EgelyFaces of LENR Part1

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Part 1: From Alchemy to Biological Transmutations

George Egely

The aim of this paper is to help inventors design LENR-based appear as the coincidence of outlandish parameters and
devices, to make economically viable clean energy counter-intuitive construction. Based on known physics they
machines. In order to achieve this goal, the underlying just cannot work at all. The “density of strangeness” is high
physics is discussed. Though all LENR (low-energy nuclear both in terms of new effects and technical arrangements.
reaction) processes require some form of catalytic action, In this paper, the simplest “irreducible” setups will be
they need two main forms: cold (down to room tempera- used to explain a device and the effects behind them.
ture) aided by “condensed plasmoids” as quasi-particles, and
hot (above ≈1,000°C) with the help of intense local neutrino The Earliest Suspicion
generation and plasma waves. Further auxiliary effects are Nearly 150 years have passed since Nikola Tesla stumbled
needed to make LENR economically viable. onto the curious excess energy process of the “carbon but-
What is to be learned? We have to acknowledge the exis- ton” discharge lamp. That was more than just a proof of
tence of the ether—as a sea of neutrinos and novel fields, principle, as he developed it to a near commercial product
due to rotating charges. Rotating masses may generate simi- for lighting. The lamp comprised several new physical
lar fields, as induced vortexes of ether. Further, we must effects, and novel engineering inventions. It could have been
acknowledge the extra macroscopic space dimension, as a a serious competitor for the incandescent tungsten filament
consequence of the above. All in all, symmetry (continuous bulbs and the later “neon tubes” of gas discharge devices.
and discrete) and ether (as a superfluid medium and vacuum One of the aims of this paper is to investigate the physics
fluctuation) will be the two important fundamental ideas behind this discharge device, as arguably this is the first
embedded into our extended concepts of nature. LENR-based device invented in the 1890s.1
By acknowledging the ether, a number of forgotten inven- This discovery completely escaped the attention of “Tesla
tions and test results can be explained, and new devices can fans” in the engineering community, to say nothing of (rare)
be designed. By extending our view of nature, biological open-minded physicists.
transmutation and order in cellular organization in biology But this paper is more than just a tribute to an undervalued
will become a natural consequence of charge movement. creative genius. The real purpose is to dig deep into the
physics and engineering solutions of direct electric energy
production by LENR, a lifetime quest of this author.
Introduction Fortunately there has been considerable development of the
LENR is based on new, “extended” physics; this is the reason physics behind LENR lately. So less guesswork is needed to
why only lucky inventors stumbled onto it as early as the outline how the carbon button lamp worked, yielding extra
1890s. Textbooks do not help. Even if inventors succeeded in bright white light, with a low amount of electric energy input.
patenting their inventions, they missed important points, Though the button lamp cannot compete with LEDs, it
thus their effects are simply irreproducible. was an important stepping stone to direct energy produc-
Inventors usually operate by trial and error, and thus gain tion. That is the clue to the first real Tesla car, by now lost in
know-how. But this crucial set of data is missing from their the fog of urban legends.
patent descriptions. By gaining an insight into the working One aim of this paper is to concentrate on the physics and
principles of these inventions, the reader will hopefully be engineering solutions behind direct electric energy produc-
better off than the lucky inventors. tion devices. On the physics side, the concepts of ether, the
The top scientists in the 1920s were helpless to commu- missing rotations in electrodynamics and surface effects are
nicate with Tesla or Moray, etc. No wonder. discussed. On the technical side, the role of fast plasma tran-
Textbook quantum mechanics (QM) or classical physics sient sparks will be discussed, as all such inventions are
(relativity theories), the pillars of physics, are of little use here. based on transient constricted plasma.
The Correas, Chernetzky, Moray, Tesla, etc. hoped for a We shall not review the history of forgotten LENR devices,
single step solution in their model—that is, a mysterious as it was done in a four-part series in IE.2 Just a casual remark
oscillating ether would be the clue to excess energy. about the sad history of the carbon button lamp: the hope
Not so. A tricky chain of unknown, unrecognized physical of a commercial application sank with the Titanic, as the
phenomena lurks behind these strange effects. They usually investor supporting the project, John Jacob Astor, drowned


on that fateful trip. The consequence of that tragedy is that by the hot surface of the SiC cathode. He clearly noted the
Tesla lost his only remaining powerful investor. unusual brightness of the device, but there is no definite
experimental proof that he performed energy balance tests
The Carbon Button Lamp for any gas discharge experiments.
This deceptively simple looking device is a good example of I quote some relevant excerpts from his writings:
the semiconductor cathode LENR discharge device.
At first we shall have a look at the device itself, then at the Nature has stored up in the universe infinite energy.
physics behind it. Figure 1 shows the device, taken from the The eternal recipient and transmitter of this infinite
original source.1 energy is the ether. The recognition of the existence
What happens when the device is operational? How are of ether, and of the functions it performs, is one of
its three parts (the holder, SiC cathode and the invisible the most important results of modern scientific
anode) connected? research. The mere abandoning of the idea of action
Based on our textbook at a distance, the assumption of a medium pervading
physics, the device just can- all space and connecting all gross matter has freed the
not work, as there is no minds of thinkers of an ever present doubt by open-
closed circuit. ing a new horizon…1,p145
But Tesla invented the
open, or single wire, “cir- Mainstream physics later abandoned the idea of superflu-
cuit,” where the anode is id ether, though it came back through the back door as vac-
connected to a capacitively uum fluctuation. (We shall touch on this important issue in
coupled load, to the envi- Part 2, when discussing the important experimental results
ronment of the tube itself. of Alexander Parkhamov.) Tesla wrote:
This “single wire” circuit
based on polarization cur- The production of a small electrode, capable of with-
rents is now forgotten. (This standing enormous temperatures, I regard as of the
is not by suppression, but greatest importance in the manufacture of light. It
because it does not work would enable us to obtain, by means of currents of
well.) very high frequencies, certainly 20 times, if not more,
It is technically beneficial the quantity of light which is obtained in the present
only for high frequency, incandescent lamp by the same expenditure of ener-
high voltage, low current gy. This estimate may appear to many exaggerated,
applications, that is for tran- but in reality I think it is far from being so.1,p258
Figure 1. One layout of the car-
bon button lamp. 1,p270 Note the sient gas discharge. It is
double wall structure. The inner quite inferior to closed cir- The high incandescence of the button is a necessary
sphere was hot. cuit power applications, like evil, but what is really wanted is the high incandes-
driving an AC motor invent- cence of the gas surrounding the button. In other
ed previously by Tesla. Let’s get to the details. words the problem in such a lamp is to bring the mass
The spherical “button” is not carbon (graphite) but SiC, a of gas to the highest possible incandescence.1,p258
semiconductor; this fact is crucial.
Semiconductors behave in a strange manner, barely SiC has been used ever since as a common abrasive, but
explored even today. Semiconductor etching for chip manu- recently it is used as a semiconductor in high power devices,
facturing is a major technology, but semiconductor cathode transistors, MOSFETS, etc. So why is a SiC sphere so interest-
driven intermittent, high frequency discharges are on the ing in transient discharge?
back burner, despite their significance. There are two known reasons as of today:
Only a small Turkish-Azeri team investigated it with a
shoestring budget.3 1) A transient arc and corona discharge may generate quasi-
For historical comparison, there were two other simple, stable charge rings or EVO (exotic vacuum object), or by a
“irreducible” LENR devices in those early years: The spark different name, condensed plasmoids (CP), etc. These nearly
discharge driven discharge tubes of N. Collie et al. at London stable quasi-particles come in different sizes and life spans,
College by 1914,4 where transmutation of hydrogen into and they may serve as catalysts for LENR. They leave clearly
helium and neon was observed, and the vapor filled tubes of visible holes on metal or ceramic surfaces, and are arguably
young T.H. Moray. (The Pons- Fleischmann electrochemical involved in very strange transmutation processes. Under
cell came a century later, where excess energy and transmu- polarized light (found by Bob Greenyer of the Martin
tation have been observed repeatedly.) Fleischmann Memorial Project), the caterpillar-like traces are
Of the above three simple systems, the carbon button quite visible, but their existence is impossible according to
device was the best, in terms of abundance of effects and util- our textbook physics. Their traces are usually not contours,
ity for further practical applications. But science, as an insti- but sometimes periodic, as if they were oscillating in and out
tution and accumulated knowledge and understanding of of our space-time.
nature, was completely unable to grasp the significance of The massive, toroidal structures may have an electric
the apparent excess energy, and chemical analysis was not up charge as well, and thus would be capable of charge screen-
to the job to detect transmutations on the cathode surface. ing, consequently to catalyze fusion (maybe fission as well)
Tesla was baffled and intrigued by the bright light emitted among neighboring nuclei.


Electron muons (heavy electrons) do just the same in liq- metry. While lip service is given to the subject, it is never put
uid deuterium, catalyzing fusion, as the nuclei come close to to use in practice. The most blatant situation is within clas-
each other, due to the heavy mass of the muon. (More about sical electrodynamics.
the details of formation and quasi-stability of the condensed Contrary to classical mechanics, there is no room for rota-
plasmoids much later…) tion in classical electrodynamics. Only static charges (E electric
As of today, the exact criteria to form strange quasi-parti- field) and linear charge movement is allowed (B induction
cles is far from being complete, but a wide variety of currents field). Not even the vector potential is considered a real field.
in plasma and pulse duration may yield condensed plas- There is no rotation, that is angular velocity of charges, in
moids. See, for example, Lutz Jaitner5 and the video presen- Maxwell’s equations.
tation of Bob Greenyer of MFMP ( One disturbing lack of symmetry is apparent though: the
The existence of these toroidal charge clusters is not well lack of magnetic charge and magnetic current. This is not due to
known even in the small LENR community, as the concept lack of effort, but a magnetic charge was expected to appear
of stable quasi-particle is alien to nearly all electrochemists. as an elementary particle. In due course, magnetic
In order to have any practical use for them, one must monopoles were found, but as pseudo-particles of rotating,
move them by external fields or mechanical oscillations; electric charge carrying tiny droplets, suspended in a gas.
otherwise they just sit and wait for neighboring nuclei to These were found by the maverick Felix Ehrenhaft, a profes-
catalyze. But this is essential only for the technical applica- sor of physics at the University of Vienna, in the 1930s, but
tions not for its formation. ignored. They had an apparently very high angular velocity,
and they did behave as magnetic monopoles.6
2.) Surface-bound charge waves, charge clusters. The unex- Despite repeated successful tests in the 1970s by V.F.
pected utility of some semiconductors is that they generate Mikhailov,6 mainstream physics still completely ignored
high frequency (in the order of THz) surface charge oscilla- these results because they were not real permanent elemen-
tions, when triggered by external electric fields of much tary particles, with a charge predicted by P.A.M. Dirac.
lower frequency (like the Gunn diodes, now out of favor). The essence of this problem is this: as electric charges
When there is a plasma above such an oscillating crystal, move at a very slow pace in a conductor (on the order of
the local electron waves on the surface do polarize the plas- 0.02 µm/sec for a current of 1 A/cm2), even in the case of a
ma above the surface. Thus very high frequency plasma small coil of 1 mm diameter, the angular velocity of the cur-
waves are generated, and both the electrons and protons rent is negligible and never apparent.
behave like waves of high mass, charged particles. They are But with a high vacuum or even in dense plasma, the
plasmons—polaritons—a known and accepted fact in main- charge carrier may have angular velocities 5 to 15 orders of
stream science. However they are usually generated above magnitude higher! Therefore rotation effects may (and will)
thin layers of good conductors, usually gold, but not above appear in transient plasma or in rotating electron beams, like
semiconductors. in magnetrons, for example.
The beauty and utility of this fact is that both processes The experimental base of electrodynamics was laid down
may take place hand in hand at the same time. by Ampere, Faraday, Hertz, etc. in the 19th century, in cop-
The electron waves have extreme charge density, and thus per wires, with little freedom to move. There is much to
electric field intensity, several million V/cm of field intensi- learn about how it happened.
ty. This is also enough to catalyze fusion not only among
light nuclei, but among heavier nuclei. However, there is a Electricity: A Brief History of Blunders
catch: the spatial dimension of the semiconductor is impor- Electricity was known to the Greeks and Egyptians, from
tant. A single, small crystal, zero-dimensional dot is the best rubbing a piece of glass or sulfur. With the Leyden jar, it was
for resonant charge wave formation. even possible to store it. But when Luigi Galvani started to
A loose bunch of crystals may do this trick. A thin one- play with frogs’ legs, he was scorned. Alessandro Volta did
dimensional wire made of a semiconductor is also a good achieve the unexpected: two different (asymmetric) pieces of
site, but there is no such device now, off the shelf. metal electrodes were necessary to create a “Voltaic pile,” a
A flat plane spreads the excitation energy, and the charge constant source of electric force and current. He essentially
wave vanishes practically immediately. So preparation of the re-discovered the “Baghdad batteries.”
sample is very important. Know-how or sheer luck is deci- By then it was an established fact that electricity has noth-
sive. There is no information at all about how Tesla prepared ing to do with magnetism. Yet an outsider, Danish Prof. H.C.
the SiC sphere, what the grain size was or how they were Oersted, had his doubts. He expected that wires had mag-
glued together. It was definitely a polycrystal, of unknown netic fields along the conducting wire. For eight years he
crystal size distribution and adhesive material. tried and failed over and over. One of his students realized
According to mainstream science, the formation of vor- that a compass needle moved when it was above the wire. It
tex-like permanent structures in ionized plasma is strictly turned out the magnetic “field” was a vortex around the
ruled out. There are simply no forces to make them, regard- wire. Oersted thought it was due to the heat. It happened
less of their size. A spark or arc discharge will be constricted only when the wire was white hot due to high current.
and squeezed. This “pinch” effect was hoped to facilitate (Simply, his magnetic needles and iron filings were at the
controlled hot fusion in the 1950s. (It failed, along with sev- wrong place and not sensitive enough.)
eral similar schemes without catalysts.) Andre M. Ampere expected magnetic attraction to appear
between solenoids. The force between straight wires was
A Hidden Symmetry incomprehensible to him, as he saw magnetism as a result of
Now we have reached an age-old problem of physics—sym- rotating electricity in coils.7 He missed induction, as he did


not expect to find it. vectors are usually characterized by an arrow. While this is a
Faraday also missed transient induction for eight years. He correct symmetry for the electric field, it is not for a mag-
expected current generation for direct current. He had a netic field, which ought to be characterized by an axial sym-
compelling logic though. metry, by a rotating field line, either left or right. (See Figure
As DC current magnetized a steel rod when placed inside 2a and 2b.)
a solenoid, the reverse seemed logical. When a permanent Electric fields may have two sources: charge distribution,
magnet rod was placed into the same solenoid, DC was or changing current (in time). Electric field lines may have a
expected. It never happened—only while pulling out of the source and a sink while magnetic “field lines” may have a
solenoid. source only in a magnetic monopole, otherwise it is “always
The fact of transient induction, that the electric vortex is a closed loop.”
due to a changing magnetic field (rot E(t) ~ ∂B(t)/∂t), was a But this common textbook allegation is plain wrong. In
real shock, and unexpected. the setup of Figure 3, magnetic field lines are open; they end
Even the concept of electric and magnetic “fields” as real in infinity. The magnetic field lines of the ring current loop
objects in nature was rejected, ignored by contemporary sci- are open but they have no source either!
entists (but not censored), as action at a distance is spooky. Let’s talk about the rotation of charges in a vacuum and in
Only contact forces are real! ionized gases, and later in materials, as we must let charges
Maxwell’s displacement current was met with the same rotate, and low pressure plasma is the best means for it.
skepticism. He expected changing electric fields would create It is known that each symmetry in an electric charge
magnetic vortexes, e.g. between the capacitor’s plates in movement has its own field.
oscillating circuits. It was a logical analogy of induction, rot
B(t) ~ ∂E(t)/∂t.
Despite his best attempts, all of Maxwell’s experiments Correct notation of fields. The elec-
failed to prove it, and magnetic vortex fields never appeared. tric field is noted by an arrow, but
It was a practical problem though. The energy density of the B magnetic field should be
noted by an arrow denoting the
electric fields in air is less by several orders of magnitude direction of rotation, while the S
than that of the steel horseshoe magnets. Detection of tran- spin field has both features.
sient magnetic fields was off limits, although Rowland had
shown that there is a weak magnetic field around moving
Fields represented by a moving rod
charges! (electric field), a rotating cylinder
Decades later, Hertz made indirect experiments by creat- (magnetic field) and a rotating cone
ing GHz electromagnetic waves. (spin field). The spin field has two
components, thus is is a tensor, not
All accepted, known terms of classical electrodynamics a vector.
were met at first with ridicule at best or open hostility at
worst, as all effects went head on against the logical frame-
work of classical mechanics, the “real physics.” Maxwell’s Spin field distribution at the
end of a permanent mag-
mathematical formulation of complex quaternions made net. The spin field is like
the study of fields even more difficult. Heaviside’s eye-catch- two counter rotating
ing vector formalism appeared decades later, also amid utter cones—spirals; thus it is not
entirely clear.
skepticism and scorn.
We may think that there would be a happy ending after
all, as expected in a Hollywood movie. Not at all. Figure 2. a) An electric field line, as a polar vector. Its source is a stat-
Electrodynamics was formed with lead acid batteries, and ic charge. b) A magnetic force field line, as an axial vector. Its source is
a charge current. c) A spin field surface, characterized by two compo-
sizable copper wires, with limited freedom of movement.
nents, a tensor of second rank. Its source is a rotating electric charge.
This inhibits the study of rotating charges, as their quot-
ed speed is about 0.2 μm/second for a 1 Amp current in a 1
cm2 copper conductor. Somewhere around a 1 µm diameter
wire, with a solenoid diameter of 5-10 µm, can yield an
appreciable angular velocity at about 100 Amps for a fraction
of a second before melting the wire.
So to study rotating currents with traditional copper wires
is difficult, bordering on the impossible, due to technical
Transient plasma studies appeared much later but there
was no interest or intellectual curiosity to study anomalies in

The Missing Rotation in Electrodynamics

Textbook electrodynamics is based on fields, charges and
currents, that is, fields with sources and without sources, or
vortexes. It is a familiar set of concepts by now, based on vec-
tors. But this traditional view is incomplete for several rea- Figure 3. A simple sum of a straight and a loop current has a strange
sons, if symmetry is concerned. Magnetic and electric field magnetic field; it is no longer closed.


A static charge is the source of an electric field (represent- plasma at the cathode.
ed by the symmetry of a sphere). A moving charge generates Textbook physics predicts only pinch forces, pulling the
a magnetic vortex field (represented by a rotating cylinder plasma together, but this was a vortex effect, spinning the
with less symmetry than a sphere). By decreasing the charge discharge. The same effect took place at the Chernetzky
movement symmetry further, we rotate it. Thus a rotating cathodes. There was no such effect for steady arc discharges.
charge must have its own field, again with new properties! In biology there is a strong static source of spin field in all
Let’s name it a spin field. living beings. Humans have trillions of mitochondria. In
While electric and magnetic fields are characterized by each of them there are thousands of rotating enzymes (a true
attracting (or repulsing) forces in a steady state, spin field has wonder of nature!) driven by rotating protons. These
a torque and attraction or repulsion as well. (See Figure 2c.) nanomotors rotate around 6,000 rev/min to produce ATP,
Technically we cannot generate a static spin field with a the universal fuel of life on Earth. These nanomotors drive
copper wire wound as a loop or solenoid due to the slow dif- “simple” bacteria and us as well; they are universal. We shall
fusion speed of electrons, as discussed before. In practice, it discuss this problem along with biological transmutation
is nearly a futile effort to generate a spin field by wires with because this is the suspected environment for LENR.
our present technical level. Indeed, there is a strong torque field around us, detectable
Just look at the differences in classical electrodynamics. by a balanced rotating wheel, with a needle bearing. (This is
Two static sources, let’s say 1 Coulomb charges from a dis- the vitality meter or Egely Wheel, developed by this author.)
tance of 1 meter have such an extreme force, that it can tear Having seen this static torque field around us led this author
apart a rock hill. on a quest to find its nature and its source.
Two wires, each 1 m long carrying current of 1 Ampere for Our present industrial technology is simply no match for
a distance of 1 m, have a mutual force of a fraction of a nature, as the thinnest wire (15 µm) wound in a tight sole-
Newton so even a mosquito may handle it. noid (say 20 µm) carrying 1 Ampere is the best we can do
Two loop currents of 1 m in diameter, each having a 1 today. (See Figure 5; coil is made by this author.) It is still
Ampere current from a distance of 1 m (see Figure 4), have a ridiculously far from nature’s capability.
similar “step down” in torque, which is hopeless to measure.
This author witnessed the rotation torque effect while Modeling Rotation of Charges
observing the cathodes of Correa and Chernetzky devices. Learning physics give us a model of nature. Two kinds of
There was a regular circular molten crater at the cathode matter are known at present: substance with mass and fields.
under transient arc discharge spots. The rotating molten The rotation of charge-spin is murky at best. Fields due to
metal was spread tangentially, not in a radial path, as expect- rotating currents with a specific angular velocity are not con-
ed. Correa noted it first, but took it as an action of ether. sidered, not even mentioned in either classical and QM text-
During the short anomalous glow-arc transition period, books.
there was a curious spherical, swirling plasma arc at the cath- Classical mechanics involves rotation in a straightforward
ode, about 1 cm diameter (see IE #9, 1996, p. 35). However, manner. Electrodynamics suspiciously ignores it. But all bio-
in a steady-state arc discharge there is no rotating ball-like physics textbooks discuss the uniform, left-handed chirality
of organic matter (proteins, lipids and sugars).
Most probably this lies at the root problem
(c) of not expecting LENR, apart from having an
incorrect concept of the structure of nuclei.
Let us see why classical mechanics and elec-
trodynamics have different levels of depth in
understanding nature at the macroscopic level.
It is about the treatment of rotation for mat-
ter and charge. A pendulum, a simple oscillat-
(a) (b)
ing system in general, is the workhorse of
physical concepts.
Figure 4. (a) Coulomb forces are high at unit, 1 Coulomb charges. (b) Forces between A mathematical pendulum considers kinet-
1 Ampere currents at 1 m are on the order of 10-7 Newton. (c) Torque between two ic and potential energy of an oscillating mass
loop currents due to spin is very low.
point. (A mass-spring system is even
(a) (b) simpler.)
In a physical pendulum, the oscil-
lations of a distributed mass are
investigated. Angular velocity and
moment of inertia are introduced.
The torsion pendulum is a further
extension of this system, doing away
with gravity.
Angular velocity and momentum
vectors are introduced as rotating
pseudo-vectors, having different
symmetry reflexion properties from
Figure 5a-b. Home-made 20 μm solenoids. axial vectors like: force, velocity,


acceleration and space vectors. A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe. In Penrose’s book
In nutating gyroscopes, three independent angular veloc- is a good example of the mindset of a brilliant theoretical
ities interact. Instead of the concept of mass, the moment of physicist: completely detached from the real, tangible world.
inertia is used for a rigid, rotating mass. Mass is generalized We are not better off with biophysics textbooks either,
to a tensor of second rank. It is a far cry from the scalar mass where rotation of charges is mandatory. (I shall not bother
of a mathematical mass point, so rotation as a concept readers with their shortsightedness.)
brings with it a number of generalizations. I shall refer to some important papers suggested for read-
In electrodynamics we are still at the shallow level of ing. “Dead end” references are just casually mentioned, and
mathematical pendulums. not fully referenced. They are noted just to indicate concepts
Precession and nutation as movements of gyroscopes are of symmetry in theoretical physics are quite far-fetched from
counter-intuitive and an unexpected sort of movement— nature, from reality.
due to the freedom of three-axis (triaxial) rotations. Such Also, there is not a word on the need for rotating charges
symmetries do not exist in QM or in “classical” electrody- in books about the fundamentals of physics: Guillen’s Five
namics. So when they do happen in biology, they cause Equations that Changed the World; Speyer’s Six Roads from
unanticipated bizarre effects, censored as “paranormal” Newton; Spielberg and Anderson’s Seven Ideas that Shook
effects. Physics is sometimes weird because our intuition and Physics; R. Newton’s What Makes Nature Tick?
expectations are false. Intuition is formed in our everyday What really hurts is that there are long books on nothing
world, but the “everyday reality” is quite different down at but symmetries which shun rotation of charges, such as:
the level of molecules. Symmetry in Science & Art by A.V. Shubnikov and V.A. Koptsik
The concept of symmetry is the most fruitful in nature, as or Electromagnetism: Path to Research, edited by D. Teplitz.
it points toward uncharted areas, like unexplored effects of Even mavericks like Eric Laithwaite (researcher in gyro-
rotating charges. scopes, antigravity and biology) shun rotational electrody-
This author found only three inventions where electric namics.
charges concentrated on a surface were rotated intentional- Yet for LENR, both rotating charges and ether are impor-
ly, yielding excess electric energy: tant. No wonder that it is so unexpected, an out of the main-
stream mindset concept! However, we shall concentrate on
1) The Swiss Testatika (Mathernita) of Paul Bowman, a mod- experiments; the theoretical will be described just to outline
ified Wimhurst machine, based on electrostatic influence. the modeling of rotation and ether effects.
2) W.W. Hyde. U.S. patent 4.897.592,1990 is also an influ-
ence machine, working at ≈3 kV and over 1,000 rev/min. The Eight-fold Path to Grasp the Details
Similar suspicious U.S. patents: 2.522.106, 3.013.201, of Charge Rotation, LENR
4.127.804, 4.595.852 In this paper we shall continue a discussion of charge rota-
3) The Russian antigravity/overunity invention of V.V. tion along the following paths:
Roschin and S.M. Godin, Russian patent 2,155,453, pub-
lished on August 27, 2000 (a Searl-type device). Test results 1. Analyze strange, energy-producing inventions like Tesla’s
are discussed in detail.8 carbon button lamp, etc. and the above-mentioned three
All these inventions along other transient discharge LENR 2. Find meaningful answers (research papers) about the
inventions will be discussed later in the third and fourth nature of spin, electric charge and intrinsic magnetic
parts of this paper, when the physical fundamentals have moment.
already been clarified. 3. Analyze the meaning of catalytic fusion, and how it takes
Rotating charge experiments were carried out by Rowland place. We start from muon catalyzed fusion of liquid deu-
in 1887, Roentgen (1888) and Eichenwald (1903) to demon- terium. What is the meaning of charge screening? Why is
strate that macroscopic convection electric currents do have n+n fusion not observed?
magnetic fields. There are very severe technical limitations 4. Grasp the meaning of neutrinos, and ether, in LENR
on maximum surface charge density and angular velocity. processes along Parkhamov’s ideas.
Thus the expected value of the magnetic field is low, much 5. Look for forgotten experiments about the nature of rotat-
less than that of the geomagnetic field, so even if the theo- ing charges, like those of Felix Ehrenhaft, F.V. Mikhailov, P.G.
retical concept of a torque-carrying spin field is born, this is Sigalov and others.
the wrong technical environment to find it. 6. Find an answer about the connection of rotating charges
Rowland and others did not expect more than a steady and rotating masses, the meaning of gravity, inertia and
magnetic field, thus they were unable to find further effects their manipulation in forgotten or overlooked experiments
of rotating charges. and patents.
Moreover, detailed books on physics do not mention the 7. Follow symmetry principles, look for unexplored ones
missing rotation in electrodynamics, like: J.D. Jackson’s based on rotating charges and masses, design new experi-
Classical Electrodynamics; The Feynman Lectures on Physics; I.V. ments and discuss forgotten experiments.
Saveljev’s Physics: A General Course (and thousands of other 8. Watch biology, as a storehouse of the most sophisticated
books on physics). technology and advanced applied physics, along principles
This important missing symmetry is not even discussed in of symmetry.
books about symmetries, like: Wigner in his papers about
symmetries; Weyl’s Symmetry; Rosen’s Symmetry in Science; or The Extended Equations of Electrodynamics
Roger Penrose in his monumental book The Road to Reality: In practice, it is much easier to generate a spin field in a tran-


sient manner, in a medium where charges have higher Heslot12 gives an answer within the framework of classical
mobility than in wires—in plasma! (In practice, electrons do mechanics, without relativistic quantum mechanics. J.P.
rotate in a magnetic field in a high vacuum as well, but their Wesley13 describes it as a charged spinning ring, and gets
mutual electrostatic repulsion severely restricts current den- correct values for the gyromagnetic term as well.
sity according to the hands-on experience of the author.)
In plasma, electrons and ions compensate each others’ The Magnetic Field as Vortex
electrostatic fields. Ions (protons) are slow to move com- The next term is the source of the vortex magnetic field, that
pared to electrons. This asymmetric mass relation, thus is, a current: rot B = ρe ∙ v, where v velocity is the drift of ρe
mobility of charges, makes it possible to generate spin fields electric charge density.
in fast transients, that is in sparks with modest technical The vortex nature of B magnetic induction is a fact, but it
means. (We shall describe them soon.) Keep in mind that has no analogy in mechanics. The fact that B “force lines”
nearly all excess electric energy inventions are based on tran- rotate and have different symmetry from E “field lines” is
sient sparks, that is, weakly ionized self-organized plasma. not always mentioned.
The formal extension of classical electrodynamics to In textbooks about practical engineering, the difference in
include rotation is quite straightforward. At first, only one symmetries is not mentioned, as within the framework of
axis of rotation is considered. A loop current is the source of typical (that is, “classical”) electrodynamics, it has no signif-
the spin field in a vacuum. To begin with, we shall look at icance. Thus the only source of a magnetic field is a current.
three field sources in electrodynamics. We start with a famil- For physicists, E and B fields are interchangeable by Lorentz
iar one: div E = ρe that is the source of an electric field is an transformation with a proper framework, and coordinate
electric charge. system.
Here comes the first big problem. There is nothing about For engineers, the two fields are worlds apart. Batteries
the inner nature of electric charges in thick books on elec- and condensers are not to be mixed with coils. (Moreover,
trodynamics. Why is it an inexhaustible source (or sink) of electrets are not exchangeable with permanent magnets.)
an electric field? Why is charge quantized? What is the Oersted’s discovery that there are circular magnetic vor-
meaning? Why does it have spin and inner magnetic texes around live conductors came as a surprise. Decades
momentum and what is the meaning and the physics later, Ernst Mach was shocked to realize this absurdity. Why
behind the spin? Does it have a real rotation and if so what is a circular, vortex-shaped axial magnetic vortex-like field
rotates? Is it matter or a condensed field? Is an electron (pro- generated by a current in a wire? The current has polar sym-
ton) a point singularity or does it have a meaningful size? metry—an arrow—while the magnetic field is circular, vor-
Textbooks simply skip these problems. What are we to make tex-like and perpendicular to it. Is this a blatant violation of
of muons and tauons which are identical in any other symmetry, or does a “hidden symmetry of the charges”
parameter with the electron, but more massive by a factor of appear in the magnetic field? This issue is never raised in the
200 and 3,500 times? Why do they have their own neutrinos textbooks because the nature of electron spin is not dis-
when decaying? cussed; it is omitted! (These are typical questions you want-
These particles came unexpected to physics. E.P. ed to know but were afraid to ask at school.)
Rosenbaum wrote in Scientific American (July 1957): “The So the circular, vortex symmetry of a magnetic field is an
muon was the unwelcome baby on the doorstep, signifying accepted fact, but its cause is not known. Some people argue
the end of innocence.” Isidor Rabi asked: “Who ordered that (magnetic) vector potential is oriented along the wire,
that?” Abdul Salam wrote in 1958: “We don’t know any as a polar field, but as B = rot A, and the field lines became
good reason why it should exist, nor do we know why it circular. But this is only a mathematical argument.
should have such a large mass.”
I have poured through hundreds of thick books and thou- Magnetic Charges
sands of papers, without answers. Authors just skip this The big difference in opinion comes with magnetic charges
embarrassing issue. Only Richard Feynman briefly addressed and magnetic currents. This problem is as sensitive, prob-
this problem, admitting frankly that there is no answer. lematic and divisive as the nature of intrinsic spin.
The problem is that without answers to the simple ques- In all textbooks, div B = 0, that is there is no source of a
tions above, there is no way to make physics “bottom up,” magnetic field as a particle, and the magnetic current term is
that is, from scratch. We can’t assemble a neutron from pro- also missing. Detailed theoretical treatises completely avoid
tons and electrons, and thus form nuclei. Do strong and even mentioning this stunning asymmetry (like Landau-
weak interactions follow from the known properties of ele- Lifsitz, Theoretical Physics, Vol. 2, Classical Fields). Feynman
mentary particles? also skips this issue, when summing up the whole of classi-
Apparently, not, because N. Cook and V. Dallacasa9 argue cal physics; as Maxwell’s (Heaviside’s) equation, and the
that in fact Ampere forces hold together the nuclei in a lat- Lorentz force (whose weird nature is not mentioned) plus
tice-like structure. Kovács et al.10 argue at length that fields Newton’s F = d(p)/dt, and “static” gravity law, F = G(m1 ∙
and sources have the same roots, and are not separate enti- m2)/r2. (Further: Why are these equations linear?)
ties suggested in all classical electrodynamics books. In a two-volume 1979 textbook on symmetry (J.P. Elliot
Without these sure answers, we don’t know why electrons and P.G. Dawber, Symmetry in Physics) not a sentence is
don’t fall into the nuclei, which every student asks as long devoted to this obvious asymmetry.
as they are not lost in mathematical formalism. As another example, Ian Lawrence (A Unified Grand Tour
Hans Ohanian tries to answer: “What is spin?”11 by say- of Theoretical Physics, Physics Publishing, 1990) avoids the
ing it is an angular momentum generated by a circulating magnetic monopole issue, but mentions non-Abelian gauge
flow of energy in the wave field of the electron. Andre theories, which is relevant for us, as we will discuss later.


F.W. Hehl and Y. Obukhov frankly address this problem tries of all initial causes:
right in the beginning of their book (p. 3, Foundations of
Classical Electrodynamics, Birkhauser, 2003): 1) When the exit hole is circular, the “smoke ring” or vortex
line will preserve this shape (or whatever shape, but circular
Magnetic monopoles are alien to the structure of the is the most stable).
axiomatics we are using; a clear asymmetry is built in 2) The whirling of the ring is due to the rotation within the
between electricity and magnetism... hydraulic boundary layer during the exit pulse. There is no
such effect in ideal, non-viscous gas or fluid.
This asymmetry is characteristic for and intrinsic to 3) The finite size closed toroidal ring is due to the temporal
Maxwell’s theory. Therefore the conservation of break in symmetry, the “on-off” periods. The ring is not
magnetic flux and not that of magnetic charge is formed in a steady flow, despite the presence of the first two
postulated… conditions. (Condensed plasmoids are formed along similar
principles, but the details will be discussed later.)
The existence of a magnetic charge, in fact, would
have far reaching consequences, electromagnetic vec- The final symmetry of the vortex ring is induced by the
tor potential A would not exist. deliberate combination of spatial and temporal reduction of
symmetries. It is even possible to form a rotating flow, which
And a very interesting side note with small letters: rotates around both axes, by inserting fins into the exit hole
in the tangential direction.
Our arguments refer only to Abelian gauge theories. These quasi-particles are surprisingly stable, carry linear
In non-Abelian gauge theories the situation is differ- and angular momentum and energy. They may interact with
ent. There monopoles seem to be a must, at least a each other in a mutually attracting and repulsing manner,
Higgs field is present… exhibiting “pseudo” charge features. These emerging fea-
tures are important for our further discussion of extended
The reader may feel at this point that we have become dis- electrodynamics and non-commuting effects. As in a vortex
tracted from LENR, and condensed plasmoids or “exotic vac- ring, two distinct velocities (angular and linear) may also
uum objects.” Not at all! appear. A gas is needed for a smoke ring, and maybe ether is
It is apparent that condensed plasmoid impacts have a needed for the fields of electromagnetism.
definite circular symmetry. The pictures of Matsumoto, The axial type angular velocities can be added as vectors,
Shoulders, Savvatimova, Greenyer, Lewis, Urutskoev, and they can be added regardless of their sequence. But the
Bostick, etc. all have circular symmetries. position of a point on the surface is no longer commutable.
Condensed plasmoids are associated with LENR either as This feature will be important and weird, counter-intuitive
a direct cause, or as a catalyst. in the extended electrodynamics. All inventors have stum-
The circular symmetry of CPs are associated with rotating bled onto it by luck only.
electric charges. Thus LENR is associated with rotating Note that vortex rings don’t have to be closed if they end
charges, and it is outside the realm of textbook electrodynamics. up on a solid surface (or liquid surface) like “worm holes.”
This may be the main reason why LENR is so outlandish and The dynamics of these Helmholtz vortexes are discussed in
unexpected. This is the reason why we must understand the rela- the detailed book Mehanika Zhidkosti by L.G. Lojcanskij (in
tion of electrodynamics with rotation. But it is a short detour to Russian, 1950). There is a brief description of vortex fila-
get to the bottom of symmetry operations. ments in Feynman’s lectures, and T.E. Faber’s book Fluid
Dynamics for Physicists (Cambridge University Press, 1995).
The Curie Principle of Symmetry Reduction Discharge plasma physics books do not touch plasma vortex
Pierre Curie, a notable physicist and crystallographer, made formation or filament formation.
a significant contribution to symmetry operations, notably At this point there are already three areas missing in text-
the superpositions of symmetries. This principle is useful to book physics, which are essential to grasp condensed plas-
predict new phenomena. It is based on the fact that different moid formations, thus a huge portion of LENR. These are the
objects and/or effects have different symmetries. Their com- following:
bination yields a new effect, where only that symmetry
remains which is owned in each object or effect at the begin- 1. The physical meaning of an electric charge and its spin is
ning. For example, heating, squeezing crystals, putting elec- murky.
tric charges through them will yield cross or reduced sym- 2. Rotation is missing in Maxwell-Heaviside electrodynamics.
metry effects, which are nevertheless new and useful. This 3. The symmetry reduction principles of P. Curie are
operation is termed induced symmetry superposition, or unknown in plasma physics, therefore the means of forma-
symmetry reduction. tion and behavior of quasi-particles are not explored.
Let us see first how vortex rings (smoke rings) are created
in fluids, with rotating (not static), toroidal symmetries. In The above triple problems make the study of quasi-parti-
order to create such a quasi-particle, a cylindrical drum is cre- cles, and thus catalytic LENR inventions, difficult.
ated, with a small diameter exit hole at one end, and a flexi- As long as physics is still considered an experimental sci-
ble membrane on the opposite bottom. When the membrane ence, the study of symmetry operations is essential.
is suddenly hit, a vortex ring will leave the exit hole. (In prin- Symmetries are dealt mostly with gauge and group theories,
ciple the shape of the exit hole can be irregular as well). but these failed to anticipate the formation of condensed
The rotating smoke ring will bear the common symme- plasmoids and quasi-particles in general.


It is tragic how detached theoretical physics is from adsorbed or detached. Thus a third axis of a magnetic field
nature, and especially in the area of symmetries, and elec- appears due to the static charge and thus a new magnetic
trodynamics. For them test data and observations are no moment may appear. The nutating, rotating iron droplet
longer the king. For them test data are an annoyance to dis- reduces all its symmetries until no further symmetry reduc-
credit pet ideas. tion is possible.
Joe Rosen mentions Curie, for example, only as a side This is a magnetic monopole, but not as elementary par-
note (Symmetry in Science, Springer, 1995). Nobel laurate L.M. ticles, as expected, but a macroscopic, rotating charge, sit-
Lederman mentioned P. Curie only concerning radioactivity ting on a magnetic dipole, immersed in a homogeneous
in his book (Symmetry and the Beautiful Universe, Prometheus magnetic field. An electron is always the same irrespective of
Books, 2007). The same superficial two sentence treatment is its environment. The magnetic monopole as a quasi-particle
found in the detailed book on rotation by W.J. Thompson is engineered by the Curie method, induced symmetry
(Angular Momentum, Wiley, 1994). reduction. It cannot exist without an external magnetic
There are two exceptions, fortunately. I. Hargittai and field, while an electron exists without external fields. The
C.A. Pickover edited a multi-faced popular account (Spiral charge of an electron (hopefully) cannot be changed. The
Symmetry, World Scientific, 1992), where A. Lakhtakia dis- charge of a magnetic monopole is not conserved; it is a topo-
cussed the electromagnetic theory of chiral media, missing logical charge. Without an external magnetic field, it will be
in most theoretical books. The best insight about the mean- reduced to a rotating charge, generating only a spin field.
ing of symmetry is given by I. Stewart and M. Golubitsky in This experiment is more relevant to nature, and in biolo-
Fearful Symmetry (Penguin, 1992). gy as well. it never caught the attention of the mainstream,
except for V.A. Mikhailov.6
Mind the Gap! This quasi-particle is of no technical importance, but con-
If the enigma of biological transmutation is to be under- densed plasmoids as nearly stable toroidal vortexes do have
stood, we must solve the above-mentioned problems, technical importance.
addressed later in detail. While colloids (solid particles in liquid) are useless to cre-
Today there is an enormous gap between textbook physics ate magnetic monopoles, there is another solution in biology
and the physics of life, as the latter is just crammed with to have a three axis rotation of charges. Triple-wound long,
unknown phenomena, like forming a highly organized organic molecules may conduct electrons and ions in such a
structure from a high entropy, chaotic environment. manner. Acupuncture meridians do exhibit physical features
The physics of life is teeming with rotating charges, chiral of a magnetic current, as their impedance (capacitance and
medium, multiple wound “coils.” Thus it is way off the beat- inductivity) is markedly different from the neighboring skin
en path of even advanced theoretical physics treaties. tissue. This is the technical means by which western doctors
The same applies to LENR. The circular structure of con- locate them, and thus their reality is easy to verify.
densed plasmoids clearly points towards rotating charges of Now we shall get to the spin field, which is created by a
high angular velocities, also outside the realm of textbook single axis charge rotation. The more complicated magnetic
physics. charge was discussed earlier because it is more familiar to the
These common roots point toward a common cause: life reader.
and LENR can’t be grasped without rotating charges, and not
just electric charges but quasi-particles as well. Spin Field, Spin Charge, Spin Current
Apart from the distance between the rotationless electro- Spin as a quantum mechanical concept is known to the read-
dynamics of textbooks and biophysics books, the technolog- ers. Now we shall discuss it as a macroscopic field, created by
ical gap between life and our present (modest) industrial rotating charges.
high tech is apparent. Based on the above, the source of a static spin field is a
Our present theoretical physics has borne no fruit in the current loop current, div S = I x ω, that is, the net current of
last 50-odd years, as it is not built on hard evidence of obser- the loops multiplied by the charge angular velocity ω.
vations (e.g., life) but on the soft sand of useless but fanciful Note: electrons must be a source of the S field as well, as
theories. they have spin and rotate by themselves. But on a conduc-
We shall now continue our journey to the extension of tor, their spins are not aligned, only in the presence of an
electrodynamics. external magnetic field.
There are no stand-alone spin only charges; the electron is
Rotation and Magnetic Charges a source of electric charges, and the source of magnetic and
A magnetic charge doesn’t exist in nature as a “real” ele- spin fields as well.
mentary particle, in the sense of an electron or proton. It We have previously discussed that both static and dynam-
does exist, though, as a quasi-particle. It was found by Felix ic rotating electric and magnetic fields can be produced by
Ehrenhaft while trying to measure the charge of electrons on our current technology. (But in life, the complicated protein
oil droplets. When he shifted to iron droplets made with Complex V in mitocondria, and the rotating ATPase
sparking iron wires, he realized that they were not dipoles enzyme, are able to maintain static spin fields.) A spin field
like magnet needles, but monopoles—since monopoles is much stronger than the electric or magnetic fields around
move in homogeneous fields and dipoles don’t. living beings.
A micrometer-sized iron droplet has its own magnetic Note that rotation of a charge is qualitatively different
field, which will precess when a homogeneous external mag- from that of a static, or linear, path charge. Static or linear
netic field is switched on. When this droplet is illuminated, movement yield quite different fields (electric and magnet-
photo ionization may take place; one electron will be ic) so the rotation of charges is expected to yield again a


was published in 1930 in Physics Zeitschrift,
then a leading journal.14 The path is definite-
ly a toroidal one, as shown in Figure 6.
F. Mikhailov published a full reference to
Ehrenhaft’s work6 and many papers described
this toroidal vortex field. But now, these
results are as forgotten as are the Norman
Collie et al. results on transmutation of
hydrogen into helium (in 1914).4
Figure 3 shows a simple sum of a straight
Figure 6. Spin field in Ehrenhaft’s experiment. Light rotates a dust particle around a
and a loop current has a strange magnetic
toroid surface due to the effect of spin field.
field; it is no longer closed! If we are to under-
stand the conditions to form condensed plas-
qualitatively different field from both of them! As discussed moids, and thus LENR (including biological transmutation),
before with simple, high-speed rotation of charges on a disk, then we must remember the induction of spin and torsion
no spectacular effects are expected, though some inventors fields by Ehrenhaft, not only the transverse waves of Hertz.
(Testatica, Hyde, Godin, Roschin) did find it useful. Needless to say, it will not fit the Maxwellian frame,
A spin field had to appear in Rowland’s experiment of because rotation of charges (currents) is not considered
1876 as a macroscopic orbital spin, but it was not noticed. today as an effect in physical reality. Rotation of charges
The technical challenge is enormous. Even the magnetic around two axes, or the combination of translation (reflec-
field of the rotating electrically charged disk was so weak tion), takes us to a quite different footing—non-commutable
that it was weaker than the geomagnetic field by five orders operations, that is non-Abelian physics. It always produces
of magnitude (Berkeley Physics Course, Vol. 2, 1965, McGraw- counterintuitive unusual effects that are never expected.
Hill, p. 216). The emerging magnetic field was detected by
magnetic needles, aligned with the emerging magnetic field, Generation of Spin Field
but this setup is not suitable to measure a spin field. This is After clearing the source and current (Biot-Savart law) terms
because a spin field generates torque, and not attractive (or with a rotating charge, the extension cover’s Faraday induc-
repulsive forces, electric or magnetic fields). tion terms, as well as a new term ∂S(t)/∂t. The torsion field is
As shown in Figure 2, a spin field is characterized by both neglected now, but it is in the next similar term.
a polar vector and an axial vector yielding vortex ring-like The third dynamic, induction equation has the same vor-
structure. This is already a surface and not a force “line.” tex form, where the density of spin ρs = ρe ∙ ω ∙ v and spin
This object is a tensor of second rank. current is simply the current of rotating charges.
It is very hard to make a drawing of it, as it requires imag- Thus the third induction equation has the same vortex
ination. The stress tensor is similar in mechanics, when form: rot S(t) = ρe ∙ ω ∙ v + ∂E(t)/∂t + ∂B(t)/∂t + ...
torque and stress are applied simultaneously. In fact, spin Note: in a copper wire, electrons move in a random man-
fields are generated at the end of permanent magnet rods, ner. Only a strong permanent magnet wire, or a chiral
but they are so weak that their torque is dwarfed by attrac- media, may generate a spin current, but the latter is organic
tion or repulsion. material.
When such a rotating charge moves along a line, a “spin Now we have a crude model to grasp the possible EVO, or
current” is generated. The spin current will generate yet condensed plasmoid formations.
another type of field, named a “torsion field” by a Russian
scientist, and this new field is also a member of the electro- Tentative Model of Condensed Plasmoid Formation
magnetic field family. It will rotate charged objects along LENR is a multi-step process; the formation of CP and sur-
two axes, perpendicular to each other. Note that spin current face plasmons as catalysts are unexpected, unusual, but sim-
may generate torsion fields in three different manners. (The ilar to biological processes. The catalytic phenomena for
torsion field itself is already a rank three tensor, like a strain both processes will be discussed in Part 2.
tensor.) The first spin current type is generated when the We shall now outline only the tentative CP formation. It
angular and translation velocities are parallel. The next type is similar to the formation of Helmholtz toroidal vortexes.
of spin current is when they are perpendicular to each other. The following conditions are to be met:
The third current is generated when the rotating charge
rotates by another axis. 1. The plasma vortex must be formed during a short dis-
This is not a figment of the imagination but an unexpect- charge phenomenon. The rise time is not arbitrary. Along
ed test result in Ehrenhaft’s research. The first results were the azimuthal axis (shorter radius) one, two, etc. rotations
published by Felix Ehrenhaft in the 1930s, but the fields must take place to have fully finished rotations, thus a closed
were not generated by mechanical rotation, but by induc- ring. This criterion is a must for the first full rotation and, if
tion—light, as a source of spin and tension field. not met, a condensed plasmoid will not be generated. It is no
As with Hertz, there was no easy way to prove Maxwell’s wonder that transient discharges are found in most catalytic
displacement current, that is the magnetic vortex field cre- fusion LENR inventions, in one way or another.
ated by changing electric field. Hertz had to go to the
Gigahertz range to verify it. 2. The initial plasma filament must have a circular symme-
Ehrenhaft used polarized visible light, an even higher fre- try. A needle (Shoulders) or a sharp-edged crater (Correa) is
quency, to find the vortex shaped force field! His first paper important in their formation.


3. Partial (not full) ionization is enough.

4. The spin field, with double vortexes around

the small and large radii of the charge torus,
will “wrap up” the plasma (see Figure 7a and
b). Ordinary E, B fields will not rotate the plas-
ma! Here the necessity of the spin field
appears. The spin field is generated by the (7a) (7b)
sudden change of the E electric field, when
the arc discharge is formed. The toroidal Figure 7. (a) Transient arc discharge above a cathode. Spin field is induced by a tran-
charge cluster may be formed due to the pres- sient. (b) The sharp edge of a crater on a cathode yields an enhanced transient electric
ence of freely moving charged particles in the field, thus the spin field generation is more pronounced.
plasma, at the cathode.

5. The plasma must contain hydrogen isotopes, to help or a magnetic field! Indeed, we have evidence about that
fusion, so water vapor or carbohydrates are also suitable for from Ken Shoulder’s EVO tests, to be discussed later, and saw
the plasma material. It is an open question whether con- some of the forgotten results of Felix Ehrenhaft of Vienna in
densed plasmoid can be formed, let’s say in mercury, sodium 1930s.
and other heavier gases. Though gas discharges come in a The “mirror symmetrical” counterpart of the extended
wide variety, controlled (catalyzed) fusion by CP takes places Faraday law is the Oersted-Ampere term, and the Maxwell-
only if the above criteria are met. Hertz dynamic term rot B(t) = ρe ∙ v + ∂E(t)/∂B(t) + ∂S(t)/∂t +...
That is, a magnetic vortex field is created around an electric
Neither the discharge, nor the plasma oscillations alone, current, around a changing electric field (predicted by
cause the excess energy (as Tesla, Moray, Chernetzky, Correa, Maxwell, proven by Hertz) and a changing spin field. The
or Andrei Sakharov etc. assumed), but a catalytic fusion spin field is toroidal again; it rotates around the changing
process by CP does. electric field, and around the magnetic vortex, just like the
The carbon button lamp of Nikola Tesla satisfied all the electric field in Figure 2.
above criteria, as well as Collie’s high voltage discharges in
hydrogen early in the 20th century. Faces of LENR
The Curie principles of induced symmetry breaking, or Low energy nuclear reactions are pervasive in nature. Both
symmetry reduction, is met in the above manner during the fusion and fission take place, but this paper, as readers
condensed plasmoid formation period. already realized, concentrates on fusion only. Even in the
The dynamical terms, or vortex terms, will now include most quoted process, the electrochemical Pons-Fleischmann
spin fields as well. cell, both fusion and fission may take place at the same time.
Electrical currents create a magnetic vortex around the Fusion of light hydrogen isotopes, and fission of Pd isotopes
conductor. Its symmetrical counterpart is when a magnetic due to the THz oscillations of cracks, are due to the diffusion
current creates an electric vortex. Thus, rot E(t) = ρmv + of hydrogen into the crystal lattice (test results of
∂B(t)/∂t + ∂S(t)/∂t + ... Carpentieri et al.). Fission may take place in geophysical phe-
The first term reads: an electric vortex is created when nomena as well, due to ever present tremors, but at an
magnetic currents have a linear velocity, first term on the exceedingly slow place, as is the terraforming process of bio-
right hand side. The second term reads: an electric field vor- logical transmutations. Skeletons and shells have built
tex is created by a changing magnetic field (Faraday’s induc- mountains, over millennia, and removed deuterium from
tion law, very useful industrially). The last term reads: a vor- primordial oceans. That produced oxygen from carbon and
tex electric field is created by a changing spin field. made it possible for life to develop into multicellular organ-
Here we have to face a new feature: the symmetry of a isms, for whom deuterium is deadly.
spin field is lower than that of a magnetic field, and only a Fission does not require a catalyst, just a solid, crystal lat-
toroidal field will satisfy it. Their interrelation is shown in tice, where high-frequency oscillations happen; it can’t take
Figure 2. (The next similar explanation will describe the cre- place in plasma or a liquid.
ation of a magnetic vortex field. As a formal extension, a Fusion, the technically most valuable process, requires a
dynamic spin field term is added.) catalyst. In the opinion of this author, there are five types of
A changing magnetic field generates a vortex electric field possible catalysts for LENR fusion.
but at the same time a spin field is also generated around the
electric vortex field lines. However, this field has a lesser 1) Neutrinos, as proton+energetic electron (wave), require a
symmetry—a toroidal field—which has (at the same time) neutrino to preserve parity. There is a neutrino flux through
two rotation spin field components, perpendicular to each the universe, but at a modest flux, which is a “bottleneck.”
other. One is around the magnetic field and the other is Alexander Parkhamov suggested16 that at elevated tempera-
around the electric vortex field. Thus the spin field has a tures (above 1,000ºC), enough low energy neutrinos are gen-
doughnut or toroidal shape. erated with high enough reaction cross section to initiate
This is not a vector field, but a tensor field of second rank, fusion between light nuclei and electrons.
in fact. It has less symmetry than either an electric or a mag- 2) Formation of condensed plasmoids, as high mass, charged
netic field but it has novel properties. A free charge will have quasi-particles, by transient discharge, in plasma containing
a toroidal movement placed into either a changing electric hydrogen isotopes. Fortunately these weird objects leave a


trace on metals (visible in polarized light, under a micro- surfaces were considered there for sputtering only for various
scope), or with carefully primed high speed video cameras. electrode materials, pressures and gases. There were no high-
3) Surface plasmon polaritons, that is, high virtual mass, speed video cameras, and cathode surfaces were not exam-
high electric density plasma waves above conducting sur- ined under a microscope in polarized light, as noted by Bob
faces. These quasi-particles will not be fashionable to Greenyer.
research, as they do not leave any visible mark and therefore Surface impacts were studied only for heavy particles, but
there is only circumstantional evidence for them. not in hydrogen (E.W. McDaniel, Collision Phenomena in
4) Polyneutrons were found by John Fisher17 as unusual neu- Ionized Gases, Wiley, 1964). Again sputtering was studied,
tron clusters. They can be found as “naked” neutrons only in and not pattern formations on electrodes in transients.
clusters, or “pot belly” nuclei, with relatively stable neutron- Calorimetry, or chemical analysis of cathode surfaces, was
rich isotopes. never performed, as nothing new was expected.
These neutron-rich heavy isotopes are hard to detect. Mass Relatively new, comprehensive textbooks tend to give a
spectrometers are suitable in principle, but not in practice. unified view of several gas discharge types, and leave no
The detectors of the separating quadrupoles are monitored room for new phenomena (such as Y.P. Raiser, Gas Dischage
by software, provided by the supplier. And the software is not Physics, Springer, 1991).
prepared to accept or detect these monsters. The ICPM soft- The list of other books on plasmas is exceedingly long,
ware fight hard to separate neighboring elements with the and I won’t mention any others.
same or similar mass, as they may have quite similar paths, By now, the heyday of experimental gas discharge study
indistinguishable for the sensitivity of a given detector. has been over for two generations. By this time, diagnostics,
X-ray-based devices (electron dispersive X-rays) interact especially X-ray based and mass spectroscopy, is relatively
with the inner electron paths; the number of neutrons do inexpensive and accurate. The field of weakly ionized tran-
not influence the outcome. Maybe occasional decays, elec- sient plasma is bone dry; even the area of industrial applica-
tron or alpha emissions leave a trace, but they are immedi- tions is shrinking at an accelerating level. This is the usual
ately absorbed by their environment, and never reach detec- viscious circle: no new useful results, no funding, no glory.
tors beyond a reactor wall, glass or metal. Nothing is expected.
5) Deep orbit electrons. These local charged bosons (theory A subjective reason is bias. This author is a good example
developed by Muelenberg, Sinha) are also rather foggy, and of unintentional biased data (info) filtering, blocking.
do not help us to design proper devices, but they can’t be Though I met Dr. Matsumoto in person, in Sapporo, Japan,
ruled out as a side effect. at ICCF6, I was unable to comprehend what he demonstrat-
ed. He talked about “miniature ball lightning,” which is not
Obviously a combination of the above effects may take correct, as ball lightning has different features in reality.
place; heavy neutron isotopes of John Fisher sometimes When investigating the cathodes of Correa and
yielded the same result as condensed plasmoids. Chernetzky, only the sub millimeter craters were noted with
So far, the picture is foggy, and much more work is need- a circular molten pattern, but it is not the micron-sized CP
ed, but the readers are familiar with the brutal censorship in trace.
this area, so there is little hope to clear the picture soon. It was only when I saw the traces of condensed plasmoids
on the Ohmasa metal mixing plates that the evidence
Why Are Condensed Plasmoids So Rare? became irrefutable for me. So the journey to accept the unac-
The physics of weakly ionized plasma is a vast field at the ceptable may take decades, at best.
borders of applied electrodynamics, quantum mechanics,
surface and material physics, with dozens of subfields. (The Acknowledgement
physics of fully ionized high energy plasma, steady and tran- The author is grateful to Mr. Jozsef Bacsoka for supporting
sient, is an even bigger area; this is hot fusion.) the cost of preparing the manuscript.
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