ISB - DMA - W3 - Required Assignment 3.2 - Template
ISB - DMA - W3 - Required Assignment 3.2 - Template
ISB - DMA - W3 - Required Assignment 3.2 - Template
Analyse a Brand’s Funnel Strategies
<Khushi Agarwal>
Suggested time: 90 minutes
Assignment Instructions
Analyse your organisation's or any brand’s digital marketing funnel and give recommendations
for improving their current strategies for each of the stages. If any of the funnel stages are not
currently implemented, suggest how they can be utilised.
My company, Nurrish, is a food & beverage company that produces oat milk and other
vegan/dairy-free products. While launching their oat milk and other vegan products, they use
the AIDAA model, which is the digital marketing funnel, to advertise their product.
During the first stage, the company must grab the attention of the customers to create brand
awareness about the product they are selling. They must research and come up with a
marketing plan to attract customers and pique their curiosity.
Nurrish usually starts by creating an advertisement which displays a plain poster that contains
words that are very vague without including any product details. This is posted on all social
media handles such as Instagram, Twitter & YouTube, and even on billboards & bus stations.
The campaign garners attention and creates a buzz amongst consumers who are waiting to
know more.
In my opinion, at this stage, Nurrish should also create a video with the posters to upload on
all channels along with a catchy tune for their other products, since the reach of static posts is
gradually declining. This will catch the attention of more of the Gen Z crowd.
The third stage involves the customers desire to purchase the product.
At this stage, Nurrish focuses on the cruelty-free part of the products and that it is a perfect
replacement for dairy products since they taste the same. They create advertisements which
includes a video on how dairy products are obtained which is a lengthy and cumbersome
procedure and involves a lot of cruelty to the animals.
Along with this, they show all the different ways the products can be used which includes in
pancakes, ice-cream, milkshakes and even in Indian sweets like gajar pak.
This creates a desire among consumers to buy the product.
In my opinion, Nurrish should use influencer marketing to promote their other products across
all social media channels which will create a sense of trust among customers. Influencers
have a greater impact than even celebrities among the Gen Z crowd and if they do that, they
will see a lot more consumer engagement and many will convert their interest into a desire to
buy the products.
Successful marketing doesn’t end at the action stage. In the final stage of the digital
marketing funnel, when the customer starts advocating for your brand, you know that your
marketing process has been a success. These customers vouch for your brand which brings
in more customers to start the process all over again.
Nurrish, however, is not implementing this stage during their marketing strategy. Thus, even
though their process is extremely good and brings a ton of sales, they do not get as many
new customers as they would get if they implement it.
In my opinion, Nurrish should include a section on their website where past customers can
leave reviews and post pictures of them using the products.
Influencers asking customers to spread the word on social media channels can also be an
excellent way to get past customers to advocate for the brand and bring in as many new
customers as possible.