Key Activity-Type
Key Activity-Type
Key Activity-Type
The information provided by the Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA) is
for training purposes only. The FSPCA is not your attorney and cannot provide you with
legal advice. The FSPCA curriculum is intended as a training tool to assist companies
in complying with the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) intentional adultera-
tion regulation; however, following this curriculum does not ensure compliance with the
law or FDA’s regulations. For advice regarding the legal compliance with FSMA, please
consult your legal counsel.
The information provided by the FSPCA will vary in applicability to each food manu-
facturer. It is not possible for the FSPCA training curriculum to address every situation.
Companies should implement practices and programs that are appropriate to their
individual operations. FSPCA materials do not outline the only approach to developing
and implementing a Food Defense Plan. Companies can follow any approach that
satisfies the requirements of the applicable statutes and regulations related to FSMA.
The information provided by FSPCA does not create binding obligations for the Food
and Drug Administration or industry.
FSPCA does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, completeness or availability of any
information provided in its curriculum and is not responsible for any errors or omissions
or for any results obtained from the use of such information. FSPCA gives no express
or implied warranties, including but not limited to, any warranties of merchantability or
fitness for a particular purpose or use. In no event shall FSPCA be liable for any indirect,
special or consequential damages in connection with any use of this training curriculum.
Menu Resources Help Exit
This training course is targeted towards food professionals using FDA's Key Activity Type
(KAT) method to conduct their faci lity's vulnerability assessment (VA). The VA is a required
part of the facil ity's food defense plan mandated under FDA's Mitigation Strategies to Protect
Food Against Intentional Adu lteration (IA) rule. By successfu lly completing this course , the
learner will have satisfied the training requirement to conduct a VA using the KAT method .
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Disclaimer 4i) @)
Please note that th is cou rse satisfies the training requ irement to conduct a VA using the KAT
method ONLY. Any deviation from the KAT method descri bed in this cou rse will necessitate
that the individual take a vu lnerability assessment training recog nized as adequate by the
FDA, or be otherwise qualified through job experience to conduct a VA using another VA
methodology. See the Resources tab for information about other available trainings.
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Final Ru le
• Module 2: Introduction to the Key Activity Type Vu lnerability Assessment Method
• Module 3: Prepari ng to Use the Key Activity Type Method
• Module 4: Using the Key Activity Type Method
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5. Perform preparatory steps to use the key activity type method for conducting a
vulnerability assessment.
6. Conduct a vu lnerability assessment using key activity types .
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Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adulteration Final Rule Page VAR(p) of VAR(np)
Objectives 4i) @)
Welcome to Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adu lteration
Final Ru le
4. Explain the vulnerability assessment requirements.
5. Define significant vu lnerabilities.
6. Define actionable process steps .
7. Explain the training and qualifications required to conduct vu lnerability
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Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adulteration Final Rule Page VAR(p) of VAR(np)
• FDA issued a final regu lation , Mitigation Strategies to Protect Food Against
Intentional Adulteration (21 CFR Part 121 ), which requires covered fac ilities to
identify and protect their most vu lnerable points again st intentional adulteration .
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Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adulteration Final Rule Page VAR(p) of VAR(np)
• Intentional adu lteration of the food supply can resu lt in wide scale public health harm
including severe illness and death.
• Other potential impacts can include public loss of confidence in the food supply,
damage to a company's reputation , and job losses.
• Malicious individuals, including terrorists, may see th is as an opportun ity to harm the
public and further their cause.
• The primary pu rpose of the food defense plan is to prevent intentional adu lteration .
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Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adulteration Final Rule Page VAR(p) ofVAR(np)
• Reanalysis:
• Reanalysis is required at certain times and under certain
cond itions.
• Training
• Records
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Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adulteration Final Rule Page VAR(p) ofVAR(np)
FSMA Final Rule for Mitigation Strategies to Protect Food
Against Intentional Adulterati on
The FOA Food Safety Modem,zabon Act IFSMAI final KEY PROVISIONS
rule 1-s aimed at preventing In tentiona l adulteration
from acu, intind'ed to CiU$9 w,de•$-Cili harm 10 public While thls1s the f.rst time companaes are ~u1red
health. 1nclud1ng acts of terrorism 1arget1ng the food 10 create a food defense plan, lhe FDA hH 1akenan
supply. Such acts, wtule not likely to occur. could cause ,approach Sim.liar lo Hazard Anal:;s1s Critical Control
- - - - -. . d e a ~.., ~ r t J ~ S
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Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adulteration Final Rule Page VAR(p) ofVAR(np)
• VAs must consider, for each point, step , or procedure , the fo llowing three elements, at a
• The potential public health impact if a contaminant were successfully added to the
product at that step.
• The degree of physical access to the product.
• The abi lity of an attacker to successfu lly contaminate the product.
• These will be referred to as "the three fundamenta l elements" or "the three
• The KAT method is considered an appropriate method to conduct a VA. This will be
described in detail in upcoming modules.
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Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adulteration Final Rule Page VAR(p) ofVAR(np)
• The ability to acq uire and deploy a contaminant that is highly
lethal, capable of withstand ing the food production process ,
and undetectable via simple observation if added to food .
• The intent to cause wide scale pu blic health harm.
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Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adulteration Final Rule Page VAR(p) of VAR(np)
• Regardless of the outcome, the VA must be written and must include an explanation as to why
each point, step, or procedu re either was or was not identified as an APS.
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FACILITY , AME: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
A DDRESS : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
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Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adulteration Final Rule Page VAR(p) ofVAR(np)
that are identified as most vulnerable to intentional adu lteration .
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Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adulteration Final Rule Page VAR(p) ofVAR(np)
vulnerabilities at APSs.
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Module 2: Introduction to the Key Activity Type Vulnerability Assessment Method Page VAR(p) of VAR(np)
Objectives 4i) @)
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Module 2: Introduction to the Key Activity Type Vulnerability Assessment Method Page VAR(p) ofVAR(np)
• FDA has conducted numerous food defense VAs on a wide variety of foods and
processes with industry, academia , and other government partners.
• Th is VA research forms the foundation of FDA's food defense program and informed
the development of the IA ru le.
• Over the cou rse of FDA conducting VAs , trends of vu lnerable points were identified ,
which led to the identification of the KATs.
Sources: Homeland Security Presidential Directive-9 (HSPD-9), issued Jan 2004; VA public summary documents.
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Module 2: Introduction to the Key Activity Type Vulnerability Assessment Method Page VAR(p) of VAR(np)
In response to the passage of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) , FDA
analyzed the VA data and found :
Sources: Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), issued Jan 20 11 ; VA public summary documents.
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Module 2: Introduction to the Key Activity Type Vulnerability Assessment Method Page VAR(p) ofVAR(np)
and Loading and Handling Ingredient Handling Similar Activities
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Module 2: Introduction to the Key Activity Type Vulnerability Assessment Method Page VAR(p) ofVAR(np)
Module 2: Introduction to the Key Activity Type Vulnerability Assessment Method Page VAR(p) ofVAR(np)
assessments Conduct Identify
vulnerability actionable
Key Activity
assessments process
Types (KATS)
Three using KATs steps
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Module 2: Introduction to the Key Activity Type Vulnerability Assessment Method Page VAR(p) of VAR(np)
• Bu lk liquid loading refers to the outbound sh ipping of liquid
intermediate or fin ished liquid product from a fac ility onto a
transport vehicle for further processing or use.
• Bulk liquid receiving and loading leads to a high probability of
ingredient mixing and thus an even dispersal of a potential
contaminant throughout the liquid.
• These steps include large volumes of liquid and frequent worker access to the liquid and/or
handling equipment such as hoses.
• Activities that do not fall under this KAT include the receiving or loading of sealed jugs,
drums, jars , and totes .
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Module 2: Introduction to the Key Activity Type Vulnerability Assessment Method Page VAR(p) ofVAR(np)
activity, or to control flow rates of liquid ingredients or product
through the production system.
• Handling tanks also include tanks or totes where the tamper-evident seals are opened and the
container itself is used for holding.
• At these steps, there is a high probability of mixing due to agitation which would likely cause even
dispersion of a contaminant and likely application to a large amount of servings.
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Module 2: Introduction to the Key Activity Type Vulnerability Assessment Method Page VAR(p) of VAR(np)
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Module 2: Introduction to the Key Activity Type Vulnerability Assessment Method Page VAR(p) ofVAR(np)
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Module 2: Introduction to the Key Activity Type Vulnerability Assessment Method Page VAR(p) of VAR(np)
• homogenizing (i.e., to reduce the particle size of an ingredient
and disperse it throughout a liquid).
• grinding (i.e. , to reduce the particle size of a solid ingredient or
mass to a smaller granularity).
• coating (i. e. , to layer a powder or liquid onto the surface of a
product, such as a batter, bread ing , glazing , or flavoring).
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Module 2: Introduction to the Key Activity Type Vulnerability Assessment Method Page VAR(p) ofVAR(np)
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Module 2: Introduction to the Key Activity Type Vulnerability Assessment Method Page VAR(p) ofVAR(np)
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Module 3: Preparing to Use the Key A ctivity Type Method Page VAR(p) of VAR(np)
Objectives 4i) @)
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Module 3: Preparing to Use the Key A ctivity Type Method Page VAR(p) of VAR(np)
• These preliminary steps are not required by the IA rule , but you may find them
• Facilities may find that they have already completed some or all of these preliminary
steps for other purposes, wh ich may be leveraged to maximize efficiency and reduce
duplicate efforts .
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Module 3: Preparing to Use the Key A ctivity Type Method Page VAR(p) of VAR(np)
• Your food defense team may include your Ql(s) and people with expertise in day-to-
day operations of your fac ility.
• Facilities have the flexibility to determine the composition/size of the food defense
team .
• At a minimum, you must have a QI.
• Having a multi-disciplinary food defense team is recommended , but not required.
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Module 3: Preparing to Use the Key A ctivity Type Method Page VAR(p) ofVAR(np)
• A product descri ption helps team members Product Name(s) Almond, Cranbeny Energy Bar
Product Description, including This product is a ready to eal energy bar packed in a pouch
right-hand side of the screen. Shelf Life One year
descri ptions you already have. Storage and Distribution Ambient, nol to exceed 90"F
FDA (2017). Food safety: Ifs especially important for at-risk groups. Retrieved from
https1/ contaminants/peoplealrisk/ucm352830.htm
Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA), Product Description for illustratrve purposes only.
Module 3: Preparing to Use the Key A ctivity Type Method Page VAR(p) ofVAR(np)
Ingredient Storage Packaging Storage
• This shou ld cover all process steps in the food
operation that the fac ility perform s from receipt of
Pathogen Destruction
ingred ients through loadout of fi nished product.
Grinding • Processes and proced ures that are not part of the
Metal Detection
food operation do not need to be in cluded in the
flow diag ram (e.g., utilities) .
Source: Food Safety Preventive Controls Allian ce (FSPCA), Food Processing Flow
Diagram for illustrative purposes only.
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Module 3: Preparing to Use the Key A ctivity Type Method Page VAR(p) ofVAR(np)
Source: Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA), Partial Process Description or Narrative
for illustrative purposes only.
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Module 3: Preparing to Use the Key A ctivity Type Method Page VAR(p) of VAR(np)
In th is module, you learned certain steps that can help you prepare to use the KAT
method , including:
1. Assembling a food defense team.
2. Describing the product under evaluation.
3. Developing a process flow diagram .
4. Describing the process steps under evaluation.
5. Grouping similar products.
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Module 4: Using the Key A ctivity Type Method Page VAR(p) of VAR(np)
Objectives 4i) @)
Welcome to Module 4: "Using the Key Activity Type Method"
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This concludes the instructional portion of this training course. Lets summarize what
you've learned today:
• The KAT method is an acceptable method of conducting your fac ility's VA.
• The KAT method simplifies the VA process and is less intensive with respect to time,
resources , and technical expertise.
• The fou r KATs and their characteristics .
• The recommended preliminary steps that will help make your VA using the KAT
method streamlined and efficient.
• How to identify APSs by recognizing which process steps in your food operation align
with the KATS .
• How to explain your decisions of what is and what is not an APS in the context of the
KAT method .
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This training course is targeted towards food professionals using FDA's Key Activity Type , or KAT, method to
conduct their facility's vulnerability assessment, or VA. The VA is a required part of the facility's food defense
plan mandated under FDA's Mitigation Strategies to Protect Food Against Intentional Adulteration , or IA rule. By
successfully completing this course , the learner will have satisfied the training requirement to conduct the
vulnerability assessment using the KAT method .
Please note that this course satisfies the training requirement to conduct a vulnerability assessment using the
KAT method ONLY. Any deviation from the KAT method described in this course will necessitate that the
individual take a vulnerability assessment training recognized as adequate by the FDA, or be otherwise qualified
through job experience to conduct a vulnerability assessment using another vulnerability assessment
methodology. See the Resources tab for information about other available trainings .
This course is divided into four modules , which will cover: an overview of food defense and the Intentional
Adulteration rule , an introduction to using the key activity type method as a way to conduct your vulnerability
assessment, getting prepared to use the key activity type method , and finally , putting the key activity type
method into practice .
Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adulteration Final Rule
Welcome to Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adulteration Final Rule
7. Explain the training and qualifications requ ired to conduct vulnerability assessments.
Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adulteration Final Rule
Intentional adulteration is the deliberate contamination of food with a biological, chemical , radiolog ical , or
phys ical agent by an individual or group of individuals with the intent to cause wide scale public health harm . It is
a crim inal act that can have devastating results. Therefore, Congress mandated that FDA publish regulations
setting forth requirements to protect the public from intentional adulteration of food . FDA has issued a final
regulation , Mitigation Strategies to Protect Food Against Intentional Adulteration (21 CFR Part 121), which
requ ires covered facilities to identify and protect the ir most vulnerable points aga inst intentional adulteration . To
keep things simple , this will be referred to as the IA rule.
Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adulteration Final Rule
Food defense is the effort to protect food from intentional acts of adulteration intended to cause wide scale
public health harm. These efforts include measures taken to reduce or el iminate the possibility that an intentional
adulteration event would occu r. There are many measures that can be implemented fo r food defense purposes
but one of the most important is a food defense plan . The IA rule requires cove red fac ilities to develop and
implement a food defense plan that identifies and implements add itional food defense measures at the most
vulnerable po ints with in thei r fac ilities . We'll talk more about the requirements of the IA rule in later slides .
Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adulteration Final Rule
Intentional adulteration of the food supply can result in wide scale public health harm including severe illness and
death . In add ition to illnesses and deaths , potential impacts include public loss of confidence in the food supply,
damage to a company's reputation , and job losses , among others . Malicious individuals , includ ing terrorists , may
see th is as an opportunity to harm the public and furthe r their cause. Ha rd as it is to imag ine , intentional
adulteration has already occu rred . In December 2013, there were at least 2,843 mild foodborne illnesses
reported and 6.4 million packages of various frozen foods recalled because a contract employee at a food
fac ility intentionally adulterated several frozen foods with a pesticide. Th is example illustrates why food defense
plans are so important-they aim to prevent these potentially devastating events .
Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adulteration Final Rule
The IA rule aims to prevent or significantly minimize intentional acts of food adulteration , including acts of terrorism ,
intended to cause wide scale public health harm . This is accompl ished by requiring that covered facilities develop and
implement a food defense plan that includes a vulnerability assessment to identify actionable process steps , or APSs ,
identification and implementation of mitigation strategies at those actionable process steps , and mitigation strategy
management components (food defense monitoring , food defense corrective actions , and food defense verification).
Reanalysis of the food defense plan is also required under certain cond itions . The IA rule also has records and training
requirements .
This training focuses on the first food defense plan component-a vulnerability assessment to identify actionable process
steps . Spec ifically , it covers one possible approach to conducting a vulnerability assessment: the key activity type method .
Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adulteration Final Rule
For more detailed information about the rule and its requirements , please vis it the following resources: The IA
rule link will take you to the full text of the regulation , and the FDA IA rule Fact Sheet provides a brief summary of
the rule's provisions , coverage , and exemptions.
Additionally, the Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance has developed an online course that provides on
overview of the IA rule requirements.
Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adulteration Final Rule
When conducting a vulnerability assessment, facilities are systematically assess ing each step of their food
processing operations to identify and rank vulnerabilities to intentional adulteration .
Recognizing that all points , steps, or procedures have some level of vulnerability, the goal of a vulnerability
assessment is to identify those points , steps, or procedures that have what the IA rule terms "sign ificant
vulnerabilities" or those points which are most vulnerable to an intentional adulteration attack. These points are
called actionable process steps . More details on actionable process steps will be covered later in this module.
You must conduct a vulnerability assessment for each type of food produced . However, like products and
processes may be grouped together and assessed as a single group. For example, if a facility manufactures
yogurt with different fruit flavor add-ins and the processing steps for these lines are the same , the fac ility may
group these food products into one food type (e .g. , "yogurt with fruit add-ins") for the vulnerability assessment
and consider them together.
Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adulteration Final Rule
This requirement provides significant flexibility. FDA is not specifying a particular methodology for conducting
vulnerability assessments . Facilities may choose the vulnerability assessment method of their liking . However, it
must consider, for each point, step, or procedure , at a minimum: the potential public health impact if a
contaminant were added to the product at that step; the degree of phys ical access to the product; and the ability
of an attacker to successfully contaminate the product.
One appropriate approach of conducting a vulnerability assessment is using the FDA-identified Key Activity Type
method , which takes into account these three elements and is the focus of this training . This method will be
detailed in subsequent modules.
Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adulteration Final Rule
The IA rule requires a cons ideration of an inside attacker when conducting a vulnerability assessment.
An inside attacker is someone who has legitimate access to the fac ility, is knowledgeable about the facility's
operations and procedures , and can potentially introduce a contaminant.
Based on years of collaboration with the law enforcement and the intelligence community, it is widely recognized
that an inside attacker poses the highest risk for intentional adulteration of food and represents a worst-case
scenario. The vulnerability assessment must be conducted based on the assumption that an inside attacker is
poss ible .
Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adulteration Final Rule
Regardless of the outcome , the vulnerability assessment must be written and must include an explanation as to
why each point, step, or procedure either was or was not identified as an actionable process step. These written
documents must be part of the food defense plan . Here is an example form that can be used to document the
vulnerability assessment. Using this specific form is not a requirement; it simply illustrates one poss ible method
of documenting the vulnerability assessment in the food defense plan .
Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adulteration Final Rule
Let's continue on and talk in more detail about two concepts we introduced earlier that make up the outcome of
your vulnerability assessment: the identification of significant vulnerabilities and actionable process steps .
FDA uses the term sign ificant vulnerability to describe a vulnerability in a food process that is highly susceptible
to intentional adulteration and one that, if exploited , could be expected to cause wide scale public health harm.
Those points, steps , or procedures in a food process where a significant vulnerability exists are called
actionable process steps . Another way to think about actionable process steps is that once a facility conducts a
vulnerability assessment, these are the steps that are identified as most vulnerable to intentional adulteration.
Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adulteration Final Rule
Mitigation strategies must be applied and are essential to significantly minimize or prevent the significant
vulnerability at actionable process steps . The IA rule defines mitigation strategies as "Risk-based , reasonably
appropriate measures that a person knowledgeable about food defense would employ to sign ificantly min imize or
prevent significant vulnerabilities identified at actionable process steps , and that are cons istent with the current
scientific understanding of food defense at the time of the analysis ."
Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adulteration Final Rule
The individual conducting a facility's vulnerability assessment must be a qual ified ind ividual , or QI, and
successfully complete VA training under a standardized curriculum recognized as adequate by FDA or be
otherwise qualified through job experience . In order to be cons idered qualified , this person must have the
education , training , or experience , or a combination thereof, to conduct a vulnerability assessment. It is
important to note that this person could be , but does not have to be , an employee of the fac ility. Outside
expertise may be sought.
As mentioned earlier, this training will qualify an individual to conduct a vulnerability assessment using the key
activity type method ONLY. A separate training is required for those seeking to be qualified to conduct a
vulnerabil ity assessment using other methods .
Module 1: Food Defense Overview and Introduction to the Intentional Adulteration Final Rule
Summary Transcript
Congratulations on completing module one . Let's review what you have learned before you move on to the
knowledge checks .
Welcome to Module 2: "Introduction to the Key Activity Type Vulnerability Assessment Method"
Let's start he re with a qu ick discussion of how the key activity type method was developed .
As directed by Homeland Security Presidential Directive-9, FDA has , since 2004, conducted numerous
vulnerabil ity assessments covering a wide array of food manufactu ring settings in collaboration with industry,
academia, and othe r government partners. These activities have fo rmed the foundation of FDA's food defense
program, informed the development of the IA rule , and resulted in the identification of trends with regards to
vulnerabil ities with in the food system wh ich led to the development of the key activity type method .
In response to the passage of the Food Safety Modernization Act, or FSMA, FDA further analyzed the
vulnerabil ity assessment data and found a few key results. Certain general categories of food processing steps
or procedures (i. e., the key activity types) consistently ranked high in terms of vulnerability, regardless of the
commodity in question . It turned out that particular foods were not inhe rently more vulnerable to intentional
adulteration compared to other foods . Rather, the main drivers of vulnerability to intentional adulteration caused
by acts intended to cause wide scale publ ic health ha rm are the process ing steps and procedures that are used
as food is moved from farm to table.
From the data , FDA and its partners concluded that four groups of processing steps cons istently scored high in
the vulnerabil ity assessments-these four groups became the key activity types.
They are:
• Bulk Liquid Rece iving and Loading;
• Liquid Storage and Handling;
• Secondary Ing red ient Handling , and ;
• Mixing and Similar Activities.
Because the FDA's vulnerability assessments included cons ideration of the three elements (the potential public
health impact if a contam inant were successfully added to the product; the degree of physical access to the
product; and the ability of an attacker to successfully contaminate the product), with the possibility of an inside
attacker as an underlying assumption , as is required in the IA rule , the key activity types already have these
factors "built in." This is why the key activity types are considered an appropriate method for conducting a
vulnerability assessment.
The vulnerability assessment requirement under the IA ru le was written with a level of flexibility that allows firms
to dec ide which vulnerability assessment method is best for them. Conducting a vulnerability assessment us ing
an evaluation of the three elements , of which there are a number of appropriate methodologies , is one option.
Another appropriate approach is using the key activity type method. If the facility uses the key activity
type method to conduct a vulnerability assessment it is not required to separately consider the three elements
and the inside attacker as FDA already did that work in identifying the key activity types. However, the fac ility
may choose to do so, provided such work is conducted by a qualified individual. Remember that this course
does not address conducting a vulnerability assessment by a method that is not the key activity types .
The key activity type approach enables facilities to identify actionable process steps in an efficient way that is
consistent with current food defense scientific understanding and that may be less resource intensive than a
full vulnerability assessment evaluating the three elements individ ually.
Now let's move on to a more detailed discussion of the four key activity types .
Bulk liquid receiving refers to a point, step, or procedure that involves the inbound movement of liquid ingredients into a
facility for its use in the food production process . This includes opening the inbound transport vehicle , opening any
venting hatches or other access points, attaching pumping equipment or hoses, and unloading the bulk liquid .
Bulk liquid loading refers to the outbound shipping of liquid intermediate or finished liquid product from a facility onto a
transport vehicle for further processing or use. This includes opening the outbound transport vehicle , attaching any
pumping equipment or hoses , and opening any facility venting hatches.
Examples of products that may be received or loaded in bulk include juices, high fructose corn syru p and other
sweeteners, milk, animal fats , syrups , and vegetable oils.
These processing steps are key activity types because there is a high probability of a contaminant, if intentionally
added , to be mixed within the liquid due to significant sloshing , movement, or turbulence associated with the receiving
or loading activity. These activities involve a large volume of liquid that , if contaminated , could cause wide scale public
health harm. In addition, the need for worker activity associated with these processing steps provides access to
hoses, the transport vessel, and potentially the product as it is being received or loaded .
Activities that do not fall under this key activity type include the receiving or loading of sealed jugs , drums , jars , and
totes . The receiving or loading of these sealed containers are not included in this key activity type regardless of the
total volume of liquid received or loaded .
Liquid storage and handling refers to a point, step, or procedu re in which a bulk or non-bulk liquid is contained
in storage tanks or silos or in holding , surge , metering , or other types of intermediate processing tanks. Liquid
storage refers to any storage silo or tank where liquid product may be stored prior to introduction into the
product stream or prior to loading for outbound shipping . Bulk or non-bulk tanks can be used to store liqu id
ingredients (e.g., fats , oi ls, vitamin mixes , and sweeteners), hold liquid product for sample testing and other
quality control activity, or to control flow rates of liqu id ingredients or product through the production system .
Handling tanks also include tanks or totes where the tamper-evident seals are opened and the container itself is
used for holding, such as when a drum is opened and a pump is attached directly onto the drum to meter an
ingredient into the product line .
These are considered key activity types because if a contaminant were successfully introduced , there is a high
probability of the contaminant mixing within the liqu id. This could be due to the ag itation commonly used to
prevent separation within the liquid medium, the mixing or ag itation caused as liquid enters or exits the tanks , or
the likelihood that liqu id ingredients will be metered or applied to a large amount of servings . Access necessary
for the introduction of a contaminant is generally available through hatches , sample ports, or containe r lids .
Secondary ingredient handling refers to a point, step, or procedure in wh ich staging , preparation , add ition , or
rework occurs and ingredients (either dry or liquid) are manipulated by human contact prior to or during addition
to the product stream. Inclus ions , minor ingredients , process ing aids , and food additives are all examples of
secondary ingredients .
Specifically, "staging" refers to the process of opening the tamper-evident packaging of a secondary ingredient
and moving the ingredient to the production area in advance of being added into the primary product
stream. "Preparation" refers to any act of measuring , weighing , premixing , or otherwise manipulating the
ingred ient prior to addition to the product stream. "Add ition" refers to any act of phys ically adding ingredient
directly into the product stream or into surge or meter hoppers in order to deliver the ingred ient into the product
stream . "Rework" refers to clean , unadulterated food that has been removed from processing for reasons other
than insanita ry conditions or that has been successfully recond itioned by reprocess ing and that is su itable for
use as food .
This key activity type also includes the storage of partially used , open containers of secondary ingredients
where the tamper-evident packag ing has been breached .
Computer metering or automatic weigh ing , sizing , batching, or measuring is not included in th is activity so long
as the process does not require the active involvement of a person .
Staging , preparation , addition, and rework involving secondary ingredients are key activity types because a
contaminant added to a relatively small volume of product would likely be distributed into a larger volume of food
within the ma in product flow. These activities are generally open and accessible and that accessibil ity is an
inherent component of the activity.
Also , mixing frequently occurs immed iately afte r ingredients are staged , prepared and/or added to the product
stream . Whereas mixing would homogeneously distribute an agent in a batch , the activities of ingredient
stag ing/preparation/addition provide a point of access to introduce the agent into the product stream .
Mixing and sim ilar activities refers to a point, step, or procedure where the primary purpose or result is :
• mixing , i.e. , to blend a powder, dough , or liquid ingredient together;
• homogenizing , i.e., to reduce the particle size of an ingredient and disperse it throughout a liquid ;
• grinding , i.e. , to reduce the particle size of a solid ingredient or mass to a smaller granularity, and;
• coating , i.e ., to layer a powder or liquid onto the surface of a product, such as a batter, breading , glazing or
flavoring .
Exi t
Examples of equ ipment assoc iated with these activities include: mixers , homogenizers , blenders , cascade-style
breaders, mills , grinders , and pulverizers .
These are key activity types because a potential contaminant successfully added at one of these steps would
generally be readily dispersed throughout the product. Further, access is generally available through access
ports or lids .
Summary Transcript
Congratulations on completing module two. Let's review what you have learned before moving on to the
knowledge checks .
6. Describe mixing and similar activities.
Welcome to Module 3: "Preparing to Use the Key Activity Type Method ."
After completing this module, you will understand certain activities that can help you prepare to use the key
Preliminary steps will help you prepare , organize, and conduct your vulnerability assessment using the key
activity types in an efficient way. They are :
• Assembling your food defense team ;
• Describing the product under evaluation ;
• Producing a process flow diagram ;
• Describing the process steps under evaluation , and ;
• Grouping similar products .
These steps are not required by the IA rule but you may find them helpful.
Facilities may find that they have already completed some or all of these preliminary steps for other purposes .
For example , you may have process flow diagrams and process descriptions prepared for food safety activities .
You may leverage these and all relevant resources already available to you to maximize efficiency and reduce
duplicate efforts .
The first prelim inary step that is recommended is assembling the food defense team. Th is group of individuals
and their expertise related to the facility's practices, processes, and products will impact the quality and
completeness of your vulnerability assessment. It is therefore recommended that facilities gather a food defense
team comprised of personnel with a diverse range of expertise in the day-to-day operations of the
facility. Facilities have the flexibility to determine the composition and size of the food defense team that best
fits their needs and circumstances, but at least one member of the group must be a qual ified individual. Multiple
team members may not be necessary for some facilities , especially considering the streamlined nature of the
key activity type method .
Having a diverse range of skills and expertise represented on the food defense team can help ensure a
complete understanding of, and thorough approach to, the vulnerability assessment process. It may be helpful to
include individuals from management, production , qual ity assurance or quality control , security, sanitation ,
maintenance, laboratories , human resources , purchasing , and other relevant departments , but again , this not
The next recommended prelimina ry step is describing the product under evaluation . Product descriptions will help
food defense team members understand the characteristics of the product that may impact food defense , for
example , whether or not it has tamper-evident seals . The description should include the full name(s) of the
finished product and any other information that may be helpful to those conducting or reviewing the vulnerability
The next recommended prelimina ry step is producing a process flow diagram . The purpose of a process flow
diagram is to provide a clear outline of the steps involved in the processing of your food product and its
assoc iated ingred ients as they "flow" from receipt to distribution . Th is will provide an organ izing foundation on
wh ich your vulnerability assessment using the key activ ity types is based .
Existing flow diagrams , for example those used for food safety purposes , may be used .
Processes and procedures that are not part of the food operation (e.g., utilities) do not need to be included in
the flow diagram .
Next, it is recommended that the activity at each process step be described . The purpose of a process
description is to explain what happens at each of the process steps listed in the process flow diagram. It is
helpful to include a description of what each process step entails so that when you are conducting the
vulnerability assessment you have the background information you would need to assist you in determining
whether or not it aligns with a key activity type.
Let's conclude the discuss ion of preliminary steps with grouping similar products or very similar processes . As
with the vulnerability assessment discussion earl ier, similar food products may be grouped together and
assessed as one grouping when conducting a vulnerability assessment us ing the key activity types. However,
any product or process-specific differences must be carefully delineated and noted in the vulnerability
assessment, and the facility must clearly identify the specific products included in each vulnerability
assessment. This grouping of sim ilar products may help streamline the analys is when facilities are
manufacturing sim ilar products us ing either the same equ ipment or very similar processes.
Summary Transcript
Congratulations on completing module three . Let's review what you have learned before you move on to the
knowledge checks .
In this module, you learned certain steps that can help you prepare to use the key activity type method ,
including :
1. Assembl ing a food defense team ;
2. Describing the product under evaluation ;
3. Developing a process flow diagram ;
4. Describing the process steps under evaluation , and ;
5. Grouping similar products .
Now that you have completed the preliminary steps, you have the resources and preparation needed to move forward
with conducting your vulnerability assessment using the key activity type method . As you proceed , it may be helpful to
review the four key activity type descriptions so that they are fresh in your mind .
To conduct a vulnerability assessment using the key activity type method, you will assess each point, step, or
procedure to determine whether those activities fit within one or more of the key activity types. Process steps that fit
within one or more of the key activity types are actionable process steps. Process steps that do not fit within any of
the key activity types are not actionable process steps. For example , a step where multiple ingredients are
combined and mixed would fit within the "Mixing and Similar Activities" key activity type. This process step would then
be identified as an actionable process step. In contrast, the storage of dry ingredients that are sealed with tamper-
evident packaging in a storage room would not fit within any of the key activity types , and therefore would not be an
actionable process step.
It should be noted again that any deviation from this key activity type method , for example choosing to further evaluate
the points, steps, or procedures identified as key activity types to determine whether or not they are actionable
process steps using the three elements , what the FDA calls the hybrid approach , will require the individual conducting
or overseeing the vulnerability assessment to receive training in conducting vulnerability assessments using the three
elements , or be otherwise qualified through job experience.
While identifying actionable process steps using any vulnerability assessment method , including the key acti v ity
type method , written explanations are required as to why each point, step, or procedure was or was not
identified as an actionable process step. Explanations can be straightforward and simple . For example , if a
process ing step fits w ithin the Mixing and Similar Activities key activity type , then you should identify that
process step as an actionable process step and write an explanation as to why, which could s imply be: "This
point, step, or procedure fits within the key activity type- Mixing and Similar Activities ."
Conversely, for each process step that doesn 't align with a key activ ity type , the written explanation could
s imply state , "This step does not align w ith a key activity type ."
If a process step aligns with more than one key activity type , the facility could identify them both or the primary
one . The result is the same . However, identifying all applicable key acti v ity types in the explanation is
recommended because determining the specific key activity types may assist with the identifying the mitigation
strategies best su ited for that actionable process step.
In the following exercises , you will see excerpts from some sample flow diagrams. They have been simplified for
training purposes . Your task is to click on each process step and read the accompanying description ,
then decide whether or not that process step aligns with one of the four KATs : bulk liquid receiving and loading ;
liquid storage and handling ; secondary ingredient handling ; mixing and sim ilar activities . Select "Yes" or "No" to
respond to the question : Does this process step al ign with a KAT?
As noted in KAT Mapping Exercise 1, your task is to click on each process step and read the accompanying
description , then decide whether or not that process step aligns with one of the four KATs : bulk liquid receiving
and loading ; liqu id storage and handling ; secondary ingredient handl ing ; mixing and similar activities. Select
"Yes" or "No" to respond to the question : Does this process step align with a KAT?
Summary Transcript
Congratulations on completing module four. Let's review what you have learned before you move on to the
knowledge checks .
This concludes the instructional portion of this training course . Before finishing up with a short assessment, lets
summarize what you've learned today:
• The key activity type method is an acceptable method of conducting your facility's vulnerability assessment
• The key activity type method simplifies the vulnerability assessment process and is less intensive with respect to
time , resources , and technical expertise
• How to describe the four key activity types
• The recommended preliminary steps that will help make your vulnerability assessment using the key activity
type method streamlined and efficient
• How to identify actionable process steps by recognizing which process steps in your food operation align with the
key activity types
• How to explain your decisions of what is and what is not an actionable process step in the context of the key
activity type method
(..___ _B_
___.) (..___ _N_ex_t _ ___.)
• IA Rule
• IA Rule Overview Course: (In order to access the IA Rule Overview course.
You will need to log out first and then click the link on the FSPCA webpage.)
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k _ ___.) (..___ _N_ex_t _ ___.)
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___.) (..___ _N_ex_t _ ___.)