MORTH Extract (335 424)
MORTH Extract (335 424)
MORTH Extract (335 424)
Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
801.1 Scope
The work shall consist of the fabrication, supply and installation of ground mounted traffic
signs on roads. The details of the signs shall be as shown in the drawings and in conformity
with the Code of Practice for Road Signs, IRC:67-2010.
801.2 Materials
The various materials and fabrication of the traffic signs shall conform to the following
801.2.1 Concrete
Concrete for foundation shall be of M 15 Grade as per Section 1700 or the grade shown on
the drawings or otherwise as directed by the Engineer.
Reinforcing steel shall conform to the requirement of IS:1786 unless otherwise shown on the
High strength bolts shall conform to IS:1367 whereas precision bolts, nuts, etc., shall conform
to IS:1364.
Plates and support sections for the sign posts shall conform to IS:226 and IS:2062 or any
other relevant IS Specifications.
801.2.5 Substrate
Sign panels shall be fabricated on aluminium sheet, aluminium composite panel, fibre
glass sheeting, or sheet moulding compound. Aluminum sheets used for sign boards shall
be of smooth, hard and corrosion resistant aluminium alloy conforming to IS:736-Material
Designation 24345 or 1900. Aluminium Composite Material (ACM) sheets shall be sandwiched
construction with a thermoplastic core of Low Density Polyethylene (LOPE) between two
thick skins/sheets of aluminium with overall thickness and 3 mm or 4 mm (as specified in the
Contract), and aluminium skin of thickness 0.5 mm and 0.3 mm respectively on both sides.
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Aoourtenances
The mechanical proportion ofACM and that of aluminium skin shall conform to the eouirements
given in Table 800-1, when tested in accordance with the test methods mentioned i'lo,~in"t
each of them,
Shoulder mounted ground sings with a maximum side dimension not exceeding 600 mm
shall not be less than 1.5 mm thick with Aluminium and 3 mm thick with Aluminium Composite
Material. All other signs be at least 2 mm thick with Aluminium and 4 mm thick with Aluminium
Composite Material. The thickness of the sheet shall be related to the size of the sign and
its support and shall be such that it does not bend or deform under prevailing wind and other
801.2.7 In respect of sign sizes not covered by IRC:67, the structural details
(thickness, etc.) shall be as per the approved drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
The retro-reflective sheeting used on the sign shall consist of the white or coloured sheeting
n"",'lnfl a smooth outer surface which has the property of retro-reflection over its entire surface.
Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
It shall be weather-resistant and show colour fastness. It shall be new and unused and shall
show no evidence of cracking, scaling, pilling, blistering, edge lifting or curling and shall have
negligible shrinkage or expansion. A certificate of having tested the sheeting for co-efficient
of retro-reflection, day/night time colour luminous, shrinkage, flexibility, linear removal,
adhesion, impact resistance, specular gloss and fungus resistance and its having passed
these tests shall be obtained from a Government Laboratory/Institute, by the manufacturer
of the sheeting. The retro-reflective sheeting shall be either of Engineering Grade material
with enclosed lens, High Intensity Grade with encapsulated lens or Micro-prismatic Grade
retro-reflective element material as given in Clauses 801.3.2 to 801.3.7. Guidance on the
recommended application of each class of sheeting may be taken from IRC:67.
This high intensity retro reflective sheeting shall be of encapsulated lens type consisting of
spherical glass lens, elements adhered to a synthetic resin and encapsulated by a flexible,
transparent waterproof plastic having a smooth surface or as an unmetallised micro prismatic
reflective material element The retro-reflective surface after cleaning with soap and water
and in dry condition shall have the minimum co-efficient of retro-reflection (determined in
accordance with ASTM 0:4956-09) as indicated in Table 800-2.
Observation Entrance Angle White Yellow Orange Green Red Bille Brown
Angle in in Degrees
0.1°8 _4° 300 200 120 54 54 24 14
0.1°8 +30° 180 120 72 32 32 14 10
0.2° _4° 250 170 100 45 45 20 12
0.2° +30° 150 100 60 25 25 11 8.5
0.5° _4° 95 62 30 15 15 7.5 5.0
0.5° +30° 65 45 25 10 10 5.0 3.5
A minimum of Coefficient of Retro-reflection (RA) cd/fc/ft2 (cd-lx-trn"),
B Values for 0.1 0 observation angles are supplementary requirements that shall apply only
when specified by the purchaser in the Contract or order. When totally wet, the sheeting
shall show not less than 90 percent, of the values of retro reflectance indicated in above
Table. At the end of 7 years, the sheeting shall retain at least 80 percent of its original
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenance
The reflective sheeting shall be retro reflective sheeting made of micro prismatic re
reflective material. The retro reflective surface, after cleaning with soap and water and in
condition shall have the minimum co-efficient of retro reflection (determined in accordance
ASTM E 810) as indicated in Table 800-4.
Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
Observation Entrance White Yellow Orange Green Red Blue Brown Fluor- Fluor- Fluor-
Angle Angle escent ascent ascent
Yellowf Yellow Orange
O.1 OB _4° 1000 750 375 100 150 45 30 800 600 300
O.1 o B +30° 460 345 175 46 69 21 14 370 280 135
0.2° _4° 700 525 265 70 105 32 21 560 420 210
0.2° +30° 325 245 120 33 49 15 10 260 200 95
0.5° _4° 250 190 94 25 38 11 7.5 200 150 75
0.5° +30° 115 86 43 12 17 5 3.5 92 69 35
Obser- Entrance White Yellow Orange Green Red Blue Fluorescent Fluore- Fluore-
vatlon Yellowf scent scent
Green Yellow Orange
0.1 0 B _4° 600 500 250 66 130 130 530 400 200
0B 370 37 74 300
0.1 +30° 280 140 17 220 110
0.2° -40 380 285 145 38 76 17 300 230 115
0.2° +30° 215 162 82 22 43 10 170 130 65
0.5° _4° 240 180 90 24 48 11 190 145 72
0.5° +30° 135 100 50 14 27 6.0 110 81 41
1.0° _4° 80 60 30 8.0 16 3.6 64 48 24
1.0° +30° 45 34 17 4.5 9.0 2.0 36 27 14
A Minimum Coefficient of Retro reflection (RA) cdffcfft' (cd-lx-tm-).
B Values for 0.1 o observation angles are supplementary requirements that shall apply only
when specified by the purchaser in the contract or order. When totally wet, the sheeting
shall show not less than 90 percent of the values of retro reflection indicated in above
Table. At the end of 10 years, the sheeting shall retain at least 80 percent of its original
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances
reflective surface, after cleaning with soap and water and in dry condition shall have
minimum co-efficient of retro-reflection (determined in accordance with ASTM E 810) as
indicated in Table 800-6.
Obser- Entrance White Yellow Orange Green Red Blue Brown Fluore- Fluore- Fluore-
vation Angle scent scent scent
Yellowl Yellow Orange
801.3.5 Adhesives
801.3.6 Fabrication
T.~.ff;~ Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
801.3.7 Messages/Borders
The messages (legends, letters, numerals etc.) and borders shall either be screen-printed
or of cut out from durable transparent overlay or cut out from the same type of reflective
sheeting for the cautionary/mandatory sign boards. Screen printing shall be processed and
finished with materials and in a manner specified by the sheeting manufacturer. For the
informatory and other sign boards, the messages (legends, letters, numerals etc.) and borders
shall be cut out from durable transparent overlay film or cut-out from the same reflective
sheeting only. Cut-outs shall be from durable transparent overlay materials as specified by
the sheeting manufacturer and shall be bonded with the sheeting in the manner specified by
the manufacturer. For screen-printed transparent coloured areas on white sheeting, the co-
efficient of retro-reflection shall not be less than 50 percent of the values of corresponding
colour in Tables 800-2 to 800-8 as applicable. Cut-out messages and borders, wherever
used, shall be either made out of retro-reflective sheeting or made out of durable transparent
overlay except those in black which shall be of non-reflective sheeting or opaque in case of
durable transparent overlay.
801.3.8.1 Signs shall be provided with retro-reflective sheeting and/or overlay film/
screening ink. The reverse side of all signs shall be painted grey.
801.3.8.2 Except in the case of railway level crossing signs the sing posts shall be
painted in 250 mm side bands, alternately black and white. The lowest band next to be
ground shall be in black.
801.3.8.3 The colour of the material shall be located within the area defined by the
chromaticity coordinates in Table 800-7 and comply with the luminance factor when measured
as per ASTM 0-4956.
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road
Colour 1 2 3 4 Daytime
Factor (Y%)
x v J(
v 'J x
J( 'J Min. Max.
White 0.303 0.300 0.368 0.366 0.340 0.393 0.274 0.329 15
Yellow 0.498 0.412 0.557 0.442 0.479 0.520 0.438 0.472 24 45
Green 0.026 0.399 0.166 0.364 0.286 0.446 0.207 0.771 2.5 11
Red 0.648 0.351 0.735 0.265 0.629 0.281 0.565 0.346 2.5 11
Blue 0.140 0.035 0.244 0.210 0.190 0.255 0.065 0.216 1 10
Orange 0.558 0.352 0.636 0.364 0.570 0.429 0.506 0.404 12 30
Brown 0.430 0.340 0.610 0.390 0.550 0.450 0.430 0.390 1 6
Fluorescent 0.387 0.610 0.369 0.546 0.428 0.496 0.460 0.540 60
Fluorescent 0.479 0.520 0.446 0.483 0.512 0.421 0.557 0.442 45
Fluorescent 0.583 0.416 0.535 0.400 0.595 0.351 0.645 0.355 25
The colours shall be durable and uniform in acceptable hue when viewed in day light or
normal headlights at night.
801.3.8.5 The colours chosen for informatory or guide signs shall be distinct for riiff,or",,,f
classes of roads. For National Highways and State Highways, these signs shall be of nrp.l~n
background and for Expressways these signs shall be of blue background with white border;
legends and word messages.
801.3.9 Refurbishment
Where existing signs are specified for refurbishment, the sheeting shall have a 'OArn,.r,mrl
aluminium backing or materials as per Clause 801.2.5, pre-coated with aggressive-tack
pressure sensitive adhesive. The adhesive shall be suitable for the type of material used
the sign and should thoroughly bond with that material.
Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
801.3.10.1 Letter size should be chosen with due regard to the speed, classification and
location of the road, so that the sign is of adequate size for legibility but without being too
large or obtrusive. The size of the letter, in terms of x-height, to be chosen as per the design
speed is given in Table 800-8.
The thickness of the letters and their relation to the x-height, the width, the heights are
indicated in Table IV (a) of the Annexure-4 of IRC:67 to facilitate the design of the informatory
signs and definition plates.
801.3.10.2 For advance direction signs on non-urban roads, the letter size ('x' height)
should be minimum of 150 mm for Expressway, National and State Highways and 100 mm
for other roads. In case of overhead signs, the size ('X' height) of letters may be minimum
300 mm. Thickness of the letter could be varied from 1/6 to 1/5 of the letter 'x' size. The size
of the initial uppercase letter shall be 1-1/3 times x-height. In urban areas, letter size shall
be 100 mm on all directional signs. For easy and better comprehension, the word messages
shall be written in upper case letters only.
801.3.10.3 Letter size on definition plates attached with normal sized signs should be
100 mm or 150 mm. In the case of small signs, it should be 100 mm. Where the message
is long, as for instance in "NO PARKING" and "NO STOPPING" signs, the message may be
broken into two lines and size of letters may be varied in the lines so that the definition plate
is not too large. The lettering on definition plates will be all in upper case letters.
The Contractor shall obtain from the manufacturer a ten year warranty for satisfactory field
performance including stipulated retro-reflectance of the retro-reflective sheeting of micro-
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenance
prismatic sheeting and a seven-year warranty for high intensity grade and submit the sametg
the Engineer. The warranty shall be inclusive of the screen printed or cut out lelters/legend$!
and their bonding to the retro-reflective sheeting. The Contractor/supplier shall also furnis
the LOT numbers and certification that the signs and materials supplied against the assign
work meets all the stipulated requirements and carry the stipulated warranty and that
contractor/supplier is the authorized converter of the particular sheeting.
All signs shall be dated during fabrication with indelible markings to indicate the
The warranty shall also cover the replacement obligation by the sheeting manufacturer
well as contractor for replacement/repair/restoration of the retro-reflective efficiency.
A certificate in original shall be given by the sheeting manufacturer that its offered
reflective sheeting has been tested for various parameters such as co-efficient of
reflection, day/nighttime colour and luminance, shrinkage, flexibility, linear removal, ",rl!h"".i,,,"
impact resistance, specular gloss and fungus resistance; the tests shall be carried out
Government Laboratory in accordance with various ASTM procedures and the results
show that the sheeting has passed the requirements for all the above mentioned par'arrletelfS;
A copy of the test reports shall be attached with the certificate.
801.4 Installation
801.4.1 The traffic signs shall be mounted on support posts, which may be of GI
conforming to IS:1239, Rectangular Hollow Section conforming to IS:4923 or Square Hollow
Section conforming to IS:3589. Sign posts, their foundations and sign mountings shall
constructed as to hold these in a proper and permanent position against the normal d~.r,,",
wind loads or displacement by vandalism. Normally, signs with an area up to 0.9 sq.m
be mounted on a single post, and for greater area two or more supports shall be orovldetn
Post-end(s) shall be firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed
The work of foundation shall conform to relevant Specifications as specified.
801.4.2 All components of signs (including its back side) and supports, other than
reflective portion and G.1. posts shall be thoroughly de-scaled, cleaned, primed and n<>;nt"irl
with two coats of epoxy/ fibre glass/ powder coated paint. Any part of support post beldW
ground shall be painted with protective paint.
1101.4.3 The signs shall be fixed to the posts by welding in the case of steel posts
by bolts and washers of suitable size. After the nuts have been tightened, the tails of the
shall be furred over with a hammer to prevent removal.
T • ."ffi" Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
.6 Rate
Contract unit rate shall be payment in full for the cost of making the road sign, including
materials, installing it at the site furnishing of necessary test certificates, warranty and
to complete the work in accordance with these Specifications.
802.1 Scope
The work shall consist of fabrication, supply and installation of overhead traffic signs on
roads. The details of the signs shall be as shown in the drawings and in conformity with the
Code of Practice for Road Signs, IRC:67-2010.
802.2 Height
Overhead signs shall provide a vertical clearance of not less than 5.5 m over the entire width
of the pavement and shoulders except where a lesser vertical clearance is used for the
design of other structures. The vertical clearance to overhead sign structures or supports
need not be greater than 300 mm in excess of the minimum clearance of other structures.
802.3.1 The minimum clearance outside the usable roadway shoulder for signs
mounted at the road side or for overhead sign supports either to the right or left side of the
roadway shall be 1.80 m. This minimum clearance of 1.80 m shall also apply outside of an
unmountable kerb. Where practicable, a sign should not be less than 3 m from the edge of
the nearest traffic lane. Large gUide signs should be farther removed preferably 9 m or more
from the nearest traffic lane, unless otherwise specified. Lesser clearances, but not generally
less than 1.80 m, may be used on connecting roadways or ramps at inter-changes.
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Aopurtenances
802.4.2 After steel trusses have been fabricated and all required holes punched
drilled on both the horizontal truss units and the vertical and support units, they shall
galvanized in accordance with IS Specifications.
802.4.3 Where aluminium sheets are used for road signs, they shall be of srnooth
hard and corrosion resistant aluminium alloy conforming to IS:736 - Material Deslqnation
24345 or 1900. The thickness of sheet shall be related to the size of the sign with minlmu
thickness of sheet as 1.5 mm.
802.4.4 High strength bolts shall conform to IS:1367 whereas precision bolts,
etc. shall conform to IS:1364.
802.4.5 Plates and support sections for sign posts shall conform to IS:226
802.5.1 The size of the signs, letters and their placement shall be as specified in
Contract drawings and Specifications.
802.5.2 In the absence of details or for any missing details in the Contract
the signs shall be provided as directed by the Engineer.
802.6 Installation
802.6.2 The supporting structure and signs shall be fabricated and erected as
details given in the plans and at locations directed by the engineer.
802.6.3 Sign posts, their foundations and sign mountings shall be so constructed
to hold signs in a proper and permanent position to adequately resist swaying in the wind
displacement by vandalism.
Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
The structures shall be erected with the specified camber and in such a
anner as to prevent excessive stresses, injury and defacement.
S02.6.7 Before erecting support structures, the bottom of each base plate shall be
rotected with an approved material which will adequately prevent any harmful reaction
etween the plate and the concrete.
02.6.8 The end supports shall be plumbed by the use of levelling nuts and the space
etween the foundation and base plate shall be completely filled with an anti-shrink grout.
802.6.9 Anchor bolts for sign supports shall be set to proper locations and elevation
with templates and carefully checked after construction of the sign foundation and before the
concrete has set.
802.6.10 All nuts on aluminium trusses, except those used on the flanges shall be
tightened only until they are snug. This includes the nuts on the anchor bolts. A thread
lubricant shall be used with each aluminium nut.
802.6.11 All nuts on galvanized steel trusses, with the exception of high strength bolt
connections, shall be tightened only to a snug condition.
802.6.13 After installation of signs is complete, the sign shall be inspected by the
Engineer. If specular reflection is apparent on any sign, its positioning shall be adjusted by
the Contractor to eliminate or minimize this condition.
802.7.1 Aluminium or steel overhead sign structure shall be measured for payment
by the specific unit (each) complete in place as indicated in the Bill of Quantities and the
detailed drawings(s).
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenance
802.8 Rate
802.8.1 The Contract unit rate for overhead sign structure shall be payment in
compensation for furnishing all labour, materials, tools, equipment, excavation for
concrete, reinforcement, painting of structural steel and sign back, fabrications and installati<)x
furnishing of necessary test certificates, warranty and all other incidental costs necessary
complete the work to these Specifications.
802.8.2 The Contract unit rate for aluminium sheet signs shall include the
making the sign including all materials and fixing the same in position and all other in~irlAr,ti
costs necessary to complete the work to these Specifications.
The work shall consist of providing road markings of specified width, layout and design
paint of the required specifications as given in the Contract and as per guidelines ~OI,tAir\A,
in from IRC:35-1997.
803.2 Materials
Road markings shall be of ordinary road marking paint hot applied thermoplastic cornooune;
reflectorised paint or cold applied reflective paint as specified in the item and the m",tAti",
shall meet the requirements as specified in these Specifications.
803.3.1 Ordinary paint used for road marking shall conform to Grade I
803.3.2 The road marking shall preferably be laid with appropriate road mAo'kin!
803.4.1.1 General
Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
.2 Requirements:
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Aoourtenancss
803.4.2.1 General
This Specification covers two types of glass beads to be used for the production
reflectorised pavement markings.
Type 1 beads are those which are a constituent of the basic thermoplastic ""'TIn'"
vide Table 800-9 and Type 2 beads are those which are to be sprayed on the surface
Clause 803.6.4.
803.4.2.2 The glass beads shall be transparent, colourless and free form
dark particles and excessive air inclusions.
T:'~"ffi" Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances
803.4.3.2 The material upon heating to application temperatures shall not exude fumes,
which are toxic, obnoxious or injurious to persons or property.
803.4.4 Preparation
Reflectorised paint, if used, shall conform to the Specification by the manufacturers and
approved by the Engineer. Reflectorising glass beads for reflectorising paints where
shall conform to the requirements of Clause 803.4.2.
803.6 Application
803.6.1 Marking shall be done by machine. For locations where painting cannot
be done by machine, approved manual methods shall be used with prior approval of the
Engineer. The Contractor shall maintain control over traffic while painting operations are
progress so as to cause minimum inconvenience to traffic compatible with protecting the
Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
The pavement temperature shall not be less than 1DOG during application. All
,,,f,,,,,,,, to be marked shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dust, dirt, grease, oil and all other
foreicn matter before application of the paint.
material, when formed into traffic stripes, must be readily renewable by placing an overlay
new material directly over an old line. Such new material shall so bond itself to the old line
no splitting or separation takes place.
803.6.5 The minimum thickness specified is exclusive of surface applied glass beads.
The method of thickness measurement shall be in accordance with Appendices Band G of
B8:3262 (Part 3).
803.6.6 The markings shall be done to accuracy within the tolerances given below:
i) Width of lines and other markings shall not deviate from the specified
width by more than 5 percent.
ii) The position of lines, letters, figures, arrows and other markings shall
not deviate from the position specified by more than 20 mm
iii) The alignment of any edge of a longitudinal line shall not deviate from
the specified alignment by more than 10 mm in 15 m.
iv) The length of segment of broken longitudinal lines shall not deviate
from the specified length by more than 150 mm.
In broken lines, the length of segment and the gap between segments shall be as indicated
on the drawings; if these lengths are altered by the Engineer, the ratio of the lengths of the
painted sections shall remain the same.
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenance
The finished lines shall be free from ruggedness on sides and ends and be parallel to th
general alignment of the carriageway. The upper surface of the lines shall be level, unifor
and free from streaks.
803.6.8.1 The painted markings shall be measured in sq. metres of actual area
(excluding the gaps, if any).
803.6.9 Rate
The Contract unit rate for road markings shall be payment in full compensation for
all labour, materials, tools, equipment, including all incidental costs necessary for """ntiili
out the work at the site conforming to these Specifications complete as per the "n''''''''',
drawing(s) or as directed by the Engineer and all other incidental costs necessary to ""rnnl,if,
the work to these Specifications.
803.7.1 General
The work shall consist of marking traffic stripes using a solvent based cold applied
which shall be applied on the asphalt/cement concrete road surface by brush or
Marker (Spray equipment capable of spraying the paint on the road). Glass beads
-e;",u;~ Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
spread pneumatically on to the paint when it is still wet so that the beads will
firmly held by the paint after drying. Colour of the paint shall be white or yellow (IS Colour
356) as specified in the drawings or as directed by the engineer.
The cold applied paint material shall be homogeneously composed or binder,
nin;mAlnt extenders and other additives as required for the formulation.
The pigments and extenders shall be uniformly dispersed in the binder medium dissolved
organic solvents. The material shall be free from skin, dirt and foreign objects and shall
comply with requirements indicated in Table 800-11.
803.1.2.3 Properties
803.1.2.4 Appearance
Drying Time of the paint as determined by the test method ASTM D711 shall be a maximum
of 20 minutes at a wet film thickness of 350 micron. The paint shall set to bear traffic after
40 minutes when the ambient temperature is higher than 24°C. The paint shall not be applied
when the surface temperature of the road is higher than 40°C.'
When tested using a sand abrasion tester as described in ASTM D968, the quantity of sand
required for removal of a 75 micron thick unbeaded dry film shall be greater than 65 litres.
803.1.2.6 Elongation
The unbeaded dry film shall pass the test in accordance with ASTM D 1737 and
ASTM D 2205.
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Aoourtenances
The unbeaded dry film shall pass the test in accordance with ASTM 01647
ASTM 02205.
Skid resistance for the beaded dry film shall be not less than 45 as per BS 6044.
The material shall meet the specifications for a period of one year. During this period,
paint material when stored in an airtight container shall not form skin. The material shall
not form a cake at the bottom of the container.
The minimum thickness of the wet unbeaded coat of paint shall not be less
400 micron, and the minimum thickness of the dry unbeaded coat of paint shall not be less
200 microns.
803.7.3 Marking
Each container of the cold-paint shall be clearly and indelibly marked with the following
Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
The cold applied reflective road marking paint shall be sampled and tested in accordance
with appropriate ASTM/BS test methods.
The contractor shall furnish to the Engineer a copy of certified test methods frorn the
manufacturer of cold applied reflective road marking paint showing the results of:
803.7.5.1 General
Reflection shall be achieved by pneumatically spreading glass beads on to the paint when it
is still wet. The beads shall be firmly held by the paint after drying.
803.7.5.2 The glass beads shall be transparent, colourless and free from milkiness,
dark particles and excessive air inclusions. These shall conform to the requirements spelt out
in Clause 803.6.7.3.
ii) Roundness: The glass beads shall have a minimum of 70 percent true
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Aoourtenances
iii) Refractive Index: The glass beads shall have a minimum rerracnvs
Index of 1.50.
iv) Free Flowing Properties: The glass beads shall be free of
lumps, clusters and shall dispense readily under any
suitable for paint striping. They shall pass the free flow-test as given
Clause 803.6.5.4.
803.7.5.5 Preparation
The cold applied reflective road marking paint shall be stirred well to form hornooeneousrv
with the thinner recommended/supplied by the manufacturer and put into the machine with
consistency level recommended by the machine manufacturer by using proper \/i<:,!"",n",t",r"
The thinner shall not be added more than that recommended by the manufacturer to
803.7.5.6 Application
803. Marking shall be done by machine. For locations where painting can
be done by machine, approved manual methods shall be used with prior approval of the
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances
iii) Refractive Index: The glass beads shall have a minimum refractive
Index of 1.50.
iv) Free Flowing Properties: The glass beads shall be free of
lumps, clusters and shall dispense readily under any conditions
suitable for paint striping. They shall pass the free flow-test as given in
Clause 803.6.5.4.
803.7.5.5 Preparation
The cold applied reflective road marking paint shall be stirred well to form hornoceneoust,
with the thinner recommended/supplied by the manufacturer and put into the machine with
consistency level recommended by the machine manufacturer by using proper vlscornatars
The thinner shall not be added more than that recommended by the manufacturer to
803.7.5.6 Application
803. Marking shall be done by machine. For locations where painting can
be done by machine, approved manual methods shall be used with prior approval of
T,,,,ffi,, Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
t:",,,in,PAr The Contractor shall maintain control over traffic while painting operations are in
"rrlfm>~~ so as to cause minimum inconvenience to traffic compatible with protecting the
The cold applied paint shall be applied on the asphalt/cement concrete road
by brush or by Road Marker/Spray equipment capable of spraying the paint on the
surface. Glass beads @ 300 gms per sq.m shall be subsequently spread pneumatically
to the paint when it is still wet so that the beads will be firmly held by the paint after
The pavement temperature shall not be more than 40°C during application.
surfaces to be marked shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dust, dirt, grease oils and all other
f(\rf!ion matter before application of paint.
The material, when formed into traffic stripes, must be readily renewable by
an overlay of a new material directly over an old line. Such new material shall so bond
to the old line that no splitting or separation takes place.
The finished line shall be free from ruggedness on sides and ends and be
"",·"11,,,1 to general alignment of the carriage way.
upper surface of the lines shall be of uniform level and free from streaks.
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenanc;
803.8.1 Description
The work shall involve application of audible and vibratory pavement markings in ""Y'nrri",
with the drawings or the direction of the Engineer.
803.8.2 Materials
Thermoplastic: thermoplastic material shall meet the requirements of Clause 803.4.1 of the."d
Glass Spheres: Use glass spheres meeting the requirements of Clause 803.4.2. T
Engineer will take random samples of glass spheres in accordance with ASTM D 1214 an
the Department's Sampling, Testing and Reporting Guide schedule.
803.8.3 Equipment
The equipment capable of providing continuous, uniform heating of the striping materl~
to temperatures exceeding 200°C, mixing and agitating the material in the reservoir sh
be used to provide a homogenous mixture without segregation. Equipment will rnalnta]
the striping material in a plastic state, in all mixing and conveying parts, including the..lin
dispensing device until applied. Equipment shall be capable of producing a consistEl.
pattern of transverse bars positioned at regular and predetermined intervals. It shall meet th.
following requirements:
,",Win" Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
applying traffic stripes and markings, any material that would adversely affect the
of the traffic stripes shall be removed by a method approved by the Engineer.
applying traffic stripes to any portland cement surface, a primer, sealer or surface
adhesive of the type recommended by the manufacturer shall be applied.
lines should be offset by at least 50 mm from construction joints of Portland
concrete pavement.
·T"';~,ffi ....
stripes or markings shall be applied only to dry surface, and when the ambient air and
Jrr~Jr" temperature is at least 1DOG and rising for asphalt surfaces and 16°G and rising for
~h"J'At" surface.
,ti"in"no shall be applied to the same tolerances in dimensions and in alignment. When
,,,,,,,,nn traffic stripes and marking over existing markings, ensure that not more than 50 mm
",itl,,,,r end and not more than 25 mm on either side of the existing line is visible.
alternative to the flat base line, a profiled baseline meeting the following dimensions
be applied. The profiled baseline shall have a minimum height of 4 mm, when measured
anove the pavement surface at the edge of the inverted rib profile. The thickness in the
hKftinm of the profile marking shall be 0.9 mm to 1.3 mm. The individual profiles shall be
Ippclted transversely across the full width of the traffic stripe at approximately 25 mm. On
hAr,t",r with a bottom width between 2.5 mm and 8 mm.
raised transverse bars shall be applied with a profile such that the leading and trailing
edqes are sloped at a sufficient angle to create an audible and vibratory warning,
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road
803.8.6 Retro-reflectivity
White and yellow audible and vibratory markings shall attain an initial retro reflectance
less than 300 mcd/txrn" and not less than 250 mcd/1x m-, respectively.
Glass spheres shall be applied to all markings. The manufacturer shall determine if a ",in,"'I""
or double application of glass spheres is used and the recommended drop rates for
application shall be adopted.
The Engineer shall be notified by the contractor, prior to the placement of audible and "ih,r"tl"\,.{'
markings. The contractor shall furnish the Engineer with the manufacturer's name and L
numbers of the thermoplastic materials and glass spheres to be used. He will ensure th
the LOT numbers appear on the thermoplastic materials and glass spheres packages. Th
contractor shall furnish a copy of certified test reports to the Engineer, showing results of te~
specified in these Specifications or as per appropriate ASTM/BS method. The Engineerwoul
have the right to test the markings within 3 days of receipt of the Contractor's certification. I
the retro reflectivity values measure less than the values shown above, it shall be remove
and the stripping reapplied.
Traffic shall not be allowed onto or vehicles permitted to cross newly applied pavement
markings until they are sufficiently dry. Any portion of the pavement markings damaged by
passing traffic or from any other cause shall be removed and replaced.
Pavement markings shall be subject to a 180 day observation period under normal traffiq,
The observation period will begin with the satisfactory completion and acceptance of th
pavement marking work. The pavement markings shall show no signs of failure during th
observation period. Any pavement markings that do not perform satisfactorily under traffi
during the 180 day observation period, shall be replaced by the contractor at his own cost.
Audible and vibratory pavement markings shall be measured in linear metre. Payments will bEl
full compensation for all work specified in this Section, including, all cleaning and preparing 9
surfaces, furnishing of all materials, application, curing and protection of all items, protectiom;
of traffic, furnishing of all tools, machines and equipment, and all incidentals necessarytq
complete the work.
",rln" Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
shall cover the providing and fixing of reflective pavement marker (RPM) or road
device which is bonded to or anchored within the road surface, for lane marking and
iol':liatictn for night-time visibility, as specified in the Contract.
Plastic body of RPM/road stud shall be moulded from ASA (Acrylic Styrene
or HIPS (Hi-impact Polystyrene) or Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) or
suitable material approved by the Engineer. The markers shall support a load of
kg tested in accordance with ASTM 0 4280.
Optical Performance
reflector or combination of reflectors on each face of the stud shall have a Coefficient
Intensity (C.I.L). not less than that given in Tables 800-13 or 800-14 as
Omnl-directlcnal Studs
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances
804.5 Tests
804.5.2 Under test conditions, a stud shall not be considered to fail the nhl~tnlm",triii
requirements if the measured C.I.L. at anyone position of measurement is less than
values specified in Tables 800-13 or 800-14 provided that
804.7.1 Requirements
The enveloping profile of the head of the stud shall be smooth and the studs shall not prese
any sharp edges to traffic. The reflecting portions of the studs shall be free from crevic
Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
ledl~eswhere dirt might accumulate. Marker height shall not be less than 10 mm and
not exceed 20 mm. and its width shall not exceed 130 mm. The base of the marker
be flat within 1.3 mm. If the bottom of the marker is configured, the outermost faces
configurations shall not deviate more than 1.3 mm from a flat surface. All road studs
be legibly marked with the name, trade mark or other means of identification of the
reflective marker shall be fixed to the road surface using the adhesives and the procedure
&i+,mrn",nrl"rl by the manufacturer. No nails shall be used to affix the marker so that they do
safety hazard on the roads. Regardless of the type of adhesive used, the markers
not be fixed if the pavement is not surface dry and on new asphalt concrete surfacing
the surfacing has been opened to traffic for a period of not less than 14 hours. The
ihfl';nrIR of the highway surface, to which the marker is to be bonded by the adhesive, shall
of dirt, curing compound, grease, oil, moisture, loose or unsound layers, paint and
other material which would adversely affect the bond of the adhesive.
adhesive shall be placed uniformly on the cleaned pavement surface or on the bottom of
of the marker in a quantity sufficient to result in complete coverage of the area of contract
marker with no voids present and with a slight excess after the marker has been lightly
lre:ssEld in place. For epoxy installations, excess adhesive around the edge of the marker,
~)(Ci9SS adhesive on the pavement and adhesive on the exposed surfaces of the markers
be immediately removed.
contractor shall submit a two year warranty for satisfactory field performance including
,,"'IAnem,'U retro-reflectance of the reflecting panel, to the Engineer. In addition, a two year
Wtlrrtlnh, for satisfactory infield performance of the finished road marker shall also be given
the contractor who carries out the work of fixing of reflective road markers. In case the
m~lrl(j~r<: are displaced, damaged, get worn out or lose their reflectivity compared to stipulated
the contractor would be required to replace all such markers within 15 days of the
;ntim~lti"n from the Engineer, at his own cost.
804.9 Rate
The contract unit rate for reflective road markers/solar powered road studs shall be payment
in full compensation for furnishing all labour, material, tools, equipment including incidental
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances
costs necessary for carrying out the work at site conforming to the specification complete as
per approved drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
805.1 Scope
The work shall cover the supply, painting, lettering and fixing of distance indicator stones
along the highway to assist the drivers/users in estimating the distance travelled or c",n,,,,c,,,
to be travelled to reach destination, to identify incident location and to provide assistai
in maintenance and operations. These devices shall show Hectometre, Kilometre
5th Kilometres as the case may be.
805.3 The material may be made of local stones, concrete or any other
available locally and approved by the Engineer for the devices in accordance with the RC:26
and IRC:8. For the device(s) provided as the sign system, the material shall be same as
for a traffic sign with retro-reflective sheeting; rectangular in shape (longer side vA,rtlr::l1
with colour scheme as that for Advance Direction/Destination signs. The signs shall r-n,nt"ih
250 mm white numerals on a 300 mm wide blue or green background (as the case may
with white border. They shall be 600, 900 or 1200 mm in height for one, two or three
respectively and shall contain the abbreviation km in 100 mm white letters so that they
clearly visible to approaching vehicle driver from a distance of at least 100 m. They
mounted at a minimum height and lateral placement as that for delineators. These oevices
shall be bedded into the ground with adequate foundations as indicated in the drawings
the relevant IRC Specifications or as directed by the Engineer. The orientation and lociatio'll
of the devices shall be as indicated in the drawings or in the relevant IRC Specifications
as directed by the Engineer.
The measurement will be in numbers of 200 metre, kilometer and 5th kilometer
indicator posts fixed at site, complete job as per these Specifications or as directed by
805.5 Rate
Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
m",kir'll painting and lettering and fixing at site and all other incidental costs necessary
i'",,,,nIAtA the work to these Specifications.
work shall cover supplying and fixing roadway indicators, hazard markers and object
flarkers. Roadway indicators shall be properly installed to indicate the horizontal alignment
vartical profile of the roadway so as to outline the vehicle path for safe driving. Hazard
ffi",rkAlr!': shall be installed immediately ahead of obstruction of vehicular path such as just
hMom a narrow bridge. Object markers shall be erected where obstruction within the roadway
""",n" such as chennelising island in approaches to intersections.
The design, materials to be used and the location of the road delineators
Irn,~rl",av indicators, hazard markers and object markers) shall conform to Recommended
Pralctic;e for Road Delineators, IRC:79, and to relevant drawings or as otherwise directed
the Engineer. The steel drums such as empty bitumen drums shall not be used as they
pose safety hazards, The delineators shall be retro-reflectorised as shown on the
dralWlrlQS or as directed by the Engineer. The reflectors on the delineators shall be of retro-
renecnve sheeting with encapsulated lens and with the visibility of 300 m under clear weather
,,,",,,...liIt,,,,,,, when illuminated by the upper beam of the car headlights.
delineators shall be so installed that their posts do not change their orientation and the
reflectorised faces are always perpendicular to the direction of travel.
The measurement shall be made in number of delineators supplied and fixed at site.
806.5 Rates
The Contract unit rates of delineators shall be payment in full compensation for furnishing all
labour, materials, tools, equipment including incidental costs necessary to complete the work
to these Specifications.
807.1 Scope
The work shall cover supply and fixing boundary stones as per designs and Specifications
given in IRC:25 "Type Designs for Boundary Stones" and at locations indicated in the
drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The material to be used shall conform to IRC:25.
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Aoourtenances
The measurement shall be made in numbers of boundary stones supplied and fixed at
S07.3 Rate
The Contract unit rate for boundary stones shall be full compensation for furnishing all labour
materials, tools, equipment for preparing, 'supplying and fixing and all other incidental
necessary to complete the work to these Specifications.
808.1 Scope
The work shall cover supply and installation of chain link fencing or barbed wire fencing
its fixing on GI pipe posts or RCC posts and providing necessary stays and entry gates
shown in the drawing(s) and/or as directed by the Engineer.
S08.2 The GI posts shall conform to IS:1239. The GI pipe posts shall be emoeooee
in concrete to a sufficient depth below ground as indicated in the drawings. The steel shall
fabricated and painted to conform to Section 1900 of these Specifications.
808.3 The chain link fencing shall conform to ASTM F 1553-06. They shall
firmly secured to the posts such that the whole fencing remains intact.
808.4 Entry gate(s) shall be made of GI pipes or other metal as per the des,ign
shown in the drawing(s).
The measurement shall be in running metre of fencing including the entry gates.
808.1 Rate
The Contract unit rate for fencing shall be payment in full compensation for
labour, materials, tools, equipment for fabrication and fixing at site and all other inf'irlAr\l~
costs necessary to complete the work to these Specifications.
fr,,,,ffi,.. Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
work shall cover supply, fixing and erecting tubular steel railings as shown on the drawings
<:>nrllnr as directed by the Engineer.
809.3 The posts shall be vertical and of the type as shown in the drawing with a
tolerance not exceeding 6 mm in a length of 3 m. The railing shall be erected true to line and
The railing shall be measured in linear metre from end to end along the face of the
railing, including end and intermediate posts, with no deduction for gaps as shown on the
809.5 Rate
The Contract unit rate for Tubular Steel Railing shall be payment in full compensation for
furnishing all labour, materials, tools, equipment and plant required for fabrication , connection,
oiling, painting, temporary erection, inspection, test and final erection at site and all other
incidental costs necessary to complete the work to these Specifications.
810.1 Scope
The work shall cover supply, fixing and erecting structural steel railings as shown in the
drawings and/or as directed by the Engineer.
810.2 Materials
The structural sections such as angles, flats, rectangular hollow sections etc. shall conform
to Section 1900. They shall be painted or galvanised as specified in the Contract.
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances
The railing shall be measured in linear metre including end and intermediate posts.
810.4 Rate
The contract unit rate for railing shall be payment in full compensation for
materials, labour, tools and equipment required for fabrication, connection, oiling, nainttno
galvanising, erection, test and all other incidentals necessary to complete the work to th<"",
811.1 Scope
The work shall consist of construction, provision and installation of crash barriers at locations
as shown in the drawing or as directed by the Engineer. The type of the crash barrier shall
as specified in the Contract.
811.2.1 Materials
811.2.1.1 All materials shall conform to Section 1000 Materials for Structures
applicable, and relevant Clauses in Section 1600 shall govern the steel reinforcement.
811.2.2.1 The concrete barriers shall be either (i) precast or (ii) constructed by
"cast-in-place with fixed forms" method or the "extrusion or slip form" method or a "mnhin"lrinn.
thereof at the Contractor's option with the approval of the Engineer. Where "extrusion or
form" method is adopted full details of the method and literature shall be furnished.
811.2.2.2 The concrete barrier may be precast in lengths upto 6 m depending upon
feasibility of transport and lifting arrangements. Longitudinal roadside concrete barrier
be placed on adequate bedding as detailed in the drawing. The top and exposed T"C'"''
the barriers shall conform to the specified tolerances, as defined in Clause 810.2.2.3, wh"n.
tested with 3 m straight edge, laid on the surface.
An expansion joint with pre-moulded asphalt filler board shall be provided at the
of crash barrier on structure and crash barrier on the fill. The crash barrier on the fill
T"~#;" Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
B8lckfiillin;g to the concrete barriers shall be compacted in layers to the compaction of the
Inrlinn earthwork.
overall horizontal alignment of rails shall not depart from the road alignment by more
± 30 mm, nor deviate in any two successive lengths from straight by more than 6 mm
the faces shall not vary more than 12 mm from the edge of a 3 m straight edge. Barriers
be at the specified height as shown in the plans above the edge of the nearest adjacent
carrlacewav or shoulder, within a tolerance of ± 30 mm.
The road side concrete barrier shall be provided with an end treatment by tapering the height
of terminating end within a length of 8 m to 9 m. Median crash barrier shall be terminated
sufficiently away from the median opening. It shall be provided with an end treatment, which
shall be obtained by tapering the height of terminating end of the median barrier within a
length of 8 m to 9 m.
All barriers shall be measured by linear metres of completed and accepted length in place,
corresponding end to end along the face of concrete barriers including approach and departure
811.2.5 Rate
The Contract unit rate shall include full compensation for furnishing all labour, materials
including steel for reinforcement tools, equipment and incidental costs necessary for doing
all the work involved in constructing the concrete barrier complete in place in all respects as
per these Specifications.
811.3.1 Materials
811.3.1.1 Metal beam rail shall be corrugated sheet steel beams of the class, type,
section and thickness indicated on the drawings. Railing posts shall be made of steel of
the section, weight and length as shown on the drawings. All complete steel rail elements,
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road
terminal sections, posts, bolts, nuts, hardware and other steel fittings shall be galvanized.
elements of the railing shall be free from abrasions, rough or sharp edges and shall not
kinked, twisted or bent.
811.3.1.2 The "W" beam type safety barrier shall consist of a steel post and a 3
thick "W" beam rail element. The steel post and the blocking out spacer shall both be r.h~lnnl"!
section of 75 mm x150 mm & size 5 mm thick. The rail shall be 70 cm above the
level and posts shall be spaced 2 m center-to-center. Double "W" beam barrier shall be
indicated in IRC:5-1998.
The thrie beam safety barrier shall have posts and spacers similar to the ones mpnli,)n",<i
above for "W" beam type. The rail shall be placed at 85 cm above the ground level.
The "W" beam, the thrie beam, the posts, spacers and fasteners for steel barriers
be galvanized by hot dip process (zinc coated, 0.55 kg per square metre; minimum "innl",
spot) unless otherwise specified. The galvanizing on all other steel parts shall conform to
relevant IS Specifications. All fittings (bolts, nuts, washers) shall conform to the IS:1367
IS:1364. All galvanizing shall be done after fabrication.
811.3.1.3 Concrete for bedding and anchor assembly shall conform to Section 1
these Specifications.
811.3.2.1 The line and grade of railing shall be true to that shown on the plans.
railing shall be carefully adjusted prior to fixing in place, to ensure proper matching at <:lU'j""
joints and correct alignment and camber throughout their length. Holes for field connectioris
shall be drilled with the railing in place in the structure at proper grade and alignment.
811.3.2.2 Unless otherwise specified on the drawing, railing steel posts shall be oiven
one shop coat of paint (primer) and three coats of paint on structural steel after erection, if
sections are not galvanized. Any part of assembly below ground shall be painted with
coats of red lead paint.
811.3.2.3 Splices and end connections shall be of the type and designs "n"dfi"r1
shown on the plans and shall be of such strength as to develop full design strength of the
811.3.3.1 Holes shall be dug or drilled to the depth indicated on the plans or
may be driven by approved methods and equipment, provided these are erected in
position and are free from distortion and burring or any other damage.
Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
811.3.3.2 All post holes that are dug or drilled shall of such size as will permitproper
setting of the posts and allow sufficient room for backfilling and tapping.
811.3.3.3 Holes shall be backfilled with selected earth or stable materials in layers not
exceeding 100 mm thickness and each layer shall be thoroughly tamped and rammed. When
backfilling and tamping are completed, the posts or anchors shall be held securely in place.
811.3.3.4 Post holes that are drilled in rock and holes for anchor posts shall be backfilled
with concrete.
811.3.3.5 Posts for metal beam guardrail on bridges shall be bolted to the structure
as detailed on the plans. The anchor bolts shall be set to proper location and elevation with
templates and carefully checked.
811.3.4 Erection
811.3.4.1 All guard rail anchors shall be set and attachments made and placed as
indicated on the plans or as directed by the Engineer.
811.3.4.2 All bolts or clips used for fastening the guardrail or fittings to the posts shall
be drawn up tightly. Each bolt shall have sufficient length to extend at least 6 mm through and
beyond the full nut, except where such extensions might interfere with or endanger traffic in
which case the bolts shall be cut off flush with the nut
811.3.4.3 All railings shall be erected, drawn and adjusted so that the longitudinal
tension will be uniform throughout the entire length of the rail.
811.3.5.1 End treatments shall from an integral part of safety barriers which should
not spear, vault or roll a vehicle for head-on or angled impacts. The two end treatments
recommended for steel barriers are "Turned-dawn-guardrail" and "Anchored in back slope",
as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
811.3.6 Tolerance
The posts shall be vertical with a tolerance not exceeding 6 mm in a length of 3 rn. The railing
barrier shall be erected true to line and grade.
811.3.7.1 Metal beam railing barriers will be measured by linear metre of completed
length as per plans and accepted in place. Terminals/anchors of various types shall be paid
for by numbers.
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road I-\UUUI~Ierla
811.3.7.2 Furnishing and placing anchor bolts and/or devices for guard rail posts
bridges shall be considered incidental to the construction and the costs thereof shall
included in the price for other items of construction.
811.3.8 Rate
The Contract unit rate shall include full compensation for furnishing of labour, materials,
equipments and incidental costs necessary for doing all the work involved in constructing
metal beam railing barrier complete in place in all respects as per these Specifications.
811.4.1 Scope
The work shall consist of providing wire rope safety barriers as per designs provided by
supplier or as shown in the drawings.
The wire ropes shall be galvanised steel wire, supported by galvanised steel posts at <m<,,,irin
indicated in the drawings. The supplier shall provide calculations in support of the
details to establish the stability of the barrier against an impact of a heavy commercial ""lhit"'ll"
of a gross weight of 36 T, or any weight specified in the Contract.
The wire rope crash barrier shall be measured in linear material including and anchors.
811.4.4 Rate
The Contract unit rate shall include the supply of materials, labour, fittings, installation
anchors for the wire rope barriers.
812.1 Scope
The work shall cover supply and installation of Road Traffic Signals.
"',,_u;~ Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
traffic signal, its configuration, size and location shall be in accordance with IRC:93 and
and as shown in the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Prior to installation
the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, for approval, detailed proposals
C"">\Af.r.n the signal type, sizes, paint and structural details ofthe signal posts including control
The traffic signals shall have a complete electronic mechanism for controlling
operation of traffic with an auxiliary manual controller. The time plan of signals shall be as
drawing and shall be modified as directed by the Engineer.
2.3 Materials
The signal foundation shall be constructed as per 8pecifications given in Clause 13 of IRC:93
or as shown in the drawings.
The construction requirements for post, signal head assembly, signal head, optical system,
lamp and holder, visor, post, supports for overhead mounted signals, equipment housing,
locks. inter-connecting cables, earthing, mains termination, controller electrical components,
etc. shall conform to 18:7537 unless otherwise stated in IRC:93. The post shall be painted
and protected as per Clause 3.7 of 18:7537.
The shape of all signal lenses shall be circular and shall be of specified colour and size and
as shown in the drawing. Quality of lenses, arrangements of lenses. illuminations, visibility
and shielding of signals shall be as per relevant Clauses of IRC:93 and 18:7537.
812.4 Tests
Tests shall be carried out on all components of traffic signals including tests on complete
system for its performance as per relevant Clauses of IRC:93 and 18:7537.
It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to provide for maintenance of the signal sedion
system throughout the warranty period for at least five (5) years after installation and as per
Clause 18 of IRC: 93.
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Aoourtenancss
The measurement for traffic signalization system shall be by unit for complete work
specified and as per drawing for complete road junction.
812.1 Rate
The Contract unit rate for the traffic signalization system as a whole shall be payment in
compensation for furnishing all labour, materials, tools, equipment for preparing, supplylnq
fixing at site, testing and maintenance throughout warranty period and all other in"irl"",t:,,1
costs necessary to complete and maintain the work to these Specifications.
813.1 Scope
The work shall cover supply and installation at site. Traffic Control Devices in the "nn,,,,I,,
zone comprising of signs delineators, traffic cones, drums, barricades, longitudinal h::lr·ri""·,,,
warning tapes, flagmen, reflective jackets, headgears.
813.2 Signs
Traffic signs shall be in accordance with IRC:67 and in accordance with IRC:SP:55. Its m::ll",ri;::ll
and other requirements shall be in accordance with Clause 801 of these Specifications.
813.3 Delineators
Delineators in constructions zone are in form of vertical posts, cones, traffic cylinders, tapes,
drums etc. Vertical posts shall be in accordance with the provisions contained in IRC:79.
813.4.1 Traffic cones may be of height 500 mm, 750 mm and 1000 mm, and
to 500 mm in diameter or in a square shape. They shall be of brilliant reo/orancezvenow,
ultraviolet stabilized colour for maximum visibility and fade resistance under all \Afo",lhor
conditions and ambient working temperature of -30°C to +140 oC. The material shall be
Low Density Polyethylene (LLDP), plastic or rubber so that there is no damage to the vehicle
when they are stuck. Cone and base are to be of one continuous layer to prevent tearing
base separation They should be non-crushable/flexible/tear resistant and UV stabilized
made from non-fading colours. They should return to their original shape in just 20 <:AI~nrlrl<:
after being crushed. The bases of cones shall be loaded with ballast (but they should
present a hazard if the cones are inadvertantiy struck) or anchored to check their being hln\All"l
Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
Their base should be designed for easy stacking without sticking . They may have
fo-reflective white band and mounted flashing warning light for enhanced night visibility.
Ic"'"'" cones shall conform to BS:873 (part 8) Catalogue A and the provisional European
ti:i'1I1::lro EN 13422.
The measurement shall be for each piece and payment for each piece.
The measurement shall be for each piece and payment for each piece, for
nrnvirnno and maintenance at site as per the direction of the Engineer.
"innifi"""t but not to cause damage to the vehicle if they are stuck. They can be classified
3 types, namely Type-l, Type-II and Type-III. Type-I and Type-Il are portable and Type-
permanent Because of their vulnerable position and the hazard they could create, they
be constructed of lightweight materials and should have no rigid stay bracing for
A-flc",,,,,,, designs.
rail/panel length shall be 2000 mm to 2500 mm for Type I and 1000 mm to 1200 mm for
II barricade. The width of rails shall be 200 mm to 300 mrn, The rails shall be painted
alternate yellow and white stripes of 150 mm width each, sloping away at an angle of
in the direction of traffic. The support shall be on a "A-Configuration" or otherwise at the
to permit convenient folding and staking for transportation. Their stability shall be improved
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road
Type-III is the permanent type and may be made of wood, metal or other suitable m::lIAri:~1
The typical configuration shall include 3 or more panels/rails, of minimum 1000 mm IAnnth
(maximum length as per site requirement) and 300 mm width each, painted with ",It,'rn~t",
yellow and white stripe of 150 mm width sloping at an angle of 45°. They shall be suooorted
and secured on 2 or more vertical supports of same material. On highways or in
situations where barricades may be susceptible to overturning in the wind, sandbags
be used for ballasting. Sandbags may be placed on lower parts of the frame or stays
provide the required ballast but shall not be placed on top of any striped rail. Barricades
not be ballasted by heavy objects such as rocks or chunks of concrete.
813.6.3 Application
813.6.3.2 Type III barricades be used for road closure and may extend completets
across a roadway or from kerb to kerb. Where provision is made for access of
equipment and vehicles, the responsibility should be assigned to a person to ensure proper
closure at the end of each work day.
When a highway is legally closed but access must still be allowed for local traffic, the Type
barricade should not be extended completely across a roadway. A sign with the anoronriate
legend concerning permissible use by local traffic shall be mounted.
Signs may be erected on barricades, particularly those of the fixed type, that offer a
advantageous facility for this purpose. The ROAD CLOSED and DETOUR or ARROW
and the large arrow warning signs, for example, can be mounted effectively on or above
barricade that closes the roadway.
:",>J('""'. Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
roads with low speed traffic, GI sheets material could be considered for longitudinal
:janric8Ide's. They shall be firmly secured to vertical support system with no sharp edges to
any hazard when struck. Their configuration shall be as per the drawing or as directed
flagman should be alert, intelligent and capable to effectively perform the assigned
Flagman shall be provided with hand signalling devices such as flags and sign
Flagmen must be provided with and must wear warning garments, safety headgear,
footwear and gloves for their protection and for conspicuity, while flagging. Warning garments
at night must be of reflective material. Flags for signalling shall be minimum 600 mm x
600 mm and made of good red cloth and securely fastened to a staff of approximately of
1 m. in length. Sign paddles should be at least 600 mm wide provided with a rigid handle.
background colour of STOP should be red and its shape shall be octagonal conforming
to IRC:67. The word STOP would be in white colour. Background of SLOW sign should be
yellow with black letters and borders.
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road
813.9.1 In the work zones and construction sites, all the workers, supervisors
inspecting officers shall wear high visibility fluorescent clothings with retro-reflective m~ltel'i~1
so that their presence is conspicuous from a distance of 300 m. Clothings may be in
of vests, T-shirts, jackets, pants and raincoats etc., depending upon weather conditions
ease of usage. They shall be of bright colours of fluorescent red-orange or fluorescent Ve!IIO~W
813.9.2 The reflective clothing's shall have reflective bands of width appropriate
the garments viz. vests, T-shirts, jackets, pants and raincoats. It shall have 360 0 visibility
at least one retro-reflective band encircling the torso, There shall be appropriate ,,,,,""""tir'.. .
distances of vertical and horizontal bands placed on torso, sleeves and trouser areas.
garment shall be free of roughness and sharp edges so as not to cause excessive irrit"til"",'"
and the wearer should get the best possible degree of comfort and protection.
813.9.3 The reflective clothing shall meet the requirements of standards given
18:15809-2008 or EN 471:2003 The material shall be tested for colour and
colour fastness with cracking, perspiration, laundering and UV light exposure. The m"tp.ri~1
shall meet the requirements of brightness after rainfall performance, temperature """i"tinn
abrasion resistance, flexlnq, cold folding and variation in temperature.
813.9.4 Measurement shall be for the unit piece of clothing and payment for nrovromo
and maintaining at site as per direction of the Engineer.
All the workers, exposed to moving roadway traffic or equipment in road "n,n",tn
zones shall wear high-visibility safety apparel, headgear, boots, gloves and other nrotective
gears for their protection. The safety apparel shall be in accordance with Clause 81
The safety headgear or protective helmet shall protect the wearer against falling objects
and possible serious injury. It shall address requirements of shock absorption, resistance
to penetration, flame resistance, chin strap anchorages, comfortable wearing and
meet the requirements of IS:2925 or EN 397. The safety shoes or boots shall
personal protection from any possible hazard posed by the activity being done and nrr,virl"
comfortable wearing without giving any hindrance in the expected tasks. The work otoves
shall provide protection against any personal injury that could be caused by the ~"T'VITIP.'"
be performed and comfort in wearing without giving any hindrance in the expected La:>I\:>.
the worker is to be exposed to dust in the work zone, he shall have respiratory protection
dust mask meeting the requirements of 18:9473-2008. Depending upon the task, wnrl<p."",
engaged in welding operations shall have eye protection through passive welding
meeting the requirements of EN 175 or auto darkening sheet meeting the requirement
EN 379/EN 169.
".6ffl,.. Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
traffic control device of providing traffic signs shall be measured in number. Traffic control
IAVlces like barriers and delineators and supply of flagman shall be measured in number and
for which they are used unless specified otherwise in the Contract. Other traffic control
dellicElS such as drums, cones, waming tapes, reflective jackets, headgears for workmen
be considered incidental to the work.
for providing traffic signs shall be inclusive of supply of materials, fabrication, installation
maintenance of signs. The rate for provision of barriers and delineators shall be on a
basis per number-days. The rate for supply of flagmen shall be full wages including
reflective jackets and headgear per man-days of deployment.
4.1 Scope
work shall cover configuration, furnishing and installing traffic impact attenuation devices
at hazardous locations (for example gore areas between diverging roadways) conforming to
details shown in the drawings/plans or as directed by the Engineer; so as to act as energy
The traffic impact attenuators or crash cushions shall be installed for speeds
greater than 50 kph . They may be composed of sand barrels or of 'w'-beam fender panels
supported by diaphragm with trigger mechanism.
814.2.1 The system shall consist of a group or series of free standing plastic barrels
configured in increasing weights from the impact point towards the object. The array shall be
designed to transfer the vehicle's momentum to the increasing masses of sand in the barrels
and to provide a gradual deceleration. Each barrel is to be designed with a specific weight of
unbagged sand to absorb the energy of an errant vehicle. The lighter barrels shall be placed
near the front of arrays to gradually slow the smaller vehicles. Heavier barrels shall be placed
further back in the array to slow the larger vehicles. The standard module weights are 90 kg,
180 kg, 315 kg, 640 kg and 950 kg, as recommended by AASHTO. The axis of symmetry of
the arrays should be directed along the most likely direction. Approach for an arrant vehicle
for gore areas could be back towards the inter-section of the edges of pavement. Obstacles
in narrow median should be shielded on both ends and the modules placed on the ends
(to shield opposite direction traffic) should be placed flushed with down stream edge of the
obstacle to avoid wrong way hits. The modules should be placed on a concrete or asphalt
surface with maximum slope of 5 percent in any direction. Each barrel's location and weight
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenance
of sand should be carefully spray painted on the surface at the position that will be covered
by the barrel to ensure that the array will be correctly reconstructed after an accident.
814.2.2 The total length and width of the array shall be designed depending
the expected speed of approaching vehicle. The typical layout for approach speed
100 kph would have total length of 10m, width of 2.5 m accommodating 14 barrels
in 9 rows with one barrel in first 4 rows and 2 barrels in next 5 rows. The contractor
furnish a copy of the manufacturer's installation instructions for whatever particular hro.nrl
of sand-filled impact atlenuator is to be used. The sand-filled impact atlenuator arrays
be inspected to ensure that the array is set up as shown in the standard plans and
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Sand barrels are essentially nn,o_h,if
systems requiring complete replacement of impacted barrels. Their use, therefore,is suitable
at sites where impact frequency is expected to be low. The arrangement shall be first
and the layout drawing got approved by the Engineer.
The Proprietary Atlenuator Systems essentially comprise a series of w- beam fender n::>r'AI",
supported by diaphragms with a trigger mechanism at nose, which, when hit, releases
'front assembly' to absorb the energy of impact. When impacted, the system shall teI13S(;00$
rearward to absorb the energy so as to bring the errant vehicle to a controlled stop.
refurbishment shall involve the replacement of damaged unit with repair done, off site.
contractor/supplier of such system shall furnish the certificate that the system to be lnstalled
has been tested in accordance with the NCHRP 350 and performs effectively at des,iqn
speeds up to 100 kmph.
The traffic impact atlenuator system shall be measured and payment made for design
installation of the system as complete job at each location.
815.1 Scope
The work shall cover supply and installation of Integrated Semi Automatic Toll Collectiof
System having the following main subsystems:
Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
Avec System
5.2.1 General
AVCC system shall be able to distinguish between the categories of vehicles using the
hi"""AI<l\/ and as defined by the Ministry's Toll Rules. This class information shall be transmitted
the Lane Computer on completion of the post Automatic Vehicle Classification (AVC). The
Computer shall check that this information matches the classification entered by the toll
collector. If there is a discrepancy between the two classifications, the Lane Camera shall be
IrlnlnAlrAri to capture a digital image of the vehicle together with details of the class discrepancy
rnessaqe, transaction number with its date and time, lane number and toll collector. The digital
im~lnA and discrepancy information shall be communicated to the supervisory console for
processing by the toll supervision staff. In case of network or Lane computer failure,
AVCC system shall function independently and feed data directly to the Plaza Server and
the system shall be able to detect the vehicle moving in wrong direction. The system shall
also assist in auditing the toll collection operation. It shall be in modular unit with capability for
various modules and functions to perform independently at different levels of toll collection
operation. The Central AVCC data base system shall be part of this audit function. It shall be
a stand alone device with control access where the data cannot be changed or altered in any
way. The reports from this system shall assist in identifying problems with operations, fraud
or over/under collection of tolls. This central AVCC database System shall be able to operate
independently of the Toll Lane System, even if the Toll Lane Controller is non operational.
Any new technology, meeting the requirements specified in these specifications should not
be excluded.
Each lane shall be equipped with an AVC controller (different from the lane controller)
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Aoourtenancss
i) Fibre-optic treadles
ii) Laser classifiers
iii) Optical height sensors
iv) Optical axle counters
v) Infrared Light curtains
vi) Magnetic Sensors
vii) Resistive Sensors
AVCC processing unit shall be a real-time processing unit, shall be the trigger source for
Camera system and shall have standby power supply capable of operations for a period
at least 4 hours. The AVC controller should be metallic, vandal-proof with IP 65 protection.
shall have System accuracy (calculated on a base of 10,000 vehicles):
815.3.1 General
The barriers are to be used to control the traffic through the lane. The operation of hn(1m
barrier shall be linked to the lane computer and shall allow the vehicle to pass through
a successful financial transaction. The system shall consist of a fixed housing and a
arm. The boom shall be of 3000 mm length for a normal lane and more than 3500 mm
extra wide lane. The housing shall contain the motor and control units and shall be
on the left side of the lane. The boom barrier should be electrically operated barrier
for Toll Lane application. The barriers shall have presence detectors independent to
AVC system to prevent barrier arms coming down on vehicles while passing. This shall
in the form of infrared units, dedicated embedded loops or any other sensors. The finish
its housing may be Powder Coated Orange, RAL 2000 and that of the boom with PO\NO,3r
Coated White RAL 9010 with reflective strips. All housing and internal parts shall have
and corrosion free metals or alloys of high strength with suitable epoxy coating as appllcabtes
The Housing base frame shall be of Stainless Steel so as to protect the housing from IU:SllIIIY
from the bottom.
The power supply shall be through 230+/-10%V AC, 50Hz with 100 percent duty cycle.
Logic Control shall be with Technology to ensure that opening and closing timings rArr.::l;n
Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
;;,",M~+~n+under variation of wind and speed. It shall have smooth landing of boom without
at the end positions. The response time shall be 1.5 seconds, for boom length of
3000 mm and 2 sec. for boom length more than 3500 mm. The mean time before failure
shall be 5 million cycles (1 Cycle = 1 open and close). It should be able to operate
h",twP',~n the temperature range of -5°C to 55°C.
lane Camera
815.5.1.1 General
The Contactless Smart Card Readers/Writers are used for managing electronic Toll collection
in conjunction with a compatible Contactless Smart Card. The Contactless Smart Card
ReaderslWriter is linked to a micro-controller or a PC which is typically the lane computer. It
allows the vehicle to pass through after a successful financial transaction. Card reader/writer
shall be "single-package" type, combining electronics and antenna in one package.
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenanc~
The Contactless Smart Card ReaderslWriters shall be installed on the right side of all. tn
lanes of the Toll Plaza. The orientation of the Contactless Smart Card Readers/Writers sh
be wall mounting type, to be at a suitable height on the toll booth wall, to accommodate.
types of vehicles e.g. separate readers for trucks/buses and cars/jeeps. This is to ensure tn
a successful 'Readers/Write' is achieved with a Contactless Smart Card. ReaderslWriters'.
The reader shall have the ability to read the smart card from a distance, ranging from c a
to 10 em with a transaction time of less than 0.5 seconds for read/write. Contactless Sm
Card Readers/Writers shall be wall mounting type and all transactions shall be secur
with modern and industry standard cryptographic techniques or those based on DES/3D
mechanisms to resist fraud and to deter theft or misuse. The reader/writer shall conform to
Standards: 14443Aand shall be sealed to a NEMA4/IP65. It should have transmit
13.56 MHz. The operating temperature of the Smart Card ReaderslWriter should be
+55°C and operating humidity of up to 95 percent non-condensing.
815.5.3.1 General
The contaclless Smart Card is used for storing money value for the purpose of Toll Collectiot
in conjunction with a compatible Contactless Smart Card readers/writers. The
Smart Card allows the Readers/Writers to increment/decrement user fee from the "tnrAtI
money value. It allows the vehicle to pass through after a successful financial transaction.
Contactless Smart Card, the card readers/writers shall be in a single technology I""nr,firlllr"tinn
The smart Card shall be able to store the money value in prepaid mode.
The card shall meet the ISO 14443A standards for contactless smart cards. The rnOlrnf"ll"J
of the smart card shall be ~ 1KB. It shall be warranted against defects in materials
workmanship for 3 years. The Operating Temperature of the Smart Card should
-10°C to 60°C.
815.6.1 General
The System shall be provided to monitor the activities of toll collection booth nn,o>r"ti"""
the toll plaza. It shall comprise Video Camera and Video Camera Housing at the toll '"""'7;'<
T.~,ff;" Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
106 em LCD Monitor and Digital Video Recorder (DVR) at the control centre. The Video
('",mAr",,, shall be conveniently mounted so that full view of the Toll Plaza and the booth
The Video Camera shall be of dome type to avoid pilferage, be resistant to vandalism
be weather-proof. The mounting and equipment housing shall be able to withstand
adverse weather conditions. The camera shall provide a minimum of 520 TV lines horizontal
resolution. The camera shall provide a useable picture at a minimum illumination of 0.02
Lux. The weighted signal to noise (SN) ratio shall be greater than 50 dB at 1.0 V p-p, 75
ohms. The Cameras shall have MTBF (Mean time between failure) of at least 50,000 hours
of operation.
The Digital recorder shall be stand alone and have the facility to record images on the hard
disk and also on external recording devices such as DVD, Hard Disk etc. The digital video
recorder shall have enough data storage capacity to store video of 15 days from all the
cameras and shall have interface to archive the data on to the DVD/Tape for back-up. The
DVR shall have sufficient video signal inputs to cater for all cameras. It shall have Capability
alarm/event based recording and the facility for high speed searching based on inputs such as
date, time, etc. The Digital recorder shall have functionality to display multiple video images
simultaneously on a single Monitor/Screen.
815.8.1 General
The Lane Controller shall be provided to control and monitor all the sub systems of the toll
lane. It shall consist of CPU and power supply, Data Communication ports, Digital 110 port,
Circuit breakers, Terminal blocks, Relays LAN port, IP 65 enclosure with high security locking
mechanism. All the peripheral devices in the lane shall be hardwired to the Lane Controller.
The system shall be modular with Input/Output Card havinq adequate channels catering to
interfacing of all the peripherals devices with a provision for adding extra two devices. The
system shall be housed in a metallic enclosure and installed inside the toll booth. All the
peripheral devices in the lane shall be hardwired to the Lane Controller.
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Aoourtenancss
815.9.1 General
The Fare Display Unit shall be in the form of a variable message sign, controlled
by the lane computer, to indicate the category of the vehicle and the amount payable by
road user. The system shall be LED based. It shall be installed outside the booth, near
payment window so that the road user will have clear view of the fare payable.
815.10.1 General
LED based light signal, installed at the toll lane towards the exit side shall be connected to
lane controller. The traffic sign glowing red would indicate that the motorist has to stop
pay the user fee. After successful transactions, the traffic sign would turn green to ;nrt;~61'"
that the motorist can proceed. Traffic lights shall be installed on a pole of about 2 m ;:lh,wp.
the road surface on the right side of each lane. The contractor shall decide the
height taking into account other equipments to ensure clear/unobstructed visibility and ""rlt",1
through lane controller. The system shall work in synchronization with the boom barrier
shall have in-built night dimming function.
Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
Voice communication installed in the toll booths shall provide "hands free" two-way verbal
communication between the supervision staff in the toll control room and the toll collectors.
The toll collector shall be able to attract the attention of the Supervisor in the control room
by pressing a single button on the intercom slave unit in the toll booth. The equipment
shall also have the facility to allow the supervision staff to monitor communication in the
toll booth between the toll collector and the user or between any of the tollbooths without
alerting the toll collector. The voice communication system shall operate independently of the
Lane Computer system. It shall also be implemented in various rooms of the plaza building
and at building access points. Two-way communications shall be possible as soon as the
Supervisor responds by selecting the appropriate lane button on the Master Communication
unit. One-way communication shall be possible from the Control Room intercom to all lanes
simultaneously (broadcast).
815.12.1 The overhead lane signs OHLS shall be mounted on the leading edge of the
canopy covering the toll lanes above the centre of the lane to indicate to the User whether
the toll lane is open or closed for the processing of vehicles. A red cross signal would indicate
that the lane is closed, whilst a green arrow would indicate that the lane is open to traffic.
The OHLS shall be made of green and red LEDs. Signs shall be sufficiently bright and
directed to indicate to a motorist approaching the toll plaza, at a distance of 250 m on a bright
cloud free day that lanes are available for use. The cross and allow aspects shall be larger
than 300 mm. The sign shall be fitted with a sun-hood to screen the effect of the sunlight.
The enclosure of the OHLS shall be constructed from a corrosion resistant material. The
enclosure shall have an IP 65 rating and be ventilated to dissipate internal heat. The system
shall have night dimming function.
UPS system shall be supplied for individual lanes and plaza systems separately. Each UPS
system shall be designed for 125 percent of the total connected load. The power supply to all
electronic equipment (indoor and outdoor) shall be fed from UPS which shall have minimum
2 hours backup. The power budget calculation is to be submitted to the Engineer.
The siren operates in conjunction with a violation and acts as a warning device. The purpose
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenanc
of the siren is to alert the plaza staff of a run-through through the lane. Visual indication is
a strobe light. It shall meet the following requirements:
The bar code reader shall be used to scan unique identification bar codes imprinted
media such as paper and plastic medium such as smart cards etc.The bar code ",,,,,MAr
shall be equipped with easily visible LEOs and audible beeps that indicate the "r.Plnn,~r'~
operation status. The barcode reader shall have a rugged protective boot with an
stand and be mounted to a countertop or be left free standing for handheld scanning.
barcode readers shall conform to IS:14700: Part 6: Sec 3; 2002. The bar code reader shall
IP 54 protected.
Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
Receipt Printer
receipt printer shall be a compact thermal printer able to print, as a minimum, toll payment
(text and graphics) and barcodes. The receipt printer shall use thermal fixed head
ptln,ololgy. The print speed shall not be less than 150 mm/s for both text and graphic and
resolution of 203 dpl (8 dots/mm). It shall be able to support paper thickness
- 80 GSM. The receipt printer shall support programmable English and Hindi fonts
including Barcodes of at least Code 128 format. The receipt printer shall have
,tnrn"t"" cutter with a self sharpening ceramic rotary knife. The receipt printer shall be
'vuu~, for use in a toll booth environment where there is heavy usage and possible dust and
from vehicles. The auto cutter shall have a reliability of at least 1.5 million cuts. The
printer head shall have a Mean Cycle between Failure (MCBF) of at least 50 million
lines. The receipt printer shall have a Mean Time between Failure (MTBF) of at least
->Y"',V"'V hours. The receipt printer enclosure shall be IP54 rated.
Toll Management System (TMS) shall be responsible for processing the data into
i"'fr,rm"lirm that will be used to verify toll transactions, provide toll collector control, cash-up
performance facilities, and shall include a host of management tools and reports for the
flltE!cti\IA administration of the toll operation. The TMS shall also assist in auditing the toll
¢olilecltion operation. It shall be a modular unit with the capability for various modules and
runcnons to perform independently at different levels of the toll collection operation. The TMS
have various customized reports to assist in managing the toll facility, and to provide
m",nAnA'T1Ant tools to asses toll revenues. The TMS shall have financial management and
analysis tools to assist the operator in planning operations. The contractor/supplier
ensure that security updates and latest service packs, "patches" are loaded. Industry
<:>t"nrl,<:Irrl operating systems shall be utilized and all user licenses shall be provided. The
database shall be an industry standard database and shall be supplied with all the latest
"""""" packs and patches, including user licenses.
5.15.5 Rates
payment shall be made for design, configuration and commissioning of Semi Automatic
Collection System as complete job at the location indicated in the Contract, and shall be
in stages specified in the Contract.
816.1 Scope
work shall cover design, supply, installation, commissioning and/or operation and
maintenance of Advance Traffic Management Systems (Which is one of the components of
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Aoourtenanea
Intelligent Transport Systems - ITS). The system would include out-door equipment
emergency call boxes, variable message sign systems, meteorological data system,
circuit TV camera (CCTV) system, traffic counting and classification system and
system. The indoor equipment would comprise a large display board, central ("",nn,
(with Network Management System - NMS), CCTV monitor system, call centre svstem
management of emergency call boxes housed in a control centre with uninterrupted
supply. Any new technology, meeting the requirements specified in these speciflcation
should not be excluded. The systems shall meet following objectives:
ATMS shall provide the following information/data to traffic managers for efficient and effElcti\l$
handling of traffic.
ATMS shall provide online recording and reviewing of the voice & visual information for r",("nrtt
and analysis.
",,,,,,ff;~ Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
System Configuration
Availability Requirements
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances
In addition to the above the system shall be considered unavailable when failure of
integrated ATMS Software or its hardware persists for more than 8 hours.
The supplier shall ensure that ATMS supplied shall comply with the following
The Mean-Time-to-Repair (MTTR) of the ATMS to full normal operation following a ''''"'IJI'''
shall be less than 8 hours all inclusive.
T.",ffit' Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
system and the equipment used as a minimum shall meet the following climatic and
An\lironmental requirements as specified in IS:9000:
Tests Severities
Change of Temperature i) Low Temp OOC + 3°C
(Temp cycling) as per ii) High Temp 60°C + 2°C
IS:9000 (part xiv/sec1)
Emergency phone shall comprise loud speaker, microphone, activation button, ringing
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenance$'
tone to indicate progress of call when button is pressed, confidence tone to indicate callis
still connected when on hold, recorded message in case the line is busy and LED indicati06
during conversation. These components shall be provided in FRP (Fibre Reinforcement
Plastic)/stainless steel/Aluminium Alloy housing.
The ECB shall be designed for hands free operation. It shall be identified by reflective guid
sign placed approx. 10m ahead of the ECB . It shall have a provision for mounting on
concrete base with cast-in bolts, nuts and washers and the whole shall be installed so as:
the persons using the instrument will normally be facing the oncoming traffic. The enclosur
shall be equipped with retro-reflective sticker that is clearly visible at night. The sticke
shall read 'SOS' along with a telephone symbol. It shall have provision for the instruction
of operation to be written clearly on the outside surface in two languages. Voice Logge
Software shall be provided to handle and log all calls from the network. There shall be u
to four programmable auto dial numbers associated with the push button. The ECB sha
automatically dial subsequent numbers if the first number is busy or unavailable.
816.9.4.1 The ECBs shall work on DC supply and operate in full duplex mode. It snaIr
be able to operate in a noise level of up to 95 db. and suitably protected against external EMI
ESI Interference through shielding/grounding. It shall have in-built programming portffeatur~
for addressing. The same must be capable of being addressed using Laptop or Palmtopsi.("j
fields, The ECB Central sottware shall use this address for identification of ECB. The EC
shall use latest components and a micro controller of adequate capacity to meet the syste
requirements. It shall have in-built fault diagnostics features for on-site maintenance a.
have extant protection against lightning. It shall be powered from the communication cabl
solar panel. The solar panel and battery shall be adequately rated to support the ECB worki("j
under idle conditions and a talk time of minimum 90 minutes over 3 days in succession und~
worst climatic conditions. At each location one ECB shall be Master and the other Slave. 'T~~
master ECB shall be equipped with fibre optic interface, solar panel, battery back-up and voiga
communication mechanism and shall also comply with all the requirements specified in th'
section for ECBs. The slave ECB shall be equipped at least with - activation button, vand
sensing mechanism, call progress indication LED, Microphone, Speakers, Handicap
operation activation - in a weather proof housing as detailed in these specifications.
system shall detect vandalism and give audio-visual alarm at the control centre. The E
system shall have a product support guarantee of 10 years from the manufacturer. The E
central system shall communicate with the Central Traffic Management System and
events shall also be displayed and stored in the Central Traffic Managem
"'["."ft,,.. Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
"",rver The ECBs shall meet the specification as per the following:
system shall cover the entire route. The system design shall be modular in concept.
system shall be compact and rugged in design having ease of maintenance and shall
satisfactorily under adverse conditions like storm, rain and vandalism resistant. The
SV~'!AI"" shall neither affect functioning of other telecom equipment installed adjacent or along
it, nor get affected by the presence of other equipment/systems. The Mobile Radio shall
have provision for mounting the mobile set on ambulances, cranes and patrolling vehicles.
The repeater station equipment and antenna shall be installed at sub centres. Each mobile
unit shall have a unique address code. The system equipment shall work on re-chargeable
batteries with 24 hr back-up.
The control panel of mobile unit and base station unit shall have the following features:
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Aopurtenances
The modulation shall be either frequency or phase type (FSK) and shall operate in
duplex mode. The equipment shall have provision to eliminate collision of data. It shall
facility to configure the network for individual, sub-group or broadcast mode of operation
both selective calling and group calling operation. All components used in the assembly
equipment shall be of industrial grade specification. The equipment shall conform to
European standards and shall be suitably protected through shielding/grounding "n:~in'<>t
external EMI/ESI Interference, and shall be immune to RFI, ESD and lightning.
The system shall have the facility to connect mobile to mobile, mobile to controller
controller to mobile. The system shall have the facilities for waiting calls, holds calls
transfer calls. The system shall have a facility such that the Control Centre can select oetween
the call modes of individual call, group/all-call and call to mobiles listed in the queue.
system shall use primary channels for calling from mobiles to the Control Centre and
versa whereas the secondary channels shall be used for mobile to mobile connection.
system shall have the facility to terminate the mobile to mobile connection under the followind
In case of emergency, the system shall have the facility to receive alarm calls from mobue
radio. The mobile radio shall be integrated with the Fibre Optic Communication system.
system shall use frequencies to be obtained by the contractor from WPC in the C'nnnnl"f,
stretch as per scope. The system shall have the provision for communication on the
Network. The system shall have suitable voting system to select the better signal at
stations as well as mobile units. The system shall have provision to handle calls
least 20 mobile sets. The system shall have self-diagnostic features. The system shall
protected against any damage due to power supply fluctuations, transients and surges.
816.11.1 Scope
The work shall cover supply and installation of Variable Message Signs (VMSs) which nr.-.',tin",
to road users the advance en-route traveller information of road conditions ahead in real
The provisions contained in IRC:SP:85 shall be followed.
,...~...;~ Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
VMS shall be mounted on a sturdy and aesthetically pleasing gantry structure whereby
vertical clearance of at least 5.5 m is available from the road. Safety barriers shall be
nrovtoeo at gantry support column(s) for their protection and for safety of road users. The
concrete pedestal for support column should be flushed with ground but in no case should
protrude more than 1.5 m.
816.11.2.2 There should be clear distance between existing sign and VMS. The minimum
distance between road signs and VMS should be at least 250 m on expressways and 150 m
on National Highways.
816.11.3.1 Portable signs shall be mounted at the back of a truck or similar vehicle. The
portable VMS signs mounted on a truck shall be powered by solar energy or battery and show
the sign of 'men at work' and/or speed limits in the construction zone. They shall be so placed
that they are effective. The placement must give adequate time to the motorists to react to the
message and take corrective action. On Expressways and National Highways placement of
these at 2 km prior to the decision points should be done with repetition at every 500 m and
50 m prior to the point of decision. It should provide a sight distance of 200 m and should not
interfere with other traffic control devices. If the portable VMS set-up and a message is not
to be required for a period of next four hours or more, the sign panel should be turned away
from the traffic, parallel to the road centre line. Non blank signs should be facing the drivers
for an extended period.
816.11.3.2 Under no circumstances shall VMS be used for advertising of any kind. It
would be in blank mode when traffic, roadway, environment or pavement conditions or public
service announcements do not warrant the display of message or messages.
The design of the system shall be modular. The system shall use LEOs/high gain Tran
reflective LeOs for outdoor full sunlight. The failure of one LED module should not affect the
output of any other LED cluster. Its design shall be such that the display is legible from a
distance of 300 m on Expressways and from 250 m on other highways.
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances
Ifre'l'ltlc Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
hnfRte Fault diagnostics shall be provided as per EN 12966 or other equivalent international
Each pixel shall be monitored and feed back shall be provided for the health
;lC:HU". Minimum of following shall be provided:
controller unit shall provide brightness control facility. Monitoring of ambient temperature
housing. The controller shall be capable of automatically diagnosing and reporting
i"",,,nrm,'nt failure or any electronic fault. The controller shall be provided with a test port for
diagnostics via laptop. It shall be possible to perform fault diagnostics from the central
«h"lml room via the software. The LED Clusters shall be mounted suitably for providing
hAl'lpf viewing angle. Each display module shall have its own display interface to the Central
processor VMS shall be designed to comply with the following protocols:
6.11.5 Testing
Messaqes shall be displayed using the central software and local terminal. The fault conditions
shall be simulated. Messages/fault logs shall be checked for:
b) Communication failure
c) Power failure
d) Brightness of Pixels
The structure on which the VMS is mounted shall be sturdy and aesthetically looking and
capable of bearing wind loads up to 200 kmph. The lowest hung part of the display board
shall have vertical clearance of at least 5.5 m from the road level. It shall be provided with a
walkway to allow at least six persons to carry out maintenance of the VMS without obstructing
the carriageway.
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road
816.12.1 General
The system shall comprise copper cable, Backbone Optical fibre cable (for
between the sub-centers and main control centre) and auxiliary fibre optic cable for ~()Inn,~divifl
of the road side equipment to the sub-centre and Coaxial cable. The cable system along
interface equipment shall work satisfactorily under adverse conditions like storm, etc.
Optical Fibre Cable system shall interconnect with the defined optical transmission
and also if required with associated network devices for signal transmission without
impairment. A separate and independent (auxiliary) Optical Fibre Cable system shall be
for the transmission of video signals, data signals form the equipment locations to the
centers where copper cable has limitations for transmission of signal
All Optical Fibre Cable shall be of TEC (Govt. of India) approved design.
The Co-axial Cable System shall provide immediate interface to carry signals from
VIDS Cameras located at strategic locations to the nearest sub centre. Optical Fibre
shall also be used with transmitters and receivers if the distance is large and high '1W~"'.
signal transmission and reception is not possible using co-axial system. The signals
without any impairment, be routed to the Control Centre via the sub-centers using the au>ciliar~
Optical Fibre cable.
Interface System shall comprise Sensor interface equipment, Optical fibre cable
equipment and Control Centre interface equipment. The Interface System shall cover
Copper Cable, Co-axial Cable and Optical Fibre Cable System and transmit and nrn,""'''·
the composite signals to achieve the desired reliability/availability requirement. The
sub-systems shall be capable of handling the composite audio, video and data
various interface levels and process them. The Interface sub-systems shall be dsstqne
optimally at various levels i.e, from the individual sub-systems level to integrator rrtrru m
Control Centre,
The system shall comprise optical line terminals, interface cards and network
The Backbone Optical Fibre Cable System shall interconnect the h-r.:f!ntrf!I'int'f!Of'atd
TM,J'f;~ Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
and the Control Centre. The Optical Fibre Cable system shall interconnect with the defined
optical transmission sources and also if required with associated network devices for signal
transmission without any impairment. The backbone communication of Cable system shall
be used only to interconnect the sub-centers to the main control centre. This cable shall be
tArmilnilteo only at the sub-centres and main control centre. It shall not be allowed to interface
any other sub-systems in the field to this cable or any spare cores in the cable directly or
through branching. A separate and independent (auxiliary) Optical Fibre Cable system shall
be used for the transmission of video signals, data signals form the equipment locations to
the sub-centers where copper cable has limitations for transmission of signals. This would be
finalized during approval of detailed design by the successful bidder. All Optical Fibre Cable
shall be of TEC (Govt. of India) approved design.
The Power Supply System shall support the requirements of individual sub-systems. The
Power Supply System proposed for individual sub-systems shall take into account the
overall availability/reliability requirements. The Power Supply System design shall take into
consideration local power availability, temperature and other climatic variations, and easy
maintainability. A 230 V AC, 50 Hz single phase power supply shall be used. The equipment
components shall have adequate surge and lightning protection.
816.13.1 General
The Meteorological Data System shall consist of wind sensors for monitoring wind speed
and direction, visibility sensors for detection of visibility changes resulting from fog or dust
storm, atmospheric sensors to measure air temperature and humidity and road condition
sensor to read road surface temperature. The system configuration shall therefore comprise
thermocouple/dynamometer, humidity meter, anemometer and visibility meter.
The Meteorological Data System shall communicate the measurement to the Control Center.
It shall be compact, rugged in design and having ease of maintenance and shall be capable
of detecting and keeping track of the surface temperature of the Highway surface and initiate
appropriate alarms at the Control Centre.
Range 1100%
Minimum Accuracy ±2% RH
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtena
Resolution 0.1%
Temperature Range -5°C to -eo-c
Sensor Mechanism The sensor shall be
protected against dust/pollution
shall provide a linear output vottaqe
for 0-100% humidity
T,~"'" Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
816.14.1 General
This system shall be provided for identifying and recording all types of vehicles on the highway
for effective monitoring and data collection at Control Centre. Besides, the system shall be
capable of classifying any other vehicle category as per user needs. Vehicle classification
should be user selectable based on length of vehicle and/or detuning of the loop inductivity.
The system shall be robust and be capable of operating with minimum maintenance. The
system shall interface with the ATMS/ATMS Software for central monitoring. The indicative
classification of common vehicles in India, based on wheel base, is as given below.
Vehicle Classification should be user selectably based on length of vehicle and number of
axles. The system shall have the capability of accommodating multiple installations through
installation of detectors/sensors which can be left permanently in place and connected as
required to the recording device when traffic counts are made at that particular location. It
shall also be capable of taking inputs from portable sensors and should be modular in design.
The system shall have capability of interfacing with the integrators for central monitoring. It
shall have suitable interface for transmitting information from ATCC System to the Control
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Aoourtenancss
816.14.2.1 Sensors
The sensors should be a combination of piezo-electric sensors and inductive loops, pn:,hl,inn
counting/classification of up to 4-lane traffic (expandable to atleast 6-lane traffic) with
set time periods.
816.14.2.2 Electronics
The system shall be capable of sending data to the ATMS/ATMS Software which shall
the ATMS/ATMS Software to classify the vehicles, detect average speed per lane, "",lhk·116
occupancy and headway as a minimum. Data collection shall be by RS232, RS422 or K::;,4l:Sb
interface or IP connection. The system shall be capable of recording, for later analysis, on
individual vehicle basis, time/date, speed, direction. Number of axles, axle spacing, and
The system should be able to record and store vehicle data for a period of at least two WAAks
with daily traffic voumers of up to 10,000 vehicles.
The system should have the capability of data retrieval, direct data transfer through a
link to computer, Leased line/GSM/COMA.
816.14.2.8 Software
Software and manuals to analyze the data from output of vehicle counts, classification speeds
and headways shall be provided. Capability of graphic/tabular presentation of analyzed
shall also be offered.
T ..",f!';r' Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
This will be user programmable up to at least 12 speed and 15 vehicle class bins, of vehicles
operating in India (user specified). System capability in this regard may be indicated. Counter
shall also bin simultaneously in speed, axle and count or any combination of the three.
816.14.2.10 Capability
The system shall have capability of recording vehicle counting and classification, speed,
headway at set interval of 1-10 minutes.
816.15.1 General
The System shall be provided to monitor the movement of vehicles on the highway. System
configuration shall comprise video camera, video camera housing, pan and tilt heads, optical
transmission units for video and data (if required) and mounting poles at camera locations. The
Control centre configuration shall comprise monitors for individual cameras, matrix switcher,
multiplexer and digital video recorder with suitable interface forthe integrated highway package
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road AppurteMh6
and optical interface units to the backbone communication system wherever required (whet
the video and data cannot be transported from camera location to the Sub-centre on co-a
cable). The Video Camera location shall be easily identifiable. The Video Camera shall
of dome type to avoid pilferage, be resistant to vandalism and weather-proof. The mountt
and equipment housing shall be able to withstand adverse weather conditions and the Vi
Camera shall be capable of working satisfactorily under worst weather conditions. The Vi
Camera and associated units shall be water ingress and dust proof. The Video Cam
mounting shall have easy accessibility for maintenance purposes.
816.15.2.1 The Video Camera shall meet the following minimum technical
a) Image Sensor %" CCO with 22 x optical zoom
b) Active Pixels 752(H)x582(V)
c) Horizontal Resolution Minimum 470 lines
d) Sensitivity 0.02 lux @ 1/1.5 Second shutter speed
e) Focus Automatic (with manual
f) Signal to Noise >50 dB
g) AGC Automatic with manual override
h) White Balance Automatic with manual override
i) Auto Shutter Yes
j) Signal Format NTSC/PAL
Manual Speed
Pan 1/10° to 80 0/second (Variable)
Tilt 1/10° to 40 0/second (Variable)
Preset Speed
Pan 250 0/second
Tilt 200 0/second
Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
5.2.3 The dome drive shall have 40 presets with labels and shall have an accuracy
preset accuracy. It shall have built-in protection against power Line Surge and
;nh!nin,n and provision for Onscreen-compass and Tilt display, integral, auto sensing multi-
:lro'tociol receiver/drive and provision for Auto-flip dome rotation. There shall be programmable
stops for Auto/random/frame scan modes. The Video Camera shall be connected to
control centre/sub-centre through co-axial cable and data cable/optical fibre cable as
the site requirement and shall have remotely selectable operating modes and shall be
h",'r"l'tAri from the Cojitrol Centre. The video images from camera shall be transmitted in real
The video image shall be made available at the control centre without any distortion or
of information. The video camera system shall have the facility for zone blanking, auto
identi~ical:ion of zones when the pan movement of camera is active and infra-red compatibility
night operation.
6.1 The system shall be an intelligent image detection system using CCTV
The cameras shall have inbuilt intelligence to ascertain when the image has
meaningfully deviated from the Standard Image originally recorded. On sensing the incident,
system shall automatically start recording the image at the control centre.
a) Queue
b) Stop
c) Inverse direction
d) Speed drop
e) Fog/smoke
f) No video signal
g) Error
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Aopurtenancesi
816.17.1 General
Emergency Call Management system located at the Control Centre shall carry out
following functions:
Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
vi) The system shall generate a unique call number for each and every call
and allow the operator to provide annotation.
vii) There shall be one Emergency Call Manager's terminal easily
expandable to more operator stations by connecting more operator
viii) Holding of any call by the operator.
ix) Terminating any call by the operator.
x) Seamless configuration on addition/deletion of ECBs on the network.
xi) Database generation, display on the monitor and logging of all
parameters of call progress.
xii) Recording of communication between the operator and road users.
xiii) Audio visual alarm in case of vandalism.
xiv) Audio visual alert in case of operation by handicapped.
The ATMS software shall manage the following on a single server platform:
The system shall run on a powerful dual-processor server with RAID facilities to provide
continuity of hard disk storage. Storage capacity should be large ;and comfortably sufficient
to cater for the demands of a modern traffic management system. The system shall have
client-server architecture so that multiple users may access the system simultaneously.
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Aoourtenances
The System software shall run on industry standard Server platform incorporating oitl,or
MS Windows or Linux operating system in a client server mode. All the above subsystems
shall be displayed and managed by the Supervisor which will show the status of all
above SUbsystems simultaneously as graphic symbols/icons. The graphic operator ,nt"rt.,,'A
shall be menu driven for ease of operation. The operator shall be able to configure,
values, commands, perform database operations, reports, archive using these menus.
Integrated ATMS software shall monitor and record online all data from ATCC, Met SAn<:t1r",
VMS, Traffic control system, CCTV, VIDS and ECBs. It shall be possible to configure the
systems as well as add/delete components of the system such as ECB, VMS, MET <:on<",r
ATCC, VIDS, and CCTV in the ATMS software online seamlessly.
System Functions
i) It shall monitor and record online all data from Meteorological Data
System installed on the highway. The data shall be updated every five
li) It shall monitor and record online all data from the ATCC. The system
shall provide the user with the information/display of traffic flow
conditions on the MAP. The data shall be updated every one minute.
iii) It shall monitor health of the Emergency telephones on a continuous
iv) It shall monitor and control the variable message signs. The operator
shall be able to generate new messages for signs. The system shall
react intelligently and automatically to the highway conditions and set
up suitable messages on the VMS. It shall also be possible to schedule
the pre-defined messages to be displayed on the VMS. The display
period shall be operator selectable. The priorities of the messages shall
also be operator selectable.
v) The System software shall provide information regarding incidents
(VIDS) and store/archive them for future use.
vi) The system shall interface with intelligent traffic control systems for
traffic control and monitoring specially at interchanges and access
vii) The system shall interface to CCTV system to select cameras for
display and control of images.
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Aoourtenances
viii) The system shall process above referred data acquired through above
system for decision taking, display information on respective
monitors and central Large Display Board.
ix) Provide continuously clear and comprehensive displays and print log
x) Access to historical data files of ATMS.
Xi) Execution of operator commands with access code security.
xii) Generation of reports at specified times (operator selectable)
xiii) System timekeeping.
xiv) Connectivity and data transfer to other control centers if required.
The GUI for the system shall be map based and menu driven. The changes '''''''rY'''lnrl<:i
menu shall be simple to be executed by the operator. There shall be a screen depicting
map of the highway along with other equipment installed on the route. The highway map
be capable of displaying an overview level showing the whole area covered by the svstern
shall then be possible with no loss of definition, to zoom to a detailed map. It shall be possible
to display both static and dynamic data on the Map. Two level of mapping shall be supported
as a minimum:
1) Highway Overview.
2) Highway section wise detailed view.
Icons shall be placed on the map to identify different equipment types. Both shall
automatically tagged with grid reference data to allow them to appear in the correct rc,,,,m,''''
positions at both levels of map. Positioning the mouse pointer over an icon or poly-line
display the corresponding equipment status information.
For poly-lines representing route data, the user shall be able to configure a
thresholds for the different data types available. An example would be congestion for
where up to X% percentage thresholds can be defined. Each threshold shall be r"'r\r",'.",r.T~
by a distinct colour or changed shapes. The map shall use this scheme to display the
lines based on comparisons with the current real-time data.
The user shall have the ability to configure the map view to display the data layers of "
for example to show Met Sensor only or ATCC together with current incidents.
It shall be possible for the operator to place icons or "active" symbols on the
T.~,ffi" Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
Icons will be either active or non-active. Active icons will link to the associated system
and show their current status change of state (colour or flash) and by displaying detailed
information triggered user action.
The database used by the ATMS software shall be an industry standard database like
ORACLE, SOL, dbase etc. The system shall have facility to perform certain selected database
operations only by authorized users.
The presentation of data shall reflect the use of the system as a real time tool for the operator
to monitor and control the highway. It shall be possible to present current data (day) in
comparison with profile data or date comparison (same day last year). It shall be possible to
create predictive traffic data and trends. The data shall be stored in the system in a format
to present weekly and monthly average for congestion and summary flow for weeks and
months. The system shall store at least 12 months of data. Older data may be archived.
However, the system shall provide tools for the retrieval, manipulation and presentation of
data. Data store shall be clearly marked with an indicator to show day or period type e.g.
normal, holiday, weekly off; by reference to the system calendar. It shall be possible to export
data to an external system for further analysis. Transfer shall be available in .xls, csv or any
standard formats. It shall be possible to display data or combinations of data in graphical
manner and to print graphs, e.g., Graphs of current, profile, historic, and combinations for
a) Flow
b) Occupancy
c) Congestion
This facility shall allow the archiving of the database to a tape/External HD/DVD . The data
archived shall then be deleted from the database. Data may only be archived when it is more
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Acourtenances
than two years old. Only one archive request may be outstanding at a time. Once ",rr'hh,,,,rl
part or all of the data may be restored by copying from the tape back onto the system, Wh,p.rA
it remains for 30 days. Only one restore request may be outstanding at a time.
It shall be possible to define a series of notification levels which will raise an alarm when
disk space reaches a specified limit. This is used to alert an operator to the need to ::lrr,hi"'A
The system management procedures for producing daily and weekly back-ups shall not
any operator intervention.
816.17.7.4 Reports
The system shall have a time Table facility. The timetable shall allow commands by day of
week, time of day, day type. The system calendar shall allow days to be marked as nnrlm",'
holiday, weekly off, etc.
The system shall retain a log of all events, alarms, timetable actions, and operator
actions(together with operator username). In addition to system generated events
operators shall have facilities to enter events or incidents into the log. It shall be pO~'SIOle
search the log by time/date, event type, operator user name, strategy, location.
a) Record all important events that occur in the operation of the int.'nr",t",r!
highway management system, both manual and automatic View
manage the status of alarm events,
b) Collect and collate incident information from both manual and
Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
This facility shall provide the means to make user access to ATMS secure. Only the system
administrator(s) shall have access to this facility and will set up details for other users. Each
user shall have a username that needs to be configured so that it matches a PC log-in.
Hence logging on to the PC will automatically mean that access to ATMS is available for the
chosen users. Each user can also be configured to have access to none, some or all of the
ATMS facilities.
Fault and Alarm Monitoring (FAM ) for ATMS shall have following features:
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road
Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
The fault diagnostics system shall perform the following diagnostics features as a minimum.
When power is restored following a power failure to the system, the system shall perform all
necessary self-testing processes and then resume functioning fully in the same configuration
as before the shutdown. This shall be completed automatically within 5 minutes of power
The backbone communication system shall connect the sub-centers with the Control Centre.
The auxiliary Optical Fibre communication system shall provide connectivity for peripheral
systems like ATCC, CCTV, mobile radio, emergency call management system, VIDS, Traffic
Control System, Mobile Radio and LAN interface for Tolling Systems to the Control Centre.
There shall be a node for the backbone communication system at every sub-centre and the
Control Centre. The network management system (NMS) shall be located at main control
centre. It shall however be possible to connect the NMS at any sub-center location which
houses a communication node. The NMS shall be installed on a PC.
816.11.10.1 Functions
a) The device shall be used for monitoring the traffic through CCTVI
VIDS to display the ATMS Graphical User Interface (GUI). The large
display board shall be displayed on the wall of the Control Centre.
The Application software shall consist of a built-in module for display
b) It shall be possible to create customized data acquisition screen and
drag icons by simple click of the mouse.
c) It shall be possible to create backgrounds using scanned photographs,
maps, one-line diagrams, engineering drawings, etc., using popular
graphic or engineering applications.
d) It shall be possible to create new process diagrams that represent
various sections of the highway at different levels of levels of details
using the package.
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road
816.17.10.2 Equipment
The Large Display Board shall be highly reliable for installation and round the clock onl~r~lti{)ri
in the Control Centre. The Display Board shall be driven by the Central Computer using
main console. The design of the Display Board system shall be modular and expandable:
The Display Board shall use high gain trans-reflective LCDs for ambient indoors. The Ko~rrt
shall meet the following specifications:
816.11.11.1 Functions
The uninterrupted power supply shall be installed at the Control Centre for providing
uninterrupted power supply to all the operational Equipment at the centre. The uninterrupted
power supply shall be capable of providing full load for the operational equipment for
minimum period of 60 minutes. The Control Centre shall be powered from 230V AC from
State Electricity Board (SEB) supply. Any loss of AC power to the Control Centre from
SEB shall not cause loss of any data on the computers or any resetting of system n~r'~rrlAt,"r",
The following requirements wiU be met:
Tr~,ffit' Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800
Four extra LED indications shall be available with automatic bi-directional static swith for
i) By pass OK
ii) Load on inverter
iii) Load on By Pass
iv) By Pass frequency out of range
v) Metering for voltage, frequency and current
vi) Battery capacity required for minimum t-nour back up at full load.
816.18 Warranty
The Contractor/Supplier of the Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) shall furnish
the Warranty/Guarantee for successful commissioning and operation of ATMS for a minlmum
Section 800 Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road J-\uuurleriance~
period of 5 years. He shall also furnish the certificate that there is no proprietary item
that the Systems shall be interoperable. All components and equipments shall be tested
commissioning. The documents with regard to design, technical details, installation deltail:
testing and commissioning, details of fault diagnostics, operation and maintenance
and reports shall be submitted to the Engineer by the Contractor/Supplier.
816.19 Payment
The payment shall be made for design, configuration, installation and commissioning
ATMS, as complete job on the identified stretch of highway, as specified in the Contract or
per directions of the Engineer.