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2 The General Conditions of Contract for Building Works

Third Edition (2015) prepared by The South African
Institute of Civil Engineers shall be the applicable
building agreement, amended as hereinafter described

2 The General Conditions of Contract for Building Works

Third Edition (2015) Contract Data and Data provided
by the Contractor form an integral part of this

2 Contractors are referred to the abovementioned

documents for the full intent and meaning of each
clause thereof

2 These clauses are hereinafter referred to by clause

number and heading only. Where standard clauses or
alternatives are not entirely applicable to this contract
such modifications, corrections or supplements as will
apply are given under each relevant clause heading
and such modifications, corrections or supplements
shall take precedence notwithstanding anything
contrary contained in the abovementioned documents

2 Where any item is not relevant to this specific contract

such item is marked N/A, signifying 'not applicable'


2 The Model Preambles for Trades (2008 edition) as

published by the Association of South African Quantity
Surveyors shall be deemed to be incorporated in these
Bills of Quantities and no claim arising from brevity of
description of items fully described in the said Model
Preambles will be entertained

2 Supplementary preambles are incorporated in these

Bills of Quantities to satisfy the requirements of this
project. Such Supplementary Preambles shall take
precedence over the provisions of the said Model

2 The contractor's prices for all items throughout these

Bills of Quantities must take account of and include for
all of the obligations, requirements and specifications
given in the said Model Preambles and in any
Supplementary Preambles and Project Particular



2 General Conditions Of Contract:

2 1 Clause 1.0 - General Item 1.00 0.00

2 2 Clause 2.0 - Basis of Contract Item 1.00 0.00

2 3 Clause 3.0 - Employers Agent Item 1.00 0.00

2 4 Clause 4.0 - Contractors General Obligations Item 1.00 0.00

2 5 Clause 5.0 - Time Related Matters Item 1.00 0.00

2 6 Clause 6.0 - Payment and Payment Related Matters Item 1.00 0.00
3 7 Clause 7.0 - Quality and Related Matters Item 1.00 0.00

3 8 Clause 8.0 - Risk and Related Matters Item 1.00 0.00

3 9 Clause 9.0 - Termination of Contract Item 1.00 0.00

3 10 Clause 10.0 - Claims and Disputes Item 1.00 0.00


3 Section B: Specific Preliminaries:

3 B1. Site instructions:

3 11 Instructions issued on site are to be recorded in

triplicate in a site instruction book which is to be
maintained on site by the Contractor Item 1.00 0.00

3 B2. Overtime:

3 12 Should overtime be required to be worked for any

reason whatsoever, the costs of such overtime are to
be borne by the Contractor unless the Principal Agent
has specifically authorised in writing, prior to the
execution thereof, that costs for such overtime are to
be borne by the Employer. Item 1.00 0.00

3 B3. Warranties for material and workmanship:

3 13 Where warranties for materials and/or workmanship

are called for, the Contractor shall obtain a written
warranty, addressed to the Employer, from the firm
supplying the materials and/or doing the work and
shall deliver same to the Principal Agent on the
certified completion of the contract. The warranty shall
state that workmanship, materials and installation are
warranted for a specified period from the date of final
completion and that any defects that may arise during
the specified period shall be made good at the
expense of the firm supplying the materials and/or
doing the work, upon written notice to do so. The
warranty will not be enforced if the work is damaged by
defects in the construction of the building in which
case the responsibility for replacement shall rest
entirely with the Contractor Item 1.00 0.00

3 B4. Co-operation of Contractor for cost management:

3 14 It is specifically agreed that the Contractor accepts the

obligation of assisting the Principal Agent in
implementing proper cost management. The
Contractor will be advised by the Principal Agent of all
cost management procedures which will be
implemented to ensure that the final building cost does
not exceed the budget. The Principal Agent
undertakes to make available to the Contractor all
budgetary allowances and cost assessments/reports to
enable the proper procedure to be implemented and
the Contractor shall attend all cost plan review and
cost management meetings. The Contractor
undertakes to extend these procedures, as necessary,
to all subcontractors Item 1.00 0.00
4 B5. Propping of floors:

4 15 The Contractor is advised that propping of floors below

may be required if he wishes to use any areas of
completed suspended reinforced concrete slabs for
vehicle access, storage of materials and goods and
location of plant, scaffolding, etc. The location of
these areas and any necessary propping shall be
approved by the Principal Agent and the cost thereof
shall be borne by the Contractor Item 1.00 0.00

4 B6. Testing windows for watertightness:

4 16 Each window shall be tested for watertightness with

water sprayed on using adequate pressure. If in the
opinion of the Principal Agent, the pressure proves to
be inadequate, then the pressure shall be boosted by
means of compressed air or other approved means
Item 1.00 0.00

4 B7. Testing flat roofs for watertightness:

4 17 Flat roof waterproof areas shall be flooded with water

and kept 'ponded' to the approval of the Principal
Agent for at least 36 hours as a test to ensure the
watertightness of the waterproofing and before any
further construction work is carried out above the
waterproofing Item 1.00 0.00

4 B8. Ingress of water:

4 18 It is the Contractors responsibility to prevent ingress of

water into the buildings whilst all work is being
completed, and damage arising out of the above will
be made good at the Contractors expense. Item 1.00 0.00

4 B9. Contract drawings:

4 19 The drawings issued with the tender documents do not

comprise the complete set but serve as a guide only
for tendering purposes and for indicating the scope of
the work to enable the tenderer to acquaint himself
with the nature and extent of the works and the
manner in which they are to be executed. Should any
part of the drawings not be clearly understood by the
tenderer he shall , before submitting his tender, obtain
clarification in writing from the Principal Agent
Item 1.00 0.00

4 B10. Trade names:

4 20 Wherever a trade name for any product has been

described in the Bills of Quantities / Lump Sum
Document, the tenderer's attention is drawn to the fact
that any other product of equal quality may be used
subject to the written approval of the Principal Agent
being obtained prior to the closing date for submission
of tenders. If prior written approval for an alternative
product is not obtained, the product described shall be
deemed to have been tendered for.
Item 1.00 0.00

4 B11. Imported materials and equipment:

4 21 Where imported items are listed in the tender
documents, the tenderer shall provide all the
information called for, failing which the price of any
such item, materials or equipment shall be excluded
from currency fluctuations. (refer to Schedule of
Imported Materials and Equipment to be completed
by tenderer). Notwithstanding any provisions
elsewhere regarding the adjustment of contract prices,
the price of any item, material or equipment listed in
terms of this clause shall be excluded from the
Contract Price Adjustment Provisions (if applicable).
Item 1.00 0.00
5 B12 Occupational Health and Safety:

5 22 Without limiting the generality of the provisions of

clause 4,3, the contractor's attention is drawn to the
provisions of the Construction Regulations, 2014
issued in terms of the Occupational Health and Safety
Act, 1993. It is specifically stated that the Employer
shall prepare a documented health and safety
specification for the works (refer to Volume A:
Appendix A for a copy of the relevant specification and
baseline risk assessment) and that the Employer shall
ensure that the contractor has made provision for the
cost of health and safety measures during the
execution of the works. The contractor shall price
against this item for compliance with the Act and the
Regulations and the provisions of the aforementioned
health and safety specification. Item 1.00 0.00

5 B13 ELIDZ Construction Environmental Management


5 23 Construction Environmental Management Plan (C4):

The Construction Environmental Management Plan
(CEMP) REV8 January 2016, incorporates
specifications derived from recommendations in the
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), ELIDZ
Rezoning Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
and comments Report. Department of Economic
Affairs, Environment and Tourism's Conditions of
Approval for the rezoning EIA, together with
specifications for good "environmental practice" for
construction work. The purpose of the CEMP is to
translate the recommendations of the SEA and the
Rezoning EIA into a contractual environmental
management plan which will be strictly applied during
the construction of the works. A copy of the CEMP is
attached (refer to Envelope A: Appendix B for a copy
of the relevant specification) and tenderers are to
familiarize themselves with the provisions contained
therein and allow for compl
iance with the same.
Item 1.00 0.00

Bill Total 0.00

Section Total 0.00




8 Trade Preambles:

8 For Trade Preambles refer to 'Model Preambles for

Trades' (2008 edition) for the full descriptions of
material to be used and work to be done in this Bill.


8 View site:

8 Before submitting his tender the contractor shall visit

the site and satisfy himself as to the nature and extent
of the work to be done and the value of the materials
contained in the buildings or portions of the buildings
to be demolished. No claim for any variations of the
contract sum in respect of the nature and extent of the
work or of inferior or damaged materials will be

8 Explosives:

8 No explosives whatsoever may be used for demolition

purposes unless otherwise stated

8 General:

8 The contractor shall carry out the whole of the works

with as little mess and noise as possible and with a
minimum of disturbance to adjoining premises and
their tenants. He shall provide proper protection and
provide, erect and remove when directed, any
temporary tarpaulins that may be necessary during the
progress of the works, all to the satisfaction of the
principal agent

8 Water supply pipes and other piping that may be

encountered and found necessary to disconnect or cut,
shall be effectually stopped off or grubbed up and
removed, and any new connections that may be
necessary shall be made with proper fittings, to the
satisfaction of the principal agent

8 Doors, fanlights, fittings, frames, linings, etc. which are

to be re-used shall be thoroughly overhauled before
refixing including taking off, easing and rehanging,
cramping up, re-wedging as required and making good
cramps, dowels, etc., and easing, oiling, adjusting and
repairing ironmongery as necessary, replacing any
glass damaged in removal or subsequently and
stopping up all nail and screw holes with tinted plastic
wood to match timber, unless otherwise described. Re-
painting or re-varnishing is given separately
9 Prices for taking out of doors, windows, etc. shall
include for removal of all beads, architraves,
ironmongery, etc.

9 Prices for taking out and removing doors and frames

shall include for removing door stops, cabin hooks,
etc. and making good floor and wall finishes to match

9 With regard to building up of openings in existing

walls, cement screeds and pavings, granolithic, tops of
walls, etc., shall be levelled and prepared for raising of

9 Making good of finishes shall include making good of

the brick and concrete surfaces onto which the new
finishes are applied, where necessary

9 The contractor will be required to take all dimensions

affecting the existing buildings on the site and he will
be held solely responsible for the accuracy of all such
dimensions where used in the manufacture of new
items (doors, windows, fittings, etc.)

9 Existing premises occupied:

9 Old sheets are to be removed and new sheets

replaced and secured immediately and in sequence.
The contractor is to ensure that no openings are left for
an unreasonable period of time and certainly not over
night or weekends, and that no rain is allowed to
ingress into the buildings and damage equipment or
disrupt production. NOTE THAT EXISTING
BUILDINGS, and that the contractor, in conjunction
with the ELIDZ, is to liaise with each tenant regarding
the relevant planned works program prior to
commencement of work on the building in question.


9 Taking out and removing doors, windows, etc.,

including thresholds, sills, etc. Including making good
reveals where windows removed.

9 1 Aluminium window size 1415 x 1015mm high. No 6.00 0.00

9 Taking down and removing roofs, floors, panelling,

ceilings, partitions, etc.:

9 2 0,9mm 'Huletts Aluminium Hulaspan BR7 Profile' roof

sheeting fixed to steel purlins in either single or
multiple sheets within the existing sheeted roof. m² 257.00 0.00

9 3 0,9mm 'Huletts Aluminium Hulaspan BR7 Profile' side

cladding fixed to steel purlins in either single or
multiple sheets within the existing cladd sides. m² 180.00 0.00

9 4 0,9mm 'Huletts Aluminium Hulaspan BR7 Profile' side

cladding including flashings etc fixed to steel purlins.
m² 2128.00 0.00
10 5 Taking out/ down and removing existing Polycarb or
Fibre glass translusent sheets approximatley 889mm
wide and including installing new 0,9mm 'Huletts
Aluminium Hulaspan BR7 Profile' with stucco
embossed PVDF finish (Colour Metallic Silver) on
external face and standard backing coat on internal
face, fixed to steel purlins rails in single lengths,
including installing 'Owens Corning SA' 50mm
Factorylite insulation laid over purlins insttalled
complete with staining wires etc and taping to existing
insulation under roof sheet, inculding loosening
adjacent sheets, flashings etc to faciltate the
installation of the new roof sheet and refixing, including
all necessary fastners etc installed complete all in strict
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
m 498.00 0.00

10 6 600 x 600mm Suspension ceiling grid including

cornices, hangers, etc. m² 223.00 0.00

10 Carefully taking down, storing and re-erecting in new

postion, including new fasterners etc:

10 7 Diagonal side cladding, including framing, sub-

framing, external and , internal corner flashings, other
flashings etc. and reinstalling complete approximate
size 3,60 x 14,312m high. No 2.00 0.00

10 Inspect existing sheeting and refix as necesarry all in

strict accordance with the manufacturers instructions:

10 8 Roof sheeting and flashings fixed to steel purlins. m² 4951.00 0.00

10 9 Side cladding and flashings fixed to steel purlins. m² 1567.00 0.00

10 Carefully remove suspended ceiling tiles, store and

refit in new suspension grid. (Suspension grid
elsewhere measured).

10 10 600 x 600mm Vinyl cladd ceiling tiles. No 619.00 0.00

10 Taking out/off and removing sundry metalwork:

10 11 Existing steel cladding rails. m 1370.00 0.00

10 12 Existing angle section anti-sag rails. m 259.00 0.00

10 13 Existing hollow section bracing. m 144.00 0.00

10 Hacking up/off and removing granolithic, screeds,

plaster, etc. from concrete or brickwork and preparing
surfaces for new screed, plaster, tile finishes, etc.

10 14 Internal plaster from walls and columns. m² 15.00 0.00


11 Making good internal cement plaster

11 15 Walls in patches m² 15.00 0.00

Bill Total 0.00



13 Trade Preambles:

13 For Trade Preambles refer to 'Model Preambles for

Trades' (2008 edition) for the full descriptions of
material to be used and work to be done in this Bill.


13 Supplementary preambles:

13 Old sheets are to be removed and new sheets

replaced and secured immediately and in sequence.
The contractor is to ensure that no openings are left for
an unreasonable period of time and certainly not over
night or weekends, and that no rain is allowed to
ingress into the buildings and damage equipment or
disrupt production. NOTE THAT EXISTING
BUILDINGS, and that the contractor, in conjunction
with the ELIDZ, is to liaise with each tenant regarding
the relevant planned works program prior to
commencement of work on the building in question.


13 0,9mm 'Huletts Aluminium Hulaspan BR7 Profile' Roof

sheeting and accessories, with stucco embossed
PVDF finish (Colour Metallic Silver) on external face
and standard backing coat on internal face, fixed to
steel purlins or cladding rails in single lengths all in
strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions:

13 Note: Side cladding fixed with broad flute facing out.

13 1 Replacement of existing roof covering in either single

or multiple sheets within the existing sheeted roof with
pitch not exceeding 25 degrees, in single lengths not
exceeding 20m and profiled on site, including
loosening and refixing adjacent sheets, and flashings
etc as necessary and replastening fastners etc. And
taking care not to damage the existing insulation under
the roof sheet. m² 257.00 0.00

13 2 Replacement of existing side cladding in either single

or multiple sheets within the existing clad side, in
single lengths not exceeding 20m and profiled on site,
including loosening and refixing adjacent sheets, and
flashings etc as necessary and replastening fastners
etc. m² 180.00 0.00
14 3 Side cladding including 'Cladseal 300' tape to cladding
rails at approximatley 1600mm centres in single
lengths not exceeding 20m. m² 2128.00 0.00

14 0.9mm Thick Aluminium 3004 H44 stucco embossed

PVDF finish (Colour Metallic Silver) one side and
standard backing coat on other flashings and
accessories fixed to roof sheeting and side cladding in
strict accordance with the manufacturers instructions:
flashings and accessories:

14 4 Barge flashing 600mm girth, seven times bent along

girth and notched on site to suit roof profile. m 57.00 0.00

14 5 Head flashing 550mm girth three times bent along

length. m 62.00 0.00

14 6 Counter flashing 185mm girth and two times bent

along girth. m 62.00 0.00

14 7 Gutter flashing 635mm girth, five times bent along girth

and notched on site to suit roof profile. m 218.00 0.00

14 8 Cap flashing 231m girth, five times bent along girth

and notched on site to suit roof profile. m 218.00 0.00

14 9 Narrow flute serrated closers to suit 'BR7' profile

including polyclosures. m 218.00 0.00

14 10 Broad flute serrated closers to suit 'BR7' profile

including polyclosures. m 218.00 0.00

14 11 External corner flashing 550mm girth and three times

bent along girth. m 35.00 0.00

14 12 Internal corner flashing 550mm girth and three times

bent along girth. m 8.00 0.00

14 13 Drip flashing 231mm girth and three times bent along

girth. m 256.00 0.00

14 14 Drip flashing 231mm girth and three times bent along

girth fixed vertically at junction of cladding and
brickwork. m 8.00 0.00

14 15 Closure flashing 300mm girth, fixed to steel purlin and

concrete bund wall. m 256.00 0.00

14 16 Jamb 231mm girth and four times bent along girth. m 43.00 0.00

14 17 Raking cutting on side cladding. m 57.00 0.00

14 18 Form opening for pipe or vent not exceeding 100mm

diameter through side cladding, including flashing
around to match existing. No 2.00 0.00

15 19 Form opening for pipe or vent exceeding 200mm and

not exceeding 300mm diameter through side cladding,
including flashing around to match existing.
No 3.00 0.00

15 20 Form opening for pipe or vent exceeding 300mm and

not exceeding 400mm diameter through side cladding,
including flashing around to match existing.
No 5.00 0.00

Bill Total 0.00



17 Trade Preambles:

17 For Trade Preambles refer to 'Model Preambles for

Trades' (2008 edition) for the full descriptions of
material to be used and work to be done in this Bill.


17 Descriptions:

17 Items described as nailed shall be deemed to be fixed

with hardened steel nails or pins or shot pinned to
brickwork or concrete.

17 Items described as plugged shall be deemed to

include screwing to fibre, plastic or metal plugs at not
exceeding 600mm centres, and where described as
bolted the bolts have been given.


17 Suspension system for size 600 x 600mm ceiling tiles

size comprising of white exposed tee 'Donn T38' fire
rated suspension system erected in strict accordance
with the manufacturers instructions:

17 1 Ceiling grid suspended not exceeding 1m below steel

structure. m² 223.00 0.00

17 2 600 x 600 x 12mm Embossed White Vinyl clad square

edged gypsem aluminium backed ceiling tiles laid in
suspended ceiling grid. (Suspended ceiling grid
velsewhere measured) No 50.00 0.00

17 3 Extra over suspended ceilings for forming 150mm

diameter opening for light fitting. No 12.00 0.00

17 4 Extra over suspended ceilings for forming opening for

light fitting sprinkler head. No 25.00 0.00

17 5 Extra over suspended ceilings for forming opening 600

x 600mm recessed light fitting. No 5.00 0.00

17 Donn' prepainted cornices to suspended ceilings:

17 6 47 x 35mm Recessed shadowline cornice plugged.

(Code LSM 25) m 215.00 0.00

Bill Total 0.00



18 Trade Preambles:

18 For Trade Preambles refer to 'Model Preambles for

Trades' (2008 edition) for the full descriptions of
material to be used and work to be done in this Bill.


18 Descriptions

18 Descriptions of bolts shall be deemed to include nuts

and washers

18 Descriptions of L-shaped and U-shaped anchor bolts

shall be deemed to include bending, threading, nuts
and washers and embedding in concrete

18 Descriptions of expansion anchors and bolts and

chemical anchors and bolts shall be deemed to include
nuts, washers and mortices in brickwork or concrete

18 Pricing:

18 Old sheets are to be removed and new sheets

replaced and secured immediately and in sequence.
The contractor is to ensure that no openings are left for
an unreasonable period of time and certainly not over
night or weekends, and that no rain is allowed to
ingress into the buildings and damage equipment or
disrupt production. NOTE THAT EXISTING
BUILDINGS, and that the contractor, in conjunction
with the ELIDZ, is to liaise with each tenant regarding
the relevant planned works program prior to
commencement of work on the building in question.

18 Prices are to include for all site welding, site cutting

and site drilling that maybe required and for cold
galvanising existing where disturbed.



18 Purlins and girts, bolted to steel:

18 1 Lipped channel purlins. Tonnes 9.99 0.00

18 Welded bracing, anti-sag rails, etc. with flat connection

plates, bolted to steel:

18 2 Angle anti-sag rails. Tonnes 0.79 0.00

19 3 Round hollow section bracing. Tonnes 0.51 0.00


19 Bolts and fasteners

19 4 High tensile bolts (class 8.8) Tonnes 0.25 0.00

Bill Total 0.00



21 Trade Preambles:

21 For Trade Preambles refer to 'Model Preambles for

Trades' (2008 edition) for the full descriptions of
material to be used and work to be done in this Bill.


21 Descriptions:

21 Descriptions of bolts shall be deemed to include nuts

and washers.

21 Descriptions of expansion anchors and bolts and

chemical anchors and bolts shall be deemed to include
nuts, washers and mortices in brickwork or concrete.

21 Metalwork described as holed for bolt(s) shall be

deemed to exclude the bolts unless otherwise


21 Supplementary Preambles:

21 Aluminium windows, etc., are to be constructed and

installed in accordance with the guidelines of The
Association of Architectural Aluminium Manufactures
of South Africa (AAAMSA). Unless otherwise stated
ironmongery is to be the manufacturer's standard
corrosion resistant ironmongery for the particular
product range. Glazing is to be carried out in strict
accordance with the SABS 0137/2000 code of
Practice: "The Installation of Glazing in Buildings" and
where required, safety glazing materials must conform
to SABS 1263. All opening sashes must be weather
and draught proofed using wool pile, vinyl, etc. seals
and the perimeter frames sealed to the structure using
manufacturer approved sealants. All aluminium is to
be protected after manufacture by removable PVC
tape or other approved application. The protection is to
be removed only when authorised by the Architect.
Any component damaged in any

way prior to the completion of the building is to be

replaced with new. 'Touching up' of decorative
finishes will not be permitted.

22 White powder coated aluminium windows with

stainless steel concealed friction stays, clip on glazing
beads, sanoprene seals, glazed with 6,3mm laminated
HPR clear glazing, plugged to brickwork or concrete:

22 1 Purpose made fixed pane window 1415 x 1015mm

high to match existing. No 6.00 0.00

Bill Total 0.00



24 Trade Preambles:

24 For Trade Preambles refer to 'Model Preambles for

Trades' (2008 edition) for the full descriptions of
material to be used and work to be done in this Bill.

24 All work to be executed in strict accordance with the

specifications of Plascon Paints (Pty) Ltd. The coating
systems are as per Plascon's 'List of Decorative Paint
Products' unless otherwise specified. Full
specifications are available on request from Sophie
Fourie Tel. (011) 301-4600 or from the various branch
offices as listed above.

24 Primers and first coats may be thinned in accordance

with the paint specifications of Plascon Paints (Pty) Ltd
to aid the absorption of the paint.

24 All surfaces must be sound, clean and have a moisture

content of less than 8% for walls generally and 3% for
slabs/screeds etc.

24 Where surfaces of plaster etc are sandy / friable, the

first coat must be replaced with 'Plascon Merit' plaster
primer thinned 10% with turpentine.

24 ON FLOATED PLASTER (CPAP Work Group No 152)

24 Prepare surfaces and remove all loose material and

apply one coat universal undercoat and two coats
"Plascon Wall & All" paint:

24 1 On interior walls. m² 15.00 0.00



24 Generally:

24 All work to be executed in strict accordance with the

specifications of Plascon Paints (Pty) Ltd. The coating
systems are as per Plascon's 'List of Decorative Paint
Products' unless otherwise specified. Full
specifications are available on request from Sophie
Fourie Tel. (011) 301-4600 or from the various branch
offices as listed above.

24 Primers and first coats may be thinned in accordance

with the paint specifications of Plascon Paints (Pty) Ltd
to aid the absorption of the paint.
25 All surfaces must be sound, clean and have a moisture
content of less than 8% for walls generally and 3% for
slabs/screeds etc.

25 Where surfaces of plaster etc are sandy / friable, the

first coat must be replaced with 'Plascon Merit' plaster
primer thinned 10% with turpentine.

25 Previously painted plastered surfaces:

25 Surfaces shall be thoroughly washed down to remove

dirt and other contaminants and allowed to dry
completely before any paint is applied. Blistered or
peeling paint shall be completely removed and cracks
shall be opened, filled with 'Polycell Mendall 90' or
Polycell Polyfilla Exterior' filler, and sanded smooth. In
the case of previously limewashed surfaces,
completely remove all limewash if possible or at least
wire brush and scrape down to achieve a 'grey state'
exposure of the substrate and apply filler as indicated

25 Previously painted metal surfaces:

25 Surfaces shall be thoroughly rubbed and cleaned down

to remove dirt and other contaminants and sanded
lightly to provide a key for subsequent coats. Blistered
or peeling paint shall be completely removed down to
bare metal and any rust encountered shall be removed
and bare metal areas cleaned, washed with 'Plascon
Polycell Sugar Soap' and spot primed with 'Namelcote
Synthetic Metal Primer'.

25 Previously painted galvanised metal surfaces:

25 Surfaces shall be thoroughly rubbed and cleaned down

to remove dirt and other contaminants and sanded
lightly to provide a key for subsequent coats. Blistered
or peeling paint shall be completely removed down to
bare metal and any rust encountered shall be removed
and bare metal areas cleaned with 'Plascon
Galvanised Iron Cleaner' and spot primed with
'Galvogrip Metal Primer'.

25 Previously painted wood surfaces:

25 Surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned down. Blistered

or peeling paint shall be completely removed and
cracks and crevices shall be primed, filled with a filler
as described and sanded smooth. In the case of
previously varnished surfaces, all existing varnish must
be thoroughly sanded off before new coats are applied.

26 ON FLOATED PLASTER (CPAP Work Group No 152):

26 Remove any loose and flaking residue by means of

wire brushing, wash with 'Polycell Sugar Soap' or weak
spirits of salts, open up cracks and make good with
'Polycell Mendall 90' or 'Polycell Polyfilla Exterior' filler
sanded smooth, apply one coat 'Plascon Masonry
Paint' and two coats 'Plascon Wall and All' paint on
existing water based paint surfaces:

26 2 On interior walls. m² 356.00 0.00

Bill Total 0.00

Section Total 0.00




30 General

30 Work for which budgetary allowances are provided will

be measured and valued in accordance with clause
4.4 of the General Conditions of Contract and
deducted in whole or in part if not required without any
compensation for loss or profit on the said allowances

30 Prime cost amounts and provisional sums are net.

Prime cost amounts include for delivery to site of all
articles concerned Provisional sums are for material
and equipment supplied and installed complete by
firms of specialists

30 Profit:

30 Where stated, the contractor may allow for profit if


30 General attendance on subcontractors:

30 The item 'Attendance' which follows each provisional

sum for subcontractors' work, shall be deemed to
cover all the contractor's costs incurred in providing
free of charge to the subcontractors, the following:

30 1 The use of scafolding 2 Making good in all trades

and cleaning down and removal of rubbish on

30 Builder's work:

30 Builder's work in connection with specialist services is

given elsewhere in these bills of quantities



30 Minor electrical and mechanical installation:

30 1 Provide the amount of R 20 000.00 (Twenty Thousand

Rands) for Minor Eletrical and Mechanical Installation.
(Moving light fittings to facilitate new ceilings)
Item 1.00 20 000.00 20 000.00

30 2 Profit on above item. Item 1.00 0.00

30 3 Attendance on ditto. Item 1.00 0.00

Bill Total 20 000.00



31 Contingencies:

31 1 Provide the sum of R 250 000.00 (Two Hundred and

Fifty Thousand Rand) for contingencies and design
contingency, to be used as instructed by the Architect
in terms of clause 6.6.3 of the Geneneral Conditions of
Contract shall be expended at the sole discretion of
the Employer. Item 1.00 250 000.00 250 000.00

Bill Total 250 000.00

Section Total 270 000.00

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