Final-Demystifying Physical Chemistry
Final-Demystifying Physical Chemistry
Final-Demystifying Physical Chemistry
Also feel free to contact the author using contacts or social media platforms at the
back cover of the book for clarity, recommendations, guidance or advice.
This is the only book that you will not regret to have come across.
All my parents and friends for their support, discipline and a spiritual guidance
My dear students in the various schools I have worked for their encouragement and
Lastly to my lovely daughters Joselyne Fortunate Kayiira and Jacqueline
Franches Kayiira
I wish to thank the following people without whom I would not be able to produce
this book.
First, my parents; Mrs. Nakavuma Harriet and Mr. Ssentume Fahad who
thought it wise that they should transmit some of the traits they are gifted with
through me to the next generations and my dear spouse, Noeline Nakasumba for
giving me ample time to make this wonderful compilation.
Senior teachers like Mr.Opia Richard, Mr.Mawejje Henry and Mr. Sseruuma
for the inspiration I got from them to write this book. Through their wonderful
lessons, I was guided and directed throughout my course of studying and applying
All colleagues in the profession, with whom we shared online or by a call for
solving some problems before we incorporated them in this text
I am finally grateful to Mr. Kibira Ivan, Hajj Sulait Kato Kasagga and Hajj
Mukasa Ibrahim for their guidance and encouragement in releasing this edition.
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................... 1
MATTER ....................................................................................................................................... 1
The structure of an atom .......................................................................................................... 1
The sub atomic particles ........................................................................................................... 2
Fundamental particles of an atom ........................................................................................... 2
Isotopic notation ........................................................................................................................ 4
Ionic formation .......................................................................................................................... 4
IUPAC nomenclature for cations, anions and salts ............................................................... 6
Naming monoatomic ions; cations and anions...................................................................................... 6
Naming polyatomic ions and compounds ............................................................................................. 7
The Stock system .................................................................................................................................. 9
Systemic/Correct/unambiguous name of some compounds ............................................................... 10
The selection of correct Roman numeral ............................................................................................ 10
Writing the formula of a binary compound......................................................................................... 11
MASS SPECTROMETRY ..................................................................................................... 11
The essential parts and operation of a modern mass spectrometer ..................................................... 11
Diagram showing the essential parts of a modern mass spectrometer ................................................ 12
Operation of a modern mass spectrometer .......................................................................................... 12
Uses of a mass spectrometer ............................................................................................................... 13
Advantages of a mass spectrometer over other methods of determining atomic or molecular mass .. 14
The mass spectrum .............................................................................................................................. 14
Interpreting a mass spectrum .............................................................................................................. 14
The use of a mass spectrum ................................................................................................................ 17
Average atomic mass .......................................................................................................................... 17
Relative atomic mass(Ar).................................................................................................................... 17
Relative molecular mass(Mr) .............................................................................................................. 18
More calculations involving data from mass spectrometry ................................................................ 18
Questions............................................................................................................................................. 21
THE MOLE CONCEPT ......................................................................................................... 24
Calculating molar masses of elements and compounds ...................................................................... 25
Molar mass-mole conversions ............................................................................................................ 25
Limiting reactants and excess reactants .............................................................................................. 27
Percentage yields in a chemical reaction ............................................................................................ 28
Experiment to demonstrate concept of limiting and excess reactants, theoretical yield, actual yield
and percentage yield............................................................................................................................ 28
Avogadro‟s law ................................................................................................................................... 32
Gay-Lussac‟s law ................................................................................................................................ 34
LABORATORY APPARATUS AND CHEMICALS ....................................................................... 34
Selection of apparatus for different experiments ................................................................................ 35
Laboratory rules and regulations for handling chemicals and apparatus ............................................ 35
Concentration ...................................................................................................................................... 36
Molarity (M) ....................................................................................................................................... 36
Difference between molarity and molality.......................................................................................... 36
Percentage by mass (% w/w) .............................................................................................................. 37
Percentage by volume (% v/v) ............................................................................................................ 38
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY STANDARDS .................................................................. 40
Preparation of standard solutions by weighing and dissolving in water ............................................. 42
VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS .................................................................................................. 43
Common terms used in volumetric analysis ....................................................................................... 43
Set up of apparatus for volumetric analysis ........................................................................................ 44
Acid-base titrations and use of data obtained ..................................................................................... 44
Exercise on dilution and standardisation............................................................................................. 48
Practical exercises on standardisation ................................................................................................. 48
Back titrations ..................................................................................................................................... 50
OXIDATION NUMBER (OXIDATION STATE) ............................................................... 54
Calculating oxidation state .................................................................................................................. 54
REDOX REACTIONS............................................................................................................ 57
(OXIDATION-REDUCTION REACTIONS) ...................................................................... 57
Deriving equations for redox reactions ............................................................................................... 61
Balancing redox reactions in alkaline media ...................................................................................... 65
Titration of redox reactions ................................................................................................................. 67
Potassium manganate(VII) titrations in acidic medium ...................................................................... 68
Sodium thiosulphate titrations ............................................................................................................ 71
PHYSICAL STATES OF MATTER ..................................................................................... 76
Inter-conversion between the states .................................................................................................... 76
Plasma ................................................................................................................................................. 77
The kinetic theory of matter ................................................................................................................ 77
Differences in the states of matter....................................................................................................... 78
Comparison of physical properties ..................................................................................................... 78
GASEOUS STATE OF MATTER ..................................................................................................... 79
The gaseous state in terms of kinetic theory of matter ........................................................................ 79
AN IDEAL GAS ................................................................................................................................. 79
Gas pressure ........................................................................................................................................ 79
Gas laws .............................................................................................................................................. 80
Examples on calculations involving gas laws ..................................................................................... 82
Ideal gas law ....................................................................................................................................... 82
Graham‟s law of gaseous diffusion ..................................................................................................... 85
Mole fraction of a gas, ................................................................................................................... 91
Dalton‟s law of partial pressure .......................................................................................................... 92
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution ........................................................................................................ 96
Deviation from Ideal behaviour .......................................................................................................... 97
Differences between a real gas and ideal gas ...................................................................................... 97
Conditions under which real gases behave like ideal gases ................................................................ 97
Correction of real gas behaviour by using van der Waals‟ equation ................................................ 100
Liquefaction of gases ........................................................................................................................ 101
LIQUID STATE OF MATTER ........................................................................................................ 103
The liquid state in terms of kinetic theory of matter ......................................................................... 103
Properties of a liquid ......................................................................................................................... 104
SOLID STATE OF MATTER .......................................................................................................... 107
The solid state in terms of kinetic theory of matter ......................................................................... 107
Phase changes in solids ..................................................................................................................... 108
Types of solids .................................................................................................................................. 108
COMPOSITION BY MASS ................................................................................................. 113
The percentage composition by mass of an element or a molecule in a compound ......................... 113
Empirical formulae and molecular formulae .................................................................................... 115
Calculations on empirical formulae and molecular formulae ........................................................... 116
CHAPTER TWO ...................................................................................................................... 133
ATOMIC STRUCTURE AND THE PERIODIC TABLE ................................................... 133
Fundamental particles of the atoms and radioactivity ...................................................... 133
Historical development of the atomic theory .................................................................................... 133
Modern theory of the atom................................................................................................................ 133
(a) John Dalton‟s atomic theory ..................................................................................................... 133
(b) The J.J Thomson model of an atom .......................................................................................... 134
(c) Ernest Rutherford‟s atomic model ............................................................................................ 135
Fundamental particles of the atom .................................................................................................... 135
RADIOACTIVITY ........................................................................................................................... 136
Discovery .......................................................................................................................................... 136
Types of radiations and their discovery ............................................................................................ 137
A comparison between the characteristics of the different types of radiations ................................. 138
Some other important particles involved in radioactivity ................................................................. 138
Radioisotopes .................................................................................................................................... 139
Nuclear reactions .............................................................................................................................. 139
Differences between chemical and nuclear reactions ....................................................................... 139
Balancing nuclear reaction equations................................................................................................ 140
RADIOACTIVE DECAY................................................................................................................. 146
Half life ............................................................................................................................................. 148
Graphical representation of radioactive decay .................................................................................. 152
Nuclear energy .................................................................................................................................. 155
Discovery .......................................................................................................................................... 155
Nuclear fission .................................................................................................................................. 155
Nuclear fusion ................................................................................................................................... 156
Nuclear power ................................................................................................................................... 157
Applications of radioactivity ............................................................................................................. 157
NUCLEAR STABILITY ...................................................................................................... 158
A summarized comparison between stable and unstable nuclei ....................................................... 158
Factors affecting nuclear stability ..................................................................................................... 159
ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE OF ATOMS ...................................................................... 161
Electromagnetic radiation ................................................................................................................. 161
Relationship between wavelength frequency, , and energy, . ................................................. 162
Using the equation in calculations .................................................................................................... 162
Atomic spectra .................................................................................................................................. 163
Types of spectra ................................................................................................................................ 163
A description of the hydrogen emission spectrum ............................................................................ 164
An explanation of the hydrogen spectrum ........................................................................................ 164
The application of the Rydberg equation .......................................................................................... 165
Energy level diagram for the hydrogen atom.................................................................................... 167
The significance of lines in the hydrogen spectrum.......................................................................... 168
The importance of the Convergence limit......................................................................................... 168
The Bohr‟s model of the hydrogen atom .......................................................................................... 168
Ionisation energy ............................................................................................................................... 169
Heisenberg‟s Uncertainty principle .................................................................................................. 171
The concept of quantum numbers ..................................................................................................... 171
Differentiation between an orbital and an orbital ............................................................................. 173
The Aufbau principle ........................................................................................................................ 174
Pauli Exclusion principle .................................................................................................................. 174
Hund‟s rule........................................................................................................................................ 174
Electronic configuration of atoms ..................................................................................................... 175
Electronic configuration of ions ........................................................................................................ 176
THE PERIODIC TABLE ..................................................................................................... 179
The historical development of the Periodic Table ............................................................................ 179
Unique position of Hydrogen in the Periodic Table ......................................................................... 180
The Modern Periodic Table .............................................................................................................. 181
Periodicity of atomic properties in the Periodic Table...................................................................... 185
Atomic and Ionic radius .................................................................................................................... 186
Ionisation energy ............................................................................................................................... 189
Electron affinity ................................................................................................................................ 195
Electronegativity ............................................................................................................................... 198
Electropositivity ................................................................................................................................ 200
Metallic character.............................................................................................................................. 201
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................. 206
STRUCTURE AND BONDING .............................................................................................. 206
CHEMICAL BONDING ...................................................................................................... 206
Lewis Dot symbols ........................................................................................................................... 206
The octet rule and ions ...................................................................................................................... 209
Ionic bond formation......................................................................................................................... 210
Giant ionic structures ........................................................................................................................ 211
The properties of ionic compounds ................................................................................................... 212
Covalent character in ionic compounds ............................................................................................ 213
Covalent bond formation .................................................................................................................. 216
Types of covalent bonding ................................................................................................................ 218
Covalent bond strength ..................................................................................................................... 222
Giant covalent structures ................................................................................................................... 223
Properties of covalent compounds .................................................................................................... 223
Intermolecular forces ........................................................................................................................ 224
Van der Waals‟ forces ....................................................................................................................... 224
The hydrogen bond ........................................................................................................................... 228
Types of hydrogen bonding .............................................................................................................. 229
Metallic bonding ............................................................................................................................... 236
Properties of metals........................................................................................................................... 237
Strength of a metallic bond ............................................................................................................... 238
VALENCE BOND THEORY .............................................................................................. 239
Sigma and pi bonds .................................................................................................................. 239
Hybridisation of atomic orbitals ....................................................................................................... 240
Geometry for different types of hybridisation .................................................................................. 243
The formation of single, double and triple bonds ............................................................................. 243
The double bond formation in benzene............................................................................................. 245
................................................................................................................................................. 245
Lewis structures ................................................................................................................................ 245
Drawing Lewis structures of some simple molecules ....................................................................... 246
Steps for writing Lewis structures for more complex molecules/ polyatomic ions .......................... 246
Exceptions of the Octet rule .............................................................................................................. 249
Formal charges .................................................................................................................................. 250
Resonance ......................................................................................................................................... 252
Predicting the shapes of molecules and ions ..................................................................................... 253
(a) Steps followed to draw the structure of molecules and cations ................................................ 255
(b) Steps followed to draw the structure of oxy-anions and oxy-molecules................................... 257
The effect of lone pairs on Molecular Geometry .............................................................................. 273
The effect of electronegativity on size of bond angles...................................................................... 275
Polarity of molecules ........................................................................................................................ 277
Factors that determine the polarity of molecules .............................................................................. 277
Differences between polar and non-polar molecules ........................................................................ 278
Miscellaneous Questions................................................................................................................... 278
CHAPTER FOUR ..................................................................................................................... 281
THERMOCHEMISTRY .......................................................................................................... 281
(CHEMICAL ENERGETICS) ................................................................................................ 281
CHEMICAL ENERGY ........................................................................................................ 281
Heat content of a substance ............................................................................................................... 281
Enthalpy, ....................................................................................................................................... 282
Enthalpy change, ........................................................................................................................ 282
Standard enthalpy change, ........................................................................................................ 282
TYPES OF HEAT OF REACTIONS .................................................................................. 282
Energy level diagrams for exothermic and endothermic reactions ................................................... 283
Applications of exothermic reactions in everyday life ..................................................................... 284
Applications of endothermic reactions in everyday life ................................................................... 285
Factors affecting enthalpy of reactionEX ............................................................................. 285
CALORIMETRY .................................................................................................................. 286
Heat capacity of a calorimeter .......................................................................................................... 286
Experiment to determine heat capacity of a simple calorimeter/ plastic cup calorimeter ................. 286
TYPES OF ENTHALPY CHANGES ................................................................................. 287
Enthalpy of formation ....................................................................................................................... 287
Standard enthalpy of formation .............................................................................................. 287
Prediction of relative stability of compounds from enthalpy of formation ....................................... 287
Determination of enthalpy of formation ........................................................................................... 288
Calculating using heats of formation ............................................................................. 288
Enthalpy of combustion .................................................................................................................... 291
Standard enthalpy of combustion .......................................................................................... 291
Experiment to determine enthalpy of combustion of low molecular mass alcohols (ethanol, propanol
and butanol) ...................................................................................................................................... 291
Experiment to determine enthalpy of combustion of a solid substance for example carbon (graphite)
or coke............................................................................................................................................... 294
Calculation of enthalpy of reaction and enthalpy of formation, using enthalpies of combustion ..... 295
Calculating heats of combustion from other experimental data........................................................ 301
Application of heat of combustion in real life situation .................................................................... 303
The fuel values of various fuels ........................................................................................................ 303
Enthalpy of neutralisation ................................................................................................................. 303
Standard enthalpy of neutralisation ....................................................................................... 304
Experiment to determine enthalpy of neutralisation between a strong acid and strong alkali .......... 304
Calculations on enthalpy of neutralisation ........................................................................................ 306
Enthalpy of displacement .................................................................................................................. 308
Standard enthalpy of displacement ................................................................................................... 308
Determination of enthalpy of displacement between zinc powder and copper(II) sulphate solution 308
Calculations involving heat of displacement .................................................................................... 309
Atomisation energy ........................................................................................................................... 310
Standard enthalpy of atomisation .......................................................................................... 310
Standard enthalpy of sublimation ..................................................................................................... 311
Ionisation energy ............................................................................................................................... 311
Electron affinity ................................................................................................................................ 311
Lattice energy.................................................................................................................................... 312
Factors affecting lattice energy ......................................................................................................... 312
Standard enthalpy of hydration ......................................................................................................... 313
Factors affecting enthalpy of hydration ............................................................................................ 314
Calculations involving enthalpy of hydration ................................................................................... 314
Standard enthalpy of solution ........................................................................................................... 315
Experiments to determine enthalpy of solution ................................................................................ 316
Calculations involving enthalpy of solution ..................................................................................... 318
Application of enthalpy of solution in real life situation .................................................................. 320
Heat of precipitation ......................................................................................................................... 320
Experiment to determine heat of precipitation of silver chloride...................................................... 320
Calculations involving heat of precipitation ..................................................................................... 321
Bond energy ...................................................................................................................................... 323
Bond dissociation energy .................................................................................................................. 323
Average bond energies (enthalpies) .................................................................................................. 324
Using bond energies to calculate enthalpy of a reaction ................................................................... 324
Calculations involving bond energies ............................................................................................... 324
Hess‟s law of constant heat summation ............................................................................................ 327
Demonstration of Hess‟s law using an experiment ........................................................................... 327
Application of Hess‟s law in some more calculations ...................................................................... 328
ENTHALPY CYCLES (BORN HABER CYCLES) .......................................................... 331
Terms used in Born-Haber cycle ...................................................................................................... 331
Point to note when drawing Born Haber cycles ................................................................................ 331
(a) Enthalpy diagram or energy level diagram ............................................................................... 331
(b) Born-Haber cycle in form of a usual enthalpy cycle................................................................. 335
Born-Haber cycle involving bond energies....................................................................................... 340
Questions........................................................................................................................................... 342
CHAPTER FIVE ...................................................................................................................... 348
PHYSICAL EQUILIBRIA ...................................................................................................... 348
SYSTEMS, PHASES, COMPONENTS AND PHASE DIAGRAMS ............................... 348
System..................................................................................................................................... 348
COMPONENT SYSTEMS ................................................................................................... 349
One component systems.................................................................................................................... 349
The water system .............................................................................................................................. 349
The carbon dioxide system ............................................................................................................... 352
The sulphur system ........................................................................................................................... 354
Two component systems ................................................................................................................... 358
Completely miscible liquid mixtures ................................................................................................ 358
Partially miscible liquid mixtures ..................................................................................................... 359
Immiscible liquid mixtures ............................................................................................................... 359
IDEAL SOLUTIONS AND NON-IDEAL SOLUTIONS .................................................. 360
Ideal solutions ................................................................................................................................... 360
Raoult‟s law ...................................................................................................................................... 360
Characteristics of ideal solutions ...................................................................................................... 361
Examples of ideal solutions .............................................................................................................. 361
Vapour pressure-composition diagram for an ideal solution ............................................................ 362
Boiling point-composition diagram for an ideal solution ................................................................. 363
Calculations involving Raoult‟s law ................................................................................................. 364
Non-ideal (real) solutions.................................................................................................................. 370
Characteristics of real solutions ........................................................................................................ 370
Deviation from Raoult‟s law ............................................................................................................. 370
Negative deviation from Raoult‟s law .............................................................................................. 371
Examples of solutions that deviate negatively from Raoult‟s law .................................................... 371
Characteristic vapour pressure-composition diagram for negative deviation from Raoult‟s law ..... 372
Maximum boiling point-composition diagram ................................................................................. 372
Positive deviation from Raoult‟s law ................................................................................................ 373
Examples of solutions that deviate positively from Raoult‟s law ..................................................... 373
Characteristic vapour pressure-composition diagram for positive deviation from Raoult‟s law ...... 374
Minimum boiling point-composition diagram .................................................................................. 375
Azeotropic mixtures and azeotropes ................................................................................................. 375
Methods of separation of components of azeotropes ........................................................................ 376
Distillation of a binary liquid mixture............................................................................................... 376
The process of fractional distillation ................................................................................................. 377
Distillation of an ideal solution ......................................................................................................... 377
Distillation of non-ideal solutions ..................................................................................................... 378
Miscellaneous questions ................................................................................................................... 382
Immiscible liquid mixtures ............................................................................................................... 385
Vapour pressure of a system of two immiscible liquid ..................................................................... 385
STEAM DISTILLATION .................................................................................................... 387
The principle on which steam distillation is based ........................................................................... 387
The process of purification of a liquid mixture by steam distillation ............................................... 387
Conditions necessary for steam distillation ...................................................................................... 388
Advantages of steam distillation ....................................................................................................... 388
The composition of the distillate ....................................................................................................... 388
Application of Dalton‟s law of partial pressure in distillation .......................................................... 389
Calculations involving steam distillation .......................................................................................... 390
Questions on steam distillation ......................................................................................................... 392
Industrial application of steam distillation ........................................................................................ 395
THE DISTRIBUTION LAW (PARTITION LAW) .......................................................... 395
Limitations of the partition law/ conditions under which partition law is valid ............................... 396
Experimental determination of .................................................................................................. 396
Calculations involving ............................................................................................................... 397
Obtaining values of partition coefficients using graphical approach ................................................ 400
The applications of partition coefficients .......................................................................................... 401
(a) Solvent extraction ..................................................................................................................... 401
(b) Determining formulae of complex ions .................................................................................... 408
Experimental determination of formula of a complex ion ................................................................ 410
Ion exchange ..................................................................................................................................... 418
EUTECTICS .......................................................................................................................... 419
1. Solidification of an aqueous solution of solids ......................................................................... 419
2. Solidification of mixtures of two liquids without compound formation ................................... 421
Examples of substances that form eutectic mixtures ........................................................................ 421
Cooling curve for a pure substance or a eutectic mixtures ............................................................... 425
Cooling curve for a mixture .............................................................................................................. 426
Differences between a eutectic mixture and a compound ................................................................. 426
Tests that can show that a eutectic mixture is not a pure compound ................................................ 427
Similarities between a pure substance and a eutectic mixture .......................................................... 427
Application of eutectic mixtures ....................................................................................................... 427
Questions........................................................................................................................................... 427
COLLIGATIVE PROPERTIES.......................................................................................... 430
Limitations of colligative properties ................................................................................................. 431
Vapour pressure lowering ................................................................................................................. 431
Elevation of boiling point (Ebullioscopy) ......................................................................................... 440
Freezing point depression (Cryoscopy) ............................................................................................ 449
Osmotic pressure, .......................................................................................................................... 459
CHAPTER SIX ......................................................................................................................... 468
CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIA ..................................................................................................... 468
THE CONCEPT OF CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM ......................................................... 468
The characteristics of a chemical equilibrium .................................................................................. 468
Reversible and irreversible reactions ................................................................................................ 468
Dynamic equilibrium ........................................................................................................................ 469
Types of chemical equilibria ............................................................................................................. 469
THE LAW OF MASS ACTION OR EQUILIBRIUM LAW ........................................... 470
The concentration equilibrium constant, ..................................................................................... 471
The pressure equilibrium constant, ............................................................................................. 471
Using the law of mass action to write equilibrium constant expressions ( or ) and units...... 471
The relationship between and ............................................................................................. 473
EXPERIMENTS ON CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM ........................................................ 474
AND PRESSURE EQUILIBRIUM CONSTANT .............................................................. 478
Interpretation of magnitude of or in relation to equilibrium position................................. 509
Comparing the reaction quotient (Q) and to determine direction of a chemical reaction ........ 509
CHAPTER SEVEN ................................................................................................................... 524
IONIC EQUILIBRIA ............................................................................................................... 524
ACIDS, BASES AND SALTS .............................................................................................. 524
Acids and bases ................................................................................................................................. 524
The concept of acids and bases according to various theories .......................................................... 524
Conjugate acid and bases .................................................................................................................. 526
Classification of strong acids and bases, weak acids and bases ........................................................ 527
Relative strength of Bronsted-Lowry acids and bases ...................................................................... 528
Derivation of expressions for acid dissociation constant, and base dissociation constant, ... 535
Calculations involving ................................................................................................................ 535
Calculations involving ................................................................................................................ 537
The auto ionisation ( self-ionisation ) of water ................................................................................. 538
The concept of ............................................................................................................................ 539
The scale ..................................................................................................................................... 540
Calculations involving for strong acids and bases ........................................ 540
Expression of for weak acids and bases ..................................................................................... 544
calculations for weak acids and weak bases ............................................................................... 545
HYDROLYSIS OF SALTS .................................................................................................. 552
Salt hydrolysis................................................................................................................................... 552
The various types of salts .................................................................................................................. 553
Prediction and explaining of a salt solution, and hydrolysis basing on its composition ............ 555
The hydrolysis constant, ............................................................................................................. 558
Calculations involving of salt solutions ....................................................................... 559
BUFFER SOLUTIONS ........................................................................................................ 567
Types of buffers ................................................................................................................................ 567
The action of a buffer ........................................................................................................................ 568
The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation ............................................................................................... 570
Calculations involving for buffer solutions ............................................................................... 572
Preparation of buffer solutions of known .................................................................................. 578
Application of buffers ....................................................................................................................... 579
ACID-BASE TITRATIONS ................................................................................................. 582
Terms used in acid-base titration ...................................................................................................... 582
Acid-base indicators.......................................................................................................................... 582
Action of an indicator ....................................................................................................................... 583
range for indicators ..................................................................................................................... 584
Choice of indicator ............................................................................................................................ 584
-volume curves for acid-base titrations ....................................................................................... 586
SOLUBILITY EQUILIBRIA .............................................................................................. 595
Solubility ........................................................................................................................................... 595
Molar solubility ................................................................................................................................. 595
Experiment to determine solubility of a soluble salt ......................................................................... 596
Factors that affect solubility of a soluble salt.................................................................................... 597
Solubility curves ............................................................................................................................... 597
Calculation of solubility .................................................................................................................... 599
Solubility curves ............................................................................................................................... 600
The concept of dynamic equilibrium in a saturated salt solution ...................................................... 601
Sparingly soluble salts/ electrolytes .................................................................................................. 601
Solubility product.............................................................................................................................. 601
Expressions for solubility product .................................................................................................... 601
Conditions under which solubility product is valid .......................................................................... 602
Experimental determination of solubility product ............................................................................ 602
Factors affecting solubility of sparingly soluble electrolytes............................................................ 606
The relationship between ionic product, solubility product ( ) precipitation............................... 611
Application of solubility product, .............................................................................................. 613
CHAPTER EIGHT ................................................................................................................... 628
CHEMICAL KINETICS ......................................................................................................... 628
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 628
Rate of a chemical reaction ............................................................................................................... 628
Units of rate of reaction .................................................................................................................... 628
The rate law....................................................................................................................................... 629
The rate constant, .......................................................................................................................... 629
Order of a reaction ............................................................................................................................ 630
Molecularity ...................................................................................................................................... 630
Differences between order of reaction and molecularity .................................................................. 631
Mechanism of a reaction ................................................................................................................... 631
EQUATIONS AND HALF LIFE ......................................................................................... 633
Sketching plotting and interpreting the graphs obtained using rates of reaction data and rate
equations ........................................................................................................................................... 637
REACTION, RATE CONSTANTS AND HALF-LIFE .................................................... 644
ORDERS OF A REACTION ............................................................................................... 662
FACTORS AFFECTING RATES OF REACTIONS ....................................................... 668
Theories of chemical reactions (collision theory and transition state theory) ................................... 668
Using the theories of reaction to explain factors affecting rates of reaction ..................................... 672
Experimental investigation of factors affecting rates of reactions .................................................... 679
CHAPTER NINE ...................................................................................................................... 684
ELECTROCHEMISTRY ........................................................................................................ 684
MODES OF CONDUCTION OF SUBSTANCES........................................................................... 684
ELECTROLYSIS .................................................................................................................. 684
The common terms used in electrolysis ............................................................................................ 684
Explaining the changes that take place during electrolysis ............................................................... 686
Principles of electrolysis (selective discharge of ions) ..................................................................... 686
Laws of electrolysis .......................................................................................................................... 688
Calculations of electrolysis ............................................................................................................... 690
The applications of electrolysis in industry ...................................................................................... 696
CONDUCTIVITY OF SOLUTIONS OF ELECTROLYTES .......................................... 697
The common terms used ................................................................................................................... 697
Measurement of conductivity of solutions ........................................................................................ 700
Calculations involving electrolytic conductance .............................................................................. 701
Factors affecting electrolytic conductivity of electrolytes ................................................................ 704
Factors affecting molar conductivity of electrolytes ......................................................................... 705
Kohlrausch‟s law of independent migration of ions and its application ........................................... 710
Application of conductance (conductivity measurements) ............................................................... 720
Conductimetric titrations................................................................................................................... 721
ELECTRODE POTENTIAL ............................................................................................................ 728
Electrochemical series....................................................................................................................... 730
Absolute and relative electrode potential .......................................................................................... 732
The structure and functioning of the Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE)...................................... 732
Standard electrode potential, ................................................................................................. 733
Experiment to measure standard electrode potential of a metal........................................................ 733
Factors affecting magnitude of electrode potential ........................................................................... 734
Variation of electrode potential in group II and period 3 .................................................................. 735
ELECTROCHEMICAL CELLS....................................................................................................... 736
Construction of a Daniel cell ............................................................................................................ 738
The cell notation/cell convention ...................................................................................................... 739
Calculation of cell emf and prediction of spontaneity/feasibility of a reaction ................................ 743
Gibb‟s free energy, , as a measure of spontaneity........................................................................ 745
Applications of electrode potentials .................................................................................................. 746
Questions........................................................................................................................................... 746
A simplified, well elaborated and illustrative approach to Physical Chemistry
Matter is anything that occupies space and has weight.
Matter is made up of very tiny particles (building blocks) known as atoms, molecules or
An atom is the smallest electrically neutral particle of an element that takes part in a
chemical reaction.
A molecule is the smallest electrically neutral particle of a compound or an element
that is formed by the combination of atoms in a whole number ratio and can exist on
its own.
In a molecule of an element, the combining atoms are the same (for example; the oxygen
molecule, )
In a molecule of a compound, different atoms combine (for example the hydrogen
Email: Call:0782601038 WhatsApp: 0753247098
A simplified, well elaborated and illustrative approach to Physical Chemistry
Nucleus (Protons and neutrons)
neutrino lambda
Most of the particles have an associated anti-particle with an equal but opposite charge.
For example a positron is an anti- particle for an electron
1. Electrons
Electrons are negatively charged particles surrounding the nucleus.
The electrons are carried in circular paths known as energy levels that surround the
Email: Call:0782601038 WhatsApp: 0753247098
A simplified, well elaborated and illustrative approach to Physical Chemistry
2. Protons
Protons are positively charged fundamental particles which are present in all atomic
Protons have a unit mass of one (1) and each proton carries a charge of positive one (+1).
3. Neutrons
Neutrons are uncharged fundamental particles in the nuclei of atoms, with the exception
of hydrogen.
Neutrons also have unit mass of one and carry no charge (they are neutral).
Proton + 1
Neutron No charge 1
The Nucleus
The nucleus of an atom consists of protons (positively charged) and neutrons (which have
no charge)
Protons and neutrons are collectively called nucleons.
The sum of the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom is called
nucleon number or mass number (A).
The number of protons in the nucleus of an element is called the Proton number or
atomic number (Z).
The full symbol of an atom of an element is given notation where;
is the symbol of the element
is the nucleon number or mass number
is the proton number or atomic number
The atomic number provides some information about an element which may include;
(i) The position of an element in the Periodic Table
(ii) The number of protons present in the nucleus of an atom
Isotopic notation
Isotopes are atoms of the same element with the same number of protons but different
number of neutrons.
Isotopes therefore have different mass numbers.
Isotopy is the existence of atoms of the same element with the same number of protons
but different number of neutrons.
Isotopes of the same element have very similar chemical properties because they have the
same electronic configuration, but differ slightly in their physical properties. An unstable
isotope is termed a radioactive isotope or radioisotope.
Element Isotopic name Isotopic No. of No. of No. of
formula protons electrons neutrons
Hydrogen Protium 1 1 0
Deuterium 1 1 1
Ionic formation
An ion is a charged particle formed from an atom or a group of chemically combined
atoms by gaining or losing one or more electrons. Ions are either negatively charged
(anions) or positively charged (cations).
a) Positive ions (cations)
These are formed when atoms or group of chemically combined atoms lose one or more
electrons. Atoms lose electrons so as to acquire a stable electronic configuration as the
noble gases. The positive ions are formed by metal atoms, in ammonium ion and
hydroxonium ion.
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(ii) Formation of Aluminium ion
The aluminium atom has 13 electrons hence electronic configuration, .
The atom therefore has three electrons more than the stable configuration of a noble gas,
To form the aluminium ion, the aluminium atom loses the three electrons in the outer
most energy level to form a noble gas configuration
[ ]
[ ]
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There exist ions that contain more than one atom. These are called polyatomic ions. Most
of the polyatomic ions contain oxygen atoms and these are called oxyanions.
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The stock system is widely used in modern chemistry to name compounds and
complexes. It has been used to develop systemic names for various compounds.
Below is the procedure for naming binary ionic compounds.
1. The name should have the name of the cation followed by name of the anion.
2. For cations that take on multiple charges, the charge is written using parentheses
immediately following the element name.
It is advisable that chemists use correct names of the compounds in their work. The other
names (trivial names) may however be acceptable in Applied Chemistry.
The names Quick lime and calcium oxide both indicate the same compound. Calcium
oxide is called a systemic name (unambiguous name) and translates the structure of
Quick lime clearly. It also provides an unambiguous reference to the compound.
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A simplified, well elaborated and illustrative approach to Physical Chemistry
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According to this spectrum, there are three stable isotopes of neon. These include neon-
20(20Ne), neon-21(21Ne) and neon-22 (22Ne). The peaks at 20, 21 and 22 are due to the
ions 20Ne+, 21Ne+ and 22Ne+ respectively. These ions are formed by bombardment of the
20 20
Ne(g)+e Ne+(g)
21 21
Ne(g)+e Ne+(g)
22 22
Ne(g)+e Ne+(g)
The height of each peak is related to the relative abundance of each isotope of neon.
Ne+has the highest peak so 20Ne is the most abundant isotope.
Ne+has the lowest peak so 21Ne is the least abundant isotope.
The relative atomic mass of neon can be obtained using the mass spectrum.
The percentage abundances (proportion of isotope) should be obtained first
( )
( )
( )
( ⁄ ) ( ⁄ ) ( ⁄ )
The spectrum has five peaks at mass-to-charge ratios 79, 81, 158, 160 and 162.
The first two peaks of almost equal height correspond to the ions [ 79Br]+ and [81Br]+
respectively. The two peaks are almost of equal height because bromine-79 and
bromine-81 have almost the same abundance.
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The three more peaks are due to ionisation of molecular bromine and each peak
corresponds to a specific diatomic ion as shown in the table below.
( )
( )
( )
The largest mass-to-charge ratio value is 72. The line at this ⁄ represents the original
molecular ion, . It is formed by the reaction;
This largest value always gives the relative molecular mass of the compound. This
represents the largest ion going through the mass spectrometer. The molecular mass of
the compound is therefore 72.
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The longest line represents the most abundant ion formed by pentane which is at a ⁄ of
43. By simple calculation this ion must have 3 carbon atoms and not more. This gives a
mass of 36. The remaining mass of 7 corresponds to the mass of 7 hydrogen atoms.
Therefore this ion is . It is formed by cleavage of a carbon-carbon bond in
the original molecular ion.
For example chlorine has two isotopes chlorine-35 and chlorine-37 of percentage
abundances 75.77 and 24.23 respectively. Its average atomic mass can be obtained by the
( )
The mass of an atom of an element in grams on scale on which the mass of an atom of
the carbon-12 isotope is 12 grams.
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( ⁄ ) ( ⁄ )
2. The figure below shows the mass spectrum of lead. The heights of the peaks and
the mass numbers of the isotopes are shown on the figure.
(a) Calculate the relative atomic mass of lead.
(b) Explain why the peaks have different heights.
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( )
( )
( )
( ⁄ ) ( ⁄ ) ( ⁄ )
( ⁄ )
(b) The peaks have different heights because the four isotopes have different
percentage abundances. The abundances are in the order;
3. The relative atomic mass of neon is 20.18. Naturally occurring neon has two
isotopes; Neon-20 and Neon-22.
(a) Calculate the percentage abundance of the isotopes.
(b) Calculate the number of neon-22 atoms in a 13.2g sample of naturally
occurring neon.
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( ⁄ ) ( ⁄ )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( ⁄ ) ( ⁄ ) ( ⁄ )
( ⁄ )
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The peak with mass to charge ratio 84 is longest because chlorine-35 is the most
abundant isotope followed by the peak with mass to charge ratio 86 whose ion still has
chlorine-35 in it. The peak with mass to charge ratio 88 is shortest because chlorine-37 is
less abundant than chlorine-35.
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( ) 84 86 87 88
⁄ 24 25 26
Relative intensity 1 0.127 0.139
(i) Explain why magnesium gives three peaks in its spectrum.
(ii) Use the information in the table to calculate an accurate value for the
relative atomic mass of magnesium.
6. The relative atomic mass of magnesium is 24.3. Naturally occurring magnesium has
three isotopes Mg-24, Mg-25 and Mg-26. If the percentage abundance of magnesium-
24 is eight times that of magnesium-26. Calculate the percentage abundances of each
magnesium isotope in the sample.
7. (a) Explain what is meant by each of the following terms;
(i) Atomic number
(ii) Mass number
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A simplified, well elaborated and illustrative approach to Physical Chemistry
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Calculate the molar masses of the following
(i) Ethanol
(ii) Carbon dioxide
(iii) Potassium iodate
(iv) Sodium thiosulphate-5-water
Molar mass
(i) Ethanol (ii) Carbon dioxide
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( ) ( )
( )
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1. Work out the molar masses of each of the following
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Stoichiometric amounts of cheese and bread required are in a ratio 1:2. If we are provided
with 28 slices of bread and 11 slices of cheese, one would prepare 11 sandwiches using
all the provided cheese and 22 slices of bread. This leaves six slices of bread not used. In
this scenario, the number of sandwiches prepared is limited by the number of cheese
slices and the bread slices have been provided in excess.
A limiting reactant is that reactant which is completely used up in a chemical reaction
and limits the quantities of the products formed.
An excess reactant is that reactant that remains after a chemical reaction due to the
limiting reactant being used up.
Percentage yields in a chemical reaction
The amount of product that may be produced by a chemical reaction under specified
conditions, as calculated per the stoichiometry of an appropriate balanced chemical
equation is called theoretical yield of the reaction. In practice, the amount of product
obtained is called the actual yield, and is often less than the theoretical yield for a
( )
Decant off the resultant solution carefully and do not lose any copper formed.
The copper formed is washed several times with distilled water, and then with acetone,
and dried.
The beaker together with dried copper is weighed ( ).
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Treatment of results;
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
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2. Sodium carbonate reacts with calcium chloride to form calcium carbonate and
sodium chloride. In an experiment, 53g of sodium carbonate and 44.4 g of
calcium chloride were mixed forming 23.6g of calcium carbonate.
(i) What is the limiting reagent of the reaction?
(ii) Calculate the percentage yield of calcium carbonate.
( )
( )
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Theory; Warming any ammonium salt with an alkali liberates ammonia gas. All the
ammonia formed reacted with hydrochloric acid but the acid was as excess reactant and
ammonia was limiting. So the excess hydrochloric acid(that did not react with ammonia)
was neutralized with sodium hydroxide.
Moles of that reacted with excess acid
( )
( )
( )
1. What is the limiting reagent when 5.00g of hydrogen and 10.0g of oxygen react to
form water?
2. Toluene is oxidised by air under carefully controlled conditions to benzoic acid.
Benzoic acid is used to prepare the food preservative, sodium benzoate. What is the
percentage yield of a reaction that converts 1.000 kg of toluene to 1.21kg of benzoic
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Avogadro’s law
The Italian scientist Avogadro, in 1811 suggested that in gaseous elements like chlorine
and hydrogen, the atoms joined to form larger particles containing two or more atoms. He
called the larger particles molecules. A molecule is therefore defined as a group of like or
unlike atoms, chemically combined together.
Avogadro came up with a hypothesis that then became a theory to now a law which
states that;
Equal volumes of all gases measured at the same conditions of temperature and
pressure contain the same number of molecules.
If hydrogen and chlorine were to combine therefore;
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It follows from Avogadro‟s hypothesis that if equal volumes of gases contain equal
numbers of molecules then the volume occupied by one mole of molecules of gases must
be the same for all gases. It is called molar gas volume.
The value is
It also therefore follows that the total number of moles of a gas is directly proportional to the
volume occupied by a gas at constant temperature.
2. 50g of nitrogen gas are contained in a 3000cm3 container. The gas exerts a
pressure of 3 atmospheres on the container. If the pressure and temperature are
kept constant, calculate the mass of nitrogen that can be added the container
until the volume reaches 5000cm3. ( )
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Gay-Lussac’s law
In 1808, French Chemist Gay-Lussac provided the result of a series of experiments on the
Just like Avogadro‟s law, Gay-Lussac‟s law is only approximately true. It is only valid
when gases are at very low pressures.
We shall not look at calculation probles involving this law since you Ordinary Level
teacher must have looked at them in detail.
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Most glass ware can only be exposed to certain high and low temperatures. Usage outside
of those ranges may cause damage or breakage to the glassware. Always watch
evaporation closely. A vessel, heated after evaporation has already occurred, may crack.
Do not put hot glassware on cold or wet surfaces as it may break with temperature
change. Never heat glassware that is cracked. It‟s advisable to use wire gauze when
heating glass ware.
Selection of apparatus for different experiments
Glass ware is designed for a specific purpose. It should only be used for that purpose.
When selecting glassware, it‟s wise to determine the compatibility of the glass ware with
the chemicals. Some chemicals react with glass ware or cause damage. If the process in
which glassware is to be used involves temperature or pressure changes, ensure that the
glassware can withstand the changes. Use the right size and type of glassware for any
given experiment.
Laboratory rules and regulations for handling chemicals and apparatus
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12. Never use the wrong or unmarked reagent. If you are unsure about the compound, do
not use it.
13. Corks or stoppers once removed from the bottle or glass, they must be placed on a
clean surface with the opening facing down. This is to avoid contamination of the
compound and unnecessary exposure.
14. Special precautions should be taken when handling concentrated acids. Dilution of
acids should be performed by pouring the acid into water.
Concentration is the amount of substance, solid or liquid in a known quantity of solution.
The amount of substance can be mass, moles or number of particles. The quantity in
which the amount of substance exists is normally volume.
Concentration is therefore the amount of a substance in a known volume of solvent. The
volume commonly used is 1 litre (1000cm3 or 1 dm3).
Molarity (M)
Molarity is also a measure of concentration. It is the number of moles of a substance in
one litre of a solution. It is abbreviated as M and expressed in the units of moles per litre
Try to find the concentration of the following solutions in both moles per litre and
grams per litre
(i) 0.025 moles of sodium ethanedioate in 750cm3 of water
(ii) 3.5g of Diammonium iron(II) sulphate-6-water in 250cm3 of solution
(iii) 4.0g of sodium hydroxide in 500cm3 of solution
(iv) 0.0085 moles of potassium peroxodisulphate in 500cm3 of solution
(v) 19.1g of disodium tetraborate decahydrate in 1000cm3 of solution
(vi) 0.0456 moles of copper(II) sulphate-5-water in 500cm3 of water
(vii) 49.0g of sulphuric acid in 2.5dm3 of solution
The molal concentration (or molality; symbol m) is the amount of substance per unit mass
of solvent, commonly given in units of .
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( )
( )
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(iii) Using the molar mass of the acid, convert the mass got in step (ii) to moles. This
gives the molarity( ) of the acid in the stock solution
(iv) Use the expression to get the volume ( ) of the stock solution
needed to prepare a volume ( ) of a solution of known concentration ( )
1. Calculate the volume of concentrated sulphuric acid needed to prepare 500cm3 of
0.25M sulphuric acid solution.(The stock specifications of the acid are 98% w/w
and specific gravity 1.84 )
( ⁄ )
( ⁄ )
500cm3 of 0.25M sulphuric acid solution is therefore prepared by putting 6.8cm3 of the
concentrated acid in a measuring cylinder and adding 493.2cm3 such that the total volume in the
cylinder is 500cm3
( )
( )
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How to prepare 750cm3 of 70% ethanol
1. Determine the volume of 85% concentrated phosphoric acid, density 1.70
needed to prepare 25cm3 of 0.1M phosphoric acid solution.
2. If concentrated sulphuric acid contains 98% by mass of the acid and has a density of
1.84 , calculate the volume of the concentrated sulphuric acid that is required
to prepare a litre of 2M solution of sulphuric acid.
3. Concentrated hydrochloric acid contains 37.3% by mass of the acid and has a
specific gravity of 1.18 . Calculate the volume of the concentrated acid that is
required to prepare a litre of 2M solution of sulphuric acid.
4. Concentrated ammonia has a density of . What volume of 29%
concentrated ammonia is required to prepare a litre of 2M ammonia solution?
5. A solution is prepared by dissolving 5g of urea in 95g of water. Calculate the
percentage by mass of urea in the solution.
6. A solution of naphthalene in benzene is 2% naphthalene. What is its mass by
percentage of benzene?
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Sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid are not suitable for use as primary standards
because the concentrations of their concentrated solutions are not accurately known.
Nitric acid is not a suitable primary standard because it always contain a little nitrous
acid which has a destructive action on so many acid-base indicators.
Potassium manganate(VII) is commonly used in volumetric analysis because;
1. It forms coloured solutions so it acts as own indicator
2. It oxidises a wide range of substances
3. It is not affected by the atmosphere while being weighed
4. It is fairly soluble in water
5. Has a high molecular mass hence minimising weighing errors
However, it is not a good primary standard because;
It is never obtained free from manganese(IV) oxide impurity
It is easily reduced by even weak reducing agents since it is a strong oxidising
Potassium manganate(VII) can be acidified by sulphuric acid but neither acidified with
hydrochloric acid nor nitric acid during titration because;
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Nitric acid is itself an oxidising agent hence interferes with the oxidising ability of
manganate(VII) ions.
Sodium thiosulphate cannot be used as a primary standard because;
1. It is efflorescent
2. When its solution is left in air it forms a yellow solid deposit and bubbles of a
colourless gas.
This is because a solution of sodium thiosulphate absorbs carbon dioxide from the air
which dissolves to form a weak carbonic acid. The acidic medium promotes
disproportionation of thiosulphate ions into sulphur dioxide and sulphur, which is
( )
( )
(ii) Weigh a clean weighing bottle, and record its mass (to 1 or 2 decimal places). Use
a clean spatula and add pure anhydrous sodium carbonate to the weighing bottle
until the mass is the total mass of the weighing bottle and that of anhydrous
sodium carbonate required.
Sample Results:
Mass of anhydrous sodium carbonate + weighing bottle 45.30 g
Mass of empty weighing bottle 40.00 g
Mass of anhydrous sodium carbonate used 5.30 g
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(iii) Transfer the weighed mass of anhydrous sodium carbonate carefully into a clean
beaker. Using a wash bottle of distilled water, add a small volume of water so that
all the washings run into the beaker. Add about 100 cm3 of and stir with a glass
rod until all the solid has dissolved.
(iv) Pour all the solution carefully through a filter funnel into a graduated flask
(volumetric flask). Wash all the solution out of the beaker and off the glass rod to
the volumetric flask.
(v) Add distilled water until the level of the solution is about 2 cm below the
graduation mark (in this case 250cm3). Add the rest of the distilled water drop by
drop from a dropping pipette until the bottom of the meniscus is level with the
graduation mark when viewed at eye level.
(vi) Label the solution as required.
Common terms used in volumetric analysis
This is a reagent of known concentration that is added to another solution to determine
the concentration of the second chemical species.
Titrand/ Analyte
This is a reagent whose concentration is not known and has to be determined by
Equivalence point
This is the point when the number of moles titrant is equal to number of moles of
analyte. It occurs before end point, which signals the completion of the reaction.
End point
A point in a titration at which the reaction is complete, observed by the colour change
of an indicator and occurs when small amount of solution of known concentration is
added to a solution whose concentration is to be determined. It occurs after
equivalence point.
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Standard solution
A standard solution is a solution whose concentration is accurately known i.e. one that
contains a known amount of solute in a known volume of solution.
Volumetric analysis is a means of finding the concentration of a solution. In this method,
a solution of an acid is added to a solution of a base until there is just enough of the acid
to neutralize the base. This is done by titration.
The concentration of one of the two solutions should be known, and the volumes of both
the solutions must be measured.
A standard solution of a base may be used to find the concentration of the solution of an
acid. The volume of the acid solution of unknown concentration required to neutralise a
known volume, usually 25.0 cm3 of a standard solution of the base is determined. An
indicator is used to determine when the right volume of a solution has been added to
another solution for complete neutralisation.
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(i) Calculating the moles of the standard solution in the total volume of solution(
commonly the total volume is 250cm3 of the solution but can be any other value)
(ii) Calculating the moles of the standard solution used during the reaction (usually
25.0, 20.0 or can be 10.0cm3)
(iii) Calculating moles of the solution that is standardized using equation of the
reaction(mole ratio)
(iv) Determining the molarity of the solution that is standardized.
1. Standardization of hydrochloric acid using Borax
( )
(iii) moles of the solution that is standardized using equation of the reaction(mole ratio)
( ) ( )
( )
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Note; The concentration of the acid given in the question is approximate hence used
nowhere in the calculation. Remember standardizing means we are ascertaining the
actual concentration of the acid.
Over rounding should be avoided before getting the final answer to minimize errors in
2. Standardisation of hydrochloric using anhydrous sodium carbonate.
Sample Results:
Mass of Y and weighing bottle 41.50 g
Mass of empty weighing bottle 40.00 g
Mass of Y used 1.50 g
Volume of pipette used 20.0 cm3
Final burette reading(cm3) 27.50 37.40 32.50
Initial burette reading(cm3) 0.00 10.00 5.00
Volume of FA3 used(cm3) 27.50 27.40 27.50
Record the titre values used to calculate the average volume of FA3 used.
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( ) ( )
Note that in the experiment, FA1 is not directly used but instead the diluted solution which is
FA3. Moles of HCl in the volume used of FA3 should be calculated first. Then moles of the acid
in the diluted solution (60+40)cm3
( )
( )
Dilution does not change number of moles in a given solution. Therefore moles of HCl in 100cm3
of FA3 are the same as those in 40cm3 of FA1
( )
( )
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Mass of Q and weighing bottle.................................................................................g
Mass of empty weighing bottle.................................................................................g
Mass of Q used.........................................................................................................g
Volume of pipette used..........................................................................................cm3
Final burette reading(cm3)
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Weigh accurately 2.7g of solid M into a clean 250cm3 volumetric flask and add about
100 cm3 of distilled water. Shake well to dissolve. Add more distilled water to fill up to
the mark. Label this solution FA2
Pipette 25.0 cm3 (or 20.0 cm3) of FA2 into a clean conical flask. Add 2 or 3 drops of
methyl orange indicator and shake the flask carefully.
Titrate the solution against FA1 from the burette until the solution just turns orange.
Repeat the titration until you obtain consistent results.
Record your results in the table below.
Mass of M and weighing bottle.................................................................................g
Mass of empty weighing bottle.................................................................................g
Mass of M used.........................................................................................................g
Volume of pipette used..........................................................................................cm3
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Calculate the percentage error in the concentration of hydrochloric acid in FA1.
Back titrations
Back titration is a technique in volumetric analysis in which a known volume of an
excess standard solution is added to the solution to be analysed. The amount of the
unreacted standard solution is then determined by titration with another standard solution.
For example an excess of a solution of iron(II) ions of known concentration can be added
to a solution of potassium peroxodisulphate or potassium chlorate(V). Some of the
iron(II) ions are oxidised to iron(III) ions as shown by the equations below;
The resultant solution which then contains unreacted iron(II) ions can then be titrated
against a standardised potassium manganate(VII) solution in acidic medium or any other
oxidising agent.
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(a) A solution was made by dissolving 39.2g of ammonium ferrous sulphate,
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( )
The sulphuric acid is just used to provide acidic medium for the redox reaction but its
volume and concentration is not used anywhere in the calculation.
( )
(i) number of moles of excess iron(II) ions in 250cm3 of the solution in the volumetric
( )
( )
Note that are the moles of excess iron(II) ions that reacted with
manganate(VII) ions but they are the excess moles in 25.0cm3 of solution.
( )
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( )
Note that of iron(II) ions were added to the persulphate solution. Some of
these reacted with the persulphate and the excess moles calculated above did not react.
(iii) molar mass of
( )
(a) 10.0cm of a solution of ammonium iron(II) sulphate-6-water, of unknown
concentration was pipetted into a conical flask. To it was added an equal volume of
2M sulphuric acid and then titrated against a solution made by dissolving of
potassium manganate(VII) in a litre of distilled water. 9.90cm of the permanganate
solution was required for complete reaction. Calculate the molar concentration of the
solution of ammonium iron(II) sulphate-6-water.
(b) 0.5g of an impure solid potassium chlorate was accurately weighed and put in a
beaker. 100 cm3 of distilled water was added and the mixture stirred to dissolve. The
resultant solution was transferred into a 250cm3 volumetric flask and the solution was
made up to the mark with distilled water. 10.0cm3 of this solution was pipetted into a
conical flask and to it was added 35.0 cm3 of the same ammonium iron(II) sulphate-6-
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water solution used in (a) followed by an equal volume of 2M sulphuric acid. The
mixture was heated to about 85℃ and then cooled in cold water for 3 minutes and the
cold mixture titrated with the same permanganate solution used in (a). 25.20 cm3 of
the permanganate was required for complete reaction. Calculate the number of moles
(i) excess iron(II) ions that reacted with manganate(VII) ions.
(ii) iron(II) ions that reacted with the 10 cm3 of chlorate(V) ions.
(iii) Percentage purity of the potassium chlorate.
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Calculate the oxidation state of the stated atom in the following species.
(i) Oxygen in
(ii) Oxygen in
(iii) Chorine in
(iv) Manganese in
(v) Chromium in
(vi) Sulphur in
(vii) Iron in [ ]
(viii) Cobalt in [ ]
(i) Let the oxidation state of O in be x. (v) Let the oxidation state of Cr in
be t.
(iii) Let the oxidation state of Cl in be n. (vii) Let the oxidation state of Fe in
[ ] be y.
(iv) Let the oxidation state of Mn in be (viii) Let the oxidation state of Co in
p. [ ] be q
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Calculate the oxidation state of the stated atom in the following species.
(i) Sulphur in (ii) Sulphur in
(iii) Sulphur in (iv) Sulphur in
(v) Copper in (vi) Chromium in
(vii) Chromium in [ ] (viii) Chromium in[ ]
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Oxidation numbers are very important in deciding whether a reaction is reduction,
oxidation and therefore a redox one.
Consider the half reactions below
In the first half reaction, copper(II) ions are converted to copper. The subsequent change
in oxidation number is therefore from +2 to 0. This is evident that the oxidation number
has decreased. Electrons are also gained in the reaction. This is therefore a reduction
Reduction is therefore a reaction in which the oxidation number of an element is
In the second half reaction, zinc is converted to zinc ions. The subsequent change in
oxidation number is therefore from 0 to +2. This is evident that the oxidation number
has increased. Electrons are also lost in the reaction. This is therefore an oxidation
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The first ten species act as oxidizing agents in acidic medium and the species 11-15
gain electrons in the redox reactions in which they behave as oxidizing agents.
The colours of some species in solutions have not been indicated because the colour
of solutions in which they exist depend on the colour of cations present.
Below are half-cell reactions for some of the species showing the electron gain. In
each of the reactions, the electrons balance the total charge on the left hand side and
on the right hand side.
Try to write out half-cell reactions for the other species on your own in the provided
space below.
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The first five species act as reducing agents in solution (presence of water)
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The colour of some species in solutions have not been indicated because the colour of
solutions in which they exist depend on the colour of cations present.
Below are half-cell reactions for some of the species showing the electron loss. In
each of the reactions, the electrons balance the total charge on the left hand side and
on the right hand side.
Try to write out half-cell reactions for the other species on your own in the provided
space below.
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State what would be observed and explain your observation when;
1. Concentrated hydrochloric acid was added to potassium manganate(VII)
Step 1; Oxidizing species is from potassium manganate(VII) and
reducing species is from hydrochloric acid.
Step 2;
Reduction half equation;
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Step 3;
The first equation is mutiplied by 2 and the second equation by 5. This is intended to
make the number of electrons in each equation the same (10). Also note that these
factors do not multipy only the electrons but also every other species in the equation.
Step 4;
The electrons are equal and crossed out.
Step 3;
The first equation is left as it is but the second equation multiplied by 3. This is
intended to make the number of electrons in each equation the same (6). If you choose
to multiply the first equation by 2 and the second by 6. Then you will have to divide
the stoichiometric coefficients in the final equation by a given factor through out.
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Step 4;
The electrons are equal and crossed out. The are subtracted from the to
give on the left hand side.
Step 5;
Observation; The orange solution turns green and a yellow solid deposited.
In acidic medium, dichromate ions oxidise hydrogen sulphide to Sulphur as they are
reduced to chromium(III) ions.
Step 3;
The first equation is multiplied by 4 and the second equation multiplied by 5. This is
intended to make the number of electrons in each equation the same (20).
This now gives;
Step 4;
The electrons are equal and crossed out. The are subtracted from the to
give on the left hand side.
Step 5;
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Observation; The purple solution turns colourless and bubbles of a colourless gas
Manganate(VII) ions oxidise hydrazine to nitrogen gas as they are reduced to
manganese(II) ions.
Step 5;
Observation; Greenish yellow gas dissolved and a colourless solution is formed.
Chlorine oxidises nitrate ions to nitrite ions and itself reduced to chloride ions.
5. Manganese(IV) oxide was added to acidified solution of sodium oxalate and the
mixture heated
Step 3;
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Since the number of electrons in both equations is the same, the overall equation can be
written right away
Step 4;
The electrons are equal and crossed out.
Step 5;
Observation; Black solid dissolved forming a colourless solution and bubbles of a
colourless gas
Manganese(IV) oxide oxidises oxalate ions to carbon dioxide and itself reduced to
manganese(II) ions.
On crossing out the electrons and combining the two equations we have;
The on the right hand side are as a result of complete neutralisation of the
by 6 of the ̅ leaving a remainder of ̅ . Subtraction leaves
only one water molecule on the reactant side.
Purple solution forms a colourless solution and black solid deposited.
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equation to make sure it is well balanced by both mass and charge. When the equation is
not balanced, many marks are lost because the mole ratio is important in the subsequent
calculation work.
Common redox titrimetric reactions include;
1. Potassium manganate(VII) titrations in acidic medium
2. Sodium thiosulphate titrations
1. 1.50g of an impure potassium manganate(VII) was dissolved in water to make
( )
( )
( )
( ) ( )
( )
( )
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( )
2. Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin. 9.40g of powdered bronze was warmed with
an excess dilute sulphuric acid. The mixture was filtered and the resultant
solution made up to 250 cm3 using distilled water. 25.0cm3 of the filtrate required
19.20cm3 of 0.02M potassium manganate(VII) for oxidation.(Sn=119)
(a) Explain why;
(i) the bronze was warmed with excess dilute sulphuric acid
(ii) the mixture obtained from bronze was filtered
(a) (i) Bronze was warmed with excess dilute sulphuric acid to dissolve the all tin available as
tin(II) sulphate. It is the tin(II) ions in this solution that are oxidised to tin(IV) ions by
manganate(VII) ions in acidic medium.
(ii) Copper does not react with dilute sulphuric acid hence it is filtered off as residue to
remain with a filtrate of tin(II) sulphate.
(b) The standard solution in this case is potassium manganate(VII)
( )
( ) ( )
( )
( )
( )
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1. Calculate the volume of 0.01M potassium manganate(VII) solution required to
oxidise 50.0cm3 of a 0.02M acidified iron(II) ethanedioate solution
2. 25.0cm3 of an acidified solution of iron(II) sulphate required 17.5cm3 of 0.025M
potassium manganate(VII) solution for complete oxidation. Calculate the molarity of
the iron(II) sulphate solution.
3. 25.0cm3 of a solution of hydrogen peroxide required 27.5 cm3 of a solution made by
dissolving 1.58g of potassium permanganate in 500cm3 of distilled water. Calculate
(i) concentration of hydrogen peroxide in grams per litre
(ii) volume of oxygen at s.t.p evolved during the reaction.
4. 1.93g of a sample of an ethanedioate salt was dissolved in water and made up to
250cm3. 25.0cm3 of this solution when warmed required 30.4 cm3 of acidified 0.02M
potassium permanganate solution. Calculate the percentage by mass of ethanedioate
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The thiosulphate can be titrated with aqueous iodine directly or the iodine can be obtained
commonly be the redox reactions involving oxidation of potassium iodide by the reducing agents
to iodine shown below:
(ii) Reaction between potassium dichromate(VI) in acidic medium with excess potassium
(iii) Reaction between potassium iodate(V) in acidic medium with excess potassium iodide.
(iv) Reaction between sodium chlorate(I) (usually from domestic bleach or Jik) in acidic
medium with excess potassium iodide solution.
During this process, a dilute acid is added to Jik. Jik is a mixture of sodium hypochlorite and
sodium chloride. When a dilute acid is added to jik, chlorine is given off.
The chlorine can then oxidise the iodide ions in potassium iodide to iodine as it is reduced to
chloride ions.
The two equations (i) and (ii) when combined give the overall equation above.
Chlorine can also be obtained by adding a dilute acid to bleaching powder (calcium
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1. 1.185g of potassium dichromate(VI) was dissolved in water to make 250cm3 of
solution. 25.0cm3 of this solution was acidified and added to excess potassium
iodide solution. The resultant solution was titrated against sodium thiosulphate
and 17.50cm3 of the thiosulphate was required. Find the concentration of the
thiosulphate solution in grams per litre.
( )
( )
( ) ( )
( )
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( )
( )
( ) ( )
( )
(b) 30.0cm3 of a liquid bleach containing sodium hypochlorite was diluted to 250cm3
of solution using distilled water. 10.0cm3 of this solution was pipetted into a
conical flask and to it was added 10.0cm3 of 1.0M sulphuric acid followed by
10.0cm3 of 0.5M potassium iodide solution. The iodine liberated required
10.20cm3 of the same sodium thiosulphate solution in (a) above using starch
indicator. Calculate the percentage by mass of aqueous chlorine in the 30.0cm3 of
liquid bleach.
Part (a) was to standardise sodium thiosulphate which is now to be used in this part and
should be the beginning point of our calculation.
( )
( )
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( )
Since dilution does not change number moles in the original volume, the 30cm3 of liquid
bleach also contain 0.012875 moles of
( )
3. A copper coin of mass 2.00g consists of copper alloyed with small quantities of
tin and zinc. The coin was dissolved in moderately concentrated nitric acid and
the resultant solution was made up to 250cm3. 25.0cm3 of this solution was
pipetted , neutralised and added to an excess potassium iodide solution. The
iodine liberated required 30.0cm3 of 0.1M sodium thiosulphate solution using
starch indicator in a titration. Calculate the percentage of copper in the coin.
Copper reacts with moderately concentrated nitric acid to form copper(II) nitrate
solution. the copper(II) ions then react with potassium iodide to liberate iodine by the
reaction already stated before.
( )
( )
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( )
( )
( )
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5. 2.4g of brass was dissolved in dilute nitric acid to make 250cm3 of solution. To
10.0cm3 of the resultant solution was added excess potassium iodide solution. The
iodine liberated required 9.60cm3 of 0.1M sodium thiosulphate for complete oxidation
using starch as indicator. Calculate the percentage of copper in the sample of brass.
6. The formula of double salt of copper; , can be determined
from the following data.
(a) When 2g of the salt was boiled with excess sodium hydroxide, the ammonia
evolved was absorbed in 40cm3 of 0.5M hydrochloric acid in a conical flask.
The resultant solution required 20cm3 of 0.5M sodium hydroxide for
neutralisation. Calculate the mass of ammonium ions in 2 g of the salt.
(b) Another 2g of the salt was dissolved in water and treated with an excess of
barium chloride solution. The mass of the dried precipitate formed was 2.33g.
Calculate the mass of sulphate ions in 2g of the double salt.
(c) 10g of the salt was dissolved to form 250cm3 of solution. 25.0cm3 of this
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A. Melting
B. Freezing or solidification
C. Sublimation
D. Deposition
E. Condensation
F. Evaporation or vapourisation
As a gas is heated to about 10,000K, the intermolecular and interatomic collisions
become more and more violent until the molecules disintegrate into electrons and
positively charged particles. A mixture of these is what is called plasma. Plasmas are
neutral overall but the strong forces between charged particles are different from those
between the neutral molecules or atoms in a gas. This makes plasmas very different from
gases. External magnetic and electric fields affect the charged particles in plasma but
have little or no effect on neutral particles in a gas. Plasmas also emit a lot of light and
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An ideal gas is also called a perfect gas.
An ideal gas is a gas that obeys all gas laws accurately at all temperatures and
pressures, has no intermolecular forces of attraction and occupies a negligible volume.
However there are known examples of ideal gases and the concept is just a theoretical
Gas pressure
This is the pressure exerted by a gas per unit area. The main unit of pressure is
is called a .
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Gas laws
Boyle‟s law
Boyle‟s law states that; at a constant temperature, the volume of a given mass of a gas
is inversely proportional to the pressure.
Or at a constant temperature, the pressure of a given mass of a gas is inversely
proportional to the volume.
Real gases do not fully obey Boyle‟s law. The deviations from the law particularly occur
at high pressures and low temperatures, and for gases which are easily liquefied.
The deviations from the law occur due to interactions between the molecules in a gas. If
such interactions did not exist, then a gas would obey Boyle‟s law (would be ideal or
Real gases approach the ideal or perfect behaviour at low pressures and high
Charles‟ law
Charles‟ law states that; at a constant pressure, the volume of a given mass of a gas is
directly proportional to the temperature in Kelvin.
Or at a constant pressure, the volume of a given mass of a gas is directly proportional
to the absolute temperature.
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Therefore if a gas has a volume at a temperature and the temperature is changed to , the
new volume , , at a constant pressure is given by the equation;
Real gases also deviate from Charles‟ law as they do for Boyle‟s law.
Combined gas laws
When Boyle‟s law and Charles‟ law are combined, one equation is obtained. This is
called the equation of state for an ideal gas. The equation relates pressure, volume and
the temperature of a gas.
From Boyle’s law;
If a given mass of a gas has a volume of at a pressure of , it will a volume at a
pressure at a constant temperature.
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( )
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When the quantity of gas is one mole, the constant in this equation is called the molar gas
constant, represented by .
Therefore for 1 mole of a gas;
And for moles of a gas;
The above equation is known as the ideal gas equation because it only holds when gases behave
as ideal or perfect gases.
The molar gas constant is commonly used as when the units of pressure,
volume and temperature are and Kelvin respectively.
Recall that;
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1. Calculate the volume occupied by 200g of carbon dioxide gas at a temperature
30 and a pressure of 98.65 kPa.
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Consider two gases and which diffuse at rates and respectively. If the densities of the
gases are and respectively;
√ √
√ √
Dividing equation (i) by equation (ii) yields;
√ √
If the volume is kept constant, then density is directly
√ √
√ √
Dividing equation (i) by equation (ii) yields;
Graham‟s law can therefore also be stated as; at constant temperature and pressure, the
rate of diffusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of its relative
molecular mass.
Rate of diffusion of a gas can also be expressed as a reciprocal of the time taken for the
Rate of diffusion of a gas can also be expressed in terms of volume of the gas and time
taken by the gas to diffuse.
Avoid the common mistake done by students during most of these calculations by
forgetting that most gases are diatomic. This should be observed when calculating molar
masses of gases.
1. A given volume of gas W diffuses through a hole in 14.1 seconds while the same
volume of carbon dioxide diffuses through the same hole in 10 seconds. Calculate the
molecular mass of gas W.
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( ) √
( ) √
( )
2. A given volume of a gas X diffuses in two thirds of the time taken by an equal
volume of hydrogen chloride under the same physical conditions. Calculate the
relative molecular mass of the X.
( ) √
( )
( ) ( )
( )
3. Oxygen diffuses 0.9 times faster than a hydrocarbon Y. Calculate the relative
molecular mass of Y.
( )
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5. Two pieces of cotton wool were each soaked separately in concentrated ammonia
solution and concentrated hydrochloric acid respectively and simultaneously
inserted into opposite ends of a horizontal wide glass tube. After a short time a
white ring was across the tube. If the distance between the inner surfaces of the
cotton wool plugs is 50cm.
Since ammonia gas from concentrated ammonia solution diffuses faster than hydrogen chloride
gas from hydrochloric acid, the white ring is formed nearer the cotton wool soaked in
hydrochloric acid. White ring
50-x x
Cotton wool soaked Cotton wool soaked
in concentrated in concentrated
hydrochloric acid ammonia solution
( ) √
( ) √
( ) ( )
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√( )
( )
1. Calculate the ratio of diffusion of a gas at 91 and 0 at a constant pressure.
2. A gas Q diffuses 4 times as rapidly as sulphur dioxide under the same conditions. If
the density of sulphur dioxide under the same conditions of temperature and pressure
is , calculate the density of Q.
3. 100 of oxygen diffused through a membrane in 5 minutes. 120 of an
unknown gas under the same conditions, diffused through the membrane in 10
minutes. Calculate the molecular mass of the unknown gas.
4. Oxygen diffuses 1.19 times faster than an amine, .
(i) Determine the molecular formula of the amine.
(ii) Deduce the structural formulae and names of all possible isomers of the
5. 250 of an alkene diffuse through a porous medium in 10 seconds and 716 of
oxygen diffuse through the same medium in 25 seconds under the same conditions.
Calculate the molecular mass of the alkene and deduce its structural formula.
6. Oxygen diffused through a porous partition in 1.87 minutes. Under similar conditions,
the same volume of an alkene, T diffused in 2.15 minutes.
(a) Determine the formula of T
(b) Write equation and outline mechanism for the reaction between T and benzene.
Indicate the conditions for the reaction.
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7. 141.4 of an inert gas diffused through a porous plug in the same time as it took
50 oxygen to diffuse through the same plug under the same conditions. Calculate
the relative atomic mass of the inert gas.
8. Two pieces of cotton wool were each soaked separately in concentrated amine Q and
concentrated hydrochloric acid respectively and placed at opposite ends of a 2m long
glass tube. After some time a white ring was formed at 0.96m from the end
containing concentrated hydrochloric acid. Determine the relative molecular mass of
amine Q.
9. Two pieces of cotton wool were each soaked separately in concentrated amine Y and
concentrated hydrochloric acid respectively and placed at opposite ends of a 1m long
glass tube. After some time a white ring was formed at 0.52m from the end
containing the concentrated ammine. Determine the relative molecular mass of amine
10. of gas L diffuses through a porous partition in 5s. of oxygen
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Therefore for a mixture of two gases and . The mole fractions of gases and are
given respectively as
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Let us now consider a mixture of three gases and and placed in a vessel each having
partial pressures , and respectively.
According to Dalton‟s law of partial pressures; the total pressure exerted by the gases is;
and if each of the gases has the number of moles as and and respectively,
Then the mole fractions of the gases and and are given by;
The partial pressures of each of the gases respectively are given as a product of
their respective mole fractions and the total pressure,
( )
( )
( )
Dalton came with his law experimentally but it can be deduced from the ideal gas
equation. Therefore if each of the gases has the number of moles as and and
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respectively and occupy a volume V, then, the pressures of each of the gases
respectively are given as;
1. (a) State Dalton‟s law of partial pressures.
(b) Explain why a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen chloride does not hold for
Dalton‟s law of partial pressures.
(c) A mixture of 20% ammonia, 55% hydrogen and 25% nitrogen by volume has
(b) Ammonia reacts with hydrogen chloride to form ammonium chloride. For Dalton’s law to
hold, there should be no chemical interactions between the gases.
(c) According to Avogadro‟s hypothesis;
2. 1.3g of carbon dioxide and 2.4g of oxygen were mixed in a 1 litre vessel. If the
total pressure of the mixture is 100 atmospheres, calculate the partial pressure of
each gas present in the container.
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( ) ( )
( )
( ) ( )
( )
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( )
( )
( )
(i) (ii)
1. A mixture of gases, at a pressure of has the volume composition of
30% carbon monoxide , 50% oxygen and 20% carbon dioxide. Calculate the partial
pressure of each gas.
2. A mixture of gases at s.t.p contains 65% nitrogen, 15% of carbon dioxide and 20% of
oxygen by volume. Calculate the partial pressure of each gas in kPa.
3. 12g of nitrogen, 0.4g of hydrogen and 9g of Oxygen are put in a 1 vessel at a
pressure of 17.02mmHg. Calculate the partial pressure of each of the gases.
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4. The partial pressures of the components of a mixture of gases are 26.64 kPa oxygen
34 kPa nitrogen and 42.66 kPa hydrogen. What is the percentage by volume of
oxygen in the mixture?
5. 400 of gas A at 2 atmospheres and 200 of gas B at 1 atmosphere are put in
a 500 container at the same time. Calculate the total pressure in the container.
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
According to the kinetic theory, the gas molecules are constantly moving in straight lines
until they collide with each other and with the walls of the container. As a result of these
numerous collisions within the gas, the velocities of the individual molecules vary
enormously. Most molecules within the gas have velocity close to the mean, but some
may acquire higher or lower values as a result of a series of favourable or unfavourable
collisions. The distribution of velocities amongst molecules was calculated by Maxwell
and Boltzmann, from the laws of probability and some typical results are shown below
The graph shows the distribution of molecular velocities in a gas a temperature , , and
a higher temperature, .
At both temperatures, the number of molecules with very high or very low speeds is
small, the bulk of the molecules having intermediate speeds. The peaks of the curves
represent the most probable velocities possessed by an individual molecule at the given
temperature. The most probable velocity(c') is not the same as either the mean/ average
velocity(c) or the root mean square velocity (u). At , the most probable velocity (c'),
the mean velocity (c) and the root mean square velocity(u) are all shown.
It is noted that the distribution curve for the higher temperature, has a lower peak. It
also more spread out although the total number of molecules ( represented by areas
under the curves) remain the same. The most probable velocity, the mean/ average
velocity and the root mean square velocity are all higher, but the proportions of the
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molecules with these speeds are lower. This is because at higher temperature, there a
greater range of possible velocities.
The distribution of kinetic energy amongst the molecules follows a similar pattern. It can
be expressed as
Where is the total number of molecules and is the number having an energy greater
than the value E.
Deviation from Ideal behaviour
Previously, we discussed that Boyle‟s law is not valid over a wide range of pressures.
Deviations from the law occur at low temperatures and high pressures.
Such deviations are due to the fact that real gases are not ideal.
A real gas is a gas that does not obey gas laws accurately at all temperatures and
pressures, has intermolecular forces of attraction and occupies an appreciable volume.
Real gases are not ideal because the intermolecular forces of attraction have a significant
effect on their pressure and their volume is not negligible. At low temperatures and high
pressures, the molecules of a gas are close together and forces operate between them. At
sufficiently low temperature and high pressure, a gas liquefies. Some of the ideas of the
kinetic theory have to be modified to account for non-ideal behaviour of gases.
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An ideal gas would obey Boyle‟s law such that , known as compression or
compressibility factor( ).
Compressibility factor is a measure of deviation real gas from ideal gas behaviour.
For any ideal gas the compressibility factor is equal to one.
However, for real gases, only approaches a value of one at very low pressures as shown
in the figure below. At other pressures, may be greater than one (meaning the gas is
more difficult to compress than an ideal gas) or less than one.
The graph below shows a plot of against pressure for some gases at the same
At high pressures, the molecules of a gas are close to each other, there are strong
repulsive forces between the molecules, and these hinder compression.
At moderate pressures, the forces between the molecules are attractive and favour
At very low pressures, neither repulsive nor attractive forces are significant and that is
why real gases approach ideal behaviour at low pressures.
Deviation for hydrogen and helium
For hydrogen and helium, there is a small deviation from ideal behaviour. This is because
the gases have small molecules, with small molecular masses and held by weak van der
Waals forces of attraction. The value of the compressibility factor is greater than
1 and continuously increases with increase in pressure. This is because deviation due to
molecular volume is greater than the deviation due to molecular attraction at all
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pressures. The molecules of hydrogen repel each other strongly thus this repulsion
increases the volume of a gas.
Deviation for methane, ammonia, oxygen and carbon dioxide
For methane, ammonia, oxygen and carbon dioxide, the deviation from ideal behaviour
increases in the order . This is because the gases have larger
molecules, with larger molecular masses that increase in the same order. The strength in
the van der Waals forces of attraction between the molecules increase with the increase in
molecular weight and reducing the volume occupied by the gases. For each of the gases,
the value of the compressibility factor initially decreases to a minimum. This is
because the deviation due to molecular attraction is greater than the deviation due to
molecular volume. The value of thereafter increases with increase in pressure because
the effect of molecular volume overcomes that of molecular attraction.
1. (a) What is meant by the term compressibility factor?
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(i) Explain why hydrogen shows a small deviation from ideal behaviour
compared to other gases.
(ii) Compare the deviation of oxygen and carbon dioxide from ideal gas
(Hint; the idea of compressibility factor should not be incorporated in your
answer in this question)
3. A plot of the compressibility factor, , against pressure for one mole of methane at
273K is as shown below. Use the graph to answer the questions that follow.
( )
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Since both these effects are proportional to gas density and inversely proportional to
volume, Van der Waals replaced by ( )
The Van der Waals‟ equation fits the experimental data better than the simple gas
equation, and the values of and for different gases can be obtained by fitting the
equation to known values of and .
Liquefaction of gases
If a gas is cooled sufficiently at atmospheric pressure, it can be liquefied. The conditions
of temperature and pressure under which gases liquefy were first investigated by
Andrews in 1869.
Andrews subjected carbon dioxide to various pressures at different temperatures and
plotted the effect of pressure on the volume.
The isothermals for carbon dioxide which are defined as curves for variation of
pressure with volume of the gas at particular temperatures were obtained as shown
𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒆 𝒎𝟑
Permanent gas
Liquid and vapour
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The isothermal at shows that the volume of the gas (carbon dioxide)
decreased with increase in pressure. This isothermal is in accordance with Boyle‟s law.
At a lower temperature , the volume of the gas first decreased in accordance to
Boyle‟s law along AB until the pressure increased to about 60 atm. At this pressure, there
is a sudden break in the curve and liquid carbon dioxide forms. The pressure remains
constant along BC until all the carbon dioxide is converted into liquid form. At C,
liquefaction of the gas is complete. Any further increase in pressure causes no change in
volume of the liquid carbon dioxide along CD. ( This is in accordance with the fact the
extremely high pressures are required to compress a liquid appreciably).
Similar changes take place in the effect of change in pressure on the volume of carbon
dioxide at temperatures below , although the pressure required to liquefy the
gas becomes smaller as the temperature decreases.
Liquefaction of the gas can be brought about at all temperatures below but
above this temperature, no liquefaction occurs no matter how much pressure is increased.
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1. The graph below shows isotherms of a gas.
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needle can float on water and certain insects can move freely on a water surface without
getting wet. The values of surface tension decrease with increase in temperature.
Surface tension of a liquid, , is the force in newtons acting parallel to the surface
along a line of one metre in length in the surface and at right angles to the line.
4. Diffusion
Like gases, liquids also diffuse since their molecules are also moving. The diffusion in
liquids is however slower than in gases because the molecules are more closer together
than in gases. When two miscible liquids are added together, they diffuse throughout the
whole mixture until it is homogeneous. Solids can also diffuse in liquids to form
solutions. For example copper(II) sulphate and potassium manganate(VII) crystals can
diffuse in water.
5. Vapourisation/ Evaporation
Evaporation is the change of state from liquid to gas (or vapour) at a temperature below
the boiling point of the liquid. Evaporation can take place at any temperature, the rate
increasing with increase in temperature. Some molecules in the liquid have enough
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Boiling therefore occurs when the vapour pressure is equal to the external pressure
exerted on the liquid.
Boiling point of a liquid is the constant temperature at which its saturated vapour
pressure becomes equal to the external pressure on the liquid.
8. Vapour pressure
Vapour pressure of a pure liquid is the pressure exerted by the vapour over the liquid
surface. The vapour pressure of a liquid depends on;
(i) The temperature of the liquid
When the temperature of a liquid is raised, its molecules move more rapidly. This results
into an increase in the average kinetic energies of the molecules. At higher temperatures,
a greater number of molecules possess energy greater than the escape energy and
therefore a greater number of molecules escape as vapour. This increases the vapour
pressure of the liquid.
(ii) External pressure
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(b) The vapour pressure increases from water to ethanol to ethoxyethane to nitrogen to
hydrogen, since boiling point decreases in the same order.
The vapour pressure of a liquid depends on the strength of its intermolecular forces.
Water molecules interact through strong intermolecular hydrogen bonds which
require a high amount of energy to break. This reduces escaping tendency of water
molecules into the vapour phase hence a low vapour pressure. Ethanol has a higher
vapour pressure than water because the intermolecular hydrogen bonds in it are
weaker than in water. This is because each ethanol molecule has only one hydrogen
atom that is sufficiently partial positive hence forms only two hydrogen bonds unlike
each water molecule that forms four hydrogen bonds. Ethanol molecules therefore
have a higher escaping tendency than water molecules. Ethoxyethane molecules,
Majority of solids melt into liquid when heated because the cohesive forces between their
molecules are broken and can no longer hold them together.
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In sodium chloride, each sodium ion is surrounded octahedrally by six chloride ions,
and each chloride ion is surrounded by six sodium ions.
In caesium chloride, each caesium ion is surrounded by eight chloride ions, and each
chloride ion is surrounded by eight caesium ions.
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(c) Soluble in polar solvents like water because they consist of oppositely charged ions
but insoluble in organic solvents like ether and benzene.
(d) Very hard and brittle.
Carbon atoms
In graphite, each carbon atom is covalently bonded to three other carbon atoms to form
two dimensional layers of hexagonal rings of carbon atoms. The hexagonal layers held
together by weak Van-der-Waals‟ forces of attraction which allow the layers to slide over
each other, a reason as to why graphite is soft and slippery, hence acts as a solid
lubricant. For each carbon atom, one electron is not used for bonding. These electrons,
one per carbon atom, are delocalized and used by graphite to conduct electricity.
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Silicon also has a giant covalent diamond like structure. Each silicon atom is covalently
bonded to four other silicon atoms to form a tetrahedral structure which is continuous to
form a giant covalent structure.
Fullerene is an allotrope of carbon whose molecule contains a range of 30-70 carbon
atoms. The carbon atoms are joined by single and double covalent bonds to form a closed
mesh like structure, which is also a giant covalent structure with fused rings of five to
seven carbon atoms each. The molecule can be a hollow sphere or in form of many other
shapes and sizes. The most common fullerene is .
Covalent bond between two Van der Waals forces holding iodine molecules
iodine atoms in the iodine
Both white phosphorus and red phosphorus exist a tetratomic molecule ( ). They are
molecular covalent solids. White phosphorus has the four phosphorus atoms joined by
covalent bonds but the tetratomic molecules are held by weak van der Waals forces
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which require a low amount of energy to break. This is why white phosphorus has a low
melting point. Red phosphorus has the four phosphorus atoms joined by covalent bonds
and the tetratomic molecules are also held by strong covalent bonds which require a low
amount of energy to break. This is why red phosphorus has a high melting point
Solid copper has a giant metallic structure which consists of a lattice of copper ions
surrounded by a sea of delocalized electrons moving randomly throughout the lattice of
regularly spaced positive ions. Strong metallic bonds hold the crystal together. Copper
has a face centred cubic close packed structure. Iron has a body centred cubic structure
and titanium has a hexagonal close packed structure.
Giant metallic solids have the following properties;
1. High melting and boiling points because a high amount of energy is required to break
the strong metallic bonds. Melting point increases as the number of electrons
contributed per atom of a metal towards metallic bonding increases.
2. Good conductors of electricity and heat due to presence of free mobile electrons
throughout the lattice. They conduct heat due to exchange of kinetic energy between
free mobile electrons in the lattice.
3. Strong but malleable and ductile.
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4. Insoluble in polar and non-polar solvents. The metal-metal attractions are much
stronger than the metal-metal attractions or the metal-solvent attractions. The solvent
molecules cannot penetrate the metal lattice.
From the formula of a compound and the relative atomic masses of the elements in it, the
percentage of each element or molecule in the compound can be determined. This is
called percentage composition by mass.
2. State the element with the highest percentage by mass in one mole of copper(II)
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(v) Data from colligative properties.
The molecular formula can be got from the empirical formula using the relationship;
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2. A compound Q contains 54.5% carbon, 9.09% hydrogen and the rest being
(a) Calculate the empirical formula
(b) 0.542g of Q occupies 148cm3 at a temperature of 20 and a 740mmHg
pressure. Determine the molecular formula of Q.
(c) If Q which produces effervescence with magnesium powder, deduce its
structural formula.
( )
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3. A compound J contains 62.1% carbon, 10.3% hydrogen and the rest being
oxygen. If J has a density of at s.t.p;
(a) Determine the empirical formula of J
(b) Molecular formula of J
( )
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( )
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( )
Assume J cm3 of hydrocarbon was exploded in Q cm3 of excess oxygen to form V cm3 of gas. On
addition of concentrated potassium hydroxide, the volume reduced to W cm3.
Volume of carbon dioxide formed is
Volume of oxygen that reacts is
From the above equation,
Relating the volumes;
Similarly; ( )
Relating the volumes;
( )
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(a) ( )
Similarly; ( )
( )
( )
(c) Hint; burning with a sooty flame indicates Z is aromatic. On reacting it with
alkaline potassium manganate(VII) solution followed by dilute hydrochloric
acid, the compound T formed is a carboxylic acid since it liberates hydrogen
gas when reacted with magnesium.
(i) Z is
and T is
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Similarly; ( )
( )
( )
( )
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Structural formula of isomer Name of isomer
Note; some of the questions in this exercise will require you to apply knowledge
from either other topics or branches of chemistry. Feel free to consult those topics
or consult your teacher or wait for them to be covered and revisit the questions.
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(b) Q forms a white precipitate with ammoniacal silver nitrate solution. Identify Q.
(c) Using equations only, show how Q can be synthesized from propanoic acid.
5. (a) When 2.3g of a compound P, containing carbon, oxygen and hydrogen was burnt
in excess oxygen, 2.2g of carbon dioxide and 0.9g of water was produced. Calculate
the empirical formula of P
(b) The density of P is 2.0536 at s.t.p. Determine the molecular formula of P.
(c) P dissolves in sodium hydrogencarbonate solution with effervescence. Write the
structural formula of P.
(d) State what would be observed and write equation for the reaction that would take
place when a solution of P is treated with:
(i) acidified potassium manganate(VII) solution
(ii) Fehling‟s solution.
6. 20cm3 of a gaseous hydrocarbon W were exploded with 120cm3 of Oxygen. After the
explosion, the volume of gases remaining was 90cm3 and this decreased to 50cm3 on
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10. When 20cm3 of a gaseous alkyne P, , was exploded with 135cm3 of excess
oxygen and on cooling to room temperature, the residual gas occupied a volume of
105cm3. When the residual gas was passed through concentrated sodium hydroxide
solution, the volume decreased by 80cm3.
(a) (i) Write the equation for combustion of P.
(ii) Determine the molecular formula of P.
(b) Write the structural formulae and names of possible isomers of P.
(c) P reacts with sodium metal in presence of liquid ammonia to form compound Q.
(i) P
(ii) Q.
(d) P was bubbled through ammoniacal silver nitrate solution.
(i) State what was observed
(ii) Write equation for the reaction
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12. A solid inorganic sulphate contains 9.76% of magnesium 13.00% of sulphur and
51.22% of water.
(a) Determine the empirical formula of the compound.
(b) Hence determine the molecular formula of the compound (the molecular mass of
compound is 245)
(c) Name the reagent(s) that can be used to confirm the ions present in the compound.
In each case state what is observed.
13. An organic compound Y consists of 48.6% carbon, 8.1% hydrogen and the rest being
(a) Determine the empirical formula of Y.
(b) 0.453g of a vapourised sample of Y occupied 200cm3 at 100℃ and 95.0kPa
(i) Calculate the molecular mass of Y.
(ii) Determine the molecular formula of Y.
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(d) A reacts with anhydrous zinc chloride and concentrated hydrochloric acid to give a
cloudy solution in about 5 minutes.
(i) Identify A
(ii) Show how A could be synthesised from but-2-ene
20. A solid inorganic nitrate contains 9.37% by mass of magnesium, 10.93% nitrogen and
42.18% of water. Determine the molecular formula of the nitrate if its molecular mass
is 256.
21. When 0.203g of hydrated magnesium chloride, , was dissolved in water
an titrated with 0.1M silver nitrate solution, 20.0cm of the silver nitrate solution was
required for complete reaction. A sample of the hydrated chloride lost 53.2% of its
mass when heated in a stream of hydrogen chloride gas. Calculate the value of x and
22. A compound Z contained 19.1% nitrogen, 43.6% oxygen and the rest being
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(f) Suggest a plausible mechanism for the reaction between Q and hot concentrated
sulphuric acid.
27. A compound Q contains 76.32% carbon, 6.38% hydrogen and the rest being oxygen.
A solution of Q in water is acidic but does not liberate carbon dioxide from
carbonates. A solution of 1.50g of Q in 20.90g of benzene freezes at 1.3℃ while pure
benzene freezes at 5.50℃.
(a) Determine;
(i) the empirical formula of Q.
(ii) the molecular formula and write the structural formula of Q.
(b) Explain why a solution of Q in water is acidic.
(c) Describe the reaction between Q and bromine water.
(d) Write equation and outline mechanism for the reaction between Q and;
(i) ethanoylchloride
(ii) Write the chemical equation for the reaction between substance W and
semicarbazine in presence of dilute sulphuric acid. Outline the mechanism for the
(iii) Write equation(s) to show how compound Y can be synthesized from benzene.
Indicate the necessary conditions and reagents.
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(i) Bromine
(ii) Propene
(iii) Ethanoylchloride.
(Your answer should include conditions for the reactions and
mechanisms for the reactions where applicable)
(d) Write equation to show how T can be synthesized from benzaldehyde.
32. A compound Y contains by mass 61.02% carbon, 15.25% hydrogen and the rest
being nitrogen.
(a) Determine the empirical formula of Y
(b) Compound Y has a density of at s.t.p. Determine the molecular
formula of Y.
(c) Write the structural formula of possible isomers of Y.
(d) Compound Y forms yellow oils when reacted with cold concentrated hydrochloric
acid and sodium nitrite.
Questions 22, 26 and 27 will be simpler after covering colligative properties in Phase
equilibria and gaining more knowledge of organic chemistry.
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Fundamental particles of the atoms and radioactivity
Historical development of the atomic theory
It was the Greek philosophers Democritus and Leucippus who first considered the idea
that matter is made up of particles in about 400BC. This was later supported by Boyle
and Newton. The idea was however not accepted because there was no experimental
evidence for it.
In 1808, a Manchester school teacher, John Dalton restated and extended the older
Modern instruments like X-ray diffraction and advanced microscopes have provided
direct evidence for existence of atoms
When a reaction occurs in a closed vessel, all the atoms present before the reaction are
still present after the reaction. They just merely become rearranged. Since the masses of
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the atoms are constant, the total masses of the substances before and after the reaction
should be the same.
J.J. Thomson therefore deduced that negatively charged particles were present in
all matter.
The negatively charged particles were named electrons and were recognized as
particles of which an electric current is composed
He described an atom as a sphere of positive electricity in which negative electrons
are embedded
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Undeflected particle
Since particles are positively charged, the few deflections that occurred were
because the protons of the atom are collected in a heavy, small positively charged
central nucleus which makes up just a tiny fraction of the atom.
Since most of the particles passed through the gold foil undeflected, most of the
atom is empty space and the electrons rotate in this space around the nucleus in the
in the same way planets rotate around the sun
The analysis led Rutherford to propose a model in which an atom consists of a very small
positively charged nucleus, in which most of the mass of the atom is concentrated,
surrounded by negatively charged electrons, so that the atom is electrically neutral.
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The neutron was discovered by Sir James Chadwick in 1932, by bombarding beryllium
with rays. Chadwick found out that particles which had properties quite different
from those of protons and electrons were given off. They were not deflected at all by
electric and magnetic fields and therefore possessed no charge. The particles had almost
the same mass as a proton. Since they were neutral particles, they were called neutrons.
Later experiments showed that all atoms contain neutrons apart from that of hydrogen.
The discovery of radioactivity took place over several years beginning with the discovery
of X-rays in 1895 by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen. The work continued with Henri
Becquerel who had learnt of Roentgen‟s discovery of X-rays through the fluorescence of
some materials.
In 1896, a year following the discovery of X-rays, A.H. Becquerel found out that
Uranium and Uranium compounds would also emit a penetrating radiation capable of
affecting wrapped photographic plates. He was experimenting on salts which fluoresced(
glowed in the dark). One day he developed a photographic plate which had been left
wrapped in a drawer of his working table to be used the next day. To his surprise, he
found that the plate had been exposed. Since he knew that no light could penetrate the
wrapping, he perhaps thought the plate was penetrated by some rays coming from the
Uranium salts. He though it wise to investigate this mysterious radiation and gave the
problem to a young research worker called Marie Curie.
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Marie Curie later found out that this strange effect happened with all Uranium salts and it
depended on the amount of Uranium present in the compound. She realized that the
ability to give off the radiation was a property of the atoms of uranium and that it was a
completely new type of property quite different from a chemical reaction. Marie Curie
called this property of the Uranium atom radioactivity.
In 1898, Marie Curie‟s husband left his own research work and joined her with this
exciting discovery. They discovered two new radioactive elements. They called one
Polonium, after Marie‟s native country Poland and the other as Radium.
The naturally occurring elements now known to be radioactive are polonium, radon,
radium, actinium, thorium, protactinium, francium and uranium. Elements that are not
naturally radioactive can also be induced to undergo artificial radioactivity.
In 1903, Rutherford put forward the theory that radioactivity was caused by
disintegration or decay of the large heavy atoms of Radium, Uranium etc., into simpler
atoms of other elements.
Three types of radiation are given off by radioactive substances. They include the beta
rays ( ), gamma rays ( ) and alpha rays ( ). All these radiations
cause certain substances such as zinc sulphide to luminesce. They also ionize gases
through which they pass.
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From their name, they are isotopes which are radioactive. They can also be called
radioactive isotopes.
Radioisotopes are heavier unstable atoms of the same element with the same number of
protons but different number of neutrons that undergo spontaneous disintegration to
form lighter stable atoms with emission of radioactive particles such as alpha particles,
beta particles and gamma rays.
Very many radioactive isotopes have been artificially made and are very useful.(check
under applications of radioactivity.
Nuclear reactions
In a chemical reaction, the nature of the elements does not change. For example sodium
reacts with chlorine to form sodium chloride. When molten sodium chloride is
electrolyzed, sodium and chlorine can be got again. This means the nature of sodium and
chlorine has not changed. The sodium atom changes to sodium ion and the chlorine atom
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1. Reactions involving emission of the, alpha particles, beta particles ,gamma rays and
some other particles
(i) Emission of an alpha particle
Consider the reaction;
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2. Bombardment by particles
(i) Bombardment of nitrogen-14 by an alpha particle to form oxygen-17
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N.B. Strictly use the atomic number and not the mass number to identify the element
from the Periodic Table
The reactions shown in the bombardments above can therefore be represented as;
4. Other problems
(i) Complete the equation
Let the mass number and atomic number of the other product be x and y respectively.
Note that the atomic number got is 0. But there is no element in the Periodic table with
atomic number 0. Therefore this should be the particle but multiplied by 4
The equation therefore becomes;
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(iii) Determine the number of alpha particles and beta particles that must be
emitted for to transform to .
Let the number of alpha particles and beta particles emitted be x and y respectively
Note that atomic numbers of the elements can be obtained from the Periodic Table
1. Explain with use of suitable examples; the terms;
(i) Atom
(ii) Ion
(iii) molecule
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6. Naming the particle involved in each case, complete each of the equations.
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The rate at which a radioactive isotope decays cannot be speeded up or slowed down by
any physical or chemical means. The rate depends on the identity of the isotope and the
amount of isotope present. Radioactive isotopes do not decay at the same rate. Some
decay very rapidly in a few millionths of a second and others can even take billions of
years to decay.
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∫ ∫
( )
( )
( )
Any of the equations (i) or (ii) can be used any of the unknown values it by substitution
so long as all the others are known.
Since Activity is proportional to number of We can also express the equations in terms of
radioactive atoms present, we can also have the counts per unit time
equations in the form;
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
We can also express the equations in terms of mass
( ) ( )
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The decay constant is the proportionality between the number of radioactive atoms and
the rate at which the radioactive atoms decay.
Half life
The time taken for a number of radioactive atoms to decay to ⁄ atoms is called the
half-life. The half-life of Radium is about 1600 years. This means that 1g of Radium
decays to 0.5g in 1600 years. 0.5g decay to 0.25g in a further 1600 years, and so on.
Half-life is the time taken for the amount of a radioactive sample to decay to half its
original value.
Derivation of expression for half life
It can be derived using any of the equations (i) or (ii) above
( ) ( )
when decays to half its original value, then at when decays to half its original value, then
( ) ⁄ ( ) ⁄
⁄ ⁄
The equation ⁄ can be used to find half life when the decay constant is known or the
decay constant when the half life is known.
1. A radioactive isotope decays from an initial count of 160 counts per minute to 20
counts per minute in 27 days. Calculate its half-life.
( ) ⁄
( ) ⁄
( ) ⁄
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2. The nuclide of carbon-14 has a half-life of 5600 years. Calculate the age of a
wood from an ancient tomb, if this wood gave 10 counts per minute per gram of
carbon compared with the 15 counts that are given by the carbon from new
N.B. This is a process of carbon dating that will be seen later. The counts per minute tend to
reduce after the tree is cut and wood begins to decay. This helps us interpreted the values of and
. Mistaking them will yield a negative value of time. Time cannot be negative!!!
⁄ ( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
4. The half-life of Radium is 1590 years. How long will it take for a sample of
Radium to decay to 25% of its original amount?
⁄ ( )
( )
( )
out. In this question however, half-life and time should have consistent units.
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( )
( )
( )
⁄ ( )
( )
8. It takes 1620 years for 0.03 moles of Radium-226 to decay to 0.015 moles.
Calculate the number of moles of Radium-226 left when 26g decayed for 6 years?
( ) ( )
( )
( )
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1. A radioactive sample of caesium-136 decays from 480 counts per minute to 60 counts
per minute in 42 days. Calculate its half-life.
2. The half-life of strontium-90 is 29 years. Calculate its decay constant.
3. The disintegration constant of lead-199 is . Determine its half-life.
4. A sample of wood has an activity of . A freshly cut wooden tree has an
activity of . Calculate the age of the wood sample. The half-life of
carbon-14 is 5600 years.
5. A radioactive isotope decays at such a rate that after 68 minutes, only one fourth of its
original amount remains. Calculate its half-life.
6. The half-life of Bismuth is 19.7 minutes. Determine the time taken for 43% by mass
of Bismuth to decay.
7. A radioactive element to a count rate of 120 counts per minute. After 3 hours, it
dropped to 15 counts per minute. Determine the half-life of the isotope.
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Note that in each of these graphs can be substituted with Activity (A), amount,
Number of moles, mass or counts
( )
( )
( )
( )
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( )
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A graph of agaist time(t) is a straight The graph has a slightly different look if
line with an intercept on the axis. This some or all the values of are less than 1.
intercept = and can be used to find the
initial amount, . The graph has a negative
slope = from which can be obtained
and used to find ⁄ from the expression
It is advisable that when plotting graphs on radioactivity, the axes begin from the origin.
1. (a) State what is meant by the terms
(i) Radioactivity
(ii) Half-life
(b) The table below shows data for radioactive decay of element W.
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Nuclear energy
Nuclear energy is energy released during nuclear fission or nuclear fusion. Nuclear
energy has been increasingly used to provide electricity and to drive large ships.
In 1935, Enrico Fermi discovered that when a radioactive substance such as Uranium was
bombarded by neutrons, it produced by-products that were not Uranium and were lighter
than the original sample.
In 1938, Otto Hahn, Fritz Strassman, Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch discovered fission.
They found out that the lighter by-products of neutron bombardment on Uranium-235
also released energy. This proved Albert Einstein‟s theory put forth 33 years earlier
that . This was the first time that all the components of fission were known. This
discovery resulted into making of the atomic bomb and nuclear power plants.
Nuclear fission
A very large amount of energy is released in splitting heavy atomic nuclei. Uranium-235
nuclei can be split into smaller elements when a controlled nuclear reaction is carried out.
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Nuclear fission is the process by which a nucleus of a heavier atom is split into nuclei
of lighter atoms, by bombardment with neutrons, with release of a large amount of
The fission products and are unstable too and emit radiations until stable
isotopes are formed.
Nuclear fusion
Nuclear fusion is a process of combining nuclei of lighter atoms to form heavier nuclei
at very high temperature, liberating a very large amount of energy.
The lighter elements include hydrogen, helium and lithium. The energy produced
comes from decrease in mass of the nuclides.
The fusion reactions only take place at extremely high temperature more
than . This is because a very large amount of energy is required for the
positively charged nuclei to overcome strong repulsion between them. The nuclear fusion
reactions are therefore also known as thermonuclear reactions.
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Nuclear power
Nuclear power is electricity created from a nuclear power plant. The heat produced
during fission of Uranium-235 is used to convert water into steam. This steam is used to
drive turbines that generate electricity.
Applications of radioactivity
Radioactive isotope Use/ application
or radiation
Radium-226 In radiotherapy for treatment of cancer
(from Taking radiographs in radiotherapy instead of X-rays
Radium or Radon)
Phosphorus-32 In radioactive tracing for the uptake of phosphorus by a plant from a
phosphate fertilizer
To elucidate the nature of photosynthesis
In carbon dating, to estimate the age of old objects. Living plants and
animals take in carbon which includes a small proportion of carbon-14.
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18O 18O
The reverse of esterification is acid alkaline ester hydrolysis. An ester
containing a labeled radioactive oxygen-18 atom is heated with sodium
hydroxide solution. Analysis of the products using a mass spectrometer
shows that the oxygen-18 is not in the carboxylic acid formed. This means
that the bond cleaved.
18O ̅ 18O-
Many atomic nuclei are stable but others decay by giving out radiations. All nuclei with
atomic numbers greater than 83 are unstable and therefore radioactive.
Nuclear stability is the ability of the nucleus of an atom to resist spontaneous decay
Lighter elements with mass number up to 20 have the ⁄ approximately equal to one.
After atomic number 20, addition of protons is not favoured because of the creation of
more repulsive forces in the nucleus. Addition of neutrons is favoured up to ⁄ .
Beyond this value, atomic nuclei become unstable due an increased number of protons
that lead to increased repulsive forces within the nuclei. The nuclei therefore emit
radiations to become stable and get converted to new nuclei.
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2. Atomic number
Stability of the nucleus decreases as the atomic number increases. Atoms with atomic
number 83 are have unstable nuclei.
3. Mass number
As mass number increases, the number of protons in the nucleus also increases, repulsive
forces increase much more rapidly than the attractive forces making the nucleus unstable.
5. Binding energy
This is the energy given out when a nucleus is formed from its constituent neutrons
and protons
or The energy required to separate the nucleus into its constituent neutrons and
The greater the binding energy, the more stable the nucleus and the lower the binding
energy, the less stable the nucleus.
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80 X ⁄
Stability line
The dotted line is a line along which number or protons is equal to number of neutrons. It
is called the stability line and along this line ⁄
The stability belt or stability region or band of nuclear stability is the area on the
graph where all stable nuclei lie. Any nuclei out of this band are unstable and undergo
radioactivity to achieve stability.
The band of nuclear stability starts to deviate from the line of stability( ⁄ ) at
atomic number 20. This is because as atomic number or number of protons increases,
there is a strong repulsive force that develops in the nucleus. More neutrons are needed to
counterbalance the repulsive forces. This increases the neutron- proton ratio.
The stability belt stops abruptly at atomic number 83 because no stable isotope exists
beyond atomic number 83.
The nuclei in regions and outside the stability zone are unstable and therefore
undergo radioactive decay to form isotopes which lie in the stability zone. This can occur
by electron capture(or positron emission), beta emission and alpha emission.
Region X
In this region, number of neutrons is greater than number of protons. The neutron-
proton ratio is greater than one. To stabilize the nucleus, the neutron–proton ratio can be
reduced by reducing the number of neutrons and increasing the number of protons.
This happens by beta emission which reduces the number of neutrons by one and
increases the number of protons by one.
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Region Y
In this region, number of protons is greater than number of neutrons. The neutron-
proton ratio is less than one. To stabilize the nucleus, the neutron–proton ratio can be
increased by reducing the number of protons and increasing the number of neutrons.
This happens by electron capture or positron emission. Both electron capture and
positron emission reduces number of protons by one and increases number of neutrons by
Region Z
In this region, the nuclides have atomic number greater than 83 and are heavy. To
stabilize the nucleus, both the number of protons and the number of neutrons must be
reduced. This happens by a series of alpha emissions. Alpha emission reduces both the
number of protons and the number of neutrons. There must be a series of alpha
The modern ideas on electronic distribution in atoms originated from the model of the
hydrogen atom by Bohr. Bohr‟s theory was based on the spectrum of the hydrogen atom.
Electromagnetic radiation
Electromagnetic radiation is the energy resulting from the acceleration of electric charge
and the associated electric fields and magnetic fields. The energy can be regarded as
waves propagated through space involving oscillating electric and magnetic fields at right
angles to each other and to the direction of propagation.
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Alternatively, the energy can be regarded as a stream of photons (which are bundles of
light energy) travelling at the speed of light as quantized harmonic waves.
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Atomic spectra
Atoms of different elements can be made to absorb or emit energy when they are excited.
The emission spectra from the vapours of the elements are known as atomic or line
spectra. They consist of a series of lines, each corresponding to a particular wavelength,
and indicating that the number of possible energy changes that can take place within the
atom of the element is in some way limited. Each element produces a unique set of
spectral lines and no two elements can emit the same series of spectral lines. This means
that an element can be identified by its line spectrum.
The word spectrum was first used in optics to describe the rainbow of colours in visible
light after passing through a prism. After advancement in the understanding of light, the
concept came to apply to the entire electromagnetic spectrum.
A spectrum can be defined as a range of electromagnetic energies arranged in order of
increasing or decreasing wavelength or frequency of electromagnetic radiation emitted
or absorbed by an atom or molecule.
The emission of radiation may be induced by a variety of methods; for example, by high
temperature, bombardment by electrons, absorption of higher-frequency radiation, etc.
Types of spectra
Emission spectrum
If atoms are heated to sufficiently high temperatures, they emit light of certain wave
lengths. The emission of energy occurs as a result of electrons moving from higher
energy levels to lower energy levels. The observed spectrum consists of a number of
coloured lines on a black background. The spectrum is called an atomic emission
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spectrum. The emission spectra of atoms provide evidence that the electrons are
distributed around the nucleus in various energy levels.
Absorption spectrum
If atoms absorb light of a certain wave length, black lines appear in the spectrum where
light of some wave length has been absorbed. The absorbed energy by the atoms causes
energy changes from lower to higher energy levels. The observed spectrum is called an
absorption spectrum.
level to a lower energy level, it emits energy equal to the difference between the
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energy of the two energy levels in the form of small packets of light known as photons.
For every transition of the electron, there is a line in the spectrum and there are different
types of spectral series formed.
The Lyman Series is formed when the electron jumps from any higher energy level to
first energy level .
The Balmer Series is formed when the electron jumps from any higher energy level to
the second energy level .
The Paschen Series is formed when the electron jumps from any higher energy level to
the third energy level .
The Brackett series is formed when the electron jumps from any higher energy level to
the fourth energy level .
The Pfund series is formed when the electron jumps from any higher energy level to the
fifth energy level .
The observed convergence between the lines towards the high frequency end in each
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(i) ( )
2. Use the Rydberg equation to calculate the wavelength in of the light emitted
when the electron in a hydrogen atom undergoes a transition from to
. Determine the region of light emitted.
( )
( )
Note; The units in which the Rydberg constant is given determine the way in which you
carry out the calculation. Also note that to convert from m to nm, a multiplication
factor of is used.
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Bracket series
Paschen series
Balmer series
Principal quantum
number(n) Ionisation
The principle quantum number ( ) only takes on integral values from 1 to infinity( ).
As frequency increases in each of the series of lines, each line becomes closer to the
previous line until the lines converge and the spectrum becomes continuous. The
Lyman series arises from electron transition to the ground state from higher energy
levels. The ground state occurs when the electron is at the lowest energy level ,
and the atom is most stable in this state. The electron normally occupies this energy level
unless given sufficient energy to move up to a higher energy level.
The highest frequency lines relate to the highest energy levels. The limit of the Lyman
series(the convergence of the lines) corresponds to a transition from the to the
energy level. The is the energy level where the electron has escaped from
the atom and the atom has ionised.
The atom is said to be in an excited state when the electron is found in the higher energy
levels. When an electron is excited from the ground state to a higher energy, it becomes
unstable and falls back to one of the lower energy levels by emitting
photon(s)/electromagnetic radiation
By convention, the energy level is usually assigned an energy value of .
The lower the energy level, the more negative the energy value associated with that level.
Thus, the more negative energy states correspond to more stable states. Negative value of
energy indicates that the electron is bound to the nucleus and there exists an attractive
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force between the electron and the nucleus. Also, since the potential at infinity is defined
as zero, energy levels at a distance below infinity are negative.
The energy difference between any two adjacent levels gets smaller as n increases, which
results in the higher energy levels getting very close and crowded together just below
The ionization energy of an atom is the energy required to remove the electron
completely from the atom (transition from ground state to infinity ). For
hydrogen, the ionization energy
The convergence limit is reached when the electron is completely removed from the atom
and corresponds to a transition from the to the energy level. The transition
happens when an electron collides with an ion and returns to the ground state. The
convergence frequency can be used to calculate the ionisation energy.
In 1913, Niels Bohr put forward his theory that explained these facts. He based on
Planck‟s quantum theory which fundamentally proposed that matter cannot absorb or
emit energy in continuous amounts, but only in small discrete units called quanta.
According to Bohr‟s theory;
The single hydrogen electron could travel around the nucleus in various possible
orbits but only certain orbits in which the electron possessed a whole number of
quanta of energy were permissible.
No energy was radiated while the electron was rotating in a permissible orbit.
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Bohr’s theory cannot explain the atomic spectra of atoms with more than one
Bohr’s model could not explain the hydrogen atomic spectrum under the influence
of external magnetic field i.e. the Zeeman effect, when the spectral line is split into
several components in the presence of a magnetic field.
It could not explain the hydrogen spectrum under the influence of an external
electric field. i.e. the Stark effect, when the spectral line gets split into fine lines in
the presence of an electric field.
Ionisation energy
Energy is required to remove an electron from a free gaseous atom against the attraction
of the nucleus. For a single atom, the energy required to remove one electron from the
atom in its ground state is called the first ionisation energy.
The first ionisation energy results into formation of a free gaseous ion from a free
gaseous atom and not formation of an ion of an element in its normal state. Successive
ionisation energies refer to the loss of a second, third,...... th electron.
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The value of first ionisation energy for hydrogen can be found by the formula relating the
wavelengths of the lines in the various spectral lines; ( ).
( )
( )
To convert this value to , multiply the
ionisation energy of one electron by Avogadro‟s
1. The limits of the spectral lines formed by transitions from ground state occur at
229.9nm for lithium and 285.6nm for potassium. Calculate the molar ionisation
energies of the two elements.
For lithium; For Sodium;
If it’s the frequency, given, then use the formula . Your answer may be left in
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An electron is different from a larger particle in a way that its wave-like nature is of
much greater significance than the wave-like nature of the larger particle.
The other difference is that both the position and the velocity of a large particle like a
The more accurately the position of a particle is defined, the less accurately is its
velocity known, and the more accurately the velocity is defined, the less accurately is its
position known.
Quantum numbers are a set of four integers which are necessary to locate the energy
level or position of an electron and to specify the size, shape and orientation of orbital.
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This specifies the energy level of an electron and its distance from the nucleus. The
first orbital nearest to the nucleus has principal quantum number, and is also called
the ground state. The second principal quantum number, and is called the excited
state and so on. As increases, the size of the orbit increases and the electron is far away
from the nucleus. An increase in also means that the electron has higher energy and is
therefore less bound to the nucleus. Energy levels closer to the nucleus have lower
energy. All the orbitals having the same value of are said to be in the same level. The
total number of electrons that can occupy any energy level is given by where
principal quantum number.
This determines the shape of an orbital and the angular distribution. It represents the
various sub energy levels within an energy level. Each value of indicates a specific
or subenergy level.
The values of are in a range of to for each value of . If an electron has a
principal quantum number and an angular momentum quantum number ,
then it is said to be a electron. The different combinations of the two quantum
numbers and are shown in the table below.
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It represents the spin of an electron on its own axis, which can be clockwise or
anticlockwise relative to the orbital of the electron. The electron spin quantum number
does not depend on any other quantum number. It designates the direction of the electron
spin. An electron may have a spin of (represented as ) or (represented as ).
Because an electron spins, it creates a magnetic field which can be oriented in one of the
two directions.
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It states that electrons enter orbitals of lowest energy first. The electrons are added to
atomic orbitals starting with the lowest energy orbitals and building up to higher energy
Hund’s rule
It is also called Hund‟s Multiplicity Rule. According to the rule, when electrons occupy
orbitals of equal energy, they do not pair up in an orbital until all the other orbitals in
the sub energy level have been occupied by a single electron.
The filling shown first is acceptable but not the second case
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The notation is used and the subenergy levels contain a maximum number of
electrons as shown. The atomic number is used to write the configuration.
The table below shows the first 20 elements with their electronic configurations. Some
configurations are written and others are not. Complete the table
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of chromium and copper. An electron that would be in the 4s sub energy level is filled
in the 3d sub energy level do make it half-filled for copper and completely filled for
chromium. Complete the table too to show the electronic configurations of the other
Scandium 21
Titanium 22
Vanadium 23
Chromium 24
Manganese 25
Iron 26
Cobalt 27
Nickel 28
Copper 29
Zinc 30
More other elements with atomic numbers greater than 30 are shown below with some
Germanium Ge 32
Bromine Br 35
Strontium Sr 38
Silver Ag 47
Tin Sn 50
Iodine I 53
Barium Ba 56
Lead Pb 82
Ions are formed by gaining electrons (anions) or losing electrons (cations). When writing
their electronic configurations, electrons are either removed or added to the outer most
sub energy levels depending on the charge on the ion. For cations of the elements in the
first transition series (scandium to zinc), electrons in the 4s sub energy level are removed
first before those in the 3d sub energy level. Similarly, we can subtract or add electrons to
the atomic number of the neutral atom and use the remaining electrons to write the
configuration. Write configurations for the following ions.
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Number of neutrons B
80 P ⁄
0 20 60 80 83 Number of protons
4. The diagram below shows the Lyman series part of a hydrogen emission spectrum.
(a) State;
(i) the information obtained from the separate lines about the electronic
structure of hydrogen
(ii) the direction in which energy increases
(iii) the direction in which frequency increases
(iv) the direction in which wavelength increases
(v) how the emission spectrum arises
(b) Briefly explain why the lines get closer together from left to right
(c) State what is meant by the term “principal quantum number”
5. (a) What is meant by the term quantum number?
(b) State the significance each of these quantum numbers on information about an
(i) the spin quantum number
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Elements that were chemically similar such as lithium, sodium and potassium usually
occurred in every eighth position. From his observation, Newland put forward the
following periodic law; the properties of elements are a periodic function of their
atomic weights.
Newlands‟ law however did not convince majority of the chemists. This is because some
elements were placed in the table but assigned incorrect relative atomic masses. In
addition, no allowance was given for the possibility of the undiscovered elements.
In 1869, the Russian chemist, Demitri Mendeleeff, used Newlands basic idea to devise a
new kind of table. He arranged all the known elements in order of their relative atomic
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masses to show the relationships between the elements more clearly. He improved
Newlands‟ table by;
1. Leaving gaps in the Periodic Table on a prediction the new elements would be
discovered to fill the gaps. He predicted the properties of the undiscovered elements.
When the elements were discovered and found to have relative atomic mass and the
physical and chemical properties Mendeleeff predicted, chemists strongly believed in
his Periodic Table.
2. Introducing long rows periods for the elements now called transition elements. This
implied that the elements were not placed under nonmetals as in
Newlands‟ system.
Below is part of Mendeleef‟s Periodic Table;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
From its electronic structure, , hydrogen resembles group I elements which have one
electron in the outermost sub energy level. Hydrogen is also similar to group I elements
in being electropositive because it is liberated at the cathode when aqueous solutions of
acids are electrolyzed.
Also just like group VII elements, the hydrogen atom is one electron short of a noble gas
configuration. Therefore hydrogen resembles elements in both groups in being
consistently monovalent when combining with other elements.
The properties of hydrogen relate it much more to the halogens than alkali metals. It has a
much higher ionisation energy and electronegativity than alkali metal. This gives it a
nonmetallic character. It also resembles halogens by existing as diatomic molecules. Just
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like salts of halogens, when fused metallic hydrides liberate hydrogen at the anode on
In the modern Periodic Table, elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic
numbers instead of atomic mass. Atomic numbers increase from left to right and from
top to bottom in the table. The modern Periodic Table has more elements than
Mendeleef‟s table because many elements have been discovered since his time. The
elements can be classified in three classes; metals, metalloids and non-metals.
In the modern Periodic Table, each element is represented by its chemical symbol, atomic
mass and mass number. The rows in the table are called Periods and the columns are the
groups. The table has a total of 18 groups and 7 periods.
The first period has only 2 elements. The second and third periods have 8 elements each.
Lanthanum series
Actinium series
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The Periodic Table is divided into four main blocks; these blocks are s-block, p-block, d-
block and f-block
s-block elements
They are placed in the left hand block of the table. The s-block contains the elements
whose outermost electrons occupy the s sub-energy level. The s-block consists of two
groups of elements;
IA whose electronic configuration ends with ,
IIA whose electronic configuration ends with .
p-block elements
These occupy the right hand block of table. The p-block contains the elements whose
outermost electrons occupy the p sub-energy level except helium.
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1. The lanthanides
These are in the sixth period, in which the 4f sub-energy level is filled successively.
The elements of this series are quite similar in behaviour and very difficult to be
separated as the outermost energy level for all of them is 6s² .
2. The actinides
These are placed in seventh period, in which the 5f sub-energy level is filled
successively. All the elements of this series are radioactive and their nuclei are
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Ar 18
K 19
Ca 20
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The elements in the Modern Periodic table can be classified as metals, metalloids or non-
metals. Most of the elements in the table are metals. In the periodic table, there is a
change from metallic to non-metallic properties across the table, and an increase in
metallic properties down a group. Consequently there is a diagonal nearer the center of
the table ( ) in which there is a borderline between metals and non-metals, and
the metalloids are the borderline cases.
The metals are good conductors of heat and electricity have a shiny lustre, malleable and
ductile, usually have high melting points and high densities.
The non-metals are poor thermal conductors, good heat insulators, and are neither
malleable nor ductile.
Atomic radius
Ionisation energy
Electron affinity
Metallic character
Standard electrode potential
The factors affecting atomic properties of elements include;
1. Nuclear charge
2. Shielding effect/ screening effect
3. Electronic configuration
4. Atomic radius.
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1. Nuclear charge
This is simply the total number of positive charges in the nucleus of an atom. It is an
equivalent to the number of protons.
Similar atoms
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The variation in atomic radius down a group or across a period is determined by the
1. Nuclear charge
The higher the nuclear charge, the more strongly are the outermost electrons attracted
closer to the nucleus, reducing the atomic radius. The lower the nuclear charge, the
weaker the attraction of the outer most electrons to the nucleus hence the increasing the
atomic radius.
2. Screening effect.
The greater the screening effect, the stronger the repulsion of the outermost electrons
from the nuclear attraction. The electrons are thus far and weakly attracted to the nucleus,
increasing the atomic radius. The lower the screening effect, the lower the repulsion of
the outermost electrons from the nuclear attraction. The electrons are thus nearer and
strongly attracted to the nucleus, reducing the atomic radius.
This is because from sodium to chlorine, nuclear charge increases because a proton is
added to nucleus from element to element. Screening effect almost remains constant,
because electrons are added to the same energy level. Effective nuclear charge increases,
and outer most electrons get closer and more strongly attracted than repelled by the
(ii) the ionic radii of and are larger than those of the
corresponding atoms
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The ions are formed by gaining electrons. When the electrons are gained, the number of
electrons becomes greater than the number of existing protons. Screening effect
increases. Effective nuclear charge reduces. The electrons become more strongly
repelled by the nucleus than they are attracted.
(b) The ions and have the same electronic configuration, yet they
have different ionic radii. Suggest a reason for this.
The ions are formed by losing electrons, reducing the screening effect. The number of
protons however remains unchanged. The effective nuclear charge therefore increases in
the order since proton number increases in the same order. The
ionic radius therefore decreases in the order
2. The table below shows the atomic radii and ionic radii of the elements in Group II of
the Periodic Table.
Element Be Mg Ca Sr Ba
(a) State and explain the trend in atomic radius of the elements
Atomic radius increases from Beryllium to Barium.
This is because from Beryllium to Barium, nuclear charge increases; screening effect
also increases, because an extra energy level completely filled with electrons is added.
Increase in screening effect outweighs increase in nuclear charge. Effective nuclear
charge decreases, and outer most electrons are far and weakly attracted by the nucleus.
(b) Explain why the ionic radius is smaller than the atomic radius of corresponding
neutral atom for each element.
The cations are formed by losing electrons. When the electrons are lost, the number of
remaining electrons becomes lower than the number of existing protons. Screening effect
decreases. Effective nuclear charge increases. The electrons become more strongly
attracted by the nucleus than they are repelled reducing the ionic radius. In the neutral
atom, the screening effect is counterbalanced by nuclear charge.
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Ionisation energy
This is the minimum amount of energy required to remove an electron from a gaseous
atom to form a charged gaseous ion.
Ionisation energy can be first, second or third,… ionisation energies depending on which
electron is being removed from the atom
1. Nuclear charge
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(a) State and explain the general trend in first ionisation energy
(b) Briefly explain why;
(i) Beryllium has an abnormally higher value than boron
For Beryllium, an electron is removed from a completely filled 2s-sub energy level which
is thermodynamically stable. Higher amount of energy is required to remove the electron
For Boron, an electron is removed from a 2p-sub energy level which has only one
electron hence thermodynamically unstable. Lower amount of energy is required to
remove the electron.
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For oxygen, the electron is removed from a 2p-sub energy level which has four electrons
hence thermodynamically unstable. Lower amount of energy is required to remove the
For nitrogen, an electron is removed from a half filled 2p-sub energy level which is
thermodynamically stable. Higher amount of energy is required to remove the electron
For neon, an electron is removed from a completely filled 2p-sub energy level which is
thermodynamically stable. High amount of energy is required to remove the electron
2. The table below shows the first ionization energies of Group VII elements.
Element F Cl Br I
First ionisation energy (kJmol-1)
This is because from fluorine to iodine, nuclear charge increases, screening effect also
increases, because an extra energy level completely filled with electrons is added from
element to element. Increase in screening effect outweighs increase in nuclear charge.
Effective nuclear charge decreases, atomic radius increases and outer most electron is
far and weakly attracted by the nucleus requiring a low amount of energy to be removed.
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0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
(iii) Valency
Q has valence one since it has one electron in the outermost energy level, strongly
shielded from the nucleus and easily lost.
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eight electrons occupy the same energy level, nearer to the nucleus than the outermost
energy level. There is an abnormally large increase from the ninth to tenth ionisation
energies. This implies that the tenth electron is removed from an inner energy level,
completely filled with electrons, thermodynamically stable and closer to the nucleus.
There is a gradual increase from tenth to seventeenth ionisation energies. This implies
that the next eight electrons occupy the same energy level and nearer to the nucleus.
There is an abnormally large increase from the seventeenth to eighteenth ionisation
energies. This implies that the eighteenth electron is removed from an inner energy level,
completely filled with electrons, thermodynamically stable and closer to the nucleus. The
last two electrons occupy the innermost energy level, closest to the nucleus and require
the highest amount of energy to be removed due to a very strong nuclear attraction.
Q therefore has four energy levels with electronic configuration as shown below.
Energy level
From all the information above, it can be concluded that element Q is potassium.
Noble gases have the highest first ionisation energies because they have stable
configurations and require very high energies to remove an electron.
2. The table below shows the first four successive ionisation energies of elements A,
B, C, D and E.
Element Ionisation energy(kJmol-1)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
A 800 2400 3700 25000
B 900 1800 14800 21000
C 500 4600 6900 9500
D 1090 2400 4600 6200
E 1310 3400 5300 7500
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(a) (i) Successive ionisation energies increase from first to second to third to fourth
because as successive electrons are removed, the number of protons becomes greater
than the number of the remaining electrons, screening effect reduces, effective
nuclear charge increases and the remaining electrons become strongly attracted by
the nucleus thus requiring a high amount of energy to be removed.
(ii) For element E, successive ionisation energies increase from first to second to third to
fourth because as successive electrons are removed, the number of protons becomes
greater than the number of the remaining electrons, screening effect reduces, effective
(b) A belongs to group III. This is because the difference between the third and fourth
ionisation energies is very big compared to the difference between first and second,
second and third ionisation energies. This implies that the fourth electron is removed
from an inner energy level, completely filled with electrons, thermodynamically
stable and closer to the nucleus and the first three electrons are in an outermost
energy level.
B belongs to group II. This is because the difference between second and third
ionisation energies is very big compared to the difference between first and second,
third and fourth ionisation energies. This implies that the third electron is removed
from an inner energy level, completely filled with electrons, thermodynamically
stable and closer to the nucleus and the first two electrons are in an outermost energy
C belongs to group I. This is because the difference between first and second
ionisation energies is very big compared to the difference between second and third ,
third and fourth ionisation energies. This implies that the second electron is removed
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Electron affinity
When an electron is gained by an atom, energy is given out.
The uninegatively charged gaseous ion can gain one more electron to form a dinegatively
charged ion. This is called second electron affinity and is an endothermic process
(energy is absorbed)
First electron affinity of oxygen is negative because heat is given out when an electron is
added to neutral gaseous oxygen atom to form uninegatively charged gaseous oxygen
atom. This incoming electron experiences a greater attraction by the nucleus than it is
repelled. There is however repulsion when an electron is being added to the negatively
charged gaseous ion. Energy must be absorbed to add this electron such that the
repulsion is overcome. This makes the second electron affinity positive.
The variation in first electron affinity down a group or across a period is determined by
the factors;
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1. Nuclear charge
The higher the nuclear charge, the higher the first electron affinity because the incoming
electron is strongly attracted than it is repelled by the nucleus, giving off a high amount
of energy. The lower the nuclear charge, the lower the first electron affinity because the
incoming electron is weakly attracted by the nucleus, giving off a low amount of energy.
2. Screening effect
The higher the screening effect, the lower the first electron affinity because the incoming
electron is strongly repelled than it is attracted by the nucleus, giving off a low amount of
energy. The lower the screening effect, the higher the first electron affinity because the
incoming electron is more strongly attracted by the nucleus than it is repelled, giving off
a high amount of energy.
3. Atomic radius
The larger the atomic radius, the lower the first electron affinity because the incoming
electron is far and more strongly repelled than it is attracted by the nucleus, giving off a
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(i) the first electron affinity of magnesium is lower than the rest.
For magnesium, the electron is added to a completely filled 3s-sub energy level which is
thermodynamically stable. The incoming electron experiences greater repulsion by the
existing electrons than nuclear attraction. Energy must therefore be absorbed to add the
incoming electron. The first electron affinity is therefore endothermic.
(ii) the first electron affinity of aluminium is higher than that of magnesium
For aluminium, the electron is added to the 3p-sub energy level which has one electron
and thermodynamically unstable. The incoming electron experiences more attraction by
the nucleus than repulsion, hence giving off a higher amount of energy.
For magnesium, the electron is added to a completely filled 3s-sub energy level which is
(iii) the first electron affinity of phosphorus is lower than that of Sulphur.
For phosphorus, the electron is added to a half filled 3p-sub energy level which is
thermodynamically stable. The incoming electron experiences more repulsion than
attraction by the nucleus.
For Sulphur, the incoming electron is added to a 3p-sub energy level which has four
electrons, thermodynamically unstable. The incoming electron experiences more nuclear
attraction than repulsion by the existing electrons.
3. The table below shows the first electron affinities and atomic numbers of the
elements in Group VII
Element F Cl Br I
Atomic number 9 17 35 53
First electron affinity(kJmol-1) -354 -370 -348 -320
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(To be done by student. When plotting the graph, the negative sign may be eliminated
since it’s on all values and it just indicates that the process is exothermic. The graph
below is just a sketch and not on scale)
(c) (i) Explain the general trend in variation of the first electron affinities
(ii) Explain why fluorine has an abnormal value
(a) (i) Generally, first electron affinity decreases from fluorine to iodine.
This is because from fluorine to iodine, nuclear charge increases, screening effect
also increases, because an extra energy level completely filled with electrons is
added from element to element. Increase in screening effect outweighs increase
in nuclear charge. Effective nuclear charge decreases, atomic radius increases
and incoming electron is far and weakly attracted by the nucleus giving off a low
amount of energy.
(ii) Fluorine has the smallest atomic radius, highest electron density, strongly
repels the incoming electron and energy is consumed to add the electron to its
The tendency of an atom to attract bonding electrons towards itself in a covalent bond.
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Fluorine is the most electronegative element, followed by oxygen and nitrogen. The
halogens follow after the three elements. Alkali metals have lowest values of
The table below shows some common elements and their electronegativity values
1. Nuclear charge
This is because from sodium to chlorine, nuclear charge increases because a proton is
added to nucleus from element to element. Screening effect almost remains constant,
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because electrons are added to the same energy level. Effective nuclear charge increases,
atomic radius reduces and the bonding electrons experience a greater nuclear attraction.
2. The table below shows the electronegativity values of the elements in Group II of
the Periodic Table.
Element Be Mg Ca Sr Ba
Electronegativity 1.57 1.31 1.00 0.95 0.89
State and explain the trend in electronegativity values of the elements
This is because from Beryllium to Barium, nuclear charge increases, screening effect
also increases, because an extra energy level completely filled with electrons is added
from element to element. Increase in screening effect outweighs increase in nuclear
charge. Effective nuclear charge decreases, atomic radius increases, and the bonding
The tendency of an atom of an element to lose its valence electrons to become positively
1. Nuclear charge
The higher the nuclear charge, the lower the electropositivity because the valence
electrons are strongly attracted and cannot easily be lost. The lower the nuclear charge,
the higher the electropositivity because the valence electrons are weakly attracted by the
nucleus and can easily be lost.
2. Screening effect
The higher the screening effect, the higher the electropositivity because the valence
electrons valence electrons are weakly attracted by the nucleus and can easily be lost. The
lower the screening effect, the lower the electropositivity because the valence electrons
are strongly attracted by the nucleus and cannot easily be lost.
3. Atomic radius
The larger the atomic radius, the higher the electropositivity because the valence
electrons are far and weakly attracted by the nucleus hence are easily lost. The smaller
the atomic radius, the lower the electropositivity because the valence electrons are nearer
and strongly attracted by the nucleus hence not easily lost.
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4. Electronic configuration
Atoms with outermost sub energy levels half-filled or completely filled with electrons are
thermodynamically stable hence do not easily lose the valence electrons, reducing
electropositivity. Atoms whose outermost sub energy levels are neither half-filled nor
completely filled with electrons are unstable. The valence electrons are weakly attracted
hence easily lost, increasing electropositivity.
Variation of electropositivity across period 3
This is because from sodium to chlorine, nuclear charge increases because a proton is
added to nucleus from element to element. Screening effect almost remains constant,
because an electron is added to the same energy level. Effective nuclear charge
increases, atomic radius reduces and the valence electrons experience a greater nuclear
attraction hence not easily lost.
This is because from Beryllium to Barium, nuclear charge increases, screening effect
also increases, because an extra energy level completely filled with electrons is added
from element to element. Increase in screening effect outweighs increase in nuclear
charge. Effective nuclear charge decreases, atomic radius increases and the valence
electrons experience a lower nuclear attraction than repulsion hence easily lost.
Metallic character
Metallic character decreases from left to right across a period because electropositivity
decreases for reasons already explained. Metallic character also increases down a group
since electropositivity increases for reasons also already explained.
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1. The table below shows the values for atomic and ionic radii of alkali metals.
Element Atomic number Ionic radius
Lithium 1.23 0.68
Sodium 1.57 0.97
Potassium 2.03 1.33
Rubidium 2.16 1.47
Caesium 2.35 1.67
(a) In every case, the ionic radius is smaller than the corresponding atomic radius.
(b) Explain the increase in atomic radius along the series Lithium to Caesium
(c) The ions and , have the same electronic configuration yet they
have different ionic radii. Suggest a reason for this.
(d) Which one of the alkali metal ions in the gaseous state is likely to have the highest
(a) Plot a graph of ionization energy against atomic number of the elements
(b) State and explain the trend in ionization energy of the elements
(c) Explain why the;
(i) first ionization energy of argon is very high
(ii) first ionization energy of Sulphur is less than that of phosphorus
(iii) first ionization energy of aluminium is less than that of magnesium
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4. The table below shows the first ionization energies of Group II elements
Element Be Mg Ca Sr Ba
First ionisation energy (kJmol ) 899 738 589 549 502
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Chemical bonding is one of the basic fundamentals of chemistry that explain other
concepts such as chemical reactions. An atom consists of the nucleus containing protons
and neutrons and electrons in certain energy levels rotating around the nucleus. In
chemical bonding, only the valence electrons (electrons located in the outermost energy
levels) of an atom are involved.
Chemical bonds are forces that hold atoms, ions or molecules together to make
compounds. During formation of a chemical bond, atoms combine in order to acquire a
noble gas electronic structure. This can be achieved by either transfer of electrons from
The following steps can be followed to draw Lewis Dot symbols of different elements
1. Identify the number of valence electrons for the element. These are the total number
of electrons in the outermost energy level. They can be known by the electronic
2. Write the correct chemical symbol of the element
3. Put one dot in all directions; up, down, left and right of the element symbol
4. If some electrons are left, begin doubling the dots
From the Lewis Dot symbol of each element, we can predict the number of bonds an
element can form during bonding.
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Draw the Lewis Dot symbols for the elements Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen
3 1 Three bonds
6 4 Four bonds
7 5 Three bonds
Note that the Lewis Dot symbols below cannot be correct because dots have to be placed
in all directions before pairing occurs.
The table below shows the electronic configuration of the first 20 elements of the
Periodic Table. Use the valence electrons of each element to draw its Lewis Dot
structure and predict the number of bonds the element can form
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In the formation of a chemical bond, atoms lose, gain or share valence electrons to
completely fill their outermost energy levels and attain a noble gas configuration. This
tendency of atoms to have eight electrons in their outermost energy levels is known as the
octet rule.
It states that; an atom is most stable when there are eight electrons in its outermost
energy level.
Only the and electrons are involved in the octet rule. It does not apply to or
There are a number of elements whose atoms can exist in stable compounds by forming
bonds with less than eight valence electrons. When this occurs, the atom of the element
within the molecule is said to have an incomplete octet. The examples include; hydrogen
ion, beryllium ion, boron ion and aluminium ion. The boron ion and aluminium ion can
form stable ions in covalent compounds like boron trifluoride and aluminium chloride.
The phosphorus atom in phosphorus pentachloride has 10 electrons and Sulphur in
Sulphur hexafluoride has 12.
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It is formed by complete transfer of one or more electrons from one atom to another to
form oppositely charged ions.
The electron or electrons are transferred from a metallic element to a nonmetallic
The element that loses electrons is electropositive since it forms a positive ion. The
𝑵𝒂 𝑪𝒍 𝑵𝒂 𝑪𝒍
The sodium atom has electronic The chlorine atom has electronic configuration,
configuration, . The 3s . The 3p subenergy level has
subenergy level has one electron and is five electrons and is unstable. The electron
unstable. This electron is transferred to the transferred from sodium occupies this sub energy
chlorine atom by sodium to form noble gas level to form noble gas
configuration, . A Sodium ion is configuration, . A chloride ion
formed. is formed.
The sodium ion and chloride ion get hold together by strong electrostatic forces of
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2 2
𝑴𝒈 𝑶 𝑴𝒈 𝑶
The magnesium atom has electronic The oxygen atom has electronic configuration,
configuration, . The two 3s . The 2p sub energy level has four
electrons are transferred to the oxygen atom electrons and is unstable. The two electrons
by magnesium to form noble gas transferred from magnesium occupy this sub
configuration, . A magnesium energy level form noble gas
ion is formed. configuration, . An oxide ion is
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Ionic radius(nm) 0.095 0.065 0.050
Charge density
The higher the charge density, the higher the polarising power of the cation. From the
table above, charge density and hence polarising power increases in the order
.The covalent character of the chlorides formed by the elements
increases from sodium chloride to magnesium chloride to aluminium chloride due to the
increase in polarising power.
In general, compounds in which a cation has a high charge and small ionic radius tend
to have a high charge density and high polarising power. This makes such compounds
tend to a covalent character and exhibit properties contrary to ionic compounds
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1. Polarisability
Polarisability is the ease by which the electron cloud of the anion can be distorted.
The greater the polarisability of the anion, the greater the tendency of the anion to form a
covalent bond.
Polarisability of an anion depends on the size of the anion
The smaller the anion, the lower it is polarizable and the larger the anion, the easier it is
If we consider the halide ions, polarisability increases in the order
Sodium chloride and magnesium chloride have giant ionic structures held by strong
ionic bonds which require a high amount of energy to break. The decrease in melting
point from sodium chloride to magnesium chloride is because magnesium ion has a
smaller ionic radius, higher charge density and higher polarising power than sodium
ion making magnesium chloride less ionic than sodium chloride. Aluminium chloride has
the lowest melting point because among the cations, the aluminium ion has the smallest
ionic radius, highest charge density and highest polarising power. Aluminium chloride
is therefore predominantly covalent. Covalent bonds require a low amount of energy to
(ii) Aluminium chloride dissolves in methylbenzene but sodium chloride does not.
The aluminium ion in aluminium chloride has a higher charge and a smaller ionic
radius than the sodium ion in sodium chloride. The aluminium ion therefore has a higher
charge density and higher polarising power than the sodium ion. The chloride ion being
greatly polarized by the aluminium ion makes aluminium chloride mainly covalent
hence soluble in non-polar methylbenzene. However, sodium chloride is purely ionic and
insoluble in non-polar solvents.
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(iii) The melting point of lead(II) chloride is 500℃ whereas that of tin(II) chloride
is 247℃. Explain this observation.
Lead(II) ion has a larger ionic radius than tin(II) ion. Therefore the tin(II) ion has a
higher charge density and polarising power than the lead(II) ion. This makes tin(II)
chloride mainly covalent whereas lead(II) chloride is mainly ionic. Covalent bonds need
a lower amount of energy to break than ionic bonds.
(iv) Lead(II) chloride is insoluble in ethanol whereas lead(IV) chloride readily
dissolves in ethanol.
The lead(II) ion in lead(II) chloride has a smaller charge and a larger ionic radius than
the lead(IV) ion in lead(IV) chloride. Therefore the lead(II) ion has a lower charge
density and lower polarising power than the lead(IV) ion. This makes lead(II) chloride
mainly ionic hence insoluble in nonpolar solvents whereas lead(IV) chloride is mainly
covalent hence soluble in non-polar solvents.
(vi) The table below shows the melting points of magnesium halides.
Formula of halide
Melting point(OC) 1263 714 711 634
Explain the general trend in melting points of the halides.
The melting points of the halides decrease from magnesium fluoride to magnesium
iodide. This is because the anionic radius increases from the fluoride ion to the iodide
ion. The degree of polarization of the anions also therefore increases from the fluoride
ion to the iodide ion, increasing the covalent character of the halides. Thus a
decreasing amount of energy is required to break the magnesium-halogen bonds that
become increasingly more covalent.
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1. Explain why
(a) calcium iodide is ionic whereas aluminium iodide is covalent
(b) Sodium chloride melts at 800 oC whereas aluminium chloride sublimes at 180 oC
(c) Beryllium chloride is more soluble in ethanol than in water whereas barium
chloride is more soluble in water than in ethanol
(d) The solubility of lithium chloride in ethanol is higher than the solubility of
potassium chloride in ethanol.
(e) aluminium fluoride sublimes at whereas aluminium chloride sublimes at
(f) aluminium chloride is soluble in methylbenzene and has a low melting point yet
aluminium fluoride is soluble in water and has a higher melting point.
(g) tin(II) chloride is a solid whereas tin(IV) chloride is a liquid at room temperature
(h) lead(II) fluoride has a higher melting point than lead(IV) fluoride
3. The table below shows the melting points of the chlorides of Group II elements.
Melting point (OC) 405 714 782 875 962
Explain why;
(i) the melting point of beryllium chloride is very low
(ii) melting point increases from magnesium chloride to Barium chloride
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Covalent bonds may be formed between atoms of the same element or atoms of
different elements
Usually the bonding atoms contribute an equal number of electrons towards formation of
a normal covalent bond.
𝑪𝒍 𝑪𝒍 or
𝑯 𝑪𝒍
The hydrogen atom has electronic configuration and the chlorine atom has
electronic configuration, . Hydrogen contributes its only electron and
chlorine contributes one of its valence electrons. The electron pair is shared to make
hydrogen have a full s sub energy level and chlorine to have a full octet.
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In a simple way, covalent bonds are usually represented by a line to indicate a pair of
shared electrons, double lines to indicate two shared pairs and triple lines to indicate a
three shared pairs.
Other covalent molecules include; .
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The bonding electron density is greater towards the fluorine atom with a small negative
charge than towards hydrogen with a small positive charge
For two equal but opposite separated electrical charges, there exists an electric dipole
moment. An electric dipole moment is a product of one of the charges, or and
the distance between the atomic nuclei. Any individual polar covalent bond must have a
[ ]
This ion is formed by coordination of water to a hydrogen ion. The oxygen atom in the
water molecule has two lone pairs of electrons. The hydrogen ion has electronic
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configuration .The hydrogen ion therefore accepts one of the lone pairs of electrons
from oxygen to have a full 1s sub energy level. This results into formation of the
hydroxonium ion.
[ ]
This ion is formed by coordination of ammonia to a hydrogen ion. The nitrogen atom in
the ammonia molecule has a lone pair of electrons. The hydrogen ion has electronic
configuration .The hydrogen ion therefore accepts the lone pair of electrons from
nitrogen to have a full 1s subenergy level. This results into formation of the ammonium
The nitrogen atom in the ammonia molecule has a lone pair of electrons. The aluminium
atom has only three valence electrons. When aluminium covalently bonds with three
chlorine atoms in aluminium chloride, it has six electrons in its outermost energy level,
requiring two electrons to complete its octet. Since nitrogen is more electronegative than
hydrogen in ammonia, it has a partial negative charge. Also aluminium is less
electronegative than chlorine in aluminium chloride, hence has a partial positive charge.
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There is therefore an attraction between nitrogen atom and aluminium atom. The lone
pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom is donated to the aluminium atom to form a dative
Ammonia can also form coordinate bonds with boron trifluoride or boron trichloride
[ ]
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1. The respective bond energies of the covalent bonds of group IV elements are
given below.
Bond C C Si Si Ge Ge
Bond dissociation energy(kJmol ) 346 175 168
State the trend in bond energy. Give a reason for your answer.
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The bond energy decreases from carbon-carbon bond to silicon- silicon bond to
germanium-germanium bond. This is because the atomic radius increases from carbon
to germanium, bond length increases and bond strength decreases.
The table below gives bond energies of Carbon-halogen bonds.
Bond C F C Cl C Br C I
2. They do not conduct They neither form free mobile ions nor have delocalized
electricity except graphite electrons to conduct electricity.
3. Most covalent substances are In polar solvents, the solvent-solvent interaction is much
insoluble in polar solvents like greater than interaction between the covalent molecules in the
water but soluble in non-polar solute or the interaction between the covalent molecules and
solvents like benzene, ethanol the polar molecules in the solution. Covalent compounds tend
or propanone to dissolve in non-polar solvents because van der Waals’
forces are the binding forces in both cases.
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Intermolecular forces
Intermolecular forces are forces that exist between molecules. There a number of types of
intermolecular forces. They include; van der Waals forces and the hydrogen bond.
They are different from forces holding individual atoms in a molecule. The forces
between atoms in a molecule are called the intramolecular forces.
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Van der Waals forces are in general very weak compared to ionic or covalent bonds. This
is shown by the low melting and boiling points of substances held together by van der
Waals‟ forces
Each carbon atom in graphite is covalently bonded to three other carbon atoms to form
two dimensional layers of hexagonal rings of carbon atoms. The hexagonal layers held
together by weak Van-der-Waals’ forces of attraction which allow the layers to slide over
each other.
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2. The table below shows the melting points of the some elements in Period 3 of the
Periodic Table.
Element P S Cl Ar
Melting point(OC) 44.2 115.2 -101.5 -189.4
3. Silicon, phosphorus, Sulphur and chlorine are period 3 elements that form
oxides whose melting points decrease in the order .
Explain the trend in melting points of the oxides
Silicon(IV) oxide has a giant covalent structure in which each silicon atom is bonded to
four oxygen atoms making very many strong covalent bonds that require a high amount
of energy to break. Phosphorus pentoxide, sulphur trioxide and Chlorine(VII) oxide have
simple molecular structures whose molecules are held by weak van der waal’s forces of
attraction whose strength decreases with decrease in polarity of the molecules as a
result of increase in electronegativities of the atoms bonded to oxygen
4. Briefly explain why carbon dioxide is a gas whereas silicon(IV) oxide is a solid at
room temperature.
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Carbon dioxide is non-polar. It has discrete molecules with a simple molecular structure
held by weak van der Waals forces of attraction which are easily overcome at room
temperature keeping the molecules far apart from each other.
However, in silicon(IV) oxide, each silicon atom is covalently bonded to four oxygen
atoms to form a tetrahedral structure which is continuous to form a giant molecular
structure with very many strong covalent bonds that are not easily broken at room
temperature, keeping its molecules very close to each other.
5. The table below shows the boiling points of the hydrides of group IV elements.
Boiling point(OC)
Explain the trend in boiling points of the chloroalkanes.
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Boiling point(OC)
9. 2, 2-dimethyl propane boils at a lower temperature than n-pentane yet both are
of the same molecular weight.
2, 2-dimethyl propane is a branched isomer giving it a spherical shape which reduces its
size and weaker Vander Waal’s forces of attraction will exist between the molecules.
n-pentane is a straight chain molecule which gives the molecule an extended structure
resulting into relatively stronger Vander Waal’s forces.
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This explains why hydrogen fluoride is a liquid whereas other group VII hydrides are
gases at room temperature; hydrogen fluoride has a higher boiling point than any other
hydride of group VII.
Water molecules
Water molecules also associate through intermolecular hydrogen bonding. Each water
molecule forms four hydrogen bonds with other water molecules. This explains why
water has higher boiling point and is a liquid whereas hydrogen sulphide has a lower
melting point and is a gas although both Sulphur and oxygen are group VI elements.
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Both ammonia and phosphine are trigonal pyramidal but ammonia has a
higher boiling point than phosphine . This is because nitrogen has a
smaller atomic radius and is more electronegative than phosphorus. This makes the
nitrogen- hydrogen bond strongly polar whereas the phosphorus- hydrogen bond is non-
polar. Ammonia molecules are therefore held together by strong hydrogen bonds which
require a high amount of energy to break than the weak van der Waals‟ forces in
(b) Alcohols
Alcohols associate in their liquid form due to intermolecular hydrogen bonding. The
boiling points of alcohols are higher than boiling points of corresponding alkanes or alkyl
halides with similar molar mass because of association through hydrogen bonding.
For example the boiling point of methanol is whereas that of methane is
Alcohols are also more soluble in water than alkanes or alkyl halides of similar molecular
mass because of the ability to form hydrogen bonds with water.
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Alcohols with more hydroxyl groups have higher boiling points than alcohols with one
hydroxyl group. Propane-1,2,3-triol, ethane-1,2-diol and ethanol have boiling points
, and respectively.
Viscosity of alcohols also increases as number of hydroxyl groups increases due to
increased hydrogen bonding.
(c) Carboxylic acids
When methanoic acid or ethanoic acid is dissolved in benzene or
other organic solvents and the relative molecular mass of the acid determined by
cryoscopic method, the value obtained is normally twice the actual value. This is
because in liquid state form or in solution in benzene, the acids associate through
intermolecular hydrogen bonds to form dimers. The same scenario happens when
Intermolecular hydrogen
In aqueous solution however, molecules of carboxylic acids do not dimerise but form
intermolecular hydrogen bonds with water. This explains their solubility in water.
(d) Amines
Amines also associate in their liquid form due to intermolecular hydrogen bonding. The
boiling points of amines are higher than boiling points of corresponding alkanes with
similar molar mass because of association through hydrogen bonding.
Amines are also soluble in water because of the ability to form hydrogen bonds with
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Amines have lower boiling points than corresponding alcohols or carboxylic acids
because nitrogen is less electronegative than oxygen. The nitrogen-hydrogen bonds are
less polar than oxygen- hydrogen bonds so the hydrogen bonds formed in amines are
weaker than in alcohols.
Primary amines have higher boiling points than secondary amines which also have higher
boiling points than tertiary amines of the same molecular mass. This is because the
nitrogen atom in primary amines has two hydrogen atoms hence can form more
intermolecular hydrogen bonds than the nitrogen atom in secondary amines which has
one hydrogen atom hence can form one intermolecular hydrogen bond. The nitrogen
atom in tertiary amines has no hydrogen atom that can form hydrogen bonds.
Phenols are more soluble in water than corresponding alkanes or alkyl halides because of
the ability to form hydrogen bonds with water just like alcohols.
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hydrogen bonds
2. The table below shows both boiling points of group VII hydrides.
Hydride HF HCl HBr HI
Boiling point( C) +19.9 -85.0 -66.7 -35.4
Explain the variation in boiling points, including any anomalies involved.
Boiling points increases from hydrogen chloride to hydrogen iodide. However, hydrogen
fluoride has an abnormally high value of boiling point.
The increase in melting point from hydrogen chloride to hydrogen iodide is because the
three hydrides have simple molecular structures held by weak Van der Waals’ forces
whose magnitude increases with the increasing molecular weight leading to an increase
in amount of energy required to break the forces.
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Hydrogen fluoride has an abnormally high melting point because the fluorine atom
has the smallest atomic radius and the highest electronegativity, making the hydrogen-
fluorine highly polar. The hydrogen fluoride molecules are therefore held by strong
intermolecular hydrogen bonds which require a high amount of energy to break.
3. Explain why;
(i) 2-chlorophenol is less soluble in water than 4-chlorophenol.
hydrogen bond
hydrogen bond
because the nitro group is far from the hydroxyl group. Molecules of 3-nitrophenol
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therefore form intermolecular hydrogen bonds which are stronger hence not easily
4. Explain why ice is less dense than water
In ice, each oxygen atom in a water molecule is surrounded tetrahedrally by four other
1. Explain why
(a) The melting of silicon is much higher than that of phosphorus yet both silicon and
phosphorus are covalent substances.
(b) hydrogen and helium gases show a small deviation from ideal behaviour
(c) For gases methane, ammonia, oxygen and carbon dioxide, the deviation from ideal
behaviour increases in the order .
(d) The boiling point of the given arylhalides increases in the order
(e) The boiling point of chlorobenzene is higher than benzene which is also higher
than cyclohexane
(f) Both carbon and silicon are group IV elements. However, the melting point of
carbon dioxide is whereas that of silicon dioxide is .
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Boiling point(OC)
Explain the trend in boiling points of the alkanes.
3. The table below shows the boiling points of halogens
Element F2 Cl2 Br2 I2
Boiling point( C) -187.9 -34.0 58.2 +184.5
Explain the trend in boiling points of the halogens
(a) hydrogen fluoride has a higher boiling point than hydrogen chloride.
(b) melting point of 4 – nitrophenol is much higher than that of 2 – nitrophenol
(c) 4-nitrophenol is more soluble in water than 2-nitrophenol
Metallic bonding
A metallic bond is the electrostatic force of attraction between positive metal ions and
delocalized electrons.
A metallic solid consists of a lattice of metal ions with the outer most electrons forming a
“sea” of delocalized electrons. The delocalized electrons freely move throughout the
structure and can conduct electricity. Electrostatic attractions exist between the
delocalized electrons and the metal ions.
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Properties of metals
The metallic bond is the bond that is responsible for the properties of metals.
Qn. Explain why group II elements form metals with higher melting and boiling
points than group I elements
Both group I and group II elements form metallic bonds whose strength depend on the
number of electrons contributed per atom to the formation of the metallic bonds. Group
II elements contribute two electrons per atom forming stronger metallic bonds that
require a higher amount of energy to break than Group I elements which only
contribute one electron per atom towards forming weaker metallic bonds that require a
lower amount of energy to break.
Qn. Explain why the melting point of chromium is higher than that of calcium
Calcium has a larger atomic radius and only contributes the two 4s electrons per atom
towards metallic bonding hence forming weaker metallic bonds that require a lower
amount of energy to break than chromium which has a smaller atomic radius and
contributes both the one 4s electron and the five 3d electrons forming stronger metallic
bonds that require a higher amount of energy to break.
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2. Electrical conductivity
Metals are good conductors of electricity and heat due to presence of free mobile
electrons throughout the lattice. If a potential difference is applied between the ends of a
metal, the delocalized electron cloud will towards the positive potential.
However, electrical conductivity of a metal decreases with increase in temperature
because resistance increases. This is because increase in temperature increases thermal
vibration within the metal. The regularity within the metallic lattice is upset and therefore
the electrons cannot easily move in the lattice.
3. Thermal conductivity
They conduct heat due to exchange of kinetic energy between free mobile electrons in the
lattice. When heat is supplied to one end of a piece of a metal, the kinetic energy of the
electrons is increased. This increase in kinetic energy is transmitted through the system of
3. Ionic radius
The smaller the ionic radius of the cation, the stronger the metallic bond because there
will be a stronger attraction of the delocalised electrons.
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The shape of a molecule depends upon the shapes of the combining atomic orbitals. Only
outer atomic orbitals for a valence energy level are involved in bonding. The number of
covalent bonds formed is equal to half the number of combining atomic orbitals.
pi bond
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(a) -hybridisation
This occurs when one and one -orbital of the same atom combine to form a set of two
equivalent -hybrid orbitals which are to each other.
The beryllium atom with electronic configuration has both the and
subenergy levels completely filled with electrons.
From the configuration in the ground state of Beryllium, it may not form compounds
since it has no unpaired electrons. However beryllium is known to form compounds in
which it is divalent.
For beryllium to form compounds, one of the electrons is promoted to the
subenergy level to form an excited beryllium atom, .
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The two and electrons combine to form two collinear hybrid orbitals.
In formation of beryllium chloride for example, the two hybrid orbitals overlap with
the two orbitals of two chlorine atoms to form to form two sigma bonds.
Two collinear hybrid orbitals Formation of two -bonds in beryllium
(b) -hybridisation
This occurs when one and two -orbitals of the same atom combine to form a set of
three equivalent -hybrid orbitals which are trigonal planar with a bond angle .
The boron atom with electronic configuration has the subenergy level
having one unpaired electron.
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The carbon atom with electronic configuration has the subenergy level
having one unpaired electron.
From the configuration in the ground state of carbon, two of the three two orbitals have
one unpaired electron each.
For carbon to form compounds, one of the electrons is promoted to the empty
orbital to form an excited carbon atom, . The excited carbon atom therefore has three p
Hybridization occurs between the orbital and the three orbitals to form four
equivalent hybrid orbitals.
These are directed outwards from the carbon atom at an angle of with each other.
This resulting hybridization therefore implies that the molecules of methane or
tetrachloromethane are in a shape of a regular tetrahedron with the carbon atom at the
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From the configuration in the ground state of carbon, two of the three two orbitals have
one unpaired electron each.
One of the electrons is promoted to the empty orbital to form an excited carbon
atom, .
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Hybridization occurs between the and the orbitals to form three equivalent
hybrid orbitals. Two of the hybrid orbitals form -bonds with the orbitals of
hydrogen. The remaining hybrid orbital forms a -bond between the carbon atoms
The unhybridised orbital forms a bond between the carbon atoms.
The two carbon atoms and four hydrogen atoms are all in the same plane and the bond
angle is . This gives ethene a trigonal planar shape.
From the configuration in the ground state of carbon, two of the three two orbitals have
one unpaired electron each.
One of the electrons is promoted to the empty orbital to form an excited carbon
atom, .
Hybridization occurs between the and the orbitals to form two equivalent
hybrid orbitals. One of these two hybrid orbitals forms a -bond with the orbital of
hydrogen. The remaining hybrid orbital forms a -bond between the carbon atoms.
The two unhybridised and orbitals form two bonds between the carbon
This gives ethyne a linear shape.
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Between each pair of adjacent carbon atoms is a sigma bond formed by overlapping
hybrid orbitals.
Because orbitals are planar, all the six carbon atoms and six hydrogen atoms lie in
the same plane and the bond angles are .
There are unhybridised orbitals for each of the carbon atoms with an axis at right
angles to the plane of the carbon atoms.
These six orbitals overlap with each other all around the ring to form delocalised
The electrons in these orbitals are free to move between all the carbon atoms in the
ring and they are described as delocalised electrons.
The Lewis structure of a chlorine molecule shows 3 unshared electron pairs for each atom
(lone pairs) and one shared pair of electrons (bonding pair).
A line is sometimes used to indicate a shared pair of electrons.
The single shared pair of electrons is called a single bond.
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got from the Lewis Dot symbol of the atom or its electronic configuration. For a
negatively charged ion, add one electron for each negative charge.
For a positively charged ion, subtract one electron for each positive charge.
3. Subtract two valence electrons for each bond formed in the skeleton structure.
4. Beginning with the terminal atoms, add enough electrons of the remaining electrons
as valence electrons to satisfy the octets of the atoms (two for hydrogen). These
electrons are the lone pairs.
5. The remaining electrons are then placed on the central atom (some central atoms can
accommodate more than eight electrons)
6. If the central atom has fewer electrons than an octet, use lone pairs from terminal
atoms to form multiple (double or triple) bonds to the central atom to achieve an
octet. This will not change the number of electrons on the terminal atoms
In this table, we are using each of the steps 1-7 for different molecules or polyatomic
[ ]
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[ ]
6 Not applicable
[ ]
[ ]
* +
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6 Not applicable
* +
However, there are three exceptions of the Octet rule, which include;
Beryllium chloride
Boron trichloride
(b) Expanded octet
This is the most exception of the Octet rule. In applies to a molecule or an ion with at
least one atom that possesses more than an octet of electrons.
This applies commonly to compounds in period 3 and beyond. Examples from the p-
block elements include;
Sulphur hexafluoride
Sulphate ion
Phosphate ion
Phosphorus pentafluoride
Try to come up with probable Lewis structures of the above molecules/ ions
(c) Odd number electron
There are molecules such as nitrogen monoxide that have an odd number of electrons.
This is seen in one of the examples above.
Molecules of most s-block and p-block elements contain an even number of electrons.
Their bonding can therefore easily be described using the rules stated above.
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Formal charges
A formal charge compares the number of electrons around a neutral atom and the number
of electrons around an atom in a molecule.
A formal charge is assigned to an atom in a molecule on assumption that the electrons in
all chemical bonds are shared equally between atoms regardless of relative
( ) ( )
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( )
( )
* +
( )
( )
( )
(a) When formal charges on each of the atoms in a molecule are added, they must give
the total charge on the molecule.
(b) The structure with the most formal charges of zero on its atoms is the most stable
Lewis structure.
(c) In the case where there must be either positive or negative formal charges on
various atoms, the most stable structures have negative formal charges on the more
electronegative atoms and positive charges on the less electronegative atoms.
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This is the situation in which two or more Lewis structures can be written. Resonance is
used when a single Lewis structure cannot fully describe the bonding in a molecule or
ion. Resonance structures arise when there are more than one way to draw a Lewis
structure that satisfies the Octet rule. They are drawn by placing double bonds between
different atoms and lone pairs on different atoms. Molecules with multiple resonance
structures are more stable than those with fewer resonance structures. Some resonance
structures contribute more to the stability of a molecule than others. This can be
determined using the concept of formal charges. The most stable resonance structure is
one with the least formal charge.
* + * + * +
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The theory points out that the arrangement of electron pairs around a central atom in a
molecule depends of the number of electron pairs.
Between any electron pair and any other electron pair, there is a force of electrostatic
The electron pairs can be bonding or shared pairs which constitute the covalent bonds or
unshared (lone pairs).
Any lone pairs of electrons on the central atom repel the bonding pairs of electrons and
this affects the geometry (bond angle and shape) of the molecule.
For the purpose of determining electron geometry, the VSEPR theory considers the
electron pairs in a double bond or a triple bond are treated as one pair
Since the lone pairs are closer the to the central atom, they cause greater repulsion than
bonding pairs and the repulsions are in the order;
of Total Number Number
valence electron of of lone Shape of molecule 3-dimensional Examples
electrons pairs bonding pairs presentation
4 2 2 0 Linear
, ,
[ ]
Bent or
6 3 2 1 V-shaped
6 3 3 0 Trigonal planar
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8 4 4 0 Tetrahedral
8 4 3 1 Trigonal
Bent or
8 4 2 2 V-shaped
10 5 5 0 bipyramidal
10 5 4 1 Irregular
10 5 3 2 T-shaped
10 5 2 3 Linear
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12 6 6 0 Octahedral
12 6 5 1 Square pyramidal
12 6 4 2 Square planar
2. Add one electron to the valence electrons in (1) above for each atom/ligand bonded to
the central atom as shown below.
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3. Divide the total number of valence electrons by two to get the total number of
electron pairs. This is because electrons bond in pairs
Molecule or ion Total number of Total number of
valence electrons electron pairs
5. Then draw the structure of the molecule using the summary in the table above,
showing prediction of shapes of molecules. The lone pairs are shown as two dots
around the central atom for each electron pair. Put the VSEPR theory into
consideration as you draw the molecule/ion.
Molecule or ion Number of Number of Structure Shape
bonding pairs lone pairs
̈ pyramidal
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[ ] Tetrahedral
O.. Bent
(i) It is strictly that number of bonding pairs and lone pairs that guide us on the
1. Determine the number of valence electrons on the central atom from its electronic
configuration or the number of its group in the Periodic Table.
If the central atom is a transition element, calculate the oxidation state and use it as
number of valence electrons.
The number of valence electrons is used to deduce the expected number of bonds to be
formed by the central atom.
Molecule or ion Electronic Number of valence
configuration of electrons on central
central atom atom
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Oxidation state of Mn
6. Deduce the nature of bonds in the ion or molecule. Begin with bonds, followed
by bonds and then bonds.
(i) For every negative charge in the anion, there is one bond.
(ii) For every hydrogen atom, there is one bond.
(iii) All the remaining oxygen atoms are double bonded after (i) and (ii) or if (i)
and (ii) do not apply to the molecule.
Molecule or ion Expected number Nature of bonds
of bonds formed by
central atom
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bond (1 lone pair)
8. Draw the structure of the molecule/ion using the nature of bonds and lone pairs.
Where there are no lone pairs in the molecule/ ion, the bonds are symmetrically
placed around the molecule.
bonds Trigonal
bonds Trigonal
bond pyramidal
bonds Tetrahedral
bond Bent
bonds Tetrahedral
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bond Trigonal
bond planar
bonds Tetrahedral
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In or , there are three lone pairs and one bond pair surrounding the central
oxygen atom. They are also linear species.
Molecule Structure Shape
[ ̈ ]
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For example in ,
The boron atom has valence electrons from its electronic configuration.
Since it is bonded to three fluorine atoms, the total number of valence electrons in
the molecule is .
The total number of valence electrons divided by two gives three electron pairs.
All the three electron pairs are used in bonding to form three bonding pairs since
boron is bonded to three fluorine atoms and there is no lone pair.
The three bonding pairs of electrons repel each other equally.
This makes the bond angle making the molecule trigonal planar.
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For example in ,
The carbon atom has valence electrons from its electronic configuration.
Two of these are used to bond to each hydrogen atom and two to form a double
bond with oxygen .No lone pair remains.
This gives the molecule three bonding pairs and no lone pair.
The three bonding pairs of electrons repel each other equally.
This makes the bond angle making the molecule trigonal planar.
Molecule Structure Shape
Trigonal planar
For example in ,
The silicon atom has valence electrons from its electronic configuration.
Since it is bonded to four chlorine atoms, the total number of valence electrons in
the molecule is .
The total number of valence electrons divided by two gives four electron pairs.
All the four electron pairs are bonding pairs since silicon is bonded to four chlorine
atoms and no lone pairs.
The four bonding pairs of electrons mutually repel each other, resulting into a bond
angle of making the molecule tetrahedral.
Some ions also form a tetrahedral structure.
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For example in ,
It is an oxy-anion
The phosphorus atom has valence electrons from its electronic configuration.
Phosphorus is therefore expected to form five bonds.
The three negative charges in the anion means there are three bonds.
The remaining oxygen atom is doubly bonded to phosphorus
This gives a total of five bonds, and all the electrons are used for bonding. There is
no lone pair.
The four bonding pairs of electrons mutually repel each other, resulting into a bond
angle of making the molecule tetrahedral.
Some complexes also form a tetrahedral structure.
For example in ,
[ ]
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For example in ,
The phosphorus atom has valence electrons from its electronic configuration.
Since it is bonded to three hydrogen atoms, the total number of valence electrons in
the molecule is .
The total number of valence electrons divided by two gives four electron pairs.
Of the four electron pairs, there are three bonding pairs since phosphorus is bonded
to three hydrogen atoms and one lone pair.
The three bonding pairs of electrons repel each other but the lone pair-bond pair
repulsion is greater.
This reduces the bond angle to making the molecule trigonal pyramidal.
For example in ,
It is an oxy-molecule/ oxy-acid
The chlorine atom has valence electrons from its electronic configuration.
For example in ,
It is an oxy-anion
The Sulphur atom has valence electrons from its electronic configuration.
Phosphorus is therefore expected to form six bonds.
The two negative charges in the anion mean there are two bonds.
The remaining oxygen atom is doubly bonded to Sulphur, .
This gives a total of four bonds, and two electrons are not used for bonding. There
is one lone pair therefore.
The three bonding pairs of electrons repel each other but the lone pair-bond pair
repulsion is greater.
This reduces the bond angle making the molecule trigonal pyramidal.
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̈ Trigonal pyramidal
The phosphorus atom has valence electrons from its electronic configuration.
Since it is bonded to five fluorine atoms, the total number of valence electrons in
the molecule is .
The total number of valence electrons divided by two gives five electron pairs.
All the five electron pairs are used in bonding as bonding pairs.
The complex also has a trigonal bipyramidal shape,
Trigonal bipyramidal |
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For example in ,
The Sulphur atom has valence electrons from its electronic configuration.
Since it is bonded to four fluorine atoms, the total number of valence electrons in
the molecule is .
The total number of valence electrons divided by two gives five electron pairs.
Four of the five electron pairs are used as bonding pairs to bond with the four
fluorine atoms.
One electron pair remains as a lone pair.
The four bonding pairs of electrons repel each other but the lone pair-bond pair
repulsion is greater.
̈ Irregular tetrahedral
For example in ,
The sulphur atom has valence electrons from its electronic configuration.
Since it is bonded to six chlorine atoms, the total number of valence electrons in the
molecule is .
The total number of valence electrons divided by two gives six electron pairs.
All the six electron pairs are used in bonding as bonding pairs.
The complex also has an octahedral shape,
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[ ]
For example in ,
The bromine atom has valence electrons from its electronic configuration.
Since it is bonded to five fluorine atoms, the total number of valence electrons in
the molecule is .
Square pyramidal
For example in ,
The iodine (central) atom has valence electrons from its electronic configuration.
Since the structure is for an anion with negative charge one, the total electrons
are .
of these electrons are used for bonding with the chlorine atoms.
This leaves 4 electrons not used for bonding and form the two lone pairs.
The lone pair-lone pair repulsion is greater than lone pair-bond pair repulsion
which is also greater than bond pair- bond pair repulsion.
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* + Square planar
Qn. Draw the structure and name the shapes of the following molecules or ions
Molecule Structure Shape
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2. Explain why;
(i) Beryllium bromide has a bond angle of but tin(II) bromide has a bond
angle less than
Beryllium bromide molecule has two bonding pairs of electrons and no lone pair. The
two bonding pairs repel each other greatly to form a linear molecule with a bond angle
of . Tin(II) bromide molecule has two bonding pairs of electrons and one lone
pair. The two bonding pairs of electrons repel each other but the lone pair-bond pair
repulsion is greater. This reduces the bond angle making the molecule V-shaped.
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(ii) The sulphate ion is tetrahedral but the sulphite ion is trigonal pyramidal
The sulphate ion has four bonding pairs and no lone pairs. The four bonding pairs of
electrons mutually repel each other, resulting into a bond angle of making the
molecule tetrahedral. The sulphite ion possesses three bonding pairs of electrons and
one lone pair. The three bonding pairs of electrons repel each other but the lone pair-
bond pair repulsion is greater. This reduces the bond angle making the molecule
trigonal pyramidal.
(iii) Sulphur dioxide has a bond angle of while Sulphur dichloride has bond
angle of although both are V-shaped molecules.
The Sulphur dioxide molecule has two bonding pairs and one lone pair. The two
bonding pairs of electrons repel each other but the lone pair-bond pair repulsion is
greater. This makes the bond angle .The Sulphur dichloride molecule also
possesses two bonding pairs of electrons but has two lone pairs. Since the Sulphur
dichloride molecule has more lone pairs than the Sulphur dioxide molecule, there exists
lone pair-lone pair repulsion, and the lone pair-bond pair repulsion is also greater than
in Sulphur dioxide. This reduces the bond angle in Sulphur dichloride.
For two molecules or ions in which the central atoms are similar but the bonded atoms
are the different, the increase in electro negativity of the bonded atoms increases the
attraction for the bonding electrons by the bonded atoms in their molecules. This
makes the bonding pairs of electrons closer to the more electronegative atom than to
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the less electronegative element. This implies that the bonding pairs of electrons far
apart leading to a decreased repulsion between them, which reduces the bond angle.
Explain why;
(i) the bond angle in ammonia is while that in phosphine is .
̈ ̈
107O 94O
Both ammonia and phosphine molecules adopt a trigonal pyramidal shape. However, the
nitrogen atom is more electronegative than the phosphorus atom. The bonding pairs of
electrons are closer to the nitrogen atom in ammonia than they are to the phosphorus
atom in phosphine. This causes an increased repulsion between the bonded pairs of
electrons in ammonia than it is in phosphine, therefore ammonia has a bigger bond
angle than phosphine.
Both hydrogen sulphide and water molecules adopt a V- shaped structure. However, the
oxygen atom is more electronegative than the sulphur atom. The bonding pairs of
electrons are closer to the oxygen atom in water than they are to the sulphur atom in
hydrogen sulphide. This causes an increased repulsion between the bonded pairs of
electrons in water than it is in hydrogen sulphide, therefore the water molecule has a
bigger bond angle than hydrogen sulphide.
96O 107O
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Polarity of molecules
Polarity is a condition of a molecule to have positive and negative charges. Polarity of
molecules is related to the electronegativity difference of the bonding atoms and bond
All molecules in which the atoms are symmetrically distributed around the central atom
are non polar. This is only possible if all the symmetrically distributed atoms around
the central atom are the same. These include;
Explain why;
(a) Carbon tetrachloride is non-polar yet the carbon-chlorine bond is polar.
Chlorine is more electronegative than carbon. The chlorine atom therefore tends to
attract the bonding electrons towards itself hence acquires a partial negative charge
(δ −) and the carbon atom gains a partial positive charge (δ+). This makes the
carbon- chlorine bond polar.
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(b) The carbon- oxygen bond is polar but carbon dioxide is non-polar.
Oxygen is more electronegative than carbon. The oxygen atom therefore tends to attract
Molecules in which the bonded atoms are not symetrically distributed around the central
atom like chloromethane, dichloromethane, trichloromethane, water and ammonia have
an overall dipole moment over the molecule. Therefore both the individual bonds and the
whole molecule are polar.
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Miscellaneous Questions
1. Use dot and cross diagrams to show how the following atoms can combine
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4. Explain why;
(i) trichloromethane is deflected by a charged rod but tetrachloromethane is
(ii) Boron trichloride is non-polar whereas nitrogen trichloride is polar
(iii) A stream of chloroform is deflected by a charged rod but a stream of
tetrachloromethane is not.
(iv) the bond angle in ammonium ion is whereas that in ammonia is
5. (a) State the type of hybridization expected in simple compounds of;
(i) Boron
(ii) Beryllium
(iii) carbon
(b) state the effect of the type of hybridization stated in (a) above on the geometry
of the following;
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Thermochemistry is the study of energy changes that accompany chemical reactions. It
is also called chemical energetics or chemical thermodynamics.
Thermochemistry investigates;
the position of equilibrium in the reaction
the feasibility of the reaction
and how far the reaction can go.
During a chemical reaction, bonds between atoms of the reactants are broken and new
bonds are formed in the products formed. Energy is absorbed to break the bonds
between atoms and energy is given out when new bonds are formed.
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Enthalpy is the total energy content of a substance.
It is denoted by the symbol, .
Enthalpy change,
Enthalpy change is the heat content of a substance measured at standard temperature
and pressure during a chemical reaction.
Enthalpy change is called heat of reaction and is denoted as
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The sign of the enthalpy change for a reaction is an indicator of its feasibility. The more negative
(exothermic) the value of , the more is the reaction likely to be feasible.
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1. For the reaction
(a) Draw a well labeled energy level diagram for the reaction.
(b) The activation energies for the forward and reverse reactions are known to be
respectively and . Calculate the heat of reaction.
2. (a) Define the term activation energy
(b) and react to form and according to the following equation
(i) Draw a fully labeled potential energy versus reaction coordinate diagram for
the reaction of and .
(ii) Calculate the activation energy of the backward reaction. (the activation for
forward reaction is
Draw a well labelled energy level diagram for the reaction above
There are other salts that dissolve exothermically and can be used in a hot pack for
example anhydrous magnesium sulphate and anhydrous copper(II) sulphate
(ii) Combustion of fuels to release energy during cooking of food
(iii) In cellular respiration, where energy is obtained from carbohydrates and used by
living organisms. During the process carbohydrates react with oxygen to form
carbon dioxide, water and energy.
(iv) Condensation during formation of rain from water vapour
(v) Freezing of water into ice
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There are other salts that dissolve endothermically and can be used in a cold pack for
example ammonium chloride, potassium nitrate and sodium thiosulphate.
(ii) Photosynthesis. Energy is absorbed to convert carbon dioxide and water to sugars
in presence of chlorophyll.
(iii) Evaporation of liquid water
When 2g of hydrogen are burnt just above 100 , less heat is given out.
5. Allotropic modifications
There is an enthalpy change involved in conversion one allotrope to another. A particular
allotrope of an element used in a reaction affects the enthalpy of reaction. For example;
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Calorimetry is a technique used to measure amounts of heat transferred to or from a
substance. A calorimeter is a container that is insulated against heat loss that is used to
measure the amount of heat involved in a chemical or physical process.
The common calorimeters used in laboratory experiments include the coffee cup
calorimeter and the bomb calorimeter.
The coffee cup calorimeter is used when measuring the heats of neutralisation, solution,
precipitation. It is constructed from a polystyrene cup with a lid. A thermometer is
usually inserted in it to measure heat changes.
The bomb calorimeter is mainly used to determine heat of combustion of a solid
[ ] [( )] ( )
[ ] ( ) [( )]
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( ) [( )]
[ ]
( )
The table below shows some compounds, equations and their enthalpies of formation.
Their stability can be predicted using values for enthalpy of formation. Also note that all
the equations show one mole of compound being formed.
Compound Equation for formation
Sodium chloride
Hydrogen fluoride
Aluminium oxide
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Nitrogen monoxide
The first equation means that 1 mole of solid sodium chloride is formed from 1 mole of
solid sodium and 0.5 moles of chlorine gas with evolution of of heat under
standard conditions.
The last equation means that 1 mole of nitrogen monoxide gas is formed from 0.5
mole of nitrogen gas and 0.5 mole of oxygen gas with absorption of of heat
under standard conditions.
∑ ∑
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∑ ∑
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
3. The standard enthalpies of formation of water, sodium ion and hydroxyl ion
are given in the table below.
Compound/ion Enthalpy of formation,
Calculate the enthalpy of the reaction between sodium and water.
∑ ∑
[ ] [ ]
[ ̅ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
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1. The standard enthalpies of formation of different compounds are given in the table
Compound Enthalpy of formation,
2. Calculate the standard enthalpy change for the reaction below using the
information given the table;
4. The standard enthalpies of formation of different compounds are given in the table
Compound Enthalpy of formation,
Oxygen difluoride
Hydrogen fluoride
Calculate the enthalpy of the reaction;
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Enthalpy of combustion
Enthalpy of combustion is the heat evolved when one mole of a substance is completely
burnt in oxygen under specified conditions, when the reactants and products are in
their standard states.
When enthalpy of combustion is determined under standard conditions
( ), it is called standard enthalpy of combustion.
In this experiment we shall consider propanol but the same treatment can be done for
ethanol and butanol. The same experiment can be used for any other liquid fuel for
example liquid hexane.
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Set up
Heat shield
Thin metallic can
( )
( )
( )
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Describe an experiment to determine the enthalpy of combustion of;
(i) Ethanol
(ii) Butanol
(iii) Liquid hexane
Use of experimental data
When ethanol was burnt in a spirit lamp, the following results were obtained;
Mass of spirit lamp and ethanol before burning
Mass of spirit lamp and ethanol after burning
Volume of water heated
Initial temperature of water
Final temperature of water
(a) Calculate the heat of combustion of
(b) State why the value obtained in (a) above is lower than the actual value obtained in
( )
(b) The calculated value is less than the theoretical value because some of the heat
evolved is lost to the surroundings.
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1. A spirit burner containing ethanol was weighed and then used to heat up a copper
calorimeter containing of cold water and then reweighed. The results were
recorded as shown below;
Decrease in mass of ethanol
Rise in temperature of water
Decrease in mass of ethanol
Specific heat capacity of water
Heat capacity of calorimeter is negligible
Use the results to calculate the enthalpy of combustion of ethanol
2. When 0.95g of ethanol was burnt, the heat produced raised the temperature of
of water from to . Calculate the heat of combustion of ethanol.
to electric supply
Bomb calorimeter
Thin iron wire
Platinum crucible
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[( ) ]
[( ) ]
( )
[( ) ]
( )
[( ) ]
( )
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The required equation is obtained by simply adding equation (i), equation (ii) and a reversed equation
(iii). The same treatment is done to the values.
The required equation is obtained by adding equation (i) multiplied by 3 to equation (ii) and a
reversed equation (iii). The same treatment is done to the values.
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(b) Cyclohexene has one localized and its hydrogenation to form cyclohexane
evolves . If the three double bonds in benzene where localized, the
enthalpy of hydrogenation of benzene would be . The
enthalpy of hydrogenation of benzene is however . The difference of
is due to the delocalization energy/ resonance energy of benzene since
it has three delocalised .
1. Calculate the enthalpy of formation of methane given that its enthalpy of combustion
is and the enthalpy of formation of carbon dioxide and water are
and respectively.
2. Calculate the enthalpy of formation of carbon monoxide given that the enthalpy of
combustion of carbon is , and the enthalpy of combustion of carbon
monoxide is .
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10. Calculate the standard enthalpy of hydrogenation of ethyne using the following
thermochemical data.
11. Calculate the standard enthalpy of formation of ethene using the following
information using the following information;
Enthalpy of combustion of ethane is
Enthalpy of combustion of hydrogen is
Enthalpy of combustion of carbon is
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( )
2. The table below shows the values for standard enthalpies of formation of benzoic
acid, carbon dioxide and water in . Use the data to calculate the
enthalpy of combustion of benzoic acid.
∑ ∑
[( ) ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
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The required equation is obtained by adding equation (i) multiplied by 6 to a reversed equation (ii) and
equation (iii) multiplied 3. The same treatment is done to the values.
1. When 1 g of graphite is burnt in excess oxygen, of heat is liberated. Calculate
the enthalpy of combustion of graphite.
2. Calculate the standard enthalpy of combustion of propene using the following
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Enthalpy of neutralisation
Enthalpy of neutralisation is the heat evolved in the reaction between that mass of an
acid which provides one mole of hydrogen ions and that mass of an alkali which
provides one mole of hydroxyl ions.
When enthalpy of neutralisation is determined under standard conditions
( ), it is called standard enthalpy of neutralisation.
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( )
[ ( )]
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( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
Describe an experiment to determine enthalpy of neutralisation of sulphuric acid by
sodium hydroxide.
A known volume, of sulphuric acid of known concentration, M is measured and
placed in a plastic beaker.
The initial temperature of the solution, is noted from the thermometer.
of sodium hydroxide solution of the same concentration, M is also measured
( )
[ ( )]
( )
( )
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( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
1. of hydrochloric acid at were placed in a plastic cup.
of sodium hydroxide at were added, the mixture stirred and the
temperature rose to . Calculate the enthalpy of neutralisation.
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The difference between heat of neutralisation between strong acid and strong alkali
Strong acid and strong alkali Weak acid and strong alkali
The enthalpy of neutralisation of any strong The enthalpy of neutralisation of any weak
acid and any strong alkali is approximately acid and strong alkali is lower
constant at about . This is than . This is because for a
because strong acids and strong alkalis and the weak acid and weak alkali, some of the heat
salts they form, are completely ionised in produced due to neutralisation is used for
dilute solution. The only reaction that takes further ionisation of the weak acid. This
place is that between hydrogen ions and further ionisation is endothermic.
hydroxyl ions to form water.
The table below shows enthalpies of neutralisation between different acids and
Acid Alkali
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Enthalpy of displacement
This is the heat evolved when one mole of ions of a less electropositive element is
displaced from its solution by a more electropositive element.
When enthalpy of displacement is determined under standard conditions
( ), it is called standard enthalpy of displacement.
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Density of solution is equal to density of water
Specific heat capacity of solution is equal to specific heat capacity of water
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
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( )
Note; The zinc added is excess so that all the copper is displaced. So its mass is not involved in
the calculation
1. Excess iron powder is added to copper(II) chloride solution of concentration
at an initial temperature of . If the temperature of the mixture
rose to a maximum temperature of .
(i) State what was observed
(ii) Calculate the heat of displacement of copper by iron.
Atomisation energy
This is the heat absorbed when an element in its normal physical state is converted into
one mole of free gaseous atoms.
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The values shown above show the enthalpy of formation of one mole of the gaseous
monoatomic element in its standard state.
For a compound, for example butanol, atomization can be shown as below;
Ionisation energy
This is the minimum amount of energy required to remove an electron from a gaseous
atom to form a charged gaseous ion.
Electron affinity
When an electron is gained by an atom, energy is given out.
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The uninegatively charged gaseous ion can gain one more electron to form a dinegatively
charged ion. This is called second electron affinity and is an endothermic process
(energy is absorbed)
For the case of Sulphur the values of first and second electron affinities are given below
The reasons for second electron affinity being endothermic are explained in the topic:
Atomic structure and the Periodic Table (Page 195)
Lattice energy
This is the heat given out when one mole of an ionic solid is formed from its
component gaseous ions under standard conditions.
For example solid sodium is formed from gaseous sodium ions and gaseous chloride ion
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1. The values of lattice energies of potassium halides are given below.
Formula of halide
Lattice energy(kJmol-1)
Explain the trend in these values for the potassium halides.
The lattice energies of the halides decrease (become less exothermic) from potassium
fluoride to potassium iodide. This is because the anionic radius increases from the
fluoride ion to the iodide ion. The halide anions therefore become less attracted by the
potassium ion. Thus a decreasing amount of energy is evolved when the potassium
halides are formed from the free gaseous ions.
2. The values of lattice energies of sodium chloride and magnesium chloride are
given below.
Formula of chloride
Lattice energy(kJmol-1)
Enthalpy of hydration is the heat given out when one mole of gaseous ions is
completely surrounded by water molecules to form an infinitely dilute solution with no
change in pH.
Enthalpy of hydration is exothermic hence always a negative value.
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(a) State whether the values of enthalpies of hydration given in the table should
be positive or negative. Give reasons for your answer.
The potassium ion has a larger ionic radius and smaller ionic charge than the calcium
ion. The potassium ion therefore has a lower charge density thus a lower attraction for
water molecules than the calcium ion, giving off a lower amount of heat than the
calcium ion.
(ii) Fluoride ion and chloride ion
The fluoride ion has a smaller ionic radius than the chloride ion. The fluoride ion
therefore has a higher attraction for water molecules than the chloride ion, giving off a
higher amount of heat than the chloride ion.
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( )
A high (more positive)lattice enthalpy and a low(less negative) makes the enthalpy of
solution more positive.
Ionic salts that dissolve endothermically include ammonium nitrate, ammonium
chloride, potassium nitrate, potassium chloride, sodium chloride, sodium thiosulphate
and sodium hydrogencarbonate.
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A low (less positive)lattice enthalpy and a high(more negative) makes the enthalpy of
solution more negative.
Ionic salts that dissolve exothermically include sodium hydroxide, calcium chloride,
sodium carbonate
The more negative the enthalpy of solution, the more soluble a compound is. The less
negative the enthalpy of solution, the less soluble the compound is.
Treatment of results
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( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
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( )
Note the difference in the two experiments is the temperature rise and the sign on
the enthalpy value.
(b) Potassium chloride is more soluble in water because its enthalpy of solution is
( )
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1. In an experiment, of sodium hydroxide was added to of water in a well-
insulated polystyrene foam cup the mixture stirred. The temperature of the solution
rose by . Determine the enthalpy of solution of sodium
2. When 3.21g of solid ammonium nitrate dissolves in 50.0g of water at in a
calorimeter, the temperature decreased to . Calculate the enthalpy of solution
of ammonium nitrate. State any assumptions made.
3. The table below shows hydration enthalpies of magnesium and chloride ions.
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4. The enthalpies of hydration for calcium ion and fluoride ion are and
respectively. If the lattice enthalpy of calcium fluoride is
. Calculate the enthalpy of solution of calcium fluoride.
5. (a) Define the terms;
(i) enthalpy of hydration
(ii) enthalpy of solution
(b) The enthalpies of solution and lattice energies of salts and are given in the
table below.
Salt Enthalpy of solution Lattice enthalpy
Heat of precipitation
When two aqueous solutions are added together and a precipitate is formed, the reaction
is called a precipitation reaction or double decomposition reaction. This reaction is
used to prepare insoluble salts for example silver chloride, barium sulphate, lead sulphate
and others.
The heat given out or absorbed is called heat of precipitation.
The heat of precipitation is the heat change that occurs when one mole of a precipitate
is formed from its ions in aqueous solution.
Heat of precipitation can be exothermic or endothermic.
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The two solutions are added together quickly and carefully while stirring and the
maximum temperature, attained is noted.
The solution has the same specific heat capacity as water
Heat loss to the surroundings is negligible
Heat capacity of the beaker is negligible
Density of solution is
Treatment of results
( )
[ ( )]
( ) ( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
of silver nitrate solution was added to of sodium
chloride solution in a plastic cup. The temperature of the resulting mixture rose by .
Assuming the container has a negligible heat capacity and the specific heat capacity of
the resulting mixture is . Calculate the heat of precipitation of silver
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( )
( )
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Bond energy
Bond energy is heat given out when one mole of a single covalent bond of a diatomic
molecule is formed from free gaseous atoms.
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( )
∑ ∑
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(b) Equation;
∑ ∑
[ ]
∑ ∑
[ ] [ ]
[ ]
Bond energy 463 388 163 146 944
Calculate the enthalpy change for the reaction;
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∑ ∑
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
1. Bond energies for some bonds are given below.
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Bond energy 435 415 284 256 193
(a) What is meant by the term bond energy?
(b) Calculate the enthalpy of formation of;
Note; Factors that affect strength of a covalent bond also affect bond energy. Refer
to one of the previous topics (STRUCTURE AND BONDING) and also for trends in
bond energy.
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(ii) Dissolving ammonia gas and hydrogen chloride gas separately in water and the
solutions added to each other
According to Hess‟ law, the heat change in both cases is the same and then;
The Hess‟s law is very important in determining heats of reaction if direct determination
is not possible. It has already been applied in calculations involving heats of combustion.
(b) Comment on the stability of sodium chloride. Give a reason for your answer.
(a) Equation for the reaction required;
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N.B The lattice energy given is positive(endothermic). This means its lattice
dissociation energy.
(b) Equations given;
The equation generated above and the equation given in the question are the same.
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1. The enthalpies of some reactions are given below.
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1. Given the following data;
Standard enthalpy of formation of aluminium fluoride
Enthalpy of atomization of aluminium
Bond dissociation energy of fluorine
First ionisation energy of aluminium
Second ionisation energy of aluminium
Third ionisation energy of aluminium
First electron affinity of fluorine
(i) Draw an energy level diagram for the formation of aluminium fluoride
(ii) Calculate the lattice energy of aluminium fluoride
(iii) If the hydration energies of aluminium ions and fluoride ions are 4690 and
364 respectively, calculate the enthalpy of solution of
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2. (a) Use the data below to calculate the lattice enthalpy of calcium oxide
Enthalpy of formation of calcium oxide
Bond dissociation energy of oxygen
First electron affinity of oxygen
Second electron affinity of oxygen
Atomization energy of calcium
First ionisation energy of calcium
Second ionisation energy of calcium
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Similarly, since oxygen shows both positive and negative values of first and second
electron affinities, they can be summed up. The value got is positive and the sum got
is represented by one arrow facing upwards. The arrow can then be labelled as
( )
By Hess‟ law;
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By Hess‟ law;
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( )
Note that lattice energy substituted in the equation in (b) above is the lattice
dissociation enthalpy hence it must be positive. Hydration enthalpies are also known to
be negative although given as positive values in the question.
(c) The enthalpy of solution of sodium chloride is endothermic because the
magnitude of its lattice energy is higher than the magnitude of its hydration
(a) Construct a Born Haber cycle relating the enthalpy changes and use it to
calculate the enthalpy of formation of aluminium oxide
(b) Comment on the stability of aluminium oxide. Give a reason for your
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By Hess‟ law;
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(c) Ethanol is used as a fuel because its enthalpy of combustion is highly exothermic.
(a) (i)
( )
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N.B The enthalpy of solution for this reaction is negative (exothermic) because there
is an increase in temperature.
( )
N.B The enthalpy of solution for this reaction is positive (endothermic) because
there is a decrease in temperature.
(c) →
By Hess‟ law
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(b) →
By Hess‟ law
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𝑯𝑩𝑬 [𝟓 𝑪 𝑯 𝑪 𝑪 𝑪 𝑪𝒍 ]
In this calculation you should clearly note that bond energy of formation is exothermic
By Hess‟ law
[ ]
By Hess‟ law
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Questions involving enthalpy cycles
1. The thermochemical data of lithium and oxygen are given below.
(a) (i) Draw an energy level diagram for the formation of lithium oxide
(ii) Use your diagram to find the second electron affinity of oxygen
(b) Comment on the electron affinities of oxygen
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(i) Draw an energy level for the formation of solid silver fluoride.
(ii) Use the energy level diagram above to calculate the first electron affinity of
(c) (i) Define the term enthalpy of solution.
(ii) Describe an experiment to determine enthalpy of solution of silver
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11. The bond dissociation energies of hydrogen, chlorine and hydrogen chloride are ,
and respectively. Using a Born-Haber cycle, calculate the
enthalpy of formation of hydrogen chloride.
12. Calculate the standard enthalpy of formation of ethene from the following data using
a Born-Haber cycle.
Bond energy of bond
Bond energy of bond
Bond energy of bond
Bond dissociation energy of hydrogen
Bond dissociation energy of chlorine
Enthalpy of sublimation of carbon
13. The average bond enthalpy and some atomization enthalpies are given below.
Bond Bond Atomization energy
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(a) Use the above to construct a Born-Haber cycle for formation of tin(IV) chloride.
(b) Calculate the average bond energy of the bond.
17. The molar enthalpy of solution of anhydrous copper(II) sulphate and copper(II)
sulphate pentahydrate are and respectively.
(a)Explain the difference in the values above.
(b) Calculate the enthalpy of hydration of anhydrous copper(II) sulphate.
18. Chemical reactions are accompanied by enthalpy changes.
(a) Explain what is meant by the term standard enthalpy change of a reaction
(b) The enthalpy change for hydration of anhydrous magnesium sulphate can be
calculated by carrying out two separate experiments.
(i) In the first experiment, of water was put in a polystyrene cup and of
anhydrous magnesium sulphate was added and stirred until it completely dissolved. The
temperature of the water rose from to . Calculate the enthalpy of
solution of magnesium sulphate.
(ii) In the second experiment, of water was put in a polystyrene cup and of
Miscellaneous questions
1. (a) State Hess‟ law
(b) State four factors that affect the enthalpy change of any system.
(c) The enthalpy of combustion of ethene is while that of ethyne is
and that of hydrogen is .Calculate the enthalpy
change of hydrogenation of ethyne to ethene.
2. (a) What is meant by the term bond energy?
(b) The bond energies of and bonds
respectively are and . Calculate the
enthalpy change for the reaction below.
(c) For each of the following compounds state the type of bonding and structure
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3. (a) Copper like other transition elements forms compounds in oxidation states and
. Write the electronic configuration of:
(i) copper(I) ions
(ii) copper(II) ions
(b) The enthalpies of reduction of copper(I) and copper(II) ions are given below:
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Equilibrium represents the state of a process in which the properties like temperature,
pressure, concentration of the system do not show any change with passage of time.
A phase is a homogeneous part of a system which is physically distinct from other parts
of the system by a definite boundary.
Each of the three homogeneous states (solid, liquid and gas) in which a substance can
exist is called a phase.
For example a mixture of gases is one phase
A solution is one phase
A saturated solution in the presence of an excess of the solute is a two-phase
Except under special conditions, only two phases can exist in equilibrium.
A pure substance in a system that defines part of the composition of that system
A mixture of water and ethanol has two components but one phase
A mixture of ice and water has two phases but one component
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Phase diagram
When a substance can exist in different phases, for example water which can exist as a
liquid, gas (water vapour) or solid (ice), the conditions under which each phase exists,
and the various equilibria that can exist between the three phases can be represented by a
phase diagram.
A phase diagram is a graph on which pressure is plotted against temperature showing
equilibria between different phases of a substance and the temperatures and pressures
at which each phase exists.
An area/ region of a phase diagram represents one phase
A line or curve represents the temperatures and pressures under which two phases
can exist in equilibrium
A triple point represents the temperature and pressure under which three phases
can coexist in equilibrium.
Water can exist as liquid, as a solid(ice) or as a vapour. It is called steam when its
temperature is above .
Below is a phase diagram for the water system.
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Solid Vapour
At low temperature and low pressure, water exists as ice. At low temperature and high
O Triple point of water
C Critical point of water
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The triple point refers to the particular temperature and the particular pressure at
which ice, water vapour and liquid water co-exist at equilibrium.
The critical point represents the particular temperature and particular pressure above
which water vapour cannot condense to liquid water no matter how much pressure is
The critical temperature is the temperature above which vapour cannot be
converted into liquid water no matter how much pressure is exerted.
Beyond the critical temperature, liquid water and water vapour are undistinguishable
Effect of temperature and pressure on the phases
Pressure J Z
1. The diagram above is a phase diagram for the water system
(a) Name the ;
(i) regions A, B and C
(ii) points Q and Z
(iii) curves QY, QX and QW
(b) State why line QY slants to the left
2. Explain the changes that take place when ;
(i) temperature of the system is increased from F to G at a constant
(ii) pressure of the system is reduced from J to K at constant temperature.
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After all the ice has melted, further increase in temperature will move the system
from H to P in the liquid phase.
At point P, liquid water begins to vapourise and the temperature remains constant
until all the water has vapourised.
Further increase in temperature moves the system from P to G in the vapour
(ii) At J, water exists in the liquid phase.
Reducing the pressure of liquid water moves the system from J to H without
change in phase.
At H, liquid water begins to freeze and the pressure remains constant until all the
water has frozen.
After all the liquid water has frozen, a further decrease in pressure will move the
system from H to M in the solid phase.
At point M, ice begins to sublime and the pressure remains constant until all the
Gaseous carbon dioxide
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This curve is called the sublimation curve of solid carbon dioxide.
It shows the variation of vapour pressure of solid carbon dioxide with
PQ temperature
The line summarises the conditions under which solid carbon dioxide and
carbon dioxide gas can be in equilibrium.
This curve is called the vapourisation curve of liquid carbon dioxide.
It shows the variation of vapour pressure of liquid carbon dioxide
PS with temperature
The line summarises the conditions of temperature and pressure under
which liquid carbon dioxide and gaseous carbon dioxide are in
It is called the freezing curve/ fusion curve.
PR It shows the effect of pressure on the melting point solid carbon
dioxide or freezing point of liquid carbon dioxide.
P Triple point of carbon dioxide
S Critical point of carbon dioxide
The triple point of carbon dioxide is and . This means that
liquid carbon dioxide cannot exist at ordinary atmospheric pressure and solid carbon
dioxide sublimes when exposed to a warm temperature.
Effect of temperature and pressure on the phases
The figure below shows the phase diagram for carbon dioxide.
Pressure F K H L G
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Sulphur vapour
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O Triple point for rhombic sulphur, monoclinic sulphur and sulphur vapour
C Triple point for rhombic sulphur, monoclinic sulphur and liquid sulphur
A Triple point for monoclinic sulphur, liquid sulphur and sulphur vapour
D Melting point of rhombic sulphur
At ordinary temperatures and under one atmosphere, sulphur exists as in the stable
allotropic form of rhombic sulphur.
If its heated slowly to a temperature just above (the transition temperature) , it
changes completely into monoclinic sulphur which is stable until a temperature of
is reached, which is the melting point of monoclinic sulphur.
This transition is marked by a change in direction of the vapour pressure-temperature
curve at O in the phase diagram.
On cooling monoclinic sulphur up to , it changes to rhombic sulphur.
Curves OC, AC and CF all slope upwards to the right because the transition
temperature, melting point of monoclinic sulphur and melting point of rhombic
sulphur all increase with increase in pressure respectively.
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Pressure P G Q D
(a) State what the following represent.
(i) phases; P, Q, R and S
(ii) Points; B, C and E
(iii) Curves AB, BC, CD, BE and CE
(b) State why curves BE and CE slope to the right.
(c) Explain the changes that take place when ;
(i) P is heated T to V at constant pressure.
(ii) pressure of the system is decreased from W to X at a constant
temperature remains constant until all the monoclinic sulphur has melted.
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Further heating increases the temperature of liquid sulphur, moving the system
from O to Z in the liquid phase.
At Z, liquid sulphur begins to turn into sulphur vapour and the temperature
remains constant until all the liquid sulphur has vapourised.
Further heating moves the system from Z to V in the vapour phase.
(ii) At W, sulphur is in the solid rhombic form.
Decrease in the pressure of solid rhombic sulphur moves the system from W to G
without change in phase.
At G, solid rhombic sulphur begins to change to solid monoclinic sulphur and the
pressure remains constant until all the solid rhombic sulphur has changed to
monoclinic sulphur.
Further decreases in vapour pressure of monoclinic sulphur moves the system
from G to H.
At point H, solid monoclinic sulphur begins to sublime and the pressure remains
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For completely miscible liquids, the vapour pressure of the mixture is not constant at a
given temperature but varies with the proportions of the two liquids and also depends on
the nature of the two liquids
Completely miscible liquid mixtures can be separated by fractional distillation.
When a few drops of ethoxyethane are shaken with a lot of water, a solution of
ethoxyethane in water is formed. If a few drops of water are shaken with a lot of
ethoxyethane, a solution of water in ethoxyethane is formed. If about equal volumes of
the two liquids are shaken, two layers are formed. The upper layer consists of a saturated
solution of water in ethoxyethane and the lower layer consists of a saturated solution of
ethoxyethane in water.
Phenol and water are only completely miscible, forming one solution above , but
two immiscible solutions are formed below the same temperature depending on the
composition of the mixture. One of the solutions is a solution of phenol in water and the
other is a solution of water in phenol.
The two solutions are called conjugate solutions.
The complete miscibility of phenol and water with increasing temperature is because
their mutual solubilities increase with increase in temperature.
Steam distillation method may be used to separate partially miscible liquid mixtures.
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Raoult’s law
Raoult’s law states that the partial vapour pressure of a pure component in a solution
at a given temperature is equal to the vapour pressure of the pure component at the
same temperature, multiplied by its mole fraction in the solution.
Vapour pressure of a pure substance is the pressure exerted the vapour over the
surface at a given temperature.
Substances with lower vapour pressure have strong intermolecular forces, while those
with higher vapour pressure have weak intermolecular forces. The higher the vapour
pressure, the faster the evaporation rate.
Mole fraction of a component in a solution is the ratio of the number of moles of
that component present to the total number of moles of all the components in the
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Therefore for a mixture of two liquids and . The mole fractions of liquids and are given
respectively as
The percentage vapour composition of each component can be obtained from the expressions;
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Liquid phase
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2. Benzene and methylbenzene are two hydrocarbons that form an ideal solution.
At 313K, the vapour pressures of the pure benzene and methylbenzene are 160
mmHg and 60 mmHg respectively. Calculate the total pressure over the
following solutions;
(i) One made by combining 4 moles of methylbenzene and 1mole of benzene.
(ii) One made by combining an equal number of moles of benzene and
According to Raoult‟s law
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( )
( )
Molar mass of
Molar mass of
mass of
mass of
( )
3. A solution contains 20% heptane in pure methylbenzene. The vapour pressures
Molar mass of
Molar mass of
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( )
Molar mass of
Molar mass of
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Vapour composition of B =
1. Calculate the partial vapour pressure of 1,1-dibromoethane at 85 for an ideal
solution with a mole fraction of 0.25. The vapour pressure of pure 1,1-dibromoethane
is 170mmHg at 85 .
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10. Assuming that urea, ,forms an ideal solution in water. Calculate the
vapour pressure of an aqueous solution containing by mass of urea at 40.
(Vapour pressure of water at 40 is 55.3mmHg)
11. (a) State what is meant by the term ideal solution.
(b) The vapour pressure of water and methanol are 3.173kPa and 16.785kPa
respectively at 293K. Assuming that the mixture of the two liquids behaves as an
ideal solution and that it contains 0.88 mole fraction of water. Calculate the:
(i) vapour pressure of the mixture
(ii) percentage of methanol in the vapour.
12. (a) Heptane and octane form an ideal solution.
(i) Explain what is meant by the term „ideal solution‟
(ii) State Raoult‟s law
(iii) Calculate the vapour pressure of a solution containing 49.8g of heptane and
33.2g of octane. The vapour pressures of heptane and octane are and
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N.B. Please refer to bonding and structure to identify forces of attraction between
the individual molecules and when each of the two liquids above are mixed.
In general, for solutions that deviate negatively from Raoult‟s law;
Forces of attraction between different molecules(A and B) are stronger than
forces of attraction between similar molecules (A and A) or (B and B)
Heat is evolved on mixing the components of the solution
Volume of the solution is less than the sum of the volumes of the two liquids
The solution has a lower vapour formation tendency compared to the ideal
The solution can’t be separated to its pure components by fractional distillation
because at a certain point during distillation the solution form an azeotropic
mixture whose liquid and vapour composition are at equilibrium and boils at
constant temperature.
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Liquid phase
pressure Vapour phase
When two liquids in solution associate through intermolecular bonding, their escaping
tendencies into vapour reduce, hence a reduction in vapour pressure than what is
expected basing on Raoult‟s law. For such solutions, a minimum is seen in the vapour
pressure-composition diagram. The minimum vapour pressure implies that the boiling
point at that composition will be maximum.
Considering the mixture of A and B above, the boiling-point composition diagram can
be drawn a shown below.
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N.B. Please refer to bonding and structure to identify forces of attraction between
the individual molecules and when each of the two liquids above are mixed.
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Azeotropic mixture
Liquid phase
Vapour phase
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Considering the mixture of A and B above, the boiling-point composition diagram can
be drawn a shown below.
Vapour phase
Temperature 𝐶
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𝒕𝟐 𝒗𝟐
Boiling point of pure B
Liquid phase
𝒍𝟐 𝒍𝟏
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When the vapour is condensed, it forms a liquid , of the same composition as the
vapour. Repeated vapourisation and condensation, will yield pure B as distillate and
pure A as residue.
Trial question
Methanol and water form an ideal solution. If the boiling point of pure methanol is
and that of pure water is .
(a) Explain why the two liquids form an ideal solution
(b) Sketch a well labeled vapour pressure-composition diagram for the solution
(c) Draw a well labeled boiling point-composition diagram for the solution
(d) Using your diagram in (c) above, explain the changes that take place when;
(i) a solution containing 50% methanol is distilled.
(ii) a solution containing 85% water is distilled.
𝒕𝟏 Vapour phase
𝑽𝟏 𝑻𝟏
Temperature 𝑪
Liquid phase 85
𝒍𝟏 𝟏𝟖 20.2% 𝟒𝟓 𝑳𝟏 𝑳𝟐
Percentage of hydrochloric acid
(a) Explain why the solution shows such a deviation from Raoult‟s law
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The acid ionises in water to form hydrogen ions and chloride ions. When the ions are
hydrated, there exist ion-dipole attractions (forces of attraction between hydrochloric
acid molecules and water molecules). The ion-dipole attractions are on average stronger
than the hydrogen bonds (forces of attraction) between individual water molecules and
the van der Waal’s forces (forces of attraction) between individual hydrochloric acid
molecules. This reduces the tendency for the molecules to escape from the solution
than from the pure liquids. Therefore the total vapour pressure above the liquids is less
than what is predicted by Raoult’s law. The solution therefore has a maximum boiling
point and a minimum vapour pressure at 20.2% hydrochloric acid, deviating
negatively from Raoult‟s law.
(b) Using your diagram in (c) above, explain the changes that take place when;
(i) a solution containing 82% water is distilled.
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Trial question
The boiling point of pure methanoic acid is 101 . Methanoic acid and water are
miscible in all proportions and form a maximum boiling azeotrope containing
77.5% methanoic acid with a boiling point of 108 .
(i) Sketch a labeled diagram of the mixture of methanoic acid and water
showing the variation of the boiling points with composition
(ii) Explain the shape of the diagram above.
(iii) Describe briefly what happens when a mixture containing 40% methanoic
acid is distilled
(iv) Explain what will happen when a mixture containing 22.5% water is heated.
(v) Suggest one method by which methanoic acid may be obtained from the
Temperature 𝑪 78.3
Vapour phase
𝑽𝟐 𝑻𝟐
𝒕𝟏 𝒗𝟏
Liquid phase 𝟓𝟗 𝟑
Azeotropic mixture
𝟑𝟎 𝒍𝟏 𝟔𝟕 𝑳𝟐 𝑳𝟏 𝟗𝟎
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The solution has a minimum boiling point at 67% of ethanol which implies it deviates
positively from Raoult’s law. This is because forces of attraction between ethanol
molecules and trichloromethane molecules are on average weaker than the forces of
attraction between individual ethanol molecules and the forces of attraction between
individual trichloromethane molecules. This increases the tendency for the molecules
to escape from the solution than from the pure liquids. Therefore the total vapour
pressure above the liquids greater than what is predicted by Raoult’s law.
(b) Using your diagram in (c) above, explain the changes that take place when;
(i) a solution containing 90% ethanol is distilled.
is distilled.
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(a) Fractional distillation of a liquid mixture that deviates negatively from
Raoult‟s law must yield a pure component as distillate the azeotropic mixture
as residue
(b) Fractional distillation of a liquid mixture that deviates positively from
Raoult‟s law must yield the azeotropic mixture as distillate a pure component
as residue
(c) Further distillation of the azeotropic mixture cannot separate its components
any further but methods of separation of azeotropes discussed before can be
used depending on which azeotrope to separate.
Miscellaneous questions
Some of the questions require you to plot graphs which you can use to identify the type
of deviation that is shown and use the graphs to answer questions. By attempting them,
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(a) (i) State the deviation from Raoult‟s law shown by the solution.
(All your working must be shown)
(ii) Explain your answer in (a)(i) above.
(b) Sketch the vapour pressure- composition diagram for this solution.
(c) Explain why ethanol and acetone cannot completely be separated by fractional
4. (a) Define a „constant boiling point mixture‟
(b) At atmospheric pressure, hydrochloric acid and water forms a constant boiling
point mixture (Azeotropic mixture) with a boiling point of and
composition of by mass hydrochloric acid.
(i) State the type of deviation of the mixture from Raoult‟s law.
(ii) Explain why the mixture shows this type of deviation.
(c) Sketch a labeled
(i) Vapour pressure -composition diagram,
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(i) Use the data to plot a boiling-point composition diagram for solutions of
cyclohexane in methanol. (Boiling points of pure cyclohexane and pure
methanol are 81 and 65 respectively)
(ii) Use your graph to determine the composition of the azeotropic mixture and
azeotropic temperature.
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(c) (i) State the type of deviation from Raoult‟s law shown by the mixture of
methanol and cyclohexane.
(iii) Explain your answer in (i)
9. The table below shows the partial vapour pressures for a two component mixture of
propanone and trichloromethane at 35ºC for a range of mole fractions of
Mole fraction of trichloromethane 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Partial pressure of trichloromethane 0 35 82 142 219 293
Partial pressure of propanone 347 270 185 102 37 0
(i) Plot a graph to show how this system deviates from Raoult‟s law
(ii) Name the type of deviation shown by the system
(iii) State the cause of such a deviation and the characteristics of such a system
showing this deviation.
10. Explain the following observations;
(a) When propanone is mixed with tetrachloromethane, a warm miscible mixture was
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Agitation of the mixture is necessary to enable each liquid to establish its own vapour
Immiscible liquids have the following characteristics;
The total vapour pressure above the immiscible liquid is equal to the sum of vapour
pressure exerted by each liquid in pure state.
Total vapour pressure above the immiscible liquid is greater than that of any of the
individual components.
Both the vapour pressure of each liquid and the total vapour pressure increase with
increase in temperature. When the total vapour pressure above the mixture is equal to
atmospheric pressure, the mixture will boil and the boiling point will be lower than
the boiling point of either of the two liquids.
The immiscible liquid mixture always boil at lower temperature than boiling point
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Steam distillation is the technique of separating a volatile substance, immiscible with
water, at a temperature below its boiling point from another substance by bubbling
steam through the hot mixture.
The volatile substance to be separated vapourises off with steam leaving behind the non-
volatile substance.
Steam distillation depends on properties of immiscible liquids.
The process in commonly used to extract organic substances with high boiling points,
decompose on heating and cannot be distilled at atmospheric pressure.
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Set up of apparatus
Steam from
Mixture of Distillate of
aminobenzene water and
and impurities aminobenzene
Considering the vapour to contain water vapour and the immiscible liquid, ,
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The above equation gives the relative amounts of water and the liquid in the distillate where;
is the vapour pressure of water at the distillation temperature
is the vapour pressure of the liquid at the distillation temperature
is the number of moles of water
is the number of moles of the liquid
If instead of number of moles, it is the masses of water and the liquid given respectively; then the
expression becomes;
Where; and are the molar masses of water and the liquid respectively.
The vapour pressure of liquid is normally got from the expression for the total vapour pressure
and if the number of moles of water and liquid, are and respectively,
Then the mole fractions of water and liquid, are given by;
The partial pressures of water and the liquid respectively are given as a product of their
respective mole fractions and the total pressure,
( )
( )
Dividing equation (i) and equation (ii) yields;
( ) ⁄( )
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Vapour 𝑷𝒀
pressure 𝑷𝒂
The vapour pressures of the components and can be obtained from the
graph at the boiling point of the mixture and used to find the composition of the
distillate using the expression below and substituting otherwise;
Use the information to try out questions 9-11 in the exercise on steam
1. An organic compound X is steam distilled at normal atmospheric pressure and
the distillate was found to contain 75% by composition of X at a given
temperature. If at the same temperature, the vapour pressure of water is
640mmHg. Calculate the relative molecular mass of X.
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4. Chlorobenzene forms an immiscible mixture with water. It‟s mixture with steam
distills at an atmospheric pressure of . A sample of distillate
contains chlorobenzene for every of water. Calculate the vapour
pressure of water and chlorobenzene at .
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(ii) Name one other substance apart from aminobenzene that can be isolated by
steam distillation.
(c) (i) State the requirements of a substance to be isolated by steam distillation
(ii) Explain how the properties you have named in c(i) enable the substance to be
purified by steam distillation.
6. (a) The melting point of 4-nitrophenol is much higher than that of 2-nitrophenol. The
two compounds can be separated by steam distillation.
(i) Explain why the melting point of 4-nitrophenol is higher than that of
(ii) Explain the principles of steam distillation
(iii) Describe how a mixture of 2-nitrophenol and 4-nitrolphenol can be separated
by steam distillation
(b) When substance W was steam distilled at 93ºC and 750mmHg, the distillate
contained 55% by mass of W. calculate the relative molecular mass of Y. (The
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(ii) On the same axes in (a), plot a graph of the vapour pressure of the mixture
versus the temperature.
(c) The distillate obtained from the mixture at 101kPa contained 1.6g of water and
1.1g of X. Calculate the relative molecular mass of X using the graphs you have
(d) State:
(i) properties a substance to be separated from its mixture by steam distillation
should have
(ii) advantages of steam distillation
12. (a) State what is meant by the term steam distillation
(b) Aminobenzene and water are immiscible liquids. The saturated vapour pressures
of pure water and pure aminobenzene at various temperatures are given in the
table below.
Temperature 85 90 95 100 105
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A known volume of the organic layer is also pipetted and titrated against a standard
solution of sodium thiosulphate using starch indicator.
The concentration of iodine in the organic layer is also calculated.
The partition coefficient is then calculated using the expression;
[ ]
[ ]
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The mixture is shaken for some time and left to stand for equilibrium to be established at
a fixed temperature.
After settling, a known volume of the ether layer is pipetted and titrated against a
standard solution of sodium hydroxide using methyl orange indicator.
The concentration of butane-1,4-dioic acid in the ether layer is calculated using the
A known volume of the aqueous layer is also pipetted and titrated against a standard
solution of sodium hydroxide using methyl orange indicator.
The concentration of butane-1,4-dioic acid in the aqueous layer is also calculated.
The partition coefficient is then calculated using the expression;
[ ]
[ ]
(c) To determine partition coefficient of ammonia between water and
A known volume of the trichloromethane layer is also pipetted and titrated against a
standard solution of hydrochloric acid using methyl orange indicator.
The concentration of ammonia in the trichloromethane layer is also calculated.
The partition coefficient is then calculated using the expression;
[ ]
[ ]
Question; Describe how partition coefficient of ethanoic acid between water and
butan-1-ol can be determined.
Calculations involving
1. To determine the partition coefficient of ammonia between water and
trichloromethane, 10 of aqueous layer required 13.2 of 0.25M
hydrochloric for complete neutralization. 25 of organic layer required
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( )
[ ]
( )
[ ]
[ ]
2. 50 of 1.5M ammonia solution was shaken with 50 of trichloromethane
in a separating funnel. After the layers had settled, 20 of trichloromethane
layer was pipetted and titrated with 0.05M hydrochloric acid. 22.9 of the
acid were required for complete neutralization.
(a) Write the expression for the partition coefficient for ammonia between
water and trichloromethane.
(b) Calculate the partition coefficient (State any assumptions made)
[ ]
(a) [ ]
( )
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( )
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
Assumptions made
Water and tetrachloromethane are immiscible
Temperature is constant
Ammonia neither associates nor dissociates in water or
3. 25 portion of a 0.2M solution of iodine in carbontetrachloride was shaken
with 50 of water at . After equilibrium had been attained 25 of the
aqueous layer required 2.74 of 0.2M sodium thiosulphate solution to react
( )
( )
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
4. (a) When 100 of an aqueous solution containing 30g of ethanoic acid were
shaken with 50 of butan-1-ol, 12g of ethanoic acid remained in the aqueous
layer. Calculate the distribution coefficient of ethanoic acid between water and
butan-1-ol at .
(b) If 100 of butan-1-ol were used instead, what would be the distribution
coefficient at ?
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(a) ⁄
[ ]
[ ]
(b) The distribution coefficient would be the same because the ethanoic acid redistributes itself in
the two solvents to maintain the same value of distribution coefficient.
[𝑿]𝑺𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝑩
𝒎𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒎 𝟑
1. 50 of ammonia solution was shaken to equilibrium with 50 of
trichloromethane in a stoppered bottle at . 25.0 of the aqueous layer reacted
completely with 24 of 0.1M hydrochloric acid. Calculate the partition coefficient
of ammonia between water and trichloromethane.
2. A weak tribasic acid, X is soluble in benzene and water. 2.800g of the acid was
shaken with 100 of benzene and 50 of water. 25 of the aqueous layer
required 14.50 of 1M sodium hydroxide solution for neutralisation. Calculate
the distribution coefficient of X in water and benzene.
3. (a) Explain is meant by partition coefficient.
(b) The table below shows the concentrations of iodine in the two layers shaken with
a mixture of carbon tetrachloride and water at .
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Solvent extraction is always more effective when the extracting liquid is divided into
several portions and each portion used separately rather than using the whole of the liquid
in one extraction. This is because smaller portions used successively extract more of the
solute than one big portion used once.
Applications of solvent extraction
Separation of azeotropic mixtures
Extraction of oil from simsim
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[ ]
[ ]
( )
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(a) (i)
( )
[ ]
[ ]
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[ ]
[ ]
[ ] ⁄
[ ] ⁄
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[ ]
[ ]
( )
(b) This is because after every extraction, the solute redistributes itself uniformly in the
two solvents making it available for subsequent extractions
( ) ⁄
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1. The partition coefficient of J between ethoxyethane and water is 5.0. A solution
containing 10.0g of J in 5000 of water is extracted with 100 of
ethoxyethane. Calculate the mass of J extracted from the water.
2. (a) (i) What is meant by the term solvent extraction
(ii) State three limitations of solvent extraction
(iii) Explain why small portions of solvent are preferred to large portions in
solvent extraction of solute.
(b) An aqueous solution contains 5.0g of X in 100 of solution. The partition
coefficient of X between water and an organic solvent is 0.200. Calculate the mass
of X extracted by shaking 100 of the aqueous solution with;
(i) 50 of the solvent
(ii) Two successive 25 portions of the solvent.
3. (a) Define the term partition coefficient.
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8. Industrially, silver is extracted from molten lead using molten zinc which is insoluble
in lead. The solubility of silver is 300 times greater in zinc than it is in an equal
volume of lead. Calculate the mass of silver extracted using of molten zinc
and of molten lead containing 5g of silver.
9. (a) (i) State the distribution law.
(ii) Under what conditions is the law you have stated in (i) valid?
(b) The table below shows the concentrations of succinic acid in ether and water at
equilibrium in .
Experiment number 1 2 3 4 5 6
[ ] 0.023 0.028 0.036 0.044 0.052 0.055
[ ] 0.15 0.18 0.24 0.3 0.36 0.38
(i) Plot a graph of concentration of succinic acid in water against concentration
of succinic acid in water.
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Each of the above complex ions has a characteristic colour in solution from which we can
tell that it is formed. For example [ ] is a deep blue solution and
[ ] is a colourless solution.
The general equation for all the above reactions is;
[ ]
If aminoethane is used then;
[ ]
On addition of excess aqueous ammonia to any of the ions forms a solution containing
both free and fixed (complexed) ammonia.
This solution when shaken with chloroform (trichloromethane) and left to settle, two
layers are formed.
The upper aqueous layer contains the complex ion and free ammonia in equilibrium with
free ammonia in the lower trichloromethane layer.
[ ] Aqueous layer
The total concentration of ammonia (free and complexed) in the aqueous layer is also
obtained by titrating a portion of it with standard hydrochloric acid. During this titration,
the equilibrium is displaced to the left. The concentration of complexed ammonia is then
got by subtraction as shown below.
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
Assuming that all the cation is complexed and that the concentration of the solution of the
complexed cation [ ] is known, then the value of n in the complex, [ ]
can be obtained by;
[ ]
[ ]
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A known volume of the aqueous layer is also pipetted and titrated against a standard
solution of hydrochloric acid using methyl orange indicator.
[ ]
[ ]
The same procedure can be used for an experiment to determine the formulae of
;[ ] ,[ ] ,[ ] ,[ ] and [ ]
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A graph of [ ] against
[ ] is usually a straight line with an intercept on
[𝑵𝑯𝟑 ]𝟎 𝟏𝑀 𝑴𝒙 the [ ] axis (obtained by extrapolation).
( )
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(b) (i) ( )
( )
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
(ii) [ ]
[ ]
[ ]
(iii) [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ]
(c) [ ]
( )
( )
[ ]
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[ ] [ ]
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
( )
( )
[ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
Note that when an equal volume of ammonia solution is added to a solution of copper(II) ions,
the concentration of copper(II) ions is halved. This is shown by the calculation below;
( )
Total volume of solution
( )
[ ]
[ ]
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( )
( )
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
( )
[ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ]
( )
[ ]
( )
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1. (a) Explain the term partition coefficient.
(b) State two conditions under which partition coefficient is valid.
(c) Excess ammonia was shaken with equal volume of trichloromethane and a
0.05M aqueous solution of zinc sulphate and allowed to stand. Some ammonia
reacted with zinc to form a complex, [ ] . At equilibrium, the
concentrations of ammonia in the trichloromethane layer and the aqueous layer
were and respectively. (The partition coefficient of
ammonia between water and trichloromethane is 25). Calculate;
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11. Cobalt(II) ions form a complex, [ ] with ammonia. The table below
shows the results for partition of ammonia between 0.1M cobalt(II) sulphate solution
and trichloromethane.
Ion exchange
Ion exchange is a type of partition of ionic compounds
An ion exchanger can be a solid which releases one ion and adsorbs another.
When the ions exchanged are cations, the material is known as a cation exchanger and
when anions are exchanged, then it‟s an anion exchanger.
A cation exchanger is usually a polymer containing an acidic group such as ,
, or .
Anion exchangers contain basic groups such as secondary, tertiary or quaternary amine
Ion exchangers are used in softening of water by removing calcium ions and magnesium
ions by using an insoluble sodium salt of a cation exchanger
Water can also be purified further so that all dissolved salts are
removed(deionisation/demineralisation) by using both a cation and an anion exchanger.
When the water is passed through a cation exchanger, all the cations in it are replaced by
hydrogen ions.
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The partially purified water is then passed through an anion exchanger and all the anions
are replaced by hydroxyl ions.
The hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions then combine to form water.
Determining equilibrium constants using partition coefficients
(refer to next Chapter; Chemical equilibria)
1. Solidification of an aqueous solution of solids
The diagram below is a temperature-composition diagram (phase diagram) for sodium
nitrate solutions.
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At , the remaining solution becomes saturated and any further cooling will
deposit a mixture of ice and solid sodium nitrate and the temperature remains constant
until the whole system solidifies.
YE The solubility curve of sodium nitrate in water
XE The decrease in freezing point of water as increasing quantities of
sodium nitrate are added
AB The solid curve. Below it only the solid phase exists.
XEY The liquid curve. Above it only liquid phase exists.
Point E is the Eutectic point
At this only point; ice, solid sodium nitrate and a saturated solution of sodium nitrate
in water are in equilibrium.
At the eutectic point, the solid formed from the solution has the same composition as
the solution.
(i) From , at point C, the solution cools to point D without change in phase
At point D, ice begins to solidify as the composition of sodium nitrate in the
solution increases.
As the solution is further cooled, more ice solidifies, the solution becoming richer
in sodium nitrate and the freezing point decreases along DE up to the eutectic
point, E( ).
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At the eutectic point, E ( ), sodium nitrate also begins to solidify and the
temperature and composition remain constant until the whole system solidifies.
The solid mixture then cools with no change in phase up to .
(ii) From , at point G, the solution cools to point H without change in phase
At point H, sodium nitrate begins to solidify as the composition of water in the
solution increases.
As the solution is further cooled, more sodium nitrate solidifies, the solution
becoming richer in water and the freezing point decreases along HE up to the
eutectic point, E( ).
At the eutectic point, E ( ), ice also begins to solidify and the
temperature and composition remain constant until the whole system solidifies.
The solid mixture then cools with no change in phase up to .
These include;
Zinc and cadmium Gold and thallium
Tin and lead Bromoethane and benzene
Antimony and lead Camphor and naphthalene
Bismuth and cadmium
Naphthalene and biphenyl
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Temperature 𝑪
𝟑𝟐𝟏 F
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Note: From the phase diagram, the eutectic mixture has a mole fraction of zinc.
This is the same as zinc. In terms of cadmium, it is mole fraction of
cadmium ( cadmium). The eutectic temperature is .
The melting point of pure cadmium is and that of pure zinc is .
(iii) Curves FE and GE
(ii) From , at point K, the liquid mixture cools to point L without change in
At point L, cadmium begins to solidify as the composition of zinc in the liquid
mixture increases.
As the liquid mixture is further cooled, more cadmium solidifies, the liquid
becoming richer in zinc and the freezing point decreases along LE up to the
eutectic point, E( ).
At the eutectic point, E ( ), zinc also begins to solidify and the temperature
and composition remain constant until the whole system solidifies.
The solid mixture then cools with no change in phase up to .
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(i) The freezing point of cadmium decreases, more and more cadmium solidifies up
(ii) The freezing point of zinc decreases, more and more zinc solidifies up to the
eutectic point ( at and when the mixture contains cadmium). At the
eutectic point, the freezing point is constant, solid cadmium also solidifies.
Further addition of cadmium increases freezing point towards that of pure
cadmium. More and more cadmium solidifies out of the mixture.
(e) Calculate the mass of cadmium that remained in the liquid mixture when
of the liquid mixture containing zinc was cooled from 400 to 350 .
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Temperature 𝑪
Temperature 𝑪
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The cooling curve of pure zinc is similar to and can be used for any other pure
substance and that of the eutectic mixture can be used for any other eutectic mixture
Cooling curve for a mixture
For a mixture other than a eutectic mixture, the cooling curve similar to the one below is
obtained. The one sketched below is a cooling curve for a liquid mixture of zinc and
V Liquid mixture cooling
Temperature 𝑪 Solid zinc and liquid mixture cooling
𝑇 W Eutectic mixture forming
Time (min)
The liquid mixture of zinc and cadmium cools from point V( temperature , ) to point
W(temperature, ) below the freezing point of pure zinc.
At W, solid zinc begins to freeze and the liquid mixture becomes richer in cadmium.
The zinc begins to freeze at a temperature, below the freezing point of pure zinc
because adding cadmium to it lowers its freezing point.
The temperature of the solid zinc and liquid mixture then decreases from W to X(at the
eutectic temperature, 270 ).
At X, cadmium also begins to freeze and the temperature remains constant until all the
mixture freezes along XY. A eutectic mixture is formed.
At Y, the whole mixture has frozen.
Further cooling of the solid mixture decreases the temperature to
Differences between a eutectic mixture and a compound
Eutectic mixture Compound
Its composition changes with change in Its composition is fixed and does not
pressure change with pressure
Its melting point changes with pressure It has a fixed melting point
Can be separated into its components by Cannot be separated into its components
physical means by physical means
Microscopic examination shows that it is a It is homogenous
heterogenous in composition
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Tests that can show that a eutectic mixture is not a pure compound
Microscopic examination shows that it is a heterogeneous mixture of individual
crystals of the components that make it up
X-ray diffraction pattern of an eutectic mixture does not conform to that of a pure
Determining its composition shows that it does not correspond to a chemical
formula of any known compound.
Changing pressure changes the composition of an eutectic mixture
Similarities between a pure substance and a eutectic mixture
Both have sharp melting points
Have similar cooling curves
Area G
Temperature 𝑪
Y Area B
Area A
Area C
Melting Y
point 𝑪
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(ii) Describe what happens when a mixture containing 0.70 mole fraction of biphenyl
is cooled.
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7. (a) The melting points of mixtures of zinc and cadmium of different compositions are
shown below.
Percentage of zinc 0 10 17 30 60 100
Melting point 321 295 270 305 360 491
(i) Draw a fully labelled phase diagram for the zinc-cadmium system.
(ii) Determine the temperature and composition of the eutectic mixture.
(iii) Using the diagram in a(i) , describe the changes that will take place when a
liquid mixture containing 5% zinc at 300 was gradually cooled.
(b) State any three tests that can be carried out on the eutectic mixture to show that it
is not a pure compound.
8. (a) Define the following terms:
(i) Eutectic temperature
(ii) Eutectic mixture
(b) The table below shows the melting points and compositions of various mixtures of
All solutions containing non-volatile solutes have certain properties in common. All these
properties vary with the compositions of the solutions in a similar way.
Each of these properties can be measures over a range of concentrations of the solutions
and the results obtained depend on the total number of solute particles present in a fixed
amount of solvent and hold for dilute solutions.
The properties are called colligative properties.
Colligative properties are therefore defined as physical properties of a dilute solution
which depend on the number of non-volatile dissolved particles in the solution but do
not depend on the chemical nature of the solute particles.
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The greater the number of particles in solution, the greater the extent to which the
colligative property is affected.
The colligative properties include:
1. Lowering of the vapour pressure of a solvent
2. Elevation of boiling point
3. Freezing point depression
4. Osmotic pressure of solution
Colligative properties are important and useful for the determination of molecular
masses for non-volatile solutes
Limitations of colligative properties
A correct value of relative molecular mass obtained by use of any colligative property is
only obtained if;
(i) Solute does not associate or dissociate in solution.
When solute particles dissociate in solution, the number of particles in solution increases,
and the colligative property also increases, reducing the relative molecular mass.
Molecular mass obtained by a colligative property for a solute that dissociates in solution
is lower than the actual value.
The vapour pressure of a solvent in solution is less than the vapour pressure of the pure
solvent at the same temperature.
This is because the non-volatile solute particles occupy some of the surface of the
solution. This reduces the escaping tendency of the solvent particles into the vapour
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phase. The solution there has a lower vapour pressure than that that would be exerted
by a pure solvent.
Question; Explain why an aqueous solution of glucose has a lower vapour pressure
than water at a given temperature
Glucose is non-volatile solute . When dissolved in water, glucose particles occupy some
of the surface of the solution. This reduces the escaping tendency of the solvent
particles into the vapour phase. The solution there has a lower vapour pressure than
that that would be exerted by a pure water.
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⁄ ⁄
1. (a) State Raoult‟s law of relative lowering of vapour pressure.
(b) (i) Calculate the vapour pressure of a solution containing 18g of glucose
in 50g of water at . (Vapour pressure of water at is
(ii) State any assumptions made in (b)(i).
2. A solvent Y of molecular mass 62 has a vapor pressure of at .
23.3g of a non volatile solute of molecular mass 270 was added to 100g of Y at
(i) Calculate the vapor pressure of solution
(ii) State and explain the effect of increasing the concentration of the solute on
the boiling point of Y.
3. The vapor pressure of water at is . At this temperature, a solution of
of carbamide in of water has a vapour pressure of . Find the
relative molecular formula of the carbamide.
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( )
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( )
𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆
⁄ ( )
( )
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𝑷𝒂 value
( )
𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒎𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒎
The data you are usually given may require you to calculate first before graph
plotting. is the vapour pressure at . Each value is
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Boiling point of a liquid is the constant temperature at which its saturated vapour
pressure becomes equal to the external pressure on the liquid.
A pure liquid will only boil when its saturated vapour pressure is equal to the external
pressure. The external pressure is usually the atmospheric
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760 B
Vapour pressure A
𝑻𝟎𝒃 𝑻𝒃
Temperature ( 𝑪)
Curve ABC represents the variation of vapour pressure of pure solvent with
Curve DEF represents the variation of vapour pressure of solution with temperature
The vapour pressure lowering is proportional to the molality, m (not molarity) of the
solute particles.
where is molality of the solute in solution and is the boiling point constant of the
solvent or molal boiling point constant or ebullioscopic constant.
The molal concentration (or molality; symbol m) is the amount of substance per unit mass
of solvent, commonly given in units of .
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( )
Beckmann thermometer
To condenser
Inner tube Side arm
A known mass of pure propanone, is placed in a wide tube fitted with a side arm
leading to a reflux condenser.
The boiling tube is closed by a stopper through which is passed a second inner tube, open
at the lower end and fitted with a Beckmann thermometer.
In the liquid is immersed a Cottrell pump, C to prevent super heating
The propanone is then heated until the Beckmann thermometer shows a constant
temperature and the boiling point is measured.
A known mass of benzoic acid, in pellet form is then added through the side arm to
the solvent
The resulting solution is also heated until the Beckmann thermometer shows a constant
temperature and the boiling point of the solution is also measured.
Treatment of results
( )
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( )
( )
Explain why the molecular mass of ethanoic acid obtained by ebullioscopic method
is 120g using benzene as a solvent.
Molecular mass of
The relative molecular mass of sodium chloride obtained by boiling point elevation
method is 29.25. Explain.
Actual relative molecular mass of sodium chloride
The obtained relative molecular mass is half the actual value.
Sodium chloride being a strong electrolyte, completely ionises in water to form sodium
ions and chloride ions
Therefore 1 mole of sodium chloride will form a total of 2 moles of ions in solution.
Since boiling point elevation is a colligative property, directly proportional to the
number of solute particles in solution, the ionisation of sodium chloride increases the
boiling point elevation but reduces the relative molecular mass to half the actual value.
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3. (a) The boiling point of pure water is 100 but when 1.97g of potassium chloride
is dissolved in 125g of water, the solution boiled at 100.11 at a pressure of
760mmHg. Explain this observation.
(b) From the information given in (a) above, calculate the boiling point constant
of water.
(a) Potassium chloride is non-volatile solute. When dissolved in water, potassium chloride
particles occupy part of the surface of the solution. This reduces the escaping tendency of the
water molecules into the vapour phase. The solution there has a lower vapour pressure than
that that would be exerted by pure water. The solution should therefore be heated at a higher
temperature than the boiling point of pure water so that its equilibrium vapour pressure
becomes equal to the atmospheric pressure for boiling to take place.
( )
( )
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( )
1. Calculate the boiling point of a solution formed by mixing 8g of glucose, ,
and 120g of water.
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𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒈𝒅𝒎
If of the solvent is known, the relative molecular mass of the solute can be calculated.
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Vapour pressure A
(mmHg) C
𝑻𝒇 𝑻𝟎𝒇
Temperature ( 𝑪)
Curve AB represents the variation of vapour pressure of pure solvent with temperature
The vapour pressure lowering is proportional to the molality, m (not molarity) of the
solute particles.
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where is molality of the solute in solution and is the freezing point constant of
the solvent or molal freezing point constant or cryoscopic constant.
A known mass of pure solvent, g is placed into a glass tube that is fitted with a
Beckmann thermometer, stirrer and has a side arm.
The freezing tube is placed in a wider tube that acts as an air jacket to ensure uniform
The whole apparatus is put in a vessel containing an ice-salt freezing mixture that is kept
The solvent is allowed to cool while stirring until a constant temperature, is
obtained when it begins to freeze and recorded from the Beckmann thermometer.
The solvent is warmed until it melts.
A known mass of solute, g, in pellet form is added to the solvent through a side arm.
The solution is cooled while stirring and the steady temperature, at which it freezes,
is recorded.
Treatment of results
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( )
( )
( )
Explain why 0.1 mole of sodium chloride depresses the freezing point of 1 of
( )
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( )
( )
( )
( )
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( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
(c) The apparent molecular mass is X in benzene is twice that of benzene in water because two
molecules of X associate in benzene to give a dimer.
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(b) (i)
(iii) (iv)
(c) Z is Butanone
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1. A solution containing 0.368g of methanoic acid in 50g of benzene freezes at 5.093 .
(a) Calculate the relative molecular mass of methanoic acid.
( )
(b) Comment on the value in (a)
2. The melting point of camphor is 177.5 while that of a solution containing 1g of
naphthalene in 10g of camphor is 147 . Calculate the cryoscopic constant of
camphor. (Molar mass of naphthalene is 128)
3. The freezing point of a solution of 22.0g of carbon tetrachloride dissolved in 800g of
benzene is 4.59 . If the freezing point of benzene is 5.50 Calculate the molal
freezing point depression constant of benzene.
4. Calculate the freezing point of a solution containing 3.33g of ethane-1,2-diol in 14g of
5. Calculate the freezing point of a solution containing 60g of glucose, in 200g
7. An organic compound W contains 22.8% nitrogen, 28% oxygen , 8.5% hydrogen and
the rest being carbon.
(a) Calculate the empirical formula of W
(b) 0.5g of W dissolved in 80g of water forming a solution that freezes at .
Calculate the molecular formula of W.
(c) When W was refluxed with potassium hydroxide, ethanoic acid and ammonia was
(i) Identify W
(ii) Write equations to show how W is obtained from a carbonyl compound.
8. (a) A compound Y contains 80% carbon, 6.7% hydrogen, and the rest being oxygen.
Calculate the empirical formula of Y.
(b) 0.48g of Y was dissolved in 50.0g of benzene and caused a freezing point
depression of 0.44 . Determine the molecular formula of Y.
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𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒈𝒅𝒎
If of the solvent is known, the relative molecular mass of the solute can be calculated.
The data you are usually given may require you to calculate first before graph
From the expression;
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1. The table below shows the freezing points of various concentrations of a non-volatile
solute Q in water at 760mmHg.
Concentration of Q 0 30 60 90 120 150
Freezing point 0 -0.16 -0.32 -0.49 -0.65 -0.81
(a) Plot a graph of freezing point depression against concentration of Q
(b) Determine the :
(i) slope of the graph you have drawn in (a).
(ii) relative molecular mass of Q.
2. (a) State what is meant by the following terms
(i) Colligative property
(ii) Freezing point constant of a substance
(b) (i) Describe an experiment to determine the molecular mass of naphthalene using
Osmotic pressure,
Osmosis is the movement of solvent molecules from a dilute solution to a more
concentrated solution through a semi-permeable membrane.
If two solutions of different concentrations are separated by a semi-permeable membrane,
the solvent molecules from the dilute solution will pass through the semi-permeable
membrane to the concentrated solution so that the two solutions have equal
concentrations. The osmosis can be stopped by applying pressure on the concentrated
solution. This pressure is called osmotic pressure, .
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Osmotic pressure is the minimum pressure required to prevent the movement of solvent
molecules from a dilute solution to a more concentrated solution when the solution is
separated from pure solvent by a semi-permeable membrane.
Experiment to determine osmotic pressure of a solution
(Using the Berkeley and Hartley‟s method)
Pressure applied
Piston Water reservoir
Pressure gauge
Capillary tube Solvent Tap
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( )
1. Calculate the osmotic pressure of a solution containing 4.0g of a non-volatile
solute per litre of solution at . The relative molecular mass of the solute is
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Assuming density of solution is . The volume of water used is 1000 and its mass
is 1000g.
( )
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1. (a) Define the term osmotic pressure.
(b) At ,a solution of a polymer has an osmotic pressure of
atmospheres. Calculate the formula mass of the polymer.
(c) Explain why in the determination of molecular mass of polymers, osmotic
pressure is used instead of ebullioscopic and cryoscopic methods.
2. A solution containing of polyphenylethene in of benzene is found to
have an osmotic pressure of at . Calculate the average relative molecular
mass of polyphenylethene.
3. The osmotic pressure of an aqueous solution of a non-electrolyte containing
per of solution is at . Calculate the freezing point of
( )
4. (a) Define the term Osmotic pressure.
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( )
but ( )
𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒈𝒅𝒎
The expression is used to calculate the relative molecular mass of the solute
where and T given in the question.
Note that if the values of osmotic pressure given are in atm or mmHg, they should be
converted as discussed earlier to while computing the slope and then use as
stated with T converted to Kelvin.
1. The osmotic pressures of various concentrations of solute X in methylbenzene at
are given in the table below.
Concentration of the solution( ) 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
Osmotic pressure( ) 23 37 53 75 92 109
(a) Plot a graph of osmotic pressure against concentration
(b) Use your graph to determine the relative molecular mass of X.
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Chemical reactions, just like physical changes can reach a state of equilibrium. Although
some reactions take place in one direction, like the when magnesium burns in air to form
magnesium oxide, other reactions take place in both forward and backward directions at
comparable rates for example the thermal dissociation of calcium carbonate.
The products of thermal dissociation of calcium carbonate are calcium oxide, a base and
carbon dioxide, an acidic gas which can react to form calcium carbonate again.
Apart from thermal dissociation of calcium carbonate, many other reactions do not go to
For example;
(i) the reaction between hydrogen gas and gaseous iodine to form hydrogen iodide
(ii) the esterification reaction for formation of ethylethanoate from ethanoic acid
and ethanol
(iii) reaction between heated iron and steam to form iron(II) diiron(III) oxide and
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An irreversible reaction is a reaction takes place only in the forward direction, such
that only the products are formed during the reaction hence the reaction can never be
at equilibrium.
(i) For example, the combustion of ethene to form carbon dioxide and water
(ii) Burning magnesium in air to form magnesium oxide
Dynamic equilibrium
A dynamic equilibrium is the equilibrium established when the rate of forward reaction
is equal to the rate of backward reaction, such that the concentration of reactants and
For the reaction between known amounts of hydrogen and iodine in a sealed glass tube
heated to a higher constant temperature and then allowed to cool, the equilibrium mixture
formed contains hydrogen, iodine and hydrogen iodide.
This implies that both forward and backward reactions are still taking place and the rate
of formation of hydrogen iodide is equal to rate of dissociation of hydrogen iodide and
the concentrations of each species remains constant and the system is said to be in
dynamic equilibrium.
This can be proven by injecting iodine containing a small quantity of radioactive iodine-
131 into the equilibrium mixture. Radioactive iodine appears in the hydrogen iodide. This
confirms that both forward reaction and backward reaction are still occuring.
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(i) the reaction between ethanol and ethanoic acid to form ethyl ethanoate
/diethyl ether (esterification)
(ii) the reaction between hydrogen gas and gaseous iodine to form hydrogen
A heterogeneous equilibrium system is one in which two or more phases are involved.
For example;
(i) Dissociation of calcium carbonate to form calcium oxide and carbon
(ii) Reaction between iron and steam to form triiron tetraoxide and hydrogen
Note; if only ions are involved in an equilibrium, an ionic equilibrium (check next
chapter) is established.
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
Where [ ] represents molar concentration at equilibrium and
is the concentration equilibrium constant
The equilibrium law/ law of mass action therefore states that if a reversible reaction is
allowed to reach equilibrium at a particular temperature, the product of the molar
concentrations of the products raised to appropriate powers divided by the product of
the molar concentrations of the reactants raised to appropriate powers is a constant
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The law of mass action states that the in a reversible reaction, there is a fixed
relationship at a given temperature between the molar concentrations of the products
and those of the reactants in the equilibrium mixture.
1. Check whether only the concentrations /moles in a given volume are given or total
pressure at equilibrium
2. If only concentration/ moles are given, then an expression for should be written.
3. If total pressure at equilibrium is given, then expression for should be written.
4. Solids do not appear in the equilibrium constant expression since their concentration
is assumed to be constant.
5. For a expression, only gaseous reactants and products appear.
6. If water is one of the reactants, and its concentration is not given, or remains
unchanged, it is assumed to be present in a large excess hence does not appear in the
equilibrium constant expression. If water is in gaseous state, then include it in the
7. When only the expression is required, do not write the equation also as part of the
8. In the case of , strictly square brackets must be used.
9. Sometimes the question may specify for you whether to write a or expression.
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In each of the cases below, write the equation for the equilibrium, the equilibrium
constant expression in terms of either and or both , depending on what is
indicated in brackets and state the units.
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[ ] [ ]
If the gases are ideal, then according to the ideal gas equation
is therefore proportional to
From equation , [ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
Substituting for , and in equation (ii) gives;
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
( )
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
Since [ ] [ ]
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Where is the total number of moles of gaseous products total number of moles of gaseous
reactants in a balanced equation.
Initial moles 0 0
Moles reacted/formed
Moles at equilibrium
[ ][ ]
[ ][ ]
⁄ ⁄
(( )( ))
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(b) Experiment to determine the equilibrium constant for the esterification reaction
between ethanoic acid and ethanol
A known amount of ethanoic acid (a moles) is mixed with a known amount of ethanol
(b moles) and put in a sealed glass tube.
The sealed tube and its contents is left in a water bath at to for 7 hours
The tube is broken in cold water and the solution titrated with a standard solution of
sodium hydroxide using phenolphthalein indicator
Initial moles 0 0
Moles reacted/ formed
Moles at equilibrium
[ ][ ]
[ ][ ]
( )( )
(( ) ( ))
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Initial moles 0 0
Moles dissociated/formed
Moles at equilibrium
Concentration at equilibrium
[ ][ ]
[ ]
( )
( )
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(d) Experiment to determine the equilibrium constant for the reaction between
hydrogen and iodine to form hydrogen iodide.
A known amount of hydrogen (a moles) and a known amount of iodine (b moles) are
put in a sealed glass bulb of a fixed volume (v dm3), kept in a thermostat at a
temperature of ℃ until equilibrium is established.
At equilibrium, the bulb is removed and rapidly cooled to stop the reaction and fix the
equilibrium such that the equilibrium does not adjust itself to the equilibrium value at a
lower temperature.
The tube is then broken under an aqueous solution of potassium iodide to dissolve the
iodine present at equilibrium.
The resultant mixture is titrated with a standard solution of sodium thiosulphate using
starch indicator
Initial moles 0
Moles reacted/formed
Moles at equilibrium
Concentration at equilibrium
[ ]
[ ][ ]
( )
( )( )
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[ ][ ]
[ ][ ]
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Initial moles 0 0
Moles reacted/
Moles at equilibrium
[ ][ ]
[ ][ ]
Initial moles
Moles reacted/
Moles at
[ ][ ]
[ ][ ]
3. 1 mole of ethanoic acid was mixed with 5 moles of ethanol in a sealed glass tube
left in a water bath at for some hours. The tube was then broken in cold
water and the resultant solution required 289 of 0.2 M sodium hydroxide for
complete neutralisation. Calculate the equilibrium constant, for the reaction.
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( )
Initial moles 0 0
Moles reacted/ formed
Moles at equilibrium
[ ][ ]
1. (a) 3 moles of hydrogen and 1 mole of iodine were heated together in a sealed
tube at 500oC until equilibrium was established. Calculate the number of moles
of hydrogen iodide present in the equilibrium mixture at 500oC. (The equilibrium
constant , for the reaction between hydrogen and iodine is 50)
(b) Describe briefly how the concentration of iodine at equilibrium can be
Initial moles 0
Moles reacted/formed
Moles at equilibrium
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[ ]
[ ][ ]
(b) The tube is broken under an aqueous solution of potassium iodide to dissolve the iodine present
at equilibrium.
The resultant mixture is titrated with a standard solution of sodium thiosulphate using starch
indicator. The amount of iodine present at equilibrium is calculated using the equation below.
(b) (i) Tube is rapidly cooled to stop the reaction and fix the equilibrium such that the
equilibrium does not adjust itself to the equilibrium value at a lower temperature.
Initial moles 0
Moles reacted/formed
Moles at equilibrium
[ ]
[ ][ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
Note that for the dissociation of HI is the reciprocal of for reaction between
hydrogen and iodine to form HI
For dissociation of hydrogen iodide,
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Initial moles 0 0
Moles dissociated/formed
Moles at equilibrium
Concentration at equilibrium
[ ][ ]
[ ]
( )
( )
Initial moles 0
Moles reacted/formed
Moles at equilibrium
( )
( )
( )
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4. The equilibrium constant for the dissociation of hydrogen iodide is 0.02. 1 mole
of hydrogen and moles of iodine are heated together at 450 oC. Calculate the
mass of hydrogen iodide present in the equilibrium mixture at that temperature.
Initial moles 0
Moles reacted/formed
Moles at equilibrium
[ ]
[ ][ ] ( )
Initial moles 0
Moles reacted/formed
Moles at equilibrium
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[ ]
[ ][ ]
( )
( )
6. 3.20g of hydrogen iodide were heated at 450 oC in a glass bulb of volume 800cm3.
(i) The bulb is broken under an aqueous solution of potassium iodide to dissolve
the iodine present at equilibrium.
( )
( )
Initial moles 0 0
Moles dissociated/formed
Moles at equilibrium
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[ ] ( )
[ ] ( )
[ ][ ]
[ ] [ ]
( )
Note: The volume was given in .
Multiplying moles in 800 by 1000
converts the concentration to moles per litre
7. The degree of dissociation of 0.5 moles of hydrogen iodide was found to be 25%
at a certain temperature in a 1.5 vessel. Calculate the equilibrium
Initial moles 0 0
Moles dissociated/formed
( )
( )
( )
(( ) )
(( ) )
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Initial moles
Moles dissociated/formed
Moles at equilibrium
[ ] ( )
[ ] ( )
[ ]
[ ][ ]
2. 0.8 moles of nitrogen and 0.9 moles of hydrogen were heated in a 1500 closed
vessel. At equilibrium, the mixture contained 20% hydrogen. Find the value of
equilibrium constant, .
Initial moles
Moles dissociated/formed
Moles at equilibrium
[ ] ( )
( ) [ ] ( )
[ ] ( )
[ ]
[ ][ ]
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3. When 3 moles of hydrogen and 1 mole of nitrogen were mixed and allowed to
attain equilibrium at 100 atm and 400oC, the equilibrium mixture contained
25% of ammonia by volume. Calculate;
(i) Number of moles of nitrogen and hydrogen at equilibrium.
(ii) Value of at 400oC
Initial moles
Moles dissociated/formed
Moles at equilibrium
( ) ( )
( )
Calculate the equilibrium constant, for the reaction given 3.0 moles of ammonia
were found to be 15% dissociated.
Initial moles
Moles dissociated/formed
( )
Moles at equilibrium
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ][ ]
[ ]
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5. 1.75 moles of ammonia were heated in a 1 litre vessel and the equilibrium
mixture was found to contain 42.9% hydrogen. Calculate the equilibrium
constant, .
Initial moles
Moles dissociated/formed
( )
Moles at equilibrium
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Initial moles
Moles dissociated/formed
Moles at equilibrium
[ ] ( )
( )
( )
( )
2. 1.0 mole of phosphorus(V) chloride was strongly heated in a one litre closed
bulb until equilibrium was obtained. The glass bulb was then rapidly broken
under potassium iodide solution. The bulb was found to contain 40.70% of
(a) Write equations for the reactions that took place when:
(i) the glass bulb was strongly heated
(ii) the glass bulb was broken under potassium iodide solution.
(b) State the reasons why the bulb;
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(a) (i)
(b) (i) Bulb was rapidly broken to stop the reaction and fix the equilibrium such that
the equilibrium does not adjust itself to the equilibrium value at a lower
(ii) Bulb is broken under potassium iodide to dissolve and oxidise chlorine
present at equilibrium to chloride ions as the potassium iodide is reduced to
(c) (i)
[ ]
[ ]
[ ][ ]
[ ]
[ ]
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( )
( )
Initial moles
Moles dissociated/formed
Moles at equilibrium
[ ]
Initial moles
Moles dissociated/formed
Moles at equilibrium
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[ ]
[ ] √
[ ]
[ ][ ]
[ ]
Initial moles
Moles dissociated/formed
[ ] ( )
[ ] ( )
[ ]
[ ][ ]
[ ]
6. Calculate the percentage of chlorine is the equilibrium mixture formed when 0.4
moles of phosphorus(V) chloride were heated in a one litre
vessel .
Initial moles
Moles dissociated/formed
Moles at equilibrium
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[ ]
[ ] √
[ ]
[ ][ ]
[ ]
( )
( )
( )
2. 0.425 moles of sulphur dioxide and 0.294 moles of oxygen were heated in a 1.6
litre vessel and at equilibrium, it was found that 52% of oxygen had reacted.
Calculate the value of equilibrium constant, .
Initial moles
Moles reacted/formed
Moles at equilibrium
[ ] ( )
[ ] ( )
[ ] ( )
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[ ]
[ ] [ ]
3. 1 mole of sulphur trioxide was introduced into a vessel. The vessel was
heated to 1000K until equilibrium was attained. At equilibrium, 0.35 moles of
sulphur trioxide was present.
(i) Write equation for the dissociation of sulphur trioxide.
(ii) Write an expression for the equilibrium constant, .
(iii) Calculate the value of .
[ ] [ ]
Moles at equilibrium
[ ] [ ]
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ]
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Initial moles
Moles dissociated/formed
Moles at equilibrium
(b) [ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
Initial moles
Moles dissociated/formed
Moles at equilibrium
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( ) ( )
( )
( )
Initial moles
Moles dissociated/formed
Moles at equilibrium
( )
( )
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Moles at equilibrium ?
[ ]
[ ] ( )
[ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
Initial moles
Moles reacted/formed
Moles at equilibrium
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When 0.18 moles of methane and 0.22 moles of steam were heated in a 5 litre vessel,
0.1 mole of carbon dioxide was found to be present at equilibrium. Calculate the
value of .
Initial moles
Moles reacted/formed
Moles at equilibrium
[ ] ( )
[ ] ( )
[ ] ( )
Initial moles
Moles dissociated/formed
Moles at equilibrium
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[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ][ ]
[ ]
Calculate the:
( )
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8. When 60g of ethanoic acid and 46g of ethanol were made to react to equilibrium at
100ºC, the percentage of esterification was
(i) Write equation for the esterification reaction.
(ii) Calculate the value of the concentration equilibrium constant, .
(iii) Outline the mechanism for the reaction between ethanoic acid and ethanol.
9. When 6.22 of hydrogen were heated with 5.71 of iodine in a sealed tube at
356 C, it was found out that 9.60 of hydrogen iodide were present at
equilibrium. Calculate the:
(i) equilibrium constant
(ii) volume of hydrogen iodide in the equilibrium mixture formed by reacting
together 6.41 of hydrogen and 10.40 of iodine at 356 oC.
( Hint: Number of moles of a gas is directly proportional to volume)
10. A mixture of 0.8 mole of hydrogen and 0.6 mole of iodine was allowed to react in a
sealed tube at 450ºC. At equilibrium, 0.2 mole of iodine had reacted.
(i) Write an expression for the equilibrium constant, , for the reaction
(b) Equimolar quantities of hydrogen and iodine were heated in a 1 litre vessel until
equilibrium was attained. The equilibrium mixture was found to contain 20.5%
hydrogen iodide Determine the equilibrium constant, .
12. (a) State the law of mass action
(b) Explain what is meant by the following terms:
(i) equilibrium constant
(ii) dynamic equilibrium
(c) Describe an experiment to determine the equilibrium constant for the reaction
between hydrogen and iodine
(d) 1.54g of hydrogen iodide were heated in a 600cm3 bulb at 530 oC. When equilibrium
was attained, the bulb was rapidly cooled to room temperature and broken under
potassium iodide solution. The iodine formed required 67 cm3 of 0.1M sodium
thiosulphate solution for complete reaction. Calculate ;
(i) Number of moles of hydrogen iodide in 1.54g
(ii) Number of moles of iodine formed
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in terms of and , where and are the original number of moles of hydrogen
and nitrogen respectively, and is the number of moles of nitrogen which react at a total
pressure of Pa.
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18. When 0.2 moles and 0.47 moles of nitrogen and hydrogen respectively were heated to
equilibrium in a 1 litre vessel, 0.18 moles of ammonia were formed. Calculate the
equilibrium constant, .
19. When 1.65 moles of hydrogen and 0.6 moles of nitrogen were heated to 150ºC in a
1.5 litre closed vessel, equilibrium was attained when 0.9 moles of ammonia were
formed. Calculate the value of equilibrium constant, for the reaction.
20. Nitrogen and hydrogen are mixed in a ratio 1:3. At equilibrium at 600OC and 10
atmospheres, the percentage of ammonia in the mixture of gases is 15%
(a) Write equation for the reaction
(b) Write an expression for the equilibrium constant.
(c) Calculate the equilibrium constant at that temperature and state its units.
21. Stoichiometric amounts of hydrogen and nitrogen were reacted at 50 atm. At
equilibrium, 0.8 moles of ammonia were formed. Calculate:
(i) Amount of hydrogen and nitrogen present at equilibrium
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26. At a certain temperature, the equilibrium constant for the reaction between nitrogen
and hydrogen, , is and the partial pressures of nitrogen and
hydrogen are 30 and 120 atm respectively.
(i) Write the expression for the equilibrium constant, .
(ii) Calculate the partial pressure of ammonia at equilibrium.
27. When 80.4 g of phosphorus(V) chloride were placed in a 9.0 litre vessel and heated
at a certain pressure, 8.4 g of chlorine were formed at equilibrium. Calculate the:
(i) amount of phosphorus(V) chloride and phosphorus(III) chloride at
equilibrium in moles per litre.
(ii) equilibrium constant, , for the reaction and state its units.
28. (a) When 2.6 mole of phosphorus(V) chloride was heated in a 1.5 vessel,
equilibrium was established when 1.04 mole of phosphorus(III) chloride was formed.
Calculate the value of equilibrium constant, .
(b) 3.0 mole of phosphorus pentachloride was heated in a 1 litre vessel and when
equilibrium was attained, it was found to contain 1.14 mole of chlorine gas.
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33. Determine the mass of each of the components of the equilibrium mixture formed
when 0.52 moles of phosphorus(V) chloride is heated at equilibrium.
34. 0.04 moles of sulphur trioxide were allowed to dissociate at 900K in a flask of volume
3.04 litres. At equilibrium, 0.0289 moles of sulphur trioxide were found to be present.
(i) Derive the relationship between and for this reaction. Show clearly how
you arrive at your answer.
(ii) Calculate equilibrium constants and .
35. At 700℃ and total pressure of one atmosphere, the partial pressures at equilibrium for
sulphur dioxide and oxygen are 0.27 and 0.41 atmospheres respectively. Sulphur
dioxide is oxidized to sulphur trioxide according to the following equation:
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At a certain temperature and total pressure of 197.38 atmospheres, the equilibrium partial
pressures of propene and steam are 74.02 and 93.76 atmospheres respectively. Calculate
the value of at this temperature and state its units.
41. Nitrogen monoxide combines with oxygen according to the equation
A closed vessel of 500 containing 0.33 moles of nitrogen monoxide and 0.355 moles
of oxygen was heated. Equilibrium was established when 0.105 moles of oxygen had
reacted. Calculate the value of .
42. Carbon monoxide reacts with steam according to the reaction;
When 1.33 moles of sulphur dioxide dichloride were heated in a 2 litre vessel,
equilibrium mixture contained 5.98% sulphur dioxide dichloride. Calculate the value of
equilibrium constant, .
45. Ammonium hydrogen sulphide was allowed to dissociated into ammonia and
hydrogen sulphide gases at 500 . At equilibrium the total pressure was measured and
found to be 0.6 atm. Calculate the:
(i) partial pressure of each gas at equilibrium.
(ii) pressure equilibrium constant
The equilibrium constant for the above reaction is given by the expression below and is
measured by partition method.
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[ ]
[ ][ ]
A known mass of iodine is dissolved in a standard solution of potassium iodide and the
resultant mixture shaken with trichloromethane or trichloromethane or benzene or carbon
disulphide. Some iodine forms a complex with potassium iodide according to the above
equation and some iodine remains free in the solution. The free iodine then distributes
itself between the aqueous layer and the organic solvent used.
Aqueous layer
Trichloromethane layer
The concentration of iodine in the organic layer is obtained by titrating a portion of a
known volume of it with standard sodium thiosulphate solution.
The concentration of free iodine in the aqueous layer is then got from the expression
below, if the partition coefficient value is known;
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( )
( )
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
( )
( )
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ][ ]
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1. A solution containing 12.7g of iodine and 166.1g of potassium iodide in 1 litre of
water was shaken with 1 litre of benzene. If the partition coefficient of iodine between
benzene and water is 400 and the equilibrium constant for the reaction:
is 730. Calculate the concentration of:
(i) iodine in benzene
(ii) triiodide ions in water
Compare concentration equilibrium constant, and pressure equilibrium
When or is small (k<1), it implies that the conversion of A and B into C and D is
small and the position of the equilibrium lies to the left.
When or is large(k>1), it implies that the equilibrium mixture is largely
composed of C and D is small and the position of the equilibrium lies to the right.
If K is about 1, the equilibrium is reached at some intermediate mixture.
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The reaction quotient, Q, has the same mathematical form as the equilibrium-constant
expression, but Q is a ratio of the actual concentrations (not a ratio of equilibrium
[ ]
, the reaction proceeds
[ ] from right to left, until equilibrium is
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1. For the reaction: , the equilibrium constant, , is
at 1500 K. Predict the direction the reaction will move in if the reactants
and products have the following concentrations: [ ] [ ]
, and [ ] .
2. For the reaction: , the equilibrium constant, , is
at 100°C. Predict the direction the reaction will move in if the
concentration of is and the concentration of is
3. 1 mole of Sulphur trioxide was introduced into a 1 dm vessel. The vessel was heated
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The system cannot completely cancel the change in the external factor, but it will move in
a direction that will minimize the change.
The external factor may be pressure, temperature, concentration, adding a noble gas
or a catalyst.
(a) Effect of pressure
Since pressure has a negligible effect on the volumes of solids and liquids, it only affects
reactions in which gases are involved.
Any reaction that occurs with an increase in volume is favoured by a decrease in
A reaction that occurs with a decrease in volume is favoured by an increase in pressure.
Any change in pressure of the system changes the position of the equilibrium and the
rate of attainment of the equilibrium but has no effect on the equilibrium constant.
Sample questions
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Explain how the position of the equilibrium, value of the equilibrium constant and
the rate of attainment of equilibrium would be affected if the pressure of the
reaction was increased
Note that
Increase in pressure has no effect on position of equilibrium since both forward and
backward reactions proceed with no change in volume. Equilibrium constant remains
unchanged but the rate of attainment of equilibrium increases because there are more
gas molecules in a given volume, molecules are closer together hence there are more
chances of successful collisions between particles.
Addition of a reagent that reacts with one of the reactants/products, reduces the
concentration of the reactant/product in an equilibrium mixture and shifts the equilibrium
in the direction to which the reactant/ product is removed so that it is replaced.
Any change in concentration of one of the species in an equilibrium mixture changes the
position of the equilibrium and the rate of attainment of the equilibrium but has no
effect on the equilibrium constant.
Sample question
Explain how the position of the equilibrium, value of the equilibrium constant and
the rate of attainment of equilibrium would be affected if;
(i) more Sulphur dioxide was added
The concentration of sulphur dioxide increases and the excess sulphur dioxide reacts
with oxygen to produce sulphur trioxide, so as to keep the equilibrium constant value
the same. Equilibrium therefore shifts from left to right and equilibrium constant value
remains unchanged. The rate of attainment of equilibrium increases since there is an
increase in the number of particles in the reaction vessel.
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Explain how the position of the equilibrium, value of the equilibrium constant and
the rate of attainment of equilibrium would be affected if the reaction is carried out
at a temperature of 250°C, while the pressure remains at 10 atm.
Since forward reaction is exothermic, increase in temperature from 25°C to 250°C will
make equilibrium shift from right to left, favouring the backward reaction which is
endothermic. The ammonia dissociates to form nitrogen and hydrogen according to L ́
Chatelier's Principle. This reduces the concentration of ammonia but increases the
concentrations of nitrogen and hydrogen, reducing the equilibrium constant.
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Explain how the position of the equilibrium, value of the equilibrium constant and
the rate of attainment of equilibrium would be affected if;
(i) the temperature was increased.
Increase in temperature will make equilibrium shift from left to right, favouring the
forward reaction which is endothermic. The nitrogen reacts with oxygen to form
nitrogen monoxide according to L ́ Chatelier's Principle. This reduces the
concentration of nitrogen and oxygen but increases the concentration of nitrogen
monoxide, increasing the equilibrium constant.
Explain the effect on the equilibrium position and equilibrium constant and the rate
of attainment of equilibrium when;
(i) argon is added to the equilibrium at constant volume
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Argon being a noble gas, when added, the total pressure of the system increases, but
there is no change in partial pressure/ concentrations of the reactants and products.
The position of the equilibrium is not affected.
Since the concentration of argon does not apply in the or expression, the
equilibrium constant also remains unchanged.
The rate of attainment of equilibrium reduces since some of the particles on collision
do not react.
N.B Hence, when an inert gas is added to the system in equilibrium at constant
volume there will be no effect on the equilibrium position or equilibrium constant
but reduces the rate of attainment of equilibrium.
(ii) neon is added to the equilibrium at constant pressure
Neon being a noble gas, when added to the system at constant pressure, leads to an
increase in the total volume. As a result, partial pressures/ concentrations of the
reactants and products decrease. According to Le Chatelier's Principle, the equilibrium
The explanations given above are general. A question may require you just to state
the effect of a constraint. This may not require you to go into details of explaining.
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(a) State what would be happen to the concentration of sulphur(VI) oxide in the
equilibrium mixture and give a reason for your answer if;
(i) the temperature was increased
(ii) nitrogen gas was added to the mixture at a constant pressure.
(iii) pressure was increased
(iv) more oxygen was added to system at equilibrium
(v) volume of the vessel in increased
2. The reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen at 25℃ and 10 atm takes place according
to the following equation.
What would happen to the concentration of ammonia and the value of the equilibrium
(a) Explain why iodine is sparingly soluble in water but very soluble in potassium
(b) (i) Write an expression for the concentration equilibrium constant, .
(ii) State any three characteristics of the above equilibrium.
(c) State and explain the effect of adding sodium thiosulphate solution to the
position of equilibrium.
4. Phosphorus pentachloride decomposes at high temperatures according to the
following equation.
State how the position of the equilibrium and the value of the equilibrium constant
would be affected and in each case give a reason for your answer if ;
(i) the pressure was increased
(ii) some chlorine was added to the equilibrium
(iii) some phosphorus(III) chloride was removed from the equilibrium mixture
(iv) the temperature was increased
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State how the amount of ethylethanoate and position of the equilibrium would be
affected if:
(i) some ethanol is added to the system
(ii) some water is removed from the system
(iii) concentrated sulphuric acid is added
(iv) some sodium hydroxide solution is added
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The equilibrium constant for the reaction at 2680K and 1 atm total pressure is
. Equal volumes of nitrogen and oxygen were mixed at 2680K and 1 atm total
pressure and allowed to react until equilibrium is reached.
(a) Calculate the:
(i) fraction of the original nitrogen used in the reaction
(ii) fraction of nitrogen(II) oxide in the reaction mixture
(b) State what will happen to the value in (a)(ii) above and give a reason(s) if:
(i) the pressure is increased to 10 atm
(ii) the temperature is raised to 2780K
(iii) a catalyst is added
10. Sulphur dioxide dichloride dissociates when heated according to the equation:
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(b) Iron pyrites are roasted in air to form iron(III) oxide and sulphur dioxide.
The sulphur dioxide obtained above and oxygen obtained by fractional distillation of
liquid air are purified to clear them off any dust that may poison the catalyst and dried.
The purified gases are passed over Vanadium(V) oxide catalyst at temperatures about
450-500 oC and pressures between 1-3 atmospheres to form sulphur trioxide.
The sulphur trioxide is dissolved in concentrated sulphuric acid to form a fuming liquid
called oleum.
The oleum is carefully diluted with a correct amount of water to form 98% concentrated
sulphuric acid.
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2. The sulphur trioxide is not dissolved in water because its reaction with water is highly
exothermic and it leads to formation of sulphuric acid sprays that damage plants and
(c) Calcium phosphate is dissolved and stirred in about 65% sulphuric acid to form a
mixture calcium sulphate and calcium dihydrogen phosphate. The product is dried
and forms the superphosphate fertilizer.
N.B; The Single Superphosphate(SSP) fertilizer made above is less efficient because it is
contaminated with Calcium sulphate. A more efficient fertilizer called Triple
Superphosphate fertilizer is formed by using concentrated sulphuric acid instead.
Details of these process for conversion of ammonia formed by Haber process to nitric
acid are discussed in DEMISTYFYING INORGANIC CHEMISTRY under chemistry
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Acids and bases
Acids are characterized by a sour taste and their effect on litmus and changing colour of
indicators. They react with bases and also some other compounds to form salts. They
liberate carbon dioxide from carbonates and hydrogen when reacted with metals.
Bases are characterized by a soapy feel and detergent power. They react with acids to
form a salt and water.
There have been many attempts to define acids and bases. Early definitions considered
acids as substances that provide hydrogen ions when dissolved in water and bases as
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hydrogen ions rather than providing hydroxide ions because undissociated ammonium
hydroxide is hypothesized.
The Arrhenius theory definitions of acids and bases only applied to aqueous solution. It
could not explain acid-base reactions other solvents unlike water.
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[ ]
[ ]
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Try to write equations showing how the conjugate base is formed from the
conjugate acid for each of the above conjugate acid-base pairs.
A strong base is a base which ionises completely in its aqueous solution and easily
accepts protons
A weak base is a base which partly ionises in its aqueous solution and does not easily
accept protons
Examples include;
Strong bases Weak bases
Potassium hydroxide Aqueous ammonia
Sodium hydroxide Aqueous methylamine
Barium hydroxide Aqueous phenylamine
Lithium hydroxide Aqueous triethylamine
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The nature of the groups attached to the carboxyl group has a great effect on the acid
strength therefore due to inductive effect.
Electron withdrawing groups make carboxylic acid stronger by making the
oxygen-hydrogen bond becomes more polar and weak hence release of hydrogen ions in
aqueous solution.
Electron donating groups makes carboxylic acid weaker by making the oxygen-hydrogen
bond less polar and strong hence release of few hydrogen ions in aqueous solution.
1. The table below shows acid dissociation constants, , of group VII hydrides.
Hydride HF HCl HBr HI
( )at 25 C
Explain the trend in values of the hydrides.
Hydrofluoric acid is the weakest acid because the fluorine atom has the highest
electronegativity due to a very small atomic radius. Therefore the hydrogen- fluorine
bond is highly polar and very strong making the acid to dissociate to a considerably
smaller extent.
2. The acid strength of the oxo-acids of chlorine increases in the order
. Explain this observation.
The strength of an acid depends on how easily it releases protons. The acid strength
increases depending on the number of oxygen atoms that exert a negative inductive
effect in each molecule of the acid, increasing the polarity of the oxygen-hydrogen
bond. This is because oxygen is more electronegative than chlorine. In chloric(VII)
acid, 3 oxygen atoms exert a negative inductive effect on the O-H bond making it very
weak and breaks to release very many hydrogen ions making it stronger than chloric(V)
acid in which two oxygen atoms exert a negative inductive effect making the O-H bond
weaker than in chloric(III) acid in which only one oxygen atom has a negative inductive
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effect. Chloric(I) acid has the strongest oxygen-hydrogen bond because no oxygen atom
has a negative inductive effect in it.
3. The table below shows acid dissociation constants, for some acids at a
particular temperature.
( )
State and explain the trend in acid strength of the acids.
Acid strength decreases in the order
The strength of an acid depends on how easily it releases a proton. Methanoic acid has
a hydrogen atom instead of an alkyl group attached to the carboxyl group, which has no
inductive effect hence the oxygen-hydrogen bond in it is the weakest, easily breaks to
release many hydrogen ions. The alkyl groups in ethanoic acid and propanoic acid have
a positive inductive effect which decreases the polarity of the oxygen-hydrogen bond,
4. The table below shows acid dissociation constants, for some acids at a
particular temperature.
( )
State and explain the trend in acid strength of the acids.
Acid strength increases in the order
The strength of an acid depends on how easily it releases a proton. Ethanoic acid has a
methyl group attached to the carboxyl group, which has a positive inductive effect hence
the oxygen-hydrogen bond in it has lowest polarity, making it the strongest hence does
not easily break to release hydrogen ions. The chlorine atoms in chloroethanoic acid,
dichloroethanoic acid and trichloroethanoic acid are more electronegative than carbon
and have a negative inductive effect which increases the polarity of the oxygen-
hydrogen bond, making it weak and easy to break. The strength of the oxygen-hydrogen
bond decreases as the negative inductive effect increases with the increase in number
of chlorine atoms in the chain attached to the carboxyl group.
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5. The table below shows acid dissociation constants, for some acids at a
particular temperature.
Acid ( )
The strength of different bases in an aqueous solution under similar conditions can also
be compared using their degrees of dissociation( ) and base dissociation constants( ),
(for weak bases) at the same dilution and temperature.
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The basic strength of amines depends on the availability of lone pair of electrons on the
nitrogen atom. Ammonia is the weakest base because the hydrogen atoms attached to
the nitrogen atom, have no inductive effect. The alkyl groups attached to the nitrogen
atom in methylamine and ethylamine have a positive inductive effect which increases the
electron density on the nitrogen atom, making the lone pairs of electrons readily
available for protonation. The positive inductive effect increases with the increase in
number of carbon atoms in the alkyl groups attached to the nitrogen atom hence
ethylamine is a stronger base than methylamine.
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(b) Compare and explain the basic strength of methylamine, dimethylamine and
Basic strength increases in the order;
The basic strength of amines depends on the availability of lone pair of electrons on the
nitrogen atom. The three methyl groups attached to the nitrogen atom in
trimethylamine, have the greatest positive inductive effect but due to steric hindrance to
the approach of a proton towards the nitrogen atom and poorest solvation due to lack
of nitrogen-hydrogen bonds, trimethylamine is the weakest base. The methyl groups
attached to the nitrogen atom in methylamine and dimethylamine have a positive
inductive effect which increases the electron density on the nitrogen atom, making the
lone pairs of electrons readily available for protonation. Methylamine and
dimethylamine also have nitrogen-hydrogen bonds which increase their solvation. The
positive inductive effect and solvation increase with the increase in number of alkyl
groups attached to the nitrogen atom and number of nitrogen-hydrogen bonds
(c) Compare and explain the basic strength of ammonia, ethylamine and aniline
Basic strength increases in the order;
The basic strength of amines depends on the availability of lone pair of electrons on the
nitrogen atom. Aminobenzene is the weakest base because the lone pairs of electrons on
the nitrogen atom interact with the delocalised pi- electrons in the benzene ring. This
reduces the electron density on nitrogen atom, making the lone pair of electrons less
available for protonation. Ammonia is a stronger base than aminobenzene because the
hydrogen atoms attached to the nitrogen atom, have no inductive effect. Ammonia also
has more nitrogen-hydrogen bonds hence more solvated than aminobenzene. The ethyl
group attached to the nitrogen atom in ethylamine has a positive inductive effect which
increases the electron density on the nitrogen atom, making the lone pair of electrons
readily available for protonation.
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The ethyl group attached to the nitrogen atom in ethylamine has a positive inductive
effect which increases the electron density on the nitrogen atom, making the lone pair
of electrons readily available for protonation. In ethanamide, the lone pair of electrons
on the nitrogen atom interacts with the pi-electrons of the carbonyl group therefore less
available for protonation.
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Initial concentration
Moles at equilibrium
[ ][ ]
[ ]
Calculations involving
The expression for acid dissociation constant, of a weak acid, relating
concentration, in , and the degree of dissociation, is given by;
that; and √
Also from the procedure of derivation above, at equilibrium; [ ]
All the derived equations above can be used in calculations involving ionic equilibria
of weak acids.
Also note that, in calculations, for the accurate expression
or the approximated one is used depending on the value of
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√ √
√ √
1. A solution was made by dissolving 1.22g of benzoic acid in 500 of water.
[ ][ ]
[ ]
(b) (i)
( )
At equilibrium; [ ] [ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ] √ [ ] b(ii) √ , √
[ ] √
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2. (a) Write the expression for the acid dissociation constant of methanoic acid in
aqueous solution.
(b) A 0.01M solution of methanoic acid is 14% dissociated at 25℃. Calculate the
dissociation constant of methanoic acid at 25℃.
[ ][ ]
[ ]
Calculations involving
The expression for base dissociation constant, of a weak base, relating
concentration, in , and the degree of dissociation, is given by;
that; and √
Also from the procedure of derivation above, at equilibrium; [ ̅ ]
All the derived equations above can be used in calculations involving ionic equilibria
of weak bases.
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(a) ̅
[̅ ]
(a) (i) ̅
[ ][ ̅ ]
(ii) [ ]
(b) (i) [ ]
[̅ ]
[̅ ]
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Since the dissociation of water is endothermic, the ionic product of water, , increases
with increase in temperature. However the value at ℃ is commonly used since most
experiments are carried out at that temperature.
The concept of
The is the negative logarithm to the base ten of the hydrogen ion concentration in
moles per litre of a solution.
[ ]
Since at ℃, of water contains approximately of hydrogen
ions. The of water at ℃ is given by:
The higher the concentration of hydrogen ions, the lower the hence the stronger the
The of an aqueous solution of an acid or base depends on the concentration and the
degree of ionisation.
Just like , is related to the hydroxyl ion concentration by the expression;
[̅ ]
The is also related to the ionic product of water by:
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At ℃
The above equation can be used for aqueous solutions including water at ℃.
The scale
The scale ranges from 1 to 14 depending on the hydrogen ion concentration in the
solution. It is summarised below:
[ ]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Strong acids Weak acids Weak bases Strong bases
( )
( )
[ ] [ ]
[ ]
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( )
[ ] [ ]
[ ]
3. Calculate the mass of hydrogen chloride required per litre to form a solution
with .
[ ]
[ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ]
( )
( )
( )
[ ]
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
1. Calculate the pH of a 0.005M sulphuric acid.
2. A solution has a pH of 5.5. Calculate its hydrogen ion concentration
3. (a) Chloric(VII) acid is a strong acid. State what is meant by the term strong acid.
(b) Calculate the pH of a 0.025 solution of chloric(VII) acid.
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1. Calculate the pH of a solution made by dissolving 1.5g of potassium hydroxide in
250 of water at ℃.
( )
[ ] [̅ ]
[ ][ ̅ ]
[ ]
[̅ ]
[ ]
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2. At ℃, . Calculate the:
(i) at ℃.
(ii) the pH at ℃ of a 0.01M solution of sodium hydroxide.
(ii) ̅
[ ] [̅ ]
[̅ ]
[ ] [̅ ]
[ ][ ̅ ]
[ ]
[̅ ]
[ ]
( )
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( )
[ ]
[ ] [̅ ]
[̅ ]
1. Calculate the pH of a solution made by dissolving 4g of sodium hydroxide in one litre
of water at ℃.
2. Calculate the pH of a 0.01M potassium hydroxide solution at ℃. (The ionic
product of water is
The relationship between and for an acid-base conjugate
For the first equilibrium;
[ ][ ]
[ ]
For the second equilibrium;
[ ][ ̅ ]
[ ]
[ ][ ] [ ][ ̅ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [̅ ]
[ ] [̅ ]
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A simplified, well elaborated and illustrative approach to Physical Chemistry
Weak bases are also not completely dissociated solution. The expressions [ ̅ ] can
be used to get the hydroxyl ion concentration and then the hydrogen ion concentration
can be got from the expression for ionic product of water.
[ ][ ̅ ] Or from
[̅ ]
[ ]
[̅ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ][ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
At equilibrium; [ ] [ ] [ ] √
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ]
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(a) [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ][ ]
[ ] (b) From [ ]
At equilibrium; [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ]
4. Propanoic acid undergoes dissociation according to the following equation.
[ ][ ] At equilibrium; [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
(b) (i) From [ ] [ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
( )
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ][ ]
[ ] √
[ ]
At equilibrium; [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ]
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A simplified, well elaborated and illustrative approach to Physical Chemistry
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ][ ]
[ ]
At equilibrium; [ ] [ ]
[ ]
[ ]
( )
[ ]
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A simplified, well elaborated and illustrative approach to Physical Chemistry
2. (a) Write:
(i) equation for the ionisation of ethylamine in water
(ii) the expression for the ionisation constant, of ethylamine.
(b) The pH of a 0.01M solution of ethylamine is 11.37.
(i) Calculate the ionisation constant, of ethylamine at 25℃.
( ℃
(ii) State the assumptions you have made in b(i) above.
(a) (i) ̅
[ ][ ̅ ]
(ii) [ ]
(b) (i) [ ] [̅ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ]
From [ ][ ̅ ]
(ii) At equilibrium;
[̅ ]
[ ] [̅ ] [ ]
[ ]
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A simplified, well elaborated and illustrative approach to Physical Chemistry
[ ][ ̅ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] ̅
At equilibrium; [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
From [ ][ ̅ ] [̅ ]
[ ]
[̅ ] ̅
[ ] [ ]
[ ]
(a) (i) ̅
[ ][ ̅ ]
(ii) [ ]
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(b) (i) [ ̅ ]
At equilibrium;
[̅ ] [ ]
From [ ][ ̅ ]
[ ]
[̅ ]
[ ] (ii)
[̅ ] [ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ̅
][ ] [̅ ] [ ]
[ ] [̅ ] √
At equilibrium; [ ̅ ] [ ]
[ ] [̅ ]
[̅ ]
[ ]
[ ][ ̅ ]
[ ]
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A simplified, well elaborated and illustrative approach to Physical Chemistry
1. Determine the of 0.01M solution of methylamine.
2. (a) Write the:
(i) equation for the ionisation of ethylamine in water
(ii) expression for the ionisation constant, of ethylamine.
(b) A solution contains 0.1 mole of ethylamine per litre of solution at 25 ℃.
(i) Calculate the pH of the solution. (The ionisation constant of ethylamine is
at 25 ℃ , )
(ii) State the assumptions made in b(i) above.
3. The pH of 0.01M solution of ammonia is 10.6. Calculate the ionisation constant for
4. The pH of 0.1M solution of ethylamine is 11.85. Calculate the basic dissociation
constant, for ethylamine.
(b) When one mole of methylamine is dissolved in water, the hydrogen ion
concentration is found to be
(i) Write an equation for the reaction between water and ethylamine
(ii) Calculate the base dissociation constant, for methylamine.
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A simplified, well elaborated and illustrative approach to Physical Chemistry
A salt is a substance formed when the replaceable hydrogen of an acid is either wholly
or partially replaced by a metal or an equivalent radical such as the ammonium
A salt always consists of oppositely charged ions.
An acid and base react to form a salt and water. The salt formed can may also react with
water to form an acid and a base.
Salt hydrolysis
Some salts react with water to form neutral solutions. Other salts react with water to
form acidic or alkaline solutions.
Salt hydrolysis is the reaction between a salt and water to form either a basic or acidic
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The extent of the hydrolysis of the salt depends on the strengths of the acid and base from
which the hydrolysed salt can be formed.
In the solution therefore, there are sodium ions and chloride ions from sodium chloride,
then hydroxyl ions and hydrogen ions from water. However, since sodium hydroxide and
hydrochloric acid are fully ionised in solution, there is no tendency for reaction between
sodium ions and hydroxyl ions to form sodium hydroxide or hydrogen ions and chloride
ions to form hydrochloric acid. The concentrations of hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions
remain as they are in pure water mantaining the pH of the solution neutral.
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Aluminium salts, Chromium(III) salts and iron(III) salts, copper(II) salts and zinc salts of
strong acids also undergo cation hydrolysis.
The cations in each of the salts above have small ionic radii and high charges hence a
high charge density and high polarising power. They therefore undergo cation
hydrolysis to produce hydrogen ions, making their solutions acidic and exist as
, , , and respectively.
The dissociation of the takes place in stages but the first stage being as shown below for
each of the solutions:
To a solution of any of the above salts, including those shown in the table above, if added
a basic substance, a reaction occurs. For example: The solutions evolve:
Carbon dioxide from carbonates and hydrogen carbonates
Sulphur dioxide from sulphites and sulphites
Hydrogen sulphide from sulphides
Hydrogen gas with magnesium.
Details about these reactions and a variety of ways in which they can be written can
be seen in Demystifying Inorganic Chemistry by the same author.
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A simplified, well elaborated and illustrative approach to Physical Chemistry
Salt Weak acid Strong base Equation for hydrolysis in aqueous solution
To a solution of any of the above salts, if added a solution of a cation that forms an
insoluble hydroxide, the hydroxide is precipitated. Similarly if the solutions of the salts
are warmed with an ammonium salt, ammonia gas is evolved.
(b) An aqueous solution of sodium sulphite is alkaline whereas that of sodium hydrogen
sulphite is acidic.
Sodium sulphite is a salt of a weak acid and a strong base. It therefore undergoes
hydrolysis to form hydroxyl ions that make the solution alkaline.
Sodium hydrogensulphite is also a salt of a weak acid and a strong base. It therefore
also undergoes anion hydrolysis to form hydroxyl ions.
However, the hydrogensulphite ion is a strong acid which dissociates to form
hydrogen ions more than it is hydrolysed, forming an acidic solution.
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(c) Ammonium nitrate solution gives effervescence with magnesium ribbon whereas
sodium benzoate solution gives a green precipitate that dissolves in excess with
aqueous chromium(III) sulphate solution.
Ammonium nitrate is a salt of a weak base and a strong acid. It therefore undergoes
cation hydrolysis to form hydrogen ions that make the solution acidic.
Sodium benzoate is also a salt of a weak acid and a strong base. It therefore also
undergoes anion hydrolysis to form hydroxyl ions.
The hydroxyl ions react with chromium(III) ions to form insoluble chromium(III)
The equation above is got by eliminating hydrogen ions. This done by multiplying the
first equation by 2.
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The hydrogen ions react with sodium sulphite to form to form sulphur dioxide gas.
or general equation:
Phenylamine is a weak base hence ionises partially to form hydroxide ions.
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The hydroxide ions react with nickel(II) ions to form insoluble nickel(II) hydroxide.
Nickel(II) hydroxide reacts with excess phenylamine solution to form a soluble
complex of hexaphenylaminenickel(II) ions.
Explain the following observations
(a) An aqueous solution of sodium sulphate is neutral to litmus whereas an aqueous
solution of sodium sulphite turns red litmus paper blue.
(b) When potassium methanoate was added to copper(II) sulphate, a blue precipitate was
(c) When ammonium sulphate solution was mixed with some sodium sulphite solution and
the mixture warmed, there was effervescence of a colourless gas that turns moist red
litmus paper blue.
Initial concentration
Moles at equilibrium
The hydrolysis constant, is given by:
[ ][ ]
[ ] if is small compared with 1
Also from the ionisation of methylamine,
[ ][ ̅ ]
[ ]
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[ ][ ̅ ] [ ][ ]
[̅ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
Also considering a solution of a salt of a weak acid and strong base for example
potassium ethanoate. If the concentration of the solution is and the degree of
hydrolysis of the salt is .
Initial concentration
Moles at equilibrium
The hydrolysis constant, is given by:
[ ][ ]
[ ]
[ ][ ] [ ][ ̅ ]
[ ] [̅ ]
[ ] [ ]
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[ ][ ] (ii) From [ ]
(b) (i) [ ] [ ]
At equilibrium; [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ] √ [ ]
[ ] √
[ ]
(a) (i)
[ ][ ]
(ii) [ ]
(b) (i) ( )
( )
[ ]
[ ]
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(ii) At equilibrium;
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ]
[ ]
3. (a)Write :
(a) (i)
[ ][ ]
(ii) [ ]
(b) (i) [ ]
[ ]
[ ]
(ii) [ ] (iii) At equilibrium;
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
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(a) Ammonia solution reacts hydrochloric acid to form a salt, ammonium chloride
which undergoes hydrolysis to form hydrogen ions that make the solution acidic.
( )
( )
( )
[ ][ ̅ ] [̅ ]
[ ]
At equilibrium; [̅ ] √
[̅ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[̅ ]
[ ] ̅
[ ]
[ ]
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( )
[ ]
[̅ ] √ [ ]
[ ][ ̅ ]
[ ] [ ][ ̅ ]
At equilibrium; [ ̅ ] [ ]
(i) ̅
[ ]
[̅ ] [̅ ]
[ ][ ̅ ] [ ]
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(ii) ( )
( )
( )
[ ]
[ ][ ̅ ]
[ ]
At equilibrium; [ ̅ ] [ ]
(iii) The sodium methanoate salt formed is a salt of sodium hydroxide, a strong
base and methanoic acid, a weak acid. Sodium methanoate therefore undergoes
hydrolysis to form hydroxide ions that make the solution alkaline.
9. Determine the mass of sodium ethanoate that must be added to of
water to give a solution of of 8.52.
( )
[ ] [̅ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ][ ̅ ]
[̅ ] [ ]
[ ]
[ ][ ̅ ]
[ ]
At equilibrium; [ ]
[̅ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
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( )
(b) (i) ̅
[̅ ]
[ ] [̅ ]
At equilibrium; [ ̅ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
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A simplified, well elaborated and illustrative approach to Physical Chemistry
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A simplified, well elaborated and illustrative approach to Physical Chemistry
Water and other simple aqueous solutions do not retain a constant hydrogen ion
concentration, hence their pH values since they dissolve such as carbon dioxide from the
air or silicates from the walls of glass containers.
To obtain solutions that maintain their pH fairly constant, buffer solutions are used.
Types of buffers
There are broadly two types of buffer solutions namely;
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A simplified, well elaborated and illustrative approach to Physical Chemistry
The solution therefore contains a high concentration of ethanoate ions and a high
concentration of unionised ethanoic acid molecules.
When a small amount of acid is added, the hydrogen ions react with ethanoate ions to
form ethanoic acid resisting a decrease in .
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When a small amount of base is added, the hydroxide ions react with ethanoic acid to
form ethanoate ions and water, resisting an increase in
The hydroxide ions react with hydrogen ions to form water and the ethanoic acid ionises
to restore the hydrogen ions removed.
Qn. Describe how a solution of propanoic acid and sodium propanoate acts as a
The solution therefore contains a high concentration of ammonium ions and a high
concentration of unionised ammonia molecules.
When a small amount of acid is added, the hydrogen ions react with ammonia
molecules to form ammonium ions, resisting a decrease in .
The hydrogen ions react with hydroxide ions to form water and ammonia ionises to
restore the hydroxide ions removed.
When a small amount of base is added, the hydroxide ions react with ammonium ions
to form ammonia molecules and water, resisting an increase in
Qn. Describe how a solution of phenylamine and phenylammonium chloride acts as
a buffer.
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(i) All methanoate ions come from fully ionised sodium methanoate.
The base dissociation constant, is given by the expression;
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[ ][ ̅ ]
[ ]
(i) All methylammonium ions come from fully ionised methylammonium chloride.
Therefore; [ ] [ ]
(ii) [ ] remains constant since it is a weak base
[ ][ ̅ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[̅ ]
[ ]
Introducing both sides yields;
[ ]
[̅ ] ( )
[ ]
N.B pH of a buffer solution is not affected by adding water (on dilution) since the [ ]
[ ]
or [ ]
ratio remains constant on adding water
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[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
( )
( )
( )
[ ]
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( )
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
( )
3. A 0.1M solution of sodium hydroxide was added to 50cm3 of 0.1M ethanoic acid
until when the acid is half way neutralized. Determine the pH of the resultant
solution formed. ( )
( )
( )
( )
[ ]
( )
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
( )
4. Calculate the mass of sodium ethanoate that must be dissolved in one litre of
ethanoic acid of concentration to form a solution with a of
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[ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
( ) [ ]
[ ]
( )
[ ]
( )
[ ]
5. To of 0.035M ethanoic acid was added to 4.1g of sodium ethanoate to
make a solution. ( )
(a) [ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
( )
(b) (i) ( )
( )
The hydrogen ions from the acid added react with ethanoate ions from the salt to form
ethanoic acid.
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
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( )
(ii) ( )
̅ ( )
The hydroxide ions from the base added react with ethanoic acid to form ethanoate ions and
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ]
( )
( )
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( )
[ ]
( )
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
( )
2. 0.02 moles of ammonium chloride were dissolved in of 0.1M ammonia
solution. Calculate the:
(a) before addition of the salt
(b) change after addition of the salt.
3. (a) Write the expression for the ionisation constant, of methylamine in water.
(b) 0.25 moles of methylammonium chloride was added to one litre of 0.4M
(i) Calculate the pH of the resultant solution
(ii) State the assumption(s) you have made in b(i)
[ ]
[ ]
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[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
( )
(b) (i)
[ ]
( ) The pH remained almost constant.
(ii) The sodium hydroxide added
[ ] reacted with ammonium ions
( )
to form ammonia molecules
[ ] and water.
[ ]
[ ]
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[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
The buffer solution is prepared by adding 179.9 of sodium ethanoate solution to 100 an ethanoic
acid solution of the same concentration.
[ ]
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
The buffer solution is prepared by adding 1622 of dimethylammonium chloride solution
to 100 an dimethylamine solution of the same concentration.
16.22 moles of dimethylammonium chloride and 1 mole of dimethylamine are dissolved in
water to make a litre of solution
1321.93g of dimethylammonium chloride and 45g of dimethylamine are dissolved in water
to make a litre of solution
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Application of buffers
Maintaining the pH of blood in the body
Maintaining the pH of culture solutions
Maintaining the pH during manufacture of medicines
Manufacture of cosmetics
Maintaining the pH during fermentation
1. Calculate the of a solution containing 0.01 moles of ethanoic acid and 0.82g of
sodium ethanoate in a litre of solution. ( )
2. of sodium methanoate are dissolved in of 0.01M methanoic acid solution.
Calculate the pH of the resulting solution.
3. (i) Calculate the of a solution made by dissolving 0.005 moles of methanoic acid
(i) State whether the pH value you have calculate in (a) above would increase or
decrease on dilution with water and give the reason for your answer.
4. Calculate the of a mixture of of 1M ethanoic acid with of 1M
sodium hydroxide. ( )
5. Calculate the of a solution prepared by addition of of 0.2M sodium
hydroxide to of 0.4M ethanoic acid.
6. (a) Calculate the of a 0.5M propanoic acid solution.
9. (a) (i) Write the equation for the ionisation of phenol in water.
(ii) If the of a solution of phenol is 5.95. Calculate
the dissociation constant of, of phenol.
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A simplified, well elaborated and illustrative approach to Physical Chemistry
14. (a) State what is meant by the term basic buffer solution.
(b) Determine the of the solution made by mixing 25cm3 of 0.1M hydrochloric
acid with 45cm3 of 0.1M ammonia solution.
( )
15. (a) State what is meant by the term buffer solution
(b) Explain how a mixture of ethylamine and ethylammonium chloride acts as a
(c) 6.8g of ammonium chloride were added to 0.7M ammonia solution. Calculate
concentration of hydroxide ions:
(i) before addition of salt
(ii) after addition of salt.
16. One litre of buffer solution was made containing 0.2 moles of ammonia and 0.3 moles
of ammonium chloride.
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Acid-base titration is the addition of a solution of a base to an acid solution until there is
just enough of the acid to neutralize the base.
Titrand (analyte)
This is a reagent whose concentration is not known and has to be determined by
Equivalence point
This is the point when the number of moles titrant is equal to number of moles of
End point
A point in a titration at which the reaction is complete, observed by the colour change
of an indicator and occurs when small amount of solution of known concentration is
added to a solution whose concentration is to be determined.
It occurs after equivalence point.
Acid-base indicators
An Acid-base indicator is a substance which changes colour according to the hydrogen
ion concentration of the solution or liquid to which it is added.
Indicators are either weak acids or weak bases and slightly dissociated when dissolved in
They are used to measure hydrogen ion concentration of solutions or to detect changes in
of solutions
The indicators change colour over different ranges of . Colour of an indicator depends on
the colour of the undissociated molecules and the colour of the ions produced.
Examples of indicators
Phenolphthalein Congo red
Methyl orange Bromothymol blue
Methyl red Universal indicator
Thymol blue Phenol red
Litmus Cresol red
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Action of an indicator
The most commonly used indicators are weak acids of the form , .
Considering phenolphthalein indicator;
The unionised molecules are colourless whereas the anions, , are pink.
When an acid is added to the indicator solution, the hydrogen ion concentration
increases and the excess hydrogen ions react ions to form unionised
molecules , shifting the equilibrium to the left, mantaining the value of the ionisation
constant. The solution becomes colourless.
When a base is added to the indicator solution, the hydroxide ions react with hydrogen
ions to form water .
The unionised molecules are red whereas the anions, , are yellow.
When an acid is added to the indicator solution, the hydrogen ion concentration
increases and the excess hydrogen ions react ions to form unionised
molecules , shifting the equilibrium to the left, mantaining the value of the ionisation
constant. The solution becomes red.
When a base is added to the indicator solution, the hydroxide ions react with hydrogen
ions to form water .
More of the indicator ionises, shifting the equilibrium to the right and a relatively
large concentration of ions is produced to maintain the value of the ionisation
constant. The solution becomes yellow.
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Choice of indicator
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1. The pH ranges for different indicators are shown in the table below.
Phenolphthalein Bromothymol blue Methyl orange
8.30-10.0 6.00-7.60 3.10-4.40
(i) Identify the most suitable indicator for the titration dimethylamine
with hydrochloric acid
(ii) Briefly explain your answer above.
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(i) Which of the indicators above would be the most suitable for the reaction
(i) What colours, if any are associated with the three species in the equation?
(ii) What should be the pH of a solution at the end point using this indicator,
assuming a strong base is added to a weak acid.
3. Explain the following observations
(a) Phenolphthalein indicator, which has a pH range 8-10 is a suitable indicator in
14 D
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at end point is above 7 because the sodium ethanoate salt formed undergoes
hydrolysis to form an alkaline solution.
Along CD, gradually increases due to excess sodium hydroxide solution added.
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at end point is slightly above 7 because the sodium ethanoate salt formed undergoes
hydrolysis to form an alkaline solution.
Along CD, gradually decreases due to excess ethanoic acid added which together
with the sodium ethanoate salt formed form a buffer solution.
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sharply increases along BC even with a little ammonia solution added because all
the acid has been completely neutralised. The end point is reached.
at end point is below 7 because the ammonium chloride salt formed under goes
hydrolysis to form an acidic solution.
Along CD, gradually increases due to the excess ammonia solution added which
together the ammonium chloride salt formed form a buffer solution which resists
increase in pH.
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sharply decreases along BC even with a little hydrochloric acid added because the
end point is reached.
at end point is below 7 because the ammonium chloride salt formed undergoes
hydrolysis to form an acidic solution.
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1. (a) Sketch a graph to show how pH of potassium hydroxide changes when the
following are added until in excess
(i) Hydrochloric acid
(ii) Ethanoic acid
(b) Explain the shapes of the curves
(c) of 0.01M benzoic acid was added to an equal volume of 0.01M sodium
hydroxide. Calculate the pH of the resultant solution.
2. (a) Sketch pH-volume curves to show the change in pH that happens when:
(i) 0.1M sodium hydroxide solution is added in portions to of 0.1M
ethanoic acid.
(ii) 0.1M hydrochloric acid is added in portions to of 0.1M ammonia
2.5 W
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A simplified, well elaborated and illustrative approach to Physical Chemistry
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A simplified, well elaborated and illustrative approach to Physical Chemistry
(d) The table below shows the pH of the solution formed when 25 cm3 of 0.1M ethanoic
was titrated with sodium hydroxide solution.
Volume of sodium hydroxide 0 4 8 12 16 20 22 22.5 24 28
solution( )
pH 2.8 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.1 5.8 7.0 10.5 11.4 12.3
(i) Plot a graph of pH against volume of sodium hydroxide solution
Solubility is the maximum mass of solute in grams that can saturate 100g of a solvent
at a particular temperature in presence of excess, undissolved solute.
The units for solubility are .
Molar solubility
Molar solubility is the number of moles of a solute that can dissolve in one litre of a
solution before the solution becomes saturated.
The units for molar solubility are .
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Add potassium nitrate, a little at a time, while stirring to a known volume of water in a
container immersed in a thermostat at a particular temperature until no more
potassium nitrate dissolves.
The mixture is allowed to settle until the excess undissolved crystals separate from the
The excess undissolved crystals are filtered off using a dry filter paper and funnel into a
dry container to obtain a saturated solution of potassium nitrate.
The temperature of the saturated solution is measured and recorded, ℃.
A clean dry dish is weighed and its mass recorded
A known volume of the saturated solution is added to the dish. The dish and the
saturated solution are also weighed again and the mass recorded
The dish and the saturated solution is placed on a steam bath until the dry potassium
Treatment of results
( )
( ) ℃
( ) ℃
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Solubility curves
The variation of solubility with temperature can be summarised by solubility curves.
𝒈 𝒑𝒆𝒓 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝒈
𝒐𝒇 𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓
𝑵𝒂𝟐 𝑺𝑶𝟒
Temperature ℃
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For salts that form solutions endothermically, the solubility generally increases with
increase in temperature.
For salts whose solubility decreases with increase in temperature, such as anhydrous
sodium sulphate, heat is evolved on dissolving. Other examples of such salts include
calcium sulphate and calcium hydroxide.
The transition point in solubility for sodium sulphate is due to a change in hydration.
Temperature ℃
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Calculation of solubility
(a) (a) 350 of water was saturated by 157.5g of potassium nitrate at 30℃.
Calculate the solubility of potassium nitrate at 30℃. (Density of water is
(b) The solution in (a) was cooled to 15℃. Calculate the mass of potassium nitrate
crystallised if the solubility of potassium nitrate at 15℃ is 25.0g per 100g.
( ) ℃
(b) ℃
(b) 60g of a saturated solution of a soluble salt Q gave 17.75g of Q at 50℃. Calculate
the solubility of Q at 50℃.
( ) ℃
(c) The solubility of potassium chlorate(V) is 60g per 100g of water at 100℃.
Calculate the number of moles the salt that can saturate 150g of water at the
same temperature.
( ) ℃
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21.38g of a saturated solution of a soluble salt, X, was evaporated to dryness and 4.28g of
X were obtained at a certain temperature. Calculate the solubility of X at that
Solubility curves
Plotting and interpreting solubility curves for soluble salts
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Solubility product
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For each of the following sparingly soluble electrolytes, write the;
Direct titration
Using conductivity measurements
Using electrode potentials
The first two methods will be used in this topic but more about conductivity
measurements and electrode potentials will be seen in the topic: Electrochemistry.
However, for examination purposes, any method can be used.
(a) By titration
Excess solid calcium hydroxide is added to a given volume of distilled water in a
The mixture is shaken for some time and left to settle at a given temperature to attain
The mixture is filtered to obtain a saturated solution of calcium hydroxide as filtrate.
A known volume of the filtrate is pipetted into a conical flask and titrated with a
standard solution of hydrochloric acid using methyl orange indicator.
The molar concentration of calcium hydroxide solution is calculated using the equation
Taking the molar concentration of calcium hydroxide as .
[ ] [ ]
[̅ ] [ ]
[ ][ ̅ ]
This method can be used for any sparingly soluble metal hydroxide.
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[ ]
[ ] [ ]
[̅ ] [ ]
[ ̅
][ ]
This method can be used for any electrolyte whose solution cannot be titrated with any
suitable reagent.
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(a) By titration
Excess solid silver ethanedioate is added to a given volume of distilled water in a
The mixture is shaken for some time and left to settle at given temperature to attain
The mixture is filtered to obtain a saturated solution of silver ethanedioate as filtrate.
A known volume of the filtrate is pipetted into a conical flask , acidified and warmed.
The warm solution is then titrated with a standard solution of potassium
manganate(VII) solution.
The molar concentration of the oxalate(ethanedioate) ions in the solution is
calculated using the equation below.
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
This method can be used for any sparingly soluble metal oxalate (ethanedioate).No
indicator is required because potassium permanganate acts as own indicator.
(b) Using conductivity measurements
Excess solid silver ethanedioate is added to a given volume of distilled water in a
The mixture is shaken for some time and left to settle at a given temperature to attain
The mixture is filtered to obtain a saturated solution of silver ethanedioate as filtrate.
The electrolytic conductivity of the saturated solution, is
measured using a conductivity meter.
The electrolytic conductivity of water, at the same temperature is
obtained from books
Also the molar conductivities at infinite dilution of silver ions and ethanedioate ions
are read from the tables.
Treatment of results
The electrolytic conductivity of silver ethanedioate is then obtained by;
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[ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
The molar concentration of the iodate(V) ions in the solution is calculated using
the two equations above.
Taking the molar concentration of iodate(V) ions as .
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ][ ]
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This method can be used for any sparingly soluble metal iodate.
(b) Using conductivity measurements
Excess solid copper(II) iodate is added to a given volume of distilled water in a
The mixture is shaken for some time and left to settle at a given temperature to attain
The mixture is filtered to obtain a saturated solution of copper(II) iodate as filtrate.
The electrolytic conductivity of the saturated solution, is
measured using a conductivity meter.
The electrolytic conductivity of water, at the same temperature is
obtained from books
Also the molar conductivities at infinite dilution of copper(II) ions and iodate ions
are read from the tables.
Treatment of results
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ][ ]
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1. Silver chromate is sparingly in water. Explain what will happen to the solubility
of silver chromate when each of the following is separately added.
(i) Silver nitrate
(ii) Potassium chromate
(i) Addition of silver nitrate decreases the solubility of silver chromate because silver
nitrate contains silver ions that are common to silver ions in silver chromate. The
excess silver ions added combine with chromate ions in solution to precipitate silver
chromate in order to restore the equilibrium, maintaining the value of the
equilibrium constant.
(i) Addition of sodium phosphate decreases the solubility of calcium phosphate because
sodium phosphate contains phosphate ions that are common to phosphate ions in
calcium phosphate. The excess phosphate ions added combine with calcium ions in
solution to precipitate calcium phosphate in order to restore the equilibrium,
maintaining the value of the equilibrium constant.
(ii) Addition of calcium nitrate decreases the solubility of calcium phosphate because
calcium nitrate contains calcium ions that are common to calcium ions in calcium
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nitrate. The excess calcium ions added combine with phosphate ions in solution to
precipitate calcium phosphate in order to restore the equilibrium, maintaining the
value of the equilibrium constant.
3. State what happens to the solubility of lead(II) iodide in water when:
(i) Potassium iodide is added- solubility decreases
(ii) Lead(II) nitrate is added- solubility decreases
The sodium chloride is purified by adding concentrated hydrochloric acid into its
saturated solution which increases the concentration of chloride ions. The equilibrium is
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This lowers the concentration of silver ions and more silver carbonate dissolves, to
restore the equilibrium, maintaining the value of the equilibrium constant.
Note: Ammonia solution has the same effect on the solubility of sparingly soluble
copper(I) chloride.
This lowers the concentration of copper(II) ions and more copper(II) iodate dissolves,
to restore the equilibrium, maintaining the value of the equilibrium constant.
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1. Silver ions , iron(III) ions and calcium ions form complexes with sodium thiosulphate
solution, potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) solution and triphosphate ions respectively.
State what will happen to the solubility of:
(i) Silver chloride if sodium thiosulphate solution is added
(ii) Iron(III) hydroxide if potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) solution is added
(iii) Calcium sulphate if sodium triphosphate is added
2. Both aluminium hydroxide and zinc hydroxide are do not easily dissolve in water but
their solubility increases on addition of sodium hydroxide solution.
3. When hydrochloric acid is added to lead(II) nitrate solution drop wise until in excess,
at varying concentrations of the acid, the curve below is obtained. Explain the shape
of the graph.
Explain why calcium ethanedioate is less soluble in calcium nitrate but more soluble
in dilute hydrochloric acid
Calcium oxalate is sparingly soluble in water
Addition of calcium nitrate decreases the solubility of calcium oxalate because calcium
nitrate contains calcium ions that are common to calcium ions in calcium oxalate. The
excess calcium ions added combine with oxalate ions in solution to precipitate calcium
oxalate in order to restore the equilibrium, maintaining the value of the equilibrium
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In the presence of dilute hydrochloric acid, the hydrogen ions react with oxalate ions to
form oxalic acid.
This reduces the concentration of oxalate ions in solution hence more calcium oxalate
dissolves to restore the equilibrium, maintaining the value of the equilibrium constant.
Ammonia is a weak base which partially ionises to form few hydroxyl ions
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The concentration of the hydroxyl ions formed from the weak ammonia base is low for
the ionic product of calcium hydroxide to exceed its solubility product. Therefore, no
precipitation occurs.
2. When ammonia solution is added to a solution of magnesium sulphate, a white
precipitate is formed. However, when ammonia solution is added in presence of
ammonium chloride solution, no precipitate is formed. Explain
Ammonia is a weak base that partially ionises in water to form ammonium ions and
hydroxyl ions.
The concentration of the hydroxyl ions formed from the ammonia solution is enough to
react with magnesium ions for the ionic product of magnesium hydroxide to exceed its
solubility product. Therefore, magnesium hydroxide is precipitated.
Ammonium chloride is a strong electrolyte that completely ionises to form ammonium
The ammonium ions from the salt suppress the ionisation of ammonia solution due to
common ion effect. This reduces the concentration of hydroxide ions in solution hence
the ionic product of magnesium hydroxide does not exceed its solubility product.
3. When hydrogen sulphide gas is bubbled through a solution of manganese(II)
nitrate, no observation occurs in the presence of dilute hydrochloric acid but in
presence of ammonia solution, a pink precipitate is formed. Explain.
Hydrogen sulphide is a weak electrolyte that partially ionises in solution to form sulphide
ions and hydrogen ions.
In the presence of dilute hydrochloric acid which is a strong electrolyte, the hydrogen
ions from the completely ionised acid suppress the ionisation of hydrogen sulphide due
to common ion effect. This reduces the concentration of sulphide ions in solution
hence the ionic product of manganese(II) sulphide does not exceed its solubility
product. No precipitation occurs.
In the presence of ammonia solution which is a weak base, the hydroxide ions from
ammonia acid react with the hydrogen ions from hydrogen sulphide to form water.
This reduces the concentration of hydrogen ions in solution hence more hydrogen
sulphide ionises, forming a concentration of sulphide ions high enough for the ionic
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[ ] [ ]
( )
[ ]
[ ] [ ] ( )
. Then:
[ ] [ ] ( )
[ ] [ ]
(b) Determine the concentration in moles per litre of zinc ions and hydroxide
ions in a saturated solution of zinc hydroxide at ℃
(c) State how solubility of zinc hydroxide would change if its saturated solution is
treated separately with:
(i) aqueous zinc sulphate
(ii) ammonia solution
(d) Briefly explain your answer in (c).
(a) [ ][ ̅ ]
[ ] √
[ ]
̅ . Then:
[̅ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ][ ̅ ]
[̅ ] [ ]
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This lowers the concentration of zinc ions and more zinc hydroxide dissolves, to restore the
equilibrium, maintaining the value of the equilibrium constant.
(a) (i) ̅
(ii) [ ][ ̅ ]
(b) (i) (ii)
[ ]
[ ]
̅ . Then: [ ]
[̅ ] [ ] ̅
[ ]
[ ][ ̅ ]
[̅ ]
[ ][ ̅ ]
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(c) Magnesium hydroxide is more soluble in water than sodium hydroxide. The decrease in its
solubility in sodium hydroxide is due to common ion effect.
[ ][ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
5. (a) Write:
(i) equation for the solubility of silver chromate in water.
(ii) expression for solubility product, , of silver chromate.
(b) The solubility of silver chromate at ℃ is .Calculate the
solubility product of silver chromate at ℃.
(c) A solution containing silver ions was separately added to a solution
containing chromate ions and chloride ions.
State which of the salts silver chloride or silver chromate would precipitate
first. Give a reason for your
(a) (i)
(ii) [ ] [ ]
(b) Then: [ ] ( )
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Then: [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ]
(c) [ ] [ ] [ ][ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] √ [ ]
[ ]
[ ]
Silver chloride would precipitate first because it
requires a lower concentration of silver ions to
be formed.
6. Calcium hydroxide is sparingly soluble in water.
(a) Write the expression for the solubility product of calcium hydroxide
(a) [ ][ ̅ ]
(b) (i)
[ ]
[ ]
(ii) ̅ . Then:
[̅ ] [ ]
[̅ ]
(c) (i) [ ][ ̅ ]
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[ ][ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ] √
. Then:
[ ] [ ]
( )
(b) When silver nitrate is titrated with a solution containing both potassium
chromate and potassium chloride, a white precipitate is formed rather than a
red precipitate.
[ ] [ ]
[ ]
. [ ]
Then: [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
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( )
(b) Silver chloride has a lower solubility than that of silver chromate. In the solution, the ionic
product of silver chloride exceeds its solubility product before the ionic product of silver
chromate exceeds the solubility product of silver chromate. Therefore silver chromate can only be
precipitated when sufficient silver nitrate has been added to the solution to precipitate all the
silver chloride.
8. Mercury(I) iodide was dissolved in 0.3M sodium iodide solution. Calculate the
concentration of the mercury(I) iodide in the solution in . The solubility
of mercury(I) iodide in water is at ℃ and mercury(I)
iodide dissolves in water according to the following equation:
[ ]
[ ]
Then: [ ] [ ]
[ ][ ]
. Then:
[ ] [ ]
[ ][ ]
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(b) (i) (ii)
Then: [ ]
[ ] √
[ ]
[ ]
[ ][ ]
(c) The solubility of lead(II) iodide in 0.2M potassium iodide is lower than its solubility in water.
Addition of potassium iodide decreases the solubility of lead(II) iodide because potassium iodide
contains iodide ions that are common to iodide ions in lead(II) iodide. The excess iodide ions added
combine with lead(II) ions in solution to precipitate lead(II) iodide in order to restore the equilibrium,
maintaining the value of the equilibrium constant.
10. (a) The solubility product of copper(II) iodate at ℃ is
.Calculate the concentration of iodate ions in a saturated
solution of copper(II) iodate at ℃:
(b) (i) 0.25 moles of copper(II) chloride was added to 500 of a saturated
solution of copper(II) iodate and the mixture stirred. Calculate the mass of
copper(II) iodate that was precipitated.
(ii) State any assumptions made in b(i) above.
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(b) (i)
( )
[ ] [ ]
[ ]
[ ][ ]
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ]
11. Barium sulphate is sparingly soluble in water. If the solubility product of barium
sulphate is at ℃. Calculate the mass of barium
nitrate that should be added to the saturated solution of barium sulphate in
order to reduce the concentration of sulphate ions to one third of its original
[ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ][ ] [ ]
[ ][ ]
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[ ]
[ ] ( )
( )
( )
( ) (c)(i)
[ ] [ ]
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(i) State the effects of adding ammonia on the solubility of silver(I) chromate.
(ii) Explain your answer in b(i) above
(c) State any two practical applications of solubility product.
14. Aluminium hydroxide is sparingly soluble in water.
(a) Write equation for solubility of aluminium hydroxide in water.
(b) The solubility of aluminium hydroxide is per at ℃.
Calculate the solubility product of aluminium hydroxide at ℃.
15. Calculate the solubility product, , of aluminium sulphide if its solubility in water
at ℃ is .
16. Lead(II) sulphide is sparingly soluble in water.
(a) Write an expression for the solubility product of lead(II) sulphide.
(b) 3.80g of lead(II) sulphide was shaken with one litre of water at ℃. Calculate the
percentage of lead(II) sulphide that dissolved in water.
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Chemical kinetics is the study of rates of chemical reactions and how the reactions
depend on the factors affecting them.
It deals with experimental determination of rates of reaction and interpretation of kinetic
data. Reaction rates cannot be predicted theoretically and so they are determined
experimentally. It as well investigates the mechanism by which a reaction occurs.
Some reactions occur very slowly and may take months for completion like rusting of
iron. Others are very fast and may take seconds like precipitation of silver chloride using
sodium chloride and silver nitrate
Rate of a chemical reaction
Rate of a chemical reaction is the decrease in concentration of reactants or the
In terms of reactants;
[ ] [ ]
The negative sign inserted indicates that the concentrations of reactants decrease with time.
In terms of products;
[ ] [ ]
The rate of the reaction is not the same when expressed in terms of or as it is in
terms of or . It is usually necessary to specify which species is used when
expressing rate of a chemical reaction.
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Time 𝒔
The rate law states that the rate of a reaction is directly proportional to the molar
concentrations of reactants raised to their appropriate powers which are
experimentally determined at a given temperature.
[ ][ ] [ ]
[ ][ ] [ ]
is the rate constant. , and are experimentally determined values
The equation above is known as the rate law or rate equation.
The rate equation is an expression that relates the rate of reaction and the product
of the molar concentrations of reactants raised to their appropriate powers.
Note that the rate law for any reaction cannot be from the balanced chemical equation
using the stoichiometric coefficients but it is determined experimentally.
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Rate constant of a reaction is the ratio of rate of reaction to the product of the molar
concentrations of reactants raised to appropriate powers which are experimentally
determined at a given temperature.
The rate constant for a particular reaction has a constant value hence does not change
with changes in concentration of the reactant.
Order of a reaction
For the reaction discussed above with the rate equation;
[ ][ ] [ ]
is the order of reaction with respect to
is the order of reaction with respect to
is the order of reaction with respect to
The overall order is
Order of a reaction is the sum of the powers to which the molar concentrations of the
Molecularity of a reaction is the total number of molecules, atoms or ions involved in
the rate determining step of a reaction.
For a reaction that takes place in more than one step, the rate determining step is the
slowest step in the reaction mechanism.
Molecularity is always a whole number and never greater than three.
Therefor Molecularity can be one, two or three. Molecularity is a theoretical postulate
and not experimentally measured. It must be a whole number.
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Mechanism of a reaction
Many reactions proceed through a number of stages or steps. These steps or stages are
called a mechanism. Such reactions involve formation of intermediates before the final
product(s) is/ are formed. The rates of such reactions are determined by the slowest step
A rate determining step is the slowest step in the reaction mechanism of a chemical
reaction that proceeds through more than one step.
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The first step is the rate determining step and involves only one molecule of
2-bromo-2-methyl propane forming a carbocation and a bromide ion. The rate of
reaction depends on this step hence the rate equation if given as [ ]
Therefore the reaction between tertiary alkylhalides and potassium hydroxide to form
alcohols is first order and has molecularity 1. From the rate equation, the rate of
reaction only depends on the concentration of the alkylhalide but independent on the
concentration of hydroxyl ions.
2. Bimolecular reaction
A bimolecular reaction involves two reactant molecules in the rate determining step. For
(a) the reaction of bromoethane (primary alkylhalides) with potassium hydroxide;
The reaction occurs by the following mechanism;
→ [ ] →
The first step is the rate determining step and involves only one molecule of
2-bromo-2-methyl propane forming a carbocation and a bromide ion. The rate of
reaction depends on this step hence the rate equation if given as
[ ][ ̅ ]
Therefore the reaction between primary alkylhalides and potassium hydroxide to form
alcohols is second order and has molecularity 2. From the rate equation, the rate of
reaction depends on both the concentration of the alkylhalide and the concentration of
hydroxyl ions.
The type of reaction is nucleophilic substitution bimolecular.
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For a zero order reaction, the units for rate constant are
Integrated form of rate equation for a zero order reaction
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] ∫ [ ] ∫
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ][ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
Expression for half-life of a zero order reaction
[ ] [ ] ⁄
[ ] ∫ [ ] ∫
[ ]
[ ] [ ] ⁄
[ ] [ ][ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ] ( [ ] [ ] ) ( ⁄ )
[ ]
[ ] [ ] ⁄
[ ] [ ]
[ ] ⁄
[ ]
⁄ [ ]
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This reaction is zero order with respect to iodine. The rate of reaction does not change if
the concentration of iodine is changed.
(ii) The decomposition of hydrogen iodide on a gold surface.
[ ]
Integrated form of rate equation for a first order reaction
[ ] [ ]
[ ]
[ ] ∫ ∫
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ [ ]][ ]
[ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] ( )
[ ]
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
( )
[ ]
Expression for half-life of a first order reaction
[ ]
[ ]
[ ] ( )
[ ] ⁄
[ ]
[ ] ⁄
[ ]
[ ]
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[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ] ( )
[ ]
∫ ∫
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] ⁄
[ ]
[ [ ]][ ]
[ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
( ) ⁄
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ]
( ) ⁄
[ ]
[ ]
[ ] ⁄
Consider a reaction:
[ ]
Consider a reaction:
[ ][ ]
For a second order reaction, the units for rate constant can be derived:
[ ]
[ ]
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[ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] ⁄
[ ]
[ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ] ⁄
[ ]
[ ]
∫ ∫ [ ] [ ] ⁄
[ ] [ ]
[ ]
[ ] [ ] ⁄
∫ [ ] [ ] ∫
[ ]
[ ] ⁄
[ ] [ ]
* + [ ]
[ ] ⁄
[ ] [ ]
[ [ ] ][ ] [ ]
[ ] ⁄ [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
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In summary:
Order of Differential rate Integrated rate equation Units for rate Expression for
reaction equation constant half-life
[ ]
Zero [ ] [ ] [ ] ⁄
[ ]
( )
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Also the integrated form of the rate equation for a zero order reaction is given as:
[ ] [ ]
The equation when expressed in the form is:
[ ] [ ]
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[𝑨𝟎 ]
[𝑨𝟎 ]
The graph of concentration against time is a curve with a negative gradient. The slope of the
graph at a given point is the rate of reaction at that time.
[ ]
( ) [ ] [ ]
[ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
( )
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
The graph of 𝒍𝒐𝒈[𝑨 ]𝒕 against time is a
straight line with a negative gradient
A graph of [ ] against time(t) can be plotted;
with an intercept on the 𝒍𝒐𝒈[𝑨 ]𝒕 axis.
The intercept on the concentration axis
[ ]
gives the value of 𝒍𝒐𝒈[𝑨 ]𝟎
𝒊𝒇 𝒍𝒐𝒈[𝑨 ]𝟎 𝒙
[ ]
𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒏 [𝑨 ]𝟎 𝟏𝟎𝒙 .
The slope of the graph , 𝑺𝒍𝒐𝒑𝒆
𝟐 𝟑𝟎𝟑
from which the rate constant can be
obtained with units 𝒔 𝟏
Half-life is then obtained from
𝟎 𝟔𝟗𝟑
𝟐 𝒌
N.B; The graph above has a slightly different look when some or all the values of
[ ] are less than one.
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
( )
[ ]
[ ]
( )
[ ]
[ ]
A graph of ([ ]
) against time (t) can be plotted;
[𝑨 ]
The graph of 𝒍𝒐𝒈 ( [𝑨 ]𝟎 ) against time is
[ ] a straight line with a positive gradient
([ ]
through the origin.
The slope of the graph , 𝑺𝒍𝒐𝒑𝒆
𝟐 𝟑𝟎𝟑
from which the rate constant can be
obtained with units 𝒔 𝟏
Half-life is then obtained from
𝟎 𝟔𝟗𝟑
𝟐 𝒌
The integrated form of the rate equation for a first order reaction can also be given
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[ ] [ ] [ ]
( ) [ ] [ ]
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
A graph of [ ] against time(t) can be plotted; The graph of 𝒍𝒏[𝑨 ]𝒕 against time is a
straight line with a negative gradient
[ ] with an intercept on the 𝒍𝒏[𝑨 ]𝒕 axis.
The intercept on the concentration
[ ] axis gives the value of 𝒍𝒏[𝑨 ]𝟎
𝒊𝒇 𝒍𝒏[𝑨 ]𝟎 𝒙
𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒏 [𝑨 ]𝟎 𝟏𝟎𝒙 .
The slope of the graph , 𝑺𝒍𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒌
from which the rate constant can be
obtained with units 𝒔 𝟏
N.B; The graph above has a slightly different look whenHalf-life
some oris all
then obtained
the values from
𝟎 𝟔𝟗𝟑
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
( )
[ ]
[ ]
( )
[ ]
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[ ]
A graph of ([ ]
) against time (t) can be plotted;
[𝑨 ]
The graph of 𝒍𝒏 ( [𝑨 ]𝟎 ) against time is a
[ ]
([ ) straight line with a positive gradient
through the origin.
The slope of the graph , 𝑺𝒍𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒌
from which the rate constant can be
obtained with units 𝒔 𝟏
Half-life is then obtained from
𝟎 𝟔𝟗𝟑
𝟐 𝒌
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[𝑨𝟎 ]
[𝑨𝟎 ]
The graph of concentration against time is a curve with a negative gradient. The slope of the
graph at a given point is the rate of reaction at that time.
The integrated form of the rate equation for a second order reaction is given as:
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
A graph of [ ]
against time(t) can be plotted; 𝟏
The graph of [𝑨 ] against time is a straight
line with a positive gradient and an
intercept on the [𝑨 ] axis. The intercept is
[ ] equal to [𝑨 ] from which the initial
concentration [𝑨 ]𝟎 can be obtained.
The slope of the graph , 𝑺𝒍𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒌 from
[ ]
which the rate constant can be obtained
with units 𝒎𝒐𝒍 𝟏 𝒅𝒎𝟑 𝒔 𝟏
Half-life is then obtained from
𝟐 𝒌[𝑨 ]𝟎
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N.B: For the graphs where concentration of reactant is used, volume of reactant can
as well be used.
For a zero order reaction, half-life is directly proportional to the initial concentration
of the reactant.
A graph of concentration of reactant against time for a zero order reaction
[𝑨 ]𝟎
[ ] 𝒕𝟏⁄
𝟐 𝟐𝒌
[ ] If it is found that
t t , then the reaction is
[𝑨𝟎 ] zero order with respect to the
𝟐 reactant. The half life decreases
as the initial concentration is
[𝑨𝟎 ] reduced
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For a first order reaction, half-life is independent of the initial concentration of the
1. The kinetics data for the reaction between P and sodium hydroxide is shown in the
table below.
Concentration of P 1.05 0.88 0.74 0.51 0.37 0.26 0.16 0.10
Time (minutes) 0.0 3.5 7.0 14.5 20.0 27.0 35.5 45.0
(b) Plot a graph of concentration of P against time
(c) From the graph determine:
(i) the half-life of P
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The volume of nitrogen gas evolved was recorded at different time intervals shown
Time (seconds) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Volume of 0.0 0.42 0.70 0.90 1.08 1.22 1.28 1.30 1.30
(i) Plot a graph of volume of nitrogen gas against time. Use your graph to
determine the initial rate
(ii) The experiment was repeated with 0.05M benzene diazonium chloride at ℃
and the initial rate was found to be . Calculate the order of
reaction with respect to benzene diazonium chloride.
(c) Write the rate equation if the concentration of water remains constant during the
(d) State the effect of increasing temperature on the value of the rate constant.
5. The data below was obtained for the reaction between benzoyl chloride with
phenylamine, starting with equal concentrations of the reactants.
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Expression to
obtain the rate
Expression for [ ]
half-life ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ [ ]
1. The data in the table below was obtained for the reaction
Time 10 20 30 40 50 60
[ ] 0.22 0.04 -0.16 -0.33 -0.51 -0.71
(i) Plot a graph of [ ] against time
(ii) Use the graph to find the order of reaction. Give a reason for your answer.
(iii) Find the original concentration of bromine solution
(iv) Calculate the rate constant.
3. The table below shows the kinetics data for the reaction:
Time 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
[ ] 0.398 0.199 0.041 -0.200 -0.377 -0.602 -0.796
(a) Plot a graph of [ ] against time
(b) From the graph to deduce the order of reaction. State a reason for your
(c) Calculate the ;
(i) rate constant for the reaction
(ii) half life for the reaction
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The orders with respect to all the reactants are then determined either by deduction or
Order of reaction with Effect on concentration of Effect on initial rate of reaction
respect to a given reactant reactant
multiplied by a quarter
Zero order Doubled Rate remains constant
Halved also halved
multiplied by a quarter also multiplied by a quarter
First order Doubled also doubled
Trebled also trebled(multiplied by 3)
Quadrupled also quadrupled
Halved divided by four (multiplied by )
1. For the reaction
The following data was obtained.
Experiment Concentration of Concentration of Initial rate
(a) Determine the order of reaction with respect to:
(i) A
(ii) B
(b) Write the rate equation
(c) Calculate the rate constant and state its units.
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(i) In experiments 1 and 3, when the concentration of B is kept constant and that of A doubled,
the rate of reaction quadruples. Therefore the order of reaction with respect to A is 2.
Let the order of reaction with respect to A be and order of reaction with respect to B be .
Considering experiments 1 and 3 where [ ] is constant;
[ ] [ ]
(i) In experiments 1 and 2, when the concentration of A is kept constant and that of B doubled,
Considering experiments 1 and 2 where [ ] is constant;
[ ] [ ]
(b) [ ] [ ]
(c) Considering experiment one;
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
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1 0.100 0.500
2 0.050 0.250
3 0.100 0.250
4 0.075 0.250
Determine the order of the reaction with respect to Q and sodium hydroxide and
give a reason for your answer.
(i) order with respect to Q and reason
(ii) order with respect to sodium hydroxide and reason
(c) (i) Write the rate equation for the reaction
(i) The order of reaction with respect to Q is 1.
Reason: When the concentration of ̅ is kept constant and that of Q doubled, the rate of
reaction doubles.
The order of reaction with respect to Q is 1.
Reason: Considering experiments 2 and 3 where [ ̅ ] is constant;
[ ] [̅ ]
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(c) (i) [ ]
(ii) Considering experiment one;
[ ]
[ ]
Reason: Q is a tertiary alkylhalide because the rate of reaction depends on the concentration of
alkylhalide but independent of the hydroxyl ion.
(i) Let order of reaction with respect to A be m and order of reaction with respect to B be n.
Considering experiments 1 and 2 where [ ] is constant;
[ ] [ ]
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[ ] [ ]
(ii) Considering experiment one;
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
4. (a)(i) Explain what is meant by the order of chemical reaction.
Calculate the:
(i) order of reaction
(ii) value of
(b) (i) When the concentration of nitrogen(V) oxide is (ii) Consider experiments 2 and 3
multiplied by 1.5, the rate of reaction also increases by
1.5 times. Therefore the order of reaction is one.
Let the order of reaction be f.
Considering experiments 1 and 2;
[ ]
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In experiments 1 and 3, when the concentration of C is kept constant and both the concentrations
of A and B halved, the rate of reaction is multiplied by a quarter (reduces four times). Therefore
the reaction is first order with respect to A and also first order with respect to B
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Considering experiments 1 and 3 where [ ] is constant;
From [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ][ ][ ]
(iv) [ ][ ][ ]
6. The kinetics data for the reaction between nitrogen monoxide and oxygen are
shown in the table below.
Experiment [ ] [ ] Initial rate
(a) Determine the order of reaction with respect to:
(i) nitrogen monoxide
(ii) oxygen
(b) Write the rate equation for the reaction
(c) Calculate the rate constant for the reaction and indicate its units.
(d) The rate of the reaction under certain conditions and a given temperature is
. Express the rate of reaction in terms of when the following changes are
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Considering experiments 1 and 2 where [ ] is constant;
[ ] [ ]
(b) [ ] [ ]
(c) Considering experiment one;
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
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(d) (i)
1. The results below were obtained in an experiment to investigate the rate of hydrolysis
of methylmethanoate at 298K.
Initial rate
Experiment [ ] [ ]
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1 0.2 0.2
2 0.4 0.4
3 0.8 0.4
(a) State the order of reaction with respect to:
(i) X
(ii) Y
(b) Give reasons for your answers in (a)
(c) Determine the overall order of the reaction
(d) Calculate the value for the rate constant for the reaction.
4. (a) Complete the following reaction and write the accepted mechanism.
Deduce the order of reaction with respect to:
(i) ̅
(b) Write the rate equation for the reaction
(c) Calculate the rate constant, , for the reaction and state its units.
5. The following results were obtained for the reaction between two substances A and B
at different conditions.
Experiment Initial [ ] Initial [ ] Initial rate
(a) Determine the :
(i) orders of reaction with respect to A and B respectively.
(ii) overall order of reaction
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(b) Calculate ;
(i) the value of
(ii) the rate constant for the reaction and state its units
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Initial rate
Experiment [ ] [ ] [ ]
(i) Deduce the order(s) with respect to each of the reactants
(ii) State the overall order for the reaction
(iii) Write the rate equation
9. Bromine is formed by the reaction between bromide ions and bromate(V) ions and
an acid.
The results of some experiments on the reaction in are given in the table below.
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The analysis of the reacting mixture is repeated several times by changing the time
taken for the reaction to take place before adding the reacting mixture to sodium
hydrogen carbonate.
The original iodine in potassium iodide solution is also pipetted with a standard
solution of sodium thiosulphate to obtain volume of sodium thiosulphate that reacts
with it.
The volume of sodium thiosulphate required is plotted against the time elapsed since
the start of the reaction.
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The graph obtained is a straight line with a negative gradient. This shows that the
reaction is zero order with respect to iodine.
(b) Experiment to find the rate of reaction for the iodination of propanone
The procedure is the same as above but to find the rate of reaction, the gradient/slope
of the graph at a given time is calculated. The value of the slope gives the rate of
(a) Experiment to show that the reaction between sodium thiosulphate and
hydrochloric acid is first order reaction with respect to sodium thiosulphate
The procedure is repeated several times using different volumes of sodium thiosulphate
solution and making up with distilled water such that the total volume of solution used
in each experiment is equal but maintaining the volume and concentration of
hydrochloric acid .
Values of (reciprocals of time) for each experiment are computed.
A graph of against volume of sodium thiosulphate is plotted.
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The graph obtained is a straight line with through the origin. This shows that the
reaction is first order with respect to sodium thiosulphate.
(b) Experiment to show find the rate of reaction for the reaction between sodium
thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid
The procedure is the same as above but instead a graph of volume of sodium
thiosulphate against time is plotted. The rate of reaction at a specific time is
determined by drawing a tangent to the curve at given time and calculating the
gradient at that point.
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( )
The graph obtained is a straight line with a negative gradient. This shows that the
reaction is first order.
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All the questions below involve first order kinetics. Try them out using the first
order rate expression.
1. (a) Derive the expression for the half-life for the first order reaction whose integrated
rate equation is , where is the initial concentration of the
reactant and is the concentration after time .
(b) The half-life for a first order reaction is 200 seconds.
(i) Calculate the rate constant
(ii) Determine the time taken for the reaction to be two-thirds complete.
2. (a) State the rate law
(b) Explain why reactions of high molecularity are rare.
(c) A solution of hydrogen peroxide when titrated against acidified potassium
manganate(VII) solution at different time intervals gave the following results.
Time (minutes) 5 10 20 30
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The rate equation is given by: [ ]
Describe an experiment to determine the order of reaction with respect to hydrogen
(c) The following data was obtained for the decay of a radioactive isotope.
Time (minutes) 10 20 30 40 50
-14 2.0 19 36 52
(i) Plot a graph of against time.
(ii) Use the graph to determine the initial activity of the radioactive isotope
(d) Determine the decay constant.
(e) Calculate the half-life of the radioactive isotope.
8. Hydrogen gas reacts with nitrogen(II) oxide according to the equation below at 500K.
The rate law is given by: [ ] [ ] and the mechanism as shown below:
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(ii) Explain how raising the of the reaction mixture affects the rate of
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When and are far away from each other, they have some energy. When
approaches with sufficient energy, its electrons begin to overlap with those of so
that some bonding between and begins to form. At the same time the bond
becomes longer and weaker. As the bond becomes stronger and the bond
becomes weaker, an activated complex or transition state; [ ] is formed. The
activated complex then decomposes into and .
In general; [ ]
The changes in energy can be represented on an energy profile/ enthalpy profile/
reaction profile or potential energy diagram.
This is usually a sketch of potential energy against reaction coordinate/ reaction
(a) Reaction profile for a nucleophilic substitution bimolecular reaction
Consider a reaction between 1-chloropropane and aqueous sodium hydroxide.
The reaction is exothermic.
Activated complex
Reaction coordinate
is the activation energy for the reaction(can also be called the energy barrier).
is activation energy for backward reaction
is the enthalpy of reaction
This reaction takes place via a reactive intermediate. The reactive intermediate is
preceded and also followed by a transition state.
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Reaction coordinate
Activated complex is the intermediate unstable compound formed immediately once the
reactants have absorbed the activation energy available.
This unstable compound undergoes bond re-organization by releasing some of the energy
to form the final stable product. The activated complex can also be called a transition
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The reaction is first order with respect to propanone and zero order with respect to iodine.
Describe an experiment to determine the rate of the reaction.
(c) The table below shows the concentration of bromine at various intervals of time for
the reaction;
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(c) The table below shows the kinetics data for the reaction between an
alkylbromide, and aquoeus potassium hydroxide. The reaction is
Experiment [ ] [̅ ] Initial rate
(i) Determine the overall order of the reaction.
(ii) Determine the rate constant for the reaction and state its units.
(iii) Identify the alkylbromide
(d) Write the mechanism for the reaction in (c) above
(e) Draw a well labelled energy level diagram for the reaction mechanism illustrated
in (d) above.
Using the theories of reaction to explain factors affecting rates of
The rate equation for the reaction between substances X, Y and Z is given by
[ ] [ ][ ]
State how the rate of reaction would change if:
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(ii) [ ] [ ][ ]
( [ ]) ( [ ]) ( [ ])
The rate of reaction decreases by 16 times
[ ] [ ][ ]
[ ] [ ][ ]
(iii) [ ] [ ][ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ] The rate of reaction increases by nine times
[ ] [ ][ ]
(v) [ ] [ ][ ] The rate of reaction doubles
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From the Arrhenius equation above, more equations can be formed as follows:
Introducing both sides The equation can also be written in terms
⁄ of :
( )
( )
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1. The rate constant of a reaction increases with increase in the temperature of the
2. The rate of reaction increases with increase in temperature
3. At the same temperature, the higher the activation energy, the slower the reaction
4. The higher the activation energy, the lower the rate constant hence the lower the
rate of reaction.
1. (a) (i) Distinguish between activation energy and rate constant.
(ii) Briefly explain how activation energy and rate constant affect the rate of
(b) Hydrogen reacts with iodine according to the following equations;
The table below shows the rate constant for the reaction varying with temperature.
Temperature, 556 629 700 781
Rate constant,
The reaction was carried out at different temperatures and the following values for the
rate constant, were obtained.
Temperature, 293 308 318 338
Rate constant,
(i) Plot a graph of against
(ii) Use your graph to determine the activation energy for the reaction
(iii) Determine the value of the pre-exponential constant, .
(iv) Explain the effect of temperature on the rate of chemical reaction.
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3. The table below shows the rate constants for the decomposition of hydrogen iodide at
various temperatures.
Temperature, Rate constant,
(a) Plot a graph of against
(b) Use the graph to determine the activation energy of the reaction from the
Arrhenius equation,
(c) Determine the value of .
4. The decomposition of dinitrogen pentoxide is a first order reaction. The rate constant
depends on the rate constant as shown in the table below.
Temperature, ℃ 0 20 40 60 80
The presence of a catalyst increases the rate of a chemical reaction. This is because a
Below is an energy profile for both a catalysed and an uncatalysed exothermic reaction
Reaction coordinate
Reaction coordinate
In both cases above;
Types of catalysts
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A heterogeneous catalyst is one whose phase is different from that of the reactants.
How catalysts work
For example:
1. Dilute sulphuric acid as a catalyst in iodination of propanone or in the reaction
Some reactions take place slowly or not at all in the absence of light. Reactions
accelerated by light include:
Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide
Combination of hydrogen and chlorine
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The graph obtained is a straight line with through the origin with a positive gradient.
This shows that the rate of reaction( ) increases with increase in concentration of sodium
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Note: The same experiment can be done by maintaining the concentration of sodium
thiosulphate but varying the concentration of hydrochloric acid.
The mixture is poured away, the flask is rinsed and procedure is repeated several times
using the same volume of sodium thiosulphate solution and the same volume and of
hydrochloric acid of the same concentrations but in each experiment warming the
sodium thiosulphate solution to a higher recorded temperature than the previous one
before adding hydrochloric acid.
Values of (reciprocals of time) for each experiment are computed.
A graph of against temperature is plotted.
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The graph obtained is a straight line with a positive gradient and an intercept on the
axis. This shows that the rate of reaction( ) increases with increase in temperature.
The procedure is repeated using the same mass of powdered calcium carbonate and the
same volume of hydrochloric acid of the same concentration.
On the same axes, graphs of volume of carbon dioxide against time are plotted.
The rates of reaction at a specific time are determined by drawing tangents on each
curve at that point and calculating the gradient.
The values obtained are compared and those obtained from the graph when powdered
calcium carbonate is used are higher.
This shows that the rate of reaction increases when that particle size is reduced
(surface area is increased)
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More questions
1. (a) State and explain how the following factors affect the rate of a chemical reaction.
(i) Temperature
(ii) Catalyst
(b) The graph below shows the kinetics data obtained for the decomposition of
nitrogen(V) oxide dissolved in carbon tetrachloride at ℃.
Time (seconds) 250 750 1500 2000 2500
Concentration of 1.95 1.42 0.95 0.70 0.50
Plot a graph of t t against time.
(c) Use the graph in (b) to:
(i) determine the original concentration of
(ii) deduce the order of the reaction. Give a reason for your answer.
(d) Calculate the:
(iii) rate constant for the reaction and indicate its units
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(ii) State the order of the reaction. Give a reason for your answer.
(iii) Calculate the rate constant for the reaction and indicate its units
(iv) Determine the time taken for the concentration of sodium thiosulphate to
decrease from to .
5. The figure below shows the variation of energy with reaction coordinate for a
catalysed and an uncatalysed reaction
Potential energy
𝒌𝑱𝒎𝒐𝒍 𝟏 𝐴 𝑔 𝐵 𝑔
Reaction coordinate
(a) Identify
(i) the curve for catalyzed reaction
(ii) the curve for uncatalysed reaction
(iii) P
(iv) Q
(v) R
(b) From the figure, state how a catalyst increases the rate of reaction.
(c) The kinetic data for the reaction above are shown below.
Experiment [ ] [ ] Initial rate
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Electrochemistry is the branch of chemistry that deals with chemical changes that are
produced by passing electric current into a chemical system or the generation of
electricity by spontaneous chemical reactions.
The substances that allow electric current to flow through them are called conductors.
Those that do not allow electric current to flow through them are called non-conductors
or insulators. The conductors are classified into two type i.e. metallic conductors and
electrolytic conductors.
1. Metallic conductors
Metals or alloys allow electric current to flow through them without undergoing any
chemical change. The metals conduct electric current by use of free mobile electrons
Electrolysis is the decomposition of a compound in its molten state or in solution by
passage of an electric current through it.
The overall chemical change that occurs at the electrodes when an electric current
passes through a fused electrolyte or its aqueous solution
The electrolyte, solvent or electrode may all be involved in the electrolytic reaction
The common terms used in electrolysis
1. Electrolytes
These are compounds which conduct electric current in solution or in molten state and are
decomposed by it.
A non-electrolyte is a substance which does not conduct electric current in molten state or
aqueous solution and cannot be decomposed by electric current. For example sucrose
Electrolytes can be salts, acids or bases.
Electrolytes can be classified as strong or weak.
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Flow of current Flow of electrons
Anode Cathode
The electrolytic cell is set up as shown above. The electrolyte contains both cations and
anions. During electrolysis, the anions migrate to the anode and lose electrons
(are oxidised) to form neutral elements or new molecules.
Under similar conditions, when two or more ions with a similar charge are present in a
solution, i.e. and or and ̅ , one ion is preferentially selected for
discharge at each electrode and the selection of the ion depends on the following factors:
(i) Position of the ion in the electrochemical series
(ii) Concentration of the ions in solution
(iii) Nature of the electrode.
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Increasing ease
of discharge at
During electrolysis of silver nitrate solution, the solution contains the anions; ̅ from
water and . The hydroxide ion is discharged in preference to the nitrate ion at the
anode. Oxygen gas is formed at the anode.
Note: The order of preferential discharge given in the table above only applies for
discharge from aqueous solutions containing ions at comparable concentrations
approximately 1M. Sometimes exceptions arise as a result of large differences in
(ii) Concentration of the ions in solution
An ion present at a lower concentration is more difficult to discharge than an ion present
at a higher concentration.
The electrolysis of sodium chloride solution liberates chlorine at the anode during
manufacture of chlorine. This is because although the solution contains the anions; ̅
and . The chloride ion is discharged because it is present in a higher concentration
than the hydroxide ion.
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The electrolysis of concentrated hydrochloric acid liberates chlorine at the anode for the
same reason as in the case above.
Inert electrodes like platinum may not affect the products of electrolysis. Some
electrodes may affect the products of electrolysis. For example:
(a) Electrolysis of concentrated sodium chloride solution (saturated brine) using
platinum cathode and mercury cathode.
When a platinum cathode is used, hydrogen ions are discharged in preference to sodium
ions because hydrogen is lower than sodium in the electrochemical series. Hydrogen gas
is therefore formed at the platinum cathode.
When a mercury cathode is used, sodium ions are discharged in preference to hydrogen
ions because the discharge of sodium ion requires less energy than the discharge of
(b) Electrolysis of copper(II) sulphate solution using platinum anode and copper
When a platinum anode is used, hydroxide ions are discharged in preference to sulphate
ions because the hydroxide ion is lower than the sulphate ion in the electrochemical
series. Oxygen gas is therefore formed at the platinum anode. The solution at the anode
also becomes acidic due to the reaction between hydrogen ions and sulphate ions to form
sulphuric acid.
When a copper anode is used, neither the hydroxide ions nor the sulphate ions are
discharged but instead the copper anode dissolves in the solution to form copper(II) ions.
The electrolysis is merely a transfer of copper from the anode to the cathode.
Laws of electrolysis
Micheal Faraday studied the quantitative relationships between the electricity passed
through an electrolyte and the amount of material liberated or deposited at the electrodes.
1. Faraday‟s first law of electrolysis states that the mass of the substance liberated at an
electrode during electrolysis is directly proportional to the quantity of electricity
passed through the electrolyte.
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2. Faraday‟s second law of electrolysis states that the quantity of electricity required to
liberate one mole of any element is proportional to the charge number of its ion.
The charge number of an ion, represented by is the number of positive or negative
charges which the ion possesses. It can be positive or negative. For example for
, for , for and for .
The magnitude of the charge number is usually equal to the number of moles
Note that
The washed and dried cathode and anode are weighed again and their new masses
and recorded respectively.
Treatment of results
Mass of copper removed from the anode
Quantity of charge passed,
( )
( )
( )
Trial question;
A student passed a constant electric current of 0.15A through a solution of silver nitrate
using pure silver electrodes for exactly 45 minutes. The mass of the anode decreased by
0.45g. Use this data to calculate the charge on a mole of electrons.
Calculations of electrolysis
1. Calculate the quantity of charge required to deposit 40.5g of aluminium during
electrolysis of a solution of aluminium ions.
( )
2. When current was passed through a solution of silver nitrate for 10 minutes,
0.54g of silver was deposited at the cathode. Calculate the current.
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( )
3. Determine the time taken to deposit 1.0g of chromium when a current of 0.120A
flows through a solution of chromium(III) sulphate.
( )
( )
( )
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( )
( )
( )
8. (a) A current of 32.2A was passed through molten lead(II) bromide for 5 hours
and the bromine liberated reacted with 94g of hydroxybenzene. Calculate the
number of moles of ;
(i) bromine liberated
(ii) hydroxybenzene that reacted
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(b) State what is observed and write equation for the reaction that took place
between bromine and hydroxybenzene in (a) above.
(a) (i)
( )
Equation: 𝐵𝑟 𝐵𝑟
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Equation: 𝐵𝑟 𝐵𝑟
Name of product: 2,4,6-Tribromoaminobenzene
10. A direct current of 0.45A was passed through a dilute solution of copper(II)
sulphate using graphite electrodes for 5.96 hours.
(a) Write equation for the reaction at the:
(i) cathode
(ii) anode
(b) If 3.1767g of copper was deposited and 560 of oxygen at stp were evolved,
calculate the quantity of electricity required to produce 1 mole of each
substance at their respective electrodes.
( )
( )
1. 3 Faraday are needed to electroplate a given amount of metal using a current of 5.0A.
How long will it take to electroplate the metal?
2. Calculate the mass of copper deposited at the cathode when a current of 1.0A was
passed through copper(II) sulphate solution for 10 minutes.
3. Calculate the mass of silver deposited at the cathode during electrolysis when a
current of 1.80A flows through an aqueous solution of silver nitrate for 45.0 minutes.
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4. The same current was passed through molten sodium chloride and through molten
cryolite containing aluminium oxide. If 4.60g of sodium were liberated in one cell.
Calculate the mass of aluminium liberated in the other cell.
5. During the extraction of aluminium, a current of 0.2 ampere was passed for one hour
through aluminium sulphate solution.
(a) Write an equation for the reaction that took place at each electrode
(b) Calculate the mass of aluminium produced
6. Calculate the mass of chlorine that can be produced by the electrolysis of molten
sodium chloride with a current of 5.5 amperes for 25 minutes.
7. Calculate the mass of lead deposited when 0.2 moles of electrons are passed through
lead(II) nitrate solution during electrolysis.
8. Calculate the volume of oxygen liberated at anode at s.t.p in the electrolysis of
copper(II) sulphate solution when a current of 1500 milliamperes is passed for 10
12. Calculate the volume of oxygen produced at room temperature when a concentrated
aqueous solution of sulphuric acid is electrolyzed for 30 minutes using a current of
13. During the electrolysis of a 1M copper(II) sulphate solution at ℃, a current of 0.1A
was passed for one hour through the electrolyte. The mass of the copper cathode
increased by 0.118g. State how the change in mass would be affected if the
experiment was repeated:
(a) at a current of 0.2A
(b) at ℃
(c) with a 2M copper(II) sulphate solution
(d) for a time of 2 hours
14. (a) An aqueous solution of copper(II) sulphate was electrolyzed between copper
Write equation for the reaction at the;
(i) Cathode
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(ii) Anode
(b) (i)Identify the species which carry the current through the solution and state their
direction of flow.
(ii) Explain the changes in the mass of each electrode and in the concentration
of copper(II) sulphate near the anode.
(iii) Calculate the change in mass of the anode if a current of 1.0A is maintained
for one hour.
(c) During the electrolysis of aqueous hydrogen chloride between silver electrodes,
the anode mass increases and a white coating form on it. Explain this observation.
Sodium ions are preferentially discharged at the cathode at the temperature used
forming sodium.
Chloride ions migrate to the anode and form chlorine gas which escapes from the cell.
2. Anodisation of aluminium
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3. Electroplating
This is the electrical coating of one metal with another metal to make it resistant to
corrosion and improve its appearance. The metal to be electroplated is made the cathode
and the electroplating metal made the anode. The electrolyte must contain a solution of
ions of the electroplating metal.
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High resistance means low conductance and low resistance means high conductance.
2. Resistivity
To compare resistances of different electrolytic solutions, the idea of resistivity is used.
Resistivity is the resistance of a solution placed between two parallel electrodes of
cross-sectional area and separated by a distance of apart.
Resistance of an electrolytic solution is directly proportional to the length between
the electrodes;
The resistance of an electrolytic solution is also inversely proportional to the cross sectional
area of the electrodes;
3. Electrolytic conductivity
It is also called specific conductivity or specific conductance.
To compare conductance of different electrolytes, electrolytic conductivity is used.
Electrolytic conductivity is defined as the conductivity of a solution of an electrolyte
placed between two parallel electrodes of cross-sectional area and separated by a
distance of apart.
It is the reciprocal of resistivity.
The SI unit of electrolytic conductivity is siemen per metre . But can
also be used.
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4. Cell constant
From , the cell constant is the value of . Its units are or can be .
and for any cell are constant.
Cell constant is therefore the distance between two parallel electrodes of a cell divided
by the cross sectional area of one electrode.
or ⁄
5. Molar conductivity
It is also called molar conductance.
Molar conductivity is the conductivity of a solution of containing 1 mole of an
electrolyte placed between two parallel electrodes of cross-sectional area and
separated by a distance of apart.
since , then
The two above formulae show the relationship between electrolytic conductivity and
molar conductivity.
The SI unit of molar conductivity is . But can also be used.
The formula of molar conductivity used in calculations depends on the units of and
given.The formula used is intended to make units consistent.
If unit of is If unit of is
The expression is
and that of is then; and that of is only and only used if the
then; units are consistent.
Note: When the definitions are stated in terms of formulae, each term in the formula
should be well defined.
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Variable condenser
Conductivity cell Variable resistance
Head phones
A B (detector)
a.c source
A solution of the electrolyte of known concentration is prepared using conductivity water
(demineralized water or water purified by ion exchange)
A known volume of the standard solution of the electrolyte is then pipetted and placed in
a conductivity cell.
The resistance of the solution is then calculated and used to find conductance from; |
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5. A 0.1M solution of ethanoic acid when placed between two electrodes , each
in area and separated by has a resistance of 6956 ohms.
7. The resistance of a conductivity cell of a conductivity cell when filled with 0.05M
solution of an electrolyte is 100 at 40℃. The same conductivity cell when
filled with 0.01M solution has a resistance of 50 . If the electrolytic
conductivity of 0.05M is . Calculate the:
(i) electrolytic conductivity of 0.01M solution
(ii) molar conductivity of 0.01M solution
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8. Calculate the mass of ethanoic acid that must be dissolved in a litre of water to
make a solution of molar conductivity and electrolytic
conductivity .
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(i) Concentration
For a strong electrolyte, as concentration increases, conductivity increases up to a
maximum and then decreases.
As concentration increases, the total number of conducting ions per unit volume
solution increases. This increases the conductivity. As concentration increases further,
the total number ions in solution increases further since the electrolyte is completely
ionized at all concentrations, inter-ionic distance decreases, ionic interference increases
and ionic mobility decreases. This decreases the electrolytic conductivity.
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(ii) Temperature
For a strong electrolyte, conductivity increases with increase in temperature.
As temperature increases, the average kinetic energy of the conducting ions increases.
The viscosity of the water decreases and the ionic mobility increases.
For weak electrolytes, the effect of temperature depends on the enthalpy change which
accompanies ionization.
For a weak electrolyte that ionizes exothermically, increase in temperature decreases
the degree of dissociation according to Le Chatelier‟s principle. Hence the number of
conducting ions per unit volume of solution decreases. This decreases the electrolytic
For a weak electrolyte that ionizes endothermically, increase in temperature increases
the degree of dissociation according to Le Chatelier‟s principle. Hence the number of
conducting ions per unit volume of solution increases. This increases the electrolytic
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(a) Distinguish between electrolytic conductivity and molar conductivity
(b) The molar conductivity of ethanoic acid containing is 8.50
units at 18℃ and 14.7 units at 100℃. Explain the difference in molar
conductivities at the two temperatures.
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𝑴𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒓 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒕𝒚
𝑺𝒄𝒎𝟐 𝒎𝒐𝒍 𝟏
Ethanoic acid
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The sketches below show the variation of molar conductivity with the dilution for
both a strong electrolyte and a weak electrolyte.
Potassium chloride
chloride Note that neither the
graphs against
concentration nor those
𝑴𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒓 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒕𝒚
against dilution begin from
𝑺𝒄𝒎𝟐 𝒎𝒐𝒍 𝟏 Ethanoic acid
Ethanoic acid the origin.
The graphs do not coincide
anywhere too
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2. The table below shows values of molar conductivity of hydrochloric acid and
ammonia solution at different concentrations at ℃.
Concentration 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 3
377 370 351 301 215
28 9.6 3.3 0.89 0.36
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Since equation (iv) can be obtained by adding (i) and (ii) and subtracting equation (iii);
[ ] [ ] [ ]
1. Given that the molar conductivities at infinite dilution of some electrolytes are as
shown below;
Sodium chloride 113
Ammonium chloride 134.1
Sodium hydroxide 225.2
Sodium methanoate 101.2
Hydrochloric acid 397.8
(b) The molar conductivity at infinite dilution of methanoic acid is higher than that of
ammonium methanoate because the hydrogen ion in methanoic acid has a higher
molar conductivity than the ammonium ion in ammonium methanoate.
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The molar conductivity at infinite dilution of the electrolyte is obtained from the
known values molar conductivity at infinite dilution of its constituent ions or from the
known values molar conductivity at infinite dilution of selected electrolytes using
Kohlrausch‟s law. Since the solution is very dilute then; .
The expression; is then used to calculate the
The molar conductivity of silver chloride at infinite dilution is obtained by the equation;
[ ]
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[ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ][ ]
(Revisit the experiments on solubility product in the topic IONIC EQUILIBRIA for
more experiments on solubility product)
1. The electrolytic conductivity of a saturated solution of silver chloride at ℃ is
.The molar conductivities at infinite dilution of silver and
chloride ions are and
The electrolytic conductivity of pure water at ℃ is
Calculate the:
(a) solubility of silver chloride at ℃ in grams per litre
(b) solubility product of silver chloride
Solubility in
[ ][ ]
[ ][ ]
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(a) (i)
(iii) [ ] [ ]
(b) (i)
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
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The acid dissociation constant, of a weak acid can then be obtained from the
1. The electrolytic conductivity of a 0.16M ethanoic acid solution at ℃ is
. The molar conductivity at infinite dilution of hydrogen ion and
ethanoate ion are and
respectively. Calculate the:
(i) Calculate at ℃ for methanoic acid.
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( ) [ ]
[ ]
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5. The molar conductivities at infinite dilution of the ammonium ion and the
chloride ion are and respectively. The
electrolytic conductivity of a 0.1M ammonium chloride is .
Calculate the hydrolysis constant of ammonium chloride.
3. The molar conductivity at infinite dilution of sodium ion and the carbonate ion
respectively are 50.11 and 144 respectively. Calculate the molar
conductance at infinite dilution of sodium carbonate.
4. (a) State Kohlrausch‟s law of independent conductivity of ions.
(b) Some ionic conductivity at infinite dilution at ℃ are shown below:
Ion Ionic conductivity
̅ 198.6
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(d) The molar conductivities of nitric acid, potassium nitrate and potassium fluoride
are 421, 145 and 129 respectively at infinite dilution. Calculate
(i) molar conductivity of hydrofluoric acid at infinite dilution
(ii) dissociation constant of , of 0.1M hydrofluoric acid solution.
(Electrolytic conductivity of hydrofluoric acid is )
15. (a) Define the terms:
(i) conductivity
(ii) molar conductivity
(iii) conductance
(b) The table below shows the molar conductivities of aqueous potassium hydroxide
at given dilutions.
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Conductimetric titrations
The conductivity of a solution changes during an acid-base titration. The change in
conductivity of the solution can be measured. There is a sharp change in conductivity at
the end point. Such a titration is called a conductimetric titration.
The different velocities of the ions are used to ascertain the end point of a titration.
1. Titration of a strong base against a strong acid (sodium hydroxide solution against
hydrochloric acid)
𝒄𝒎 𝟏 C
At B, the end point is reached. Conductivity is low and is due to the sodium ions and
chloride ions from the sodium chloride salt formed.
Along BC, conductivity increases because the concentration of sodium ions is being
increased and also the fast moving hydroxyl ions are being added.
Note: The volume at end point is usually obtained by extrapolation since the minimum
point from plotted graphs is not usually as shown on the sketch above. The point where
two extrapolated lines meet gives the end point.
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2. Titration of a weak base against a strong acid (ammonia solution against sulphuric
acid or hydrochloric acid)
𝒄𝒎 𝟏
At B, the end point is reached. Conductivity is low and is due to the ammonium ions
and sulphate ions from the ammonium sulphate salt formed.
Along BC, conductivity remains almost constant because the ionization of the excess
weak ammonia solution added is suppressed by the ammonium ions from the
completely ionized ammonium sulphate salt formed. This makes the conductivity of
hydroxyl ions negligible.
Note: Using data obtained practically, when a graph is plotted, the conductivity may
slightly increase along BC but the explanation still holds.
3. Titration of a strong base against a weak acid (sodium hydroxide solution against
ethanoic acid)
Conductivity C
𝒄𝒎 𝟏
Volume of sodium hydroxideWhatsApp:
solution added 𝒄𝒎𝟑
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𝟏 C D
𝒄𝒎 𝟏
Volume of ammonia solution added 𝒄𝒎𝟑
Explanation of shape of the graph
Initially, conductivity is low at A due to very few highly conducting hydrogen ions from
the weak partially ionized ethanoic acid.
Conductivity slightly decreases along AB as ammonia solution is added because the
ethanoate ions from ammonium ethanoate formed suppress the ionisation of the weak
ethanoic acid.
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However, conductimetric titration is not only confined to acids and bases. Copper(II)
sulphate can be titrated with sodium hydroxide, sodium ethanoate with hydrochloric acid,
Explain why in the conductimetric titration of aluminium nitrate solution against
sodium hydroxide solution, the conductivity of the mixture decreases to a minimum
value, then increases gradually and finally increases rapidly with excess base.
1. The conductivity of of copper(II) sulphate solution varies with the volume of
0.1M sodium hydroxide solution added as shown by the graph below;
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4. (a) The ionic radii and ionic conductivities at infinite dilution of some ions are shown
in the table below:
(b) The diagram below shows curves A and B obtained when aqueous sodium
hydroxide was gradually added separately to equimolar
solutions of hydrochloric and ethanoic acid separately
Volume of ammonia solution 𝒄𝒎𝟑
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(b) The molar conductivities of nitric acid, sodium bromoethanoate and sodium nitrate
are and respectively at infinite dilution at 25℃.
Calculate the:
(i) molar conductivity of bromoethanoic acid at infinite dilution
(ii) dissociation constant, , of a 0.1M bromoethanoic acid solution.
(Electrolytic conductivity of bromoethanoic acid is
6. (a) The conductimetric curve for the titration of ethanoic acid and sodium hydroxide
is given below.
𝟏 R
𝒄𝒎 𝟏
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(b) Draw a sketch graph to show how molar conductivity varies with concentration
(i) hydrochloric acid
(ii) ethanoic acid
(c) Explain the shape of the curve in each case.
(d) 25 of 0.1M ethanoic acid was titrated with sodium hydroxide solution.
(i) Draw a sketch graph to show how conductivity of the solution changes
when sodium hydroxide is added to the acid
(ii) Explain the shape of the graph.
The metal will become negatively charged with respect to the solution sorrounding it.
The tendency of the metal to lose ions to the sorrounding solution is known as
electrolytic solution pressure.
+ +
+ +
+ + Solution of the metal ions
+ +
Alternatively, metal ions may take electrons from the strip of the metal and get
discharged as metal atoms.
In this case, the metal becomes positively charged with respect to the solution
surrounding it.
The tendency of the ions to deposit on the metal from a solution is called the deposition
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+ +
+ +
+ + Solution of the metal ions
+ +
The potential difference between the strip of the metal and the solution depends on the
nature of the metal and on the concentration of the ions in equilibrium with the metal
For a zinc rod dipped in a solution of zinc ions, the zinc has a negative electrode
potential because it has a greater tendency to dissolve to form ions (greater electrolytic
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Electrochemical series
The electrochemical series is an arrangement of elements in increasing order of their
electrode potential. Reduction potentials are used in the arrangement.
Reduction equation Electrode potential,
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1. The elements with more negative values of electrode potential are highly
electropositive metals i.e. Lithium, potassium, sodium and magnesium.
2. The elements with more positive values of electrode potential are strongly
electronegative elements i.e. Bromine, chlorine and fluorine.
3. From the half-cell reactions, any reagent on the right is a reducing agent and any
reagent on the left is an oxidizing agent.
4. Any species on the right for a reaction with a lower (more negative) electrode
potential is a stronger reducing agent than a species with a higher(less negative or
more positive) electrode potential. Lithium is the strongest reducing agent and the
fluoride ion is the weakest reducing agent. On the other hand, fluorine, with a more
positive electrode potential is the strongest oxidizing agent and the lithium ion is the
weakest oxidizing agent.
5. The more positive (or less negative) the electrode potential, the easier it is to reduce
The standard electrode potentials of some half-cell reactions are given below:
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Platinised platinum
1M hydrochloric
acid solution
The standard hydrogen electrode consists pure hydrogen gas continuously bubbled over
the surface of a platinum foil coated with platinum black at 298K and 1 atmosphere.
The platinized platinum is dipped in 1M solution of hydrogen ions.
The hydrogen is adsorbed on the platinum black and equilibrium is set up between the
adsorbed layer of hydrogen and the hydrogen ions in the solution.
The platinum black is inert hence does not take part in the reaction and is finely divided
platinum to catalyse the set up of this equilibrium. There will be an electrode potential
between the adsorbed hydrogen and the solution which is arbitrary taken as .
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This fixes a scale against which other standard electrode potentials are measured by
combining the standard hydrogen electrode with other electrodes and measuring the
emf of the cell formed.
1M solution of hydrogen
1M Iron(II) sulphate
Platinised 298K solution
An iron rod is dipped in a 1molar solution of iron(II) sulphate
The iron half-cell is connected externally by electric wires to a standard hydrogen
electrode via a high resistance voltmeter or a potentiometer to measure the emf of the
The iron half-cell is connected to the standard hydrogen electrode internally by means of
a salt bridge to allow exchange of ions without mixing of the two solutions in the half-
The temperature of the solution is maintained at 298K
Since the standard hydrogen electrode has a standard electrode potential of , the
reading on the voltmeter/ potentiometer is the standard electrode potential of the iron
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(i) The emf of the cell is measured without passing any current so that the
composition of the chemicals in the cell is not changed.
(ii) The salt bridge consists of a bent glass tube containing some inactive solution
such as saturated potassium chloride or a folded filter paper saturated with
potassium chloride.
(iii) A standard hydrogen electrode is not easy to use because it is bulky, slow to
reach equilibrium and susceptible to presence of impurities. It is also not easy to
maintain a stream of hydrogen at 1 atmosphere.
(iv) Electrode potentials of other metals are measured in the same way
(v) A porous partition may be used instead of a salt bridge
→ → →
Therefore the enthalpy change associated with the reaction;
Therefore the factors that affect the magnitude of electrode potential include;
(i) Atomization energy
(ii) Ionization energy
(iii) Hydration energy
(iv) Concentration of the solution of the electrolyte
Note that any endothermic process decreases the electrode potential (makes it less
negative or more positive) and any exothermic process increases the electrode potential
(makes it more negative or less positive.
(i) Atomization energy
Atomisation energy is endothermic. The higher the atomisation energy, the lower (more
positive ) the electrode potential. This is because it becomes difficult to convert an
element into its gaseous atoms.
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Element Be Mg Ca Sr Ba
-1.70 -2.37 -2.87 -2.89 -2.90
(a) (i) Barium (but not Ba) Because it has the most negative standard electrode potential
(ii) Beryllium (but not Be) Because it has the least negative standard electrode potential
(b) Standard electrode potential generally becomes more negative from beryllium to
barium because ionic radius increases, ionisation energy decreases, atomisation
energy decreases and hydration energy also decreases. However, the decrease in
ionisation energy and atomisation energy is more rapid than decrease in hydration
(c) Beryllium has an abnormally less negative value because the beryllium ion has the
smallest ionic radius, highest charge density and highest polarising power, thus
attracting many water molecules, giving off highest amount of hydration energy that
counterbalances its high positive ionization energy and its high atomisation energy.
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2. The table below shows the standard electrode potential values of some of the
elements in Period 3 of the Periodic Table.
Element Na Mg Al Cl
Standard electrode potential( ) (V) for -2.71 -2.37 -1.66 +1.36
(a) State;
(i) the factors that affect the magnitude of standard electrode potential
(ii) with a reason, name the strongest reducing agent
sodium because it has the most negative standard electrode potential
(iii) with a reason, name the strongest oxidizing agent
chlorine because it has a positive standard electrode potential
(a) Explain the trend in standard electrode potential of the metallic elements
Standard electrode potential becomes less negative(decreases) from sodium to
An electrochemical cell is a cell that converts chemical energy into electricity. Examples
of electrochemical cells include a Daniel cell, dry cells, Lead-acid battery cell and fuel
The cell consists two metal/ metal ion convention half cells.
Metal/ metal ion convention cells (RHE and LHE)
When a metal rod is dipped in a 1 molar solution of its ions, the cell generated is called a
half cell.
A magnesium half-cell is made by dipping a pure magnesium rod in a 1M solution of
magnesium ions ( for example a 1M magnesium sulphate solution) at 298K. The
magnesium half-cell is represented as
A silver half-cell is made by dipping a pure silver rod in a 1M solution of silver ions ( for
example a 1M silver nitrate solution) at 298K. The silver half-cell is represented as;
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To construct an electrochemical cell, the two half cells above are made by dipping the
metal rods in 1 molar solution of their ions in separate beakers.
The two half cells are then connected using electric wires to connect the metal rods via a
high resistance voltmeter.
A salt bridge is used to complete the internal circuit and allowing the movement of ions
between the two half-cells so that ionic balance is maintained.
The relative values of these voltages show that ions are more difficult to reduce
than ions. So ions will accept electrons from the half-cell
and magnesium will lose electrons to the half-cell.
By convention, the electrode with a negative standard electrode potential constitutes
the Left Hand Electrode (LHE). This electrode is also called the negative electrode or
the anode.
The electrode with a positive standard electrode potential constitutes the Right Hand
Electrode (RHE). This electrode is also called the positive electrode or the cathode.
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1M magnesium
1M Silver
nitrate solution
If a porous partition is used instead of a salt bridge, then the cell has the structure
Porous partition
1M magnesium 1M Silver
sulphate nitrate solution
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The electrode potentials given above are reduction potentials and require no
The electrode potentials given above are oxidation potentials and both equations
and the values should be reversed to make them reduction reactions and potentials
as shown below;
OIL RIG – Oxidation is loss of electrons, Reduction is gain of electrons
LEORA says GEROA- loss of electrons is oxidation (Reducing agent). Gain of
electrons is reduction (Oxidising agent)
In some cases, one electrode potential can be given as reduction and the other
oxidation. In such a case, only one equation is reversed.
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2. Identify the reaction that takes place at the anode (left hand electrode, negative
electrode) and the cathode (right hand electrode, positive electrode). Use the table
below to guide you.
Given two reduction potentials and equations;
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The cell notation, if well written can guide you on how to draw a well labelled diagram
of the electrochemical cell.
More examples
1. The standard electrode potentials of two half cells are given below.
(a) (i)
( )
2. The Daniell cell has copper and zinc half cells as shown below:
Hint: The negative electrode potential shows the reaction that will take place at the negative
electrode (anode), where oxidation (loss of electrons) should occur.
(a) (i)
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(a) (i)
The platinum electrode is introduced as an inert electrode in the cathode half-cell because
there is no solid metal electrode.
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Hint: When the cell notation is already given, well balanced half-cell equations are written directly
from it.
(a) (i)
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2. The standard electrode potential for some half cells are shown below:
(b) (i)
3. The standard electrode potential for some half cells are shown below:
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Note; The reactions given are already reactions at the electrodes. However for calculations, the
electrode potential at the LHE should be made a reduction one.
(a) (i)
(b) (i)
(c) (i)
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(iii) The reaction is feasible because the value of Gibb’s free energy of the cell is
Since the emf of the cell is negative, giving a positive value of Gibb’s free energy, the reaction
is not spontaneous.
1. The diagram below shows an electrochemical cell designed to calculate the standard
electrode potential of zinc.
(a) Name the apparatus labeled A and state a characteristic it should have
(b) (i) Name B and state its purpose.
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1M Iron(III) chloride solution
1M Zinc sulphate solution
(a) (i) Define the term voltaic cell
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4. (a) State factors that can affect standard electrode potential of an element.
(b) The standard electrode potential for group II elements are given in the table below
Element Be Mg Ca Sr Ba
Electrode potential
(i) State and explain the trend in variation of standard electrode potential
(ii) Explain why the values of standard electrode potentials are negative
(c) Electrode potentials for some half cells are given below:
Half cell
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8. Half equations for some cell reactions and the electrode potentials are given below:
(a) Write:
(i) the cell notation of the cell formed when the half cells are combined.
(ii) the overall cell reaction
(b) Calculate the emf of the cell
(c) Predict the feasibility of the reaction and give a reason for your answer.
9. The standard electrode potentials for some half cell reactions are given below:
(a) Write the overall equation for the cell reaction that occurs when the half cells are
(b) (i) Calculate the Gibbs free energy for the cell reaction.
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(a) Write the cell notation for the cell formed by combining the two half cells.
(b) State what will be observed and write equations for the reactions that take place at:
(i) anode
(ii) cathode
(c) Calculate the emf of the cell.
12. The standard electrode potentials for some half cells, in volts are shown below:
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14. (a) State three factors which determine the magnitude of electrode potential of a metal
(b) The standard electrode potentials for the following reactions are given
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(a) Write the convention for the cell that can be formed
(b) Write the equation;
(i) for the reaction taking place at each electrode
(ii) for the overall reaction
(c) Calculate the emf of the cell
18. (a) (i) Define the term standard electrode potential.
(ii) Give reasons why it is not possible to measure standard electrode potential
(iii) Explain the factors that affect the value of standard electrode potential.
Write the cell notation for a zinc-copper cell and calculate the emf of the cell.
(d) State two ways by which an electrolytic cell differs from an emf cell.
19. Given the following electrode potentials.
(a) Arrange the electrodes in order of reducing power starting with the least reducing
(b) (i) Which two electrodes will form a cell of maximum emf ?
(ii) Write the cell notation for the cell you gave in b(i) above.
(iii) Write the overall cell reaction for the cell in b(i).
20. (a)(i) What is meant by the term “standard electrode potential”?
(ii) Write down the factors that affect the magnitude of standard electrode
(b) (i) With the aid of a labeled diagram, describe how the standard electrode potential
of a metal can be measured.
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(i) Name the species that is the strongest reducing agent. Give a reason for
your answer.
(ii) Write the cell notation of the cell made by combining half cells of
dichromate(VI) and chlorine and calculate the emf of the cell. Draw a well
labeled diagram for the cell arrangement.
(iii) Calculate the energy given out by the cell in (c)(ii) above. Comment on
your answer.
(iv) Using the standard electrode potentials given, explain why hydrochloric
acid cannot be used to acidify aqueous manganate(VII) solutions.
(i) Calculate the emf of the zinc/silver oxide cell
(ii) Write the overall redox reaction that generates the emf calculate in b(i) above
(iii) Draw a well labeled diagram to show the zinc/ silver oxide cell can be set
up and the emf measured.
23. (a) State and discuss three factors that affect the value of standard electrode potential
(b) Draw a well labeled diagram to show how the standard electrode potential of the
zinc electrode can be determined.
(c) The electrode potentials of some half cells are given below;
Write the:
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(i) cell notation for the cell formed when the two half cells are combined.
(ii) equation at the anode, cathode and overall cell reaction.
(d) Calculate the emf of the cell in (c)(i)
(e) (i) State Faraday‟s law of electrolysis.
(ii) How long will it take of hydrogen at room temperature and
pressure when acidified water is electrolyzed using a current of .
Research, read and make notes about batteries (dry cells, mercury cell, Nickel-
Cadmium cell and fuel cells)
Uses of batteries
Explain the functioning of a battery
Explain the conversion of one form of energy to another
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