Hinge Connectonfor Articulated Vehicles
Hinge Connectonfor Articulated Vehicles
Hinge Connectonfor Articulated Vehicles
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U.S. Patent Sep. 20, 1983 Sheet 5 of 5 4,405,143
force on the center axle tires when tractive force is
applied to the rear axle tires of the rear section while the
vehicle is in a turn; to provide a new and improved
hinge connection for an articulated vehicle that allows
This invention concerns articulated vehicles in gen 5 relative angular movement of the front and rear sections
eral and, more particularly relates to a hinge connection of the vehicle about a pair of longitudinally spaced
which joins the front section of an articulated vehicle to vertical axes, and which includes air-spring means be
the rear section thereof and allows relative angular tween the front and rear sections on opposite sides of
displacement between the two sections both in a hori the vertical axes that are connected with a source of
Zontal plane and in a longitudinal vertical plane. 10. pressurized air when the vehicle is moving in a straight
More specifically, the present invention concerns a ahead direction, and are automatically disconnected
hinge connection for a three-axle articulated bus in from the source of pressurized air when the vehicle
which the front section includes front and center non negotiates a turn; to provide a new and improved hinge
driven axles, and the rear section has a single driven connection for an articulated vehicle that includes a pair
axle and an engine located at the rear end thereof. The 15. of longitudinally spaced hinge members which, to
rear section of the bus serves as a "pusher" unit to drive, gether, with link members, are connected to a trans
the front section through the hinge, connection, and versely extending shaft member so as to provide angular
steering of the bus is effected through a pair of dirigible movement of each section of the vehicle about a pair of
wheels mounted on the front axle of the front section. mutually perpendicular axes while ensuring that the
In the preferred form, the hinge connection made in 20 longitudinal center axis of the shaft member bisects the
accordance with the present invention includes a hinge. angle between the two sections when the vehicle is in a
member, mounted on the front section and a similar turn; and to provide a new and improved hinge connec
hinge member mounted on the rear section. Each hinge tion for interconnecting the front and rear sections of an
member provides a vertical axis about which the associ articulated vehicle for relative pivotal movement about
ated section of the bus can pivot, and each member, is 25 a pair of vertical pivot axes, and wherein the hinge
connected to a transversely extending and horizontally connection includes means for damping angular relative
orientated shaft member located midway between the movements between the two sections around the pair of
hinge members. The shaft member provides a horizon vertical pivot axes.
tal transversely extending pivot axis about which the These and other objects and advantages of the inven
front and rear sections pivot when the bus is traveling 30. tion will be more apparent from the following detailed
over a crest or dips in the road. Also, a pair of links aredescription, taken in conjunction with the accompany
located on each side of the hinge members-between ing drawings, in which:
the front and rear sections of the bus--and are pivotally, FIG. 1 is an elevational view of an articulated bus
connected to a slider member located on the above traveling in a straight-ahead direction and having the
mentioned shaft member. This link-slider mechanism. 35 front and rear sections thereof interconnected by the
ensures that the transverse pivot axis, provided by the hinge connection made in accordance with the present
shaft member will always bisect the angle between the invention;
front and rear sections, thereby also ensuring proper
positioning of the two vertical pivot axes provided by, withFIG. 2 is a plan view of the articulated bus of FIG. 1,
a portion of the bellows between the front and rear
the hinge members with respect to the front and rear 40 sections broken away to show the hinge connection of
sections when the bus is in a turn or traveling straight the present invention;
ahead. sy - FIG. 3 is an enlarged plan view of the hinge connec
In addition, a pairgfspring members are provided on tion shown in FIGS. 1 and 2;
each side of the hinge members-with one of the spring FIG. 4 is a plan view similar to that of FIG. 3, but
members extending between the front section and the 45. shows the positions assumed by the various parts of the
shaft member, and the other extending between the rear hinge connection when the articulated bus is moving in
section and the shaft member. The arrangement is such reverse and the front, and rear sections reach the limits
that when the bus is traveling in a straight-ahead direc of angular displacement;
tion, the spring members will apply a substantially FIG. 5 is an elevational view of the hinge connection
equal-and-opposite torque to the two sections of the bus 50 taken on line 5-5 of FIG. 3;
about the two vertical pivot axes provided by the hinge FIG. 6 is a further enlarged elevational view taken on
members. . . . . . . . . . line 6-6 of FIG.3 and shows the joint between the
The objects of the present invention are: to provide a links and the shaft member which form a portion of the
new and improved hinge connection for joining the rear hinge connection of the present invention;
section to the front section of an articulated vehicle; to 55 FIG. 7 is a further enlarged elevational view taken on
provide a new and improyed hinge connection for an line 7-7 of FIG. 3 and shows the longitudinally spaced
articulated vehicle that provides a pair of longitudinally vertical pivot axes of the hinge connection about which
spaced vertical pivot axes and a horizontal pivot axis displaceable;
the front and rear sections of the bus are angularly
which, together, allow one of the sections of the vehicle
to move angularly relative to the other section when the 60 FIG. 8 is a schematic diagram of the air control sys
vehicle is negotiating a turn or is traveling over a crest tem which supplies pressurized air to the air-springs
or dip in the road; to provide a new and improved hinge incorporated with the hinge connection;
connection for an articulated vehicle having a front FIG. 9 is a perspective view of the hinge connection
section ed with a pair of longitudinally spaced shown in FIGS. 1 through 7;
ven front and center axles, and a rear section 65 FIG. 10 is a plan view of the articulated bus showing
-- -
: . .
ith a driven rear axle, and wherein the hinge the relative positions of the front and rear sections when
. . . . . . . . ... :"... . .. . . .. . . . . ."
connection includes spring means located between the the bus is traveling forwardly and simultaneously nego
front and rear sections that serve to reduce the side
'. 2 . . .' . ' M' ". . :::s' . .. . . ;, , tiating a turn; and . .
4,405,143 4.
FIG. 11 is an enlarged plan view of the hinge connec upper and lower plate members 94 and 96, and also
tion similar to that of FIG. 3, but shows the positions includes a pair of transversely spaced ears 102 and 104
assumed by the various parts of the hinge connection which, in this instance, project rearwardly and are ro
when the front and rear sections are angled, as seen in tatably mounted on the shaft member 36 adjacent the
FIG. 10. ears 82 and 84 formed on the trunnion member 78.
Referring now to the drawings and more specifically Thus, it should be apparent from the foregoing de
FIGS. 1 and 2, an articulated vehicle or bus 10 is shown scription that the front and rear sections 12 and 14 are
that includes a front section 12 and a rear section 14 capable of pivoting relative to each other in opposite
which are interconnected by a hinge connection 16 directions about the vertical center axes of the trunnion
made in accordance with the present invention. Abel 10 pins 80 and 100 and also capable of pivoting about the
lows 17 is connected to the front and rear sections 12 horizontal center axis of the shaft member 36. This
and 14 so that the area above the hinge connection can construction allows the bus 10 to negotiate turns and
be used as a sealed passageway and provide additional travel over crests and valleys in a road surface.
seating space for passengers; : As seen in FIGS. 3 and 5, the four air-springs 38, 40,
As shown in FIG. 2, the front section 12 of the bus 10 15 42, and 44 are arranged in sets of two along each side of
is provided with nondriven front and center axles 18 the hinge members 32 and 34. In this regard, it will be
and 20, the former of which rotatably supports laterally noted that the longitudinal center axis of each air-spring
spaced dirigible wheels 22 and 24 for allowing the front 38, 40, 42, and 44 is located in a horizontal plane below
section 12 to negotiate turns as it is driven along the the shaft member 36 when the bus 10 is on a level sur
road. The rear section 14 is provided with a driven rear 20 face. Also, the opposite ends of each of the air-springs
axle 26 which obtains power from an engine 28 through 38 and 42 are connected to support blocks 106 and 108
a suitable drive train which includes a drive shaft 30. rigidly fixed to the hinge member 32 and the shaft mem
Thus, the rear section 14 serves as a power unit for ber 36, respectively. Similarly, the opposite ends of the
driving the articulated bus 10 in the direction of the air-springs 40 and 44 are connected to support blocks
arrow 31, and in this instance, the rear section 14 drives 25 110 and 112 secured to the hinge member 34 and shaft
the front section 12 through the hinge connection 16 member 36, respectively. It will also be noted that (as
which serves to maintain the two sections of the bus 10 seen in FIG. 9) the support blocks 108 and 112 associ
in proper alignment during straight-ahead travel while ated with air-springs 42 and 44 are interconnected and
allowing angular displacement between the two sec secured to a clamp member 114 fixed to the shaft mem
tions about a vertical axis when the bus is in a turn and 30 ber 36 adjacent to ear 104 of trunnion member 98. Also,
about a horizontal axis when traveling over crests and the support blocks 108 and 112 associated with air
valleys. - :
springs 38 and 40 are also interconnected and secured to
As best seen in FIGS. 3 and 9, the hinge connection a clamp member 116 which is fixed to the shaft member
16 comprises a pair of hinge members 32 and 34, a trans 36 and located adjacent to ear 82 of trunnion member
versely extending shaft member 36, air-springs 38, 40, 35 78.
42, and 44, and hydraulic dampers 46, 48, 50 and 52. The The hydraulic dampers 46, 48, 50, and 52 are located
hinge connection 16 also includes a linkage mechanism in parallel with air-springs 38, 40, 42 and 44, respec
which comprises link members 54, 56, 58, and 60, and a tively, and serve to dampen erratic and undesirable
pair of slider assemblies 62 and 64 mounted on the shaft angular relative movements between the front and rear
member 36 for movement therealong, as will be herein 40 sections 12 and 14 of the bus 10 about the vertical center
after more fully explained. axis of the pins 80 and 100 that might occur as a result
As seen in FIGS. 3 and 5, the hinge member 32 is of of road induced vibrations. As seen in FIG. 3, one end
yoke configuration and includes a pair of converging of each hydraulic damper 46 and 48 is connected to a
beam members 66 and 68 which are fixed at one end to cross-member 118 fixed to the associated hinge member
vertically spaced upper and lower plate members 70 45 by a spherical connection 120, while the other end of
and 72 and secured at the other end to longitudinally each hydraulic damper 46 and 48 is connected to the
extending frame members 74 and 76 of the vehicle rear clamp member 116 by a spherical connection 122. Also,
section 14. The plate members 70 and 72 straddle a one end of each hydraulic damper 50 and 52 is con
trunnion member 78 which rigidly supports a vertically nected to the cross-member 118 of the associated hinge
orientated pin 80, the upper and lower ends of which 50 member by a spherical connection 124, while the other
are journaled in the upper and lower plate members 70 end of each hydraulic damper 50 and 52 is connected by
and 72, respectively. The trunnion member 78 also in a spherical connection 126 to the clamp member 114.
cludes a pair of forwardly projecting ears 82 and 84. The linkage mechanism which comprises the four
which are rotatably mounted on an intermediate por link members 54, 56, 58, and 60, and the two slider
tion of the shaft member 36 the center longitudinal axis 55 assemblies 62 and 64, ensures that the longitudinal cen
of which is located in a horizontal plane. ter axis of the shaft member 36 is perpendicular to the
The hinge member 34 is substantially identical in longitudinal center axis A of the bus 10 (as seen in FIG.
construction to the hinge member 32 and also includes 2) when traveling straight ahead, and always bisects the
a pair of converging beam members 86 and 88, each of deflection angle between the front and rear sections 12
which is secured at one end to the laterally spaced and 60 and 14 when the bus is in a turn. This is important be
and longitudinally extending frame members 90 and 92 cause (as best seen in FIG. 9) the outer ends of the shaft
of the vehicle front section 12. The other ends of the member 36 are rigidly connected to the lower portions
beam members 86 and 88 are fixed with upper and 128 and 130 of a conventional hoop member (not
lower plate members 94 and 96, respectively, which shown) which supports the previously described bel
also straddle a trunnion member 98 which is identical in
construction to trunnion member 78. The trunnion
65 lows 17 (FIGS. 1 and 2) between the front and rear
sections of the bus. Therefore, by maintaining the shaft
member 98 rigidly supports a vertically oriented pin member 36 and the hoop member at equal distances
100, the opposite ends of which are journaled in the from the front and rear sections, the accordian folds of
the bellows are properly arranged as the bus 10 moves The hinge connection 16 described above operates as
through a turn. . . .. ... . follows: Assuming the front and rear sections 12 and 14
The positioning of the shaft member 36 by the linkage of the articulated bus 10 are longitudinally aligned, the
mechanism as explained above is also important because front dirigible wheels 22 and 24 are positioned for
it ensures that the vertical center axes of the trunnion 5 straight-ahead travel, and the wheels of the driven axle
pins 80 and 100 are located and maintained along the 26 are connected to the engine 28 for forward move
longitudinal center axis A when the bus 10 is traveling ment as seen in FIG. 2, the result is that the rear section
in a straight-ahead direction (as seen in FIG.2) and that 14 applies a pushing force to the front section 12
when the bus 10 is in a turn, as seen in FIGS. 10 and 11, through the hinge connection 16 to cause the bus 10 to
the longitudinal center axis of the rear section 14 that 10 move straight ahead in the direction of the the arrow 31.
passes through the vertical center, axis of the pin 80 and During such time the air-springs 38, 40,42, and 44 are
the longitudinal center axis of the front section 12 that maintained at the same pressure by the air control sys
passes through the vertical center axis of the pin 100 tem shown in FIG. 8 which includes a source 164 of
will intersect at a common point located in a vertical pressurized air connected through a pressure control
plane passing through the longitudinal center axis of the 15 valve 166, a solenoid valve 168, and a pair of one-way
shaft member 36. .. . " .. ... check valves 170 and 172, to the air-springs 38-44. As a
The two slider assemblies 62 and 64 are identical in result, the air-springs 38-44 serve to apply an equal-and
construction and, as seen in FIG. 6, each assembly 62 opposite torque to the front and rear sections 12 and 14
and 64 comprises a ring member 132 having a pair of about the longitudinally spaced vertical pins 80 and 100
vertically aligned pins 134 and 136 fixed thereto. The 20 while the latter pins are being maintained in longitudi
ring member 132 is adapted to slide along the shaft nal alignment by the above-described linkage mecha
member 36, and the pins 134 and 136 on the ring mem nism as the articulated bus 10 moves in the straight
ahead direction.
ber 132 support a two-part bracket member 138 fixedly Prior to describing the operation of the hinge connec
bolted to the outboard end of the link member 54 or 58,
tion 16 when the bus 10 enters a turn, it will be noted
as the case may be. Thus the outboard end of each link 25 that
member 54 and 58 is adapted to pivot about the vertical the air control system of FIG. 8 includes an electric
axis passing through the aligned centers of the pins 134 circuit which receives power from a battery 174. The
and 136 of the associated slider, assembly. It will be battery 174 is connected in series with the coil 176 of the
noted that, as seen in FIG.3, the link members 54 and 58 solenoid valve 168 and a normally open switch 178. The
are identical in construction and each has the inboard
30 switch 178 is mounted on the shaft member 36 and
end thereof connected to the hinge member 32 by a when closed, it serves to energize the coil 176 where
pivotal connection 140. It will also be noted that the link upon the airline 180 leading to the air-springs 38-44 is
members 56 and 60 are identical in construction and closed so as to interrupt the supply of pressurized air
each has the inboard end thereof connected by a spheri- is from
the source 164 to the air-springs 38–44. The switch
is designed so that it will be closed by the slider
cal connection 142 to the hinge member 34. The out assembly 64 whenever the angularity between the front
board end of the link member 56 is connected to the
bracket member 138 of the slider assembly 62 by a exceeds +2 or -212degrees
and rear sections and 14 at the hinge connection 16
from the longitudinal align
spherical connection 144, and the outboard end of the ment of the front and rear sections 12 and 14. y
link member 60 is connected to the bracket member 138 40 As the front section 12 of the articulated bus 10, seen
of the slider assembly 64 by a spherical connection 146. in FIG. 2 moves straight ahead-and assuming the front
It is well known that if the two sections of a two-sec wheels 22 and 24 are turned gradually in a clockwise
tion vehicle, such as the bus 10, are not longitudinally direction-the bus 10 will start to turn to the right.
aligned during reverse movement thereof, the angular During the initial part of the turn and as soon as the
ity between the two sections tends to increase unless the 45 front and rear sections are angled 2 degrees from the
dirigible front wheels are turned properly and suffi straight-ahead aligned position, the slider member 64
ciently to prevent this from happening. For this reason, will close the switch 178 as explained above and
the hinge connection 16 described above is provided thereby interrupt air supply to both pairs of air-springs
with four bumper members 148, 150, 152, and 154, and 38,42; 40,44. As the bus 10 continues to move in the
four bumper plates 156, 158, 160, and 162-arranged in 50 turn-with the wheels 22 and 24 turned to the positions
pairs along each side of the hinge members 32 and 34. shown in FIG. 10-the front and rear sections will be
As seen in FIG. 4, the bumper members 150 and 154 are angled or deflected relative to each other an amount
secured to the frame members 76 and 92, respectively, shown in FIGS. 10 and 11 and indicated by the angle 0.
and are adapted to contact the bumper plates 158 and Also, as the front and rear sections move from the
162 fixed to one end of the shaft member 36 to thereby 55 straight-ahead aligned position of FIGS. 2 and 3 to the
limit clockwise angular movement of the front section angled position of FIGS. 10 and 11, the link members
12 relative to the rear section 14 when, during reverse 54,56,58, and 60 cause the two slider assemblies 62 and
movement of the bus 10, the dirigible wheels 22 and 24 64 to move along the shaft member 36 and assume the
of the front axle 18 (as seen in FIG. 10) are turned so as positions shown in FIG. 11. As a result, the shaft mem
to cause a continuous increase in articulation angle 60 ber 36 is positioned so that its longitudinal center axis
between the front and rear sections. Similarly, the bum bisects the angle 0, and the pins 80 and 100 of the hinge
per members 148 and 152, secured respectively to the members 32 and 34, respectively, are properly posi
frame members 74 and 90, are adapted to contact the tioned relative to each other for the turn. At the same
bumper plates 156 and 160 fixed to the other end of the time, the air-springs 38 and 40 are expanded and the
shaft member 36 to thereby limit counterclockwise 65 air-springs 42 and 44 are compressed. This then causes
angular displacement of the front section 12 relative to the air-springs 38-44 to apply a "straightening' torque
the rear section 14 during reverse movement of the bus about the pins 80 and 100 that tends to align the front
10. . ; ; ; ; it. . . . . . ; . . . . . ;, , and rear sections of the bus 10. This straightening
torque serves to reduce the side force F (FIG. 10) on said hinge connection comprising a shaft member hav
the tires of the center axle 20 caused by the traction ing a longitudinal center axis adapted to be located in a
being applied to the tires of the rear axle 26. On a high horizontal plane between said front section and said rear
friction road surface the straightening torque is not section and to extend transversely relative to said artic
required for the bus 10 to satisfactorily negotiate turns. 5 ulated vehicle; a first hinge member adapted to be se
However, on a low-friction road surface, the straighten
ing torque serves an important function in that it helps cured
to said front section; a second hinge member
to be secured to said rear section; means con
maintain hinge-angle stability as the bus 10 moves in a necting said first hinge member and said second hinge
turn and traction is applied to the tires of the rear axle member to said shaft member so as to allow said front
26. 10
As should be apparent to those skilled in the art to section section to be angularly displaced relative to said rear
which this invention pertains, the hinge connection 16 axes about a pair of longitudinally spaced vertical
does not necessarily have to use air-springs to operate as and about said longitudinal center axis of said shaft
described above. Coil springs or other suitable spring member so as to permit said articulated vehicle to nego
means can be substituted for the air-springs. It should be 15 tiate turns and to travel over crests and valleys in a road
noted, however, that the springs used should have a surface; and means operatively connected between each
spring rate which will permit angular displacement of of said first and second hinge members and said shaft
the two sections 12 and 14 without sideslip of the center member for maintaining said pair of spaced vertical axes
axle tires when the articulated bus is negotiating a turn aligned and located along the longitudinal center axis of
on a low-friction road surface; and also serve to reduce 20 said articulated vehicle during straight-ahead travel
the tire side force on the center axle when the bus is in thereof and for positioning said shaft member so that
such turn and tractive force is applied to the drive axle said longitudinal center axis of said shaft member bisects
tires. Therefore, the choice of the spring rate provided the turn angle between said front section and said rear
by the springs will depend upon the selection of a satis section when said articulated vehicle is in a turn.
factory compromise between the limits of maneuver- 25 2. A hinge connection for interconnecting the front
ability and acceleration of the bus on slippery surfaces. section with the rear section of an articulated vehicle
Also, although not shown, it will be understood that the wherein said rear section has a driven rear axle and said
top portion of the hoop which supports the bellows 17 front section has a nondriven center axle and a pair of
will incorporate a control linkage to ensure that the front dirigible wheels, said hinge connection compris
upper part of the hoop will stay at equal distances from 30 ing a shaft member having a longitudinal center axis
the front and rear sections 12 and 14, regardless of their adapted to be located in a horizontal plane between said
relative pitch oscillations. front section and said rear section and extend trans
A prototype articulated bus has been constructed versely relative to said articulated vehicle; a first hinge
utilizing a hinge connection made in accordance with member adapted to be secured to said front section; a
the present invention and described above. This hinge 35 second hinge member adapted to be secured to said rear
connection employed air-springs which provided a section; means connecting said first hinge member and
spring rate of 8,000 lb-ft/rad., and the hydraulic damp said second hinge member to said shaft member so as to
ers used had a value of approximately 30,000 lb-ft-sec/- allow said front section to pivot relative to said rear
rad. The parameters of the front and rear sections of the section about a pair of longitudinally spaced vertical
prototype were as follows: 40 axes when said articulated vehicle is in a turn and to
pivot about said longitudinal center axis of said shaft
FRONT SECTION member when said articulated vehicle is traveling over
Wheelbase 240 inches crests and valleys in a road surface; and a linkage mech
Weight 8,000 lbs. anism operatively connected between each of said first
Track width of front tires 87 inches 45 and second hinge members and said shaft member for
Type of front tires
Track width of center axle tires
12 x 22
76 inches
maintaining said pair of spaced vertical axes aligned and
Type-dual tires each end of center axle 12 X 22 located along the longitudinal center axis of said articu
Distance from center of hinge connection lated vehicle during straight-ahead travel thereof and
to center of center axle 60 inches for positioning said shaft member so that said longitudi
Yaw inertia 60,000 lb-ft-sec. 50 nal center axis of said shaft member bisects the turn
Weight 18,000 lbs.
angle between said front section and said rear section
Track width of rear axle tires 76 inches
when said articulated vehicle is in a turn.
Type-dual tires each end of rear axle 12 x 22 3. A hinge connection for interconnecting the front
Distance from center of hinge connection section with the rear section of an articulated vehicle
to center of rear axle 180 inches 55 wherein said rear section has a driven rear axle and said
Yaw inertia 25,000 lb-ft-sec? front section has nondriven center and front axles the
latter of which is provided with a pair of dirigible
Various modifications and changes may be made in wheels, said hinge connection comprising a shaft mem
the construction of the invention without departing ber having a longitudinal center axis adapted to be lo
from the spirit of the invention. Such changes and modi- 60 cated in a horizontal plane between said front section
fications are contemplated by the inventor, and he does and said rear section and extend transversely relative to
not wish to be limited except by the scope of the ap said articulated vehicle; a first hinge member adapted to
pended claims. be secured to the rear end of said front section; a second
The embodiments of the invention for which an ex hinge member adapted to be secured to the front end of
clusive property or privilege is claimed are defined as 65 said rear section; means connecting said first hinge
follows: member and said second hinge member to said shaft
1. A hinge connection for interconnecting the front member so as to allow said front section to pivot rela
section with the rear section of an articulated vehicle, tive to said rear section about a pair of longitudinally
4,405,143 10
spaced vertical axes when said articulated vehicle is in a said pair of hinge members; and a linkage mechanism
turn and to pivot about said longitudinal center axis of including a slider assembly mounted on said shaft mem
said shaft member, when said articulated vehicle is trav ber and a link extending between said slider assembly
eling over crests and valleys in a road surface; means and each of said pair of hinge members for positioning
operatively connecting said first and second hinge 5 said, shaft member so that the longitudinal center axis
members to said shaft member for maintaining said pair thereof bisects the turn angle between said front section
of spaced vertical axes aligned and located along the and said rear section when said articulated vehicle is in
longitudinal center axis of said articulated vehicle dur a turn and said first and second vertical pins are main
ing straight-ahead travel thereof and for positioning tained in alignment along said longitudinal center axis of
said shaft member so that said longitudinal center axis of 10 said articulated vehicle during straight-ahead travel
said shaft member bisects the turn angle between said thereof.
front section and said rear section when said articulated 6. In an articulated vehicle having a rear section sup
vehicle is in a turn; and spring means between said first porting a driven rear axle and a front section supporting
and second hinge members for applying a straightening a nondriven center axle and a pair of front dirigible
torque to said front and rear sections so as to reduce the 15 wheels, said front section and said rear section being
side force on said center axle when said articulated interconnected by a hinge connection which allows
vehicle is in a turn and said rear axle is being driven. relative angular displacement of said front and rear
4. A hinge connection for interconnecting the front sections in a horizontal plane about a pair of spaced
section with the rear section of an articulated vehicle vertical pivot axes and in a vertical plane about a single
wherein said rear section has a driven rear axle and said 20 horizontal pivot axis; the improvement, wherein said
front section has a nondriven center axle and a pair of hinge connection includes a pair of hinge members, one
front dirigible wheels, said hinge connection compris of said hinge members being connected to a first vertical
ing a shaft member having a longitudinal center axis pin; the other of said hinge members being connected to
adapted to be located in a horizontal plane between said a second vertical pin which is spaced along the longitu
front section and said rear section and extend trans- 25 dinal center axis of said articulated vehicle from said
versely relative to said articulated vehicle; a first hinge first vertical pin; a transversely extending shaft member
member adapted to be mounted on said front section; a located midway between said first and second vertical
second hinge member adapted to be mounted on said pins; means connecting said shaft member to said first
rear section; means connecting said first hinge member and second vertical pins of said pair of hinge members;
and said second hinge member to said shaft member so 30 a linkage mechanism including a slider assembly
as to allow said front section to pivot relative to said mounted on said shaft member and a link extending
rear section about a pair of spaced vertical axes when between said slider assembly and each of said pair of
said articulated vehicle is in a turn and to pivot about hinge members for positioning said shaft member so that
said longitudinal center axis of said shaft member when the longitudinal center axis thereof bisects the turn
said articulated vehicle is traveling over crests and val- 35 angle between said front section and said rear section
leys in a road surface; means operatively connecting when said articulated vehicle is in a turn; and spring
said first and second hinge members to said shaft mem means between each of said pair of hinge members and
ber for positioning said shaft member so that said longi said shaft member for applying a straightening torque to
tudinal center axis of said shaft member bisects the turn said front and rear sections so as to reduce the side force
angle between said front section and said rear section 40 on said center axle when said articulated vehicle is in a
when said articulated vehicle is in a turn; spring means turn and said rear axle is being driven.
between said first and second hinge members and lo 7. In an articulated vehicle having a rear section sup
cated below said shaft member in a horizontal plane for porting a driven rear axle and a front section supporting
applying a straightening torque to said front and rear a nondriven center axle and a pair of front dirigible
sections so as to reduce the side force on said center axle 45 wheels, said front section and said rear section being
when said articulated vehicle is in a turn and said rear interconnected by a hinge connection which allows
axle is being driven; and means located between said relative angular displacement of said front and rear
first and second hinge members for dampening relative sections in a horizontal plane about a pair of spaced
movement of said first and second hinge members about vertical pivot axes and in a vertical plane about a single
said pair of spaced verticle axes due to road induced 50 horizontal pivot axis; the improvement, wherein said
vibrations. hinge connection includes a pair of hinge members, one
5. In an articulated vehicle having a rear section sup of said hinge members being connected to a first vertical
porting a driven rear axle and a front section supporting pin; the other of said hinge members being connected to
a nondriven center axle and a pair of front dirigible a second vertical pin which is spaced along the longitu
wheels, said front section and said rear section being 55. dinal center axis of said articulated vehicle from said
interconnected by a hinge connection which allows first vertical pin; a transversely extending shaft member
relative angular displacement of said front and rear located midway between said first and second vertical
sections in a horizontal plane about a pair of spaced pins; means connecting said shaft member to said first
vertical pivot axes and in a vertical plane about a single and second vehicle pins of said pair of hinge members;
horizontal pivot axis; the improvement, wherein said 60 a linkage mechanism including a slider assembly
hinge connection includes a pair of hinge members, one mounted on said shaft member and a link extending
of said hinge members being connected to a first vertical between said slider assembly and each of said pair of
pin; the other of said hinge members being connected to hinge members for positioning said shaft member so that
a second vertical pin which is spaced along the longitu the longitudinal center axis thereof bisects the turn
dinal center axis of said articulated vehicle from said 65 angle between said front section and said rear section
first vertical pin; a shaft member located between said when said articulated vehicle is in a turn; an air-spring
first and second vertical pins; means connecting said member along each side of said articulated vehicle and
shaft member to said first and second vertical pins of positioned between said front and rear sections for ap
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plying an equal-and-opposite torque to said front and system responsive to turning movement of said articu
rear sections about said vertical pin of each of said pair lated vehicle for disconnecting said pressure-control
of hinge members when said articulated vehicle is trav valve from said air-spring members so the air pressure in
eling in a straight-ahead direction; an air control system
including a pressure-control valve for maintaining a one air spring member along one side of said vehicle is
uniform pressure in each of said air-spring members greater than the air-pressure in the air-spring member
when said articulated vehicle is traveling in said along the other side of the vehicle.
straight-ahead direction; and means in said air control k k k sk