shade on Nitrogen and Phosporus acquisition in cereal-
legume intercropping systems. Agriculture 2: 12-24
Desi Aryani1,2*
Candidat Doctor in Ilmu Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran
Lecturer in Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sriwijaya
* Email: desiaryaniz@yahoo.com
1. Introduction
Accessibility to rice food can be seen from the stability and level of rice prices.
Foodstuffs should always be available in sufficient quantity, feasible quality and medically
safe for consumption. These factors are economically related to the purchasing power of the
people, so the price of food products must be affordable for consumers. Affordable prices
does not mean that food prices should always be low or cheap, because it is actually cause
many disadvantage on farmers and the ability of national food security, Husodo[1].
South Sumatra is one of the rice producing areas which quite large in Indonesia. South
Sumatra became the sixth center of rice production in Indonesia or third outside Java island
after South Sulawesi and North Sumatra. In 2008 the South Sumatra province is contribute to
4.82 percent of the national rice production, Aryani [2]. South Sumatra province as one of the
breadbasket regions should always maintain the stability of foodstuffs, especially rice
required by the community. The government is always trying to improve production and keep
prices of rice are in the favorable conditions for farmers and consumers as well. The
government will face food price dilemma, where farmers want higher rice prices, but
consumers want instead, Yustiningsih [3]. The objective of this study was to analyze the
performance of rice production, productivity, and the price in South Sumatra.
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Aryani 182
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affect the national rice production. In 2014 rice production reached 2,302,299 tons in South
Sumatra contributes 5.18 percent of the total national production amounted 44,439,842 tons.
The ability of rice production in South Sumatra varies between regions (districts/cities) and
between seasons. There is no clear mechanism rice arrangement in South Sumatra, although
the region barns but in real terms still import rice from outside the region and abroad. Rice
from South Sumatra sold to other provinces, this is because of almost all the rice producers in
South Sumatra bordering to other provinces that have better access in transportation. In line
with these studies, the results of research, Aryani [2] concluded that there is rice distribution
in and out of South Sumatra Province. Rice that traded on South Sumatra not only from the
production of local farmers in the province but also came from outside the province, among
others, Lampung and West Java. Likewise the marketing area of rice is not just to local
consumers in the province, but also to consumers outside the province, among others, the
provinces of Bengkulu, Jambi, Riau and Padang.
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The grain price in producer level and rice price in consumer level are likely to show
any differences. From the grain prices data that has been converted to rice equivalent
(0.6274%) there is a quite large price difference, it indicates that the presence of imperfect
price transmission from retail market to market producers. For five years (2010 - 2014) in
South Sumatra, the average price of grain that was converted to rice equivalent is about Rp
7,652.31 per kilogram while the average price of rice at Rp 8,394.16 per kilogram. It means
that there is a price difference of Rp 741.86 per kilogram (Table 3).
Table 2. Average Price of Grain and Rice in South Sumatra Toward HPP
Description (Rp/Kg) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Average
Grain Price 4.154,17 4.337,21 4.882,88 5.068,07 5.562,96 4.801,06
Conversion of Rice 6.621,24 6.912,98 7.782,73 8.077,89 8.866,69 7.652,31
Rice Price 6.824,81 7.631,13 8.376,95 8.889,22 10.248,70 8.394,16
Difference 203,57 718,15 594,22 811,33 1.382,01 741,86
Grain HPP 3.300,00 3.300,00 4.150,00 4.150,00 4.150,00 3.810,00
Rice HPP 5.060,00 5.060,00 6.600,00 6.600,00 6.600,00 5.984,00
Source: BPS, 2015
Table 3 shows the gap between producer prices to consumer prices in South Sumatra.
From 2010 to 2014 the prices range seen fluctuating and it continues to increase, where in
2010 the difference only amounted Rp 203.57 per kilogram, it increased to Rp 1,382.01 per
kilogram in 2014. The determination of HPP by government is expected to help farmers to
stabilize prices and fulfill their rice supply in the lean season. But in reality the welfare of
farmers is not increased, farmers feel harmed by the policy, Sawit and Halid [8]. HPP
determined by the government has always been far below the market price, HPP tend to not
responding of price changes in the market. HPP both grain and rice remained unchanged
during the period 2010 - 2011 and 2012 - 2014, does not follow the dynamic changes in the
market prices that continue to rise.
4. Conclusion
South Sumatra province has an average rice production of 2,170,638 tons per year, it
contribute to 21.55 percent of Sumatra’s rice production or 5.04 percent of Indonesia's rice
production. South Sumatra’s rice production showed an increasing trend from 2010 to 2014.
Compared with the average productivity of Indonesian rice by 5.08 tons per hectare, rice
productivity of South Sumatra only reached 4.39 tons per hectare.
Average grain price in South Sumatra that was converted to rice equivalent is about
Rp 7,652.31 per kilogram while the average rice price is Rp 8,394.16 per kilogram. It means
that there is a difference about Rp 741.86 per kilogram. There is a fairly large price difference
between the producer prices to consumer prices, it is indicate imperfect price transmission
from retail to producer market. HPP determined by the government has always been well
below the market price, HPP tend to not responding of price changes in the market.
[1] S.Y. Husodo, Masa Depan Pertanian Indonesia, Makalah Seminar Nasional dan Musyawarah Wilayah
II DPW Jawa POPMASEPI di Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah di Jakarta, 2003.
[2] Aryani, D, Ketahanan Pangan di Sumatera Selatan Ditinjau dari Tren Produksi Beras dan Stok Beras
Pedagang, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Agribisnis: Kristalisasi Paradigma Agribisnis dalam
Pembangunan dan Pendidikan Tinggi, Bogor 18 April 2015.
[3] F. Yustiningsih, Analisa Integrasi Pasar dan Transmisi Harga Beras Petani-Konsumen di Indonesia, Tesis,
Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Indonesia, 2012.
[4] Badan Pusat Statistik Sumatera Selatan, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan dalam Angka 2015, 2015.
[5] M.Z. Majdah, Perspektif Perdagangan Beras antar Pulau, Jurnal Analisis 4(2):111-123. 2007.
[6] Badan Pusat Statistik, Database, www.bps.go.id/site/pilihdata (diakses tanggal 7 Mei 2015), 2015.
[7] S. Bojnec and G. Peter, Vertical Market Integration and Competition: The Meat Sector in Slovenia.
Agricultural and Food Science, 14(2005):236-249, 2005.
[8] M.H. Sawit and H. Halid, Arsitektur Kebijakan Beras di Era Baru, IPB Press, 2010.
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The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the growth performance of
broilers fed diets based on putak and rice bran supplemented with multy-enzymes. Three
treatment diets based on maize--putak-rice bran-soybean meal were formulated to meet or
under NRC (1994) recommendations for major nutrients. All diets were offered ad libitum in
crumble form to four replicate pens of broilers (10 birds/pen) from day 1 to d 35 post-hatch.
The results showed that significant differences (P>0.05) were observed in growth
performance of broilers. Birds fed positive control diets had higher (P<0.05; P<0.01)) body
weight gain and feed per gain than those fed negative control diet with or without enzymes.
The average body weight gain of birds fed positive control diet was 395.7 g/bird (21d); 873.8
g/bird (0-35d), followed by negative control diet supplemented with enzymes, 308.5 g/bird
(21d); 737.3 g/bird (35d) and the lowest was those fed negative control diet without enzyme
supplementation, 286.3 g. Feed intake of birds fed control positive control diets were
comparable (P>0.05) than than those fed negative control diet with or without enzymes. Birds
fed positive control diets were more efficient in utilising diets (3.211; 3.452) compared to two
other treatments. No significant differences (P>0.05) were found in mortality rate among all
ttreatment diets on day 21 dan 35 post hatch. In conclusion, modification of nutritional
composition of broiler diets lower than that of required and supplementation of enzymes in
broiler diets based on local feed ingredients causes an improvement in growth performance
of broiler during starter and growing periods even though the results were not as good as the
growth performance of broilers given diet with the nutritional composition as standard
nutritional requirements.
1. Introduction
Poultry feed industry in Indonesia is still mainly depending on maize as the main
energy source in the diets formulated for poultry. The choice of maize as the main energy
source due to its high metabolisable energy, digestibility and palatability. However, the
availability of maize in Indonesia is fluctuative due to the season, which leads to unstable
price along the year, and even tend to increase every year. In addition, this condition causes
poultry feed industries in Indonesia has to import maize from overseas. As a result it will
increase the price of poultry feed. Because of that, it is necessary to use the alternative
energy feed ingredients to partly substitute the proportion of maize in poultry ration.
NTT has prospective alternative feed ingredients which are putak, and rice bran that
has been nutritionally evaluated for their potential using [1,2,3,4]. In the previous
experiments, it was found that putak contains nitrogen correction apparent metabolisable
energy (AMEn) 2774 kcal/kg DM, crude protein (CP) 36.6 g/kg, lysine 1.2 g/kg, met+cys
0.9 g/kg. crude fibre (CF) 99.5 g/kg, NDF 81.4 g/kg, crude lipid (CL) 3.2 g/kg, Ca 18.0 g/kg
and P 4.2 g/kg. The inclusion level of putak in poultry diet to was found up 200 g/kg without
giving negative impact on growth performance of broilers during 21d experimental periods.
Rice bran contains nitrogen correction AMEn 1908 kcal/kg DM, CP 74.1g/kg, lysine 0.9
g/kg, meth+cystine 1.7 g/kg, CF 314.8 g/kg, NDF 616.8 g/kg, CL 44.2 g/kg, Ca 15.3 g/kg
and P 6.4 g/kg [2]
The improvement of nutritional value of putak and rice bran through fermentation
with Aspergillus niger has been conducted [1,2]. The result indicated that fermented rice
bran and fermented putak have higher nutritional value compared to raw putak and rice bran.
The AMEn of putak increased after fermentation from 2774 to 2802 kcal/kg DM . While,
for rice bran increased from 1908 to 2922 kcal/kg DM. In addition, fermented rice bran can
be included up to 250 g/kg in broiler starter diet.
The improvement of the nutritional value of feed ingredients can be conducted
through the supplementation of enzymes. Research about using enzymes in poultry diet
based on maize-soybean meal has been conducted by many researchers, but using of
enzymes in poultry diets based on maize-putak-rice bran and soybean meal is still limited.
This become the main reason why this research was conducted. The main objective of this
research was to evaluate the evaluate the production performance of broilers fed diets based
on putak and rice bran supplemented with multy-enzymes.
Birds and housing: Total of 120 day-old broilers (mix male and female, CP 707) obtained
from local commercial hatchery were assigned on the basis of body weight to the 12 floor
pens (10 birds/pen) in open housing. The temperature and relative humidity were controlled
by thermo-hygrometer. The birds received constant light and, were allowed free access to the
diets and water for 24 h per day.
Diets: Total of three diets was mixed; on control positive diet based on maize-putak-rice
bran-soybean meal was formulated to meet the NRC standard, two negative control diets were
formulated under the NRC standard. The multy-enzymes supplementation was included in
one of the negative control diet (Table 1 and 2). The diets were pelleted and then crumbled.
Each of the three dietary treatments were randomly assigned to four pens containing 10 chicks
each, and the diets were fed from day 1 to 35.
Nutritional composition***)
(Laboratory analysis, g/kg DM)
Dry Matter 965.5 968.2 976.4
Crude Protein 201.7 198.7 201.2
Crude Lipid 93.00 90.00 88.70
Crude Fibre 33.1 31.3 30.2
ADF 109.1 112.6 112.6
NDF 240.9 255.4 231.2
Ash 122.4 127.8 115.1
Ca (g/kg) 9.94 8.98 8.50
P Total (g/kg) 5.59 4.96 492
*) Each kg of Sanmix: Vitamin A 1.250.000 IU, vitamin D3 250.000 IU, Vitamin E 750 IU, vitamin K 200 mg,
vitamin B1 150 mg, vitamin B2 500 mg, vitamin B6 500 mg, vitamin B12 1200 mg, vitamin C 3000 mg, Ca-d-
pantothenate 500 mg, Niacin 3500 mg, Methionine 3500 mg, lysine 3500 mg, manganese 10.000 mg, iron 2500
mg, Iodine 20 mg, Zinc 10.000 mg, Cobalt 20 mg,Copper 300 mg da, Antioxidant 1000 mg.
**)Alltech SSF: Cellulase, Xylanase, Betaglucanase, Pectinase, Phytase, Protease and Amilase
***) Lab kimia dan makanan ternak, Fapet-Unhas, Makassar and Lab Nutrisi dan pakan ternak Politani Kupang
Nutritional composition***)
(Laboratory analysis, g/kg DM)
Dry Matter 951.3 950.4 957.8
Crude Protein 200.8 184.3 204.8
Crude Lipid 86.4 82.5 81.1
Crude Fibre 28.7 29.6 27.8
ADF 98.3 121.3 98.6
NDF 263.9 195.8 204.3
Ash 106.2 112.0 108.4
Ca (g/kg) 7.8 7.7 7.9
P Total (g/kg) 3.8 5.5 3.7
*) Each kg of Sanmix: Vitamin A 1.250.000 IU, vitamin D3 250.000 IU, Vitamin E 750 IU, vitamin K 200 mg,
vitamin B1 150 mg, vitamin B2 500 mg, vitamin B6 500 mg, vitamin B12 1200 mg, vitamin C 3000 mg, Ca-d-
pantothenate 500 mg, Niacin 3500 mg, Methionine 3500 mg, lysine 3500 mg, manganese 10.000 mg, iron 2500
mg, Iodine 20 mg, Zinc 10.000 mg, Cobalt 20 mg,Copper 300 mg da, Antioxidant 1000 mg.
**)Alltech SSF: Cellulase, Xylanase, Betaglucanase, Pectinase, Phytase, Protease and Amilase
***) Lab kimia dan makanan ternak, Fapet-Unhas, Makassar and Lab Nutrisi dan pakan ternak Politani Kupang
Measurements: Body weights and feed intake were recorded at day 21 and 35 during the
experiment. The weight gain and feed intake data were used to calculate feed per gain per
treatment group.
Statistical analysis: The pens means were used to derive performance data. The data of
performance was analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the General
Linear Model procedure of SAS [5]. Differences were considered to be significant at P <
0.05) and significant differences between means were separated by the Fisher’s Least
Significant Difference Test (LSD).
Table 3. Growth performance of broilers fed diets containing putak and rice bran
supplemented with multy-enzymes (day 21 and 35)
Feed intake Feed per Mortality
Treatment diets BWG (g/bird)
(g/bird) gain (g/g) (%)
0-21 day
Positive control 395.8a 1240 3.211a 0.0%
b b
Negative Control 296.3 1238 4.451 0.0%
Negative control +
308.5b 1233 4.055b 0.0%
Probability * NS * NS
0-35 day
Positive control 873.8a 3014 3.452a 0.0%
Negative Control 587.8c 3078 5.309b 0.0%
Negative control +
737.3b 3055 4.143b 0.0%
Probability ** NS ** NS
Means of column with the superscripts significant defference (P < 0.05),
NS: Not significant (P>0.05)s
each value is the average of 4 replicates (10 birds/replicate)
It can be seen from Table 3., the highest body weight gain was found in birds fed
positive control diet, followed by those fed negative control diets supplemented with
enzymes, while the lowest was found in birds given negative control diet without enzyme
supplementation. It is interesting to note that numerically the body weight gain of birds
received negative control diet with enzymes was higher to those fed negative control diet
without enzymes during the starter period.
Regarding feed per gain, birds given positive control diets had the most efficient feed
per gain, which was 3.211 (0-21 d) and 3.452 (0-35 d), followed by negative control diet plus
multy-enzymes and negative control diet without enzymes, which were 4.055 and 4.451,
respectively. It is interesting to note that there was an improvement in feed per gain in
negative control diet plus enzymes. This result indicated that multi-enzymes added in the diet
improved the digestibility of nutrients, especially fibre, protein and starch which leads to the
higher availability of those nutrients. The improvement of starch digestibility, as a result of
amylase in the cocktail enzymes, caused the improvement of apparent metabolisable energy in
the ration. Protease increased the digestibility of diet protein that can lead to the increase of
body tissue of broilers. The result of this experiment agreed with previous research [6,7] who
explained that the enzyme supplementation in poultry diets will 1) destroy or reduce the anti-
nutritional factors in ration, 2) improve the availability of nutrients bound by cell wall that
rich in fibre, 3) improve gut health, 4) increase the the amount of endogen enzymes produced
by birds to support the hydrolysis of nutrient in the gut.
The worst growth performance in negative control diet without enzyme
supplementation was due to the nutritional composition which was under NRC requirement,
especially apparent metabolisable energy and calcium reguirement, which were 3025 kcal/kg
DM and 3.9 g/kg, respectively. Low calcium caused an increase in Ca:Av P ratio, which can
impair the nutrient metabolism. Better result of performance in birds fed negative control diet
plus multy-enzyme was due to the improvement in nutrient availability that can recover the
nutrients which were under NRC requirements.
4. Conclusions
Modification of nutritional composition of broiler diets lower than that of required and
supplementation of enzymes in broiler diets based on local feed ingredients causes an
improvement in growth performance of broiler during starter and growing periods even
though the results were not as good as the growth performance of broilers given diet with the
nutritional composition as standard nutritional requirements.
[1] Nalle, C,L. dan M. R.K Yowi., “Nilai Nutrisi Dedak Padi Fermentasi Bagi Ternak Ayam Broiler:
Komposisi Nutrisi dan Performans Produksi-2014. Prosiding Seminar Nasional: Peranan Sains dan
Teknologi untuk Mendukung Pembangunan Berkelanjutan 15-16 Oktober 2014. Volume I: Bidang Sains.
Undana Press, 2014,, pp. A-41-A-48.
[2] Nalle, C,L., M. R.K Yowi and A. Widu., “Nutritional Value of Raw and Processed Putak and Saga Bean
for Broiler Chickens-2015. Proceeding International Seminar on Tropical Naturak Resources, 2015.
“Toward Sustainable Utilisation of the Tropical Natural resources for a Better Human Prosperities”.
University of Mataram Indonesia June 10-13, 2015pp. 394-406.
[3] Nalle, C,L. dan M. R.K Yowi., “Pengaruh Penambahan Enzim Amilase, Protease, Xilanase dan Fitase
terhadap Performans Pertumbuhan Ayam Broiler, 2014”. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fakultas
Kedokteran Hewan Undana Ke-2: Penerapan Konsep One Health dalam Penanganan E Diseases Skala
Nasional dan Global. 30 Oktober 2014, pp.21-30.
[4] Nalle, C,L., M. R.K Yowi and D. Tulle. “Pengaruh Level Pemberian Putak Terhadap Performans
Produksi Ternak Ayam Broiler”. Laporan Akhir Penelitian BOPTN, 2012. Politeknik Pertanian Negeri
[5] SAS Institute. SAS/STAT® User’s Guide: Statistics. Version 6.12. SAS Institute Inc., 1997. Cary, NC,
[6] McCleary, B. V.,”Analysis of feed enzymes. In: Bedford, M. R. and G. G. Partridge (eds): Enzymes in
Farm Animal Nutrition”, 2001. CABI Publishing.
[7] Sheppy, C. (2001). The current feed enzyme market and likely trend. In: “Enzymes in farm animal
nutrition”. Bedford, M. R. and partrige, G. G., CASI, Walling Ford, PP: 4-10.
This study aimed to examine the effects on rice growth performance of inserting a row
of peanut plants between double and triple-rows of a promising red rice line in an additive
intercropping with peanut in an aerobic rice system on raised beds, by conducting a field
experiment in Narmada (West Lombok, Indonesia), from June to October 2016. The
experiment was designed according to Split Plot design testing two treatment factors, i.e.
patterns of rice rows (P) as the main plot factor (P1= double and P2= triple rows) and timing
of peanut planting (T) as the sub-plot factor (T0= without peanut; T1= planting peanut 1
week, T2= 2 weeks, and T3= 3 weeks after planting (WAP) of sprouting red rice seeds).
Results indicated that triple row pattern of red rice resulted in higher number of tillers and
panicles than those in double row pattern, and additive intercropping by inserting a row of
peanut plants between the double and triple rows of rice either at two or three weeks after
planting of rice seeds could significantly increase growth, tiller number, and panicle number
of red rice plants. However, the two treatment factors showed interaction effects only on the
average growth rate (AGR) of leaf number, leaf number at 8 WAP, and numbers of tillers and
panicles per clump at seed filling stage, which were highest when peanut was relay planted
two weeks after planting red rice in the triple row pattern or three weeks in the double row
pattern of red rice.
1. Introduction
Rice is generally cultivated under conventional techniques (with flooded irrigation, and
even the water continuously flows between plots) in the lowland paddy fields. Thus irrigation
water requirement for rice cultivation is very high but rice productivity is low, with an
average of 4.98 t/ha in Indonesia in 2011 [1].
With the conventional techniques, it has also been proved in Madagascar that rice
productivity is constantly low, and even tends to decline from year to year if without high
input of inorganic fertilizers. With the technique of SRI (System of Rice Intensification), in
which rice is irrigated with alternating thin-flooding and drying during the vegetative stage
followed by thin flooding during the reproductive phase, and the use of composted manure, it
has been demonstrated in Madagascar that rice productivity can be improved. A farmer after
applying the SRI technique for 6 years, obtained grain yield of 2.74 ton in a paddy area of
0.13 ha (equivalent to 21 t/ha), but with the conventional techniques in the adjacent plots, rice
yield was an average of 2.6 t/ha [2].
In addition to SRI technique, researchers have started to develop aerobic rice cultivation
techniques, in which rice is cultivated without flooding and without puddling [3], for example
on permanent raised beds. With raised beds, watering can be done through a ditch between
beds [4]. Since there is no flooding, the aerobic rice can be intercropped with legume crops,
which are capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen. In addition, legumes also generally
establish symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), which are capable of
increasing the availability of phosphate to their host plants [5]. In intercropping systems, there
are great opportunities for the transfer of nutrients between intercropped plants [6,7,8], and
the transfer was reported to occur through AMF hyphae infecting adjacent roots of both types
of plants intercropped [9,10]. This study aimed to examine the effects on rice growth
performance of inserting a row of peanut plants between double and triple-rows of a
promising red rice line in an additive intercropping with peanut in an aerobic rice system on
raised beds.
The field experiment in this study, carried out in the experimental paddy field in Narmada
(Lombok, Indonesia) from June to October 2016, was arranged according to Split Plot design,
testing two treatment factors, namely: the patterns of rice rows (B) as the main plot (B1=
double row, B2= triple row), and intercropping (T) with peanut plants inserted between the
double or triple rows of rice plants at various ages rice plants (T0 = without intercropping,
T1= additive intercropping with peanut, in which peanut was planted one (1) week after
planting (WAP) sprouting rice seeds, T2= planting peanut at 2 WAP, T3= planting peanut at 3
WAP). Thus there were eight treatment combinations, and each combination was made in 3
replications (blocks), so there were 24 treatment beds.
For planting the red rice, 24 raised beds were created with a size of 3.20 m x 1.00 m
separated by surrounding furrows of 25 cm width and 20 cm depth. With the basic plant
spacing of 20 cm x 20 cm, then there were 80 clumps of rice per beds. Double rows were
made by moving every even row 5 cm towards odd rows, so that the distance was 15 cm
within a double-row and 25 cm between double-rows, in which peanut plants were inserted.
Similarly, between-row distance within a triple row was also 15 cm but between triple-rows it
was 30 cm, in which peanut plants were inserted. At planting rice, 40 g “Bokashi” (EM-4
fermented compost of cattle manure) was dibbled into each planting hole, and then 3-4
sprouted seeds of the promising amphibious red rice line “Amp-G4” were planted in the
compost and covered with surrounding soil. One week after planting (WAP) rice, thinning
was done to leave only two rice plants per hill. Insertion of peanut plants (relay planting of
peanut) was started at 1 WAP (T1), then 2 WAP (T2) and 3 WAP (T3) of planting rice, by
dibbling 3-4 peanut seeds of Hypoma-1 variety between the double and triple rows of rice
plants with 20 cm within row spacing, then peanut seeds in the planting holes were covered
with 1 table spoon of rhizosphere soil freshly taken from ready-to-harvest Hypoma-1 peanut
plants having many root nodules growing on the same land area. After one week, thinning
was also done to allow only 2 peanut plants to grow per hill.
Rice plants were fertilized with Phonska (15-15-15) of 1.2 g/clump (300 kg/ha) at 1
WAP, and Urea (45% N) at 4 WAP and 7 WAP of 0.4 g/clump each (100 kg/ha), whereas
peanut was fertilized only with Phonska of 1.2 g/clump. Those fertilizers were dibbled 7 cm
beside the plants at 7 cm depth. Watering was done by continuous flowing of irrigation water
through the furrows surrounding the raised beds by maintaining water surface 8-10 cm below
the bed surface. Weeds were controlled by removing them manually, while the pests
(Leptocorisa plant-hoppers) were controlled by alternating spray of the insecticides Decis 25
EC and combination of Amcothene 75 SP + Yasithrin 30 EC with an interval of one week
during the attack. To keep the rice from bird attack, the rice plants were covered with nets of
1.5 inch mesh size. The Amp-G4 red rice was harvested 110 days after planting (DAP).
The variables measured were plant growth (plant height, number of leaves, number of
tillers, which were measured every week), and number of panicles per hill at seed filling
stage. Data were analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA) and test Honestly Significant
Difference (HSD) at 5% level of significance, using CoStat for Windows ver. 6.303. The
average growth rate (AGR) was measured with slope coefficient using regression analysis.
Based on the ANOVA results, it can be seen from Table 1 that both treatment factors
tested, namely intercropping and pattern of rice rows, showed significant interaction effects
only on the average growth rate (AGR) of leaf number, leaf number at 8 MST, tiller number
at 12 MST, and number of panicles per hill, with the main effects were also significant, in
which the pattern of "triple-rows" gives higher average values, while among the multiple
cropping treatments, T3, i.e. relay planting of peanut 3 weeks after planting red rice, shows
the highest average values, whereas T0, i.e. without intercropping, shows the lowest average
Table 1 Average growth rate (AGR) of plant height (PH), leaf number (LN), and
tiller number (TN), and plant height (PH) at 8 & 12 WAP; leaf number
(LN) at 8 & 12 WAP; tiller number (TN) at 8 & 12 WAP; and number of
panicle per clump
PH 8 PH 12 LN 8 LN 12 TN 8 TN 12 Panicle/
Treatments: AGR PH AGR LN AGR TN
T0 1.31 a 85.3 a 112.5 a 0.91 b 42.2 c 55.2 b 0.38 b 16.9 c 17.5 c 16.2 c
T1 1.40 a 85.7 a 107.5 a 0.97 b 47.4 b 60.4 ab 0.42 b 19.4 bc 24.2 b 23.3 b
T2 1.37 a 83.8 a 113.8 a 1.00 b 49.4 b 61.8 a 0.45 b 20.7 ab 27.2 a 25.8 a
T3 1.27 a 79.7 a 114.0 a 1.18 a 54.2 a 65.7 a 0.53 a 23.0 a 28.3 a 26.7 a
HSD 5% ns ns ns 0.17 4.6 6.6 0.08 2.7 2.6 2.1
Row pattern:
Double 1.28 a 79.1 b 110.1 a 0.91 b 43.1 b 56.4 a 0.42 b 19.3 b 22.9 b 21.7 b
Triple 1.39 a 88.2 a 113.8 a 1.13 a 53.5 a 65.1 a 0.47 a 20.7 a 25.7 a 24.3 a
HSD 5% ns 3.1 ns 0.13 9.9 ns 0.03 0.4 2.5 2.6
Interactions ns ns ns * ** ns ns ns *** ***
Remarks: AGR= average growth rate (per day); PH= plant height; LN= leaf number; TN= tiller number; WAP=
weeks after planting; ns = non-significant ANOVA; *, **, *** = significant at p<0.05, p<0.01,
p<0.001, respectively; Mean values in each column followed by the same letter are not significantly
different between levels of a treatment factor based on its Tukey’s HSD test
When the interaction effects are examined in more closely it can be seen from Fig. 1A
the AGR of leaf number was the highest on red rice plant intercropped with peanut in which
peanut was planted when red rice plant already at the age of 3 WAP in the triple-row pattern
(T3). Leaf number at 8 WAP was also highest in the same treatment combination (Fig. 1B).
However, there are different patterns of interaction effects between the two factors on tiller
number (Fig. 1C) and panicle number per clump (Fig. 1D), in which the interaction effects are
more distinct between treatment combinations. In terms of panicle number per clump at seed-
filling stage, which is a main component of grain yield, it can be seen from Fig. 1D that the
highest number of panicles was in triple-row and the rice crops were additive intercropped
with peanut planted at 2 weeks after planting rice (T2), but in the double-row pattern, the
highest number of rice panicle was on red rice plants additive intercropped with peanut
planted at 3 weeks after planting rice (T3). This means that the width of the peanut growing
area had significant effects on the direction of interactions between the component crops in
the intercropping system. In the double-row pattern the width of area in which peanut plants
were inserted after few weeks of planting rice was 25 cm and this was shared by three clumps
of plants, i.e. one peanut and two rice plants, while in the triple-row pattern, the area was
wider, i.e. 30 cm, shared by the same number of plants. Thus, relay planting of peanut plants,
i.e. planting peanut in established rice crops, in the double-rows of the red rice plants is most
beneficial to rice at later time, i.e. 3 weeks after planting rice (T3), while in the triple-rows of
the red rice plants, relay planting of peanut plant is most beneficial to rice at earlier time, i.e. 2
weeks after planting rice (T2).
AGR of leaf number per day
1.5 70
34 34
Panicle number per clump
Tiller number 12 WAP
30 30
26 26
22 22
18 18
14 14
10 10
T0 T1 T2 T3 T0 T1 T2 T3 T0 T1 T2 T3 T0 T1 T2 T3
C Double-row (B1) Triple-row (B2) D Double-row (B1) Triple-row (B2)
Some researchers have reported that intercropping cereals with legume crops can lead to
the transfer of nitrogen (N) nutrient from rhizosphere of legumes to the roots of cereal crops,
resulting in higher N uptake by the intercropped cereals compared with the monocrop cereals
[6,11,7,8], and the transfer is facilitated by AMF associations [9,10], and both rice and peanut
are hosts of AMF. It could also be seen from the color of the red rice leaves in this field
experiment during their vegetative growth stages that leaves of the intercropped rice plants
were greener than those in the monocrop stand. In this study, at the time of planting, peanuts
were also inoculated with rhizosphere soil biota and root fragments of peanut plants of the
same variety having many root nodules, causing the peanut plants in this study also produced
many root nodules, and because they grew in an aerobic conditions, i.e. no flooded conditions
on the raised beds, it means that the peanut plants could actively fix atmospheric N2.
From the development of numbers of rice leaves that were still green (Fig. 2), it can be
seen that the intercropped rice plants constantly showed higher leaf number, and between the
two row patterns, the triple row showed higher numbers of rice leaves that were still green
until the age of 12 WAP. This indicates some N contribution of relay intercropping of peanut
to N nutrition of the rice plants, and between the two row patterns, the triple row pattern
seems to have more benefits of relay intercropping the red rice plants with peanut plants.
double T0 double T1
Green leaf number per clump
65 double T2 double T3
55 triple T0 triple T1
triple T2 triple T3
LN2 LN3 LN4 LN5 LN6 LN7 LN8 LN11 LN12
Figure 2 The development in the number of rice leaves that are still green from 2
to 12 WAP between treatment combinations of row patterns and additive
intercropping (LN = number of green leaves)
4. Conclusion
Based on the results it can be concluded that relay additive intercropping of red rice with
peanut plants in an aerobic system significantly improved growth and panicle number of rice,
and between the two row patterns of rice planting, it seems that the rice plants have the
highest benefits from the intercropping when peanuts are relay planted at 2 weeks after
planting rice in the triple-row pattern or 3 weeks after planting rice in the double-row pattern.
Through this article the authors would like to thank the Rector of the University of
Mataram for funding this research project through the “PNBP” Research Grant, with the
Contract Agreement, No. 167J/SP-BLU/UN18.12.2/PL/2016.
[1] BPS, Statistik Tanaman Pangan, 2011. Biro Pusat Statistik, Indonesia. http://www.bps.go.id.
[2] N. Uphoff, “Question and answer about the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) for raising the
productivity of land, labor and water”. CIIFAD Paper, 2002 (http://ciifad.comell.edu/sri/sripapers.html).
[3] R. Prasad, Aerobic Rice Systems. Advances in Agronomy, 111: 208-233 (2011).
[4] N.W.D. Dulur, I.G.M. Kusnarta, dan W. Wangiyana, “Aplikasi Pasir dan Pupuk Kandang pada Bedeng
Permanen untuk Perbaikan Sifat Tanah dan Pertumbuhan Padi di Lahan Vertisol Tadah Hujan Lombok”.
Agroteksos, 25(2): 102-108 (2015).
[5] S.E. Smith and D.J. Read, Mycorrhizal Symbiosis. Third Edition. London, UK: Academic Press, 2008.
[6] K. Fujita, S. Ogata, K. Matsumoto, T. Masuda, G.K. Ofosu-Budu, and K. Kuwata, “Nitrogen Transfer and
Dry Matter Production in Soybean and Sorghum Mixed Cropping System at Different Population Density”.
Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 36(2): 233-241 (1990).
[7] G.X. Chu, Q.R. Shen, and J.L. Cao, “Nitrogen fixation and N transfer from peanut to rice cultivated in
aerobic soil in an intercropping system and its effect on soil N fertility”. Plant and Soil, 263: 17-27 (2004).
[8] Inal, A. Gunes, F. Zhang, and I. Cakmak, “Peanut/maize intercropping induced changes in rhizosphere and
nutrient concentrations in shoots”. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 45: 350-356 (2007).
[9] G.J. Bethlenfalvay, M.G. Reyes-Solis, S.B. Camel, and R. Eerrera-Cerrato, “Nutrient transfer between the
root zones of soybean and maize plants connected by a common mycorrhizal mycelium”. Physiologia
Plantarum, 82: 423-432 (1991).
[10] Hamel, C. Nesser, U. Barrantes-Cartin, and D.L. Smith, “Endomycorrhizal fungal species mediate 15N
transfer from soybean to maize in non-fumigated soil”. Plant and Soil, 138: 41-47 (1991).
[11] W. Wangiyana and I.G.M. Kusnarta, “Peningkatan Serapan N dan Hasil Tanaman Jagung Varietas Lokal
Bima melalui Tumpangsari dengan Beberapa Jenis Tanaman Legum”. J. Penelitian Univ. Mataram, 14(1):
41-49 (1998).
This study aimed to examine the effects of inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
(AMF) propagules and growing peanut plants inserted between double-rows of shallot on
growth and bulb production of several shallot varieties, by conducting a field experiment in
Narmada (West Lombok, Indonesia), from June to September 2016. The experiment was
designed according to Split Split-Plot Design, testing three treatment factors, i.e. additive
intercropping of peanut (P) between double-rows of shallot as the main plot factor (P0=
without, P1= with intercropping), AMF inoculation (M) as the sub-plot factor (M0= without,
M1= with AMF inoculation), and shallot varieties (V) as the sub-sub-plot factor (V1=
Ampenan, V2= Bima Brebes, V3= Ketamonca, V4= Super Phillip varieties). Results
indicated that among the three treatment factors, it is most likely that genotypic differences
between varieties were the most significant factor affecting differences in growth and bulb
production of those shallot varieties, in which Ketamonca and Super Phillip showed better
performance than the other varieties, and Ampenan variety showed the lowest growth and
bulb production. Application of AMF propagules resulted in significantly higher growth,
especially in leaf number, and bulb production, whereas additive intercropping with peanut by
inserting a row of peanut plants between double-rows of shallot did not show significant
effects but there was a tendency that intercropping resulted in better growth of shallot during
the vegetative growth of the peanut plants, especially for shallot inoculated with AMF.
However, the three treatment factors did not show significant interaction effects on all
observation variables.
Keywords: double-rows, intercropping, mycorrhiza, peanut, shallot
1. Introduction
The field experiment, conducted in an entisol paddy field located in the experimental
farm in Narmada (West Lombok, Indonesia), from June to September 2016, was arranged
according to the Split Split-Plot design, testing three treatment factors, namely: additive
intercropping of shallots with peanut (T) as the main plot factor (T0 = without intercropping,
T1 = intercropped with peanuts); inoculation of shallot with AMF propagules (M) as the
subplot factor (M0= without inoculation, M1= inoculation with AMF); shallot varieties (V) as
the sub-subplot factor (V1= Ampenan, V2= Bima Brebes, V3= Ketamonca, and V4= Super
Philip varieties). Each treatment combination was made in 3 blocks.
For planting preparation, after cultivating the rice field with once plowing and once
harrowing, raised beds for planting shallot were created, with a size of 1.20 m x 0.75 m
separated by a surrounding furrow of 25 cm width and 20 cm depth. One day before planting,
the tip of the seed-bulbs were cut, then planted the following day on the raised beds using a
basic spacing of 20 cm x 15 cm, but because double-rows of shallot were required, then the 20
cm between-row was modified to make 15 cm within a double-row and 25 cm between
double-rows in which a row of peanut plants was inserted with 15 cm within-row spacing to
establish an additive intercropping system. Both edges of the beds were also planted with one
row of peanuts each. Peanut was planted three days after planting shallot seed-bulbs.
Shallot fertilization was done with “Bokashi” (EM-4 fermented compost of cattle
manure) of 50 g/clump (17 ton/ha), Phonska (15% N, 15% P2O5, 15% K2O, 9% S) of 2.1
g/clump (700 kg/ha), and ZA (21% N, 24% S) of 0.9 g/clump (300 kg/ha), while peanut was
basalt fertilized with Phonska of 1.2 g/plant (200 kg/ha). The Bokashi compost was applied at
planting in the shallot planting hole below the seed-bulb. For shallot inoculated with AMF,
the inoculant was placed below the Bokashi in each shallot planting hole, with a dose of one
table spoon full. Phonska for shallots and peanut was applied 7 days after planting (DAP)
shallot, by dibbling Phonska into a hole of 7 cm depth and 7 cm next to the young plants. ZA
for shallot was applied at 30 DAP with the same way of applying Phonska.
Watering was done by flowing water through the furrows surrounding the raised beds
when the beds were dry but watering was rarely needed because there were sufficient rains
during the experiment. Weeds were controlled by removing them, while pests (caterpillars)
were controlled with alternating sprays of the insecticides Decis 25 EC and Amcothene 75 SP
with an interval of 5 days during the attack. Shallot bulbs were harvested at the age of 65
Observations were made on the growth variables (plant height, leaf number, and tiller
number, measured every 7 days), and the formation of onion bulbs. Data were analyzed by
analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) test at 5% level of
significance, using the statistical software CoStat for Windows. The average growth rates
(AGR) were measured using slope coefficient of regression between age of the plants and the
growth variables.
Based on the ANOVA results, the differences between shallot varieties tested almost
all significant in relation to the observation variables except the average growth rate (AGR) of
leaf number and tiller number. In contrast, intercropping with peanut showed significant
effects only on leaf number at 3 and 4 WAP, while AMF inoculation significantly affected
AGR of plant height and leaf number, and leaf number (at 3, 4 , 5, 6 and 7 WAP), and bulb
number per clump. However, the interaction effects between the treatment factors are
generally not significant on almost all observation variables except between AMF inoculation
and intercropping (MxT) on AGR of plant height and leaf number at 5 WAP, and interaction
between varieties of shallot and AMF inoculation (VxM) on AGR of leaf number (Table 1).
Table 1. Summary of ANOVA results on average growth rate (AGR) of plant height,
leaf number, and tiller number, and plant height at 7 WAP, leaf number at 3, 4, 5, 6 and
7 WAP, tiller number at 6 and 7 WAP, and bulb number per hill
On the MxT interactions, there are slightly different effects of AMF inoculation
between intercropping and shallot monocrop. For AGR of plant height, the effects of AMF
inoculation was not significant in monocrop shallot but AMF was highly significant in
increasing plant height AGR, and without AMF, intercropping was significantly decrease the
AGR, compared with monocrop (Fig. 1A). On leaf number of shallot at 5 WAP, however, it
seems that there was no effects of intercropping but the significant increasing effects of AMF
were higher in the peanut intercropped shallot than the monocrop (Fig. 1B). In contrast,
although the interaction effect was not significant, the average number of shallot green leaves
was higher in those intercropped with peanut than on the monocrop when shallot was not
inoculated with AMF (Fig. 1C), indicating contributing effects of intercropping with peanut
on number of shallot leaves that are still green approaching to its maturity at 60 DAP. This
could be due to some transfer of nitrogen from the rhizosphere of peanut to roots of shallots
because peanut plants are capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen, and many researchers have
reported this kind of N transfer, such as reported by Fujita et al. [8] from soybean to sorghum,
Chu et al. [9] from peanut to rice, and Inal et al. [10] from peanut to maize in an
intercropping. However, intercropping or AMF inoculation seems to have similar effects on
bulb number (Fig. 1D), in which the magnitude of the significant effects AMF inoculation
were similar between intercropping and monocrop treatments on bulb number.
0.8 40
0.5 24
0.4 20
M0 M1 M0 M1 M0 M1 M0 M1
A Shallot-peanut intercropping Shallot monocrop
B Shallot-peanut intercropping Shallot monocrop
27 11
18 7
M0 M1 M0 M1
M0 M1 M0 M1
C D Shallot-peanut intercropping Shallot monocrop
Shallot-peanut intercropping Shallot monocrop
0.9 13
AGR leaf number per day
0.7 10
0.6 8
0.5 7
0.4 5
0.3 4
M- M+ M- M+ M- M+ M- M+ M0 M1 M0 M1 M0 M1 M0 M1
E F V1 V2 V3 V4
V1 V2 V3 V4
4. Conclusion
Based on the results it can be concluded that all varieties of shallot commonly
grown in the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) areas, including Ampenan, Bima Brebes,
Ketamonca, and Super Philip varieties, are highly responsive to AMF inoculation. Therefore,
it is necessary to find out best isolates of indigenous AMF of agricultural lands from various
locations in NTB, especially from various location of shallot growing centers, followed by
some multi-location research, in order to formulate AMF technology to improve shallot
productivity in NTB.
Through this article the authors would like to thank the Rector of the University of
Mataram for funding this research project through the “PNBP” Research Grant, with the
Contract Agreement, No. 168A/SP-BLU/UN18.12.2/PL/2016.
[1] M. Keusgen, “Health and Alliums”. In: H.D. Rabinowitch and L. Currah (Eds), Allium Crop Science:
Recent Advances. CAB International: New York, USA: 357-378 (2002).
[2] J.L. Brewster, Onions and Other Vegetable Alliums, 2nd Edition. CABI, Wallingford, UK, 2004.
[3] L. Currah, “Onions in the Tropics: Cultivars and Country Reports”. In: H.D. Rabinowitch and L. Currah
(Eds), Allium Crop Science: Recent Advances. CAB International: New York, USA: 379-407.
[4] BPS, Statistik Tanaman Pangan, 2016. Biro Pusat Statistik, Indonesia. http://www.bps.go.id.
[5] G. Charron, V. Furlan, M. Bernier-Cardon, and G. Doyon, “Response of onion plants to arbuscular
mycorrhizae: 1. Effects of inoculation method and phosphorus fertilization on biomass and bulb firmness”.
Mycorrhiza, 11: 187-197 (2001).
[6] G. Charron, V. Furlan, M. Bernier-Cardon, and G. Doyon, “Response of onion plants to arbuscular
mycorrhizae: 2. Effects of nitrogen fertilization on biomass and bulb firmness”. Mycorrhiza, 11: 145-150
[7] C.L. Powell, G.E. Clark, and N.J. Verberne, “Growth response of four onion cultivars to several isolates of
VA mycorrhizal fungi”. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 25: 465-470 (1982).
[8] K. Fujita, S. Ogata, K. Matsumoto, T. Masuda, G.K. Ofosu-Budu, and K. Kuwata, “Nitrogen Transfer and
Dry Matter Production in Soybean and Sorghum Mixed Cropping System at Different Population Density”.
Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 36(2): 233-241 (1990).
[9] G.X. Chu, Q.R. Shen, and J.L. Cao, “Nitrogen fixation and N transfer from peanut to rice cultivated in
aerobic soil in an intercropping system and its effect on soil N fertility”. Plant and Soil, 263: 17-27 (2004).
[10] A. Inal, A. Gunes, F. Zhang, and I. Cakmak, “Peanut/maize intercropping induced changes in rhizosphere
and nutrient concentrations in shoots”. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 45: 350-356 (2007).
Keywords: Seasonal climate variability, Seasonal climate forecast, Warige Tumbuk, overhead sun,
Sasak calendar, moon phase., forecast skill, LEPS
1. Introduction
Sasak ethnic in Lombok is well known as a community with rich of culture and
tradition. They live in erratic seasonal rainfall, hence most farmers were dependent on dry
land or rainfed farm system. Ancient agriculture of Sasak community was carried out under
strict rule of conduct in getting harmony with nature (Mahrup et al., 2009, Yasin et al., 2013).
Changes in civilization along with implementation of green revolution have made
people mind more pragmatic. Farmers changed from subsistence practices to more
commercial agriculture. Current practice of agriculture is highly dependant on external inputs
such as fertilizers and pesticides. Progress in irrigation made them no longer dependent on
old practices such as use of Warige for seasonal climate forecast. meanwhile extreme weather
event such as excessive rain during dry season frequently causes crop failure due to flood. It is
evidently a strong cause of tobacco plant failure in Vertisols Lombok (Yasin et al., 2011;
Yasin, 2015).
Traditionally Sasak Ethnic of Lombok believes that the cause of seasonal rainfall variability
is due to interaction of celestial bodies in the sky i.e. position of sun and moon relative to the
earth. Sasak community believed that change in moon position relative to the sun may
promote or hinder rain event (Mahrup et al., 2009). Establishment of “tumbuk” (overhead sun)
date which is associated with moon phase is the way of Sasak community determining the
onset of rainy season. In wet year (overhead sun date associated with crescent) the onset of
rainy season is on mid November followed with heavy rainfall on December. In dry year
(overhead sun date associated with waning) the onset of rainy season is on early to mid
December followed with sporadic rainfall on the following months. Nevertheless the
characteristics of seasonal or annual rainfall is not simply following the rule. It may vary
from year to year and from place to place. Therefore the objective of this research is to
examine the skill of Warige in forecasting seasonal rainfall characteristics in Lombok
2. Materials and Methods
=3 1− − + − + − −1 (1)
From above equation can be seen that probability of P0 is given maximum skill score
(1) when Pf = Po. Besides, the nearest skill with “true” forecast at extreme of cumulative
distribution is given score almost 2. “True” forecast in the middle of cumulative distribution
(Po = 0,5), is given small score (around 0,5). The worse score that probably happen is -1.0
which is reverse of forecast value of extreme occurrence at an extreme observation. (such as,
Po = 0,0 and Pf = 1,0).(Ward and Folland, 1991).
To have total score of whole skill, it is given a set or ensemble of forecast. Skill score from
100% to -100%, Average skill (SK) is formulated as follows (Potts et al., 1996.):
100S (2)
LEPS measures forecast error as “distant” in probability of cumulative distribution
selected.(frequently happens from verification of observation) between forecast and proper
observation. If error in forecast is the same as observation error, the LEPS score will be zero
between rainfall types in wet and dry years. Analysis of Warige skill by LEPS method of
climate forecast Warige showed a significantly different between rainfall in wet and dry
years with skill ranged from 0.49 to 8.10 for rainy season and from 3.6 to 24 in dry season at
several locations in the southern part of Mount Rinjani Lombok . (Table 1 ) .
Table 1. Prediction of Rainfall and Skill Analysis for Warigein Southern Lombok
Location Type Wet Season (NDJFM) Skill Dry Season (MAMJ) Skill
Climate Dry Normal Wet LEPS Dray Normal Wet LEPS
Gerung D4 745 872 793 0,49 387 389 427 24,8
Mantang C3 1394 1664 1630 3,10 605 645 715 7,80
Jonggat D3 1148 1273 1344 8,10 659 519 669 6,40
Pringgarata D3 1044 1029 1059 10,8 500 450 571 6,90
Pujut D4 1125 1197 1297 1,90 357 304 378 5,00
Penujak D3 1079 1089 1170 11,0 316 341 439 3,60
Janapria D4 1244 1074 1061 0,50 500 450 571 6,90
Terare D4 1169 1098 1239 5,24 360 295 366 6,80
Sikur D3 1095 962 1106 2,78 402 422 465 5,90
Jerowaru E4 986 877 988 2,00 131 183 221 14,4
A positive number of LEPS indicates the level of consistency between the predictor
(Warige) with predictand (forecasting output). When the value of LEPS is 0 means that
forecasting result is similar to real data observation of average value. If the value is negative,
meaning that forecasting results is worse than average. When a large positive value of LEPS
indicate that prediction results are very consistent with real data observation (better than
average value)..
4. Conclusion
Warige is a model for seasonal climate forecast which is based on celestial bodies
observation. The principal method of Warige is observation of the date of overhead sun or
“tumbuk” then associates it with moon phase at the date. If overhead sun correspond to
crescent (6th), then rainfall in coming growing season (DJF) will be above normal or wet
season. If the over head sun falls on the full moon phase (16th), the rainfall in growing season
will be normal (moderate), and when overhead sun coincides with waning moon (26th), the
growing season will be slightly dry (not drought) Verification of forecast using 50 year
monthly rainfall data in Lombok shows a significant differences of seasonal rainfall of wet
years compared to dry year. Forecast skill Analysis using LEPS method shows skill score
ranged from 0.49 to 8.10 for rainy season, and 3,6 to 24.for dry season, meaning that
forecasting capability of Warige quite accurate, mainly during dry season for Lombok
Island’s rainfall. It is strongly recommended exploring possibility of basic principle of
Warige to be applied in broad areas of Indonesia which have similar geographical condition
with the original area of Warige in Lombok.
[1] Bradley, D.A., M.A. Woodbury and G.W. Brier. 1962. Lunar synodic period and widespread
precipitation. Sci., 137: 748-749
[2] Brier, G.W and D.A Bradley. 1964. The lunar synodical period and precipitation in the United States.
J.Atmos. Sci. 21: 386-395
[3] Linacer, E. Hobbs, J., 1977. The Austalian climate environment. John Wiley and Sons. Brisbane. 354p.
[4] Linacre, E. & Geerts, B. (1982). Rainfall, temperature and lunar phase. http://www-
[5] Mahrup, I. Yasin, H. Idris. 2008. Verifikasi model Warige dengan southern oscillation index dalam
prakiraan sifat iklim: . pp. 211-216. Proceeding of the National Seminar for the 41st Dies Natalis of The
Faculty of Agriculture, Mataram University on 23 - 24 February 2008.
[6] Mahrup, I. Yasin, H. Idris. 2009. Revitalisai model Warige dengan Southern Oscillation Index dalam
prakiraan sifat iklim: Suatu kajian ilmiah terhadap kearifan lokal suku Sasak di pulau Lombok.. . pp.
211-216. Proceeding of the National Seminar for the 41st Dies Natalis of The Faculty of Agriculture,
Mataram University on 23 - 24 February 2008
[7] Potts J. M., C. K. Folland, I. T. Jolliffe, dan D. Sexton, 1996: Revised “LEPS” scores for assessing
climate model simulations and long-range forecasts. J. Climate, 9, 34–53. available online
[8] Serway, R.A., Physics for scientists and engineers. Third Edition. Saunders College Publishing.
Philadelphia. 1321p.
[9] Tjasyono, B., 2007. Meteorologi Indonesia I: Karakteristik dan Sirkulasi Atmosfer. Badan Meteorologi
dan Geofisika. Bandung. 191p.
[10] Yasin I. 2013. Kompilasi Sistem Prakiraan Iklim Musiman Berbasis Kearifan Lokal dengan Indikator
Fenomena ENSO Sebagai Alat Bantu Pengambilan KeputusanTanam Padi-Tembakau dan Palawija di
Pulau Lombok. Laporan Hibah Disertasi.
[11] Yasin I. 2015. Adaptasi Budidaya Tanaman Semusim Akibat Perubahan Iklim: Pengembangan Model
Prakiraan Iklim Musiman Berbasis Kearifan Lokal dan Fenomena ENOS di Pulau Lombok. Disertasi
PPsFP UB. Malang (unpublished)
[12] Yasin, I., Idris, H. & Mahrup. (2011). Kompilasi sistem Warige dengan Southern Occillation Index (SOI)
dan Sea Surfase Temperature (SST) sebagai model prakiraan iklim lokal di Nusa Tenggara Barat. 187 p.
Laporan penelitian Ristek (unpublished).
Simple Solar Desalination for Seawater at Kec. Bayan Kab. Lombok Utara
The water crisis is one of main problems that routinely occur in Kabupaten Lombok
Utara, especially Kecamatan Bayan. Due to its characteristics i.e. limited availability of water,
poor soil fertility, poor both economically and level of education sanitation and communities,
production of clean water by using simple, effective and affordable technology are needed.
The socialization and counseling followed by practicing on production of low cost solar
desalination device that easy to maintain. The process included setting and optimizing of
device desalination, physical, chemical and microbiological properties determination of both
seawater and fresh water, socialization and production workshop of desalinator to some
farmer groups of Kec. Bayan. Result showed that produced water is low mineral water that
safe and drinkable due to its standards meet Drinking Water Quality Requirements based on
Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Number 492/Menkes/PER/IV/2010 at April
19, 2010. Product of this activity is expected to be an alternative solution to overcome water
crisis despite still needed some refinement for increasing its productivity.
1 Introduction
Clean water is essential to human life and is a critical feedstock in a variety of key
industries including electronics, pharmaceuticals and food [1][2]. All humans daily consume
water to sustain life and maintain a good health, therefore water conservation is important and
its quality must meet specific standards. The quality of water is determined by many factors
such as physical, chemical or biological parameters.
The world is facing formidable challenges in meeting rising demands of clean water as
the available supplies of freshwater are decreasing due to (i) extended droughts, (ii)
population growth, iii) more stringent health-based regulations, and (iv) competing demands
from a variety of users. It has been reported that lack of access to clean water was routinely
occur in Kabupaten Lombok Utara, especially Kecamatan Bayan [3]. People use nearby water
springs that flowed by using a small pipe or hose for clean water pipelines built unevenly
local government. While people who live far from water sources should be drilled to a depth
of 100 meters or walk up to 3 km more to get clean water [4]. Geographically, most of KLU is
coastal region, while there is an abundance of seawater, it cannot be used for daily activities
such as agriculture and consumption. The sea water contains high levels of salt from 3 to
4.5% [5] and TDS (Total Dissolve Solid) high that canot be used directly . There is a need for
a way to desalinate seawater that is both effective and affordable.
There are many ways to desalinate water. Two examples are reverse osmosis and the
use of pressure to drive water through a filter[6]. These methods are good for producing a
large amount of fresh water but systems consume a lot of fuel, electricity or filters in
operation. Those systems are not suitable for Bayan society because of the high running cost.
Solar desalination is the most effective method that suits the target society’s needs[7]. The
sun's radiation evaporates the water leaving only salt behind. Once evaporated, the water
recondenses and collects into a specific storage container then condensed water is free of salt
and safe to drink. In this study developing a simple solar desalination for producing fresh
water using low cost and easy to maintain device was done. Its result then publish by
socialization and production workshop of desalination device to some farmer groups of Kec.
Figure 1. (A) Prototype pyramid geometry and (B) Prototype triangular prism geometry
Hermanto et al. 208
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The prototype testing carried out for 7 days in Bayan village by heating under the sun together
since 09.00 am until 06.00 pm. The water level in the container effect the evaporation, the
more water in the container, the longer water evaporation occure. However, the lack of water
will cause overheating then cracking of cover glass. Additionally, the desalination device
must be tight so that leakage of water vapor can be minimized. Geometry and slope of cover
glass, rate of evaporation and condensation affect the volume of condensate obtained, as
shown in Table 1. The evaporation is better when the temperature of sea water in the
aluminum container is higher. While, faster condensation occurs when the temperature of
cover glass is cooling down. This is indicated by the rapid condensation when the late
afternoon. Based on Table 1, it can be seen that the higher intensity of solar radiation, the
higher environment temperature and the more water condensation occur.
Figure 2 Socialization activities IbM Based Solar Desalination in Kec. Bayan, KLU
Positive respond on this transfer technology was shown by participants. They expect
this appropriate technology can be an alternative solution to overcome the water crisis in their
4. Conclusion
It has created desalination device for seawater based on solar power by using low cost,
durable materials and easy to maintain. Based on the test parameters of physical, chemical
and microbiological condensate water is low mineral water and safe to consume. Public
response is very good and active during the activities and expect desalination device is an
alternative solution to overcome the water crisis despite still needed some refinement for
increasing its productivity.
This project was funding by DP2M Kemenristek-DIKTI through IbM scheme.
[1] B.Tansel, Recent Patents on Chemical Engineering, 1: 17–26 (2008)
[2] RD Ambashta and M.Sillanpaa, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 180: 38-49 (2010)
[3] Suara Komunitas, Dusun Tebayak, Lombok Utara Kesulitan Air Bersih, (2011) http://suarakomunitas.net/
[4] NTB terkini, 17 Dusun Di Lombok Utara Kekurangan Air Bersih (2012) http://ntbterkini.com/17-dusun-
[5] Sasakura. Desalination Technology and Its Aplication, P.T. Sasakura Indonesia: Jakarta (1995)
[6] T.Jitsuno, and K. Hamabe. Journal of Arid Land Studies. 22(1): 153 -155 (2012).
[7] Jr. SG. Bethel, DV. Dell'Accio, MF. Haffenreffer, ZT. Modest, MB. Wegma (2012)
Shiitake (Lentinula edodes (Berkeley) Pegler) produces an edible mushroom that has been
cultivated for centuries in China, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Thailand and other Asian
countries. Shiitake mushrooms grow naturally on decaying wood of hardwood trees and have
traditionally been grown on short lengths of freshly-cut logs. Logs of six tree species were
harvested from farm forestry plantations in Victoria and inoculated with shiitake infected
dowels imported from the United States. Over the course of the next 18 months the logs were
soaked four times to initiate fruiting. The fresh mushrooms were harvested and weighed to
allow a comparison between log species and size.Quercus robur was the most productive
species. Over the course of the trial (four frutings) the oak logs produced almost 1 kilogram of
fresh mushrooms per log which was significantly more than E. cladocalyx (527 g/log) and
Alnus glutinosa (465 g/log) and Eucalyptus nitens (389 g/log) which were all, in turn,
significantly more productive than Populus sp. (140 g/log) and Acacia melanoxyon (98 g/log).
Larger logs produced more fruit although this may have been related to the greater number of
1. Introduction
1.1. Background
Shiitake (Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler) produces an edible mushroom that has been
cultivated for centuries in China, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Thailand and other Asian countries
[1]. It is now grown in many other countries including Brazil, Canada, the Netherlands, the
United Kingdom and the United States [2] and is the second most commercially marketed
mushroom in the world after the button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus (J.E. Lange) Imbach)
[3 & 4].
Over the last three decades, the commercial production of shiitake mushroom has
increased from an estimated 350,000 tons in 1965 to about 7.5 million tons in 2000 [2]. Since
the 1950s, mushroom production in Australia has been one of the fastest growing food crop
industries and is currently regarded as the second most important fresh vegetable type [5 & 6].
Shiitake production is very small by comparison and has only recently gained recognition as a
commercial alternative. In 1994, the total Australian production of specialty mushrooms (of
which shiitake and oyster mushrooms are the main types) was thought to be less than 300 tons
[7]. By 2005, the domestic market for specialty mushrooms had increased to 1000 tonnes and
was expected to continue to grow, albeit at a modest rate [6]. With particular respect to this
study, a company in Tasmania is currently producing shiitake mushrooms on a eucalypt-based
substrate and selling the product into mainland markets [8].
Although much is known about the life cycle and cultivation of shiitake mushrooms
almost all the published research pertaining to the commercial production of shiitake
Aji 211
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mushrooms originates from the northern hemisphere, particularly northern Asia and the US,
and almost none involves Australian tree species as growth substrates. The RIRDC
subsequently funded a research program at the University of Sydney which examined the
prospects for producing shiitake mushrooms on an artificial substrate [9]. The researchers
suggested that, although the mushrooms produced on a “synthetic sawdust log” were inferior
to those produced on logs, the lack of logs of the appropriate hardwood species and a high
labour costs meant that the potential of developing an industry based on the use of the log
method in Australia was limited. Since this initial research was done there has been little
development of the commercial production of shiitake mushroom in Australia.
2. Methods
approximately 5 minutes when the temperature remained between 15 to 25 ˚C. When the
temperature in the shade house was between 25 and 35 ˚C, the automatic watering system was
set for watering three times a day with one or two additional periods of watering by spray
nozzles. Four automatic watering periods per day along with one or two periods using spray
nozzles were necessary when the temperature was over 40 ˚C. When the mycelium appeared
to be well developed in most species and volunteer mushrooms were beginning to appear
indicating it was time to soak the logs to initiate fruiting. Soaking was done by un-stacking
the logs and submerge it in a large tank (1.5 m diameter and 1 m depth) of water for
approximately 24 hours.
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Table 1 The yield of fresh mushrooms per log (including unviable logs) for each fruiting
cycle and over the course of the trail
4. Conclusions
This research compared yield of shiitake mushroom grown on six tree species of oak
(Quercus robur), sugar gum (Eucalyptus cladocalyx), alder (Alnus glutinosa), shining gum
(Eucalyptus nitens), poplar (Populus sp.) and blackwood (Acacia melanoxyon). Although the
yields from oak were the highest and blackwood the lowest, the research clearly demonstrates
that shiitake mushrooms can be grown in Victoria on logs of native and introduced species,
and that native eucalypt species, such as shining gum and sugar gum, may be viable
alternative species for log-based shiitake production in Australia.
[1] Ciesla, W.M. 2002. Non-Wood Forest Products from Temperate Broad-Leaved Trees. FAO. Rome.
[2] Royse, D.J. 2001. Cultivation of shiitake on natural and synthetic logs. The Pennsylvania State
University. Pennsylvania
[3] Przybylowicz, P.R. and Donoghue, J 1988. Shiitake Growers Handbook-The art and science of
mushroom cultivation. Kendall Hunt Pub Co. Iowa.
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[4] Oei, P 1996. Mushroom cultivation: with special emphasis on appropriate techniques for developing
countries. Tool. The Netherlands.
[5] Davis, J. 2000. ‘The edible and medicinal mushrooms industry in Australia’. International Journal of
Medicinal Mushrooms. Vol 2. pg. 87-89.
[6] Australian Mushroom Growers Association (AMGA) 2005. ‘State of the Australian Mushroom
Industry’ in Australian Mushroom Growers Association. Accessed 04 September 2007. From
[7] Richards, R. 1995. ‘Development of the Australian specialty mushroom industry’ in Rural Industries
Research & Development Corporation. Accessed 09 February 2008. From
[8] Hyde, K. 2000. ‘Thirty Australian champions shaping the future for rural Australia’ in Rural
Industries Research & Development Corporation. Accessed 12 February 2008. From
[9] Cho, K.Y. and. Radford, D.V. 1999. ‘Cultivation of shiitake mushrooms’ in Rural Industries Research
& Development Corporation. Accessed 12 February 2008. From
[10] Shieh, J.C., Hwang, S.G. and Sumimoto, M. 1991. ‘Cultivation of shiitake mushrooms on the logs of
a conifer, Cunningham lanceolata’. Mokuzai Gakkaishi. Vol. 37. No. 3. pg. 266-274.
[11] Raaska, L 1992. ‘The growth of shiitake (Lentinula edodes) mycelium on alder (Alnus incana) and
birch (Betula pendula) wood logs’. Material und organismen. Vol. 27. Issue 2. pg. 117-134.
[12] Shukla, A.N. 1994. ‘Cultivation of Japanese mushroom shiitake in India‘. The Indian Forester. Vol
120. Issue 8. pg. 714-719.
[13] Sabota, C 1996. ‘Strain of shiitake mushroom [Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler] and wood species
affect the yield of shiitake mushrooms’. HortTechnology. Vol 4. Issue 4. pg. 388-393
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This paper discuss the analysis and design of king cross steel profile to be implemented
as alternative reinforcement in reinforced concrete beam-column joints. King Cross is a built-
up or fabricated steel section. Standard sizes can be made by welding 2 T-Beams into the web
of a hot rolled IWF, forming the shape of a cross. With the simplifying assembling the use of
King-cross steel profile implants at beam-column-joints as a shear reinforcement could be
expected to replace the transversal reinforcement and enhance the joint shear strength.
Therefore various arrangements of beam-column reinforcement are studied analytically.
These include beam-column joint without reinforcement at all, beam-column joint with king
cross steel profile reinforcement, and beam-column joint with combination of king cross steel
profile and conventional steel bars reinforcement. Theoretically the application of king cross
steel profile can reduce the need of conventional steel bars reinforcement. Moreover as the
king-cross steel profile can fully resist the developed shear stress, it may not necessary to
introduce a limitation of shear stress in the reinforced beam column joint.
Keywords: beam column joint, joint shear capacity, joint shear strengthening, joint shear
stirrup, king cross steel profile.
1. Introduction
In special momen resisting frame structure, the beam column joint is a crucial area that
require special design. In a condition that the need of joint shear capacity is high so that
required high amount of steel bars reinforcement in beam-column joints. The large
requirement of the joint stirrup causes the space of the stirrups is too dense and difficulties for
assembling. With this background, the king cross steel profile is used to increase the shear
capacity in the joint and to reduce steel bars reinforcement in beam-column joints. To
compare the effect of king cross steel profile on the joint shear capacity then made some
design of the eksperimental specimen. The design is shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Comparision the joint shear strength design type beam column joint
Shear strengtening of beam column
No Spesimen Purpose
1 BCJ1 Without strengthening Find out concrete shear capacity
2 BCJ2 0,07Vs stirrup design compare the shear capacity of BCJ2 to BCJ3
3 BCJ3 0,07Vs king cross profile desin
4 BCJ4 0,14Vs stirrup design compare the shear capacity of BCJ4 to BCJ5 and
5 BCJ5 0,14Vs king cross profile desin BCJ3 to BCJ5
The combination of 0,07Vs stirrup compare the shear capacity of BCJ6 to BCJ4
6 BCJ6 design and 0,07Vs king cross
profile desin
Kadarningsih 216
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2. Determine the material properties and the beam column joint dimension
The dimensions and material properties of the beam column joint (Figure 1) that is
designed based on the analysis of two-storey structures in seismic regions [1] are as follows:
The concrete compressive strength f’c = 30 MPa
The yield strength of longitudinal bar fy = 423,68 Mpa
The yield strength of transversal bar fy = 387.93 Mpa
The yield strength of web king cross profile fy = 203,7 Mpa
The yield strength of flens king cross profile fy = 237,15 Mpa
hc = 10D
bc =
King cross
bb Figure 1 Dimension of beam column joint with king cross profile
Park and , = ( − ′ ) = + = = + −
Paulay, = 102,91 , , = 562,36 = 1045,948
= ( − ′ ) = =
1974 [3] ,
= 102,91 = 78,77 = 562,36
Response , = 107,4 = + = 599 = + −
2000 , = 107,4 , , = 599 = 1015,79
= 82,207
Kadarningsih 217
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4. Calculate the concrete, stirrup and king cross steel profile shear capacity of joint
The joint shear capacity (Vu) contributed by the concrete shear capacity (Vc) and the shear
capacity of the joint stirrup (Vs), so formulated as follows:
Vu V c V s (2)
The concrete shear capacity of joint (vc) according to Park and Paulay are calculated by a
beam shear design without stirrups that sustain the shear forces and the axial compression.
ACI 318-71 permit the use of more simple equation to calculate Vc that undergo the column
axial force (Nu) in column area (Ag) into [2]
= 0.2905 ′ 1 + 0.2903 ( ) (3)
The shear capacity of the joint stirrup (Vs) is calculated using three methods:
1) The shear capacity of the joint stirrup based on the truss mechanism [2]
= (4)
2) The shear capacity of the joint stirrup based on acting force mechanism on the joint and
near joint element [2]
=( )
3) The shear capacity of the joint stirrup based on SNI 03-2847-1992 [4]
= (6)
The shear strength contributions of the king cross steel profile are
(1) The contribution of the web of the king cross section
For columns with the king cross steel section as in Figure 2, the shear strength of the joint
along the plane of the web is mainly retained by the web. According to the specifications of
AISC - LRFD, the shear strength is retained by the web Vsw as [5],[6]
= 0.6 (7)
(8) And then the beam column joint shear design is concluded in Table 3.
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[1] M. Wijaya, Retrofitting Of Reinforced Concrete Interior Beam-Column Joints Using Polyester Resin
Concrete, Thesis, Civil Engineering Graduate Program Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, 2015.
[2] ACI – ASCE Committee 352 (ACI 352R-02), Recommendation for Design of Beam – Column
Connections in Monolitic Reinforced Concrete Structure, American Concrete Institute, Farmingham Hils,
MI, 2002.
[3] Park, R. dan Paulay, T., Reinforced Concrete Structures, Jhon Wiley, New Zealand, 1975.
[4] BSN, SK SNI T-15-1991-03, Tata Cara Perhitungan Struktur Beton untuk Bangunan Gedung
[5] AISC 360-10, Specification for Structural Steel Buildings
[6] Chen, C. dan Lin, K., Behavior and strength of steel reinforced concrete beam – column joints with two-
side force inputs, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 65: 2009, 641–649
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The objective of the article was to explore the usage of Polytomous Logistic Regression
(PLR) in analyzing the presence of National Pilot Mosque in Mataram City, especially in
Karang Baru year 2016. PLR is used to predict a dependent variable (with more than two
categories) given one or more explanatory variables. PLR shows how multinomial response
variable Y depends on a set of k explanatory variables, X = (X1, X2, … Xk). In this study, the
PLR was used to determine the effect of the Quality of Idarah, the Quality of Imarah, and the
Quality of Ri'ayah to the existence of the National Pilot Mosque, measured by the intensity of
visits to mosques in Mataram City, especially in Karang Baru year 2016. This research used
primary data, which was obtained through questionnaires at some point in Karang Baru. The
application of PLR in analyzing the presence of National Pilot Mosque especially in Karang
Baru, Mataram has not been done before. Therefore, this study was expected to be the first
step to help the government in order to develop the potential of human resource through the
presence of the National Pilot Mosque.
1. Introduction
In order to improve the function of the mosque, Ministry of Religious Affairs as a state
institution that function in the development of religious life need to provide guidance and
appreciation to the mosque committee. The government should give an adequate attention to
the mosque manager (Takmir) in the management and the prosperity of the mosque by seeing
their magnitude task and role. The attention could be like the development, evaluation, and
assessment of the performance of all the elements in the mosque, in according to create the
mosque which have the best quality that can be used as National Pilot Mosque. In order to
develop and establish the National Pilot Mosque, the pilot mosque assessment should be
carried out gradually from the national, provincial, and district or city.
This study was conducted to analyze the correlation between the presence of the National
Pilot Mosque in Kota Mataram, particularly in Karang Baru year 2016, with some of the
factors that influence it. If the relationship be known, then the next steps that can be taken by
the relevant institutions can be more focused. Therefore, we need a statistical analysis, such as
regression analysis, to determine the pattern of the relationship.
Regression analysis is a statistical analysis used to determine the relationship between the
dependent variable and the independent variables [1]. Logistic regression model can be used
when the dependent variable is categorical [2]. Logistic regression model with two categories
in the dependent variable is called a binary logistic regression model, while the model with
more than two categories in the dependent variable called polytomous logistic regression
(PLR) models [3]. Therefore, the aim of the research was to analyzed the relationship between
the presence of the National Pilot Mosque measured by the intensity of the visits to the
mosques in Kota Mataram, particularly in Karang Baru, year 2016, with some of the factors
that influence it by using PLR.
The data used in this study were primary data obtained through questionnaires and
interviews. In addition, the researchers also used secondary data obtained from the West Nusa
Tenggara Central Bureau of Statistics.
The presence of the National Pilot Mosque was measured by the intensity of the visits to
the mosque (Y), which was expressed in three categories. The category was Y = 0 for a visit to
the mosque "less than twice"; Y = 1 for a visit to the mosque "two to four times"; and Y = 2
for a visit to the mosque "more than four times". The independent variables used consisted of
the Quality of Idarah (X1), the Quality of Imarah (X2), and the Quality of Ri'ayah (X3) on
mosques in Mataram, particularly in Karang Baru year 2016. Each of these independent
variables expressed in three categories, i.e. X = 0 for the quality of mosque "Low"; X = 1 for
the quality of the mosque "Moderate"; and X = 2 for the quality of the mosque "High". Each
independent variable consisted of several sub-variables using Likert scale.
Idarah are the development and the cooperation regulation activities of many people in
order to achieve a particular purpose such as planning, organization management,
administration, finance, and supervision. Imarah is an attempt for the prosperity of the
mosque as a place of worship, coaching people, and improving the welfare of the pilgrims as
an implementation program of Five Time Worship Prayer, Friday Prayer, training of Imam,
Khatib, Muadzin, and the development of worshipers, education such as Taklim Assembly,
Economic Empowerment for people, like cooperative and Baytul Mal, organizing the Islamic
and the National Day, Mosque Clinic, and the others. Whilst, Ri'ayah means the development
of facilities and infrastructure of mosque, such as the architectural form of the building, the
maintenance of the damage, maintenance of hygiene, maintenance of equipment and facilities,
and so forth [4], [5].
The statistical analysis steps were as follows: (1) Study of literature; (2) Determination of
the formulation of the problem and research objectives; (3) Variables identification; (4) Data
collection; (5) Validity and reliability test; (6) Data analysis; (7) Results and discussion; and
(8) Conclusion.
PLR was used to analyze the relationship between the presence of the National Pilot
Mosque measured by the intensity of visits to the mosques in Kota Mataram, particularly in
Karang Baru year 2016, with several factors that influence it. The descriptive statistics of all
the variables studied given in Table 1 as the initial value. This was to know the characteristics
of the data that were used.
Table 1 shows that the average number of the intensity of visits to the mosque was 1 (Y =
1, meaning that a visit to the mosque was 2 to 4 times a day), with a deviation standard of
0.803. the average number of Quality of Idarah was 1.79 (more directed to the mosque with
high quality), with a deviation standard of 0.461. Furthermore, the average number of Quality
of Imarah was 1.42 (more directed to the mosque with moderate quality), with deviation
standard of 0.495. The average number of Quality of Ri'ayah was 1.45 (more directed to the
mosque with moderate quality), with deviation standard of 0.499.
Based on the Goodness-of-Fit results, the p-value of Pearson chi-square statistic was
0.369 (i.e., p = 0.369) and is, therefore, not statistically significant. A statistically significant
result (i.e., p < 0.05) indicates that the model does not fit the data well. Based on this measure,
the model fits the data well.
Another option to get an overall measure of the model is to consider the statistics
presented in the Model Fitting Information. This measure can be used to consider whether the
variables added, were statistically significantly improve the model compared to the intercept
alone (i.e., with no variables added). The p-value of final model using likelihood ratio test was
0.000 (p = 0.000), which means that the full model statistically significantly predicts the
dependent variable better than the intercept-only model alone.
The greater importance were the results presented in Table 2, which considered the
overall effect of a variable (overall statistical significance value), as shown below:
Table 2 shows which of the explanatory variables were statistically significant. It can
be seen that the Quality of Idarah variable was statistically significant because p = 0.010 (the
"Sig." column). On the other hand, the the Quality of Imarah variable was also statistically
significant because p = 0.001. The last variable, Quality of Ri’ayah, was statistically
significant by seeing p = 0.073 compared to the significance level (alpha = 7.5 %). Based on
this results, the explanatory variables (the Quality of Idarah, Imarah, and Ri’ayah)
significantly affected the dependent variable (the Intensity of Visits to Mosques).
Unlike the Likelihood Ratio Test in Table 2, Table 3 below represents the parameter
estimates (also known as the coefficients of the model). It represents the estimated PLR
coefficients for the models. The PLS estimated k-1 models, where k = 3 was the number of
categories of the dependent variable. As there were three categories of the dependent variable
(Y), we can see that there were two sets of logistic regression coefficients (two logits), with “>
4 times” visits as the reference category. The first set of coefficients were found in the "< 2
times" row. This represented the comparison of the “< 2 times” visits category to the
reference category. The second set of coefficients were found in the "2 – 4 times" row. This
represented the comparison of the “2 – 4 times” visits category to the reference category. It
can be seen that each dummy variable has a coefficient for each of the explanatory variable
(X1, X2, and X3). Therefore, since the parameter estimates were relative to the reference
category, the standard interpretation of the PLR is that for a unit change in the independent
variable, the logit of dependent relative to the reference category is expected to change by its
respective parameter estimate given the variables in the model were held constant.
Intensity of Visits
B Std. Error Wald Sig. Exp(B)
to Mosque (Y)
There were 6 (six) coefficients (the "B" column) that were statistically significant,
compared to the compared to the significance level (alpha = 7.5 %). The coefficients were: (1)
coefficient for the intercept of the first set (p = 0.013, from the "Sig." column); (2) coefficient
for [X1=0] of the first set (p = 0.000); (3) coefficient for [X2=1] of the first set (p = 0.001); (4)
coefficient for [X1=1] of the second set (p = 0.005); (5) coefficient for [X 2=1] of the second
set (p = 0.002); and (6) coefficient for [X3=1] of the second set (p = 0.055).
4. Conclusion
The Quality of Idarah, the Quality of Imarah, and the Quality of Ri’ayah significantly
affected the Intensity of Visits to Mosques, by seeing the overall effect (overall statistical
significance value). It can clearly be seen that the three qualities of mosque affected the
presence of the National Pilot Mosque measured by the intensity of visits to mosque in
Mataram City, especially in Karang Baru, year 2016. By this results, showed that the
government could increase the quality of Idarah, Imarah, dan Ri’ayah, in order to increase the
intensity of visits to mosques in Mataram City, especially in Karang Baru.
[1] Eubank, R.L., Spline Smoothing and Nonparametric Regression 2nd Ed., New York, Marcel Deker, 1999.
[2] Agresti, A., An Introduction to Categorical Analysis 2nd Ed., New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007.
[3] Hosmer, D. W. and Lemeshow, S., Applied Logistic Regression 2nd Ed., New York, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., 2000.
[4] Kanwil Kemenag Riau (tt). Mosque Management (Idarah, Imarah, and Ri’ayah aspect), accessed from
riau.kemenag.go.id/file/file/urais/iegc1422345631.pdf, on April 12th, 2016.
[5] The Director General of the Islamic Community Guidance, the Director General of the Islamic Community
Guidance No. DJ.II/ 725 year 2013 about Technical Guidelines for Assessment Pilot National Mosque,
accessed from http:// gorontalo.kemenag.go.id/file/file/BimasIslam/nowj1384413733. pdf, on April 12th,
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Civil Engineering Department of Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
* Email: chairunnisaftunlam@gmail.com
Coupled shear-wall structures are commonly applied for intermediate and high rise
building to provide the withstand of lateral loading caused by an earthquake and wind
loading. The failure mechanism of coupling beams affect the behaviour of coupled shear wall
system because coupling beams are normally imposed to high shear stresses. The use of steel
truss in coupling beam is considered as a new alternative method of coupling beam, solution
to the problem for enhancing shear strength in coupling beam. The use of steel truss coupling
beam encased in reinforced mortar can restrain the shear behaviour of coupling beam. This
paper presents the analytical analysis shear design of various type of coupling beams
including diagonal reinforced concrete coupling beam, steel truss coupling beam with and
without buckling consideration and hybrid coupling beam that using steel truss encased in
reinforced mortar. All type of coupling beams will be designed with the scale of 1:2.5 and
span to depth ratio of model is 1.78 that requires for diagonal bars according to SNI
2847:2013 as the building code requirements for structural concrete under seismic design in
1. Introduction
SNI-2847:2013 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete [1] is the guideline
for seismic design in Indonesia. This code requires the use of diagonal reinforcement for
coupling beams having span-to-depth ratios lower than two. Moreover, The experimental test
of [2] described that diagonal arrangement of reinforcement for coupling beam present
sufficient resistance of shear strength for deep coupling beam with small span-to-depth ratios.
Unfortunately, the applying diagonal reinforcement is difficult to construct on site. The
utilizing steel truss reinforcement is considered as the alternatives method of coupling beam
with encased in reinforced mortar for substituting the diagonal bars of coupling beam. This
paper describes analytical analysis for various type of coupling beam using steel truss and
encased mortar including diagonal reinforced concrete coupling beam.
Table 1. Geometry and Shear forces of Prototype Structures of Coupled Shear wall [3]
and [4]
The target shear capacity for all models of coupling beams are taken as 422.07 kN was adopted
from previous researchers [4] as a prototype structures and all type of coupling beams will be created
with the scale of 1:2.5. Design procedures for these models based on SNI 2847:2013 [1] and are
basically based on a simple truss analogy for steel truss and hybrid coupling beam [4]. The dimension
of coupling beams models is 120 mm x 225 mm with length of beam is 400 mm Span-to-depth ratio
of models is 1.78 and Vu exceeding 0.33 f c' Acw .The target of cylindrical compressive strength is
25 MPa.
Kl E f
4.71 or y 2.25 with Fcr 0.877 Fe (5)
r fy Fe
The total capacity of diagonal members and shear capacity in model 3 is calculated by Eq.6
FD (mod el 3) As Fcr and V steeltruss 2 FD (mod el 3) sin (6)
The shear capacity and the geometric dimension of those type of coupling beams models
are tabulated in Table 2 and Table 3.
Table 2. Shear capacity of various arrangement reinforcement of coupling beams
No Type of coupling beams Vc / Vs Vd Vtotal
Vmortar (kN) (kN) (kN)
1 Diagonal reinforcement 20.10 21.08 32.99 74.17
2 Steel truss without - - 68.23 68.23
buckling consideration
3 Steel truss with buckling - - 88.64 88.64
4 Hybrid steel truss 18.58 20.93 59.49 98.99
[1] SNI 2847:2013, Persyaratan Beton Struktural untuk Bangunan Gedung, BSN, Jakarta, 2013.
[2] T. Paulay., Binney, J. R."Diagonally Reinforced Coupling Beams of Shear Walls, Shear in Reinforced
Concrete, SP-42." American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich., pp. 579-598.1974.
[3] T. Paulay, M.J.N. Priestley, Seismic design of reinforced concrete and masonry building, John Wiley and
Sons Inc, New York, 1992.
[4] N. Chairunnisa, I. Satyarno, Muslikh, A.Aminullah, “Analysis and Design of Shear Wall Coupling Beam
using Hybrid Steel Truss Encased in Reinforced Mortar”, 3rd International Conference on Sustainable
Civil Engineering Structures and Construction Materials 2016 (SCESCM 2016), Bali. Indonesia, 2016.
[5] SNI 1729:2015, Spesifikasi untuk Bangunan Gedung Baja Struktural, BSN, Jakarta, 2015.
The Modification and Analyzing of heat Loss of The Heater System in The
Knockdown Fumigator Type
The development of fumigator has reached much increase. One of them is the
fumigator knockdown type. But in that fumigator the substance which is smoked do not
smoked well, the substance disposed baked than smoked. On that case, it needed modification
in order to make the substance can be smoked well. The purposes of this research are to
modify and to analyze the system of the heater of fumigator knockdown type. The
experimental method was used in this research. The data and adding biomass 0,5 kg taken in
every 30 minutes in 8 hour. Parameters taken are temperature, the energy that produces by
biomass, heat loss, and the efficiency of heat system. The modifications are to separate the
system of heater with fumigation room by using burner in form of cube in dimension 0.35 X
0.35 X 0.35 with 28 kg capacity of piece of coconut shell, blower and two distributor pipe.
The heat loss of this fumigator system occurred at burner and distributor pipe smoke. The
result of this research shows that heat loss at burner and distributor pipe smoke are the
combination of heat loss by convention, conduction, and radiation. The total energy of the
heat loss at hearth is 8802.042 KJ, and the distributor pipe smokes are 307.68 KJ. The
efficiency of the burner and the heater system are 40.40% and 38.32% respectively.
1. Introduction
the fumigation chamber so the heat was distributed more widely obtained from the wall of the
fumigation chamber.
Based on that reason, it is needed to modify this fumigator so that the heating system
separately from the fumigator chamber and also needed blower to blow the smoked into the
fumigation chamber. Therefore, to get the result as desired it is necessary to know the heat
blown into the fumigator chamber, heat loss in the heating system, and heat loss in the
conduit. It is expecting that the heat generated by heating system is not vain. The objective of
this study is to determine the amount of heat generated and heat lost in heating system during
fumigation process of knock down type of fumigator after modification and analysis of heat
lost on heating system.
Heat lost in biomass furnace occurs on the wall, either on vertical or on horizontal
walls. The accumulation of heat lost on the vertical and horizontal wall of furnace can be
calculated by the formula (Holman, 1981):
Q=( ( − ~ )) + ( ∆x ∆T) + ( ɛ(T − T~ )...................(2)
where :Q = heat lost (kJ)
h = convective heat transfer coefficient (W/m2K)
A = surface area (m2)
TD = temperature of furnace vertical wall (K)
TL = temperature of furnace horizontal wall(K)
T~ = ambient temperature (K)
Tf = temperature of the furnace chamber (K)
The value of furnace efficiency is the ability to distribute the heat, which can be
determined by the following equation (Darmawan, 2003):
ηT = x 100 % ...................................................................................................(3)
Qe = Qf - QT ...........................................................................................................(4)
Qf = mf x HHV .......................................................................................................(5)
QT = heat lost total (kJ)
Qf = heat energy of combustion of biomass, (kJ)
mf = biomass fuel mass burned during combustion, (kg)
Qe = furnace efektive energy (kJ)
Based on the shape of the furnace, cube, the furnace wall composed by 6 iron wall.
The surface area of each wall of the furnace can be seen in Table 2.
Based on Table 2, it can be seen that surface area for front and back side walls smaller than
the others because on those side wall were hollow.
Material used in the conduit pipe same with the material for furnace is iron with the
emissivity 0.61. The shape of the pipe is cylinder with the length 0.25 m and the thickness
0.004 m. For the conductivity value also same with the furnace conductivity value which is
vary depending on the temperature flow. This conduit pipa is not covered by insulator so that
the cylinder conduit pipe in direct contact with the air.
Based on Table 4, it can be seen that the greatest heat loss obtained on the bottom wall
of the furnace, which is equal to 1656.55 kJ. This occur because the combustion of biomass is
in direct contact with the bottom wall, so this condition allowing the heat lost faster than the
other side. The smallest heat lost found in the front wall because the position of this wall is a
bit far from the biomass combustion. When viewed from the biomass combustion, the
smallest heat lost should be from the top side wall, because the distance from the biomass
combustion is the biggest. But the heat lost on the top side bigger compare with the front side
because the fire produced of biomass combustion blow to the top of the furnace.
Heat loss from conduit pipe smaller compare with the furnace walls which is 307.68
kJ. Based on the result obtained, the conduit pipa effective in inhibiting the heat loss to the
environment. This condition occur because the length of the conduit pipe only 0.25 m, so the
heat lost from along the conduit pipe can be minimized. Based on the surface area, the lost
also small, so the conduit pipe can be distributed heat optimally.
40.40 38.32
Based on Table 6, it can be seen that the efficiency of furnace 40.40%. The furnace
efficiency obtained is quite substantial for a successful energy channeled into conduit pipe for
almost half of energy biomass combustion. Energy that can be supplied to the conduit pipe is
5967.708 kJ of 14769.75 kJ that produced by biomass. The furnace can be said to be efficient
because the heat energy generated is large enough because most of the furnace operates with
relatively low efficiency (about 7%) compared with other combustion appliances
. Factor which caused quite high efficiency is due to the use of not fullcapacity of the
biomass in the furnace. The difference between heating system and furnace isthat the heating
system is a set of apparatus which used to channel the smoke produced fromfurnace.
Heating system consist of furnace, blower, conduit pipe for air and smoke. Heatingsystem
efficiency that calculated in this study is the combination of smoke conduit pipe and
furnace. Based on Table 6, heating system efficiency is 38.32 %. This signifies that energy
goes to fumigation chamber big enough for 5660.03 kJ.
4. Conclusion
Based on the results and discussion, a number of conclusions are as follows:
1. The furnace and conduit pipe is made of metal with conductivity 73 W/moC and
emissivity 0.61.
2. The biggest heat loss is in the bottom wall of the furnace of 1656.55 kJ.
3. Heat loss in the conduit pipe of 307.68 kJ.
From the results, discussion and the conclusions, it is advisable to conduct further by
modification the furnace to reduce the heat loss from the heating system.
[1] Abolagba OJ and Igbinevbo EE. 2010. Microbial load of fresh and smoked fish marketed in Benin
metropolis Nigeria. Journal of Fisheries and Hydrobiology 5(2):99-104.
[2] Bower CK, Hietala KA, Oliveira ACM, and Wu TH. 2009. Stabilizing oils from smoked pink salmon
(Oncorhynchus gorbuscha). Journal of Food Science 74(3):248-257.
[3] Darmawan, Dian. 2003. Uji Kinerja Alat Pengering Tipe Efek Rumah Kaca Dengan Energi Surya dan
Tungku Biomassa Sebagai Sistem Pemanas Tambahan Untuk Proses Pengeringan. Bogor : Institut
Pertanian Bogor.
[4] Holman, J.P.. 1981. Heat Transfer 10 th ed. Ney York : McGraw-Hill.
[5] Kumolu-Johnson CA, Aladetohun NF, and Ndimele PE. 2010. The effect of smoking on the nutritional
qualities and shelf-life of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822). African Journal of Biotechnology 9(1):073-
[6] Keating, Eugene L. 2007. Applied Combustion 2nd ed. US : Taylor & Francid Group.
I Wayan Sudiarta1,*, Raja Fathurrahman Akmaludin1, Dian Wijaya Kurniawidi1, Made Sutha
Physics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematic and Nature Sciences, the University of Mataram
Mataram, NTB, Indonesia
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, the University of Mataram,
Mataram, NTB Indonesia
* Email: wayan.sudiarta@unram.ac.id
Seismic events such as earthquakes have influenced our life. To monitor seismic
events requires a seismic recorder that consists of five parts : (1) a single axis geophone with
natural frequency of 1 Hz, (2) a signal conditioning circuit, (3) an ADC circuit, (4) an RTC
circuit and (5) an SD logger circuit. Simple test have shown that our seismic recorder can
record seismic waves up to 70 samples per second, and with amplification of 1400 times.
Seismic monitoring for two weeks in the City of Mataram have shown that seismic waves are
clearly shown and produced by human activities during the night and the day, and natural
phenomena such as earthquakes. Analysis of P and S waves of two earthquakes that
happened during time of the seismic monitoring have shown that the distance of the
epicenters of the earthquakes are obtained to be in agreement with epicenters provided by the
Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG).
1 Introduction
Seismic waves in the earth crust are, for examples produced by the movement of
tectonic plates, human activities, tides and winds. Characteristics of seismic waves can be
used to determine subsurface structure of the earth. One can use active seismic sources
(known as the active seismic method) and natural seismic sources (the passive seismic
method) [4]. To record natural seismic vibrations, a passive seismic recorder is needed.
The conventional seismograph which used is a seismograph with short-time records, its only
capable to short-term record. The main purpose of this study is to produce a device with
single-axis geophones that is capable of recording natural seismic activities for a long period
of time [1], it is low cost and low power device. This device is then applied to record seismic
waves in the City of Mataram.
2 Related Work
Study on a design of the device for the detection of passive seismic phenomena such
as earthquakes was conducted by Zhang [8] for a design geophone to detect an earthquake
using MEMS. Application for monitoring volcanic activity with wireless sensor network
(WSN) was done by Werner-Allen et. al [6]. A study to determine locations of hydrocarbon
was also conducted by Mohammed [3].
3 Hardware Design
The seismic recorder consists of a single axis geophone LF-24, a signal conditioning
circuit (see Fig. 1 (a)), Data logger shield, an Arduino Mega, an ADC circuit ADS 1115.
(a) (b)
Figure 1. Single-axis system (a) signal conditioning circuit for the seismic recorder (b) conceptual
diagram system
3.1 Single-axis Geophone System Design
The design of signal conditioning using operational amplifier with active filter system
and strengthening, besides signals conditioning are also converted signal using a ADC
ADS1115 with 16 bit resolution. The design of the signal conditioning can be seen from
Figure 1 (a) with reinforcement cascade and band-pass filter [2]. Then for the system design
and system timer recording (see Fig. 1 (b)) using the data logger shield with the type of
communication with arduino using SPI for recording system and I2C timer system.
3.2 System Testing and Data Retrieval
System testing is done to determine whether the system is designed to work in
accordance with the draft, testing of the system consists of laboratory testing. The analysis
procedure for recording data on a long-term passive seismic activity starting from obtained
data recording for one week, data generated some files that are the result of recording per hour
for one week, and then merge the files according to the recording time. Results of one week of
data is then processed using Matlab with STFT methods to see the difference frequencies
occur at any time. Then, with the data STFT characterization was carried out to see
phenomena that occur during recording [5].
4 Results and Discussion
Results single-axis system design geophone can be seen in Figure 2 (a) consists of
signal conditioning, system timer and recording system.
(a) (b)
Figure 2 System results (a) Single-axis geophone design result (b) bode diagram result
Signal conditioning consists of active filter, amplifier and ADC, timer and recording
system designed using data logger module shield and Arduino as the controller system. The
results of the design to produce systems that are capable of storing and managing time digital.
The results of the input signal conditioning to arduino then processed and determined when
the signal came by RTC and recording systems store data signal recording and time data from
(a) (b)
Figure 3 Long-term record results (a) one week record signal results (b) one week record spectrogram
Long-term passive seismic recording there are several phenomena such as earthquakes
recorded, the activity of motor vehicle traffic and activities in the morning and evening.
Figure 4 (a) and Figure 5 (a) shows the phenomenon of earthquakes and the time recorded on
Thursday 9 June 2016 at 10:41 wita and 12:13 wita, it corresponds to the time recorded by
BMKG time of occurrence of the phenomenon of earthquakes.
(a) (b)
Figure 4 Earthquake event (a) earthquake record at 10:41 wita (b) Epicenter result for earthquake
record at 10:41 wita
Results picking seismic wave in Figure 4 (a) was difference in arrival time for the P
and S waves which is 12 seconds, to determine the distance of the epicenter resulting from the
earthquake epicenter distance [7] is 100.8 Km (see Fig. 4 (b)) from geophone.
(a) (b)
Figure 5 Earthquake event (a) earthquake record at 12:13 wita (b) Epicenter result for earthquake
record at 12:13 wita
The quake, which occurred at 12:13 wita showed great magnitude so as to obtain
arrival time differences for P and S waves are used digital filter to smooth the result of the
recording of Figure 5 (a) is obtained wave arrival time difference of 39 seconds obtained
epicenter of the earthquake [7] is 327.6 Km (see Fig. 5 (b)) from geophone.
(a) (b)
Figure 6 Human Activity (a) human activity spectrogram results (b) human activity in day and
evening results
Seismic activity caused by humans in general can be seen in Figure 6 (b) it’s at 03:00
wita humans activity started, this is indicated by an increase in magnitude at all frequencies
recorded. Human activity is a motor vehicle passing near the geophone can be shown in
Figure 16, where the horizontal red line at a frequency of 20Hz - 23Hz, it is repeated every
day at 10:00 wita to 11:00 wita and 04:00 wita. to 18:00 wita.
5 Conclusions and Future Work
Based on the result of design and recording Single-axis geophones, it can be
concluded that design and testing single-axis geophone can perform passive seismic activity
with frequency between 0.325 Hz and 270,364 Hz, gain by 1400 and sampling record 70 Hz
and recording long-term passive seismic activity obtained natural phenomena such as
earthquakes with epicenter distance 100.8 Km and 361,2 Km, also record human activity.
For development single-axis geophone system is necessary to improve its system in
higher and faster data processing using raspberry pi, high-resolutions ADC 24-bit and IOT-
based to facilitate data recording, also apply to volcano monitoring and measure the building
[1] Bowness, D and Lock, A C., 2007, Monitoring the Dynamic Displacement of Railway Track., proceeding
of the institution of mechanical engineers, part F : journal of rail and rapid transit
[2] Haskov, J and Gerard . W., 2004. Instrumentations In Earthquake Seismology. Springer : Dordrecht,
[3] Mohammed, Y, 2009 . Low-frequency passive seismic experiments in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates:
implications for hydrocarbon detection. The Petroleum Institute. UEA.
[4] Sheriff, R. E., and Geldart, L. P., 1995. Exploration Seismology 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press:
New York. USA.
[5] Walker, D. 2008, Recent developments in low frequency spectral analysis of passive seismic data. First
break, 26, 67-77.
[6] Werner-Allen, G. Johnson, J. Ruiz, M. Lees, J. Welsh M., 2005 ,Monitoring volcanic eruptions with a
wireless sensor network, Wireless Sensor Networks, Second European Workshop, Harvard University.,
Boston, MA, USA.
[7] Wood, M. M. (2007, April 16). UPseis. Retrieved June 5, 2016, from Michigan Tech:
[8] Zhang Xiaodan, Ke Xizheng, Zhang Zhiyu, 2010, Research on Micro-Electro-Mechanical-
Systems digital geophone, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and
Computational Intelligence, Beijing, China.
1. Introduction
Zinc (Zn) deficiency is recoqnized as one of the most widespread soil constrain in rice
production (Sillanpää, 1990). Nutritional disorder of rice associated with micronutrients have
escalated as modern technology for rice production has been applied. These include increase
crop requirements on the soil’s ability to supply Zn , use of urea and phosphate fertilizers
which the resulting of P – induced Zn deficiency (Srivastava et al., 1999). Recent research
shows that micronutrients particularly Zn have an important role in root stress (Welch,
1995). Marschner (1993) reviewed that plant roots may also influence the availability and
uptake of mineral nutrients by releasing of root exudates, which induce changes in the
rhizosphere. The rhizosphere modification of rice roots may be as the important factor in
decreasing the concentration and mobility of Zn in the flooded soil.
Zinc deficiency mostly occurs in flooded rice, because flooded soil causes drastic
change in the chemical and biological reaction in the soil (Turner & Patrick, 1986). It
could be related to the chemical properties of flooded soil which decrease Zn availability and
also attributed to the inefficient Zn absorption of transplanted rice seedlings. When soil is
flooded, the concentration of most nutrients such as phosphorus (P) in the soil solution
increases but it decrease in Zn availability (Tandano & Yoshida, 1978).
Mulyati 240
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
After that, all plant samples were oven dried at 65-70 0C until constant weight achieved.
Root length was measured by using Comair root length scanner (Newman, 1966).
Plants and soil analysis. The plant samples were milled for analysis. Zinc concentration
was determined after digesting samples in concentrated HNO3 at 135-140 0C by using an
inductively couple plasma - optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) (Zarcinas et al., 1987).
Data analysis. Collected data from the experiment were analysed statistically by using
analysis of variance, When F-values were significant at P ≤ 0.05, means comparison among
treatments were compared by employing Fisher’s least significant difference.
Table 1. Effect of zinc supply and root pruning on shoot dry weights (g plant-1) of rice
cv. IR-36 at 15 and 30 days after transplanting.
Treatment Dry weights (g plant-1)
Zinc level (µg kg-1) Root pruning (%) Shoot Root
0 0 2.20 ± 0.22 1.17 ±0.03
50 2.10 ± 0.20 0.81 ±0.09
20 0 2.91 ± 0.06 1.19 ± 0.03
50 2.77 ± 0.30 0.93 ± 0.07
40 0 3.03 ± 0.26 1.23 ± 0.09
50 3.01 ± 0.11 0.96 ± 0.04
80 0 3.12 ± 0.10 1.24 ± 0.18
50 3.10 ± 0.04 0.97 ± 0.03
160 0 3.26 ± 0.04 1.27 ± 0.19
50 3.25 ± 0.13 0.98 ± 0.06
320 0 3.29 ± 0.16 1.29 ± 0.10
50 3.21 ± 0.12 1.00 ± 0.09
Mulyati 241
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
640 0 3.37 ± 0.03 1.31 ± 0.07
50 3.20 ± 0.05 1.02 ± 0.07
Values are means of three replicates SE.
Root dry matter production increased progressively by Zn supply and root pruning.
Zinc supply from 0 to 20 µg Zn kg-1 did not increased root dry matter production. The
maximum root dry matter was attained at 80 µg Zn kg-1 soil. Thus, shoot growth of
transplanted rice required a higher external Zn requirement compared with root growth.
This result was similar to previous study on transplanted oilseed rape (Mulyati, 2004). Root
growth and development are characterised by a complex interaction between roots and shoots,
and between roots and the environment (Marschner, 1993). These study indicated that the
maximum shoot growth required a higher external Zn supply compared with root growth. At
the early growth stage, root and shoot growth required the same level of Zn supply.
Plants with low Zn added and without Zn added were significantly depressed root and
shoot dry matter both in root had been pruned and without root had been pruned. These result
confirmed that the higher external Zn requirement for transplanted rice is due to the
requirement for shoot growth rather than root growth. It has been well accepted that root
system such as root diameter, volume and length are crucial factors in determining plant
growth and crop yield through nutrients uptake and water (Morita & Abe, 1996; Yamauchi
et al., 1996). Increasing Zn supply and 50 % root pruning had a significant effect on shoot :
root ratio (Figure 1). For adequate Zn supply and high Zn supply shoot : root ratio tended
to be stable or consistent. The removal of 50 % roots produced higher shoot : root ratio
than that of plants with root had not been pruned. It apparent that root pruning
0 % pruning 50 % pruning
Shoot : root ratio
0 20 40 80 160 320 640
Zinc supply (µg kg -1)
Figure 1. Effect of zinc supply and root pruning on shoot : root ratio of
transplanted rice at harvest days.
would have removed a significant portion of root absorbing surface, leading to the
increased of external Zn requirement for Zn absorption during the post-transplanting
period before the full recovery of root function. Thus, the damage of root system of
transplanted rice required a period of time for the root recovery to re-establish a favourable
shoot : root ratio. Plants with root had been pruned decreased with time, but plants with root
had not been pruned were almost un-change, except for low Zn supply or between 20 and
40 µg Zn kg-1 and without Zn added. Plant with root damaged had higher shoot : root ratio
than those of intact root system. The shoot : root ratio induced by root pruning led to
impaired the recovery of root function required higher external Zn requirement.
Mulyati 242
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
3.2. Root length development
Increasing Zn supply from 0 to 80 µg Zn kg-1 soil increased (P ≤ 0.05) root length by
10 % at the harvest day or 30 days after transplanting. There was a significant interaction
between Zn supply and root pruning (Table 2). Plants with root had not pruned showed a
greater (P ≤ 0.05) root length development about 15 % than plants with root have not been
pruned. From this observation, it appeared that shoot growth was more correlated with the
response of root length. As for shoot dry weight, the maximum root length also required a
higher external Zn requirement compared with root dry matter, the greater the root length
development the larger shoot dry matter were obtained. These observation was consistent
with the result reported by Yamazaki (1991) on the root system of rice which is constitute by
their root morphology such as diameter, length and branching.
Table 2. Effect of zinc supply and root pruning on the root length development of
transplanted rice
Mulyati 243
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
they reported that root pruning reduced vegetative growth in a number of plant species such
as apple. The removal of 50 % the root system will lower the growth rate of the shoot, and
change in the availability of photosynthesis products, consequently the decline of
photosynthesis product led to decreased of shoot and root weights.
Table 3. Effect of zinc supply and root pruning on relative zinc absorption rate in shoot
and root (µg plant-1) of transplanted rice.
Zinc level (µg kg-1) Root pruning (%) (µg plant-1) (µg plant-1)
0 0 32.92.2 15.41.4
50 25.12.2 9.3 0.5
20 0 53.41.2 18.22.2
50 36.32.3 13.90.2
40 0 64.23.7 22.70.9
50 52.51.3 15.60.3
80 0 79.52.4 25.42.1
50 74.35.7 17.00.1
160 0 107.82.8 30.41.4
50 88.93.7 18.10.2
320 0 134.04.0 35.50.1
50 78.32.9 25.40.1
640 0 125.61.4 36.71.7
114.22.6 35.41.6
Values are means of three replicates SE.
Indeed, post-transplanting growth of rice may vary with the period time for the root recovery
phase, which influence with the environmental factors condition such as soil pH, soil
temperature, soil water, waterlogging, nutrient availability and also plant factors including
nutrients status of the seedling and seedling vigour.
4. Conclusions
This study has shown that transplanted rice required external Zn requirement not only for the
root growth, but also for the shoot growth and root length development. Apparently, root
pruning impaired growth rates and eventually reduced shoot and root dry matter production.
Plant with 50 % root had been pruned reduced the shoots and roots of dry matter of
transplanted rice, which decreased the relative Zn absorption rate. It can be concluded that
root recovery and root function of transplanted rice were sluggish by low Zn supply and root
These results suggest that Zn supply should be applied to the nurseries, in order to obtain
the vigorous seedlings to enhance the earlier establishment in the main-field ; and need to be
explored further by studying the mechanism of root recovery of transplanted rice or by
different plant species.
Mulyati 244
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
[1] Barber, S.A. and M. Silberbush. 1984. Plant root morphology and nutrient uptake. In
Root, Nutrient and Water Influx, and Plant Growth. Eds. S.A. Barber and D.R. Bouldin.
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[2] Bar-Tal, A., A. Feigin, I. Rylski, and E. Pressman. 1994. Effect of root pruning and N-
NO3 solution concentration on nutrient uptake and transpiration of tomato plants.
Scientia Horticulturae 58 : 77-90.
[3] Geisler, D. and D.C. Ferree. 1984. The influence of root pruning on water relations,
net photosynthesis, and growth of young ‘Golden Delicious’ apple trees. J. Amer.
Soc. Hort. Sci. 109 (6): 827-831.
[4] Grist, D.H. 1975. Rice. Fifth edition. Whitstable Litho Ltd. Kent.
[5] Huang, B., J.W. Johnson, D.S NcSmith and D.C. Bridges. 1995. Nutrient accumulation
and distribution of wheat genotypes in response to waterlogging and nutrient supply.
Plant and Soil. 173 : 47-54.
[6] Iwama, K. and J. Yamaguchi. 1996. Difference in root system development among
crop species and genotypes. In Root and Nitrogen in Cropping Systems of the Semi-
Arid Tropics. Eds. O. Ito, K. Katayama, C. Johansen, J.V.D.K. Kumar Rao, J.J. Adu-
Gyamfi and T.J. Rego. Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Science
(JIRCAS). No. 3 :173-184.
[7] Marschner, H. 1993. Zinc uptake from soils. pp. 59-77. In Zinc in Soil and Plants.
A.D. Robson (Ed). Kluwer Academic Publishers. London.
[8] Morita, S. and J. Abe. 1996. Development of root systems in wheat and rice. In Root
and Nitrogen in Cropping Systems of the Semi-Arid Tropics. O. Ito, K. Katayama, C.
Johansen, J.V.D.K. Kumar-Rao, J.J. Adu-Gyamfi and T.J. Rego (Eds.). Japan
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[9] Mulyati, 2004. Zinc requirements of transplanted oilseed rape. Ph.D Thesis. Murdoch
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2002. Tolerance of rice germplasm to zinc deficiency. Field Crop Research. 76: 123 –
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[12] Rayes, R.Y. and R. Brinkman. 1968. Some methods to minimize zinc deficiency in
tranplanted wetland rice. IRRI. Manila. Philippines. pp. 646-655.
[13] Sillanpää, M. 1990. Micronutrients assessment at the country level: An International
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[14] Srivastava, P.C., M.S. Gangwar and V. P. Singh. 1999. Adsorption-desorption of zinc
in Mollisols and their relationship with uptake of fertilizer-applied zinc by rice.
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[17] Welch, R.M. 1995. Micronutrient nutrition of plants. In Critical Review in Plant
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[19] Yamauchi, A., J.R. Pardales and Y. Kono. 1996. Root system structure and its relation
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Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Analysis. 18: 131-146.
Mulyati 246
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
Study Program of Physics Education, Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Teachers
Training and Education, Mataram University
Statistical physics nowadays is more attractive and has a broad application area, not
merely as a bridge thermodynamics to better understanding of the microscopic world, more so
even statistical physics can also be applied in the world economy such as the stock market.
It’s hopeful for students to master and love statistical physics and we realize the necessityof
preparing learning media which is effective and efficient in terms of both cost and time. This
research is motivated by the lack of statistical physics learning resources in Indonesian
language both print and online versions, especially for the needs of prospective physics
students in the department of mathematics and natural sciences FKIP Unram. Though the
outlook is very bright and statistical physics is the study of physics field which to date
continues to grow. Many new things emerge from statistical physics research. Very
unfortunate if students in learning activities cannot access this information to the maximum
due to lack of resources, especially in Indonesian language. On the other hand, a lot of Results
of study is the availability of statistical physics learning media that written in Indonesian
language which can be accessed online and ofline. For online, we develop website using
geogle sites while offline browsing, we choose HTTrack software.
Keywords :Learning Media, Statistical Physics, offline browsing
1. Introduction
Statistical physics course is one of the subjects that must be followed by all students
majoring in physics education in department of mathematics and natural sciences at faculty of
teachers training and education of Mataram University. This course weighs 3 credits. For
more than ten years of support this course, we find that statistical physics courses until now a
part difficult to learn, especially for most students. This is because the content of the
discussion in statistical physics requires an understanding not require a high level of
mathematical ability is also high. Plus, the ability of English students who are still not
standard, so it is very difficult to understand the concepts of statistical physics is a lot written
in English. It is actually not that hard to be something that is difficult for students. In terms of
content, it is recognized that the way of understanding of statistical physics is different from
other subjects such as wave physics, thermodynamics and mechanics. It needs Intact and
integrated knowledge of several other studies should be completely embedded in students.
Directly related to success in understanding statistical physics, students must already have a
strong foundation in mathematical physics, thermodynamics, classical mechanics, quantum
mechanics and solid The lack of resources in Indonesian language literature both print and
online versions, coupled with a lack of prerequisite knowledge lead to difficult students learn
and capture the full meaning and benefits of studying statistical physics. The use of web-
based media which is written in Indonesian language as a companion in the learning process
is increasingly needed to cope with the problems that arise because of the limitations of time,
In Figures 1 above is displayed the front page of the website or the welcome page
lecture Statistical Physics. Then the page is also displayed in the form of a menu page or
pages can be used as navigation browsing on the internet. These menus can be seen clearly in
Figure 2.Menu prepared for learning purposes is a menu Welcome, lecturer, course info,
Creative Class, Assessment, Resources, Links / Links, Video and Sitemaps. Explanation of
each menu in outline, are presented in the following section navigation menu.The navigation
menu on the website is the menu Welcome, lecturer, course info, Creative Class, Assessment,
Resources, Links / Links, Video and Map Sites Menu lecture presentamaterials contain an
outline of the lecture material, video from youtube, material and intact file that can be
downloaded directly by students.
5. Conclusions
The web based media of statistical physics is available right now google site which is stored
on google using mataram university mail, www.unram.ac.id and every students who has
registered to the lectures can access that site.
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistical_physics
[2] Abdullah, Mikrajuddin, 2016, Fisika Statistik untuk Mahasiswa MIPA, http://www.buku-
e.lipi.go.id/utama.cgi?lihatarsip&mikr001&1363078185 dikasestanggal 10 Februari 2016
[3] Hikam, AS, 2016, Fisika Statistik, http://hikam.freevar.com/kuliah/fistat/ diaksestanggal 10 Februari 2016
[4] MitraEdumedia Yogyakarta, 2010, Pembelajaran Berbasis Web,
http://mitraedumediayk.blogspot.co.id/p/pembelajaran-berbasis-web.html diaksestanggal 10 Februari 2016
Faculty of Agriculture
University of Nahdlatul Wathan Mataram
1. Introduction
Ooencyrtus malayensis and Hadronotus leptocorisae species are widely used egg
parasitoids for biological control of insect pests Leptocorisa acuta through augmentation
and release. In this process, a steady production or supply of the egg parasitoids. is essential
to achieve successful control. Jamili and Haryanto (2012) found the Ooencyrtus malayensis
and Hadronotus as parasitoid of L. acuta’s parasitized eggs in differen location at Lombok.
Our objectives were to develop an efficienct rearing technique for Leptocorisa acuta, and to
determine the basic bionomics and demographic parameter, necessary for future augmentative
biological control programs.
parasitization(1-4 day).
3.2. Density of egg parasitoid Ooencyrtus malayensis from Nezara viridula eggs
The result percent parasitism Ooencyrtus malayensis did not different significantly
among 1, 2 and 3 parasitoid densities (Ficture 2 ; One-way anova, F = 0.33; df = 2; P =
0,72), O. malayensis parasitism was highest (85.00±9.57) at 10 eggs/2 female parasitoid.
while pairs (78.57±9.86) and decreased of density one tail female (70.00±14.47).
4. Conclusions
Rearing O.malayensis using N.viridula eggs as alternate host is technically feasible.
But not to H. leptocorisae. Potential for using N.viridula eggs for parasitization was
evident. Percent parasitism Ooencyrtus malayensis did not different significantly among 1
female, 2 female and pairs(1 female and male) parasitoid densities.
Kemenristek Dikti is acknowledged for the financial assistance (Grant No.
The persistence cases of moderate and severe malnutrition in Narmada Public Health
Care associated with the incidence of stunting. There were 36.43% children under-five who
are stunted (short) and 14.12% severely stunted (very short) in the region of West Lombok.
Stunting is a major nutritional problem in developing countries. Among10 countries with the
highest number of stunted children worldwide, six countries are in Asia, including Indonesia.
Based on WHO data in 2012, stunting affected the growth of 162 million children under-five
in the world. Stunting has long-term effects on individuals and society, such as cognitive
deficits, poor physical development, decline in productivity, deterioration of health quality,
and increase the risk of degenerative diseases. The objective of this study was to determine
factors associated with stunting in children aged 24-59 months in Narmada Public Health
Care. The study was a descriptive analytical cross-sectional approach. Rule of thumb method
was used to determined samples. Samples in this study were121 parents of children under-
five. A questionnaire, FFQ and 2x24 hours food recall was used to collect the data. Statistical
analysis used chi square method and logistic regression method. Results showed that 40%
toddlers in the work area of Narmada PHC were stunted and 20% were severely stunted.
Multivariate analysis showed that only energy intake (p = 0,000) that had a significant
association with the incidence of stunting in children under five. The p-value of the test
Homser and Lameshow is 0,600 and AUC values is 72.2%. Narmada as a part of West Nusa
Tenggara had a serious nutritional problem (stunting) according to WHO classification 2005.
Energy intake was found as the most influential factor on the incidence of stunting in children
Keywords: Children Under-Five, Toddlers, Stunting, Narmada Public Health Centre, Energy
1. Introduction
Stunting is a reduced growth rate case in human development based on age, at the
point of >2 of standard deviations (<-2SD) of the WHO child growth standards1 nutrition
status table. Africa (40%) and Asia (36%) have the world’s highest number of stunting cases.
Among10 countries with the highest number of stunted children worldwide, six countries are
in Asia that is Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, dan The Philippines2.
Stunting prevalence in Indonesia in 2013 was 37.2%. This number increased
compared to 2010 (35.6%) and 2007 (36.8). Within the 37.2% of stunting prevalence, 18.0%
was severely stunted and 19.2% was stunted. The stunting prevalence increased from 18.0%
in 2007 to 19.2% in 2013. 3 According to Basic Health Research (RISKESDAS) in 2010, the
prevalence of children of 24 – 35 months of age was higher with value of 41.4% followed
respectively with 36 – 37 months of age (38%) and above 48 months of age (30.9%).4
Cases of moderate and severe malnutrition in Narmada Community Health Centre
Nurbaiti et al. 255
were associated with incidence of stunting. The number of under-five children who gained
weight (N/D) in Narmada Community Health Centre catchment area in May 2015 was 51.1%.
This showed that the indicator target N/D determined by Health Office has not been achieved
yet in which its target is 80%.5
Stunting has long-term effects on individuals and society, such as cognitive deficits,
poor physical development, decline in productivity, deterioration of health quality, increase in
the risk of degenerative diseases, and may inflict decline in Intelligence Quotient (IQ) of
children, and disorders of psychomotor development and neurosensory integration. 6-9
Previous study showed that nutritional problem factors in Community Health Centre
catchment area were macro and micro energy intake, infectional diseases, parents’ knowledge
and family economic status. 10 Another study found that there was a significant correlation
between incidence of stunting and under-five children ungain weight in Community Health
Centre catchment area, West Lombok District. 5
Therefore, the researcher intended to do a futher study by analyzing stunting risk
factors in order to find a proper program recommendation to overcome nutritional problem in
Narmada Community Health Centre catchment area.
The study used descriptive analytical cross-sectional approach, and was conducted in
Narmada Community Health Centre catchment area to 24 – 59-month old under-five children.
This study was conducted since the beginning of June until the end of June 2016.
The samples of this study were 24 – 59-month old under-five children in Narmada
Community Health Centre catchment area. The samples were determined by using quota-
sampling method. Rule of thumb method was used to determine the number of samples and
added with correction factor of 10% resulting 121 samples.
Independent variables in this study were energy intake, protein intake, infectional
diseases status, exclusive breastfeeding, immunization status, age of under-five children,
gender of under-five children, birth weight of under-five children, parents education, parents
occupation, and family economic status. Dependent variable in this study was stunted under-
five children.
The descriptive analysis aimed at noticing the distribution of variable frequency which
were energy intake, protein intake, infectional diseases status, exclusive breastfeeding,
immunization status, age of under-five children, gender of under-five children, birth weight of
under-five children, parents education, parents occupation, family economic status, and
incidence of stunting. The bivariate anaylys aimed at recognizing the correlation between
variables. Multivariate analysis recognized the correlation value between dependent variable
towards incidence of stunting on 24 – 59-month old under-five children in Narmada
Community Health Centre catchment area. The analysis used logistic regression test.
The data then would be analyzed by using software SPSS 16. The food intake data would
be analyzed by using Software Nutrisurvey 2007.
There were 121 of 24 – 59-month old under-five children in Narmada Community Health
Centre catchment area that met the inclusion criteria to be the subject of the study, one child
under-five was dropped out due to incompleteness of data. The characteristics of the subject
of the study were energy intake, protein intake, infectional diseases status, exclusive
breastfeeding, immunization status, age of under-five children, gender of under-five children,
birth weight of under-five children, parents education, parents occupation, family economic
status, and incidence of stunting.
The result showed that 40% of the children under-five in Narmada Community Health
Centre catchment area were categorized as stunted, 20% as severely stunted, and 40% as
normal nutrition status. This result was in accordance with the previous study in which the
stunting percentage was of 43.2% with 56.8% for normal nutrition status on under-five
children in Narmada Community Health Centre catchment area. WHO classifies an area into
high prevalence when it has stunting percentage of ≥ 40%. Based on the data, it could be
concluded that West Nusa Tenggara, in general, and Narmada as the part of West Nusa
Tenggara are still in high prevalance category based on WHO 2015 classification. 11
Bivariate and multivariate analyses were implemented to find odd ratio value and
determine which of the factors as the stunting risk factor. Based on the bivariate analysis, the
significant factor associated to incidence of stunting in Narmada Community Health Centre
catchment area was total energy intake with value of p=0,000 (p<0,05). Other factors did not
have significant correlation to incidence of stunting in Narmada Community Health Centre
catchment area (p>0,05).
Variables that would be tested using mutivariate analysis had been selected by using
bivariate analysis to find out the correlation between dependent and independent variables. The
chosen variables were variables having values of p<0,25 on bivariate analysis. The chosen
variables were dependent variables that were energy intake (p=0,000) and birth weight (0,152).
Var. Coefficient p
Energy 6.655(2.908-
1.895 0.000
Step Intake 15.230)
1 Birth 3.495(0.355-
1.251 0.283
Weight 34.354)
Step Energy 6.818(2.992-
1.920 0.000
2 Intake 15.536)
Based on the multivariate analysis result, energy intake was the most significant factor. A
deficient energy intake was 6 times riskier to worsen stunting condition on under-five
Test result of Hosmer and Lemeshow of sig.>0,05 (p=0,600) means that the model was
sufficiently appropriate to explain the data in this study. The AUC value of 72,2% showed
that the calculation system had average prediction capacity.
Energy intake was one of variables in this study to rate the under-five children food
consumption. In this study, the energy intake was divided into two which were deficient
energy intake (< 100% AKG) and adequate energy intake (≥100% AKG). The result showed
that the percentage of under-five children having adequate energy intake was 48.3%,
meanwhile the rest, 51.7%, was having deficient energy intake (< 100% AKG). 10
The low rate of energy intake on stunting children group might be caused by some
factors; among such were frequency and quantity of food consumption, low energy density,
decrease in appetite, and infectional diseases. 13 This study was in line with other studies
stating that there was a significant correlation between energy consumption and incidence of
stunting. 14,15,16 It was caused by inadequate nutrition intake, mainly from total energy,
relating to physical growth deficit on pre-school children. 17 Inadequate number and nutrition
of food intake was the direct cause of nutritional problem. 18
4. Conclusion
Based on the study result, it can be concluded that most of the 24 – 59-month old under-
five children in Narmada Community Health Centre catchment area were categorized as
stunted (60%). Most of the 24 – 59-month old under-five children in Narmada Community
Health Centre catchment area had deficient energy intake, normal birth weight, female, 24 -
35-month old; got exclusive breastfeeding, and suffered from infectional diseases for the last
one month. All children under five received basic immunization. Most of the under-five
children parents had low education, low economic status, non-working mother, and father
working as a labor.
The most significant factor towards incidence of stunting on the 24 – 59-month old
under-five children in Narmada Community Health Centre catchment area was energy intake.
Energy intake had 6 times greater effects toward incidence of stunting.
The program of ASHAR ( The First Thousand days of Life Action) shall be optimized,
mainly in increasing the total energy intake to under-five children through Initiation of Early
Breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding, complementary feeding started from 6-month old,
breastfeeding until the child reach 2 years of age, observation of under-five children growth,
and pregnant and breasfeeding mother nutritional improvement. In addition, it is suggested to
optimize a balance complementaty feeding for under-five children - mainly for those
suffering from nutritional problems -; increase the cadre knowledge about incidence of
stunting, and nutritional problems on pregnant women, breasfeeding mother and under-five
children; and to involve religious and communitiy leaders in increasing community awareness
in order to prevent early marriage.
[1] World Health Organization.(2012). Landscape analysis on countries’ readiness to accelerate action in
[2] Badham Dan Sweet. (2010). Stunting: An Overview.Sight And Life Magazine.Vol 3 Pp: 40-47. South
[3] Basic Health Research (Riskesdas). (2013). Litbangkes, Health Department of Indonesia.
[4] Province Health Office of West Nusa Tenggara. (2014). West Nusa Tenggara Health Profile (2014). West
Nusa Tenggara.
[5] Nurbaiti, Patni., et al. (2015). The Correlation between Incidence of Stunting and Ungain Weight on 24 –
59-month old under-five children in Narmada Community Health Centre catchment area. West Lombok:
Narmada Community Health
[6] Dalimunthe Sm. (2013). An Overview of Incidence of Stunting Factors on 24 – 59-month old under-five
children in West Nusa Tenggara Province 2010.
[7] Kusuma K.(2013). Risk Factor of Incidence of Stunting on 2-3-year old children ( A study in East
Semarang Sub-district) Nutrition Science of Diponegoro Medical Faculty
[8] Fitri K. (2012). Birth Weight as the dominant factor to incidence of stunting on under-five children (12-
59-month old) in Sumatera. Thesis. Depok.
[9] Stephenson, et al. (2010). Consumming cassava as a staple food places children 2-5 years at risk for
inadequate protein intake, an observational study in kenya and nigeria. Nutritional Journal.
[10] Nurbaiti, Hidayatullah, dkk. (2015). An overview of the cause of ungain weight on 24-59-month old
under-five children in Narmada Community Health Centre catchment area. West Lombok. Narmada
Community Health
[11] WFP. (2010).Food Security and Vulnerability Atlas of Nusa Tenggara Barat. Accessed on 30 June 2016
[12] Astari, L. D., A. Nasoetion, dan C. M. Dwiriani. 2005. The Correlation between Family Characteristics,
Nurturing Pattern, and Incidence of Stunting on 6-12- month old children. Media of Nutrition and Family
29(20): 40 – 46. Accessed on 20 June 2016 on www.repository.ipb.ac.id
[13] Asrar, M., H. Hadi, & D. Boediman,. (2009). Nurturing Pattern, Eating Pattern, Nutrition Intake, and their
correlation towards Under-five Children Nutrition Status of Nuaulu Tribe Community in Amahai Sub-
District, Central Maluku District, Maluku Province. Journal of Nutrition Clinic of Indonesia. Accessed on
20 June 2016 on www.ijcn.or.id
[14] Neldawati. (2000). The Correlation between Feeding Pattern to Children and Other Characteristics and
Nutrition Status of 6-59-month old under-five children at Community Nutrition Laboratorium, Research
and Development Centere (P3GM) (Analysis of Secondary Data Malnutrition Under-five Children 2005).
Depok: Community Health Faculty of UI..
[15] Roscha Dkk, (2012). A Determinant Analysis of Stunting on 0-23-month old children in underprevileged
area in Central Java and East Java. A Panel of Nutrition Food 35 (1):34-41. Accessed on 1 July 2016 on
[16] Hidayah, N. R. (2011). Factors associated with Incidence of Stunting on 24-59-month old Under-five
Children in East Nusa Tenggara 2010 (Analysis of Basic Health Research Data 2010) (Thesis). Depok:
Community Health Faculty of UI.
[17] Maxwell, Stephanie. (2011). “Module 5: Cause of Malnutrition”. Accessed on www.unscn.org
[18] UNICEF, (1998). The State of The World's Children. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
The Effect Of Shape And Number Of The Tube Of A Flat Plate Solar With
A Gravel Absorber On Heat Transfer Rate And Collector Efficiency
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Mataram, Jl. Majapahit no. 62, Mataram, NTB, Indonesia.
* Email: wwiralo@yahoo.co.id
Solar energy can be used for heating fluid like gas or liquid. The utilization solar
energy can be done using a solar collector. The optimized absorption of the solar energy
depends on the collector dimension and component, e.g. the dimension of collector body, the
form and shape of the tube, cover, isolation system and absorber material. The current
research uses a gravel absorber with a variation of the shape and the number of tube. The
shapes of tube absorber are serpentine and parallel. The numbers of the tube are varying from
5, 7 and 9 tubes. The water flow rates were varied from 250, 300 and 350 cc/minute to
investigate the maximum performance. The results show that the solar collector heat energy is
influenced by the shape and the number of the tube, water flow rates and resident time. The
maximum heat transferring to the water occurred at the peak of the solar intensity at around
12.00 to 13.00 P.M. The highest collector efficiency was attained using the 5 parallel tubes
and at the flow rate of 350 cc/ minute.
1. Introduction
Solar energy is a renewable energy that has a high potential to be managed and
developed, Burhanudin [1]. Indonesia is an area that is on track to 110LS 60LU equator, so
Indonesia has much solar energy. Also, in Indonesia the sun may shine all year round. Hence,
the solar energy in Indonesia has huge potential to be tapped and converted into useful energy
Solar collector is a device that can be used to improve the effectiveness of direct solar
energy utilization. The function of the device is to collect and transfer solar energy to other
forms of energy or a useful energy Duffie and Beckman [2], Stefanovic and Bojic [3].
Therefore, in Indonesia, it is important to develop technologies that have that function above.
One type of solar collector that is very simple and easy to be made/constructed is flat plate
Solar collectors that are used in general are constructed from metal plates as absorber to
absorb the sun's heat [2]. Nevertheless, in this study, the absorber was made of sand and
gravel. This absorber is expected to replace the use of a metal absorber and to enhance the
heat transfer rate. Based on this expectation, the effect of using different absorbers in this
study is to obtain the optimal absorber.
The descriptions contained in the background can be used to discuss the objective of this
study. The objective of this study is to know the effect of different absorbers; Case A (gravel
absorber with sizes of 4.75 to 6.3 mm), Case B (gravel absorber with sizes ranging from 9.5 -
12.5 mm). The previous study indicated that the best absorber was the Case B, Wirawan and
Sutanto [4]. Therefore, in this study the Case B was used with variations of passages and the
number of tubes. Due to the variations, this study shows the best tube passage and the number
Figure 1 Absorber types; (a) serpentine, (b) parallel with 5 tubes, (c) parallel with 7
tubes, (d) parallel with 9 tubes
where quse is the heat removed by the water, m represents the mass flow rate, To is the
temperature of water at the outlet and Ti is the inlet water temperature. It is very difficult to
examine figure 2 because all lines are touching each other whether for the serpentine and
parallel tubes.
Figure 2. Heat removed by the water for volumetric rates of (a) 200 cc/minute, (b) 250
cc/minute and (c) 300 cc/minute.
Performance of the collector is determined by the amount of useful heat and heat input.
One of performance indicators is an efficiency which can be expressed as [2]:
Efficiency represents how much a collector can convert the solar energy to be a useful energy
or the useful energy divided by heat input [2]. The experimental maximum efficiency
obtained is 43,44% at the mass flow rate of 250 cc / min, 48.07% for the parallel absorber
with 7 tubes at a flow rate of 300 cc / min, and of 57,07% for the parallel absorber with 5
tubes at the mass flow rate of 350 cc / min.
4. Conclussion
Based on the research results and discussion, some conclusions can be drawn as
1. The volumetric rate of the working fluid affects the amount of the heat removed by the
working fluid (water).
2. The shape and number of tubes give small influences on the heat transfer rate and
The authors would like to acknowledge the Indonesia Ministry Research, Technology,
and Higher Education for the funding (Hibah Bersaing Grant 2016) and the Mataram
[1] Burhanudin, "Karakteristik Kolektor Surya Plat Datar Dengan Variasi Jarak Penutup Dan Sudut
Kemiringan Kolektor", Skripsi, Universitas Negeri Solo, 2005.
[2] J.A. Duffie and W.A. Beckman, "Solar Engineering Of Thermal Process", 2nd Edition, John Willey &
Sons Inc., New York, 1980.
[3] V.P. Stefonic and M.L. Bojic, "Development And Investigation Of Solar Collector For Conversion Of
Solar Radiation Into Heat And / Or Electricity", Thermal Science 10, 2006, pp. 177-187.
[4] M. Wirawan and R. Sutanto, "Analisa Laju Perpindahan Panas Pada Kolektor Surya Tipe Plat Datar
Dengan Absorber Pasir", Jurnal Dinamika Teknik Mesin 1, 2011, pp. 65-72.
[5] J.P. Holman, "Perpindahan Kalor", Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta, 1988.
Phosphorous budget was applied to predict carrying capacity spiny lobster farming in
floating net cages (FNC) at Ekas Bay, West Nusa Tenggara. Carrying capacity parameters
were determined from physical properties such as total phosphorus content in a year, bay area,
bay volume and water height and water flushing time. The calculation resulted in the value
water carrying capacity for spiny lobster farming in FNC which is 512.40 tons/year which
equals optimal production capacity or about 22,278 FNC units.These values can be used as a
reference influencing local goverment policy for the development of spiny lobster farming at
Ekas Bay.
Keywords : carrying capacity, spiny lobster culture, budget phosphorus, Ekas Bay
1. Introduction
Since 2000, lobster farming in floating net cages (FNC) has been developing at Ekas
Bay, West Nusa Tenggara Province. At that time, there were so many spiny lobster seeds
found attached on material such as buoy used to cultivate seaweed and grouper (Priyambodo
and Sarifin, 2009). These seeds were taken and raised in FNC. This condition allows spiny
lobster farming to sustain. Development of lobster farming at Ekas Bay shows that this
activity has been a prime mover for coastal community’s economy that has replaced fishing
activity and finally reduces coral reef destruction. However, sustainability of this legitimacy is
determined by environmental damage generated by spiny lobster farming. Some research has
proven that grouper and lobster cultivations using FNC at Ekas Bay produce effluent that goes
to water and affects water quality (Krisanti and Imran, 2006; Junaidi and Hamzah, 2014).
This water effluent consisting of food residue and fish feces in the long term will
accumulate on water bottom (Rustadi, 2009). The water effluent, together with organic waste
from land as a result of anthropogenic activities, will cause phytoplankton bloom or
eutrophication that can lead to water pollution (Sachoemar, 2006). Therefore, in order for the
farming to sustain, its development needs to be adapted to environmental (water) carrying
capacity and water characters. According to that condition, there is a need of data and
information used to determine environmental carrying capacity based on water characters at
Ekas Bay.
Determination of water carrying capacity for the development of spiny lobster farming
was done using an approach focusing on phosphorous budget (P). Main parameters used in
the calculation were annual average of phosphorous total amount (TP, mg/L), bay area (A,
m2), water volume at the bay (V, m3), average depth (Z = V/A, m) and flushing rate (ρ, per
year) calculated based on tidal exchange method (Barg, 1992). Following is the formula used
Junaidi 264
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
in the calculation, (Vh-Vl) / (TxVh), where Vh= water volume at the bay during the highest
tide (m3), Vl = water volume at the bay during the lowest ebb (m 3), T = tidal period (day).
Estimated value of annual total phosphorous applied in this study was based on the previous
research (Junaidi et al., 2014) and phosphorous load as a result of spiny lobster farming and
anthropogenic activities on the mainland.
According to the data elaborated above, it can be concluded that the determination of
carrying capacity can be done using the following steps (Beveridge, 1987; Pulatsu, 2003) :
Step 1. Measuring steady state [P] i from total concentration of P determined based on
annual average of total P concentration in water bodies. This was obtained from
some representative samples.
Step 2. Determining [P] maximum that can be accepted by water bodies [P] f as the result of
spiny lobster farming in FNC.
Step 3. Determining water bodies carrying capacity for spiny lobster farming [P] which is
a difference between [P] before the water bodies are used to farm the lobster [P] i
and maximum phosphorous that can be accepted [P]f after the lobster farming
exists. So, [P] = [P]f - [P]i
Therefore, [P] is related to P load from FNC (Llobs), the area of water bodies (A),
flushing rate and the ability of water bodies to accept P load (). Following is the
formula generated:
[P] = Llobs (1 – Rlobs) / Z
Llobs = [P] * Z * / 1 – Rlobs
Rlobs = x + [(1 – x)R];
In which, R = 1 / (1 + 0,5)
in which, [P] = P (g/m3); Llobs= total P g/m2/year); Z = average depth of water
bodies (m); = flushing rate (volume/year); Rlobs= total P soluble in the sediment);
x = the total amount of P lost permanently into the sediment.
Step 4. If the area of water bodies (A), total P load that can be accepted (Llobs,g/year) and
total amount of P load lost into the environment throughout the farming activity (kg
P/ton lobster) have been known, the amount of fish produced (ton/year) can be
calculated using the following formula:
Amount of fish produced = Llobs x A / total P
Junaidi 265
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spiny lobster farming in FNC is 1,552.15 ha or 28.16% of the area in the condition of MHWS
(Figure 1) (Junaidi et al., 2014).
Junaidi 266
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
to operate = 512.40 / 0.023 = 22,278 FNCs. If a unit of raft has 9 FNC, the maximal number
of raft allowed to operate = 22,278 / 9 = 2,475 rafts.
4. Conclusion
The calculation resulted in the value water carrying capacity for spiny lobster farming in
FNC which is 512.40 tons/year which equals optimal production capacity or about 22,278
FNC units.These values can be used as a reference influencing local goverment policy for the
development of spiny lobster farming at Ekas Bay.
[1] Barg, U.C. 1992. Guidelines for the promotion of environmental management of coastal aquaculture
development. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 328. FAO. Rome. 122
[2] Beveridge, M.C.M. 1987. Cage and pen farming: carrying capacity models and environmental
impact. FAO Fish. Tech.Pap.255. FIRI/T255,. Experiment Station, Auburn University, Alabama.
131 p.
[3] Choi, K.D. 2002. Enviromental management of marineculture in Hong Kong. The University of
Hong Kong. hub.hku.hk/ bitstream/ 10722/31198/15/FullText.pdf. Diakses Pebruari 2014.
[4] Junaidi, M and M.S. Hamzah. 2014. Water quality and its effect on growth and survival rate of
lobster reared in floating net cage in ekas bay, west nusa tenggara province. Jurnal ITKT, 6 (2) :
[5] Junaidi, M., S. Andayani, M. Mahmudi and A. Sartimbul. 2014. Organic matter degradation in
Lobster culture system and their effect on waters quality in Ekas Bay, Indonesia. Organic matter
degradation in Lobster Culture System and their effect on waters quality in Ekas Bay, Indonesia.
Journal of Applied Biotechnology, 2 (1) : 10-23.
[6] Junaidi, M., S. Andayani, M. Mahmudi dan A. Sartimbul. 2014. Site Suitability for Lobster Culture
Using Multi-Criteria and GIS Analyses in Ekas Bay, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. J.
Coastal Conservation, 18 (4)
[7] Krisanti, M. and Z. Imran. 2006. Environmental carrying capacity of Ekas Bay for development
grouper culture in floating net cages. J.Il.Perta.Ind, 11(2): 15-20
[8] Priyambodo, B. and Sarifin. 2009. Lobster aquaculture industry in eastern Indonesia: present status
and prospects. In: K. C. Williams (Ed.), Proceedings of an International Symposium on Spiny
Lobster Aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific Region, Australian Centre for International Agricultural
Research, Canberra, p. 36-45.
[9] Pulatsu, S. 2003. The application of a phosphorus budget model estimating the carrying capacity of
Kesikkopru Dam Lake. Turk J Vet Anim. Sci, 27 : 1127-1130.
[10] RDMF. 2004. The carrying capacity of fisheries and marine. Research and Development of Marine
and Fisheries Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. Jakarta 122 p
[11] Rustadi. 2009. Control of eutrophication in reservoir using fisheries: case study in Sermo reservoir.
Aquacultura Indonesiana, 10 (3): 199–208
[12] Sachomar, S.I. 2006. Analysis of carrying capacity mariculture in Batam estate (BME) Batam.
J.Hidrosfir, 1 (2) : 52-60
Junaidi 267
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Alawiyah et al..
Proceeding, 1st ICST Mataram University 2016
1. Introduction
One source of environmental pollution is industrial waste which uses dye. The use
of dyes is the most that the textile industry, such as methylene blue. In the textile industry
dye staining residual waste as waste with a relatively large concentration of 20-200 mg/L
(Pandey et al,2007).
According to environment minister’s decision is Kep-51/MENLH/10/1995 on
effluent quality standards, the maximum concentration of methylene blue allowed the 5-
10 mg/L. One alternative that is currently evolving to address these problems by using
semiconductor photocatalysts through photodegradation reactions. Wastewater treatment
system using photocatalyst capable of degrading organic dyes or pollutants into
components so that a simpler and safer for the environment, such as H2O and CO2.
Besides photodegradation method is cheaper, more efficient in the use of chemicals, the
process is faster, non-toxic and has the ability to use long-term (Bayati, 2010). In the
method for removal catalyzed photodegradation of dyes or other organic compounds
commonly used photocatalyst TiO2 in powder form.
The use of TiO2 in powder form for waste treatment in general is quite practical, but
this powder will spread rapidly to a solution that can reduce its effectiveness. In order to
increase the effectiveness of powder needed in large numbers. The use of TiO2 powder in
an amount too much can cause the solution became turbid and easily form a suspension
so that the absorption of light by the substrate becomes less perfect, and will have
difficulty in separating the solid photocatalyst. One effort to overcome these problems is
with the material elicits the support or on a matrix material.
Bottom ash has not been reported as a carrier of the matrix material. With reference to
the matter, in this study will be conducted testing the terembankan TiO 2 on the basis of
coal ash (bottom ash) as a photocatalyst referred to as TiO2-bottom ash. Of this research
is expected, coal bottom ash which is a solid waste that can pollute the environment can
be harnessed into useful materials.
Figure 1. Difraktogram Sinar-X (a) TiO2 Murni; (b) Abu dasar; (c) TiO2-AD 0,1 M;
(d) TiO2-AD 0,25 M; (e) TiO2-AD 0,5 M; (f) TiO2-AD 1 M
Figure 1 above shows that the difraktogram TiO2-bottom ash with the lowest Ti
concentration give peaks with the same difraktogram bottom ash and has not seen peaks
of TiO2. This indicates that the crystallinity and the amount of bottom ash is still
dominant than TiO2 formed. The increase in Ti concentration of 0.25 to 1.0 M give
diffraction peaks similar to TiO2 despite lower and wider than TiO2. This indicates that
the TiO2 crystals have formed in the bottom ash with a lower crystallinity than the TiO2
powder. This happens because the TiO2 structure formed on the surface of SiO2 and
Al2O3 from the ashes of the base so that the crystal growth is not perfect. Besides the
peaks of SiO2 and Al2O3 in the bottom ash is not seen, which indicates that the SiO2 and
Al2O3 have been covered by TiO2 crystals dispersed on the surface of the bottom ash.
To strengthen the results of XRD characterization using the method in this study to
identify the groups functions contained in the photocatalyst TiO2-bottom ash and the
possibility of developing of using an infrared spectrophotometer. The results of the
infrared spectra presented in Figure 2.
Figure 2 shows that the bottom ash gave absorption at wavenumber 1075.92 cm -
and 774.85 cm-1 are characteristic for the group O-Si-O and Al-O or the Si-O that
can be derived from the Al-OH and or the Si-OH and H2O molecules. TiO2 provide
successive absorptions at wave number 3441 cm-1, 2337.2 cm-1, 624.9 cm-1 which
showed a TiOH, TiO2, and the double layer of TiO. The results of infrared spectra for
TiO2-bottom ash with varying levels of uptake-uptake gave similar IR spectra of
bottom ash and TiO2. It is also seen that the absorption at wavenumber 469 cm-1 (Si-
O/Al-O) in bottom ash has shifted to 470-540 cm-1. This indicates that the TO4 (SiO4
or the AlO4) has interacted with the Ti-O in TO2. Ti ion can be bound to the O atom
and the other rich TiO2 electrons so that can form a double layer on the surface of
TiO2 bottom ash.
To determine the effect of TiO2 on the of bottom ash in this study has been
carried out photodegradation of methylene blue by the addition of TiO2- bottom ash
photocatalysts are compared to the photodegradation with TiO2 and addition of bottom
ash. Conditions in the photodegradation process is the concentration of methylene blue
dye 50 ppm, the mass of the photocatalyst 50 mg, and 300 minutes of contact time.
The results are presented in figure 3.
Figure 3 shows that the addition of TiO2-bottom ash, TiO2, and bottom ash can
cause the removal of methylene blue from solution. By irradiating the loss of
methylene blue from solution due to the photodegradation reaction by OH ∙ radicals
and or absorption on the surface of TiO2-bottom ash, TiO2, and bottom ash. In the
process of irradiation, OH ∙ radicals can be formed from the photolysis of water and
TiO2 photocatalysis.
The results showed that the effectiveness of TiO2 photocatalysis-bottom ash is
higher than the TiO2 powder. This is because the particle size of TiO2 after rest upon
the bottom ash to be relatively small so that its surface area becomes larger.
Photocatalyst surface area greater contact between the beam and result in a more
effective photocatalyst so that the amount of OH ∙ radicals are formed more and more,
resulting in a higher effectiveness of photodegradation. particle size becomes smaller,
so give fotoactivity higher than TiO2.
The effectiveness of the process of photodegradation of methylene blue using
TiO2 photocatalyst powder, lower. This is because in addition to larger, TiO2 is also
easily spread so as to form a suspension. This leads to the formation of OH ∙ radicals
and the interaction between UV light contact with the methylene blue is reduced, so
the photodegradation becomes less effective.
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of research and discussion can be concluded as follows:
1. Immobilization of TiO2 on bottom ash gave higher fotoaktivitas, both on the
photodegradation and the adsorption of methylene blue than the pure TiO2, and
bottom ash with the results of effectivness degradation is 88.25%, 61.23% and
2. The increase in the concentration of Ti (IV) which rest upon the bottom ash to
increase levels of TiO2 in the TiO2-bottom ash with the same degree of
crystallinity. And rising levels of TiO2 which rest upon the bottom ash to increase
the effectiveness of photodegradation of methylene blue dye.
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1. Introduction
There are two types of work conducted in this research i.e. hardware and software design.
The instrument has separate mechanical and electronic systems. Mechanical system
and electronic system is connected by connecting cables. Both of these systems were
deliberately separated so that the resulting vibration actuator does not interfere with the
performance of the electronic components.
(a) (b)
Figure 3. Low-frequency vibration generators.
The mechanical system consists of several components i.e. a vibrating lever (1) that functions
transform transformation circular motion into vertical motion, DC motor (2) function for the
driving source (actuator), torque driver (3) serves to provide more big torque on vibrating
sleeve, disc (5) and optocoupler sensor (4) for chopping round amount of low frequency
vibration generator as shown in the inset of the Figure 3b. The number of vibration, time and
the frequency will be displayed in the LCD module. In order to operate this generator, there is
a button which serves to start the running system, to stop system and restore the original
position readout. In addition to control the motor speed there is a rotary switch. When the DC
motor rotates, it will rotate a disc and moving the arm to vibrate vertically.
Data analysis was performed on the low-frequency vibration generating system
includes sensor characteristics, PWM output voltage relationship of the adjustments are, as
well as the accuracy and precision of generating low-frequency vibration.
Figure 4 The correlation between the Figure 5 Graphic of the frequency accuracy
voltage and frequency. (fD vs fSy).
From the graph it can be seen that increases of voltage make the frequency increase
too. The correlation of frequency and the voltage can be depicted by the following regression
line equation f = 0.34V-1.151where the coefficient 0.34 is the sensitivity to changes in
voltage DC motor speed and the 1.151 constant is the initial frequency.
Figure 6. The graph of an absolute error Figure 7. The graph of relative error
Based on sinusoidal shaped graph the Figure 6, the maximum of an absolute error
values is 0.046. Meanwhile, the relative error of the system is ranged from 0% to 2.793% as
shown in Figure 7.
4. Conclusion
Based on the analysis results of a Low Frequency Vibration Generator as Seismic
Sensor Calibrator With Optocoupler Count that has been done, it can be drawn some
conclusions that the accuracy of low frequency vibration is about 94.4%, the precision of the
sensor is obstructed during 0.892 and 0.999 when there is unobstructed, with a relative error is
0.279. The generated voltage influences proportionally the vibration frequency. The average
accuracy of the low-frequency vibration generator system is 0.98% with an average relative
error 1.90%.
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[3] Zamroni, M. (2006). DC Motor Control For Mechanical Drive In Bracket Wall LCd Projector and Screen-
Measuring and Mapping Carbon and Nitrogen in Indonesian Tropical Soil using
Rapid Technique of Near Infrared Technology
B.H. Kusumo1,*, Sukartono1, Bustan1, C.W.H. Anderson2, C.B. Hedley3, M.J. Hedley2,
M. Camps Arbestain2,4
Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Mataram, JL. Majapahit No. 62 Mataram,
Lombok, Indonesia.
Institute of Agriculture and Environment, College of Science, Massey University, Private Bag 11-222, Palmerston
North, New Zealand.
Landcare Research, Private Bag 11-052, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
New Zealand Biochar Research Centre, Massey University, Private Bag 11222, Palmerston North 4442, New
Corresponding author: B.H. Kusumo (bambanghk@gmail.com; bambanghk@unram.ac.id)
Measuring and mapping soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) using conventional laboratory
analysis (e.g. Walkley&Black and Kjeldahl method, respectively) is high cost and time consuming.
The cost can be more expensive for producing spatial and temporal mapping of soil C and N, due to
more samples needed. Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS), which is known as a rapid and
inexpensive technique with no chemical needed, has been successfully able to rapidly measure soil
C and N in laboratory and in the field. The aim of this research is to develop rapid and cheap
technique from soil reflectance in measuring and mapping soil C and N which in turn can be used as
a basis of site specific fertilizer recommendation. Soil samples were collected from tropical soil of
Kayangan Area of North Lombok Indonesia which were then analysed using convensional analysis
and scanned by NIRS. Partial Least Square Regresion (PLSR) models were built from reference
data (conventional analysis) and spectral data (NIRS). The models were moderately successful to
measure soil C and N from spectral reflectance, both using cross-validation test and using separate
validation sample set. This indicates that soil C and N from Indonesian tropical soils of North
Lombok can be rapidly measured and mapped using Near Infrared Technology.
1. Introduction
Measuring soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) using conventional methods (e.g. Walkley &
Black and Kjeldahl method, respectively) is high cost and time consuming. Soil samples have to be
collected, dried, ground, sieved and analyzed in laboratory (Minasny et al, 2013). The cost could be
much higher for mapping soil C and N status in more detail scale, due to more samples needed. So,
it is usually coarse scale map (e.g. 1:500,000 or coarser) is affordable if we only rely on the
conventional methods. Hence, detail scale of soil nutrient map is extremely needed for site specific
fertilizer application in order to put fertilizer with the right amount and at the right place.
Ideally, prior to fertilizer application, it should be available a detail scale of soil nutrient
map which can be used to guide the farmer to apply the right kind and amount of fertilizer (Kodaira
and Shibusawa, 2013). Higher amount of fertilizer should be applied at the area with lower content
of soil nutrient, and vice versa. At the current situation, however, fertilizer (organic and inorganic)
recommendation is commonly based on regional recommendation, which may cause inefficient use
of fertilizer which can be below or above ideal recommendation rate (personal communication). In
fact in the field, soil nutrient status can be very different from one place to the other places, which
need different amount of fertilizer. Thus rapid and inexpensive technique is needed to measure and
map soil C and N for site specific fertilization (site specific management).
Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), which is rapid and inexpensive technique and no
chemical needed, has become an extremely important analytical technique in recent years (Stenberg
et al, 2010). It is used to analyze a wide range of samples from gas, liquid, to solid (Stuart 2004). It
is used to measure organic composition and functional properties in e.g. crops, food, animal feed,
pharmaceuticals, polymers, textiles, brewing materials, petroleum hydrocarbons, pulp and paper, as
well as for medical analysis, and environmental analysis (e.g. soil, aquatic sediments, bio-solids
such as manures and compost) (Malley and Martin 2003). In recent years great advances have been
made in using near infrared technology to investigate soil properties (Cozzolino et al, 2013).
An NIR reflectance spectrum represents a composite of all the optical information of the
outer layer (a few millimeters thick depending on the surface and structure composition) of a
substance (Ozaki et al, 2007). This complex spectrum, which is rich in information, can be
interpreted on a basis of chemical and physical composition (Workman and Shenk 2004). NIRS is
based on the interaction of near-infrared radiation with soil constituents particularly the covalent
bonds of small atoms such as O, C, H and N, abundant in organic matter (Ozaki et al. 2007). It has
the potential to be a rapid technique if it is properly calibrated (Kusumo et al, 2008). Developing
robust calibration model is the key success of NIRS technology application. Using multivariate
analysis, such as partial least square regression (PLSR), the spectral and reference data can be
proceeded for the calibration model development to characterize and quantify soil constituents
(Workman and Shenk 2004).
One of the earliest NIRS successes in soil science was the successful determination of soil
water content (Dalal and Henry, 1986). Then, it has been used successfully for measurement of total
C and N (Chang et al. 2002; Kusumo et al. 2008). The use of NIRS techniques was then extended
to simultaneously measure other soil physical and chemical properties (Cozzolino and Moron,
2006). Most of the success of NIRS technique is for measurement of total C, organic C, total
nitrogen (N), cation exchange capacity (CEC) and soil moisture content (Stenberg et al, 2010). This
technique later is expanded to measure root density (Kusumo et al. 2009; 2010; 2011), soil fertility
(Genot et al, 2011), soil pH (Tekin et al, 2013), biochar stability indices (Kusumo et al. 2014) and
in more recent year for soil structural quality assessment (Askari et al, 2015). Mapping soil
properties using NIRS has been reported by some workers (Minasny et al, 2013). It has been
successfully used to map soil C and N (Kodaira and Shibusawa, 2013; Vagen and Winowiecki,
2013). While, Kodaira and Shibusawa (2013) have successfully map soil moisture content, organic
matter, CEC, total C, ammonium N, nitrate N, total N, available P, and P absorptive coefficient,
using NIRS.
Kayangan agricultural area in North Lombok is planned to become fruit and vegetables
producer by North Lombok Government. Beside its suitability for fruit and vegetables, there is a
high potential market for tourism area in Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air, which is quite
close to the Kayangan area. Fruit and vegetables for the hotels and restaurants are supplied mostly
from Bali and Java and some from Mataram (Lombok). These tourism destinations are very famous,
thus massive number of international tourists visit these places every year to enjoy the beautiful
beach and coral. Development of Kayangan area for agricultural use faces obstacle; it doesn’t have
soil nutrient map which can be use the basis of efficient fertilizer application. If we can map this
area into several levels of nutrient status and then the fertilizer recommendation is based on the
status of each specific site, effective and efficient use of fertilizer will be obtained and this will
support sustainable agriculture development. Because mapping soil properties using conventional
methods is very expensive, so rapid and inexpensive technique (NIRS) is extremely needed.
From the above information, “development of rapid and cheap technique from soil
reflectance in measuring and mapping soil carbon and nitrogen for fertilizer application” is
undoubtedly needed. It is expected that effective and efficient use of fertilizer can be achieved,
excessive use of fertilizer can be avoided, and leaching and negative impact of excessive fertilizer
can be avoided.
Figure 1. Map of Kayangan agriculture development area in North Lombok, and insert is the
West Nusa Tenggara province.
contact probe (supplied by ASD) attached by fibre optic cable to the spectrometer–ASD FieldSpec
3 V-NIR Spectrometer (Analytical Spectral Device, Boulder, CO, USA). The spectrometer provides
spectra from 350-2500 nm with 1 nm resolution. The spectral data were then imported to a software
(ParLeS; Viscarra Rossel, 2008) for spectral pre-processing. The data underwent pre-processing
steps namely: transformation to log (1/R) - R, wavelet detrending, and smoothing using a Savitzky-
Golay filter. The smoothed data were thereafter processed into the first derivative, and then finally
treated using mean centring.
Principal component analysis (PCA)
The pre-processed spectral data were stastically analysed using Principal Component
Analysis (PCA). PCA transforms the correlated original variables into non-correlated new variables
which have smaller dimentionality but can explain larger variations of the original data. PCA was
conducted using ParLeS software (Viscarra Rossel, 2008). A score plot of the first two principal
components, PC1 and PC2, which accounted for the greatest variance of the spectral data, is used to
group the soil samples with very low, low, medium or high C and N content.
Figure 2. Spectral shape of soils with very low, low and medium amount of carbon.
PC-2 (16.1% Variance)
-0.00050 Very Low
Figure 3. Score plot of the first two principal components which account for 70.5% variance
of the spectral data
Table 2. Prediction values of soil C and N using leave-one-out cross-validation and using
separate validation set.
Prediction values (leave-one-out cross-validation)
C Total 0.756 0.151 2.01
N Total 0.753 0.017 2.00
Prediction values (separate validation set)
C Total 0.763 0.149 2.01
N Total 0.742 0.017 1.98
Note: 10 factors (latent variables) used
Figure 4 shows the relationship between laboratory measured C (and N) and NIRS predicted
C (and N). The data show moderate relationship between laboratory and NIRS analysis, with R2cv
0.75-0.76 and RPDcv 2.00-2.01. Moderately useful measurement using NIRS indicates that this
technique may be used to measure and map soil C and N in the Kayangan agriculture development
area North Lombok. Some previous researches also found moderate accuracy of C and N
measurement using NIRS technique (Kusumo et al, 2008). The accuracy may be increased by using
more sophisticated tools to analyise the samples (as the reference data) so robustness of the
calibration model can be improved. The reference data produced using conventional analysis
(Walkley and Black for C; Kjedhal for N) might be not optimal to analyse the real amount of C and
N total. Those methods have limitation on combusting all forms of C and N in soil. Some forms of
C and N might be difficult to digest and still remain in soil in the solid fraction. Some previous
researchers reported the the recovery of C and N combustion using those techniques was less then
Figure 4. Relationship between laboratory measurement and NIRS prediction of soil C and N.
Figure 5. Distribution of soil carbon content on the study area of Kayangan North Lombok,
4. Conclusion
Near infrared spectroscopy technique was able to measure and map soil C and N di
Indonesian Tropical Soil in Kayangan Area North Lombok with moderate accuracy. This technique
is considered rapid because no chemicals needed and the process of scanning is very fast. The
ability of this technique to map soil C and N may give benefit for site specific management
including site specific fertilization which in turn may apply recommended fertilization and avoid
excessive use of fertilizer. The accuracy of the PLSR model should be tested using reference data of
soil C and N analised using dry combustion technique (such LECO or Elemental Analysis).
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Central obesity and dyslipidemia are the risks of metabolic syndrome. Waist and Hip
(W/H) ratio is early screening to diagnose of central obesity. Vegetarian diet decreased the
risks of metabolic syndrome. Aim of this study was to find out the correlation of waist and hip
ratio and lipid profile of lactovegetarian community in west Lombok. This research design
was cross sectional study involving all community of lactovegetarian in west Lombok. There
were 29 member of lactovegetarian community involved in this study. Antrophometric
assessment conducted to find out W/H ratio and blood sample taken to assess lipid profile.
Correlation of W/H ratio and lipid profile analysed by using Pearson correlation. The result
for correlation of W/H ratio and lipid profile W/H ratio and cholesterol did not correlated (p
0.887) W/H ratio and triglyceride (p 0.632) W/H ratio and HDL (p 0.978) and W/H and LDL
(p 0.862). That result can be concluded that W/H ratio did not correlated with lipid profile of
lactovegetarian community.
Keywords: vegetarian, antrophometric, waist/hip ratio, lipid profile
1. Introduction
Vegetarian diet tends to be more popular all over the words, including Indonesia. In
1997, 1 % of American population were vegetarians, and in 2006 they were increased to 23 %
of all population [1]. In India, more than 50% of population were vegetarian in 2003 [2].
Indonesia Vegetarian Society (IVS) documented that there are 5000 vegetarian in 1998 and
these number were raised in 2007 to be 70.000 of vegetarian participants. In West Nusa
Tenggara (WNT) vegetarians did not well-documented, IVS noted that most of vegetarian in
WNT were lacto-vegetarian and lacto-ovo vegetarian [3].
Vegetarian diet has decreased the risk of some diseases such as hypertension, type 2-
diabetes mellitus, cancer and metabolic syndrome [4] [5] [6]. Metabolic syndrome was
syndrome which was including obesity, dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia and hypertension. This
syndrome increased the risk of type 2- diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease [7].
Prevalent rate of metabolic syndrome was 15-30 % all over the world and the highest was in
developing country [8] .
Diet is one factor that affected the risk of metabolic syndrome [9] [10]. Study conducted
by Adventist Health Study in America and Canada showed that vegetarian diet decreased risk
of metabolic syndrome [5]. Study conducted by Diah [11]on vegetarian in Yogyakarta,
Semarang and Surabaya indicated that the risk of metabolic syndrome of vegetarian vegan
was not different significantly to difference vegetarian non vegan.
Some studies showed that metabolic syndrome increased by central obesity, while
metabolic syndrome consist of dyslipidemia. Since the lactovegetarian has restricted in animal
product diet, so that they consumed low containing fat. This condition would affected lipid
profile of this community. The aimed of this study was to find out the correlation between
WHR and lipid profile in lactovegetarian community.
Lipid profile
Triglyceride 176±128 mg/dL
- Male 201±157 mg/dL
- Female 156±100 mg/dL
- Male 92±35 mg/dL
- Female 84±46 mg/dL
The participants features from table showed that mean of W/H ratio was in normal
limit, either male or female were not suffered from central obesity (male <90 cm and female
<85 cm). Triglyceride value for male was higher than normal value. HDL value either male
dan female were lower than normal value, while LDL and cholesterol within normal limit.
Since data were normal distribution statistically, so that appropriate statistical analysis
for correlation testing was Pearson’s correlation test. The Pearson’s test result as below:
Table 2 demonstrated that W/H ratio was not correlated significantly to triglyceride,
cholesterol, HDL and LDL in lactovegetarian community. Waist/Hip ratio is one parameter
which is useful to describe central or abdominal obesity in the population. Compare to all
anthopometric measurement, W/H ratio was a sensitive parameter to assess the risk of
cardiovascular diseases [12]. Based on the result of W/H ratio (WHR)of lactovegetarian
population in West Lombok, founded that the risk of cardiovascular disease was lower than
normal population since WHR value was lower than normal population, male <90 and female
<85 (WHO, 2011). Regarding to this reference value 92 % of the lactovegetarian population
had normal WHR, that meant this population has mild cardiovascular risk [12] (WHO, 2008).
Study by Czernichow, et al (2011) [13] demonstrated that WHR was the best predictor of
cardiovascular risk compared to other antropometric parameter in diabetes mellitus population
and it could describe value of VLDL and LDL, the larger of WHR and the larger of VLDL
and LDL value. The result of this research was different from Czernichow. Life style and
underlying disease of the population affected lipid profile of the population.
Lipid profile which consist of triglyceride, total cholesterol, LDL and HDL in this
study were not correlated to waist and hip ratio in lactovegetarian population. This result was
the same as found by Gandhi, et al, 2014[4]; Chaudri et, al. 2013 [15]; Jian et al, 2014 [16];
Verma, et at. 2015 [17]; Huang, 2014 [18].
4. Conclusion
Conclusion of this study was WHR in lactovegetarian community in West Lombok
was normal and also most of lipid profile within normal limit, except HDL value was lower
than reference value. WHR did not correlated to lipid profile in lactovegetarian community in
West Lombok.
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[15] Chauduri A, Borade NG, Bandopadhhyayi, Hazra SK, Saba S. 2013. A Comparative Study of Lipid
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profiles: a cross sectional study of pre and postmenopausal women
1. Introduction
Secondary metabolites are organic compounds derived from plants that produced not
through the main metabolic pathways (Hakim, 2016). In general secondary metabolites have
bioactive activity. Secondary metabolites are tasked to protect plants from pests and diseases,
both from the plant itself or the surrounding environment. Secondary metabolites is only
produced in small amounts. Some examples of classes of compounds that are included in the
category of secondary metabolites namely terpenoids, steroids, polyketides, phenyl propanoid,
flavonoids, and alkaloids (Hakim, et al., 2016a). The main characteristics of secondary
metabolites found in plants namely (1) have ecological functions like towing insects,
protective, tools to compete, hormones, (2) unevenly distributed in every organism, (3)
physiology activity related to chemical structure and relationships between structure.
Isolation of secondary metabolites from medicinal plants examined in natural product
laboratory (Hakim, et al., 2016b). Generaly isolation of secondary metabolites consists of
extraction, fractionation, purification, and elucidation stucture of secondary metabolites. The
same secondary metabolites from a plant species can be isolated in a various ways, so there is
no standard procedure to isolate the secondary metabolites of a plant species. These isolation
activities provide opportunities for students to design their own experiment (Hakim, et al.,
2016a). The discovery of secondary metabolites isolation procedures are simple and
inexpensive will provide opportunities availability of secondary metabolites in significant
amounts. In this article will describe the isolation procedure andrographolide from
Andrographis paniculata.
Andrographis paniculata Nees. (Bitter) is the annual plant that belongs to the family
Acanthaceae (Sulistijo and Pujiasmanto, 2007). A. paniculata are upright, grows naturally in
lowland areas to a height of ± 1600 m above sea level. A. paniculata are grown in a variety of
habitats, such as the suburbs of fields, gardens, or forests. The main components of A.
paniculata is andrographolide useful as medicine. In addition leaf of A. paniculata contains
saponins, tannins, flavonoids (Taiz and Zeiger, 1991). Other chemical constituents present in
the leaves and stems of A. paniculata are lactone, paniculin, and calmegin. Traditionally A.
paniculata has been used for the treatment of snake or insect bites, fever, dysentery,
rheumatism, tuberculosis, gastrointestinal infections, and others. A. paniculata is also used for
antimicrobial/antibacterial (Yusron et al., 2005).
Currently A. paniculata widely studied to be developed as a raw material of modern
medicine, including the use of bitter as infection medicine. A. paniculata widely used
topically as skin infections, rashes, sores, mange, open wounds and minor burns light. In
addition A. paniculata is also widely used to treat of diabetes. All parts of A. paniculata such
as leaves, stems, flowers and roots was eaten or boiled to drink (Pujiasmanto, et al., 2007).
The bitter taste is caused by the presence of andrographolide compounds that are numerous in
the bitter plant especially in the leaves and stems. Andrographolide content in the leaves of
2.5 to 4.8% of the dry weight A. paniculata. Andrographolide is a diterpene lactone
compound and soluble in organic solvents (Srijanto et al., 2012).
Andrographolide has many benefits in health. Andrographolide has a variety of
pharmacological activities such as lowering blood sugar levels, triglycerides, and LDL, anti-
inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic. In addition Andrographolide also used as an
antibacterial (Wardiatini et al, 2014). This article will discuss the method of isolation
andrographolide effectively and inexpensively.
The used materials in this study consist of the andrographolide standard (CPPBT-SSI
Mataram University), leaf of A. paniculata, ethanol, n-hexane, ethyl acetate, distilled water,
methanol and TLC plate. The used tools in this study consist of a set of tools of maceration,
filter paper, rod, plate, and a rotary evaporator.
A total of 100 gr of powder Andrographis paniculata was macerated with ethyl
acetate 3x24 hours. Obtained extract were collected and evaporated with a rotary evaporator
until it is condensed extract (3.05 g). Viscous extract were then recrystallized using hot
methanol several times to obtain a yellowish white crystal (155 mg). These crystals were
tested for purity using three systems eluent namely ethyl acetate: acetone (8: 2) (Rf = 0.7);
chloroform 100% (0.6); ethyl acetate 100% (0.5). The structure of pure isolated coumpond
were determined based on the spectroscopy data like NMR, UV, IR and confirmed using
andrographolide standard (CPPBT-SSI Mataram University) by TLC standards and isolates
on the same TLC plate and taking the value of the standard and isolates Rf spot. The results of
spectroscopic data and Rf standard compound showed that isolated coumpound was
Isolation procedures of andrographolide from A. paniculata previously been published
by Sukardiman et al. (2007). Comparison of andrographolide isolation procedures performed
in this study and reference (Sukardiman et al., 2007) is shown in Figure 2. It is seen that
Sukardiman et al. (2007) procedures of isolation of andrographolide from A. paniculata in six
steps, whereas isolation procedures performed in this study through four steps. Sukardiman et
al. (2007) conducted a total extract fractionation using Gravity Coloum Chromatography
(GCC) using CHCl3:MeOH as eluent. Results of fractionation was purified using
recrystallization with methanol to produce andrographolide. On the other hand this study
directly was recrystallization of total extract of Andrographis paniculata using hot methanol
to produce andrographolide. Based on the above explanation andrographolide isolation
procedures performed in this study is simpler than the andrographolide isolation procedure
been published previously (Sukardiman et al., 2007). Isolated andrographolide used
procedures performed in this study that has high amount (> 5% of the total extract).
Andrographolide can be further utilized for natural product material for synthesis, bioactivity
studies, or chemotaxonomic studies. Andrografolida has been produced in large quantities and
commercialized through the Calon Perusahaan Pemula Senyawa standar Indonesia (CPPBT-
SSI) cooperation of Ristekdikti with Mataram University.
We wish to thank Direktorat PPBT, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan
Pendidikan Tinggi for financial support of this research in CPPBT programe No
32/PPK/F4/PKS.CPPBT/IX/2016 and No: 316.A/SPP-CPPBT/UN18.12/PL/2016.
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Laboratory on the Students Conceptual Understanding. Journal of Turkish Science Education. 13 (2), 27-
[4]. Pujiasmanto, B., J. Moenandir, S. Bahri, and Kuswanto. 2007. Kajian Agroekologi dan Morfologi
Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Ness) pada Berbagai Habitat. Biodiversitas 8 (4):326-329
[5]. Srijanto, B., Olivia, B.P., Lely, K., Eriawan, R. & Sriningsih. 2012. Pemurnian Ekstrak Etanol Sambiloto
(Andrographis paniculata Ness) dengan Teknik Ekstraksi Cair-cair. Prosiding InSinas 0096.
[6]. Sulistijo, T. D., dan B. Pujiasmanto. 2007. Identifikasi Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Ness) sebagai
Dasar Pemanfaatan dan Pelestarian Plasma Nutfah. Biodiversitas 8 (3): 218 – 222
[7]. Taiz, L. and E. Zeiger. 1991. Plant physiology. The Benyamin/Cunmings Publ. Com., Redwood City.
[8]. Wardiatini, N.K., Widjaja, I.N.K. & Noviyanti, N.W.R. (2014). Isolasi Andrografolid dari Andrographis
paniculata (Burm. f.) Ness menggunakan Metode Purifikasi dan Kristalisasi. Jurnal Farmasi Udayana,
Vol.III (1): 31-34.
[9]. Yusron M, M. Januwati M, E. R. Pribadi. 2005. Budidaya tanaman sambiloto. Balai Penelitian Tanaman
Obat dan Aromatika. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian . Bogor.
1. Introduction
1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), an inhibitor of ethylene perception, is increasingly
used to improve storage potential and to maintain quality of vegetables and fruits (Curry,
2008; Watkins, 2008). 1_MCP shows promise as commercial control of ripening and
senescence of harvested fruits and vegetables (Boonyarithongchai et al., 2010; Watkins,
2008). Overview several studies using 1-MCP on the postharvest quality of selected fruits is
the objective of this research.
2.1 Apple
‘Royal Gala’ apples harvested at three different maturities were treated with 1 ppm of
1-MCP for 15 hours and were stored for 4 months under CA storage. Quality assessment was
done at day 1 and day 7 after storage.
2.2. Banana
‘Cavendish’ bananas were treated with 350 ppb of 1-MCP for 18 hours and were
stored for 11 days under CA storage. The CO2 production were assessed everyday during
‘Raja’ and ‘Kayu’ bananas harvested at three different maturities were treated with 0.1114
gram of 1-MCP for 20 hours and stored for 7 days at ambient temperature. Quality assessment
was done at day 1, 5 and 7.
Ethylene, ppm
Ethylene, ppm
Ethylene, ppm
20 40
10 20
1-MCP Ozone 1-MCP+Ozone Control
0 0
Treatments 1-MCP Ozone 1-MCP + ozone Control 1-MCP Ozone 1-MCP+Ozone Control
Treatments Treatments
Figure 1. A: The internal ethylene concentration (IEC) for day 1 and day 7 after storage at pre-
climacteric stage; B: The internal ethylene concentration (IEC) for day 1 and day 7 after storage
at climacteric stage; C: The internal ethylene concentration (IEC) for day 1 and day 7 after
storage at post-climacteric stage.
Results showed that 1-MCP effectively hampered the internal ethylene production
(IEC) during storage at all maturity stages at day 1 after storage and continued to day 7 after
0,5 CA
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8
Figure 2. The CO2 production for all treatments during storage.
As shown on figure 2,treatment with 1-MCP effectively increased the production of CO2
which lead to the ability of 1-MCP to delay ripening on bananas.
Day 1 Day 5 Day 7
The use of 1-MCP on ‘Kayu’ bananas maintained the firmness better than untreated fruits at
all stages of ripening.
Firmness(mm/2 sec)
Control Control
1,000 1,000
,000 ,000
Day 1 Day 5 Day 7 Day 1 Day 5 Day 7
Firmness at Stage 4 of Maturity
Firmness (mm/2 sec)
1,500 Control
1,000 1-MCP
Day 1 Day 5 Day 7
Figure 4. A: Firmness at day 1, 5, and 7 at stage 2 of maturity; B: Firmness at day 1, 5, and 7 at
stage 3 of maturity; C: Firmness at day 1, 5, and 7 at stage 4 of maturity.
Figure 4 also showed the similar results that the use of 1-MCP on ‘Raja’ bananas maintained
the firmness better than untreated fruits at all stages of ripening.
4. Conclusion
1-MCP not only inhibited the ethylene and CO2 production, yet also maintained better
firmness during and after storage on several selected fruits
[1] C. B. Watkins, Overview of 1-Methylcyclopropene Trials and Uses for Edible Horticultural
Crops, HortScience
[2] E. Curry, Effects of 1-MCP Applied Postharvest on Epicuticular Wax of Apples (Malus
domestica Borkh) During Storage, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 88:996-
1006, 2008.
[3]. P. Boonyaritthongchai and S. Kanlayanarat, Effect of 1-MCP Treatment on the Postharvest
Quality of Banana Fruit ‘Kluai Kai’, Acta Hort, 877, ISHS 2010.
Ideal clean water must meet the water quality requirements which have been given
by government. The presence of contaminants / impurities can cause turbidity and disturb
water quality. Measurement of turbidity levels are generally still conventional in certain
period. Therefore, the device which capable to measure turbidity level in real time and
continuously are needed. This study aimed to design a turbidity level device based SMS
gateway and find out the testing result of the device. The method used is hardware design
using ATmega328 microcontroller on the Arduino Uno module. The components used are
GSM Shield module to send SMS information, data logger system which is equipped with
a RTC (Real Time Clock) for data storage along with time data information, and
Turbidity Sensor TSD-10 as a detector. Whereas the design of software used Arduino IDE
software as editor. The calibration process is done by comparing the value of the standard
measuring instrument with value of sensor readings. It aimed to get linearity equation
which will be used in the unit conversion process.
I. Introduction
Water is one of the very important natural resource in the world. Water is a major
component in the process of living creatures. Water is needed by living things not just to meet
daily needs, but also as a means of transport, for industrial use, as a source of energy,
agriculture and other purposes. Based on the role that is vital for life, then the required
availability of water in good condition, both quality and quantity. The water is of poor quality
will have an impact on the environment and the health of humans and other living things. The
decline in water quality will degrade efficiency, productivity and the carrying capacity of
water resources. Water pollution is generally derived from domestic sources and non-
domestic sources. These pollutants affect water quality and cause turbidity in water.
Turbidity (turbidity) is a state where a liquid is reduced transparency due to the insoluble
substances (ISO 1999). There are three aspects that affect turbidity, including aspects of
physical, chemical and biological aspects aspects. Water turbidity level will generally be
determined by the amount of NTU (nephelometric turbidity units). Magnitude turbidity of
drinking water that meets the health requirements applicable by reference is not more than 5
NTU and not perceivable turbidity of the water will not be seen.
One standard test equipment to determine the level of turbidity is Turbidimeter. This tool
is already common and easily searchable. But the price is relatively expensive, so only certain
parties who have it. The design of the measuring instrument turbidity levels have also been
carried out by some previous researchers. However, only limited research conducted to
determine the level of turbidity and not many are using communications-based information
This is why the authors to design a tool instrumentation capable of measuring the
level of water turbidity effectively and accurately using the Turbidity Sensor-based SMS
Gateway and to know the test results of these sensors. In this study, the testing process is done
with a case study on the Ancar river, in Mataram.
2. Theory
There are two main components of the sensor circuit that changes the light intensity
of the phototransistor and a light emitting diode (LED). Phototransistor generates a current in
the base area. Countercurrent to the phototransistor is controlled by the amount of light or
infrared received. While the LED is a semiconductor PN junction that emits light when fed
forward Retainer. N-type semiconductor has a number of free electrons. While the P-type
semiconductor has a number of free holes. If the N and P type semiconductors will be
connected to form an energy barrier (junction) (Wahyudi, 2012).
To be able to connect to the Internet network, Icomsat require the current GSM cards.
APN settings, username and password entered on the card arduino sketch. Arduino and GSM
shield can perform two-way communication, providing data on GSM arduino shield to be sent
and GSM shield provide response data to arduino.
3. Methods
System design in this study consists of two parts, namely the design of the system
hardware and software system design.
Figure 2.4 Flow Chart of the system, a) flow chart data system, b) flow charts GSM Shield
Figure 3.1 overall tool set consisting of 1) Turbiditi Sensor, 2) GSM Shield and Arduino,
3) Antenna, 4) cable downloader, 5) PC.
Figure 3.2 System measuring tool is ready tested, 1) power bank, 2) system tools, 3)
Turbidity Sensor, 4) buoys
Figure 3.3 Graph linearity of the relationship between the results Turbidimeter (NTU)
with the results of sensor readings (mV)
From these data it can be seen that the tool design has an average relative error of 9:35%
Figure 3..4 Graph linearity of the relationship between the results Turbidimeter (NTU)
with the results of sensor readings (NTU)
The process of data collection is done at five points in the watershed Ancar,
Mataram. Data collection was performed for 20 minutes at each point with 1 minute delay.
Here is the average value of the measurement results of the turbidity level at each point.
In theory, if there are no external factors, a river flows downstream or estuary would
be more turbid than the upstream area and the center. From the data obtained in this study,
data from point one to point four are in accordance with the theory. However, the data point to
a five decreased. This is because the turbidity sensor is very sensitive to light it receives. The
intensity of light in the estuary downstream or greater than the upper and middle areas. As a
result, the intensity of light received by the sensor is larger than the barrier material or
dissolved materials, so that the sensor assumes that the water is clear.
5. Conclussion
The system uses turbidity level measuring instruments Turbidity Sensor-based SMS
gateway has been successfully created and is composed of hardware and software devices.
The hardware device consists of arduino uno, GSM shield, RTC, GSM card and Turbidity
Sensor. Device Software consists of software arduino IDE. The system uses turbidity level
measuring instruments Turbidity Sensor-based SMS gateway has been able megukur turbidity
levels with an average relative error of 9.35% and is capable of sending SMS as informassi
system to the user. Results obtained at each point (1-5) is 822.9; 998.2; 1040.3; 1123.5; and
718.4 in units of NTU
[1] Arduino Inc. 2009. Arduino Mega 2560 (http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/ ArduinoBoardMega2560) diakses
pada 2 April 2016.
[2] Bariguna, Dipo. 2008. Studi Tingkat Kekeruhan Air Menggunakan Citra Radar Airsar. Bogor : ITB.
[3] Constanzo, A. (2013, Oktober). An Arduino Based System Provided with GPS/GPRSShield for Real Time
Monitoring of Traffic Flows. In Application of Information and Communication. (AICT), 2013 7th
Internation Conference on (pp. 1-5). IEE.
[4] Hendrizon,Yefri Dan Wildan. 2012. Rancang Bangunalat Ukur Tingkat Kekeruhan Zat Cair Berbasis
Mikrokontroler AT89S51 Menggunakan Sensor Fototransistor Dan Penampil LCD. Padang : Universitas
[5] http://ge-mcs.com. 2013. TSD-10 Turbidity Sensor. Diakses pada 3 maret 2016
[6] http://indo-ware.com/produk-3080-sensor-kekeruhan-air.html. Diakses Pada 03 Maret 2016.
[7] https://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/DS1307_RealTime_Clock_Brick. Di akses pada tanggal 11 Maret
[8] International Standards Organization. 1999. Water Quality – Determination Of Turbidity. ISO 7027.
Geneva : Switzerland.
[9] Itead Studio .2014. IComSat v1.1 - SIM900 GSM/GPRS shield Overview.
[10] Nuzula, Nike ika, dan Endarko. 2013. Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Alat Ukur Kekeruhan Air Berbasis
Mikrokontroler ATMega8535. Surabaya: ITS.
[11] Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI NO.416/MENKES/PER/IX/1990 tanggal 3 september 1990.
[12] Pitojo dan Eling. 2003. Deteksi Pencemar Air Minum. Semarang : CV Aneka Ilmu.
[13] Sutrisno. 1987. Elektronika, Teori dan Penerapannya.Bandung:ITB.
[14] Thangarajah, A., Wongkaew, B., & Ekpanyapong, M. (2014). Implementation of Auto Monitoring and
Short-Message-Service System via GSM Modem. IJCER, 3(2), 63-68.
[15] Uldin, Riza dan Masroah. 2006. Pemanfaatan Rangkaian Pengukur Intensitas Cahaya Untuk Rancang
Bangun Alat Pengukur Tingkat Kekeruhan Air. Semarang : Universitas Negri Semarang.
[16] Wahyudi. 2012. Elektronika Dasar 1. Mataram : FKIP Press.
1. Introduction
Indonesia has a high biodiversity plants, many of them are used for cosmetics, medicines
and soap materials. People prefer the herbal soap because of the bioactive compounds contained
in it are relatively suited better to the skin. The soap is mixed with active ingredients that can be
directly extracted by distillation process to get the essential oil.
Nowadays, the resource of soap’s raw material are from forests, either from natural forest,
community forests, or state forests that managed by communities (HKm). Forest management
system, both in the community forest or KPH are using agroforestry systems.
The implementation of HKm program prioritized in the less productive areas, have a high
accessibility, and community dependence to the forest is relatively high. Comprehensive
development in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) province until 2000 reached 35.000 ha which spread
in some regencies include Sumbawa, Dompu, Bima, East Lombok, Central Lombok and West
Lombok (Masnun, 2009).
The Community forests in West Lombok Regency who hadalicense of Alternative
Community Forest (IPHKm), covers 185 ha area which spread over three villages namely,
Sesaot village, Lembah Sempage village and Sedau village located in Narmada District.Sesaot
protected forest is one of the forests which managed by agroforestry system community with
community-based forest management schemes, in order to increase people’s income and
environment preservation since 1995 (Mansy, 2009).
Community forests which located in Sesaot are located outside of the State forests area.
The structure and composition are similar to HKm forest using agroforestry systemwith
combination of agricultural corps and trees. The community forests are generally located around
the yard, so there are also lot of plants bio diversity, mainly used as a house decoration, and
flowers as the ingredients of essential oil.
Sesaot forest area is a forest protectedarea that gives the consequences to not cutting the
trees in HKm areas and to minimalize the over logging in community forest area, considering
that the area is a conservation zone in Jangkokhead watershed. To increase incomes of the people
in that area is to utilize the non-timber forest product. Potential as HHBK has been done but the
specific benefits not been done, that’s why they identifythe non-timber forest plants that have
potentials as raw materials for soap. The purpose of this research is to determine the types or
species of the plants that grows in HKmSesaot area and community forest that can be used as
raw materials for herbal soap also to know the dominant species that cultivated by the
4. Conclusion
From the result of the research and discussion, it can be concluded as:
There are nine types of potential plants that can be used as raw ingredients/materials which
are coconut (Cocos nucifera), Candlenut (Alurites muloccana), avocado (Persea americana),
coffee (Coffea canephora), cocoa (Theobroma cacao), piper (Piper betle), curcuma (Curcuma
longa), yellow campaka (Magnolia champaca), white campaka (Magnolia alba), frangipani
(Plumiera rubra), and white frangipani (Plumiera alba).
[1] Backer, C.A. and R.C. Bakhuizen van Den Brink Jr., 1963. Flora of Java Vol I. N.V.P. Noordhoff. Groningen.
[2] Backer, C.A. and R.C. Bakhuizen van Den Brink Jr., 1965. Flora of Java Vol II. N.V.P. Noordhoff.
[3] Backer, C.A. and R.C. Bakhuizen van Den Brink Jr., 1968. Flora of Java Vol III. N.V.P. Noordhoff.
[4] Mansy, 2013. 185 Ha Hutan Sesaot NTB Untuk HkM. http://www.antaranews.com/berita/163736/185-hektare-
hutan-sesaot-ntb-untuk-hkm. Accessed on September 2016.
[5] Masnun, 2009. NTB Targetkan 35.000 ha Hutan Kemasyarakatan. http://www.antarantb.com/berita/24766/ntb-
targetkan-35000-ha-hutan-kemasyarakatan. Accessed on September 2016.
The aim of this research was to look at the effect of biocompost and bioactivator
fermented with trichoderma spp and their interaction on growth and yield of onion. A field
experiment was conducted in Inceptisol at Seteluk Village, sub district of Batulayar and
District of West Lombok. The treatments were split plot design which was consist of two
main factors (1) with biocompost 20 t/ha and (2) without biocompost. The sub main plot was
bioactivator consist of 5 levels mainly (a) without bioactivator, (b) 5 g/plant, (c) 10 g/plant,
(d) 15 g/plant and (e) 20 g/plant. The result of this study showed that there was a significant
higher on growth and yield of onion after addition of biocompost compared with without
addition of biocompost. There was no interaction between biocompost and bioactivator.
Furthermore, the effect of addition of biocompost at level of 10 g/plat resulted to the highest
growth and yield of onion compared with other levels addition of biocompost.
1. Introduction
Onion(Allium cepa var. ascalonicum.) is becoming very populer horticultural crops in
Indonesia due to its high econonomical value as well as its multi used of onion for food
flavour and medical or pharmatical materials (Anonim, 2014). West Nusa Tenggara Province
is one of the centra onion production in Indonesia after East Java, Central Java and West Java
Province. However, the onion production in Indonesia is still low due to some constrains in
the crop production systems.
Some factors that are responsible low production of onion in the West Nusa Tenggara
Province are the use of low quality of seed and conventional farming practice by using high
levels of inorganic fertilzer such as NPK Fertilizer (Sudhanta, 2015).
The use of bioactivator containing saprofit funggi of T. harzianumi and isolate of
SAPRO-07 and funggi endofit of T. koningii isolate has been reported increased growth and
yield of vanilia (Sudantha 2010a), increased growth and yield of corn (Sudantha and
Suwardji,2013), increased growth and yield of soy bean (Sudantha and Suwardji, 2014),
increase growth and yield of onion in the pot trial (Sudantha 2015).
In this paper we reported result of field trial the effect of biocompost and bioactivator
fermented with Trichoderma spp on growth and yield of onion in the field trial.
T. koningii (Endo-04) and T. harzianum (isolates Sapro-07) suspense, where been grown on
PDA. Solution was used water solvents which added 2.5 g granular sugar. The density of
spore in suspension were 107 spores/ml. This solution is commonly known as Biotricon.
Biocompost compounds had been added Biotricon were at 20-24% in moisture content.
Biocompost was placed in container and sealed properly in anerobic condition and incubated
in the room temperature. The incunbation period was used 28 days.
Fungi Trichoderma spp. was used in this study and had been cultured T. koningii isolates
Endo-04 and T. harzianum isolates Sapro-07, were collected by Sudantha stored in
Laboratory of Plant Protection, Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Mataram. Growing up used
PDA (Potato Dextrosa Agar) with incubation period were 14 days.
The Bioactivator was made of leaves coffee had been dried at 600C for 14 days, after that
it was crushed with a coffee mill and then sieved. The result of sieve powder was mixed with
clay at 1:3 (v/v) in ratio then sterilized with autocave. The mixing matters were inoculated
with fungi conidial biomass suspense T. koningii ENDO-2 and T. harzianum SAPRO
Plots size were 5x2 m2 croping spaces were 25 cm x 20 cm, so there were 200 plant per
plot. Onion seed seeds used was cultivar of Philip. Planting hole at depth of 2.5 cm.
Combination of biocompost and bioactivator were applied on treatment basis as discussed
above. During the growing season, water was applied based on furrow irrigation based on its
onion requirement and weeding also applied at 20, 40, and 60 days after planting. Harvesting
was done after 103 days after planting.
Data were analsysed using analysis of variance (2009), any significant different among
means were then tested using Ducan’s Multiple Test at probability level 95%.
Table 1. Chemical Change of Biocompost and Soi Properties after Fermentation and
Application of Fermented Biocompost
BC Properties Soil Propertiesa
Soil + BCT
Basic Soil (control)
Parameters (20 tons/ha)
BC FBC Anovab Anovab
≤-1st 30th 60th 30th 60th
Day Days days Days Days
pH (H2O) 7,8 7,2 * 6,5 6,4 6,5 6,4 6,2 ns
-1 12,25 11,66 12,41 14,53 14,24
CEC (cmolc kg ) 23,81 26,28 * *
a a ab c bc
C (%) 62,00 60,00 * 2,80 2,65 3,10 3,15 3,00 ns
0,18 0,23 0,34 0,25 0,31
N (%) 0,37 0,82 ** *
a ab d bc cd
C/N Ratio 167 73 **
Soil Respiration
9,21 12,42 11,83 12,05 13,62
(µmol CO2 kg-1 - - *
a b b b b
Means followed by the same letter at each row are not significantly different (P<0.05)
Using this fermented biocompost (FBC) were 20 tons ha-1, results of statistical
analysys on chemical tests showed that the fermentation of BC has no significance different
effect on Biocompost pH and soil organic carbon (SOC), but significatly increased cation
exchange capacity (CEC), %-N, C/N ratio and soil respiration.
Increasing CEC of soil were higher in soil applied FBC both on 30 and 60 days after
application measured than without FBC application at the same period (30th and 60th days).
By comparing before (1st day = 12.25 cmolc kg-1) and after fermentation and application both
without FBC (30th cmolc days = 11.66 cmolc kg-1 and 60th days = 12.61 cmolc kg-1) and with
FBC application (Soil+FBC in 30th days = 14.53 cmolc 1st kg-1 and 60th days = 14.24 cmolc
kg-1) also showed improvement
Table 1 showed that the addition of biocompost fermented with Trichoderma spp
significantly increased plant heigh at 14 DAP, 21 DAP, 28 DAP and 35 DAP compared with
the height of plant without addition of biocompost. Sudantha and Suwardji (2016) advocated
that addition of fermented biocompost with Trichoderma spp was able to accelerate the
vegetative growth of onion. Similarly Salisbury dan Ross (1995) found that some fungi that
life in the soil can produce etylence that are able to stimulate the growth of plant and also able
to protect the plant from root rot desease. Moreover ethelence produced by the fungi is also
able to speed up the flowering time. Sudantha (2010a) also found that fungi of endofit
Trichoderma spp. was able to colonize in the plant tissues. As a result of ethylence produced
in the plant tissues, the plant was cappable of accelerating the growth of plant tissue.
Moreover, Trautman dan Olinceiw (1996) reported that Trichoderma harzianum was able to
produce cellulose enzime that are capable of decomposing organic matter containing lignin
and cellulose to the simple compounds which are disolve in soil solution and becoming
available for plant growth and development.
Table 2 showed that the level of bioactivator significanly influenced plant heigh of
onion at 14 DAP, 21 DAP, 28 DAP and 35 DAP. All treatments were significantly increased
plant heigh. Comparing the levels of treatments, doses of 10 g/plant of bioactivator considered
to be the level that is significanly increase the plant heigh and economicly viable. This results
suggested that bioactivator containing fungi of T. koningii isolat Endo-02 dan T. harzianum
isolat Sapro-07 can stimulate plant height of onion.
Our data also suggested that bioactivator containing fungi of T. koningii isolat Endo-02
dan T. Harzianum isolat Sapro-07 were more prominent in increasing the heigh of pant of
onio compared with biocompost suggesting that the use of bioactivatior may economically
viable and practically more easy for farmers. Similar results has been reported by Sudantha et
al (2016) suggested that 10g/plant of bioactivator can significantly increased the plant heigh
of onion and economically viable conducted in other research for othe soil types. As
previously reported that Sudantha (2010b) also found that fungi endofit T. koningii isolat
ENDO-02 in the plant tissue produced etylence which able to stimulate vegetative growth of
Further statistical test using LSD at P <5% for the influence of biocompost conducted
independently on other plant parameters suggested that bioactivator significanly inreased
number of tillering, fresh weigh of plant and number of plant bulb of onion (Table 3).
Table 3. Influence of biocompost on number of tillering, fresh weight of plant and fresh
bulb weight of onion
Number of tillering Fresh weight of plant Fresh bulb of onion
(bulb/rumpun) (g/rumpun) (g/rumpun)
With biocompost 6,78 a1) 39,11 a1) 33,57 a1)
5,13 b 27,38 b 22,42 b
LSD 5% 1,63 1,02 1,77
1) Values followed by the same symbon in the same colum are not sigficantly different at P<5%
Table 4. Influence of bioactivator on number of tillering, fresh weight of plant and fresh
bulb of onion
Treatments Number of Fresh weight of Fresh weight of
tillering (bulb) plant (g) bulb (g)
Without 29,42 a 1)
bioactivator 4,91 a 1) 23,71 a 1)
5 g/plant 5,36 b 32,36 b 27,11 b
10 g/plant 5,62 bc 35,10 bc 28,06 bc
15 g/plant 5,87 c 35,56 c 30,86 c
20 g/plant 5,93 c 36,48 c 31,02 c
LSD P<0,5% 0,50 2,75 2,95
1) Values followed by the same symbon in the same colum are not sigficantly different at P<5%
4. Conclusion
Result of this study suggested that the addition of biocompost to the soil resulted in
higher growth and yield of onion compared with without addition of biocompost. In addition,
the growth and yield of onion become much more higher with the additon of bioactivator at
level up to 10 t/ha.
Further research should be directed to look at the method of application of biocompost
and bioactivator to achieve potential yield of onion used in this study.
Financial support was provided by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher
Degree Education Republic of Indonesia for providing research funding, financial Year of
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