This document is a student record from the San Simon University Information System containing information about 141 students enrolled in the Database II course. It includes each student's name, student ID number, major, second exam score, final exam score, and final grade. The records are sorted by student ID number.
This document is a student record from the San Simon University Information System containing information about 141 students enrolled in the Database II course. It includes each student's name, student ID number, major, second exam score, final exam score, and final grade. The records are sorted by student ID number.
This document is a student record from the San Simon University Information System containing information about 141 students enrolled in the Database II course. It includes each student's name, student ID number, major, second exam score, final exam score, and final grade. The records are sorted by student ID number.
This document is a student record from the San Simon University Information System containing information about 141 students enrolled in the Database II course. It includes each student's name, student ID number, major, second exam score, final exam score, and final grade. The records are sorted by student ID number.
Valentin Laime Zapata Estudiantes por Materia 19/01/2024 06:46:28 Materia: BASE DE DATOS II (2010016) Grupo: 1 Gestión: 3/2023 Fuente: SIS Docente: CHECA LOPEZ MORGAN HUASCAR Código: 202300350
Lampiran: Keputusan Rektor Nomor: 252/UN20/KM/2020 Tanggal: 3 Agustus 2020 Tentang: Penetapan Penerima Beasiswa KIP-Kuliah Semester Ganjil Tahun Akademik 2020/2021