Bin Uzayr S. Kotlin. The Ultimate Guide 2023

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Kotlin is a free and open-source general-purpose programming language that is

mostly used to create Android apps. Kotlin was developed by JetBrains initially
and later picked up by Google as the language of choice for its Android platform.
Over the past few years, Kotlin has become one of the most popular alternatives
to Java language and is used by more than 80 percent of Android app developers.

Kotlin is a statically typed, advanced programming language that compiles Kotlin

code into Java byte-code and runs on a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It can also be
compiled to native executables and JavaScript source code. It is an object-oriented
programming language that includes data types, operators, I/O comments, control
statements, functions, classes, object expressions, and constructors, among other
features. It is not a standalone programming language; rather, is an innovative
manner of coding that runs on Java.

Kotlin is a versatile language with some interesting and cool features like compat-
ibility, low runtime, and efficient coding characteristics. The features that help dis-
tinguish Kotlin from other languages are its reliability, tool support, and interoper-
ability. It is a simplified version of Java that is much easier to deal with.

Why Should You Learn Kotlin?

The popularity of Kotlin is growing, and it will continue to do so in the coming
years. Kotlin has always been, and will continue to be, a cutting-edge program-
ming language that best meets the needs of real professionals. Many emerging
fields, including mobile, online gaming, server-side, cloud development, data
science, and education, are progressively using Kotlin.

All of this indicates that there is already a high demand for Kotlin developers, and
that demand will continue to grow in the future. Furthermore, if you are looking to
build native Android apps, Kotlin is the language that you should be using.
The Ultimate Guide

Edited by
Sufyan bin Uzayr
First edition published 2023
by CRC Press
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© 2023 Sufyan bin Uzayr
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Bin Uzayr, Sufyan, author.

Title: Kotlin : the ultimate guide / Sufyan bin Uzayr.
Description: First edition. | Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. | Includes
bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2022025675 (print) | LCCN 2022025676 (ebook) | ISBN
9781032311708 (hardback) | ISBN 9781032311692 (paperback) | ISBN
9781003308447 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Android (Electronic resource) | Kotlin (Computer program
language) | Application software--Development. | Mobile
apps--Development. | Java (Computer program language)
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ISBN: 9781032311708 (hbk)

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ISBN: 9781003308447 (ebk)

DOI: 10.1201/9781003308447

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by KnowledgeWorks Global Ltd.

Acknowledgments, xxi
About the Author, xxiii

Chapter 1   ◾   Crash Course in Kotlin1

Android Development5
Back-End Web Development6
Full-Stack Web Development6
Data Science6
Mobile Development for Several Platforms7
Number Data Types in Kotlin12
Character Data Type in Kotlin13

vi   ◾    Contents

String Data Type in Kotlin14

Boolean Data Type in Kotlin14
Array Data Type in Kotlin15
Arithmetic Operators in Kotlin16
Relational Operators in Kotlin17
Assignment Operators in Kotlin17
Unary Operators in Kotlin18
Logical Operators in Kotlin19
Bitwise Operations in Kotlin19
Create Boolean Variables20
Boolean Operators in Kotlin21
Boolean Expression in Kotlin21
and() and or() Functions in Kotlin22
Boolean to String22
String Templates in Kotlin23
String Object in Kotlin23
String Indexes in Kotlin23
String Length in Kotlin24
String Kotlin Last Index24
String Case Changing24
String Concatenation in Kotlin25
Trim Characters from the String25
Quotes Inside a String26
Finding a String Inside a String26
Comparing Two Strings26
getOrNull() Function in Kotlin26
toString() Function in Kotlin27
Contents   ◾    vii

Creating Arrays27
Arrays of the Primitive Type28
Elements of an Array Can Be Get and Set28
Array Length in Kotlin28
Loop through an Array29
Check if an Element Exists29
Distinct Values from the Array29
Dropping Elements from the Array30
Checking an Empty Array30
Creating Ranges Using the rangeTo() Function31
Creating the Ranges Using the .. Operator31
Creating the Ranges Using downTo() Operator31
step() Function in Kotlin32
Range of Characters in Kotlin32
reversed() Function in Kotlin32
until() Function in Kotlin32
The last, first, and step Elements33
Filtering Ranges33
Distinct Values in Range33
Range Utility Functions34
Built-in Functions in Kotlin34
User-Defined Functions34
Function Parameters35
Return Values35
Unit-Returning Functions36
Recursive Function in Kotlin36
Tail Recursion in Kotlin37
Higher-Order Functions38
viii   ◾    Contents

Lambda Function in Kotlin38

Inline Function in Kotlin38
if Statement39
if-else Statement40
if-else Expression in Kotlin as the Ternary Operator42
if-else-if Ladder Expression42
nested if Expression44
while loop IN KOTLIN45
do-while loop IN KOTLIN47
Method of do-while loop47
for loop IN KOTLIN48
Iterate across the Range Using a for loop49
Using a for loop, Iterate over the Array50
Iterate through a String Using the for loop51
Iterate over the Collection Using the for loop52
KOTLIN when expression52
when to Use as a Statement with else53
Using when as a Statement in the Absence of an else Branch53
when Used as an Expression53
In Kotlin, Different Ways to Use a when Block54
In a while loop, Use of an Unlabeled Break57
In a do-while loop, Use of an Unlabeled Break58
Use of an Unlabeled Break in a for loop59
In a while loop, Using a Labeled Break60
In a do-while loop, Using a Labeled Break61
Using a Labeled Break in a for loop62
Use of Unlabeled Continues in the while loop63
Contents   ◾    ix

In a do-while loop, Use an Unlabeled Continue64

Use of Unlabeled Continues in a for loop64
Use of Labeled Continues in a while loop65
Use of Labeled Continues in a do-while loop66
Use of Labeled Continues in a for loop67
Exceptions in Kotlin68
Exception Handling in Kotlin69
Avoiding NullPointerException70
What If We Fail to Deal with Exceptions?70
How to Throw an Exception70
KOTLIN try-catch block71
The try-catch block as an Expression in Kotlin72
The final block in Kotlin72
Kotlin throw keyword74
NESTED try block AND MULTIPLE catch block74
Nested try block74
Multiple catch block75
Nullable and Non-Nullable Sorts in Kotlin77
Checking for the null in Conditions78
Safe Call operator(?.)79
Elvis Operator(?:)80
Not null assertion: !! Operator80
Type Checking81
Smart Casting82
Use of !is Operator83
Unsafe Cast Operator: as84
Safe Cast Operator: as?85
x   ◾    Contents


Regular Expressions in Kotlin85
Regex Functions86
(..) operator90
rangeTo() Function90
downTo() Function91
Range Using the forEach loop91
reverse() Function92
Various Predefined Functions in the Range92

Chapter 2   ◾   OOP in Kotlin95

Object-Oriented Programming Language95
Class 96
Object 97
Nested Class98
Inner Class in Kotlin100
Inner-Class Kotlin Program 101
Setters and Getters103
Program of Default Setter and Getter in Kotlin 103
Identifiers for Values and Fields104
Private Modifier104
Setter and Getter with Custom Parameters 105
Customer Accessors107
Primary Constructor108
Contents   ◾    xi

Primary Constructor with Initializer Block 109

The Default Value in the Primary Constructor 109
Secondary Constructor110
Public Modifier112
Private Modifier113
Internal Modifier114
Protected Modifier114
Overriding the Protected Modifier 115
Constructor Visibility 116
Creating Interfaces116
Implementing Interfaces116
Default Methods and Default Values117
Interface Properties118
Interface Inheritance119
Implementation of Multiple Interfaces120
Rules for Creating Data Classes121
toString() 122
copy() 123
hashCode() and equals() 124
Multiple Derived Classes130
Inheritance Use132
Primary Constructor for an Inheritance 135
Secondary Constructor for an Inheritance 136
Overriding Member Functions and Attributes137
Calling Superclass Implementation138
xii   ◾    Contents

Substitution Principle of Liskov139
Antipatterns of Implementation Inheritance140
Inheritance of a Single Implementation 140
Tight Coupling141
Unnecessary Exposure of Superclass APIs141
Exploding Numbers of Subclasses142
Composition Refactoring143
UserMediator Class Is Being Refactored 143
From Composition to Aggregation144
Handling the Exposure Issue146
Composition over Inheritance147
The Kotlin Method 147
Example of Procedural Programming152
Tips for Choosing between Procedural and OOP 153
Procedural 154
OOP and Encapsulation 154
Putting Everything Together 154

Chapter 3   ◾   Usability Aspects of Kotlin157

Nullable and Non-Nullable Types in Kotlin158
Nullable Types158
Non-Nullable Types158
Checking for Null in the Conditions159
Use of is for the Smart Cast160
Use of !is for the Smart Cast160
Contents   ◾    xiii


Unsafe Cast Operator: as160
Safe Cast Operator: as?161
(?:) Elvis Operator162
Extended Library Class Using an Extension Function165
Extensions Are Resolved Statically165
Nullable Receiver166
Companion Object Extensions167
Unary Operators168
Increment and Decrement Operators169
Binary Operators170
Other Operators171
Enum Initializing172
Enum Properties and Methods173
Properties and Functions of the Enum Class174
Enums as Anonymous Classes175
Usage of when Expression with the Enum Class175
Generic Usage in Our Program177
The out Keyword178
The in Keyword179
Contra Covariance180
Type Projections180
Star Projections181

Chapter 4   ◾   Kotlin Functional Programming183

xiv   ◾    Contents

Inference in Lambda Types185
Type Declaration in Lambdas185
it: Implicit Name of a Single-Parameter186
Returning a Value from a Lambda Expression187
Return Type and Parameters188
The Distinction between Lambda Expressions and
Anonymous Functions188
Higher-Order Function189
Returning a Function from a Higher-Order Function192
Utilization of Scope Functions197
Scope Function Types198
Object References202
Return Values203
Types of Collections204
Immutable Collection 204
Mutable Collection 206
ArrayList IN KOTLIN207
listOf() IN KOTLIN211
Indexing List Elements in Kotlin212
The First and Last Elements212
Iteration Methods for Lists213
Sorting the List’s Elements214
The Functions contains() and containsAll() 215
setOf() in Kotlin216
Set Indexing217
Contents   ◾    xv

Set Basics217
The Functions contains() and containsAll() 218
mutableSetOf() METHOD IN KOTLIN219
Set Indexing220
Set the First and Last Element221
Traversal in a mutableSet221
The Methods contains() and containsAll() 221
hashSetOf() IN KOTLIN222
hashSet Traversal224
Indexing in a hashSet224
The Functions contains() and containsAll() 224
mapOf () in Kotlin225
Map Size226
Empty Map226
Get Map Values227
Map Contains Keys or Values227
Two Values and the Same Key228
HashMap IN KOTLIN228
HashMap Functions Use229
HashMap Time Complexity232

Chapter 5   ◾   Code Management and Exception Handling233

Exceptions in Kotlin234
Exception Handling 234
What If We Don’t Deal with Exceptions? 235
How to Throw an Exception in Kotlin 235
NullPointerException Example 236
How to Avoid NullPointerException 236
KOTLIN try-catch block237
Kotlin try-catch block as an Expression237
xvi   ◾    Contents

Kotlin Finally Block238

Kotlin throw Keyword239
NESTED try block AND MULTIPLE catch block240
Nested try block240
Multiple catch block241
The Easiest Kotlin Logging That Could Work243
What Is Application Logging?244
Using Logback for Kotlin Logging244
Add Logback to Our Project 244
Calling LogBack from Kotlin 245
Why Log?246
What Logging Method Should We Use?246
Configuring Logger247
Formatting Kotlin Logging Messages248
Logging to a File249
Setting Kotlin Logging Levels249
Simple Android Application251
Project Setup251
Our First Test251
Test Structure252
Given Block252
When Block253
Then Block253
Running Test254
Key Points256

Chapter 6   ◾   Code Optimization Ideas257

Using Static Layout Imports in Kotlin257
Contents   ◾    xvii

Creating POJO Classes in Kotlin259

Constructors and Inheritance in Kotlin261
Using Lambda Functions in Kotlin262
Tail Recursion, Sealed Classes, Local, Infix, Inline
Functions, and More Advanced Kotlin Tips263
Local Functions 263
Infix Functions 263
Inline Functions 263
Tail Recursion 264
Sealed Classes 264
Some More Helpful Tips265
Local Return 265
Operator Overloading 266
Lambda Extensions 266
lateinit 267
Companion Objects 267
Tips for Improving Kotlin Compilation Times267
General Suggestions 267
Configuration of Gradle 268
Configuration of Windows 269
Set Up Source Code and Tests in Our Android Apps270
How Does Kotlin Code Look? 270
Why Is It Superior to Java? 270
Adapting an Existing Android Project to Utilize Kotlin270
Existing Java Files Can Convert to Kotlin272
Writing Tests in the Kotlin273
Accept Immutability275
Get Rid of ArrayList and HashMap276
Make Use of Functional Constructs276
xviii   ◾    Contents

String Interpolation278
Infer Types279
Semantic Test Naming280
Safe Operator?280
Elvis Throws281
List Literals in Annotations281
Collection Helpers282
No more .equals()283
Method Readability – Named Parameters284
Typing, Syntax, and Speed Compared285
Null Reference Exceptions Pose Security Risks286
Kotlin Has Everything That Java Needs287
Finally, There Is More to It Than Simply Null288
What Is the Purpose of Application Hardening?289
Is Our Application in Need of Hardening?289
Application Hardening Methods290
Benefits of Application Hardening291
Application Patches291

Chapter 7   ◾   Kotlin for Android Development293

Download and Install Android Studio294
Create Our First Project295
THE TextView313
The Benefits of Kotlin-Based Android App Development314
Contents   ◾    xix


Set Up Our Development Environment316
Create ReviewManager316
Request ReviewInfo Object316
Launch in-app Review Flow317




INDEX, 363

There are many people who deserve to be on this page, for this book would
not have come into existence without their support. That said, some names
deserve a special mention, and I am genuinely grateful to:

• My parents, for everything they have done for me.

• My siblings, for helping with things back home.
• The Parakozm team, especially Divya Sachdeva, Jaskiran Kaur, and
Vartika, for offering great amounts of help and assistance during the
book-writing process.
• The CRC team, especially Sean Connelly and Danielle Zarfati, for
ensuring that the book’s content, layout, formatting, and everything
else remain perfect throughout.
• Reviewers of this book for going through the manuscript and provid-
ing their insight and feedback.
• Typesetters, cover designers, printers, and everyone else who has
helped develop this book.
• All the folks associated with Zeba Academy, either directly or indi-
rectly, for their help and support.
• The programming community in general, and the web development
community in particular, for all their hard work and efforts.

Sufyan bin Uzayr

About the Author

Sufyan bin Uzayr is a writer, coder, and entrepreneur with over a decade
of experience in the industry. He has authored several books in the past, per-
taining to a diverse range of topics, ranging from History to Computers/IT.
Sufyan is the Director of Parakozm, a multinational IT company spe-
cializing in EdTech solutions. He also runs Zeba Academy, an online
learning and teaching vertical with a focus on STEM fields.
Sufyan specializes in a wide variety of technologies, such as JavaScript,
Dart, WordPress, Drupal, Linux, and Python. He holds multiple degrees,
including ones in Management, IT, Literature, and Political Science.
Sufyan is a digital nomad, dividing his time between four countries. He
has lived and taught in universities and educational institutions around
the globe. Sufyan takes a keen interest in technology, politics, literature,
history, and sports, and in his spare time, he enjoys teaching coding and
English to young students.
Learn more at

Chapter 1

Crash Course in Kotlin


➢➢ What is Kotlin?
➢➢ Major concepts
➢➢ Advantages and disadvantages
➢➢ Syntax and code basics
➢➢ Additional info

Kotlin is a basic and straightforward programming language that runs on

the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The Kotlin programming language bor-
rows ideas from other programming languages such as Groovy, Java, Gosu,
Scala, etc. Kotlin programming language is an open-source programming
language that may be used everywhere Java is used; however, its syntax
is not identical to that of Java programming language. Kotlin is a multi-
purpose or general-purpose programming language used by developers to
create Android applications. In addition to creating Android applications,
the Kotlin programming language is employed in other domains such as
client-server web, server-side applications, etc.
The Kotlin programming language is a high-level programming lan-
guage that supports both object-oriented and functional programming
styles. The Kotlin programming language supports all of the principles
associated with the object-oriented programming model, such as class,
inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation, and polymorphism, among others.

DOI: 10.1201/9781003308447-1 1
2   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Kotlin is a statically typed programming language that provides interop-

erability, code safety, and clarity.


We’re probably wondering who created the Kotlin programming language
and how the language earned its name. There are some fascinating facts
about the history of the Kotlin programming language. So let’s go into the
Kotlin programming language’s history in depth.
The development of the Kotlin programming language began in 2010
and launched the project in July 2011. JetBrains, the company behind
IntelliJ IDEA, invented and developed the Kotlin programming language.
JetBrains established the Kotlin foundation to oversee the upkeep of the
Kotlin programming language.
The former launch of the Kotlin programming language was in 2016,
and the most recent version is Kotlin 1.5.0. JetBrains called Kotlin after
“Kotlin Island,” located near St. Petersburg.


The Kotlin programming language has several qualities that make it a
popular and fast programming language. So let’s go through the primary
features of the Kotlin programming language in depth.

1. General aim: Kotlin programming language is a multipurpose or

general-purpose programming language, which implies that pro-
grammers may use it to create various apps and programs for Android
and other operating systems. Pinterest, Uber, Corda, Gradle, Square,
and other well-known apps that use the Kotlin programming lan-
guage are examples.
2. Object-oriented programming: The Kotlin programming language
supports several paradigms, including functional, imperative, and
object-oriented programming. Because it supports all of the ele-
ments of the object-oriented programming method, the Kotlin
programming language is considered an object-oriented program-
ming language. And Kotlin programming language adheres to all
object-oriented programming concepts such as class, inheritance,
abstraction, polymorphism, and encapsulation. The characteristics
of the object-oriented programming method make development and
maintenance easier.
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    3

3. Open source: Since its inception, the Kotlin programming language

has been an open-source language. It implies that anybody may get
it from its official website and use and change it for free to meet the
needs of their project. Kotlin is a computer language created under
the Apache 2 license.
4. Quick compilation: Compiling code written in the Kotlin program-
ming language takes relatively little time. Compared to other pro-
gramming languages, the performance of programs created in the
Kotlin programming language is better and faster.
5. Interoperability: The Kotlin programming language likewise sup-
ports the interoperability capability. Interoperability is the ability
to utilize codes from one programming language to another or vice
versa. Kotlin programming language can utilize Java programming
language code, and Java programming language can use Kotlin pro-
gramming language code.
6. Simple to learn: The Kotlin programming language is contempo-
rary, straightforward, and simple. After learning the Java program-
ming language, novice programmers may quickly learn the Kotlin
programming language. The Kotlin programming language is sim-
ple to read and write a programming language.
7. Platform independent: The Kotlin programming language is a plat-
form-independent and cross-platform programming language. The
Kotlin programming language was designed primarily for the pro-
duction of Android applications. However, developers may also uti-
lize Kotlin codes on other platforms such as Windows, iOS, macOS,
Linux, etc.

The following are some different characteristics of the Kotlin program-

ming language:

• Kotlin is a programming language that is statically typed.

• The Kotlin programming language also supports the extension
• In the Kotlin programming language, semicolons are not necessary.
• The Kotlin programming language has a short execution time.
4   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

• Kotlin code is straightforward and simple to read.

• The Kotlin programming language supports several paradigms such
as imperative, functional, etc.
• The Kotlin programming language also has null safety.


Kotlin is a contemporary, easy-to-learn, and powerful programming lan-
guage. The Kotlin programming language is an open-source programming
language, which means that anybody may download it from its official
website and use or change it for free. The Kotlin programming language
is a general-purpose, platform-independent programming language. The
Kotlin programming language is commonly utilized in developing many
Android applications. Still, it is used on other platforms such as Windows,
Linux, macOS, iOS, watchOS, etc. Pinterest, Coursera, Trello, Basecamp 3,
Evernote, and other well-known applications that use the Kotlin program-
ming language are examples.


We’re probably thinking about why we should learn Kotlin programming
language or the benefits of studying Kotlin programming language are.
So, let’s go through the primary benefits of the Kotlin programming lan-
guage in depth.

• Kotlin is an introductory programming language that is easy to read,

learn, and write.
• The Kotlin programming language’s performance and code compila-
tion are speedy.
• The Kotlin programming language is a general-purpose program-
ming language.
• The Kotlin programming language is a platform-agnostic or cross-
platform programming language.
• Null safety is a characteristic of Kotlin programming languages.
• The Kotlin programming language also supports extension functions.
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    5

• The Kotlin programming language also offers its users interoperability.

• Since its creation, the Kotlin programming language has been
• The Kotlin programming language is a strong and statically typed
programming language.
• Code created in the Kotlin programming language is easier to maintain.

• Kotlin learning opportunities are limited: While most developers
are transitioning to Kotlin, a tiny number of developers are accessible
globally. It provides basic tools for learning programming languages
and answering numerous queries during the software development
• Compilation time is longer: In several cases, Kotlin outperforms
Java, particularly during incremental constructions. Keep in mind
that when it comes to tidy building, Java will always create growth.
• Distinct from Java: While Kotlin and Java have certain similari-
ties, they also differ significantly. Mobile app developers who have
spent a considerable amount of time learning Kotlin cannot switch
to another programming language.
• Fewer Kotlin professionals to recruit: Despite Kotlin’s importance,
only a few programmers are now accessible in this industry. Any
mobile application developer who wants to work with Kotlin must be
well-versed in the language.


Kotlin is intended to operate on a JVM and can coexist alongside Java.
Although Kotlin began as a language for Android development, its fea-
tures soon expanded beyond the Java community, and it is now utilized for
a wide range of applications.

Android Development
Kotlin is the recommended language for Android development because it
allows developers to produce more concise, expressive, and secure code.
Android Studio, the official IDE for Android development, fully supports
6   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

it, so we can receive the same sort of code completion and type checking
to assist us in creating Kotlin code as we can with Java.
Because more people now access the Internet via mobile phones, most
companies must have a mobile presence. Because Android accounts for
more than 70% of the mobile phone market, Kotlin developers would be
in great demand even if they use Kotlin alone for Android development. It
may, however, be used for much more.

Back-End Web Development

Back-end web development in Java is common, with popular frameworks
such as Spring. However, since it was simpler to work with, Kotlin made
inroads into server-side web development.
The language’s contemporary capabilities enable Web Developers to
create apps that expand fast on commodity hardware. Because Kotlin and
Java are compatible, we may gradually migrate an application to use Kotlin
one file at a time while the remainder of the program continues to use Java.
Kotlin also works with Spring and other frameworks, so migrating to
Kotlin does not need a complete overhaul of our existing code. Google,
Amazon, and many more organizations have already replaced Java in their
server-side code with Kotlin.

Full-Stack Web Development

Kotlin makes sense for server-side web development. After all, Java has
been around since the beginning. We may still use Kotlin for front-end
programming using Kotlin/JS.
Kotlin/JS gives developers type-safe access to sophisticated browsers
and online APIs. Full-Stack Developers need to be familiar with Kotlin.
They can create front-end code in the same language as back-end code,
and it will be compiled to JavaScript to execute in the browser.

Data Science
Data Scientists have long used Java to crunch information, discover pat-
terns, and make predictions, so it seems to reason that Kotlin will find a
home in the field as well.
Data Scientists can utilize all of the normal Java libraries that they are
accustomed to using in Java projects, but they must develop their code in
Kotlin. Jupyter and Zeppelin, two tools that many Data Scientists regularly
utilize for data visualization and exploratory study, both support Kotlin.
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    7

Mobile Development for Several Platforms

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile is a software development kit for building
cross-platform mobile applications. This implies that we’ll be able to gen-
erate apps that operate not only on Android phones but also on iPhones
and the Apple Watch from a single Kotlin codebase. Even at its initial
stage, this project has a lot of potential.

A well-designed architecture is required for an application to grow its fea-
tures and meet the expectations of its end-user base. Kotlin has its own
proprietary architecture for allocating memory and generating high-qual-
ity outcomes for developers and end-users.
Coroutines and classes in Kotlin build the core, resulting in reduced
boilerplate code, improved speed, and enhanced efficiency. The Kotlin
compiler can respond differently in various contexts, most notably when
distinguishing between multiple types of languages.

Architecture in Kotlin.

The architectural design demonstrates that code execution is divided into

the following three easy phases:

• The first step is to include a “.kt” or kotlin file in the compiler’s path.
• In the second stage, the Kotlin compiler converts the code to
• In the third stage, the byte-code is loaded into the JVM and executed
by the JVM itself.

When two byte-code files execute on the JVM, they commence mutual
communication. This is how interoperability for Java, the feature of Kotlin,
was created.
When Kotlin targets JavaScript, it undergoes Kotlin to JavaScript
8   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

When JavaScript is chosen as the target, any Kotlin code component of

the library that contains Kotlin is subsequently splattered with JavaScript.
However, the Java Development Kit (JDK) or any java library used is not
This procedure does not take into account non-Kotlin files while
attempting to achieve JavaScript. To generate consistent JavaScript
code, the Kotlin compiler translates the kt file to ES5.1. The Kotlin
compiler aims for the smallest possible output size, compatibility with
existing modules, standard library functionality, and JavaScript read-
able output.
The debate has demonstrated that Kotlin compilers may generate more
efficient, competent, and independent code, leading to a high-performing
software product.


• Spring starts with version 5.0, which uses Kotlin language features to
deliver more concise APIs. We can quickly build a new Kotlin project
using the online project generator.
• Vert.x, a framework for constructing reactive Web apps on the JVM,
provides substantial documentation and Kotlin support.
• Ktor is a JetBrains framework for creating Kotlin Web applications
that employ coroutines for excellent scalability and have an easy-to-
use and idiomatic API.
• kotlinx.html is a DSL used to generate HTML in a Web application.
It’s a fantastic alternative to traditional templating technologies like
JSP and FreeMarker.
• Micronaut is a modern, full-stack JVM-based framework for cre-
ating modular, testable microservice and serverless applications. It
includes a wealth of handy built-in features.
• http4k is a functional toolkit with a tiny footprint for Kotlin HTTP
applications written exclusively in Kotlin. Based on Twitter’s “Our
Server as a Function,” the module portrays HTTP Servers and Clients
as simple Kotlin functions together.
• Javalin is a web framework written in Kotlin and Java that supports
WebSockets, HTTP2, and async requests.
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    9

• Persistence options include direct JDBC access, JPA, and the usage
of NoSQL databases via Java drivers. The kotlin-jpa JPA com-
piler plugin conforms Kotlin-compiled classes to the framework’s


We’ll look at how to set up a Kotlin environment using a command-line

• The following conditions must be met before installing Kotlin:

• We must install JDK and put the path in the local system envi-
ronment variable since Kotlin runs on the JVM.
• You may get the Kotlin compiler here:
• Github Releases has the most recent version of the Kotlin stand-
alone compiler. Version 1.3.31 is the most recent.
• Configure Kotlin compiler for command line use:
• First and foremost, extract the downloaded file to a write-acces-
sible area.
• Navigate to the kotlinc bin directory.
• Now navigate to my computer’s settings ->Advanced System
Settings -> Environment Variables.
• In system variables, click the route, then click the edit button.
• Paste the copied path to the bin directory into this field and press
OK -> OK -> OK.

To confirm the installation, run kotlinc in the command prompt.


JetBrains’ Kotlin is a statically typed, general-purpose programming lan-
guage that has been used to create world-class IDEs such as IntelliJ IDEA,
PhpStorm, Appcode, and others. JetBrains initially offered it in 2011.
Kotlin is an object-oriented language superior to Java while remaining
completely compatible with Java code.
10   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Let’s create a Kotlin environment with Intellij IDEA and run our first
Kotlin code.
• Install the most recent version of IntelliJ IDEA to get started.
JetBrains’ free Community Edition is available for download, https://

Downloading IntelliJ IDEA

• Create a Kotlin application after installing Intellij IDEA.

• Creating a new project by selecting File -> New -> Project.
• Then choose Kotlin -> JVM | IDEA.
• Give our project a name and choose an SDK version. HelloEveryone
is the project’s name in this case.
• HelloEveryone is our new project. Make a new Kotlin file in the
source(src) folder and call it firstpro.kt.
• After we’ve created the file, write the main function. IntelliJ IDEA
has a template for doing this quickly. Simply write main and press
the tab key. Insert a line of code to print “Hello Everyone.”
• Start the application. The program is now available to use. The
simplest method is to pick Run “FirstproKt” from the sidebar’s
green Run button. By hitting Ctrl + Shift + F10, we may run
• The results will be displayed in the Run Tool Window if our program
compiles appropriately.
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    11


The first fundamental program in every programming language is Hello,
Everyone. Let’s start with writing the first program in the Kotlin program-
ming language.
The Kotlin program “Hello, Everyone”:
Open our chosen editor, notepad or notepad++, and create a file called
firstpro.kt containing the code below.

// Kotlin Hello Everyone Program

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println("Hello, Everyone")

We can use a command-line compiler to compile the program.

$ kotlinc firstpro.kt

Run the program now to view the output in the command-line compiler.

$kotlin firstpro.kt
Hello, Everyone

The details of the “Hello Everyone” program are as follows:

• Line 1: The first line is a comment that the compiler disregards. Comments
are added to programs to help readers comprehend the source code.
Kotlin accepts two types of comments:
• Single line comment:
// This is a single-line comment

• Mulitple line comment:

/* This is

• Line 2: In the second line, the main function is defined.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// .....
12   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

The main() function is at the heart of any program. All Kotlin func-
tions begin with the fun keyword, then the function name (here
main), a list of parameters, an optional return type, then the func-
tion body ({…… .}).
The parameter – an array of strings and return units – is included
in the main function in this case. The unit type, equivalent to void in
Java, indicates that the function returns no value.
• Line 3: The third line is a statement that prints “Hello Everyone” to
the program’s standard output.
println("Hello Everyone")

Semicolons are optional in Kotlin, as they are in most other pro-

gramming languages.


A Kotlin data type is a form of data categorization that tells the com-
piler how the programmer intends to utilize the data. Kotlin data can be
numeric, string, boolean, and so on.
Because Kotlin interprets everything as an object, we may invoke mem-
ber functions and properties on any variable.
Because Kotlin is a statically typed language, one should know the data
type of each expression at build time.
Kotlin’s built-in data types are classified as follows:

• Number
• Character
• String
• Boolean
• Array

Number Data Types in Kotlin

Number data types in Kotlin are used to construct variables that con-
tain numeric values and are classified into two categories: (a) Integer
types are used to hold entire integers, whether positive or negative. (b)
Floating-point numbers contain one or more decimals and have a frac-
tional portion.
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    13

The following table lists all of the Kotlin number data types, the key-
words used to define their variable types, the amount of memory used by
the variables, and the value range stored in those variables.

Data Type Size (bits) Data Range

Byte 8 −128 to 127
Short 16 −32768 to 32767
Int 32 −2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Long 64 −9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,223,372,036,854,775,807
Float 32 1.40129846432481707e-45 to 3.40282346638528860e+38
Double 64 4.94065645841246544e-324 to 1.79769313486231570e+308

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val x: Int = 1000
val y: Double = 110.00
val fz Float = 110.00f
val a: Long = 1100000004
val b: Short = 100
val c: Byte = 1
println("Int Value is " + x)
println("Double Value is " + y)
println("Float Value is " + z)
println("Long Value is " + a )
println("Short Value is " + b)
println("Byte Value is " + c)

Character Data Type in Kotlin

The type Char keyword represents the Kotlin character data type, which
holds a single character. A Char value, such as ‘X’ or ‘1’, must be enclosed
by single quotes.
Below given example demonstrates how to define and use a Kotlin Char
data type:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val letters: Char // defining Char variable
letters = 'X' // Assigning value to it
14   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Kotlin supports a variety of character escape sequences. When a character

is preceded by a backslash (), it is referred to as an escape sequence, and the
compiler interprets it differently. For example, in the following sentence,
n is a legitimate character known as a new line character.

println('\n') //prints newline character

println('\$') //prints dollar $ character
println('\\') //prints backslash \ character

String Data Type in Kotlin

String data types are used to hold a string of characters. String values must
be enclosed in double-quotes (“ ”) or triple quotations (“““ ”””).
Kotlin supports two types of strings: Escaped String and Raw
Escaped strings are stated within double quotes (“ ”) and may contain
escape characters such as ‘\n’,\’t’, ‘\b’, and so on.
Raw strings are specified within triple quotes (“““ ”””) and can include
numerous lines of text without any escape characters.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val escapedStrings : String = "I'm escaped
var rawStrings :String = """This is going to
be a
multiline string and will not have escape

Boolean Data Type in Kotlin

Boolean, like other programming languages, is fairly simple. The Boolean
data type has two values: true or false.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val X: Boolean = true // defining variable with
true value
val Y: Boolean = false // defining variable with
false value
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    15

println("Value of variable X "+ X )

println("Value of variable Y "+ Y )

Array Data Type in Kotlin

Arrays in Kotlin are collections of homogenous data. Instead of defin-
ing distinct variables for each item, arrays hold multiple values in a single
Let’s look at one example of how to build an array of integers and then
access one of its elements.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val numbers: IntArray = intArrayOf(11, 22, 33, 44, 55)
println("The Value at third position : " + numbers[2])


Data type conversion is converting the value of one data type to another.
Kotlin does not enable direct conversion of one numeric data type to
another; for example, you cannot convert an Int type to a Long type:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val a: Int = 110
val b: Long = a // Not valid assignment

Kotlin provides a collection of methods for converting a numeric data type

to another type:

• toByte()
• toShort()
• toInt()
• toLong()
• toFloat()
• toDouble()
• toChar()
16   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Let’s change the previous example and test it again:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val a: Int = 110
val b: Long = a.toLong()

An operator is a symbol that instructs the compiler to do particular math-
ematical or logical operations. Kotlin has a plethora of built-in operators,
including the following:

• Arithmetic Operators
• Relational Operators
• Assignment Operators
• Unary Operators
• Logical Operators
• Bitwise Operations

Let’s take a look at these Kotlin Operators one by one.

Arithmetic Operators in Kotlin

Arithmetic operators in Kotlin are used to execute simple mathematical
operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Operator Name Description Example

+ Addition Adds the together two values a+b
− Subtraction Subtracts the one value from another a−b
∗ Multiplication Multiplies the two values a∗b
/ Division Divides one value by another a/b
% Modulus Returns division remainder a%b

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val a: Int = 50
val b: Int = 10
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    17

println("a + b = " + (a + b))

println("a - b = " + (a - b))
println("a / b = " + (a / b))
println("a * b = " + (a * b))
println("a % b = " + (a % b))

Relational Operators in Kotlin

Relational (comparison) operators in Kotlin are used to compare two values
and return a Boolean value: true or false.
Operator Name Example
> greater than a>b
< less than a<b
>= greater than or equal to a >= b
<= less than or equal to a <= b
== is equal to a == b
!= not equal to a != b

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val a: Int = 50
val b: Int = 10
println("a > b = " + (a > b))
println("a < b = " + (a < b))
println("a >= b = " + (a >= b))
println("a <= b = " + (a <= b))
println("a == b = " + (a == b))
println("a != b = " + (a != b))

Assignment Operators in Kotlin

Assignment operators in Kotlin are used to assign values to variables.
Below is an example of how we used the assignment operator = to assign
values to two variables:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val a: Int = 50
val b: Int = 10
println("a = " + a)
println("b = " + b)
18   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Below is a complete list of all assignment operators:

Operator Example Expanded Form

= a = 10 a = 10
+= a += 10 a = a − 10
−= a −= 10 a = a – 10
*= a *= 10 a = a * 10
/= a /= 10 a = a / 10
%= a %= 10 a = a % 10

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var a: Int = 50
a += 5
println("a += 5 = " + a )
a = 50;
a -= 5
println("a -= 5 = " + a)
a = 50
a *= 5
println("a *= 5 = " + a)
a = 50
a /= 5
println("a /= 5 = " + a)
a = 53
a %= 5
println("a %= 5 = " + a)

Unary Operators in Kotlin

The unary operators require just one operand to execute operations like
incrementing/decrementing a value by one, negating an expression, or
inverting a boolean value.
The following are the Kotlin Unary Operators:

Operator Name Example

+ unary plus +a
− unary minus −a
++ increment by 1 ++a
−− decrement by 1 −−a
! inverts the value of a boolean !
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    19

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var a: Int = 50
var b:Boolean = true
println("+a = " + (+a))
println("-a = " + (-a))
println("++a = " + (++a))
println("--a = " + (--a))
println("!a = " + (!y))

Logical Operators in Kotlin

The logical operators in Kotlin are used to identify the logic between two
variables or values.
The following are the Kotlin Logical Operators:

Operator Name Description Example

&& Logical and Returns true if both a && b
the operands are true
|| Logical or Returns true if either a || b
of the operands is
! Logical not Reverse result returns !a
false if the operand is

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var a: Boolean = true
var b:Boolean = false
println("a && b = " + (a && b))
println("a || b = " + (a || b))
println("!b = " + (!b))

Bitwise Operations in Kotlin

Although Kotlin lacks bitwise operators, it does provide many assistance
functions for doing bitwise operations.
20   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Here is a list of Kotlin Bitwise Functions:

Function Description Example

shl (bits) signed shift left a.shl(b)
shr (bits) signed shift right a.shr(b)
ushr (bits) unsigned shift right a.ushr(b)
and (bits) bitwise and a.and(b)
or (bits) bitwise or a.or(b)
xor (bits) bitwise xor a.xor(b)
inv() bitwise inverse a.inv()

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var a:Int = 70
var b:Int = 15
var c:Int
c = a.shl(2)
println("a.shl(2) = " + c)
c = a.shr(2)
println("a.shr(2) = " + c)
c = a.and(b)
println("a.and(b) = " + c)
c = a.or(b)
println("a.or(b) = " + c)
c = a.xor(b)
println("a.xor(b) = " + c)
c = a.inv()
println("a.inv() = " + c)

We are often faced with a circumstance in which we must decide whether
to answer Yes or No, or whether to declare True or False. Kotlin features
a Boolean data type that can accept the values true or false to handle such

Create Boolean Variables

The Boolean keyword can be used to construct a boolean variable, which
can only accept the values true or false:
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    21

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val isCold: Boolean = true
val isSummer: Boolean = false

Boolean Operators in Kotlin

For boolean variables, Kotlin includes the following built-in operators.
These are also known as Logical Operators:

Operator Name Description Example

&& Logical and Returns true if both the operands are true a && b
|| Logical or Returns true if either of the operands is true a || b
! Logical not Reverse result returns false if the operand is true !a

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var a: Boolean = true
var b:Boolean = false
println("a && b = " + (a && b))
println("a || b = " + (a || b))
println("!b = " + (!b))

Boolean Expression in Kotlin

A boolean expression yields either a true or false value and is commonly
used in condition checking with if…else expressions. A boolean expres-
sion employs relational operators such as >,<, >=, and so on.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val a: Int = 50
val b: Int = 10
println("a > b = " + (a > b))
println("a < b = " + (a < b))
println("a >= b = " + (a >= b))
println("a <= b = " + (a <= b))
22   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

println("a == b = " + (a == b))

println("a != b = " + (a != b))

and() and or() Functions in Kotlin

The and() and or() functions in Kotlin are used to conduct logical AND
and logical OR operations between two boolean operands.
These functions vary from the && and || operators in that they do not
conduct short-circuit evaluation and always evaluate both operands.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val a: Boolean = true
val b: Boolean = false
val c: Boolean = true

println("a.and(b) = " + a.and(b))

println("a.or(b) = " + a.or(b))
println("a.and(c) = " + a.and(c))

Boolean to String
To convert a Boolean object into its string form, use the toString() method.
This translation is required when assigning a true or false value to a
String variable.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val a: Boolean = true
var c: String
c = a.toString()
println("a.toString() = " + a.toString())
println("c = " + c)

In the Kotlin programming language, the string data type is used to hold a
string of characters. String values must be enclosed in double-quotes (“ ”)
or triple quotations (“““ ”””).
Kotlin supports two types of strings: Escaped String and Raw String.

• Escaped strings are stated within double quotes (“ ”) and may con-
tain escape characters such as ‘\n’, ‘\t’, ‘\b’, and so on.
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    23

• Raw strings are specified within triple quotes (“““ ”””) and can include
numerous lines of text without any escape characters.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val escapedStrings : String = "I escaped
var rawStrings :String = """This is going to
be a multiline
string and will
not have any escape sequence""";

String Templates in Kotlin

String templates in Kotlin are blocks of code evaluated, and the results are
interpolated into the string. A template expression begins with a dollar
symbol ($) and can be a name or an expression.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val name : String = "Sara AliKhan"
println("Name - $name") // Using the template
with variable name
println("Name length - ${name.length}") // Using
the template with expression.

String Object in Kotlin

A Kotlin String is an object with various attributes and methods that may
conduct multiple actions on strings by appending a dot character (.) after
the relevant String variable.

String Indexes in Kotlin

String in Kotlin can be thought of as a sequence of characters or an array
of characters. We can access its element by using square brackets to define
the element’s index.
24   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

String indices begin with 0; thus, if we want to access the fourth element
of a string, we need to provide an index as 3.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val name : String = "Sara AliKhan"

String Length in Kotlin

To determine the length of a Kotlin string, we may utilize its length
The Kotlin method count() returns the length of a given string.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val name : String = "Sara AliKhan"
println("Length of name :" + name.length)
println("Length of name :" + name.count())

String Kotlin Last Index

To obtain the index of the final character in the char sequence, we may
utilize the lastIndex attribute of a Kotlin string. If a string is empty, the
function returns −1.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val name : String = "Sara AliKhan"
println("Index of last character in name :"
+ name.lastIndex)

String Case Changing

To transform a string into upper or lower case, Kotlin offers the toUpper-
Case() and toLowerCase() methods.
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    25

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val name : String = "Sara AliKhan"
println("The Upper case of name :" + name.
println("The Lower case of name :" + name.

String Concatenation in Kotlin

We may use either the + operator or the plus() function to concatenate two

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var firstName : String = "Sara "
var lastName : String = "AliKhan"
println("The Full Name is :" + firstName +
println("The Full Name is :" + firstName.
plus(lastName) )

Trim Characters from the String

Using the drop() and dropLast() methods, we may eliminate a string’s
beginning and final characters.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var name : String = "Sara AliKhan"
println("Remove the first two characters from
name : " + name.drop(2))
println("Remove the last two characters from
name : " + name.dropLast(2))
26   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Quotes Inside a String

To use quotes within a string, use single quote (‘):

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var strg1 : String = "That's Ok"
var strg2 : String = "It's Alright"
println("strg1 : " + strg1)
println("strg2 : " + strg2)

Finding a String Inside a String

Kotlin includes the indexOf() method for finding text inside a string.
This method returns index of the first occurrence of a string’s provided

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var strg : String = "Meditation & Yoga are
synonymous with India"
println("The Index of Yoga in the string - " +

Comparing Two Strings

To compare two strings, Kotlin provides the compareTo() method. If two
strings are equal, this method returns 0. Else it returns 1.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var strg1 : String = "Apple"
var strg2 : String = "Apple"

getOrNull() Function in Kotlin

The getOrNull() method in Kotlin returns a character at the specified
index or null if the index is out of the bound of this char sequence.
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    27

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var names : String = "Sara"

toString() Function in Kotlin

The function toString() method in Kotlin returns the object’s string

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var names : String = "Sara AliKhan"

Arrays are used to store multiple items of the same data type, such as an
integer or string, in a single variable with a single variable name.
For example, if we need to hold the names of 1000 workers, rather than
establishing 1000 individual String variables, we may simply build a string
array with a size of 1000.
Kotlin, like any other modern programming language, supports arrays
and offers a comprehensive set of array characteristics and support meth-
ods for manipulating arrays.

Creating Arrays
In Kotlin, we use the arrayOf() method to build an array and insert the
values in a comma-separated list into it:

val fruits = arrayOf("Grapes", " Apple ", "Mango",


We can optionally provide the following data type:

val fruits = arrayOf<String>("Grapes", " Apple ",

"Mango", "Kiwi")
28   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Alternatively, the arrayOfNulls() method may generate an array of null

entries of a specific size.

Arrays of the Primitive Type

Kotlin also includes factory methods for creating arrays of primitive data
types. The factory method for creating an integer array, for example, is:

val num = intArrayOf(1, 2, 3, 4)

Other factory methods for creating arrays include:

• byteArrayOf()
• charArrayOf()
• shortArrayOf()
• longArrayOf()

Elements of an Array Can Be Get and Set

Use the index number inside square brackets to retrieve an array element.
The index of a Kotlin array begins with zero (0). So, if we want to retrieve
the 4th element of the array, enter 3 as the index.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val fruits = arrayOf<String>("Grapes",
"Orange", "Kiwi", " Apple")
println( fruits [0])
println( fruits [3])

Array Length in Kotlin

Kotlin has an array property called size that returns the array’s size, i.e.,

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val fruits = arrayOf<String>("Grapes", "Orange",
"Kiwi", " Apple")
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    29

println( "The Size of fruits array " + fruits.

size )

Loop through an Array

We may use the for loop to loop through an array.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val fruits = arrayOf<String>("Grapes",
"Orange", "Kiwi", " Apple")
for( item in fruits ){
println( item )

Check if an Element Exists

To check if an element in an array exists, we may use the in operator in
along with if…else.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val fruits = arrayOf<String>("Orange", " Apple
", "Grapes", "Banana")

if ("Apple" in fruits){
println( "The Apple exists in fruits" )
println( "The Apple does not exist in
fruits" )

Distinct Values from the Array

Kotlin enables us to store duplicate values in an array, but we can also use
the distinct() member function to get a set of different values stored in the
30   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val fruits = arrayOf<String>("Grapes",
"Orange", "Kiwi", " Apple ", "Grapes")
val distinct = fruits.distinct()
for( item in distinct ){
println( item )

Dropping Elements from the Array

We may utilize the drop() or dropLast() member methods to drop ele-
ments from the beginning or the end.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val fruits = arrayOf<String>("Grapes",
"Orange", "Kiwi", " Apple ", "Grapes")

val result = fruits.drop(2) // drops the first

two elements.
for( item in result ){
println( item )

Checking an Empty Array

We may utilize the isEmpty() member function to determine whether or
not an array is empty. If the array is empty, this method returns true.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val fruits = arrayOf<String>()
println( "The Array is empty : " + fruits

The range in Kotlin is defined by the two endpoint values included in the
range. Ranges in Kotlin are constructed with the rangeTo() method or by
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    31

utilizing the downTo or (..) operators. The main range operation is con-
tained, which is often used in the form of in and !in operators.

1..10 // The Range of integers starting from 1 to 10
a..z // The Range of characters starting from
the a to z
A..Z // The Range of capital characters
beginning from the A to Z

Because both ends of the range are always included, the 1..4 expression
corresponds to the numbers 1,2,3, and 4.

Creating Ranges Using the rangeTo() Function

To create a Kotlin range, we use the rangeTo() method with the range start
value as an argument and the range end value as an argument.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
for ( numb in 1.rangeTo(4) ) {

Creating the Ranges Using the .. Operator

rangeTo() is frequently used in its operator form … As a result, the above
code may be rewritten using the .. operator as follows:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
for ( numb in 1..4 ) {

Creating the Ranges Using downTo() Operator

We may use the downTo operator to define a backward range:
32   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
for ( numb in 4 downTo 1 ) {

step() Function in Kotlin

To specify the distance between the range’s values, we may utilize the
step() method. Take a look at the following example:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

for ( numb in 1..10 step 2 ) {

Range of Characters in Kotlin

Generate range for the character in the same way for integer values.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
for ( chr in 'a'..'d' ) {

reversed() Function in Kotlin

To reverse the range values, use the reversed() method.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
for ( numb in (1..5).reversed() ) {

until() Function in Kotlin

The method until() generates a range, but it skips the last element given.
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    33

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
for ( numb in 1 until 5 ) {

The last, first, and step Elements

We can utilize the first, last, and step attributes of a range to get the range’s
first, last, or step value.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println((6..10 step 2).step)

Filtering Ranges
The filter() method returns a list of elements that match a specified

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val x = 1..10
val y = x.filter { T -> T % 2 == 0 }

Distinct Values in Range

The distinct() method will provide a list of different values from a range of
values that contain repeated values:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val x = listOf(11, 11, 22, 44,4 4, 66, 10)
34   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Range Utility Functions

We can apply many other valuable functions to our range such as min,
max, sum, average, and count:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val x = 1..10

Kotlin is a statically typed language; functions play an essential part.
We are somewhat familiar with function. A function is a piece of
code written to execute a particular purpose. All current program-
ming languages provide functions, sometimes known as methods or
A function, in general, receives particular inputs called parameters,
performs specific actions on these inputs, and eventually returns a

Built-in Functions in Kotlin

Kotlin has a lot of built-in functions, and we’ve utilized a few of them in
our examples. For example, the most widely used built-in functions for
printing output to the screen are print() and println().

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println("Hello, Everyone")

User-Defined Functions
Using the term fun, we can define our own function in Kotlin. A user-
defined function accepts one or more parameters, performs an action, and
returns the outcome as a value.
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    35

fun functionName(){
// body of the function

Once we’ve defined a function, we may call it as many times as we need to.
The following is a basic syntax for calling a Kotlin function:


Here’s an example of how to define and call a user-defined function that

prints a basic “Hello, Everyone.”

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

fun printHello(){
println("Hello, Everyone")

Function Parameters
A user-defined function can accept Zero or more arguments. Parameters
are options that can use based on the situation. For example, the above-
defined function made no use of a parameter.
Below is an example of how to construct a user-defined function that
adds two numbers and prints their sum:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val x = 20
val y = 10
printSum(x, y)
fun printSum(x:Int, y:Int){
println(x + y)

Return Values
A Kotlin function returns a value based on its parameters. Returning a
value is, once again, entirely voluntary.
36   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Use the return keyword and provide the return type after the function’s
parentheses to return a value.
Here’s an example of a user-defined function that will add two numbers
and return the sum:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val x = 20
val y = 10
val result = sumTwo(x, y)
println( result )
fun sumTwo(x:Int, y:Int):Int{
val a = x + y
return a

Unit-Returning Functions
If a function does not return useful value, its return type is Unit. Unit is a
type that has only one value which is Unit.

fun sumTwo(x:Int, y:Int):Unit{

val a = x + y
println( a )

The declaration of the Unit return type is also optional. The preceding
code is equivalent to:

fun sumTwo(x:Int, x:Int){

val a = x + y
println( a )

Recursive Function in Kotlin

Recursion functions are helpful in various situations, such as computing
the factorial of a number or producing the Fibonacci series. Recursion is
supported in Kotlin, which means that a Kotlin function can call itself.

fun functionName(){
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    37


fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val x = 4
val result = factorial(x)
println( result )
fun factorial(x:Int):Int{
val result:Int
if( x <= 1){
result = x
result = x*factorial(x-1)
return result

Tail Recursion in Kotlin

A recursive function is suitable for tail recursion if the last operation is a
function call to itself.
The following Kotlin program uses tail recursion to determine the fac-
torial of number 10. In this situation, we must guarantee that the multipli-
cation occurs before the recursive call, not after.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val x = 4
val result = factorial(x)
println( result )
fun factorial(x: Int, accum: Int = 1): Int {
val result = x * accum
return if (x <= 1) {
} else {
factorial(x - 1, result)
38   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Higher-Order Functions
A higher-order function in Kotlin accepts another function as a parameter
and/or returns another function.
The following example is a function that accepts two integer arguments,
x and y, as well as another function operation as a parameter:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val result = calculate(14, 3, ::sum)
println( result )
fun sum(x: Int, y: Int) = x + y
fun calculate(x: Int, y: Int, operation:(Int, Int) ->
Int): Int {
return operation(x, y)

Lambda Function in Kotlin

Kotlin lambda is a function with no name defined with curly braces and
accepts zero or more parameters and the body of the function.
The body of the function is written after the variable (if any) and the ->

{variable with type -> body of function}

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val upperCase = { str: String -> str.
toUpperCase() }
println( upperCase("hello, everyone") )

Inline Function in Kotlin

The inline keyword is used to declare an inline function. Using inline
functions improves the efficiency of higher-order functions. The inline
function tells the compiler to copy arguments and functions to the call
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    39

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
myFunction({println("The Inline function
inline fun myFunction(function:()-> Unit){
println("I'm inline function - A")
println("I'm inline function - B")


Decision-making in programming is analogous to decision-making in real
life. A particular code block must be executed when a specific condition
is satisfied in programming. In programming languages, regulated state-
ments control program execution flow depending on particular criteria.
The program enters the conditional block and executes the instructions if
the condition is fulfilled.
In Kotlin, there are several forms of if-else expressions:

• if expression
• if-else expression
• if-else-if ladder expression
• nested if expression

if Statement
If-statement is used to specify whether or not a block of statements should
be executed, i.e., if a specific condition is true, the statement or block
of statements should execute; else, the statement or block of statements
should not run.

if(condition) {
// code to run if condition is true
40   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide


Statement of if.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var c = 8
if(c > 0){
print("True, the number is positive")

if-else Statement
The if-else statement is comprised of two statements blocks. When the
condition is true, the ‘if’ statement is used to execute the code block; when
the condition is false, ‘else’ statement is used.

if(condition) {
// code to run if condition is true
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    41

else {
// code to run if condition is false


Statement of if-else.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var a = 9
var b = 15
if(a > b){
print("Number 9 is larger than 15")
println("Number 15 is larger than 9")
42   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

if-else Expression in Kotlin as the Ternary Operator

If-else may be used as an expression in Kotlin since it returns a result. In
Kotlin, there is no ternary operator, unlike in Java, because if-else returns
the value based on the situation.
The Kotlin program for determining the greater of two numbers using
an if-else condition is presented below:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

var y = 90
var z = 40
// if-else returns value which is to be stored in
the max-variable
var maxi = if(y > z){
print("The Greater number: ")
print("The Greater number:")

if-else-if Ladder Expression

A user can input a variety of criteria here. All ‘if’ statements are executed.
All the conditions are checked one by one. If any of them is true, the code
associated with the if statement is executed. Otherwise, all other state-
ments are skipped until the block is completed. If none of the requirements
are satisfied, the final else expression is executed.

// code to run if the condition is true
else if(second-condition)
// the code to run if the condition is true
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    43



Statement of if-else-if.

import java.util.Scanner
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// to create object for scanner-class
val reader = Scanner(System.'in')
print("Enter number: ")
// to read next Integer-value
var numb = reader.nextInt()
var results = if ( numb > 0){
"$numb is a positive number"
else if( numb < 0){
"$numb is negative number"
44   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

"$numb is equal to zero"

nested if Expression
If statements nestled inside another if statement is referred to as nested if
statements. If the first condition is true, execute the associated block. Then
check for the if condition nested in the first block, and if it is also true, exe-
cute the related block. It will keep going till the last condition is satisfied.

// code1
// code2


Statement of nested-if.
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    45

import java.util.Scanner
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// to create object for the scanner class
val reader = Scanner(System.'in')
print("Enter three numbers: ")
var numb1 = reader.nextInt()
var numb2 = reader.nextInt()
var numb3 = reader.nextInt()
var maxi = if ( numb1 > numb2) {
if (numb1 > numb3) {
"$numb1 is the largest number"
else {
"$numsb is the largest number"
else if( numb2 > numb3){
"$numb2 is the largest number"
"$numb3 is the largest number"

while loop IN KOTLIN

A loop is a programming construct used to repeatedly execute a particular
code block until a condition is met. If we wish to print a count from 1 to
100, use the print command 100 times. On the other hand, using a loop
may save time and result in only two lines.
While loops are made up of a code block and a condition, the condition
is tested first, and, if true, the code within the block is executed. Because
the condition is tested before entering the block each time, it is repeated
until the condition becomes false. The while loop may be thought of as a
sequence of repeated if statements.

while(condition) {
// code to run
46   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide


Statement of while-loop.

Using while loop, this Kotlin program prints integers from 1 to 20: We
use a while loop to show the numbers in the following code. To begin,
assign the variable numb to 1. Check whether the expression (number =
20) is true or false in a while loop. If true, it enters the block, runs the print
statement, and adds one to the number. This step is continued until the
condition is no longer true.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

var numbr = 1
while(numbr <= 20) {

Using a while loop, this Kotlin program prints the elements of an array:
In the following code, we create an array (names), populate it with a ran-
dom number of strings, and set a variable index to 0. arrayName.size is
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    47

used to determine the size of an array. Provide the condition (index <
names.size) in the while loop.
If index value is less than or equal to the array size, it enters the block
and prints the name stored at the associated index after each iteration. It
increments the index value after each iteration. This step is continued until
the condition is no longer true.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

var names = arrayOf("Prithvi","Karan","Abhay","Rid
var index = 0
while(index < names.size) {

do-while loop IN KOTLIN

The do-while loops are control flow statements that run the block of code
at least once without validating the condition and then execute the block
repeatedly, or not, based entirely on a Boolean condition after the do-while
block. Unlike the while loop, which executes the block only when the con-
dition is true, the do-while loop executes the code first and then evaluates
the expression or test condition.

Method of do-while loop

After all of the statements in the block have been performed, the condition
is assessed. The code block is re-executed if the condition is satisfied. As
long as expression evaluates to true, the code block execution operation
is repeated. If the expression becomes false, the loop is terminated, and
control is passed to the sentence after the do-while loop.
It checks the condition after the block has been run. It is also known as
a post-test loop.

do {
//code to run
48   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide


Statement of do-while-loop.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var numbr = 9
var factorial = 1
do {
factorial *= numbr
}while(numbr > 0)
println("The Factorial of 9 is $factorial")

for loop IN KOTLIN

In Kotlin, the for loop is analogous to the foreach loop in other languages
such as C#. The for loop is used here to iterate through any data structure
using an iterator. In other programming languages, such as Java or C, it is
not utilized in the same way as the for a loop.
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    49

for(item in collection) {
// code to execute

The for loop in Kotlin is used to iterate across the following because they
all provide an iterator:

• Range
• Array
• String
• Collection

Iterate across the Range Using a for loop

The range provides an iterator, allowing us to traverse it. There are various
methods for iterating through Range. In the for loop, the in operator is
used to determine whether or not the value is within the Range.
The following programs demonstrate several methods of traversing
the range, where in is the operator to validate the value in the range.
If the value falls inside one of the ranges, it returns true and prints the

• Print the values when we iterate over the range:

fun main(args: Array<String>)
for (d in 1..8) {
print("$d ")

• Using step-3, iterate over the range to jump:

fun main(args: Array<String>)
for (d in 1..20 step 3) {
print("$d ")
50   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

• We can’t iterate across Range from top to down unless we use DownTo:
fun main(args: Array<String>)
for (d in 6..1) {
print("$d ")
println("Print nothing")

• Iterate over the Range from top to down using downTo:

fun main(args: Array<String>)
for (d in 6 downTo 1) {

• Iterate over the Range from top to down using downTo, and then step 3:
fun main(args: Array<String>)
for (d in 20 downTo 1 step 3) {
print("$d ")

Using a for loop, Iterate over the Array

A data structure that stores data of the same kind, such as an integer or a
string, is known as an array. An array may be browsed using a for a loop
since it has an iterator. Each array has a starting index, which is always 0.
Traverse the array in the following ways:

• Without using the Index property

• With using the Index property
• Using the withIndex library function
• Without utilizing the index property, traverse an array:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var numbs = arrayOf(110,220,330,440,550,660,
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    51

for (numr in numbs){

if(numr%2 == 0){
print("$numr ")

• Using the Index property, traverse an array:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var colors = arrayOf("Grey", "Pink", "Black",
"Red", "White")
for (c in colors.indices) {

• Using the withIndex() library function, we may traverse an array:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

var colors = arrayOf("Grey", "Pink", "Black",
"Red", "White")
for ((index,value) in colors.withIndex()) {
println("Element at $index th index is

Iterate through a String Using the for loop

Because the for loop includes an iterator, it can traverse a string.
The string may be traversed using the following methods:

• Without using the Index property

• With using the Index property
• Using the withIndex library function

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

var name = "TheHub"
var name2 = "oftutorials"
// traversing the string without using index
52   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

for (alphabets in name) print("$alphabets ")

// traversing string with using the index property
for (c in name2.indices) print(name2[c]+" ")
println(" ")
// traversing the string using withIndex() library
for ((index,value) in name.withIndex())
println("The Element at $index th index is

Iterate over the Collection Using the for loop

Use the for loop to iterate through the collection. There are three sorts of
collections: list, map, and set.
We may use the listOf() function to send many data types
The program to traverse the list using a for loop is shown below:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

// to read only, fix-size
var collection = listOf(1,2,3,"listOf", "mapOf",
for (elements in the collection) {

KOTLIN when expression

In Kotlin, expression substitutes the switch operator in other languages
such as Java. When a particular condition is satisfied, a specific block of
code must be executed. When using the when expression option, each
branch is compared one by one until a match is discovered. When the first
match is found, the program proceeds to the end of the when block and
runs the code that follows the when block. Unlike a switch case in Java or
any other programming language, we do not require a break statement
after each case.
In Kotlin, when may be used in two ways:

• when as a statement
• when as an expression
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    53

when to Use as a Statement with else

When is a statement that may use with or without the else branch? When used
as a statement, the values of all individual branches are sequentially compared
with the argument. The appropriate branch is performed when the condition
is met. If none of the branches meet the criteria, the else branch is performed.

import java.util.Scanner;
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var reader = Scanner(System.'in')
print("Enter the largebody:")
var lbt =
when(lbt) {
"Sun" -> println("The Sun is Star")
"Moon" -> println("The Moon is Satellite")
"Earth" -> println("The Earth is planet")
else -> println("We don't know anything")

Using when as a Statement in the Absence of an else Branch

In the lack of an otherwise branch, we can use when as a statement. When
used as a statement, the values of all individual branches are compared
sequentially with the argument. The relevant branch is performed when
the condition is met. If none of the branches meet the criteria, the block
exits without publishing anything to the system output.

import java.util.Scanner;
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var reader = Scanner(System.'in')
var lbt =
when(lbt) {
"Sun" -> println("The Sun is Star")
"Moon" -> println("The Moon is Satellite")
"Earth" -> println("The Earth is planet")

when Used as an Expression

When used as an expression, the value of the branch that satisfies the
condition becomes the value of the overall expression. When we use an
54   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

expression, we get a result that matches the argument, which we may keep
in a variable or simply display.

import java.util.Scanner;
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var reader = Scanner(System.'in')
print("Enter month of the number:")
var monthyear = reader.nextInt()
var months = when(monthyear)
else -> {
println("Not month of the year")

If the argument fails to meet any branch conditions, the other branch is
executed. Unless the compiler can demonstrate that branch conditions
handle all potential cases, the else branch is required as an expression. A
compiler error is raised if we cannot use the other branch.
Error:(7, 16) Kotlin: ‘when’ expression must be exhaustive, add the nec-
essary ‘else’ branch.

In Kotlin, Different Ways to Use a when Block

A comma is used to divide numerous branches within one: a comma can
be used to divide many branches within one. When two or more branches
have the same logic, we can combine them into a single branch. In the
example below, we need to decide whether the input largebody is a planet
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    55

or not; thus, we combined all planet names into a single branch. Anything
other than the planet name will result in the else branch is performed.
import java.util.Scanner;
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var reader = Scanner(System.'in')
print("Enter name of the planet: ")
var names =
when(names) {
"Mercury", "Mars","Jupiter",
"Uranus" -> println("Planet")
else -> println("Neither the planet nor the star")

• Check whether the input value is inside the range: By using the in
or !in operator, we can check the range of arguments given in the
when block. The ‘in’ operator in Kotlin is used to check for the exis-
tence of a specific variable or attribute inside a range. The in opera-
tor returns true if argument is within a given range; the !in operator
returns true if the argument is not within a specific range.
import java.util.Scanner;
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var reader = Scanner(System.'in')
print("Enter the month number of the year: ")
var numbr = reader.nextInt()
in 1..3 -> println("It is the spring
in 4..6 -> println("It is the summer
in 7..8 ->println("It is the rainy
in 9..10 -> println("It is the autumn
in 11..12 -> println("It is the winter
!in 1..12 ->println("Enter the valid month
of the year")
56   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

• Check whether a provided variable is of a specific type: Using the is

or !is operator, we can check the type of variable supplied as an input
in the when block. Is Int returns true if the variable is of the integer
type; otherwise, it returns false.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var numbr: Any = "TheHuboftutors"
is Int -> println("it's an Integer")
is String -> println("it's a String")
is Double -> println("it's a Double")

• Using when as a replacement for if-else-if chain: When might be

used instead of if-else-if. If no arguments are given, the branch con-
ditions are boolean expressions, and the branch is only executed
when its condition is true:
fun isOdd(d: Int) = d % 2 != 0
fun isEven(d: Int) = d % 2 == 0
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var numbr = 8
isOdd(numbr) ->println("Odd")
isEven(numbr) -> println("Even")
else -> println("neither even or odd")

• Verify if a string includes a specific prefix or suffix: The method

below is used to look for a prefix or suffix in a string. It will return
true if the string has the prefix or suffix; otherwise, it will return false.
fun hasPrefix(compani: Any) = when (compani) {
is String -> compani.
else -> false

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

var compani = "TheHuboftutors a computer
science portal"
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    57

var result = hasPrefix(compani)

if(result) {
println("Yes, the string started with
else {
println("No, the String does not start
with TheHuboftutors")


When working with loops, we may use either a break or a return expres-
sion to exit the loop if we want to immediately halt the loop’s execution if
a particular condition is fulfilled.
Here we will demonstrate how to use break expression to exit a loop.
When a program encounters the break statement, it returns to the nearest
enclosing loop.
There are two kinds of break expressions in Kotlin: unlabeled break
expressions and labeled break expressions. We’ll look at how to use unla-
beled break expressions in a while, do-while, and for loops.

In a while loop, Use of an Unlabeled Break

An unlabeled break is used to exit the loop without examining the test
expression when a condition is met. The control is subsequently trans-
ferred to the following while block statement.

while(test expression) {
// code to run
if(break condition) {
// another code to run

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var sum = 0
58   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

var d = 1
while(i <= Int.MAX_VALUE) {
sum += d
if(d == 11) {
print("The sum of integers from 1 to 11: $sum")

To compute the sum of numbers from 1 to 10, we utilize a while loop and
a break statement in the above program. Make a variable sum with a value
of 0 as its initial value. Iterate through the loop once more, this time set-
ting variable I to 1.
Iterator now proceeds from d = 1 and runs the sum statement. When
iterator value d reaches 11, the break expression is performed, and the loop
is terminated without checking the test expression d = Int.MAX_VALUE.
The control is then transferred to the while block’s print() instruction,
which outputs the total number of integers = 55.

In a do-while loop, Use of an Unlabeled Break

We can also use the break expression to exit the loop without checking the
test expression in a do-while loop.

do {
//code to run
if(break-condition) {

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var name = arrayOf("Earth","Venus","Jupiter","
var d = 0
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    59

println("The name of $c th planet: "+name[d])

if(name[d]=="Jupiter") {

In the above program, we traverse the array to display the names of plan-
ets. First, populate the array names with planet names, and d is the test
statement’s iterator. We use name.size to compute the size of an array.
The do block first prints the array’s element, then compares the array’s
value at any index to “Jupiter” every time. If it matches, increase the iter-
ator and run one more time. If the expressions match, the break expres-
sion is performed, and the do-while loop ends without checking for the test

Use of an Unlabeled Break in a for loop

We may utilize a break expression when traversing a for loop within an
array or string.

for(iteration through iterator) {
// code to run

• Kotlin program for printing a string up to a specific character:

In the program below, we traverse the string by comparing the char
value to break at a specific location. First, make an array with the
name “TheHubsoftutors” and the value “TheHubsoftutors” in it.
Then a for loop using iterator d to investigate. It outputs the char
value and compares it to the char ‘s’ at each stage. The loop is ter-
minated if a match is discovered, and control is passed to the fol-
lowing line.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var name = "TheHubsoftutors"
for (d in name){
60   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

if(d == 's') {


Suppose we want to immediately halt the loop’s execution when engaging
with loops if a specified condition is satisfied. In this case, we may leave the
loop by using either a break or a return expression.
In this lesson, we’ll look at quitting a loop using a break expression.
When a program encounters the break statement, it returns to the nearest
enclosing loop.
In Kotlin, there are two sorts of break expressions:

• Unlabeled break, as we all know, is used to terminate to the nearest

enclosing loop when a particular condition is fulfilled.
• On the other hand, a named break returns to the intended loop when
a stated condition is fulfilled. It is feasible to do this through the use
of labels. An identifier followed by a @ sign, such as inner@, outer@,
first@, second@, and so on, is referred to as a label. Use any phrase
with a label, but it must be written before. We’ll look at using labeled
break expressions in a while, do-while, and for loops.

In a while loop, Using a Labeled Break

A marked break is used to exit the target block without checking the con-
dition in the while loop when a condition is fulfilled. The control is subse-
quently passed to the following while block statement.
If we use the label outer@ to identify the outer loop, we can simply break
it in the break condition block with break@outer.

outer@ while(condition) {
// code
inner@ while(condition) {
// code
if(breakcondition) {
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    61

break @outer

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var numbr1 = 6
outer@ while (numb1 > 0) {
var numbr2 = 6
inner@ while (numb2 > 0) {
if (numbr1==2)
println("numbr1 = $numbr1, numbr2 =

In a do-while loop, Using a Labeled Break

The designated break is also executed in the do-while loop to complete the
intended loop. In this example, we’ve used outer@ for the outer do-while
loop and inner@ for the inside do-while loop.

outer@ do {
// code
inner@ do {
// code
if(breakcondition) {
} while(condition)
} while(condition)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var numbr1 = 4
62   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

outer@ do {
var numbr2 = 4
inner@ do {
if (numbr1 == 2)
println("numbr1 = $numbr1; numbr2 =
} while (numbr2 > 0)
} while (numbr1 > 0)

Here, we print the same output as in the while loop. When the (numbr1 == 2)
condition is true, the break@outer command is executed, which termi-
nates the desired outer@ loop.

Using a Labeled Break in a for loop

A labeled break may also end the desired loop if a particular condition
in the for loop is fulfilled. The outer for loop is labeled as outer@, and the
inside for loop is labeled as inner@. An iterator is used to perform iteration
in a for loop.

outer@ for(iteration through iterator) {
// code
inner@ for(iteration through iterator)
// code
if(breakcondition) {

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
outer@ for (numbr1 in 4 downTo 1) {
inner@ for (numbr2 in 4 downTo 1) {
if (numbr1 == 2)
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    63

println("numbr1 = $numbr1; numbr2 =



In the following section, we will enlighten on how to utilize continue in
Kotlin. When programming with loops, it is occasionally beneficial to skip
the current iteration of the loop. In such a situation, we may utilize the
program’s continue statement. Continue is essentially used to repeat the
loop for a given condition. It skips the following statements and moves on
to the next loop iteration.

Use of Unlabeled Continues in the while loop

The unlabeled continue to function in Kotlin is used to skip the current
iteration of the nearest enclosing while loop. If the condition for continue
is true, it skips the instructions following continue and returns to the while
loop’s commencement. It will check for the condition again, and the loop
will continue until the condition is false.

while(condition) {
if(condition for continue) {

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var numbr = 0
while (numbr <= 15) {
if (numbr % 3 == 0) {
64   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide


We display the numbers and skip all multiples of 3 in the prior program.
If a number is divisible by three, the statement (numbr % 3 == 0) is used to
determine if it is divisible by three. Increase the number without publish-
ing it to standard output if it is a multiple of three.

In a do-while loop, Use an Unlabeled Continue

We may also skip the iteration of the nearest closed loop by using the
unmarked continue in do-while. In this scenario, we must include the
continue condition in the do block. If the condition becomes false, it will
skip the next instruction and transfer the control to the while condition.

// code
if(condition for continue) {

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var numbr = 1
do {
if (numbr <= 5 || numbr >=25) {
} while (numbr < 10)

Use of Unlabeled Continues in a for loop

We can also use unlabeled continue in for loop to skip the current iteration
and go straight to the closing loop. In the following program, we traversed
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    65

the array planets utilizing an array of letters and an iterator. The equation
(c < 2) skips iterating over array indices less than two; therefore, the text
stored at indexes 0 and 1 is not shown.

for(iteration through iterator)
if(condition for continue)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var colors = arrayOf("Pink", "Green", "Black",
"White", "Grey")
for (c in colors.indices) {
if(c < 2){
println(colors [c])


In this topic, we’ll look at how to use continue in Kotlin. It is sometimes
advantageous to skip the current loop iteration when dealing with a loop in
programming. In this case, we may use the program’s continue statement.
Continue is used to continue the loop for a given condition effectively. It
goes on to the next loop iteration after skipping the following statements.

Use of Labeled Continues in a while loop

Labeled continue is used in the while loop to skip the iteration of the
desired block when it fulfills a defined condition without examining the
condition in the while loop. We may simply skip for the provided condi-
tion in the conditional block by using continue@outer if we mark the out-
side loop with outer@ and the inside loop with inner@.
66   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

outer@ while(firstcondition) {
// code
inner@ while(secondcondition) {
if(condition for continue) {

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var numbr1 = 6
outer@ while (numb1 > 0) {
var numbr2 = 6
inner@ while (numbr2 > 0) {
if (numbr1 <= 2)
println("numbr1 = $numbr1, numbr2 =

Use of Labeled Continues in a do-while loop

We may also use the specified continue in the do-while loop. In the fol-
lowing program, we used a nested do-while loop, labeling the outside loop
with outer@ and the inner loop with inner@. Within an inner do-while
loop, the continue condition is executed. If the condition is true, con-
tinue@outer skips the following lines or expressions and returns control
to the outer do-while loop for repetition.

outer@ do {
// code
inner@ do {
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    67

// code
if(condition for continue) {
} while(firstcondition)
} while(secondcondition)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var numbr1 = 6
outer@ do {
var numbr2 = 6
inner@ do {
if (numbr1 <= 2)
println("numbr1 = $numbr1; numbr2 =
} while (numbr2 > 0)

} while (numbr1 > 0)


Use of Labeled Continues in a for loop

We may use labeled continue in a for loop. We used nested for loops in
the following program, labeling the outside loop with outer@ and the
inner loop with inner@. Within the inner for-loop, the continue condi-
tion is executed. If the condition is fulfilled, the subsequent sentences are
skipped, and control is given to the outer for-loop for iteration.

outer@ for(iteration through iterator) {
// code
inner@ for(iteration through iterator) {
// code
if(condition for continue) {
68   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
outer@ for (numbr1 in 4 downTo 1) {
inner@ for (numbr2 in 4 downTo 1) {
if (numbr1 <= 3)
println("numbr1 = $numbr1; numbr2 =

An exception is an undesirable or unexpected occurrence that occurs dur-
ing program execution, i.e., during run time, and disrupts normal flow of
the program’s instructions. Exception handling is an approach for dealing
with errors and avoiding run-time crashes, which might cause our pro-
gram to crash.
Exceptions are classified into two types:

• Checked Exception: IOException, FileNotFoundException, and

other exceptions are often added to functions and examined at build
• Unchecked Exception: Exceptions, such as NullPointerException
and ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException, are frequently produced by
logical errors and are examined at run time.

Exceptions in Kotlin
Exceptions in Kotlin are only unchecked and may be detected only at run
time. The Throwable class is the origin of all exception classes.
To throw an exception object, we frequently use the throw-expression:

throw Exception("Throwmeexception")

Among the most common exceptions are:

• NullPointerException: We receive a NullPointerException when

executing a property or method on a null object.
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    69

• Arithmetic Exception: This exception is raised when numbers

are exposed to incorrect arithmetic operations. Divide by zero, for
• SecurityException: This exception is raised to indicate a security
• ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: This error is generated when
we attempt to obtain the incorrect index value of an array.

fun main(args : Array<String>){
var numb = 30 / 0 // throw an exception

Exception Handling in Kotlin

In the example below, we divide an integer by 0 (zero), which results in an
ArithmeticException. The catch block will be performed because this code
is in the try block.
The ArithmeticException occurred in this case. Therefore, the
ArithmeticException catch block was executed, and “Arithmetic
Exception” was printed in the output.
When an exception occurs, everything beyond that point is disregarded,
and control is sent to the catch block, if one exists. The final block is always
run, regardless of whether or not an exception occurs.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

try {
var numb = 50/0
println("Beginners ")
} catch (c: ArithmeticException) {
println("Arithmetic Exception")
} catch (c: Exception) {
} finally {
println("in any case it'll print")
70   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Avoiding NullPointerException
Avoid the NullPointerException by using the following checks and

• Including a null check before using an object’s methods or properties

to ensure that it is properly initialized.
• Using Apache Commons StringUtils for String operations, such as
StringUtils.isNotEmpty() to ensure that a string is not empty before
using it.
• Use primitives rather than objects wherever possible since they can-
not have null references, such as int instead of Integer and boolean
instead of Boolean.

What If We Fail to Deal with Exceptions?

Assume that the application will fail if we do not handle the exception in
the preceding example.
The program terminated with an error in this scenario because we did
not handle exceptions.

How to Throw an Exception

The term throw is used to throw an exception. In the following
example, the throw keyword is used to throw an exception. The state-
ment preceding the exception is executed, but the statement after the
exception is not performed because control is transferred to the catch

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

println("Before the exception")
throw Exception("Something went wrong ")
println("After the exception")
catch(c: Exception){
println("can't-ignore ")
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NullPointerException Example:

public class ExceptionExp {

private static void printLength(String strg) {
public static void main(String args[]) {
String myString = null;

The printLength() function in this example utilizes the length() method

of a String without first performing a null check. Because the string
returned by the main() method has no value, the preceding code throws a

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.

at ExceptionExp.printLength(
at ExceptionExp.main(

KOTLIN try-catch block

To manage exceptions in the program, we use the try-catch block in
Kotlin. The try block contains the code that throws an exception, whereas
the catch block handles the exception. This block must include either the
main or other methods. There should be a catch block, a final block, or
both after the try block.

try {
// the code that can throw an exception
} catch(c: ExceptionName) {
// catch-exception and handle it

import kotlin.ArithmeticException
fun main(args : Array<String>){
72   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

var numb = 30 / 0
catch(c: ArithmeticException){
// caught, handles it
println("It not allowed divide by zero")

The try-catch block as an Expression in Kotlin

As previously stated, expressions always return a value. We may use the
Kotlin try-catch block as an expression in our program. The return result
of the expression will be either the last expression of the try block or the
final expression of the catch block. If an exception occurs in the function,
the catch block returns the value.

fun test(x: Int, y: Int) : Any {
return try {
//println("The Result is: "+ x / y)
"The Divide by zero is not allowed"
//the main function
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// invoke test-function
var results1 = test(30,2 ) //execute
var results = test(30,0 ) // execute

The final block in Kotlin

Whether or not the catch block handles an exception, the final block
is always run in Kotlin. As a result, it is used to carry out crucial code
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    73

We may unite the finally and try blocks and eliminate the catch block.

try {
//the code that can throw an exception
} finally {
// the code of finally block

fun main(args : Array<String>){
var ar = arrayOf(101,202,303,404,505)
var int = ar[6]
finally {
println("This will always executes")

Syntax of Finally block with try-catch block:

try {
// the code that can throw an exception
} catch(c: ExceptionName) {
// catch the exception, handle it.
} finally {
//the code of finally block

fun main (args: Array<String>){
try {
var int = 30 / 0
} catch (c: ArithmeticException) {
} finally {
74   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

println("This will always executes")


Kotlin throw keyword

In Kotlin, we use the throw keyword to throw an explicit exception. It also
can throw a custom exception.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println("executes after the validation")
fun test(password: String) {
// it calculate the length of entered password
and compare
if (password.length < 6)
throw ArithmeticException("Password is too
println("Password is strong ")

NESTED try block AND MULTIPLE catch block

Nested try block
This section will teach us about nested try-catch blocks and multiple catch
blocks. A nested try block has one try catch block within another.
When an exception occurs in the inner try-catch block that is not han-
dled by the inner catch blocks, the outer try-catch blocks are inspected for
that exception.

// the outer try-block
//the inner try-block
//the code that can throw an exception
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    75

catch(c: SomeException)
//it catch the exception, handle it
catch(c: SomeException)
// it catch the exception, handle it

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val numbers = arrayOf(101,202,303,404)
try {
for (x in numbers.indices) {
try {
var nm = (0..4).random()
} catch (c: ArithmeticException) {
} catch (c: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException) {

Multiple catch block

A try block may include several catch blocks. When we are unclear what
type of exception may occur inside the try block, we may insert several
catch blocks for the various exceptions. The parent exception class in the
last catch block handles all the remaining exceptions in the program that
are not described by catch blocks.

try {
// the code may throw an exception
} catch(c: ExceptionNameOne) {
// catch the exception one, handle it
} catch(c: ExceptionNameTwo) {
// it catch the exception two, handle it
76   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

import java.util.Scanner
object Tests {
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val scn = Scanner(System.'in')
try {
val n = Integer.parseInt(scn.
if (812% n == 0)
println("$n is a factor of 812")
} catch (c: ArithmeticException) {
} catch (c: NumberFormatException) {

• Expression in catch block use: In Kotlin, an expression in a catch

block can be used to replace several catch blocks. In the part that fol-
lows, we will show us how to use when expression.
import java.lang.NumberFormatException
import java.util.Scanner
object Tests {
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val scn = Scanner(System.'in')
try {
val n = Integer.parseInt(scn.
if (812% n == 0)
println("$n is a factor of 812")
} catch (c: Exception ) {
is ArithmeticException -> {
println("Arithmetic-Exception: Divide by zero") }
is NumberFormatException -> {
println("Number Format-Exception ") }
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    77

Kotlin’s type system aims to eliminate the possibility of null references in code,
which is a billion-dollar mistake. The program throws NullPointerExceptions
at run-time, resulting in the application or system failure.
If we’ve ever written code in Java or another language that has the con-
cept of a null reference, we’ve almost certainly seen a NullPointerException.
If the Kotlin compiler encounters a null reference without executing any
additional instructions, a NullPointerException is thrown.
The following are some possible sources of NullPointerExceptions:

• The !! Operator is used.

• NullPointerException() is thrown explicitly.
• Attempting to access a member on a null reference and generics types
with erroneous nullability are examples of Java interoperations.
• Some data inconsistency in terms of initialization, such as using an
uninitialized this as an input.

Nullable and Non-Nullable Sorts in Kotlin

The Kotlin type system differentiates between two sorts of references:
those that may hold null (nullable references) and those that cannot (non-
nullable references).
You cannot assign value null to a String variable. We get a compiler
error when we attempt to assign a null value to the variable.

var str1: String = "Hub"

str1 = null // compilation-error

To allow it to retain null, we define a variable as a nullable string, typed


var str2: String? = "TheHuboftutors"

str2 = null // ok

Now, if we want to acquire the length of the string str1, we can be assured
that it will not throw an NPE; hence, we can confidently say:

val l = str1.length
78   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Accessing the length of the string str2 is not safe, and the compiler reports
an error:

val l = str2.length // error: variable 'str2'

can be null

non-nullable program:

fun main(args: Array<String>){

// the variable is declared as non nullable
var str1 : String = "Hubs"
//str1 = null // gives compiler error
print("length of the string str1 is: "+str1.

In this example, assigning a null value to a non-nullable variable result in

a compiler time error. However, trying to read the length of the string will
result in a NullPointerException.
Nullable type program:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

// the variable is declared as nullable
var str2: String? = "TheHuboftutors"
str2 = null // no compile-error
println(str2.length) // the compile error because
string can be null

Checking for the null in Conditions

The most common method for checking for null references is to utilize
an if-else expression. We may explicitly verify if the variable is null and
handle the two alternatives independently.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// variable declared as nullable
var str: String? = "TheHuboftutors"
if (str != null) {
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    79

println("String of length ${str.length}")

} else {
println("The Null string")
// assign null
str = null
if (str != null) {
println("String of length ${str.length}")
} else {
println("The Null String")

Safe Call operator(?.)

Null comparisons are simple, but the number of nested if-else phrases
may be challenging. As a solution, Kotlin has a Safe call operator ?., which
removes this complexity by only executing an action when the specified
reference has a non-null value. It allows us to employ a null-check and a
method call in the same expression.
The following expression:


is equivalent to:

if(firstname != null)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// variable declared as nullable
var firstname: String? = "Reena"
var lastname: String? = null
80   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Elvis Operator(?:)
When the original variable is null, the Elvis operator returns a value that
is not null or a default value. In other words, the Elvis operator returns the
left expression if it is not null; else, the right expression is returned. If it is
determined that the left-hand side expression is null, the right-hand side
expression is evaluated.
The following expression:

val name = firstname ?: "Unknown"

is equivalent to:

val name1 = if(firstname!= null)


Furthermore, we may use throw and return expressions on the right side
of the Elvis operator, which is particularly handy in functions. As a result,
we can throw an exception instead of returning the default value on the
Elvis operator’s right side.

val name1 = firstname ?: throw

IllegalArgumentException("Enter the valid name")

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var str : String? = "TheHuboftutors"
str = null
println(str?.length ?: "-1")

Not null assertion: !! Operator

If the value is null, the not null assertion operator (!!) converts it to a non-
null type and throws an exception.
If someone needs a NullPointerException, they can use this operator to
obtain one.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

var str : String? = "TheHuboftutors"
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    81

str = null


Type Checking
In Kotlin, we may use this operator to identify the type of a variable at
run-time. It is a way of separating the flow of multiple objects at run-time
by checking the type of a variable.
Program of Type checking in Kotlin with if-else blocks:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

var names = "Rishi"
var ages = 36
var salary = 7100.24
val employeeDetails: List<Any> =
for(attribute in employeeDetails) {
if (attribute is String) {
println("Name is: $attribute")
} else if (attribute is Int) {
println("Age is: $attribute")
} else if (attribute is Double) {
println("Salary is: $attribute")
} else {
println("Not an attribute")

Using when expression:

• When expressions may easily replace if-else blocks.
Kotlin type checking program is used when:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

var names = "Ridhi"
var ages = 30
var salary = 6200.55
var emp_id = 11275f
82   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

val employeeDetails: List<Any> = listOf(names,

ages, salary, emp_id)
for (attribute in employeeDetails) {
when (attribute) {
is String -> println("The Name is:
$attribute ")
is Int -> println("The Age is:
is Double -> println("The Salary is:
else -> println("Not an attribute")

Smart Casting
Before accessing a variable’s properties in Java or other programming lan-
guages, explicit type casting is necessary, but Kotlin employs smart cast-
ing. When you send a variable through a conditional operator, the Kotlin
compiler automatically converts it to a particular class reference.
Consider the following Java example. We first use the instanceOf opera-
tor to discover the variable’s type, and then we cast it to the target type, as
seen below:

Object obj = "TheHuboftutors";

if(obj instanceof String) {
// the Explicit type casting
String str = (String) obj;
System.out.println("length of String " + str.

One of the most fascinating features of Kotlin is smart type casting. We

use the is or !is operator to validate the type of a variable, and the compiler
automatically casts the variable to the required type, as seen below:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val str1: String? = "TheHuboftutors"
var str2: String? = null // prints String is null
if(str1 is String) {
// No Explicit-type Casting needed.
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    83

println("length of String ${str1.length}")

else {
println("String is null")

Use of !is Operator

Similarly, we may use the !is operator to verify the variable.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val str1: String? = "thehuboftutors"
var str2: String? = null // prints String is null
if(str1 !is String) {
println("String is null")
else {
println("The length of String ${str1.length}")

Smart casts are ineffective if the compiler cannot guarantee that the vari-
able will not change between the check and the usage. The following guide-
lines determine the usage of smart casts:

• val local variables, except local delegated properties, always work.

• val properties are only helpful if the property is private or internal
or if the check is performed in the same module as the property is
defined. Smart casts do not support open properties and properties
with custom getters.
• var local variables work only if the variable has not been modified
between the check and usage, is not captured in the lambda that
modifies it, and is not a local delegated property.
• var properties never work since the variable can change at any time.


In smart casting, we usually use the is or!is the operator to verify the type
of a variable, and the compiler automatically converts the variable to the
target type. Still, in explicit typecasting, we use the as operator.
84   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Explicit type casting can be accomplished by employing:

• Unsafe cast operator: as

• Safe cast operator: as?

Unsafe Cast Operator: as

To manually convert a variable to the target type, we use the type cast
In the following code, variable str1 of string type is cast to target type
using as operator.

fun main(args: Array<String>){

val str1: String = "work's okay"
val str2: String = str1 as String // Works

It is conceivable that we may be unable to cast a variable to the target type,

resulting in an exception at run-time, which is why it is referred to as an
unsafe casting.
A ClassCastException is thrown when an Integer type is used to cast to
a String type.

fun main(args: Array<String>){

val str1: Any = 22
val str2: String = str1 as String
// throw-exception

We are unable to convert a nullable string to a non-nullabe string, and an

error is thrown as TypeCastException.

fun main(args: Array<String>){

val str1: String? = null
val str2: String = str1 as String
// throw-exception
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As a result, we must also use the target type as a nullable string to pre-
vent type casting from throwing an exception.

fun main(args: Array<String>){

val str1: String? = null
val str2: String? = str1 as String? // throw

Safe Cast Operator: as?

Kotlin also supports type casting using the safe cast operator, as? If cast-
ing is not feasible, the function returns a null value instead of raising a
Here’s an example: it works beautifully when we try to cast any string
value known to the programmer into a nullable string. When we initial-
ize the Any with an integer value and convert it into a nullable string, the
typecasting fails, and str3 returns null.

fun main(args: Array<String>){

var str1: Any = "Safe casting"
val str2: String? = str1 as? String // it works
str1 = 22
// the type casting not possible so returns null
to st3
val str3: String? = str1 as? String
val str4: Int? = str1 as? Int // it works


Regular Expressions in Kotlin
Regular Expressions are a fundamental element of nearly every program-
ming language, including Kotlin. In Kotlin, regular expressions are sup-
ported through the Regex class. The objects in this class represent regular
expressions used for string matching.

class Regex
86   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Regular expressions may be found in various software, from the most

simple to the most complex.

• <init>(pattern: String): Based on the pattern string, this construc-

tor generates a regular expression.
• <init>(pattern: String, option: RegexOption): Based on the
pattern and option supplied, this constructor creates a regular
expression. The option is an enum constant from the RegexOption
• <init>(pattern: String, options: Set<RegexOption>): This con-
structor generates a regular expression from the specified string pat-
tern and arguments.


• val options: Set<RegexOption>: It contains the settings that must

be used while constructing a regex.
• val pattern: String: It contains the descriptive string for the pattern.

Regex Functions

• containsMatchIn(): This method returns a boolean indicating

whether or not it found our pattern in the input.
fun containsMatchIn(input: CharSequence): Boolean

This example will demonstrate how to utilize Kotlin’s containsMatchIn()


fun main()
// A regex that matches any text that begins with
the letter 'b'
val pattern = Regex("^b")
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    87

• find(): This function returns the first matched substring correspond-

ing to our pattern in the input starting at the specified beginning
fun find(input: CharSequence, start_Index: Int):
This example will demonstrate how to utilize Kotlin’s find() method:

fun main()
// Regex to match "ol" in a string
val pattern1 = Regex("ol")
val ans : MatchResult? = pattern1.
find("HlloooHllooo", 6)
println(ans ?.value)

• findAll(): This function retrieves all matchings of the provided pat-

tern in the input, starting at the specified start index.
fun findAll(
input: CharSequence,
start_Index: Int
): Sequence

This example will demonstrate how to utilize Kotlin’s findAll method:

fun main()
// A regex to match a 3 pattern starting with ab
val pattern2 = Regex("ab.")
val ans1 : Sequence<MatchResult> = pattern2.
findAll("absgffhdbabc", 0)
// forEach loop used to display all the matches
matchResult -> println(matchResult.value)

• matches(): This function returns a boolean indicating whether the

input string matches the pattern completely.
infix fun matches(input: Char_Sequence): Boolean
88   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

This example will demonstrate how to utilize Kotlin’s matches() method:

fun main()
//to tests the demonstrating entire string match
val patterns = Regex("p([ee]+)ks?")

• matchEntire(): This function tries to match the entire input string to

the specified pattern string and returns the string if it succeeds. If it
does not match the string, return null.
fun matchEntire(input: Char_Sequence):

This example will demonstrate how to utilize Kotlin’s matchEntire() method:

fun main()
// Tests demonstrating entire string match
var patterns = Regex("peeks?")
patterns = Regex("""\D+""")

• replace(): This function replaces all occurrences of the given pattern

in the input string with the replacement string.
fun replace(input: Char_Sequence, replacement:
String): String

• replaceFirst(): The first regular expression match in the input

replaces the replacement string.
fun replaceFirst(
input: Char_Sequence,
replacement: String
): String
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    89

Here’s an example of the replace() and replaceFirst() work methods in


fun main()
// Experiments to demonstrate replacement
val pattern4 = Regex("abzz")
// replace all abzz with xycd in the string
// replace only first xyz with abc not all

• split(): This function separates the input text into tokens based on
the given value.
fun split(input: Char_Sequence, limit: Int): List

This example will demonstrate how to utilize Kotlin’s split() method:

fun main()
// Tests demonstrating split function
val patterns = Regex("\\s+") // separate for the
val ans : List<String> = patterns.split("This is
the class")
ans.forEach { word -> println(word) }

In Kotlin, a range is a collection of finite values defined by endpoints. A
range in Kotlin is made of a start, a stop, and a step. The Range’s start and
endpoints are inclusive, and the step value is set to 1 by default.
The range is given to comparable types.
Range may create in three ways in Kotlin:

• Using the (..) operator

90   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

• Using downTo() function

• Using rangeTo() function

(..) operator
It is the most fundamental way to interact with range. It will construct a
beginning to end range containing both the beginning and ending values.
It is the operator form of the rangeTo() function. Using the (..) operator, we
can build ranges for integers and characters.
To create an integer range program in Kotlin, use the (..) operator:

fun main(args : Array<String>){

// creation of integer range
for(numb in 1..6){

Kotlin character range program with the (..) operator:

fun main(args : Array<String>){

// creation of the character range
for(xh in 'a'..'e'){

rangeTo() Function
It is comparable to the (..) operator. It will produce a range up to the pro-
vided value. It’s also used to make a range of numbers and characters.
In Kotlin, use the rangeTo() function to build an integer range:

fun main(args : Array<String>){

// creation of the integer range
for(numbs in 1.rangeTo(6)){
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    91

In Kotlin, use the rangeTo() function to build a character range:

fun main(args : Array<String>){

println("Character -range:")
// creation of the character range
for(xh in 'a'.rangeTo('f')){

downTo() Function
It is the reverse of the rangeTo() or (..). It produces a range from larger to
smaller numbers in decreasing order. This section will define ranges for
integers and characters in reverse order.
Kotlin code with an integer range and the downTo() function:

fun main(args : Array<String>){

println("The Integer range in descending order:")
// creation of the integer range
for(numbs in 6.downTo(1)){

In Kotlin, use the downTo() method to program a character range:

fun main(args : Array<String>){

println("The Character range in the reverse order:")
// creation of the character range
for(xh in 'f'.downTo('a')){

Range Using the forEach loop

The forEach loop may also use to iterate through the range.

fun main(args : Array<String>){

// creation integer-range
92   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

To create a step between values, use the keyword step. It is mainly used in
rangeTo(), downTo(), and the (..) operator to provide the space between
two numbers. Because the step has a default value of 1, the step function
cannot have a value of zero.
A step-by-step Kotlin program is provided below:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

//for iterating over range
var x = 2
// for loop with the step keyword
for (x in 3..10 step 2)
print("$x ")
// print first value of the range
println((11..20 step 2).first)
// print the last value of the range
println((11..20 step 4).last)
// print the step used in the range
println((11..20 step 5).step)

reverse() Function
It is used to reverse the range type specified. To print the range in descend-
ing order, we may use the reverse() function instead of downTo().

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

var range = 2..8
for (z in range.reversed()){
print("$z ")

Various Predefined Functions in the Range

In Kotlin Range, the following functions are predefined: min(), max(),
sum(), and average ().

fun main() {
val predefined = (13..20)
println("The minimum value of the range is:
Crash Course in Kotlin   ◾    93

println("The maximum value of the range is:

println("The sum of all values of the range is:
println("The average value of the range is:

Check to see whether the value is inside a range:

fun main(args: Array<String>)

var x = 3
//to check whether value lies in the range
if( x in 6..10)
println("$x is lie within range")
println("$x does not lie within range")

In this chapter, we covered what is Kotlin, its central concepts, installa-

tions, advantages and disadvantages of Kotlin. Moreover, we also covered
syntax, control flow statements, exception handling, null safety, and regex
& ranges.
Chapter 2

OOP in Kotlin


➢➢ Objects and classes

➢➢ Inheritance
➢➢ Composition
➢➢ Polymorphism
➢➢ Encapsulation
➢➢ Abstraction

In the previous chapter, we covered the crash course in Kotlin, where we

covered installation, advantages, disadvantages, control flow statement,
and exceptional handling. In this chapter, we will cover the OOPs concept.


Kotlin supports both functional and object-oriented programming (OOP).
We spoke about functions, higher-order functions, and lambdas in the last
section, and we mentioned Kotlin as an accessible language. This section
will cover the essential OOPs concepts that characterize Kotlin as an OOP

Object-Oriented Programming Language

Class and object are the essential concepts of an OOP language. These sup-
port OOP ideas like inheritance, abstraction, and so forth.
DOI: 10.1201/9781003308447-2 95
96   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Class, like Java, is a blueprint for objects with similar characteristics. We
must first declare a class before creating an object, and the class keyword
is used to do so.
The class declaration comprises the class name, the class header, and the
class body, which are all separated by curly brackets.

class className
{ // the class header
// property
// the member-function

• Class name: Each class has a unique name.

• Class header: Class headers are composed of the arguments and
constructors of a class.
• Class body: Curly brackets surround the class body, containing
member functions and other properties.

The header and class body are optional; the class body can be deleted if
there is nothing between the curly braces.

class blankClass

We must use the term immediately after the class name if we want to
include a constructor.
Creating a constructor:

class className constructor(parameters) {

// property
// the member-function

class employe
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    97

// properties
var names: String = ""
var ages: Int = 0
var gender: Char = 'D'
var salary: Double = 0.toDouble()
//the member functions
fun names(){
fun ages() {
fun salary(){

It is a key unit of OOP that represents real-world entities with state and
behavior. Objects are used to access the properties and member functions
of a class. In Kotlin, several instances of the same class can create. An item
is made up of the following components:

• State: It is represented by the properties of an item. It also reflects an

object’s attributes.
• Behavior: It is expressed by the methods of an object. It also illus-
trates the interaction of a thing with other objects.
• Identity: It gives an object a unique name and enables one object to
connect with other things.
• Create an object: We may build an object by using the class reference.
var objt = className()

• Accessing class’s properties: We may use an object to access the

properties of a class. First, construct an object using the class refer-
ence and access the property.

• Access to a class member function: The object can use to access a

class member function.
98   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

class employees
{// Constructor Declaration of Class
var names: String = ""
var ages: Int = 0
var gender: Char = 'F'
var salary: Double = 0.toDouble()
fun insertValues(n: String, a: Int, g: Char, s:
Double) {
names = n
ages = a
gender = g
salary = s
println("The Name of the employees: $name")
println("The Age of the employees: $age")
println("The Gender: $gender")
println("The Salary of the employees:
fun insertName(n: String) { = n
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// creating the multiple objects
var objt = employees()
// object 2 of class employees
var objt2 = employees()
//accessing the member function
objt.insertValues("Raveen", 8, 'F', 40000.00)
// accessing the member function
// accessing the name property of class
println("Name of the new employees: ${objt2


Nested Class
A class is referred to as nested when declared within another class.
Because nested classes are static by default, we may use dot(.) notation
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    99

to access their attributes or variables without creating an instance of the


class out_Class {
// the properties of the outer class or a
member function
class nest_Class {
// the properties of the inner class
or member function

It is important to note that nested classes cannot access the members of the
outer class, but we may access nested class properties from the outer class
without creating an object for the nested class.
In Kotlin, use the following program to access nested class attributes:

// the outer class declaration

class outer_Class {
var strg = "Outer class"
// the nested class declaration
class nested_Class {
val firstName = "Ravi"
val lastName = "Ridhi"
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// accessing the member of Nested class
print(" ")

In Kotlin, we must first create the nested class’s object and then invoke the
member function from it.
100   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

In Kotlin, the following program is used to access nested class member


// the outer class declaration

class outer_Class {
var strg = "Outer class"
// the nested class declaration
class nested_Class {
var str1 = "Nested class"
// nested class member function
fun nestfunc(strg2: String): String {
var str2 =
return str2
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// the creating object of Nested class
val nested = outer_Class.nested_Class()
//invoking the nested member function by passing
the string
var result = nested.nestfunc(" Member function-
call successful")

In comparison to Java: When it comes to functionality and use cases,

Kotlin classes are similar to but not identical to Java classes. The Nested
class in Kotlin corresponds to a static nested class in Java, but the Inner
class corresponds to a non-static nested class in Java.
Kotlin Java
Nested class Static Nested class
Inner class Non-Static class

Inner Class in Kotlin

An “inner class” is a class that may be defined within another class using
the keyword inner. We may access the outer class property from within the
inner class by using the inner class.

class outer_Class {
// properties of the outer class or member-function
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    101

inner class inner_Class {

// properties of the inner class or

We try to access strg from the inner class member function in the follow-
ing program. It does not, however, work and creates a compile-time error.

Inner-Class Kotlin Program

// the outer class declaration

class outer_Class {
var strg = "Outer class"
// the inner_Class declaration without using inner
class inner_Class {
var st1 = "Inner class"
fun nestfunc(): String {
// it can not access the outer class
property strg
var st2 = strg
return st2
//the main function
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// creating the object for inner class
val inner= outer_Class().inner_Class()
// inner function call using the object

To begin, place the inner keyword before the inner class. Then, create an
instance of outer class; otherwise, we will be unable to use inner classes.

// the outer class declaration

class outer_Class {
var strg = "Outer class"
// inner_Class declaration with using inner keyword
102   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

inner class inner_Class {

var st1 = "Inner class"
fun nestfunc(): String {
// can access the outer class property
var st2 = strg
return st2
// the main function
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// for inner class creating the object
val inner= outer_Class().inner_Class()
// using object inner function call
println(inner.nestfunc()+" property accessed
successfully from inner class ")


Every programming language requires the use of properties. In Kotlin, prop-
erties may declare in the same manner that variables can. In Kotlin, proper-
ties may be designated as changeable or immutable by using the var keyword.

var <propertyName>[: <PropertyType>]
[= <property_initializer>]

The property initializer, getter, and setter are all optional in this scenario.
We may also omit the property type if we can infer it from the initializer. A
read-only or immutable property declaration differs from a mutable prop-
erty declaration in two ways:

• It begins with the val rather than var.

• It does not permit a setter.
fun main(args : Array) {
var a: Int = 0
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    103

val b: Int = 1
a = 2 // It can be allocated unlimited number
of times
b = 0 // It'll never be allocated again

Setters and Getters

In Kotlin, the setter is used to set the value of a variable, whilst the getter is
used to get the discount. The code generates Getters and Setters automati-
cally. In the ‘company’ class, let us define a ‘names’ property. ‘names’ is of
the data type String and will be set to a default value.

class companie
var names: String = "Defaultvalues"

The previous code relates to the following code:

class companie
var names: String = "defaultvalues"
get() = field // getter
set(value) { field = value } // setter

We make a ‘y’ object of the type ‘companie.’ We provide the setter’s param-
eter value when we initialize the ‘names’ property, which sets the ‘field’ to
value. When we try to access the object’s names property, we receive a field
since the code gets () = field. We can acquire or set the properties of a class
object using the dot(.) syntax.

val y = companie()
y.names = "TheHuboftutor" // access setter
println(y.names) // access getter

Program of Default Setter and Getter in Kotlin

class companie
var names: String = ""
104   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

get() = field // getter

set(value) { // setter
field = value
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val y = Companie() = "TheHuboftutor" // access setter
println(y.names) // access getter

Identifiers for Values and Fields

We have discovered these two Identifiers.

• Value: We usually use the name of the setter parameter as the value,
but we may use whatever name we choose. The value argument con-
tains the value that has been assigned to a property. In the above pro-
gram, we set the property name to = “TheHuboftutor” and we
set the value parameter to “TheHuboftutor.”
• Backing Field (field): It allows us to save the property value in mem-
ory. When we initialize property with value, the value is written to
the property’s backing field. In the preceding program, the value is
assigned to the field, and then the field is assigned to obtain ().

Private Modifier
If we want the public to be allowed to utilize the get function, we may use
the following code:

var names: String = ""

private set

We can only set the name in a method within the class due to the private
modifier near the set accessor. In a Kotlin program, a method within a
class is used to set the value.

class companie () {
var names: String = "cde"
private set

fun myfunc(x: String) {

OOP in Kotlin   ◾    105

names = x // here, we set the name

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var d = company()
println("The Name of the company is: ${d.names}")
println("The Name of the new company is: ${d.

Explanation: We used the private modifier in combination with the set in

this situation. To begin, create an object of type companie() and access the
property name. The name “TheHuboftutor” is then sent as a parameter to
the method defined within the class. Once again, access is given when the
name property is changed with the new name.

Setter and Getter with Custom Parameters

class registrations( email: String, pwd: String, age:

Int, gender: Char) {
var email_id: String = email
// the Custom Getter
get() {
return field.toLowerCase()
var password: String = pwd
// the Custom Setter
field = if(values.length > 7) value else
throw IllegalArgumentException("Password is small")

var age: Int = age

// the Custom Setter
set(values) {
field = if(values > 19 ) value else throw
IllegalArgumentException("Age must be 19+")
var gender : Char = gender
// the Custom Setter
set (values){
106   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

field = if(values == 'F') value else throw

IllegalArgumentException("User should be male")

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val peek = registrations("ruhi1998@GMAIL.

peek.email_id = "HUBTUTOR@CAREERS.ORG"

// throw IllegalArgumentException("Passwords is
peek.password = "abc"
// throw IllegalArgumentException("Age should be
peek.age= 5
// throw IllegalArgumentException("User should be
peek.gender = 'M'


Encapsulation is the most fundamental and important idea in a class. It’s
a feature that lets us merge code and data into a single object. Data in Java
is saved in fields, which are usually private. Consequently, accessor meth-
ods – a getter and a setter – are provided to allow users of the given class
to access the data. In the setter, additional logic is included for providing
change alerts and validating the passed value.

It is a combination of accessories and fields in the case of Java. In Kotlin,
properties are meant to be first-class language features. These features
have replaced fields and accessor methods. The val and var keywords are
used to specify class properties in the same manner as variables are. A var-
declared property is mutable, which means it may change.
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    107

Creating a class:

class Cbad(
val names: String,
val ispassed: Boolean

• Readable Property: Generates field and trivial getter

• Writable Property: A getter, setter, and field

The property declaration essentially declares the linked accessors (both

setter and getter for writable and getter for the readable property). A field
is used to hold the value.
Let’s have a look at how the class is implemented:

class Cbad(
val names: String,
val ispassed: Boolean
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val abcd = Cbad("Bobbin",true)
In Java
Cbad abcd = new Cbad("Bobi",true);

In Kotlin, the constructor can be called without the requirement for a new
keyword. Instead of utilizing a getter, the property is addressed directly.
The logic is the same, but the code is much shorter. Setters of mutable
properties work in the same way.

Customer Accessors
Implementation of property accessors on a specific instance basis:
class Rect(val height: Int, val width: Int)
val isSquare: Boolean
108   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

get() {
return height == width
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val rect = Rect(22, 14)

Constructor is a member function that is invoked when a class object is
created to initialize variables or properties. Every class must have a con-
structor, and if we don’t define one, the compiler will create one for us.
There are kinds of constructors in Kotlin:

• Primary Constructor
• Secondary Constructor

A class in Kotlin can have one primary constructor and one or more sub-
sidiary constructors. The primary constructor is responsible for initializ-
ing the class, whereas the secondary constructor is in charge of initializing
the class and introducing some extra logic.

Primary Constructor
After the class name, the constructor keyword is used to initialize the pri-
mary in the class header. The main constructor’s parameters are optional.

class Addconstructor(val x: Int, val y: Int) {

// code..

The constructor keyword can omit if no annotations or access modifiers

are supplied.

class Add(val x: Int, val y: Int) {

// code..
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    109

//the main function
fun main(args: Array<String>)
val add = Add(10, 2)
println("The Sum of numbers 10 and 2 is:
//the primary constructor
class Add constructor(x: Int,y:Int)
var a = x+y;

Primary Constructor with Initializer Block

The primary constructor may not include any code; however, the initial-
ization code may include in a separate initializer block headed by the init

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val empy = employees(27117, "Rani")
class employees(empy_id : Int, empy_name: String)
val id: Int
var names: String
// initializer block
init {
id = empy_id
names = empy_names
println("Employees id is: $id")
println("Employees name: $names")

The Default Value in the Primary Constructor

We can initialize the function constructor parameters with some default
values, similar to how we establish the default values of functions.
110   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val empy = employees(27117, "Rani")
// the default value for empy_name will be
used here
val empy2 = employees(10011)
//default values for the both parameters
because no arguments passed
val empy3 = employees()
class employees(empy_id : Int = 110, empy_name:
String = "cbad") {
val id: Int
var name: String
// initializer block
init {
id = empy_id
name = empy_name
print("Employee id is: $id, ")
println("Employee name: $name")

Secondary Constructor
Kotlin, as previously noted, may have one or more secondary constructors.
Secondary constructors enable variable initialization and the inclusion of
logic to the class. The keyword constructor precedes them.

//the main function
fun main(args: Array<String>)
Add(10, 3)
//class with the one secondary constructor
class Add
constructor(x: Int, y:Int)
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    111

var a = x + y
println("The sum of numbers 10 and 3 is:

The compiler determines which secondary constructor will be executed

based on the arguments provided. The above program does not specify
which constructor should be called, and the compiler decides.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
employee(17117, "Rani")
class employee {
constructor (empy_id : Int, empy_name:
String ) {
var id: Int = empy_id
var name: String = empy_name
print("Employee id is: $id, ")
println("Employee name: $name")
constructor (empy_id : Int, empy_name:
String, empy_salary : Double) {
var id: Int = empy_id
var name: String = empy_name
var salary : Double = empy_salary
print("The Employee id is: $id, ")
print("The Employee name: $name, ")
println("The Employee name: $salary")

In a Kotlin program, there are three secondary constructors in a class:

//the main function

fun main(args: Array<String>)
Add(31, 51)
112   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Add(31, 51, 61)

Add(31, 51, 61, 71)
//class with the three secondary constructors
class Add
constructor(x: Int, y: Int)
var a = x + y
println("Sum of 31, 51 = ${a}")
constructor(x: Int, y: Int, a: Int)
var b = x + y + a
println("Sum of 31, 51, 61 = ${b}")
constructor(x: Int, y: Int, a: Int, b: Int)
var e = x + y + a + b
println("Sum of 31, 51, 61, 71 = ${e}")


In Kotlin, visibility modifiers are used to restrict access to classes, objects, inter-
faces, constructors, methods, properties, and their setters. There is no need to
make getters visible because they are visible in the same way as the property.
In Kotlin, there are four visibility modifiers:

Modifier Description
Public The Visible everywhere
Private The Visible inside same class only
Internal The Visible inside the same module
Protected The Visible inside the same class and its subclasses

If no modifier is specified, the value is set to public by default. Let’s go

through the modifiers listed above one by one.

Public Modifier
The public modifier is the default in Kotlin. It is the most commonly used
modifier in the language, and there are additional restrictions on who may
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    113

access the component being modified. Unlike Java, there is no need to

specify anything as public in Kotlin; it is the default modifier; if no other
modifier is specified, public works the same in Kotlin as it does in Java.
When the public modifier is added to top-level elements, classes, methods,
or variables written directly within a package, any other code can access
them. If the public modifier is added to a nested element an inner class or
function within a class, then any code that can access the container may
also access this element.

// by default public
class X {
var int = 40

// specified with the public modifier

public class Y {
var int2 = 20
fun display() {

Classes X and Y access from anywhere in the code, and the variables int
and int2 and the function display() can access from anything that can
access classes X and Y.

Private Modifier
In Kotlin, private modifiers limit access to code specified inside the same
scope, which makes it impossible to access the modifier variable or func-
tion outside the scope. In contrast to Java, Kotlin allows several top-level
declarations in the same file – a private top-level element in the same file
can be accessed by everything else in the same file.

// class X is accessible from the same source file

private class X {
private val int = 30
fun display()
// we can access int in same-class
114   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

println("Accessing int successful")

fun main(args: Array<String>){
var x = X()
// can not access 'int': it is private in class X

In this situation, Class X can only access the int variable from inside the
same source file, and Class X can only access the int variable from within
Class X. We encountered a compile-time error when attempting to access
int from outside the class.

Internal Modifier
The internal modifier is a new Kotlin modifier that Java does not support.
Internal means that it will only be accessible inside the same module;
attempting to access the declaration from another module will result in an
error. A module is a group of files that have been assembled.

internal class X {
public class Y {
internal val int = 30
internal fun display() {

Class X is only accessible from inside the same module in this situation.
Even though class Y may be accessible from everywhere, the variable int
and function display() are only available within the same module.

Protected Modifier
In Kotlin, the protected modifier restricts access to the declaring class and
its subclasses. The protected modifier cannot be shown at the top level. In
the following example, we utilized the getvalue() function of the derived
class to obtain the int variable.

// base class
open class X {
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    115

// protected variable
protected val int = 30
// derived class
class Y: X() {
fun getvalue(): Int {
// accessed from the subclass
return int

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

var c = Y()
println("The value of integer is: "+c.getvalue())

Overriding the Protected Modifier

We must use the open keyword to override the protected variable or func-
tion in the derived class. In the following program, we override the int

// base class
open class X {
// protected variable
open protected val int = 30
// derived class
class Y: X() {
override val int = 40
fun getvalue():Int {
// accessed from the subclass
return int
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var c = Y()
println("The overridden value of integer is: "+c.
116   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Constructor Visibility
Constructors are always public by default, although modifiers can change

class X (name : String) {

// other-code

When changing the visibility, we must indicate this clearly by using the
constructor keyword.

class X private constructor (name : String) {

// other-code

Interfaces are Kotlin-provided custom types that cannot be directly
instantiated. These, on the other hand, indicate a style of behavior that the
implementing types must exhibit. The interface enables us to define a set
of traits and methods that concrete types must comply and implement.

Creating Interfaces
In Kotlin, the interface declaration begins with the interface keyword,
followed by the interface’s name, and lastly by the curly brackets con-
taining the interface’s members. The members, on the other hand, will
not have their definition. The conforming types will provide these

interface Machine()
fun start()
fun stop()

Implementing Interfaces
A class or an object can implement an interface. When we implement
an interface, we must define all of its members in the conforming type.
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    117

To implement an interface, the name of the custom-type is followed by a

colon and the name of the interface to be implemented.

class Bus: Machine

An example of an interface in Kotlin:

interface Machine {
fun start()
fun stop()

class Bus : Machine {

override fun start()
println("The Bus is started")

override fun stop()

println("The Bus is stopped")

fun main()
val obj = Bus()

Explanation: The user interface in this application, Vehicle defines two

methods, start() and stop(), which must be overridden. Bus implements
the interface with class-literal syntax and uses the override keyword to
override the two methods. Finally, the main function constructs a Bus
object and invokes the two functions.

Default Methods and Default Values

Methods of an interface can have default values for their parameters. If a
parameter’s value is not supplied at the function call, the default value is
used. The methods may also have default implementations. They are used
when the method is not overridden.
118   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

interface FirstInterface {
fun add(x: Int, y: Int = 9)
fun print()
println("This is a default-method defined
in the interface")
class InterfaceDemo : FirstInterface {
override fun add(x: Int, y: Int)
val c = x + y
println("Sum is $c")

override fun print()

println("It has overridden")

fun main()
val objt = InterfaceDemo()

Explanation: In the above program, the FirstInterface exposes two meth-

ods: add() and print(). The add() method takes two parameters, one set to
9 by default. The print() method also has a default implementation. As a
result, when the class InterfaceDemo implements the interface, it employs
the super keyword to override both methods and invoke the default imple-
mentation of print (). Furthermore, only one parameter is required because
the second argument is assigned to a default value when utilizing the add
method in the primary function.

Interface Properties
Attributes can be included in interfaces, just as they can in methods.
However, because the interface lacks a state, they cannot be generated, and
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    119

hence no underlying fields to store their values exist. As a result, the inter-
face fields are either left abstract or provided an implementation.

interface InterfaceProperties {
val x : Int
val y : String
get() = "Heyyyy"

class PropertiesDemo : InterfaceProperties {

override val x : Int = 5000
override val y : String = "Property-Overridden"

fun main()
val x = PropertiesDemo()

Explanation: In the above program, InterfaceProperties provide two

properties: (a) an integer and (b) a String with a getter. PropertiesDemo
is a class that implements InterfaceProperties and adds value to the two
properties. The method main creates a class object and accesses its attri-
butes through dot-syntax.

Interface Inheritance
Interfaces in Kotlin can inherit from other interfaces. When one inter-
face extends another, it may add its own properties and methods, but the
implementing type must specify all of the properties and methods in both
interfaces. An interface can inherit many interfaces.

interface Dimension {
val len : Double
val br : Double
120   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

interface CalculateParameters : Dimension {

fun area()
fun perimeter()
class CDE : CalculateParameters {
override val len : Double
get() = 30.0
override val br : Double
get()= 19.0
override fun area()
println("Area is ${len * br}")

override fun perimeter()

println("Perimeter is ${2*(len+br)}")
fun main()
val obj = CDE()

Implementation of Multiple Interfaces

Because Kotlin classes adhere to the concept of single inheritance, which
means that each class may inherit just one class, interfaces permit multiple
inheritances, referred to as multiple conformance in Kotlin. A class can imple-
ment several interfaces as long as it defines all of the members of each interface.

interface InterfaceProperties {
val x : Int
val y : String
get() = "Heyyyy"
interface InterfaceMethods {
fun description()
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    121

class MultipleInterface : InterfaceProperties,

InterfaceMethods {
override val x : Int
get() = 80
override fun description()
println("Multiple-Interfaces implemented")
fun main()
val objt = MultipleInterface()

We often create classes to store data in them. Few standard functions may
frequently be derived from the data in such classes. In Kotlin, this class is
a data class and is labeled as such.

data class Stud(val name: String, val roll_no: Int)

The compiler automatically produces the following functions:

• hashCode()
• toString()
• copy()
• equals()

Rules for Creating Data Classes

To ensure consistency, data classes must fulfill the following criteria:

• The primary constructor requires at least one parameter.

• All parameters to the main constructor must be denoted with val
or var.
122   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

• Data classes cannot be abstract, open, sealed, or inner.

• Data classes may implement only interfaces.

This function returns a string containing all of the parameters to the data

fun main(args: Array<String>)
//the declarion of data-class
data class woman(val roll: Int,val name:
String,val height:Int)
//declarion of variable of the above data
class and initializing values to all parameters
val woman1=woman(1,"woman",40)
//print all details of the data class

The compiler only utilizes the characteristics specified inside the primary
constructor for the automatically produced functions.
It excludes the properties declared in the class’s body.

fun main(args: Array<String>)
//declarion of data-class
data class woman(val name: String)
//the property declared in class-body
var height: Int = 0;
//declarion of variable of the above data
class and initializing values to all parameters
val woman1=woman("Rhiana")
//class body properties must be assigned
woman1.height = 50
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    123

//this method print the details of class that

are declared in primary constructor
//printing the height of woman1

We may need to copy an object and update its characteristics while leaving
others unchanged.
In this case, the copy() function is used.

• copy() properties:
All of the arguments or members defined in the main constructor
are duplicated.
When two objects are defined, they may have the same main
parameter values but different class body values.
• copy() declaration:

fun copy(name: String = this.x, age: Int = this.y)

= user(x, y)

where user is a data class: user(String, Int).

fun main(args: Array<String>)
//declarion of a data class
data class woman(val name: String, val age:
//property declared in class-body
var height: Int = 0;
val woman1 = woman("Damini",16)
//copying details of man1 with change in name
of man
val woman2 = woman1.copy(name="Pari")

//copying all details of woman1 to woman3

124   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

val woman3 = woman1.copy();

//declaring heights of individual men


//woman1 & woman3 have different class body

values, but same parameter values
//printing info all 3 men
println("${woman1} has ${woman1.height} cm
println("${woman2} has ${woman2.height} cm
println("${woman3} has ${woman3.height} cm

hashCode() and equals()

• The hashCode() function returns the hash code value of the object.
• The equals() method returns true if two objects have the same con-
tents and work in the same way as “==”, but with Float and Double

hashCode() declaration:

open fun hashCode(): Int

hashCode() properties:

• Two hash codes that are specified twice on the same item are equal.
• The hash codes will be the same if two objects are equal according to
the equals() method.

fun main(args: Array<String>)

//declaring a data-class
data class woman(val name: String, val age: Int)
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    125

val woman1 = woman("ridhi",19)

val woman2 = woman1.copy(name="rahi")
val woman3 = woman1.copy();
val hash1=woman1.hashCode();
val hash2=woman2.hashCode();
val hash3=woman3.hashCode();
//checking equality of these hash-codes
println("hash1 == hash 2 ${hash1.equals
println("hash2 == hash 3 ${hash2.equals
println("hash1 == hash 3 ${hash1.equals

Kotlin provides a new class type that is not found in Java. These are known
as sealed classes. As the name indicates, Sealed classes adhere to confined
or bounded class hierarchies. A collection of subclasses is specified within a
sealed class. It is used when it is known in advance that a type will conform
to one of the subclass types. Sealed classes ensure type safety by restricting
the types that can match at compile time rather than at runtime.
Declaration of sealed class:

sealed class Demo1

To define a sealed class, just use the sealed keyword before the class modi-
fier. Another feature that distinguishes sealed classes is that their con-
structors are, by default, private.
A sealed class cannot instantiate since it is inherently abstract.

sealed class Demoo1

fun main(args: Array)
var x = Demoo1() //compiler error
126   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

sealed class Demo1 {
class X : Demo1() {
fun display()
println("Subclass X of sealed class
class Y : Demo1() {
fun display()
println("Subclass Y of sealed class
fun main()
val objt = Demo1.Y()
val objt1 = Demo1.X()

It should note that all sealed class subclasses must specify in the same
Kotlin file. However, they do not have to be declared within the sealed
class; instead, they can be defined anywhere the sealed class is accessible.

//sealed class with the single subclass defined
sealed class CDEF {
class X: CDEF(){...}
// Another subclass of the sealed class defined
class Y: CDEF() {
class Z: CDEF() // This will result in an
error. The sealed class is not visible in this
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    127

Sealed class with when: Because the types to which a sealed class reference
can conform are limited, it is usually used in combination with a when
clause. This completely eliminates the requirement for the otherwise clause.

// A sealed class with string-property
sealed class Fruit
(val a: String)
// Two subclasses of sealed-class defined
class Banana : Fruit("Banana")
class Grapes : Fruit("Grapes")

// A subclass defined outside the sealed-class

class Apple: Fruits("Apple")
// A function to take in an object of type Fruit
// And to display an appropriate message depending
on the type of Fruit
fun display(fruits: Fruits){
is Fruits.Banana -> println("${fruits.a}
is good for iron")
is Fruits.Grapes -> println("${fruits.a}
is yummy")
is Apple -> println("${fruits.a} is good
for vitamin d")
fun main()
// Objects of different subclasses created
val objt = Fruits.Banana()
val objt1 = Fruits.Grapes()
val objt2 = Apple()
// Function called with the different objects
128   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide


In Kotlin, the abstract keyword is used in front of class to declare an
abstract class. We cannot create objects because an abstract class cannot
Declaration of an abstract class:

abstract class className {


Keep the following in mind:

• We can’t create an object for the abstract class.

• By default, all variables (properties) and member functions of an
abstract class are non-abstract. As a result, we must use the open
keyword to override these members in the child class.
• Because member functions are open by default, we don’t need to
annotate them with the open keyword when we designate them as
• Because it lacks a body, a derived class must implement an abstract
member function.

Abstract class can have both the abstract and non-abstract members, as
seen below:

abstract class class_Name(val c: String) { //

abstract var y: Int // Abstract-Property
abstract fun method1() // Abstract-Methods
fun method2() { // Non-Abstract-Method

abstract class Emp(val name: String,val
experience: Int) { // Non-Abstract-Property
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    129

// Abstract-Property (Must be overridden by

abstract var salary: Double
// Abstract-Methods (Must be implemented by
abstract fun dateOfBirth(date:String)
// Non-Abstract-Method
fun empDetails() {
println("Name of the employee: $name")
println("Experience in years:
println("Annual Salary: $salary")
// derived-class
class Engineer(name: String,experience: Int) :
Emp(name,experience) {
override var salary = 610000.00
override fun dateOfBirth(date:String){
println("Date of Birth is: $date")
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val eng = Engineer("Praniti",3)
eng.dateOfBirth("02 Jan 1993")

Explanation: The previous computer’s Engineer class is developed from

the Employee class. Object eng is generated for the Engineer class. We sent
two arguments to the primary constructor while building it. This sets the
non-abstract properties name and experience of the Emp class.
The empDetails() method is then called using the eng object. The name,
experience, and override wage of the emp will print.
Finally, we call dateOfBirth() on the eng object and provide the param-
eter date to the primary. It overrides the Emp class’s abstract fun and
writes the value to standard output.
Use of an abstract open member in place of a non-abstract open mem-
ber: To override the non-abstract open member function of the open class
in Kotlin, use the override keyword followed by an abstract in the abstract
class. This will accomplish in the following program.
130   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

open class Livebeing {
open fun breathe() {
println("All live being breathe")
abstract class Creature : Livebeing() {
override abstract fun breathe()
class Cat: Creature(){
override fun breathe() {
println("Cat breathe")
fun main(args: Array<String>){
val lb = Livebeing()
val c = Cat()

Multiple Derived Classes

All derived classes can override an abstract member of an abstract class.
In the program, we override the cal function in three derived classes of

// abstract-class
abstract class Calculation {
abstract fun cal(e: Int, f: Int) : Int
// addition of two-numbers
class Add : Calculation() {
override fun cal(e: Int, f: Int): Int {
return e + f
// subtraction of two-numbers
class Sub : Calculation() {
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    131

override fun cal(e: Int, f: Int): Int {

return e - f
// multiplication of two-numbers
class Mul : Calculation() {
override fun cal(e: Int, f: Int): Int {
return e * f
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var add: Calculation = Add()
var e1 =, 26)
println("Addition of two numbers $e1")
var sub: Calculation = Sub()
var e2 =,36)
println("Subtraction of two numbers $e2")
var mul: Calculation = Mul()
var e3 =,61)
println("Multiplication of two numbers $e3")

Inheritance is a major concept in OOP. Inheritance enables code reuse
by allowing a new class to inherit (derived-class) all of the characteris-
tics of an existing class (base-class). The derived class can add its own

open class baseClass (x:Int ) {
class derivedClass(x:Int) : baseClass(x) {

All Kotlin classes are final by default. To allow the derived class to inherit
from the base class, we must use the open keyword in front of it.
132   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

The following properties and methods are inherited from the base class:
• We inherit all of its attributes and functionalities when we inherit
a class. Variables and functions from the base class can use in the
derived class, and functions from the derived class object can
open class baseClass{
val name = "TheHubtutor"
fun X(){
//derived class
class derivedClass: baseClass() {
fun Y() {
println(name) //inherit name
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val derived = derived-Class()
derived.X() // inheriting base-class
derived.Y() // calling derived-class

Explanation: There is a base class and a derived class in this situa-

tion. When we instantiate the derived class, we create an object that is
then used to invoke the functions of the base and derived classes. The
derived.X() function is used to call the X() method, which returns the
string “Base Class.” The derived.Y() method calls the Y() function, which
outputs the variable name inherited from the base class and the “Derived

Inheritance Use
Assume a company employs three people: a webDeveloper, an iOSDevel-
oper, and an androidDeveloper. They all share some traits, such as a name,
an age, and specific special skills.
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    133

First, we split the individuals into three classes, each with its own set of
standard and unique talents.

Use of Inheritance with example.

Although all three developers have the same name and age, their pro-
gramming abilities are vastly different. We would use the same code for
each character’s name and age in each class.
If we want to add a salary() method, we must replicate the code in each
of the three classes. This results in multiple duplicate copies of code in our
program, which nearly always leads to more intricate and chaotic code.
The use of inheritance makes the work more approachable. We could
create a new base class Employee with the same characteristics as the three
original kinds. These three classes can then inherit the base class’s shared
attributes while adding their own. Without duplicating, we can easily add
salary functionality to the Employee class.

Inherit class.
134   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

In this scenario, webDeveloper inherits all of the base class’s features

and its feature website(). The same is true for the two other classes, iOS-
Developer and androidDeveloper. It increases our code’s readability and

open class Employ( names: String,age: Int,salary :
Int) {
init {
println("Name is $names, $age years old
and earning $salary per month. ")
class web_Developers( names: String,age:
Int,salary : Int): Employ(names, age,salary) {
fun website() {
class android_Developer( names: String,age:
Int,salary : Int): Employ(names, age,salary) {
fun android() {
//derived class
class ios_Developers( names: String,age:
Int,salary : Int): Employ(names, age,salary) {
fun iosapp() {
//the main method
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val wd = web_Developers("Rheinna", 21, 13000)
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    135

val ad = android_Developers("Payal", 24,15000)
val iosd = ios_Developers("Pranav", 27,19000)

Explanation: In this scenario, we have a base class called Employ, which

is prefixed with the open keyword and contains the common properties of
the derived classes. Employ has a primary constructor that accepts three
parameters: ‘name, age, and salary.’ There are three derived classes: web-
Developers, androidDevelopers, and iOSDevelopers, each with three vari-
ables and a primary constructor.
First, we construct an object for the webDevelopers class and pass the
name, age, and salary as parameters to the derived class. It will set the local
variables’ values and transmit them to the base class. Then, with the object
‘wd,’ we call the member function website(), which prints the string to stan-
dard output.
Similarly, we create objects for the last two classes and call their mem-
ber functions.

Primary Constructor for an Inheritance

If derived class has a primary constructor, we must use the parameters
from the derived class to initialize the base class constructor. In the fol-
lowing program, we have two parameters in the primary constructor of
the base class and three parameters in the derived class.

open class Employ(names: String,age: Int) {
println("Name of Employee is $names")
println("Age of an Employee is $age")
// derivedclass
class CEO( names: String, age: Int, salary: Double):
Employ(names,age) {
init {
println("Salary per annum is $salary crore
136   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

CEO("Damini Rai", 33, 120.00)

Explanation: In this scenario, we instantiate the derived class CEO using

the parameters names, age, and salary. The local variables of the derived
class are initialized with the proper values, and the variable name and age
are sent as arguments to the Employee class.
Before passing control to the derived class, the employ class prints the
variable names and values to standard output. Following the execution of
the println() command, the derived class ends.

Secondary Constructor for an Inheritance

If the derived class lacks the main constructor, we must use the super key-
word to invoke the secondary constructor of the base class from the sec-
ondary constructor of the derived class. We must also use the inputs from
the derived class to initialize the base class’s secondary constructor.

open class Employ {
constructor(names: String,age: Int){
println("Name of Employee is $names")
println("Age of Employee is $age")
// derived class
class CEO : Employ{
constructor( names: String,age: Int, salary:
Double): super(names,age) {
println("Salary per annum is $salary million
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
CEO("Raniti Dela", 59, 320.00)

Explanation: In this scenario, we instantiate the class CEO and provide

the parameter values to the secondary constructor. It will initialize the
local variables and give them to the base class Employees through super
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    137

Overriding Member Functions and Attributes

If member function with the same name exists in both the base and
derived classes, we can override the base member function in the derived
class using the override keyword, but we should also mark the member
function of the base class with the open keyword.

First example:
// baseclass
open class Animals {
open fun run() {
println("Animals runs")
// derivedclass
class Tiger: Animals() {
override fun run() { // it overrides the
run method of base-class
println("Tiger runs very fast")
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val tg = Tiger()

Similarly, we may override the property of the base class in the derived

Second example:
// baseclass
open class Animals {
open var name: String = "Cat"
open var speed = "30 km/hr"

// derivedclass
class Tiger: Animals() {
override var name = "Lion"
override var speed = "100 km/hr"
138   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val tg = Tiger()
println(" can run at speed "+tg.speed)

Calling Superclass Implementation

We may invoke the base class’s member methods or attributes from the
derived class using the super keyword. We call the base class’s property
color and function displayCompany() in the superclass using the super

// baseclass
open class Phones() {
var color = "Rose Gold"
fun displayCompany(names:String) {
println("The Company is: $names")
// derivedclass
class iphone: Phones() {
fun displayColor(){
// calling the base-class property color
println("Color is: "+super.color)
// calling the base-class member function
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val ps = iphone()

The concepts of inheritance and composition are used to construct rela-
tionships between classes and objects. It is critical to understand which of
them to prioritize to create a successful software design.
Composition is method in which we compose a class by adding pri-
vate fields to it that refer to an instance of an existing class rather than
extending it. As a result, a “has-a” relationship is created between the
constructed class and the instances it contains. The class fulfills its
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    139

obligation by forwarding to or calling non-private methods of its private


• Recognize inheritance and composition.

• Write classes using an inheritance-based approach and learn about
their limitations.
• Discover the patterns of delegation.
• The composition may be used to restructure inheritance-based
• Discover Kotlin’s by keyword.

We may modify the User_Mediator using a composition-based method, as

demonstrated below:

class User_Mediator {
private val cacheService: UserCacheService =
private val apiService: UserApiService =


Take note of how a private instance of the UserCacheService and the

UserApiService are combined to form UserMediator.
Now that we have a fundamental knowledge of composition, let’s look
at how it may use to tackle design problems caused by implementation

Substitution Principle of Liskov

The foundation of LSP is that subclasses must be interchangeable with
their superclasses. And for this to happen, the superclass’s contracts must
be honored by its subclasses. Statically typed languages such as Java and
Kotlin enforce contracts such as function signatures (function name,
return types, and parameters) as compile-time errors.
However, operations that violate this concept include unconditionally
throwing exceptions, such as UnsupportedOperationException, in over-
ridden methods when not anticipated in the superclass.
140   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

We may see if the modification needs every invocation of the method

in question to be wrapped with if statement to test whether the method in
question should be called or not based on the newly added subclass.

Antipatterns of Implementation Inheritance

Implementation inheritance is a valuable technique for code reuse, but it
may not be appropriate in many situations. Using implementation inheri-
tance when it is not suitable may cause maintenance issues. These will be
covered in the following sections.

Inheritance of a Single Implementation

Class cannot inherit from more than one parent class in Java Virtual
Machine languages such as Kotlin and Java.
Increase the userservice package’s size. It includes two service classes:
UserCacheService, which keeps User records in an in-memory data struc-
ture, and UserApiService, which simulates a network call with a delay. For
the time being, disregard UserMediator.
Assume we need to create a class that communicates with the
UserCacheService and the UserApiService to obtain a User record. We must
do the task quickly; therefore, we search for the user in UserCacheService
and return if it exists. Otherwise, we must make a slow “network” call.
When UserApiService produces a User, it is cached for later use. Is it pos-
sible to do this using implementation inheritance?

// Error: Only one class may appear in supertype list

* Mediates repository between the cache and server.
* In case of the cache hit, it returns data from the
* else it fetches data from API and updates cache
before returning the result.
class User_Mediator: UserApiService(),
UserCacheService() {

First and foremost, the code above will not compile. The relationship would
be meaningless even if it did since UserMediator utilizes UserCacheService
and UserApiService as implementation details rather than an is-a relation-
ship. Later, we’ll see how to solve this.
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    141

Tight Coupling
Implementation Inheritance establishes a close bond between a parent and
their children. Inheriting a class binds the child class to the parent class’s
implementation details. As a result, if the parent class changes – that is, if
it becomes unstable – the child class may fail even though its code remains
unchanged. As a result, each child class must grow with the parent class.
This necessitates making a broad assumption about future require-
ments. We must establish the hierarchy early on and maintain the rela-
tionship with each new demand. As a result, we may have to use a Big
Design Up Front (BDUF) approach, resulting in over-engineering and
complicated design.

Unnecessary Exposure of Superclass APIs

Implementation inheritance is only suitable when the subclass is truly a
subtype of the superclass. In other words, class B should extend class A
only if they have “is-a” connection. Otherwise, we unnecessarily expose the
superclass’s implementation information to the user. This allows our class’s
clients to break its internal invariants by directly altering the superclass.
Examine Exposure_Demo.kt, which is included in the exposuredemo
package. The variable property is an instance of the java.util package’s
Properties class. It is derived from the concrete Hashtable. This implies
that, in addition to its public fields and methods, we may access Hashtable’s
public fields and methods, such as put() and get(), through the instance of
Go to (found under java.util) in our IDE and select the
Structure tab to obtain an overview of the APIs offered by Properties.
Deselect “Show non-public” and select “Show inherited” using the icons
at the top of the window. The light grayish methods are the inherited pub-
lic methods that may access through a Properties instance.
// [Properties] class is an extend from Hashtable. As a result, the
Hashtable methods can also be used.

val properties = Properties()

// Using the [Hashtable]'s methods
properties.put("put1", "val1")
properties.put("put2", 110)
// Using [Properties]'s methods
properties.setProperty("setProperty1", "val1")
properties.setProperty("setProperty2", "110")
142   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Property’s getProperty() method performs additional safety checks that

Hashtable’s get() method does not. Properties users might circumvent
these checks and read straight from Hashtable.

Using Hashtable's get() setProperty2: 110

Using Properties' getProperty() setProperty2 : 110
Using Hashtable's get() setProperty1: val1
Using Properties' getProperty() setProperty1 : val1
Using Hashtable's get() put2: 110
Using Properties' getProperty() put2 : null
Using Hashtable's get() put1: val1
Using Properties' getProperty() put1 : val1

When the value is not of the type String, the functions getProperty() and
get() in the above example provide different results for the same key. As a
result, the resultant API is perplexing and prone to incorrect invocations.

Exploding Numbers of Subclasses

Kotlin does not allow multiple inheritance. However, it does enable mul-
tilevel inheritance, which is often utilized. For example, the Android SDK
includes a TextView class derived from View. To make TextView support
HTML, build an HtmlTextView that derives from TextView.

abstract class VegPizza {

abstract fun prepare()
abstract class CheesePizza : VegPizza()
abstract class VeggiesPizza : VegPizza()
class SmallCheesePizza : CheesePizza() {
override fun prepare() {
println("Prepared small cheese burst pizza")
class MediumCheesePizza : CheesePizza() {
override fun prepare() {
println("Prepared medium cheese pizza")

class LargeCheesePizza : CheesePizza() {

override fun prepare() {
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    143

println("Prepared large cheese pizza")


class SmallVeggiePizza : VeggiesPizza() {

override fun prepare() {
println("Prepared small veggie pizza")

class MediumVeggiePizza : VeggiesPizza() {

override fun prepare() {
println("Prepared medium veggie pizza")

class LargeVeggiePizza : VeggiesPizza() {

override fun prepare() {
println("Prepared large veggie pizza")

Composition Refactoring
Composition is the utilization of tiny elements to create a complex entity.
This section will show us how to utilize this composition-based method
to minimize or alleviate the design challenges caused by implementation

UserMediator Class Is Being Refactored

Because we can’t extend more than one parent class, the easiest fix for
the broken User_Mediator would be to remove the open keyword from
UserApiService and UserCacheService and replace it with private instance
fields of User_Mediator, as seen in the example below:

class User_Mediator {
private val cacheService: UserCacheService =
private val apiService: UserApiService =
* Search for [User] with the [username] on cache
first. If not found,
144   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

* make API calls to fetch [User] and persist it in

* @throws UserNotFoundException if it is not in
fun fetchUser(username: String): User {
return cacheService.findUserById(username)
? : apiService.fetchUserByUsername(username)?
.also { cacheService.saveUser(it) }
? : throw UserNotFoundException(username)

From Composition to Aggregation

Remove these two fields and write a constructor for User_Mediator that
takes these two instance variables as arguments:

class User_Mediator(
private val cacheService: UserCacheService,
private val apiService: UserApiService
) {
// methods

And, in the main() function of User_Demo.kt, use the following code to

initialize the mediator:

val mediator = UserMediator(

cacheService = UserCacheServiceImpl(),
apiService = UserApiServiceImpl()

User_Mediator now relies on the class’s user to provide its dependencies.

Furthermore, during testing, we may pass in test stubs specific to our test
circumstance, making testing much easier.
Place the focus on the User_Mediator class definition and hit Control-
Enter. Then, choose Create test. This produces a file in the test directory
named User_MediatorTest.kt.

internal class User_MediatorTest {

private lateinit var mockApi: UserApiService
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    145

private lateinit var realCache: UserCacheService

fun setup() {
// 1
realCache = UserCacheServiceImpl()
// 2
mockApi = object : UserApiService {
private val db = mutableListOf<User>()
init {
db.add(User("test_user1", "Test User"))

override fun fetchUserByUsername(username:

String): User? {
return db.find { username == it.username }
fun 'Given username when fetchUser then should
return the user from cache and save it in cache'() {
// 3
val mediator = User_Mediator(realCache, mockApi)
val inputUsername = "test_user1"
val user = mediator.fetchUser(inputUsername)
assertTrue { user.username == inputUsername }
// Check if saved in the cache

Here’s how the code above is broken down:

Create a new instance of UserCacheServiceImpl for realCache. We
do not need to mock this class because it only uses in-memory data
However, UserApiServiceImpl makes a “network” call, and we don’t
want the outcome of our test cases to depend on the server’s response or
availability. As a result, it is preferable to mimic or stub it. We’ve replaced
it with a solution that leverages an in-memory data structure, allowing us
to control the outcome and alter it to meet our test scenario.
146   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Handling the Exposure Issue

In OOP, the general rule is to write shy class. The shy class does not divulge
needless implementation to others. The Properties of java.util contriadict
this. Instead, a composition-based method would have been an ideal way
to accomplish it.
We will not be allowed to edit Properties because it is a built-in class
given by JDK. So, using a reduced version as an example, we’ll discover
how it may have been improved.

class Hashtable_Store {
// 1
private val store: Hashtable<String, String> =
// 2
fun getProperty(key: String): String? {
return store[key]
fun setProperty(key: String, value: String) {
store[key] = value
fun propertyNames() = store.keys

Here’s how the code works:

Using a composition-based technique, we build a private field in
HashtableStore and initialize it as a Hashtable instance. We must inter-
act with this instance to offer data storage functionality. Remember the
following rule of thumb: Write shy classes. Making the instance private
prohibits others from accessing it, which aids in encapsulation.
We expose public methods that the class’s user can utilize. This class
exposes three such methods, each passing its operation to the private field.
Create main() in the same file and paste the following code within it:

val properties = Hashtable_Store()

properties.setProperty("setProperty1", "val1")
properties.setProperty("setProperty2", "110")
properties.propertyNames().toList().forEach {
println("$it: ${properties.getProperty(it.
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    147

If we want all of Properties’ capabilities while still having control over the
“exposure area,” we may put a wrapper over it and expose our methods.
Make a new class called PropertiesStore and add the following code into it:
class Properties_Store {
private val properties = Properties()
fun getProperty(key: String): String? {
return properties.getProperty(key)
fun setProperty(key: String, value: String) {
properties.setProperty(key, value)
fun propertyNames() = properties.propertyNames()

Composition over Inheritance

In OOP, composition takes precedence over inheritance. Instead of imple-
menting all of the required interface’s features in a single monolithic class,
these functionalities should be built separately in several instances, and then
used to finally empower the target class with all of the offered functional-
ities. This idea improves the reusability and maintainability of the code.

Example: Let me illustrate the concept with a simple example. Assume you
work at an automotive firm and our job is to build automobiles depend-
ing on several specifications such as the color of the car (appearance), the
maximum speed (performance), and the number of seats (interior).

The Kotlin Method

Before we continue, there are two fundamental Kotlin keywords that we
must understand: object and by. The object keyword tells the Kotlin com-
piler to produce only one instance of the defined class. And the by key-
word is mainly seen in the lazy loading examples and the lazy function.
It is less common knowledge (at least to me) that we may also use the by
keyword to delegate implementation of an interface to another object. Let’s
look at some codes in action.
First, we declare and implement functionality classes as objects.
object Yellow: Appearance {
override fun getColor(): String {
return "Yellow"
148   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

object SixSeat: Interior {

override fun getNumberOfSeats(): Int {
return 6

object Slow: Performance {

override fun getMaxSpeed(): Int {
return 180;

Then we can create our Car class with only one line of code:

class YellowSlowSUV: Appearance by Yellow,

Interior by SixSeat, Performance by Slow

Because the objects delegate the required interface implementations via

the by keyword, we don’t need to explicitly declare those methods already
delegated by objects because the Kotlin compiler is sophisticated enough
to build the required code for us under the hood. Let’s look at them using
the Kotlin byte code viewer.
/// Decompiled code in Kotlin byte code viewer
public final class YellowSlowSUV implements
Appearance, Interior, Performance {
// $FF: synthetic-field
private final Yellow $$delegate_0;
// $FF: synthetic-field
private final SixSeat $$delegate_1;
// $FF: synthetic-field
private final Slow $$delegate_2;

public YellowSlowSUV() {
this.$$delegate_0 = Yellow.INSTANCE;
this.$$delegate_1 = SixSeat.INSTANCE;
this.$$delegate_2 = Slow.INSTANCE;
public String getColor() {
return this.$$delegate_0.getColor();
public int getNumberOfSeats() {
return this.$$delegate_1.getNumberOfSeats();
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    149

public int getMaxSpeed() {

return this.$$delegate_2.getMaxSpeed();

Encapsulation is the union of data and logic into a single unit that con-
ceals data from external access. As a consequence, we have fewer couplings
between software components, as well as more understandable and reli-
able code.
The following access modifiers are available:

• Private: name is only available within the class where it was declared.
• Protected: name is only accessible within the class and its subclasses.
• Internal: name is accessible to everyone within the same module.
• Public: name is open to the public; this is the default modification
to omit it.

It is worth noting that in Kotlin, the outer class does not view the private
members of its inner classes.
Protected members are not permitted within interfaces or objects in
Kotlin does not provide abstract private functions; only body functions
are supported.
If we override a protected member without explicitly specifying the vis-
ibility, the overriding member will also have protected visibility.
Modifiers can apply to the class constructor.

open class Outer {

private val c = 1
protected open val d = 2
internal val e = 3
val f = 4 // public by default
protected class Nested {
public val e: Int = 5
class Subclass : Outer() {
150   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

// c is not visible
// d, e and f are visible
// Nested and g are visible
override val d = 5 // 'd' is protected
class Unrelated(o: Outer) {
// o.c, o.d are not visible
// o.e and o.f are visible (same module)
// Outer.Nested is not visible, and Nested::g is
not visible either
class C private constructor(c: Int) { ... }

Unlike Python, Kotlin needs the use of the override keyword when an ele-
ment in a class/interface is being overridden, and tests are done at build
time to verify if the element may override. Any class that may inherit from
must be open, as any of its declared components can override. In src, add
a new package called org.example.enpoly.doggie. Create a new Kotlin file
named Dog in the package with the following contents:

package org.example.enpoly.doggie
import org.example.enpoly.AnimalBase
internal open class Doggie(var petName: String = "",
open protected val coat: String,
open protected val energy:
Int) : AnimalBase {
override val MAX_AGE = 20
override fun doMove() = "Walks/runs"
override fun makeSound() = "Wooff"
fun stats() = "Coat: $coat, Energy: $energy"

The absence of the open keyword in the stats function in the above exam-
ple indicates that the function cannot alter. Create a new Kotlin file called
SmallDoggie in the same package with the following contents:

package org.example.enpoly.doggie
internal open class SmallDoggie : Doggie(coat =
"Fluffy", energy = 12)
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    151

Create a new Kotlin file named LargeDoggie in the same package with the
following contents:

package org.example.enpoly.doggie
internal open class LargeDoggie : Dog(coat = "Raggy",
energy = 2)

Now it’s time for several classes that will cover two dog breeds. Create a
new Kotlin file called Chiwawa in the same package with the following

package org.example.enpoly.doggie
internal class Chiwawa(petName: String) :
SmallDoggie() {
override fun makeSound() = "Yaap, yaap, yaap"
init {
this.petName = petName

Create new Kotlin file called GreatDane in the same package with the fol-
lowing contents:

package org.example.enpoly.doggie
internal class GreatDane(petName: String) :
LargeDoggie() {
override val MAX_AGE = 13
override val coat = "Smooth"
init {
this.petName = petName

Finally, a main Kotlin file must be written to link everything. Create a

new Kotlin file named main in the org.example.enpoly package with the
following contents:

package org.example.enpoly
import org.example.enpoly.doggie.*
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val chiwawa = Chiwawa("Fiifi")
val greatDane = GreatDane("Earles")
152   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

println("Chiwawa - Name: ${chiwawa.petName}, Max

Age: ${chiwawa.MAX_AGE}")
println("Chiwawa Stats - ${chiwawa.stats()}")
println("Chiwawa Sound - ${chiwawa.makeSound()}")
println("Chiwawa Move - ${chiwawa.doMove()}")
chiwawa.petName = "Rippy"
println("Chiwawa's New Name - ${chiwawa.
println("Great Dane: Name - ${greatDane.petName},
Max Age: ${greatDane.MAX_AGE}")
println("Great Dane Stats - ${greatDane.stats()}")
println("Great Dane Sound - ${greatDane.
println("Great Dane Move - ${greatDane.doMove()}")


Encapsulation is a term used by software developers to describe the process
of grouping related data and behavior into a single unit, usually referred
to as a class. The class is the polar opposite of procedural-based program-
ming, in which data and behavior are considered as separate concerns. It
should highlight that both OOP and procedural programming have dif-
ferent benefits, and neither is superior to the other. Kotlin supports both
types of programming, and it’s not unusual to see a combination of pro-
cedural and OOP.

Example of Procedural Programming

Let’s look at a procedural programming example. In this example, we’ll
use rectangle object. Its data is stored in a map (data structure that allows
key-value pairs), and it is subsequently consumed by functions.

val rect = mutableMapOf("Width" to 12, "Height" to 12,

"Color" to "Yellow")
fun calcArea(shape : Map<String, Any>) : Int {
return shape["Height"] as Int * shape["Width"] as Int
fun toString(shape : Map<String, Any>) : String {
return "Width = ${shape["Width"]}, Height =
${shape["Height"]}, Color = ${shape["Color"]}, Area =
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    153

So we start with the rectangle object, which stores our rectangle’s

width, height, and color. Following the formation of the rectangle, there
are two functions. They are calcArea and function toString(), respectively.
It’s worth noting that these are global functions that can accept any Map.
This is risky since we cannot ensure that the map will include “Width,”
“Height,” or “Color” keys. Another concern is that we have lost our type
safety. Because we need to store both Integers and Strings in the rectangu-
lar map, our value must type Any, Kotlin’s basic type.

Here’s an example of the same problem tackled using an OOP approach.

class Rect(
var width : Int,
var height : Int,
var color : String){
fun calcArea() = this.width * this.height
override fun toString() =
"Width = ${this.width}, Height = ${this.
height}, Color = ${this.color}, Area = ${calcArea()}"

Because the data and the activity associated with the data are gathered into
a single object called a class, the OOP approach displays encapsulation. The
data associated with a class is commonly referred to as “properties,” and
the actions described in the class are commonly referred to as “methods.”
Because all objects based on the Rectangle class contain width, height, and
color, the calcArea() and function toString() methods are always guaran-
teed to function. We also keep our type safety since we may define each
property as a separate variable within the class, along with its type.
When invoking the calcArea() and function toString() methods, the
term ‘this’ relates to the object called. Unlike the preceding procedural
program, we’ll observe that no Rectangle parameter is sent to calcArea()
or function toString(). Instead, the ‘this’ keyword is modified to refer to
the presently active object.

Tips for Choosing between Procedural and OOP

It should mention that many software projects use both procedural and
OOP. It’s also worth noting that practically anything that can be done using
OOP can almost certainly be done with procedural code, and vice versa.
154   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

However, certain issues are easier to address when using procedural rather
than OOP, while others are better solved with OOP.
When we operate in terms of pure mathematical functions, a function
receives certain inputs and returns specific outputs without any side effects.

• Multithreading: Procedural programming can assist in resolving

many issues that arise in a multithreading environment. Because
the integrity of changeable data is always an issue in multithreading,
functional programming works well as long as the functions are pure
functions that do not modify data.
• Input and output: Using a class to persist or retrieve an item from a
data storage is often unnecessary. The same may be said for printing
to ordinary IO. Java has been widely chastised for writing text to the
console via System.out.println(). Kotlin simplified this to println().
OOP and Encapsulation

• GUI toolkits: Objects such as buttons, windows, and web pages are
extremely well represented as classes.
• Grouping state or behavior: We frequently find that entities in soft-
ware have qualities or methods shared by other entities with com-
parable properties or methods. All road vehicles, for example, have
wheels and move. Trucks are specialized vehicles with a box. Four-
wheel drive trucks are specialist vehicles that have four wheels of
drive. We can utilize OOP to organize all of the components shared
by all cars into a Vehicle class. All things common to Vehicles may
be classified as Trucks, while all items used solely in four-wheel drive
trucks can be classified as FourByFourTruck.
• Modularization: OOP enables developers to modularize code into
smaller, reusable software components. Because the code units in a
system are small, the code is typically easier to maintain.
Putting Everything Together
A working program demonstrating both procedural programming and
OOP is provided below.

package ch1
OOP in Kotlin   ◾    155

* This is a form object that lacks OOP. Take note of

how the data is kept separate from the activity that
operates on the
* data. The information is saved in a Map object,
which employs key-value pairs. Then there are distinct
functions that
* alter the data.

val rect = mutableMapOf("Width" to 12, "Height" to 12,

"Color" to "Yellow")
fun calcArea(shape : Map<String, Any>) : Int {
// How can we ensure that this map object contains
the "Height" and "Width" properties?
return shape["Height"] as Int * shape["Width"] as Int
fun toString(shape : Map<String, Any>) : String {
return "Width = ${shape["Width"]}, Height =
${shape["Height"]}, Color = ${shape["Color"]}, Area =

* This class represents a Rectangle. You’ll see it
contains less code than the
* non-OOP implementation right away. This is because
the state (width, height, and color) is bundled with
the behavior.
* Kotlin goes this a step further by allowing us to
adjust our code’s width, height, and color. We need to
add calcArea(), which we can ensure will always
function because
* we know width and height will always exist.
Similarly, we know that our function toString()
function will never fail us
* for the same reason!

class Rect(
var width : Int,
var height : Int,
var color : String){
fun calcArea() = this.width * this.height
override fun toString() =
156   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

"Width = ${this.width}, Height = ${this.

height}, Color = ${this.color}, Area = ${calcArea()}"

fun main(args : Array<String>){

println("Using procedural programming")
println("Changing width")
rectangle["Width"] = 15
println("Changing height")
rectangle["Height"] = 80
println("Changing color")
rectangle["Color"] = "Blue"
val square = Rect(12, 12, "Yellow")
println("Changing height")
square.height = 80
println("Changing width")
square.width = 50
println("Changing color")
square.color = "Black"

This chapter introduced the notion of OOP, where we learned about Class
and Object, Nested classes, Constructors, and Inheritances. In addition, we
discussed Interfaces, Abstract classes, and Generics in Kotlin. Moreover,
Composition, Polymorphism, and Encapsulation.
Chapter 3

Usability Aspects
of Kotlin


➢➢ Nullable types
➢➢ Extension methods
➢➢ Overloading
➢➢ Enumeration and generics

In the previous chapter, we covered Objects and Classes, Inheritance, and

Composition. Moreover, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, and Abstraction.
This chapter will cover Nullable types, Extension methods, Overloading,
Enumeration, and Generics.


Null safety in Kotlin is a process that eliminates the possibility of a null ref-
erence in the code. If null argument is given, the Kotlin compiler instantly
raises a NullPointerException without executing more lines.
Kotlin’s type system aims to eliminate NullPointerException from the
code. Only the following causes can result in a NullPointerException:

• An uninvited call to throw NullPointerException();

DOI: 10.1201/9781003308447-3 157

158   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

• An uninitialized version of this operator can find in a constructor

and used someplace.
• The use of external Java code as Kotlin is an example of Java

Nullable and Non-Nullable Types in Kotlin

The Kotlin types system distinguishes between references that can hold
null (nullable references) and references that cannot contain null (non-null
reference). String types are not normally nullable. To create a string with
a null value, we must explicitly declare it by inserting a? behind the String
as: String?

Nullable Types
Nullable types are declared by adding a? to the end of a String, as in:

var strg1: String? = "hello"

strg1 = null // ok

fun main(args: Array<String>){
var strg: String? = "Hello" // variable is
declared as nullable
strg = null

Non-Nullable Types
Non-nullable types are regular strings that are specified as String types,
such as:

val strg: String = null // compile error

strg = "hello" // compile error Val cannot be reassign
var strg2: String = "hello"
strg2 = null // compile error

What happens when we add a null value to a string that is not nullable?

fun main(args: Array<String>){

var strg: String = "Hello"
Usability Aspects of Kotlin   ◾    159

strg = null // compile-error


Checking for Null in the Conditions

The if expression in Kotlin is used to check the condition and return the value.

fun main(args: Array<String>){

var strg: String? = "Hello" // variable is
declared as nullable
var len = if(strg!=null) str.length else -1
println("strg is : $strg")
println("strg length is : $len")
strg = null
println("strg is : $strg")
len = if(strg!=null) strg.length else -1
println("b length is : $len")

We have seen how to declare a nullable type in the previous course Kotlin
nullable types and non-nullable types. We have the option of using smart
casts to use these nullable classes. Smart cast is a feature that allows the
Kotlin compiler to track circumstances within if expressions. If the com-
piler discovers that a variable is not null of type nullable, it will enable
access to the variable.

Example: We get a compile error when attempting to access a nullable

type of String without using safe cast.

var string: String? = "HelloEveryone"

print(string.length) // Compile-error

We use a safe cast to solve the above expression:

fun main(args: Array<String>){

var string: String? = "HelloEveryone"
if(string != null) { // smart cast
print(string.length) // It works now
160   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

When we use is or !is to verify a variable, the compiler records this

information and internally casts the variable to the target type. If is or !is
returns true, something is done within the scope.

Use of is for the Smart Cast

fun main(args: Array<String>){
val objt: Any = "The variable objt is automatically
cast to a String in this scope"
if(objt is String) {
// No Explicit-Casting needed.
println("String length is ${objt.length}")

Use of !is for the Smart Cast

fun main(args: Array<String>){
val objt: Any = "The variable objt is automatically
cast to a String in this scope"
if(objt !is String) {
println("objt is not string")
} else
// No Explicit-Casting needed.
println("String length is ${objt.length}")

Smart cast function under the following conditions:

• A val variable always has a local property aspect.

• If a val property is private or internal, the check is done in the same
module defined by the property.
• If the local var variable is not changed between the check and the
usage, it will not be recorded in a lambda that updates it.


Unsafe Cast Operator: as
When a variable cannot cast and an exception is thrown, this is referred to
as an unsafe cast. The infix operator as performs the unsafe cast.
If a nullable string (String?) is cast to a non-nullable string (String), an
exception is thrown.
Usability Aspects of Kotlin   ◾    161

fun main(args: Array<String>){

val objt: Any? = null
val strg: String = objt as String

The preceding program throws an exception:

Exception in thread “main” kotlin.TypeCastException: null cannot be
cast to non-null type kotlin.String at ExampleKt.main.
When attempting to cast an integer value of any type into a string value,
a ClassCastException is thrown.

val objt: Any = 321

val strg: String = objt as String
// Throws java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.
Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String

For casting to work, the source and target variables must be nullable:

fun main(args: Array<String>){

val objt: String? = "String unsafe cast"
val strg: String? = objt as String? // Works

Safe Cast Operator: as?

For safe cast to a type, Kotlin includes a safe cast operator as? If casting
is not feasible, it returns null rather than raising a ClassCastException
Consider the following example: attempting to cast any kind of string
value that is initially understood by the programmer but not by the compiler
into nullable string and nullable int. If casting is feasible, it will cast the value
or return null instead of throwing an exception if casting is not possible.

fun main(args: Array<String>){

val location: Any = "KotlinAdvanced"
val safeString: String? = location as? String
val safeInt: Int? = location as? Int
162   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

(?:) Elvis Operator

Elvis operator (?:) is used to return a value that is not null even if the con-
ditional expression is null. It is also used to ensure that values are not null.
We can declare a variable storing a null reference in specific instances.
Assume a variable strg has a null reference; before utilizing strg in a
program, we shall check its nullability. If variable strg is found to be
non-null, its property will use; otherwise, another non-null value will
be used.

var strg: String? = null

var strg2: String? = "May be declare nullable string"

In the above code, the String strg includes a null value; thus, before access-
ing the value of strg, we must run a safety check to see if the string contains
a value or not. Traditionally, we conduct this safety check with an if… else

var len1: Int = if (strg != null) strg.length else -1

var len2: Int = if (strg2 != null) strg.length else

fun main(args: Array<String>){

var strg: String? = null
var strg2: String? = "May be declare nullable string"
var len1: Int = if (strg != null) strg.length else -1
var len2: Int = if (strg2 != null) strg2.length else -1
println("Length of strg is ${len1}")
println("Length of strg2 is ${len2}")

The Elvis operator(?:) in Kotlin returns a result that is not null even if the
conditional expression is null. The following Elvis operator may be used to
express the above if… else operator:

var len1: Int = strg?.length ?: -1

var len2: Int = strg2?.length ?: -1

The Elvis operator returns the expression to the left to ?:, i.e. −1. (strg?.
length) If it is not null, it returns the expression right to (?:) i.e. (−1). The
expression on the right side of Elvis operator is evaluated only if the
expression on the left side returns null.
Usability Aspects of Kotlin   ◾    163

fun main(args: Array<String>){
var strg: String? = null
var strg2: String? = "May be declare nullable
var len1: Int = strg ?.length? : -1
var len2: Int = strg2 ?.length? : -1
println("Length of strg is ${len1}")
println("Length of strg2 is ${len2}")

Because Kotlin throw and return expressions, they may also be used on
the Elvis operator’s right side. This may be used to check functional argu-
ments such as:

funfunctionName(node: Node): String? {

val parent = node.getParent() ?: return-null
val name = node.getName() ?: throw
// .....

Elvis Kotlin Operator using the throw and return expression:

fun main(args: Array<String>){

val fruitName: String = fruit()
fun fruit(): String{
val strg: String? ="xyz"
val strgLength: Int = if(strg!= null) strg.length else
val strgLength2: Int = strg?.length ?: -1
var string = "strg = $strg\n"+
"strgLength = $strgLength\n"+
"strgLength2 = $strgLength2\n\n"
fun check(textOne: String?, textTwo: String?):
val textOne = textOne ?: return null
val textTwo = textTwo ?: IllegalArgumentException
("text exception")
164   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

return "\ntextOne = $textOne\n"+

"textTwo = $textTwo\n"
string += "check(null,\"grapes\") =
${check(null,"grapes")}\n" +
"check(\"apple\",\"kiwi\") =
return string

The Kotlin programming language enables the programmer to enhance
the functionality of existing classes without inheriting them. This is per-
formed by utilizing a feature known as extension. A function that is added
to an existing class is referred to as an Extension Function.
Create a new function that is tied to the classname, as shown in the
example below, to add an extension function to class:

// A example class demonstrating extension functions

class Circle (val radius: Double){
// the member function of class
fun area(): Double{
return Math.PI * radius * radius;
fun main(){
// Created an extension method for the Circle
fun Circle.perimeter(): Double{
return 2*Math.PI*radius;
// create a object for the class Circle
val newCircle = Circle(13.4);
// invoke the member function
println("The Area of the circle: ${newCircle.
//invoke the extension function
println("The Perimeter of the circle: ${newCircle.
Usability Aspects of Kotlin   ◾    165

Explanation: In this scenario, a new function with the function class

Circle.perimeter() and a return type of Double is added to the class using
dot notation. In the primary function, an object is created to instantiate
the class Circle, and the function is called with the println() line. When
the member function is invoked, it returns the circle’s area, whereas the
extension function returns the circle’s perimeter.

Extended Library Class Using an Extension Function

Not only can user-defined classes be extended in Kotlin, but so can library
classes. The extension function may be added to library classes and used
the same way it can add to user-defined classes.

fun main(){
// Extension function defined for the Int type
fun Int.abs() : Int{
return if(this < 0) -this else this


Explanation: We utilized an extension function to extend the library

function in this situation. To do the modulus procedure, we utilized an
Integer value. We entered the integer numbers −8 and 8 and got positive
results for both. If argument value is less than zero, it returns − (value), else
it returns the same value.

Extensions Are Resolved Statically

The extension functions are resolved statically, which means that which-
ever extension function is performed is fully dependent on the type of the
expression on which it is called, rather than the type resolved during the
expression’s final execution at runtime.

// An Open class created to be inherited
open class E(val e:Int, val f:Int){
166   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

// Class F inherits E
class F():E(6, 6){}
fun main(){
// Extension function operate defined for E
fun E.operate():Int{
return e+f

// Extension function operate defined for F

fun F.operate():Int{
return e*f;

// Function to display static dispatch

fun display(e: E){
// Calling the display function

Explanation: If we’re aware with Java or any object-oriented programming

language, you’ll see that class D is an ancestor of class E. In the above pro-
gram, the parameter sent to the display function is an instance of class D. The
output should be 36 according to the dynamic method dispatch paradigm;
however, because the extension functions are statically resolved, the operate
function is called on type E. As a consequence, the outcome is a value of 12.

Nullable Receiver
The nullable class type can also use to construct extension functions. The
correct value is returned when the check for null is inserted inside the
extension method.

// A sample class to display name
class CDE(val name: String){
override fun toString(): String {
return "Name is $name"
Usability Aspects of Kotlin   ◾    167

fun main(){
// An extension function as a nullable receiver
fun CDE?.output(){
if(this == null){
val a = CDE("Charch")
// Extension function called using an instance
// Extension function called on null

Companion Object Extensions

If a class has a companion object, we may also provide extension methods
and properties for the companion object.
Declaration of companion object:

class mynewClass {
// the companion object declaration
companion object {
fun display(){
println("The companion object's defined
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// invoking the member function
val obj = mynewClass.display()

Like regular member functions of the companion object, extension func-

tions can be invoked with just the class name as the qualifier.

class mynewClass {
companion object {
168   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

//member function of the companion object

fun display(strg :String) : String{
return strg
// the companion object's extension function
println("The companion object's Extension
function ")
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val objt = myClass.display("The Function
declared in the companion object")
// invoking extension-function
val objt2 =


Because Kotlin enables user-defined types, it may also overload con-
ventional operators, making dealing with user-defined types easier. All
unary, binary, and relational operators can be overloaded. Overloading
the operators is accomplished by using either member functions or exten-
sion functions. The operator modifier precedes these functions. Every
operator has typical functions that can be overloaded depending on the

Unary Operators
The table below lists the many functions that may define for unary opera-
tors. These functions modify the caller instance.

Operator Expression Corresponding Function

+r r.unaryPlus()
−r r.unaryMinus()
!r r.not()

The type for which the operator is defined is represented by r in this example.
The overloaded functionality is defined within the functions.
Usability Aspects of Kotlin   ◾    169

Unary operator overloading is demonstrated in the following Kotlin


class OverloadUnary (var str:String) {

// the overloading function
operator fun unaryMinus() {
strg1 = strg1.reversed()
// main-function
fun main(args : Array<String>) {
val objt1 = OverloadUnary ("HELLOEVERYONE")
println("Initial string is ${objt1.strg}")y
//calling the overloaded function unaryMinus()
println("String after applying unary operator

Increment and Decrement Operators

The following methods can use to define type’s increment and decrement
operators. These methods return a new instance with the expression’s

Operator Expression Corresponding Function

−−r r.dec()

These functions work well in either postfix or prefix notation, delivering

the same expected output in both circumstances.
Kotlin program to demonstrate operator overloading:

class OverloadIncDec(var strg:String) {

// overloading the increment-function
operator fun inc():OverloadIncDec {
val objt1 = IncDecOverload(this.str)
objt.strg1 = objt1.strg1 + 'a'
return objt1
// overloading the decrement-function
170   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

operator fun dec(): IncDecOverload {

val objt1 = IncDecOverload(this.strg)
objt.strg1 = objt1.strg1.substring(0,objt1.
return objt1
override fun toString(): String {
return strg1
// main-function
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var objt1 = OverloadIncDec("Helloeveryone")

Binary Operators
The binary operators and their equivalent functions are shown in the table
below. All of these functions affect the instance that is being called.

Operator Expression Corresponding Function

r1 + r2
r1 − r2 r1.minus(r2)
r1 ∗ r2 r1.times(r2)
r1/ r2 r1.div(r2)
r1 % r2 r1.rem(r2)
r1..r2 r1.rangeTo(r2)

Overload the plus function with the following code:

class Objects(var objtName: String) {

// Overloading-function
operator fun plus(r: Int) {
objtNames = "Name is $objtNames and data is $r"
override fun toString(): String {
return objtNames
Usability Aspects of Kotlin   ◾    171

fun main() {
val objt1 = Objects("Chairs")
// Calling-overloaded-function

Although the relational operators have no predefined functions, the type

must implement the Comparable interface to use relational operators on
instances of a user-defined type.

Other Operators
Because Kotlin has many operators, declaring each for a type is not a
good programming practice. The below table lists some of the other useful
Kotlin operators that may be overloaded.

Operator Expression Corresponding Function

r1 in r2 r2.contains(r1)
r1 !in r2 !r2.contains(r1)
r[i] r.get(i)
r[i, j] r.get(i, j)
r[i] = b r.set(i, b)
r[i, j] = b r.set(i, j, b)
r() r.invoke()
r(i) r.invoke(i)
r(i, j) r.invoke(i, j)
r1 += r2 r1.plusAssign(r2)
r1 -= r2 r1.minusAssign(r2)
r1 *= r2 r1.timesAssign(r2)
r1 /= r2 r1.divAssign(r2)
r1 %= r2 r1.remAssign(r2)


It is sometimes important for a type to hold only specific values in pro-
gramming. To do this, the concept of enumeration was developed. An
enumeration is a named list of constants.
In Kotlin, as in many other programming languages, an enum is a spe-
cific type that indicates that something has several desirable properties. In
contrast to Java enums, Kotlin enums are classes.
172   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Some important things to note about Kotlin enum classes:

• Enum constants are more than simply collections of constants; they
can also have attributes, methods, and other properties.
• A comma represents each enum constant function as a separate class
and instance.
• Enums improves code readability by giving constants predefined
• Constructors are not permitted to construct an instance of the enum

Enums are defined by appending the term ‘enum’ to the beginning of a

class name, as seen below:

enum class TIMEOFWEEK{


Enum Initializing
Kotlin enums, like Java enums, can have constructors. Enum constants
may initialize by passing particular values to the main constructor since
they are Enum class objects.
Here’s an example of how to color-code cards:

enum class ColorCard(val colors: String) {


We can quickly determine the color of a card by using:

val colors = ColorCard.Diamond.colors

Usability Aspects of Kotlin   ◾    173

Enum Properties and Methods

Enum classes in Kotlin, like those in Java and other programming lan-
guages, contain a variety of built-in attributes and functions that the pro-
grammer may use. Some of the essential techniques and attributes are
listed here.

• ordinal: This property stores the ordinal value of the constant, which
is usually a zero-based index.
• name: This property contains the name of the constant.


• values: This method returns a list of all the constants in the enum
• valueOf(): The enum constant defined in enum that matches the
input string is returned. If the constant is not found in the enum, an
IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

enum class WEEKDAY {
fun main()
// A straightforward demonstration of
properties and methods
for (day in WEEKDAY.values()) {
println("${day.ordinal} = ${}")
println("${WEEKDAY.valueOf(" FRIDAY ")}")
174   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Properties and Functions of the Enum Class

Kotlin’s enum class introduces a new type. This sort of class has
its own set of properties and methods. The properties can offer a
default value; however, each constant must specify its value for the
property if no default value is provided. Functions are frequently
defined within companion objects to avoid dependence on particu-
lar class instances. However, they may define without the need of
companion objects.

// A default value is provided for the property
enum class WEEKS(val isWeekend: Boolean = false){
// Default-value-overridden
companion object{
fun today(obj: WEEKS): Boolean {
== 0 ||"SUNDAY") == 0
fun main(){
// A simple demonstration of properties and
for(day in WEEKS.values()) {
println("${day.ordinal} = ${} and
is weekend ${day.isWeekend}")
val today = WEEKS.MONDAY;
println("Is today a weekend ${WEEKS.
Usability Aspects of Kotlin   ◾    175

Enums as Anonymous Classes

Enum constants, like anonymous classes, implement their methods and
override the class’s abstract functions. The most important aspect is that
each enum constant is overridden.

// enum-class defining
enum class Seasons(var weather: String) {
// if not override the function foo() compile
time error
override fun fooo() {
println("The cold days of year")
override fun fooo() {
println("The Hot days of year")
override fun fooo() {
println("The Rainy days of year")
abstract fun fooo()
// the main function
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// calling fooo() function override be Summer

Usage of when Expression with the Enum Class

When enum classes in Kotlin are combined with the when expression,
they provide considerable benefits. Because enum classes limit the values
that a type can take when paired with the when expression and all of the
constant definitions are given, the else clause is unnecessary. As a result, a
compiler warning will be produced.
176   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

enum class WEEKDAYS{


fun main(){
WEEKDAYS.SUNDAY -> println("Today is Sunday")
WEEKDAYS.MONDAY -> println("Today is Monday")
WEEKDAYS.TUESDAY -> println("Today is
WEEKDAYS.WEDNESDAY -> println("Today is
WEEKDAYS.THURSDAY -> println("Today is
WEEKDAYS.FRIDAY -> println("Today is Friday")
WEEKDAYS.SATURDAY -> println("Today is
// Adding an else clause will generate a

Generics are helpful features that allow us to create classes, methods, and
properties that may be accessed using a variety of data types while still
ensuring compile-time type safety.
Creating parameterized classes: A type-parameterized class or function
is a generic type. We always use angle brackets () to define the type param-
eter in the program.
The following is the generic class definition:

class mynewClass<E>(text: E) {
var name = text
Usability Aspects of Kotlin   ◾    177

To create an instance of this class, we must specify the following type


val my : mynewClass<String> = Mynewclass<String>("The


The type arguments can remove if the parameters can deduce from the
constructor arguments:

val my = mynewClass("TheHubtutors ")

Because TheHubtutors has the type String, the compiler
figures out that we are discussing mynewclass<String>.

The generic has the following advantages:

• Avoiding typecasting: The object does not need to be typecast.

• Type safety: Generic allows just one type of object at a time.
• Compile-time safety: To avoid run-time problems, generics code is
checked for parameterized types at build time.

Generic Usage in Our Program

We define a Company class with a single parameter and a primary in the
following example. We try to send different data kinds, such as String and
Integer, through the Company class object. The Company class’s primary
constructor accepts string types (“TheHubtutors”) but returns a compile-
time error when an Integer type is passed (19).

class Companie (text: String) {

var d = text
fun main(args: Array<String>){
var name: Companie = Companie("TheHubtutors")
var rank: Companie = Companie(19)//

To address the issue raised above, we may create a user-defined generic

type class that accepts many arguments in a single class. The Company
178   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

type class is a general type class that accepts arguments of both int and
String types.

class Companie<E> (text : E){
var d = text
fun main(args: Array<String>){
var name: Companie<String> = Companie<String>(
var rank: Companie<Int> = Companie<Int>(19)

Unlike Java, Kotlin makes arrays invariant by default. By extension, generic
types are invariant in the Kotlin. The out and in keywords may be useful
here. Invariance is the property that prevents a standard generic function/
class written for a single data type from taking or returning another data
type. Any is the supertype of all extra datatypes.
There are several types of variation:

• Declaration-site variance (using in and out)

• Use-site variance: Type projection

The out Keyword

In Kotlin, we may use the out keyword on the generic type to assign this
reference to any of its supertypes. The out value can only be generated and
consumed by the defined class:

class OutClass<out E>(val value: E) {

fun get(): E {
return value
Usability Aspects of Kotlin   ◾    179

Above, we defined an OutClass class that may return a value of type E.

Then, for the reference that is a supertype of it, we create an instance of
the OutClass:

val out = OutClass("string")

val ref: OutClass<Any> = out

The in Keyword
To assign it to the reference of its subtype, we might use the keyword in
on the generic type. The in keyword may only use on parameters that are
consumed rather than produced:

class InClass<in E> {

fun toString(value: E): String {
return value.toString()

In this scenario, we’ve defined a function toString() function that accepts

only D values. Then we may assign a Number reference to its subtype – int:

val inClassObject: InClass<Number> = InClass()

val ref<Int> = inClassObject

Note: The following statement would result in a compiler error if we had

not used the in type in the preceding class.

Subtypes is permitted but not supertypes, i.e., the generic function/class
may take subtypes of the datatype for which it is already defined, e.g., a
generic class made for Number can accept int, but a generic class built for
int cannot accept Number. This may be done in Kotlin by using the out
keyword, as seen below:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val c: MyClass<Any> = MyClass<Int>()
// Error: Type-mismatch
val d: MyClass<out Any> = MyClass<String>()
// Works since String is subtype of Any
val e: MyClass<out String> = MyClass<Any>()
// Error since Any is supertype of String
class MyClass<X>
180   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

By appending the out keyword to the declaration site, we may instantly

allow covariance. The code below is completely functional.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val d: MyClass<Any> = MyClass<String>()
// Compiles-without-error
class MyClass<out X>

Contra Covariance
It is used to substitute a supertype value in subtypes, implying that the
generic function or class may take supertypes of the datatype for which it
is already defined. A generic class designed for Number, for example, can-
not accept int, but a generic class defined for int can accept Number. It is
performed in Kotlin by using the in keyword as follows:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var c: Container<Dog> = Container<Animal>()
var d: Container<Animal> = Container<Dog>()
open class Creature
class Cat : Animal()
class Container<in C>

Type Projections
It is possible to copy all of the elements of an array of some type into an
array of Any type, but for the compiler to compile our code, the input
argument must annotate with the out keyword. Consequently, the com-
piler decides that the input argument can be of Any type.
Kotlin code for copying array members into another array:
fun copy(from: Array<out Any>, to: Array<Any>) {
assert(from.size == to.size)
// copying (from) array to (to) array
for (d in from.indices)
to[d] = from[d]
// printing elements of array in which copied
for (d in to.indices) {
Usability Aspects of Kotlin   ◾    181

fun main(args :Array<String>) {

val ints: Array<Int> = arrayOf(11, 22, 33,44)
val any :Array<Any> = Array<Any>(44) { "" }
copy(ints, any)

Star Projections
The star(*) projection is used when we don’t know what kind of value we’re
looking for and just want to output all the elements in an array.

// star-projection in array
fun printArray(array: Array<*>) {
array.forEach { print(it) }
fun main(args :Array<String>) {
val name = arrayOf("Worst","for","Good")

In this chapter, we learned Usability aspects where we discussed Nullable

Types, Extension methods, Overloading and Enumeration, and Generics.
Chapter 4

Kotlin Functional


➢➢ Lambdas
➢➢ Higher-Order functions
➢➢ Local functions
➢➢ Scope functions
➢➢ Lists and maps

In the previous chapter, we covered Usability Aspects. This chapter will

cover functional programming with its relevant syntax and examples.


This topic will cover lambda expressions and anonymous functions in
Kotlin. While they are syntactically similar, Kotlin and Java lambdas have
vastly distinct characteristics.
Lambda expressions and Anonymous functions are function literals,
which imply they are not declared but supplied as an expression.

DOI: 10.1201/9781003308447-4 183

184   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

As we all know, the syntax of Kotlin lambdas is quite similar to that of
Java lambdas. An anonymous function does not have a name. We may call
lambda expressions anonymous functions.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val company = { println("PeeksforPeeks")}
// invoking the function method1
// invoking the function method2

val lambda_names : Data_type = { argument_List ->
code_body }

Curly braces always enclose a lambda expression, argument declarations are

enclosed by curly braces and have optional type annotations, and an arrow ->
sign encloses the code body. If the lambda’s inferred return type is not Unit,
the final expression inside the lambda body is considered the return value.

val sum = {x: Int, y: Int -> x + y}

Except for the code body, the lambda expression in Kotlin has optional
parts. The lambda expression is shown below after the optional component
has been removed.

val sum:(Int,Int) -> Int = { x, y -> x + y}

It’s worth noting that we don’t always need a variable because it can be
supplied directly as an argument to a method.

// with the type annotation in lambda expression
val sum1 = { x: Int, y: Int -> x + y }
// without type annotation in lambda expression
Kotlin Functional Programming   ◾    185

val sum2:(Int,Int)-> Int = { x, y -> x + y}

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val result1 = sum1(1,4)
val result2 = sum2(2,5)
println("Sum of two numbers is: $result1")
println("Sum of two numbers is: $result2")
// directly print return value of the lambda
// without storing in variable.

Inference in Lambda Types

Type inference in Kotlin assists the compiler in determining the type of
a lambda expression. The lambda expression used to compute the sum of
two numbers is shown below.

val sum = {x: Int, y: Int -> x + y}

In this case, the Kotlin compiler evaluates it as a function that takes two
Int parameters and returns an Int value.

(Int,Int) -> Int

If we want to return a String value, we may use the inbuilt function

toString() method.

val sum1 = { x: Int, y: Int ->

val num = x + y
num.toString() //convert the Integer to String
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val result1 = sum1(12,7)
println("Sum of two numbers is: $result1")

The Kotlin compiler self-evaluates the preceding program into a function

that accepts two integer values and returns a String.

Type Declaration in Lambdas

The type of our lambda expression must explicitly declare. If lambda does
not return a value, we can use: Unit.

Pattern: (Input) -> Output

186   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Lambdas examples with return type:

val lambda1: (Int) -> Int = (x -> x * x)

val lambda2: (String,String) -> String = { x, y ->
x + y }
val lambda3: (Int)-> Unit = {print(Int)}

Lambdas can be used as class extension:

val lambda4: String.(Int) -> String = {this + it}

It represents implicit name of single parameter.

Program when lambdas used as class extension:

val lambda4 : String.(Int) -> String = { this + it }

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val result = "Peeks".lambda4(40)

Explanation: The preceding example uses the lambda expression as a class

extension. We used the format mentioned above to pass the parameters. This
keyword is used for string and the Int parameter given in the lambda. The
code body then concatenates both values and returns to the variable result.

it: Implicit Name of a Single-Parameter

In most cases, lambdas only have one parameter. It is used here to indicate
the single parameter passed to the lambda expression.
Program utilizing lambda function shorthand:

val numb = arrayOf(1,-2,3,-4,5)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println(numb.filter { it > 0 })

Program with lambda function in longhand:

val numb = arrayOf(1,-2,3,-4,5)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println(numb.filter {item -> item > 0 })
Kotlin Functional Programming   ◾    187

Returning a Value from a Lambda Expression

The final value returned by lambda expression after execution. The
lambda function can return any Integer, String, or Boolean values.
Kotlin program that uses a lambda function to return a String

val find =fun(numb: Int): String{

if(numb % 2==0 && numb < 0) {
return "The number is even and negative"
else if (numb %2 ==0 && numb >0){
return "The number is even and positive"
else if(numb %2 !=0 && numb < 0){
return "The number is odd and negative"
else {
return "The number is odd and positive"
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val result = find(112)

An anonymous function is quite similar to a regular function except for
the omission of the function’s name from the declaration. The anonymous
function’s body can be either an expression or a block.

First Example: Function body as an expression

fun(x: Int, y: Int) : Int = x * y

Second Example: Function body as a block

fun(x: Int, y: Int): Int {
val mul = x * y
return mul
188   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Return Type and Parameters

The return type and parameters are also supplied in the same way as
regular functions, although the parameters can be omitted if they can be
deduced from the context.
If the function is an expression, the return type can be automatically
deducted; otherwise, the anonymous function must explicitly provide a
body block.

The Distinction between Lambda Expressions and Anonymous

The only difference is how non-local returns behave. A return statement
without a label always returns from the function declared function. This
implies that a return within a lambda expression returns from the enclos-
ing function, but a return within an anonymous function returns from the
anonymous function itself.
Program to call the anonymous function:

// the anonymous function with body as an expression

val anonymous1 = fun(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a + b

// the anonymous function with body as a block

val anonymous2 = fun(x: Int, y: Int): Int {
val mul = x * y
return mul
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
//invoking functions
val sum = anonymous1(13,4)
val mul = anonymous2(5,6)
println("Sum of two numbers is: $sum")
println("Multiply of two numbers is: $mul")


The Kotlin programming language provides excellent support for func-
tional programming. Kotlin functions can be kept in variables and data
structures, and they can be passed as parameters to and returned from
Higher-Order functions.
Kotlin Functional Programming   ◾    189

Higher-Order Function
Higher-Order functions in Kotlin are functions that can receive a function
as an argument or return a function. We shall pass anonymous functions
or lambdas instead of passing Integer, String, or Array as function param-
eters. Lambdas are frequently passed as parameters in Kotlin functions for
The lambda expression is passed as an argument to the Higher-Order
function: A lambda expression can pass as a parameter to Higher-Order
There are two kinds of lambda expressions that may be passed:

• A lambda expression returns a unit.

• Lambda expression returns any of the values integer, string, etc.

Kotlin lambda expression program that returns Unit:

// lambda expression
var lambda = {println("Huboftutors: A Computer Science
portal for Hub") }
//the higher-order function
fun higherfunc( lmbd: () -> Unit ) { // accepting
lambda as parameter
lmbd() //invokes the
lambda expression
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
//invoke higher-order function
higherfunc(lambda) // passing the
lambda as parameter

Explanation: Let’s go over the above program step by step:

• In the top, we define a lambda expression that includes print() to

print a string to standard output.
var lambda = {println("Huboftutors: A Computer
Science portal for Hub") }

• After that, we define a Higher-Order function with one parameter.

lmbd: () -> Unit
190   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

• The receiving lambda parameter is known locally as lmbd.

• The symbol () indicates that the function does not accept any
• The unit symbol symbolizes that the function does not return any value.
• We called the Higher-Order function in the main function by sup-
plying the lambda expression as a parameter.

Kotlin lambda expression program that returns an integer value:

// lambda expression
var lambda = {x: Int, y: Int -> x + y }
// the higher order function
fun higherfunc( lmbd: (Int, Int) -> Int) {
// accepting the lambda as parameter

var results = lmbd(2,4) // invokes lambda

expression by passing parameters
println("Sum of two numbers is: $results")

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

higherfunc(lambda) //passing lambda as

Explanation: Let’s go over the program above step by step:

• At the top, we define a lambda expression that returns an integer

var lambda = int x, int y -> x + y

• Then we defined a Higher-Order function that takes the lambda

expression as an argument.
lmbd: (Int, Int) -> Int

• The receiving lambda argument is known locally as lmbd.

• (Int,Int) indicates that the function accepts two integer parameters.
• Int indicates that the function returns an integer value.
Kotlin Functional Programming   ◾    191

We called the Higher-Order function in the main function by passing the

lambda as a parameter.


Passing function as a parameter to a Higher-Order function: A function

can pass as a parameter to a Higher-Order function.
Two kinds of functions may pass:

• method that returns Unit

• function that returns any of the values integer, string, etc.

Kotlin function passing program that returns Unit:

// the regular function definition

fun printMe(s1:String): Unit{
// the higher-order function definition
fun higherfunc( str1 : String, myfunc: (String) -> Unit){
// invoke the regular function using local name
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// invoke the higher-order function
higherfunc("Huboftutors: A Computer Science portal
for Hub",::printMe)

Explanation: At the top, we build a normal method printMe(), which

receives a String parameter and returns a Unit.

fun printMe(s1:String): Unit

• (s1: String) is the only parameter

• Unit represents the return type

The Higher-Order function is thus defined as:

fun higherfunc( str1 : String, myfunc: (String) -> Unit)

192   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

It is given two parameters. One is the String type, and the other is the

• Str1: String denotes a string parameter.

• myfunc: (String) -> Unit indicates that it accepts function as a
parameter and returns Unit.

The higher function is invoked from the main function by supplying the
string and function as arguments.

higherfunc("Huboftutors: A Computer Science portal for


Program of passing function which returns integer value:

// the regular function definition

fun add(x: Int, y: Int): Int{
var sums = x + y
return sums
//the higher-order function definition
fun higherfunc(addfunc:(Int,Int)-> Int){
// invoke the regular function using local name
var results = addfunc(13,6)
print("The sum of two numbers is: $results")
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// invoke the higher-order function

Returning a Function from a Higher-Order Function

A function can return from a Higher-Order function. When returning the
function, we must define the normal function’s argument types and return
type in the Higher-Order function’s return type.
Program of a function in Kotlin that returns another function:

// the function declaration

fun mul(x: Int, y: Int): Int{
return x*y
Kotlin Functional Programming   ◾    193

//the higher-order function declaration

fun higherfunc() : ((Int,Int)-> Int){
return ::mul
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// invoke the function and store the returned
function into a variable
val multiply = higherfunc()
// invokes the mul() function by passing arguments
val results = multiply(12,4)
println("Multiplication of two numbers is:


The concept of functions is pretty simple: divide a huge program into
smaller portions that can be reasoned about more efficiently and allow
code reuse to minimize duplication. This second idea is known as the DRY
principle, which stands for Don’t Repeat Yourself. The more times we write
the same code, the more likely a bug will creep in.
When we apply this theory to its logical conclusion, we will have
produced a program that consists of many little functions, each of
which accomplishes a single thing; this is analogous to the Unix prin-
ciple of small programs, in which each program does a single job. The
same principle applies to code included within a function. In Java, for
example, a huge function or method may split down by calling many
support functions defined in the same class or a helper class with static

Example: Kotlin allows us to take this step further by defining func-

tions inside other functions. These are referred to as local or nested
functions. Functions can even be nested on top of each other. The fol-
lowing style may use to write an example of a printing area:

fun printAreaone(width: Int, height: Int): Unit {

fun calculateArea(width: Int, height: Int): Int =
width * height
val area1 = calculateArea(width, height)
println("Area is: $area1")
194   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

As we can see, the calculateArea function is now included within printAr-

eaone, and hence inaccessible to code outside of it. This is handy when we
wish to hide functions that are only needed as details in implementing a
bigger function. A similar result might obtain by marking a member func-
tion as private. So, are there any additional benefits to using local func-
tions? They do, the parameters and variables declared in the outer scope
can be accessed by local functions:

fun printAreatwo(width: Int, height: Int): Unit {

fun calculateArea(): Int = width * height
val area1 = calculateArea()
println("Area is: $area1")

We’ve eliminated the arguments from the calculateArea function, and it

now utilizes the parameters provided in the enclosing scope directly. This
makes the nested function more legible and eliminates the need to repeat
parameter descriptions, which is especially important for functions with
many arguments. Let’s look at an example of a function that might be
decomposed using local functions:

fun fizzbuzz(start: Int, end: Int): Unit {

for (x in start..end) {
if (x % 2 == 0 && x % 4 == 0)
println("Fizz Buzz")
else if (x % 2 == 0)
else if (x % 4 == 0)

This is known as the Fizz Buzz issue. The requirement instructs us to print
the integers from the beginning to the finish value. However, if integer is a
multiple of 2, we should print Fizz. We should print Buzz if it is a multiple
of four. Print Fizz Buzz together if it is a multiple of 2 and 4.
The first solution is short and readable; however, it has some dupli-
cated code. Because the modulo checks are coded twice, an error is
likely doubled. Obviously, this example is relatively simple, so the
Kotlin Functional Programming   ◾    195

possibilities of a typo are minimal; yet, it helps to show the issue for
more complex issues. We may declare a local function for each mod-
ulo test, using only one line of code. This gets us to our next solution

fun fizzbuzz2(start: Int, end: Int): Unit {

fun isFizz(x: Int): Boolean = x % 2 == 0
fun isBuzz(x: Int): Boolean = x % 4 == 0
for (x in start..end) {
if (isFizz(x) && isBuzz(x))
println("Fizz Buzz")
else if (isFizz(x))
else if (isBuzz(x))

In this case, our if…else branches now call the nested methods isFizz and
isBuzz. However, passing x to the function each time is still a bit verbose. Is
there any way to avoid this? Local functions can be defined not just directly
within other functions, but also in for loops, while loops, and other blocks:

fun fizzbuzz3(start: Int, end: Int): Unit {

for (x in start..end) {
fun isFizz(): Boolean = x % 2 == 0
fun isBuzz(): Boolean = x % 4 == 0
if (isFizz() && isBuzz())
println("Fizz Buzz")
else if (isFizz())
else if (isBuzz())

We’ve moved the function definitions within the for loop in this third iter-
ation of our function. As a result, we may skip the parameter definitions
196   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

and immediately access x. Finally, we could use Kotlin Basics to reduce

some of the noise from the if…else keywords:

fun fizzbuzz4(start: Int, end: Int): Unit {

for (x in start..end) {
fun isFizz(): Boolean = x % 2 == 0
fun isBuzz(): Boolean = x % 4 == 0
when {
isFizz() && isBuzz() -> println("Fizz Buzz")
isFizz() -> println("Fizz")
isBuzz() -> println("Buzz")
else -> println(x)

This results in our final solution, which avoids code repetition and is more
understandable than the initial iteration.


The Kotlin standard library has numerous methods that aid in executing
a block of code within the context of an object. Using a lambda expression
to call these functions on an object generates a temporary scope. These
are known as Scope Functions. We can get to the object of these functions
even if we don’t know what it’s named. That’s perplexing! Let’s look at the
Without utilizing the scope function:

class Companie() {
lateinit var name: String
lateinit var objective: String
lateinit var founder: String
fun main() {
// without using the scope function
// creating instance of the Companie Class
val hft = Companie()
// initializing members of the class = "Thehuboftutorials"
Kotlin Functional Programming   ◾    197

hft.objective = "Computer science tutorials for

hft.founder = "Akshita Jain"

Using the scope function

class Companie() {
lateinit var name: String
lateinit var objective: String
lateinit var founder: String
fun main() {
// using the scope function
val hft = Companie().apply {
// don't need to use-object
// name to refer members
name = "Thehuboftutorials"
objective = "Computer science tutorial for
founder = "Akshit Jain"

Explanation: We’ve probably observed that when we don’t use the scope
function, we have to specify the object name every time we refer to a
class member. We may use the scope function to refer to members with-
out specifying the object name. This is one method of using the scope

Every scope function has well-defined use cases, even though they all have
roughly the same conclusion. Let’s take a closer look at each scope func-
tion and its associated use cases.

Utilization of Scope Functions

Scope functions make code more clear, legible, and succinct, which are key
qualities of the Kotlin language.
198   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Scope Function Types

Scope functions are classified into five types:

• let
• run
• with
• apply
• also

With a few exceptions, each function is relatively similar. It is sometimes

difficult to choose which function to utilize and when. As a result, we must
understand the distinctions between these functions and their cases.
Distinctions between these functions: There are primarily two distinc-
tions between these functions:
• Return value (i.e. returns either ‘context-object’ or ‘lambda-result’)
method of referring to a context object (i.e. using either ‘this’ or ‘it’
Please remember that the term “context object” refers to the object
on which the scope functions are being used. As in the last example,
our context object is ‘hft.’
Table of scope functions:

Function Object Reference Return Value

let it Lambda-result
run this Lambda-result
with this Lambda-result
apply this Context-object
also it Context-object

1. let function
• Context object: it
• Return value: lambda result
Case in point: The let function is frequently used to give null
safety checks. Use the safe call operator(?.) with ‘let’ for null
safety. It only performs the block with a non-zero value.
Kotlin Functional Programming   ◾    199

fun main() {
// nullable variable
// with the value as null
var x: Int? = null
// using let function
x?.let {
// statements will
// not execute as x is null
// re-initializing value of x to 2
x = 2
x?.let {
// statements will execute
// as x is not null

Explanation: As we can see, if the value of ‘a’ is ‘null,’ the let

function simply skips the code block. As a result, the pro-
grammers’ worst fear – NullPointerException – is no longer a
2. apply function
• Context object: this
• Return value: context object
Case in point: “Apply these to the object,” as the name sug-
gests. It may be used to perform operations on receiver object
members, primarily to initialize members.

class Companie() {
lateinit var name: String
lateinit var objective: String
lateinit var founder: String
fun main() {
Companie().apply {
200   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

// same as founder = "Akshit Jain"

this.founder = "Akshit Jain"
name = "thehuboftutorials"
objective = "Computer science tutorials
for Students"

3. with function
• Context object: this
• Return value: lambda result
Case in point: ‘with’ is recommended for invoking functions
on context objects without passing the lambda result.

class Companie() {
lateinit var name: String
lateinit var objective: String
lateinit var founder: String
fun main() {
val hft = Companie().apply {
name = "thehuboftutorials"
objective = "Computer science tutorials
for Students"
founder = "Akshit Jain"
// with function
with(hft) {
// similar to println( "${}" )
println(" $name ")

4. run function
• Context object: this
• Return value: lambda result
The ‘run’ function is a mix of the ‘let’ and ‘with’ functions.
Kotlin Functional Programming   ◾    201

Case in point: When the object lambda comprises both initial-

ization and the computation of the return value, this method is used.
We may use run to do null safety checks and other computations.

class Companie() {
lateinit var name: String
lateinit var objective: String
lateinit var founder: String

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

println("Companie Name : ")
var companie: Companie? = null
// body only executes if
// company is non-null
companie?.run {
print("Companie Name : ")
// re-initialize companie
companie = Companie().apply {
name = "thehuboftutorials"
founder = "Akshit Jain"
objective = "Computer science tutorials
for Students"
// body executes as
// 'companie' is non-null
companie?.run {

Explanation: The body of the run is simply ignored when

the ‘company’ parameter is null. The body executes when it is

5. also, function
• Context object: it
• Return value: context object
202   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Case in point: It is used when further operations must

perform after the object members have been initialized.

fun main() {
// initialized
val list = mutableListOf<Int>(11, 22, 33)
// later if we want to perform multiple-
operations on this list
list.also {
// more operations if needed

Object References
In scope functions, there are two methods for referring objects:

1. this: A lambda receiver keyword – ‘this’ can refer to the context

object. This keyword performs object reference in the functions ‘run,’
‘with,’ and ‘apply.’

Company().apply {
// same as : name = "thehuboftutorials" = "thehuboftutorials"
this.founder = "Akshit Jain"
this.objective = "Computer science tutorials
for Students"

It is crucial to note that we can omit this keyword when referring to

class members.
2. it: The ‘let’ and ‘also’ functions refer to the object’s context as a
lambda parameter.
Kotlin Functional Programming   ◾    203

Company().let { = "thehuboftutorials"
it.founder = "Akshit Jain"
it.objective = "Computer science tutorials for

Return Values
A scope function can return one of two sorts of return values:

1. Lambda result: If we write any expression after the code block, it

becomes the scope function’s return value. The lambda result is the
return value for the ‘let’, ‘run’, and ‘with’ functions.

class Companie {
var name: String = "thehuboftutorials"
var founder: String = "Akshit Jain"
var objective: String = "Computer science
tutorials for Students"
fun main() {
val founderName: String = with(Companie()) {
// 'founder' is returned by 'with' function
println("HfT's Founder : $founderName")

2. Context object: The context object is returned by the ‘apply’ and

‘also’ functions. We don’t need to define the return value in this case.
The context object is returned automatically.

class Companie {
var name: String = "thehuboftutorials"
var founder: String = "Akshit Jain"
var objective: String = "Computer science
tutorials for Students"
fun main() {
val hft = Companie().apply {
204   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

// any statements
// hft is an object of class Companie as
// return of apply() is the context object
print("HfT's Founder : ${hft.founder}");

• Scope functions improve the readability, clarity, and conciseness of code.
• “This” and “it” are object references.
• The context object and lambda result are returned as the return value.
• To prevent NullPointerException, operate with nullable objects.
• Change the configuration of an item.
• run: execute lambda expressions on a nullable object.
• Additionally, other procedures can add.
• with: working with non-null items.

The concept of collections is introduced in Kotlin, as it is in Java Collections.
A collection frequently consists of several things of the same sort, known
as elements or items in the collection. The Kotlin Standard Library includes
a comprehensive set of collection managing functions.
Types of Collections
In Kotlin, collections are categorized into two kinds:

1. Immutable Collection
2. Mutable Collection

Immutable Collection
It denotes that it solely offers read-only capabilities and that its elements
are not editable. Immutable collections and the strategies related to them
are as follows:

• List – listOf() and listOf<T>()

• Set – setOf()
• Map – mapOf()
Kotlin Functional Programming   ◾    205

1. List: A list is an ordered collection in which we may access items or

objects by using indices – integer numbers that identify the location
of each entry. A list’s elements can be repeated an infinite number of
times. The immutable list cannot be added or removed. The immu-
table list is demonstrated in the following Kotlin program:
// example of an immutable list
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val immutableLists = listOf("Minakshi","Nitin",
// gives compile-time-error
// immutableLists.add = "Ranidhi"
for(item in immutableLists){

2. Set: A set is an unordered collection of elements in which duplicates

are not permitted. It is made up of one-of-a-kind components. In gen-
eral, the order of set components has no significant impact. We can-
not perform add or remove actions on it since it is an immutable Set.
The immutable set is demonstrated in the following Kotlin program:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// initialize with the duplicate-values
// but the output with no-repeatition
var immutableSets = setOf(17,88,88,11,0,"Ruhi",
// gives the compile-time-error
// immutableSets.add(17)
for(item in immutableSets){

3. Map: Each key in a map is distinct and stores just one value; it is
a collection of key-value pairs. Each key represents a single value.
Values can duplicate, but keys must be unique. Maps are used to store
the logical relationship between two objects, such as a student’s ID
and name. Because it is immutable, its size is fixed, and its methods
give read-only access. The immutable map is demonstrated in the
following Kotlin application:
206   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

// example for the immutable map

fun main(args : Array<String>) {
var immutableMaps = mapOf(19 to "Mayank",18 to
"Pari",17 to "Ridhi")
// gives compile-time-error
// immutableMaps.put(19,"Radhika")
for(key in immutableMaps.keys){

Mutable Collection
It is capable of both read and write. The following are examples of mutable
collections and the strategies that go with them:

• List – mutableListOf(),arrayListOf() and ArrayList

• Set – mutableSetOf(), hashSetOf()
• Map – mutableMapOf(), hashMapOf() and HashMap

1. List: Because mutable lists may be read and written to, declared list
elements can be removed or added. The mutable list is demonstrated
in the following Kotlin program:
fun main(args : Array<String>) {
var mutableLists = mutableListOf("Rahil","Lali
// we modify element
mutableLists[0] = "Rajni"
// add one more element in the list
for(item in mutableLists){

2. Set: The mutable Set supports read and write operations. We may
simply add or remove elements from the collections while keeping
the order of the components. Write the following Kotlin code to
demonstrate the mutable set:
Kotlin Functional Programming   ◾    207

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

var mutableSets = mutableSetOf<Int>(61,20)
// adding-elements in set
for(item in mutableSets){

3. Map: It can do operations such as put, remove, and clear since it

is changeable. Create a Kotlin application to display the mutable
fun main(args : Array<String>) {
var mutableMaps = mutableMapOf<Int,String>(1
to "Ruhi",2 to "Nikita",3 to "Prithvi")
// we modify the element
// add one more element in the list
for(item in mutableMaps.values){

The ArrayList class in Kotlin is used to create a dynamic array. The phrase
“dynamic array” refers to an array’s ability to expand or decrease its size
depending on its demands. It also can read and write. ArrayList is a non-
synchronized list that may include duplicates. We use ArrayList to get the
index of a specific item, convert an ArrayList to a string or another array,
and other things.

1. ArrayList<E>(): – It creates empty ArrayList.

2. ArrayList(capacity: Int): – It creates ArrayList of the specified size.
3. ArrayList(elements: Collection<E>): – It create ArrayList filled by
collection elements.
208   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Among the most important methods are:

• add(index:Int, element: E): Boolean: It adds a specified element to

the ArrayList. The second input is the element to be added, which is
necessary, and the first argument is the index to which the element
is to be added, which is optional and defaults to 1 + the array’s last


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

// creation of empty arraylist using the
var arraylists = ArrayList<String>()
//adding the String elements in the list
// iterating-list
println("Array list ---->")
for(x in arraylists)
arraylists.add( 1, "of")
println("Arraylists after the insertion:")
for(x in arraylists)

• addAll(index: Int, elements: Collection): Boolean: It is used to

insert into the current list all elements of the given collection at the
specified index. The first argument, which is also optional, is the
index value.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// creating the empty arraylist using
var arraylist=ArrayList<String>()
//adding the String elements in the list
// creation of new arraylist1
Kotlin Functional Programming   ◾    209

var arraylists1=ArrayList<String>()
//adding all the elements from arraylists to
println("Elements in the arraylist1:")
for(c in arraylists1)

• get(index: Int): E: Its purpose is to return the element in the list at

the specified index.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// creating the empty arraylists using
var arraylists=ArrayList<Int>()
// adding the elements
// iterating through elements
for(r in arraylists)
println("Accessing the index 2 of arraylists:

• set(index: Int, element: E): E: It is used to replace the elements in

the current list at the given location with the elements passed as
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// creating the empty arraylist using the
var arraylists=ArrayList<String>()
// adding- elements
210   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

// iterating through the elements

for(r in arraylists)
// set element at index 3 with the new string
arraylist.set(3,"Computer Science tutorials
for students")
// iterating through the elements
for(r in arraylist)

• indexOf(element: E): Int: It is used to return the index of the list’s

first occurrence of the given element, or −1 if the specified element
does not appear in the list.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// creating the empty arraylists using
var arraylists=ArrayList<String>()
// adding-elements
// iterating through elements
for(r in arraylists)
print("$r ")
println("Index of the element is: "+arraylist.

• remove(element: E): Boolean: If it is present, it is used to remove the

first occurrence of the specified element from the current collection.
Similarly, removeAt(index) is used to remove the element at index c.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// creating the empty arraylists using
var arraylists=ArrayList<String>()
// adding-elements
Kotlin Functional Programming   ◾    211

// iterating through the elements
for(r in arraylists)
print("$r ")

• clear(): Clear is used to remove all of the items from a list.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// creating the empty arraylists using
var arraylists=ArrayList<Int>()
// adding-elements
// iterating through the elements
for(r in arraylist)
println("Size of arraylist after clearing all
the elements: "+arraylists.size)

listOf() IN KOTLIN
List is a collection of elements that have been sorted in a specified order.
Lists in Kotlin can be immutable (non-modifiable) or mutable (modifiable)
(can be modified).
Read-only lists are created with listOf(), and their items cannot edit, but
mutable lists are created with mutableListOf(), and their contents may be
amended or modified.
In the Kotlin program list, integers are used:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val r = listOf('1', '2', '3')
212   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Strings are utilized in a Kotlin application using a list:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

//creating the list of strings
val r = listOf("Veena", "Shivam", "Pihu", "Rajat")
println("The size of the list is: "+r.size)
println("The index of the element Rajat is: "+r.
println("The element at index "+r[2])
for(i in r.indices){

Indexing List Elements in Kotlin

An index is assigned to each list element. The first element has an index
of zero (0), and the last element has an index of len – 1, where ‘len’ is the
length of the list.

fun main(args: Array<String>)

val numbs = listOf(13, 43, 29, 22, 0, 9, 23,
54, 11)
val numb1 = numbs.get(0)
val numb2 = numbs[7]
val index1 = numbs.indexOf(1)
println("The first index of number is $index1")
val index2 = numbs.lastIndexOf(1)
println("The last index of number is $index2")
val index3 = numbs.lastIndex
println("The last index of the list is $index3")

The First and Last Elements

The list’s first and last members can retrieve without using the get()

fun main(args: Array<String>)

val numbs1 = listOf(14, 65, 33, 31, 0, 22, 9, 64, 19)
Kotlin Functional Programming   ◾    213


Iteration Methods for Lists

This process goes over each element of a list one by one.
There are several ways to achieve this in Kotlin.

fun main(args: Array<String>)

val names1 = listOf("Guarav", "Rashmi", "Sneha",
"Danih", "Isha", "Elisa")
// method1
for (name in names1) {
print("$name, ")
// method2
for (r in 0 until names1.size) {
print("${names1[r]} ")
// method-3
names.forEachIndexed({r, s -> println("names1[$r]
= $s")})
// method 4
val it: ListIterator<String> = names1.
while (it.hasNext()) {
val r =
print("$r ")

for (name in names1) {
print("$name, ")
214   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

The for loop traverses the list. In each cycle, the variable ‘name’ refers to
the next element of the list.

for (r in 0 until names1.size) {

print("${names[r]} ")

This method makes use of the size of the list. The til keyword generates a
collection of list indexes.

names1.forEachIndexed({r, s -> println("names1[$r] =


Using the forEachIndexed() function, we loop over the list with index and
value accessible in each iteration.

val it: ListIterator = names1.listIterator()

while (it.hasNext()) {
val r =
print("$r ")

To iterate across the list, we utilize a ListIterator.

Sorting the List’s Elements

The following examples show how to sort a list in ascending or descending

fun main(args: Array<String>)

val lists = listOf(33, 54,87, 32,92, 13, 0, 15, 69 )
val asc1 = lists.sorted()
val desc1 = lists.sortedDescending()

val asc1 = list.sorted()
Kotlin Functional Programming   ◾    215

The sorted() function is used to sort the list in ascending order.

val desc1 = lists.sortedDescending()

Using the sortedDescending() method, the list is sorted in descending


The Functions contains() and containsAll()

This method checks to see if element exists in the list.

fun main(args: Array<String>)

val lists = listOf(81, 24, 37, 11, 27, 43, 0, 55,
7 6 )

val rest1 = lists.contains(0)

if (rest1)
println("list contains 0")
println("list doesnt contain 0")
val results = lists.containsAll(listOf(3, -1))
if (results)
println("list contains 3 and -1")
println("list does not contain 3 and -1")

val rest = lists.contains(0)

Checks if the lists include 0 and returns true or false, saving the result in

val result = list.containsAll(listOf(3, -1))

This function determines if the list contains the numbers 3 and –1.
216   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

setOf() in Kotlin
The Kotlin Set interface is a general, unordered collection of items con-
taining duplicates. Sets are classified as changeable or immutable in

• setOf() is immutable, which means it can only perform read-only

• SetOf() is mutable, suggesting that it can read and write operations.

fun <C> setOf( vararg elements: C): Set<C>


• This function creates a new read-only set of the specified items.

• The objects are iterated over in the order they were stored.

setOf() function Kotlin program:

fun main(args: Array<String>)

//declaring set of strings
val seta1 = setOf("Piiks", "of", "Piiks")
//declaring set of characters
val setb1 = setOf( "P", "o", "P" )
//declaring set of integers
val setc1 = setOf( 01, 02, 03, 04 )
//traversing through the set of strings
for(item in seta1)
print( item )
//traversing through the set of characters
for(item in setb1)
print( item )
//traversing through the set of integers
for(item in setc1)
print( "$item ")
Kotlin Functional Programming   ◾    217

Set Indexing
The index functions indexOf() and lastIndexOf() can be used to deter-
mine the index of the specified element. We may alternatively use the ele-
mentAt() function to find elements at a certain index.
Index-using the Kotlin program:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val captain = setOf("Kamal","Sidhi","Ritu","Payal"
println("The element at index 2 is: "+captain.
println("The index of element is: "+captain.
println("The last index of element is: "+captain.

Set the first() and last() element: To get the first and last element in a set,
use the first() and last() functions.

fun main(args: Array<String>){
val captain = setOf(01,02,03,04,"Smriti","Raman",
println("the first element of the set is:
println("the last element of the set is:

Set Basics
We’ll go through basic functions like count(), max(), min(), sum(), and
average ().
Basic functions are used in Kotlin program:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val nums = setOf(101, 202, 303, 404, 505, 606,
707, 808)
println("Number of element in the set is: "+nums.
218   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

println("Maximum element in the set is: "+nums

println("Minimum element in the set is: "+nums
println("Sum of the elements in the set is:
println("Average of elements in the set is:

The Functions contains() and containsAll()

To determine whether or not element exists in the set, both procedures are
Kotlin code that makes use of the contains() and containsAll() functions:

fun main(args: Array<String>){

val captain = setOf(01,02,03,04,"Rashmi","Smriti",
var names = "Disha"
println("set contains element $name or not?" +
" "+captain.contains(names))
var nums = 5
println("set contains element $nums or not?" +
" "+captain.contains(nums))
println("set contains given elements or not?" +
" "+captain.containsAll(setOf(1,3,

Using the isEmpty() methods to check the equality of empty sets:

fun <C> setOf(): Set<C>

This syntax yields an empty set of the given type.

Kotlin code that employs the isEmpty() function:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

//the creation of an empty set of strings
val seta1 = setOf<String>()
//the creation of an empty set of integers
val setb1 =setOf<Int>()
//checking if the set is empty or not
Kotlin Functional Programming   ◾    219

println("seta1.isEmpty() is ${seta1.isEmpty()}")
// since Empty sets are equal
//check if 2 sets are equal or not
println("seta1 == setb1 is ${seta1 == setb1}")
println(seta1) //printing first set


The Kotlin Set interface is a generic, unordered collection of items con-
taining duplicates. Kotlin distinguishes between two types of sets: change-
able and immutable.

• setOf() is immutable, which means it can only perform read-only

• SetOf() is mutable, which means it may do both read and write

fun <C> mutableSetOf( vararg elements: C):


• This function returns a collection of objects that can be read and

written that were provided.
• The items’ iteration order is kept in the returned set.

The mutableSetOf() method is implemented with the following Kotlin code:

fun main(args: Array<String>)

//declaring the mutable set of integers
val mutableSetA1 = mutableSetOf<Int>( 101, 202,
303, 404, 303);
//declaring the mutable set of strings
val mutableSetB1 = mutableSetOf<String>("Piiks",
"of", "Piiks");
220   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

//declaring the empty mutable set of integers

val mutableSetC1 = mutableSetOf<Int>()

Adding and deleting components from a set: To add elements to a muta-

ble set, we may use the add() method, and to remove elements, we can use
the remove() function.

fun main(args: Array<String>)
//declaring the mutable set of integers
val seta1 = mutableSetOf( 101, 202, 303,
404, 303);
//adding the elements 606 & 707
//removing the 303 from the set
//another way to add the elements is by using
listOf() function
seta1 += listOf(808,909)

Set Indexing
The index methods indexOf() and lastIndexOf() can be used to determine
the index of the provided element (). To discover elements at a certain
index, we may also utilize the elementAt() function.
Index-using the Kotlin program:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val captain = mutableSetOf("Radha","Smriti","Pihu"
println("The element at index 2: "+captain.
Kotlin Functional Programming   ◾    221

println("The index of element: "+captain.

println("The last index of element: "+captain.

Set the First and Last Element

The first() and last() methods can use to get the first and last element of a
set, accordingly.

fun main(args: Array<String>){
val captain = mutableSetOf(01,02,03,04,
println("first element of the set: "+captain.
println("last element of the set: "+captain.

Traversal in a mutableSet
To explore all the elements in a mutableSet, we may use a for loop and an
fun main(args: Array<String>)
//declaring mutable set of the integers
val seta1 = mutableSetOf( 101, 202, 303,
404, 303);
//traversal of the seta1 using iterator 'item'
for(item in seta1)
println( item )

The Methods contains() and containsAll()

To determine whether or not an element exists in the set, both procedures
are employed.
Kotlin code that makes use of the contains() and containsAll() functions:
fun main(args: Array<String>){
val captain = mutableSetOf(01,02,03,04,"Ridhi",
222   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

var names = "Raman"
println("The set contains element $names or not?"
" "+captain.contains(names))
var nums = 5
println("The set contains element $nums or not?" +
" "+captain.contains(nums))
println("the set contains given elements or not?" +
" "+captain.containsAll(setOf(01,03,

Checking equality of empty sets and employing the isEmpty() functions:

fun <C> mutableSetOf(): mutableSet<C>

This syntax yields an empty set of the given type.

Kotlin code that employs the isEmpty() function:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

//creation empty set of strings
val seta1 = mutableSetOf<String>()
//creation empty set of integers
val setb1 = mutableSetOf<Int>()
//checking if tset is empty or not
println("seta1.isEmpty() is ${seta1.isEmpty()}")
// empty sets are equal
//checking if two sets are equal or not
println("seta1 == setb1 is ${seta1 == setb1}")
println(seta1) //printing first set

hashSetOf() IN KOTLIN
Kotlin HashSet is a general, unordered collection of items with no dupli-
cates. It is responsible for implementing the set interface. hashSetOf() is a
function that returns a mutable hashSet that may be read and written to.
To hold all of the components, the HashSet class use hashing.

fun <C> hashSetOf(vararg elements: C): HashSet<C>
Kotlin Functional Programming   ◾    223

It returns a new HashSet with the requested elements but offers no assur-
ances about the order sequence specified when storing.

fun main(args: Array<String>)
//declaring hash set of integers
val seta1 = hashSetOf(11,22,33,33);
//printing the first-set
//declaration of hash set of strings
val setb1 = hashSetOf("Piiks","of","piiks");

Adding and deleting elements from hashset:

• To add elements to a hashset, use the add() and addAll() methods.

• We may remove an element with the remove() function.

The following program use the add() and delete() methods:

fun main(args: Array<String>)

//declaration of hash set of integers
val seta1 = hashSetOf<Int>();
//making extra set to add it in the seta
val newsets = setOf(404,505,606)
//removing 202 from the set
224   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

hashSet Traversal
We can traverse hashSet in a loop using an iterator.

fun main(args: Array<String>)

//declaration of hash set of integers
val seta1 = hashSetOf(101,202,303,505);
//traversing in set using a for loop
for(items in seta1)

Indexing in a hashSet
The index of the specified element can be obtained using the index meth-
ods indexOf() and lastIndexOf(). We may alternatively utilize the element
At() function to find elements at a certain index.
Index-using the Kotlin program:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val captain = hashSetOf("Karishma","Sunita","Pihu"
println("element at index 2: "+captain.elementAt(3))
println("index of element: "+captain.indexOf
println("last index of element: "+captain.

The Functions contains() and containsAll()

Both techniques are used to determine whether or not a Hashset element
Kotlin code that makes use of the contains() and containsAll() functions:

fun main(args: Array<String>){

val captain = hashSetOf(01,02,03,04,"Raman",
var names = "Ritu"
println("set contains the element $name or not?" +
" "+captain.contains(names))
var nums = 5
Kotlin Functional Programming   ◾    225

println("the set contains the element $nums or

not?" +
" "+captain.contains(nums))
println("the set contains the given elements or
not?" +
" "+captain.containsAll(setOf(11,33,"Dam

Using the isEmpty() methods to check the equivalence of empty hash sets:

fun <C> hashSetOf(): hashSet<C>

This syntax yields an empty hash set of the specified type.

Kotlin code that employs the isEmpty() function:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

//creation of empty hash set of strings
val seta1 = hashSetOf<String>()
//creation of empty hashset of integers
val setb1 =hashSetOf<Int>()
//checking if set is empty or not
println("seta1.isEmpty() is ${seta1.isEmpty()}")
// Since the Empty hashsets are equal
//checking if two hash sets are equal or not
println("seta1 == setb1 is ${seta1 == setb1}")

mapOf () in Kotlin
A Kotlin map is a set of object pairs. A map’s data is kept in the form of
pairs, each of which has a key and a value. Map keys are unique, and the
map maintains just one value for each key.
Kotlin distinguishes between immutable and mutable maps. Immutable
maps produced by mapOf() are read-only, but mutable maps produced by
mutableMapOf() may be read and write.

fun <C, D> mapOf(vararg pairs: Pair<C, D>): Map<C, D>

• The first value in the pair is the key, and the second is the value of the
related key.
226   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

• If several pairs have the same key, the map will return the value of
the last pair.
• The map entries are traversed in the specified order.

mapOf() Kotlin program:

fun main(args: Array<String>)

//declaration of map of integer to string
val map1 = mapOf(1 to "Piiks", 2 to "of", 3 to
println( map1)

Map keys, values, and entries:

fun main(args: Array<String>)

//declaration of map of integer to string
val map1 = mapOf(1 to "One", 2 to "Two", 3 to
"Three", 4 to "Four")
println("Map Entries : "+map1)
println("Map Keys: "+map1.keys )
println("Map Values: "+map1.values )

Map Size
A map’s size may determine in two ways. Using size property of the map
and the count() function.

fun main() {
val ranks1 = mapOf(1 to "Canada",2 to
"WestAfrica",3 to "Russia",4 to "London")
println("size of the map: "+ranks1.size)
println("size of the map: "+ranks1.count())

Empty Map
We can build an empty serializable map using mapOf ().
Kotlin Functional Programming   ◾    227

MapOf() Example:
fun main(args: Array<String>)
//creation of an empty map using the mapOf()
val map = mapOf<String, Int>()
println("The Entries: " + map.entries) //
entries of the map
println("The Keys:" + map.keys) //keys of the
println("The Values:" + map.values) //values
of the map

Get Map Values

The different methods indicated in the following code can be used to
obtain values from a map.
fun main() {
val ranks1 = mapOf(1 to "Kashmir",2 to "London",
3 to "Russia",4 to "Canada")
println("The Team having rank #1: "+ranks1[1])
println("The Team having rank #3: "+ranks1
println("The Team having rank #4: "+ranks1
.getOrDefault(4, 0))
// method-4
val teams = ranks1.getOrElse(2, { 0 })

Map Contains Keys or Values

We can determine if a map has a key or a value by using the containsKey()
and containsValue() methods.
fun main() {
val colorsTopToBottom = mapOf("pink" to 1, "orange"
to 2, "green" to 3,
"purple" to 4, "grey" to 5, "brown" to 6,
"blue" to 7)
228   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

var colors = "orange"

if (colorsTopToBottom.containsKey(colors)) {
println("Yes, it contains color $colors")
} else {
println("No, it does not contain color
val values = 9
if (colorsTopToBottom.containsValue(values)) {
println("Yes, it contains value $values")
} else {
println("No, it does not contain value

Two Values and the Same Key

If two values have the same key value, the map will display the most recent
value of those numbers.

fun main(args: Array<String>)
//let's make the two values with the same key
val map1 = mapOf(1 to "piiks1",2 to "of", 1
to "piiks2")
// return-map-entries
println("Entries of map is: " + map1.entries)

Explanation: In this scenario, key value 1 contains two values: piiks1 and
piiks2, but because mapOf() can only have one value for a single key item,
the map only keeps the most recent value, and piiks1 is erased.

Kotlin HashMap is a collection of object pairings. Hash Tables are used
to construct MutableMap in Kotlin. It stores information in the form of a
key and value pair. Map keys are unique, and the map maintains just one
value for each key. HashMap<key, value> or HashMap<K, V> is how it’s
Kotlin Functional Programming   ◾    229

The hash table-based implementation of HashMap offers no assurances

about the order of provided key, value, and collection items.
Kotlin HashMap class constructors are available:
Each of Kotlin HashMap’s constructors has a public access modifier:

• HashMap(): The built-in constructs for creating an empty HashMap

• HashMap(initialCapacity: Int, loadFactor: Float = 0f): This func-
tion is used to create a HashMap with the capacity specified. They
will disregard if initialCapacity and loadFactor are not used.
• HashMap(initialCapacity: Int): This method generates a HashMap
with capacity specify. If initialCapacity is not used, it will be ignored.
• HashMap(original: Map <out K, V>): This method creates a
HashMap with the same mappings as the provided map.

HashMap Functions Use

Kotlin code that use the HashMap(), HashMap(original: Map), Traversing
Hashmap, and HashMap.get() functions:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

//example of the HashMap class define
// with empty "HashMap of <String, Int>"
var hashMap1 : HashMap<String, Int>
= HashMap<String, Int> ()
//print empty hashMap
//adding the elements to the hashMap1 using
// put() function
hashMap1.put("IronMan", 5200)
hashMap1.put("Thor", 100)
hashMap1.put("SpiderMan", 1100)
hashMap1.put("NickFury", 1000)
hashMap1.put("HawkEye", 1800)
//print the non-Empty-hashMap1
//using the overloaded print function of
//Kotlin language to get the same results
println("hashMap1 : " + hashMap1 + "\n")
//hashMap1 traversal using a for loop
230   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

for(key in hashMap1.keys){
println("Element at key $key is :
//creation of another hashMap1 object with the
//previous version of the hashMap1 object
var secondHashMap : HashMap<String, Int>
= HashMap<String, Int> (hashMap1)
println("\n" + "Second HashMap : ")
for(key in secondHashMap.keys){
//using hashMap1.get() function to fetch
println("The Element at key $key : ${hashMap1.
//this will clear whole map and make it empty
println("After Clearing : " + hashMap1)
//function to print the hashMap1
fun printHashMap(hashMap1: HashMap<String, Int>){
// isEmpty() function to check whether the
// hashMap1 is empty or not
println("hashMap1 is empty")
println("hashMap1: " + hashMap1)

Program of HashMap initial capacity, HashMap.size:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

//HashMap can also be initializing
// with the initial capacity.
//The capacity can be changed by
// adding and replacing the element.
var hashMap1 : HashMap<String, Int>
= HashMap<String, Int> (4)
//adding the elements to the hashMap1 using
put() function
Kotlin Functional Programming   ◾    231

hashMap1.put("Iron-Man", 1300)
hashMap1.put("Thor", 300)
hashMap1.put("Spider-Man", 1900)
hashMap1.put("Nick-Fury", 1200)

for(key in hashMap1.keys) {
println("Element at the key $key :
//return the size of hashMap1
println("\n" + "hashMap1.size : " + hashMap1.size
//adding new element in the hashMap
hashMap1["Black-Widow"] = 3100;
println("hashMap1.size : " + hashMap1.size + "\n")
for(key in hashMap1.keys) {
println("Element at key $key :

Kotlin code that makes use of the HashMap.get(key), HashMap.replace(),

and HashMap.put() methods:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

var hashMap1 : HashMap<String, Int>
= HashMap<String, Int> ()
//adding the elements to the hashMap1
// using the put() function
hashMap1.put("Iron-Man", 3100)
hashMap1.put("Thor", 150)
hashMap1.put("Spider-Man", 1700)
hashMap1.put("Cap", 1200)
for(key in hashMap1.keys) {
println("Element at the key $key :
//the hashMap1's elements can be accessed like
println("\nhashMap1[\"Iron-Man\"] : "
+ hashMap1["Iron-Man"])
hashMap1["Thor"] = 2200
232   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

println("hashMap1.get(\"Thor\") : "
+ hashMap1.get("Thor") + "\n")
//replacing some value
hashMap1.replace("Cap", 909);
hashMap1.put("Thor", 2100);
println("hashMap1.replace(\"Cap\", 909)" +
" hashMap1.replace(\"Thor\", 2100)) :")
for(key in hashMap1.keys) {
println("Element at key $key :

HashMap Time Complexity

Kotlin HashMap provides constant time or O(1) complexity for funda-
mental operations like get and put if the hash function is properly built
and the objects are effectively distributed. When searching in a HashMap,
containsKey() is simply a get() that discards the returned result; hence, it
is O(1) (assuming the hash function works properly).
The Kotlin HashMap class also has the following features:

• Boolean consistsKey(key: K): If the map contains the specified key,

this method returns true.
• Boolean containsValue(value: V): True is returned if the map maps
one or more keys to the provided value.
• void clear(): It removes all map items.
• remove(key: K): It removes the specified key and value from the map.

We discussed Lambdas Expressions and Anonymous Functions, the

distinction between Lambdas expressions and Anonymous functions,
the Local Function and the Scope Function in this chapter. Collections,
Arraylist, setOf(), mutableSetOf(), hashSetOf(), mapOf(), and Hashmap
were also discussed.
Chapter 5

Code Management and

Exception Handling


➢➢ Exception handling
➢➢ Logging
➢➢ Unit testing
➢➢ “Nothing” type

We studied Functional Programming with its subparts and related exam-

ples in the previous chapter. This chapter will cover Exceptional Handling,
Logging, Unit Testing, and the nothing type.


An exception is an undesirable or unexpected occurrence that occurs during
program execution, i.e., during run time, and disrupts normal flow of the pro-
gram’s instructions. Exception handling is an approach for dealing with errors
and avoiding run-time crashes, which might cause our program to crash.
Exceptions are classified into two types:

• Checked Exception: IOException, FileNotFoundException, and other

exceptions are often added to functions and verified at build time.
DOI: 10.1201/9781003308447-5 233
234   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

• Unchecked Exception: Exceptions, such as NullPointerException

and ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException, are frequently produced by
logical errors and are examined at run time.

Exceptions in Kotlin
Exceptions in Kotlin are unchecked and can only be discovered at run
time. Throwable is the parent of all exception classes.
We frequently use the throw-expression to throw an exception object:

throw Exception("Throw-me")

Some of the more common exceptions are as follows:

• NullPointerException: We receive a NullPointerException when

executing a property or method on a null object.
• Arithmetic Exception: This exception is raised when numbers are
given to incorrect arithmetic operations. Divide by zero, for example.
• SecurityException: This exception is raised to indicate a security
• ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: This exception is generated
when we attempt to obtain the wrong index value of an array.

An arithmetic exception is thrown in a Kotlin program:

fun main(args : Array<String>){

var numb = 40 / 0 // throws-exception

Although we know that division by zero is not permitted in arithmetic, we

begin the numb variable with 40/0 in the preceding program. An excep-
tion is raised when we attempt to launch the program.
To solve this problem, we must use the try-catch block.

Exception Handling
In the example below, we divide an integer by 0 (zero), which results in an
ArithmeticException. The catch block will be performed because this code
is in the try block.
Code Management and Exception Handling   ◾    235

The ArithmeticException occurred in this case; therefore, the

ArithmeticException catch block was executed, and “Arithmetic Exception”
was printed in the output.
When an exception occurs, everything beyond that point is disregarded,
and control is sent to the catch block, if one exists. The finally block is run
always, regardless of whether or not an exception occurs.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
try {
var numb = 50/0
println("Beginners ")
} catch (c: ArithmeticException) {
} catch (c: Exception) {
} finally {
println("in any of case it will print.")

What If We Don’t Deal with Exceptions?

Assume that the program will crash if we do not handle the exception in
the previous example.
The program terminated with an error in this scenario since we did not
handle exceptions.

How to Throw an Exception in Kotlin

The term throw can also use to throw an exception. In the following exam-
ple, the throw keyword is used to throw an exception. The statement pre-
ceding the exception was executed, but the statement after the exception
was not performed since control was transferred to the catch block.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
throw Exception("Something wrong ")
catch(c: Exception){
236   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

println("can't-ignore ")

NullPointerException Example
Here’s an example of a NullPointerException raised when the length()
method of a null String object is called:
public class Exception_Example {
private static void printLength(String strg) {
public static void main(String args[]) {
String myString = null;

In this example, the printLength() function utilizes the length() method

of a String without first performing a null check. Because the string
returned by the main() method has no value, the preceding code throws a
Exception in the thread "main" java.lang.
at Exception_Example.printLength(Exception_
at Exception_Example.main(

How to Avoid NullPointerException

The NullPointerException can avoid by using the following checks and

• Include a null check before referring to them to verify that an object’s

methods or properties are properly initialized.
• Using Apache Commons StringUtils for String operations, such as
StringUtils.isNotEmpty(), to ensure that a string is not empty before
using it.
• Use primitives rather than objects wherever possible since they can-
not have null references, such as int instead of Integer and boolean
instead of Boolean.
Code Management and Exception Handling   ◾    237

KOTLIN try-catch block

To manage exceptions in the program, we use the try-catch block in
Kotlin. The try block contains the code that throws an exception, whereas
the catch block handles the exception. This block must be present in either
the main or other methods. There should be a catch block, a finally block,
or both after the try block.

try {
// the code that throw exception
} catch(c: ExceptionName) {
// catch exception, handle it

A try-catch block program in Kotlin is used to handle arithmetic


import kotlin.ArithmeticException
fun main(args : Array<String>){
var numb = 40 / 0
catch(e: ArithmeticException){
// caught, handles it
println("not allowed divide by zero")

Explanation: We used a try-catch block in the previous application.

Because division by zero is not specified in arithmetic, the numb variable,
which may throw an exception, is enclosed within the try block’s braces.
The catch block will execute the println() method when an exception is

Kotlin try-catch block as an Expression

As previously stated, expressions always return a value. We may use the
Kotlin try-catch block as an expression in our software. The return result
of the expression will be either the last expression of the try block or the
final expression of the catch block. If an exception occurs in the function,
the catch block returns the value.
238   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

In a Kotlin code, use try-catch as an expression:

fun test(x: Int, y: Int) : Any {

return try {
//println("The Result is: "+ x / y)
"Divide by zero not allowed"
// the main function
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// invoke the test function
var results1 = test(30,3 ) //execute try-block
var results = test(30,0 ) // execute catch-block

In the preceding code, we used try-catch as an expression. Declare a func-

tion test at the program’s top and return a value via a try-catch block. The
main method invoked the test function and provided the input values to
it (30,3). After considering the parameters, the test method returns the try
result (30/3 = 10). However, in the next call, we passed (b = 0), and this time
the exception is caught and the expression of the catch block is returned.

Kotlin Finally Block

Whether or not the catch block handles an exception, the finally block
is always run in Kotlin. As a result, it is used to carry out crucial code
We may merge the finally and try blocks and eliminate the catch block.

try {
//the code that can throw-exception
} finally {
// code of finally-block
Code Management and Exception Handling   ◾    239

Kotlin program that includes a finally block and a try block:

fun main(args : Array<String>){

var ar = arrayOf(11,22,33,44,55)
var int = ar[6]
finally {
println("This block will executes always")

We used the try with finally block instead of the catch block in the previ-
ous program. In this scenario, the catch block ignores the exception and
performs the finally block instead.
Finally block with the try-catch block Syntax:

try {
// the code that throw-exception
} catch(c: ExceptionName) {
// catch the exception, handle it.
} finally {
// code of finally-block

Kotlin program that includes a finally block and a try-catch block:

fun main (args: Array<String>){

try {
var int = 30 / 0
} catch (c: ArithmeticException) {
} finally {
println("This block will executes always ")

Kotlin throw Keyword

In Kotlin, we use the throw keyword to throw an explicit exception. It also
can throw a custom exception.
240   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Program of throw keyword in Kotlin:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

println("executes after the validation")
fun test(password: String) {
// it calculate the length of entered password and
if (password.length < 6)
throw ArithmeticException("Password short")
println("Password is strong ")

NESTED try block AND MULTIPLE catch block

Nested try block
This section will teach us about nested try-catch blocks and multiple catch
blocks. A nested try block has one try-catch block within another try-
catch block.
When an exception occurs in the inner try-catch block that is not han-
dled by the inner catch blocks, the outer try-catch blocks are inspected for
that exception.

// the outer try-block
//the inner try-block
//the code that can throw an exception
catch(c: SomeException)
//it catch the exception, handles it
catch(c: SomeException)
Code Management and Exception Handling   ◾    241

// it catch the exception, handles it

nested try block Kotlin program:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val numbs = arrayOf(11,22,33,44)
try {
for (i in numbs.indices) {
try {
var n = (0..4).random()
} catch (c: ArithmeticException) {
} catch (c: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException) {

Remember that this result is generated for a random integer. Don’t be con-
cerned if we get a different outcome because it will be decided by the ran-
dom number generated at the time.

Multiple catch block

A try block may include several catch blocks. When we are unclear what
type of exception may occur inside the try block, we may insert several
catch blocks for the various exceptions and the parent exception class in
the last catch block to handle all the remaining exceptions in the program
that are not described by catch blocks.

try {
// the code may throw-exception
} catch(c: ExceptionNameOne) {
// catch the exception one, handle it
} catch(c: ExceptionNameTwo) {
// it catch the exception two, handle it
242   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Multiple catch blocks program in Kotlin:

import java.util.Scanner
object Tests {
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val scn = Scanner(System.'in')
try {
val n = Integer.parseInt(scn.nextLine())
if (612% n == 0)
println("$n is a factor of 612")
} catch (c: ArithmeticException) {
} catch (c: NumberFormatException) {

Expression in the catch block use: In Kotlin, an expression in a catch

block can be used to replace several catch blocks. In the section that fol-
lows, we will demonstrate how to utilize when expression.
import java.lang.NumberFormatException
import java.util.Scanner
object Tests {
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val scn = Scanner(System.'in')
try {
val n = Integer.parseInt(scn.nextLine())
if (612% n == 0)
println("$n is a factor of 612")
} catch (c: Exception ) {
is ArithmeticException -> {
println("Arithmetic-Exception: Divide by zero") }
is NumberFormatException -> { println
("Number Format Exception ") }
Code Management and Exception Handling   ◾    243

Kotlin is a new programming language. JetBrains, the firm behind IntelliJ,
Resharper, and other prominent development tools, released it as open
source in 2012. Kotlin is a statically typed language with extensive func-
tional programming features. It is frequently executed on the Java Virtual
Machine (JVM) and supports Java libraries, although it may also be com-
piled to Javascript or native code.
We’ll begin with the most basic example of Kotlin logging that can use.
After that, we’ll utilize better logging tools after exploring why logging
is important and how it affects our ability to maintain our code. We’ll
also show how appropriate logging increases our capacity to troubleshoot
issues, monitor our app, and provide better support to our clients.

The Easiest Kotlin Logging That Could Work

• Because the JetBrains team designed Kotlin, using IntelliJ for this
lesson makes logical. We’ll locate the community edition here if we
don’t already have it.
• Begin by making a new project. In the welcome page, select the new
project menu option.
• Next, under the project settings, pick Kotlin and Kotlin JVM.
• Next, enter a name for our project and click Next.
• After we click Finish, IntelliJ will build our project.
• It’s now time to make our first file and log a message. Right-click on
the src folder in the project directory.
• This will open up a window where we can enter the file name. It
should be called logging.
• Click OK, and we’re ready to start writing code.
• We’ve already completed the difficult part by building the simplest
Kotlin logging example that will run. Here’s our first program’s code:
fun main() {
244   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

• Enter that, and start our program by right-clicking the source file
and selecting run.
• IntelliJ will compile and execute our code.

The findings are shown at the bottom of the IDE window by IntelliJ.
Because we told Kotlin to create it there, our log file will locate in the proj-
ect’s working directory. To open our log file in the editor, double-click it,
and we’ll see the log message.
This code is adequate for simple logging, but it is not a long-term solu-
tion. Is the Kotlin keeping fit open in the background, or does it open it
for each call? What would happen if hundreds of messages were sent? Is
it threadsafe, or does accessing the file every time cause the application to
crash? Would the file be corrupted if numerous threads ran concurrently?
After a quick explanation of what logging is, let’s look at a better
approach to do Kotlin logging.

What Is Application Logging?

Before we enhance logging in Kotlin, let’s define it.
“Application logging is the process of writing information about our
application’s runtime activity to a more permanent media.”
There’s a lot packed into that sentence. Logging is used to record
behavior. Messages are used to record events that occur within our app.
Furthermore, because the term refers to runtime, it indicates that we gen-
erate logs with a time component. We should record the messages as they
appear, together with information about when they occurred.
We also keep logs on a long-term medium. Why? As a result, we will
review events as they occur. This is required for tasks that happen too rap-
idly to follow. A record of occurrences is helpful when trying to track out
a mistake. Persistent storage may even require if we need to keep an audit
trail. A disk, a relational database, or search platform like Scalyr is exam-
ples of persistent mediums.

Using Logback for Kotlin Logging

Add Logback to Our Project

• Our code may access any Java library when we execute Kotlin in the
JVM. So, let’s configure your application with Logback, one of Java’s
most popular logging frameworks.
Code Management and Exception Handling   ◾    245

• To begin, access the module settings for our project by right-clicking

on the project name and selecting the module settings menu entry.
• Then, choose Add Library and locate the Plus button toward the top
of the window.
• This button displays a menu. Choose from maven.
• A conversation will begin. Use this search feature to find and add the
following three libraries:

• After entering a name, click the disclosure indication to the right.

IntelliJ will search maven for libraries and populate the list. Choose
the proper one.
• IntelliJ will include it in the module. Rep for the last three libraries.
• We included the Simple Logging Facade for Java and two Logback
libraries. The library we’ll need from Kotlin is the Simple Logging
Facade. Logback will handle the logging.

Calling LogBack from Kotlin

• Logback may now call from Kotlin. Add new Kotlin file to the proj-
ect. Utilities are what it’s named.
The code is as follows:
fun getLogger(): Logger = LoggerFactory.
fun getLogger(name: String): Logger =

• These two methods return instances of the Simple Logging Facade

Logger. The first obtains the top-level or root logger. The second one
looks for one based on an arbitrary name. We’ll explain the distinc-
tion further down.
Then, change the logging.kt to use a logger and rerun the code.
fun main() {
getLogger().debug("Hello, Logging")
246   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

• Our output will look like this:

17:23:55.984 [main] DEBUG ROOT - Hello-Logging

We now have a timestamp, the name of the function, the logging level, the
name of the logger, and the message. So, we’ve already enhanced our log-
ging with only a few lines of code.

Why Log?
Kotlin is a valuable programming language. With more concise syntax and
support for functional and object-oriented programming, it has full access
to Java’s vast ecosystem. That doesn’t imply our Kotlin code is impenetra-
ble. We’ll still need the means to observe what’s going on within the app.
Even the finest Kotlin code contains flaws and will encounter unexpected
circumstances. Kotlin logging is required.
The Kotlin is a popular programming language for Android. Android
apps encounter a variety of unexpected scenarios. We may launch our app
in a simulator to catch mistakes while it is still in development. A system
for recording logs as part of problem reports, on the other hand, is a help-
ful tool. On our client devices, we may launch a remote debugging session.
Logs are the closest thing to being there.
Logs may use for more than just isolating issues. We may use them to
monitor our application while running and identify areas for improve-
ment. And, of course, the use of logs does not end there. Logs are a busi-
ness necessity if our code processes financial transactions.

What Logging Method Should We Use?

We’ve already transformed a single print statement into a complete log
message. Let’s speak about what we need in our log messages before con-
cluding the work. How can we ensure that our logs are useful when it
comes time to troubleshoot? In most logging systems, each log entry con-
tains at least the following information:

• Timestamp: the time when the event in the log entry occurred. We’ll
see how to include this into messages in the section following.
• The location of the event: where did it take place? Whom are you
addressing? During a debugging session, saying “It worked” or “It’s
broken” may be beneficial or funny. “Failed to connect to the data-
base at” is more useful in production.
Code Management and Exception Handling   ◾    247

• Severity level: Each entry requires a flag in context with other mes-
sages. ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, and TRACE are all defined
by Logback.

Configuring Logger
We configure the Logback file, which we supply to the library through a
Java property or by including it in the classpath. To make things easy, we’ll
utilize the classpath in this lesson.
Make a new file in our project’s source directory. The default configura-
tion file name is logback.xml. Include the following information:

<appender name="FILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.
<pattern>%date %level [%thread]
%logger{12} [%file:%line] %msg%n</pattern>
<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.
<root level="debug">
<appender-ref ref="FILE" />
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />

Logback will detect this file at runtime since the directory from where you
execute your code is part of the project’s classpath. It is divided into three
pieces. They are all log appenders, save for two. The root logger is defined
by the other.
A log appender is exactly what its name suggests. It’s an item that adds to
the end of a log. The first appender writes to a file, while the second writes
to standard output; the terminal. Logback makes it simple to deliver logs to
many destinations; simply add another appender. Each appender is equipped
with an encoder. The encoder prepares the message before the appender sends
the message to the logger. In a minute, we’ll see how the two encoders vary.
248   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Finally, the root logger is specified in the settings. When we introduced

Logback to our code, we specified several loggers. Logback organizes log-
ger instances into a hierarchical structure resembling an object-oriented
hierarchy. The property of a logger is inherited from the hierarchy. We
define the properties for all loggers in the application by configuring the
root logger. Logback builds it with these attributes unless a logger over-
rides explicitly them.
This root logger will log all messages sent to it with a DEBUG or higher
level. Both log appenders will get entries from Logback.

Formatting Kotlin Logging Messages

Restart the program using the configuration file.
The terminal output is as follows:


The program also produces log file called my_App.log in the project root.
It is only one line:

2019-06-15 22:44:03,105 DEBUG [main] ROOT [logging.

kt:3] Hello-Logging

Both appenders received the logging output, but the messages were speci-
fied differently. The encoders are distinct.
Here’s the STDOUT encoder:


The encoder for the file is as follows:

%date %level [%thread] %logger{12} [%file:%line]

Logback includes a large number of conversion words for formatting log

messages. Because we only see the log message’s content in the terminal
Code Management and Exception Handling   ◾    249

output, we can safely assume that %msg is the formatter for the log data.
Here’s a table with the rest of the information.

Word Description
%date date, including a timestamp
%level log message level
%thread thread logging the message
%logger name of logger
%file source code file name
%line source code line number
%msg Message contents
%n Platform-specific linefeed character

Although these are merely the fundamental formatters, we’ve already met
the requirements for useful log messages using the file encoder. It explains
where the message originated in our source code. It has a date and time, as
well as the log level.

Logging to a File
Our log files are also being stored to a persistent media.
<appender name="FILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.
<pattern>%date %level [%thread] %logger{10}
[%file:%line] %msg%n</pattern>

With each program’s execution, the file appender creates the file and opens
and closes it. If we rerun it, we’ll notice that a second line has been added.
Logback also features a RollingFileAppender. It will produce a new file
and rename the old one for us so that our log files do not get too large to
manage or create a new file at regular intervals.

Setting Kotlin Logging Levels

Make changes to the Logback configuration file.
<root level="info">
<appender-ref ref="FILE" />
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
250   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Restart the program. The log message is suppressed because we set the root
logger to INFO.
Messages can be routed to specified destinations using appenders and
loggers. Assume we want to send just debug messages to the console and
only information or higher to a file. Make a new logger and assign it the
file appender:

<root level="debug" >

<appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
<logger name="productions" level="info">
<appender-ref ref="FILE" />

Modify the application such that it log two messages.

fun main() {
getLogger("productions").info("Start log test")

We’re replacing the root logger with two named loggers. One of
these is the Logback configuration’s production logger. Restart the
Both messages are sent to the console:

Start log test


However, just the first message is recorded in the log file:

2019-06-15 23:20:16,969 INFO [main] production

[logging.kt:3] Start log test

The output to terminal was sent down from the root logger to the new
logger. However, because we changed its level to information, it did not
inherit the debug messages. That’s a lot of power in only a few lines of
Code Management and Exception Handling   ◾    251

A unit test is a piece of code separate from our application. It can generate
and invoke our application’s public classes and methods. But why would
we want to build code that we would never use in our application? Simply
because we want to ensure that the application code works as expected.
And we want to double-check it to ensure that you don’t disrupt any cur-
rent functionality. And, like me, we’re probably lazy and don’t want to do
it manually. As a result, we may build test code to check our application
behavior. Unit Tests are here to help.
Unit testing focuses on testing only a small number of classes (one or
more) that perform a single function (domain) and do not rely on libraries
or framework code. We don’t want to test the libraries we use (at least not
in a unit test); they should just function. We want to concentrate solely on
our valuable code and demonstrate no hidden issues.
Simple Android Application
Before we begin writing any tests, we’d want to show us a simple Android
app with a login screen. It accepts two inputs for login and password and
validates them. When the inputs are accurate, we can sign in with the
proper data or receive an error indicating wrong credentials. We chose
MVP design since it would allow us to develop tests that are not dependent
on the Android framework.

Project Setup
We can now write our first test when we have an application to test. The
JUnit4 test runner and the Kotlin programming language will use. A test
runner is a library that executes our test code and gathers the results in a
user-friendly manner.

Our First Test

To begin, under the/src/test/kotlin folder, build a class with a public func-
tion annotated with @org.junit.Test. This tells JUnit4 where to find the test
code. We may begin by determining whether our app allows us to login
with the right info. To instrument LoginRepository, I must construct a
LoginRepositoryTest class with a test function. At first want to see whether
we can sign in with the right credentials, so we built a test function called
login using the correct username and password.
class Login_Repository_Test {
252   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

fun 'login with the correct login and password'()


We may name tests in Kotlin with natural names, such as login with the
right username and password; however, this only applies to code that runs
on the JVM. Fortunately, unit tests are run on the JVM, utilizing such
descriptive names.

Test Structure
Each test should be built using the following blocks:

• Arrange/Given: We will prepare the necessary data for the test Act/
When – we will invoke a single method on the tested object.
• Assert/Then: We will check the test result, whether it is pass or fail.

Because JUnit4 does not split test blocks, it is easy to add comments to test
code, especially if we are starting off with testing.

fun 'login with the correct login and password'() {


Given Block
Our test will start with the supplied block, in which we will prepare our
test data and build the tested object.
We’re making a new instance of the tested object LoginRepository and
assigning it to the read-only attribute. It’s easier to distinguish between
tested objects and test parameters, thus I’m naming it objectUnderTest.
It can also be referred to as sut, topic, or target. Choose a name that best
describes us, but keep it constant throughout our project.
When we have an instance of the tested object, we may proceed to test-
ing the parameters. That is correctLogin with the value ‘dabcisski’ and
correctPassword with the value ‘correct’. It is critical to give each test
Code Management and Exception Handling   ◾    253

parameter meaningful names; it must be evident what sort of values each

one contains.

fun 'login with the correct login and password'() {
val objectUnderTest = LoginRepository()
val correctLogin = 'dabcisski'
val correctPassword = 'correct'

When Block
In the when block, we must call the method we want to test using the
parameters we prepared in the previous block. As a result, we invoke
the function objectUnderTest.login (correctLogin, correctPassword). We
should just have one line of code in the when block to make it obvious what
is being tested.

fun 'login with the correct login and password'() {
val objectUnderTest = LoginRepository()
val correctLogin = 'dabcisski'
val correctPassword = 'correct'

Then Block
It’s time to see if the tested object returns the expected result. However,
we must first store the result of the tested method in a property val result
and then analyze it in the then block. Now we can do an assertion to see
whether the return value matches what we anticipate. If the assertion is not
met, it will throw an error, and the test will fail.
In this situation, the returned object is a RxJava 2 Observable, but we
can simply convert it to TestObserver, a class that includes assertion meth-
ods. I’m testing to see if the result value is true; otherwise, the test will fail.
254   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

fun 'login with the correct login and password'() {
val objectUnderTest = LoginRepository()
val correctLogin = 'dabcisski'
val correctPassword = 'correct'
val result = objectUnderTest.login(login,

Running Test
We can run a test in Android Studio/IntelliJ by hitting Ctrl + Shift + F10,
or from a Terminal by typing ./gradlew test.
After running the test that we just wrote, we should see a green bar in
the IDE or BUILD SUCCESSFUL in the Terminal.


This section explores the use of Kotlin’s Nothing type in generics. We’ll
look at how it relates to Java. Let’s have a look at a linked list as an

A LinkedList.

A LinkedList encloses a type C. The linked list can be either.

• A Node<C> with two properties: a T payload and a LinkedList<C>

• It’s an empty list.

A sealed class requires the LinkedList to be of type 1 or type 2.

Code Management and Exception Handling   ◾    255

The sealed class and the Node<C> may be easily coded as follows:

sealed class LinkedList<out C> {

data class Node<C>(val payload: C, var next:
LinkedList<C> ) : LinkedList<C>()

Coding the empty list is a little more difficult. Every empty list is the same.
As a result, an empty list is an object. EmptyList must be a subclass of
LinkedList<T> as well. We could attempt to write.
Kotlin objects do not support type arguments. The above code will
not compile. Instead, we may try to delete the type parameter from the

sealed class LinkedList<out C> {

data class Node<C>(val payload: C, var next:
LinkedList<C> ) : LinkedList<C>()
object EmptyList : LinkedList<C>() // won't-compile

The code continues to fail to build. The C reference remains uncertain. We

must provide a specific type for C.
C denotes the kind of payload wrapped by a node. See the diagram
above. An empty list, on the other hand, encloses no payload. As a result,
correct coding is required.

sealed class LinkedList<out C> {

data class Node<C>(val payload: C, var next:
LinkedList<> = EmptyList) : LinkedList<C>()
object EmptyList : LinkedList<Nothing>()
val nonEmptyList = LinkedList.Node(payload = "D", next
= LinkedList.Node(payload = "E"))

What does the Kotlin Nothing type look like? Select Tools -> Kotlin ->
Kotlin REPL from the Android Studio menu. Enter and run the command
println in the REPL window ( As a result,

class java.lang.Void
256   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Java’s Void type backs up Kotlin’s Nothing type. Nothing is a type in Kotlin
that represents the absence of type.
Nothing’s constructor is private. Contrast the preceding code with the
Java equivalent:

public class GetVoidExamples {

public Void getVoid() {
return new Void(); // won't-compile

The Void class in Java has a private constructor. Void cannot create. We are
unable to return a Void. As a result, it appears reasonable that we cannot
return Nothing in Kotlin.

Key Points

• Nothing is a non-open (final class) that cannot be expanded, and its

constructor is also private, implying that we cannot create the object.
• This is typically used to represent a function’s return type, which will
always throw an exception.
• Nothing is the superclass of Any.

This chapter covered Exception Handling, Logging, Unit Testing, and

“nothing” type in Kotlin with its relevant examples.
Chapter 6

Code Optimization Ideas


➢➢ Optimization tips
➢➢ Best coding practices
➢➢ Security and hardening ideas

In the previous chapter, we covered code management which we Learned

Logging, Exceptional Handling, Unit Testing, and nothing type in Kotlin.
This chapter will cover Optimization Tips, Writing Secure Code, Best
Coding Practices and Security, and Hardening Ideas.

This chapter discusses approaches for building Android code in Kotlin that
is both efficient and simple. JetBrains, the company behind the IntelliJ IDE,
created Kotlin, a general-purpose language that compiles to Java bytecode.

Using Static Layout Imports in Kotlin

When we need to use one of the views in the activity, it is one of the most
challenging aspects of dealing with Android. We must call the ‘findView-
ById()’ function and then typecast it to the correct view type. Kotlin uses
a different approach, allowing us to import all views in our layout file.
Assume we have the layout file shown below.

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="
DOI: 10.1201/9781003308447-6 257
258   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

<TextView android:id="@+id/maintextview"
android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

And the activity code that uses static imports to change the text of the

package kotlineffiecienttechniques
import android.os.Bundle
import android.view.Menu
import android.view.MenuItem
import android.widget.Toast
public class MainActivity2 : ActionBarActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
maintextview.text = "Helloo Static Import!"

If we look at the code above, we’ll notice that we’ve ‘statically imported’ all
views using the import line.

Code Optimization Ideas   ◾    259

After that, we may change the text view as follows:

maintextview.text = "Helloo Static Import"

To get the preceding code to compile, add the following to our build.gradle

dependencies {
compile 'org.jetbrains.anko:anko-sdk21:0.9' //
sdk19, sdk21, sdk23 are available also
compile 'org.jetbrains.anko:anko-support-v4:0.9'
// In case we need support-v4 bindings
compile 'org.jetbrains.anko:anko-appcompat-v7:0.9'
// For appcompat-v7 bindings

Apply plugin:

apply plugin: 'kotlin-android-extension'

Also, include the following in our buildscript::dependencies:

dependencies {
classpath "org.jetbrains.

Creating POJO Classes in Kotlin

When converting JSON/XML to objects in several apps. When using
REST services, we require classes that retain the contents of the JSON/
XML. In Kotlin, defining such objects (also known as POJO in Java) is
more convenient. Assume we want to create a POJO in Java to represent a
book; the code follows:

public class Books {

private String ISBN;
private float prices;
private int quantites;
private String title;
private String descriptions;
public String getISBN() {
260   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

return ISBN;
public void setISBN(String ISBN) {
this.ISBN = ISBN;
public float getPrices() {
return prices;
public void setPrice(float prices) {
this.prices = prices;
public int getQuantities() {
return quantities;
public void setQuantities(int quantities) {
this.quantities = quantities;

public String getTitle() {

return title;
public void setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;
public String getDescriptions() {
return descriptions;
public void setDescriptions(String descriptions) {
this.descriptions = descriptions;

If we want to define the same POJO with the same functionality in Kotlin,
we may do it as follows:

public class Books {

public var ISBN: String = ""
public var prices: Float = 0.toFloat()
public var quantities: Int = 0
public var title: String = ""
public var descriptions: String = ""
Code Optimization Ideas   ◾    261

To be more specific, it may be defined as a data class as follows:

data class Books2(var ISBN: String, var prices: Float,

var quantities: Int,
var title: String, var descriptions:

This POJO differs from the previous one because it has a main contractor.
All arguments must be passed to the constructor when the object is created.
Defining a data class includes the methods ‘equals’, ‘hashCode’, and con-
tructor. This should be the preferable method for defining a POJO in Kotlin.

Constructors and Inheritance in Kotlin

Kotlin simplifies the creation of constructors for your classes. The primary
constructor is included in the class header. It comes after the class’s name.
So, if we had a primary constructor for our Book class, the code would
look like this:

public class Books (var ISBN: String, var prices:

Float, var quantities: Int,
var title: String, var
descriptions: String){

The above code defines a primary constructor to which values are passed.
The values are assigned to the members.
To construct an object of the Books class, do the following:

Val books1 = Books("564321", 43.0f, 4, "Kotlin for

us", " Kotlin Books ")

This eliminates the need for boilerplate code in the form of distinct con-
structor functions. The constructor just copies the parameters supplied to
it into the member variables. If we were writing our Android app in Java,
we would need to build such a constructor.
Inheritance in Kotlin is also safer; it cannot expand unless a class is
specified as open.
So, if we want to expand Book, we should define it as follows:

open public class Books (var ISBN: String, var prices:

Float, var quantities: Int,
262   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

var title: String, var

descriptions: String){
open fun getShippingPrices():Float {
return prices;

Assume we have a HardCoverBooks subclass that extends the Books class

and overrides the getShippingPrices method. That would be coded as

class HardCoverBooks(ISBN: String, prices: Float,

quantities: Int,
title: String, descriptions:
String) :
Book(ISBN, prices, quantities, title,
descriptions) {
override fun getShippingPrice():Float {
return prices + 3.0f;

Using Lambda Functions in Kotlin

We frequently have functions in Android that accept one interface as a
parameter. Very such instances, the Kotlin lambda functions come in
handy. Look at how we can add an onClickListner to a view.

maintextview.setOnClickListener({ view -> Toast.

makeText(this, "Showing-Toast", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).
show(); })

It’s only one line. We don’t even need to define the type of argument view
because it can be deduced statically. In Java, the same code would be:

maintextview.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener()
public void onClick(View v) {
Toast.makeText(this, "Showing-Toast", Toast.
Code Optimization Ideas   ◾    263

Tail Recursion, Sealed Classes, Local, Infix, Inline Functions,

and More Advanced Kotlin Tips
Local Functions
Local functions are useful for code reuse; nevertheless, they should not be
used excessively to avoid confusion.

fun fooo(x: Int) {

fun local(y: Int) {
return x + y
return local(1)

Infix Functions
Infix functions are useful for readability since they allow us to type things
like “test” foo “c” for example, which is pretty awesome.

infix fun String.fooo(s: String) {

// Call the extension function.
// Or call extension function using the infix
"test" fooo "c"

Infix functions can only have one parameter.

Inline Functions
An overhead occurs when a lambda expression in Kotlin is converted to
Java anonymous classes in Java 6 or 7. Lambda calls affect the call stack,
which influences performance.
Instead of initiating another method call and adding it to the call stack,
inline functions can utilize to make direct calls. When we pass in the
lambdas, it makes logical to utilize inline functions.

inline fun callBlock(block: () -> Unit) {

println("Before-calling the block")
println("After calling the block")
264   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

When we call the callBlock, it is converted into something like this:

callBlock { println("The block operation") }

// Rough java-bytecode
String var1 = "Before calling the block";
String var2 = "Block operation";
var1 = "After calling the block";

in comparison to the following if the function was not declared as inline

callBlock { println("Block operation") }

// Rough java-bytecode

However, we must tread cautiously when using inline functions since it

literally duplicates the method content when it is called, which is undesir-
able if the body of the functions is too lengthy.
Knowing that, the following will make no sense because it has no

inline fun fooo(noinline block: () -> Unit) {// Single

lambda marked as the noinline
inline fun fooo() { // No-lambdas

Tail Recursion
We tell compiler that we want to replace the method call with a for loop or
goto expression by using tailrec.
It can only use if the last call of a function is simply calling itself.

tailrec fun findFixPoint(r: Double = 1.0): Double

= if (r == Math.cos(r)) r else

Sealed Classes
According to the Kotlin reference, we should use sealed classes to express
restricted class hierarchies, which occur when an item has a limited set of
types but cannot have any other type.
Code Optimization Ideas   ◾    265

In other words, they are useful for returning types that are not identical
but are related.

sealed class Responses

data class Success(val content: String) : Responses()
data class Error(val code: Int, val message: String) :
fun getUrlPage(url: String) : Responses {
val valid = // Some logic here!
if (valid) {
return Success("Content found")
else {
return Error("Not found")
// Here is the beauty
val responses = getUrlPage("/")
when (responses) {
is Success -> println(responses.content)
is Error -> println(responses.message)

The definition of sealed classes must include in a single file.

Some More Helpful Tips

Local Return
They are most useful with lambdas, but let us explain with a simple code

fun fooo(list: List<String>): Boolean {

list.forEach {
if (...) {// Some-condition.
return true
return false

It gets fooo to return true. We may also limit the forEach scope just to
return values.

fun fooo(list: List<String>): Boolean {

list.forEach {
266   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

if (...) {// Some-condition.

return@forEach // Just like calling-break
return false

If it doesn’t make sense, consider the following code:

fun fooo() {
.map{ intValue ->
return@map intValue.toString()

If we used return in the above code piece, it would return to foo, which
makes no sense in this context. The return@map, on the other hand,
returns the result of the map function, which is the desired behavior.

Operator Overloading
To override supported operators, use operator.

operator fun plus(time: Time) {

// This will allow following statement.
time1 + time2

It is important not to overuse operator overloading; it does not make sense

to utilize it most of the time. Check out the list of conventions that govern
operator overloading for various operators.

Lambda Extensions
They are just easier to read and type, much like markup.

class Status(var code: Int, var descriptions: String)

fun status(status: Status.() -> Unit) {}
// This will allow the following statement
Code Optimization Ideas   ◾    267

status {
code = 403
descriptions = "Not-found"

If a lateinit property is attempted to be used before it has been initialized,
it will throw an exception of type UninitializedPropertyAccessException.

Companion Objects
Companion Objects are the equivalent of Java static methods.

class MykotlinClass {
companion object Factory {
fun create(): MyKotlinClass = MyKotlinClass()

Members of the companion object may access by using the class name as
the qualifier:

Val instance = MyKotlinClass.create()

Tips for Improving Kotlin Compilation Times

The Kotlin/Native compiler is regularly updated to increase speed. We may
dramatically increase the compilation times of your projects with Kotlin/
Native targets by using the newest Kotlin/Native compiler and a correctly
configured build environment.

General Suggestions
Use the latest current Kotlin version. This way, we’ll always get the most
recent performance enhancements.
Avoid making large courses. During execution, they require a lengthy
time to build and load.
Between builds, keep downloaded and cached components. Kotlin/
Native downloads the necessary components and saves some of the results
to the $USER HOME/.konan directory when we compile a project. The
compiler uses this directory for subsequent compilations, helping them
run faster.
268   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

When building in containers (such as Docker) or using continuous inte-

gration systems, the compiler may recreate the ~/.konan directory for each
build. Configure your environment to keep ~/.konan between builds to
avoid this step. For example, use the KONAN DATA DIR environment
variable to change its location.

Configuration of Gradle
Due to the requirement to download dependencies, construct caches, and
execute additional stages, the first Gradle compilation frequently takes
longer than subsequent ones. To accurately assess the real compilation
times, we need to compile your project at least twice.
Here are some suggestions for customizing Gradle to improve compila-
tion performance:

• Increase the size of the Gradle heap. To, add org.

gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx3g. If we use parallel builds, we may need to
increase the heap size or use org.gradle.parallel.threads to select the
appropriate number of threads.
• Create just the binaries we require. Run Gradle tasks that cre-
ate the entire project, such as build or assemble, only when abso-
lutely necessary. These jobs generate the same code several times,
lengthening compilation times. The Kotlin tooling prevents
conducting extraneous activities in common instances, such as
running tests from IntelliJ IDEA or launching the program from

If we have a non-typical scenario or build setup, we may need to select the

job ourselves.

• linkDebug*: To execute our code during development, we normally

only need one binary, therefore executing the associated linkDe-
bug* task should suffice. Keep in mind that creating a release binary
(linkRelease*) takes longer than compiling a debug binary.
• packForXcode: Because iOS simulators and devices have vari-
ous processor architectures, it’s usual to deliver a Kotlin/Native
binary as a universal (fat) framework. Building the .framework
for only the platform we’re using will be faster during local
Code Optimization Ideas   ◾    269

To create a platform-specific framework, use the packForXcode task pro-

vided by the Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile project wizard.

• Don’t turn off the Gradle daemon unless we have a compelling cause
to. By default, Kotlin/Native is executed by the Gradle daemon.
When it is enabled, the same JVM process is utilized for all compila-
tions, and there is no need to warm it up.
• Enable previously disabled Kotlin/Native functionality. The Gradle
daemon and compiler caches can be disabled using the kotlin.
native.disable option. CompilerDaemon=true and kotlin.native.
cacheKind=none are set. Whether you had problems with these
features in the past and put these lines to your or
Gradle arguments, delete them and see if the build succeeds. It’s
conceivable that some characteristics were introduced in the past to
work around concerns that have since been resolved.
• Make use of the Gradle build caches:
• Local build cache: Add org.gradle.caching=true to your gradle.
properties file or use the command line option – build-cache.
• In continuous integration systems, remote build cache is used.
Discover how to set up the remote build cache.

Configuration of Windows
Operating System Set up Windows Security. The Kotlin/Native compiler
may slow by Windows Security. We may circumvent this by adding the
.konan directory, which is by default placed in %USERPROFILE%, to
Windows Security exclusions.


This codelab will develop our first Kotlin program using an interactive
editor that we can run from our browser.
A program may be thought of as a set of instructions for the system
to follow for it to do an action. We could, for example, develop a pro-
gram that generates a birthday card. We could build the application
to print congratulations text or compute someone’s age based on their
birth year.
Just like we use human language to interact with another person, we use
a programming language to communicate with our computer’s operating
270   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

system (OS). Programming languages, fortunately, are less complicated

than human languages and relatively reasonable.
Kotlin is the programming language used to create Android applica-
tions. Kotlin is a new language designed to help developers write code
more effectively and fewer mistakes.
Learning to construct an app while also learning the fundamentals of
programming will difficult; therefore, we will begin with programming
before moving on to app creation. Learning the fundamentals of program-
ming is not simply a necessary initial step in developing apps.

Set Up Source Code and Tests in Our Android Apps

Kotlin is a statically typed programming language for creating Android apps.

How Does Kotlin Code Look?

In Kotlin, we would declare a function like follows:

fun sum(x: Int, y: Int): Int {

return x + y

As we can see, there are a few notable differences between Java and Python:

• The absence of semicolons (Yay right?)

• The return type is declared after function specification.
• After the parameter name, the type of the parameter is defined.

Why Is It Superior to Java?

Here’s a brief rundown of Kotlin’s advantages versus Java:

• Null Safety
• Lambdas
• Extension Methods

Adapting an Existing Android Project to Utilize Kotlin

1. Install the Kotlin Android Studio plugin:

• Navigate to “Preferences” “Plugins,” and then “Install JetBrains
Plugin.” In the search box, type “Kotlin.” Install “Kotlin” by
Code Optimization Ideas   ◾    271

selecting it. We will most likely need to restart Android Studio

for the adjustments to take effect.
2. Add the following line to the classpath section of our project’s build.
Gradle file.
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "
classpath 'com.github.
classpath "org.jetbrains.

3. Add the following to our app level build.gradle:

buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url '
public' }
dependencies {
classpath ''
apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'kotlin-android'
android {
sourceSets { += 'src/main/kotlin'
dependencies {
compile 'org.jetbrains.

272   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

4. Make a kotlin folder in our app/src/main/folder. We may create a

folder with our package name, such as org.bookdash. Android. (We
may put Kotlin files in the same directory as Java files; we just like to
keep them distinct per language.)
5. To create a new Kotlin class, right-click the package name and select
“New -> Kotlin File or class.” Give it a name, choose a type, and begin
writing Kotlin code.

Existing Java Files Can Convert to Kotlin

To convert a Java class to Kotlin in Android Studio, perform the

• Open the file that we want to convert.

• Execute the command. (Continue to Action):
• CMD + Shift + A on a Mac
• CTRL + Shift + A on Linux and Windows
• Then, type “kotlin,” and we should see an option to convert an exist-
ing Java file to Kotlin.
• This will convert the Java file you are now in into a Kotlin class. We’d
double-check that the resulting code is correct.
• We converted the AboutActivity from my Book Dash App to Kotlin,
and the outcome is as follows:

class About_Activity : BaseAppCompatActivity(),

AboutContract.View {
private var aboutPresenter: AboutPresenter? = null
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?)
aboutPresenter = AboutPresenter(this)
val toolbar = findViewById( as
val actionBar = supportActionBar
if (actionBar != null) {
Code Optimization Ideas   ◾    273

val textViewWhyBookDash = findViewById(R.
id.text_why_bookdash) as TextView
textViewWhyBookDash.text = Html.
Linkify.addLinks(textViewWhyBookDash, Linkify.
override fun showLearnMorePage(url: String) {
val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW)

Writing Tests in the Kotlin

After writing some Kotlin code, we thought it would be cool to see if we
could write some Android tests in Kotlin. Here’s how to go about it:

• Make a kotlin folder in our androidTest folder.

• Make a package name that corresponds to the package we’re
• In our app build.Gradle file, add following:
android {
sourceSets { += 'src/main/kotlin' += 'src/

• After that, we may begin adding code to that folder. Here’s an exam-
ple of my AboutActivityTest in Kotlin, which performs some basic
espresso testing.
274   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

class AboutActivityTest {
fun getRule() = ActivityTestRule(AboutActivity
fun setUp() {
fun tearDown() {
fun loadAboutBookDash_SeeInformation() {
val about = Html.fromHtml(InstrumentationR
val headingAbout =
fun clickLearnMore_OpenBrowser() {
perform(scrollTo(), click())

Code Optimization Ideas   ◾    275


It’s normal for many Kotlin adopters from Java to begin writing Kotlin in
the same way. After all, many of the techniques and libraries are the same,
so it’s simple to keep creating code in the same way. These Java standards
typically detract from Kotlin’s goal of saving time and enhancing code
maintainability through readability.

Accept Immutability
Immutability is not explicitly stated in Java. While the final operator
might be useful, it isn’t usually employed consistently. Given that immu-
table programming is generally easier and less error-prone, it’s a good idea
to get into the habit of keeping everything immutable and only resorting
to mutable objects when absolutely required.

public void main() {

String someData = "Data";
int someNumber = 63
someData = null; // NPE!
someNumber = 3;

Nothing in this example prevents the values inside someData and some-
Number from being changed; they are mutable variables. If later code uses
such values, there may be unforeseen effects. Long this is great for a single
developer working on a project, teams or even individuals who have been
away from a piece of code for a while might lose track of the usages of a
value and accidentally create a problem.
Instead, Kotlin makes it extremely simple to declare things immutable
from the start. In fact, if the value of a var variable isn’t being changed
elsewhere, IntelliJ Idea would often offer a quick-fix to convert it to val.

fun main() {
val someData = "Data"
var someMutableNumber = 63
someData = "some other data" // Compiler-error,
val cannot be reassigned
// This is ok since someMutableNumber was
specified as a mutable var.
someMutableNumber = 3
276   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

In general, the presence of var in code should raise a red warning. There
are situations when it is required; however, the vast majority of use cases
may be refactored to be immutable.

Get Rid of ArrayList and HashMap

ArrayList and HashMap are perhaps two of the most often used collec-
tions among Java developers. However, we don’t think either term is espe-
cially beneficial. We understand that these collections might change, but
it’s not natural or simple to read.

fun oldCollection() {
val myLists = ArrayList<Int>()
val myMap = HashMap<Int, Int>()
myMap[0] = 0

Instead, Kotlin provides several handy tools over collection interfaces to

abstract the underlying complexity in favor of readability.

fun newCollections() {
val myLists = listOf(1, 2, 3)
my mutableList = mutableListOf(4, 5)
myList.add(4) // Error: List<Int> doesn't have the
method add()
val myMap = mapOf(0 to 0, 1 to 1)
val mutableMap = mutableMapOf(2 to 2)
mutableMap[3] = 3

We will admit that this conceals some details that may be relevant for per-
formance on huge collections. We’ll probably want to employ more par-
ticular implementations in specialized instances. However, it’s probably
not critical enough to sacrifice code readability most of the time.

Make Use of Functional Constructs

Functional structures aid in the integration of immutability and collec-
tions while also cleaning the code. When working with a collection, we
frequently write code that looks something like this:
Code Optimization Ideas   ◾    277

fun doubleList(values: Array<Int>) {

for (x in 0..values.count()) {
values[x] = values[x] * 3

This method not only mutates the array that was handed in, but it also
has a low signal-to-noise ratio. The for syntax is clear, but it introduces
unnecessary noise that detracts from the “signal” in the method where the
value multiplication occurs. This is a great location for an operation such
as. map():

fun doubleList(values: Array<Int>): Array<Int> {

return { it * 3 }

This example is considerably shorter, with much less “noise” code sur-
rounding the key multiplication part. The Another essential aspect to note
here is that the original array is not altered in any way, but rather a dupli-
cate of the array with the alterations is returned. Using different functional
techniques such as .map() can frequently eliminate the need to abstract
collection operations out to another method because using them in-line is
usually sufficient.

fun getName(people: List<Person>): List<String> {

return { }

Extraction of values from complicated objects is another area where.

map() thrives. This is another case where we may loop over the complex
objects and create a new list with the appropriate values, which .map() can
perform in a single call.
Java does include these features, beginning with the Streams
API in Java 8, and they are absolutely useful in Java applications.
Unfortunately, the Streams API isn’t available to individuals who must
use earlier versions of Java, and the API itself isn’t as user-friendly as
278   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

This one, in particular, falls into the category of “here’s a neat sugges-
tion” rather than “best practice.” Some Java libraries, especially loggers,
require a reference to the current class. This is done rather simply in

// Or
In Kotlin, :
// Or

Both of them function perfectly. The first is prone to copy/paste difficulties,

and both have a lot going on otherwise. Kotlin has a handy little shorthand
for this, javaClass:


String Interpolation
Concatenating strings is not just one of the core programming concepts
that individuals learn early on, but it is also employed in some way in prac-
tically every programming project. Many languages offer a few variants to
normal concatenation to aid in formatting or efficiency, but there is usu-
ally a cost in readability.

System.out.println("The Processing error at " + +
" with message : " + ex.message + ".");

Concatenation is simple: take these string sections and put them together,
but this comes with a slew of extra symbols that can be difficult to remem-
ber. Finally, the most legible aspect of string concatenation is the overall
end string; thus the code should get as near as possible. To do this, Kotlin
offers string interpolation (also known as string templating), which makes
string composition considerably easier to read.

println("The Processing error at ${}

with message: ${ex.message}.")
Code Optimization Ideas   ◾    279

Infer Types
This is a nice feature in Kotlin, but it might be a bit tricky if you’re not used
to a language where types aren’t explicitly specified. The Kotlin compiler
is intelligent enough to infer the type of most things while retaining the
power of those types in reality (unlike JavaScript where the type system
is somewhat rudimentary). We won’t get into whether static or dynamic
typing is preferable, but it should go without saying that type checking
can assist eliminate issues, although at the expense of readability. As an

User currentUsers = new User(usernames, email,


Declaring currentUsers as a type User here is superfluous. The variable is

instantly initialized to a User object, which a maintainer may see while
reading through. Kotlin is both flexible enough to enable the type to be
omitted in this scenario and smart enough to infer the type in most other

Val currentUsers = User(usernames, email, profileUrl)

Of course, this is a contrived and rather simplistic example. At the end of

the day, “User” isn’t that many more letters, and limited keystrokes apart, it
doesn’t take long. Remember that readability is important, and time spent
mentally filtering out redundant types is not spent deciphering the mean-
ing of a piece of code. Furthermore, Java class names can get extremely
lengthy; consider the following example of obtaining the settings of an
AWS Lambda function:

public String getLambdaArn(String functionNames) {

GetFunctionConfigurationRequest req = new
GetFunctionConfigurationResult results = client
return results.getFunctionArn();

This code isn’t doing anything particularly complicated, and the types
themselves make sense, but repeating GetFunctionConfigurationRequest
280   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

isn’t a wise use of time or mental capacity. Furthermore, while knowing

that the result would be of type GetFunctionConfigurationResult is use-
ful, someone reading this code could probably infer relatively simply that
it will hold the result of retrieving the function configuration without the
type declaration. Remember that we are writing code for humans, not

fun getLambdaArn(functionNames: String): String {

val req = GetFunctionConfigurationRequest()
val results = client.getFunctionConfiguration(req)
return results.functionArn

Semantic Test Naming

While ordinary method naming conventions call for short and descriptive
names, test methods typically have extensive names that reflect the spe-
cific situation covered by the test. For example, we’ve probably all created
and combed through tests that look something like this:

{ ...... }

This is detailed and difficult to read. The rules of Kotlin allow for the nam-
ing of test methods in natural language style with spaces (or underscores).

fun 'handler should save the record to db on updated

event processed'() { ..... }

Safe Operator?
One of the most notable aspects of Kotlin is its handling of compile-time
null safety. Kotlin includes a number of utilities to make dealing with
nullable types simple and clean by implementing its null system. The fol-
lowing is an example of traditional Java convention in Kotlin:

fun getNameFromDb(): String? {

val dbRow: DbRow? = selectFromDbById(3)
if (dbRow != null) {
Code Optimization Ideas   ◾    281

if (dbRow.person != null) {
if (dbRow.person.names != null) {
return dbRow.person.names
return null

Instead, Kotlin includes aids that are comparable to those found in other
languages that enable nullable types:

fun getNameFromDb(id: Int): String? {

val dbRow: DbRow? = selectFromDbById(id)
return dbRow?.person?.names

If the parent container is not null, the? access operator will continue to access
the field. If any of values in the chain are null, the entire line returns null.

Elvis Throws
Following the lead of safe calls, the Elvis Operator may convert a nullable
value to a non-null value. In the above example, getNameFromdb() returns
a nullable string and expects the caller to handle the scenario where a null
result is returned. We may assert that getNameFromDb() will always
return a non-null string or throw a more thorough error if the value can-
not retrieve using the Elvis operator.

fun getNameFromDb(id: Int): String {

val dbRow: DbRow? = selectFromDbById(id)
return dbRow?.person?.names
?: throw NotFoundException("Unable to find
user with the id $id")

List Literals in Annotations

Some controller annotations in Spring can accept multiple values for a
field. @RequestMapping, for example, may accept several values for the
method of the call, and the Kotlin code for it would look like this:

@RequestMapping(value = "/endpoint", method =

fun updateEndpoint() {}
282   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

The use of arrayOf() is required here; however, it is lengthy. Kotlin, on the

other hand, supports list literals in annotations:

@RequestMapping(value = "/endpoint", method =

fun updateEndpoint() {}

Collection Helpers
Collections in Kotlin contain strong helper methods that may make
working with collections cleaner and more “Kotlin-y.” Looping is a com-
mon operation on collections, sometimes with a changeable accumulator
collection that saves the result.

fun searchForElemt(searchElemt: Any, list: List<Any>):

Any? {
for (elemt in list) {
if (searcnElemt == elemt) {
return elemt
return null
fun profilesWithPictures(profiles: List<Profile>):
List<Profile> {
var foundProfiles: List<Profile> = mutableListOf()
for (profile in profiles) {
if (profile.picture != null) {
return foundProfiles

These and other procedures are frequent, and they usually result in the
creation of some form of utility class or library so that they may reuse.
ProfilesWithPictures(), the latter of the instances, also necessitates the
usage of a changeable list, which deviates from immutability as a best prac-
tice. Kotlin’s standard library includes many utility methods on built-in
collections to save time and encourage immutable practices. These accept
Code Optimization Ideas   ◾    283

a function reference or a lambda that is executed on each element of the

collection. We usually use lambda syntax:

fun searchForElemt(searchElemt: Any, list: List<Any>):

Any? {
return list.firstOrNull { it == searchElemt }
fun profilesWithPictures(profiles: List<Profile>):
List<Profile> {
return profiles.find { != null }
fun checkAllProfilesHavePictures(profiles:
List<Profile>): List<Profile> {
return profiles.all { != null }

On Kotlin collections, there are many additional operations available, such

as .contains(), .isEmpty(), .filter(), and others. The Kotlin documentation
for List covers them, and most of them are transferable to other sorts of

No more .equals()
As someone from a Python and C# background, the way Java handles
equality testing caused me a lot of agony and debugging. In those lan-
guages, the == operator determines value equality or invokes an equals
method on a complicated object. This means that == can be used to check
the equality of everything, from integers to strings to objects.
Because there are no operator overloads in Java, == determines refer-
ence equality (which I’ve never been inclined to check for). This means that
only primitives may be tested using ==, whereas complicated objects (such
as Strings) require the usage of .equals (). Consider sorting through code
that looks something like this:

if (input.equals("some other string")) {}

if (numberInput == 8) {}

Because Kotlin supports operator overloading, == effectively becomes an

alias for .equals(). This enables the operator to use both built-in Java and
custom types that have previously implemented the .equals() method.
284   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Data classes will implement a default.equals() function for us for new

Kotlin objects, which will check the equality of each field.
In the end, this makes Kotlin code easier to comprehend, pick up, and
transfer for those who are used to non-Java equality.

if (input == "some other string") {}

if (my_Class == other_Class) {}

Method Readability – Named Parameters

When building objects with several fields, object-oriented approaches,
notably in Java, require using what is known as the builder pattern. While
this improves a constructor’s call-site readability, it results in a sprawl of
code that must write in another class whose primary goal is to build other
classes more cleanly. By allowing named arguments on constructors and
standard methods, Kotlin eliminates this requirement.

val profile = Profile(

firstName = "Bobby",
lastName = "Sharma",
profileUrl = "",
email = ""

Rather than depending on positional indexing, this may make what value
is going where on a constructor extremely apparent. While methods with
a high number of arguments are often considered an anti-pattern, named
parameters allow you to add more parameters as needed without sacrific-
ing readability.

Val apiResults = getFromApi(

client = apiClient,
baseUrl = API_URL,
endpoint = API_ENDPOINT,
headers = customHeaders,
authToken = token,
queryString = null

This is a contrived example that probably lends itself to better design. Still, it
demonstrates how a method with that many arguments may become chal-
lenging to comprehend and debug if the parameter names aren’t helpful.
Code Optimization Ideas   ◾    285


Java is a well-known name. According to PYPL’s study of Google Trends,
it ranks second after Python in terms of popularity, accounting for 17.17
percent of total language tutorials searches. Because of its lengthy history,
general stability, and ongoing support, Java has been a staple of application
stacks since 1995.
It is the language of choice for Android programming and server-
side and back-end development projects. Java is well-established in
desktop, mobile, and gaming environments. So, where does Kotlin
enter come in?
JetBrains introduced Kotlin in 2011 as a cross-platform, statically
typed, general-purpose programming language meant to interoperate
with Java completely. Unlike other types of ‘cross-platform’ compatibility,
Kotlin’s is at the machine code level. This implies that Kotlin is not pack-
aged in a container and does not require bridging to run on supported sys-
tems. JavaScript frameworks that claim to be cross-platform, for example,
nonetheless require some type of container to function. Cross-platform
JavaScript apps are not native programs; instead, they operate in a cre-
ated container with APIs that connect them to the different hardware
Kotlin, on the other hand, is native by design and can run on every
platform that Java can. Kotlin, along with Java, has been considered a
first-class and supported language for Android development since
October 2017.
But Kotlin is not Java; in fact, it is considered safer than Java. This leads
to the issue of how and why and what this means for the security of our
projects when utilizing Java or Kotlin.

Typing, Syntax, and Speed Compared

Android has changed its attention from Java to Kotlin in recent years. So,
what makes Kotlin unique?
Kotlin app development, it turns out, takes less time to build and is
physically lighter than Java. Kotlin code is substantially smaller, resulting
in fewer defects and faster debugging. The main advantage of Kotlin is
that its bytecode can be executed with the JVM, allowing it to leverage and
access Java-based libraries and frameworks without significant compro-
mise. It also includes coroutines, making it compatible and interoperable
with JavaScript and thus web development.
286   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

In Kotlin, security against NullPointerException is implemented via

a null safety mechanism, but the developer must write catches in Java.
NullPointerException is a security concern since it can crash a program
and is frequently regarded as a significant bug when null is permitted in
areas where it should not be, vulnerabilities in Java increase.

Null Reference Exceptions Pose Security Risks

Null reference exceptions, also known as null dereference, are one of the
top security vulnerabilities to watch for in an application, according to
OWASP. The issue with null is that it is a value that has no meaning. It
lacks an intrinsic data type in Java and needs specific processing.
For example, suppose we’re creating a function to locate a user in a data-
base. The terrible but typical approach is to return null when nothing is
discovered. While it appears to make logical because null is meant to sym-
bolize the absence of anything, it distorts the anticipated object returned
type, which might lead to possible crashes further down the code.
When it comes to object-oriented thinking, the consensus opinion is
that objects should design with immutability in mind. When an object’s
state changes, it exposes data structures and integrity to vulnerabilities.
The object is both incomplete and changeable when null is used. When
null is raised, Java crashes the program by default, resulting in a null
pointer exception. However, developers frequently include catch exception
handling to mitigate this issue, which helps the program avoid the possi-
bility of null being accepted in areas where it should not be.
The code below, for example, is an example of a developer dismissing the
possibility of a null slipping through by creating a NullPointerException
catch. This catch discreetly fails the application, allowing it to continue

boolean isName(String s1) {

try {
String names[] = s1.split(" ");
if (names.length != 3) {
return false;
return (isCapitalized(names[0]) &&
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
return false;
Code Optimization Ideas   ◾    287

The correct pattern for preventing a null is to explicitly make tests

against the existence of null. Here’s how the code should look:

boolean isName(String s1) {

if (s1 == null) {
return false;
String names[] = s1.split(" ");
if (names.length != 3) {
return false;
return (isCapitalized(names[0]) &&

We don’t have this problem with null handling in Kotlin since it incor-
porates the idea of null safety into its general design and implementation.
While null pointer exceptions can still arise in Kotlin, there are only a few
methods for this to happen.
One method is to invoke the NullPointerException() function in the
code directly. Another approach is to use them!! (not null) operators.
Finally, null pointers appear in Kotlin only when there is data discrepancy
during startup.
The Kotlin type system is designed to throw exceptions if a cast is
deemed unsafe, hence rendering the type un-nullable.
In Java, this is impossible. Unsafe casts are considered because they
provide an erroneous definition of the typed item, resulting in undefined
errors on static targets.

Kotlin Has Everything That Java Needs

In addition to null safety, Kotlin has a vast range of features that Java lacks.
This includes the following:

• lambda expressions and inline functions

• smart casting
• string templates
• extension functions
• primary constructors
288   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

• first-class delegation
• type inference for variable and property types
• range expressions
• operator overloading
• singletons
• data classes
• companion objects
• separate interfaces for read-only and mutable collections
• coroutines

In comparison, the list of Java capabilities that aren’t accessible in Kotlin is

substantially less. However, Kotlin’s replacement and alternative features
compensate for the ‘missing’ functionalities.
These features are as follows: static members in Java are replaced by
companion objects, top-level functions, extension functions in Kotlin
wildcard-types are replaced by declaration site variance and type projec-
tions, and ternary operators are replaced by if expressions.

Finally, There Is More to It Than Simply Null

The problem with null is only one of numerous security flaws that come
with Java by default. While Kotlin does not prohibit the use of null, its
handling of it is far superior and makes it less attractive for developers just
to use a NullPointerException catch.
Raw types, for example, are still supported in Java for compatibility rea-
sons but are strongly discouraged since the advent of generics. While raw
types are acceptable during runtime, they constitute a security risk since
manual checks are necessary when they include anything other than the
intended type. In some ways, it’s just another muddled form of null, but
with types involved.
Raw type is only one example of something Java knows it should
no longer support or have, but it does for various reasons. Because it
is a newer language, Kotlin can mitigate this by looking at everything
Java is excellent at, taking the best aspects, and removing the harmful
and unnecessary. As a result, Kotlin’s overall security is far superior
to Java.
Code Optimization Ideas   ◾    289


Application hardening is similar to system hardening. It is possible
to remove any unnecessary functions or components by restricting
access and ensuring the application is maintained up to date with
updates. Maintaining application security is critical to make apps
available to users. Most apps contain buffer overf low issues invalid
user input areas; therefore, fixing the application is only to protect it
from assault.

What Is the Purpose of Application Hardening?

Here are some of the reasons why application hardening is important:

• Application hardening is a critical component of the protective busi-

ness infrastructure for building a secure mobile environment with a
safe software development lifecycle process.
• Determine what measures to take if the app is attacked or a tool is
determined to be hacked.
• To safeguard user credentials, allow your application to execute in
zero trust contexts.
• Prevent hackers from studying internal values, monitoring, or inter-
fering with the program.
• Protect the program against a hacker attempting to reverse engineer
it back to an ASCII text file.

Is Our Application in Need of Hardening?

Determine whether or not it is essential to protect the application from
hackers based on the application’s needs. For this purpose, several criteria
are also used to make a decision, such as:

• If the application has a cost-effective property to protect.

• If the program has access to the user’s sensitive info.
• Application hardening is primarily useful in the early phases of secu-
rity considerations.
• If our application involves financial transactions or business data
that we do not want others to see.
290   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Today’s applications operate on a variety of devices in a variety of sit-

uations. It’s difficult to keep an eye on all of those gadgets and envi-
ronments, which are putting our copyrights and expertise outside the
control of our company. Application hardening also helps defend the
company’s image; data breaches can have significant consequences for
the company’s brand.

Application Hardening Methods

We’d want to employ several strategies to safeguard our application from
various threats. Among them are the following:

1. Data Obfuscation: The substitution of difficult-to-decipher iden-

tifiers within the code for simple identifiers. Renaming class and
variable names to something else. Encrypt some code to prevent
attackers from easily deciphering it. To prevent attackers from see-
ing a functional representation of an application, binary-level code
obfuscation might be utilized.
2. Anti-Debug: A debugger is software that analyzes other programs
while they are executing. A debugger might be attached to a mobile
banking application method and analyzed how it works. Typically,
debuggers will use a debug API within the OS. They’ll also set vari-
ous flag registers. To avoid this, an app should prepare to recognize
and respond to the presence of a debugger.
3. Binary Packing: Binary packing is a strategy to guard against static
analysis. The software downloaded from the app store is encrypted
and is only unpacked at runtime, making static analysis exceedingly
4. Arithmetic Obfuscation: Converting basic arithmetic and logical
phrases into complicated equivalent expressions that are difficult to
interpret using simple procedures.
5. Android Rooting Detection: Rooting an Android smartphone
allows an attacker to get root access to the device. Rooting an
Android smartphone successfully may pose a security risk to appli-
cations that affect sensitive data or impose specific limitations.
Android rooting detection methods use anti-rooting techniques
to determine the validity of the OS and deploy security measures
Code Optimization Ideas   ◾    291

Benefits of Application Hardening

The following are some of the advantages of application hardening:

1. To prevent financial loss: If the program accesses sensitive informa-

tion of users or organizations, data breaches can cost the corporation
millions of dollars. If attackers use corporate financial information,
they will frequently execute a number of acts, including openly sell-
ing information on the Internet.
2. Protect brand image: If attackers regularly infiltrate a corporation,
the company’s brand image will suffer in the future.
3. Increase software sales: Numerous users may use secure software
with little or no impact on security concerns.
4. Close security gaps: Hardening adds to the several levels of protec-
tion that protect users and their servers. Hardening also eliminates
deactivated files and frequently overlooked applications, providing
attackers with veiled access to the application.

Application Patches
Application patches are likely to come in three flavors: hotfixes, patches,
and upgrades.

1. Hotfixes: These are often tiny bits of code intended to repair a spe-
cific problem. As an example, a hotfix may be provided to address a
buffer overflow within an application’s login procedure.
2. Patches: These are generally sets of fixes that are significantly bigger
in size and are generally provided regularly or when sufficient prob-
lems have been solved to allow a patch release.
3. Upgrades: These are another common technique of patching apps,
and they are more likely to be accepted than patches. The phrase
“upgrade” has a positive role. We’re progressing to a lot better, more
useful, and safer application.

In this chapter, we explored code optimization, where we learned about

Optimization Tips, Writing Secure Code, Best Coding Practices, and
Security and Hardening.
Chapter 7

Kotlin for Android



➢➢ Building Android apps in Kotlin

➢➢ Advantages and features
➢➢ Integration with Android Studio

In the previous chapter, we covered Code Optimization in Kotlin. This

chapter will discuss Building Android apps in Kotlin, Advantages and
Features, and Integration with Android Studio.


In this codelab, we’ll learn how to use the Kotlin programming language
to create and launch our first Android app. Kotlin is a Java-compatible
statically typed programming language that runs on the JVM. Along with
Java, Kotlin is an officially recognized language for creating Android apps.

• What we must already be aware of: This codelab is intended for

programmers and assumes that are familiar with the Java or Kotlin
programming languages. Even though we don’t have much expertise
with Kotlin, if we’re experienced programmers who can read code,
we should follow this codelab.

DOI: 10.1201/9781003308447-7 293

294   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

• What we’ll discover:

• How to create an App using Android Studio
• How to execute our application on a device or in an emulator
• How to include Interactive Buttons
• When a button is pressed, how to display a second screen
• To create Android apps, use Android Studio with Kotlin: Android
apps are written in the Kotlin or Java using Android Studio, an inte-
grated development environment. Android Studio is an IDE for
Android programming based on JetBrains’ IntelliJ IDEA software.

Download and Install Android Studio

Android Studio 3.6 may be downloaded from the Android Studio website:
Android Studio includes a complete IDE, a sophisticated code editor,
and app templates. It also provides development, debugging, testing, and
performance tools to make app development faster and easier. Android
Studio allows us to test our apps on various preset emulators or mobile
devices. We may also create production applications and publish them on
Google Play.
Android Studio is accessible for Windows and Linux PCs and Macs run-
ning macOS. Android Studio includes the OpenJDK (Java Development Kit).
The installation process is same for all the systems. Any discrepancies
are listed below:

• To download and install Android Studio, go to the Android Studio

download page and follow the instructions.
• Accept the default configurations for all steps and check that all com-
ponents are installed.
• Following the completion of the installation, the setup wizard down-
loads and installs other components, including the Android SDK. Be
patient, since this procedure may take some time depending on our
internet speed.
• When the installation is finished, Android Studio will launch, and
we will build our first project.
Kotlin for Android Development   ◾    295

Create Our First Project

We will establish a new Android project for our first app in this stage. This
basic app displays the string “Hello Everyone” on an Android virtual or
real device’s screen.

• Step 1: Begin by creating a new project

• Launch Android Studio.
• Click Start a new Android Studio project in the Welcome to
Android Studio window.
• Choose Basic Activity (not the default). Next, click the button.
• Name your application, e.g., My First App.
• Check that the Language is set to Kotlin.
• Leave the other fields at their default values.
• Finally, click Finish.
Following these steps, Android Studio:
• This command creates a folder for your Android Studio project.
This is normally in a folder named AndroidStudioProjects, which
is located beneath our home directory.
• Constructs our project (this may take a few moments). Gradle is
the build mechanism used by Android Studio. The build progress
may be seen at the bottom of the Android Studio window.
• Opens the code editor showing our project.
• Step 2: Get our screen set up
When we initially launch our project in Android Studio, there
may be several windows and panes open. Here are some recom-
mendations for customizing the layout to help us get started with
Android Studio.
To conceal a Gradle window open on the right side, click the mini-
mize button (—) in the top right corner.
Consider adjusting the pane on the left that displays the project
folders to take up less space, depending on the size of our screen.
Our screen should be less busy at this stage.
296   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

• Step 3: Investigate the project’s structure and layout

The upper left side of the Android Studio window.
Android Studio has created several files for us based on our selec-
tion of the Basic Activity template for our project. We may examine
the file structure for our app in various ways, one of which is under
Project view. Project view organizes our files and folders to make
working with an Android project easier. (This may not always cor-
respond to the file hierarchy! Select the Project files view by clicking
to examine the file structure.
• Double-click the app folder to expand the app file structure.
• We may hide or reveal the Project view by clicking Project.
• The currently selected Project view is Project > Android.
In the Project > Android view, three or four top-level files
appear beneath our app folder: manifests, java, java (generated),
and res. It’s possible that we won’t see java (produced) immedi-
ately away.
I. Expand the manifests directory. AndroidManifest.xml is
located in this folder. This file specifies all Android app’s
components and is read by the Android runtime system when
your app is performed.
II. Expand java folder. All of our Kotlin language files are stored
in this folder; Android projects store all Kotlin language files
in this folder, along with any Java sources. The java subdirec-
tory is divided into three subfolders:
– com.example.myfirstapp (or whatever domain name
we’ve chosen): This folder includes our app’s Kotlin source
code files.
– (androidTest) com.example.myfirstapp: This is the loca-
tion for instrumented tests, which run on an Android
smartphone. It begins with a skeleton test file.
– com.example.myfirstapp (test): This is the location for
your unit tests. Unit tests do not require the use of an
Android smartphone to execute. It all begins with a skel-
eton unit test file.
Kotlin for Android Development   ◾    297

III. Unzip the res folder. This folder holds all of our app’s resources,
including photos, layout files, strings, icons, and style. It con-
tains the following subfolders:
– Drawable: This folder will hold all of our app’s pictures.
– layout: The UI layout files for our activities are stored in
this folder. Our app currently has one activity with a lay-
out file called activity_main.xml. The content_main.xml,
fragment first.xml, and fragment_second.xml are also
– menu: In this folder, we’ll find XML files that describe
any menus in our program.
– mipmap: This folder holds our app’s launcher icons.
– navigation: This folder includes the navigation graph,
which instructs Android Studio on how to move between
various portions of your application.
– values: Contains resources utilized in our app, such as
strings and colors.

• Step 4: Construct a virtual device (emulator)

• This work will develop a virtual device (or emulator) that rep-
licates the setup of a specific type of Android device using the
Android Virtual Device (AVD) manager.
• The first step is to establish a configuration for the virtual device.
• Select Tools > AVD Manager in Android Studio, or click the AVD
Manager icon in the toolbar.
• Click the +Create Virtual Device button. (If we’ve already created
a virtual device, the window displays all of our current devices,
with the +Create Virtual Device button at the bottom.) The Select
Hardware window displays a list of hardware device definitions
already been setup.
• Select a device definition, such as Pixel 2, and press the Next
298   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

• Select the most recent version from the Recommended option in

the System Image dialog.
• If a Download link appears next to a recent release, it is not yet
installed and must be downloaded. If required, click the link
to begin the download and click Next after it is completed.
Depending on our connection speed, this may take some time.
• Accept the defaults in the following dialogue box, then click
• The virtual device we installed is now visible in the AVD Manager.
• Close the Virtual Devices AVD Manager window if it is still open.
• Step 5: Run our app on our new emulator
• Select Run > Run ‘app’ in Android Studio, or click the Run button
in the toolbar. When our app is operating, the icon changes.
• If a dialogue box appears stating, “Instant Run requires that the
platform matching to our target device be installed,” click Install
and proceed.
• Select the virtual device configured under Available devices in
Run > Select Device. In addition, a dropdown menu is displayed
in the toolbar.
• The emulator begins and boots in the same way as a hardware
device would. This may take some time, depending on the speed
of your machine. To view the progress, look for messages in the
little horizontal status bar at the very bottom of Android Studio.


Each screen in our Android app is often coupled with one or more pieces.
One fragment, named FirstFragment, creates the single screen that dis-
plays “Hellofirstfragment.” When we created our new project, this was
generated for us. Each visible fragment in an Android app has a layout that
specifies the fragment’s user interface. We can design and specify layouts
with Android Studio’s layout editor.
XML is used to define layouts. The layout editor allows us to design and
alter our layout using either XML code or the interactive visual editor.
Kotlin for Android Development   ◾    299

A view is an element of a layout. In this work, we’ll look at some of the

layout editor’s panels and learn how to adjust the characteristics of views.

• Step 1: Open layout editor

i. Locate and access the layout folder (app > res > layout) in the
Project panel’s left side.
ii. fragment first.xml should be double-clicked.
The layout editor is comprised of the panels to the right of
the Project view. They may organize differently in our version of
Android Studio, but the purpose remains the same.
A Palette of views that we may add to our app can be seen on
the left.
Under that is a Component Tree that shows the views cur-
rently in this file and how they are organized about one another.
The Design editor is in the middle, and it displays a visual
depiction of what the contents of the file will look like when
combined into an Android app. We have the option of seeing the
visual representation, the XML code, or both.
iii. The three icons are located in the top right corner of the Design
editor, above Attributes:
These are the views for Code (code only), Split (code + design),
and Design (design just).
iv. Try with the various modes. Depending on our screen size and
our working style, we may opt to switch between Code and
Design or stay in Split view. Hide and expose the Palette if our
Component Tree vanishes.
v. The + and − buttons for zooming in and out are located in the
lower right corner of the Design editor. Adjust the size of what
we see using these buttons, or use the zoom-to-fit button to make
both panels fit on our screen.
The design layout displays how our app will appear on the
device on the left. The schematic representation of the layout is
presented on the right in the Blueprint layout.
vi. Try with displaying the design view, the blueprint view, and both
views side by side using the layout menu in the upper left of the
design toolbar.
300   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

Depending on our screen size and our preferences, we may

choose to show simply the Design view or the Blueprint view
rather than both.
vii. To modify the direction of the layout, click the orientation sym-
bol. This allows us to see how our design will look in portrait and
landscape orientations.
View the layout on different devices by using the device menu.
(This is fantastic for testing!)
The Attributes panel is on the right.

• Step 2: Navigate and resize the Component Tree

i. Examine the Component Tree in fragment_first.xml. If it isn’t
visible, change the mode to Design rather than Split or Code.
This panel displays the view hierarchy in our layout, or how
the views are organized about one another.
ii. Resize the Component Tree if required to read at least some of
the strings.
iii. In the upper right corner of the Component Tree, click the Hide
The Component Tree is now closed.
iv. Click the vertical label Component Tree on the left to restore the
Component Tree.

• Step 3: Evaluate view hierarchies

i. Notice that the root of the view hierarchy in the Component Tree
is a ConstraintLayout view.
Every layout must include a root view that includes all
other views. A view group, which is a view that contains other
views, is always the root view. A view group is an example of a
ii. Take note that the ConstraintLayout includes a TextView named
textview first and a Button named button first.
iii. If the code isn’t visible, use the icons in the upper right corner to
switch to Code or Split view.
Kotlin for Android Development   ◾    301

iv. The root element in the XML code is

ConstraintLayout>. A <TextView> element and a
Button> element are contained in the root


• Step 4: Modify the property values

i. Examine the TextView element’s attributes in the code editor.
android:text="Hellofirst fragment"

ii. When we click on the string in the text property, we’ll see that it
corresponds to a string resource called hellofirst_fragment.

iii. Go To > Declaration or Usages values/strings.xml opens with the

string highlighted when we right-click on the property.
<string name="hellofirst_fragment">Hellofirst

iv. Change the string property’s value to Hello Everyone.

v. Return to fragment first.xml.
vi. In the Component Tree, choose textview_first.
302   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

vii. Examine the Attributes panel on the right, and, if necessary, open
the Declared Attributes section.
viii. Notice that the string resource @string/hellofirst_fragment is still
referred to in the text field of the TextView in Attributes. There
are various advantages to storing the strings in a resource file. We
may modify the value of string without changing any other code.
Because our translators don’t need to know anything about the
app code, this simplifies translating our app to different languages.
ix. To view the modification we made in strings.xml, restart the pro-
gram. “Hello Everyone” appears in our app now.
• Step 5: Modify the text display settings
i. With textview_first still selected in the Component Tree, expand
the textAppearance field in the layout editor’s list of attributes,
under Common Attributes.
ii. Modify the text’s appearance attributes. Change the font family,
raise the text size, and pick the bold style, for example. (We may
need to scroll across the panel to see all fields.)
Change the color of the text. Enter g in the textColor field by
clicking on it.
iii. A menu appears with possible completion values beginning with
the letter g. Predefined colors are included in this list.
iv. Press Enter after selecting @android:color/darker_gray.
v. Examine the TextView’s XML. The additional homes have been
added, as we can see.

vi. Run the app again and see the changes applied to our Hello
Kotlin for Android Development   ◾    303

• Step 6: Show all attributes

i. Scroll down until we locate All Attributes in the Attributes panel.
ii. Scroll through the list to get a sense of the properties a TextView
may have.


So far, we’ve learned how to update the values of properties. We will then
learn how to construct more resources, such as the string resources we
dealt with previously. Using resources allows us to reuse data in numerous
locations and specify values and have the UI update automatically any-
time the value changes.

• Step 1: Include color resources

To begin, we’ll discover how to add new color resources.
Change the TextView’s text color and backdrop color.
i. In the left-hand Project panel, double-click res > values > colors.
xml to view the color resource file.
<color name="colorPrimary"> #7e43e6</color>
<color name="colorPrimaryDark"> #9c8cba</
<color name="colorAccent"> #75154f</color>

The editor opens the colors.xml file. Three colors have been
defined thus far. These are the colors we’ll see in our app’s design
(e.g., purple for the app bar).
ii. Return to fragment_first.xml to view the layout’s XML code.
iii. Add a new android:background property to the TextView and
begin typing to change its value to @color. This attribute may add
anywhere in the TextView code.
A menu appears, displaying the predefined color resources.
iv. Select @color/colorPrimaryDark.
v. Change the value of the android:textColor property to @
304   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

We don’t have to specify white because the Android frame-

work provides a variety of colors, including white.
vi. In the layout editor, we can observe that the TextView now has a
dark blue or purple background with white text.

• Step 2: Create a new color to use as the screen backdrop

i. Create a new color resource named screenBackground in colors.
<color name="screenBackground"> #FFEE59</color>s

A color is defined as three hexadecimal digits (#00-#FF, or 0-255)

representing the red, blue, and green (RGB) components. The
colors associated with the code are displayed in the editor’s left
It’s worth noting that a color may also be defined with an alpha
value (#00-#FF), which signifies transparency (#00 = 0% = entirely
transparent, #FF = 100% = fully opaque). When the alpha value is
included, it is the first of four hexadecimal numbers (ARGB).
The alpha value measures transparency. #88FFEE58, e.g.,
makes the color semi-transparent, whereas #00FFEE58 makes it
completely translucent and disappears from the left-hand bar.
ii. Return to fragment_first.xml.
iii. Select the ConstraintLayout component from the Component
iv. Select the background property in the Attributes window and hit
Enter. In the field that displays, type “c.”
v. Select @color/screenBackground from the color choice that
opens. To finish the selection, press Enter.
vi. Click on the yellow patch.
It displays a list of the colors specified in colors.xml. Click the
Custom tab to use an interactive color chooser to select a custom
vii. Change the value of the screenBackground color as desired, but
make sure that the final color is visibly different from the colors
colorPrimary and colorPrimaryDark.
Kotlin for Android Development   ◾    305

• Step 3: Investigate the width and height parameters

i. Now that we have a new screen backdrop color, we will adjust the
width and height parameters of views to see what happens.
Select ConstraintLayout component in the Component Tree of
fragment first.xml.
ii. Locate and expand the Layout section in the Attributes panel.
Both the layout width and layout height attributes have the value
match parent. Because the ConstraintLayout is the Fragment’s
root view, the “parent” layout size is the size of our screen.
iii. Note that the screenBackground color is used across the
iv. Choose textview first. The width and height of layout are now
wrap content, which tells the view to be only large enough to con-
tain its content (plus padding).
v. Set both the layout width and layout height to match constraint,
which instructs the view to be as large as the constraint.
The width and height show 0dp, and the text is moved
to the upper left, while the TextView expands to meet the
ConstraintLayout except for the button. Because the button and
the text view are on the same level of the view hierarchy within
the constrained layout, they share space.
vi. Try with what occurs when the width is match constraint and the
height is wrap_content, and vice versa. The width and height of
the button_first can also adjust.
vii. Return the TextView and the Button’s width and height to


We will add two more buttons to our user interface and update the exist-
ing button in this task.

• Step 1: View the constraint properties

i. View the constraint attributes for the TextView in fragment first.xml.
306   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide


ii. In the Component Tree, choose textview_first and look at the

Constraint Widget in the Attributes panel.
The square represents the selected view. Each gray dot indi-
cates a constraint, from top to bottom, left to right; in this case,
from the TextView to its parent, ConstraintLayout, or the Next
button for the bottom constraint.
iii. When a specific view is selected, the limitations are also displayed
in the blueprint and design views. Some limitations are jagged
lines, but the one closest to the Next button is a squiggle since it’s
unusual. We’ll find out more about that in a moment.
• Step 2: Add the buttons and constrain their positions
We will add buttons to the layout to understand how to utilize
constraints to connect the locations of views. Our first objective is to
create a button and some limitations and update the constraints on
the Next button.
i. Take note of the Palette in the layout editor’s upper left corner. If
necessary, adjust the edges so that we can see most of the objects
in the palette.
ii. Select some of the categories and, if necessary, peruse through
the listed items to get a sense of what’s available.
iii. Drag and drop Button, which is toward the top, into the design
view, positioning it beneath the TextView near the other button.
• Step 3: Add a constraint for the new button
The top of the button will now constrain to the bottom of the
i. Move the mouse over the top of the Button’s circle.
ii. Click and drag the top circle of the Button onto the bottom circle
of the TextView.
Because top of the button is now confined to the bottom of the
TextView, it moves up to sit just below it.
Kotlin for Android Development   ◾    307

iii. Examine the Constraint Widget in the Attributes panel’s Layout

pane. It displays certain Button limitations, such as Top ->
BottomOf textView.
iv. Check the XML code for the button. It now has the property that
restricts the button’s top to the bottom of the TextView.

v. We may get the message “Not Horizontally Constrained.” Add

constraint from the left side of the button to the left side of the
screen to remedy this.
vi. Add a constraint to keep the bottom of the button at the bottom
of the screen.
Before adding another button, rename this one, so it’s easier to tell
which one is which.
i. Click on the newly added button in the design layout.
ii. Notice the id field in the Attributes tab on the right.
iii. Rename the button to the toast button.
• Step 4: Make changes to the Next button
We will change the Next button that Android Studio built for us
when we created the app. The restriction between it and the TextView
is a wavy line rather than a jagged one, with no arrow. This denotes
a chain, in which the constraints connect two or more items rather
than simply one. For the time being, we will remove the chained
restrictions and replace them with regular constraints.
To delete a constraint:
• In the design or blueprint view, hold the Ctrl key (Command on
a Mac) and drag the cursor over the constraint’s circle until it
highlights, then click the circle.
• Alternatively, choose one of the constrained views, then right-
click on the constraint and select Delete from the menu.
• Alternatively, in the Attributes panel, slide the mouse over the
constraint’s circle until it shows an x, then click it.
308   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

• If we delete a constraint and then want it back, we must either

undo the operation or establish a new constraint.
• Step 5: Remove the chain limitations
Click the Next button, then erase the constraint from the button’s
top to the TextView.
Remove the constraint from the bottom of the text to the Next
button by clicking on the TextView.
• Step 6: Add new constraints
i. If it isn’t already, move the right side of the Next button to the
right side of the screen.
ii. Delete the constraint located to the left of the Next button.
iii. Now, constrain the Next button’s top and bottom such that the top
is confined to bottom of the TextView and bottom is constrained
to bottom of the screen. The button’s right side is restricted to the
screen’s right side.
Constrict the TextView to the bottom of the screen as well.
iv. The views may appear to hop around a lot, but this is typical as we
add and remove restrictions.

• Step 7: Gather string resources

i. Locate the toast button’s text attribute in the fragment_first.xml
layout file.

ii. Take note that the text “Button” is directly in the layout field,
rather than referring to a string resource as the TextView does.
This will make translating our application into other languages
more difficult.
iii. To correct this, click the highlighted code. On the left, a light bulb
Kotlin for Android Development   ◾    309

iv. Click the lightbulb. Select Extract string resource from the option
that appears.
v. In the resulting dialogue box, update the resource name to toast_
button_text and the resource value to Toast, then click OK.
vi. Notice how the android:text property’s value has changed to

vii. Navigate to the file res > values > strings.xml. A new string
resource entitled toast button text has been added.
<string name="toast_button_text">Toast</string>

viii. Run the app to ensure that it displays as expected.

We now understand how to generate new string resources from
existing field values. (We may also manually add additional resources
to the strings.xml file.) We also understand how to alter the id of a

• Step 8: Update Next button

The text for the Next button is already in a string resource, but
we’ll update it to reflect its new role, which is to produce and show a
random number.
i. In the Attributes panel, change the Next button’s id from button
first to random button, just like we did with the Toast button.
ii. If a dialog box appears requesting you to update all button usages,
click Yes. Any additional references to the button in the project
code will Fix.
iii. Right-click on the next string resource in strings.xml.
iv. Go to Refactor > Rename… and rename the file random button text.
310   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

v. To rename our string and exit the window, click Refactor.

vi. Change the string’s value from Next to Random.
vii. We may relocate random button text underneath toast button
text if we ike.
• Step 9: Add third button
Our final layout will have three buttons that are vertically con-
strained and evenly separated from one another.
i. In fragment_first.xml, add another button to the layout and place
it below the TextView, between the Toast and Random buttons.
ii. Use the same vertical constraints as the other two buttons.
Constrain the third button’s top to the bottom of TextView and
the bottom of the screen.
iii. Apply horizontal restrictions to the other buttons from the third
button. Constrain the third button’s left side to the right side of
the Toast button, and the third button’s right side to the left side
of the Random button.
iv. Examine the fragment first.xml XML code.
When both sides are bound in opposing directions, the “bias”
constraints enable us to alter the location of a view to be more
on one side than the other. For example, if both top and bottom
sides of a view are confined to the top and bottom of the screen,
we may apply a vertical bias to shift the view to the top rather
than the bottom.
Here is the completed layout’s XML code. Our layout may
include varying margins as well as vertical or horizontal bias
limits. For our project, the precise values of the properties for the
look of the TextView may change.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
ConstraintLayout <?xml version="1.0"
ConstraintLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas."
Kotlin for Android Development   ◾    311





toTopOf="parent" />


toBottomOf="@+id/textview_first" />
312   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide



toBottomOf="@+id/textview_first" />

toBottomOf="@+id/textview_first" />

• Step 10: Get our UI for the next task

The following job is to make the buttons perform something when
pressed. First, we must prepare the user interface.
i. Modify the TextView’s text to show 0 (the number zero).
ii. Move the text alignment to the middle.
iii. In the design editor’s Attributes panel, change the id of the last
button we inserted, button2, to count_button.
iv. Extract the string resource to count_button_text in the XML and
update the value to Count.
The following text and ids should now appear on the buttons:

Button Text id
Left-button Toast @+id/toast_button
Middle-button Count @+id/count_button
Right-button Random @+id/random_button

v. Run app.
Kotlin for Android Development   ◾    313

• Step 11: Fix errors if necessary

The issues arise because the id of the buttons has changed, and
these constraints are now referring to non-existent views.
If we see any of these issues, just update the buttons’ id in the
restrictions shown in red.


Our app’s layout is nearly complete, but it may be enhanced with a few
minor changes.
• Step 1: Add new color resources
i. In colors.xml, set screenBackground to #2196F3, a blue color
from the Material Design palette.
ii. Add a new color to the palette called buttonBackground. Use the
color #BBDEFC, which is a paler tone of blue.
<color name="buttonBackground">#BBDEFC</color>

• Step 2: Change the background color of the buttons

Fill in the background color for each of the buttons in the layout.
(We may either change the XML in fragment first.xml or utilize the
Attributes panel, whichever we want.)

• Step 3: Modify the left and right button margins

Give the Toast button a 24dp left (start) margin and the Random
button a 24dp right (end) margin. (Using start and finish rather than
left and right, these margins work in all language directions.)
The Constraint Widget in the Attributes panel is one method to
accomplish this. The number on each side represents the margin on that
side of the chosen view. Enter the number 24 into the slot and hit Enter.
• Step 4: Update the TextView appearance
i. Remove the TextView’s background color by deleting the value in
the Attributes panel or removing the android:background prop-
erty from the XML code.
314   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

When the backdrop is removed, the view background becomes

ii. Increase the TextView’s text size to 74sp.

iii. If it isn’t already, change the font-family of the TextView to

iv. Add an app:layout constraintVertical bias attribute to the
TextView to slightly bias the view’s position upward so that it is
more uniformly spaced vertically on the screen. We are allowed
to change the value of this restriction as we like. (We can see how
the arrangement appears in the design view.)

v. We can also use the Constraint Widget to set the vertical bias.
Click and drag number 50 that appears on the left side, then slide
it upward until it says 30.


Kotlin is becoming a popular programming language among Android
developers. Despite Java’s overwhelming dominance as the go-to platform
for Android app development, Kotlin has emerged as a formidable com-
petitor. Java is still a popular development language for creating Android
apps. Nonetheless, Kotlin is making significant inroads into the app devel-
opment business. Java and Kotlin are now Android’s official programming
This section will discuss the most notable advantages of adopting Kotlin
over Java for Android app development. The advantages are numerous,
from ease of learning to code structure to correctness. Continue reading
to learn more.

The Benefits of Kotlin-Based Android App Development

Developers are increasingly choosing Kotlin over Java.
Kotlin compiles the same byte code as Java and may interact with
it naturally. Despite Java’s familiarity and dependability, an increas-
ing number of Android app developers are switching to Kotlin for
its more sophisticated capabilities. Here’s a selection of the most
Kotlin for Android Development   ◾    315

1. Simplified and shorter code: Kotlin provides both shorter code

and improved readability. Kotlin’s official developers have been
working hard to keep the language as compact as feasible. Shorter
codes offer fewer risks of coding mistake. We may concentrate on
the code’s quality and logic rather than avoiding lengthy code-
related faults.
Kotlin is statically typed programming language that is simple to
understand and write. The brevity and simplicity of the programs
also make debugging easier. Katlin’s codes can streamline the pro-
gramming process more effectively than Java. Katlin’s smooth inte-
grated development environment makes it feasible.
2. Java compatibility: Kotlin is entirely compatible with all Java librar-
ies and development frameworks. This makes it easy for Android app
development businesses to transition from Java to Kotlin. If we are
an Android developer, you may simply utilize Katlin without making
any substantial modifications, such as rewriting a whole app. This is,
in fact, one of the most significant benefits in terms of the time and
work required to change the present coding language.
Furthermore, Katlin’s simplicity makes it exceedingly simple for
developers to understand and code. We’ll have no trouble writing
code with Katlin if we’re comfortable with Java. We may also quickly
translate Java code to Katlin. We only need lntelliJ or Android studio
to convert Java to Katlin. That’s why Katlin is being used for so many
Android development projects.
3. Elimination of null references: This is the most significant advan-
tages of using Katlin versus Java. Null references, called “the billion-
dollar mistake” by computer scientist Sir Tony Hoare, are a serious
impediment to high-quality code.
In Java, null references can cause a null reference exception
known as the NullPointerException (NPE). The Kotlin program-
ming language is intended to eliminate NPE from code. NPE might
be caused by:

• A call to throw NullPointerException().

• Initialization-related data consistency.
• Among other things, Java interoperation attempts to access a
member of the null reference.
316   ◾    Kotlin: The Ultimate Guide

4. Solution for Java’s shortcomings: Kotlin improves and smartens

coding for Android app development by solving several typical Java
faults. For example, it allows us to avoid the null pointer problem.
Kotlin has effectively taken several fantastic aspects from other
languages like C# and Scala. These modifications are intended to
address some of Java’s long-standing faults. Kotlin’s coding compo-
nents, such as parameter lists and variable declarations, make it an
ideal tool for coping with Java’s problems.
5. Development of cross-platform apps: Kotlin’s development skills
extend beyond Android app development and even mobile apps.
Kotlin’s support for JavaScript interoperability allows you to move
frontend development to Kotlin. Kotlin also allows you to create
Gradle code in Kotlin. This also allows mobile app developers to
develop iOS apps. As a result, Kotlin-written cross-platform apps
offer native-like performance.

Aside from this, Kotlin supports efficient multithreading. It allows us to syn-

chronize many threads while simultaneously changing data. Pure functions
and immutable objects can reduce the requirement for continual change.


This section will show us how to add in-app reviews into our project using

Set Up Our Development Environment

The Play Core SDK includes the In-App Review API. Follow the instruc-
tions in the Kotlin section of the Play Core library documentation to set up
our development environment.

Create ReviewManager
The ReviewManager interface allows our app to initiate an in-app review
flow. Create an instance of the ReviewManagerFactory to obtain it.

val managers = ReviewManagerFactory.create(context)

Request ReviewInfo Object

To establish suitable moments in our app’s user flow to prompt the user
for a review, follow the recommendations on when to seek in-app reviews
Kotlin for Android Development   ◾    317

(e.g., when the user completes a level in a game). When our app reaches
one of these stages, create a request task using the ReviewManager object.
The API delivers the ReviewInfo object required to begin the in-app review
procedure if the request is successful.

val request = manager.requestReviewFlow()

request.addOnCompleteListener { task ->
if (task.isSuccessful) {
// We got ReviewInfo object
val reviewInfo = task.result
} else {
// There was problem, log or handle error code.
@ReviewErrorCode val reviewErrorCode = (task.
getException() as TaskException).errorCode

Launch in-app Review Flow

To launch the in-app review cycle, use the ReviewInfo instance. Wait until
the user has finished in-app review flow before continuing with the usual
user flow of our app (such as advancing to the next level).

Val flow = manager.launchReviewFlow(activity,

flow.addOnCompleteListener { _ ->
// flow has finished. The API does not indicate
whether user
// reviewed or not, or even whether review dialog
is shown.
// Thus, no matter the result, we continue our app

In this chapter, we covered Building Android apps in Kotlin, Benefits

of Kotlin for Android app development, and Integration with Android

Kotlin is a popular cross-platform and statically typed programming

language. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is used for programming
implementations in application development. As an alternative to Java
programming, Kotlin is increasingly employed in Android app and con-
structors. Because of its compatibility, low run time, and efficient coding
capabilities, Kotlin is a popular programming language.


Kotlin is one of the most significant subjects in social media and the new
future for software developers; let us go through it in depth. Kotlin is a
cross-platform statically typed programming language based on the JVM.
The JVM is widely used for developing java computer programs. Now, let’s
talk about history and development of Kotlin. Jet-brains designed and
developed it. The programming language is named Kotlin after the island
of the same name near St. Petersburg. The Java computer language was
named after the Indonesian island of Java. In the current industry, it might
be considered the successor of Java.

The Kotlin language was initially introduced in 2011 by the business
JetBrains; if we’re unfamiliar with them, they were previously known as
the creators of the popular IntelliJ IDEA and are now equally well-known
as the inventors of the Kotlin language.
Although their initial release was in 2011, it wasn’t until 2016 that Kotlin
v1.0 was released, the first official release for which JetBrains would guar-
antee backward compatibility; the Kotlin release versioning method can
be seen here. Kotlin is presently at version 1.5, and the following timelines
compare Kotlin’s release cycle to JDK’s release cycle.

DOI: 10.1201/9781003308447-8 319

320   ◾    Appraisal

These may be executed on an open-source platform and are mostly
regarded as a Java substitute. It may combine with both Java and Javascript
programs and Java libraries. Kotlin has its libraries that may access via
the Application programming interface. The program in Java is redun-
dant and repeated in nature, resulting in long code, whereas Kotlin is more
simple and current, making it readily accessible by newcomers. It primar-
ily focuses on decreasing functional code while also removing repetitive
code. Kotlin protects null points by removing null point exceptions and
the semicolons (;) required in Java code but can be ignored. There is no
problem if the user uses it by default.


Google officially announced it as the programming language used for
Android development. Please explain how Kotlin can make our work
more accessible and more comfortable. The Kotlin language program is
short and gives the programmer greater conveniences through built-in
apps. Lengthy Java applications may develop in a short time with the help
of Kotlin. That is, it consumes less code while producing the same outputs.
Shortcode needs less time to write, which is directly related to financial


Understanding the usage of Kotlin, the successor to Java, would be sim-
pler when learned by comparing Java with Kotlin. This may use both on
the source and client sides. It is simple to use on any operating systems,
including iOS, macOS, and embedded systems. People utilize it in server-
side apps, java scripts, and data science.
Kotlin requires less code and has fewer bugs. It also allows test-driven
development, which further minimizes the number of bugs. Even if you
make a mistake when coding the code, we can quickly correct it. Because
of its shortcode and fewer issues, it is simple to maintain and can thus be
handled by a new team. It also supports multiple plugins, making life much
easier. With so many applications, any developer prefers this language.


In reality, there are several domains where Kotlin may play a major role. It
may utilize in practically every situation where Java is used.
Appraisal   ◾    321

Let us look at some examples of how it may utilize:

• In scientific Game creation

• Data examination
• Reusing code from Android apps in iOS
• Systems that are embedded
• Web apps such as Netflix


Kotlin is a fantastic choice for creating server-side apps since it enables us
to create expressive and simple code while staying completely interoper-
able with current Java-based technology stacks and having a short learn-
ing curve:

• Expressivity: The innovative language features of Kotlin, like type-

safe constructors and delegated properties, enable the creation of
robust and simple abstractions.
• Scalability: Kotlin supports, step-by-step transfer of large Java code-
bases to Kotlin. We could start writing new code in Kotlin while
keeping current pieces of our system in Java.
• Tooling: Via addition to generic IDE support, Kotlin offers frame-
work-specific tooling (e.g., Spring) in the IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate
• Learning Curve: For Java developer, getting started with the Kotlin
is pretty straightforward. The automated Java to Kotlin converter in
the Kotlin plugin helps in the early stages. Kotlin Koans guide us
through the main aspects of the language through a series of interac-
tive games.


It mainly works with:

• Data types, operators, and I/O comments

• Expressions such as if, when, while, for, break, and continue
322   ◾    Appraisal

• Function calls, recursions, and arguments

• Constructors, Classes, Objects, Companions, Extensions, and so on.


Kotlin was created due to Lead Developer Dmitry Jemerov’s search for
functionality that he couldn’t find in the Java. Scala, another language that
runs on the JVM, came close, but compiling took too long.
Jemerov desired a language with all of the characteristics of more
recent programming languages, which could operate on the JVM and
compile as quickly as Java. As a result, he developed his language,
On the Android operating system, Kotlin was designed to replace Java.
In 2019, Google ultimately agreed with Jemerov and most Android devel-
opers and proclaimed that Kotlin was the ideal language for Android app
development eight years after it was launched.
Here are some of the reasons why developers choose Kotlin over Java:

• Kotlin is succinct, which saves time spent creating boilerplate code

in Java.
• A script may use to convert a Java file to a Kotlin file.
• There is no runtime overhead with Kotlin. Adding features to a lan-
guage can sometimes result in increased overhead, which reduces
efficiency. Not the case with Kotlin.
• Kotlin has a large community. If we get stuck, we may obtain support
from other developers on coding forums and social networks.
• Kotlin makes asynchronous programming more accessible. Making
asynchronous network and database calls in Java is cumbersome and
inconvenient. Coroutines in Kotlin make asynchronous program-
ming efficient and straightforward.
• Nulls are handled in Kotlin. If we don’t plan for a null in Java, it
might cause a program to crash. To avoid these problems, we may
add a simple operator to variables null in Kotlin.
• Kotlin can operate on a variety of systems. Kotlin can run every-
where Java can, allowing us to create cross-platform programs.
Appraisal   ◾    323

• It is simple to transition to Kotlin. Because Kotlin is entirely compat-

ible with Java, we do not need to replace all of our code at once. We
may gradually move an application to Kotlin.


Kotlin is intended to operate on a JVM and can coexist alongside Java.
Although Kotlin began as a language for Android development, its fea-
tures quickly spread beyond the Java community, and it is now utilized for
a wide range of applications.

Android Development
Kotlin is the recommended language for Android development because it
allows developers to produce more concise, expressive, and secure code.
Android Studio, the official IDE for Android development, fully supports
it, so we can receive the same sort of code completion and type checking
to assist us to create Kotlin code as we can with Java.
Because more people now access the Internet via mobile phones, most
companies must have a mobile presence. Because Android accounts for
more than 70% of the mobile phone market, Kotlin developers would be in
great demand even if Kotlin was solely used for Android development. It
may, however, be used for much more.

Web Development on the Back-End

Back-end web development in Java is common, with popular frameworks
such as Spring. However, since it was simpler to work with, Kotlin made
inroads into server-side web development.
The language’s contemporary capabilities enable Web Developers to
create apps that expand fast on commodity hardware. Because Kotlin and
Java are compatible, we may gradually migrate an application to use Kotlin
one file at a time while the remainder of the program continues to use Java.
Kotlin works with the Spring and other frameworks, so migrating to
Kotlin does not need to redesign our existing code completely. Google,
Amazon, and many more organizations have already replaced Java in their
server-side code with Kotlin.

Full-Stack Web Development

Kotlin makes sense for server-side web development. After all, Java has
been around since the beginning. We may still use Kotlin for front-end
programming using Kotlin/JS.
324   ◾    Appraisal

Kotlin/JS gives developers type-safe access to a sophisticated browser

and online APIs. Full-Stack Developers simply need to be familiar with
Kotlin. They can create front-end code in the same language as back-end
code, and it will be compiled to JavaScript to execute in the browser.

Data Science
Data Scientists have long used Java to crunch information, discover pat-
terns, and make predictions, so it seems to reason that Kotlin will find a
home in the field as well.
Data Scientists can utilize all of the normal Java libraries used in Java
projects, but they must develop their code in Kotlin. Jupyter and Zeppelin,
two tools that many Data Scientists regularly utilize for data visualization
and exploratory study, support Kotlin.

Mobile Development for Multiple Platforms

Kotlin Multi-platform Mobile is a software development kit for building
cross-platform mobile applications. This implies that we’ll be able to gen-
erate apps that operate not only on Android phones but also on iPhones
and the Apple Watch from a single Kotlin codebase. This is still in its early
stages, but it has a lot of potential.

Features Java Kotlin

Primitive Type In Java, primitive types are not Objects are primitive types.
Product It is an Oracle Corporation It is a JetBrains product.
Used For It is used to create both It is used to create server-side
standalone and enterprise apps as well as Android
applications. applications.
Compilation Java’s compilation time is Its compilation time is slower
Time relatively short. than that of Java.
File Extensions Java employs the following file Kotlin utilizes the following file
extensions: .java (for source extensions: .kt (for Kotlin source
files), .class (for class files), files), .kts (for Kotlin script file),
and .jar (for archived file). and .ktm (for Kotlin module).
Checked The try-catch block in Java is It is not necessary to catch or
Exceptions used to handle the checked declare any exceptions.
Concise In comparison to Kotlin, the It decreases the amount of
code is not as concise. boilerplate code.

Appraisal   ◾    325

Features Java Kotlin

Extension If we want to enhance the Using the extension method, we
Function functionality of an existing may add additional functionality
class, we must build a new to a class.
class and inherit from it. As a
result, Java does not support
the extension function.
Widening Java enables implicit Kotlin does not support implicit
Conversion conversion, which allows us conversion. As a result, we
to convert a smaller type to a cannot transform the smaller
larger one. type into a larger one.
Code Comparison The line of code is just It cuts the code line in half.
doubled in comparison to
Community Java has a sizable user Its community is not as large as
Support community. that of Java.
Casting In Java, we must identify and Kotlin enables smart casting,
execute the casting. which implies that it
automatically detects immutable
types and executes implicit
Type Interface The data type must specify It is not necessary to explicitly
explicitly. indicate the type of variable.
Null Values We can provide variables with We are unable to assign null
null values, but we can’t give values to any variables or objects.
objects null values.
Ternary Operator It’s only accessible in Java. The ternary operator is not
Coroutines Java’s multithreading We can create many threads
Support functionality complicates (long-running heavy activities)
matters since controlling in Kotlin just like we do in Java,
several threads is a demanding but coroutine can stop a thread
process. If we start a long- execution at a certain point
running demanding task, such without blocking the other
as network I/O or CPU threads.
activities, Java stops the thread.
Functional Java is not a functional It is a programming language that
Programming programming language. combines functional and
procedural elements.
Data Classes If we merely require a class to In Kotlin, we accomplish the same
contain data, we must define thing by declaring the class with
getter and setter methods, the keyword Data. The compiler
constructors, and other handles the rest of the job, such as
functions. constructing constructor, getter,
and setter methods for the fields.
326   ◾    Appraisal


Yes, considering the ubiquity of Android and the beginner-friendly nature
of Kotlin, it is unquestionably worthwhile to learn in 2022. Learning
Kotlin will take us only a few weeks if we are seasoned programmers flu-
ent in Java. Indeed, Kotlin is beginning to outperform several popular
languages, including Java. As a result, 2022 is an excellent year to study
The need for mobile developers grows in tandem with the demand for
Android apps. Android applications provide a wide range of functions in
the digital industry, from data retrieval to security to provide a pleasing
user experience.
So, if we want to be a successful Android developer, we need to know


We may be wondering why we should learn Kotlin instead of other popu-
lar programming languages such as Python, C++, and Java as a programmer.
Continue reading to discover the top five reasons Kotlin is worthwhile to learn.

Simple to Understand
Compared to more sophisticated programming languages, Kotlin’s gram-
mar is simple to grasp. As a newbie, we will rapidly learn and use it for
app development. Kotlin will help us improve our programming abilities
if we’re seasoned developers. It’s straightforward to know if we’ve worked
with Python or Java before.

Ample Resources
If we want to study Kotlin, there are several resources available online.
We will have no trouble finding resources to learn Kotlin whether we join
in a Bootcamp, sign up for an online course, or self-study through online

When it comes to Kotlin, there is a sizable developer community. There
are Kotlin communities throughout the world, and these platforms allow
professionals of different skill levels to help one another. Furthermore, we
will have the opportunity to network with experienced programmers who
may give free mentorship.
Appraisal   ◾    327

Prospective Careers
Kotlin developers are in great demand. As Kotlin developers, we will have
a wide range of job options accessible to us. We will discover a suitable job
opportunity whether we seek work in mobile development, game develop-
ment, or web development. Furthermore, Kotlin developers may expect to
earn between $120,000 and $166,000 per year.

Modern Programming Language

Kotlin is a contemporary programming language that combines object-
oriented and functional programming to produce a robust, feature-rich
language. Among these benefits include easy syntax, general-purpose
application, and cyber security. Furthermore, Kotlin may utilize cross-
platform programming.


Yes, Kotlin is worth learning, especially if we design mobile apps. Kotlin is
an easy-to-learn, flexible programming language that is the leading force in
Android app development. Kotlin provides a strong foundation for future
potential as Google’s preferred programming language. Additionally,
Kotlin developers are in great demand.


• Modular integration: Kotlin is a SDK rather than a framework is per-
haps its most important benefit. This means that teams with existing apps
may add a module or relocate a tiny section to explore its possibilities
without making a significant commitment. This greatly assists Kotlin in
overcoming the most major obstacle to transitioning to a new codebase.
• Learning curve: Kotlin is already a popular programming lan-
guage, and its syntax is strikingly similar to those of other popular
languages like Swift and Java. This lowers the barrier to entry and
encourages developers to utilize Kotlin as an alternative.
• A unified codebase for business logic: By definition, cross-platform
development solutions allow us to utilize a single code base across
many systems, and Kotlin Multiplatform is no exception. The advan-
tage of adopting Kotlin is that we can share functionality and librar-
ies behind the UI layer. This enables developers to interface with
their local environment directly.
328   ◾    Appraisal

• Native UI experience: Unlike other cross-platform options like

Flutter, Kotlin Multiplatform does not impose a UI on developers. It
allows us to use native UI components as if we were creating natively.
• Improved performance: By utilizing native components, Kotlin-
written apps may perform as well as natively developed apps. This is
a widely desired advantage for many developers that want to produce
anything more significant than an MVP.


• Write Less Code: Every developer wants to write the least amount of
code feasible while still accomplishing the goal. Kotlin lets us write
the least amount of code possible, enhancing app speed.
• Adoption Ease: It is relatively simple to migrate the existing Android
app code to Kotlin.
• Supports Functional Programming: Kotlin supports functional
programming by allowing developers to simply and swiftly handle
• Complete Java Compatibility: Developers may utilize all Java librar-
ies and frameworks when working in Kotlin.
• No Runtime Overhead: There is no runtime overhead since Kotlin
has a minimal library, and most of the hard lifting is done during
• Multi-Platform Compatibility: Kotlin is compatible with Android
development and with JavaScript and Gradle.
• Less Error-Prone: Kotlin is less error-prone because the language
itself removes a few frequent coding errors; also, the developer’s error
risks are lowered when a developer needs to write less code.


If we enjoy programming, creating ML algorithms will sound exciting.
First and foremost. Assume you’re about to build a Decision Tree Classifier
in Python. Why would we do that? We’ll most likely use NumPy for array
Appraisal   ◾    329

manipulation and Pandas for data processing. Some people may employ
scikit-DecisionTreeClassifier. Learn’s If we want to build a decision tree
from scratch, Python is an excellent choice.
Like other programming languages, Python does not need us to iden-
tify a variable’s data type explicitly.
It also has many programs available via pip, so save our lives! However,
as the number of edge devices around us grows, we will likely have to build
ML algorithms for iOS, Android, and Rasberry Pi. Working with arrays
on Java might be a pain when it comes to Android. Then there’s Kotlin.
Android now has a new programming language. It includes simple array
manipulation techniques, making it powerful and developer-friendly. Its
syntax is also similar to Python’s. This section will learn about several fan-
tastic Kotlin functions that can help us in our ML adventure on Android.

1. Element mapping in an array: We can utilize Kotlin’s map function

to do picture categorization or detection on some of our users’ photos.
// Create File object for images directory
val imageDir = File( "path_to_image_dir" )
// Map files to the Bitmaps.
val bitmaps = { file ->
BitmapFactory.decodeFile( file.absolutePath ) }
// at once resize them.
val resizedBitmaps = { image -> Bitmap.
createScaledBitmap( image, 118, 118, false ) }

In Java, we’ll most likely need to construct a for loop that iterates over
the files, converting them to Bitmap one by one.
Various ML methods rely on computing the minimum, maxi-
mum, and average of integers contained in an array. We can have the
argmax function, as well as the max and min functions in Python,
in Kotlin.
val p1 = floatArrayOf( 8f, 2f, 2.3f, 0.001f )
// Compute-mean
val mean = p1.average()
// Compute sum of all the elements
val sum = p1.sum()

// Compute-min/max
val max = p1.max()
330   ◾    Appraisal

val min = p1.min()

// Normalize values
val normalizedValues = { ai -> ( ai - min )
/ max }
// Index of max element ( useful in classification )
val argmax = p1.indexOf( max )
// Filter elements greater than 2
p1.filter { xi -> xi > 2f }
// Use the map() successively to normalize multi
dim arrays
// An image ( W * H * 3 ) could be an example
val multiDimArray = arrayOf(
floatArrayOf( 1f, 2f, 3f )
floatArrayOf( 4f, 5f, 6f )
floatArrayOf( 9f, 10f, 2f )
val normalizedMultiDimArray = {
column -> {
row -> {
element -> element / 255f
} } }

2. Array filtering: For example, in a decision tree method, the prob-

ability of a certain element in an array is required for comput-
ing information gain. Similarly, term frequencies and IDFs must
be calculated for TF-IDF. The count and filter methods in Kotlin
make it easy to work with probabilities and frequencies of array

val labels = arrayOf("Rainy", "Cloudy",

"Thunder", "Cloudy", "Rainy" )
// Compute the probability of "Rainy"
val p1 = labels.count { it == "Rainy" } / labels.
// Compute probabilities of all the elements
val p1Labels = {
Appraisal   ◾    331

label -> labels.count { it == label } /


Filtering is also beneficial when preparing data for an NLP model.

The filter function might use to do tokenization, stop word removal,
and punctuation tasks.
// s1 -> The sentence provided by the user
val sentence = s1.trim().toLowerCase()
// Tokenize sentences
var tokens = sentence.split( " " )
// Remove all the punctuation/numbers
tokens = { Regex("[^A-Za-z0-9 ]").
replace( it, "") }
// Remove all the stopwords
tokens = tokens.filterNot { !englishStopWords.
contains( it.trim() ) }
// Filter the empty tokens
tokens = tokens.filter { it.trim().isNotBlank() }

An example of creating a (word, frequency) vocabulary and storing it

as a HashMap<String,Int>
// Build ( word, frequency ) table given 'words'
fun buildVocabs( words : Array<String> ) :
HashMap<String,Int> {
val sortedWords = words.toSet()
val vocabs = HashMap<String,Int>()
for ( word in sortedWords ){
vocabs[word] = words.count { it.equals(
word ) }
return vocabs

3. Coroutines in Kotlin: Kotlin Coroutines can assist us in running

ML models on background threads, resulting in a superior user
experience. We’ll want to execute it asynchronously if we’re using a
model to improve an image’s resolution (super-resolution).


It is a compiled language, so we must compile the code before running
it. The source code is kept in a file with the extension .kt. Developers
332   ◾    Appraisal

prefer Kotlin over Java because it offers less coding risks. The lan-
guage enables developers to write less code while maintaining project
Kotlin developers are in great demand in the IT industry. Almost every
mobile app development business prefers to hire developers to create apps
in Kotlin for Android. These businesses strive to capitalize on every avail-
able opportunity. The need for Kotlin developers is really strong.
To become a Kotlin developer, we must have the following skills:

• We must be familiar with OOPs principles such as design patterns,

extension functions, invariant arrays, etc.
• It is necessary to be familiar with the Android features such as APIs,
Android Studio, Flutter, and the NDK.
• It is required to have a basic grasp of XML files, JSON, and online
• It is necessary to be familiar with multithreading, navigation compo-
nents, data binding libraries, cloud services, and automated testing.
• Data structure and algorithm knowledge are also required.


To begin with, Google does not want to eliminate the entire Java eco-
system, though it wishes it could. However, it has always sought bet-
ter alternatives to the Java programming language for android app
It may have started in 2010, when Oracle, the new owner of Sun
Microsystems, sued Google for stealing the Java API used to construct
the Android operating system. The nine-year-old court struggle has taken
many twists and turns. Google’s most effective defense in the lawsuit was
that the APIs were not copyrighted. On the other hand, Oracle argued that
they were not and that Google did not license the Java API before utilizing
This does not imply that we will lose Android if Oracle wins the case
because Google avoided such a scenario by creating all versions of Android,
beginning with Android 7.0 (Nougat) with an open-sourced version of the
JDK (Java Development Kit).
Appraisal   ◾    333

Nonetheless, Google has long desired to distance itself from the eco-
system. Java is a nearly ubiquitous programming language. But, whether
android developers detest it or avoid it, the need for Java persists in some
form or another. That is why they needed to discover something that com-
plements rather than replaces Java. A language that is more enjoyable to
use than Java and is compatible with it, Kotlin was born.


Kotlin isn’t a brand-new language created by Google. It is an open-source
language developed in 2011 by JetBrains (a well-known Google devel-
opment partner). But it didn’t get the respect it deserved until Google
announced Kotlin, along with Java and C++, as an official language for
Android app development at its annual I/O event in 2017.
There has been no turning back for the Kotlin since then. What made
the meal even better was that Kotlin received full support from the IDE.
This was because JetBrains, the firm responsible for Kotlin, also created
the core of Android Studio, namely IntelliJ.
Google and JetBrains’ involvement and support for Kotlin guaranteed
that Android developers could simply transition from Java to Kotlin. Soon
after, Android developers began to recognize the advantages of Kotlin over
Java for Android app development, including the following:

• In contrast to the verbosity of Java coding, developers may write suc-

cinct yet expressive code.
• The NullPointerException was a big source of contention for Java for
Android app development. Kotlin addresses this issue by requiring
developers to allow null variables, eliminating any potential difficul-
ties expressly.
• It’s difficult for developers to switch to new languages, mainly when
writing Android apps in an old language like Java. The Android
Studio’s Java to Kotlin conversion functionality, allowing developers
to transform Java code directly into Kotlin, quickly fixed this issue.

These and other significant features finally led to 50 percent of Professional

Android developers switching to Kotlin and embracing the transition.
Kotlin is one of today’s most popular programming languages, according
to the findings.
334   ◾    Appraisal


Google’s intention in releasing Kotlin and pushing its adoption in Android
app development is not to replace Java. But it just requires something to
accompany the former.
Kotlin runs on the JVM; therefore, the new programming language
won’t make much of a difference for end-users. As a result, comparing
Kotlin to Java, as has recently occurred, is not even fair. Java is Kotlin. We
can have our Kotlin code translated to Java, and your Kotlin code will still
execute on the JVM.
However, it is undeniable that Kotlin is one of the fastest developing
programming languages. Kotlin has risen to the top 50 programming
languages in the TIOBE ranking in just six years. This demonstrates
Kotlin’s promise as a fun, productive programming language for produc-
ing Android apps.
Is this increase sustainable, or will another future language surpass
Kotlin? For the time being, it appears that such a situation is unlikely. On
the other hand, Oracle understands the importance of Java in android
app development and beyond. So it shouldn’t be too difficult for them to
launch Java with a few enhancements in its next version to compete with
To sum, Kotlin became Google’s recommended mobile app develop-
ment language because Google wanted it to! Kotlin was created to be
superior to Java. It was intended to be a rung on which android app devel-
opment firms might climb to move away from Java and onto something
purportedly superior.


The Most Desired Characteristics
The following are the top three features:

• Types of multicatch and union (45 percent)

• Literals from a collection (32 percent)
• Extension functions and attributes have many recipients (30 percent)

The features in the fourth through ninth positions on the list, on the other
hand, received a lot of support from the community. The six features at the
bottom of the list garnered much less votes. Some of them, such as Lateinit
Appraisal   ◾    335

for nullable and basic types and Overloadable bitwise operators like I and
&, ended up in the top three most disliked features.
Because there are other ways to implement the Multicatch and union
types functionality, we asked the Kotlin community to vote on which of
the two options they preferred:

• Eighty-seven percent voted in favor of union types, which would

allow you to write a function that returns one of the available values
without introducing a separate ParseResult type at all.
• Because current Java APIs don’t exploit exceptions as extensively as
they used to, 13 percent proposed that we make no special adjust-
ments for exceptions (and older ones will eventually supersede). They
would prefer a succinct enum-like syntax for defining sealed classes,
making it easier to build Kotlin-style error-returning methods.


Apps for Android and iOS
One of the most common Kotlin Multiplatform use cases is code shar-
ing between mobile platforms. We may use Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile
to create cross-platform mobile apps and share common code between
Android and iOS, such as business logic and connections.

Full-Stack Web Apps

A linked application where the logic may reuse on both the server and the
client-side running in the browser is another example where code sharing
may be advantageous. Kotlin Multiplatform also handles this.

Cross-Platform Libraries
Library writers can also benefit from Kotlin Multiplatform. We may build a
multiplatform library with shared code and platform-specific implementa-
tions for the JVM, JS, and Native platforms. Once released, a multiplatform
library can utilize as a dependency in other cross-platform applications.

Mobile and Web Applications Use the Same Code

Sharing same code across Android, iOS, and web apps is another promi-
nent use case for Kotlin Multiplatform. It decreases the amount of business
logic coded by frontend developers and aids in effectively implementing
products by reducing coding and testing requirements.
Cheat Sheet


➢➢ Kotlin cheat sheet

➢➢ Interoperability with Java

In this section, we provide some useful Kotlin code snippets, as well as

discuss its interoperability with Java.

“Hello, Everyone” program

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

println("Hello, Everyone")

Declaring function

fun sum(x: Int, y: Int): Int {

return x + y

Single-expression function

fun sum(x: Int, y: Int) = x + y

Declaring variables

val name = "Mehak" // Can't be changed

var age = 12 // Can be changed

DOI: 10.1201/9781003308447-9 337

338   ◾    Cheat Sheet

Variables with nullable types

var name: String? = null

val length: Int
length = name?.length? : 0
// length, or 0 if the name is null
length = name?.length? : return
// length, or return when the name is null
length = name?.length? : throw Error()
// length, or throw error when the name is null

If as an expression

fun bigger(x: Int, y: Int) = if (x > y) x else y

For loop

val list = listOf("X", "Y", "Z")

for (element in list) {

When expression

fun numberTypeName(a: Number) = when(a) { 0 -> "Zero"

// Equality check
in 1..5 -> "Five or less" // Range check
6, 7, 8 -> "Six to eight" // Multiple-values
is Byte -> "Byte" // Type check
else -> "Some number"

When expression with predicates

fun signAsString(a: Int)= when {

a < 0 -> "Negative"
a == 0 -> "Zero"
else -> "Positive"
Cheat Sheet   ◾    339

Primary constructor

val declares read-only property, var mutable one

class Persons(val names: String, var ages: Int)

// names is read-only, ages is mutable


open class Persons(val names: String) {

open fun hello() = "Hello, My name is: $name"
// Final by default so, we need open
class PolishPersons(name: String) : Persons(names) {
’ robry, kestem $names"
override fun hello() = "Rzein

Properties with assessors

class Persons(var names: String, var surnames: String)

var fullName: String
get() = "$names $surnames" set(values) {
val (first, rest) = values.split(" ",
limit = 2)
names = first
surnames = rest

Data classes

data class Persons(val names: String, var ages: Int)

val mike = Persons("Kiran", 29)

Modifier data adds

1. toString that displays all the primary constructor properties

print(kiran.toString()) // Person(name=Kiran, age=29)
340   ◾    Cheat Sheet

2. equals that compares all the primary constructor properties

print(kiran == Persons("Kiran", 29)) // True
print(kiran == Persons("Kiran", 24)) // False

3. hashCode that is based on all the primary constructor properties

val hash = kiran.hashCode()
print(hash == Persons("Kiran", 23).hashCode()) // True
print(hash == Persons("Kiran", 21).hashCode())
// False

4. component1, component2 etc. that allows the deconstruction

val (names, ages) = kiran print("$names $ages")
// Kiran 29

5. copy that returns copy of object with the concrete properties changed
val drake = kiran.copy(name = "Drake")


listOf(1,5,2,4) // List
<Int> mutableListOf(1,5,2,4) // MutableList<Int>

setOf("X", "Y", "Z") // Set<String>

mutableSetOf("X", "Y", "Z") // MutableSet<String>

arrayOf('x', 'y', 'z') // Array<Char>

mapOf(1 to "X", 2 to "Y") // Map<Int, String>

mutableMapOf(1 to "X", 2 to "Y")
// MutableMap<Int, String> sequenceOf(4,6,2,1)
// Sequence<Int>

1 to "X" // Pair<Int, String>

List(4) { it * 2 } // List<Int>
generateSequence(4) { it + 2 } // Sequence<Int>


.filter { it.passing && it.averageGrade > 5.0 }
// Only passing-students
Cheat Sheet   ◾    341

.sortedByDescending { it.averageGrade }
// Starting from ones with the biggest grades
.take(10) // Take-first 10
.sortedWith(compareBy({ it.surnames }, { it.names }))
// Sort by surnames and then names

generateSequence(0) { it + 1 }
// Infinitive sequence of the next numbers starting on 0
.filter { it % 2 == 0 } // Keep even only
.map { it * 3 } // Triple-every one
.take(100) // Take-first 100
.average() // Count-average

Most important functions for collection processing

val l = listOf(11,22,33,44)
filter - returns only the elements matched by
l.filter { it % 2 == 0 }
map - returns elements after the transformation
{ it * 2 }
flatMap - returns elements yielded from the results of
l.flatMap { listOf(it, it + 10) }
fold/reduce – accumulates-elements
l.fold(0.0) { acc, i -> acc + i }
l.reduce { acc, i -> acc * i }
forEach/onEach - performs an action on every element
l.forEach { print(it) }
l.onEach { print(it) }

partition - splits into the pair of lists

val (even, odd) = l.partition { it % 2 == 0 }
l.minBy { -it }
l.maxBy { -it }
l.first { it % 2 == 0 }
count - count the elements matched by predicate
l.count { it % 2 == 0 }
342   ◾    Cheat Sheet

sorted/sortedBy - returns the sorted collection

l.sortedBy { it % 2 }
groupBy - group elements on the collection by key
l.groupBy { it % 2 }
distinct/distinctBy - returns unique elements only

Mutable vs immutable collection processing functions

val list = mutableListOf(3,4,2,1)
val sortedResult = list.sorted() // Returns sorted
val sortResult = list.sort() // Sorts mutable
collection println(sortResult) // kotlin.Unit


val dialog = Dialog().apply {

title = "Dialog-title"
onClick { print("Click") }


to Receiver Receiver Result of Lambda
it also let
this apply run/with

Function types

( )->Unit - takes no-arguments and returns nothing

(Int, Int)->Int - takes two-arguments of type Int and
returns Int.
(( )->Unit)->Int - takes the another function and
returns Int.
(Int)->( )->Unit - takes the argument of type Int
and returns function.
Cheat Sheet   ◾    343

Function literals
val add: (Int, Int) -> Int = { x, y -> x + y }
// Simple lambda-expression
val printAndDouble: (Int) -> Int = {
// When the single-parameter, we can reference it
using 'it'
it * 2 // In lambda, last expression is returned

// Anonymous function alternative

val printAndDoubleFun: (Int) -> Int = fun(x: Int): Int {
println(x) // Single argument can't be referenced by 'it'
return x * 2 // Needs return like any function
val x = printAndDouble(10) // 10
print(x) // 20

Extension functions

fun Int.isEven() = this % 2 == 0

print(2.isEven()) // true
fun List<Int>.average() = 1.0 * sum()
print(listOf(1, 2, 3, 4).average())


Lazy - calculates the value before first usage

val x by lazy { print("init "); 10 }
print(x) // Prints: init 10
print(x) // Prints: 10

notNull - returns the last setted value or throws an

error if no value has been set

observable/vetoable - calls the function every time

value changes. In vetoable function also decides if
the new value should be set.

var name by observable("Unset") { r, old, new ->

println("${} changed $old -> $new")
344   ◾    Cheat Sheet

name = "Mehak"
// Prints: name changed Unset -> Mehak

Map/MutableMap - finds the value on map by property

val map = mapOf("a" to 10) val a by map
print(a) // Prints: 10


Modifier Class members Top-level

Public Visible-everywhere Visible-everywhere
Private Visible only in same class Visible only in same class
Protected Visible only in same class and subclasses Not-allowed
Internal Visible in the same module if the class is Visible in the same module


Interoperability of Java
Kotlin code is entirely interchangeable with Java code. Existing Java code
can readily call from Kotlin code, and Kotlin code may also call usually
from Java code.

Calling Java Code from the Kotlin

Invoking a Java void function from a Kotlin file.
When you call java code from Kotlin, and the return type is void, it
will return Unit in the Kotlin file. If you wish to return that value, the
Kotlin compiler will allocate it to a Kotlin file and return Unit. As an
Cheat Sheet   ◾    345

Kotlin code: (My_Kotlin_File.kt)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val sum= My_Java_Class.add(15, 20)
println("printing sum inside Kotlin: "+sum)

Java code: (

public class My_Java_Class {

public static void main(String[] args){
public static void add(int x,int y){
int result = x + y;
System.out.println("printing inside the Java class :

Invoking the Java int Function from a Kotlin Code

When a java code of int or another type (rather than void) is called from
a Kotlin file, the result is returned in the same kinds. Calling an area()
method of a Java class from a Kotlin file, for example, produces an int result.

Kotlin code: (My_Kotlin_File.kt)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val area: Int = MyJavaClass.area(13, 24)
println("printing area from java insideKotlin file:

Java code: (

public class My_Java_Class {

public static void main(String[] args){
public static int area(int l, int a){
int result = l * a;
return result;
346   ◾    Cheat Sheet

Kotlin Code Invokes a Java Class Included within the Package

If we want to call Java programs from Kotlin files in separate packages, we must
import the package name together with the Java class within the Kotlin file.
For example, a Java class is contained within the
package myjavapackage, and a Kotlin file My_Kotlin_File.kt is included
within the package mykotlinpackage. In this example, importing myjava-
package is required when invoking Java code from a Kotlin file. My_Java_
Class is included within a Kotlin file.

Kotlin code: (My_Kotlin_File.kt)

package mykotlinpackage
import myjavapackage.My_Java_Class
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val area: Int = My_Java_Class.area(3, 4)
println("printing area from java inside Kotlin: "+area)

Java code: (

package myjavapackage;
public class My_Java_Class {
public static void main(String[] args){
public static int area(int l, int a){
int result = l * a;
return result;

Kotlin Code Access the Java Getter and Setter

We can use Java classes’ getter and setter capabilities since Kotlin is totally
interoperable with Java (or POJO class). For example, in Java class MyJava.
java, add a getter and setter function with the attributes firstNames and
lastNames. These attributes are available from the Kotlin file My_Kotlin.
kt via the object created in the Kotlin file.

Java code: (

public class My_Java{
protected String firstNames;
protected String lastNames;
public String getfirstNames() {
return firstNames;
Cheat Sheet   ◾    347

public void setfirstNames(String firstNames) {
this.firstNames = firstNames;
public String getlastNames() {
return lastNames;
public void setlastNames(String lastNames) {
this.lastNames = lastNames;

Kotlin code: (My_Kotlin.kt)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val myJava = My_Java()

myJava.lastNames = "Sharma"
println("accessing the value using property: "+myJava.
println("accessing the value using property: "+myJava.
println("accessing the value using method: "+myJava.
println("accessing the value using method: "+myJava.

Kotlin Code Access Java Array

We may simply invoke a Java class method that accepts an array as an
argument from the Kotlin code. Create a method sumValue() in Java class that accepts an array element as an argument, calculates
addition, and returns the result. This function is invoked from the Kotlin
file My_Kotlin.kt with an array as an argument.

Java code: (

public class MyJava {

public intsumValues(int[] nums) {
int result = 0;
for (int x:nums) {
348   ◾    Cheat Sheet

return result;

Kotlin code: (My_Kotlin.kt)

fun main(args: Array<String>){

val myJava = My_Java()
val numArray = intArrayOf(01, 02, 03,04,05)
val sum = myJava.sumValues(numArray)

Kotlin Code Access Java Varargs

We may give any number of arguments to a method using the Java varargs
feature. The ellipsis, i.e., three dots (…) following the data type, is used to
specify the varargs argument in Java.
When utilizing the varargs option, keep the following considerations
in mind:

• A method has just one varargs parameter.

• Varargs argument must come at the end of the argument.

We must use the spread operator * to pass the array while accessing Java
varargs from Kotlin; we must use the spread operator *.
Let’s look at an example of a Java function that utilizes an int type vara-
rgs and is called from a Kotlin file.

Java code: (

public class My_Java {
public void display(int... values) {
for (int s1 : values) {

Kotlin code: (My_Kotlin.kt)

fun main(args: Array<String>){
val myJava = My_Java()
Cheat Sheet   ◾    349

val array = intArrayOf(0, 1, 2, 3)


Let’s look at another example that accepts two parameters in a Java func-
tion and utilizes them as String and int type varargs called from a Kotlin

Java code: (

public class My_Java {

public void display(String message,int... values)
System.out.println("string is " + message);
for (int s1 : values) {

Kotlin code: (My_Kotlin.kt)

fun main(args: Array<String>){

val myJava = My_Java()
val array = intArrayOf(0, 1, 2, 3)

Kotlin and Java Mapped Types

Kotlin and Java types are mapped differently, yet they are mapped to the
same types. Mapping of these types is only relevant at build time; run time
stays unaltered.
Java primitive types are converted to Kotlin types.

Java type Kotlin type

int kotlin.Int
Byte kotlin.Byte
Short kotlin.Short
Char kotlin.Char
Double kotlin.Double
Long kotlin.Long
Boolean kotlin.Boolean
350   ◾    Cheat Sheet

Java’s non-primitive types are converted to Kotlin types.

Java type Kotlin type

java.lang.Object kotlin.Any!
java.lang.Comparable kotlin.Comparable!
java.lang.Cloneable kotlin.Cloneable!
java.lang.Enum kotlin.Enum!
java.lang.Deprecated kotlin.Deprecated!
java.lang.CharSequence kotlin.CharSequence!
java.lang.String kotlin.String!
java.lang.Annotation kotlin.Annotation!
java.lang.Number kotlin.Number!
java.lang.Throwable kotlin.Throwable!

Java’s boxed primitive types to their nullable equivalents Types of Kotlin.

Java type Kotlin type

java.lang.Byte kotlin.Byte?
java.lang.Integer kotlin.Int?
java.lang.Long kotlin.Long?
java.lang.Short kotlin.Short?
java.lang.Character kotlin.Char?
java.lang.Float kotlin.Float?
java.lang.Boolean kotlin.Boolean?
java.lang.Double kotlin.Double?

Java collection types are converted to read-only or mutable Kotlin types.

Java type Kotlin read-only type Kotlin mutable type

Iterable<T> Iterable<T> MutableIterable<T>
Iterator<T> Iterator<T> MutableIterator<T>
Collection<T> Collection<T> MutableCollection<T>
List<T> MutableList<T> MutableList<T>
ListIterator<T> ListIterator<T> MutableListIterator<T>
Set<T> MutableSet<T> MutableSet<T>
Map<K, V> Map<K, V> MutableMap<K, V>
Map.Entry<K, V> Map.Entry<K, V> MutableMap.MutableEntry<K, V>

Java Interoperability: Calling Kotlin Code from the Java

Because Kotlin is compatible with the Java programming language; the
Java-coded program may readily invoke Kotlin. Similarly, Kotlin code is
called from Java code.
Cheat Sheet   ◾    351

Before we get into how to call Kotlin code from Java code, let’s look at
how a Kotlin file looks inside.

The Internal Representation of a Basic Kotlin Program

In a My_Kotlin.kt file, let’s write a basic main function:

fun main(args: Array<String>){

fun area(l: Int,a: Int):Int{
return l*a

After building the previously mentioned Kotlin file My_Kotlin.kt, which

internally looks like:

public class My_KotlinKt{

public static void main(String[] args){
public static int area(int l, int a){
return l*a;

Internally, the Kotlin compiler inserts a wrapper class with the name
My_KotlinKt. The Kotlin file My_Kotlin.kt gets transformed to My_
KotlinKt default and made public. The high-level function’s default
modifier is public, and the process is converted to static by default.
Because the return type of My_Kotlin.kt is Unit, it is changed to void in

Calling Kotlin Code from the Java Code

Kotlin code: (My_Kotlin.kt)

fun main(args: Array<String>){

fun area(l: Int,a: Int):Int{
return l*a
352   ◾    Cheat Sheet

Java code:

public class My_Java {

public static void main(String[] args) {
int area = My_KotlinKt.area(14,25);
System.out.print("printing area inside the Java class
returning from Kotlin file: "+area);

Java Code Invokes the Kotlin File Included within the Package
If we want to call the Kotlin code from a Java class presents in distinct
packages, we must import the package name with the Kotlin file name
within the Java class and then call the Kotlin code from the Java class.
Another option is to provide the complete path as the package name.

Kotlin code: (My_Kotlin.kt)

package mykotlinpackage
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
fun area(l: Int,a: Int):Int{
return l*a

Java code:

package myjavapackage;
import mykotlinpackage.MyKotlinFileKt;
public class My_JavaClass {
public static void main(String[] args){
int area = My_KotlinKt.area(4,5);
System.out.println("printing area inside the Java
class returning from Kotlin file: "+area);

Using the Annotation @JvmName, We May Change the Name

of a Kotlin File
The @JvmName annotation may modify the name of a Kotlin file as the
wrapper class name.
Cheat Sheet   ◾    353

Kotlin code: (My_Kotlin.kt)

Create a Kotlin program and add the annotation @file: JvmName("My_
Kotlin_FileName") at the start. Following the compilation of Kotlin code,
the file name is changed to the name (specified _FileName). We must uti-
lize the file name My_Kotlin_FileName when accessing the code of My_

@file: JvmName("My_Kotlin_FileName")
package mykotlinpackage
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
fun area(l: Int,a: Int):Int{
return l*a

Java code:

package myjavapackage;
import mykotlinpackage.My_Kotlin_FileName;
public class My_JavaClass {
public static void main(String[] args){
int area = My_Kotlin_FileName.area(14,25);
System.out.println("printing area inside the Java
class returning from Kotlin file: "+area);

Using @JvmMultifileClass to Invoke a Method from Many

Files That Have the Same Generated Java Class Name
If multiple Kotlin files have the same produced Java file name using the @
JvmName annotation, the call from Java file will generally fail. However,
the Kotlin compiler outputs a single Java façade class that contains the
produced Java file and all declarations from files with the same names.
We utilize the @JvmMultifileClass annotation in all files to activate this
generation façade.

Kotlin code: (My_Kotlin1.kt)

@file: JvmName("My_Kotlin_FileName")
package mykotlinpackage
354   ◾    Cheat Sheet

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

fun area(l: Int,a: Int):Int{
return l*a

Kotlin code: (My_Kotlin2.kt)

@file: JvmName("MyKotlinFileName")
package mykotlinpackage
fun volume(l: Int,b: Int,h: Int):Int{
return l*b*h

Java code: (

package myjavapackage;
import mykotlinpackage.My_Kotlin_FileName;
public class My_JavaClass {
public static void main(String[] args){
int area = My_Kotlin_FileName.area(14,25);
System.out.println("printing area inside the Java
class returning from Kotlin file: "+area);
int vol = My_Kotlin_FileName.volume(14,5,36);
System.out.println("printing volume inside the Java
class returning from Kotlin file: "+vol);

Property Access in Kotlin Is Access Using the Const Modifier

Kotlin properties tagged with the const modifier at the top level and in
classes are translated to static fields in Java. These attributes are accessed
as static properties from the Java file. As an example:

Kotlin code: (My_Kotlin2.kt)

constval MAX = 189

object Obj {
constval CONST = 1
Cheat Sheet   ◾    355

class D {
companion object {
constval VERSION = 8

Java code: (

public class My_Java {

public static void main(String[] args) {
int c1 = Obj.CONST;
int m1 = My_KotlinKt.MAX;
int v1 = D.VERSION;
System.out.println("const "+c1+"\nmax "+m1+"\nversion

In this chapter, we learned about Kotlin cheat sheets and Java


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A Application hardening, 289

application patches, 291
Abstract class, 128–130, 142
benefits of, 291
multiple derived classes, 130–131
methods, 290
And() function in Kotlin, 22
protecting applications from hackers,
Android and iOS, apps for, 335
Android development, 5–6, 293, 323
purpose of, 289
adapting existing Android project to
Application logging, 244
utilize Kotlin, 270–272
Applications of Kotlin, 4
benefits of, 314–316
Architecture of Kotlin, 7–8
buttons and TextView, changing the
ArithmeticException, 69
look of, 313–314
Arithmetic obfuscation, 290
choosing Kotlin as preferred language
Arithmetic operators in Kotlin, 16–17
for, 333
Array data type in Kotlin, 15
color resource file, 303–305
Array filtering, 330–331
downloading and installing Android
ArrayList in Kotlin, 207–211, 276
Studio, 294
Arrays in Kotlin, 27
first project, creating, 295–298
array length, 28–29
future of, using Kotlin, 334
to check if an element exists, 29
in-app reviews, integrating, 316
creating, 27–28
development environment, setting
distinct values from, 29–30
up, 316
dropping elements from, 30
launching in-app review flow, 317
elements of, 28
ReviewInfo object, requesting,
empty array, checking, 30
loop through, 29
ReviewManager, creating, 316
of primitive type, 28
Java programming language,
Assignment operators in Kotlin, 17–18
alternatives to, 332–333
layout editor, exploring, 298–303
setting up source code and tests in, 270
views and constraints, 305–313
Android rooting detection, 290 Back-end web development, 6, 323
Android tests in Kotlin, 273–274 BDUF approach, see Big Design Up Front
Anonymous function, 187 approach
lambda expressions and, 188 Benefits of Kotlin, 4–5, 322–323
return type and parameters, 188 Big Design Up Front (BDUF)
Anti-debug, 290 approach, 141

364   ◾    Index

Binary operators, 170–171 constructors and inheritance in Kotlin,

Binary packing, 290 261–262
Bitwise operations in Kotlin, 19–20 infix functions, 263
Boolean data type in Kotlin, 14–15 inline functions, 263–264
Boolean expression in Kotlin, 21–22 Java, Kotlin outperforming, 285
Boolean operators in Kotlin, 21 Kotlin’s features that Java lacks,
Booleans in Kotlin, 20 287–288
and() and or() functions in Kotlin, 22 null, problem with, 288
conversion into string form, 22 null reference exceptions pose
creating Boolean variables, 20–21 security risks, 286–287
Built-in functions in Kotlin, 34 typing, syntax, and speed
compared, 285–286
lambda extensions, 266–267
lambda functions in Kotlin, 262
Character data type in Kotlin, 13–14 lateinit, 267
Characteristics of Kotlin, 3–4 local functions, 263
ClassCastException, 84, 161 local return, 265–266
Classes, 96–97, 339–340 operator overloading, 266
Class properties, 106–107 POJO classes in Kotlin, 259–261
Code optimization, 257 sealed classes, 264–265
application hardening, 289 secure code, writing, 269
application patches, 291 adapting existing Android project
benefits of, 291 to utilize Kotlin, 270–272
methods, 290 existing Java files’ conversion to
protecting applications from Kotlin, 272–273
hackers, 289–290 setting up source code and tests in
purpose of, 289 Android apps, 270
best coding practices, 275 writing tests in Kotlin, 273–274
ArrayList and HashMap, getting rid static layout imports in Kotlin,
of, 276 257–259
collection helpers, 282–283 tail recursion, 264
Elvis operator, 281 Collection helpers, 282–283
.equals() method, 283–284 Collection literals, 340
functional constructs, making use Collection processing, 340–342
of, 276–277 Collections, 204
immutability, accepting, 275–276 immutable collection, 204–206
infer types, 279–280 mutable collection, 206–207
javaClass, 278 Color resource file, 303–305
list literals in annotations, 281–282 Command line setup, Kotlin environment
named parameters, 284 for, 9
safe operator, 280–281 Companion objects, 174, 267, 288
semantic test naming, 280 Component Tree, 300
string interpolation, 278 Composition, 138
companion objects, 267 from composition to aggregation,
compilation times, 267 144–145
general suggestions, 267–268 exploding numbers of subclasses,
Gradle, configuration of, 268–269 142–143
Windows, configuration of, 269 exposure issue, handling, 146–147
Index   ◾    365

implementation inheritance, Debugger, 290

antipatterns of, 140 Decrement operators, 169–170
single implementation, inheritance Delegates, 343–344
of, 140 Disadvantages of Kotlin, 5
inheritance, composition over, 147 displayCompany() function, 138
Kotlin method, 147–149 Do-while loop, 47
Liskov, substitution principle of, labeled continue in, 66–67
139–140 unlabeled continue in, 64
refactoring, 143 working of, 47–48
UserMediator class, 143–144 DownTo() function, 91
superclass APIs, unnecessary exposure DownTo() operator, creating ranges using,
of, 141–142 31–32
tight coupling, 141 Dynamic array, 207
Constructors in Kotlin, 108, 261–262
primary constructor, 108–109
default value in, 109–110
with initializer block, 109 EachIndexed() function, 214
secondary constructor, 110–112 Element mapping in an array, 329–330
Constructor visibility, 116 Else branch, 53
Contains() function, 218–219, 221–222, Elvis opeartor, 80, 162–164, 281
224–225 Empty array, checking, 30
ContainsAll() function, 218–219, 221–222, Encapsulation, 106, 149–150
224–225 OOP and, 154
containsMatchIn(), 86 procedural and OOP, choosing
Contra covariance, 180 between, 153–154
Control structures, 338 procedural programming, 154
Copy() function, 123–124 Enum classes, 171
Coroutines in Kotlin, 331 as anonymous classes, 175
Covariance, 179–180 initializing, 172
Cross-platform libraries, 335 properties and functions, 174
Custom accessors, 107–108 properties and methods, 173
usage of when expression with,
equals() method, 124–125, 283–284
Data classes, 121 Exception handling, 68–69, 233, 234–235
copy() function, 123–124 failing to deal with exceptions, 70
equals() function, 124–125 how to throw an exception, 70–71
hashCode() function, 124–125 NullPointerException
toString() function, 122–123 avoiding, 70, 236
Data obfuscation, 290 example, 236
Data science, 6, 324 throwING an exception in Kotlin,
Data types, 12 235–236
array, 15 Explicit type casting, 82–84
Boolean, 14–15 safe cast operator, 85
character, 13–14 unsafe cast operator, 84–85
conversion, in Kotlin, 15–16 Extension function, 164
number, 12–13 to any object, 342
string, 14
366   ◾    Index

companion object extensions, mapOf () in Kotlin, 225–226

167–168 map size, 226
extended library class using, 165 two values and the same key, 228
nullable receiver, 166–167 higher-order functions in Kotlin, 188
resolved statically, 165–166 higher-order function, 189–192
returning a function from a higher-
order function, 192–193
F Kotlin collections, 204
Features of Kotlin, 2–4, 334–335 immutable collection, 204–206
Final block in Kotlin, 72–74, 238–239 mutable collection, 206–207
find() function, 87 Kotlin local functions, 193–196
findAll() function, 87 lambda expression, 184
First() and last() methods, 221 implicit name of single-parameter,
First program is written in Kotlin, 186
11–12 inference in lambdas types, 185
Fizz Buzz issue, 194 returning a value from, 187
forEach loop, 91 type declaration in lambdas,
For loop, 48 185–186
iterating across range using, 49–50 listOf() in Kotlin, 211
iterating over array, 50–51 first and last elements, 212–213
iterating over collection using, 52 indexing list elements in
iterating through a string using, Kotlin, 212
51–52 iteration methods for lists,
labeled continues in, 67–68 213–214
unlabeled break in, 59–60 set basics, 217–219
unlabeled continues in, 64–65 set indexing, 217
Full-stack web apps, 335 setOf in Kotlin (), 216
Full-stack web development, 6, 323–324 sorting the list’s elements,
Function, declaring, 337 214–215
Functional constructs, making use of, MutableSetOf() method, 219
276–277 first() and last() methods, 221
Functional programming, 183 set indexing, 220–221
anonymous function, 187 traversal in, 221
lambda expressions and anonymous scope functions, 196–197
functions, distinction between, object references, 202–203
188 return values, 203–204
return type and parameters, 188 types, 198–202
ArrayList in Kotlin, 207–211 utilization of scope functions, 197
HashMap in Kotlin, 228 Function parameters, 35, 189
functions use, 229–232 Functions in Kotlin, 34, 342–343
time complexity, 232 built-in functions in Kotlin, 34
hashSetOf() in Kotlin, 222 function parameters, 35
empty map, 226–227 higher-order functions, 38
get map values, 227 inline function in Kotlin, 38–39
hashSet traversal, 224 lambda function in Kotlin, 38
indexing in a HashSet, 224–225 recursive function in Kotlin, 36–37
map contains keys or values, return values, 35–36
227–228 tail recursion in Kotlin, 37
Index   ◾    367

unit-returning functions, 36 I
user-defined functions, 34–35
If-else expression in Kotlin, 39
if-else-if ladder expression, 42–44
G if-else statement, 40–41
as ternary operator, 42
Generics, 176
if statement, 39–40
contra covariance, 180
nested if expression, 44–45
covariance, 179–180
Immutability, accepting, 275–276
generic usage in program, 177–178
Immutable collection, 204–206
in keyword, 179
Importance of Kotlin, 320
out keyword, 178–179
In-app reviews, integrating, 316
star projections, 181
development environment, setting up,
type projections, 180–181
variance, 178
launching in-app review flow, 317
GetFunctionConfigurationRequest, 279
ReviewInfo object, requesting, 316–317
getNameFromdb(), 281
ReviewManager, creating, 316
GetOrNull() Function in Kotlin, 26–27
Increment and decrement operators,
Given block, 252–253
IndexOf() function, 26, 217
choosing Kotlin as preferred language,
Infer types, 279–280
Infix functions, 263
seeking alternatives to Java
Inheritance in Kotlin, 131, 132, 261–262
programming language,
overriding member functions and
attributes, 137–138
primary constructor for, 135–136
H secondary constructor for, 136
superclass implementation, calling, 138
HashCode() function, 124–125 In keyword, 179
HashMap in Kotlin, 228, 276 Inline function in Kotlin, 38–39, 263–264
functions use, 229–232 Inner class, 100–102
time complexity, 232 Intellij IDEA, 9–10
HashSetOf() in Kotlin, 222 Interfaces in Kotlin, 116
empty map, 226–227 creation, 116
get map values, 227 default methods and default values,
hashSet traversal, 224 117–118
indexing in a hashSet, 224 implementing, 116–117
contains() and containsAll() inheritance, 119–120
functions, 224–225 multiple interfaces, implementation of,
map containing keys or values, 120–121
227–228 properties, 118–119
mapOf () in Kotlin, 225–226 Internal modifier, 114
map size, 226 !is operator, use of, 56, 82, 83
two values and same key, 228
“Hello, Everyone” program, 11, 337
Higher-order functions, 38, 188–192
returning a function from, 192–193 Java
History of Kotlin, 2, 319 existing Java files’ conversion to Kotlin,
Http4k, 8 272–273
368   ◾    Index

Kotlin outperforming, 270, 285, and anonymous functions, 188

331–332 implicit name of single-parameter,
Kotlin’s features that Java lacks, 186
287–288 inference in lambdas types, 185
null, problem with, 288 returning a value from, 187
null reference exceptions pose type declaration in lambdas,
security risks, 286–287 185–186
typing, syntax, and speed Lambda extensions, 266–267
compared, 285–286 Lambda function in Kotlin, 38, 262
and Python, 270 LastIndexOf() function, 217
javaClass, 278 Lateinit, 267
Java class, Kotlin code invoking, 346 Layout editor, exploring, 298–303
Java code, 344–345 Learning Kotlin
calling Kotlin code from, 351–352 ample resources, 326
invoking Kotlin file included within community, 326
the package, 352 in 2022, 326
Java Development Kit (JDK), 8 modern programming language,
Java getter and setter, Kotlin code 327
accessing, 346–348 prospective careers, 327
Java Interoperability, 350–355 simplicity to understand, 326
Java int function, 345 worthwhile, 327
Javalin, 8 List, 205, 206
Java mapped types, Kotlin and, 349–350 List literals in annotations, 281–282
Java varargs, Kotlin code accessing, ListOf() in Kotlin, 211
348–349 first and last elements, 212–213
Java Virtual Machine (JVM), 1, 319 indexing list elements, 212
JDK, see Java Development Kit iteration methods for lists, 213–214
JetBrains, 285, 333 set basics, 217
JVM, see Java Virtual Machine contains() and containsAll()
functions, 218–219
set indexing, 217
setOf in Kotlin (), 216
Kotlin method, 147–149 sorting list’s elements, 214
Kotlin/Native compiler, 267 contains() and containsAll()
Kotlinx.html, 8 functions, 215
Ktor, 8 Local functions, 193–196, 263
Local return, 265–266
Logging in Kotlin, 243
application logging, 244
Labeled break, 60 configuring logger, 247–248
in do-while loop, 61–62 easiest Kotlin logging, 243–244
in for loop, 62–63 to a file, 249
in while loop, 60–61 formatting Kotlin logging messages,
Labeled continue, 65 248–249
in do-while loop, 66–67 logging, 246
in for loop, 67–68 logging method, 246–247
in while loop, 65–66 setting the Kotlin logging Levels,
Lambda expression, 184 249–250
Index   ◾    369

using Logback for, 244 Nullable and non-nullable sorts in Kotlin,

add Logback to project, 244–245 77–78
calling Logback from Kotlin, Nullable receiver, 166–167
245–246 Nullable types, variables with, 338
Logical operators, 16, 19, 21 NullPointerException function, 68, 77,
157, 286, 287, 333
avoiding, 70, 236
example, 236
Machine learning, Kotlin as Android’s Null references, elimination of, 315
new “Python” for, 328 Null safety, 77, 157
array filtering, 330–331 checking for the null in conditions,
Coroutines in Kotlin, 331 78–79, 159
element mapping in an array, Elvis operator, 80
329–330 non-nullable types, 158–159
Map, 207 not null assertion, 80–81
matchEntire() function, 87 nullable and non-nullable sorts in
matches() function, 87 Kotlin, 77–78, 158
Micronaut, 8 nullable types, 158
Mobile and web applications use same safe call operator(?.), 79
code, 335 Number data types in Kotlin, 12–13
Mobile development for multiple
platforms, 7, 324
Multiplatform, Kotlin for
advantages of, 327–328 Object, 97–98
Android and iOS, apps for, 335 Object-oriented programming (OOP), 1,
cross-platform libraries, 335 2, 95
full-stack web apps, 335 abstract class, 128
mobile and web applications use same multiple derived classes, 130–131
code, 335 class, 96–97
Multiple catch block, 75–76, 241–242 class properties, 106–107
Mutable collection, 206–207 composition, 138
MutableSetOf() method in Kotlin, 219 from composition to aggregation,
first() and last() methods, 221 144–145
set indexing, 220–221 exploding numbers of subclasses,
traversal in, 221 142–143
contains() and containsAll() exposure issue, handling, 146–147
methods, 221–222 implementation inheritance,
antipatterns of, 140
Kotlin method, 147–149
over inheritance, 147–149
Named parameters, 284 refactoring, 143–144
Nested class, 98–100 substitution principle of Liskov,
Nested if expression, 44–45 139–140
Nested try block, 74–75, 240–241 tight coupling, 141
Non-nullable sorts in Kotlin, 77–78 unnecessary exposure of superclass
Non-nullable types, 158–159 APIs, 141–142
Nothing type in generics, 254–256 UserMediator class, 143–144
Not null assertion operator, 80–81 custom accessors, 107–108
370   ◾    Index

data classes, 121 OOP, see Object-oriented programming

copy(), 123–124 Operator overloading, 168, 266
hashCode() and equals(), 124–125 binary operators, 170–171
toString(), 122–123 increment and decrement operators,
and encapsulation, 149–150, 154 169–170
inheritance in Kotlin, 131 unary operators, 168–169
inheritance use, 132–136 Operators in Kotlin, 16
overriding member functions and arithmetic operators in Kotlin,
attributes, 137–138 16–17
superclass implementation, calling, assignment operators in Kotlin,
138 17–18
inner class, 100–102 bitwise operations in Kotlin, 19–20
interfaces in Kotlin, 116 logical operators in Kotlin, 19
creation, 116 relational operators in Kotlin, 17
default methods and default values, unary operators in Kotlin, 18–19
117–118 Or() function in Kotlin, 22
implementing, 116–117 Out keyword, 178–180
inheritance, 119–120
multiple interfaces, 120–121
properties, 118–119
nested class, 98–100 POJO classes in Kotlin, 259–261
object, 97–98 Polymorphism, 150–152
OOP, 153, 154–156 Possibilities for Kotlin, 320–321
choosing between procedural and Primary constructor, 108–109
OOP, 153–154 default value in, 109–110
and encapsulation, 154 for inheritance, 135–136
procedural programming, 154 with initializer block, 109
polymorphism, 150–152 printLength() function, 71
primary constructor, 108–109 Private modifier, 113–114
with initializer block, 109–110 Procedural and OOP, choosing between,
procedural and, 153–154 153–154
procedural programming, example of, Procedural programming, 154
152–153 example of, 152–153
sealed classes, 125–127 ProfilesWithPictures(), 282
secondary constructor, 110–112 Property access in Kotlin, 354–355
setters and getters, 102, 103 Protected modifier, 114
with custom parameters, 105–106 constructor visibility, 116
identifiers for values and fields, 104 overriding of, 115
private modifier, 104–106 Public modifier, 112–113
program of default setter and getter Purpose of Kotlin, 5, 323
Kotlin, 103–104 Android development, 5–6, 323
visibility modifiers in Kotlin, 112 back-end web development, 6
constructor visibility, 116 data science, 6, 324
internal modifier, 114 full-stack web development, 6,
private modifier, 113–114 323–324
protected modifier, overriding of, mobile development for multiple
115 platforms, 7, 324
public modifier, 112–113 web development on back-end, 323
Index   ◾    371

R Secondary constructor, 110–112

for inheritance, 136
Range of characters in Kotlin, 32
Secure code, writing, 269
Ranges in Kotlin, 30, 89
adapting existing Android project to
(..) operator, 31, 90
utilize Kotlin, 270–272
distinct values in, 33
existing Java files’ conversion to Kotlin,
downTo() function, 31–32, 91
filtering, 33
setting up source code and tests in
forEach loop, 91
Android apps, 270
last, first, and step elements, 33
writing tests in Kotlin, 273–274
predefined functions in the range,
Semantic test naming, 280
Server-side development, Kotlin for, 8–9,
range of characters in Kotlin, 32
rangeTo() function, 31, 90–91
Set, 205, 206–207
range using forEach loop, 91
SetOf in Kotlin (), 216
reversed function(), 32, 92
Setters and getters, 102, 103
step() function, 32, 92
with custom parameters, 105–106
until() function, 32–33
identifiers for values and fields, 104
RangeTo() function, 90–91
private modifier, 104–106
creating ranges using, 31
program of default setter and getter
Range utility functions, 34
Kotlin, 103–104
Raw type, 288
Single-expression function, 337
Reasons to use Kotlin, 328
Smart casting, 82–83, 159
Recursive function in Kotlin, 36–37
use of !is for, 160
Regex and ranges, 85
use of is for, 160
regex functions, 86–89
split() function, 87
regular expressions in Kotlin, 85–86
Star projections, 181
Regular expressions in Kotlin, 85–86
Static layout imports in Kotlin, 257–259
Relational operators in Kotlin, 17
Step() function, 32, 92
replace() function, 87
String case changing, 24–25
replaceFirst() function, 87
String concatenation in Kotlin, 25
Return values, 35–36
String data type in Kotlin, 14
Reversed() function, 32, 92
String indexes in Kotlin, 23–24
ReviewInfo object, requesting, 316–317
String interpolation, 278
ReviewManager, creating, 316
String Kotlin last index, 24
RollingFileAppender, 249
String length in Kotlin, 24
Running test, 254
String object in Kotlin, 23
Strings in Kotlin, 22
comparing two strings, 26
finding a string inside string, 26
Safe cast operator, 79, 85, 161 getOrNull() Function in Kotlin, 26–27
Safe operator, 280–281 quotes inside string, 26
Scope functions, 196–197 toString() Function in Kotlin, 27
object references, 202–203 trim characters from string, 25
return values, 203–204 String templates in Kotlin, 23
types, 198–202 Superclass APIs, unnecessary exposure of,
utilization of, 197 141–142
Sealed classes, 125–127, 264–265 Superclass implementation, calling, 138
372   ◾    Index

T properties and methods, 173

usage of when expression with,
Tail recursion, 37, 264
Ternary operator, if-else expression in
extension function, 164
Kotlin as, 42
companion object extensions,
TextView, 313–314
Then block, 253–254
extended library class using an
Throw keyword, 74, 239–240
extension function, 165
ToString() function, 27, 122–123
nullable receiver, 166–167
Trim characters from string, 25
resolved statically, 165–166
Try block, 75
generics, 176
Try-catch block, 71, 237
contra covariance, 180
as an expression, 72, 237–238
covariance, 179–180
finally block, 72–74, 238–239
generic usage in program, 177–178
throw keyword, 74, 239–240
in keyword, 179
Type checking, 81–82
out keyword, 178–179
Type projections, 180–181
star projections, 181
type projections, 180–181
U variance, 178
null safety in Kotlin, 157
Unary operators, 18–19, 168–169
checking for null in the conditions,
Understanding Kotlin, 320
Unit-returning functions, 36
non-nullable types, 158–159
Unit testing, 251
nullable and non-nullable types in
first test, 251–252
Kotlin, 158
given block, 252–253
nullable types, 158
project setup, 251
overloading of operator in Kotlin, 168
running test, 254
binary operators, 170–171
simple Android application, 251
increment and decrement
test structure, 252
operators, 169–170
then block, 253–254
other operators, 171
when block, 253
unary operators, 168–169
Unlabeled break, 57
safe cast operator, 161
in do-while loop, 58–59
smart cast, 159
in for loop, 59–60
use of !is for, 160
in while loop, 57–58
use of is for, 160
Unlabeled continue, 63
unsafe cast operator, 160–161
in do-while loop, 64
UserApiService, 139–140, 143–145
in for loop, 64–65
UserApiServiceImpl, 145
in while loop, 63–64
UserCacheService, 139
Unsafe cast operator, 84–85, 160–161
User-defined functions, 34–35
Until() function in Kotlin, 32–33
UserMediator class, 143–144
Usability aspects of Kotlin, 157
Elvis operator, 162–164
enum classes, 171 V
as anonymous classes, 175
Variables, declaring, 337
initializing, 172
Variance modifiers, 344
properties and functions, 174
Java Interoperability, 344–355
Index   ◾    373

Vert.x, 8 When expression in Kotlin, 52

Visibility modifiers, 112, 344 different ways to use when block,
internal modifier, 114 54–57
private modifier, 113–114 else branch, 53
protected modifier, 114 using when as a statement in the
constructor visibility, 116 absence of, 53
overriding of, 115 when used as an expression, 53–54
public modifier, 112–113 While loop, 45–47
Void class, 256 labeled continue in, 65–66
unlabeled continues in, 63–64
Working with Kotlin, 321–322
Web development on back-end, 323
When block, 52, 54–56, 253

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