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Laboratory Training
and Fluid QA/QC
Version 1.0
JET Manual 38 WPS-Basic Laboratory Training and Fluid QA/QC
InTouch Content ID# 4298920
Version: 1.0
Release Date: June 05, 2007
Owner: Well Services Training & Development, IPC
Schlumberger private
Document Control
Revision History
Rev Effective Date Description Prepared by
Other company, product, and service names are the properties of their respective owners.
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction 5
1.1 Learning objectives 5
2.0 Safety Considerations 7
2.1 Personal protective equipment (PPE) 7
2.2 Emergency equipment 7
2.3 Chemical spills 8
2.4 Key Service Quality Requirements (KSQR) 8
3.0 Laboratory Truck and Technician 11
4.0 QA on Location 13
4.1 Water tests 13
4.1.1 Iron concentration test 13
4.1.2 Bicarbonate concentration 14
4.2 Gel tests 14
4.3 Other QA tasks while pumping 15
5.0 Typical Laboratory Tests 17
5.1 Water analysis 17
5.1.1 pH, specific gravity, and turbidity 17
5.1.2 Alkalinity (indicator method) 20
5.1.3 Chloride 21
5.1.4 Calcium and magnesium 21
5.1.5 Sulphate, barium, iron, and potassium 23
5.1.6 Sodium (calculation method) 24
5.2 Linear fluid viscosity 25
5.2.1 Water-base fluid linear gel viscosity 25
5.3 Vortex closure 26
5.4 Fracturing fluid crosslink delay 27
5.5 Static gel break test 28
5.6 HPHT gel rheology 30
5.7 Fracturing sand sieve analysis 31
5.7.1 Sampling techniques 32
5.7.2 Sand sieve analysis (modified API method) 32
5.8 Proppant turbidity test 33
5.9 Silt turbidity test 34
iv | Copyright
1.0 Introduction
6 | Introduction
2.0 Safety Considerations
8 | Safety Considerations
• Line management conducts with the JS
a job brief/review/discussion that includes
discussion/completion of:
○ SQ risk assessment
○ job design and procedure
○ job sheet with relevant well information.
Responsible: LM
10 | Safety Considerations
3.0 Laboratory Truck and Technician
A laboratory truck (Fig. 3-1) or similar dedicated laboratory unit, equipped with basic fluid quality
testing tools (Fig. 3-2) must be present at the job site during a fracture treatment.
Reagents Stopwatch
Bacteria Conductivity meter Emulsion Variable
luminometer Remote laser thermometer stability speed
Dry probe pH meter meter mixer
4.1 Water tests STEP 04 Fill the other color viewing tube
with an untreated water sample. Place it in the
Tests must be performed on the mix water for
left top opening of the color comparator.
• temperature
• pH
STEP 05 Hold the comparator up to a light
source and view through the openings in front.
• specific gravity–hydrometer method Rotate the disc to obtain a color match. Read
the mg/L iron (Fe) concentration through the
• iron concentration
scale window.
• bicarbonate concentration.
You will need a sample of water from each STEP 06 If the concentration is greater than
tank (3 to 5 L). At least 1 L of water should be 10 mg/L, perform another test with a diluted
reserved in case additional testing is necessary sample as follows:
in the district laboratory after the fracture, such
as in the case of a screenout. 1. Use a 1-mL sample of water to be
tested and 4 mL of distilled water.
Test the water parameters to ensure that they
are within the range of acceptable values for 2. Follow the procedure in Steps 1 through
the fluid pumped. 5, but multiply the results by 5.
STEP 04 Reset the counter to zero and STEP 05 Measure and record the time it
wipe the tip. takes for the fluid to have a vortex closure in the
mixer and the time it takes for the fluid to have
a good hang lip (crosslink).
STEP 05 Add the contents of one
Bromocerol green-methyl red indicator powder
packet to the glass beaker and swirl to mix. STEP 06 Test and record the pH of the
crosslinked fluid.
STEP 06 Titrate with sulfuric acid to a
light pink color. As the titration progresses, the STEP 07 Borate fluid systems only: Perform
colors will change from light greenish blue-gray a shear test of the fluid by submitting it to high
to light pink. speeds in the mixer and ensuring that the fluid
will heal itself after shear.
STEP 07 Record the value shown on the
digital titrator as the total bicarbonate (the units STEP 08 Perform a breaker test
are in mg/L as CaCO3). at bottomhole temperature (BHT). Use
concentrations dictated by the latest laboratory
report to add the correct amount of breaker to a
4.2 Gel tests beaker of crosslinked gel. Place the sample into
The linear gel must be tested before beginning a water bath at bottomhole temperature. Test
the job. A linear gel sample prepared with and record the time until the gel starts to break.
the actual water and chemical samples on
location must be mixed and analyzed before
job fluid mixing commences. Use the procedure
detailed in Section 6-1, check the viscosity of
the gel using the Fann 35-type viscometer and
compare the tested viscosity and temperature
with the expected ranges. When this sample
meets the specification, begin initial mixing
14 | QA on Location
4.3 Other QA tasks while pumping
The following are common QA tasks while
16 | QA on Location
5.0 Typical Laboratory Tests
STEP 04 The value for specific gravity
should be corrected for temperature by using
• The closer the pH is to 8.0, the the temperature correction table (rule of thumb:
slower the gel will hydrate. Add 0.0002 to the SG for every degree above
60 deg).
• If the pH is close to or equal to
8.0, it is recommended to buffer HCl strength can also be determined from its
with acid. specific gravity and compared to the chart in
the acid strength chart found in the Field Data
• If the pH is above 8.0, the water Handbook.
must be buffered.
Use this equation to relate API gravity to
• If buffering the tank, add
specific gravity:
1 galUS 36% HCl per
20,000 galUS and check the
pH. If the pH is at or above 7.5, SG=
131.5 + API
add HCl by the quart until the
pH is below 7.5.
141.5 – 131.5(SG)
STEP 05 Weigh the bottle containing the STEP 05 Press ZERO to zero the machine.
water sample and record the weight as W3.
STEP 06 Place the sample cell with the
STEP 06 Clean everything you used for this sample water into the holder and close the
test with DI water. shield. Turbidity
Make sure to use unfiltered water for this test.
Bicarbonates are very important for fracture STEP 03 Titrate with 0.1N HCl or 0.0164 N
fluid quality control. Fracturing fluids require HCl to the purple endpoint.
various bicarbonate concentrations depending
on the specific fluid. High bicarbonate
concentrations will tend to slow gel hydration
STEP 04 Calculate the bicarbonates
and delay fluid crosslink. If high bicarbonate
concentrations are encountered, the fluid may • For 0.1N HCl, bicarbonates (mg/L)
be treated with calcium chloride (S1), which = mL of 0.1N HCl x 122
will create calcium and bicarbonate bonding.
The calcium bicarbonate will precipitate, • for 0.0164N HCl, bicarbonates (mg/L)
thereby reducing the dissolved bicarbonate = mL of 0.0164N HCl x 20
concentration. The precipitate will not interfere
with the fluid. Note:
These equations are valid only for
The other reason to determine the bicarbonate
50-mL samples.
concentration is to identify the water source.
High bicarbonate concentrations may be
characterized by a high pH or be an indication
of carbonates present in the water. STEP 05 If the sample did turn pink after
Step 01, titrate with 0.1 N HCl until the pink
Most formations do not contain carbonates color disappears. The amount of 0.1N HCl used
or hydroxides. If a water sample contains will be P in the calculations.
carbonates and/or hydroxide, it may be a clue
to a problem in the customer’s well, possibly STEP 06 Add 3 drops of methyl purple.
indicating the presence of some drilling mud
STEP 07 If sample turns green, titrate with
Most oilfield waters contain only bicarbonates, 0.1 N HCl to the purple endpoint. The total
but occasionally carbonate and/or hydroxide will amount of 0.1 N HCl used in both titrations will
be present. be T in the calculations.
Follow this procedure to test the alkalinity. Use STEP 08 Perform the calculations indicated
a 50-mL sample regardless of the specific in Table 5-1.
Table 5-1. Alkalinity Indicators
5.1.3 Chloride
For concentrations of silver nitrate other than
Most fracture fluids today contain 2% KCl. The
0.1N, use this calculation:
chloride content of a 2% potassium chloride
solution should be approximately 9,600 mg/L.
The chloride test can also be used to determine (mL of silver nitrate)(normality of silver nitrate)(35,500)
if a sample is spent acid. The characteristics of sample size
spent acid are a high chloride content and a pH
of approximately 3.0 to 6.0.
Table 5-3. Amount of Sample vs. Specific Gravity The following standard titration method
requires that calcium be determined before
Specific Gravity Amount of Sample
the calculating the magnesium concentration.
1.000 to 1.003 50 mL Subtract the calcium concentration from the
total hardness and assume the remaining
1.003 to 1.020 10 mL hardness is due to magnesium.
1.020 and over 1 mL
Follow this procedure:
STEP 02 Dilute the sample (if less than STEP 01 Determine correct sample size.
50 mL) to 50 mL with distilled water.
STEP 02 Dilute to 50 mL with distilled
STEP 03 Add 3 to 4 drops NH4OH. water.
For EDTA other than 0.025 M, calculate STEP 05 Pour 25 mL of sample into the
sample cell.
[(mL of 0.025 MEDTA for Mg) – (mL of EDTA for CA)](molarity EDTA)(24,340)
sample size STEP 06 Add the contents of appropriate
reagent powder pillow to the sample cell (the
prepared sample). Swirl to dissolve.
• FeroVer® Iron Reagent Powder Pillow, for STEP 12 Record the reading.
• potassium I/II/III reagent, for K+
• water sample. Iron (HACH method) STEP 05 Remove the VACUette from the
dilutor snapper cup. Mix the contents of the
When high iron is encountered in fracture fluid VACUette by inverting it several times, allowing
mix water, breaker J218 (ammonium persulfate) the bubble to travel from end to end each time.
will have an accelerated effect. In high iron
environments, J218 may cause premature
breaking of the fracture fluid.
STEP 06 After 1 min, use the appropriate
comparator to determine the level of iron in the
In addition, high iron content will interfere with
the crosslinking of the fracture fluid, resulting in
poor crosslink integrity. 5.1.6 Sodium (calculation method)
To determine the sodium content of the water
The maximum iron concentration for fracturing
using the results of the tests described in
water ranges from 8 to 25 ppm, depending on
Sections 5.1.1 through 5.1.5, use this equation:
the fluid.
• mg/L of Na+
You will need a CHEMetrics kit.
= 23 × (A/35.5 + B/61 + C/60 + D/17
Follow this procedure to determine the iron – E/56 – F/137 – G/24 – H/40 –I/39)
content. where
• A = chloride (mg/L)
STEP 01 Fill the dilutor snapper cup to the
25 mL mark with iron-free water. • B = bicarbonate (mg/L)
• C = mg/L of carbonate (mg/L)
STEP 02 Fill the microtest tube halfway with
• D = mg/L of OH- (mg/L)
your sample.
• E = mg/L of iron (mg/L)
STEP 03 Holding the VACUette almost • F = mg/L of barium (mg/L)
horizontally, touch the tip to the contents of
the micro test tube. The tip fills completely by • G = mg/L of Mg2+ (mg/L)
capillary action. • H = mg/L of Ca2+ (mg/L)
• I = mg/L of K+ (mg/L).
STEP 04 Completely immerse the
VACUette tip into the contents of the dilutor
snapper cup. Snap the tip of the ampule and
wait until the VACUette fills up. The sample
• Fann 35 viscometer with appropriate STEP 07 Let the dial come to a steady
parameters (speed factor, R-B factor and reading and record the reading.
spring factor)
• rotor and bob
STEP 08 Measure and record the fluid
• Fann 35 sample cup
• fracturing fluid
• thermometer
STEP 03 Crosslink the gel according to fluid Follow these test procedures for
preparation procedures that are published for temperatures greater than 100 degC, using
that particular gel. a HPHT fluid loss cell.
STEP 07 Start the timer when temperature STEP 04 Preheat the heating jacket to the
reaches the indicated bottomhole temperature required bottomhole static temperature (BHST).
STEP 08 Visually observe the viscosity of STEP 01 Power on the viscometer and its
the fluid by cooling down the cell and taking out computer.
the bottle at the expected breaking time. Using
your laboratory experience, determine whether STEP 02 Supply water and N2 (usually at
it has broken or not. If it doesn’t break, you will 450 psi, or 800 psi for Encap-breaker) after the
have to repeat the test with more breaker. machine is calibrated properly.
STEP 09 Take off the cover of the oil bath STEP 18 Dissemble the rotor cup and
and close the glass door. bob gently and clean them up using the
recommended cleaner.
STEP 10 Go to the Operating Menu, and
then Custom (or API). The API ramp should be STEP 19 Turn on the nitrogen to 10 to
one of the following: 20 psi to get all excess water or gel residue out
of the expansion fitting.
• 118 rpm (100 sec-1)
• 88.5 rpm (75 sec-1) STEP 20 Spray some WD40 on the shaft
• 59 rpm (50 sec-1) to lubricate the bearing. Use a paper towel to
wipe the moisture and gel off the shaft very
• 29.5 rpm (25 sec-1) gently (do not press against the shaft). Clean
• 59 rpm (50 sec-1) everything used and cover the oil bath.
STEP 16 Click on the file on the top of Figure 5-3. ASTM Standard Sieves and
Endecotts Sieve Shaker
screen and find the reprint report. Click it to
print out the report manually.
STEP 09 A minimum of 90 wt% of the STEP 04 Shake the bottle vigorously for
tested sample should fall within the designated 20 sec.
sieve sizes. Not more than 1.0 wt% of the total
tested sand sample should be larger than the STEP 05 In a well-lit area, hold the bottle
largest sieve size and not more than 1 wt% at arms’ length with the flat side away from
should be smaller than the smallest sieve size. yourself.
STEP 02 Switch on the optical microscope. STEP 04 Place the mixture in a water bath
Refer to the SEM analysis for ESEM startup at 150 degF for 30 min.
STEP 03 Adjust the magnification until a STEP 05 After 30 min, remove the mixture
clear picture of proppant particles shows up. from the bath and mix for 30 sec more. Stop
blender and allow proppant to settle to bottom
STEP 04 Compare the shape of the of container.
particles visually with the standard chart (see
API RP56, p. 7) and determine the sphericity STEP 06 Transfer 250 mL of fluid (without
and roundness of each particle. proppant) Note:
to a clean blender.
STEP 05 Record the average of the above Allow fluid to cool before
reading as the sphericity and roundness of the continuing.
proppant sample.
Laboratory testing is performed to determine STEP 08 Add crosslinker and perform the
the compatibility of RCP with fracturing fluids. bench top and rheology tests described here,
or use the Fracturing Materials Manual. Follow
You will need the following items:
relevant quality control standard procedures.
• pH meter
STEP 09 Compare fluid properties
• water bath and rheology profile with that of a fluid not
• Waring blender exposed to RCP. Viscosities measured on
• linear gel sample a Fann 50-type rheometer should be similar
for fluids prepared with and without RCP
• all additives exposure (typically within 100 cp for same test
• RCP sample conditions).
To prepare YF1xxHTD, you will need the Prepare the YF1xxHTD according to the
following items: following procedure.
• YF800LPH (pH 4 to 5) for temperatures STEP 02 Leaving the blender on, add 10 g
from 100 degF to 250 degF [38 degC to of KCl and 0.027 g of M275 into the mixing cup.
121 degC]
• YF800HT (pH 9 to 9.5) for temperatures STEP 03 Measure 5.05 mL of polymer
from 275 degF to 350 degF [135 degC to slurry (J916) and add slowly into the cup.
177 degC]. Control the stir rate to allow the polymer to
To prepare YF800HT, you will need the
following equipment and materials:
STEP 04 Add L401 while checking the pH
• Waring blender equipped with variable of the fluid until the pH is 7.0. Record the pH.
• jar STEP 05 Increase the stir rate to obtain
faster hydration and hydrate for 30 min.
• graduated cylinder and syringes
• pH meter STEP 06 Check the fluid viscosity to see
• thermometer if it is in the specified range. Record the linear
viscosity against FMM spec, the pH (6.9 to 7.1),
• Fann 35-type spectrophotometer. and the temperature.
The following additives are often used in a
typical YF845HT (concentration amount for STEP 07 While the gel is hydrating, weigh
500 mL). Check that these or any others 0.6 g of J353 and 0.6 g of J464. Dissolve each
indicated are in stock. using approximately 2 mL of water, in separate
• M117 potasium chloride 166 lbm/Mgal: 10 g
• M275 microbiocide 0.45 lbm/Mgal: 0.027 g
• F103 surfactant 1 galUS/Mgal: 0.5 mL Note:
The J464 solution will be used later
• J916 gelling agent 10.1 galUS/Mgal: in this procedure.
5.05 mL
• L401 buffer: adjust to pH 6.5–7.0
• J353 HT gel stabilizer 10 lbm/Mgal: 0.6 g STEP 08 After the gel hydrates to meet the
specification, add the J353 solution and then
• J464 activator 10 lbm/Mgal: 0.6 g 0.5 mL of F103 surfactant into the linear gel, in
• M2 (2%) activator 10 galUS/Mgal: 5 mL that order. Stir the gel for approximately 2 min,
and then check the pH again.
• J450 stabilizer 1 galUS/Mgal: 0.5 mL
• J515 crosslinker 0.7 galUS/Mgal: 0.35 mL
• Waring blender
• blender cup
• graduated cylinders
STEP 04 Measure polymer slurry and add STEP 05 Split the prepared mixture into two
slowly into the mixing cup. Control the stir rate equal parts. You will use one part to perform
to allow the polymer to disperse. Check the pH the crosslinking test and the other part to
of the fluid while adding J488 until the fluid pH perform the Fann 50 test.
is less than 7.0; record the pH and the amount
of J488 needed to reach this pH. STEP 06 Start the Fann 50 test as soon
as possible after mixing the fluid. The time
STEP 05 Increase the stir rate to hydrate between the end of mixing the fluid and
the gel faster, and hydrate for about 10 to beginning the Fann 50 test should not be more
15 min. than 5 min.
STEP 09 Write down the fluid temperature STEP 09 Put approximately 35 mL of the
when there is a noticeable resistance to the fluid into a beaker and add the required breaker
thermometer moving into/out of the fluid (100% to perform the Fann 50 tests.
crosslinked). This temperature should be less
than 120 degF for better fluid stability. STEP 10 Increase the amount of proppant
added for the FracCADE design to check all
loadings (for example, 2 ppa, 4 ppa, 6 ppa,
6.8.2 RCP/PrimeFRAC compatibility 8 ppa, 10 ppa, and 12 ppa). Repeat Steps 01
To determine the compatibility between the through 09 to obtain a detailed relationship
PrimeFRAC solution and the RCP, follow this between the RCP loading and the gel
procedure. crosslinking/gel stability.
STEP 01 Fill the blender cup with 250 mL of 6.8.3 QA/QC for J464L, J494L, and J513
the prepared linear PrimeFRAC gel.
Follow these procedures to check the quality of
the J464L, J494L, and J513 PrimeFrac fluids.
STEP 02 Add required amount of J464L For all these fluids, you will need the following
and J494L, mix at low speed. equipment and materials:
STEP 05 The fluid is acceptable if the within STEP 03 Prepare a standard curve of
±10% of specification. conductivity vs. temperature for various J513
STEP 06 Adjust field J464L rate based on
above results. STEP 04 Measure the conductivity of the
field-prepared J513 solution. J494L
STEP 05 Determine the volume % of J513
To verify the quality of J494 at 1 lbm/galUS, for the field-prepared J513 solution from the
follow this procedure. standard curve (additional check on SG should
be completed to verify the field sample)
STEP 01 Dilute 1 mL of J494L sample to
approximately 50 mL of DI water. STEP 06 Calculate the concentration of
J513 in the field sample. It is acceptable if
STEP 02 Add 4 drops of phenolphthalein within ±10% of specification.
indicator and shake until homogeneous (turns
The volume % J513 determined in
STEP 03 Titrate with 0.1N HCl standard
Step 06 = galUS J513/galUS of the
solution until fluid color changes from pink to
field sample.
colorless (endpoint, about 5.6 mL).
STEP 06 When you obtain a stable oil- STEP 02 Test the fluid temperature.
external emulsion, check the rheology using
the Fann 35 with the Hestolloy bob/sleeve STEP 03 If the fluid temperature is less than
combinations. 150 degF, add 20 g of KCl and dissolve it. If the
fluid temperature is greater than 150 degF, add
0.3 g of J463 and dissolve it.
6.10 ClearFRAC J508W
ClearFRAC* fracturing fluids are water-base
systems comprising a viscoelastic surfactant
STEP 04 Create a vortex to the tip of
the stirrer. Slowly add J508 into the mixture.
(J508W) and a brine. Full fluid viscosity is The amount of J508 used will depend on the
achieved once the surfactant is completely desired viscosity.
dispersed in the brine. Viscosity develops
rapidly without shear degradation. ClearFRAC
fluids can be batch mixed or continuous mixed. STEP 05 Stir the mixture until the vortex
Maximum fluid temperature is 240 degF. closes.
To prepare a ClearFRAC solution, you will need STEP 06 Place the mixture into the water
the following equipment and materials. bath at 70 to 80 degC to get the foam out. The
fluid should become clear.
• Waring blender equipped with variable
transformer STEP 07 Check the fluid temperature and
• blender jar pH.
• graduated cylinder and syringes
STEP 08 Check the fluid viscosity to see if
• timer it is in the specified range.
• pH meter
Heat and odor will be released. It
is strongly recommended that this
procedure be performed in a fume
To mixing intensified acid, you will need the • half-strength clay acid
following equipment and materials: • half-strength clay acid LT.
• plastic beaker large enough to hold the Clay acids are the only acid formulations that
acid, inhibitor, and Y001 require shut-in time. One reason is that they
slowly release HF, limiting the amount of HF
7.4 Mud acid
To prepare clay acid properly, the
additives must be added in the Mud acid is a mixture of inhibited HCl acid
order listed in the table (from top to and hydrofluoric acid. Mud acid can not
bottom); otherwise, a precipitate will only dissolve the minerals that HCl acid can
form. dissolve, but it can also dissolve siliceous
minerals presented in most sandstone
Y006 and L010 have the same Note:
composition and can directly Calcium, magnesium, sodium, and
replace each other. potassium brines can react with HF
acid to form insoluble precipitates.
Do not use any of these for mixing
the solution.
Y001 5% 2%
>300F - *
<300F, silt/ * -
>5% zeolite - *
<5% zeolite * -
>5% chlorite - *
<5% chlorite * -
* Fluid applicable under this condition
- Fluid not applicable under these conditions
All fluids used in fracturing treatments must be you should have one proppant sample for
tested to ensure quality and conformance with every 50,000 lbm of proppant.
the design requirements. The following sections
• Check field additives for pH, appearance,
describe QA/QC procedures for these tests.
and odor. pH paper may be used for
additives, but if a problem is observed,
8.1 Fracture fluid QA/QC double check the additive with the pH
The following tests are required:
• Prepare a base gel for each fracture tank
• Perform API water analysis on all location and check (i.e., if there are six tanks, then
water samples. Analysis will include pH and six linear gel tests must be performed).
chloride, carbonate, bicarbonate, and iron The base gel viscosity must fall within the
concentrations. acceptable range before ANY rheological
characteristics are measured. Fluid pH will
• Perform silicate analysis for all also be checked with a pH probe to ensure
PrimeFRAC, YF800HT, and YF800LpH the proper pH range (6.0 to 8.0) for polymer
fluids. Silicates should be less than hydration.
25 ppm.
• Verify crosslinked gel properties (pH
• Perform bacteria analysis upon measured using a pH probe, initial crosslink
request. Bacteria should be less than temperature, and gel lip test) for each
3,000,000 per L. fracture tank before measuring rheological
• Test all concentrated KCl tanks for total properties. The initial crosslink temperature
hardness. Total hardness should be less should be within 2 degF of the requested
than 400 ppm. value.
• Test all unfamiliar water sources (e.g., pond • Evaluate the crosslinked gel viscosity using
or lake water) and low polymer systems composite water samples and a Fann 50-
(e.g., PrimeFRAC) for total hardness. Total type rheometer at 100 sec-1.
hardness should be less than 400 ppm.
• Total hardness strips can be used to Note:
analyze the hardness of water. If the total If there are fewer water samples
hardness strips indicate values of 425 or than requested Fann tests, then do
greater, use the Hach kit for more accurate not use composite samples.
determination. The strips are not reliable for
high concentrations.
• Perform sand sieve analysis on all • Composite samples are to be prepared
proppant samples. Of the proppant, 90% using no more than three water samples for
must fall within the screen size specified for a single composite sample (i.e., composite
that proppant for a particular job. Typically, 1 can be made up of samples from tanks 1,
2, and 3; while composite 2 can be made
60 | QA/QC Practices
Table 8-1. Physical Properties of Various Fracturing Fluid Additives
Additive Description pH Range Color Specific gravity Conductivity
[mS at 70 degF]
F103 Surfactant 5 to 7 Colorless 0.94 53 to 63
62 | QA/QC Practices
STEP 04 Compare the conductivity of the
field-prepared LGD crosslinker solution with the
standard curve.
8.2.3 U028
To test the quality of a U028 fluid, you will need
the following equipment and materials:
• beaker
• DI or distilled water
• U028 sample
• 0.1N HCl acid
• phenolphthalein indicator.
Follow this procedure.
64 | QA/QC Practices
9.0 References
66 | References
10.0 Check Your Understanding
1. Choose all true statements regarding eye 2. Select two correct statements regarding
protection in the laboratory. protective clothing in the laboratory
A. Safety glasses with fixed side shields A. Laboratory coats with long sleeves
are required at all times as minimum must be worn.
eye protection (does not apply to B. Rubber or plastic protective aprons
offices, rest rooms, or other protected must be worn, depending on the type
areas not in the laboratory working of chemical. Read the MSDSs for the
area). protective clothing requirements.
B. Indirect vented chemical goggles must C. Types of clothing that allows exposure
be worn when handling chemicals such to a large area of skin can be worn in a
as cement, unless these chemicals are laboratory, e.g., sleeveless tops, short
in sealed containers. skirts, or short pants.
C. Face shields must be worn when D. Safety boots are not required in
handling hot liquids, acids, or liquids the laboratory. Shoes that provide
that are under pressure, working with protection from liquids must be worn,
flammable liquids where the flash point such as a leather shoe that covers the
is less than 100 degF. foot. Sandals and open shoes are not
D. Visitors must wear safety glasses with permitted.
side shields while in the laboratory work
3. Which of the following quality assurance
E. All of the above are true. tasks should be done on location before
A. Check the amount of water in each
tank, take water sample from each
tank, and test the samples.
B. Test linear gel viscosity from the outlet
of the PCM/GelSTREAK.
C. Check all the amounts of additives;
recalculate to make sure enough for
the job is available.
D. Test the crosslinker and all additives.
E. All of the above are true.
A. The water sample is very cloudy. B. The vortex closure test indicates full
B. The sample smells like rotten eggs.
C. None of the above are true.
C. The sample has large particles floating
in it.
D. None of the above are true.