Cis 4752
Cis 4752
Cis 4752
In Ecclesia in America Pope John Paul II noted that “Throughout the continent,
from the time of the first evangelization, the presence of the Mother of God has
been strongly felt, thanks to the efforts of the missionaries. In their preaching,
‘the Gospel was proclaimed by presenting the Virgin Mary as its highest realization.
From the beginning — invoked as Our Lady of Guadalupe — Mary, by her moth-
erly and merciful figure, was a great sign of the closeness of the Father and of
Jesus Christ, with whom she invites us to enter into communion. ...America,
which historically has been, and still is, a melting-pot of peoples, has recognized
in the mestiza face of the Virgin of Tepeyac, ‘in Blessed Mary of Guadalupe, an
impressive example of a perfectly inculturated evangelization.’ Consequently, not
only in Central and South America, but in North America as well, the Virgin of
Guadalupe is venerated as Queen of all America.”
He also wrote, “the renewal of the Church in America will not be possible
without the active presence of the laity. Therefore, they are largely responsible for
the future of the Church.”
The question is what can Catholics, all the baptized – lay and clergy alike –
do to advance the promise of Ecclesia in America—a promise based upon the
reality that our unity in the sacramental life of the Church transcends every
All of us in the Americas can claim Our Lady Guadalupe as our mother. More
of us in this hemisphere, than anywhere else on earth, can claim the common
bond of Catholic faith.
Seeking to further forge that bond of spiritual unity, and united under the
mantle and message of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Knights of Columbus has
been active in the United States since 1882, in Canada since 1897, in Mexico
since 1905, in Cuba and Panama since 1909, in Puerto Rico since 1911, in
Guatemala since 1967 and in the Dominican Republic since 1979. The fraternal
charity of the Knights has fostered cooperation among Catholics throughout the
hemisphere for more than a century. That cooperation has taken many different
forms and increasing such cooperation is a high priority of the Knights of
Columbus, as it should be for other Catholic organizations in the United States.
We invite you to join the largest lay Catholic organization in the world,
which offers to families the opportunity to live their vocation to holiness. We are
committed to spread Our Lady’s message which guides us always closer to her
Son, Jesus Christ.
The Woman Who Changed
the Face of a Hemisphere
Msgr. Eduardo Chávez, Ph.D.
The well-remembered Servant of God, John Paul II, declared: “The appearance
of Mary to the native Juan Diego on the hill of Tepeyac in 1531 had a decisive
effect on evangelization. Its influence greatly overflows the boundaries of
Mexico, spreading throughout the whole Continent.”1 Moreover, the Holy Father
proclaimed very explicitly: “America, which historically has been, and still is, a
melting-pot of peoples, has
recognized in the mestiza
face of the Virgin of
Tepeyac, […] in Blessed
Mary of Guadalupe , […]
an impressive example of a
perfectly inculturated
Consequently, not only in
Central and South
America, but in North
America as well, the Virgin Pope Benedict XVI before a statue of St. Juan Diego, who is showing his
of Guadalupe is venerated “tilma” with the image of the Virgin to Bishop Juan de Zumárraga.
as Queen of all America.” 2
What did John Paul II see that made him proclaim the liturgical feast of Our
Lady of Guadalupe for the entire American continent? What is it in this devotion
that prompted Pope Benedict XVI, a few short days after he started his pontificate,
to explicitly affirm before the Virgin of Guadalupe of Tepeyac: “We entrust our
lives in your hands?” Why is this devotion loved in such evident ways by all
Popes, and why is it that since 1573 until today, indulgences, privileges and
blessings have been granted to the humble shrine in Tepeyac? And why do
millions of people, not only from Mexico, but from everywhere, find in her a
message that is explicitly personal, that touches their hearts, converts them and
JOHN PAUL II, Ecclesia in America, México, January 22th, 1999 (Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1999) 20.
The Holy Father quotes literally the IV Conferencia General del Episcopado Latinoamericano. Santo Domingo a 12
de octubre de 1992, 24. Look also in AAS, 85 (1993) p. 826.
JOHN PAUL II, Ecclesia in America, (Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1999) 20.
rekindles their faith, fills them with hope, and makes them fall in love with the
immense love of God?
God intervenes by means of his own Mother, Our Lady of Guadalupe, who
is sent by the Father, through the Holy Spirit, to manifest her Son, Jesus Christ,
and to allow every human being to become a participating part of Him. She is the
first disciple and missionary who manifests and delivers to us the message of
salvation. At the same time, she forms disciples and missionaries who can bear
witness, at the expense of their own lives, to their
immense joy upon encountering the love of Jesus
Christ through his Mother and our Mother.
The defeat experienced in the Conquista was not only a military one. It also
resulted in an economic depression and a moral, spiritual, cultural and religious
collapse. It was a clear desertion of those gods in whom all the natives had
believed and to whom they had given the hearts and the blood of their children.
For what purpose? For nothing, absolutely for nothing! An empire was dying.
The crying expands, the tears drop there in the
The Mexicans have already left by way of the
They look like women; the escape is general
Where are we going? Oh my friends! Was it true?
Mexico City is being abandoned. The conquest of Tenochtitlan
The smoke is rising; the fog is expanding
[…] Cry my friends
Understand that because of these events
We have lost the Mexican nation
The water and the food have turned sour
This is what the Giver of life in Tlatelolco has done…
Fray Gerónimo de Mendieta wrote about the missionaries’ concern, from the
beginning of the evangelization, with being able to detach the natives from their
gods. The missionaries kept trying in a thousand different ways to make them-
selves understood, but “…neither the Indians understood what was being said in
Latin nor could their idolatry be stopped, and the priests could not
admonish them or implement ways to stop them because they did not know
their language. And they felt distraught and afflicted because of this.”5
Undoubtedly, they were worried. How can you evangelize millions of natives
while involved in a dramatic conquest with only a few missionaries, who at that
time amounted to no more than thirty? Moreover, their potential converts were
decimated by a terrible disease, smallpox, which broke out shortly after the
Cfr. FRAY GERÓNIMO DE MENDIETA. Historia Eclesiástica Indiana (México: Porrúa (Col. Biblioteca Porrúa
N° 46, 1980). Also: FRAY TORIBIO MOTOLINIA, Historia de los Indios de la Nueva España (México: Porrúa (Col.
“Sepan cuantos...” N° 129), 1973). Also: FRAY BERNARDINO DE SAHAGÚN, Historia General de las Cosas de la
Nueva España (México5: Porrúa (Col. “Sepan cuantos...” N° 300, 1982).
FRAY GERÓNIMO DE MENDIETA, Historia Eclesiástica, p. 219.
arrival of the Europeans and killed half of the
indigenous population, while the these same people
were also experiencing a dramatic trauma because of
the death of their gods.
After much patience, Juan Diego found himself before the bishop to give him
the sign. For the Indian, the contents of his tilma was very eloquent because,
St. Juan Diego’s “tilma” showing the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe.
according to the native understanding, the truth is “flor y canto” (flower and
song). He was bringing flowers from that place, the Tepeyac, where he heard the
marvelous bird songs. The Indian was delivering the truth in his tilma, much to
everybody’s surprise. When Juan Diego opened his tilma with the flowers, at that
moment, the beautiful image of Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared on it. It was a
surprise for the bishop and for all those who were there observing the
development of this wonder. It was a surprise for Juan Diego, because the printed
image of the Virgin of Guadalupe in his tilma meant that he himself, the humble
and simple Indian, had turned into the sign itself. It was his tilma and now he
himself, his total person, was in the hands of the bishop, head of his Church. His
very person was turning into the sign of the divine presence in the hands of the
This event spoke of the immense love of God and let both the Spaniards and
the Indians know how they could come to understand the real truth of the One
for whom we live, the Giver of life, the Owner of the heavens and earth who
came to save the human being from sin and death, from desperation and hate,
from violence and injustice.
The image on the tilma shows the Virgin Mother as a mestiza (a woman of
mixed race), wrapped in the sun with the moon at her feet, her robe studded with
stars. Her message and will is the spreading of the love of God and that is why
she asked for a temple, to offer His love to persons of every lineage who trust in
the Spaniards were concerned, the rate of their conversion was astounding. There
are many documents that describe how the enormous devotion of the missionaries
prompted the Indians to come en masse to see the blessed image.
Although almost five centuries have gone by since the Guadalupan Event,
today it is revealed to us as something marvelously new. The message of
Guadalupe is perfectly adequate to meet the needs of our times and the search for
peace, so that all men can better themselves in harmony, sharing the wealth of
the cultures of their ancestors.
Franciscans preaching the Gospel and baptizing. Eight years after the
apparition of the Virgin of Guadalupe, 9 million Indians had converted
to Catholicism.
FRAY GERÓNIMO DE MENDIETA, Historia Eclesiástica, p. 276.
Prayer to the Virgin of Guadalupe
Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe, Mother of the true God for whom we live, bearer
of Jesus Christ who gives us His Spirit and gives life to the Church,
We thank you because you are our loving and compassionate Mother; because you
hear our weeping, our sorrow; because you are the remedy and the cure for our
grief, our misery and our pain.
Thank you, Mother, for placing us in your heart, for allowing us to be under your
shadow and your protection, for being the source of our joy and for keeping us in
the hollow of your robe and the crossing of your arms.
Thank you, Our Mother, because we have learned this message through your
humble son St. Juan Diego and through his intercession we ask that you fortify us
in Peace, in Unity and in Love.
“Faith is a gift of God which enables us to know and love
Him. Faith is a way of knowing, just as reason is. But living
in faith is not possible unless there is action on our part.
Through the help of the Holy Spirit, we are able to make a
decision to respond to divine Revelation, and to follow
through in living out our response.”
– United States Catholic Catechism for Adults, 38.
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True Catholic Information. Not Mere Opinions.
In the case of coming generations, the lay faithful must offer the very
valuable contribution, more necessary than ever, of a systematic work
in catechesis. The Synod Fathers have gratefully taken note of the
work of catechists, acknowledging that they “have a task that carries
great importance in animating ecclesial communities.” It goes without
saying that Christian parents are the primary and irreplaceable
catechists of their children…; however, we all ought to be aware of the
“rights” that each baptized person has to being instructed, educated
and supported in the faith and the Christian life.
Pope John Paul II, Christifideles Laici 34
Apostolic Exhortation on the Vocation and Mission
of the Lay Faithful in the Church and the World