Palm Mealybug - 5 - 2014PressQ
Palm Mealybug - 5 - 2014PressQ
Palm Mealybug - 5 - 2014PressQ
Palm mealybugs are
known to infest
ornamentals and fruit
trees, including:
avocado kentia palm actual size
banana lady palm DESCRIPTION
Chamaedorea orchids Palm mealybugs are soft‐bodied, oval, and
citrus parlor palm pink, measuring 0.5mm as immature
Dracaena potato
nymphs and growing to 8.0 mm when
gardenia pygmy palm
ginger queen palm
mature. Their bodies are covered by
grape Rhapis palm white, waxy material, with short filaments
Heliconia sago palm radiating from the margins of the body.
Adult male mealybugs are tiny two‐winged
Palm mealybugs on rhapis palm hibiscus
fly‐like insects.
Scout for white waxy filaments of adult mealybugs on
plant meristems and young leaves.
MONITORING Inspect for sooty mold and the source of honeydew.
Inspect distorted, stunted and/or yellowed foliage for
the presence of mealybugs.
SELECT BEST Use horticultural oils and soaps against mealybugs (no
CONTROL METHOD residual effect).
A.H. Hara, J. Zarders, R.Y. Niino‐DuPonte, S.K. Cabral, K.L. Aoki, 2013. University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, CTAHR,
Komohana Research & Extension Center, Hilo, HI.