Timberlake 1991

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Psychological Bulletin Copyright 1991 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.

1991, \fcl. 110, No. 3,379-391 0033-2909/91/S3.00

Reinforcement in Applied Settings: Figuring Out Ahead of Time

What Will Work
William Timberlake and Valeri A. Farmer-Dougan
Indiana University

This article reviews the practical value of conceptual attempts to specify the circumstances of
reinforcement ahead of time. Improvements are traced from the transituational-reinforcer ap-
proach of Meehl (1950), through the probability-differential model of Premack (1959,1965), to the
response deprivation and disequilibrium approach (Timberlake, 1980,1984; Timberlake & Alli-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

son, 1974). The application value of each approach is evaluated on the grounds of simplicity,
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

accuracy, and adaptability. The article shows that the disequilibrium approach accounts for and
extends current empirically driven techniques of reinforcement control and examines some of its
limitations. The disequilibrium approach clarifies how current knowledge can be used to predict
more accurately the circumstances of reinforcement and invites the collaboration of applied and
basic research in its further development.

A major contribution of operant analysis in applied settings has cumstances tailored to individuals. For example, Egel (1981),
been to clarify the control of human behavior by reinforcement working with developmentally disabled children, asked each
contingencies. Drawing on the results of basic laboratory re- child to rank a set of potential reinforcing stimuli. The stimuli
search, practitioners have developed techniques for applying with higher ranks were then used as reinforcers. In related
reinforcement contingencies to human affairs. For example, work, Pace, Ivancic, Edwards, Iwata, and Page (1985) measured
both token economies (Kazdin, 1982; Kazdin & Bootzin, 1972) approach to 16 different stimuli as an index of their usefulness
and behavioral contracting (Kelly & Stokes, 1982; Medland & as reinforcers with severely disabled children (see also Dattilo,
Stachnik, 1982) emerged from basic research on schedules of 1986; Green et al, 1988; Mason, McGee, Farmer-Dougan, &
reinforcement. The development of incidental teaching (Hart Risley, 1989; Wacker, Berg, Wiggins, Muldoon, & Cavanaugh,
& Risley, 1968,1975; see also McGee, Krantz, & McClannahan, 1985).
1985) was influenced by Terrace's (1963) work on errorless Another empirical approach to the tailoring of reinforce-
learning. ment circumstances to individuals has been to use contingency
Despite the success of such techniques, there has persisted a schedules to interrupt and control access to the typical flow of
significant, unresolved problem: how to specify ahead of time events in a situation. Examples of this approach include the
the circumstances that produce reinforcement. The extent of good behavior game (Barrish, Saunders, & Wolf, 1969), over-
this problem may be surprising given the clear procedural defi- correction (Carey & Bucher, 1981), and incidental teaching
nition of a reinforcer as a stimulus, which, when presented con- (Hart & Risley, 1968,1975; McGee et al., 1985). In these cases,
tingent on a response, increases the rate of that response. How- an ongoing set of events and responses is observed and then the
ever, the inadequacy of this definition is apparent in such com- continuation of this stream is made contingent on changes in a
mon frustrations as reinforcing circumstances that work for
target behavior. For example, that a child regularly plays outside
one individual but not for another or that work one day but not
at morning recess is observed, and the continuation of this activ-
the next. In the end, practitioners rely on their previous experi-
ity is made dependent on previously completing an arithmetic
ence plus trial and error to produce reinforcement effects, a
"seat-of-the-pants" approach to behavior control (see also Kon-
arski, Johnson, Crowell, & Whitman, 1981). Despite their usefulness, these empirically driven techniques
To improve their ability to predict reinforcement, applied lack the advantages of careful conceptual development. Exten-
researchers have systematized the search for reinforcing cir- sive search procedures require time-consuming and sometimes
involved testing for reinforcement effects that can interfere with
current and subsequent management of behavior. The general-
Preparation of this manuscript was supported in part by National ity and interrelation of the different empirically driven tech-
Institute of Mental Health Grant MH 37892 and National Science niques remain uncertain, and there is no adequate analysis of
Foundation Grant BNS 84-13579. when and why they fail (Konarski et al., 1981). In our opinion,
We thank Jim Dougan, Jack Bates, Rick Viken, and especially Dick these limitations can be surmounted only by an improved con-
McFall for their comments and suggestions.
ceptual analysis of the circumstances of reinforcement.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Wil-
liam Timberlake, Department of Psychology, Indiana University, A major purpose of this article, therefore, is to review at-
Bloomington, Indiana 47405, or to Valeri A. Farmer-Dougan, who is tempts by researchers over the last 40 years to provide an analy-
now at the Department of Psychology, Illinois State University, Nor- sis capable of specifying the circumstances of reinforcement
mal, Illinois 61701. ahead of time. We will follow previous authors (Allison, 1981;

Konarski et al., 1981; Timberlake, 1980, 1984; Timberlake & worked in the past. Meehl (1950) provided a well-reasoned
Allison, 1974) in recounting the progression from Meehl's basis for this approach in his concept of the transituational
(1950) transituational-reinforcer hypothesis, through Pre- reinforcer, a general causal stimulus. When a stimulus has been
mack's (1965) probability-differential model, to the response identified as a reinforcer in one situation, it can be applied in
deprivation and disequilibrium view (Timberlake, 1980,1984; other situations with the expectation that it will produce rein-
Timberlake & Allison, 1974). forcement there as well. (The same transituational quality is
We do not directly consider in this review several current attributed to contingent stimuli producing punishment.)
conceptual approaches, including the matching law (McDo- Meehl's (1950) transituational view contains three important
well, 1982) and the behavioral application of economic and assumptions about reinforcing stimuli and their setting condi-
optimality principles (Allison, 1981; Jacobsen & Margolin, tions. The first is that reinforcers and punishers form unique,
1979; Rachlin, Battalio, Kagel, & Green, 1981; Rachlin & Burk- independent sets of transituationally effective stimuli. These
hard, 1978; Staddon, 1979). The matching law makes predic- sets of stimuli cannot overlap because if the same stimulus can
tions about relative performance once a particular reinforcer is reinforce and punish, it is not perfectly transituational. The
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

known, but it does not identify the circumstances of reinforce- second assumption is that the essential function of a contin-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

ment ahead of time. As to economic and optimality ap- gency schedule is to produce the temporally proximate pairings
proaches, most of their immediate causal aspects can be treated between response and reinforcer that cause reinforcement. The
within the disequilibrium approach (Hanson & Timberlake, third assumption is that a deprivation schedule specifying long-
1983). term denial of access to a reinforcer is a critical setting condi-
This review extends previous analyses of the circumstances tion for the operation of a reinforcer.
of reinforcement in several ways. First, we carefully track the None of these assumptions has proved to be correct. Pre-
changes in basic assumptions that underlie the different ap- mack (1965) documented that reinforcers are not inevitably
proaches. Second, we evaluate how well each approach can be transituational in their effect and, furthermore, that the sets of
applied to the control of human behavior. We assume that a reinforcers and punishers are neither unique nor discrete. For
successful approach should satisfy the following three practical example, in his work on manipulation responses in monkeys,
requirements: (a) Identification of reinforcement circumstances Premack (1963a) showed that access to a given manipulate
should involve a small number of simple, nonintrusive, and stimulus would reinforce some responses but not others. In
widely applicable procedures; these procedures should require other work, Premack (1963b) showed that access to wheel run-
no special apparatus and introduce no novel or disruptive stim- ning and drinking could each serve as a reinforcer for the other
uli that might modify subsequent behavior in an undesirable if their relative baseline probabilities were reversed appropri-
fashion, (b) Identification of reinforcement circumstances ately (Premack, 1971; for further examples, see Timberlake,
should be accurate and complete. Not only should the circum- 1980). Applied researchers also have demonstrated that rein-
stances produce reinforcement, but the critical determinants forcing stimuli are not transituational (e.g., Konarski, Crowell,
should be identified to allow subsequent manipulation and & Duggan, 1985; Konarski, Crowell,.Johnson, & Whitman,
tests of their effects, (c) The resultant circumstances of reinforce- 1982; Konarski, Johnson, Crowell, & Whitman, 1980).
ment should be adaptable to a variety of situations rather than As to the presumed critical role of the temporal contiguity
limited to a small number of stimuli, responses, or settings. produced by a schedule relating response and reinforcer, Pre-
Two conclusions emerge from our analysis. First, the proba- mack (1965) found that temporal contiguity alone was not suffi-
bility-differential model of Premack (1965) is clearly preferable cient to produce reinforcement. Numerous chance pairings of a
to the transituational-reinforcer approach in terms of applica- wheel-running response with the known reinforcer of drinking
tion potential. Second, compared with the probability-differen- for a thirsty rat produced no effect in the absence of a contin-
tial model, the disequilibrium approach has clear advantages gency schedule. There was also no effect of the pairings of
without adding any obvious disadvantages. This latter conclu- wheel-running and drinking resulting from an explicit contin-
sion calls into question the common practice among research gency schedule that maintained the ratio of wheel-running to
practitioners of stopping their conceptual analysis of reinforce- drinking shown in a free baseline (a period of time during
ment with Premack's (1965) probability-differential approach which the two responses are freely and simultaneously avail-
rather than moving on to the disequilibrium view (e.g., Catania, able). On the basis of these results, Premack proposed that a
1984; Kazdin, 1980). reinforcement schedule to be effective must produce a decrease
In the remainder of the article we first show how the disequi- in contingent responding (here, drinking) relative to its base-
librium approach provides a common framework accounting line. This argument called attention to the critical importance
for the effectiveness and facilitating the use of empirically of a schedule-based disruption of baseline responding, but, as
driven techniques of reinforcement control. In the last section, we shall see, inappropriately put the emphasis on after-the-fact,
we consider some limitations on and extensions of the disequi- rather than predictive, measures of disruption (Timberlake,
librium approach that suggest the importance of further devel- 1980).
opment involving the collaboration of basic and applied re- Finally, there is considerable evidence that the third condi-
searchers. tion, long-term deprivation of access to a stimulus, is neither
necessary nor sufficient for reinforcement to occur. Timberlake
The Transituational Solution
(1980) reviewed several studies showing that the role of a stimu-
Conceptual Analysis lus could be changed from reinforcer to nonreinforcer without
The simplest method for figuring out ahead of time the cir- any change in long-term (extra-session) restriction on its access.
cumstances of reinforcement is to use circumstances that have All that was required was a change in the terms of the within-

session contingency schedule to produce an appropriate Frequently such general reinforcers as food or social disap-
disruption of baseline responding. proval are imposed in situations in which they do not typically
For example, Timberlake and Wozny (1979) showed that the occur. These out-of-place reinforcers often create an additional
reinforcement relation between wheel-running and eating in source of motivation with accompanying behavioral tendencies
rats could be changed by altering the schedule terms relating that may complicate or interfere with responses of interest (see
the two responses without any change in overall deprivation Epstein, 1985; Gardner & Gardner, 1988). For example, the use
procedures. A contingency schedule that constrained relative of food as a general reinforcer may produce begging responses
access to food within the session increased wheel-running. Con- and disrupt scheduled meals by changing the basic timing and
versely, a contingency schedule that constrained relative access patterning of feeding. Food also may require time-consuming
to wheel-running increased eating. Konarski et al. (1980,1982, preparation by the practitioner and raise issues of nutritional
1985) showed related results with children in classroom settings value (e.g., the use of pieces of candy). In a similar manner, the
and with mentally retarded adults in the laboratory (Konarski, use of social disapproval as a punisher may introduce social
1987). We review these points at greater length shortly. motivation and accompanying attention-getting or attention-re-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

jecting responses. In the extreme, the use of shock or other

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

strong aversive stimuli may produce interfering responses and

fear as well as raise important ethical questions.
At the applied level, some variant of the transituational-rein-
forcer approach has remained the technique most used by prac-
titioners (see Kazdin, 1980). Even applications using more so- Premack's Probability-Differential Hypothesis
phisticated technology, such as extensive individual evaluation
Conceptual Analysis
techniques or the matching law, depend on discovering rein-
forcers by trial and error and assuming that these reinforcers The probability-differential analysis of Premack (1959,1965)
will show transituationality. stands as a distinct improvement over the transituational view
As noted also by other authors (e.g, Hawkins, 1989; Kon- in analyzing the circumstances of reinforcement. According to
arski, 1989; Konarski et al, 1981) the transituational-reinforcer Premack, a schedule in which a higher probability response is
approach has many limitations. First, the assessment technique contingent on a lower probability response will produce rein-
is intrusive, typically requiring the imposition of several contin- forcement, but a lower probability response contingent on a
gency schedules to find a reinforcer. Furthermore, the accuracy higher probability response will not. In fact, if the subject is
with which the concept of transituationality identifies the cir- forced to engage in the lower probability response, punishment
cumstances of reinforcement leaves much to be desired. For should result. For example, for many first graders, playing is a
example, a toy that is a reinforcer for one child on a particular response of higher probability than reading. Thus, contingent
day may not be a reinforcer for another child, or even for the access to play should increase reading, but forced access to
same child on a different day. reading following play should punish playing.
In addition, though responding may vary greatly with the Premack's approach marks an important change in the con-
values of the contingency schedule terms, the transituational ception of reinforcement. In the traditional view, reinforcement
analysis provides no guidance in setting these values. For exam- is produced by a stimulus. In Premack's view, reinforcement is
ple, should a client be required to say one word or five words related to access to a response. This shift facilitates viewing
before receiving a reward, and how large should the reward be? reinforcement within the context of the subject's unconstrained
In practice, the values of schedule terms typically are based on behavior. The probability of a response is determined by the
convenience, intuition, past experience, and trial-and-error ad- probability (duration) of that response in a free baseline in
justments for reasonable current effects. which all relevant responses are freely and simultaneously avail-
Finally, long-term denial of access to a reinforcing stimulus able (but mutually exclusive, i£., they cannot be performed at
demands careful preparation and can impose considerable the same time).
hardship on the subject, with no guarantee that it will be effec- Because of his emphasis on behavior, Premack frequently is
tive. Consider, for example, that long-term denial of teacher called a response theorist. However, his procedures show clear
approval for a disruptive child may facilitate aggressive re- concern with and explicit control of the stimulus situation. Prob-
sponses that the schedule is intended to control. Increasing the abilities of responding in free baseline simply reflect the re-
length of the denial may only increase disruptive behavior or sponse-producing qualities of the stimulus situation. Given that
produce other socially manipulative responses. Moreover, con- these stimulus qualities change little from baseline to contin-
sistent long-term denial may decrease the importance of gency session, the underlying response probabilities are pre-
teacher approval if the child substitutes peer approval. Yet sumed to remain the same.
many practitioners believe that without long-term denial there It is worth pointing out that Premack's model generates
can be no reinforcement. Meehl's transituational reinforcers as a special case. For exam-
In short, the transituational view lacksflexibility,resulting in ple, contingent access to the highest probability response in a
a misleading focus on sets of unique reinforcers and punishers set is predicted to (transituationally) reinforce all other re-
as the critical determinants of reinforcement (Konarski et al., sponses in the set. In a similar manner, forced performance of
1981). As a result, the search for reinforcing circumstances has the lowest probability response in a set should punish all other
been constrained to assembling a set of general-purpose rein- responses. Most important, though, PremackTs approach pre-
forcers and punishers that hopefully can be used across a vari- dicts outcomes that violate the assumptions of the transitua-
ety of situations (e.g., Egel, 1981; Pace et al., 1985). tionality approach. For example, under different combinations

of baseline and schedule terms, access to the same drinking tending a summer camp to brush their teeth (a lower probabil-
response can reinforce, punish, or have no effect on the wheel- ity response) to gain access to swimming (the higher probability
running it follows (Premack, 1965). response). Implementing the contingency greatly increased the
Despite its improvement on the transmiational-reinforcer ac- amount of toothbrushing. Hopkins, Schutte, and Garton (1971)
count and its dominance of practitioner-relevant books (Don- made access to the playroom contingent on the rate or quality of
nellan, LaVigna, Negri-ShouHz, & Fassbender, 1988; Kazdin, printing and writing for first- and second-grade children,
1980; Sulzer-Azeroff & Mayer, 1977), Premack's approach is greatly increasing whichever response produced access.
incomplete and unclear about important variables. First, it fails The popularity of Premack's approach is due to several desir-
to specify conceptual rules for setting the values of the contin- able characteristics. First, the procedures for identification of
gency schedule. Premack most frequently used a ratio of one to potential reinforcers and punishers are clear, yet relatively non-
one between amount of instrumental responding required and disruptive. A free baseline can be used to assess the probabili-
amount of contingent access produced. Though this procedural ties of both the instrumental and contingent responses when
detail may seem of practical concern only, it actually is the both are freely available. It is worth noting that practitioners
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

critical piece missing from a more complete picture of the cir- often use inferred baselines rather than actually measuring the
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

cumstances of reinforcement. In the context of the disequilib- responses in free baseline situations (Konarski et al., 1981), an
rium approach (Timberlake, 1980), changes in the schedule issue we address in a later section.
terms can be used to support or contradict the basic predictions Second, Premack's procedure for identifying reinforcement
of the probability-differential model. As we shall see, the criti- circumstances is more accurate that the transituational ap-
cal variable is not the probability-differential between re- proach. The relative probabilities of the instrumental and con-
sponses, but the disruption resulting from the relation of the tingent (reward) responses in a given situation are obviously
contingency schedule to the baseline. more important than whether a response served as a reinforcer
Second, Premack (1965) was unclear about the role of the in another situation. Third, the conditions under which rein-
reduction in contingent responding relative to baseline that typ- forcement or punishment can occur are no longer limited to a
ically accompanies an increase in instrumental responding. In particular set of stimuli or responses. Reinforcers and pun-
1965 he indicated that this reduction was a second circum- ishers are not necessarily stimuli imposed from outside the situ-
stance that must be added to the probability-differential condi- ation. Instead, probability-based reinforcers often can be cho-
tion to get reinforcement, but he provided no further evidence sen from the responses available within a given situation.
or discussion of how it could be causal. He also failed to con- Despite its marked improvement over the transituational ap-
sider whether there was a parallel additional circumstance in proach, application of Premack's approach has several limita-
the case of a reverse probability-differential contingency (pun- tions (see also Konarski et al., 1981). First, Premack argued that
ishment), namely, an obtained excess in contingent responding. the probability of each response must be measured in duration
In the response deprivation/disequilibrium view, the ob- (rather than frequency) so that response probabilities can be
tained reduction in responding Premack pointed to is not a compared readily. Measuring the duration of a discrete re-
cause but a result (it occurs after the change in responding). The sponse, such as a lever press or the refusal to cooperate, is awk-
obtained deviation from baseline is the resolution of the disequi- ward and often inconvenient. Translating repetitive acts into
librium resulting from the imposition of a schedule conflicting durations becomes even more problematic when trying to spec-
with baseline. The causal variable is thus the initial disequilib- ify the precise terms of a schedule because the duration mea-
rium condition, not the obtained reduction or excess in the sure does not deal with rate changes under constraint. Perhaps
contingent response. most important, there is no guarantee that time is a suitable
Finally, Premack appeared to vacillate about the importance metric for the relative ranking of response probabilities.
of Meehl's third assumption, the requirement of long-term de- A second limitation on Premack^ approach in applied set-
nial of access as a setting condition for reinforcement. When tings is that the set of reinforcers is still constrained in that a
Premack reversed which response served as a reinforcer by al- reinforcer must always be of higher probability than the instru-
tering its long-term deprivation, the results could be interpreted mental response, and the reverse must be true for a punisher. A
as support for Meehl's assumption. This invites an interpreta- third objection is that there is no conceptual basis for establish-
tion of Premack's probability-differential approach as a form of ing the terms of the contingency, simply, the practice of using a
transituationality that depends on long-term deprivation as a one-to-one ratio of instrumental requirement to contingent
setting condition. We argue in the next section that these ambi- payoff.
guities in Premack's approach resulted from his incomplete de- A last drawback concerns the potentially time-consuming
velopment of the disequilibrium view of the circumstances of nature and cost of the free baseline used to establish response
reinforcement. probabilities. For example, a stable baseline requires keeping
constant the factors affecting response attractiveness over a pe-
riod long enough to stabilize responding. Furthermore, the
baseline is good only for the set of circumstances under which it
Premack's probability-differential hypothesis has provided a was measured. As noted earlier, practitioners frequently esti-
popular and successful conceptual framework for applied in- mate the higher probability response only on the basis of intu-
vestigations that routinely is covered in textbooks (e.g, Donnel- ition or casual observation (e.g., Donnellan et al, 1988, pp. 22-
lan et al, 1988; Kazdin, 1980; Sulzer-Azeroff & Mayer, 1977). 23; Hopkins et al., 1971; Lattal, 1969). Though obviously poten-
For example, Lattal (1969) required 10- to 12-year-old boys at- tially successful, such a procedure must be considered a weaker

substitute for a measured baseline. If intuitions and guesses be any response of higher baseline probability than the instru-
were sufficient to predict behavior, we would have no need for mental response; a punisher will be any response of lower base-
further research. line probability than the instrumental response.
In the disequilibrium view the baseline is not a stable hierar-
chy of reinforcement values but simply an estimate of the rela-
Response Deprivation and the tive instigation (motivation) underlying different responses. Re-
Disequilibrium Approach inforcement is not produced by this instigation but by the con-
straints on its expression produced by the contingency
Conceptual Analysis
schedule. In other words, reinforcement is the result of the
The disequilibrium approach is an extension and generaliza- schedule-based disruption of the expression of the motivational
tion of the concept of response deprivation (Timberlake & Alli- processes underlying free baseline responding (Hanson & Tim-
son, 1974). The latter concept was generated by a reanalysis and berlake, 1983; Timberlake, 1980, 1984). It follows that the cir-
extension of research by Premack(1965; see Eisenberger, Karp- cumstances of reinforcement are not tied to particular baseline
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

man, & Trattner, 1967; Timberlake, 1971,1980; Timberlake & response probabilities but can be created or eliminated simply
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Allison, 1974). The response deprivation approach is basically a by changing contingency schedule values.
simple system view in which reinforcement results from the Disequilibrium conditions take two forms: response deficit
adaptation of motivational processes underlying free baseline (originally referred to as response deprivation) and response
responding to the performance constraints imposed by a contin- excess. The response deficit condition occurs if the subject, by
gency schedule. Thus, the primary role of the schedule changes maintaining instrumental responding at its baseline level,
from a means of presenting a reinforcing agent to a means of would fall below baseline level of access to the contingent re-
constraining the ongoing expression of motivational processes. sponse. The condition of response excess is the reverse; it occurs
Several similar quantitative models accompanied (Timber- if the subject, by maintaining instrumental responding at its
lake, 1971) or followed (Allison, 1976) formulation of the re- baseline level, would increase contingent responding above its
sponse deprivation view. These models made more explicit the baseline (Timberlake, 1980; Timberlake & Allison, 1974). The
relation among asymptotic instrumental and contingent re- condition of response deficit is predicted to increase instru-
sponding and their baselines. For our purposes, though, the mental responding (positive reinforcement), whereas the condi-
important conceptual advance occurred in the development of tion of excess is predicted to decrease instrumental responding
molar equilibrium theory (Timberlake, 1980) and the behavior (punishment; Timberlake, 1980).
regulation model (Hanson & Timberlake, 1983; Timberlake, The disequilibrium approach improves on Premack's proba-
1984). Molar equilibrium theory emphasizes that the free base- bility-differential model by specifying rules for setting the
line can be thought of as an equilibrium state that is disrupted terms of the schedule, for example, the circumstances for in-
by the imposition of a contingency schedule that conflicts with creasing running by rats to obtain access to water occur (under a
baseline response relations. Both reinforcement and punish- ratio schedule) when the ratio between the running requirement
ment result from the tendency to reduce this disequilibrium and the drinking access specified by the schedule is greater
condition by changing instrumental responding (see Heth & than the ratio between the baseline levels of running and drink-
Warren, 1978). ing, i£.,
The behavior regulation mode) (Timberlake, 1984) further
clarifies a systems view of reinforcement. The model explicitly i/c > cyo,,
extends the conditions that produce disequilibrium to include
where I is the scheduled amount of instrumental responding to
the disruption of local patterns of responding (begun in Allison
obtain C amount of the contingent response, and Oi and Oc are
& Timberlake, 1975) and calls attention to differences in the
the operant levels of instrumental and contingent behaviors
sensitivity of particular responses to directions and types of
during an unconstrained baseline. In a similar manner, the
deviation from baseline responding. The model also empha-
circumstances for decreasing running in the same situation oc-
sizes that both reinforcement and punishment are outcomes of
cur when the ratio of the running requirement to the forced
the schedule-based linkage of separable regulatory tendencies
drinking access is less than the baseline ratio of running to
underlying the baseline expression of both instrumental and
drinking, i.e.,
contingent responding (Hanson & Timberlake, 1983). Though
we believe the greater complexity of the behavior regulation I/C
model is critical for the further development of the regulatory
approach, for our present purposes the simple disequilibrium These disequilibrium conditions place no limitations on the
approach provides a sufficient basis for identifying the circum- units for measuring responding as long as the schedule term for
stances of reinforcement ahead of time. each particular response is measured in the same units as its
The disequilibrium approach shares with the probability-dif- baseline. Neither is there any restriction of disequilibria condi-
ferential model (Premack, 1959, 1965) the assessment of the tions to ratio schedules. In general, a contingency schedule for
free baseline of instrumental and contingent responding before increasing the instrumental response requires that the subject,
imposition of the schedule. However, the interpretation and use in performing the instrumental response at its baseline, be un-
of this free baseline is different. Most interpreters of Premack able to attain the baseline of the contingent response. A sched-
(1959,1965) view the baseline as a stable hierarchy of reinforce- ule for decreasing the instrumental response requires that the
ment value (e.g., Catania, 1984). In this account a reinforcer will subject, in performing the contingent response at its baseline,

be unable to attain the baseline of the instrumental response. forcement always depends on the disruption of within-session
These conditions can be satisfied by any schedule that appropri- baselines by the constraints of a schedule. This point remains
ately constrains relative access to the contingent response. For a confused in some textbooks, which continue to treat response
simple graphical presentation of these issues, see Timberlake deprivation as an overall deprivation condition rather than as a
(1980,1984). within-session disequilibrium condition (e.g, Atkinson, Atkin-
It is worth noting that the disequilibrium approach generates son, Smith, & Bern, 1990).
the predictions of the probability-differential model as a special In short, to specify ahead of time what circumstances will
case (Konarski et al, 1981; Timberlake, 1980). If the baseline produce reinforcement, a reformulation of our assumptions is
ratio of instrumental to contingent responding is less than a required. There are not unique classes of reinfbrcers or pun-
value of one (the contingent response has the higher probabil- ishers, sets of stimuli, or responses that have transituational
ity), then use of the schedule ratio of one to one that typifies reinforcement effects. Neither are there unique combinations of
probability-differential research will produce a relative deficit baseline response probabilities that produce reinforcement.
in the contingent response and predict an increase in instru- Nor is the production of contiguity between a response and a
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

mental responding (I/C > Oj/Oc). If the baseline ratio of instru- reinforcer sufficient to produce reinforcement. Finally, long-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

mental to contingent responding is greater than one (the contin- term deprivation of access to the contingent response is neither
gent response has a lower probability), then the schedule ratio necessary nor sufficient to produce reinforcement. Instead, re-
of one to one typically used by Premack will produce a relative inforcement is predicted to occur if the response relations im-
excess in the contingent response and predict a decrease in posed by a contingency schedule disrupt the response relations
instrumental responding (I/C < OJOC). Thus, the results of shown in a free baseline under comparable circumstances.
probability-differential experiments can be attributed to the
procedures satisfying the requirements of a disequilibrium con-
dition. For the relation of other Premack predictions to the
disequilibrium approach, see Timberlake (1980). At an applied level, the disequilibrium approach shares the
The disequilibrium approach, though, goes further than Pre- desirable practical characteristics of the probability-differential
mack's probability-differential hypothesis in removing restric- model while clearing up several of its ambiguities and decreas-
tions on reinforcers and punishers. Responses, no matter what ing its limitations. The procedures for identifying the circum-
their probability, have no absolute or pairwise value as rein- stances of reinforcement are specific, relatively nondisruptive,
forcers. Any directional reinforcement value must begin with and are more accurate than those of both the transituational
the disequilibrium condition resulting from the degree of con- view and the probability-differential view. Many different re-
flict between baseline responding and the requirements of the sponses can be involved in the reinforcement of another, pro-
schedule. vided appropriate schedules are specified.
Thus, a lower probability response, such as a child working For example, in a study of grade-school children referred to
arithmetic problems, can reinforce a higher probability re- previously, Konarski et al. (1980) assessed a free baseline of
sponse, such as coloring (Konarski et al., 1980). Alternatively, a coloring and working simple arithmetic problems. Coloring oc-
higher probability response of coloring can fail to reinforce a curred at a much higher rate than working arithmetic problems.
lower probability response of working arithmetic problems (see Konarski et al. (1980) then applied a schedule that specified a
also Allison & Timberlake, 1974; Eisenberger et al, 1967; Kon- condition of relative deficit for the opportunity to do arithme-
arski, 1985; Timberlake, 1980). Furthermore, the reinforce- tic. The children increased the higher probability coloring re-
ment relation between responses, such as two manipulation sponse to gain access to the arithmetic problems.
responses in humans, or wheel-running and drinking in rats, In a related study of special education students, Konarski et
can be reversed simply by changing the terms of the schedule al. (1985) assessed the free baseline of working arithmetic prob-
(Heth & Warren, 1978; Podsakoff, 1980; Timberlake & Allison, lems and writing. When a subsequent schedule specified a con-
1974; Timberlake & Wozny, 1979). dition of relative deficit in the higher probability response, the
These diverse but predictable effects of schedule changes also children increased performance of the lower probability re-
provide evidence against Meehl's second assumption that the sponse providing access to it. Most important, when the sched-
primary function of schedules is to produce temporal conti- ule specified a relative deficit of the lower probability response,
guity between response and reinforcer. Whatever the impor- the children increased the higher probability response leading
tance of temporal contiguity, a critical feature of the contin- to it. These results of reinforcement reversal by schedule
gency schedule is to disrupt baseline response relations, pro- changes alone and the production of reinforcement effects with
ducing a condition of disequilibrium. a low probability contingent response are not derivable from
Finally, the critical importance of the schedule-based disrup- Premack (1965) or Meehl (1950) but are readily predicted by the
tion of baseline responding allows disequilibrium theory to re- disequilibrium approach.
ject Meehl's last assumption—the importance of long-term de- Second, the circumstances under which reinforcement and
nial of access to a commodity There is little question that long- punishment may occur in the disequilibrium approach are
term denial of access typically increases baseline response even more flexible than in the case of the probability-differen-
levels, but this is not a reinforcement effect. The critical circum- tial model. Both of the just previous examples show that rein-
stance for reinforcement is a disequilibrium condition created forcement circumstances are not limited to the use of a particu-
within the contingency session (Timberlake, 1984). Whether or lar set of stimuli or responses. Instead, access to a response can
not there is long-term denial of access, the occurrence of rein- produce reinforcement, no effect, or punishment, depending

on the relation between the contingency schedule and baseline increasing or withholding the target response. For example,
responding. Remember also that in the disequilibrium ap- under a behavioral contract, a child, in order to see a movie,
proach, the units of response measurement are irrelevant so might be required to do 2 hours of homework. In a good behav-
long as the units for a particular response remain the same in ior game, a fifth-grade teacher might make an early recess for
baseline and contingency the entire class contingent on no talking out-of-turn in the pre-
Third, some investigators (e.g., Foltin et al, 1990), though vious period.
using the disequilibrium approach to specify the terms of the In both cases, the effectiveness of the schedule should depend
schedule, still attribute their results to a probability-differential on ensuring that the schedule constraints conflict with the typi-
between the instrumental and contingent responses (the Pre- cal (baseline) response distributions. Neither long-term denial
mack principle). This is a confusion of description with causa- of the contingent response nor the relative probability of the
tion. By focusing attention on a noncritical variable, namely, responses involved is critical. The key is to determine the typi-
the baseline probability differential in responding, researchers cal responding for individuals (or groups) and to impose a con-
create confusion and make it difficult for practitioners to un- tingency schedule that disrupts it appropriately.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

derstand the technology available. Several studies support this interpretation. In a well-con-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Some investigators appear to believe that the original proba- trolled experiment on behavioral contracting, Dougher (1983)
bility-differential view has been modified subsequently in ways specifically tested the conditions of response deprivation (re-
that deal with disequilibrium effects (Dunham, 1977; Premack, sponse deficit) and response satiation (response excess) of coffee
1971). Thus, they continue to view the probability differential drinking as controllers of inappropriate behavior by hospital-
relation as the fundamental causal variable. However, as has ized adult schizophrenics. Rates of obscene responses were de-
been pointed out in several places (e.g., Gawley, Timberlake, & creased and rates of appropriate responses were increased by
Lucas, 1986; Timberlake, 1980, 1984; Timberlake & Allison, requiring either a decrease or an increase of responding to
1974), revisions of the probability-differential approach either maintain baseline coffee drinking. Dougher pointed out that
make incorrect predictions or are essentially identical to the the techniques of satiation and deprivation were relatively non-
disequilibrium approach and thus generate predictions not intrusive, yet they led to powerful and predictable control of
compatible with prior views of probability differential. At the behavior.
least, continued reference to the probability-differential rela- MacDonald, Gallimore, and MacDonald (1970) used adult
tion as the critical causal variable confusingly recalls Premack's mediators to control access to reinforcing activities for high
primary probability-differential approach (Premack, 1959, school truants. No explicit baseline rates of responses were ob-
1965) and thus diverts attention from the further development tained; rather, agreements were made between the mediators
of the apparently more fundamental disequilibrium relations. and the high school students about what preferred activities
In sum, relative to the probability-differential model, the dis- were to be provided, contingent on school attendance. The
equilibrium approach is both more specific and less limited in schedule imposed by the mediators specified relatively more
its application. Rewards are not restricted to higher probability school attendance than access to the preferred response, a dis-
responses, units of measurement are not limited to duration, tribution of responding probably the reverse of their baselines.
and long-term denial of access is not required. In addition, rules As a result of the program, attendance at school greatly in-
for the specification of schedule terms are provided. creased.
Finally, Barrish et al. (1969) used the good behavior game to
change out-of-seat behavior and talking-out behavior in a
A Disequilibrium Analysis of Empirical
fourth-grade class. Following baseline, the class was divided
Reinforcement Techniques
into two teams, and a group consequence was imposed for the
As noted in the introduction, several empirical procedures fewest inappropriate behaviors. The team with the fewest exam-
have been developed that effectively tailor reinforcement cir- ples of the target behavior was allowed to line up first for lunch
cumstances to the individual (behavioral contracting, the good and do special projects. Rather than directly constraining the
behavior game, incidental teaching, and overcorrection). These baseline rates of individuals, Barrish et al. (1969) changed indi-
procedures, though often very useful, lack a clear conceptual vidual behavior by imposing relative constraints on the group
basis that integrates their results and focuses on the critical baseline.
causal circumstances. In this section we show that the disequi- All of these studies support the disequilibrium view by show-
librium approach provides a common conceptual framework ing that the probability of a target response can be changed by
that can account for and suggest improvements in the effective- constraining the occurrence of a contingent response relative to
ness of these procedures. its typical or inferred level. It is worth noting that few applied
studies measure the baseline of unconstrained responding, es-
pecially a baseline including free access to the contingent re-
Behavioral Contracting and the Good Behavior Game
sponse. Instead, informal observations or interviews with sub-
Behavioral contracting (most often used with individual jects are often used to indicate the general importance of the
clients) and the good behavior game (most frequently used with responses. Recognizing the relevance of the disequilibrium
groups) have common contingency-based procedures that can analysis may encourage measurement of free baseline with
be viewed as a direct implementation of the disequilibrium likely increases in predictive accuracy and control.
model. A direction of change in a targeted response is selected, There are several other potential benefits of the disequilib-
and access to a constrained response is made contingent on rium analysis. For example, it should facilitate the setting of

schedule values designed to produce the desired direction of matic, nonintrusive, and highly similar in terms of the condi-
reinforcement. The disequilibrium interpretation should also tions underlying baseline and the schedule application. More-
encourage the use of unorthodox and nondisruptive contingent over, practically speaking, because the probability of respond-
responses in changing a target response. For example, in Kon- ing is so high, a wide range of response requirements will
arski's work (e.g, Konarski et al, 1980,1982,1985), the use of constrain the local baseline of responding.
academic behavior as a contingent response instead of access In addition to providing reasons for the effectiveness of inci-
to, for example, leisure time (e.g, Barrish et al, 1969; MacDon- dental teaching, the disequilibrium framework suggests several
ald et al, 1970) retains the focus on academics instead of dis- potential conceptual and practical advances. Assessing a sepa-
tracting the student with access to potentially disruptive leisure rate free baseline of overall interactions might show more
responses. It might be argued that a disadvantage of using aca- clearly the performance characteristics of the responses in-
demic behavior as a contingent response is its likely reduction volved and allow separation of the effect of teacher intervention
below baseline under the schedule requirement. However, the from the baseline tendency to interact with the object indepen-
existing evidence is that this reduction is likely to be small, and dent of the teacher's presentation. This latter analysis should be
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

using an external reinforcer to control classroom behavior of- important in predicting generalization of effects.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

ten produces much greater competition with academic re- Considering an overall free baseline might also suggest limits
sponses. on the appropriate duration and timing of an incidental teach-
ing session as well as on the size of the instrumental require-
ment and contingent payoff and on the frequency with which
Incidental Teaching
individual presentations of access should take place. For exam-
Incidental teaching is a recently rediscovered technique used ple, if interaction with a particular set of toys was clearly limited
primarily to teach language and other social responses to autis- in duration or rarely occurred during a particular time frame
tic and retarded individuals (Hart & Risley, 1968,1975; McGee, (e.g., following a child's nap), setting of the session and schedule
Krantz, Mason, & McClannahan, 1983; McGee et al, 1985). terms should take into account these baseline characteristics.
The basic procedure involves waiting for the subject to ap- Sessions would not be scheduled closely following a nap, and
proach or signal a desire for a particular stimulus and then during a session the child should be allowed only a short period
making the continuation of the subject's engagement with that of interaction per toy access.
stimulus contingent on increasing a target response, such as
saying "please." For example, if a subject initiates responding
Overcorrection: A Disequilibrium Analysis of Punishment
toward a book, the practitioner (a) removes or prevents access to
the book (thus constraining ongoing baseline responding) and Overcorrection is used in many applied settings as an effec-
(b) requires the subject to produce the target response (such as tive technique for eliminating unwanted behavior. In over-
naming the color of the book or requesting it politely) to con- correction, the circumstances in which the unwanted behavior
tinue interaction with the book. occurred are reinstated, and the subject is required to repeti-
From the disequilibrium view, the incidental teaching proce- tively perform a response that serves to prevent the undesired
dure should be particularly effective because it clearly con- outcome. When the required response involves task-completion
strains access to a current, ongoing response by the immediate behavior, the procedure is termed positive practice. For exam-
imposition of a schedule requirement. The resultant disequilib- ple, if a child drops a glass, he or she must practice carrying the
rium condition is clear and difficult for the subject to avoid. glass appropriately. In practice, the Overcorrection technique
The results of several studies support the relative effectiveness may also include restitutional activities such as sweeping up
of incidental teaching. McGee et al. (1985) compared tradi- broken glass.
tional contingency procedures with incidental teaching in help- In disequilibrium terms, the heart of Overcorrection consists
ing three language-delayed, autistic children to use preposi- of imposing a punishment schedule in which occurrence of the
tions to describe the location of preferred edibles and toys. In response targeted for reduction is followed by requiring the
both procedures, access to the items was contingent on correct subject to perform that response or another at a level well above
use of a preposition. For all 3 subjects, the incidental teaching its baseline. The resultant type of disequilibrium (response ex-
procedure was more effective in increasing their use of preposi- cess) should produce a decrease in the target response. When
tions, and this effect persisted outside the test situation during the contingent (overpracticed) response directly interferes with
free play. reoccurrence of the undesired outcome, there should be an
In a similar study, McGee et al. (1983) taught two severely added effect of competition for expression in decreasing the
language-delayed, autistic youths to label four sets of objects unwanted response. For example, each time a young girl slams
typically used in school lunch preparation. Access to the de- the door when entering the house, she is required to close the
sired item (e.g., a knife or mayonnaise) was contingent on its door quietly 10 times in succession. Eventually closing the door
verbal identification. The percentage of correct, unprompted quietly should come to compete effectively with slamming.
object identifications increased markedly when the incidental Several studies support a disequilibrium interpretation of
teaching package was introduced. Overcorrection. Rolider and Van Houten (1985) required men-
From the viewpoint of the disequilibrium approach, the inci- tally retarded children who engaged in poking or self-injurious
dental teaching procedure has many advantages. The practi- behavior to suppress movement for a fixed time. No baseline of
tioner uses responses present in the ongoing flow of behavior, movement suppression was measured, but we assume it was
making the assessment of a local baseline of responding auto- low. As would be expected from the disequilibrium analysis,

when a requirement of movement suppression was made contin- approach is without flaw. As with any theoretical conception,
gent on inappropriate responding, the level of unwanted self- the disequilibrium approach has awkward points, limitations,
injurious behavior greatly decreased. Requiring the patients to and inaccuracies. Put bluntly, there are times it predicts rein-
repeat the movement suppression response well above its base- forcement and there is none, and times it predicts no reinforce-
line served to decrease responses on which it was made contin- ment and changes in responding occur. Most of its shortcom-
gent. ings, though, appear related to needed further development in
Carey and Bucher (1981) used related and unrelated contin- the precise modeling of the motivational and organizational
gent practice in an attempt to decrease food-related accidents determinants of responding. As a result, there is considerable
and inappropriate puzzle responses by mentally retarded sub- opportunity for collaboration between basic and applied re-
jects. In the related-practice condition, food accidents were fol- searchers to produce further conceptual and empirical ad-
lowed by food-practice responses, and inappropriate puzzle re- vances.
sponses were followed by appropriate puzzle responses. In the A point of some importance is how best to measure a base-
unrelated practice conditions the contingent responses were re- line. Baselines serve multiple functions, including providing
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

versed. The target responses decreased in all cases, but when information about the organization and levels of free respond-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

the practiced response was related to the inappropriate instru- ing, improving the accuracy of setting schedules, and acquaint-
mental response, the contingency was more effective in reduc- ing the subject with the response possibilities in the situation. In
ing the unwanted response. short, stable baselines appear to be the most accurate and effec-
As was the case for the other empirical procedures, concep- tive way of assessing the motivational control of behavior in a
tualizing the overcorrection procedure in a disequilibrium particular situation. Applying a schedule in the same circum-
framework has several potential advantages. Knowledge of base- stances as a stable baseline is measured will allow much more
line levels of both the instrumental and contingent responses accurate prediction of results because the basic instigation of
should increase the accuracy of setting the schedule terms and responding remains the same from baseline to contingency.
may suggest limits on the duration of the practice period. An As noted earlier, however, establishing stable baselines can
important part of overcorrection may be a practice effect that be very time-consuming. Thus, to the extent that a practitioner
differentiates the response and its stimulus control more effec- is concerned largely with the direction rather than the precise
tively but, still, the causal context for the practice is the condi- amount of the reinforcement effect, estimates of baselines from
tion of response excess. For the subject to perform the contin- questionnaires or observation may be adequate (Bernstein,
gent response at its typical (baseline) level, the unwanted behav- 1986; Bernstein & Michael, 1990). Furthermore, to the extent
ior must be decreased. that the practitioner is interested in momentary effects (such as
Note that from a disequilibrium view, overcorrection is con- in incidental teaching), an ongoing "instantaneous" assessment
ceptually similar to more traditional punishment contingen- of baseline may be adequate.
cies, such as delivery of a negative stimulus or withdrawal of a A second point is that behavior under a contingency schedule
positive stimulus. Requiring a subject to engage in door closing is clearly more complexly determined than allowed for by the
to excess produces a punishing stimulus condition at least some- simple two-response, regulatory processes emphasized in exper-
what similar to that produced by verbal sanctions ("you are imental tests of the disequilibrium approach (see the commen-
bad") or withdrawing privileges. A potential advantage of the taries following Timberlake, 1984, and Aeschelman & Wil-
overcorrection procedure, though, is that its focus is exclusively liams, 1989a). This need for increased complexity has the side-
on the undesired response. In the more traditional punishment effect of de-emphasizing the importance of current quantitative
procedures, the distraction produced by imposing punishment models of schedule responding (e.g., Allison, 1976,1981; Han-
stimuli unrelated to the circumstances may produce unwanted son & Timberlake, 1983; Mazur, 1975; Rachlin & Burkhard,
side effects interfering with the desired result. Finally, results 1978; Staddon, 1979; Timberlake, 1971,1984). Although these
such as those of Carey and Bucher (1981) showing an effect of models have fitted simple data in laboratory settings, in the
relevant practice indicate the importance of adding some con- long run we believe that a more complete conception of how
cept of behavioral organization to the disequilibrium approach. baseline behavior is determined must be developed to generate
more complex quantitative models.
A critical practical issue requiring further consideration and
Limitations on and Extensions of the
development is the sensitivity of subjects to particular disequi-
Disequilibrium Approach
librium conditions and the time frame and complexity of the
The basic and applied research cited in this article provide motivational processes that underlie particular responses. For
strong evidence that the disequilibrium model is more accurate example, rats may not be as sensitive to deficit conditions in
and useful than either the transituational-reinforcer hypothesis contingent wheel-running as in contingent drinking (Timber-
or the probability-differential hypothesis. That considerable lake & Wozny, 1979). These effects have been labeled resistance
data support these last two hypotheses is not strong evidence to change, substitutability, or cost-of-deviation in general regula-
for their continued use. These same data support the disequilib- tory and economic accounts (Hanson & Timberlake, 1983;
rium model. Most important, considerable data are predicted Rachlin & Burkhard, 1978; Staddon, 1979).
only by the disequilibrium model, explicitly contradicting the In terms of time frames, there are some surprising limits on
predictions of the transituational-reinforcer and probability- the integration of responding across time. For example, rats do
differential hypotheses. not appear to track local deficits across time intervals much
This is certainly not to argue, though, that the disequilibrium longer than 16 min and so may not regulate responding with

respect to baselines in larger temporal windows (Timberlake, read fiction may simply produce an increase in freely available
Gawley, & Lucas, 1987). These results make potential contact nonfiction reading.
with issues of self-control and economic decision making in Contrary to what has been claimed by some investigators
humans, issues which show highly time-sensitive effects on de- (e.g.,Fuqua, 1989), such results are neither surprising nor damag-
cisions among alternatives (e.g, Logue, 1988). ing within a disequilibrium approach. These results do, never-
Other research has indicated complex interactions of sched- theless, point to the theoretical and practical importance of
ule constraints with particular instrumental and contingent re- developing a more complex characterization of the motiva-
sponses. Gawley et al. (1986) and Gawley, Timberlake, & Lucas, tional structure of the subject. There remains a critical journey
(1987) found that slightly disrupting the drinking of rats signifi- between simple regulatory assumptions applied to two re-
cantly decreased their baseline intake, whereas forcing rats to sponses in the laboratory and the complex life space of most
markedly alter their pattern and amount of running in order to humans, but the beginning has proved useful, and its further
drink did not affect their free running (see also Tierney, Smith, development appears possible (e.g, Winkler & Burkhard, 1990).
& Gannon, 1987, and perhaps Allison, Buxton, & Moore, For now, we think the simple specification of the conditions
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

1987). This is reminiscent of the tendency of Kavanau's (1963) of disequilibrium is the most useful starting point in figuring
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

deer mice to work to turn off a wheel that was rotating and turn out ahead of time the circumstances of reinforcement in ap-
on a wheel that was locked. plied settings (Timberlake, 1980,1984). Further improvements
In a similar vein, Timberlake and Peden (1987) showed non- in specifying the circumstances and effects of reinforcement
monotonic functions relating instrumental keypecking in pi- will depend on the development of more complex models of the
geons to the type of schedule and the density of reward. These systems underlying organized behavior and their interaction
functions were generally bitonic, with relatively similar peak with external constraints (Timberlake & Lucas, 1989). Both
points when reward density was scaled against baseline intake. applied and basic research settings appear able to contribute to
Such data may have relevance to giving up when confronted the development of such models (Aeschelman & Williams,
with a schedule for access to preferred circumstances as well as 1989b).
to the paradoxical effect of more frequent reward in increasing
disruptive behavior in family therapy situations (Viken &
McFall, 1990).
Anecdotal accounts of complexity in the behavior of humans
abound, but more controlled investigations are less prevalent. This article traced the transition from the traditional view of
One issue concerns the potential long-term "side effects" of reinforcers as transituational causal stimuli through the proba-
reinforcement schedules. In some cases, a brief exposure to a bility-differential theory of Premack to the disequilibrium ap-
contingency schedule changes baseline levels of responding. proach. This transition involved important changes in basic
Many researchers (see Dickinson, 1989; Lepper & Greene, theoretical assumptions and procedures. The idea that rein-
1978) have shown that in some cases the baseline of instrumen- forcers and punishers are unique sets of stimuli was rejected,
tal responding can be decreased by rewarding that response. At along with the concept of a stable reinforcer hierarchy and the
the same time, the baseline of a response also can be increased idea that long-term denial of access to a commodity is critical
by previous experience with contingent control (Lepper & for reinforcement.
Greene, 1978). Carefully denning and differentiating the condi- In the disequilibrium approach the circumstances of rein-
tions controlling these effects on baseline responding is clearly forcement and punishment arise out of schedule constraints on
critical to the use of reinforcement in applied settings. the free baseline distribution of responding. Outcomes of rein-
There also are specific reactions to constraint in humans (as forcement, punishment, and no effect can be produced within
well as in other animals; e.g., Kavanau, 1963). Bernstein (1986) the same response-contingency relation and setting conditions
reported that subjects in 24-hr environments, if allowed to, by changing the conflict imposed by the schedule terms. Nei-
worked to accumulate unused access to a contingent response. ther a contingent response of higher overall probability nor
Humans, as clever and recalcitrant a primate as exists, fre- long-term deprivation of that response or commodity is neces-
quently go to great lengths to subvert application of a contin- sary or sufficient to produce reinforcement.
gency schedule to their behavior, even a contingency schedule In the progression from transituational reinforcers to the dis-
that is self-imposed. Thus, for pragmatic as well as ethical rea- equilibrium approach, the ability to predict reinforcement has
sons, it seems preferable in most circumstances to obtain a become more precise. Each succeeding conception predicted
participant's agreement to abide by the terms of the contin- the data used to support the preceding view while adding new,
gency. more accurate, predictions. For example, Premack's probabil-
Finally, as pointed out by several researchers (Aeschelman & ity-differential hypothesis predicts transituationality if the rein-
Williams, 1989a; Bernstein & Ebbesen, 1978; Diorio & Kon- forcing stimulus controls access to the higher probability re-
arski, 1989; Rachlin & Burkhard, 1978), the results of a contin- sponse but predicts reversibility of reinforcement if the overall
gency may depend heavily on the other responses present. If response probabilities are reversed. The disequilibrium ap-
there is a free response that readily substitutes for the contin- proach predicts the same effects as Premack's probability-dif-
gent response, the schedule may not change instrumental re- ferential hypothesis when the higher probability response is
sponding because the subject engages in the substitute re- constrained relative to baseline. However, the disequilibrium
sponse. For example, requiring a subject to increase sewing to approach appropriately contradicts Premack's hypothesis when

access to the lower probability response is constrained or when than previous notions of transituational reinforcers and a proba-
access to the higher probability response is not constrained. bility differential between responses, It is also more flexible in
Another advantage of the disequilibrium approach is its rela- terms of response measurement and the absence of a require-
tive ease of use in applied settings. Compared with inserting a ment of long-term deprivation as a setting condition. The dis-
general reinforcer such as food in a situation, the arranging of equilibrium approach argues against generally valid reinforcers
contingency schedules relating available responses (a) provides or probability differentials between responses. Access to a re-
a wider range of rewards and punishers; (b) avoids ethical con- sponse (and stimulus) regardless of its type or relative probabil-
cerns about long term withholding of "reinforcers" such as ity is inherently neither reinforcing nor punishing. Rather, rein-
food; (c) reduces evoked behaviors such as food begging and forcing and punishing effects depend on the extent to which a
aggression that may interfere with the targeted response; and (d) contingency schedule constrains the free distribution of re-
more closely approximates and generalizes to other common sponding, combined with structural and motivational charac-
conditions. teristics of the organism. The increased complexity of causality
The disequilibrium approach is not without its limitations in the disequilibrium approach, instead of limiting the applica-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

and criticisms by both basic and applied researchers (see the tion of behavioral principles to human behavior, seems to us to
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

commentaries following Aeschelman & Williams, 1989a, and increase the potential predictability and flexibility of the prac-
Timberlake, 1984). Some of these criticisms appear to be based tice of behavior control in applied settings. In a reciprocal man-
on misunderstandings about the conceptual underpinnings of ner, the increased use of the disequilibrium approach in ap-
the disequilibrium approach. Other objections, however, are plied settings should compel the development of more com-
directed at the lack of extended development, including better plexity in the way behavior is studied in basic research settings.
specification of the determinants of baseline responding, the
differential sensitivity to disequilibrium conditions of particu-
lar responses and their combinations, and application of a dis- References
equilibrium analysis to complex choice situations. Most of
Aeschelman, S. R., & Williams, M. L. (1989a). A test of the response
these latter objections appear potentially correctable by further deprivation hypothesis in a multiple-response context. American
development of disequilibrium analyses of the determinants of Journal on Mental Retardation, 93, 345-353.
behavior. Aeschelman, S. R., & Williams, M. L. (1989b). Rebuilding burned
Konarski et al. (1981) raised the objection that insufficient bridges: Analysis returns to applied behavior analysis. American
published data exist to evaluate the model across a variety of Journal on Mental Retardation, 93, 345-353.
applied settings, responses, and populations, especially because Allison, J. (1976). Contrast, induction, facilitation, suppression, and
the approach requires investment in a systematic baseline meth- conservation. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 25,
odology before it can be applied. However, in several careful 185-199.
Allison, J. (1981). Economics and operant conditioning. In P. Harzem
analyses of disequilibrium predictions in applied settings, Kon-
& M. D. Zeiler (Eds), Advances in analysis of behaviour: Vol. 2. Pre-
arski and his co-workers have provided considerable data to
dictability, correlation and contiguity (pp. 321-353). Chichester, En-
support an improvement in accuracy of prediction and control
gland: Wiley.
relative to that provided by previous approaches (e.g., Diorio & Allison, J., Buxton, A., & Moore, K. E. (1987). Bliss points, stop lines,
Konarski, 1989; Konarski, 1987; Konarski et al, 1980, 1982, and performance under schedule constraint. Journal of Experimen-
1985). Others have provided similar data (Aeschelman & Wil- tal Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 13, 331-340.
liams, 1989a; Dougher, 1983; Holburn & Dougher, 1986). Allison, J., & Timberlake, W (1974). Instrumental and contingent sac-
Finally, as with any attempt to develop applications from a charin licking in rats: Response deprivation and reinforcement.
conceptual analysis, experienced practitioners will question Learning and Motivation, 6,122-142.
whether their educated "seat-of-the-pants" pragmatism devel- Allison, J, & Timberlake, W(1975). Response deprivation and instru-
mental performance in the controlled-amount paradigm. Learning
oped over years of practice is not just as good as, if not better
and Motivation, 6,112-142.
than, the conceptually grounded disequilibrium approach.
Atkinson, R. L., Atkinson, R. C, Smith, E. E, & Bern, Ek J. (1990).
One answer is that "seat-of-the-pants" pragmatism works much
Introduction to psychology. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
less well than a clear conceptual approach when practitioners Barrish, H. H, Saunders, M, & Wolf, M. M. (1969). Good behavior
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