Can you remember your class electing the P.I.O. 1. Business & Organizational Communication-
of your homeroom organization at the start of the school application in businesses and other organizational
year? What does P.I.O. mean? Well, it means Public settings to effectively convey information,
Information Officer. From the title itself, you can tell convince and persuade others, resolve conflicts, and
that this officer informs the public. How does he achieve clearly defined goals.
inform? He has to communicate. Right? There you can
see that communications play a part in public or social 2. Journalism & Media:
concerns. P.I.O. is just one of the practitioners in the The practices of journalism and news reporting and their
field of communication. place within the larger media environment, their role in
In this module, the people in the field of societal and political contexts, and how the power of
communications are called basically communicators mass media is harnessed and deployed.
and journalists. Their basic function is to communicate.
I believe you are familiar with some prominent figures 3. Politics & Public Relations:
in Philippine journalism like Jessica Soho, Kara David, The art and science of messaging, branding, and
Noli De Castro and Ted Failon. using language, visual data, and other tools of
Journalism originally referred to the reportage communication to convince, persuade, and otherwise
of current events in printed form, specifically influence the thinking and actions of others.
newspapers, but with the advent of radio, television, and
the internet in the 20th century the use of the term 4. Advertising & Marketing:
broadened to include all printed and electronic Using the tools of communication and media
communication dealing with current affairs (Britannica technologies to sell and market goods, products, and
2020). Journalists differ from other communicators. services to targeted consumers and mass audiences.
The American Press Institute provided reason for this
and stated that “the journalist places the public good 5. Electronic & Digital Media Production:
The technical aspects of working in various
communication media, including radio, film, video, 2. I shall not violate confidential information or material
television, and online platforms. given me in the exercise of my calling.
Groups and organizations are associations of Mass media - they are all forms of
individuals who are linked by their common communication that are devoted to transmitting
characteristics. These associations engage in the standardized messages to widespread audience.
communication for their group or organizational goals. This includes newspapers, magazines, books,
An example of this category of audience is a business e-books, radio, social networking sites and Internet,
entity listening to a presentation about a project proposal television, and motion picture. By and large, much of
of an advertising firm that has been convincing the said mass media has become electronic media and covers
business entity to become a regular client. radio, television, media technology, and web design
with streaming audio and video.
Communities are inhabitants or populace of a
particular geographical location who become audiences
of agencies and organizations because of their shared Levels of Communication
common characteristics and social needs. An example of
this category is an indigenous tribe educated by a civic 1. Intrapersonal Communication. This refers to a
organization about responsible farming. communication “within” a person. Often, we used to
talk with ourselves especially when making a decision,
There are also other classifications of audiences having a dilemma, in times of confusion, reflection and
and clients. They can also be classified according to age self-evaluation. We act as both sender and receiver of
group like children, youth, adult, and senior citizens or communication.
according to economic status such as upper class,
middle class or lower class. There can be many 2. Interpersonal Communication. It is also known as
classification of clients and audiences. Classification of dyadic communication. This communication happens
audiences is dependent upon the needs, strategies, nature when one person is conversing to another person using
and specialization of the communication agency or verbal and non-verbal cues.
organization. Classification of audience may also
be according to their needs. 3. Small Group Communication. In this
communication, respect, understanding is very necessary
The needs of individuals as audiences are for people might have different culture, background,
diverse. A person listens, watches or observes to be beliefs, set of practices, religion and etc. Examples of
informed, to be entertained, to be involved or even to these are conferences, seminars, classroom setting
be amazed. They have varied personal communication discussions, sessions and more.
needs and reasons for involving themselves in the
communication process. 4. Mass Communication. This type of communication
uses the media as the medium to transmit message to
mass audience. It can be categorized into printed media
and non-printed media.
Groups and organizations have unique and
sophisticated needs. Their needs from