EgelyFaces of LENR Part1
EgelyFaces of LENR Part1
EgelyFaces of LENR Part1
George Egely
The aim of this paper is to help inventors design LENR-based appear as the coincidence of outlandish parameters and
devices, to make economically viable clean energy counter-intuitive construction. Based on known physics they
machines. In order to achieve this goal, the underlying just cannot work at all. The “density of strangeness” is high
physics is discussed. Though all LENR (low-energy nuclear both in terms of new effects and technical arrangements.
reaction) processes require some form of catalytic action, In this paper, the simplest “irreducible” setups will be
they need two main forms: cold (down to room tempera- used to explain a device and the effects behind them.
ture) aided by “condensed plasmoids” as quasi-particles, and
hot (above ≈1,000°C) with the help of intense local neutrino The Earliest Suspicion
generation and plasma waves. Further auxiliary effects are Nearly 150 years have passed since Nikola Tesla stumbled
needed to make LENR economically viable. onto the curious excess energy process of the “carbon but-
What is to be learned? We have to acknowledge the exis- ton” discharge lamp. That was more than just a proof of
tence of the ether—as a sea of neutrinos and novel fields, principle, as he developed it to a near commercial product
due to rotating charges. Rotating masses may generate simi- for lighting. The lamp comprised several new physical
lar fields, as induced vortexes of ether. Further, we must effects, and novel engineering inventions. It could have been
acknowledge the extra macroscopic space dimension, as a a serious competitor for the incandescent tungsten filament
consequence of the above. All in all, symmetry (continuous bulbs and the later “neon tubes” of gas discharge devices.
and discrete) and ether (as a superfluid medium and vacuum One of the aims of this paper is to investigate the physics
fluctuation) will be the two important fundamental ideas behind this discharge device, as arguably this is the first
embedded into our extended concepts of nature. LENR-based device invented in the 1890s.1
By acknowledging the ether, a number of forgotten inven- This discovery completely escaped the attention of “Tesla
tions and test results can be explained, and new devices can fans” in the engineering community, to say nothing of (rare)
be designed. By extending our view of nature, biological open-minded physicists.
transmutation and order in cellular organization in biology But this paper is more than just a tribute to an undervalued
will become a natural consequence of charge movement. creative genius. The real purpose is to dig deep into the
physics and engineering solutions of direct electric energy
production by LENR, a lifetime quest of this author.
Introduction Fortunately there has been considerable development of the
LENR is based on new, “extended” physics; this is the reason physics behind LENR lately. So less guesswork is needed to
why only lucky inventors stumbled onto it as early as the outline how the carbon button lamp worked, yielding extra
1890s. Textbooks do not help. Even if inventors succeeded in bright white light, with a low amount of electric energy input.
patenting their inventions, they missed important points, Though the button lamp cannot compete with LEDs, it
thus their effects are simply irreproducible. was an important stepping stone to direct energy produc-
Inventors usually operate by trial and error, and thus gain tion. That is the clue to the first real Tesla car, by now lost in
know-how. But this crucial set of data is missing from their the fog of urban legends.
patent descriptions. By gaining an insight into the working One aim of this paper is to concentrate on the physics and
principles of these inventions, the reader will hopefully be engineering solutions behind direct electric energy produc-
better off than the lucky inventors. tion devices. On the physics side, the concepts of ether, the
The top scientists in the 1920s were helpless to commu- missing rotations in electrodynamics and surface effects are
nicate with Tesla or Moray, etc. No wonder. discussed. On the technical side, the role of fast plasma tran-
Textbook quantum mechanics (QM) or classical physics sient sparks will be discussed, as all such inventions are
(relativity theories), the pillars of physics, are of little use here. based on transient constricted plasma.
The Correas, Chernetzky, Moray, Tesla, etc. hoped for a We shall not review the history of forgotten LENR devices,
single step solution in their model—that is, a mysterious as it was done in a four-part series in IE.2 Just a casual remark
oscillating ether would be the clue to excess energy. about the sad history of the carbon button lamp: the hope
Not so. A tricky chain of unknown, unrecognized physical of a commercial application sank with the Titanic, as the
phenomena lurks behind these strange effects. They usually investor supporting the project, John Jacob Astor, drowned
5. The plasma must contain hydrogen isotopes, to help or a magnetic field! Indeed, we have evidence about that
fusion, so water vapor or carbohydrates are also suitable for from Ken Shoulder’s EVO tests, to be discussed later, and saw
the plasma material. It is an open question whether con- some of the forgotten results of Felix Ehrenhaft of Vienna in
densed plasmoid can be formed, let’s say in mercury, sodium 1930s.
and other heavier gases. Though gas discharges come in a The “mirror symmetrical” counterpart of the extended
wide variety, controlled (catalyzed) fusion by CP takes places Faraday law is the Oersted-Ampere term, and the Maxwell-
only if the above criteria are met. Hertz dynamic term rot B(t) = ρe ∙ v + ∂E(t)/∂B(t) + ∂S(t)/∂t +...
That is, a magnetic vortex field is created around an electric
Neither the discharge, nor the plasma oscillations alone, current, around a changing electric field (predicted by
cause the excess energy (as Tesla, Moray, Chernetzky, Correa, Maxwell, proven by Hertz) and a changing spin field. The
or Andrei Sakharov etc. assumed), but a catalytic fusion spin field is toroidal again; it rotates around the changing
process by CP does. electric field, and around the magnetic vortex, just like the
The carbon button lamp of Nikola Tesla satisfied all the electric field in Figure 2.
above criteria, as well as Collie’s high voltage discharges in
hydrogen early in the 20th century. Faces of LENR
The Curie principles of induced symmetry breaking, or Low energy nuclear reactions are pervasive in nature. Both
symmetry reduction, is met in the above manner during the fusion and fission take place, but this paper, as readers
condensed plasmoid formation period. already realized, concentrates on fusion only. Even in the
The dynamical terms, or vortex terms, will now include most quoted process, the electrochemical Pons-Fleischmann
spin fields as well. cell, both fusion and fission may take place at the same time.
Electrical currents create a magnetic vortex around the Fusion of light hydrogen isotopes, and fission of Pd isotopes
conductor. Its symmetrical counterpart is when a magnetic due to the THz oscillations of cracks, are due to the diffusion
current creates an electric vortex. Thus, rot E(t) = ρmv + of hydrogen into the crystal lattice (test results of
∂B(t)/∂t + ∂S(t)/∂t + ... Carpentieri et al.). Fission may take place in geophysical phe-
The first term reads: an electric vortex is created when nomena as well, due to ever present tremors, but at an
magnetic currents have a linear velocity, first term on the exceedingly slow place, as is the terraforming process of bio-
right hand side. The second term reads: an electric field vor- logical transmutations. Skeletons and shells have built
tex is created by a changing magnetic field (Faraday’s induc- mountains, over millennia, and removed deuterium from
tion law, very useful industrially). The last term reads: a vor- primordial oceans. That produced oxygen from carbon and
tex electric field is created by a changing spin field. made it possible for life to develop into multicellular organ-
Here we have to face a new feature: the symmetry of a isms, for whom deuterium is deadly.
spin field is lower than that of a magnetic field, and only a Fission does not require a catalyst, just a solid, crystal lat-
toroidal field will satisfy it. Their interrelation is shown in tice, where high-frequency oscillations happen; it can’t take
Figure 2. (The next similar explanation will describe the cre- place in plasma or a liquid.
ation of a magnetic vortex field. As a formal extension, a Fusion, the technically most valuable process, requires a
dynamic spin field term is added.) catalyst. In the opinion of this author, there are five types of
A changing magnetic field generates a vortex electric field possible catalysts for LENR fusion.
but at the same time a spin field is also generated around the
electric vortex field lines. However, this field has a lesser 1) Neutrinos, as proton+energetic electron (wave), require a
symmetry—a toroidal field—which has (at the same time) neutrino to preserve parity. There is a neutrino flux through
two rotation spin field components, perpendicular to each the universe, but at a modest flux, which is a “bottleneck.”
other. One is around the magnetic field and the other is Alexander Parkhamov suggested16 that at elevated tempera-
around the electric vortex field. Thus the spin field has a tures (above 1,000ºC), enough low energy neutrinos are gen-
doughnut or toroidal shape. erated with high enough reaction cross section to initiate
This is not a vector field, but a tensor field of second rank, fusion between light nuclei and electrons.
in fact. It has less symmetry than either an electric or a mag- 2) Formation of condensed plasmoids, as high mass, charged
netic field but it has novel properties. A free charge will have quasi-particles, by transient discharge, in plasma containing
a toroidal movement placed into either a changing electric hydrogen isotopes. Fortunately these weird objects leave a