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Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology

Faculty of Information Technology 1

Discrete Mathematics 2

Basic Concepts in Graph Theory

Ngo Xuan Bach

 Graph Definitions
 Basic Terms in Undirected Graphs
 Basic Terms in Directed Graphs
 Some Special Types of Graphs

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Undirected Simple Graph
 Definition 1: Undirected simple graph 𝐺 = < 𝑉, 𝐸 >:
o 𝑉 is the set of vertices
o 𝐸 is the set of edges, consisting of unordered pairs of two distinct
vertices in 𝑉
o There is at most one edge connecting two vertices

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Undirected Multigraph
 Definition 2: Undirected multigraph 𝐺 = < 𝑉, 𝐸 >:
o 𝑉 is the set of vertices
o 𝐸 is the set of edges, consisting of unordered pairs of two distinct
vertices in 𝑉
o 𝑒1 ∈ 𝐸, 𝑒2 ∈ 𝐸 are called multiple edges if they connect the same
two vertices, 𝑒1 = 𝑢, 𝑣 , 𝑒2 = 𝑢, 𝑣

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Undirected Pseudograph
 Definition 3: Undirected pseudograph 𝐺 = < 𝑉, 𝐸 >
o 𝑉 is the set of vertices
o 𝐸 is the set of edges, consisting of unordered pairs of two (maybe
the same) vertices in 𝑉

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Directed Simple Graph
 Definition 4: Directed simple graph 𝐺 = < 𝑉, 𝐸 >:
o 𝑉 is the set of vertices
o 𝐸 is the set of edges (arrows), consisting of ordered pairs of two
distinct vertices in 𝑉
o There is at most one edge (arrow) from a vertex to another one

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Directed Multigraph
 Definition 5: Directed multigraph 𝐺 = < 𝑉, 𝐸 >:
o 𝑉 is the set of vertices
o 𝐸 is the set of edges (arrows), consisting of ordered pairs of two
distinct vertices in 𝑉
o 𝑒1 ∈ 𝐸, 𝑒2 ∈ 𝐸 are called multiple arrows if they connect the same
two vertices, 𝑒1 = 𝑢, 𝑣 , 𝑒2 = 𝑢, 𝑣

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 We will focus on Undirected Simple Graph and Directed
Simple Graph
 “Undirected Graph” means “Undirected Simple Graph”
 “Directed Graph” means “Directed Simple Graph”

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 Graph Definitions
 Basic Terms in Undirected Graphs
 Basic Terms in Directed Graphs
 Some Special Types of Graphs

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Vertex Degree
 Definition 1: Two vertices 𝑢 and 𝑣 of undirected graph
𝐺 =< 𝑉, 𝐸 > are said to be adjacent if there is an edge
connecting them. If 𝑒 = (𝑢, 𝑣) is an edge of undirected
graph 𝐺, e is said to be incident to 𝑢 and 𝑣; two vertices
𝑢 and 𝑣 are said to be the endpoints of edge 𝑒.

 Definition 2: The degree of a vertex 𝑣 of an undirected

graph, denoted by deg(𝑣) , is the number of edges
incident to the vertex.

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 deg(𝑎) = 2, deg(𝑏) = deg(𝑐) = deg(𝑓) = 4;
 deg(𝑒) = 3, deg(𝑑) = 1, deg(𝑔) = 0.

 An isolated vertex is a vertex with degree zero (e.g. 𝑔)

 A leaf vertex (also terminal vertex) is a vertex with
degree one (e.g. 𝑑)

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Sum of Degrees of Vertices Theorem
 Theorem 1: Suppose an undirected graph 𝐺 =< 𝑉, 𝐸 >
has m edges, then we have: σ𝑣∈𝑉 deg 𝑣 = 2𝑚.
 Proof: for each edge 𝑒 = (𝑢, 𝑣), degree is counted one
time in deg(𝑢) and one time in deg(𝑣). Therefore, sum of
the degrees of the vertices equals twice the number of

 Corollary 1: For any undirected graph, the number of

vertices with odd degree is even.

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Path, Circuit
 Definition 1: Path with length 𝑛 from vertex 𝑢 to vertex 𝑣 in
undirected graph 𝐺 =< 𝑉, 𝐸 > is sequence 𝑥0 , 𝑥1 , . . . , 𝑥𝑛−1 , 𝑥𝑛 ,
in which 𝑛 is a positive integer, 𝑥0 = 𝑢, 𝑥𝑛 = 𝑣, (𝑥𝑖 , 𝑥𝑖+1 ) ∈ 𝐸,
𝑖 = 0, 1, 2, . . . , 𝑛 − 1.
 The above path can be represented as a sequence of
edges (𝑥0 , 𝑥1 )(𝑥1 , 𝑥2 ) , . . . , (𝑥𝑛−1 , 𝑥𝑛 ).
 𝑢 is the starting point and 𝑣 is the ending point of the path

 A circuit is a path ending at the starting point (𝑢 = 𝑣)

 A path or a circuit is said to be simple if there is no repetition
of edges
 A cycle is a simple circuit with no repeated vertices other than
the first and last ones
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 𝑎, 𝑑, 𝑐, 𝑓, 𝑒 is a simple path with length 4
 𝑑, 𝑒, 𝑐, 𝑏 is not a path because (𝑒, 𝑐) is not an edge
 𝑏, 𝑐, 𝑓, 𝑒, 𝑏 is a circuit with length 4
 Path with length 5 𝑎, 𝑏, 𝑒, 𝑑, 𝑎, 𝑏 is not simple because
(𝑎, 𝑏) appears twice

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Connected Graph
 Definition 2: An undirected graph is said to be
connected if there is a path between every pair of

 If 𝐺 =< 𝑉, 𝐸 > is not connected, 𝐺 consists of several

connected subgraphs (two subgraphs do not share any
o Each such subgraph is called a connected component of 𝐺
o An undirected graph is connected if and only if it has only one
connected component

 In an undirected graph, if there exist a vertex 𝑢 ∈ 𝑉 such

that there is a path from 𝑢 to all the other vertices of 𝑉,
the graph is connected
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 Undirected graph 𝐺 consists of 3 connected components

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Bridge, Cut Vertex
 Definition 3: In an undirected graph, a bridge is an
edge of the graph whose deletion increases its number of
connected components. A cut vertex is a vertex whose
deletion (with its boundary edges) increases its number
of connected components.
 Examples: (5,9) and (5,10) are bridges; 5,6 are cut

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 Graph Definitions
 Basic Terms in Undirected Graphs
 Basic Terms in Directed Graphs
 Some Special Types of Graphs

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Indegree and Outdegree
 Definition 1: If 𝑒 = (𝑢, 𝑣) is an arrow of directed graph
𝐺, then 𝑢 and 𝑣 is said to be adjacent. Vertex 𝑣 is called
the head end and vertex 𝑢 is called the tail end of arrow
(𝑢, 𝑣).

 Definition 2: In a directed graph, the number of arrows

ending at a vertex is called the indegree of the vertex
(denoted by 𝑑𝑒𝑔− (𝑣)) and the number of arrows starting
at a vertex is its outdegree (denoted by 𝑑𝑒𝑔+ (𝑣)).

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 𝑑𝑒𝑔+ 𝑎 = 2, 𝑑𝑒𝑔+ 𝑏 = 2, 𝑑𝑒𝑔+ 𝑐 = 0,
𝑑𝑒𝑔+ (𝑑) = 2, 𝑑𝑒𝑔+ (𝑒) = 1.
 𝑑𝑒𝑔− 𝑎 = 1, 𝑑𝑒𝑔− 𝑏 = 1, 𝑑𝑒𝑔− 𝑐 = 2,
𝑑𝑒𝑔− (𝑑) = 2, 𝑑𝑒𝑔− (𝑒) = 1.

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Sum of Indegrees/Outdegrees
of Vertices Theorem
 Theorem 1: For any directed graph 𝐺 =< 𝑉, 𝐸 >, we
have: σ𝑣∈𝑉 𝑑𝑒𝑔+ (𝑣) = σ𝑣∈𝑉 𝑑𝑒𝑔− (𝑣) = |𝐸|.
 Proof: Each arrow (𝑢, 𝑣) is counted one time in 𝑑𝑒𝑔− 𝑣
and one time in 𝑑𝑒𝑔+ 𝑣 .

 Notes:
o Many properties of directed graphs do not depend on directions.
In some cases, we can ignore the directions on arrows.
o The undirected graph receiving by removing directions on arrows
is called the corresponding undirected graph.

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Path, Circuit
 Definition 1: Path with length 𝑛 from vertex 𝑢 to vertex
𝑣 in directed graph 𝐺 =< 𝑉, 𝐸 > is sequence
𝑥0 , 𝑥1 , . . . , 𝑥𝑛−1 , 𝑥𝑛 , in which 𝑛 is a positive integer, 𝑥0 =
𝑢, 𝑥𝑛 = 𝑣, (𝑥𝑖 , 𝑥𝑖+1 ) ∈ 𝐸, 𝑖 = 0, 1, 2, . . . , 𝑛 − 1.
 The above path can be represented as a sequence of
arrows (𝑥0 , 𝑥1 )(𝑥1 , 𝑥2 ) , . . . , (𝑥𝑛−1 , 𝑥𝑛 )
 𝑢 is the starting point and 𝑣 is the ending point of the

 A circuit is a path ending at the starting point (𝑢 = 𝑣)

 A path or a cycle is said to be simple if there is no
repetition of arrows
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Strongly Connected Graph,
Weakly Connected Graph
Definition 2: Directed graph 𝐺 =< 𝑉, 𝐸 > is said to be
strongly connected if there is a path between every pair of
Definition 3: Directed graph 𝐺 =< 𝑉, 𝐸 > is said to be
weakly connected if its corresponding undirected graph is

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 Definition 4: An orientation of an undirected graph is
an assignment of a direction to each edge, turning the
initial graph into a directed graph. A strong orientation is
an orientation that results in a strongly connected graph.

 Theorem 1: For any undirected graph 𝐺 =< 𝑉, 𝐸 >,

there exists a strong orientation on 𝐺 if and only if all its
edges are not bridge.

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 Graph Definitions
 Basic Terms in Undirected Graphs
 Basic Terms in Directed Graphs
 Some Special Types of Graphs

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Complete Graph
 Complete graph 𝑛 vertices, denoted by 𝐾𝑛 , is a simple
undirected graph that exists an edge connecting between
two every vertices
 Number of edges:

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Cycle Graph
 Cycle graph 𝑛 vertices, denoted by 𝐶𝑛 (𝑛 ≥ 3) is a
simple undirected graph consisting of edges
(1,2), (2,3), … , (𝑛 − 1, 𝑛), (𝑛, 1)

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Wheel Graph
 Wheel graph 𝑛 vertices, denoted by 𝑊𝑛 is a graph
formed by connecting a single vertex to all vertices of a
cycle graph 𝐶𝑛−1 .

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Bipartite Graph (Bigraph)
 Bigraph 𝐺 =< 𝑉, 𝐸 > is a graph whose vertices can be
divided into two disjoint sets 𝑋 and 𝑌 and such that
every edge connects a vertex in to one in, i.e. (𝑥, 𝑦), in
which 𝑥 ∈ 𝑋 and 𝑦 ∈ 𝑌.

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Exercise 1
 Determine the degree of each vertex in the below
undirected graph
2 5

1 7

3 6

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Exercise 2
 Determine the indegree and outdegree of each vertex in
the below directed graph

2 5

1 7

3 6

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