1596817524SNV Bangladesh - Paper IMIS

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FSM6 – Jakarta, Indonesia

Celebrating 10 Years: FSM Heroes – Past, Present and Future.

Abstract Title: Integrated Municipal Information System (IMIS): a tool for accountability,
management and planning FSM services

Theme: Track 2: Service Delivery for Low-Income Communities

Summary (up to 100 words)

The IMIS is a powerful web-based geographic information system (GIS) designed to support local
governments’ management of municipal services. IMIS enables authorities to carry out three key
functions: reporting for accountability, using a customisable dashboard showcasing indicators and
information; managing FSM services, linked with a mobile app for service providers to record
application, service delivery and customer’s feedback on-site; and planning and long-term
investments, through spatial-based analysis for better informed decision-making. It also promotes
contact-less and paper-less processes and mobile payments. Developed by SNV with BMGF support,
IMIS is aligned with the National Government’s Smart City Initiatives.

Introduction, methods, results and discussion (up to 500 words)

In 2016, SNV initiated GIS data collection of all containments in Khulna and Jhenaidah, compiling
almost 85,000 geo-localised elements. The GIS data were combined with existing city-level base maps
that had information on types of roads, drains, building outlines, and many others. Together, these
information types formed an Integrated Municipal Information System (IMIS) to support citywide
urban sanitation services and planning.

However, local authorities’ buy-in of the earlier IMIS was not immediate as its focus was limited to
FSM services. To increase interest, SNV integrated Holding Id information in the IMIS. Doing so
converted the IMIS into a powerful tool for potential replication and scale-up nationwide. Today IMIS
information is able to provide municipal authorities with much-needed data to manage all municipal
services, which are related to the Holding Id: municipality tax payments (solid waste, water, drainage,
sanitation), water supply tariff, building licenses, etc.

Parallel to the IMIS, a non-GIS customer database for FSM services has been developed. The
customer database enables service providers to digitalise the forms used for service delivery; from
application and assessment, operation, payment, to receiving customer feedback. The customer
database has recently been integrated into the IMIS, enabling possibilities to shift from paper-based
forms to digitalis ones, and to the convenience of using a mobile app for direct and on-site recording

In 2019, the IMIS was officially launched in Jhenaidah. The launch was accompanied by a complete
training workshop for city officials; from conservancy and health departments, to revenue and water
departments. Each was given separate access and permissions for editing and visualisation. The FSM
service provider also has access. They use IMIS to manage the service, while the municipality uses
IMIS to monitor service status, access snapshots of the city’s situation, and information to conduct
different types of spatial-based analysis.

During 2020, IMIS adoption is likely to be completed in Khulna, and replicated in Jashore and Gazipur.
In partnership with 2030WRG, field data collection for almost 150,000 buildings and containments is
in progress in Gazipur. Upon completion, the Gazipur database will likely have the most
comprehensive information in the country, including in FSM service and sewerage data.

Finally, the IMIS can easily be customised, integrating as many GIS layers as required, and developing
additional modules to integrate/manage other services. The system is very dynamic and multiple
utility agencies within the same city can use by sharing the main dataset whereas outcome will be
generated based on their accessibility.
The IMIS does not require GIS expertise to operate it, besides remote IT support for maintenance. It
runs in open source software (PostgreSQL database to store GIS layers, and GeoServer to render open
maps) and the mobile app uses PHP’s framework Laravel. The systems are being stored at the
Bangladesh Computer Council under the ICT Division of the Government of Bangladesh.

Conclusions and implications (up to 200 words)

The IMIS provides three key functions to city authorities. Firstly, it is a reporting tool that displays
information in services by ward, type or date, and monitors operational, financial or stakeholder
mandate indicators. Secondly, it is a service management tool, currently for FSM, that, combined with
the mobile app, enables real-time service reporting through the convenience of easy and immediate
data recording on, emptying from customer premises, transport or emptying at FSTP. Thirdly, it is a
data integration platform with the capability to hold and generate diverse spatial based analysis data;
from status of tax payments per holding or wards, to potential waterlogging areas, or simply knowing
in advance the width of a road to access for an emptying service to decide which vacutug type to

SNV aims for the National Government, mainly Local Government Division (LGD), to endorse and
replicate the IMIS nationwide. The ambition is for the IMIS to serve as the municipal information
system for use by all local government institutions, and water supply and sewerage utilities. As shown
here, the possibilities of IMIS are endless. IMIS also has great potential to accelerate accountability
and integrated planning.

Relevant references (up to 5 references)

Keywords: Information systems, Accountability, Smart Cities.

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