13 09 22 New Edited Tuple Program

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TUPLE PROGRAMS for Practical’s

1 Write a Python program to input 5 subject names and put it in a tuple and display
the tuple information on the output screen.

#Roll No : Name: Practical No

#python program to input 5 subject and display the same.

for i in range(5):
a=(input("Enter 5 subject names : "))
print("\nNames of 5 subjects are :",t)

2 Write a python program using Tuples to generate the following output.

The given original Tuple.

Output :

#Roll No : Name: Practical No

#python program to input numbers and print in the pattern given.

n=int(input("How many numbers to input : "))
for i in range(n):
a=int(input("Enter numbers : "))
for i in t:
if i%2==0:
print("\nOriginal Tuple :",t)
print("\nFirst Tuple :",t1)
print("\nSecond Tuple :",t2)
3 Write a Python program to input n numbers and store in a tuple and find
minimum and maximum value from the tuple.

Write a program to input ‘n’ employees’ salary and find
minimum & maximum salary among ‘n’ employees.

#Roll No : Name: Practical No

#python program to input numbers and find minimum and maximum


n=int(input("How many numbers to input : "))

print("\nEnter all numbers one by one")

for i in range(n):

a=input("Enter numbers : ")


print("\nTuple values are : ",t)



print("\nminimum Value is : ",mn)

print("\nmaximum Value is : ",mx)

4 Write a Python program to Add two tuple and find length.

#Roll No : Name: Practical No

#python program on tuple to Add two tuple and find length

print("Tuple one : ",V1)
print("Tuple two :",V2)

print("\n","Two tuple added : ",V3)
print("\n","The length of the added Tuple is : ")

5 Write a python program to Check if the given element is present in tuple or not.

#Roll No : Name: Practical No :

#python program to Check if the given element is present in tuple or not.

given_tup = (10, 14, 55, 6, 98)

# printing Original tuple

print("The Original tuple : " + str(given_tup))

N = int(input("\n Enter value to be checked : "))

test = False
for i in given_tup:
if N == i:
test = True
print("\nDoes contain required value ? : " + str(test))

6 Write a python program to concatenate the tuples using the ‘+’ operator.

#Roll No : Name: Practical No

#python program to concatenate the tuples using the ‘+’ operator.

Tuple1 = ("Hello", 6, 5, )
Tuple2 = (10.6, 25, "Python")

print("\nTuple 1 is:", Tuple1)

print("\nTuple 2 is", Tuple2)
print("\nConcatenation of Tuple 1 and Tuple 2 is:", Tuple1+Tuple2)

7 Write python code to create two tuples and interchange the tuple values .

#Roll No : Name: Practical No 06

#python program to interchange tuple values


print('First tuple value interchange :',T1)

print('\nSecond tuple value interchange :',T2)

8 Write a python program to print sum of tuple elements.

#Roll No : Name: Practical No

#python program to find sum of tuple elements

# sum of tuple elements

# tuples of integer values

mytuple = (20, 10, 20, 30, 20)

# printing original tuple

print("\nThe original tuple is : ",mytuple)

# finding sum of all tuple elements

tupSum = sum(mytuple)

# Printing Tuple sum

print("\nThe sum of tuple elements are : ",tupSum)

9 Write a program to input ‘n’ numbers and store it in tuple.

#Roll No Name: Practical No
#python program on tuple to input ‘n’ numbers and store it in tuple.

n=int(input("\nHow many numbers to enter : "))
print("Enter all numbers one after other")
for i in range(n):
a=input("enter number: ")
print("\nThe entered numbers are :",t)

Write a Python program to clear Tuple elements

#Roll No : Name: Practical No

#Python program to clear Tuple elements

# Creating and printing the tuple

myTuple = (1,5,3,6,8)
print("Initial elements of the tuple : " + str(myTuple))

# Clearing All tuple elements from the Tuple

vartup = list(myTuple)

emptyTuple = tuple(vartup)

# Printing empty tuple

print("\nPrinting empty Tuple : " + str(emptyTuple))

11 Write a Python program to output the following tuple elements using slicing

#Roll No Name: Practical No

#python program on tuple using slicing

Tuple = [1, 2.5, 3, 4.9, 5, 6, "Python"]

print("Elements from 2nd to 5th is: ",Tuple[1:5])

print("Elements beginning to 4th is: :",Tuple[:-3])

print("Elements 4th to end is: ",Tuple[3:])

print("Elements from start to end is: ",Tuple[:])

12 Write a Python program to SORT the elements in ascending and descending

order in the given tuples.

#Roll No Name: Practical No

#python program on tuple using sorting in ascending and decending.

# Ascending Sort
Tuple = (2, 3.5, 1, 6, 4)
print("\nSorted integer is:", sorted(Tuple))
Tuple1 = ('e', 'a', 'u', 'o', 'i')
print("\nSorted character is:", sorted(Tuple1))

# Descending Sort
aTuple = (2, 5, 8, 1, 9, 3, 7)
result = sorted(aTuple, reverse=True)
result = tuple(result)
print('\nSorted Tuple in descending order :', result)

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