CDS Mock
CDS Mock
CDS Mock
a) The President of India Select the correct answer using the codes given
b) The Governor of the State below
c) The Union Finance Minister a) Only I b) Only 2
d) The Union Cabinet c) Both 1 and 2 d) Neither 1 nor 2
30. Assertion a) An award made by a Lok Adalat is 36. Which of the following statements is/are
deemed be a decree of a Civil Court. correct? Under the provisions of Article 200 of
Reason (R) Award of Lok Adalat is final and binding the Constitution of India the Governor of a state
on all parties, and no appeal lies against thereto may
before any court Codes 1. Withhold his assent to a Bill passed by the
a) Bath A and R are true and R is the correct state legislature.
explanation of A 2. Reserve the Bill passed by the state
b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the legislature for consideration of the President.
correct explanation of A 3. Return the Bill, other than a money Bill, for
c) A is true, but R is false reconsideration of the legislature.
d) A is false, but R is true Select the correct answer using the codes given
31. In which one of the following Ministries the below
census organisation has been functioning on a a) Only 1 b) 1 and 2
permanent footing since 1961? c) 2 and 3 d) All of the above
a) Health and Family Welfare 37. The Constitution of India is republican
b) Home Affairs because it
c) Social Justice and Empowerment a) provides for an elected Parliament
d) Human Resource Development b) provides for adult franchise
32. The quorum for Joint Sitting of the Indian c) contains a bill of rights
Parliament is d) has no hereditary elements
a) One- twelfth of the total number of members 38. Which one among the following is not a
of the House recommendation of the Sarkaria Commission on
b) One-sixth of the total numbers of members the appointment of the Governor in a state?
of the House a) He/She must not have participated in active
c) One-tenth of the total number of members politics at least for sometime before his/her
of the House appointment as Governor
d) Two-third of the total number of members b) The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court may
of the House be consulted by the President in selecting a
33. Which one of the following is a human Governor
right as well as a Fundamental Rights under the c) The Governor's term of office of five years
Constitution of India? should not be disturbed except very rarely
a) Right to Information d) The Governor should not be the native of the
b) Right to Education state
c) Right to Work 39. Which one among the following statements is
d) Right to Housing not correct?
34. Formal or procedural democracy does not by any a) The right conferred by Article 32 cannot be
means guarantee suspended except by virtue of Article 359 (1)
a) political and civil rights of the Constitution of India
b) constitutionalism b) The enforcement of Articles 20 and 21 cannot
c) the rule of law be suspended
d) absence of caste discrimination c) Punishments can be prescribed by a State
35. Which of the following statements regarding writ Legislation for offences under Part III of the
of certiorari is/are correct? Constitution of India
1. There should be court, tribunal or an officer d) The Fundamental Rights can be abrogated by
having legal authority to determine the law made by the Parliament with regard to
questions of deciding Fundamental Rights members of the forces charged with the
with a duty to act judicially. maintenance of public order
2. Write of certiorari is available during the 40. The subject matter of an adjournment motion in
tendency of proceedings before a the Parliament
subordinate court.
b) While PC is a permanent body, FC is 2. After the revolt, the colonial authorities set-
constituted every five years. up the Indigo Commission to enquire into the
c) Awards given by both are binding on the grievances of the Indigo cultivators.
Central Government. Which of the statements given above is/are
d) FC awards non-plan resources while PC correct?
allocates plan resources a) Only 1 b) Only 2
69. The Sun Temple of Konark was built by c) Both 1 and 2 d) Neither 1 nor 2
Narasimhadeva I. To which dynasty did he belong 75. Which one among the following was part of
to? Gandhi-lrwin Agreement of 1931?
a) Somavamsi dynasty a) Stern action against policemen guilty of
b) Imperial Ganga dynasty brutal assault on Satyagrahis
c) Suryavansi Gajapti dynasty b) Nehru to represent Congress at the Round
d) Bhoi dynasty Table Conference of 1931
70. Separate electorates for Muslims in India were c) Deletion of communal question from the
introduced by which one of the following Acts? agenda of the conference
a) Government of India Act of 1909 d) Release of political prisoners excepting those
b) Indian Councils Act of 1892 guilty of arson and violence
c) Rowlatt Act of 1919 76. Which among the following was the most
d) Government of India Act of 1935 immediate factor for the spread of Swadeshi and
71. What is the correct sequence of the following boycott of foreign goods during the first decade
events? of the last century?
1. Rowlatt Act a) Curzon‘s design to curtail the sphere of local
2. Gandhi-lrwin Pact self government
3. Morley-Minto Reforms b) Curzon‘s attempt to control the universities
4. Illbert Bill c) Curzon‘s partition of Bengal
Select the correct answer using the codes d) Curzon‘s plan to curb the growing popularity
given below of the Indian National Congress
a) 1, 2, 4, 3 b) 3, 4, 1, 2 77. Who among the following Chinese travellers
c) 4, 1, 3, 2 d) 4, 3, 1, 2 visited the Kingdoms of Harsrhavardhana and
72. Consider the following statements relating to Kumar Bhaskar Varma?
Sher Shah a) I–Tsing b) Fa–Hien
1. During Sher Shah‘s region, the village c) Hiuen Tsang d) Sun Shuyun
Panchayat and Zamindars were not allowed 78. Which one among the following correctly
to deal with civil and criminal cases at the describes Gandhiji‘s attitude towards the
local level. Swarajist leaders?
2. Sher Shah set-up army cantonments in a) He was not opposed to their entry into
different parts of the empire and a strong council
garrison was posted in each of them. b) He had full trust in their bona fides and
Which of the statements given above is/are considered them most valued and respected
correct? leaders
a) Only 1 b) Only 2 c) He was not in favour of maintaining warm
c) Both 1 and 2 d) Neither 1 nor 2 personal relations with them
73. October 26, 1947 is an important date in the d) He was neutral to government‘s offensive
Indian history, because of against the Swarajists and did not defend
a) Maharaja Hari Singh‘s signing on Instrument them
of Accession 79. Statement I: Mahavira initially joined a group of
b) ceasefire with Pakistan ascetics called Nirgranthas.
c) merger of Sind Statement II: The sect was founded 200 years
d) declaration of war over India by Pakistan earlier by Parsva.
74. Consider the following statements relating to a) Both the statements are true and Statement
Indigo Revolt II is the correct explanation of Statement I
1. The Indigo Revolt is particularly memorable b) Both the statements are true, but Statement
for the role played by the intelligentsia to II is not the correct explanation of Statement
uphold the cause of the movement. I
c) Statement I is true, but Statement II is false 86. Which one of the following States of India is the
d) Statement I is false, but Statement II is true largest producer of lignite coal?
80. The Mansabdari system of the Mughals was a a) Maharashtra b) Gujarat
complex system. Its efficient functioning c) Madhya Pradesh d) Tamil Nadu
depended upon 87. Assertiona): Physiological density is preferable to
1. the practice of offering the title of arithmetic density as an index of population
Mansabdar‘ to military personnel only. density.
2. proper functioning of the dagh (branding) Reason (R) Physiological density is based on
system. arable land while arithmetic density is based on
3. proper functioning of the jagirdari system. total area.
Select the correct answer using the codes given a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the
below correct explanation of A.
a) Only 1 b) 1 and 3 b) Both A and R are individually true and R is the
c) 2 and 3 d) All of these correct explanation of A.
81. Which one among the following events was c) A is true but R is false
associated with American War of Independence? d) A is false but R is true.
a) Tennis Court Oath 88. Which water body separates Australia from New
b) Boston Tea Party Zealand?
c) Fall of Bastille a) Cook Straits b) Megallan
d) Reign of Terror c) Tasman Sea d) Great Barrier Reef
82. Who among the following was not associated 89. Match the following
with the activities of the Theosophical Society? List I List II (River) (Source)
a) Madame H P Blavatsky A. Ganga - 1. Amarkantak
b) Mr A O Hume B. Son - 2. Gaumukh
c) Col H S Olcott C. Godavari - 3. Mahabaleshwar
d) Mrs Annie Besant D. Krishna - 4. Trimbakeshwer
83. Statement I: The twelfth century witnessed the Codes A B C D
emergence of a new movement in Karnataka led a) 1 2 4 5 b) 2 1 3 4
by a Brah mana named Basavanna. c) 4 3 1 2 d) 2 1 4 3
Statement II: The Lingayats worshipped Shiva in 90. Which is the correct arrangement of the
his manifestation as a Linga. following rivers from North to South?
a) Both the statements are individually true and a) Godavari, Penner, Cauveri, Periyar
Statement II is the correct explanation of b) Penner, Godavari, Periyar, Cauveri
Statement I c) Godavari, Cauveri, Penner, Periyar
b) Both the statements are individually true but d) Cauveri, Godavari, Periyar, Penner
statement II is not the correct explanation of 91. Which one of the following countries does not
Statement I have a border with China?
c) Statement I is true but Statement II is false a) Myanmar b) Afghanistan
d) Statement I is false but Statement II is true c) Thailand d) Kazakhstan
84. Match List I with List II and select the correct 92. What is the characteristic feature of Narmada
answer using the code given below the Lists: Valley?
List I(Editor ) - List II (Journal/ Newspaper) a) Volcanic origin b) Structural origin
A. S.A. Dange- 1. Labour-Kisan Gazette c) Glacial origin d) Aeolian origin
B. Muzaffar Ahmed - 2. Inquilab 93. Why South-East Asia has the largest
C. Ghulam Hussain - 3. Navayug concentration of peasant population at the
D. M. Singaravelu - 4. The Socialist Code: global scale?
a) A-4; B-3; C-2; D-1 a) The area is dominated by shifting cultivation
b) A-4; B-2; C-3; D-1 due to favourable terrain character
c) A-1; B-2; C-3; D-4 b) Intensive subsistence farming is practiced in
d) A-1; B-3; C-2; D-4 the region
85. Which one of the following states is the largest c) The region has favourable and healthier
producer of black pepper in India? climate
a) Tamil Nadu b) Kerala d) The area has a large forested area which is
c) Karnataka d) Andhra Pradesh cleared for cultivation of various crops
94. The thermal equator is found 101. The humidity of air measured in percentage is
a) at the equator called
b) South of the geographical equator a) absolute humidity
c) North of the geographical equator b) specific humidity
d) at the tropic of cancer c) relative humidity
95. Consider the following statements d) all of these
1. Ozone is mostly found in the stratosphere. 102. The vegetation type characterised by
2. Ozone layer lies 25 to 30 km above the (i) a large expanse of grassland with scattered
surface of the Earth. trees and shrubs,
3. Ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the (ii) lying between tropical rain forest and
Sun. tropical steppes and deserts and
4. Ozone layer has no significance for life on the (iii) flat-topped trees, is called
Earth. a) mid-latitude broad-leaf mixed forest
Which of the statements given above is/are b) temperate rain forest
correct? c) tropical savanna
a) 1 and 2 b) 1 and 3 d) mid-latitude grassland
c) 2 and 3 d) 3 and 4 103. Meghnad Saha is known for his contribution in
96. Lack of atmosphere around the Moon is due to which one of the following fields?
a) low escape velocity of air molecule and low a) Physics
gravitational attraction b) Medical Science
b) high escape velocity of air molecule and low c) Environmental Science
gravitational attraction d) History
c) low gravitational attraction only 104. Which one of the following pairs is not correct
d) high escape velocity of air molecule only matched? Person Bank
97. Farmers are requested to mix lime with soil while a) OP Bhatt: SBI
farming their fields. This is because b) KV Kamath: ICICI
a) lime is very helpful in maintaining the water c) Aditya Puri: HDFC
content in the soil d) Vikram Pandit: IDBI
b) lime decreases the acidity of soil 105. What is the correct chronological order of
c) lime decreases the basicity of soil conferring Bharat Ratna to the following?
d) high concentration of lime is necessary for 1. MS Subbalakshmi
the plant growth 2. Professor Amartya Sen
98. The waves that help scientists to understand the 3. Dr APJ Abdul Kalam
internal structure of the Earth are 4. Sushri Lata Dinanath Mangeshkar
a) primary waves b) secondary waves Select the correct answer using the codes given
c) surface waves d) longitudinal waves below
99. The planetary winds that blow from the sub- a) 1, 2, 3, 4 b) 3, 1, 2, 4
tropical high pressure belts to the equator are c) 2, 1, 4, 3 d) 4, 3, 1, 2
known as 106. What is the common first digit of the number of
a) westerlies b) doldrums the Superfast and Shatabdi trains regardless of
c) polar winds d) trade winds zones presently running in India?
100. Which of the following are true of matrilineal a) 0 b) 1
societies? c) 2 d) 3
1. Newly married couple stays with the 107. Venkatraman Ramakrishnan has been jointly
woman's parents. awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for
2. As per the rules of inheritance, the property his contributions in
passes from mother to daughter. a) identifying the molecular ruler in ribosomal
3. Women play a dominant role in the family. assembly which ensures error-free synthesis
4. Examples of matrilineal societies are those of of protein in cells
the Khasi and Jaintia tribes of Meghalaya. b) synthesising a group of life-saving antibiotics
Select the correct answer using the codes given c) the work on green fluorescent protein of
below jellyfish
a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 b) 1 and 3 d) successfully crystallising the large subunits of
c) 2 and 4 d) 1, 2 and 4 ribosome in cells
108. Consider the following statements about the d) All of the above
Queen's Baton Relay 112. In the case of the nuclear disaster which of the
1. The helix shape of the Baton for the 2010 following options for cooling the nuclear reactors
Commonwealth Games, created out of may be adopted?
aluminium, is coated with a graded and 1. Pumping of water to the reactors.
layered soil pattern in black, yellow and red 2. Use of boric acid.
to represent the diversity of Commonwealth 3. Taking out the fuel rods and keeping them in
nations a cooling pond.
2. This relay traditionally begins with a Select the correct answer using the codes given
commencement ceremony at Buckingham below
Palace, London, during which, the Queen a) Only 3 b) 1 and 2
entrusts the Baton containing her message to c) 2 and 3 d) All of these
the athletes to the relay for the 1998 Games 113. The year 2011 was the centenary year for which
in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysin was the first to one among the following policymaking bodies of
travel to other nations of the the Government of India in scientific research
Commonwealth. and development?
The first honorary relay rummer. a) ISRO b) ICAR
Which of the statements given above is/are c) ICMR d) CSIR
correct? 114. Which among the following countries has
a) 1, 2 and 3 b) 2 and 3 decided to give grant of U$ 1 billon for
c) Only 2 d) 1 and 3 reconstruction of Nalanda University?
109. An underwater meeting held recently has drawn a) USA b) China
attention world over. The meeting was held by c) UK d) Japan
a) some Somali pirates to make a new strategy 115. The year 2002 Code of Conduct related to
for capturing ships for ransom territorial and maritime dispute in the South
b) some environmental scientists for promoting China sea was signed between China and
awareness for saving water a) Philippines
c) some environmental activists for promoting b) Vietnam
awareness against air pollution c) United States of America
d) the Cabinet of a country to highlight the d) ASEAN
threat of rising sea level for the country 116. Which one among the following countries
110. Which of the following statement is not correct initiated the process of Fourth Wave of
regarding the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Democratic Transition?
Act? a) Libya b) Afghanistan
a) It gives army officers acting under the Act c) Tunisia d) Morocco
legal immunity for their action 117. Which one among the following regarding G-20
b) The Act confers armed forces special powers is not correct?
in operations against the Naxals a) A group of developed countries
c) There has been widespread agitation against b) An integral part of the United Nations
the Act c) Outside the World Bank and IMF
d) Justice (Retd.) BP Jeevan Reddy Committee d) An offshoot of G-7
was constituted to review the Act 118. VS Ramadevi , was the Governor of Karnataka
111. Why is Switzerland unable to join European and Himachal Pradesh. What was more specific
Union (EU) till date (2010) despite its about her? She was the
government's persistent effort to do so? a) Governor of the two States simultaneously
a) Few EU countries like France and Germany b) only female Chief Election Commissioner of
are opposed to Switzerland's joining the India
Union c) only female Indian High Commissioner to
b) The Swiss people continue to vote against United Kingdom
joining the EU as they do not want to lose d) Governor of Reserve Bank of India
Switzerland's sovereignty 119. Union Government granted Navaratna status to
c) EU rejected Switzerland's application as 1. Engineers India Ltd.
Swiss Government did not agree to use Euro 2. Coal India Ltd.
as currency 3. India Trade Promotion Organization