Project Proposal For Eping Alsaybar

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Project Proposal for Eping Alsaybar’s Eco-Farm Project


Prepared for: Protected Area Management Board

Community Environment and Natural Resources Office

Prepared by: Mr. Mervin V. Mateo

Mr. Martin D. Alsaybar

Rationale: Eco-Farming. Thus, we would like to request and propose the

installation of. This project will not only help the
stakeholders’ its own profit but also, it will generate income
to the Barangay thru its tax, and lastly it will give its local
residents employment.

Background: According to the Barangay Help Desk Officer

Objectives: To install street light in alleyways

To ensure the safety and security of all people wa;lking


Source of Fund/ Other Agencies Involve:


Non-Government Agencies

Department of Tourism

Materials Needed and Budget:

Expected Output/ Deadline:

Evaluation: The Proposed Project shall be inspected, assessed by the

concerned agencies.

The project site and being applied for Clearance/ Permit/ SAPA Certificate is
approximately 17200 square meters or 1.72 hectares which is already assessed by
the Personnel of Community Environment and Natural Resources Office
(CENRO- Muñoz).

The main objective of the project in the long term is to provide avenues for
exploring the full potential of ecotourism, set a stage for developing proper
facilities/ infrastructure, uncover related issues and will help Eping Alsaybar’s
Eco-Farm implement the recommendations in the form of ecotourism.

The project will also take into account developing enabling policy pertaining to
community based sustainable ecotourism promotion for livelihood security.

The positive aspect of the project is the pledge of the partner agencies in sharing
the local cost of facilitation in the field of work as the area directly falls within
the work scope of some other programs.

By developing ecotourism enterprise at Eping Alsaybar’s Eco-Farm, we not only

address the livelihood security issues but also reduce pressure on natural
resources in absence of livelihood options. The overall goal of this Eco-Farm
Project is to create visible small-scale enterprises to generate additional income
for local communities while providing incentives for sustainable natural resource
management at Eping Alsaybar’s Eco-Farm like for example, establishing a link
between income generation and conservation of natural resources.

The tourist activities in the proposed project will consist of trekking, hiking,
wildlife photography, scene sighting at view points and traditional folk music at
night. Tremendous opportunities exist for these and many more activities, which
needs to be streamlined with little efforts.

Consider also the concept of this project is directly linked to biodiversity and
then also one is the “multifocal” that aims to protect the environment thus
“climate change”, in that regard.

This project will be putting the system towards sustainable environment

management, as along with the ecotourism, avenues for promotion of other non-
timber forest products like medicinal plants, fresh fruits and dry fruits will also be


Abject Poverty coupled with lack of incentives for conservation such as

opportunities for capturing monetary values from the sustainable use of wild
resources is leading the local farming communities to exhibit indifference and
disregard for conservation initiatives. Widespread poverty and lack of income
generation opportunities amongst the local farming communities is forcing them
to rely ever more on the depleting wild resources and cause environmental
degradation and biodiversity loss.

a. Problem Statement
b. Rationale
c. Project Goal and Objectives
d. Project Outcomes/ Result
e. Project Results
f. Project Activities
g. Target Beneficiaries
h. Project Budget
i. Risk and Assumptions
j. Project Sustainability
k. Consideration of Crosscutting Issues
l. Monitoring and Evaluation

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