IOT Based Smart Weighing System For Crate in Agric
IOT Based Smart Weighing System For Crate in Agric
IOT Based Smart Weighing System For Crate in Agric
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1 author:
Pravin Sonsare
Shri Ramdeobaba Kamla Nehru Engineering College
All content following this page was uploaded by Pravin Sonsare on 06 February 2020.
outcomes, Section IV contains system architecture, Section Above objective may have following benefits:
V contains expected result.
Availability of timely and specific consulting
II. Objective - Project Significance service on the spot (farmer).
More efficient use of resources on the farm due to
1. Implementation of mobile applications timely information and integrated data (farmer)
Saving a lot of administration work (farmer)
The first objective is to implement mobile applications for Possibility to collect more data from farmers than
farming that enable simple and efficient input of data currently authority has (government institutions)
during the execution of farmer’s daily activities. Based on Possibility to offer application for consulting
existing prototypes we will implement a scenario-oriented service in the cloud for farming: consulting in
user interface which will enable farmers to have a general or for areas with high expertise needed
sequenced order of activities. To enable this we will (companies, advisory services)
enhance existing system with a recommended plan for next
day activities. Recommended plan will be created through 4. Integration and creating of open standards for
special function in decision support system and based on integration
data.[4] The fourth objective is to integrate individual elements
into platform as a whole and to create open standards for
Above objective may have following benefits: integration. Standards will be published under public
Significant increase in the efficiency of farming domain or creative-commons license to allow
as they will enable the concept which call input collaboration, large support within the industries and
data as you go (farmer). communities.
More efficient use of resources on the farm due to
access to timely information (farmer)
Saving a lot of administration work (farmer)
Better possibilities to demand additional data to
be electronically reported and this is a basis for
better data analysis to define strategies and
directives for farming (government institutions)
just weigh it once, either at the warehouse or the farm from equipment and existing systems. Enable farmers to easily
where it is collected. This helps you save time by visualize data and take action on insights and
eliminating the need to constantly load and unload the recommendations.
produce to weigh at the site and then again at the collection
point. IV. System Architecture and Description
Flexible Solutions: On-site scales are quite versatile,
which can be used on different surfaces and a variety of An overview of the system architecture for Smart
weighing system is as shown in following figure.
vehicles of different sizes.
Is weight of crate
above 80%
When weight
Start Long Beep
Display Weight
Figure 2: System Flowchart
The System architecture is divided into two parts. write code effectively in convenient way and also it will
provides us features like inexpensive, cross platform, open
Analog part: This includes the sensor and the amplifier source and extensible software, easy for beginners. The
sections. Arduino is a microcontroller based on UNO.
Power Supply
Figure 3:Hardware
the world. This option is ideal for operations that need to The article proposes a cost effective and user friendly
compile data from a variety of remote locations. Smart Crate weighing system using GSM Module and
cloud service. The significant advantage of the method is
V. Result that the weighing system in agriculture is centralized and
monitored using the cloud service. It saves the time to
In arduino based Goods weighing system with alert system measure crop production. This concept avoids delay in
40kg load cell as input device an buzzer, LCD display, analysis of crop production and to make decision about
GSM module and cloud service used as output devices. price. The proposed system is robust, reliable and requires
less maintenance. The idea proposed in this article can be
used by farmers from remote as well as urban area.
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Pravin Sonsare: He is M.E. in computer science and engineering
and working as as Assistant professor in
Shri Ramdeobba college of engineering and management
,Nagpur. His research interests are IOT,Biometric and Machine