HSC Clinical Technology

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Bachelor of Health Sciences in Clinical Technology

NQF Level: 8

SAQA ID: 96409

Qualification Code: BHCLT1

Location: (B Block 2nd Floor) ML Sultan Campus

Purpose of the programme

The purpose of this qualification is to develop a learner to possess the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to practice
as a Clinical Technologist, as a part of a multi-disciplinary team, in one of the following specialist categories: Cardiology,
Cardiovascular Perfusion, Critical Care, Nephrology, Neurology, Pulmonology or Reproductive Biology. The qualifying learner
will be able to independently perform diagnostic, therapeutic, and corrective procedures on patients using specialised health
technology and techniques for the treatment of patho- physiological conditions in a hospital-based or in a private practice setting.
This qualification will enable the learner to engage in research and contribute to the creation of new knowledge within the field.
Lastly, the qualification is designed to provide learners with specific clinical technology skills and competencies that are included
in management and research.

Upon completion of this qualification, the student will be able to:

Apply scientific and technological knowledge to perform and monitor diagnostic, therapeutic and quality assurance procedures
in the clinical environment for the management of patients in a field of specialisation in accordance with statutory and operational

Perform therapeutic, corrective and organ system support on patients using specialised health technology to facilitate
management of the patient.

Conduct research in a field of clinical technology in compliance with legislated and ethical research requirements. Demonstrate
entrepreneurship and management skills in the health care facility to ensure professional, legal and ethical service delivery

Learning and Teaching strategies

Our teaching, learning and assessment philosophies will be grounded in the following learning theories: cognitivist, constructivist,
and situated–social learning, and constructive- development. Strategies for learning and teaching will include, but not be limited
to, theory lectures, group work and discussions, oral presentations, practical demonstrations and simulations, self and active
learning, assignments, case studies, portfolios and tutorials in order to ensure that there is constructive alignment with the
teaching, learning and assessment constructs, to meet the Exit Level Outcomes (ELO).In order to achieve the ELO as described
above, the programme will be delivered full-time at DUT, with exposure to the clinical environment from first year to fourth

Registration with the Professional Board for Radiography and Clinical Technology
Upon registration with Durban University of Technology for the programme: Bachelor of Health Sciences in Clinical Technology,
it is mandatory that a student register as a Student Clinical Technologist with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as
determined in the regulations set out in the Government Gazette (No. R1608 dated 24 July 1987).

Career opportunities
A Clinical Technologist can be employed in provincial and private hospitals in either Critical Care units, Lung Function units,
Renal/Dialysis units, EEG and Sleep Laboratories, Cardio-thoracic surgery, Cardiac Catheterisation Laboratory & Cardiac Clinic
or Assisted Reproductive Biology Laboratories.
Explanation of Points scale:
A 8 6
B 7 5
C 6 4
D 5 3
E 4 2
F 3 1


90-100 7 8
80-89% 7 7
70-79% 6 6
60-69% 5 5
50-59% 4 4
40-49% 3 3
30-39% 2 2
20-29% 1 1

Entry Requirements (BHS in Clinical Technology)

(01 JANUARY 200*) (PRE 2009) (VOCATIONAL) (NCV)
Compulsory Subjects NSC Rating Code Compulsory Subjects HG SG Compulsory Subjects Mark
English 4 English D B English 70%
Mathematics 4 Mathematics D B Mathematics 70%
Physical Science 4 Physical Science D B Physical Science 70%
Life Science 4 Biology D B Life Science OR 70%
And TWO 20 credits subjects 3 Biology 70%
(not more than one language)
NB: NSC Mathematics Literacy will not be accepted as a substitute for the subject NSC Mathematics
Note: No points are allocated for 10 credit subjects (Life Orientation)

Additional Entry Requirements:

Applicants are required to have industrial knowledge and will have to undergo interviews.
Applicants are admitted based on academic merit, which is accessed by converting Matriculation Certificate/NSC symbols into a point score.
Application below that point score are not normally selected. This total from year to year, depending on the number and quality of
application or changes in educational system of the country. Applicants satisfying the requirements may be required to appear before a
Selection Committee and/or sit for an Aptitude Test.
First preference will be given to applicants who never studied previously at any other university. Applicants will undergo an
interview. Matric results and ranking the programme as 1st or 2nd choice will also be used for ranking applicants for
acceptance into the programme. Applicants with 25 points and more stand a greater chance of selection into the programme.
The NSC subject Technical Science will not be accepted as a substitute for the subject Physical Science.

Calculations of matriculation Point Score for Senior Certificate

The point score is calculated by matching each of the six best matriculation subject symbols with relevant value listed either under higher
grade [HG] or standard grade [SG] and then adding the scores to give the total.

For admission to entry level degree studies:
A person may, subject to such requirements as the Senate may determine, be admitted if such a person is in possession of a National Senior
Certificate, Senior Certificate, or an equivalent certificate, but lacks the minimum requirements for admission to the degree provided that:
(a) The person shall have reached the age of 23 in the first year of registration and shall have at least: three years’ appropriate work experience;
and/or capacity for the proposed instructional programme, which shall be assessed by a Senate-approved admission assessment comprising of a
DUT Standardised Assessment Test for Access and Placement (SATAP), Academic Literacies (AL) & English for Academic Purposes (EAP) (2,5
hours) and/or an appropriate subject or programme specific written assessment designed and marked by the relevant Department; and the
person has obtained

(b) A conditional certificate of exemption from the Matriculation Board (when in possession of the Senior Certificate (SC); OR has met
(c) The requirements for Senate discretionary admission (when in possession of the NSC or equivalent), where Senate is satisfied the applicant
has shown sufficient academic ability to ensure success, and that the person’s standard of communication skills, and/or work experience are
such that the person, in the opinion of the Senate, should be able to complete the proposed instructional programme successfully.

(d) The person’s application for admission in terms of with work experience, age and maturity is approved prior to registration.

Applicants intending to gain admission through work experience, age and maturity must submit their applications at least
four months before the commencement of the academic year inclusive of the date of scheduling writing a requisite eligibility

Tuition Fees
To assist you with your planning, the 2023 fees have been indicated. An increase for next year to accommodate the inflation rate
can be expected.
Please Note: DUT cannot be held liable for the fees in this brochure, as the 2023 fees are not yet final.

First Year Curriculum (BHS in Clinical Technology)

Name of Module Module Code HEQSF Level SAQA Credits 2023 Fees
Semester One
Anatomy AAMY101 5 16 R6600.00
Physics (Module 1) PHIS111 5 8 R3030.00
Introduction to Clinical Technology INCL101 5 16 R2230.00
Issues of Gender & Society in Health Care (E) IGSH101 5 8 R5350.00
Physiology PYSL101 5 16 R4130.00
Personal & Professional Development I PPDV101 5 12 R2380.00
TOTAL R23720.00
Semester Two
Chemistry CMTR101 5 16 R5260.00
Cornerstone 101 CSTN101 5 12 R3580.00
Introduction to Technopreneurship ITCH101 5 8 R2070.00
Instrument. & Techniques for Clinical Technology I ITCT101 5 12 R4130.00
Pathophysiology I PTPY101 5 8 R2750.00
Physics (Module 2) PHIS121 5 8 R3030.00
Total Credits for Semester One & Two 140
TOTAL R20820.00
Second Year Curriculum
Applied Anatomy and Physiology 1A AAPA101 6 12 R4130.00
Applied Anatomy and Physiology 1B AAPB101 6 12 R4950.00
Clinical Technology Practice CLTP101 6 12 R4130.00
Instrument and Techniques for Clinical Technology II ITCT201 6 16 R4130.00
Pathophysiology II PTPY201 6 16 R4130.00
Pharmacology PRCL101 6 16 R4400.00
Research Methodology I RMTD101 6 16 R4130.00
HIV and communicable diseases in KZN HCDK101 6 8 R2380.00
Equality and Diversity EQDV101 6 8 R2380.00
Professional Practice & Management PPRM101 6 12 R2380.00
Personal and Professional Develop II PPDV101 6 12 R2380.00
Total Credits for Semester One & Two 124
TOTAL R39520.00
Third Year Curriculum
Research Methodology II RMTD201 7 16 R4130.00
Health Care Management I HLCM101 7 8 R2750.00
Restorative Justice RSJS101 7 8 R2380.00
Ethics & Medical Law EMDL101 7 12 R4920.00
Personal and Professional Develop III PPDV301 7 12 R2380.00
TOTAL R16560.00
Specialisation in Cardiology
Pathophysiology for Cardiology PTCD101 7 16 R5500.00
Pharmacology for Cardiology PMCD101 7 8 R2750.00
Clinical Tech Practice in Cardiology IA CTCA101 7 12 R5500.00
Clinical Tech Practice in Cardiology IB CTCB101 7 16 R4130.00
Instrumentation and Tech for Clinical Technology in Cardiology IA ITCA101 7 12 R5500.00
Instrumentation and Tech for Clinical Technology in Cardiology IB ITCB101 7 16 R5500.00
Total Credits 80
TOTAL R28880.00
Specialisation in Critical care
Pathophysiology for Critical Care PPCC101 7 16 R5500.00
Pharmacology for Critical Care PHCC101 7 8 R2750.00
Clinical Technology Practice in Critical Care IA CCCA101 7 12 R5500.00
Clinical Technology Practice in Critical Care IB CCCB101 7 16 R4130.00
Instrumentation and Tech for Clinical Technology in Critical Care IA ICRA101 7 12 R5500.00
Instrumentation and Tech for Clinical Technology in Critical Care IB ICRB101 7 16 R5500.00
Total Credits 80
TOTAL R28880.00
Specialisation in Neurophysiology
Pathophysiology for Neurophysiology PTNP101 7 16 R5500.00
Pharmacology for Neurophysiology PHNP101 7 8 R2750.00
Clinical Technology Practice in Neurophysiology IA CTNA101 7 12 R5500.00
Clinical Technology Practice in Neurophysiology IB CTNB101 7 16 R4130.00
Instrumentation and Tech for Clinical Tech in Neurophysiology IA ITNA101 7 12 R5500.00
Instrumentation and Tech for Clinical Tech in Neurophysiology IB ITNB101 7 16 R5500.00
Total Credits 80
TOTAL R28880.00
Fourth Year Curriculum
Specialisation in Nephrology
Healthcare Management Practice HCMP101 8 12 R4950.00
Personal and Professional Development IV PPDV401 8 12 R3580.00
Research Project A RPJA101 8 12 R4130.00
Research Project B RPJB101 8 16 R4130.00
Health care management II HLCM201 8 16 R4130.00
Clinical Instruction CLIN101 8 16 R5500.00
Small Business Management SBSM101 8 16 R2380.00
Total Credits 100
TOTAL R28800.00
Specialisation in Cardiology
Clinical Technology Practice in Cardiology IIA CTCA201 8 16 R5510.00
Clinical Technology Practice in Cardiology IIB CTCB201 8 16 R5510.00
Instrumentation and Tech for Clinical Technology in Cardiology IIA ITCA201 8 12 R4130.00
Instrumentation and Tech for Clinical Technology in Cardiology IIB ITCB201 8 16 R5510.00
Total Credits 60
TOTAL 20660.00
Specialisation in Critical care
Clinical Technology Practice in Critical Care IIA CCCA201 8 16 R5500.00
Clinical Technology Practice in Critical Care IIB CCCB201 8 16 R5500.00
Instrumentation and Tech for Clinical Technology in Critical Care IIA ICRA201 8 12 R4130.00
Instrumentation and Tech for Clinical Technology in Critical Care IIB ICRB201 8 16 R5500.00
Total Credits 60
TOTAL R20630.00
Specialisation in Neurophysiology
Clinical Technology Practice in Neurophysiology IIA CTNA201 8 16 R5510.00
Clinical Technology Practice in Neurophysiology IIB CTNB201 8 16 R5510.00
Instrumentation and Tech for Clinical Tech in Neurophysiology IIA ITNA201 8 12 R4130.00
Instrumentation and Tech for Clinical Tech in Neurophysiology IIB ITNB201 8 16 R5510.00
Total Credits 60
TOTAL R20660.00
Specialisation in Nephrology
Clinical Technology Practice in Nephrology IIA CTPA201 8 16 R5510.00
Clinical Technology Practice in Nephrology IIB CTPB201 8 16 R5510.00
Instrumentation and Tech for Clinical Technology in Nephrology IIA ITPA201 8 12 R4130.00
Instrumentation and Tech for Clinical Technology in Nephrology IIB ITPB201 8 16 R5510.00
Total Credits 60
TOTAL R20660.00
Specialisation in Perfusion
Clinical Technology Practice in Perfusion IIA CPPA201 8 16 R5500.00
Clinical Technology Practice in Perfusion IIb CPPB201 8 16 R5510.00
Instrumentation and Tech for Clinical Technology in Perfusion IIA ITFA201 8 12 R4130.00
Instrumentation and Tech for Clinical Technology in Perfusion IIB ITFB201 8 16 R5510.00
Total Credits 60
TOTAL R20650.00
Specialisation in Pulmonology
Clinical Technology Practice in Pulmonology IIA CTLA201 8 16 R5510.00
Clinical Technology Practice in Pulmonology IIB CTLB201 8 16 R5510.00
Instrumentation and Tech for Clinical Technology in Pulmonology IIA ITLA201 8 12 R4130.00
Instrumentation and Tech for Clinical Technology in Pulmonology IIB ITLB201 8 16 R5510.00
Total Credits 60
TOTAL R20660.00
Specialisation in Reproductive Biology
Clinical Technology Practice in Reproductive Biology IIA CTRA201 8 16 R5510.00
Clinical Technology Practice in Reproductive Biology IIB CTRB201 8 16 R5510.00
Instrumentation & Tech for Clin Tech in Reproductive Biology IIA ITBA201 8 12 R4130.00
Instrumentation and Tech for Clin Tech in Reproductive Biology IIB ITBB201 8 16 R5510.00
Total Credits 60
TOTAL R20660.00
Applicants who wish to enrol for the programme must apply through the CAO system by no later than 30 September of the
previous year.

For Application Forms

Contact the Central Applications Office (C.A.O.)

Address letters to:

Central Applications Office
Private Bag X06
Tel: (031) 2684444
Fax: (031) 2684422
Internet: http://www.cao.ac.za


Closing Date for applications: 30 September 2023

For Further Information

Contact the Department of Biomedical and Clinical Technology
Durban University of Technology
P O Box 1334
Tel: (031) 373 5411
Fax: (031) 373 5295

Financial Aid:
For Financial Aid application for a DUT programme please apply online at www.nsfas.org.za or call the NSFAS call centre on
0860 067 327.

For an explanation on how to fill out the application form, please go to www.nsfas.org.za
or contact the call centre on the number above.

Please note that completing a form does not guarantee Financial Aid. For further assistance, please consult the Department of
Financial Aid and Scholarships on (031)3732931/2557/2054.

This leaflet is for information purposes only and is not binding on the Durban University of Technology

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