Report - MARIUs
Report - MARIUs
Report - MARIUs
Peace-Work-Fatherland Paix-Travail-Patrie
***** *****
Presented by
Academic supervisor
Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Signature: ……………………………………………………………….
Date: ………………………………………………..
Professional supervisor
Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Signature: ……………………………………………………………
Date: ………………………………………………………………….
President of Jury
Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Signature: ……………………………………………………..
Date: …………………………………………………………….
To my parentsI dedicate this report to my lovely parents whose prayers, affection and support are
always a source of encouragement for me to reach at this destination and a humble icon for others
in future.
I will like first of all thanks the almighty God who gave us force to have accomplish this work Commented [RD1]: No God
I appreciate and I will like to thanks all the people that put their effort in this work so as to perform
it very well at it is.
Mr. PIERRE CARREL AMOUGUI MVENG, the creator of the project of MVENG
Mr. YOUMTO ERNEST, the General Director of ISTAG.
Mr. DEMANOU YMELE REMEO, my Academic Supervisor.
Mr. PIERRE CARREL AMOUGUI MVENG, my Professional Supervisor.
All the staff of ISTAG OMNISPORT campus.
Our technology is getting more advanced day by day and mobile is the one of the most important part of this
technology. Where we’re talking about mobile, nowadays android take up the largest part of the market which
means android operating system based mobiles are the most used these days. Our finding shows that students
and jobseekers have difficulties in finding internship and employment or there are not inform that enterprises
are recruiting for internship or employment. Hence we are interested to develop a mobile application that
enable student, jobseekers in finding internship or employment depending on their skill or the skill there wish
to acquire and knowing which competitive entrance exam is available in institutions depending the
geographical location and also providing the possibility for companies and institutions in informing the mobile
application users of their various offers.
Key words:
List of tables
List of tables
CERTIFICATION ........................................................................................................................ ii
DEDICATION .............................................................................................................................. iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................iv
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... v
IDENTIFICATION LIST.............................................................................................................ix
CHAPTER ONE: GENERAL INTRODUCTION...................................................................... 1
1.0 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY....................................................................................... 1
1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT..................................................................................................... 2
1.2 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY .............................................................................................. 4
1.2.1 General objectives ............................................................................................................ 4
1.2.2 Specific objectives ........................................................................................................... 4
1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS .................................................................................................... 6
1.4 SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS ............................................................................................... 6
1.4.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................ 6
1.4.2 Limitations ....................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS OF TERMS ...................................................................... 6
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................. 8
2.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 8
2.1 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK .......................................................................................... 8
2.2 - EMPIRICAL STUDY ........................................................................................................ 10
3.0 - INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 17
3.1 - METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION .............................................................................. 17
3.1.1 - Primary Data Collection Methods ............................................................................... 17
3.1.2 - Secondary Data Collection Methods ........................................................................... 18
3.2- TECHNIQUES/TOOLS FOR DATA COLLECTION ....................................................... 18
3.3 - POPULATION ................................................................................................................... 19
3.4- SAMPLING TECHNIQUES AND PROCEDURES .......................................................... 20
Number of 12 employées
Professional mobile application are an important resource for students, jobseekers and
enterprises which provide an opportunity for
Having access to such mobile application makes it easier for users to connect to others and
expand their own network. Most of the student and jobseeker using IT technology are young adult
aged about 18 or more. These young adults, who are about to enter a competitive employment and
internship market, can benefit from professional mobile applications tremendously in order to
launch a career upon graduating.
Since mobile application can be a powerful source for young adult in terms of providing
valuable career and opportunities, using the resource available online on mobile applications can
create a competitive edge in the professional word. Teaching the student how to utilize the mobile
application can help connect the right person with the right position. Being able to find reasons
why the service is neglected and what can be done to change that can draw more young adults to
the mobile application, giving them access to the mobile application that offers a broad and wide
range services to its users.
Some companies, students, jobseekers and institutions nowadays face some problems
because they are not using the adequate mobile application;
A. Lack of visibility
Most new-coming enterprises don’t have enough of postulants because they are not
seen on the web. Nowadays the majority of people are now found on mobile
applications and they know that with internet everything is possible to find
something. People are now concentrated on the web than to go outside and start
moving up and down to find good services from enterprises. So than to move up
and down they prefer to stay on their devices scrolling up and down seeing
enterprises proposing their services. When an enterprise is not seen on the web it
may affect its performance.
B. Difficulties in finding
i. Internship
Finding an internship in Cameroon can be quite tedious task. In fact, many
student complains about having difficulties to find remunerated or non-
remunerated internship opportunities or professional experience in the
country. You are therefore advised to start your internship search in some
mobile applications offering those services.
ii. Employment
To crack any competitive exam, you first need to understand the pre-requisites for the examination.
Before appearing for the examination, you should completely review syllabus of the exam, various
subjects, and weightage given to each subject, so that you can plan your study accordingly. A look
at the previous papers of the exam may also help you get an idea about the exam pattern. Therefore
the use of an application that can put to your disposal those information is necessary.
The scope of my study in mobile development is to talk about the benefit of the mobile applications
to have better connectivity between the student, jobseekers, companies and institutions.
1.4.2 Limitations
It is but normal to face some difficulties while carrying out an activity or a research. We saw
a difference in what we did theoretically in class to what we practiced there. Again a slight
difficulty to assimilate the climate of an enterprise, know how the business world functions.
Further, a language barrier since the tasks are performed in French while our theoretical concepts
where in English.
Mobile application; is a kind of application software intended to run on a mobile phone, for
example a smartphone or tablet PC .
A platform; refers here to a group of technologies (hardware (computer) and software (operating
system)) that are used as a base upon which other applications, processes or technologies are
Internship; is a professional learning experience that offers meaningful, practical work related to
a student’s field of study or career interest.
Advances in mobile technology have enable a wide range of applications to
be developed that can be used by people on the move. Developers sometimes
overlook the fact that users will want to interact while on the move. Small screen
sizes, limited connectivity, high power consumption rates and limited input
modalities are just some of the issues that arise when designing for small, portable
devices. . Given the noticeable progress of mobile technologies, the question is how
mobile development is being employed by practitioners and into what extent this
progress is being followed by scholars and academics.
During the last two decades, new technological developments such as, the Internet,
and smartphones, have profoundly impacted every part of economic, political and
social life. The integration of mobile devices reorganized the activities of business
organization; thus by adopting business process mobile development, companies
have started to gain market and operational efficiency.
According to Figure 3, we could observe that the engineering area has had a great
preponderance on the mobile developing landscape (10%), as it is influencing, for
We have also explored the journal distribution, which refers to the largest number
of publications in the mobile development scope (Figure 4). We also cross-checked
the journal distribution with Scimago2 Journal Ranking (SJR indicator), which
measures the journal’s impact, influence and prestige that is measured from Q1 (best
indexed journals) until Q4 (lowest indexed journals).
Figure 5 shows that there is a higher incidence of empirical studies when compared
to the conceptual ones, which shows that there is still room to study the phenomenon
from a conceptual point of view, so future research should focus more on defining
the theoretical foundations of the field.
We could also verify that most part of the empirical research were
qualitative case studies, which according to Yin have no generalization perspectives,
only theoretical, and therefore it would be useful to invest on quantitative research
methods to allow generalization. There is also a great lack of mixed studies and
therefore it would be more valuable to draw more attention in that regard. Mixed
studies allow researchers or a team of researchers to combine elements of qualitative
and quantitative research approaches for a broader purpose of breadth and depth of
understanding and corroboration. Moreover, there is a level of agreement that mixed
studies are superior in comparison with single methods, as are less prone to errors or
biased conclusions.
Methodology is the study of research methods or a body of methods, rules, and postulates
employed by a discipline or more formally contextual framework for research, a coherent and
logical scheme based on views, beliefs, and values that guides the choices researchers or other
Kallet , richard H in respiratory care 49 (October 2004) said methodology section describe
actions to be taken to investigate a research problem and the rational for the application of specific
procedures and techniques used to identify, select, process and analyze information applied to
understanding the problem thereby allowing the reader to critically evaluate a study’s overall
validity and reliability .
Curing my internship at Mveng Engineering, I could retrieve data from the job market of the
mobile development by observing it. Making direct observations of simplistic phenomena can be
a very quick and effective way of collecting data with minimal intrusion. Establishing the right
mechanism for making the observation is all you need. Gathering firsthand information in the field
gives the observer a holistic perspective that helps them to understand the context in which the item
being studied operates or exists.
Questionnaires are often used when information is sought from a large number of people or on a
wide range of topics (where in-depth responses are not necessary). They can contain yes/no,
true/false, multiple choice, scaled, or open-ended questions or all of the above. The same survey
can be conducted at spaced intervals to measure change over time.
This is usually a purposeful discussion between two or more people, which help to gather valid and
reliable data that are relevant to the research questions and objectives. The interview method of
data collection involves presentation of oral verbal stimuli and reply in terms of oral-verbal
responses. This method can be used through personal interviews and if possible, through telephone
interview (Kothari, 2004:97). During the interview the researcher used a list of themes and
questions to be covered. The order of questions may be varied however, depending on the flows of
the conversation. The interview is selected because more information can be obtained; there is
greater flexibility under this method as the opportunity to restructure questions is always there,
especially in case of unstructured interviews.
In this study the researcher expected to conduct an interview with employees and other people. In
each group, relevant details and relevant information about the importance of mobile development
to a company, an institution, a student and a jobseekers.
Telephone interviews are less expensive than in-person interviews, and provide access to anyone
in the world with a phone. They also provide a measure of anonymity that may encourage the
respondent to be more forthcoming with their answers. But they lack the rich data of face-to-face
According to Borg and Gall (1983:238) the term population refers to all the people who
could be included in a study. In this study, the target population was all people dealing online
During the internship realize that we can find more people online than physically .meaning that my
target populations are people found online and my accessible population is the personnel of the
The population selected was designed to obtain adequate and diverse views regarding the level and
the importance of mobile application. It consists of clients of the firm MVENG ENGINEERING.
The rational for choosing this population rests in the assumption that the said population has the
appropriate required knowledge for the study.
3.4.2-Sampling Techniques
Sampling may be defined as the selection of some part of an aggregate or totality on the basis
of which judgment or inference about the aggregate or totality is made. It is the process of obtaining
information about an entire population by examining only a party of it (Kothari, 2004:152).
For the sake of this work, both primary and secondary data were used. The primary data
are collected by the researcher through the use of questionnaires while the secondary data are
collected from website. The purposeful sampling techniques were employed for the selection of
the sample persons. The following parameters were also considered in the sampling process, the
age, the gender, the experience. The variable of age ranged from 20-50 years and the specific age
of each respondent will be required on the questionnaire. Therefore, this study employed simple
random sampling and stratified sampling.
Haralambos, (1993), explains that simple random sampling refers to the procedure in which each
person in the population has the same known probability of being selected.
This is often achieved by assigning numbers to each sample unit and selecting members of the
sample by using a random table. Each member of the population under study has equal chance of
being selected.
b. Stratified Sampling
Moser, (1988) stipulates that stratified sampling uses knowledge of the population to increase the
representation and precision of the sample. This is the process of dividing population into
homogeneous groups. Each group contained subjects with similar characters. For example, group
A might contain males and females and group B males and females.
c. Sample Size
Dixon et al, (1991), Define sample as a small part of the larger population. Given the nature
of the study and time available to carry out the study, a sample of 13 respondents was picked with
the aid of the table of random numbers. The data consisted units like respondents’ characteristics
which included personal characteristics, individual experience on capitation grants in secondary
Real number of
Types of respondents Total respondents
Customers 40 25
Total 50 30
The information which was collected from the data collection technique (interviews, observation
and questionnaires) as well as data collection instrument (questionnaires) was qualitatively
presented. Research questions were used as an appropriate guide to provide frame work for the
The method here was use to analyze the result gotten from the administration of
questions, observation and interviews which was done by the researcher. We first start by preparing
a questionnaires which was based on our research questions. And this questionnaire was sub
divided into three section (A and B)
3.6.1 - Introduction
An internship is a professional learning experience that offers meaningful, practical work
related to a student’s field of study or career interest. An internship gives a student the opportunity
for career exploration and development, and to learn new skills. It offers the employer the
opportunity to bring new ideas and energy into the workplace, develop talent and potentially build
a pipeline for future full-time employees.
An internship:
Orients the student to the organization, its culture and proposed work assignment(s).
To gain real work experience and provide meaningful assistance to the company. They
don’t want to be gophers!
To receive an orientation to the company for which they are interning. This introduces the
student to the company’s mission and goals and provides them with information about
company rules, regulations and procedures. It also introduces the intern to fellow employees
who they can go to in the future with questions
The first month of the internship was devoted to discussions around the project in order to
properly situate the theme in its environment and to highlight its advantages and limitations;
Every morning with our supervisor, a 30-minute update was made on the progress of the
work so that we could explain our various problems and misunderstandings to him;
The first month of internship was also for us a period of learning the plat forms that were
going to be used for the development of our project. It was a question for us to learn the
basics of the platforms and try to see what tools would be necessary for the project;
The second month, and more particularly the first 2 weeks of our internship period, were
dedicated to the analysis of the project and the drafting of the design. When we arrived in
the company, the specifications had already been established which facilitated the analysis
of the project;
Visual Studio Code
Android Studio Code
a) Flutter
since 2015 when Google introduced it and remained in the beta stage before its
official launch in December 2018. Since then, the buzz around Flutter has been growing stronger.
Flutter is now the top 11 software repos based on Git Hub stars. Moreover, we’ve already seen
thousands of Flutter apps being published on app stores. One of the most notable examples is the
Benefit of flutter
It serves you time and money
Flutter is a cross-platform development tool. That means software developers can
use the same code base for building an IOS and Android app. Cross-platform
development is the best method for saving time and resources throughout the
development process.
Flutter is an open-source technology surrounded by an active community of
developers who provide support, contribute to the tool’s extensive documentation,
and develop helpful resources. Both Dart and Flutter are free to use.
Another advantage of Flutter is the fact that it comes with its own widgets that
result in fewer compatibility issues. Developers will see fewer problems on
different OS versions and can spend less time on testing the app on older OS
versions. Also, you can be confident that your app will work on future OS versions.
Integrated Version Control (Built-in Git): Visual Studio Code has Git integration
built-in, which makes it really easy to instantly see the changes you’re making in
your project. On the left of the sidebar, we can find the Git icon where we can
initialize Git as well as perform several Git commands such as commit, pull, push,
rebase, publish, and look into the changes within the file.
One of the key features of Visual Studio Code is its great debugging support. VS
Code’s built-in debugger helps accelerate your edit, compile and debug loop.
By default, it comes with support for Node.JS and can debug anything that is
transpired to JavaScript but other runtimes like C++ or Python will require an
extension to be installed.
We can set breakpoints, look into call stack or variables at run time, and pause or
step through code execution.
Figure 10: Student use case Figure 11: Jobseeker use case
Phase 3: UI / UX design.
The purpose of an app’s design is to deliver seamless and effortless user experiences with a
polished look. The goal for mobile app UI and UX design was to create excellent user
experiences, making our app interactive, intuitive and user-friendly to keep users engaged.
They have in:
Their main activities is the Development of mobile applications, website, management software
and digital marketing.
Sense of ethics
Listening to customers
50% 50%
From the above diagram we can observe that the sample population was made up of equal male
and female responding.
Respondent Frequency
18 - 21 15
22 – 27 10
28 – 35 3
36 – 44 2
Total 30
18 - 21
22 – 27
28 – 35
36 – 44
In this above diagram, it show that the population sampling is made up of more younger ranging
from 18 to 21 years followed by 22 to 27 years having a percentage of 50% and 33% respectively
14 15
4 5
From the above figure, I have notice that from the sample population made up of
male and female, 15 of them of different ages have high interest in technology
Respondent Frequency
None 0
Once 2
Total 30
More than once
More than once
Looking at the figure and table above, from the sample population, someone cannot
pass a month without using a mobile application and for some other it is their pass
time of visiting mobile applications.
Respondent Frequency
To chat 17
To play games 8
To download 5
Total 30
To download
To chat To chat
To play games
27% 56% To play games
To download
People visit website for many different reasons. From my research, more people of
my population sampling having a percentage of 56% visited mobile application to
chat, 27% of that population use mobile application to play games while 17% visited
to download.
Yes 26 86
No 4 14
Total 30 100
The higher the population is aware of mobile development, the greater the
evolution of mobile application.
Table 8: Number of people that knows that having a mobile application is making part of mobile development
Figure 21: Do you know that having a mobile application is making part of mobile development?
From the data recorded we can see that 63% of the analyzed population is aware that having a
mobile application is part of mobile development and 37% is not aware. Meaning that mobile
application are somehow important.
Yes No
Figure 22: Do you think that mobile application is best for students, institutions, companies and jobseekers?
Question 9. .What portion of the population needs a mobile application to ease their research of
employment, internship or competitive exams?
Table 10: Portion of the population needs a mobile application to ease their research of employment, internship or
competitive exams
Less than 25%
More than 75%
51% - 75%
Question 10. How important are mobile technologies and capabilities to your organization?
Table 11: Important are mobile technologies and capabilities to your organization
Very Important 15
Important 5
Neither important nor unimportant 4
Unimportant 1
Very unimportant 0
This chapter summarize the findings of the study that relates to the objectives of the study.
The chapter also draws conclusion and recommendation made from the findings of the study.
Our finding shows that students and jobseekers have difficulties in finding
internship and employment or there are not inform that enterprises are recruiting
for internship or employment.
Not all mobile app developer can understand the target audiences easily. With
the aggressive competition, it is becoming a race to understand the audience
and look their attention long enough. Hence mobile app developers need to
understand the user persona and research to get the desired results.
Mobile app development must focus on ensuring that the application can meet
the requirement of the user. The mobile app developer must understand the
o Security.
With the cyber-attack at its peak, it is vital to focus on the security protocols
of mobile app development. Mobile app developers need to find all the
loopholes and ensures that the application is safe and secure from any malware
or viruses.
Jones, M., Marsden, G., & Ebooks Corporation. (2006). Mobile Interaction Design (1st
ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Leibowitz, M., & Ebooks Corporation. (2015). Xamarin Mobile Development for
Android Cookbook. Packt Publishing Ltd.
Marcus, A., & Ebooks Corporation. (2015). Mobile Persuasion Design: Changing
Behaviour by Combining Persuasion Design with Information Design: Vol.
Human–Computer Interaction Series. Springer London.
Neil, T., & Ebooks Corporation. (2012). Mobile design pattern gallery: UI patterns
for mobile applications. O’Reilly Media.
Robinson, S., Marsden, G., & Jones, M. (2015). There’s not an app for that: mobile
user experience design for life. Morgan Kaufmann.
Sir /Madame
21 or younger
22 to 27
28 to 35
36 to 44
45 to 52
Somewhat high
Very high
4. How many times have you visited a mobile application in the past month?
To make a purchase
8. Do you think that mobile application is best for students, institutions, companies
and jobseekers?
51% - 75%
25% - 50%
Very Important
Very unimportant