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Eng10-Bol Q3

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII-Eastern Visayas
Division of Leyte


Third Quarter

GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS: The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his / her understanding of literature and other texts types
for a deeper appreciation of World Literature, including Philippine Literature.
MELC: Compose an argumentative essay.
DURATION: Week 1 (4 hours)
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

 What is an argumentative  How do we write an  Can you write an  Compose an argumentative

essay? argumentative essay? argumentative essay? essay about the topic
 Is argumentative essay the  What are the tips in writing  Do you believe that “Vaccines are now available
same with argumentative an argumentative essay? argumentative essay uses the for Covid-19: To get
speech?  What are the characteristics power of persuasion and it vaccinated or not?”. Share
of argumentative essay? convinces the audience or the your point of view about this
reader? topic and convince your
readers to get vaccinated.
Kindly write your essay in a
one short- sized bond paper.
GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS: The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his / her understanding of literature and other texts types
for a deeper appreciation of World Literature, including Philippine Literature.
MELC: Use a variety of informative, persuasive, and argumentative writing techniques
CODE: EN1OWC-IIb 14.1.2
DURATION: Week 2 (4 hours)
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

 What do we mean by  What is the importance of  What are the techniques in  Write an informative speech
informative, persuasive, and knowing the techniques in writing informative, about the topic “Covid-19”.
argumentative essays / writing informative, persuasive and argumentative You may search through the
speechless? persuasive, and essays/speechless? internet for additional
 What writing technique is argumentative essay / speech?  Can you write the three information about the topic.
used in writing all those three essays with the use of the And please do include your
speeches mentioned? mentioned techniques? source. Write your answer on
a short- sized bond paper.

GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS: The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his / her understanding of literature and other texts types
for a deeper appreciation of World Literature, including Philippine Literature.
MELC: Compose an independent critique of a chosen selection.
DURATION: Week 3 (4 hours)
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

 What do we mean by  What is the importance of  Can you write an independent  Search the internet for some
critique? critiquing other people’s critique? famous speechless by famous
 Why is there a need to work?  What are the guidelines in speakers nationwide/
critique other people work?  Do you agree that critiquing writing an independent worldwide. Choose one
is one way of improving critique? speech to independently
ourselves or our work? Why? critique according to these
criteria: Speakers delivery,
discussion, strengths and
weaknesses of the speech.
Then, give your comments or
suggestions and summarize
your findings. Write them on
a short- sized bond paper.
GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS: The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his / her understanding of literature and other texts types
for a deeper appreciation of World Literature, including Philippine Literature.
MELC: Critique a literary selection based on the following approaches: structuralist/formalist, moralist, Marxist, feminist, historical and reader-response.
DURATION: Week 4 (4 hours)
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

 Critique a literary selection  What is a structuralist  What the tips in writing a  Read the story about “A Day
based on the following formalist approach for critique about a literary in the Country” by Anton
approaches: critiquing? selection based on the Chekhov. I will just send a
structuralist/formalist,  What is the importance of structuralist/formalist copy of the story on our
moralist, Marxist, feminist, sensory images in the approach? group chat or may simply
historical and reader- appreciation of a literary text? search the internet for the
response. story. Then, I will also send a
chart for you to fill-out
because there are questions in
the chart for you to answer
which is based on the story
that you have read. Write
your answer on a short-sized
bond paper.
GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS: The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his / her understanding of literature and other texts types
for a deeper appreciation of World Literature, including Philippine Literature.
MELC: Critique a literary selection based on the following approaches: structuralist/formalist, moralist, Marxist, feminist, historical and reader-response.
DURATION: Week 5 (4 hours)
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

 What is Marxist approach in  How will a Marxist  Do you believe that Marxist  Read the story about “The
critiquing a literary selection? approach? approach focuses on the Story of Keesh” by Jack
 What are the guidelines in power struggle between London. I will just send a
writing a critique with the use characters? copy on our group chat or you
of this approach?  Can you write a literary may simply search the
critique with the use of internet for the story. Then, I
Marxist approach? will also send a chart for you
to fill-out because there are
questions in the chart for you
to answer which is based on
the story that you have read.
Write your answer on a short-
sized bond paper.

GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS: The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his / her understanding of literature and other texts types
for a deeper appreciation of World Literature, including Philippine Literature.
MELC: Critique a literary selection based on the following approaches: structuralist/formalist, moralist, Marxist, feminist, historical and reader-response.
DURATION: Week 6 (4 hours)
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

 What is a feminist approach  How do we write a literary  Can you write a critique  Read the poem about “Song
in literary critiquing? critique based on the feminist based on the feminist of Autumn” by Charles
approach? approach? Baudelaire and translated to
English by William Aggeler.
I will just send a copy on our
group chat or you may simply
search the internet for the
poem. Then, I will also send a
question for you to answer
which is based on the poem
that you have read. Write
your answer on a short-sized
bond paper.

GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS: The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his / her understanding of literature and other texts types
for a deeper appreciation of World Literature, including Philippine Literature.
MELC: Critique a literary selection based on the following approaches: structuralist/formalist, moralist, Marxist, feminist, historical and reader-response.
DURATION: Week 7 (4 hours)
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

 What is a reader response  What are the things that we  Can you write a reader  Read the story about “The
literary critique? need to consider in writing a response literary critique? last Leaf” by O. Henry. I will
reader response critique? just send a copy on our group
chat or you may simply
search the internet for the
story. Then, I will also send a
diagram and questions for
you to fill-out and answer
which is based on the story
that you have read. Write
your answer on a short-sized
bond paper.

Submitted by: Approved by:


Teacher I School Head

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