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Ejercicios Limites2

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2 Finding Limits Algebraically 897

y Since f1x2  8  2x for x  4, we have

lim f1x2  lim 18  2x2  8  2 # 4  0
x�4 x�4

The right- and left-hand limits are equal. Thus, the limit exists and
0 4 x
lim f1x2  0

Figure 4 The graph of f is shown in Figure 4. ■

12.2 Exercises
1. Suppose that 9–20 ■ Evaluate the limit, if it exists.
lim f 1x 2  3 lim g1x 2  0 lim h1x2  8 x2  x  6 x 2  5x  4
x�a x�a x�a
9. lim 10. lim
Find the value of the given limit. If the limit does not exist, x�2 x2 x�4 x 2  3x  4
explain why. x2  x  6 x3  1
(a) lim 3 f 1x 2  h1x 2 4 (b) lim 3 f 1x 2 4 2 11. lim 12. lim 2
x�a x�a
x�2 x2 x�1 x  1

3 1 t2  9 11  h  1
(c) lim 1h1x 2 (d) lim 13. lim 14. lim
xSa x�a f 1x 2 2
t�3 2t  7t  3 h�0 h
f 1x 2 g1x 2 12  h2 3  8 x 4  16
(e) lim (f) lim 15. lim 16. lim
x�a h1x 2 x�a f 1x 2 h�0 h x�2 x  2

1x  2  3 13  h2 1  31
f 1x 2 2f 1x 2 17. lim 18. lim
(g) lim (h) lim x�7 x7 h�0 h
x�a g1x 2 x�a h1x 2  f 1x 2
1 1
2. The graphs of f and g are given. Use them to evaluate each 
limit, if it exists. If the limit does not exist, explain why. 4 x 1 1
19. lim 20. lim a  2 b
x�4 4  x t t t
(a) lim 3 f 1x 2  g1x 2 4 (b) lim 3 f 1x 2  g1x 2 4 t�0
x�2 x�1

f 1x 2 21–24 ■ Find the limit and use a graphing device to confirm

(c) lim 3 f 1x 2 g1x 2 4 (d) lim your result graphically.
x�0 x�1 g1x 2
x2  1 14  x2 3  64
(e) lim x 3f 1x 2 (f) lim 23  f 1x 2 21. lim 22. lim
x�2 x�1 x�1 1x  1 x�0 x
y y 2
x x2 8
x 1
23. lim 24. lim
x�1 x3  x x�1 x5  x
y=Ï y=˝ 25. (a) Estimate the value of
1 1
1 x 0 1 x x�0 21  3x  1
by graphing the function f1x2  x/A 11  3x  1B .
(b) Make a table of values of f 1x2 for x close to 0 and guess
3–8 ■ Evaluate the limit and justify each step by indicating the the value of the limit.
appropriate Limit Law(s). (c) Use the Limit Laws to prove that your guess is correct.
3. lim 15x 2  2x  3 2 4. lim 1x 3  2 2 1x 2  5x2 26. (a) Use a graph of
x�4 x�3

x2 x4  x2  6 2 23  x  13
5. lim 6. lim a b f 1x2 
x�1 x  4x  3 x�1 x 4  2x  3 x
7. lim 1t  1 2 1t  1 2 2
8. lim 2u 4  3u  6 to estimate the value of limxS0 f 1x2 to two decimal
t�2 u�2 places.
898 CHAPTER 12 Limits: A Preview of Calculus

(b) Use a table of values of f 1x 2 to estimate the limit to Discovery • Discussion

four decimal places.
35. Cancellation and Limits
(c) Use the Limit Laws to find the exact value of the limit.
(a) What is wrong with the following equation?
27–32 ■ Find the limit, if it exists. If the limit does not exist, x2  x  6
explain why. x3
27. lim 0 x  4 0 28. lim  (b) In view of part (a), explain why the equation
x�4 x�4 x4
x2  x  6
0x20 2x 2  3x lim  lim 1x  32
29. lim 30. lim x�2 x2 x�2
x�2 x2 x�1.5 0 2x  3 0
is correct.
1 1 1 1
31. lim a  b 32. lim a  b
x�0 x 0x0 x�0 x 0x0 36. The Lorentz Contraction In the theory of relativity, the
33. Let Lorentz contraction formula
L  L 0 21  √ 2/c 2
x1 if x  2
f1x 2  e 2 expresses the length L of an object as a function of its
x  4x  6 if x 2
velocity √ with respect to an observer, where L 0 is the
(a) Find limxS2 f 1x 2 and limxS2 f 1x 2 . length of the object at rest and c is the speed of light. Find
(b) Does limx�2 f 1x 2 exist? lim√ Sc L and interpret the result. Why is a left-hand limit
(c) Sketch the graph of f. necessary?

34. Let 37. Limits of Sums and Products

x if x  0 (a) Show by means of an example that
h1x 2  • x 2 if 0  x 2 limx�a 3f 1x2  g1x2 4 may exist even though neither
8  x if x 2 limx�a f 1x2 nor limx�a g1x2 exists.

(a) Evaluate each limit, if it exists. (b) Show by means of an example that
limx�a 3f 1x2g1x2 4 may exist even though neither
(i) lim h1x 2 (iv) lim h1x 2
x�0 x�2 limx�a f 1x2 nor limx�a g1x2 exists.
(ii) lim h1x 2 (v) lim h1x 2
x�0 x�2
(iii) lim h1x 2 (vi) lim h1x 2
x�1 x�2
(b) Sketch the graph of h.

12.3 Tangent Lines and Derivatives

y In this section we see how limits arise when we attempt to find the tangent line to a
t curve or the instantaneous rate of change of a function.

y=≈ The Tangent Problem

P (1, 1)
A tangent line is a line that just touches a curve. For instance, Figure 1 shows the
0 x parabola y  x 2 and the tangent line t that touches the parabola at the point P11, 12 .
We will be able to find an equation of the tangent line t as soon as we know its slope
m. The difficulty is that we know only one point, P, on t, whereas we need two points
Figure 1 to compute the slope. But observe that we can compute an approximation to m by

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