CRM Notes All Units
CRM Notes All Units
CRM Notes All Units
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Behavior Prediction
Helps marketers determine what customers will do in the future. Uses historical customer behavior to
forecast future behavior.
Behavior Prediction Analysis Includes
1. Propensity-to-buy Analysis - products a customer is likely to purchase.
2. Next sequential purchase - determining what product is the next purchase for the consumer.
3. Product affinity analysis - understanding possible product associations.
4. Price elasticity modeling & dynamic pricing - determining optimum price for a given product.
Marketing decisions (Pre-emptively offering discounts or fee waivers, cross-selling and upselling, etc)
taken by the company based on this knowledge.
Channel Optimization
Channels management means optimizing a company’s “inbound” channels with its “outbound” means of
customer interaction and knowing how to choose the best approach for each. Channel optimization looks
at reaching out to the customers such that there is value creation with every transaction. It benefits the
organization as it would help in personalizing as per the requirements of the customer. The hard part is
finding a balance between delivering desired customer channel preferences and driving customers to the
lowest cost to serve channel acceptable to them.
Personalization is the capability to customize customer communication based on the knowledge
preferences and behaviors at the time of interaction.
Features of Personalization
1. It aids in the selling process as the customer experiences a sense of importance as the organization
puts in additional effort to lure the customers.
2. USP of the product or service is the cutting edge that helps to close a sale.
3. Helps to create a sense of loyalty in the customers’ mind.
4. Focuses on emotional rather than rational aspect of purchase.
5. Helps to create a niche irrespective of the target market sought.
Event-Based Marketing
Time-sensitive marketing or sales communication reacting to a customer-specific event. It is also known
as event-driven marketing. The ideal goal of event-based marketing is to able to react to customer events
Call Scripting
Customer intelligence (understanding customer requirements, predicting customer behavior, etc.) is
improving with the advent of technology. Due to this, the capability of providing CSRs with situational
scripts is emerging as a must-have for many contact centers. Scripts eliminate the risk of guesswork on
the part of the CSRs providing them with logical talk points. It helps a company’s contact center present a
uniform image.
The flip side is that your high-value customers might deserve a different answer than the rest of the
Global CRM
Strategic application of processes and practices for managing relationships between customers and
organizations operating in multiple countries. It is a challenging task for organizations due to different
customer requirements, level of competition and regulatory framework.
Global CRM Helps In The Following Ways
1. Achieving global efficiency
2. Attaining multi-market flexibility
3. Achieving worldwide learning of cultures and people
4. Adapting to various changes in the likes and preferences.
Rural CRM
CRM helps in establishing relationships with rural customers by
1. Providing useful customer information.
2. Getting customer feedback on products and services.
3. Enabling organization to conduct product campaigns.
4. Supporting marketers for effective on-field performances.
5. Delivering products on time through effective channels.