HSB Syllabus PrinciplesofMarketing 2023
HSB Syllabus PrinciplesofMarketing 2023
HSB Syllabus PrinciplesofMarketing 2023
November 2022
Course dates: 29 May – 21 June 2023
Credit hours: 3 credit hours
Professor Dr. Eileen D. Weisenbach Keller
Professor of Marketing
Email: weisenbace1@nku.edu
Course Description:
Students will analyze a German owned company to learn how international organizations
use marketing to accomplish the organization’s goals. Insights about Product, Price, Place
and Promotion will introduce students to the importance of this business function.
Through study, practice and reflection this course will enable students to become
skilled in the following ways:
Attendance/Participation (50 Total Points): Class attendance and participation during class
and all tours, visits and events is mandatory. Participation in class discussions is valuable
because the more you engage with a subject, the better you learn and remember it.
Participating in class discussion provides students with 1) a deeper, more personal
understanding of the concepts and 2) practice at applying concepts to real world problems.
The program will include a guided city tour and business excursions. Each of these counts as
a class.
Exams (200 total points): There will be two exams, equally weighted (100 points) and
cumulative. Exams may consist of a combination of multiple choice, essay or other types of
questions. Exam questions will be based on in‐class lecture materials, student presentation
materials, information from class trips taken and any assigned business articles.
Marketing in Germany Presentation (25 total points): Students are required to select any
product (i.e., good or service) and compare/contrast how it is marketed in Germany
compared to their home country. Students must identify all marketing variables that are
covered when analyzing the brand selected as the “client brand” for the course. Student
must compare and contrast the German marketing to a related to the product and
compare/contrast those variables to its domestic counterpart. Students are required to
incorporate audio/visual elements into their presentation (e.g., an image or slide show of
comparable elements). For example, students may decide to compare how a can of Pepsi is
marketed and sold in Bremen to that of the United States. Students will present on assigned
dates during the term. Students may choose to work with one partner on this project. If this
option is chosen the twosome must use a creative means of explaining their findings;
something other than Powerpoint. These students will be graded, in part, for their creativity
and can earn extra credit for bringing creativity to the presentation
Customer Experience Report (25 total points): This report requires you to report on shopping
experiences at two (2) German businesses of your choosing. The type of businesses you
interact with must be from the following: 1) a non‐food retail establishment and 2) a
food/drink service establishment. You many only report on one business from each
category. The report must provide details about the product or service (i.e., store/provider
name, location, date, price, products/services purchased), your assessment of the “value”
the company created, and how it compares and contrasts to a similar shopping experience in
your home country.
You will be graded on completeness and the thoughtful detail associated with your
A 300 – 270
B+ 269 – 260
B 259 – 240
C+ 239 – 230
C 229 – 210
D+ 209 – 200
D 199 – 180
F < 180
Grading System:
German Grade 1,0 – 1,5 1,6 – 1,9 2,0 ‐ 2,2 2,3 – 2,5 2,6 – 3,2 3,3 ‐ 3,5 3,6 – 4,0 >4,0
US Grade A A‐ B+ B B‐ C+ C F