AAA IB MAT1005 EconMath EN

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I. Module Information:

Program Title: International Business/Accounting, Analyzing and


Module Title: Mathematics for Economics

Module Code: MAT1005

Number of Credits: 3

Lecture: 30 hours

Tutorial: 15 hours

Self-study: 90 hours

Pre-requisite(s): MAT1004

Other requirement(s): None

II. Lecturer Information:

Dr. Lê Đức Thịnh; Email:; Phone: 0338996815.

III. Main aim(s) of the module:

The main aim of the course is to provide students with useful applications of Mathematics in
Economics and Management: Mathematical modeling in decision making systems,
Forecasting models, Linear programming and simplex method, Transportation problems,
Project evaluation and review technique (PERT) and some other relevant mathematical

At the end of this module, students will be able to (10 learning outcomes):

For Knowledge:
1. UNDERSTAND the role of mathematics and quantitative methods in economics and
2. USE appropriate forecasting models to analyze data and support decision making;
3. APPLY some basic decision making methods to SOLVE economic and
management problems;
4. SOLVE transportation problems;
5. APPLY project evaluation and review techniques (PERTs) to realistic business and
management projects;
For Skills and Attitude:
6. SOLVE small and medium size of linear programming using Microsoft Excel;
7. SELECT an optimal strategic scheme for a given problem in economics and
8. USE computer softwares to help with decision making;
9. MANAGE distribution of timetables;
10. BUILD up math vocabulary in English.

IV. Module’s description:

The course provides students with useful applications of Mathematics in Economics and
Management: Mathematical modeling in decision making systems, Forecasting models,
Linear programming and simplex method, Transportation problems, Project evaluation and
review technique (PERT), Inventory models, and some other relevant mathematical

V. Main topics:

Topic 1: Basic concepts, an introduction to Ecomaths

Topic 2: Decision analysis

Topic 3: Forecast

Topic 4: Linear programming

Topic 5: Transportation problem

Topic 6: Project management

Topic 7: Inventory control

VI. Reading and resources for the module:


[1] David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A. Williams, Jeffrey D. Camm, Kipp
Martin, Quantitative Methods for Business, South Western Educational Publishing; 12th
Revised edition, 2013.
Recommended reading(s):

[1] Richard I. Levin, Charles A. Kirkpatrick and David S. Rubin, Quantitative

Approaches to Management, McGraw-Hill Companies, 5th Edition, 1982.
[2] Teresa Bradley, Essential Mathematics for Economics and Business, Publisher: Wiley; 3
edition, July 15, 2008.

VII. Teaching (learning) methods (strategies):

+ Classroom lectures combine with discussion and class assignments, homework;

+ Students are encouraged to apply knowledge to solve some practical problems in economics

VIII. Course schedule / Teaching plan:

Week / Content Reference Learning outcomes

1. Introduction Chapter 1 1,10
Decision analysis
2. Decision analysis Chapter 4 1,2,3,7,8,10
3. Game theory Chapter 5 1,2,3,7,8,10
4. Forecasting 1 Chapter 6 1,2,3,5,7,8,10
5. Forecasting 2 Chapter 6 1,2,3,5,7,8,10
Excel Practice
6. Forecasting 3 Chapter 6 1,2,3,5,7,8,10
Excel Practice
7. Linear programming: graphical method Chapter 7 1,2,3,7,8,10
8. Linear programming: simplex method Chapter 8 1,2,3,7,8,10
Excel Practice
9. Transportation problems Chapter 10 4,7,8,10
Excel Practice
10. Transportation problems Chapter 10 4,7,8,10

Excel Practice
11. Project Scheduling: PERT/CPM Chapter 13.1 5,7,8,9,10
12. PERT/CPM-extension Chapter 13.2 5,7,8,9,10
13. Inventory model: EOQ model Chapter 14.1-14.2 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
14. Inventory models: EOQ with quantity Chapter 14.3-14.4 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
15. Review
Final exam

IX. Assessment methods:

No Assessment items Value Due date Notes

1. Regular Assessment 20% In-class Exercises; Take-home projects

2. Midterm Assessment 20% 1-hour written exam (50% on Excel)

3. Final exam 60% 2-hour written exam (50% on Excel)
Total 100%

Note: Students achieve less than 80% class attendance and participation will not be able to
take the final exam.

X. Policies and other requirements:

Requirements during lecture:

- Be on time;
- Complete the assigned readings before class meetings;
- Actively involve in the lecture, no personal affairs or discussions outside of course
materials are allowed during the lecture;
- No cellphones or personal computers are allowed during lecture;
- Limit the time stepping out of the classroom.
Requirement during discussion/case study/group study:
- Actively participate in group discussion activities, contribute to the groups;
- Are allowed to use personal computers and cellphones to find information regarding
the course materials and the assignments.
Other requirements:
- Plagiarism is prohibited under any circumstances. Students who commit plagiarism
are subjected to failure of the class and possible dismissal from the university;

- Follow the procedures during the exams;
- Follow the policies by International School, Vietnam National University-Hanoi.

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