2019 Icoict2
2019 Icoict2
2019 Icoict2
Indoor Air Quality Monitoring and Controlling System based on IoT and Fuzzy
43 1,663
2 authors, including:
Nico Surantha
Tokyo City University
All content following this page was uploaded by Nico Surantha on 07 April 2020.
Abstract — Air pollution is one of the biggest health make something smarter than before [6]. IoT system will
challenges in the world. Indoor air pollution is 2-5 times larger monitor the indoor quality of air in real-time [7]. With the IoT,
than outdoors, but people still do not care about it. Currently, problems related to one of the limitations of storage on
people open the window or use an exhaust fan to refresh the air embedded system devices can be solved. Embedded systems
condition inside the room. However, people sometimes are too do not need to use ample storage because all data is stored on
busy to pay attention to the air quality inside the room. cloud servers. Cloud servers can guarantee data integrity, data
Therefore, automation is required to bring the air quality into validity, and data values as a place to store and share data [8].
the required level. This study discussed indoor air quality
Raspberry Pi can also be used as a tool for IoT based projects
monitoring and controlling system that can monitor the air
because of its small form and requires low power. Raspberry
condition and control the air condition using an exhaust fan.
This system used the IoT concept in conducting real-time Pi 3 has built-in Wireless adapter to connect to Wi-Fi for
monitoring of carbon dioxide and PM10. The proposed system accessing the internet [9].
has fuzzy controls that could adjust the working interval of In this paper, the indoor air quality monitoring system
exhaust fan automatically depends on the concentration of each based on IoT that could monitor the concentration of CO2 and
pollutant. Experiment results show that the proposed system PM10 density and control the fan using fuzzy logic is
shows excellent performance in controlling indoor air quality in
proposed. The data of sensors push by raspberry pi 3 to cloud
terms of pollutant concentrator, AQI, and processing time to
server and present the data in the dashboard. This system used
remove the pollutants.
an exhaust fan to reduce the concentration of that materials
Keywords—Internet of Things, Fuzzy logic, Indoor air quality inside the room and bring it to a safe level for humans
[10][11]. This system has fuzzy logic to control interval of
I. INTRODUCTION exhaust fan depends on gases concentration. It makes power
usage of exhaust fan efficient when the concentration level of
Polluted air in an indoor environment can be contaminated
gases changes.
by harmful chemicals and other materials [1]. Air pollution
can lead to various diseases such as asthma, wet lung, even II. RELATED WORKS
coronary heart. Pollution can be done outside or indoors.
However, people spend around 90% of their activities indoor, There are several journals regarding indoor air quality
such as at the office, homes, and school. [2]. monitoring that has been studied previously. Mukesh and
Sakula made a system of indoor air quality monitoring using
CO2 is one of the highest elements in the indoor CO2 sensor, CO sensor, and raspberry pi 3 with the output
environment due to respiration and activities of a human system is DC fan, but the feature of DC fan only has ON/OFF
inside the room. High level of CO2 can make a variety of state[5]. On that Mukesh's system, the user can turn on the
irritants and decrease cognitive performance [3]. Another ventilation fan manually from application in smartphone,
material in the air that can effect for human health is PM10. when the air quality tolerable limit exceeds. Their suggestion
There is a standard for indoor air quality gases concentration for future research is that the system can be enhanced with
in a room from ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, various sensors and also increase the reliability and accuracy
Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers). For PM10, of the system. Mukesh's system also does not have automation
Based on US Environmental Protection Agencies (EPA), the to power on the ventilation fan when the limit of gases
standards for PM10 concentration in 24-hour is 150 ug/m3. exceeds.
For carbon dioxide ppm maximum in an indoor room that still
make comfort for human odor in the room, ASHRAE has Another studied indoor air quality monitoring, Kumar
standard 1000 PPM maximum in the room [4]. Air quality has made a system of indoor quality monitoring that integrated
an index that represents the quality of air. That has a value with a server in the cloud. Data of the sensor showed as a
from 0 to 500 called AQI. graph in the dashboard cloud server. MQTT protocol is vital
to establishing communication between raspberry pi and the
Indoor air quality monitoring needs to be implemented to cloud server. A medium that used to connect from system
control air quality in the room. Indoor air quality monitoring indoor air quality monitoring to the internet is using a Wi-Fi
can ensure that the indoor environment in the room is safe for access point[9]. On Kumar's system used various parameter
a stay or do activities[5]. With the current technology, Indoor for monitoring, there are PM 2.5, carbon monoxide, carbon
air quality monitoring can also be integrated with the Internet. dioxide, temperature, humidity, and air pressure. However,
Internet of things (IoT) concept can be implemented on system the system that made by Kumar does not have the actuator to
indoor air quality monitoring. IoTis a technology that can pull out bad air in the environment of sensors.
PM 10 Sensor PM 10 Value
CO2 Sensor CO2 Value Logic
Rules CO2 Sensor
Indoor Air Observation Fuzzification
PM10 17 5 5
mobile devices such as smartphones and laptops. The stored dashboard is the graphic of the real-time concentration value
data can be displayed on the kibana dashboard. In the kibana of pollutants every 30 seconds
module configurations can be done, such as selecting the
chart type, color chart, and placement settings from the C. Fuzzy Logic for Controlling Exhaust Fan
dashboard. Kibana in real-time displays data received by Fuzzy logic is a cryptic logic that has a value of
elasticsearch. In addition to displaying data in realtime, membership between 0 and 1. The primary motivation in
Kibana also can see the history of data that has been entered fuzzy logic theory is to map input space into output space
so that it makes it easy to search for the data needed. using IF-THEN rules[13]. A complete fuzzy rule-based
Fig. 4 shows the dashboard of the monitoring system to system consists of three main components: Fuzzification,
present the data. In the dashboard, the data of PM10 and CO2 Inference, and defuzzification[14].
are shown. The upper part shows the indoor air quality (IAQ) This system proposed fuzzy logic to compute the interval
level of the pollutants. It displays the real-time value of the of ventilation fan with Mamdani type fuzzy inference system.
pollutants and informs the user whether it is at a safe level or There are two inputs of fuzzy logic in this system and one
not according to the IAQ standard. While the lower part of output. Two inputs are Carbon Dioxide (CO2), and PM10.
the The output of fuzzy will generates the fuzzy result as an
Table 2 Fuzzy Rules of System Table 3 Processing Time Comparison in 1st Scenario
INTERVAL CO2 - Low CO2 - Medium CO2 - High No Proposed System Conventional System
PM10 - Low Fan- Stop Fan-Medium Fan-High (minutes) (minutes)
PM10 - Medium Fan-Short Fan-Medium Fan-High
1 2.52 3:05
PM10 - High Fan-Short Fan-Medium Fan-High
2 2.29 3:15
3 2.53 3:19
4 2.40 3:05
5 2.27 3:19
1 14 26
2 14 40