Meralco Rcoa Final Dec 16
Meralco Rcoa Final Dec 16
Meralco Rcoa Final Dec 16
Competition and Open Access (RCOA) issued by the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) and the
Department of Energy (DOE). These rules and regulations are subject to change by the ERC and the
DOE at any given time.
Copyright 2021
This Retail Competition and Open Access protocol guide is owned by MERALCO and is protected by
copyright and other intellectual property rights. Except in citing brief passages in books, articles,
reviews, legal papers, and judicial or other official proceedings, no portion of this guide may be copied
or reproduced in books, pamphlets, outlines, or notes; whether printed, mimeographed, typewritten, or
copied in different electronic devices, or in any other form, for distribution or sale, without the written
consent of MERALCO, as allowed by the Intellectual Property Code.
An Introduction to Retail Competition
01 What is RCOA?
02 The RCOA Timeline
03 Industry Players
04 Electricity Supply Chain
Consumer Empowerment
Promotes customer CHOICE on their energy H igher Efficiency
Open competition facilitates and encourages reforms in the
requirements, terms, and conditions. industry, resulting in greater quality, reliability, security, and
affordability of the supply of electric power.
Competitive Rates
Buying and selling of electricity from more retail O pen Access
"Free and fair competition" – open access to transmission and
electricity suppliers at reasonable prices. distribution networks/facilities.
An Interactive Market
I nteractive Market 4
Free and fair competition. Promotes more market Opens up the possibility of more online transactions, more
electricity trading.
transactions and electricity trading.
In 27 February 2021, the Supreme Court released a Temporary
24 December 26 January 2023 26 January 2022
Restraining Order on the implementation of ERC Resolution No.
DOE[2] allows ERC’s proposed effective ERC’s proposed effective
28, Series of 2016 (Revised Timeframe for Mandatory Contest-
voluntary contestability of date for Phase 5 (10kW to date for Phase 4 (100kW
ability, amending Resolution No. 10, series of 2016 entitled to 499kW) contestability
Revised Rules for Contestability), which provides, among other Phases 1 and 2 99kW) contestability.
and Retail Aggregation.
things, the mandatory contestability. *Based on ERC Draft Resolution,
2 subject to final issuance *Based on ERC Draft Resolution,
DOE Circular DC2017-12-0013 subject to final issuance
DOE DC2021-06-0012
I am free to choose
my own suppler.
Wholesale Electricity
Spot Market
Customer Distribution
Captive Market “The DU The DU procures energy from the
is my power provider” GenCos and/or Wholesale Electricity
Spot Market (WESM) and distributes
energy to its customers.
Wholesale Electricity Customer
Spot Market
Captive Market
“The DU is my power provider”
Generation Transmission Distribution Contestable Market
Gencos supply power The National Grid The DU procures energy “I am free to choose my
own supplier.”
either though Corporation of the from the Gencos and/or
contracts with the Philippines (NGCP) Wholesale Electricity Spot
DUs and suppliers or transfers high-voltage Market (WESM), distributes
through the Wholesale power from the GenCos energy to its customers, and
Spot Electricity to the substations acts as the Retail Metering
Market (WESM). of the DU. Services Provider.
DOE Department Circular
2021-06-0012, Section 2.4.4.
Retail Electricity Supplier (RES)/Local RES/Supplier
of Last Resort (SoLR) transacts with GenCos, WESM,
and DUs on behalf of the contestable customer to
get the best value for the customer’s money.
Shifting to Retail Competition
Become Qualified
How does a customer become qualified? How does a customer know that he/she
is already qualified?
There are thresholds and criteria set Phase 1
by the Regulators that you must meet. Prior to February 2021, qualified Contestable Customers
Existing Customers: Past 12-month average historical
(Phase 1& 2) were issued a Certificate of Contestability
monthly peak demand of ≥ 1 MW
(CoC) by the ERC. A CoC serves as proof of a customer’s
In the past, qualified Contestable Newly-Connected Customers: Forecasted monthly peak eligibility to choose his/her own retail electricity supplier.
Customers (Phase 1 & 2) were issued demand of 3 MW
Starting February 2021, In lieu of Certificate of
a Certificate of Contestability (CoC) Newly-connected Customers: Forecasted average monthly Contestability, the billing statement shall be used as
by the ERC. peak demand between 1 MW and 3 MW is required to have Proof of Contestability. Upon receiving said notification,
a monthly peak demand of ≥1 MW for 3 consecutive the contestable customer may now join the contestable
months. An End-user that has been in operation for less
CoCs were issued either directly to the market.
than twelve (12) months upon the Open Access Date shall
Contestable Customers or delivered
be considered a newly connected End-user.
through its Distribution Utility.
Phase 2
Starting February 2021, Billing
Statement shall be used as Proof of Existing Customers: Past 12-month average historical monthly
Contestability and will be delivered peak demand of ≥ 750 kW
directly to Contestable Customers
under Phases 1, 2 & 3. Phase 3
Switching to a supplier is currently Existing Customers: Past 12-month average historical monthly
voluntary. peak demand of ≥ 500 kW
Yes, but only upon meeting the demand threshold requirement and approval by the ERC. A
Contestable Customer who has migrated to the contestable market shall no longer be
allowed to revert to the captive market. However, in instances where the average peak
demand for a six-month period has decreased to less than 25% of the threshold where it
qualifies, and the same is not due to seasonal demand, a
Contestable Customer may send a written request to the ERC, with a confirmation from
the RES or SoLR, that the demand level decreased by such amount.
STEP 2: KNOWING YOUR ENERGY To get the best supplier suited for you and your business, you must first know
your needs. This will help you make an informed choice and get the best value
REQUIREMENT for your money. Consider the following:
The Load Profile (LP) contains the information of your consumption
STEP 3: REQUESTING FOR YOUR LOAD behaviors and patterns based on specified intervals in a given time
period. The LP data is the interval data of active demand (kilowatt –
PROFILE kW) and energy (kilowatt-hour – kWh) consumption.
The tables to the right present the applicable fees on requests for load profile data and Schedule of Applicable Fees for Load Profile Data Requests
load profile data with analysis. Subsequent requests for load profile data shall be subject to a fee, as
approved by the ERC. Requests for load profile data beyond 12 months shall
Know the type of LP data request be subject to a fee amounting to P5,000, exclusive of 12% VAT. Table 1
presents the schedule of applicable fees for load profile data requests.
LP data
Schedule of Fees for LP Data with No analysis
Numerical values of the interval data of active demand (kW) and energy
consumption (kWh) LP Data Request Fee LP Data Request Fee
(Base Amount) (Inclusive of 12%VAT)
Initial request is free. (Data for 12 months prior to your request date.)
Subsequent requests will have corresponding fees, as approved by the ERC. P 5,000/month of requested LP Data P 5,600/month of requested LP Data
The Load Profile (LP) contains the information of your consumption
STEP 3: REQUESTING FOR YOUR LOAD behaviors and patterns based on specified intervals in a given time
period. The LP data is the interval data of active demand (kilowatt –
PROFILE kW) and energy (kilowatt-hour – kWh) consumption.
All applicable charges and fees on requests for load profile data are required to be paid in full.
The information reflected in your load profile data should be considered confidential and proprietary.
It can be used for your demand or load-side management.
The requested LP data will be given to customers via password protected email.
Contestable Customer
You have different ways of procuring
energy through your RES.
Make sure to contract with an
ERC-licensed RES in order to get the:
Best pricing option
Best design for your energy needs
07 days
working Ensure Complete Switch requirements.
Initial Switch From the customer to the CRB via the RES or SoLR:
For the Checklist requirements, please refer to IEMOP website at
If you are transferring from Captive Market to Contestable Market
The RES/Local RES has ceased to operate Other requirements by the CRB, as may be deemed
The RES License has been revoked applicable
As a SoLR customer of MERALCO, generation rates shall be based on the prices in the Wholesale
Electricity Spot Market (WESM) or bilateral contract price (whichever is higher) and a 10% premium to
cover for the administrative fees related to the service.
After Switching to Retail
Competition and Open Access
ERC Resolution No. 9 Series of 2018, Article III: The DU will advise both customers and the RES of any pre-arranged
Section 1. A Contestable Customer may choose from Single or Dual/- power interruptions.
Multiple Billing schemes as long as that customer maintains the You may get in touch with both the DU and your RES representatives
chosen billing option for at least one year. in case of power interruption and when assistance is needed on
Section 3.4 A Contestable Customer shall send a request for a change lineside facilities.
in billing scheme to the incumbent RES at least 30 days prior to the
start of intended billing scheme.
Requests for Service Modifications
Payments & Collection You may course your request for change in load and other service
modifications to the DU. It is advisable that you notify your Supplier
of any service modifications.
Settle your electric bill in full
Any existing bill deposits resulting from the modification will be
Supplier settles DWS bill with the DU
collected from your RES. Conversely, bill deposits shall be collected
A Contestable Customer settles DWS bill with the DU from customers who are under the Dual Billing Program.
if under Dual Billing
The DU executes disconnection and reconnection of an electric service You may get in touch with the DU and the supplier for your electric
Supplier may request the DU, through the CRB, to execute disconnection concerns or issues.
(and/or reconnection) of its customer’s electric service, to manage Contact the supplier for concerns regarding generation rates and
unpaid bills commercial arrangements.
The DU may disconnect and/or reconnect customers of suppliers, subject Contact the DU for the physical connection to the grid.
to CRB’s notice in case a supplier fails to pay the DWS bill to the DU, or The supplier and the DU work together to resolve matters that may
in the case of Dual Billing customers where the customer fails to pay be under their concern.
their DWS Bills Contact your Relationship Manager for more details.
To learn more about RCOA and switch-related procedures, you may get in touch DC2021-06-0012 - Provisions to promote participation in the Retail Competition
with the following offices within MERALCO: Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001 (EPIRA)
ERC Resolution No. 2 Series of 2010 (Amended DSOAR as of February 2010)
MERALCO Competitive Market Group ERC Resolution No. 2 Series of 2008, A Resolution Adopting the Rules for Contestability
(also acts as MERALCO-SoLR) ERC Resolution No. 2 Series of 2006, A Resolution Adopting the Rules on the Supplier of Last Resort (SOLR)
ERC Resolution No. 2 Series of 2012, A Resolution Adopting the Transitory Rules for the
Manila Electric Company (MERALCO)
Implementation of Open Access and Retail Competition
ERC Resolution No. 11, Series of 2016, A Resolution Imposing Restrictions on the Operations of
Distribution Utilities and Retail Electricity Suppliers in the Competitive Retail Market
ERC Resolution No. 10, Series of 2016, A Resolution Adopting the Revised Rules for Contestability
For large corporations and national government accounts, please contact your ERC Resolution No. 28, Series of 2016, Revised Timeframe for Mandatory Contestability, Amending
Relationship Manager, or email Resolution No. 10, Series of 2016 Entitled Revised Rules for Contestability
ERC Resolution No. 9, Series of 2018, Resolution Adopting the ERC Rules Supplementing the
For SMEs, get in touch with your Biz Partner Manager or email
Switching and Billing Process and Adopting a Disconnection Policy for Contestable Customers.
ERC Resolution No. 12 series of 2020, A Resolution prescribing the timeline for the
For any other concerns, you may reach the following governing bodies:
Implementation of Retail Competition and Open Access (RCOA)
Independent Electricity Market Operator of the Philippines (IEMOP) Department of Energy Circular No. DC 2015-06-0010 Providing Policies to Facilitate the Full
Trunk Line (632) 5318-WESM (9376) Implementation of Retail Competition and Open Access (RCOA) in the Philippine Electricity Power
Fax (632) 8 636-0802/634-0985 Industry
For market news and advisories Department of Energy Circular No. DC 2013-07-001 Promulgating the Retail Market Manuals for the Implementation of Retail Competition and Open Access and Providing for Transitory
For registration assistance and inquiries Arrangements Department of Energy Circular No. DC 2013-07-0013 Providing Supplemental Policies to Empower
(632) 5 318-9376, dial 9 + loc. 229, 239, 302, or 366 the Contestable Customers under the Regime of Retail Competition and Open Access and Ensure
Greater Competition in the Generation and Supply Sectors of the Philippine Electric Power Industry
Helpdesk: WESM Helpdesk Ticketing System
Department of Energy Circular No. DC 2016-04-0004 Providing Timelines for Compliance with the
(632) 5 318-9376/914-0520 to 24
Full Implementation of Retail Competition and Open Access in the Philippine Electric Power Industry
Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC)
(+632) 8914-5000
(+632) 8689-5393