Onvue Tutorial
Onvue Tutorial
Onvue Tutorial
How to schedule and take your exam from your home or office
*Click on Each step to skip to the appropriate Instructions
1. Evaluate 2. Schedule
Evaluate whether taking your APICS exam Instructions for scheduling an online
online is a good option for you proctored APICS exam appointment
3. Setup 4. Check-In
Instructions for setting up your testing area Instructions for launching an online proctored
and configuring your computer for the exam APICS exam
1 © 2019 ASCM. All rights reserved.
1. Evaluate
Evaluate whether taking your APICS exam online is a
viable option
Is Online Proctored Testing Right for You? Help
If you are interested in taking your exam online though OnVUE, you must complete the following activities to
evaluate if you are able to do so:
Important Note: Do not attempt to take an APICS exam online if you do not have a completely stable internet
connection. ASCM strongly advises against using wireless internet – especially mobile hotspots - when
taking an online proctored APICS exam.
3 © 2019 ASCM. All rights reserved.
Is Online Proctored Testing Right for You? (Continued) Help
1. Country Restrictions
a. Online proctored exams cannot be taken within the following countries due to government restrictions:
▪ China
▪ Cuba
▪ Iran
▪ North Korea
▪ South Korea
▪ Sudan
▪ Thailand
▪ Japan
▪ Syrian Arab (Republic/Syria)
Note: If you plan to take your exam in any of these countries, please choose test from a local test center
instead of online.
To do so:
1. Go to ascm.org
2. Click “Login”
4. Click LOGIN
To do so:
1. Go to “My ACCOUNT”
3. Click “Exams”
1. Select “Online at my
home or office”
3. Click “Next”
2. Click “Next”
2. Click “Next”
2. Click “Next”
You must setup your testing area and configure your computer before
online proctored testing appointment begins.
Note: ASCM recommends completing the setup process at least one day before an online
proctored exam appointment.
Important Note: Pearson VUE strongly recommends using a wired internet connection and connecting
your computer to a wall power source. Do not use Wifi. Do not rely on battery power.
17 © 2019 ASCM. All rights reserved.
Tips for Taking an OnVUE Online Proctored Exam Help
Here are a few tips you should know before you sit for your OnVUE online proctored exam:
✓ Your computer must have a webcam, microphone, and internet speed that satisfy system requirements and should be turned on/up for
your exam
✓ These exams are taken seriously, so please prepare your room as if it was a live test center
✓ The exam must be taken in a walled room, with a closed door and without distractions. This also means that if there are others in your
home/office, they must not be visually or audibly detected during your exam
✓ Do not leave sight of your webcam during your exam; your exam will be terminated and your exam fees forfeited
✓ To secure the integrity of these exams, no breaks will be allowed during the entirety of your exam.
Visit Pearson VUE’s test-taker FAQ page to review frequently asked. If any of the rules are violated during your
exam, your exam may be stopped by the proctor and you will not be permitted to continue.
APICS strongly recommends completing the OnVUE Online Proctored Exam Setup Checklist before starting the
check-in process.
To do so:
1. Go to ascm.org
2. Click “Login”
1. Go to My ACCOUNT
3. Click on “Exams”
Important Note:
Candidates may check-in for an OnVUE
exam up to 30 minutes prior to their
scheduled appointment time. During your
exam check in process, if there are any
technical issues or you cannot meet the
setup procedures below, it may delay your
check in process and/or cause you to miss
your scheduled exam. Exams can only be
held for 15 minutes past your exam time
7. Click “Next”
8. Click “take Front Photo”
9. Click “continue”
Note: You must remove any papers, pens, books, or Your phone number will appear here once the text
other prohibited materials from the testing area message with the link to access the mobile site is
before taking the photos. sent to your mobile phone as shown in the example.
+1 888 1234567
Additionally, if you do not have a mobile phone, you
can use your webcam to provide all required photos
by clicking on the corresponding link.
12.Click “Next”
To do so:
1. Go to ascm.org
2. Click “Login”
1. Go to My ACCOUNT
3. Click on “Exams”
Important Note:
Online proctored testing appointments may
be cancelled or rescheduled up until the
time of the appointment.
Important Note:
Cancelling an appointment does not
extend your ATT validity period
1. Click “Cancel”
2. Agree to cancellation policy
3. Click “Confirm cancellation”
1. Click “Reschedule”
2. Select a time display option
3. Select a new appointment date
and time
6. Click “Next”
2. Ensure that you are using either Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome as your web browser
4. If you are using a company computer and/or network, try using a different network of computer.
6. Read all information carefully. Some parts of the scheduling process require you to read and agree to terms and
policies. Please ensure that the required checkboxes are selected where applicable.
7. Read the APICS Exam Handbook for information about testing policies and procedures.