HYPAM Fixer Technical Data Sheet
HYPAM Fixer Technical Data Sheet
HYPAM Fixer Technical Data Sheet
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Ensure that all utensils, processing tanks or Below are the average minimum fixing times at
dishes/trays and mixing vessels are thoroughly 20ºC (68ºF) for materials manually processed
rinsed and cleaned before mixing fresh batches of using fresh fixer with and without hardener. The
ILFORD HYPAM particularly if it is being used for range of times for film takes into account different
the first time. Wash out the mixing vessels film types. The agitation for film is the same as that
thoroughly after use. used for spiral tank development, i.e. 4 inversions
during the first 10 seconds of fixing repeated
After filling a processor with fresh ILFORD HYPAM during the first 10 seconds of each subsequent
tank solution, switch it on and allow it to get up to minute. The agitation for paper is the same as that
temperature and circulate the solutions. After the used for the dish/tray development of paper, i.e.
working temperature is reached leave it re- intermittent rocking of the dish/tray.
circulating for at least 10 minutes to ensure the
fresh chemicals are thoroughly mixed before Material Dilution Time Time with
attempting to process any film or paper. Always without hardener
replace the tank covers used on the process and hardener (minutes)
replenishment solutions.
General purpose 1+4 2–5 4–10
pH and specific gravity
Other specialist, 1+4 2–5 4–10
The following table gives the pH and specific X-ray and graphic
gravity (SG) for fresh, working strength ILFORD art materials
HYPAM. These figures were obtained under RC paper 1+4 1/ n/a
carefully controlled laboratory conditions and may RC paper 1+9 1 n/a
differ slightly from measurements made by users in FB paper 1+4 1 n/a
their own working areas. Users should make their
FB paper 1+9 2 n/a
own control measurements from their own
accurately mixed fresh solutions for later
For more information about fixing other specialist,
comparison. Ideally a pH meter should be used to
X-ray and graphic art materials consult the
measure solution pH but if one is not available pH
measurement sticks can be used. These are information supplied by their manufacturers.
available in various pH ranges
and those covering a range from pH 4 to pH 6 Due to the configuration of some film processing
are sufficient. SG can be measured by using a machines a longer fixing time may be
hydrometer and one covering the range from automatically given but this should not cause any
1.000 to 1.200 is useful for a wide range of process problems provided it is not excessive.
photographic process solutions.
The configuration of most RC paper processing
machines will usually give much shorter fixing
HYPAM pH SG at 20ºC/68ºF
times however this should not cause any process
dilution without
hardener problems as the fixer bath will usually be working
at a much higher temperature 25–40ºC (77–
1+4 5.0–5.5 1.080–1.090 104ºF).
1+9 5.0–5.5 1.040–1.050
Fixing times
For best results it is recommended that all process
solutions are kept at the same temperature or at
least within 5ºC (9ºF) of the developer
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Washing FB paper
Wash FB papers for 60 minutes in fresh running
water at a temperature above 5ºC (41ºF).
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The activity of a fixer bath can be maintained by
the regular addition of fresh working strength fixer.
A properly replenished fixer bath can be used for
a very long period of time
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Full, unopened bottles of HYPAM concentrate
stored in cool conditions, 5–20ºC (41–68ºF), will
keep for two years. Once opened use completely
within six months and keep all bottles tightly
sealed until used.