Glad Tidings 2019 08

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Glad Tidings

August “Buy the truth, and sell it not.” (Prov. 23:23) 2019
Strength For Today And Bright Hope For Tomorrow
Philippians 4:13 I Corinthians 15:19

FROM THE PASTORS DESK Any exercise of mercy cannot accrue to the good of
any person if it is motivated by self-interest. There is
The people of God rejoice that God is a merciful a saying “It is every man for himself” that is used
God and continues to show that attribute from one when things seem dire. Well, in the service of God it
generation to another. It is His sovereign right to is never every man for himself because lives are
show mercy to whom He will or withhold it as He intermingled in the service of God. To the sheep on
sees fit. “For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on His right hand, Jesus gave recognition as those who
whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion visited Him when he was sick and clothed Him when
on whom I will have compassion. So then it is not of naked, etc. The sheep failed to comprehend when
him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God they had ever done any of these things. Then Jesus
that sheweth mercy.” (Rom. 9:15-16). Without God’s tells them, “And the King shall answer and say unto
mercy all His people would be consigned to the lake them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have
of fire as just recompense for their sins. However, done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye
God is rich in mercy and that mercy hath saved us; have done it unto me.” (Matt. 25:40).
not by our works but by the washing of regeneration The people of God are called to minister to others
and renewing of the Holy Ghost. (Titus 3:5). just as Jesus came not to be ministered unto but to
As a recipient of the mercy of God in regeneration, minister. (Matt. 20:28). If others fail to recognize that
His people can exercise mercy toward others but not ministry, it should not make any difference because
in the sovereign way that is unique to God. Indeed the Lord never forgets such sacrificial love. Heb. 6:10
mercy must be accomplished and not just talked affirms this truth: “For God is not unrighteous to
about if anyone expects to receive temporal mercy forget your work and labour of love, which ye have
from God. Jesus taught in His Sermon on the Mount shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered
“Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain to the saints, and do minister.” This is a continual
mercy.” (Matt. 5:7). Exercising mercy works like duty and blessing with full assurance of hope unto
forgiveness. If anyone fails to forgive a brother his the end and not a one time display of mercy.
trespass, that individual cannot expect to receive any Many times in the Old Testament, Israel had failed
forgiveness for their sins, even though a sincere to show mercy but exhibited oppression and God
petition may have been asked. (Matt. 6:14-15). was not pleased. Sacrifices would not appease His
Sincere appreciation for the mercy of God is an displeasure as in Hosea 6:6: “For I desired mercy,
extension of the love of God which is not shut up but and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more
open to others in need. than burnt offerings.” God would have been justified
God’s love is a sacrificial love demonstrated in the in giving them what they deserved because their
sending of His Son to save His people from their heart was not right with God but instead the
sins. Love in the heart of a child of God is to be made scriptures say, “But he, being full of compassion,
manifest as the apostle John writes: “But whoso hath forgave their iniquity, and destroyed them not: yea,
this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, many a time turned he his anger away, and did not
and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, stir up all his wrath.” (Psalm 78:38). This nation had
how dwelleth the love of God in him?” (I John 3:17). better hope and pray God is as merciful and
Love is to be shown not just in word but in deed and compassionate in its disobedience as He was with
truth and any child of God is blessed when they are Israel in their abandonment of His commandments.
engaged in this Christian virtue. Yes, thank God for His mercy and compassion and
The wise man Solomon tells of the benefits of may it be on display every day in the lives of
exercising mercy. “The merciful man doeth good to believers. What other way can anyone know that His
his own soul: but he that is cruel troubleth his own people are true disciples of the Lord. “By this shall all
flesh.” (Prov. 11:17). Individuals are just asking for men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love
trouble when they fail to be merciful to others. On the one to another.” (John 13:35). Cruelty never got
other hand, good is done to the souls of those who Israel anywhere and it will not do God’s people any
do what God has instructed. Who would not desire to good today. Mercy, however, will always do a child of
do good to their own soul? Evidently, some do not. God good, now and always! (Elder Larry Wise)
August 2019 Glad Tidings Page 2

GLAD TIDINGS spoken of as Father and Son, yet they are one. They
EDITORIAL OFFICE are one in divine essence, one in power, one in
purpose, one in glory. Paul tells us in Heb. i. 3 that
Please send all articles, announcements, change of the Son is the express image of the Father. The
address, correspondence and contributions to the Editor of
Glad Tidings at the address below or call 662-489-5017 for
terms “Holy Ghost” and “Holy Spirit” mean the same
announcements. You may also e-mail to thing. “God is a Spirit.”—John iv. 24. So, we have; we reserve the right to reject or three, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, or
edit any material. All published material must be Holy Spirit. “For there are three that bear record in
received prior to the 8th of the month to be included in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost:
the following month's issue and sent to the Editor at the and these three are one.”—I John v. 7. The three are
following address: the One God. But, though they are one, they are
Elder Larry Wise spoken of as separate, from the different office work
12932 Hwy 9 S.
of the three Divine Persons in the one Godhead. It
Randolph, MS 38864
was the office work of the Father to elect, make
All names and addresses of Glad Tidings will be deleted choice of the people, and to “predestinate them unto
from the mailing list if an issue is returned as undeliverable the adoption of sons”; it was the office work of the
as addressed unless proper notification has been received. Son to redeem; and it is the office work of the Holy
There is no subscription price for Glad Tidings. We do Spirit to regenerate those whom the [pg 446] Son
accept contributions as Glad Tidings is reader supported. redeemed, and to bring them into divine relationship
Make checks payable to "Glad Tidings" and send to the with God.
Editor at the above address. They are sincerely The work of the salvation of poor sinners is,
appreciated. This is a Primitive Baptist Church publication. therefore, all the work of God, and will end in the final
glorification of all the heirs of promise.
********** In Gen. i. 26 we have this language, “And God said,
TRIUNE GOD Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” A
By Elder C.H. Cayce (Deceased) likeness is a picture. Although God is a Spirit, yet
man is a faint picture of Him. God is spoken of as
Sister Betty Murrie, of Avant, Okla., and Brother having a head, eyes, ears, nostrils, body, hands,
W.T. Parker, of Purvis, Miss. asked us some time arms, feet, etc., and man has all these. We do not
ago to give our views on the Trinity in the Godhead. understand that God has these things literally, or
Sister Murrie asked if they are three spirit beings. We materially, as we do; but these things picture God to
will try to give our views of the matter in a very brief us faintly. He is an infinite being, and cannot be
way. comprehended by finite beings, as we are. But man
In the first verse of the Bible we have this language, is one composed of three—the body, the soul—and
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the the spirit. We can divide between the soul or the spirit
earth.” The word which is here, as well as other and the body; but we cannot divide between the soul
places in the Old Testament, translated God is a and the spirit; but the Lord can. Heb. iv. 12, 13, “For
word which denotes a plurality—that is, more than the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper
one; rather, it denotes one composed of more than than any two-edged sword, piercing even unto the
one. The word does not signify as to how many the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints
one is composed of, but it is more than one. It may and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and
be two, or three, or four, or any other number more intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that
than one. But though God be composed of more than is not manifest in His sight,” etc. Here we have it that
one, yet He is but one God. the Word of God can and does divide between the
Christ (Jesus) was God; and He was also man. He soul and the spirit; but man cannot do this. As God is
[pg 445] was the Son of Mary; and He was also, at one composed of three, so is man one composed of
the same time, the Son of God. He was God manifest three—thus, not only in the likeness of God, but also
in the flesh (I Tim. iii. 16).He was the Word; see John in the image of God. The man, the one made in the
i. 1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word likeness and image of God, is the only being of God’s
was with God, and the Word was God.” Turn and creation that sinned. These are a few of our thoughts
read the following verses. Verse 14 tells us that “the on this wonderful [pg 447] subject, though we have
Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.” So, now written more than we thought we would when we
we have the Son of God, which also carries with it the began this. May the Lord bless the same to the
idea of a Father. Here is something that puzzles the benefit of the reader. C. H. C.
finite mind—how that Christ could be God, and also (From “Editorial Writings From The Primitive
called the Son of God; how He could be the Son, and Baptist”, Vol. 6)
still be as old as the Father. This is true, however,
from the fact that He was and is the eternally The God that’s One—Victory won
begotten Son of God. Hence, though they be thus
August 2019 Glad Tidings Page 3

THE NECESSITY OF SPIRITUALITY preaching the gospel should be to teach the whole of
By Elder Herman Clark the gospel, the center being the death, burial, and
Iuka, Mississippi resurrection of Jesus Christ.
In all I have thus written in this article, it may seem
Paul said in Romans 1:15, “So, as much as in me to be a subject matter that does not coincide with the
is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at title “The Necessity of Spirituality.” Let’s go further in
Rome also.” What did Paul mean when he said he our thoughts.
was ready? I don’t think that Paul was speaking of Spirituality is not something that those who have
having his suit freshly pressed, his tie exactly been born again can turn on or off according to one’s
straight, his gold cuffs shining, and shoes spotless, own convenience. We sometimes can forget who is
nor was he concerned that every hair was in place. in charge of our worship service. A congregation can
Paul used the word “ready” in the same manner as go through a so-called hour or two and think they
Jesus said to those three disciples that he took have worshipped the Lord, however if Spirituality
further with him into the Garden of Gethsemane. does not exist, then it has become a formality. When
Mark 14:38 “Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into a church congregation falls into the trap of formalities,
temptation. The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is it has been entrapped with an “ism.”
weak.” This word “ready” is used only three times in Jesus said to the woman at the well, “Ye worship
the New Testament in this manner. The word “ready” ye know not what: we know what we worship: for
is used several more times in the scriptures but have salvation is of the Jews. But the hour cometh, and
different applications. now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the
Paul said, “…for I am now ready…” The word used Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh
by Paul has a wonderful meaning. The key to his such to worship him.” I ask the question: do you
being ready to preach the gospel is found in the first desire to worship in your “own” way or do you desire
words of the verse when he said “For as much as in to worship God’s way? If I do not want to worship him
me is.” I don’t think Paul was referring to his great in his way, then I must conclude that I want to
head knowledge, for he said to the Corinthians that worship him in my way, which may not be God’s way.
he came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, What must we do to have true Spirituality in our
nor was he referring to his being full of foolishness worship services? There are many factors involved in
nor of himself, but he had something greater than this worshipping in spirit and in truth. Our worship service
world has to offer. I find today there are some full of must consist of only that which is given us in the
themselves, foolishness, and other things when they scriptures. Christ established the Church and gave
stand before God’s people. We need to continue to her instruction of how we must worship him. The truth
empty ourselves of ourselves. goes beyond the minister preaching the truth. The
Paul said that which made him “ready” was not of manner in which we are to worship God is a
this world but from above,”…as much as in me is…” necessity. We must worship him in songs of praise to
This phrase that Paul used means: denotes motion or him, and spiritual words must be offered up to him in
diffusion or direction from the higher to the lower. prayers from our hearts. Prayer is a necessity. Prayer
How wonderful! The great apostle was brought up at is not the great swelling words uttered from one’s
the feet of Gamaliel, and taught according to the lips, to be heard of men, but must be the groaning
perfect manner of the law of the fathers, and was from our hearts. The whole of the congregation
zealous towards God. He was able to speak several should be praying out of their hearts. The attitude
different languages, having great authority, and used toward our worship must begin before we reach our
his authority to persecute the Church of God. When place of worship. How many of us get up on Sunday
he spoke the words “I am ready...” he was not morning and forget that in a few hours we will be
glorying in his wisdom, but had something much attempting to worship the King of kings and Lord of
greater than man’s wisdom. He had a message from lords? Do we have a song in our heart? Do we have
a source not of this world. His message was from a prayer upon our lips?
above. Oh, my! If only we ministers would realize that Notice in Acts 2:1 “And when the day of Pentecost
we must study the scriptures as instructed but the was fully come they were all with one accord in one
message must come from above. It must be as place.” If we are to have a Spiritual worship service
dynamite which is about to explode in the depths of there MUST be a coming together with one accord. If
our souls which must be diffused by sounding the congregation is divided on trivial things, which do
(preaching the word) in demonstration of the Spirit not amount to be a hill of beans, rest assured there
and of power. The message must come from the will be no spiritual meeting. God is not the author of
higher (God) to the lower (man). We read in confusion. Let us come together rejoicing in the Lord,
Galatians 1: 10 “For do I now persuade men, or God? praying together, singing from a spiritual heart,
or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I hungry for the word of the Lord, praying for the
should not be the servant of Christ.” Our goal in minister, that must bring the Lord’s message and not
August 2019 Glad Tidings Page 4

his, and it must be delivered in demonstration of the ABODE

Spirit and in power which must come from above. By Elder Guy Hunt (Deceased)
When we have been blessed with such a meeting let
us not turn away without giving him from whom all “Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love
blessings flow, the praise of thanksgivings for his me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love
wonderful blessings. him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode
In this day in which we live, there is a great lack of with him.” John 14:23
spirituality in worship services across the land. There We know that we love God because he first loved
are some in the religious world that do not believe in us. “We love him because he first loved us.” 1st John
a heart felt religion. They desire to worship, and are 4:19 So this scripture is not teaching that if we love
satisfied with coldness, hearing the letter only and God, he will begin to love us.
often is presented with untruths. Some worship in this He is talking about God’s love within us being
manner because they do not know where to find a manifested, even to us. “But whoso keepeth his word,
spiritual place where spiritual minded folks desire to in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby
worship in a spiritual way, the Holy Spirit in their know we that we are in him.” 1st John 2:5
midst and in truth. When we have a love for a woman, we marry and
I believe that the church is going to see some in- make our abode together. Because we want to be
gathering where it is truly desired. There are so many together, having a desire toward the other, we make
that are looking for the very basics of worshipping the our abode together. The scripture tells us of the
Lord. Let us tell them to “Come and see…” There is condition of this abiding together. “He will keep my
an old song that I remember hearing in my childhood words.”
days that had the words “Give me that old time This is a glorious promise. For poor mortals to have
religion. It was good enough for our fathers…” and this abiding presence of the Lord with us, is more
etc. I want the old time religion, according to the glorious than anything the world could ever have for
scriptures, that true heart felt presence with us each us. I have always been so uplifted by having my wife
time we come together. This is all my desire. I want walk beside me, the joy of which I have never been
to be satisfied in the true worship of the Lord. If I can able to put into words. To not only walk with the Lord
only be a door keeper in the house of the Lord, I will but to have his presence in his abiding with us, is
be satisfied with his house. I want to spend my more than poor sinners could ever visualize.
remaining days in communion with the Lord and the It would be a factor to help us subdue the old
saints of God. How about you? human nature within us and the manifestation of that
(From “The GOOD NEWS Newsletter”, May, 2007) human nature as pertains to sinning. As children, we
always were better boys or girls in the presence of
********** our parents. Children in school are always better
behaved when the teacher is in the room than when
GOD’S SPECIAL BLESSINGS she is out. How many always slow down a bit when
(“The Pathway of Truth”, July, 2007)
they see the highway patrol with his radar gun
Thursday night July 19th, Anne and I stopped at a pointed at the traffic? No matter what the crime, a
Cracker Barrel restaurant in Western Arkansas, near defendant is usually the most polite, well dressed,
the Oklahoma border, and went inside to eat. As we well behaved person in the courtroom in the
were finishing the meal, the waiter came over and presence of the Judge.
told us our meal had been taken care of by a If God makes his abode in our house, what kind of
gentleman who wanted to remain anonymous. We home would our home be? Would our home have
did not recognize anyone in the restaurant. The less growling and fussing? It will and must, if we keep
waiter gave us a note which read, “Greetings: God his commandments and follow his laws. As children
said you needed a blessing. He still knows how many in the home, would we still think our folks don’t know
hairs you have and he loves you very much. He paid what they are talking about when they lay down
for your dinner tonight.” reasonable rules for our conduct and guidelines for
Anne and I were very moved by the experience of our dating and going and coming?
such a message from a stranger. I have no idea how As parents, would we indeed expect our children to
we stood out from the others in the restaurant that follow reasonable rules, or would we want to control
evening, but I do know that God knew we were there. their entire lives and not allow them to make bigger
Just a few days before, I had received a letter from and bigger decisions as they grow older? Would we
a lady I had not seen for almost 50 years. It provoke our children to wrath by being dictatorial so
contained a check for $250. She said, “Dear Guy as to discourage the even best of boys from seeing
Hunt, My mother Grace Walz passed away about 5 our girls? To not even give a girl the right to talk to a
years ago…She never forgot you and neither have boy unless the boy talks to us first is being dictatorial
I…I am not surprised at the goodness the Lord and indicates the Lord is not making his abode with us.
places in people’s hearts….—Guy Hunt
August 2019 Glad Tidings Page 5

What about our language? Would our language be THE FORGOTTEN TEXT
proper and totally without profanity? Would you and I
want the Lord to hear our language in the home, or in On Sunday morning in 1770, as related by Mr. H. L.
the workplace? Is our language the kind that causes Hastings in his Tales of Trust, Mr. Neale opened his
respect and maybe provoke quietness about what Bible to look at the text upon which he had been
church we belong to? Is our language the language meditating the previous week, and from which he
of Christians? Is our language such as we would expected to preach that day. But, though he
want our small son to use the same? entreated the Lord to help him, he was never able to
What about our television and movies we watch? find it, nor to recall any of his thoughts in regard to it.
Would we have to change if the Lord is to make his But, while he was thus troubled, there flashed into his
abode with us? How much would television and mind, with peculiar energy, the blessed words of
movies improve if the Lord, because of us keeping Paul, “For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life,
his laws, made his abode with us? I could see how nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things
quickly some people would go out of business as a present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth,
result of no business. nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us
God gave us the laws concerning marriage. Is this from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our
what we follow in our lives and rearing of our Lord” (Rom. 8:38, 39). Instantly this whole passage
children, or do we bow to the will of the world and became luminous to his mind. “My soul”, said he,
what is described as modern thinking? Or, do we “saw the precious truth.” As he went on to meeting he
remember the scripture, “Marriage is honourable in endeavored to remember the text which he had
all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and previously studied, but he could not, but the passage
adulterers God will judge.” Hebrews 13:4 Fornication in the eighth chapter of Romans still pressed itself on
is not to be named among us as becometh saints. his thoughts. In his public prayer he felt an
Eph. 5:3 uncommon degree of the divine influence, and, after
If God is making his abode with us, we will not be the singing of the hymn, he, although dismissed by
doing anything contrary to sound doctrine. Read 1st the loss of the text which he himself had selected and
Timothy 1:9-10.—Guy Hunt thought to use, felt that he had nothing else to preach
(From “The Pathway of Truth”, July, 2007) from except Paul’s language in Romans.
Soon after he had begun to speak he observed a
********** well-dressed man, a stranger, enter the place, take a
THOUGHT OF THE DAY seat, and recline his head upon the back of the bench
By Elder Robert Payne before him. And before long he saw him pull out his
June 8, 2019 handkerchief to wipe his face, which seemed to be
bathed in tears. Then it occurred to him that the Lord
Thought of the day: was in this matter. So he proceeded in his discourse,
Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, and and never had more liberty. Through the whole of the
causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in service the stranger never raised his head, but
thy courts: we shall be satisfied with the goodness of seemed to feed on the message of grace that was
thy house, even of thy holy temple. Psalm 65:4 delivered, as a hungry man feeds upon bread. In the
We are blessed characters when we are called out evening the man called upon Mr. Neale, and wished
of nature’s darkness into the marvelous light of the for a copy of the discourse which he had delivered
Lord. The Lord has given a dwelling place for his that day, and embracing him in his arms, said his
children that they may come out of the world and purse was at his service for the sermon, and added,
enjoy the fellowship with the saints and especially the “Two or three years ago I heard you, in such a place,
Lord. preach upon such a subject, and ever since then I
The Lord has established his church and placed have been under the spirit of conviction and
everything in it that is needed. Man has decided God bondage. This day I took my horse and rode to hear
didn’t foresee something that the church would need you; and, blessed be God, He had now given me to
in modern times. Well brethren, God set up a perfect see Him as my reconciled God and Father, in Jesus
church and we ought to be satisfied with his Christ, and had given me to enjoy that liberty
arrangement. I loved it just the way it was when I wherewith He makes people free.” This and more did
joined and still like it the same way. If you have he say before Mr. Neale then told him how he had
decided it needs changes please find somewhere been circumstanced in regard to that text. He also
that meets your needs and leave the church in assured him that, were he to give him the whole
peace. The cause of splits, different orders, and lack world, he could not commit the sermon to writing, for
of peace are some of the causes of folks not being he had delivered it just as it occurred in his thoughts
satisfied with the goodness of the Lord’s house. in the pulpit. “We both, by this time,” continued Mr.
True doctrine and practice will rarely cause trouble (Continued on Page 6)
with true worshippers.
August 2019 Glad Tidings Page 6


ACROSS: Teachers observe all kinds of behavior, both good

2. Lord, now lettest thou thy servant ___ in peace and bad, from their students but I suppose the
said Simeon holding baby Jesus. majority of it is good. There was a kindergarten
5. Paul said I am pure from the ____ of all men. teacher who was walking around the room observing
7. Swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to ____. her classroom of children who were drawing pictures.
8. Peter’s wife’s mother was sick of a ____ and She came to one little girl who was drawing a picture
Jesus healed her. and she asked her, “What are you drawing?” The girl
9. We see through a ____darkly, then face to face. replied, “I’m drawing God.” The teacher paused and
11. For ____ is as the sin of witchcraft. Uprising. said, “Surely you know that no one knows what God
15. Brother of Absalom who raped his sister, Tamar. looks like.” Without even looking up, the girl replied,
16. Stand, see and ____ for the old paths. Inquire. “No, but they will when I get done.”
17. God works his will in the ____ of heaven. Military.
20. ___ many as I love I rebuke and chasten. **********
21. The ____ of a good man are ordered by the Lord
and He delighteh in his way. Singular. THE CARE OF GOD
22. John was the disciple who leaned on Jesus’ ___
at the supper. A construction crew was building a new road
23. Behold a ____went forth to sow. Parable of the _. through a rural area, knocking down trees as it
progressed. A superintendent noticed that one tree
1 2 2A 3 4
had a nest of birds who couldn't yet fly and he
marked the tree so that it would not be cut down.
5 6 7
Several weeks later the superintendent came back to
the tree. He got into a bucket truck and was lifted up
so that he could peer into the nest. The fledglings
8 9 10 were gone. They had obviously learned to fly. The
superintendent ordered the tree cut down. As the tree
crashed to the ground, the nest fell clear and some of
11 12 13 14 the material that the birds had gathered to make the
15 nest was scattered about. Part of it was a scrap torn
from a Sunday school pamphlet. On the scrap of
16 17 18
paper were these words: He careth for you.
19 20 21 Bits & Pieces, November, 1989, p. 23.
“Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field,
23 which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven,
shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little
(Answers on Page 8)
faith? Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall
we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal
1. Do the work of an evangelist, make full ____ of
shall we be clothed?” (Matt. 6:30-310)
thy ministry.
2A. For thine is the kingdom, the ____ and the glory.
3. Not one jot or ___ of the law will pass before all be
(Continued from Page 5)
4. Moses made a serpent of ___and put it on a pole.
Neale, “began to see the good hand of God in the
5. ___of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
case, and His good providence in determining me, in
6. Your adversary the ____ is as a roaring lion.
such a remarkable manner, to preach upon a text
10. Jesus ____down and wrote on the ground.
which I had never before used, and which He had
12. Moses said to God, I ___ thee show me thy glory.
accompanied with such efficacy as to make it an
13. Paul felt to be the ____ of all the apostles.
immediate message from Himself, and in causing this
14. Let you communication be Yea, yea and ___ nay.
stranger to come fourteen miles to hear me preach
18. A poor widow cast in two____ into the treasury.
that day! To me it was one of my best days, and one
19. Children ____ your parents in the Lord.
which, both by him and me, will be remembered
20. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a colt the foal of
through a long and joyful eternity.”
an ____.
(From “Remarkable Providences”—Edited by
21. The Lord is merciful and gracious, ____ to anger
Elder R. H. Pittman)
and plenteous in mercy.
August 2019 Glad Tidings Page 7


Everyone is invited to the annual meeting at Little Clear Springs Primitive Baptist Church in Maben,
Flock Primitive Baptist Church, Burnsville, MS August MS has voted to call for the ordination of Brother Joe
2-4, 2019. Services Friday night, Aug. 2, at 7:00 p.m. Ott as a deacon. On August 24, 2019, the 4th
preceded by supper at 6:00 p.m. Saturday night, Aug. Saturday in August, they will meet at 10:00 am for
3, at 7:00 p.m. preceded by supper at 6:00 p.m. worship and preaching service, followed by lunch,
Sunday, August 4, at 10:30 a.m. Elder Josh Winslett, with the deacon ordination service in the afternoon
Moody, AL is invited minister. Elder Jonathan Wise is beginning around 1:30 pm. Clear Springs invites
Pastor of Little Flock. everyone to come worship during this ordination
service, especially the ordained elders and deacons
Everyone is invited to the annual meeting at from our sister churches for a presbytery. Clear
Antioch Primitive Baptist Church, Oxford, MS the 1st Springs is currently without a pastor so be prayerful
weekend in August, 2019 (Aug. 2-4). Services Friday for this church and this ordination service. You may
night, Aug. 2 at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 3, at 10:30 contact Brother Bobby Pruitt at (662) 744-0101 if you
a.m. with lunch and afternoon services. Sunday, Aug. need further information.
4 at 10:30 a.m. Elder Darren Owens, Ripley, MS is
invited minister. Elder Jeremy Wise is Pastor of “For they that have used the office of a deacon well
Antioch. purchase to themselves a good degree, and great
boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.” (I
Everyone is invited to Chewalla Primitive Baptist Timothy 3:13)
Church, Potts Camp, MS for their meeting the 3rd “The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because
weekend in August, 2019 (Aug. 16-17). Services the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings
Friday night, August 16, at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the
August 17, at 10:30 a.m. followed by lunch. No brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives,
afternoon or night service. Elder Ronald Lawrence, and the opening of the prison to them that are
Goodlettsville, TN is invited minister. Elder Jerry Wise bound;” (Isaiah 61:1)
is Pastor of Chewalla. (Psalm 107:1-2)
Everyone is invited to the annual meeting at INNER PEACE
Bethany Primitive Baptist Church, Ecru, MS the 2nd
weekend in September, 2019 (Sept. 6-8). Bethany My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner
will celebrate its 100th anniversary of continual peace is to finish what I start.
services during this meeting. Services Friday night, So far today, I have finished two bags of chips and
September 6, at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, September 7, at a chocolate cake. I feel better already.
10:00 a.m. with a recap of church history followed by
regular services and then lunch. Concludes Sunday **********
at 10:30 a.m. followed by lunch. Elder Ricky Harcrow, KEEPING PEACE
Fort Payne, AL is invited minister. Elder Larry Wise is By Nena Faye Holder (Deceased)
Pastor of Bethany.
A dart from Satan left a mouth,
The Tombigbee Association of Primitive Baptists And hit the center of a heart
will convene with Poplar Springs, PBC in Winfield, AL Well tendered by God’s gracious touch.
the 3rd weekend in September, 2019 (Sept. 13-14). The dart pierced deeply—tore apart.
Services Friday, September 13, at 10:00 a.m. Through trembling lips, a whispered prayer
followed by lunch and afternoon services. The same Came forth, “Forgive, Oh, Father, please!
schedule for Saturday, September 14. Elder Clayton Help us to know from where the dart
O’Mary is Pastor of Poplar Springs. Originated—for it grieves.”
Friendship Primitive Baptist Church, Winona, MS We thank you, Father, Holy One,
will have their annual meeting the 4th weekend in For you can heal an unjust pain,
September, 2019 (Sept. 21-22). Services Saturday, And hold us close to see your face,
Sept. 21, at 10:00 a.m. followed by lunch and And help us to forgive again.
afternoon services. Sunday at 10:30 a.m. with lunch.
Open meeting. Elder B.T, Strum is Pastor of Help us be mindful of the things
Friendship. We hold within our hearts,
So when we open up our mouths
In church is the place—To learn how to run our race We won’t throw Satan’s darts.
August 2019 Glad Tidings Page 8

ASSEMBLING TOGETHER Lord.” (Acts 3:19) I believe we would think of church

By Elder Jerry McMinn attendance more seriously if we would say to
Linden, Tennessee ourselves each time we go to worship, “I want to go
build a house for God and offer myself as a sacrifice.
Have you ever heard someone say that he can I also want to build a temple for him and hope He will
worship God out under a tree by himself just as well come visit while I am there.”
or better than he can worship together with others in (This article first appeared in “Southern Sentinel”,
a church? Do you believe him? Ripley, MS, June 13, 1991)
The devil would like for you to think that it is not
important to assemble together with others to **********
worship. Satan would like for you to excuse yourself
from the duty of church attendance. However, God ANSWERS
has commanded that we meet together and has BIBLE CROSSWORD PUZZLE
warned us about “forsaking the assembling of READ RIGHT TO LEFT
ourselves together.” (Hebrews 10:25)
Why should we assemble together? What happens 2. traped 1. foorp
when we meet together as a church that doesn’t 5. doolb 2A. rewop
happen when we are alone? The Bible has many 7. htarw 3. elttit
answers, but let’s look at two of the examples given 8. revef 4. ssarb
about the importance of assembling together. 9. ssalg 5. eraweb
WE BUILD A HOUSE—The structure in which we 11. noilleber 6. lived
meet is not a church. The real church is the people 15. nonma 10. depoots
who meet for worship. However, when we meet to 16. ksa 12. hceeseb
worship, we build a “spiritual house” and the material 17. ymra 13. tsael
that we use is ourselves. The apostle Peter described 20. sa 14. yan
it this way: “Ye also as lively (living) stones, are built 21. pets 18. setim
up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up 22. tsaerb 19. yebo
spiritual sacrifices unto God by Jesus Christ.” (I Peter 23. rewos 20. ssa
2:5) 21. wols
What are we going to do in this spiritual house? In
these New Testament times, God has made all his **********
children to be priests, and a priest should offer REMEMBERING GOD
sacrifices unto God. We don’t offer dead sacrifices
such as a lamb or an ox which was slain and then “Sometimes I do not think I am a Christian,” said a
burned as in Old Testament days. We offer ourselves boy one day. “I don’t seem to have the same interest
as a living sacrifice. The apostle told those of the that I had when I joined the church. It isn’t easy for
church at Rome to “present your bodies as a living me to remember God.”
sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your “What about the time your father was away from
reasonable service.” (Romans 12:1) Notice that home so long? Was it hard for you to remember
“bodies” is plural in this example and together these him?” asked the minister slowly.
bodies offer “a” sacrifice. God’s word continually “Not a bit,” said the boy. “We had letters from him
emphasizes one service offered together by many. and kept thinking about him and talking about him,
WE BUILD A TEMPLE—When the church and looking forward to the time when he’d come
assembles to worship God, “all the building fitly home. No, there wasn’t much chance to forget him.”
framed together growth unto an holy temple in the “Suppose there had been no letters. Suppose your
Lord: In whom ye also are builded together for an father’s name had been dropped from the
habitation of God through the Spirit.” (Ephesians conversation,” said the minister thoughtfully.
2:21-22) “That would have made a difference,” answered the
What is the difference between the “spiritual house” boy.
and the “holy temple?” In the house, sacrifices are Well, don’t you see it is the same with God? We
said to be offered up unto God. It is good to view the can’t see Him. We shouldn’t be surprised if we forget
Lord as high and lifted up, but too often we only see Him when we allow so many other things to crowd in
him as “way off” somewhere. As we grow in our upon us. But God has given us His Holy Word—
spiritual service from just being a building to being a something like your father’s letters—and His house
temple, it is a much more intimate experience. God where the family can meet and talk about Him. A
comes and visits the holy temple personally through fellow needs all the reminders of God he can have in
his Spirit. It is then that we experience “the times of a world like this.”—Bible Expositor and Illuminator
refreshing” which “come from the presence of the (From “Glad Tidings”, January, 2004)
August 2019 Glad Tidings Page 9

REJOICE! AND AGAIN I SAY REJOICE! worry about the population of heaven, but like Paul of
By Elder E. D. McCutcheon (Deceased) old, I have continual sorrow and heaviness in my
heart for my fleshly kinsmen because they are
Why did the apostle admonish us to rejoice? Why missing so much of the earnest of the inheritance. I
do Primitive Baptists have so many reasons to pray for the Lord to give me, and all of our ministers
rejoice? For those who have a reasonable knowledge the wisdom to lead the wandering sheep into the fold
of the scriptures and read their bibles to ascertain and green pastures which are available to all who are
what they should believe rather than to prove what willing to obey and lay hold upon these great
they already believe. The doctrine of God’s sovereign blessings.
grace is indeed a spiritual fountain that can produce **********
joy unspeakable and full of glory. We might well ask NOTES OF INTEREST
why, since the majority of God’s beloved know
nothing about it except for the inward teaching that PROVIDENCE means:--Act of providing; foresight
comes with the new birth? This inward teaching is and care; a manifestation of God’s care and
precious indeed to those who know nothing about the superintendence over his creatures; an event divinely
gospel and the knowledge of salvation which it ordained. Shakespeare said, “There’s a special
brings. There is no way for us to know how many providence in the fall of a sparrow.” While the word
have died with a blessed hope of eternal joy, but with “providence” is used in the Bible but one time, the
very limited knowledge of God’s wondrous grace. words “provide”, “provided”, and “providing” are used
We are told that God has provided something twenty-three times. Jehovah-jireh-the Lord will
better for us that they without us should not be made provide.
perfect. They are going to be made perfect and we “Be not dismayed whate’er betide, God will
are going to be made perfect. What can be better take care of you;
Beneath His wings of love abide, God will
than that? Obviously, it must be something in this life. take care of you.
What can it be but knowledge? Knowledge of what? Thru days of toil when heart doth fail, God
Of God’s impeccably perfect plan for the deliverance will take care of you.
of every one of His beloved into the eternal abode When dangers fierce your path assail, God
will take care of you.
with every stain of sin and every temptation removed. All you may need He will provide, God will
This is what God promised to the heirs of salvation: take care of you.
complete deliverance from sin and perfect holiness in Nothing you ask will be denied, God will take
His sinless heaven. Primitive Baptists are well care of you.
No matter what may be the test, God will
acquainted with God’s system that was designed to take care of you.
reach every man, woman and child that should have Lean, weary one, upon His breast, God will
a desire for deliverance from sin and sinning. Those take care of you.”
who know this wonderful doctrine do not have to
worry about the eternal destiny of the countless MIRACLE means:--A supernatural operation
millions in China and other places where there is no performed alone by the power of God; an event or
access to the gospel. Our hearts are sometimes effect in the physical world deviating from the known
grieved because we realize what great blessings laws of nature, or transcending our knowledge of
God’s little sheep are missing in this life in this world, these laws: supernatural. The Bible is replete with
but we do not have to worry about their life in the recorded miracles in both the Old and New
world to come. Testaments. People who do not believe in miracles
But there is much more. The fellowship and love do not believe in God.
among Primitive Baptist is superb. When God sees fit “The greatest word is God.
to pour His Holy Spirit out in our worship services it is The deepest word is Soul.
as near to heaven as one can expect to be in this The longest word is Eternity.
world. This does not happen often, but when it does, The swiftest word is Time.
it indeed is joy unspeakable and full of glory. Such The nearest word is Now.
seasons of rejoicing are a foretaste of the eternal The darkest word is Sin.
heaven itself. The meanest word is Hypocrisy.
But how many today have been blessed to The broadest word is Truth.
experience the spiritual joy that is available to those The strongest word is Right.
who have been willing to obey the gospel and step The tenderest word is Love.
out on the promises of God? Humanism has The sweetest word is Home.
permeated so much of religion in America today, that The dearest word is Mother.”
many are missing the blessings of pure discipleship. “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my
How I wish that I knew what would help so many heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength,
wandering sheep find the fold and indeed lie down in and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14—Editor
(“Remarkable Providences”, Elder R.H. Pittman, Editor)
green pastures. I thank the Lord that I do not have to
August 2019 Glad Tidings Page 10

LOST JOY praise for the spirit of heaviness. (Isa. 61:3). David
By Elder Larry Wise desires that his joy be restored because he had lost
Randolph, Mississippi it. David was one of the great men in the Bible but he
lost the joy of thy salvation because of sin. We can
We have many natural joys that we experience in lose the joy of our salvation by letting the world take
life such as the joy of a child born into our family. The the place of Christ in our lives. Not only do we lose
Bible says that a woman is in travail in childbirth; our joy, but we ourselves are lost. We’re not lost and
however, when the child is born she remembers no going to hell, but we are lost from the joy and
more the anguish for the joy that a child is born into fellowship of the Father. The prodigal son wasted his
the world. (John 16:21). Paul tells Timothy to charge substance in riotous living. When he repented and
the people rich in this world’s goods not to trust in returned home, his own father said concerning this
uncertain riches, but in the living God, who gives us son, “…he was lost, and is found…” (Luke 15:24).
richly all things to enjoy. (I Tim. 6:17). These natural We’ll not find joy out in the world like the Prodigal
joys pale in comparison to the spiritual joy we have in son; we’ll find joy and maintain joy by staying as
the Lord of glory. Paul lists joy as the second fruit of close to the Lord as possible. We have the promise
the Spirit in Galatians 5:22 so without the Spirit there of God by the apostle James, “Draw nigh to God, and
can be no spiritual joy. he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye
We have spiritual joy when we have experienced sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.”
the deliverance of the Lord and have been made to (James 4:8). May we all be cognizant of the word of
know the reality of that deliverance. David had God and not rebel against Him with a consequence
experienced great deliverance from the hand of the of lost joy. The more time we spend with the Lord and
Lord and rejoiced in God but he fell into sin and His people, the more joy we will have in the Lord. I’m
committed adultery with Bathsheba. Nathan, the afraid there are many of the Lord’s children who have
prophet, came to him and exposed his great sin so lost their joy but haven’t come to the realization of
that David acknowledged his transgression. The what has happened. May we all use preventive
remembrance of his transgression brought great maintenance and prevent having to pray the prayer of
anguish to the soul of David and he was made to cry David to “restore unto me the joy of thy salvation.”!
out in Psalm 51:12 “Restore unto me the joy of thy
salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.” If David **********
prays that God would restore to him the joy of thy
salvation, it must mean that he had “lost” that joy he JOY NOT HERE
previously had.
We know that our eternal salvation and deliverance Men have pursued joy in every avenue imaginable.
is always secure, and there is no danger that we can Some have successfully found it while others have
ever lose that salvation. We are kept by the power of not. Perhaps it would be easier to describe where joy
God through faith unto salvation and ready to be cannot be found:
revealed in the last time. (I Peter 1:5). This salvation • Not in Unbelief -- Voltaire was an infidel of
was wrought by the obedience of Christ. However, the most pronounced type. He wrote: "I wish I
there is a joy that we gain by trusting in the Lord and had never been born."
being obedient to His commands. Isaiah tells us, • Not in Pleasure -- Lord Byron lived a life of
“Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be pleasure if anyone did. He wrote: "The worm,
afraid: for the Lord JEHOVAH is my strength and my the canker, and grief are mine alone."
song; he also is become my salvation. Therefore with • Not in Money -- Jay Gould, the American
joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.” millionaire, had plenty of that. When dying,
(Isa. 12:2-3). Jesus Himself tells the disciples, “If ye he said: "I suppose I am the most miserable
keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; man on earth."
even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and • Not in Position and Fame -- Lord
abide in his love. These things have I spoken unto Beaconsfield enjoyed more than his share of
you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your both. He wrote: "Youth is a mistake;
joy might be full.” (John 15:10-11). Will our joy remain manhood a struggle; old age a regret."
and be full or will it be lost? The answer depends • Not in Military Glory -- Alexander the Great
upon our actions in response to what the Lord has conquered the known world in his day.
done for us. Having done so, he wept in his tent, before
David had lost his joy because he had transgressed he said, "There are no more worlds to
the laws of God and begs God to have mercy upon conquer."
him and blot out his transgressions. When we are • Where then is real joy found? -- the answer is
mourning over our sins, our joy is lost, but the Lord simple, in Christ alone.
has the oil of joy for mourning and the garment of The Bible Friend, Turning Point, May, 1993.
August 2019 Glad Tidings Page 11

RUMOR AND RUMOUR went forth and published it abroad all over the
By Elder Rickey Taylor countryside. This good news needed to be shared
Booneville, Mississippi with the people; these people were looking for a
Messiah and now he had arrived, proclaimed the
Luke 7:17: “And this rumour of him went forth good news!
throughout all Judaea, and throughout all the region The Apostle Peter tells us that we have not been
round about.” deceived by cunningly devised fables for he and
Most of us know what the word rumor means when others were there on the mount to hear the voice of
we hear it. Our minds think of something like a God the Father saying this is my beloved son “hear
terrible gossip or untrue story that can do real harm ye him!” Matthew 17:5. This is what they were to go
to someone. Rumors almost never end in a good forth and declare throughout Judea and the Gentile
way, so it is best that we avoid them as much as we world. God has sent his only begotten son to redeem
can. all his children, and that nothing would be lost! John
The word rumour is mentioned in the scriptures. 6:38-40. As cold water is to a thirsty soul so is good
The King James scholars choose this word because news from a far country! Pray that God will keep
they thought it best describes the situation at hand calling men into the ministry to proclaim throughout
here in the book of Luke. the kingdom of God the good news of salvation by
One thing to keep in mind about this word is that its the grace of God. To quench the thirst of a child of
definition is different than the modern day use of the God that is praying to hear the gospel preached. Pray
word rumor. Webster Colligate Dictionary defines that they preach nothing but Jesus Christ and him
rumor as “that which is widely spread with no known crucified. Not rumors, not fables that men have made
source or authority”. A rumor once it gets started can up. A more sure word of prophesy that men of God
take on a life of its own. By the time it reaches fruition wrote while being moved by the Holy Sprit!
it will barely resemble what it started out as. I Come to the house of God and hear the wonderful
remember one of my elementary teachers one day in news of your salvation, feel the presence of the Holy
class, whispered something into a students ear with Spirit in your heart as you sit among the congregation
the instructions that we would go one by one and of God’s people. There is a seat there waiting for you.
whisper it into each other ears until the last student Hope to see you soon.
was told the secret. Then the last student would Rickey Taylor
declare out loud what everyone was whispering into
each other’s ear. It amazed us that the story had **********
greatly changed from the first student to the last one. RUMORS TO AVOID
This was a lesson to teach us is that gossip and
rumor is a terrible thing to engage in. Thus a well We surely should avoid spreading rumors that
learned lesson in the definition of our modern day aren’t substantiated. As a matter of fact we should
word “rumor”. ask ourselves, “Does this need telling or repeating or
In our verse rumour is not only spelled different, but would it be best for it not to be told, even though it is
it also means something different. Rumour is from the factual?” This song is sung by the girls on the Hee
Greek word “logos” meaning a declaration backed up Haw show concerning gossip:
by facts. Webster’s 1828 version tells us that rumour Now, we’re not ones to go round spreadin’ rumors
is something that is said that is a fact or story that is Why really, we’re just not the gossipy kind!
well authorized. Here the authorization comes from Oh, you’ll never hear one of us repeating gossip!
God who cannot lie. When Jesus raised to life the So you better be sure and listen close the first time.
widow’s son, it was witnessed by many disciples and
many people of the village of Nain who had This song is just an end around to avoid
witnessed that the young man was dead was now responsibility for spreading gossip but is humorous.
made alive by this man named Jesus of Nazareth. There are a number of scriptures about being a
This rumour had credence because of the many talebearer and none are in a favorable light. “Where
people who knew the whole story about this young no wood is, there the fire goeth out: so where there is
man. Dead men don't rise again by their own power. no talebearer, the strife ceaseth.” (Prov. 26:20) “A
The power came from this man Jesus. Jesus is God talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a
in the flesh John 1:14. Only God has the power to faithful spirit concealeth the matter.” (Prov. 11:13).
raise the dead. Thus went the saying throughout the Conversely, the Lord God omnipotent reigneth and
countryside that God had visited his people. Luke should be shouted from the housetop.—Editor
7:16 “And there came a fear on all: and they glorified
God, saying, That a great prophet is risen up among **********
us; and, That God hath visited his people.” Those God be with you until, by God’s grace, we meet again
same people who were eye witnesses of this miracle in the next Glad Tidings.

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