MPW Leadership Essay
MPW Leadership Essay
MPW Leadership Essay
Path-goal theory suggest that its the leader’s job to provide followers with information,
support or other resources necessary to achieve goals
- Directive leadership → yield greater employee satisfaction when tasks are ambiguous/
stressful than when they are highly structured and well laid out + Redundant among
employees with high ability or considerable experience
- Supportive leadership → high employee performance & satisfaction when employees are
performing structure tasks
Close-knit teams may be able to help outgroup members to return confidence and self-
efficacy by offering a supportive environment
Charismatic leadership?
- Sociologist Max Weber defined charisma “a certain quality of an individual
personality, by virtue of which he or she is set apart from ordinary people dn treated
as endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or at least specifically exceptional
powers or qualities
- Charismatic leadership theory: Followers attribute heroic or extraordinary leadership
abilities when they observe certain behaviours and tend to give these leaders power
- They have vision, have a sense of mission, are willing to take personal risks,
sensitive to followers’ needs, have confidence that their vision could be achieved,
engage in unconventional behaviours
Transactional leader
- guide/ motivate followers in direction of established goals by clarifying role and task
Transformational leader
- Inspire, act as role models and intellectually stimulate, develop or mentor followers →
profound and extraordinary effect on them
- Transactional and transformational complement each other
- Best leaders are both transactional and transformational
- Transformational leadership build on transactional leadership and produces levels of
follower effort and performance beyond what transactional leadership alone can do
Authentic leaders
- Leaders who know who they are, know what they believe in and value, and act on
those values and beliefs openly and candidly
- Ethical and trustworthy
- Share information, encourage afe open communication and stick to their ideals
- Humle – research indicate that leaders who model humility helo followers to
understand the growth process for their own development
Positive impact of good leadership
1. Trust
- Trust is a primary attribute associated with leadership; breaking it can have
serious adverse effects on a group’s performance (122)
- Transformational leaders create support for their ideas in part by arguing that
their direction will be in everyone’s best interest
- Transformational leaders generate higher levels of trust from their followers,
which in turn are related to higher levels of team confidence and ultimately
higher levels of team performance (124)
- Trust facilitates information sharing
➔ When managers demonstrate that they will give employees’ ideas a
fair hearing and actively make changes, employees are more willing to
speak out (126)
2. Trust development
- 3 characteristics that lead us to believe that leader is trustworthy
➔ Integrity
- 570 white-collar employees were given a list of 28 attributes
related to leadership, they rated honesty the most important
- Maintaining consistency between what u do and what u say
➔ Benevolence
- Trusted person has interest at heart
- Caring and supportive behaviour that forms emotional bond
➔ Ability (129)
3. Vision and articulation
- Confidence and trust among team members and allowed them to look up to
their leader for guidance and direction
- exhibited strong communication and collaboration skills, which allowed him to
effectively work with and inspire his team members
- open dialogue and welcomed his team members to share their ideas and
insights, creating an environment of collaboration and innovation
Introduction My very first interaction with Gerald
Transformational leader
- Inspire, act as role models and intellectually stimulate, develop or mentor followers → profound and extraordinary
effect on them
- Transactional and transformational complement each other
- Best leaders are both transactional and transformational
- Transformational leadership build on transactional leadership and produces levels of follower effort and
performance beyond what transactional leadership alone can do
- Transformational leaders generate higher levels of trust from their followers, which in turn are related to
higher levels of team confidence and ultimately higher levels of team performance (124)
Individualised - When leaders regularly create interpersonal conversations with their employees that
consideration are intimate, interactive and inclusive and that intentionally follow an ounce, followers
demonstrate trust with high levels of engagement (137)
- deeply invested in the personal growth and development of each of their followers
- Spend time getting to know each individual on their team, understanding their
strengths, weaknesses, aspirations, and goals.
- create a supportive and empowering environment that encourages each follower to
reach their full potential
- listen actively and provide guidance and feedback tailored to each individual's unique
- provide opportunities for learning and development, such as coaching, mentoring, and
training programs
- demonstrate empathy, understanding, and respect for their followers
- recognize the value and contribution of each team member, and provide recognition
and rewards for their achievements
- Conversations within members of the team were fluid and authentic
In the start of my internship, I briefly shared with him that I was struggling with my career
trajectory. Gerald, out of pure care and generosity for me, tapped on his connections to
provide me with industry-professionals to have coffee chats to clear my doubts. Additionally,
he offered to vet through my then resume and constantly provided guidance and feedback
tailored to my needs as an undergraduate who was barely figuring out the intricacy of the
finance industry.
Intellectual - someone who inspires and motivates their followers to think creatively and to come up
stimulation with innovative solutions to problems
- encourages their team members to challenge assumptions and to approach issues
from new perspectives, always striving for improvement
- inspires their followers to think critically, creatively, and innovatively by encouraging
them to challenge assumptions, seek new information, and approach problems from
different perspectives.
- fosters a learning culture that encourages intellectual curiosity and personal growth
among their followers.
- set high expectations for their team and provide them with the necessary resources
and autonomy to achieve their goals.
- encourage their followers to question the status quo, suggest new ideas, and
experiment with different approaches to problem-solving
- promote continuous learning by facilitating opportunities for training, skill-building, and
- encourage their followers to seek out diverse perspectives and engage in open and
constructive dialogue.
- Knowledge and understanding of the industry that gave him credibility and enabled him
to lead his team with confidence
As an intern at his start-up, I was challenged beyond my comfort zone and tasked to wear
multiple hats. Nature of an intern in the financial markets necessitates juggling responsibilities
and wearing multiple hats. But, Gerald’s promotion of continuous learning was purposeful. He
fostered a learning culture in the start-up, where every employee, in spite of their background
and expertise, are encouraged to possess intellectual curiosity and seek personal growth
through diverse interactions.
Each team member, irrespective of their position or level of experience, was held to high
standards and encouraged to take pride in their work. For example, he challenged me to
spearhead an investment opportunity in the Private Aviation sector worth USD$17 Millions. As
an intern, it was shocking yet honourable to be given such a tremendous responsibility.
Perceptions of me as an inexperienced intern did not hinder Gerald from assigning me a
pivotal project. Instead, he saw this as an opportunity to train my critical-thinking skills. The
scale of the project was overwhelming to say the least. I had to assess financial, operational
purposes of the project and make judgement-calls on potential returns, risks and opportunities.
Additionally, I facilitated other portfolio managers in the team on analysis of this opportunity
and various insights that I have generated. The unwavering support and guidance hardly paled
in comparison to the scale of this project. There was autonomy and creative freedom to come
up with my own ideas and strategies, allowing me to fully immerse myself in the project. It was
beyond empowering to be entrusted with a project of this significance as Gerald recognised my
hidden potential and pushed me to challenge assumptions and think innovatively. This
experience was truly transformative and illuminated the paramount value of cultivating a sense
of intellectual stimulation as a leader.
I understood that a sense of intellectual stimulation fuels one’s passion for any project that
comes their way and inspires them to constantly embrace intellectual curiosity. Gerald was a
strategic thinker and collaborative leader who empowered employees to reach their fullest
potential. While high expectations may seem daunting to some, having a leader who
● Motivate
● Inspire
● Support
● Promote
● Boost
● Stimulate
● Foster
● Spur
● Propel
● Incite
● Urge
● Embolden
● Galvanize
● Rally
● Cheer on
● Empower
● Embolden
● Strengthen
● Reinforce
● Enthuse
Charismatic Leader
- 570 white-collar employees were given a list of 28 attributes related to leadership, they
rated honesty the most important (130)
- Maintaining consistency between what u do and what u say
Instantly understood the long-term strategy and vision that he had for his company and his
team. He possessed the captivating charisma of envisioning and painting a vivid picture of
what the future entailed for his people.